V THE MOItXIXG OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1911. 14 A Y. fi!. G. A. ATHLETES BUS COMTVO SrMMEIl 1TILL HATE MA Y GOOD COXTESTS. Swims, RaK-es, Caooeloc, Hikes, Track CtmM, BascbaJI. TrnnLs, Tuc, Part of lrocranun. Many athletic activities are planned for the com l air Summer by the pnysloaa directors of the Tounc Men's Chiia- tiaa Association. Until tfia Utter part of Jutr thtra will ba aoina ati-iietio t-ontest every few days. Soma of the .vents ache-doled for tha Immediate future ara tha Marathon earim to best in Monday night and laat for ell nights, tha elx-ml.e relay race, with tha Cbe tnawa Indian School Ham next Friday Bight, tha annual I'r-ntathlon gymnastio contest: tha arrarnmar school Dorr par c-ntace twin and tha bora physical efficiency test, whlia April tannla lour- Daro.nta wtll begin. Tha T. M. C. A. plana to enter a foil team in tha Columbia University opaa Indoor meet on April i. Following thla event tbara will ba baaobaa leagues of several klnde atartad. Tha annual ilu. lar fark eroaa-country run wlU ba he d April 1. Tha annual Palrm-to-Portland ralar contest between tha aesa-arlatlon and tha Ihemawa Indian Training School will thla year ba run on May 11. Tha lm from both Institutions ara al ready training for tha events. Pome of tha events planned that ara attracting mora than tha -usual ahara of attention axa tha -hikes" to ba given. Thara will ba three of thea parties sent out. tolas to Crater Laka. Jose phina Caves and Mount Hood, respec tively. Tha Mount Hood bike will laat four days and will be tha final event of the Summer achedula aa now pianned. Tha lit of events carded for Spring ar.d fiummrr Is aa follows: March IS. Boys' Bible Club swim; March marathon swim; March 14, n-ml.e relay. T. M. C A. nnm Cbe nan; March ST-Mar 1. Grammar School prrcentave swim: March 10, bora physical efficiency teat: April 1 tennis; April . Columbia track meet: April IS, boya' club baseball league April 11. JlrCl'ar Park croee-eountry run: April It. Bible Clnb five-mile re lay: My 1-4, every Portland boy to swim. 1L H. Corsan; May 1. church ha.-aeball leagne: May 10. senior base ball league: May 11. Orammar School relay swim: May 11. Salem-f'ortland re'ar rare; May IT -10. Ealem-Portland a-anoa trip: July -. Gladstone Park. Chautauqua; July 16. Chautauqua ex Mbltton; July IS. Crater Laka hike; July It. Josephine Caves bike; July 17- 11. Mount Hood hike. BABY HOME EXONERATED Tudg-e Galena Declalon Uphold Con- trillion of Management. Judre Oatena In a decision riven In Juvenile Court yesterday granted tha request of tha attorney of tha Baby Homo to dismiss tha proceedings e'ajied concerning a homeless child which has occasioned tha friction be tween It. Maria D. Equl and the Port land Medical Club, composed of former rractlt loners on ona hand and tha Baby Home manajcement on the otber. there by upholding; tha release heretofore of talned from tha mother tinder her real rami and upholding the aotlon of tha Baby Homo and tree In a- It from criti cism or ceneuro la tha proceedings heretofore taken. When asked to make a statement, Vra. IX c. Burns, president of the Home, yesterday declined, saying that she considered the judge's decision a complete exoneration. RECEIPTS EXCEED MILLION Tax Prpartnirnt of bbrrUra Office Very Busy. Although the last day for ths S per rent rebate oa taxea ended last Wednesday, property -owners are still applying for tax etatementa an J paying their taxea In lance numoera l ne to- tal reeelDta of the tax collection depart ment In tha Sheriffs office has passed fl.0OA.000. Besides tha hundreds who called dally to pay their taxea nearly Hot checks and drafts were received through the malls. Ona check that helped to swell tha total receipts was that of the Portland Katlway. Light a Power Company. which waa for 1111.000. The next larg est check received was for $172.00. which represents the amount of taxea paid by the 0.-VV. K. x. company. Tha taxes fur 11 will become delin quent after April L SPOKANE NAMES OFFICIALS City Commlttro of rive Make Choice for Ha Places. 6POKAXE. Wash, March IT. (Spa clai.) Spokane's city committee of flva today named the new city clerk, treas urer, auditor, labor agent and Mayor's secretary. Clerk Charlea A Fleming has been city clerk for ten years. Arthur Lewis, tha new treasurer, la bookkeeper for the thaw Ac Borden Company. James McGouKan. new audi tor, waa formerly the manager of a wholesale cigar house, and Samuel Kvana, labor agent, eerveS aa a member of the commission that wrote the new city charter. Carl Vf. Huntington, aec retary to tba Mayor. Is a young lawyer. DAILY METEOBO LOGICAL, REPORT. winTLivn March IT. Maximum tem- as ... r.