Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 17, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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mar en
General Says Army Will Only
Act in Support of Civil
if Mm of r.illier Tarty Shoald Fly
Acroj Hoomlarj, Titer Will Be
Itlsartnrd an4 Sot I'ri If
Civil I'owcra to Xol Act.
SAN" PiKOO. March' 1. General
ni:, ia command of m divisional brl
of th Army now occupying lh
frld betoern th Colorado Hivsr and
the facile (K-un on in main border,
cleaned lonljcht th statu ot th Army
la relation to armed forces on cither
id of tti borter aa one almply In
upcort ! tha civil authorlue of taa
Vmicd Siat.s.
Tne fjuejition came up from Captain
Hatcck. la command of the force on
alrol at and Calexlco. lieal
cui cuttomi officials cros-n d the lntr
r.atioual boundary line Into the United
Ml north of tha line they
returned tJie fire of Insurr.ctoa. who
were on toe ?4eican aid: of the line,
wtto the llisurrecto tired upon thenu
C' Hancock asked for authority
to arrest the Mealcan cuatoma ofliciala
lor l.lailn of the neutrality law.
Ctr.oraJ ordered him to take no
act. on whatever.
IH.-arm All Who Cr..
A-'-.ed a to bis cour In caa of a
Laule In Hclco between Mexican fed
eral and the Irsurrectua. and In the
vunt that either force ;ou!d aerk
anctuarr In the fulled Stales by run
nln across the border. Ueneral Ulisa
uJ tal Captain lUbcock should dis
arm all icrsons crossing the lino, re
port the matter to the civil aulhorltle
ami. If they did not care to act. he
should release arr and all such per-
on. were they Mexican federal sol
tilers. Insurrectos or suuyl bandits
from across the border.
Asked what he should do In case an
armed frce sought to Invade M'Xlco
frvm III is side, be a.ild Captain Bab
cock's course should be the aame ha
pho.iid stop, disarm and prevent them
from going across.
Culoni Officers Go Fr.
Cnera1 BUsa ordered Captain Bab
rack to take no action toward arrest
Inc cr detaining the Mexican custom
rriclala, be.-use they are not military
fores In the meaning of the treaty
governing the treatment of military
iorr,-a that Bee to this country or that
halt k to Invade Mexico, or shall
seek to flee to Mexico, with arms in
their bands, cither singly or In organ
ised bodiss or In groups
Should the frce under Colonel I-a-J.d.
now marchlr.g from Knsenada.
Jxwcr California. Mexico, meet and
rout the Insurrecto force. re- .irted as
marching west to gtv Lajol battle,
toe Insurrecto mlgnt Bee across the
border and find safety by giving up
their arr.: and would nt be required
to aire a rarole. It la clearly a niat
.ter for civil iro?dur.
AlnswortU and WlM-vlwTlght Refuse
to 8cre on Tort Commlsrlon.
J. C. Ainsworth and W. T. Wheel
wright, reappointed by tiovernor West
on t:i new tort of l"ortland Commls
slua. created by the Oregon legisla
ture, sent to Governor West yesierday
letters declining to serve. They stat
ed In tin-se inters that they were
ending tero upon advlca of leftal
counsel. Ti.ey say they cannot accept
the offlca tendered them until t.'.e
court haa construed the new law. and
tht It a decision Is delayed tha Gov
ernor may consider their Jesters a
definite refusal.
?. K. -Adarrs, another member of the
old Port of Portland, appointed to
erve upon the new commission. Is In
a::rrma. but It Is aald he will also
eWitr.e t j sere liion ti;e new con
Bitsalin. C. K. i. Wood, counsel for t'ua three
commission n:emters. said last night
that b tad advised t-em the Gov
ernor's appointment Is unconstitutional
and that the new Port of Portland
commission law ia unconstitutional,
lie said t-e n atter will be foucht out
In ccurt. and that ha does not see how
Ills clients could Insist the Governor'
appointments ' were unconstitutional,
and at the rame time acept" them.
lie therefore advised them, be said, to
reject the appointments.
rropocd Measure Would Prevent
Waterfront Concessions.
An Initiative measure to make It Ira
rosaibie fcr the City Council to va
cate s'.reets or crant concession oa
the waterfront will be placed on the
ballot at tne June election. If tba reso-
l'jtuo adopted last night by the iUst
tUe Bismess Men s ciuo is carnea oui.
