, rnE aionxrxG oregoxia, FRIDAY, MARCH IT, 1911. Z " ' i . XK Ton AT. I REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAX ESTATE. ghauts, . W TOP AT. I KW TOIAT. XEW TOn AT, I Tor ale-I,.t.. rH. For Sale-House. For Sale-H. , $3600 12 Acres 11 miles from City IIa.lI, 2Va niiles from hourly suburban cn, about half in fruit and berries; good house) and barn; on K. F. D. and near scbooL The venr best of fruit and garden land. Poaetmion given at once. A great bargain. Se it at our expense. B. S. COOS & CO, 503 Corbet. Bid. $700 for Half Acre Irving Street Extension All in Garden, Rich Soil This Is th en garden not of East PI 1. near to carllne. th whol district wll Improved, each H acr a paradise to mak a horn of. For chlcksne. fruit, flower and garden track th S acres excel. All we m you to do la to look at them. The title la per fert and we will sell thee on term with e.T monthly payment. Ton may now hav your eholc. Wo have only 2 or them and they are now offered for sal for the flrt time, fom, to our ornc and let us snow you tnes -acres. CLOHESSY & McGUIRE SI iMinu Bids. !- Mall !, A 114a. Park Street Splendid Hotel JSite 100x100 S. E. Corner Park and Main. Owner 414 Mill St. Marshall-1195 $9500 For 87x137 and a 7 Room House Two good business lot and on well l'vated resldenc lot on prominent Hawthorn ave. comer. Thl oectlon I, romlnr Into demand for business and apartment alt purpose. Bur thl property and us th rear 17x87 for th ? resent Improvement, but Improve th (awthorn avenu corner. 87x100. with bulldlnaa that will return big Interact on your Investment. Hartman & Thompson I lisWr of fsaiicrc. 100 Acres 90 acres ia cuJtivation, balance oak grub, fine dark loam soil, 3 miles from good town. Price $7000. 140 acres, 125 in crop, all level riv er bottom land, close to railroad; river runs across one end of place. Price $9o00. ETLAKD JONES CO, 409 Grlin.er Bid, Second and Alder. Big Success in Almonds and Chickens Almond trees ar producing heavy crop yearly at Fundai. on tn north bank of t"i ColunMs. So crest la th demand for almonds that 1S.600.006 pounds ar betnr Imported s-nnuallr against a, cents a pound duty. Tbla makes a rood market for Pundal al mond. Pests don't bother and nuts ar easily harvested. Chickens and chicken feed do splendidly In an almond or. rhard. Th same cllmat suits both. Excursion rat Saturday. March 11. HI 'TCK I.ASP CO, OT MUa Kara BarUdlas. BROADWAY-STREET HOME Modern I-storv. Croom house, fur r and MrepUre. gas and electric, full cement basement, laundry trays, oa a lot iOvliW. street Improvement and sidewalk paid, on Broadway, near "th. walking distance. Prlc ;000. part cash, baJanc pec cent CRI'MI el XADOW. SIT Brd t In) Bids, t and Oak. Business Properly PATS 12 "e Ua prominent corner on Kast Sid. FH1CE steoo , GODOIKO 41 Wir.DRICrC, 23 t. COOK & TAYLOR'S SPECIALS Headquarters for well-selected small farms, irrigated and aon-lrrtgated or chard lands, general frnlt and (tardea tracts. Arreac of all elxes. and In ail location tor th homeseeker. Price) and terms. ua before going lee- hm COOK ex TAT LOR, mrz SSS L- Bid:, aad Oak St. Do You want a quarter block (100x1001 in th best part of Irvlngtoa on whlrb to build your own horn? will sell you one adjoining my now bom at the Tight prlc if you will erect a good bom on sam this Summer. AX. Its, Oregonian. Apartment Site 1 00x110 8. Fl cor. Hawthorn and East 20th. High and sightly, overlook ing th city, walking; dastaac. McnrHt'Tt AVISOS at TRC1T COM PAX T. Platting Proposition A trett platted aad ready t sell the Pae. Ky. A Nav. c s read so" nearly competed I Tillamook: ther la a sta tion ea th peeperty. Thl la decided. y lb, eawt tawnalt a the lln aad a sseaMT-maker II yew eaa baadi plat tie prepoaltloa. S ios i caaa payxaaas ni r. a. .acksox. 