V THE MORXTN'G OREGONIAN", FRIDAY. MARCH 17, 1911. MS TO GIRL'S MURDER GONFUS Detectives Arrest Many SuS' pects, but Woman Fails to Identify Them. CITIZENS AID IN SEARCH ntfotorcjcle Pollnmrn Held Ready to Answer Call on Instant' oflee Department Will Jfot Share Reward. MvTAJLM OrTTRFD TOH CtOLiy tuvu. Detectr. Jo ixur kU last slsnt that ha wlQ par JlOO from hu private ciui t. tae parson ho eaa point ot to htm personally tba v4irtr of Barbara Holsmaa. A Portland aadertaklcg firm, ttio ut of which la withhold br re quest, boa pledged aaothar 1 1 00 (or the eaatsr. of tno Brfrtr. Tbla la In addition to tSOO offered by tbo County of Knltnomah and IiO tRtnd br th City of Portland. Nearly two dar hav. passed sine th. body of - ear-o!J Barbara Holxroan u found In a room la a lodglng-houa. at 10? Ruaaoll street and tbo mystery of tha Identity of tha murdorar Is etlll aa deep aa av.r. Tbo taak of tba pollca department Is to find tha man who rented tba room from Mrs. Barbara Nel son Tuesday morning and It Is a stu penduuus one. Tba man left nothing In th room that would serr. as a clew and thero la no on but Mrs. Nelson who can Identify him. Half a dosan men wera taken befora Mrs. Nelson yesterday but in .very In stance she shook her hea J- Four detec tives. Coleman. Snow. Day and Hyde, worked wltbout cessation, ronnlnj down oTorythlr which might offer a clew to tba Identity of tha renter of tba room. Many Aid In Search. Spurred by horror of tha crime and tha chance, of reaping pecuniary reward, thousands of persons are keeping a cloee lookout (or a man answering the de scription furnished by Mrs. Nelson. Cap tain Moors Instructed bis men to not overlook a sing! clew. Tha first clew that offered was dis posed of wltbout much trouble. W. J. Robinson, of Lenta, declared that a man who bas a criminal record, made by tha commission of a similar crime, might b guilty of tha deed, ss tha description almost tallied with that given by Mrs. Nelson. Infectives Investigated only to find that tba man rn question moved to California with hia family several months ago and has not been In Port land since. A supposition that a man who had mads attempts to commit a crime of a similar nature In Spokane might have come to Portland waa abandoned when Information was received from the Fpokane police by telegraph that the man In question 'iad been captured and ia still In custody. Tha detective department was In formed last night that a man last week went to a grocery store at the corner of Union avenue and Fremont atreet and attempted to aasault a 1S-year-old girl who la In charge of tba place. This man waa aeon a few days aco on Third atreet and bolted Into a doorway when ha saw one of the men who had prevented him from, carrying; out his designs. Renter May Have Been Agent. Tha police believe that the man who rented the room may have acted mere ly aa aa agent for some other person. Detectives Coleman and Snow ar rested Edward B. Ruby early yester day morning, but Mrs Nelson failed to identify him as her patron of Tuesday. Tha same man was arrested later In the day by patrolman Evans ss the result of a complaint by telephone to the effecj, that bo waa annoying small girls along tha South Park blocks. Evans found him drsgrstng by tha hand a email girl wbo gave tho name of Carmellta Cepto. At the atatlon Ruby said ha was a marina engineer and on satisfying tha officers ss to his good character waa allowed to go free. Chief Cos yesterday Instructed Cap tain Baty. of tho day relief, to bold fcta motorcycle squad ready for an emergency call, and Captain Bailey, of tba second night relief, also detailed ono of his patrolmen to tho motor cycle aquad. A woman who yesterday afternoon excitedly telephoned to detective head quarters that shw had Important Infor mation told officers who were aent In hast that a few days ago she bsd seen a man. whose description did not correspond with that of th man who reeled tbo Russell-street room, at tempting