Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 18, 1911, Page 19, Image 19

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Record Prices Prevailing in
All Markets.
Call fur n 1a Holdover Supply Reduced
to Small Proortion Kemtn
der of Crop Pastnff Into
Speralatnr Hands.
Thm ftur of thm dr-.J fruit market at
ih prtMnt tlm l th flurry In prun.
far a Ornn Italians ar eoortrntJ ihy
attract small ttlcatloa wtow in warkwta Eut
9r Wm(. a tnr ar practically aaobta.n-
bla. Tha latt advlcr from Tork
mt Ortmi trana oa that afkt ara la
wry Itaht aupplv aad rn f"w hand About
.ha oalr ai offrtn ara m and -Ma. and
:ha ara Jobbtnr from tra at 11 t 13
fwnta. No auppti ara offertn tera.
Carifomia prune ara alo arlllnc at n
r4'Ctd price.. AccorUint to California
r ports tha carry oir atock from tha 110
crap baa bn rtdncd to ucallnclir small
prr portions and qoottons haw b-a ad
vaacad to a e f. a. b. four-aixa Cnaat basts
pb soa and o. vhi'-h ill rpral tha
hoik of tha stork aril! remalalnr la pack
r hand Mmk holder, la vlaw or tha
rapid adranca m tha mark, ara rtlsposad
to rvswrva tha bslanca of thsir spnt storks
to mrt tha nor4a of their rvfular trada.
Ac-ordln to soma reports, tha dtinind
for California pranaa at praaant la larly
sparalativa. Tha actual consumption, tha
rr ports aar. baa bo curtailed by tha as
trrma high prices, but spacuIatlTa operators
taktnr Into considsratloa tha aval la Ma sup
ply for tiia ttt stvn m on tha. at tha sx
plraiioa of whch tlma tha new crop will ba
avaJlablf. look fr an actUa demand, and
as stocks ara raduced to a small Dumber
of cars that cannot be strife had Into a sup
ply sufnrlent to me ordinary requirements
of consumption durtnr tha lnterrenlnc
month a tha movtuvnt to cneentraia stocka
ts only natural. To this end quit a number
of amies bar bean made recently, tnoujra
ra"t of tha lota cbanfoic hands war small.
rrordtnf to currant rr port a It baa re
sa I tad In a closer concentration of tha aTatl
aMa supply, and tha hoUiara seem to be
confident that they will make a food thins;
out of their purchase. To vat the roods
boyera have had to pay extreme prices.
nrrstsa or r.w c hkk mliwx
1rat 1-armra Fhlpnwat Pot a Market at
Lswtr rrtre.
Tie first taxis shipment of new cheea
srrlred from Tillamook yesterday, and tha
I9tl season waa toaoxurated wttb a lower
range of price. Tha shipment consisted of
tr?pla and youn Americas. The former
were q jo ted at 14 914H cants and tha Utter
bt 13K13S canta There la still consider
able 'ire to sell storaca eh seas, and tt
to said that of fennsa hava bean mad la
certain quart ra as low as 13 cent a
There was do change in tha butter Sltua
tlna yesterday.
Tha cc ma-ket waa firm at SO canta.
t'h a good all-around demand.
poultry was firm. Mens sold generally at
fa cents and cxd broilers broaght eO cents
a pound.
T?a dresse4 meat market was slow and
weak. For fancy real It waa difficult to
oMarn orer 12 cents, while 11 cents was
tha tp oa hoza
lualirs Weald Opernt In This tHata. Bat
ufesm Ar Haeerrnt.
There la a continued demand for hop
rtrft and amwera show tha earna an
wtlllnsnea to sell aa formerly. No spot
tra.naa-tlrcs came to ItjrM. A California
lre reported th sal af IMA bale of Sooe
ma 101 Is st 15 cents.
Tha latest Londoa hop trade advices fol
low: Wild. N'eim a ". Pulte ha been
quiet !urin the past week and e,uotatioaa
are nnalter'1.
MtMr lUnley. A quiet tne preralta
t s-nount f b':-iaeas being rrstrtcled to
prevent rj'ilrmi'. Irir remMln firm.
U' H M. l.e Vsr The market Is now
Qwl't. but 5rt.-f rrmstn ttrm. the ptnriptl
buinM f'irc being in ntl bops which ara
n (Ah'S b munrr.
U.rrwt-r r-p'L - : hr are ry few Jots
now on offer, and orl-r re being esecufrd
fmm rnervhan? irn in Krlci art unal
trel and the dnP'l hae fUa to tha
cnensioss usual at thia time of year.
fir rnrTOE or craix marhttt.
Ueery Ylbiat hlowtesitaTradlaa; la Qalet
ba All lexmruaewta.
Ta grain market was quiet yesterday In
all Its department Th undertone tfimugh
out waa firm, aa orertrga of all kinds of
rrae wera Hrct'e! ("otntrr reports Indi
cated, ao ew development.
Weeklr wheat shipments frm Argentina.
Australia and Inilta mmpr as follows:
T'S wk. f ast wk. Itat y-.
jrgn:tna . . 2 ? o" J.oi
A-raiia 1 ; itii ; -.)
Ind'a ...... -1.0..J.i" S.4iM S'.l. '
Loal ree!pte. lo ra-a. tre reported by
ta Merrbanta Ficharf as f-iliows:
W bet Har'.ey KV'ur Chtts liar
fende 4'. J IT 4 IO
Tue-.isr I a ..
T n-:ey . . in 1 13 . . 1 1
Thursday .... T 4 .. a
tday H 3
Tear agi T' 4 4 1.1
-a- to data. .I7J "l t"!
Tear ago .... 11. Itkid ps 14V3
I-rire mi Moat California orte AIU Ba
prices of moat "ilfornia vegetables mill
r-e advanced from dow on. as It will be nec
essary, owing to the warmer weather, to
bring them up under Ice.
Because of tha scarcity of head let two,
local hoc Vmse lettoc has advanced to 91.23
a box. A shipment of California rhubarb ar
rived by expresa and eod at 9-23 a box.
rabbage was firmly held at 1H centa a
pound. Avparagus was quoted at 13 cents.