J. B- Zelsler brousht the matter
before the clco and J that Baltlmora
anl many other cities had such pro
vision In their charters, and he urs:d
that such amendment ought to be made
to the Portland charter. The matter
received unanimous Indorsement. 11
was decided to have the amendment
drawn and petitions prepared lor cir
culation so a vote can be had next
June. J. B ZeiRler. Pan Kellaher. Kev.
C. B. VanWatera. 1! K. Walter and
C C. Hall were appointed a committee
to have charne of the measure. Other
pusa ciuhs will be asked to aaslst In
circulating the petitiors.
O. A hl-viov, lan Kellaher and M.
O. Collins were appointed to n" before
the Hoard of Kducallon and present the
r-atter of the children s parade la the
Rose Festival.
lolk-etnan Ituy Cocaine and Arreets
held under 100 ball, which he did not
give, and he was locked up.
For some time complaints hava been
received about the traffic In morphine,
oritim. contnc and otlier drus In the
lkurn buildmic. The police have been
trying fur several weeks to find out
who was eeiiln the druars. The Jani
tor has been on visitant watch avery
nicht and n.any persons hnve been de
nied entrance to the bulldlnn. But In
spite of bis vigilance the traffic con-
i at ltesrl
Koom ill. where Murray, or Murphy,
slept, was finally locaied as the place lh. dnil was sold. Usst nicht
Patrolman Nele.-n went to a local thea
ter and was made us as a ope
He. Johnson and McCarthy went to tha
Lekum bulldlr.g and entered au on'"
across the court from room i. r'"
son called Murray on the telephone and
a; ked for cocaine. The man arrested
advised hm to wait until daylight, aa
h hn told the police were
watching him and the Janitor mliiht
catch Mm In the buiidmc. -ion snia
he could not do without toe orua i.n
morning and suasrestea mat w uw .
Janitor went to the basement he wouid
slip Into the bulldlna. This waa agree
able to Murray.
In a short ttme eion
t-e door of room tl. There was no
lKht Inside, but he waa toti to enter.
In the dark the transaction was made.
Then the officer flashed his nsm anu
the two officers from tne
room were summoned. Murrny first
said the drug he handed Nelson was
susrar of !-ad and tuen pleaded that It
was the first Urn He naa sou i" .--
The arrested man saia nis
Murray and that he had IT. Murphr s
coat on.
Crunk Is Charge Held Against
Woman Arrested at Kramer
Riding Academy.
A maa gtvlng the name of 11 J.
Murray, but who had a pocketful of
corroipordence addressed to I'r. J. T.
Murphy. Including a letter of Introduc
tion to Governor West signed by Jo
seph Kennedy, was caught aelllng co
caine m room :. Wkum building, at
11 o'clock last night by patrolmen Xel-
soa. Johnson and McCarthy. Nelson
handed the man f cents for the drug
and the Utter waa In th, act of deliv
ering It when the offl.-er disclosed his
I Identity and placed him under arrest.
. At police headquarters
Ancient Order of Hibernians to Give
Elaborate Entertainment In
ntrrsnc. of St. Patricks nay will
ronclude tonight wit" an elaborate pro
gramme at Jsi'ii!c Temple, clven uner
the auspices or t:ie .n.
lilbernlane. MueCcal and luertvry num
bers will be given under the direction of
fredrick W Goodrich. .,....
Mrs. 11; A- Sullivan, one oi ivm-. .
gifted vocalists, will sing n, ui
and other Irish ballad, ine orator ui
the occasion will be Kev. Father llrophy.
a recent arrival In Oregon Irom Ireland.
who comes to rortianu wun a t.:p.....
as a fluent and entertaining ep-axer. u
programme will begin at s:ia o cioc.
A St. l'linrn l cay tr.i"' -'
be given at J o'clock ins bh.thoou.
the auditorium of the Oldsi w ortman
Klr.g atore by a local organization to
promota the sale of tas at
e beneat ot tn miiu.u.
Osaego. All expenses win oe p j
01d W ortmsn tk King and no admission
ill be charged. The programme .ui
consvt of patriotic selections by an or
chestra, harp, p'.ar.o and vocal eoloa.
IJternry numbers' will also no given,
it p.nrrick'. Church will observe the
day In accordance with ttw custom It haa
been following the past sv eur. ji t"-
c'.al programme will o wworea at iu
church today.
