THE MORXIXG OREGONTAX. FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1911. . :,;y...v J-- Extra IRaege ' Special! miiHiii.'mwM!iianiiiiwiiiii ifflitgwawwimilWsMlsy .to your home on these easy terms Pay . this is all D own 9 at W elk and the 54 Piece Dinner Set Free! In addition to our easy terms of a DOLLAR DOWN and a DOLLAR A WEEK, we make a further inducement to leave your order NOW! With each range sold we are enabled to give ,a fine 54-piece Dinner Set in hand some floral design or a plain white and gold. The range factory donates these for advertising purposes. These sets are in semi-porcelain, worth $7.50. IPlTlC of the Range Delivered to Your Home Free for Just One Dollar Down There 'are no strings to this propo sition it is a bona fide offer. Your money back, too, if you are not satisfied. Why Geviirtz Sells the Cheapestr - WcBay 'ra tnnnewe Qsantltlwfiruttt full Uric&i LoU. Gevurtz & Son 1st and Yamhill -2d and Yamhill Gpvurtz Bros. E. Bumtide and Union Avenue Where Else is it Possible to Obtain Such Easy Terms? It should prove to you our great confi dence in the range. We know you will be satisfied, and you'll hardly miss the small weekly payments. JBBnWMllUBIMIiyillHIilMWIITnMMIWIMIlia untnuiBa POWER TO BE SOLD High Tension Circuit to Aid Irrigation Pumping. EXTENSIVE PLANS MADE Portias.! Company lo Make Iorje Expeadltarc, Following Ilnylng of Proprrtlrs at Hood River aad llusam. la connection with the pure has of the Hood River Powr Light Com pany at Hood Rlvar anj the liusura Iwwer CompMf at White Silrnn the laetflo Power Light Company of lortlaad mnounrt.! ).irrt)ir It In tention of espendlrd; ll.00.ct In lha envelopment of a distributive system cf alactrtc power alonf the Cjlurobta K:.r for lia miles. Th Hood River plant will ba !n eraaaad from HQ to Jooe horse-power d lha Welt Salpion plant will b enlarced. A cabi will croa th Co Iambi River connecting th two prop erties. Malarial ha. been ordered for high-tension Una bet we. n Huod River an! Th Dalles, tnerebr connecting Hood Rver. Mosler. Whit Salmon and Th Dalles la on circuit, and with th development of both th White -Salmon and Hood River plants this w!U kit arapl power. Sunrtn have bran started and a hl:h-tenion m will b built this Summer from Th Ialles to Vmatllla. Ill mlle Th lln will cross th Columbia to Luton and extend up th Columbia to Kennewlrk. where It will mt th new transmission lln Just eomnleted from Walla Walla to Kannewica. and from Kennewick It win e-o to Pnast Rapids, thus connect ing ail of th compar y a propartlaa and a-tvlne; abocdant power for pamputt for Irritation aad for UsrhtLns; and commercial as. Th biah-tensloa dlstrlhcilns; lines will represent an expenditure of 130.. eoe. whll th Increased power devel pmant at W hlte Hirer. Hood River and Whit Salmon probably will repre sent. another 54.0 Kns;tnrs are maktnr estimates of White aaima of the maximum powar available and It la believed that 10.00 horsepower can b added to the pres ent amount In us between the two towns of Hood River and White Salmon. The building- of the cable across the river and the hich-tensloa line to The Ialles. a distance of 11 miles, will create sufficient power, with all plants worklnic. to meet all of the demands of the notjrhborhood. It Is I art of 'the plans of the company tv furnish for Irrta-xtlon pumping. The bjildtns; of ha line to Utn -itlllo. Luion and Kennewlck and finally to Priest Rapids will give the compan one of the most extensive eloctne I nl.nfa n .1 lnnT.i4l.tnnr. lln.. In tWm l!t "These plans." said President Tal-Jot of the Pacific Power LlRht Com pany, "do not Include our heavier plans for 111. W are rather proud to be able to iret the money at this time of the year to do all the thtnr-i and we know that It will be pleaslnR to the people who are huna-erlne; for power to pump water on tmicabl landa where titer e are no gravity dilcoes." DRIVER SCATTERS CROWD Recklraa Cbaaffcar Hurries on. Af ter Looking Back Once. Death, or at least serious Injury, vu narrowly averted when a speeding chauffeur drove through a crowd at Sixth and 'Washington streets, Wednes day night, knocking down one aged man and driving men and women to cover. Then be put on more power and sped away before he could be Intercepted. With nearly half of the two streets taken op by tne construction of the Wilcox building, the corner of Sixth and Washington baa become a hazardous place for pedestrians, especially as th adjoining blocks are among th busiest In th city. When th homeward-bound crowd was at Its greatest, th unidenti fied driver went south on Sixth street, at high speed, and Jammed Into a huddle of pedestrians and vehicles. All fled to safety except H. H Duff, an elderly man. who was thrown heavily against a wagon, receiving severe bruises and suffering the destruction of a suit of clotting. One man escaped being run over by Jumping Into another automobile. The driver looked backward for an In stant, aad then sped on his way. His number, taken by Detective Maher. was 2j7. It was found that the car belongs to M. Bards 4t Sons and a John Doe war rant was Issued. Names of many witnesses were taken, and if the driver Is found the prosecut ing of floe r will press upon th court til necessity for a sever sentence. WIVES SEEK DIVORCES MRS. JULIA E. HOLTS TELLS OP