- - minimum. 41 degrea 1::r rexC'.nc. I A. M.. .l ft: chanare ta honrm. LI fvxit nsa. Total rmln- J.IL P. M. to P. At-, none: total raln f.il s;coe Mptember 1. 11. :l " Inches; lormtl l.t mcnes: dedcieocy. t il Inch-a T-val runh:r T hours 10 mlnutea: poe s b:e 11 boura Baromoter Iroduced to sa aj at F. V . Itll Incltra WEATHKR conditions. A dletnrbsnce ef considerable Intensity Is r Alberta. moTlrc southeast v ard. and t ie elojrtmert Is lacxeaslcs ever Northwest- wealunetcn. Another dleturSance Is central over the Lake Kagieu. and has rlUM4 llsht preolpttai.oa In Almneeota, V4ia t,Biui alisourl and the 8t. Ijawreace Val-1-y la ether eectlone the preeeure la rela t ,av h'ch ard s.rrallT fair weather pre- CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daiiy ee lea day. Per lie. ,. Ite tie fMao tleae ...............-... aa re, cwaeeretlve tiwaee ... atlva tl i raah ad- Ce taw Use tkaa lae Itaea. Vbe aa oaasitlaeiaral te aes raw cea tl.. times ttae ea-U" rata apptlea. Oa cfcan. mt hr mm aavertleevente the raail, wlil baaea as uae ef lioee aspearlr. la tne , awer. reg t-- -a rc mi werda ta awa lta. la lr I raargeat ky 1 be aSeve rates apply ta advert ieearveata -ew Tauar- aaa tleeie nreptlac Ibe feaae'tagt MnMi Itaatei. Mala. MlaalMM Viaatea. sraaaaaK ee Keaat. II ' . private Fa names. Keeana aad IWara. ITt'.ie lamllle. rl-aaekeepaag Hvaaaa. prtvaae aaillee. Ika rate mm the atoeve rlaaaaftcauaea U t la cae baa atTare aaaoreaa Is ta salt ,a. Aaewera te r unt I hi. aa aeri aa.enteeaaeaia will pee.ldaal SS I Sit. IT tia-eareel la patxawa, 4 istaina art la- lme aa ir- . -,t .J. mC aevea t.aie? Ii i in-, - sae.a err-ainany am at la M araede eawata aa eae aaul aai ad ea AVIT"ME VT T TT7TT ir THEATER XllilaLtljI 7th and Tsylos - Phewes Mala 1 aad A 11. two pnRroRMANc-na topat". Tealght. 1:11 Last Tlrna 1:11. Charles JTohmaa presents tha Charming Musical Fantasy. "The Arcailians" TX Peosle Tl Special Orcheatra. Excellent Cast Superb Production TVe afternoon: Lower floor It Ml It: bat con T. nrat ft rows L. nail e ' II mw, SOo; sail" c. -'-v This arm Lower Boor. (J. ll.tA; balcony ILS (L oe: gaUery. IMo. laat BAKER tJf Oearse I- Faker, kaaatar. raker tfc)L rempar.r. tonisht. all vaat. .t vara f ant iat 3 Sc. &e. The mast beautiful New Lag land play ever written, nnvrv aiitaa sa a v : a Aa Inetaataaanaa eu ce ; Immenes eset. great eoraertv: eveilnr,, JSC awe. Tic weaa "A Texas iteer. itiv a. a iea utun a. UT DAT NIGHTS TE HATES IS-2S-50-75C wlaru ta a-lmMte alllll llrarwater aaa 7 Zl' LF uin a Him,! Alrtrla taoltaiaei Caiilloi Mnltea OsrreUli Lawsoa A aaaaaasi Black Brwthera. GRAND Week of Mar. 13 THE FINNEYS Glrara a C. Tbe-S-Alcl Tons Iwaiuaay The acid's Meat Aafaavt Lai rrre M hi. John Hilly Harrua Orandaarope Daring . Bw atstlaee every aay. I'M; any seat, 1 Kvaauia performance, nt T 0 aal 1:11; bala-oar. i&c: eswar aoor. Ust box eaata aoa. LYRIC POBTUArtrfa rAM ILT rLATHOl'eE. Weak CofflaaiMlnc Monday Matinee. Keat ing a Duel present The Champagne Girl At Tlllon snd Klnr. festurtns ths fsmoos Harem skirt rhorua Three performances dally .4i. T:4o and :l.v Friday Mrht Chorus strut content after eaon perzorta- aaca Next week "The Tvlna. ALaL. THIS WEEK. ifit.v AAUm and hr African lions. I'.afta.'rl mnA "Bpltaia: TWO t'olTT tiltH Olymrl Trio; Jnhnaon nd V1I Frank Tlnnvr a Klu-r Kid: Pntco. Topu- Ur dMc-. aUatlntM d&Ur- CMrtla 2. MX, T SO nei Tmllfc Thr hmm n ft marfl full or tmrmtur la lh IU:n States, anfl a cor-rr-txnd!ec rla tn th MituiMippl Valley and aatward to tHo Allaotio Coast. Rxcept no th raJifomla eoaat. on tha AUantlc cilopa. In tba lit. Lawranca autjr ana ipp-sr recloa and tn tha O rural P'.ateau Rtat-a. tempraturaa ara irnaralir aooa Bormai tarouchout tha co-antry. ivnaitioBi mr f-rora&.a for aanaraJly fair wathr Saturday In thla dlatrlct. axcpt that occasional ram la tnllcati ror .Mn----,rn Washinnon. Tampralura win com ii.ua mild, aad winds wtU bm wsstsrly. THI WalATHER. Id? Wind I 2 State o( BTATIOXa. Weather. Botsa It m ton. ........ 0. 04! 