y BRITISH PARTIES UNITE FOR PEACE Balfour Says Tories Will Sup port Plan for Arbitration With America. DILLON DOES NOT AGREE Irish leader Pay Grej'i Proposal Makes "o ProTlslon for Small Nations Japan Has GlTrn Opinion on Project. LONDON". March 1.-Slr Edward Crr'i Indorsement of Fresldent Tafl'a arbitration suKjrestlon was seconded with cheers in the House of Commons todar tjr A. J. Balfour, the leader of the opposition, who. In the course of bis speech, declared that be saw no difficulty in the war of carrying out such an arrangement between this country and the United States. Mr. lialfour said: Ths late itovemment did its best to carry out an arbitration treaty with the United States I hope there Is a ren eral feeling- in America that the time has come when these two great coun tries may at least be bound by treaty to refer all qurstlons wlch would possi bly produc anything so horrlMe as a war between them, to soma arbitration tribunal. The Secretary for Foreign Affairs will find no heartier friends of such a policy than those of the Unionist party." -. Irl.oh Member Dissents. The first break In the chorus of itc proral which greeted S"r Edward Grey s appeals In the House of Commons came from John Dillon, membr for Kast Mayo, who described Sir Hdward's speech as a gicantlc red herring, most successfully drawn across the path of l!c-usslon or the naval estimate. There was, he said, nothing different la the Grey proposals from what ap peared in the treaty Lord Salisbury tried to negotiate with tha United States. -cept creation of an offensive, defensive and coercive alilance against other powers. He doubted whether this would be found advantageous. The proposals made no provisions for small nationalities struggling for Jus tice or seeking freedom. They referred aly to mighty empires, which wera in vited to combine for the purpose of coerclrg others who would not submit to arbitration. Japan's Opinion AkeJ. An effort waa made In the House of Commons today to ascertain tha views of the Japanese government on Presi dent Tafts suggestion of an American British general arbitration arrangement, but Sir Kdward Grey declined to reveal them. The Foreign Secretary admitted that the government at Tos.lo haa been made aware of the British government's views on tha subject, but he said to lay Jap an's answer on tha table of tha House sroald ba premature. BALLING ER CASE EXAMPLE Solon Mentions ei-Serretary In Cry Against Appointive Officials. SACRAMENTO. March 1. Richard K. Rail. near. ex-Secretary of the In terior, was held up to the California -?en.we today as an example of what appointive power means. Tha instance was cited by Senator Shanahan (Dem.) In deb.it over a proposed constitu tional amendment providing that tha offices ef railroad commissioners shall be arpotnttve by the Governor Instead of elective. a now provided. The amendment was carried by a vote of 31 to and now goea to the people for ratltv-atlon. "We do not have to confine our at tention to the state to see how ths appointment of public officials In high places operates." said Senator Shana han. 4Ve may cite an example from a hlcher source the Cabinet of tha President of the United States. "For yeara past Secretary BalMnger has not been acceptable to the people of the country and for years President Taft held htm in office. There was no way by which tha people could reach him: no way by which tha public mind could operate. CHARGE' HURTS HARRISON iContlnned From Firs Pg..l Ilka the popping of blank cartridges, la tha Twenty-ninth Ward the Dunne Merrlam Club haa been organised, com posed of men who voted for Edward F. Dunne for tha Democratic nomination. John J. Conruy. an ardent Dunne ad mirer, predlctr that two-thirds of the ".0e voters for Dunne on primary election day will cast their ballots for Merrlam. Raymond Robins, who wields a vast Influence with organlxed labor of Chi cago on account of past friendliness, has come out with a scathing rebuke fur Harrison and for Hrarst. his loud est hacker. With Mr. R.iMns In hla ar. raignment of lUrrlson are George C. Stkee. progressive ifmpcrsl, and other Influential membera ff that party who refuse to abide by the Democratic ver dict on primary day. llarrtoon ! drilled. -If we wefe to