Among1 yesterday's receipts wer ona car
ea.-h o; cabiage. m!ej vegetables and
Cead Otl anal Oaeoila Lower.
' deriin of one-half -cent per galloei In
v.l o!l and a drop--of 1 cent per gallon
I-t gasol'r: ara Dot-1 in a new oil list is-
B'te.1 vster
enlay. Turpentine Is 3 cents,
Rank Clearinsra.
TtsT-k e! of the .Northwestern cities
yestervlay were aa foiio.
Clearing Balances.
Portland -:. -. . a.; 2
battle ihvr.J
T.-or:i T T JMt-;1
Cpokane 17u.T3
VewetaMe aal FTnlta.
5rK, ;rt$i
Y. jnlrri . paru:;-. ic (V II ; turnips. Sic a1
91 . be;a, ikx-o :
ZV. "fl-ML t KVtT O ran ea, navel.
9 0 ii i Ti per b -x. r'.'-rl ' grpetrult. 9 ":
;;forn;a grapefruit. Sii... bananas. lt
p- r lb.; p:nepp c per ;t.; Urnou,
9-t ;(;: umtrinu, Sl.Tj per box.
APPLE? Fancy. .ClTi. choir lfSi
terr- -r.T.. C 1 1 jr b'X.
OUI'FX FHVITS Pears. $1.5011.7j par
box. Vs.agas. ; ;.0 pr barrel; cranber-
:. i , i per barrel.
V Fr.ETA rLFt Aspraxua, T.V per IK :
tabut 9 .'l per 1h. cau'Hltwer. 9'-23
p-r crate; r;rr. r-f-.rnia. $J J p r
crte. cu-u-r.br9. t'ilSA p--r box. aeprint.
I'm; lb.: garlic. 1i)h l.'c per lb.: greea uaior.a.
3"c per da ; ha l-ttB-. 5- per
bothooe Uttuo. 31. H pr boa; peppers,
2r per ;V: ra-l.shvs. 'O.'i-i per do, rhu
br. $t per bx' sprouts. aV; tomatoes.
91 ' - ; r box.
r''TK'W 'regon. buying; prtc. 9131
SJ 1 So p-r hundred.
ONIONS buying prlca. 93 per hand red.
GraUh. riMftr. 1 eed. tUc.
SPrakaat Xawk pxtcaa; Blueatsm,
club.' c: red Russian. T9c; Valley,
BARLET Feed. $: per ton; brewing,
Vf i i tr-r-T-r- Tn V ) 1 OCT toa ,
BiiiMDoge. 2T2S: shorts. -HJ--; rolled
barley. I :i-io a 20.
rtOfK rstenta ft T3 per f";
ltri!cM& 933; evoorts. mwi; i-7. "
CyiiX-wtiola crafkal 9i per' ton.
vitii x.-& 1 ST ner ton.
M y Trmck rnr-a: T.mothT. Fastera
Or-co. No. 1. mix-d. ,?it!. fit
falfa, illiOfft.. grain ny.
c-ovt. 91112- "
Dairy and Caanrtry Pradoca.
POT'LTRT T-lve: Bens. lPf30c: trjn.
S'tt40c; turkers. rc; dttfks. -3c ; gee,
a 13c rtreieea luTkeya cnn j w
t- i tuirh. 20c oer doien.
H F: r.?K Full rrftm. twins, 14tr 14H
per poord: Toung Amerlr. loitac.
ri r-rvi i'ii eroierv extra. 1 and
pound prints. In bxea 31c per pound; less
t-.n b-nee. carton and delivery extra.
aw. tit.- l. iil. Alto ner Bound.
VbAlr-Kaocy! ti to 12 pounds. l?o
rer loiind.
Bap. Wool, nidea. Eta.
nrr" lvio crop. iTSOlSc; lt09 crop.
12 l'.' ,r ror;lrs-ts. 1H-.
M 'Ha IK Choice. 32c per pound dellvared
Port 'end. .
Ksstern Oregon. 12 IV- per 1 .
serordsng to shrlnkaga; Valley. 171 p
..- -vd t.. ..t hairetier take-
Off. .v9V; iamb pe:i. 2c
tt i Ltn ruea nw -
salted calf. lXr; salted kip. " a"ted
staca Sc: green hi -lea. lr less; dry hide,
lie: dry c:f. Htlc; dry stags. Uil2a.
GRAIX SACfcCb Car lota, tc
LTNSrRD Olid Purs raw. In barrels.
$1.07; kettle boiled. In barrels. 1 ; ra.
In cases. 91.12: kettle boiled, in cases. $1.14.
Lota of 2 saiioua. 1 par cant less per -loa.
COAL OlI- Water Whit. Iron bbla. H;
wood bbla.. 12 Sc. Pearl oil. cam. Itlc. Head
light, iron. bbls.. 10Sc; cases, lt: wood
bbla. 14c. Eocene, cases. Itfc. Special
Water White, Iron bbla.. 12c; wood bbla..
1V. Elalna, caees, 2tt ' r. Extra S:ar. caaca.
lite. V. Is. aV P. naptha. Iron tbls.. 14c;
caae. 2tc.
;aSOUN'E Red Crown gasollna.ln Iron
bbla, li'ic; cases, 22. Motor gasoline.
Iron bbla, 15Sc; casea "He gasotin.
iron bbia., 2v; case. 8i k.nglne dlstUiata.
Iron bbla.. 7f; cases. 14c
T 'kPKSTIXK KVrasa lota 31.13; Iron
bb!a., II. U9; caaoa. l.ld; wood this.. l.lte.
Oracertea. Med Fralta. tc
fb rnrranii lJWf- auncots. 14 f l&c;
c ate, packaaa. loSe per lb.; figs. bulk,
white or black, by sack. 7c; ft-aa. 91-oi
1 73: 13-la. 5c: 3d-ls. 3--; nc.
B my ma a. 1
SALMON Columbia River. 1-ponTid tall.
92.10 per dosen; 3-pound talla. 9 1
pound flats. 93.40; Alaska pink. 1-pound
talis. 11.24.