to flirt with a 14-year-old girl on tho atreet. Rewards Not for Detectives. -I want It distinctly understood." Bald Captain Moore, last night, "that Bo detective will share In the rewards offered. Any person who csn glvs us Information, even If It Is only a sur mise, leading to a conviction of tba murderer, will receive It all and w will work up th caae If necessary." The detectives ar desirous of hear ing from any person who may know tha slightest thing whlcb might lead to results, stated Captain Moore. Outald. cities and neighboring Ore gon and Washington towns have been furnished with a deecrlptlon of the Bias wbo rented th room and Cap tain Moor has even asked other pollco departments of California and th Northwest to send him data relative to moral degenerateo who hav boon guilty of crlmoa la their cities. Tho funeral of Tarbara Holzman will be held from St. Joseph's Roman Cath olic Church. 44 Fifteenth atreet North, at 10 o'clock this morning. Burial will be In Mount Calvary cemetery. A Jury Impaneled yesterday afternoon wl.l begin aa inquest at the undertak ing rooms of Punning at McEnte at 11 o'clock today. PATENT RIGHTS DISPUTED Concrete Pile Invention Cause of Salt Between Ilrms. Tho Portland Onerst. Pll V Equip ment Company filed In the Federal Court yesterday Its snswar to th com rlalnt Bled against It by the Raymond Concrete File Company. Tbo suit Is on ever patent rights. Ths portlsnd company. In Ita answer, denies thst Alfred A. Raymond Invented t.t. concrete pile, or that tha Invention was brought Into practical use by th Raymond company. It alleges also that patents ktf.uJS and TT.M, bold by the Karvaond company, are void, because th concrete pll had been patented long before these patents were Issued. The Raymond company Is charged also with having put the concrete pile Into public use in Chicago and other places more tbsn two yesrs before Its patents were taken out- Tha Portland concern saya Thomas BU yea and Dave Hlrstel took out a patent August 11, lWu on Improvements to a collapsible pile case, and transferred their patent to the Portland company. PLAYGROUNDS THEIR AI.VI Public Organisations Called to Meet In Lincoln High School. I. H. 'Weir, field secretsry for th Northwest for the Plsyground Aaaocla tlon of America, will speak at s meeting In the Lincoln High School next Mon day night, at which it Is planned to have . r r 1 1 vm m from tha Board of Edu cation. Juvenile Court. People's Insti tute. Jewish Council OI omen, iiiwwic. clubs, snd all other phllsnthropio and public orgsnlsstlons In the city. Mrs. Thomas Hawkesehalrman of th playgrounds committee' of the Oregon Congress of Mothers, and a member of th Playground Association of America, aays the aim Is to secure for Portlsnd a plsyground In connection with every school In tbo city, snd to have at least a part of It covered. In order that tba children may us It In th Winter. "Ladd school Is in my school district, so I am spectslly Interested In having SCETE Or DISCOVERY OF TERETE LE TRAGEDY IN ALB IN A the park used as a plsyground for tbo children of that school."' said Mrs. t i w "What le thev An tramnla tha grass? That Is better than giving th children a recess every day In th base ment. "Wo are building reform schools and penitentiaries and asylums larger every year, while If wa would only go at the V. -ouM and nrooarlv train tho child, tho boy grown to manhood would take caro of himself. We Bop for a large meeting Monday night." ALL BUT TALENT GREEN Press, Club s St. Patr'ck's Day Pro gramme to Be Best. Yet. Nothing that the Portland Press Club has don In th past In th way of a Jinks will bo comparable to the series of spasms which, according to Acting Chairman Fred Vincent, of tba" enter tainment committee, will be exbtblted at Its 8t Patrick's dsy celebration to night. As a top-liner William H. Soules has arranged to cook a big mess of clams. This, alone. Is sufficient to interest the most bias. Next In th way of