HCSBAXD'S CRUELTIES. Cough Stop is sure. Plummet's, J .Tfclrd street. Levi Kolts Accused of Beating- Son to Extent That Latter Is Now Alleged Xcnrom Wreck. Charging her husband with being re sponsible for the physical wreck of their l-year-okl son and of maltreat ing all the members of the family. Mrs. Julia B. Kolts has started suit In the Circuit Court for a decree of absolute divorce from Levi Kolts. According to the complaint which wae filed yester day, the husband has been In the habit for years of becoming Intoxicated, and while in that state of attacking mem bers of the family In a shameful man ner. Mrs. Kolts declares that her husband had kicked and beat her frequently, and on one or two occasions had knocked her down on the sidewalk. The young son. Arthur J. Kolts. she avers, was also an object of attack of the husband and father, having bean so badly knocked around that ha Is now a nervous wreck, requiring constant attention day and night. A daughter. Ethel J. Kolts. has also bean abused in a heartless manner, declares Mrs. Kolts. In addition to this treatment, the wife says that her hus band has applied harsh epithets to each member of the family. The principals were married In Grand Rapids. Mich.. May 28. 1892, and re moved to Oregon a few years sgo. Christina Shaw Is another wife who has found married life anything but pleasant, according to a complaint filed In the Circuit Court yesterday. She Is seeking a divorce on the grounds of cruel snd Inhuman treatment, alleging that her husband. Thomas Shaw, gets drunk, calls her bad names and accuses her of being unfaithful. They have a son, Albert Paul Shaw, 13 months old. The wife asks for the custody of the child' and alimony of 140 a month. The Shews were married at Vancou ver. Wash., July 30, 1S06. FILM FEATURES PLEASING Star Theater Comedy Idea Meets With Popular Approval. The iPeoples Amusement Company scored a triumph Wednesday In Its new policy of adding more pictures In the Arcade, Oh Joy. Odeon and Tlvoll Thea ters. An especial hit was made at the Star Theator by a programme devoted entirely to comedy. There was no problem to solve, just plain merriment and one solid hour of mirth. "Com rades." "All for Love of a Lady" and "Actress and Singer" will be retained until Sunday. "A Problem of the Slums" will be the pictorial feature Sunday and this will serve to Introduce a vocal and Instrumental trio from New York. "Oh, Tou Teacher," the comedy fea ture at the Arcade proved that -It too realised that in days of sunshine people want to laugh. But four othes films showed clan all through. Sunday the Arcade management will spring an ar tistic vocal surprise. Another film has been added to the Arcade, making the show here 3000 feet long. The same Is true of the Oh Joy Theater, where the "Code of Honor" and "Snake in the Grass" were the dramatic features, and "Max Feet 'Pinched " and "Whiffles Love Story" were the comedies. The Odeon offered S00O feet of good clear stuff. Four pictures were on at the Tlvoll. on the East Side. This theater pre sented a clever vltograph comedy, "Betty as a Maid." By request the programme also contaned "A Decree of Destiny," a blograph success, besides two more light farce comedies. Post Offered Corrallis Woman. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE. Corvallis, -Or.. March 16. (Spe cial.) Miss Anna Bell Lee, secretary of the Y. W. C A., has been offered the presidency of the International Student Volunteer Association, which will assemble in annual convention next April. . R. A. McConnell, Y. M. C. A. secretary; L E. Glllett, C. A. Dickey, and J. C. Bonner, officers of the local association, have Just re turned from the State Students' Asso ciation Officers' conference, at Dallas, where they took a leading part In the deliberations of that body. In the absence of Government statistics showing the number of American factor ies which have established branches In Can ada, the Montreal Star, after a careful can vass, reports a list of no less than 184. with a combined estimated capital of $233,000,000. Your If so, there are germs at work right at the roots of the hair. The best thing to do? Destroy these germs, every one P m of them. Any hair medicine made that rl a 1 1 will do this, and without the slightest harm to the hair? Yes; Ayer's Hair Vigor. You save what hair you have, and you get a new growth besides. Doubtful about this? Then let your Anrinr Hfr!de- Aslc him what he f i j I" ? thinks of Ayer's Hair Vigor. With his v-r 111 approval, you should feel perfectly safe. Does not Color the (Hair Falling J- C- Am Companv, Lowell, I 1 Cottolene is a vegetable product without an ounce of hog fat in it. It is made from the choicest cotton oil, extracted from the seed picked on the fields of the Sunny South. It is a product of Nature, and makes wholesome, digestible, healthful food. Cottolene 'is made in a cleanly matter -from Cottonfield to Kitchen human hands never touch the oil from which Cottolene is made. It is the one high-grade, absolutely pure and perfect cooking fat and far preferable from a health and economiCiStandpoint to lard, cooking butter or any other fat. There is but one Cot tolene we make it. All good grocers sell it. s Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY Nature's Gift from the Sunny South e O