At o'clock this morntng most ni in.
Cathollo churches of the city win noio
special s.-rvlccs. .All aay long me
women who have volunteered to sell
shamrocks t 10 cc-nts each for the bene
fit of St. ila.-y s Urphanaqe at Oswego
will be busy vending their wares at the
street corners.
Another entertainment will be given at
6t- Lawrence Hall, Third and Sherman
streets. Kev. Hu.h J- McDevItt being the
speaker. James Henuessy Murphy will
preside. At St. Patrick Church. In
North Tortland. a service will also be
held tonight at which Judge Kavanaush
and Father McDevitt are the speakers.
Today and tomorrow . the Salvation
Army will hold a baxaar on .Salmon
streot. betwes-n Front and First. An
endless) variety of useful nd ornamen
tal arti-lca and plain and fancy
needlework will bo on aale. Be
fore the sale opens. at I
o'clock tonight, a short entertainment
of vocal and Instrumental musio will
be given. The proceeds are for th
benent of the army work.
Mr. Mary Caple Was With 11. C.
Boners' Family SI Years.
Mrs. Mary Caples. for Jl year asso
ciated with th family of H. C. Bow
ers, of the Bowers Hotel, died of pneu
monia at the Kosa City Sanitarium
lu,rn In Ireland 0 years go. Mrs.
entered the employ of Mr. Bog'
ers while he was engaged In th hotel
k,, in Ntw tork city in isu.
I-ater sr. accompanied Mr. Bowers and
family to Washington. 1. C. thence to
Knnkane and Tacoma and finally to this
city. whr for 1 year she held th
r.n.nlnn of housekeeper at the tort
land. Mr. Bowers yesterday spoke In
the highest terms of Mrs. Captea' devo
tion to her work, her religious activi
ties and her many charitable acta.
n.r. mrm no surviving relatives.
Th funeral will be held at 9 o'clock
nmnrrnar morrlng from St. Mary s Ca
thxIraL where high mass will be held.
ril will be mat In Mount Calvary
Cemetery and th services at th grave
will b private
Paget Sound Syndicate Buys Kenton
Properly for Factory Site.
Th third Important acrcago sal of
th week waa negotiated yesterday.
Frank 6tenxel buying a tract of 13 acres
at Kenton from J. I Rankin for approxi
mately I'.'jO an acre. The deal was ne
gotiated by the A. M. cirreu wiip."j
and the total amount Involved was abov
The tract lie along th new l'ne of
the O.-W. K. Jt N. Co.. at Kenton, and
has a frontage on Columbia g'.oush, a
well as on the railroad. Mr. Eter.xel Is
a capitalist who recently cam to Port
land from Puget Sound, and It Is un
derstood thst he represents a syndics!
of Washlnf-on Investors, who will use
the property In the near ruiure mr
ufacturlr.g purposes. Mr. Rankin tad
owned the properly for many years.
(CVmttn'ied from First Pas 1
fendar.ts fuTniJh bonds or lii'"n each and
all except Frcst. who Is In Kurope. ar
expected to provide bond tomorrow.
B 1. Tomnsend. As;stsnt Attomey
GeneraL wUh Assistant Mstrlct Attor
n.v Seward 8. Si-.lrer, and must of th
aides left tonlsht for Brattle. On March
"S Mr Townaend will prosecut the
esses known as the ."Kr.gllsh group" Chsr'.es F. Mundy. Alsernon H.
Strscry. tari E- Slciiey and Archie W.
Mrs Chas - Puefcer and family wish
ta exinJ their thanks and apprecia
tion to their many friends and ac-
si'.own xnem
Visitor T7io Annoys Patrons Ejected
Once, Bent Homo Twice nd
Finally Jailed pcsplt
Appeals and Threats.
A woman, believed to bo prominent In
Portland .iclety, was arrested for milk
ing a disturbance at the Kramer Riding
Academy. Sixteenth and Jefferson streets
last night by Patrolman Kllngel. and
locked up In t.e police station charged
with being drunk. The woman went to
th rldlr.g academy early in the evening
and annoyed patrons. Sh was taken to
a bouse by a -woman officer of the Ore
gon Humane Society and put to bed. 8h
promised to remain In the house out in
. .kr time anoenred nt tho riding
academy again and tried to kick the door
in when she was denied aumnmutc.