827 Pallia Blag. Mala S41 Ladd Addition Larg-e new now, built by a doctor for has horn. Mod In every way: 1 w block from rax. Reduced from leOe t ;0w; term. MERCHANTS BAVINUS at TRCST COMPANT. MORTGAGE LOANS EtPf WH7 mv cito?iA, y. Xj JO awd paidlagj lda .fl V Cook & Taylor s Special 674-Acre Stock and Dairy Farm IS mns from Portland, on th Co. lumbla River; railroad station on th nUr. Thl. I . Ih. richest and most productive rrsss land In th world. A large part of this farm I under a high stat of cultivation, fenced and cross-fenced: exceptional building's: 17 roora house, vtou foundation. 12500 barn, new mllkhouse. creamery, cans, separator, etc Water piped to hou and mllkhouse: over 100 pounds pressure, which runs separator and cnurn. IS head of cattle. 1 head of horses, Mil klrnta of farm Implement, etc. Thlf Is on of th biggest money - making propositions In th west, unij iv cash necessary to bandl this. COOK at TAYLOR. Q3 14 3 Lew la Bid;, p-ewrta aad Oak. Great Farm Bargain 167 acres black bottom land, Ji mile from town, 60 miles from Port land; 80 acres in crop, 2.'2 acres po tatoes; machinery, all implements, 9 cows, chickens, bees, everything goes just ready to step into. Watered by fine creek and could be irrigated if desired; has windmill, pump, gran aries, etc. Come in and let us tell more about it. B. s. COOS & CO, 603 Corbett Bid. IfYouCanAfford A 2j.000 home in Irvincton. I want vnn fop a neifhhor and will sell YOU my home for just a few thousand less than that sum and build a larger nome aiaront for tnvself. A full Quarter black, 100x100, with beautiful lawn, all improvements in; bouse strictly modern and construction, arrange ment, finish, etc- are of the very best. Can arrange some terms. M 862, Oregonian. CHEAP ACREAGE Wa ar authorised ta sell for a client of ours 20 ACHKt of vary fine land west of Council Crest. The prlc would bav been rlirht several years aco. It's a bargain today at l0 per acr. I velopment In transportation will roak thla double ID value. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 904 McKay Bids, Tklrd and Stark St a. BEST BUY IN OREGON ris-htv acres of rich, level land on Willamette River, thirty 0 mile above Portland. Kvery acr In cultiva tion: boat landtnc with lare ware houses. tor bulldlna". two (2) resi dences, two (X) bams and schoolhouse on the land. Risht In center of hop and fruit section, four miles to electric line. Land alone worth more money, 111. 000 take everythlna. 1000 cash. J. R. KASEBKRO, SOS Lewla Bids;. Warehouse Site $9000. One acr of land. S20 feet fronting- on railroad track, don in on East Sid. Part of thl can b used for a wase houae or manufacturing plant. Tbla also fronts on a buslneg street and will easily double In value. Thla price Is good for It days only; flooo cash, balance terms. CHARLES BUNGLER at COMPANT, 211 Lewis Bldg. Beautiful .Home In Piedmont, only on block to car: T rooms, with hardwood floors, beautiful interior finish, fireplace; a complete bom on lot 60x100. with hard-surface street In and paid. Ther Is $,1160 In cholc furniture la this horn which goes with th place at a bargain If purchaser desires. Price and full Infor mation upon application. A. R. BIRRFl.L CO, 243 McKay Bids, Third aad Stark Sta. 23 THOUSAND Is a c-oupl of thousand dollars more than It will tak to bur my horn In th cholc part of IHVINtiTON. In polnta of completeness, arrangement, conveniences, finish and decoration you will find nothing; better for the price. Ton may pay one-third. one UK or all cash, but th prlc will b precisely th sam. and win not b cut on cent. T tl. Oregonian. THB Dairy Business of Oregon amounts to nearly tiO.000.- 000 yearly, and soon will b I40.000.000. 1 own some beautiful dairy farm. part of which I will sell very reason able. Breeder of heavy producing re--Istered Jerseys; Increase for sale. THOMAS WTTHTCOMBt, 421 Hassllt Bldg. raoae Mat S3T3, W&flr RRH3 ATE 0lJe fffff PUmZ LANDvpu OPENING. Vi J) 1 1 II TOUAPttNTITUOTO'lUON If 31 lKl leOACPtSOeiaaiGATeOLANO. - if IrisVX MAKE APPUCATrOH NOW AsV f atssvcicnsaattsa. XvV ' BEAUTIFUL SITEFORHOME About 3 acres, 7 minutes' walk from Council Crest carline. Fine view, which cannot be obstructed. For sale by JOHN BAIN 505 Spalding Building. Ilome Telephone 7442. North Portland Snap ! 