4 W e.eo u sif S.r' 4 NW 1. MillVW la-lesr 'Clear irt cloudy it'loudy Cloudy )ciear .Clear Cloudy ICloudy jClear b'waaoudy k-lcar lalcary , t'hlcavo I-anvnr. . . . . I Uolaaa ..... IuluLh. ........ Eureka. : T XK II.H a sb s xw ft V T IS. 00 aJ r?ston....a.. O.OO 1 HI .-na 0.00, 4 d O.tO NB S OO It V Jackson vtllae ... Kansas City alarahllaid o eo.i: xw Clear ftnoar Alaotrral. t i iiu r. lw Oriaaoa.... Nt York North Head-.... North Yakima.., Phoanix. . .... O.OOi S S o.oolis d Clear iClear 0. 00 IX cloudy O.00 ess 4 SS 4 N 4 W I X ( NW Clear Cloudy clear jClear Clear Clear rocata.to. . ...... ooi Portland. ....... 0 00 I). 00 RkSeaurff. ...... Sacramenta. ... a Bu Lou la. ....... 00 a lo la W Kaln ftl Paul 8 It lka Fan tt--eo han 1 raaolsco. .. Kiskiyou t tkars. ....... Taooma Tatoosh Island.. Wal.a Waiia. .... Waahtnataa Wlaalp O.Ot 14 NW S.OO 10 XW Clear Clear O.001 t SW O.00 11 w Cloudy Clouiiy Clear rt cloudy 0 OOi 4 hi o.eo! r .001 4 .V Irt cloudy Uioudy 44 0.11. w ft .ou! 4 sn l laar Clear Clear I u ion o.oo. t vr T. Traca FORECASTS, nd. vicinity alr; Portland weatarly lada . Vmr- waaterlv wlnda Waaalnatnn Fair, eaoept occasional rain aerttiwest pvrtlvn; westerly winds. Jdaae rrooaoiv t'r- THKuDORE r. DRAKE. TemrMjraritv In Chares. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARB HELD AT THIS OF- ari.- I'UMU TIIIC FOLLOW IN O A.MJWLIt CHKCKd AXD MAT HI! HAD PT PBE EKNTIN0) Yol R CHECKal AT THB OKB- AliVi'sL MWrHia, . t. tl Ml. MO, MJ. HJ. f -'. e-;a. t 7-t. SJ. B. n. e.-. o, DJJ. eu. n a..T an ua. A-t:i- Ijtv K M.' 833. 800V eel. M3. Set. 4. M. TSes. ma. cs. 2, io. ML ML 4.1 A'T Sod. 9ti- O-ii. eOft. ttr. 82T, aSl. , 4T. M. iiS. ass. Ml. 8. H 0. M;T. S-aV MB. MS. ..'"'. . J 014 3. (i-. Ml. 84c. 8i. "ili. 0. Ml 4.sd, 34. SUT. Sl(. PJi, '.a. o,A sea, MO. 84. 831. J4. d, St iU.-L 74 1. sla. 83L M. '. M 8-S. I''.', oil. 8Jt. 84". S4. 11 03. Ti3. Sid. Ui 83S. 8ST. Sis. 83 841. Ml. 84S. 8JS. 8M. 8.VT. 83S. O 77S. (-J!. M4. 8. .' K'-t. V 8-0. 81. 8.t-. sat. s.. oca. e.i. oon. awr. ta t.l h-fL all Kll. HI MaV 10-t. H 841. 84S. 841. 84T. 8oJ. X Tw2. M0. Ml aSa. 88. MS. 84S. K2. 849 Stci 151 i . V7TS. 7?4. Ili MT. o!m. gits. Mi gel. 4V3."J. T'A h.'T. 8.1k 84"". M. 33 S3T. X 781. ajj. sua. sua. 3. 81. Mil. M4, oil. a--. T M. 844. 83. Alt a -5. ao.t. SOT. SSI. 831. 833. 833. SS8. t43. fM7. SiO. AC TP1. 81". 8.-., 840. M3. M. 830. 881. l too. o"-t. aa. tia. e-A aai, ooo, cuo. UA K4A Mil. ' A 7i. 81. III. MI. M7. 8M. 835. MX. AK-tSI. 84. 8.3. 838. 84 A. 843, 844. MT, L-.l si S48. Atr 80S. 83. SM. MX tiX 831. lit, 857. All 3S. M0. M4. MT. MS. M8. 830. 834. 4S. 9U. rru. i aaa 841. 8T. 84". Ksn. sru. 8. AK bWl, eutS, Ul, 837. 840, MT, 84s. 8o. 43. L 7ft. SX 8S. M. K2. 83S. A-H 3-fV TtlS. T7T. evrT. 831. SIX tSS, ML F4. 83T. A 881. SIX 83, 83T. 13 848. 83S. 8S4. (SO. 804. If etwv. answers are nM called lor within six dajrer same will be destroyed. MErTl-XQ XOTTCfcA ORIOOM LODGE, NO. 101, A. Jr. AND A. M. Stated eommunl- r a w cation low laaianiiii srtBiaf at Ov 8 e'eleck. Masonle Temple. islt- Ine Br. i. ".ran aoraiaiiy invited, lij . order w. M. A. J. HANDLAX. Secretary. rrarri PonSClL. NO. SOS. K. ANT T- OF S alembers are requested te attend the furaeral of our lata euuer. Mary Capl.a at tba Cathedral, iota an. aatw. w aa. at. to day laaturday). . . minx HOI.wEft At his late home tn this cltv. 8.1 -aat 7U N JTtn. alarcn .a at. ll...raes. aaad ti yeara Funeral notice Tnerearter. DOHERTT At residence. 4.13 t Everett Bt.. March 1 Ml Ultra ionan, a.vu ' -scara. Funeral notice later. Hl'NTKR la this city. March 1 Infant a at Dr. aad, Jars, va Uitant . nuniar. 2w C aef - SAV MP DIED. LAM VERS At the family residence, 40T !ont-omery atreet. March 1H. Mrs. alar faret Lamraera. widow of the lata Theo dore H. Ltmmara snd beloved mother ef Ocorce H.. of Tacoma, Wash.: Theodore W . of Seattle. Wa.h.: Mrs. Chris Otoa eeryer. oa Man Lorenso. CaJ. ; Kama a. and Adele U. Lammors. of Portland. LAWSnV At her residence, 28T East 824 St.. Unrch IT. Mrs. Mary It. Lawson. a-d 8.1 years. months. S3 days, widow cf ths lata Henry Lawaon and mother of w. H. Lawaos, of Rlds.Oeld. Waah.: Mrs. U Capen. of Orecn City: Bilaabeth and Marl. I-aa-scn. of this city, funeral atn noncement later. KLXERAf, NOTlCTja. 0E5ayj.I, In this city. March 18. Panllna Uesaell. asrd 37 rsars. mother of Mrs. W. H. Uwrrnca. Mrs. F. H. Curtle. Mrs. O. M. Paraona Fred L. Oiavrd. B.on F Otf ford and Margaret SesselL Funsral will be held at Dunning- McEnteee ohapel. Tth and Pine streets, today Saturday 1. March H. at 1 P. M. Frlenda respectfully Invited to attend. Interment Moitnomab Cemetery. SHE At the family residence. 