diver sion. Jimmy McCool and George Mc Cord hav assembled an aggregation guaranteed to be even worse than th famous "Crying Need," Inflicted on th audience at th Press Club show. This aggregation, to th number of II voices, will dispense Irish melodies. Not to bo outdone. Mark Woodruff, of th Orpheum. and Charlea Ryan, of the Grand, have offered the best ther Is on hand, whlls Dillon snd King, of th Lyric, will be there to help along. By coincidence, fct. l-ainca s nay falls on tba club's ladies' day. and tha wives, sweethearts and sisters of ths club membsrs will b admitted to tbo rooma this afternoon from 1 to 4 o'clock, to view th decorations. In ad dition to enjoying an especial treat that ths club bas provided tor them. Tn feature of the afternoon will be the presence ol uss ray suniir, oi iu Baker Stock company. Arrangements have been made for playing the entire scor of th muslo of Cohan's "Little Johnnl Jones" for ths special benefit of Miss Balnter. she having msde her initial appearance with tha stock com pany her In that p.ay. Tonight all th tn embers of th club and all their friends ar Invited to be on hand. OREGON MILITIA PARADES Third Infantry and Ambulance Corps - Cheered on Streets. On of tho best turnouts on record was made lsst night by the Third Ore- son Infantry snd Ambulance company A for a practice march. Assembling at tha Armory at ( o'clock In Bold uni form, the troops, headed by the regi mental band, passed down Morrison street, scross the river, and. after a march of several miles, returned throush ths besrt of ths city. Full turnouts wer reported by commanders of all sis Portland companies. While many recruits bsvs been received in tha reslment sines wsr talk has been In th sir. only well-drilled guards men had a place In tas line. Ths cltlsea soldiers maoe an unusu- ally nne appearance, their alignment being perfect, and the marching In good form. Colonel P. N. Dunbar com manded ths regiment, and ths ambu lance corps was In command of N. B. Marcellus. The battalions wers com manded br Major W. W. Wilson and Captain C. P. Smith. . Crowda of people mronsea uw nam of march through th business streets, and the marchers won much praise by their line appearance and military bear ing. A practlc march covering greater dlstancea and with full fleld outfit Is being planned for some bunaay in ue near future. CARD OF THA. US. Ths family an! relatives of ths lata Mrs. Chas. w. Trudgen desire to ex press their deepest heartfelt thank to their many friends whoso kindly minis try and beautiful floral tributes to our departed loved one will not be forgot ten Mr. t,nea . irvaseo. nr. anu Mrs. J. K. O'tinor. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Urutx. sir. Cbaa. T. Connor, MAN CONVICTED OF KILLING GRILO Mrs. Melber Impassive When Sentence to 20-Year Term Is Given. HER SISTER BRINGS TEARS "Why Didn't Ther Kill Me," She Cries, Then Glares at Former Lover and Vows to Have Him In Prison Before Long. ALB ANT. N. T March 18. A minimum sentence of 39 years at hard labor In Auburn prison, and a maximum of life Imprisonment wss Imposed today by Justice Howard on Mrs. Edith Melber, following her conviction of killing her only child by forcing acid down his throat on the night of January . last. A verdict of murder In the second de gree wss returned by the Jury after two hours' deliberation. After giving the verdict. several Jurors sought John H. Dugan. of Mrs. Melber's counsel, and one of thera ex plained that the Jurors had agreed that th rendering of such a verdict would not keep Mrs. Melber from the Insane asylum If shs is demented, but would operate to prevent her confinement In such sn Institution with the chances of a later discharge on Insanity proceed- "mts. Melber exhibited not the slight est sign of sppreciation of her position as the verdict was rendered snd th sentence pronounced. Later, when her sister, Mrs. Linda Simmons, flung her srms sbout her. the tears csme and shs showed