85x100 Apartment Site, $10,750. $5000 cash, baL easy terms. Pres ent income about $1000 a year. Cheapest buy on West Side. Owner. AN 862, Oregonian. COLUMBIA STREET SNAP TWO FtATS TRICE $6500 PAYS10 GODDARD WIFDRJCK, 2-tS Stark St AnOverlookBargain Two-story flats, new, on lot 60x100. will rent for $45 per month. Small cash pavment. Property will pay bal ance. PHICK S4SOO. OT Cowrh Bids. PRrKES T TO 8 CESTS PER LB. HOPS 15 TO 20 CENTS PER L.B. What's the matter s.-lth a combina tion hop and prune farm? Here's one of the very best In the Willamette Valley. 150 ACHES In Yamhill Coun ty. We want to sell and will make rlKht price and terms. MTtI.Vl.ET MITCHELL, I02V4 Stark St. I'boars A 2131, M 2131. EAST SIDE BUSI NESS PROPERTY PROMWEXT CORNER. Income 13. Price S05OO. GODDARI) et WIEDR1CK, 24S Stark Street. A GENUINE SNAP -room modern house on corner lot, K7HX100 feet. 11th and Wyg-ant streets. Concrete baeement, also floor bath, four sleeping rooms on second floor. An attractive home at an attractive price of $2S00. esjy terms. GODDARD at Wf EDRICK, 23 tark btrect. RJCAX. ESTATK PB.ALBTBSV ista. William O.. 11J railing bids. blrrell. A. H- Ce.. lol l atrkar Mda. estate, msursaee. aortas loaaa. eta, Bmbaker Benedict. 003 sic Kay bids, M. ga. Cbspla Hsrlow. IS Chamber Comasr Cms, B. a at C. SOS Csreett !. jsaalnss a Co.. Mala IU u Orsaonlaa. r&LMkR-JO.NCS CW, U. i', ' Cauaae- lal Club tUls. Tke Orssoa Heat Atstat Co.. Orand av. aaa afulinomak St. fHallsdar Addl'lo- K B. THOslPSOW CO. cor. 4th aad Oak sta. REAL. T.TATK For Sale Lets. lOOxlOO. eJOOO. Thl beautiful sightly piece of property Is located between East 4th an d i'k streets, on East Msdlson. This Is ati'o lutely the best buy In this section. ThlnK f It. Improvements all paid to date: bair rash will band: It. Don't delay. It wli "" HAWTHORNE REALTY CO, Or the ewner. 287 E. 3Jth at. EAST YAMHILL ST. LOT. A fin lot. r,nxloo, north front. In a fln resldenc district on East TsmhllU near 2lh St.. Improved street, cement s.dewslk. prlc 2400, S1000 cash, bal- a. r.irkl.p8t ZADOW 817 Ttoard of Trado Bldg.. 4th and Oak. $40 DOWN. BAL. MONTHLT. 84" buys nice SO-ft. lot on OO-ft. street: water In: doe to Hose City Park car; nlcs heme going up all rouna: anotner omr g.174. Just rlsht for small home; easy monthly payroenta. Ifa your chance to 5 rt started at risnt price, oww as. C. Logan. 320 H Wash. St.. B. 4Q4. SNAP. ROfE CITY PARK. ... Cheapest looxloo corner: prlc 145. tncludlng Improvamant. terms. O 3S, Oregonian. FOR BALE Quarter block. Haneock-St. Addition, southeast corner .win snu okuus ler. Prlc 817SO. cash 3&0. balance $40 mo. and Interest S per cent. D 84, Ore- gonlan. . (HT.AP QTJARTER BLOCK. Corner Rodman and Going; prlc S30OO, terms. QODDARD WIEDRICK. m atara pi. TH HEB Iota Waverly Addition: 170 ft from car: $1000 for th three, terms; nesr new ear shops and barns. W. J. Day. 210 Henrybldg. J LOTS In Rose City Park; Improvements all In and paid for: cloas to car and In beet district; $028 each. C D Young. 432 .W"' CHEAP VNION AVENCE LOT. Close to Skldmore; price 832.10. QODDARD A WIEDH1CK. Biara WILL sell at a bargain B0x74-foot lot. on K- Salmon St.. went of 18th St.; It will bst you, to look tbla up. O 855. Oregon Isn. DANDY BUY. Lt 80x100, 2 blocks from Rose City ear: $250 cash, balaac asy term. D 841, Oregoolaa. " PORTLAND HKIOHTS PROPERTY. Uoasea. lota, quarter b locks, tract aad Serease; all parts of bslsbta all views aad prices; some bargalnaMaln 831. A 33. BCTIJINO sit adjoining Healy's Heights at lass price. Owner anxious to sell. Purse, SIS Chamber of Commerce. LOT in Rossmere, all Improvements paid; desirable for bom or Investment: bar (aln for cash. Phone owner. Main 4121. APARTMENT or residence site. 60x100. E. Salmon and 20tb. C Zollinger. 