CorVEK Roasted. In drums, 23tf34c par
NL'TS Walnuts, 17H O 1 Pr ponnd;
Praaii nuts. 14ltV; filberts. Itfc; aim on da.
lAtflic; pecans. Uc: cocoanuts. ttotiil per
doxen; chesuiuta. l--c per pound; hickory
nuts. Avrioc p?r pound.
bALT tiranulated. $13 per ton; half
Cround. luos. $viu per ton: 60s. 9u per ton.
IiHAXS frmall white. 4 Se; large white.
4Hc: Lima. G.voc; pink. Wc; red Mexicans,
l'ic; bayou. 9c.
rt WK. No. 1 Japan. 4c: cheaper graaea.
93.64 tr 4 Southern brad. 3c
HON KT Choice. 90-73 par case: strum ea.
9c pr pound.
srUAH lry. granulated, fruft and berry.
IS ; beat. extra C. 9 ; golden C
91.90; ellow D. $4.70: powdered. 4.7i.
Terms on remittances within 15 days, de
duct He per pound; If later than 13 days
and witnm ss nays, as a net par pouno.
Mapla auar. llc per pound.
Barter Higher and Oals Lower by
Hair a-PoIlar hZee Market
Is Firm.
8KATTI.K. March 17. Si.e.-lal Failure
to obtain wheat at yeeterasvs price eotn-
nelled dealers to lift the rrlc of blucatem
on tha exchang this morning to S4 cents.
Other varieties wer quoted S cent higher.
Kerent purchases of barley at f'oriiami
for Eastern account forced Ih prl up 60
centa a ton her today. A price or s. o
wa established. Oats dropped back 3 cents
to $21.
Th arlc of bananas was lifted a hslf
rer t to 3 centa t her this morning on th
arrival of the weekly banana train.
ln!er a heavv supply, tha prt or spin
ach dnped to 7ft cents a bos this morning.
Asparagus receipts wer heavy. The price
dropped to is centa. Kancy cauliflower
frvm l,oe Angele has held at $3 a crate.
Tha lc market w.-s fairly firm, wltn a
split pri-a of 33 and ?-1 cents on fresh local
ranh prevsthng. Th demand was active.
Poultry was ery prrre. t
r oversold for haturdsy dell very. Good
val waa In active demand at 14 to 13 cents.
FYeh creamery butter groas scarcer irora
day to day.
4)ioalUma Carre ta tha Bay 'lr Mar
ket a.
c . v rn i vcHfYi frch IT Tha follow
ing produr prlcea aer currer.t today :
Vegetable v'ueum be r. 1.3o 2 2-. gar
lic. 4Uc. green peas. ItfllK- string bne.
litfjjc: asparagus. t)l.c; loroaiuca, uwu-
tnai. egg plunt, a ft I :
putter Vane r crramery. I-C.
. f Cp Itore. lc; fncv rati h. V.
fber-Young Ancrl'-a. ljtfldv-.
Viilstuffs Hraa. 1-4 tr muldlinrs. $33
Kntlt APtlea. rholce. 91 1: rommon. 75o;
Mi!ran limea 7 it 7 California lemna.
hoti-e. 9-T; common. i ranges, navti,
l !h) if 2 25: pineapi'lea. 9-' ' 3.
ivxatoea trly Kow. ilfijtfl-SS; Kal'faa
rtarbanka. 9X10.33; Oregon Harbanks.
1 1 yfl
(n tons Nominal
Hay Wbea:. 3"t13.3 per ton; wheat and
rat. U. s If ana. SStflS.
i--.- nra I'lnnr 312? HTinrtee tarbi;
whet. 40 centals; barUy. ftir. ' centals; oat a.
7Z0 cen ra.a . poiaioea. wrti; in .a-
Ungs. 110 sacks: hay. 31o tuna
Condition of tba Treasury.
WASHIN'JTOX. March 17. At ta begin
ning of bu'inefls t.-Hiay the condition of th
Vmted tiiate Treasury waJ:
Working; balanc In Treasury f-
Bt-ea -i.isw
In banks and Philippine treas-
ntrv 3. He 1 7T
Toil balanr-e In general fund.... S1H1M
t rroinxrr reripta yestrda- -.7 J 1.
rltrary d I bu moments 2 J).'1.5l
Writ-it to iate this fiscal year 6oiw.74
peflit thts tim lsst year 34.773.314
These t.gurea cxciuae ranami vanai an
public debt transi tions.
Ceffee and Sugar.
VKW YORK. March 17-CofTc futures
r!.U steady at a net gain of &i13 points,
half. 22.2ZO baca. March. April and May.
lotlc; June, inuc; July, l'HV; August,
lo "T-: Seotember. 10. -c; October. I.u6c;
November, lo lOc; December and January,
y.v4c: Peruary. tl3c-
rioot coffee, steady; Flo. No. 7. 13 B-ac;
Samoa. No. 4, 13 3-Sc Mild coffea, quleL
Haw sugar, steady; muscovsao. .bj test.
centrifugal. .U4 teat. 3 b3c; molasses
sugar. .8k test. 3-Ohc. Refined, steady.
New York Cot toa Market.
NEW TOR1C March 17 Cotton futures
ctoaed barely steady. 3 points higher to 3
points lower.
June. 14.41c: July. 14Sc; August. 13.S7c:
e-ptember. 19-IOc: October. lToc; Decern.
8oot cUted uulet. MM-upiMrtx 14.03c;
m:d gulf. 14-POc bales. 701 - ba.ea.
t " '
Clilcmar Produc 3larkat,
CHlCAtJO. Mtrch 17. Hutter Steady;
crfmerles. I amines. iuic.
Lrcs Steady; re-cipta i.a... cases; at
Buik, cas s In-'iudrd. rflc, Orsis. ldc;
print flrsia lSc.
4 hecae -ofaoy; uaiaiea. vi.c; (wins.
11 o 11 : Voun? Amerlaaa, 13 C 13c;
long Lwrua, l.iSIj
Monlcsano to Keep Trees.