elect Harrison Mayer agAin. said R--Mr.s in a speech. we would sink Chli-aao back Into the a'.ocgh of municipal corruption and civic treason. Harrison's coalition with tr Hearst plrafs Is aa pitiful a spec tacle of a weak and laxy politician, hungry for onV-e. ticking te hand ttat lashed him. aa ever was presented in the political history of Chicago. "Hearst's sC"ptarce cf Harrison and of Ms re.ltffht hand. each cf whom he haa denounced with screame cf pious horror, brands Mm as a fake progressive and a common enemy of true Ivmocracy and genuine social progress Some of the radicals of the United So cieties, which comprises the "personal liberty" element in Chlcag". sought to have that crcanlsat'on cf se.eoe to 0. ei voters lni-rse Harrison, but otr:era protested and the matter cf choice be tween the rardtdatce was left for the In'Uvldual voters to decide. TS Harst papers are dome their bet to create antason'stn between the United Soc!etls ar t V.rrlam. seeking to give the Impression that if Merrlam becomes Mayor he will close down on the saloons ard Inaugurate a system of blue law. Merrlam has declared him self plainly on the question. He an aounces he Is for the largest possible measure cf personal liberty consistent with good order, that he believes In feeese rule for Chicago, and ttat, atuce It la nlaln Chicaa-o is not in favor of 1 blue laws, he is firmly against flying in tha face of tha predominating senti ment. The Roger C. Sullivan Democrats are not lifting their hands In aid of Harri son. Their candidate for tha nomina tion. Andrew J. Graham, polled 9.000 votea at the prlroarlea. Many of these voters will go over into the Merrlain column on account of the persistant and bitter attacks made by the Hearst pa pers snd by Harrison on Graham and his backers. Ilarrl.son Xot Weak. It Is not to be presumed from all this that Harrison Is not a strong candidate. Aa the situation stands today, the race la a close one. The advantage may even lie with the e-Mayor. Many lead ing bualness men have faith In his abil ity as an executive. Harrison alwaya has proved a good campaigner and it is yet to ba disclosed that ha has lost his cunning In that direction. His campaign cry for TO-cent gaa" is a good one. If the results of the pri maries may be cited In evidence. There Is no real reason why he should ba pre ferred to Merrlam on this score. Gas will be Just as cheap under Merrlam as under Harrison. Merrlam has announced In his cam- -e- e a : " . a t. a . a ; I' . a - 'iv. J Mrs. E. E. Peterson, Attaa Mr. Farrelly. Forsaerly af Fortlawd. In TTvable at Saw Fraartsco. nirn anener that the main Issue with him Is to be the elimination of graft and grafters, the doing away or cor ruption In city affairs, tha building up of the cltyJ FORGERY CHARGE HADE MRS. PATF.RSON MUST STAND TKI.VL IX SAX FKAXCISCO. . Woman Still Insists She Is Widow of Robert S. Farrelly, Oakland Capitalist. SAX FRANCISCO. March (Spe cial.) Preliminary hearing of Mrs. Ines raterson. alias Mrs Henrietta Farrelly. the woman accused of nego tiating a loan on the pretense that aha was the widow of the late Robert S. Farrelly. today was Bet by Police Judgi Shortall for Tuesday morning. Sha appeared before Judge Shortall this morning and was arraigned on the forgery charge, which was preferred against her yesterday. On this charge she la accused of forging the name of "Henrietta Farrelly to a note for 10.- OOi. which sum waa to be loaned her on the Farrelly homestead in San lean dro. On motion of Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Oppenhelmer, the charge of attempted grand larceny against the woman was dismissed, the forgery charge being substituted. Mrs. Pater son now will be tried for obtaining gooda under falsa pretensea and for gery. Mrs. Peterson still denlea she li other than Henrietta Farrelly. the Oak land capitalist s widow. It was said yesterday the woman would be turned over to the Port land authorities for trial on a forgery charge, but it haa now. been decided sha must fare a trial here. EX-WIFE GETS. FORTUNE Mr Fitzgerald Gets $15,000 An nually as Alimony. tTfflONTOtVN. Pa.. March 1. Ac cording to the opinion announced today by Judge Robert E. UmUel. Mrs. "Llda Eleanor Fitzgerald la given all she asked