312. Cor- belt bldg. . .t Yrn.l.pvr Tt ITT. 40x100. 'on I'nlon ave.. near Burnslde, only 810.O0O. Phone fternoons. East 8400. JjjVsT ToxToo n Irvlngton: will sell dirt cheap; must have money Immediately, part cash. AD 647. Oregonian. FOR SALE Lot 0xl00 on 23d and Ore- ?on: sewer, water and ass In; 2 blocks rom car; tlooo. East 8210. VANCOUVER. WASH. Svral best business cornsrs for sala Owner. A baS. Oretonlan. ADJOIN INO Mt. Tabor Park. 168x113; vlow l3operty; on ear line: half cash; by owner. AO. als. Oresonlan. FINE lnald lot In Irvlngtrn at bargain If taken at once; 14.'.0. terms. Deal with owner. B 601. Oregonian. SEVERAL desirable residence lote: pressing bllsatloa compels sacrifice. Owner, 1U30 Orand north. 1 R VINGTON. 1430 E. 10th aad Siskiyou, facing esst. O 643. Oregonian CHEAP FOR CASH. Roe City Park lot. O III. Oregonlas. a LOTS In Hyde park, between Skldmor and Prescott, for sale. 20, 1st St. sisooo SOxlOO APARTMENT site. West Psrk Owner. O 67. Orexonlan. WTLLAMETTE River frontage cheap; HuO will swing It. McClnre. Msln 144. IJOO DOWN. loOxlOO. 2". bl fruit trees. Call owner nd save 1200. gellwood 1H72. 42s l-OR a Vernon lot and a fin bar galn In Irvlngton Park. Woodlawn 44. LOTS In Lent $10 down. 63 monthly. Own er. AJ 0. Oregonian. FINE lot. Archer Place, cheap for cash. Owner. AH Oregonian. GOOD PUSrVERS CORXER. EAST SIDE. gs.mo for short tlm will bay choice business corner SOxlOO. on East Side. There Is a splendid 9-room house on the lot at present, one-half of which Is rent ed for S25 per month. Owner lives in other half. Can put this bouse on rear of lot, leaving ample space for large busi ness house In front. Adjoins solid block of business houses; S12O0 will handle. HAJtaKOVE AND SONS. 122 6th St. 'North, cor. Cth and Gllsan. Main 4381. A 72iD. HAWTHORNE) LOT BARGAINS. MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Nothing better has been offered In this section; you will make tome money on this If you buy: this Is about 280 ft away from beautiful Hawthorne ave.. x loo lot. for gllou. tiO down and 1 monthly. . Also the southeast cornsr 41st and Clay. SOxlOO. price t2lM. terms -0O down and 20 monthly; a dandy corner to build on. Take cars to 48d and Hawthorne, office on corner. Agent ther to show you. Portland.paeldo Inv. Oo, 418 BI1 wit Exchanse bide. tM PORTLAND PARK ADDITION. FINE VIEW. West Bide. miles from Postofrlc: electric car service; only la minutes; lots 83 lots. gVXI. g blocks from Depot. 8 lots. SHOO, S blocks from Depot. 16 lota, gizoo. g blocks from Depot. 10 lota, $730. 7 blocks from Depot. 4 lota. 1300. S blocks from Depot. 8 lots. 7 blocks from Depot. 2 lots, 190. 8 blocks from Depot. Tine building sites, splendid Investment; values will grow rapidly; easy terms. J. W. HeVfERLIN REALTY CO, 20.1 Corbett blag. Marshall 8. A 48S4. CHEAP MOUNT TABOR LOTS. $1000 each. &ix8t; two tine view lots on E. 7Id street., near Baseline road; choice restricted district. This 110 feet frontal suitable for 8 houses. H. COFFIN. P. O. Box 11L WEST SIDE. $1J50. terms 1-1 cash, a lot where you can walk to the P. O. In 1 minutes: a lot from which you can for ever see the world, where your friends will be glad to com and sit on your front porch on a Sunday afternoon and be wholesomely entertained- by the magnin cent view of the mountains and rivers snd In the evening by the beautiful Il luminated city. Moreover, thla lot Is prac tically flat and Is In a restricted resi dential district. It Is only ones If. a long while that ther Is a buy Ilk this. 8 850. Oregonian. $4400 FINE, sightly corner lot. East 21st and Taylor. Including street Improve ments: reasonable terms. tttOO Corner lot. east front. 60x100. comer Front and Curry, all Improvements m852'so 50x10$. corner lot. Front and Hooker sts. . SO0O Quarter block. East 1th and Lin coln atreets; terms. 81 Chamber of Commerce. 'JS DOWN. 10 MONTHLY. NEAR HAWTHORNE. 