Patrolman Kllngel was sent to the place
and told the woman to go home. Sh
again promised to behave herself. Klln
gel hud no more than reached the police
station when another complaint was re
ceived, and the second time he went
after the woman and brought her to th
police slatlon.
At the station sne reiucm
nam ana u-ia m ""-
'It la noD'i of your business.
Sh accused Klinpel of being a news
paper reporter ar.u warning .......
up" something. She declared she would
not till her name, as no Lhh.i.i
about In the office. Then sue incu m
brib her wsy out and offered to pay a
goodly sura if th ofticers wouiq release
hr. She cried and stormed but her ap
peals, attempt to brloe and threats were
of no avail, as she had been given three
chances during the night ana sn waa
thrown Into a common cc.l in cuarge ot
the matron.
The womnn finally gave tne name oi
Alice Wallace, under wnicn sne was
booked. She was hnndsomeiy oresseu
and wore a long mauve coai who n
elaborate hat to match. She appeared to
be ii or 40 years old. was about & feet 7
Inch. tall and weighed about ISO pounds.
A Musical Tantasy In Three Acts
Presented at the Helllg
James Bmlth Johnny Osborn
Simpllcltas Johnny Osborne
Peter Doody Gilbert Chllds
Jsck Meadows Vernon Davidson
Bobby Eddie Morris
f)lr George Paddock. .Edward Lester
Percy Marsh Edmund Kuasoa
B,r,l, C. P. Wormsn. Jr.
Time Percy F. Leach
Eileen Cavansgh Alice Kusoon
Mr. Smith Marl shields
Lady Barclay Ualen Drew
The Hob. Maud Barrier...
...Beatrice d'EsslIng
Lady Jim...
Lucy Selwyn
Fomr-re .....
Chrysca . . . . .
Amaryllis . .
etrepbon. .
. . . Margaret Keller
..Harriett Winston
ituth Tborp
Moya Mannerlng
Helen Blake
Msudl Martin
Robert Elliott
.Clifton P. Wonnan. Jr.
Lester Sheahan
Put an Extra
Stomach to Work
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Will Do
The Work Of Two Or Three
Stomachs Affords Instant Eelief.
When your food does not digest,
when gases form, when you experience
that uncomfortable feeling; of fullness,
when tli a breath la foul, tha tongua
coated and that sour taste is In the
mouth tak a Stuart' I-iyspepsla Tab
let and watch how quickly every one
of these symptoms disappear. All that
was needed was to digest that lump
of food in your stomach and the glands,
whose duty It Is to supply th gaetrto
juices, had simply given out from over- I
work. So when you took mat lutie
tablet you were supplying exactly
what was neceasary to complete the
process of digestion that the stomach
had begun but was unable to finish.
If you would continue - to tak a
Stuaart's Iysppsla Tablet after each
meal for awhile, your stomach would
have a chanca to rest up and get veil
and strong again.
Try Just one box and you will never
want to be without this wonderful
little remedy for stomach troubles.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain an
Ingredient, one grain of which will di
gest 3000 grains of food. They are so
entirely harmless because, they hav
absolutely no effect on the system on
way or another except to do Just the
one thing digest food. ,
40.0U0 physicians use and recom
ment this National remedy. Every
drug slor everywhere sella and recom
mends Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. The
price Is sO cents per box. A sample
will be sent free if you will write F.
A. Stuart Co, 150 Stuart Bldg., Marsh
all. Mich. '
th danc-
phyaical grace and beauty;
lng Is perfection.
"The Arcadians" will remain at the
Helllg tonight and tomorrow night,
with a matinee on Saturday.
th man was
! V!r.l svrnoatr.v
during ttilr recent lesravwcnt.
EOPLE who ar not ashamed to ex
press a preference for refinement
will like "The Arcadians." at the
Helllg. Its munic Is as pretty and de
lightfully melodious as has been wafted
to us In many a day. The libretto la
fantastic and interesting and Charle's
Frohman has provided scenery and
costumes that bewilder and enchant
with their beauty. Aside from lis own
merits "Th Arcadians" presents the
several allurements, physical vocal and
histrionic of a gifted maid. Ruth
Thorpe, who sings tho principal fem
inine role, that of Souibra. an Ar
cadian. Music which la of th sort that
haunts but can't be whistled, is the
work of Lionel Monckton and Howard
Talbot. The lyrics are by Arthur
Wlmperlo and the book by Mark Am
bient and A. M. Thompson.