In her ault axrnlnat her ex-husband. Gen era) Purcell Fitzgerald, a wealthy rest dent of Ireland, with extensive Interests in Pennsylvania. Mrs. Fitzgerald is to get alimony at the rate of 115.090 a year, until a .fund shall have been accumulated from Flts- gerald'e coal and coke properties In Penn srlvanla amounting to &30.000. tha In come from half of which she la to have and the remainder la to be placed in tha lands of trustees far Fitzgerald a chll dren. The action of the court carries out the agreement made after the couple had been separated by a decree of the Brit ish Parliament. Fitzgerald claimed he was no longer liable for the payments because he bad remarried. The court also removed him aa ona of the trustees of the fund for the children. DIXON MAY BE SENATOR Indications Point to End of Dead lock In Colorado Legislature. DEWER. March If. Strong Indica tions of a break in the deadlock that naa prevented an election of a United tatea Senator by the Colorado Legis lature were shown today when seven votes were cast for County Judge John R. Ptzon. of fearer. The report was freely current that within the next two or three daya all tne "platform" aeroocrats and acatter Ing votea will be united on Judge IMxon. and confidence was expressed that enough other votes would be se cured to insure his election. LOCAL OPTIONJS ADOPTED Bill Now Needs bat Signature of California Governor. SACRAMENTO. Cal March !. The Senate adopted today the report of the free conference committee on the Wyllle local option bill providing for the su pervisions! district as the unit of op tion. The vote was : to IX. The bill now goes to the Governor for hla sig nature. Incorporated towna. under the bill, decide fur themselves on the question. tV' . Y4-r CHINA GIVES ALL RUSSIA DEMANDS Foreign Board Humbly Pre pares Reply to Ultimatum on Mongolia. PRESS BEWAILS WEAKNESS Seeing; Empire AVltbont Array o XaTy to Resist Aggression, Peo ple Petition for Meeting; of Imperial. Assembly. PEKIX. March 18. The Chinese gov ernment declarea Its Intention of agree ing to both points at Issue with Russia, and is now- drafting a reply to the re cently received ultimatum. The foreign board aayz it Is prepared to accept the establishment of Russian Consulatea In the places specified by Russia, and also promisee to take meas ures regarding Chinese monopolies in Mongolia which will permit Russian sub jects freedom in trade In Chinese goods, as well aa in the gooda of other coun tries. Russia contends that the treaty of 1S1 did not provide for the Institution of customs tariffs concurrently with the establishment of Consulates by the Rus sian government, but M. Korostovltz. the Russian Minister in Pekln, evidently la willing to consider a separate dis cussion regarding the Imposition of tar iffs in Mongolia after China has acqui esced In the Russian demand. It la expected that the Chinese govern ment will endeavor to obtain permission to impose tariffs for the purpose of pro tecting its domestic prestige. The newspapera are crying out against the Instability of the government and de plore the fact that the country possesses no navy, has but an ineffective army and an Incapable foreign board. petitions praying the throne to reconvene the Im perial assembly Immediately are being circulated. GET-RICH-QUICK GAME ENDS Monroe, Who Threatened Hitchcock, Sentenced for Mail Frauds. NEW YORK. March 1. George H. Munroe, prominent among promoters of schemes of the "'get-rich-qulck" vari ety, and who Is said by the Govern ment offlclale to have obtained at least fiOO.000 from Investors In his propo sitions In the last few years, was con victed In the United States Court here today of using the malls in connection with fraudulent stock operations. Judge Hough sentenced Munroe to serve three years In the Federal Peni tentiary at Atlanta. Chief of the charges on which Munroe was tried waa that he promoted through the malls extensive salea of wireless tele graph stork, the greater part of which waa never delivered. WASHINGTON'. March 1. Members of the firm of Munroe Munroe were among the first men arrested in the crusade Instituted last Autumn by Postmaster-General Hitchcock sgalnst concerns that wera conducting alleged fraudulent transactions In