775. A fine lying lot In a good location sauth of Hawthorne, six 60x100. prlc $775. terms 25 down. $10 monthly. There Is nothing to equal It; you have made money the moment you buy; take cars to 43d and Hawthorne, office on corner. Agent there to show you. Portland-Pacific inv. Co. 418 Railway Ex change bldf. MJ HARTMAN A: THOMPSON. Real Estat Dept. Chamber of Commerce. VACANT LOTS. $730 Very choice lots. 90x100, for T50 each. In Rose City Park. Terms, $75 cash; $16 per month. Fin for speculation or home purposes. Msps of Portlsnd fre at offlc. whi rax n r.. i ( You can select your lot In the choicest district of Esst Side, pay 10 per cent cash and start your building: ws will accept a second mortgage for our security, pay able 2 per cent monthly: a 15 per cent dis count to builders this month. Phone ataln 150J, A 1515. Ask for Mr. Delahunty. At- i X . al., TT WUU 1" - PCLilrt JW a- 50x100 it, on corner E. ftta w- Mar lon !.. on freight idotrek and witnln S block of O. W. P- carllno: tola 1 bunlnens property with v rutursx Prtca H. p. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg.. Phones Main $W.aJM. A CORNER LOT NOW FOR $750. A Wavsrly Heights corner. 60x100, with . taxes paid : splendid view, good neigh borhood. If you hsve $300 or mors cash, here's a REAL bargain, for this lot Is worth tjO. . . , j. p. FORD' ft CO.. 61S Board of Trad. Phones Main or A 2857. vn ,,--yr Tf yT tOIUl a. siAr ru ".... 3 LOTS. 60x100 TO 140 DEEP. . Facing ststlon on Oregon Electric: 43 minutes ride from the city. Thes lots flnelv located and will sell readily. Can and see plat. Owner. 325 Ablngton bldg. HOMESITE In Alameda Park, by owner at a sacrifice: 150 feet on th Alameda boulevard, the most sightly plec of prop erty on the East Side, magnificent view; terms. See owner. P14 Lwla bldg. Phone Main bsoq A 71SS. ONE acr with fruit trees, nlc little grove. 3 -room plastered house, water piped In house; adjoining highly developed section nesr end of Hawthorne-ave. carline. Call Outhrle. A 113 or Main 8900. ' YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS. 75x100. corner E. 28th and Jarrett: on block from ear; beautiful resldsno sit; prlc ,)DARD 4 -wtodRICK. 243 Stark St. BUY QUICK. Lots 150, on 62d and W. Stark, on car tine; easy terroa; greatest buy ver of- XerEMPIRE RBALTT TRUST CO.. 4 02 Teon Bldg.. Marshall 340. n r.J.' .ii . . . . ....... yffre Creek Beach, at Newport. Oregon. Sightly lots In our tract from $125 to 8200- terms If desired. Select one now. Whltten A Bryant. 535 Chamber of Com . . . t-i . t nonot UTV merce, i-none jiih ADJOININO Klnrs Heights, acre tracts, ex clusively for homeeltes; land lies level with gne view and beautiful trees: some tracts on carline. others near: carline now In; only 6JO00 and 3J Pr sere; terms. R $63. Oregonian. LOTS IN TRAUTMAN9 ADDITION. 60 by 100 feet, price 64.-.0. terms X26 cssh. balance $10 per month. "per cent Interest. Abstract with each lot- Jamee D. Oaden. 648 Mississippi avenue. TV ood- Is w nJ02 :C200i TITLE a INVESTMENT COMPANT, LNC OREOON CITY. OR. Clackamas County lsnds and lots ab stracted from the records; prioe light. John W. Loder. president. A SNAP FOR CASH. Quarter block on E. 28th st elos t bridge for only $3000 ptt cnamoer oi mmmwu U tlAEi-l' anjr, 60x50 with old house on corner, near E. 10th and Ash; price $3850. QODDARD A W1EDR1CK. 213 Stark St. ' 1RVINGTON PARK SALE. $423 buys 50x100 In this beautiful tract. See It today. Howard Land Com- pany. 4'JO swetlana meg. r-llSE TO UNION AVENUE. Very choice lots at 4700 each, terms. QODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. FOR SALE Hancockt. Addition. Schuy ler St.. between 3."th and 30th. one lot. Price $8."0 S3 cash, balance $20 month and Interest 0 per cent- S 858. Oregonian. MUST sell equity of $550 In corner 104x100. at 87th and Holgat. . Phone owner. B 2301. LOT In Falrmount Add, $300; 82O0 cash, easy paymerta on th rest. Bee owner. 