8S1 Klrby etreeu Julia Price, acrd Z3 years; funeral will leave Zeller-Byrnae Company's par lors. 6V4 Williams avenue. "Saturday. March 14. at 8:41 A. M tbenca to 61 Marys Church. Williams aenue snd Stanton, where eervUrs a III be bald at A. M. Interment Mount Calarr Pemetery. Vrlsnda respecUully Invited ta attend. CAPLEH In this city. Msrch Id. at Ross City Sanitarium. Mrs. Mary Caples. asd 8 years, 11 montta. 1 day. Funeral from the Hose City a'anltaiiuxn. 181 North 23d at., at I W A. M. today (Saturday). March 14, thence to the Cathedral, 16th and Da na .- KervlcM at A. M. Friends In vited. Intert-n.nl In ML Calvary Camstsry. Services at tue arave private. LiyvrRa The funsral eervlcee ef Mrs. Marsaret Lammtri will b. held at tne family residence. 4WT Montsomery sc. at 3 P. M. tomorrow (Sunday), March 18. Interment In Greenwood Cemetery. Serv ices at ths crave private. XON'rcTH FLORAL CO. M AItUl AM BLDO, ILUKAl DFMU.VS. rneaeai Mala Hut; A 1101. Dunn Ins A alcKntee, Fnneral Directors, 1th aod rinaa. Pbon. Uln 410. Laaiy as- eiatant. OKlee .f Cenaty Coroner. t-DWAKU UOLMA.V CO., Funeral DlrecU ra, 2X4) 3d si. Lady aaeUtant. Phons M. SOT. J. p F1VTLET A SOX. Sd and Madlaa Lady attendant. I'hone Main . A 13i. EAST MDK F-aneral Directors, succea (. i. a. bunnlns, Ine. E. SI. B 1318. EBJCSOS CO. rndrrlakera. Latly aastat- aaL 418 Alder. M. SI 3. A Z-SA. EET.LER-UYKNES CO Funeral Director-. 8D1 Williams ave- both phones; lady asst. LKRCII. rarlertalter. cor. Kaat Alder and Sixth. Laat 1S1. it 1888. Lady aaaUtant, OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICB CITY HALL Mala 808. A 1589. HI MAXK OFIICER. EAST 4774 Hnraa Ambulance. A ami; pr. Ex. 4. Mrhts. Sundsys and Holidays. A BIOS; Pr. Et. 4; Trunk l. KW TODAY. 1v .- . h-'-v e.i-,; V a,... ... -a, - x-.w alx.room modern bunsalow. lot 80a 10O and handy to Ockley Green Grammar School aod Jefferson Hlh Hch.iol, sood car service, a fine home, reception hall TxS. front room lHual. beautiful fireplace, dln-Inr-room line IS. window seat, paneled wall, beamed csllln; kitchen with wood lift .nrloaad tank, cantry with cupboards. shelvlns. bins, sink and fins cooling- system, bsck poroh screened and door to basement, S bedrooms snd bath on flrat floor. Imita tion t'.le walls, firal-ciaas oaio uiiui". hMam on second floor, basement with ce ment floor. wah trays, full-sited screens to Uehed. cement walks around house, shade trees set. cement wam nuu cuw i . -.t -.1 ato. Thla is near Pat- ton ava. and Jcsaup St.. snd for quick sale 1330, with 1100 cash, balance terms, party buylnr acraasa THK UAW-rCAK niflfia j I. 1G3 Fourth at. Main S3. A l.VQ. Cook &Tay!ors Specials Zf fff WareJaooae Site, looxiso, IpDleUUV with trackage, on lath street. (War (-.-Jrt Aparse-a - Hottaa Site, tPOOiUULI loth rt, corner, near Co lumbia, freaent im provement, flats, brlngr Inir good Income. Fart caeb, balanca terms. nr AAA Werehonse Site, loozioo. OaCDlUUU w 1 1 b trackage. Kilt Side. Very desiraoie. at-; CArt A part meat Ilotsse, pay dlDlOUU Inn H per cent net on Investment, completely furnished, piano Includ ed. Only 7-mlnute walk from postofflce. Part cash, balanoe to suit. COOK & TAYLOR 40 1-84-5 Lewla malar., 4tm and OakSta. A GOOD INVESTMENT tr. Thava a new modern flat building: In Holladay'a Arid, on the East Side, rear the Intersection of two carllnes. Hard-surface pavement In and paid for. This Is a fine building, divided Into four 4-room apartments, having lnrg-a prlvte porchee both front and rear, hardwood floors, tile baths and all modern conveniences strictly up to date: all rented at a rental that paya a clear net profit of 10 per cent on the total ntir.