stocks and bonda through the malls. Apparent financial Importance of the mea arrested, including Munroe, in duced threats against Mr. Hitchcock of serious legal proceedings, but he pressed the charge against Munroe to' final Issue. OFFICIAL BURDEN SHIFTED Dr. Madison Induced to Accept Cen tralis Health Department Place. CENTRALIA. Wash.. March (Special.) After making; repeated ef forts for several months to get rid of an unwelcome city office. Dr. David Liv ingstone last night succeeded In effect ing bis resignation as city health offi cer. Dr. A. Madison was Induced to ac cept the office, and had another office conferred upon him at the aame time that of garbage officer. The objections to the dual office are the time It requires and the Inade quate remuneration. Dr. Livingstone could not resign until a successor had been appointed, and no one wanted the place. Pasco Lays Cement Walks. . PASCO, Wash.. March IS. (Special.) Overton Brothers are laying cement sidewalks In the business district of the city. The contract involves more than $15,000. A 14-foot cement aide walk will be laid on each side of Lewis SPRING OPENING "We'll be pleased to meet the fastidious men of Port land and show them our line of Spring and Summer -woolens for 1911. Nothing but imported fab rics. None but the most skilled cutters and tailors. Authentic models in the new Spring styles shown in our fashion plates. Temporary Location, 304 Washing-ton Pellard Suits Forsy the Waists Castleton Waists Pure Silk Jersey Pri Slips ncess Knife Pleated and Tailored Flounces of Messaline - SPECIAL $4.50 and $5.00 The great demand for these Princess Slips urged us to se cure for this sale a slip of un usual merit. Modeled m two styles in colors of blue, pink, black and white. The New Lingerie Waist Special $2.95 The new models of dainty Summer waists of fine quality white lingerie with trimming of rows of Valenciennes lace insertion and fine Swiss em broidery. These Spring waists come either plain or kinomo sleeve styles and are made in the Dutch neck styles of high neck finish. Allover Dress Nets 69c Selling, to $1.50 Yard Allover dress and waist nets in small, medium and large scroll designs. Serpentine and floral patterns. Just the thing for yokes and the new kimono sleeves. Also for waist trim mings. Eighteen inches wide. Colors, white, cream and ecru. All the new Spring dresses whether wool, silk or wash ma terials show these lace yokes and lace half sleeves. This great underpriced spe cial is most opportune. The laces are all of the best quality. The reductions are very marked from the regular prices, many pieces being sold for a great deal less than half price. White Serge Hairline Stripe Suits Special $20 The very latest model high class tailormade suits of of fine all wool white serge and white serge with black hair line stripes. The jackets are modeled in the approved and most correct 24-inch length and made with mannish notched collar, revers and coat sleeve. Semi-fitting back with single breasted front and lined throughout with white taffeta silk. The skirt is made in the new double panel models. street, from Tacoma street to Fourth street, and from Fourth street to the Northern Pacific right of way. Robert Jahnke. president of the First National Bank, Is having plana prepared for a $4000 residence of the bungalow type, to be built In Sylvester's Addition to Pasco. "Clothes Built Rig-nt' ' in. At) ' " - B . IJ Wl IF "s .scX'jr 7ap ge Merchandise o 0 penmg "feK- P e- i n r r?y - . h U ' ' y & . . . )' , " . It: JJ , Opportune Offering of New Rugs $33 Bigelow Axminster Rugs $19.85 These rugs are noted for their soft rich color combinations in handsome Oriental, floral and conventional designs in tan, brown, red and green combinations in over eighteen different patterns. These are not the cheap . Axminster Rugs that are sold elsewhere for this price, but are Bigeiows standard Axminster quality and sell regularly from $30.00 to $35.00 each. Size 9 by 12. $25 Velv2t Wilton Rugs $14.95 Beautiful patterns in Oriental and floral designs of superior quality in rich colorings. These are very high grade rugs that could not be bought elsewhere for less than $25.00. Size 9 by 12. House Dresses Very Underpriced $2.25 and $2.50 