211 Ba Bl. jsorio. For Sale Houses WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Seven-room house and reception hall. 1 block from car; cement basement, tubs, furnace, fireplace, pantries, large attic and porches' unobstructed view; $0500, $1200 cssh secures, bslanc terms to suit. Phone Main 442S. Owner. FOR SALE 6-room cottage, new and mod ern, on E. 29th st, near Halsey; price S29oo. on easy terms. H. Gordon, 210 Henry bldg. g0 DOWN, balance like rent, buys a 4 room modern bungalow, corner lot. By owner. 62750. Sellwood 1S72. 774 East 211 h St. 6-ROOM houss. modern, nearly new. West Side. $4l00: will take small cottage as part payment. Mala 9323, ROSE CITT PARK. SNAP. 6-room house, modern In every detail. S large bedrooms, full basement, complete laundry, gas and electric lights: lot &0x 100. This house Is right on carlln and Is an exceptionally good buy for the money; price 2625. on terras of 10 per cent down and $25 per month. Investigate this at once. Lot alone Is worth $900. D 642, Oregonian, PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Hblk- in Greenway. unobstructed view, beautiful homes adjoining; 150 feet from carline; must be seen to be appreciated; prlc 66000; 1-3 cash to handle. OVERTON ST. Lot '60x100, head of Overton St., en Cornell Road, facing city and river, beau tiful view; price 64000; cash. SANDY ROAD. 8 lots. 60x100 each. 130 feet south of Sandy Road on E. 39th st; 8700 each, eaay terms. SWEEK A BYRNE. 612 Swetland Bldg. 1-8TORT g-ROOM HOME, 64000. Her Is a chance to buy a fine home, CLOSE IN. CHEAP; large living-room, sitting-room, dining-room and kitchen downstslra, 4 bedrooms, with closets and bathroom, also porch upstairs; large at tic; every -modern convenience. Including fireplace, full cement basement, furnace and laundry traya. Situated on a corner lot. 60x100. with alley: fine for a garage. This Is a bargain, terms can be arranged. Call Mr. Guthrie. Main 8800 or A 11B3. ELEGANT HOMES. CASH OR TERMS. On Broadway, near car. 6 rooms; new, very nicely finished; on accounf of sick ness will sell oheap; terms. On E. 61st su. near car. new 6-room modern cottage, built for home; $50 range goes with place. In Ladd Addition, one of the best, built for a home; can b bought for what it cost. On Wlliams ave.. an elegant 6-room hous on full lot; can be bought for 82730, SH60 cash, balance easy terms. A. M. Berry, 435 Chamber of Com. 8150 CASH. MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, CLOSE TO CARLINE. JUST COM PLETED. HAVING ALL NICE LARGE ROOMS; DUTCH KITCHEN. SLEEPING PORCH, FULL CEMENT BASEMENT, LAUNDRY TRAYS, WOODLIFT. ETC.: THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME FACES EAST AND MUST BE SOLD WITHIN THREE DAY8. PHONE MAIN 2379 OR CALL 417 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. OWNER LN NEED OF MONEY. Offera either Jf these bargains: 822C0, tsrms. Exceptional 60x100 cornsr. close in. near three carllnes; i-room cottage, bath, pan try, electricity, telephone, furniture. Choice 100x100. Mt. Scott district, good location, lawn, garden,- strawberries, flow ers, trees; 6-room cottage. bath, hen house and yard, email barn. Telephone Ta bor 2934. SUNNYSIDE. . New 6-room house on E. Salmon and 8Sth; modern In every respect; block porch columns, fireplace, paneled dining room, bullt-ln bookcase, linen and china closet, handy Dutch kitchen, clothes and dust chutes, full cement basement with woodllft and best of plumbing; piped for furnace and gas and wired. Key next door; price $4000. Phone Main 803 or evenings. Tabor 1104. LOT AS FIRST PAT. OR $400 iruwii And balance monthly on fine n---w modern 6-room and bath bungalow, near B5th and Clinton. 100 feet from carline; fire place, bath, full basement, piped for gas. wired for electric 60x100 lot. Prlc S3200; will tak any priced, lot at valu as first payment. Portland-Pacific Invest ment Co.. corner 43d and Hawthorne, or 418 Hallway Exchange bldg. (M). $8000 IR VINGTON HOME. 7-room modern house. 