-hnse Drlca. or 1 per cent net on the amount of money It takes to handle this. This will pay useii out, and Is a safe Investment for any ona mantinar income-bearlna? property con stantly Increasing In value In this growing city. F. E. BOWH A1 ate CO, rntr-eemad and Hraae. E IVtS SKB ARDEVn'AI.D BEFORE BUYIXO A HOME BITE. AO OTHER inClllrlM RECESS ART. KMPP at RACKET, IIS aad SIS Board of Trade Bids. Irvine ton Home aaav Brand new, -rwell and Btrlctly mod- ern lntr --Dorch. den, furnace. fireplace, L-i d.i..w.AnM Kaaar-. a-sail lrt tr tun A all pan 1UC1 U1'I1II-' V.., a,-.... ---"(- saaa ber latest improv-amenta, 1000 below ota al Lue. Price 6 0U, iuv cuMn ana mthly pay menu If desired mo GRr$I -ft IADOW, Board f Trade Bldg 4th and Omk. sir i. Tabor Bargain 150x100, high and sightly, small dwell ing; irulL only ouu. C. St. MAGX7TRE, r.mrne-rc-lal Bids- 140 Va aaklaato. ft. MORTGAGE LOANS rrrf icrf D, Join n. a tan -a -a, I r O SO-4 SraUaUBa; BUc .0 J U jrtrpy today. TUALATIN VIEW PARK "Where else can you buy a lot on the West Side for $500 with graded streets and city "water f Only 3 blocks from Portland Heights car. With a fine view. Call up the office and made an appointment for Sunday. t& KEASEY nUMASONJEfFERY D 232 Chamber of Commerce, Business Property. Leased at $1680 Annually. $20,000 ' 4 flats in excellent location, bringing in $1320 annually. Price S15.000 $5000 cash, balance 5 years, 6 per cent. Never a vacancy. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. Some Excellent Land Buys 3000 acres in fruit belt of Yamhill County. 1300 acres in Benton County; snap. 480 acres, Yamhill County; best ever. 162 acres in Linn County. 480 acres in Baker County; part under ditch. 352 acres at a special bargain in Yam hill County. 25-acre fruit farm in Linn County at a bargain. We have many fine bargains -which trill make you money, as we handle lands all over the state. Call and see us if you want a good buy, or care to sell. BRONCSTEELE CO. Ground Floor Lewis Building, Corner Fourth and Oak Streets. SACRIFICE $500 under market. Must have cash at once. 100x100, 2 blocks from new Jefferson High School, 1 block from Mr. Phone owner today, C 1106, or Ail 869, Oregonian. 200 Acres On Oregon Electric, one mile from frervais. all clear, eood land and ready for subdivision. Low price to early purchaser. W e bold in trust and must gelL MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY RIVERDALE BEST BUY 3 acres. Price? Superb View. See us. " Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce $15,118 WAREHOUSE SITE 100x100 S. E. corner TE. Sd and Clay ta. This Is on solid ground, ona block south ot Hawthorne a LEONARD BROS, IT raambrr af Commrrra. 15 WAREHOUSE SITES Near Hawthorne bridge. Best track age In city; $36,000 cash will handle entire tract. Y tit Oresonian, SPECIAL NBW TODAY. RIVERDALE HOME at Ewahwe Station on the S. P. 17 minntes out, a modern home in the prettiest country residence section out of .Portland. $5000 Cash Handles This Is One of the Nicest Homes in This Exclusive Section. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332" Chamber of Commerce. 22,000 Acres Located in Eastern Ore gon, near railroad. 3000 acres sown to wheat. SOO acres of alfalfa. Fine for colonization. Also small tracts. Geo., Korlhnip 411 Spalding Bldg., Marshall 3066. Portland, IRVINGTON $4800 The best flye-room bungalow In Iry. Ingrton. Flna location among fine homes, one block from carline. Has all modern conveniences; large porches, hardwood floors, beam ceilings, fire place, furnace, Dutch kitchen; lawn frraded and seeded. All ready to move nto. "We can sell this place on easy terms. S3250 100x100, quarter block, facing east and south, on 21st and Siskiyou sts. This Is a very desirable quarter and is a good Investment; J 300 will handle tnis. f. e. nomiAX co.. Cor. 23d Hd.BraiM. C 2332, B $700 for Half Acre Irving Street Extension All in Garden, Rich Soil This Is the one garden spot of East Elde. near to carline, the whole district well improved, each acre a paradise to make a home of. For chickens, fruit, flowers and garden truck these acres excel. All we aek you to do is to look at them. The title is per fect and we will sell these on terms with easr monthlv Dayments. You may now have your choice. We have only 30 ot tnem ana tney are now oiierea for sale for the first time. Come to our office and let us show you these H acres. CLOHESSY& McGUIRE 618 AblnatOEB BldK PliODPS Main 1068, A 1H6. If You Can Afford A $2o,000 home in Irvington, I -want you for a neighbor and will sell yon my home for just a few thousand less than that sum and build a larger home adjacent for myself. A full quarter black, 100x100, with beautiful lawn, all improvements in; house strictly modern and construction, arrange ment, finish, etc, are of the very best. Can arrange some terms. M 862, Oregonian. Park Street Splendid Hotel Site 100x100 S. E. Corner Park and Main. Owner 414 Mill St. Marshall-1195 The one BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE residence property of the city. SEEING IS BEJLIEViy.G BETTER fo and see the many CHOICE resl ences under construction and the im provements going on. The Orefion Real Fstats Company GRAND AVE. AND MLLT.tUrIAB ST. COOK & TAYLOR'S SPECIALS Headquarters for well-selected small farms, irrigated and non-Irrigated or chard lands, general frnlt and garden tracts. Acreage of all sizes, and in all locations for the homeseeker. Prices and terms. See as before going else where. COOK afc TAYLOR, 4Q2 i IK Leva la Bids., 4th and Oak Sea. Do You want a' quarter block (100x100) In the best part ol irvington on wnicn 10 build your own home? "Will sell you one adjoining my new nome at tne right price if yon will erect a good home on same this Summer. Ala Sol, Xregonlan. FOB SALE INCOME PROPERTY Pays 1! per cent on money Invested. ITlCe f 46UU, aiiuv cua WlU uaaajujto. BAHSES, OUT Conch BIdX. Mala TOUR MONET'S WORTH. Five-room modern house: fine attlo and basement; furnace; variety of fruit and roses. Very cheap. Call or ad dress 60 Tillamook street. TOR SALE. B0 feet of ornamental Iron fanes; price A. Undsley. 3 Sherlock bids. Holladay s Addition NKW TOO AT. A DAT Hf THE COniTRT. EVERYBODY GOES TO Chehalem Mountain Orchards Tomorrow JEFFERSON-STREET DEPOT. TRAUT LEAVES 7t40 A. RETURX IXQ AT 6:03 P. M. Phone Marshall BB or A 4227 before 9 P. M. and make arrangements to go. Everything provided lor. FIFTEEX MILES FROM PORTLAND. 10 Per Cent Down $3 an Acre Monthly FIVE AND TEN-ACRE TRACTS. Soli and location unsurpassed. Elevation and drainage excellent. Averag-e yearly precipitation 42 inches. Water Abundance of cool, mountain spring water. Natural beauty finest Imaginable. Ride to Portland by S. P. R. R. one hour. Prices moderate; terms of contract most liberal and one which can be saslly carried by any one with moderate Income. While you are working in the city your orchard is being cared for and developed. When you have paid one-half of your principal the orchard will pay the rest. Your money back If you become dissatisfied, with 5 per cent Interest. For catalogue or more Information see or write F. J. ROSENBERG SELLING AGENT. 613 I.ombrrmrna Bldg. GREENDELL PARK Now on the Market LOTS $300 AND UP Adjoining Irvington Park, 33d and Holman. Alberta car; cement walk from car to tract; no gravel, view of mountains. Bull Run water, restric tions, eaasy terms. No better Invest ment In Portland. See this tract be fore buying. Agent on the ground Sun days. O SB TURN BROS., 603 McKay Bids. Phone Main 6229. BEAUTIFUL SITE FOR HOM About 3 acres, J minutes ' walk from Council Crest carline. Fine view, whicli cannot be obstructed. For sale by JOHN BAIN 505 Spalding Building. Home Telephone 7442. 23 THOUSAND is a couple of thousand dollars more than It will taKe to Duy my nome in the choice part of IRVJNGTOX. In points of completeness, arrangement, conveniences, finish and decoration you will find nothing better for the price. You may pay one-third, one half or all cash, but the price will 4e precisely the same, and will not be cut one cent, x BbJ. uregontan. 8-room house, 221 and Kearney. Call 605 Selling Building. First-Class 60-Acre Orchard For Sale or for Rent This orchard has 3000 apple trees and produced 13,000 boxes of apples last season, xae orcnara also tins mu xvoyaat Anne and Bing cherry trees 12 years old, also about 60 Winter pear trees. The orchard can be bouarht or rented on very reasonable terms. Y 854, Ore gon ian Ladd Addition luaiKa mow uuuoc, II V. . . . j ... . w . for hl home. Modern in every way; lv4 blocks from car. Reduced from $8500 to $7600; terms. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. BEAT. ESTATR DEAI-EHS. l3ck. William O.. 112 ratlins bids. blrr.Il. A. H. Co.. S02-I McKay bids. Bsat tnauranca. morttataa. loans, ata. Brnbakar A Banedict. B02 McKay bids, 1L S48. Chapin oa Harlow. 