House Dresses $1.98 Made of plain chambray, striped and checked percale in light and dark colors. Turnover collar or Dutch neck. Short sleeves. Side button effect. $3.50 House Dresses $2.79 Of fine percale in stripes or checks, made round collarless neck. Short sleeves. White pique yoke trimmed with pipings of braid. Panel front with plaited flounce. Self strappings. Convincing. D Tabl amasl That Sell Normally at $1.25 Each The actual size of these cloths is for use. Made of bleached damask terns. Just the thing for breakfast cloths, as; they save your high-price linens. Only one hundred in this lot. White Wash Goods 1 4c Yard Selling Normally at 20c and 25c the Yard About 300 yards of nice clean white dress and waist materials of embroidered Swisses, English madras, mull checks and stripes. The lines of patterns are somewhat broken wihch enables us to offer them at this most unusual price. DY-IT . For making new straw hats of your last year's sailors, at OC bottle 60C ' stores' ndayan Witch Hazel, regular 25c bottle, spe cial two days v Olive ,Oil, regular 25c bottle, special Phosphate Soda, regiialr 25c package, special Articles, Two Days' 10c 10c bottle .ely- 10c package of 10c package of Tincture Ben- Chloride Lime, Borax, regular Sweet Oil, reg- cerine, Friday Sulphur, Fri- Epsom Salts, zoin. 10c bottle a large bottle, 10c package, ular 10c bottle, and Saturday, day and Sat- Friday and for Friday and for Friday and for Friday and for Friday and ' sale price only ordav for only Saturday, only Saturday, only Saturday, only Saturday, only Saturday, only 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c JAP-A-LAC for Spring Housecleaning 20c Up Make your furniture look like new, brighten up your hardwood floors or make your softwood floors look like hardwood. Refinish your metal meds use Japalac in any one of a hundred ways in Spring housecleaning. Comes in seceral size cans. . 20c, 30c, 50c, 75c and $1.65 the Can Rose Nicotine Insecticide 50c the Bottle The gTeat insecticide for roses, plants, etc. A sure exterminator of plant vermin, yet C harmless to use. Start spraying now. . . OUC fXeritQnly prms , Powerful Specials Cloths at 79c Each 66 by 62 inches, all hemmed ready in an assortment of attractive pat JNlotning reserved in tms lot. . ITSKIDMORlDRIIGCO RALPH CRVLERPpOP. d Saturday 8 I c Bordeaux Mixture, special price, the bottle Sprayers, special Eclipse Cream Wear Well Hosiery W. B. Corsets 1 A New Model C. B. a La Spirite Corsets . Special for $1.49 Regular $2.00 Corset An entirely new model- C B a la Spirite Corset, made of fancy stripe coutil, with me dium bust, long hips and back, with two pairs of hose support ers attached. Modeled on the newest lines that give the fashionable slender figure. Sizes 18 to 26. Six-Inch Cut Glass emeries Very Special $2.23 To be able to make such a price as we advertise these -ferneries for it is compulsory for us to order these ferneries in large quantities. When we saw the deep cutting, the elaborate wheel and fan designs we saw immediately the great attrac tion this fernery would "be. They go on sale Friday. There is no doubt in our mind that there will be none left after one day's sale. Eight-Inch Cut Glass Bowl, Spec'l $2.89 Here i3 a most elaborate bowl, cut in an elaborate fan, star and wheel pattern. It is closely, deeply and beautifully cut and polished so as to retain j its brilliancy. More New Ginghams Special 15c Scotch Zephyrs, 32 In. Until now those delicate beautiful color combinations in ginghams were possible only in the most expensive imported foreign cottons. In this collection youH find patterns in small medium and large designs that give you the choice of all the prettiest for eign ideas. Not only that, but in these ginghams you buy a fabric that will withstand the severest wear and repeated visits to the tub. Women's Gloves Special at $1.19 Kid gloves for women in tan, gray, black and white. The one-clasp P. K. seam style, with Paris point em broidered backs. STOWEIX'S SAR SAPARILLA, A great Spring tonic. ,1.00 bot- "".'".. 75c n argamsatic 25c bottle Glycerine .17 25c bottle Castor Oil 17 Florida Water, regular 25c bottle, special at X7 Almond Cream, 25c jar, special, two days at 17 Sale at 7c iJC prices.. 45 ? up v