2 fireplaces, hard wood floors, hot-water heat, street Im provements all in and paid for. 1 block from Broadway car, faces east; terms is cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 112-211 Commercial Club Bldg. fnones: jqain a SACRIFICE sale by owner, five full lots, close In, at corner of 4Uth and East Irving sts ; good house, large barn and shed, well, tank and windmill. 35 bearing fruit trees, new fences. 100 feet on O.-W. R. A N.. 600 feet from streetcar; fine place ror chickens, garden, cows; fine woodyard or factory site: prlc 14000. 62000 cash. B 863. Oregonian. " $300 ROSE CITY PARK BUY NOW. Hard surface street to business center, 7-room house, bullt-ln buffet. Inlaid pol ished floors, furnace, fireplace, bullt-ln bookcasea Take lot as part payment. EMPIRE REALTY A TRUST CO, 402 Yeon Bldg. Phone Marshall 349, TJ-muiii ii v i. Six large rooms, house faces east, xuii cement basement. electric fixtures In. bullt-ln buffet, chests of drawers and all modern conveniences; large closets, see this today. Call Mr. Cameron. Marshall 1133. A 7129. 170 5th St. PACIFIC UNION TRUST CO.V 11-ROOM FLAT. Williams ave.; near Alberta St.; new and modern, up to date In every way; price, -$7500; terms. Phone East 262. Room Healy bldg. I WALNUT PARK HOME. 8-room house, completely furnished, on forner Williams ave.; south and east ace; lot 50x100 ft- Price 66300, terms. H. P. PALMER-J ONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones; jaain wg,, a-.oq. FOREST GROVB, March 15. 1911. For sal bv owner; snap; beautiful alx-room house, located In beat residence part of Forest Grove; lot 75x200; all kinds of fruit trees, with fin lawn and shrubbery; price. J24N If taken soon: $600 cash, balance to suit. Address Box 314, Forest Grove, Or, BUNGALOW. 2 LOTS. Fine nearly new 5-room bungalow, east front. 2 tots 100x117. on East 57th. near Hawthorne; price 84500; a nlc llttl bom with plenty ground. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. LOOK. , . Two houses on lot 100x105, both for 6975; 6375 cash, balance to suit, or will sell separate. Take Mt. Scott car, meet owner at Grays Crossing with blue ribbon on umbrella, from a to 6 P. M, Friday, Saturday or Sunday. MUST sacrifice at once, 6-room strictly mod ern new bungalow; everything complete; big lot. grand view; 2 blocks to HL Tabor car- a swell home for somebody; no rea sonable offer refused. See place. 1824 East Yamhill. Phone owner. j.ast o-. ARB YOU LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN t Investigate this. A nice ld-room resldenc In th beautiful Hawthorne district, close In at a great aacrlflce: lot 50x100, ter raced, everything modern and complete; terms. rnw n"u, $850 FOR a 2-room house, 1 block from car, on a vry fine lot. with nice grove; a chance to save rent and own your own borne: good terms; Investigate. BLANCH ARD A CLEM 8 ON. 66 Sixth St. BY owner, modern 6-room bungalow and two lot. In first-class neighborhood, be tween two carllnes. Broadway and Alberta- N. E. corner 25th and Prescott; prlc '82700. terms. J 848. Oregonian. MUST SELL 6-room house, lot 75x100, with fruit trees; this must be sold today; owner at house from 1 to 4:80 only; $1730: email payment accepted. 229 East 73d, Monta, vllla car. Ttv OWNER $300 cash, new, modern, aix- . . KA.1AO .ill hn.rn.nl ft-iilt room numo. 1 -, n , shad and ornaments roses-; 2 blocks car; terms. 830 Montgomery. Tabor 275S. RESIDENCES and FLATS FINANCED, per cent; where 1 build will furnish East era money at above rate. PLANS FREE. Z. K- Locke. 529 Henry bldg. SACRIFICE SALE. Hons and 5 lots. Prescott- St., $1760; owner away, must be sold. 420 Swetland Bldg. Howard Land Company. - ELEGANT comer building site. Portland Heights- house and lota on Davis sta.. West Side, and city lota In new additions, r . -k vlrltr. sap sale New 7-room hous, block from Rose City carline. 8500 deposit. $15 WILL sell 11-room Al Irvlngton home. 40x lio corner. E. 10th and Brazee. below cost. Phone East 6388. siROAIN 6-room house, Portland Heights, lot 00x115. 