Th romantlo and whimsical tal
contrived by these five contributors to
ward entertainment, relates to a Lon
don restaurautcur and amateur avia
tor who falls from his aeroplane into
th peaceful Arcady. Beautiful maid
ens In Salome costumes, and men who
look like Turkish bath "rubbers"
ambl about on the green, singing
'Pipes o'Pan." oblivious to the danger
of catching cold. They hav heard of
London only as the homo of people
who prevaricate, and th eating-house
gentlemnn la promptly ducked In th
Wall of Truth" when he tells fibs.
Transformed by th enforced plung
inin n Arcadian youth and dubbed
Simpllcltas." he is sent with Sombra
and Chryses, the two loveliest Arcady
ri back to London to convert
its neonle to th simple life.
The conversion begin at the Ask-
wood race track, and unaies at in
Arcadian restaurant. No one seems to
know ' what becomes of the rather
pongee plot, after the second act.
Seemingly no one cares.
Miss Thorpe, as Sombre, hss voice
enough, big and sweet and wonderfully
musical, xor two puni Uv. n..-, ...
sh acts with graceful sprightliness.
Her number all received several re
colls, and especially llkd were her
'Pipes of Fan." "Arcady Is Ever
Young." and a tremendous success was
the solo number. "Light Is My Heart."
Alice Russon. as an Irish lass. Is
dainty. lngs and dances excellently
n,l has a touch of what may be called
rievlllshness that captivates her audi
ence. Non of th male voices are preten
tious or even middling good. Two
comedians. Gilbert Chllds. a real one.
and Johnny Osborne, a creditable iml
tmion. talk blithely thcuugh several
song numbers snd provide lots of fun..
Osborn ply the role of Simpllcltas
falriy weil. and Chllds Is seen as a
funereal kill-Joy of a Jockey, Peter
Doody. a Jonah unto himself. In this
role he ha tha hous in convulsions
and was recalled many times In his
song "My Matter." Dressed with Tpsl
lanllc effect Mr! Chllds talked pessi
mistic Jargon to the accompaniment of
a silent harp, which he thumped ener
getically. H'' ' th riot number
of the entire performance.
The ensemble ar gatherings of
Clerk, Arrested In Fifth-Street Store,
Says piscliarge by Employer
Prompted Theft.
Leo Lesser, son of J. Lesser, retired
Jeweler of Portland, was arrested by
Detectives Carpenter and Price in the
American Jewelry Company store at
Fifth and Washington streets, where
b was working, yesterday evening, for
alleged theft Lesser confessed that a
nsw gold watch' found in his pocket
was stolen from the store and that
a locket he had In a safety deposit box
also belonged to the establishment. He
said he had been discharged by Isidore
Holsman, proprietor of the store, once,
and decided to even up things. H
also declared he was pot making
enough money and took this means ot
augmenting his salary. n
"I don't know what my Iobs will be,
said Mr. Holsman last night, "until I
take an Inventory of stock. It will
probably be between J2000 and ,4000.
I have been missing meney and Jewelry
from the store for some time. I have
hired several detectives to catch th
thief but the culprit was not discovered
until today. I sent a man into the
stor today to purchase jewelry. He
bought $13.75 worth and Lesser put
,3.75 on the books. I sent another man
in and he bought a neck chain for 8
and a bracelet for $5. Lesser put the
16 in his pocket. My expenses are JiO
a day and my receipts yesterday, ex
clusive of my own money paid in by my
detectives, were not more than 2 or
13. Another item I know of Is an alarm
clock Lesser sold today for 11.60, for
which he made no accounting.
Lesser worked for me four or five
months. While I knew I was being
robbed right along I did not suspect
him until I received Information in the
hospital a few days ago. where I was
operated on for appendicitis. Although
I had not recovered I left the hospital
yesterday to come down to the store
to nnd out what was going on.
J Lesser gave a bond for $2500 last
night for the release of his son.
To test the speed ot projectiles driven
time to lli millionth of a sccorrt.
Free Hair Remedy
Let Me Send You a Free tl 00 Package.
tVleVnl TnrD s.
n.eyel.she. change, gray or faded
h. " to Its natural color, .tops "chins- re
move, dandruff and. msk.s the hair of wan
Mstl Free Conpon Today.
ln'l In your nam and address on the
blank lines below, cut out the coupon
Snd mall to The Fo.o Company. 177
Foi Wdg.. Cincinnati. Ohio. Enclo.e 10
. V,.. or .liver ss an evl-
Slrc. of rood faith, and to help cover
pscklns. postage, etc. and
parkafe will ba sent you s
mail prepaid free of charge.