deep grief. - "Why didn't they kill meT" she walled. "I only wish they had taken my life. Fra ready to die." As she wss lesvlng the courtroom her eyes fell upon Howard Kirk, her love for whom, sccording to th theory of th prosecution. Instigated the crime. A flash of anger lightened her usually Im passive features, and she cried: Til have you In Auburn with me be fore long." Kirk smiled, but msde no reply. The crime of which Mrs. Melber was convicted wss ths killing of her 4-yesr-old son. George. In sn out-of-the-way bog on the outskirts of Albany. BLOCK "S" SUIT ANSWERED Total Now Demanded tor Property Is $429,174. Since condemnation proceedings against block S wer begun by the Federal Government to secure the property bounded by Hoyt, OHan. Sev enth and Eighth streets. 11190.77 has been paid by the Espey fcstate Com pany In taxea for tha company s half of ths block, according to allegations In Its answer to the Government s suit. Tho answer was filed In the Federal CouVt yesterdsy. Beside, this the. city has assessed the property 12947 OS for Improvements. It Is alleged, this sum standing as a lien. Tha Espey Estate Company demands that tT. Government pay for the company's portion of the block Andrew C. Smith snd th companies In fer..?. in th. . :v.y.: ,b -,M tne price for their half aa io. m?maklnr a total of 1429.174 for th. block. B.foro th. condemnation pro- DIOCB. .v.. nr.ine.rtv was ceedlngs were - r -' - j- -oa offered to the Oov.ram.nt forjm.OO thf.Ta.afntth. BsW E.tat. Com pany. They hav. a lease on th. west half of the block, at 1150 a month, but th. answer of th. estate company say Ms w" axp.r. before th. "r'at Is ready to tak. ov.r th. property. H00 H00 GO TO EUGENE Derreea to Bej Conferred on CO at Concatenation Tomorrow. Tw.nty kitt.n. will receive a new brand of milk at th. concatenation of " .1 t Kuffene to- color-xl circular ' rt7 th. order. J. B. Magladry. of Eugene, has P'! "Hi "":rthat ther. will be a banquet and may numbers of a novel cnaracior to ths lumber men. . The Portland Hoo Hoo have chartered thro, sleepers snd will leave the city tomorrow morning at l:S0 o clock and remain In Eugene until J:S Sunday morning. Arrangements have been made for th. el.epers to remain on the sidetrack during the session of the order. It is announced thst -degrees will bs conferred upon 10 playful kit tens who are still sprawling In ths land of Nob and who deslro to see the light of Hoo Hoo land." Thero will be a session of th. Ore gon and Washington Lumbsrmen's As sociation tomorrow and ths concatena tion Is held In Eugene for that reason, i ArrtcnKur In Oermany eopporta about la.uu0.00 OX the popalaUaa. SPRING FISHING " , ; -i Salmon Koos, regular -s -'r"'i'?SiiL value, sale price... $1.40 JtT- - ."-- .'.tn j X5v?S value, sale pneo. . ..gu ' '.. ' ..-rttoai. . i r.ml.r 13 00 e-tzZsS---.- -rW' ' &gJj&"2?Z t25i Salmon Heels, regular $2 00 - . ' Balmoa spoons, regular iac vaiuo. v 1 - Salmon Spoons, regular 15c value, sale price six for 2j Salmon ladera, regular 10c value, sale price six for Z-Z Spooa Blades, regular 50c dozen value, sale price, dozen... OJJ Harell Swivels, regular 35c dozen value, sale price, dozen.. ioj Spilt Binge, regular 10c dozen value, sale price six dozen for or Extra Heavy Treble Hooka, salmon size, sale price, dozen.... J Kxtra Heavy Wilson Single Hooka, .almon size, sal. price, dozen. .XS? Spilt Bamboo Bods, regular $11.00 value, sale price 52'JiX Split Bamboo Rods, regular $10.00 value, sal. price SS'is Spilt Bamboo Bods, regular I 6.00 value, sale price Split Bamboo Boda, regular $ 4.00 value, sale price 2-?" Split Bamboo Boda, regular $ 2.60 value, sale price A ' ' SpUt Bamboo Bods, regular $ 1.00 value, sale price..... ..... 