882 chamber Commas- i coa. R. fi. A Co.. 60S Corbatt blda. Jetmlnss A Co.. Idala 188 it Orasonlaa, PALMtK-JONSB -wV. U. auaas- clal Club bids. Th. Orson Baal Kstat. Co.. Grand sta, aaa Hnltnomah st. (Holladay Addition.) H. m. THOMPSON CO.. cor. th and OaJl sta REAI, ESTATE. ""For Sale tots. LOT In Parkhurst, value 1S50; will take 1250 for my equity, bal. of 8380 on E. Z. terma Phon. JBlllott. Main 8570 or Tabor 2348, or Sunday B 1258. oTzlOOBest corner on Mt. Tabor; 91000. easy terms. L. B. THOMPSON A CO., "West ave. and Division st. Tabor 2163. APARTMENT or residence site. 50x100, K. Salmon and 2th. C Zollinger. SIS Cor bett bldg. FUN'S) oorner, 8 lots, Rose City Park district, for sale by owner at a bargain. Call 810 Board of Trade. Pbone Marshall 88. LOT In Falrmount Add., $300; 8200 cash, easy payments on ths rest. See owner, X-tj. So. st. r. orui. fOR SALE -Lot 40x100, on 23d and Ore gon; sewer, water and gas In; 2 blocks from car; llOOQ. East 6-18. , VANCOUVER. WASH. Several best business corners for sala Owner. A SSB. oregonian. ADJOINING Mt Tabor Park. 158x115; vlow property; on car line; sau cuu, j E0 LOTS In live Coast city for timber or acreage, will assume. Benson a Chapman. 806 Mercnants i run mu.. FINE Inside lot m Irvington at bargain U taken at once; $1450. terms. Deal with owner. B 861. Oregonian. SEVERAL desirable residence lots; pressing obligation compels sacrifice. Owner. 1030 Urana nortn. Koae City Park lot- O Oregonian. i LOTS in Hyde Park, between Skldznora and Prescott, ror - - $15.000 60x100 APARTMENT site. West T n-.i, r.nr (I 8.17. Oregonian. WILLAMETTE River frontage cheap; $500 will swing it. jacimc. LOTS in Lenta, $10 down, $5 monthly. Own- er. AJ aaui urBrjom. FINE lot. Archor Place, cheap for cash. Owner. Alt 835. Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. GOOD BT7SIXESS CORNER. EAST 61CS. 3500 for short time will boy choice business corner 60x100. on Bast bldo. There Is a splendid 9-room house on ths lot at present, one-half of which Is rent ed for 25 per month. Owner lives In other half. Can put this house on rear ot lot, leaving ample space tor large Jut nesa bouse tn front. Adjoins solid oloca ot business houses; (1200 will handle. HARGROVE AND SONS. 123 th st. North, eor. 6th and GUsan. Main 3S1. A T-59. CHEAP MOUNT TABOR LOTS. $1000 each. 65xS2: two fine view lots on E. 72d street, near Baseline road; choice restricted district. This 110 feet frontage suitable for I houses. H. COFFIN. P. 0. Box Sll, i WEST eiDB, 12t0. terms l- cash, a lot where yon can walk to the P. O. In 15 minutes: a lot from which you can for ever see the world, where your friends will be clad to come and sit on your front porch on a Sunday afternoon and 1 wholesomely entertained by the magnifi cent view of the mountains and rivers nd In the evening by the beautiful il luminated city. Moreover, this lot Is prso tlcally flat and Is in a restricted resi dential district. It la only once In a long while that there Is a buy Uks this. S 850. Oregonian. 100x100. 3000. This beautiful sightly piece of proPfT'J Is located between East 34th and S5ttt streets, on East Madison. This Is abso lutely the best buy In this section. Think of It. Improvements all paid to date; halt cash will handle it. Don't delay, 11 WlU elL See HAWTHORNE- REALTY CO., Or the owner, 207 E. 35th St. "WHY PAY RENT T Tou can select your lot in the choicest district of East Side, pay 10 per cent cash and start your building; we will accept a second mortgage for our security, pay able 2 per cent monthly: a 15 per cent dis count to builders this month. Phone Main 1503. A 1.M5. Ask for Mr. Delahunty. Af ter T P. M.. Woodlawn 2997. . CHEAPEST LOTS IM PORTLAND. Have 6 lots that are cloaein, only S miles from Burnslde bridge; good carline, best Improvements In city. Including as phalt pavements, east and west frontage: . by paying cash you can buy these lots for about J600 each. There Is $40u profit oa every lot to you. R 858. Oregonian. 100 CASH SECURES 2 nice lots, 100 front by 70 deep. 80 ft. st., water in; no restrictions; fine for small houi-e, 770 takes both, bal. monthly, close to Rose City Park car; fine for in vestment: buildings going up on adjoining lots: call today. Jas. C. Logan, 828 Wash. St., room 404. FROM OWNER. 1S0 cash, balance ilO a month. ptr cent interest; a nice corner lot, cemona LaI'rELHTJRST. ONLY 900. A chance to build Just the home yon want. Dr. H. K. Lacy. SOPH Belmont St. ONE acre with fruit trees, nice little grove, S-room plastered house, water piped in house; adjoining highly developed section near end of Hawthorne-ave. carline. Call Guthrie, A llorf or Main ow. with you. today to show you tomorrow (Sunday) 20 lota adjoining Baaumaul Add. 12 tots in Rose City Park. Bloch Realty Co., 221 Lumbermens bids'. Lots $50. on 52d and W. Stark, on oar llne; easy terms; greatest buy ever IerE1MPIRH REALTY TRUST CCA. 402 Yeon Bldg-. Marshall 349. tlLAn JT At-WJ. AAbi i. Xye Creek Beach, at Newport, Oregon, Rlirhtly lot in our traot from, f 126 to iaiOO term if desired. Select one now, Whitten & Bryant. 