Nam .-'
City :
Street '
Stale R. T. P
Ceurixtit Hut Sduansr Mux
This picture represents one.
of the new Spring models
for young men made for
us by
Hart Schaf fner
& Marx
Lots of style to it; you'll
appreciate not only the
style, but the quality of
weaves, the perfection ot
making and the excellence
of fit when you see the
clothes themselves.
Of course we've got
many more styles to show
you; this is just one. We
don't expect everybody to
want this.
All-wool fabrics always
Suits $20 to $40
osenblatt & Co.
ALASKA DEAL $1,500,000
Salmon Canneries and Ships Bought
by Booth Fisheries Company.
Morgan Shipping to Grow.
SEATTLE. Wash., March 18. The
Post-Intelligencer tomorrow wm say
that the Morgan-Guggenheim interests
have- disposed of the Northwestern
irihrles Cannery, one of the largest
salmon packing companies of Alaska, to
tire Booth Fisheries Company of Chi
cago and Baltimore.
Tha consideration is placed at 11,600,-
009. , ,
The property involved in the sale in
cludes nine large Alaska canneries, six
sailing ships and several tugs, barges
and cannery tenders. The Northwest
ern Fisheries Company will retain its
corporate name, but will be a subsid
iary company of the Booth Fisheries
Company. The transfer of the property
will take place April 1.
It is reported here that the Booth in
terests recently floated a ,4,000.000
bond issue in New Tork and that they
plan extensive additions to the plants
in Alaska.
It has been known for several
months that the Morgan-Guggenheim
interests desired to dispose of their
canneries and to confine their Alaska
enterprises to transportation and min
ing ventures. They already control one
o the principal steamsnip lines operat-
lng between Seattle and Alaska ports,
as well as the largest railroad in Alas
ka. Now that they have disposed of
their commercial enterprises to the
Booth interests it is expected that they
will add to their transportation lines,
increasing the facilities for Alaska
National Head Will Speak.
Mrs. E. B. Peterson, National superin
tendent of the W. C. T. U. for colored
people, will speak at Mt. Olive church,
Seventh and Flanders street, next Sun
day morning. In the evening she will
speak at the Zlon Methodist church.
Monday night she will be given a recep
tion at the home of Mrs. Thomas, 362
Morris street. At 3 o'clock Tuesday she
will be the guest of the local W. C. T. U.,
and will deliver an address at the Im
manuel Baptist . church, Second and
Meade streets. ' '
Knocks Out Dirt
Dirt is the cause of nine-tenths of your
household labors it more than doubles
your duties. Mere soap and ordinary
cleaners are powerless to rout it. Gold
Dust is the one powder that will
knock dirt "sky-high" m a jiffy.
It is a vegetable-oil soap blended
with purifying materials
cleansing ingredients, mak
ing a fine, smooth powder
that vigorously and thor
oughly and quickly clean
ses without taxing your
strength or time.
and . ,
Ii Pi
r WW
full 1.00
t one. by
The Army of
I Growing Smaller Every Day.
MTancaable tbeT not
uw t A - rfr I
tie. Mil.
lions use
the for
Beta, baifeshea. Sick Heaatcae, aaHcw sua.
' Genuine bwIxu Signature
Use Gold Dust for clean
ing anything and everything
about the house that soap or
any other cleanser is recom
mended for. It will do the work better,
in half the time, and with half the labor.
The home without Gold Dust in the
working kit is incomplete. Buy a pack
age today, and see how much easier it
makes your work.
Use Cold Oast for washing
clothes and dishes, scrubbing
floors, cleaning woodwork, oil
cloth, silverware and tinware,
polishing brasswork, cleaning
bathroom pipes, refrigerators,
etc, softening hard water and
making the finest soft soap.
Do not use Soap, Naphtha,
Borax, Soda, Ammonia, or
Kerosene with Gold Dust,
Gold Dust has all desirable
cleansing qualities in a per
fectly harmless and lasting
form. The Gold Dust
Twins need no outside help.
Makers of Fairy Soap (the oval cake)
"Let the GOLD DVST Twins
do your work'9