MONTES.VNO. With. Imrcii IT. (Spe
cial.) Tl:o tlty Council bad a itronij tiea.
slon last night over tha rroposetl Im-provente-nl
of Spruce sareet. which Is
lined with marie trees. Some wanted to
cut down the treen but tlr wi.he lost
cuid contra.-t for th. paving was let
to a Ta.aia Hraa lor i
Canadian Roads Place -Con-tracts
in This Country.
Trsdo ta OUier LIdm Show Irreu
Urlty Cotton Market Depressed,
Other Textiles Moving Better.
Millinery Sales Large.
NEW TODK. March IT Dun-. Review
In trad. nr. .low and lrreulr and ar.
cnwiir in itiucoe. in uw. -
which thrr. t. a lar. demand. Th. toI
um. of tr.nActlon. 1. OTnmlat under that
nt last rear, but 1. en.railr Urr thaa
In th. prllus quarter.
rrom prwnt Indication. It Mem. llkelr
that som. ,ood timed rail contract, will b.
received from Canadian railroad, on account
of th. void-up condition of th. mllla In that
country. Inquiries for 1.-..O0O ton. from on.
rat.m .Ion. beinr noted In domestic mar
keia Structural steel Is In a-reater demand,
although transporting companies ara not
buying on a particularly acuv. aoale. whlla
construction work on a new battleship will
requlr. between BOOO and "WOO tons of Bull.
Sllka woolen, and worsteds and .om.
oth.r Unas show .nounh to onset
ths depression In cotton circle..
There la llttla. If any. Improvsm.nt In
th. den. and for leather, and sola la .spe
cially quiet. .
Hide markets ara It en .rally quiet, but are well maintained on ail variance.
Parker hides ara especially auik
Bat DUtrlbotlv. Trade la Other tinea Is
NEW TORK, March IT. Bradstresfs to
morrow will say: Distributive trad, la still
quiet, mora so. perhsps. thsn In recent
weeks because vlsttlne; buyers hav. returned
home to await Indications of the trend of
Sprlnr rrtall distributions. Tha latter
branch of trad, has been checked by a cool
snsp which overspread a large part of tha
West and Northwest. Of th. leading lines
of wearing apparel perhaps moat activity
at wholesale has been In rullllnery. In which
th. tone la really optimistic
Collections ara Irregular, ranglns from
fair to slow.
Building trsde preparations ara not uni
form at all centers. Building materials
"' ta .
Business failures In the) t'nltad States for
the wtwk emllnr March 111 were 2.M. against
2.S1 last week. I'rtS In tha Ilk. week of mill
and 15T In 1107. Business fallurea In Can
ada for the week number 57. which compares
with 40 last week and 2i in tha Ilka week
of lOH).
Bank (lemrlnre.
NEW TORK. March IT. Bradsrreefs
bank clearincs report for the week ending
Murch 11 shows an apirrcsate of $3,071:.
liS,l0, aa asslnst 42.KSs.S7d.uOO last week
and in the corresponding wees:
last year.
P. C.
New York l.IT.l!S.0OO eiK.l
. hi. ago a-6.7r..oo 6
H, ..t,.n JOl.SVl.lMMl a.T
VMLdelphla 1H8.041.O00 eVS
HI. lxul. 74.14U0 '4.0
Kansas 3ty lii7l7.0O 7.7
Ulisl.urg 4.J74.0O .8
San Kranclaco 4r..2.vo 3.J
Haltlmor. Sl.8.H.tMo 3.3
Onrlnnatl s 24.1otl.000 eil.T
llnneaP"M l.T4T.0i" '84
t'k-valand 1s.47o,OtH 1.3
New Orlrsns 1.121.X0 8.5
Detroit .17.SK4.OilO J.T
Omah. eiou
ls Anitelea 1S.247.000 g.o
I. oul.vllle 14.14-i.OO0 .8
Milwaukee) 18p70.INM .3
Portland 13.TIS.0O0 18.8
toattla -lti.7
St Paul '. - 10.7od.000 4.8
Atlanta 12.4OS.OO0 ll.S
lti:(talo .UOM .7
lM-nver S.ltT.OOO ejl.l
Inrtlci.apolls .4O.000 T.3
lejovldenc. -. 8.8S3O0O- .
rtlrhmond .... T.S47.OO0 '5.2
WaahtnEton. D. C B.H42 OOO ei.2
ft Joseph 8.8M.OOO e5
Port Worth S.TTS.OOO "15. 3
M. mrl is T.sst ooo .14
bait UKfl t;iiy mil.iwj'lii' 213
Alhal.v 4.T4."00 eld.T
Tacon-a f..14r...oo ".0
Savannah s.s..ioo -o
Spokane. Wash. 4.873.UOO 4.0
Toledo 8.H2S.1XIO 17.
Hertford B.mmooo
K.hester 8.71tK 1.8
Des Moines 4..'.4.Km '5.1
Na.hillie 3.WLIOOO 3 2
Dululh 2.I41.00O 22.2
Wl.hlta 3,I7S.IK0 -II
pH.ria '. 3.2.o. .0
Norfolk S.S2OOI0 i.4
Oakland. Cat 3.4IW.O) .8
us city .f-z.s
New Haven 2.W.OOO .4
Oran.l liaplds -. 2 :.vt ih. 8
Srranton 2.i4 0 2.7
Illrmlnsham 2.418.0OO 4.8
Jarksonvllle. FIs. 8.177. OOO 20 1
Ssrr.msnto. Cal 40I.O.M) 22.9
Helena (!. OOO 20 1
llou.ion IS.734.0OO .
Galvtston 14.5
Trading During Ue Day Is 'ot
Hear and Prices Hold to a
Steady Bals.
A hlg bunch of Nebraska hogs was un
oa.led' at the yards yesterday, but not
H'jcb was dona In th. way of trading In any
Inc. VInst of th. .alee were of odda and generally low grade. Tba market waa
lulte steady throughout.
A few small lots of steers sold at a rang,
if 83.20 to 88 and tha cows brought 8V
lood laml.s sold at ti.Zi. A few hogs
Jrought 8v2i
IteneipTS Ir (a. 7 - -;
lives. Tii hogs. 28 horau and mules and
Miipr i't .ii. ' .