535 Chamber of Com- -a-.TTa a . r -a-i 7T t n IT T T1 Tnorce. jngn jnm t -'-' ADJOINING Kins" Heights, acre tract, ex clusively for homesites; land lies level wlta line view and beautiful trees; some tracta on carline, others near; carline now In; only $3000 and $3500 per acre; terms. R 853, Oregoni-an. IXVTS IN TRAT7TMANS ADDITION. 50 by 100 feet, price $4n0, terms $25 cash, balance $10 per month. 6 per cent Interest. Abstract with each lot. James X Ogden, 848 Mississippi avenue. Wood- lawn aw; .two. 60x100, high, level, cement walks, curb ing and all improvements, for $550 cash, which Is 8300 below value. Phone owner, Marshall 674. SNAP. ROSE CITY PARK. Cheapest 100x100 corner; price 14S0. Including Improvements, terms. Q 838, Oregonian. . FOR SALE Quarter block. Hancock-St. Addition, southeast corner 35th and Schuy ler. Price $1750, cash $350, balance $40 mo. and Interest 6 per oent. D 804, Ore- gonlan. ttt 17 IT DT W T (ITT TTS! 3 fine lots on Brooklyn St., near 2th, price $1700. $570 cash and $20 per month. 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON lot, facing east, near Knott St. and Irvington carline. $1300; $75 paid on Improvements; this is a choice lot and way below surrounding values; owner must selL Phone Main stu. Fine corner 50x100. one block south of Hawthorne and west of 33d St.; a very tine building site. Owner, Main 1802, A 7235. TITLE & INVESTMENT COMPANY. INC.. OREGON CIT5. OR. Clackamas County lands and lots ab stracted from the records; prices right. John W. Loder. president. IRVINGTON PARK SALE. $45 buys 50x100 in this beautiful tract. See it today. Howard Land Com- pany. 4-0 awetianq .piug. 2 LOT9 in Rose City Park; improvements all In and paid for; close to car and In best district; $625 each. C. De Young, 432 WILL sell at a bargain 60x7o-foot lot, on E Salmon St.. west of 18th st.; It will pay you to look this up. G 855. Oregon- tan.. runii1 uuiw-.. - -- . Homes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts aasl acreaae: all parts of heights, ail views anrl Eric's: some bargains. Main S551. A SaJ. TWO lots. Myrtle Park station. Mount Scott car; small nouse; unco ovv, . Phone Elliott, Main 6570 or Tabor 234. (Sunday. B 1258. FOR SALE Hancock-Bt. Addition, Schuy ler St., DeiWfWtt wiu - Price $850. $85 cash, balance $20 month and Interest a per canu n w' "a 12O0 DOWN. 100x100, 25 blir fruit trees. Call owner ana save $200. Sellwood 1872. For Sale Itouses. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Seven-room house and reception Ball. X block from car; cement basement, tubs, riirnara fireplace, pantries, large attic ana Porch; unobstructed view; $0500. $1200 cash secures, balance terms to suit. Phone Main 4428. Owner. . "NEARUNION AVE. AND ALBERTA. Strictly modern, brand new 7-room resi dence, turnace. laundry trays, full con crete basement, also floor concreted, con crete walks around house and in front of lot: everything flrst-class; price $3250; GODDARD & WIEDRICK. $43 Stark St. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, swell 7-room bUngalOW, JUBk tUlUiH.lCU, " lloors, sleeping porch, built-in bookcase, fireplace, polished floors upstairs, full ce ment basement, level 60x100 lot, 1 block from W. car; price $6500; $1000 cash will handle. For particulars phone room 11.. mcv" ..v.q. FOR SALE Brand new four-room house with pantry and closet; also good wood house; on lot BOxlCO; hydrant water; price $1250. on terms, $300 down, the rest $15 monthly Including Interest. In quire of owner at 1033 E. Salmon st. 6-ROOM house, full cement basement, porcelain bath. 60x100 cor. lot. $1850; about $1300 cash: 8. W. oorner E. 13th st. N. and Mason. Owner, A 4223, 7 A. M. to 10 and 2:30 P. M. to T. SAVE agents' commission by buying my modern home among the firs. S large airy rooms, broad veranda, 2 blocks, from car, near school and churches; $1850; terms. Tabor i61. . 60x100 LOT and 4-room house at Firland station, on Mt. Scott carline: price $1300, E Z. terms. Phone Elliott, Main 6570 or Tabor 2348, or Sunday B 1258. - PORTLAND HEIGHTS. For sale by owner, 7-room modern house, 1 block from car. Main 8S3. UNCOMPLETED five-room house; stable, chicken yard: Clark's station, Mt. tscott line; $1600; easy terms. G 85a, Oregonian. A