1f Fly Hooks, silk body, hollow- point hooks, best quality gut, ail sizes and styles, regular 60c dozen value, sale price, dozen ZJ Get Hooks, single, regular 26c dozen value, sale price, four dozen Gut Hooks, double, regular 40c dozen, sale price two dozen.... Cat Lesdrn, three feet, doubla, regular 15c value, sale price 6 for Zo Cwt Leaders, three feet, single, regular 5o value, sal. price, dozen Got Leader., six feet, single, regular 10c value, sale price, dozen 3o Got Leaders, 2 ft., extra good quality, reg. 10c vaL, sale price 6 for 2oC Pest finality French W illow Fish Baskets, size J, reg. $1.25. sale 1UW Best Quality French W illow Fish B-kets, also 2. reg. $1.60. sa e l.ZO Beat S..ll Frenck w 11 low Flak B-aket . ze . reg. $1.75. sa 81,45 Beat n.llty French Willow Flab. Baaketa, s ze 4. reg. $2.00. sale 81.65 Best Quality French Willow Fl-h Baskets, size 6, reg. $2.25, sa e 81.95 Best Quality French W illow Flan Baaketa, size 6. reg. $2.50. sale 82.15 "7t. w" b and Leather B-.ket Strap., reg. 85o value, sale price 20t Marti.-. Enameled silk Ll-e, 60 yards. $1.60 value, safe pr e. 75t Mart i'l Ln.meled Silk Lln 60 yards. $1.25 value, sa e price o M.W. Enameled Silk Line, 60 yards. $1.00 value, sale price 50 Martin's Oiled Silk Line, 60 yards, 60c value, sale price oC Oresos Spinners, regular 26c value, sale price three for. .. ..... -. Improved Oregon Spinner, regular 25c value sale price three for 25 Colorado Splo.ers, regular 25c value sale price three for ,.2 Hasting -od Flaklsg Costa, regular $4.00 value, sal. price fjf.SO Hunting and Flahlna; Coats, regular $3.00 value, sa e price 82.00 Hnntlag and Flaking Coats, regular $2.60 value, sa e pr ce 8 1.75 Hnatlna: sud Fl.hlng Coats, regular $2.00 value, sa e price 5J'5" Hunting and Fl.hlng Coata. regular $1.50 value, sale price $1.00 BIG HEDfCTlO.Y IX ALL FISHING TACKLE. BEAL'S GUN STORE Store Open 7t30 A. M. Close 6 P. M, Saturday 10 P. M. 44H Third Street, Between Pine and Aah. BANK SUSPECT CAUGHT MAX OX ROOKPIL4B IS WANTED FOB KAXSAS CRIME. Guarded Manner of "Bab" Carney Is His Undoing, for It Puts Detectives on Mettle. "Bab" Carney, alias Dan Minor, said to bo the last of a gang of five men who robbed a bank at Beattie, Kan, November , 1910, to be arrested. Is serving six months on tho Llnnton rockplle for having burglar v tools In his possession. Carney was arrested January 27 at Fourth and Alder streets by Detectives Hellyer and Maloney. The finest layout of skeleton keys, known In burglar parlance as "screws." that was ever exhibited in the Tortland detective department was found on his person. Captain of Detectives. Moor, conduct ed a rigid Investigation of Carney. In the belief that he was a much-wanted man. Carney matched his wits against th. detectives when he was questioned and deftly parried all queries that might have incriminated him. He took the tack of experienced and shrewd criminals in leaving the detectives to make the case against him themselves. But his guarded manner waa his un doing, for It convinced ths department that he was not an ordinary "pickup" and after ho was sentenced to the rock pile for-six months the detectives con tinued their search for Information that might Identify him with other crimes. Th. widest publicity was given Car ney through police periodicals and other means, the result being that Kansas City detectives and Federal of ncers who had dealt with Carney rec ognized his photograph and description and he eventually was picked out as the fifth member of the gang that robbed tho Beattie bank, who was at large. Sheriff Sullivan, of Marysville, Kan, was communicated with and he Imme diately telegraphed Captain Moore for a photograph and description of Car- I: 14 V Dan Carney, Alias Dan Minor, Wanted la Kansas, Sow Serv laa; Sentence Here. nev. Th. ohotorphs and description wers sent and the Sheriff said he would send a like exchange for comparison, but the . description and picture evi dently went astray, as Captain Moore has telegraphed dally this week advis ing th. Sheriff that they hav. not reached him. Information was received yesterday that Carney had been identified as one of the bank robbers and had also been arrested by postoffice authorities in Nebraska, y but was subsequently re leased. An officer with requisition pa pers from Kansas is expected to com. after Carney when his sentence on the rockplle expires. - Kansas Sheriff Conn,dent. KANSAS CITY, March IS. fSpeclal.) "Bab" Carney, with two other men, iras arrested at the outskirts of Marys villa last Summer, suspected of having robbed several postoffices In small towns In Nebraska, but was later re- leased, as the charge against him was SALE OF TACKLE Salmon Bods, regular $7.00 Ml 1 value, sale price. . 