Ohllnser. Nerska. 8 cars of h..g; J. A.
riuu.llesion. vr.... v. -
tnules: Nick Wegner. Vnlontown. 1 car of
norse ; V S llurlon. Montague. CaL. 2 cars
of collie, and I. D. Burdlck, Salem, 1 car
if cattle, calvea and goala.
. Th. day. sale. wer. aa follows:
, Weight. Price.
28 steers '"S 3 -
Id o.s JO-.'S 3 00
:t ateers
I steers
3 sheep
li;:i .oo
102 a. mi
HO 8.2S
oo 4.;o
it Ismtis
;17 lamhs
2U Ismbs
Prices current on tha various classes of
ak at tha roruana uaoa eioujinii
wer as follow;
ime steers
,olc steers J-i-W aw
H.d to cholc steers. S0 7 5.3
,mmon steer 4.. J...
me cows i,M
me .cows y2
immon cows " ? "
,ic. iteiters
(..ila 4.Ms 4...
r to s.iod fat bulla ? !&? 00
Common bulls
3 00t 3. SO
T.734T 8.00
1 mi e t '.A
oicy Ug!it cslves . . ..
ir io rood lla-ht cals. ..
olee heavy calvea
nr to medium heavy calves... J-Tig 6-Oti
ir to good stags
4.uo? .vo
....... 8.2.-. 8K0
t.j9 :s
7.73 J 8.U0
taood IO chOlC. ...
Choice heavy ...
Chol''y7arlng wathert. grain fed 4 30 4 S3
, . weiner. i'fj.n i ..i
lira aw. ' " ' ., :
ir to medium .wes. grain fed.. J-JJ2 :J
,ic. lambs, grain fed i.z5 9
.d to clioica. grain led V
tO gOOd ................... J-"
urrent price. the horse market follow:
. . . ..... aii.btf '.imi. ta
Flirt heavy ' ' " 1
l.o pounda. ll't3Si: 1200 to 1400 pounds
gHHtj 2.-.U:. chunks. 8oyl5n- drivers. 8.3
up: saddlers. 800 up: plugs. tlOwtu.
Fstlars Llvctaack Price..
fHU'AOO. March 17. Cattle Receipts,
-......r. 4r.Hi: msrks strong. Beeves.
2ut.i; Xaaaa alexia, a.86.Ui West-J
era steers, J4.73tS3.90; stockers and feeders.
843 360: cows and heifers, .Z.tSOaJJ.sO;
calvea. !;-. , .
Hogs Becalpts. estimated. 18.000: market,
slow. Lisht, .(5y7.23: mixed. n.e.04f '.IS;
heavy. 3tf.37.03: routth. U.3o.S0; good
to choice heavy. t SO'crT OJ: pigs. 86.00 0
T.20: bilk of sales. 3.S3?
pheep Receipts, estimated. 10.000; mar
ket, strong to .'.c to 10c up. Native. $393.13:
Western. 83.83 tro.ST.: yearlings. 11.7335.65;
lambs, native. 56.30; Western. 13.5538.80.
" Stocks nt Boston.
BOSTON. March 17. Closing sjuotatlons:
Allouea 33 (Miami Copper... 19l
Amalg. Copper.. 3iMohawk - - 43
A. Z. U St Sm.. 2Ha;Nov. Colt x-dlr. IS
Atixona Com. .. 14 H iNlplssIng Mines.. 11
Atlantic 4l:North Butte..... 2S
B a C C a- E M. 12wlNortb Lake
Butt. Coalition. 17 Old Dominion... "JSl
CaL a Arisona. 50 4 .Osceola . 10S
Cal. a H.. n-dlv.5o" 'Parrott S r).12ll
Centenniad 12-V.'Qulncy 8
Cop. Ran. C. Co. f,is isjinnon ls
E. Butts Cp. M. ITS Sup a Boa Mln. . 4
Krenklln S '3 a P C ea-dlv 14
Glroux Con. .... 8 Tamarack 41 B
t.ranby Con. ... 83 ,0. 9. S. K. M. 34i
Greene Cananea. tjl do preferred .. 4.Wj
I. Morale (Cop.) 12u,'Ctah Con. 131
Kerr Lake BViCtah C Co, x-dlr. 43
Lake Copper 34Vi;Winona
La Salle Copper 4V. ! Wolverine, x-dv-U3
Dried Frnit nt Sew York.
NEW YORK. March 17. Evaporated ap
ples, quiet, firm on very light supplies. Spot,
fancy. 13wc: choice. 13c; prime. 124e.
.Prunes, strong, with an upward tendency.
Quotations from 8 to 12c for California,
up to 80-40. and 11 Viae for Oregon from
80s to 80a.
Peaches. Inactive, steady. Choice. T4fi(
T'; extra choice. 7VB8V.C; fancy. 8io.
Declining MoTement at the Close
Causes General Losses Through
out the Ilst.
NEW YORK. March 17. Practically all
records for dullness thus far this year on
the stock exchange were broken today.
Trading fell to a low ebb toward the end
of th. day, when prices were lowered gen
erally. In the list of adverse factors may be
placed the dismissal of a large fores of men
by ths Chicago a Alton road and the shut
ting down of rubber factories In Rhode
Island. 'Whether these incidents will find
reflection later on In unreat on th. part of
labor remains to bs seen.
Missouri Paclflc'a weakness of recent days
waa emphasized by a drop today of about
two points and the stock was especially
weak Just before the close and Northern
Pacific and LouisvlUa a Nashville, Lehigh
Valley, Amalgamated Copper and American
Sugar declined a point or. more on the same
movement, with the close at rn. day's low
est prices.
Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par
value. $2,912,000. United States bonds were
unchanged on call.
Sales. High. Low. Bid.
Allls Chal pf .. 200 31 31 8t
Amal Copper .. 4.3O0 04 1, 3H 3 1
Am Agrlcult .. l.loo n;ai .V.