4.0 t M Salmon Rods, regular eo.ov value, sale price... fX.o Salmon Reels, regular 15.00 .ISsSt vaiua. sale price... S1.60 value wo iJ'"-"f---" Salmon Spoons, regular 25a 1 ,, 1a HOZ ., l H,n" tl.OO not proved. Sheriff Sullivan is confi dent that Carney 1$ the fifth man in the gang that robbed the Beattie bank. The trials of the other four men ar rested, Henry Hoerr, Neil Mulcahy. , i u..tnard and Frank Wheel er, all of whom are In Jail here except ing Wheeler, who Is out on $2000 bond, will be held at the May term of court. POPULARITY IS BLAMED Klamath Accuser Well Known. Change of Venue Asked. KLAMATH FALLS. March 16. (Spe cial.) Attorney C. M. O'Neill, repre senting J. D. Carroll, accused of larceny by bailee, asked Circuit Judge Benson Tuesday for a change of venue for his client to Lake County. Th. cas. grew out of a verbal ar rangement between J. Frank Adams and Carroll over the handling of a band of sheep. Adams alleged that he agreed with Carroll to take blooded sheep on shares and divide the profits and that some of the animals were dis posed of and the money retained by Carroll. The Jury wrestled with the case for $6 hours and could not agree. Mr. Adams Is a wealthy pioneer of the south end of this county. Car- roll cam. here six years ago as a promoter to build electrio railroads through the Klamath Valley. He pur chased a large amount of property In the county, Including some of the finest ranches. He was Involved in a number of lawsuits all of which were won by him. In his request for a change of venue it is set forth that his accuser is so widely acquainted in Klamath County that It will bo dif ficult to obtain a non-partial jury. FRUIT EXPERT TO SPEAK Professor Lewis to Give) Demonstra tion In Pruning. Port!nnd people who are interested in fruit culture are arranging to go to Estacada tomorrow to witness the pruning demonstration to be given by Professor C. I. Lewis, of the Oregon Agricultural College. Professor Lewis Is recognized as the highest authority on th. subject in this part of the coun- try. It Is expected that a large delegation rlua I TRIED EVERYTHING? SURELY NOT If you had, yon would have stopped the pain and the limping. It is a mighty hard case that this tried, old-time remedy won't alleviate after a few applications. All druggists, 25c and 50c IT CONQUERS PAIN S3 w I Tho 5c Bottle Contains 3 Times aa Mnch as tho 25c Size m.i,,mr,iowiiii't!mtTmimiiircnmmrwMnTC SMMsliTfTllniirTi rrn - ,.t,,.,i imhi itti.uinmini TELLS US HOW TO GET RID OF BAD COLDS AND GRIPPE IN FEW HOURS Yon Must Surely Try This tha Next Time You Have a Se vere Cold or a Touch of Grippe. Tou can surely end Grlpp. and break bp th. most severe cold either in head, chest, bade, stomach or limbs, by tak ing a dose of Pape'a Cold Compound every two hours until three consecutlv. doses sr. taken. It promptly relieve, th. most miser erabl. neuralgia pains, headache, dull ness, head and nose stuffed, tip, fever Ishness. sneezing, sore throst, mucous catarrhal discharges, runnlns of th. Toll & Gibbs, he Morrison at Seventh Portland's Most Dependable Home and Office Furnishing Service The Products of the World's Foremost MaKers Are Splendidly Represented in the Display" of Every Section Ebqpogitioo Days In the and Apparel 'Sections are featuring the acKnowledged lead ing styles and materials in Two-Piece and Three-Piece Tailored Suits, Gowns, Dresses, Coats, Waists and Accessories Correct copies of models from the most distinguished European de signers. Fine Tailored Suits from Max M. Schwarcz &. Co., Julius Stein &. Co. and other well -Known maKers of New York. Popularly-pricedTailored Suits and Dresses that show distinctiveness in styles and materials. Tailored Suits from $20.00 to $75.00 Waists Plain tailored and fancy the most charming effects and the prettiest materials. ' Lingerie Waists, .Marquisette Waists, SilK Waists, Chiffon Waists, Colored SilK Waists. "Standard" Waists shown exclus ively in Portland here. Many Arrivals Noted in 'The Furniture New patterns and finishes in Iron Bed. In Brass Beds the new bungalow designs. Splendid showing of Keedcraft Furniture, in the latest finishes, upholstery and cushions of tapestry and leather. Leather-upholstered Arm Chairs and Arm Rockers. Buffets, China Cabinets and other pieces for the dining-room. In the fumed oak and golden oak. Cedar Chests just the thing for the woman who is ready to store her furs until next season. Very richly finished, some of them with copper trimmings. will be present from Sandy, where fruitgrowers have held a, meeting this week. Ranchers residing in the im mediate vicinity will also be present. The demonstration will be heldon the -X t- nose, soreness, stiffness and rheumatic twinges. Take this harmless Compound as directed, . without interference -with your usual duties and with the knowl edge that ther. Is no other medicine mad. anywhere else in th. world, which will cur. your cold or end Grippe misery as promptly and with out any other assistance or bad after effects as a 25-cent package of Pape's Cold Compound, which any druggist n th. world can supply. Pape's Cold Compound is the result of three years research at a cost of more than fifty thousand dollars, and contains no quinine, which w. hav. conclusively demonstrated is not ef fective in th. treatment of eolda ar arias a. J Women's Misses' This $35.00 Quaint RocKer at $25.00 It bears the shop- mark of L. & J. G. Stickley, America's foremost makers of Q u a i nt Furniture. One of those large, comfortable pieces, w ith loose leather seat and back. Frame of fumed oak. experimental farm of the. Agricultural College at Estacada. Professor Lewis will deliver an ad dress at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in the Y. M. C A. auditorium. Painless Dentistry Is our prideorxr hobby mr atndr tor reara an Bow out roc, oe. svnd ous l th beat ptftlnieaa work to be found anywhere, no matter bow much yon na. Comnarfl our Frleae v.. . . m . . , c . . vr e unisa piaiv un DnugB wori Kir uu i of -town patron, la ou dar t detirsd. Painless extraction freo whoa plates or bridge work i, order ed. Consultation free. KoUrCroww $5.00 22kBrklrt.TMtfa4.00 etMrllifS 1.00 Enamel Fillings 100 Silvar Fffllnn .50 Good Rubber Plate. D.UU Beit Red Rubber Plates I.3U ML W. A. WISE, raanraaai Fiinlen Ertr'tlen .Oil BEST MCTHOBS All work folly guaranteed for fifteen years. Wise Dental Co.,inc Painless Dentists ftlTIni BulWlnf. Third snd Wsstilnftsa. PORTLAND, OR Omeeaears: a. H to I. la. Isaear,Stea For the Stomach Here' an Offer Yo a Should Not Overlook Kexall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy stomach troubles by supplying the one element, the absence of which in the gastric Juices causes Indigestion and dyspepsia. They aid the stomach to digest food and to quickly convert It into rich red blood and material neces sary for overcoming natural body waste. Carry a package of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets In your vest pocket, or keep them in your room. Take one after each meal and indigestion will not bother you. We know what Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are and what they will do. W. guarantee them to relieve Indigestion and dyspepsia. If they fail we will refund your money. Three sizes: 25 cents, B0 cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at The Owl Drug Co, Inc.. corner 7th and Washington streets.