Am Beet Sugar. SKI 43'. 444 4414
American Can .. . 2IKI U It's
Am Cotton Oil.. 100 60 . 60 BUT,
Am Md A Lt Pf 28
Am Ice Secur .. 400 23!. 234 23H
Am Linseed ,
Am Locomotive 100 'SSfc 3SK 8"
Am Smel & Rcf L4no 76 731, .314
do preferred.. l.uoO 104 104
Am Steel Kdy 4T
Am Sugar Kef .. 100 1111 119 118
Am Tel a Tel.. 600 141 143X 145
Am Tobacco pf. 2"0 9M 88 T
Am Woolen 800 83 84i 844
Anaconda at Co 38
Atchison . 4.HO0 108 14 10TS 17 4
do preferred.. 100 102(4 1K2V4 1024
Atl Coast Line.. 200 120 120 HUH
Belt a Ohio ... 1H3V4 li3'4 18
Bethlehem Steel 32'i 31H 81
Brook R Tran.. l.SOO 7714 771. 77(4
Canadian Pac .. 8.WK) 217(4 21014 21
Central Leather 3"0 20 2s'4 28'4
do preferred.. 300 100 8914 9U
Central of N J 24
Chea Ohio ... l.SOO 82 82 82.
Chicago Alton : 32
Chi Jt West .. 21
do preferred 48 "4
Chicago a N W 800 144 144 14:: 14
C. M St Taul 21.0OO 122 121 (4 121 14
C, C. C a SlTL.' U3
Col iNiel fc Iron 100 33(4 33(4 32
Col a South 634
Consol Lias 400 14314 142(4 1424
Corn Products. l-ie
Del a Hudson 10. (a
D R Grsnde. 100 31(4 31(4 31
do preferred.. 70
Distillers' Secur 100 30 3 30
Erie 28H 2H 2K-4
do 1st pf .... Io0 48 48 471
do 2d pf 3T
General Eleo 14
Gt North pf ... 2.O0O 12S14 127-4 127
Gt North Or. .. :l"0 ft1, SMI4 68(4
Illinois Central . 20 IS.-.l, 133l, 134(4
Intvrbnr Met .. 2O.0t0 1S 1? 1
do preferred.. 8,700 M 52(4 5.H4
Inter Hnrveeter 1O0 Jl 110 U 11(.
Inter Marin, pf 1'0 l4a ! I'"'
Int Paper 800 10'4 10i 10
lnt pump jo
Iowa Central '
K O Southern .. 84 "4 84 84
do preferred.. Rh S 7H
La.lede Gas ... 20 III Ill's Hl(4
Iula A Nash .. 2"0 144'. 144 14 144 -Minn
a St L ... WO 244 23(4 22(4
M. 8 P 4 S 3 M 800 147 147 14.
Mo. Ksn Tex. lot) 331i 834 33
do preferred j.... . .
Mo Paclllc 21.100 64 S 81 H 314
Nat Biscuit tloo 12S4 127( 127i
NiU Lead 1.6U.1 Hi Jl ..1(,
Mex N By 2 pf SH 34 34
N Y Centrsl ... 1.7O0 1U7V. 1U6-4 1 :
N Y. Ont a Wes 41'.
Norfolk a West 6.400 107(4 10 J'jj!
N'Sr'th Pinc"". ' 8.000 l'l'A" iisuj 123S
Pacific Mall ... 200 24 21 S 24(4
pennsvlvanla .S'H 127V, 12114 120-.
1-eople's Gas .. 1O0 103(4 103 lo..(4
p. c ; a st 1, "T
Pittsburg Coal.. I.IOO 21(4 2t'4 214
Pressed 9 Car.. 30O 33U 3.H,
Pull Pal Car .. 4O0 101 (. 1(4 1"1.
Kv Steel Spring 33 -4
leading 83.T00 157(4 l.VJ'4 !
Republic Steel - 33
ds. preferred.. 100 08 US 07 4
Rock Island Co 800 29 2U(4 20
do preferred 5ft
ftt L ft S F 2 pf 400 42'4 41?, 4
bt L Southwest, l'K) 32 32 .31
do preferred,. 300 67(4 T . 6fi'4
Krrpea'd.-:-1.466 iijij iij
Southern lty ... 600 20 2V 2R'4
do preferred - nd-
Tenn Copper . 100 .SS 88 3S
Texas A Pac .. -s4
To"StLWea 8O0 I3U 22 21 "4
do preferred.. loo M -4 Bl e 51
Union Pacific .. 18.400 175 (4 J.4(a 1.4 '4
do preferred.. 100 91 SI 1
Ft I ::: '"i m 3
LT S Steel 84.AOO 77 . 1 . (4
do preferred.. 80O 118" 118(4 11SV,
l-."J!.riopt?Km". -4. 000 -aii fc4
Woo"phrefVrred".: ""oOO '37(4" "ST 37vj
SZXZ 'j? 55
Western Union. 800 73 J 'i 4
LehhValley-,---liioo 173 'Hik 172(4
Total sale, for the day. 197.200 ehares.
NEW YORK. March 17. Closing- Cjuota-
Us":rer. 2. reg.iniiN. Y C. rn 3(4 M B
do coupon ...101 (. No. Pac J cy.-.a... .ovi
tt a ta reg. INo. Pacific 4s... Oft
do coupon ...Ka 1-nlon Pacific 4a 100 14
U S. new 4s rag. 113 (4 i Wis. central 4s. 92
do coupon ...113 Japanes. 4s SS
D..R.U. 48... 891
Money, Exchangw, Etc,
NEW TOKK, Jisrcn jl. . . v " ' '
steady. 2L2 per cent; ruling rate. 2 per
cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered. 2
"r cent. ... jjntv
VmZ. "V o 2 ner
Time losns essy
vi 2 "42 Per cent: 90 days. 2C3 per
cent: six months. 3H DI,Vi a
- phime mercantile papr. v-
r.e.,'nnhnkers' 07...". 4"8333'aroVl0Yor
uianiau-iai 11.. . -. w -
Bar silver. 33c.
Mexican dollars. 45c
fiovernment bonds, steady: railroad. Irreg
ular. - ,
t rtvrutv March 17. Bar silver Steady,
14 7-ltid per ounce-
Money Z(4l-' pej- cvoi.
. . . , 1. . . r. t in th. aimii marlial
ine rate -
for short bills Is .",.( Per cent; threa
month's bills. HJH per ceat.
n . VD , vrecn -.t.reti H Sferllnar. oa
London. 0 days. J4.84V.; 4ght, t.S6.
jrarta sitni. ac, . v.. .w
CHICAGO. March 1T.
York, 5c discount.
Cxchanga cm New
Imports and Exports.
. -. ... witiv a..K 17 Imraorts of spe
cie at New York for the week endlntr today
.-ere $127. 9S1 silver and $74,722 gold. El
ports of specie for the week ending today
war S3.74 sUtw and l-Ici-H, sold.
Any Probable Tariff Change
Has Been Discounted.
Clothing Grades Are Moving in a
Slow Way at Boston Less Ac
tivity In Fleece Wools.
Goods Market tncertatn.
BOSTON. March 17. The Commercial
Bulletin, of Boston, will say of tha wool
market tomorrow:
Continued uncertainty in tha goods mar
ket, on account of the tariff revision ex
pected at th. coming extra, aesslon ofcon
gress. has resulted In more desultory baying;
in the Boston wool market this week.
Ther. appears to hav. b.en little 'urther
tendency for prices to go lower; Indeed, trie
dealers think they are cult, low
some cases to aiacuuu. j - . -
which may be done. But. however that may .
. .... ..... 1 1 . . 1 . e.HlYiar ha. been
DC, certain it ia
accomplished during the week.
In domestic wools there hsa been a mod
erate demand for both fleece and territory,
fairly well distributed. Soma more terri
tory clothing wools hava movsd on the low
basis quoted last week. Fleeca wools hav.
shown less activity. x ,
London Wool Bsdea.
k . , t-v, - Aavrinara at th.
i-UIUU.v. aarcu -j - -
wool auction aales today amounted to 11.
074 bales. i 110 leiwuua " .
V.. umm. ... .. I .I,.,. haitWen
dltion ana very bjiiiiic. f . . -
home and continental buyers resulted In arm
Wool at St. Louis.
. . . . .. . , IL'.l TTneri.nred.
Territory and Western mediums 193c,
nne mediums, lDg iw. . .
Metnl Markets.
NEW TORK. March IT. Standard copper.
155.6. 3d. ATHval. reported
t New 1 OrK oaay, ion
"turn" show exports of 12.196 ton. .0 far
this month. Local dealers report somewhat
..... 1 maraft. LaKO COD
steaoier leeiu.B " , - , ., .
per, 12:6012.62(4c; electrolyUo, 12-.T(s
12.50c, and casting. '---' ...
Tin. quiet and flrm. Spot, 8S.80fS8.T6c.
T.,e a aavsi :t8.o. London, steady. Spot
il77; futures, 176 lus. .
Lead. dull. 4.404.50 New York; 4.22 (4
4.27V4 Eaat St- Louis. London. 13 2s o-
Spelter, weak, o:u'.w ' ,,1
5.42 East St. Louis. London. 23
Iron Cleveland warrants. 47s 10V4d in
London. Locally iron waa eady. No. a
foundry Northern. $16.75 16.26; No. 2
. .a..--, icn i Southern, and No. 1 South.
ern soft.' 16.0O 16.00.
London Bullion MoTement.
LONDON. March .17. Bullion amounting
to 101.000 was taken into me rsanit 01
land today, and 20.000 was withdrawn lo
-1.1 a Uulln
Iast Prices at Chicago Are Prac
tically Unchanged From Thurs
day's Close.
CHICAGO. March-!?. Conflicting crop
advices from the Southwest resulted finally
1 .i.. ih. wheat market practi
cally at the same level as last night. The
close was steady. He off to (4c up. Corn
finished unchanged to a shade down; oats
were to Vic higher, and provisions at Z14o
to 1012Ho decline.
May wheat covered a rang, extending
from 9Ot4y04c to 90'4o. and at th. last
aannar was uoc, a net lose of a shade.
Sly corn fluctuated between 4J44c
and 49, 949c Precisely th. same aa last
night, closed at 49c Cash corn was In
fair demand. No. 2 yellow finished at 47H
Ther. was a fair shipping call for oats.
For May. the low and high points were
S14C and Sitae with latest sales 31HC. a
gain of o over last night,
Provisions were easy on selling by pack
ers. Tn the end pork showed a loss of 2l4o
to 1031254c. compared with 24 hours be
fore: lard. 687 V4C and ribs a4c J0,,5- .
Th. leading futures ranged aa follows.
Open. High. .Low .Close.
M.y .954 -DOT. $ .014 T.-J
MaT 4 .49i - .494 -S
Juir " " -SO -50'4 - .50.
sept::.::. .i5
Mav Sl?4 -"'4 "H J5r
iflt : HZ :SiS
May .... 1T.30 IT.42 1T.S2H 1T.12'4
juiy.::..: i.4 i.6o i.46 is.47
Msv .... 00 9 0S , 1.97V4 9 00
seit:::::: . . 2
Mav . 45 9.BH4 9.40 t.40
sept:::::: 8.925 .5 .2i, .92ii
Flour -Steady.
BaTiTy Feed' Vrmlxing. tvt75c; fair to
choice malting. S9S99c. .....
Flaxseed No. 1 Southwestern, I2.S4, No.
1 Northwestern.
Timothy seed 1L011.79.
PoTltr-Mess'. per barrel. flS.2S01f.S6.
Lard Per 100 pounds. fS.J2;
Short rlbie-Sldes (loose) $.7?9T4.
sldes Short, clear (boxed. 9-...&0.
Grain statistics:
Total clearances of wheat and flour wer.
eaual to 1S4.000 bushela Exports for the
week as shown by Bradstreefs. wer. equal
to 1 SS5.000 bushels. Primary receipt, wer.
1 ooo bushels, compared wltn t7.O00 bush
els the corresponding day a year ago. Eatl
mated reccinta for tomorrow: Wheat, 1
?iri' corn. 17S cars; oats, tl cars; hogs. 12,
040 head. Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrel
Sa": bui." ::::::....ii.o. mjjo.
Barley, bushels 31.500 .
Eoropean Grain Markets.
LONDON. March 17. Cargoes, a flrmer
feeling. Walla Walla for shipment at 83s 84
t0Enllsh country market-. qaUt. French
country markets, quiet.
LIVERPOOL. March 17. Wheat
March. 6s M'id: May. 6s 4d: July, 6a 9T.O.
Weather, cloudy. ,
Minneapolis Wheat Market. -e
MTN."EAPOLIa. March 17. Wheat
m" d7i4.7.4c; July. MSSH; Sep
tember. 9192c. Cash No. 1 hard. 99 (4c.
No. 1 Northern. 97f98.c; No 2 North
ern. 95j4&96c: Xo. 3 wheat, S3 596c
Caraih at San Francisco.
SAX FRANCISCO, March 17. Wheat
and barley Firm.
BarleyFeed. $1.18 per cental; brewing.
$122i&l-23 per cental.
OattRed. iLlSftl.22 per cental: whita.
nominal: black. L12JiJLlS per centaL
Call board sales
Wheat No trading.
Barley December, 1.17H; May. fl.SSK
per cental.
Grate Markets of the Northweajt.
TACOM 4. March IT. Wneat Blueatem.
34c: forty-fold. Sia82o; club, 83c.; red
Russian, 80c. .
Receipts Wheat, 6 cars; corn, 2 cars; nay,
9 cars; barley and oats. 1 car.
SEATTLE. March IT. Milling quotations
Bluestem. S3c; forty-fold. c: club S2c;
fife. S2c: red Russlon. 81c. Export wheat
Bluestem. S2c: forty.rold. 80c; club. 79c; life,
71R-: red Russian. 7Sc
Yesterday's car receipts Wheat. 8 cars,
sta, 2 cars; corn. 1 car; bay, 1 car. j
National Bank
March 7, 1908. .
March -7, 1909..
March 7, 1910..
March 7, 1911..
Capital - - - $1,000,000.00
Surplus Profits $800.0J)0,00
J. C AIXSWORTH, President.
A. m. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier.
JtsaliasuuM. .aal-fcMMastjw.
' ' ' " T. .S'ufcM.. aS. - "S-enaaafTjaFjKsJla . .4KTl T WJ.ilj-. 1 I
Capital . . ... . $1,000,000
Surplus and Undivided Profits 650,000
nr. M. I-add. President.
T.dw. Cooklncham, Tlce-Pres.
W. H. Dunckler. Cashier.
Corner Washington
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 750,000 '
Oldest National Bank West of the
Rocky Mountains
"Bitulithic pave
ments are . compara-
t i v e 1 y
and our
horses do
not slip
on it a
bit." T.
C. Murray, Fire Chief,
Traverse City, Mich.
AJaaka dock. Portland, 8 P. II. every Tues
day. Freight received at Alaska Dock until
I P. It. daily. Paasenter far first-class.
$10; second-class. IT, including- meals and
berth. Tickets on sal at Ainsworth dock.
Phones Main 288. A 1234.
New aervlce to Los Angeles via San Fran
cisco every five days.
From Ainsworth Dock. Portland. 4 P. M.
BS. Bear, March 18, Rose City 23, Beaver 28
From San Francisco Northbound. 12 M.
88. Rose City, March la?' Beaver tS, Bear 9
From San Pedro Northbound. 12 M.
89. Beaver, March 20, Bear 25, Rose City SO
H. O. Smith, C. T. A., 142 Third St.
a?. W. Ransom, Agent, Ainsworth Dock. '
Phones: Main 402, 268; A 14Q2.
San Francisco, "Los Angeles
.and San Pedro Direct.
North Pacific S. S. Co.'s 8. 6. Roanoke
and S. S. Elder sail every Wednesday alter
nately at 6 P. M. Ticket oBlce 132 Third
St., near Alder.
MARTEN J. HIOI.KY, Passenger Agent.
W. H. 8MS4SER. Freljtht Agent.
phones M. 1814. A 1814. .
(Colon lino of If. Z.)
Direct through steamers, sailing from San
Francisco, Mar. 8 and every 13 daya. Wel
llnarton and back. 1st class, 824. Other rates
also low The line to Isles of the South seas.
For reservations see uoupoa iuruaau
or addren Ooeanlo B. a. Co.. Saa rrascJacOaJL
What the
Say: ;
....$ 909,171.91
.... 1,520,697.48
.... 2,400,625.40
.... 3,401.413,23
R. W. SCHMEER, Caakle.
W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier.
B. S. Howard, Jr.. Ass't Cashier.
i. W. ldd. Assistant Cashier.
Walter M. Ceak, Ass's Cashier.
and Third Streets '
Winter Schedule Krfeartlvei October
30. 1910.
"Prince Rupert"
"Prince George"
Victoria, Vancouver and Prince
Rupert. Connecting; at Prince
Rupert vrith "S. S. Prince Albert"
for Stewart and Queen Charlotte
Daylight Ride to Victoria
Sunday at 2:00 P. M., northbound.
everv Monday at 11:00 P. fcl north
bound; every Saturday at 2:00 P.
M. southbound:
For Tickets and Reservations Apply
to Local Railway Ticket Agents, or
J. H. BnrKts, Genl A Bent, Flint Ave.
and Yealer Way, Seattle. Wash.
Canadian Service
Co.'s Office, 619 2d Ave., Seattle; or C.
W. Ktlnffer. Za4 wwn.i a. '
tonv 25S Mor.j F. R. Johnson, 142 8d;
E. F. Baird. 100 3d; Vald. Udell. 28
N. 6th; 11- IllcKson. isa ta.
The Standard for 70 Years and Still
the Best.
Tours and tickets everywhere at all
seasons. loO ottices abroad, bend lor
Traveler's Gazette free.
AXala UVltalfc XUb vVVAJUeJa
"ntr-iiwi niiw ..ifW.v iwirf Kf:'' . Jl
f- i - . rJi V WC r.-.-.; .tTr - ... . y J..- J