10 bearing fruit trees. $3000. I" II tSvRfTALE New, modern. 6-room bungalow. jrUK BT77fc .x Hancock eta Own.n on r.- . - phone East 4i4; ; IF you want a bargain In a 7-room home near Laurelhurst Improved district. e owner at 610 Ablngton bldg. BEAUTIFUL corner, shade trees, flowers, large bouse, suitable for 4 flats; only 65400. Phone afternoons. East 3400. CHOICE corner, dandy 6-room bungalow. Owner. E. A- Jackson. 140 East 70th st. g2( pER month. Including Interest; prlc $1600 for nice S-room cottage, good loca tion. 430 Worcester block. FOR SALE Modern 5-room bungalow, ..,nn " . Owner. 111U East Grant at- CLOSE IN EAST MORRISON ST. CORNER. A. FINE 6-ROOM RESIDENCE IN A LOCATION THAT riLL SOON BE OF CONSIDERABLE VALUE FOR APART MENT HOUSE PURPOSES. HOUSE JUST PAINTED; LOT 61xS7. PRICE ONLY $4500. HARD-SURFACING PAID FOR. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. A GOOD LOT AS FIRST PAYMENT. For the best home In Waverly Heights. This hous was not built to sell It was built for a HOME. Brick bungalow. 0 room and bath, with wide porches, rich brass light fixtures, handsome fireplace, best quality wood and finished floors, full cement basement, lot 120 feet deep, with good lawn, roses, fruit trees, etc Th price Is $4500; w can sell It on easy terms and take a good lot aa first payment, or $1000 cash and balance at. $25 a month and interest. J. P. FORD A CO.. 613 Board of Trade. Phones Main or A 2657. .VO FIRST PAYMENT REQUIRED. JUST PAY 830 A MONTH AND YOU OWN THE HOUSE. A strictly modern 5-room bungalow with very convenience; big log fireplace, beam celling, set-In bookcasea, full base ment, washtrays, etc In a restricted district; first-class nelgh-bora.- Full-slzed lot. Price $2750; pay $30 a month (which Include interest). My party Is after the man able to pay regularly: he la not ao much after the big first payment. A. N. Searle Take M-V car. get off E. 76th st. Office on the corner. NIi'K, new, modern home, price right, terms essy; 5-room house, full basement, attic rooms, fireplace. Just finished, on 62d and Hawthorne. 2 8-room houses, full base ment, good fireplace, almost finished, one on 50th st. and Hawthorne, the other dn 51st. near Madison. 6-room house, attlo room and basement, lawn and garden, fruit trees, chicken yard; will sell hous with 1 or 2 lots. In Flrland. Other houses under construction. If we have nothing to suit, will build at short notice. The Car penter Lumber Co, Tabor 62, or se C. P. Bush. 268 E. 61st St. COZY HOME FOR 250U. Three blocks from the car In the Rloh-mond-Hawthorne district. Just sold two like this one, and you won't see this one advertised again. Five rooms, anameleo bath and kitchen, large porch, oement basement. Dutch kitchen, bullt-ln buffet and bookcases. paneled dining-room. Price Is $2500, terms 1200 to $300 down and balance $20 a nwnth. J. P. FORD ft CO., 6i3 Board of Trade. Phones Main or A 2657. HOUSE and 2 acres of land, 4 blocks west from Main street, corner "C" and 3d ave. The finest .place tn the city!! Large, fine house with all modern con veniences, fine red fir trees to west and north, basement, electric lights, wator, everything complete; price $7000, one-half cash, balance terms. 7 per cent. Located at Forest Grove. Buy now of CHAPIN & HERLOW- 'TT 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. UUlflli 1U n l. IA..' ' WE DESIGN ARTISTIC HOUSES AND MAKE NO CHARGES FOR PLANS IF WE BUILD. IT WILL PAY TO SEE US. THERE IS A REASON. IF YOU OWN A LOT. WE WILL FINANCE THE RESI DENCE OR APARTMENT FOR JCIU. OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR PRO TECTION. L. R. BAILEY ft CO.. S24 ABINGTON BLDG. NICE HOME CHEAP. New 7-room two-story house, built tor a home, double floors and walls, china closet, gas and electric, piped for fur nace, 4 bedrooms, a nice home on a lot 00x100, east front and walking distance, on E. 27th, near Oak; price only 641o0, part cash and $25 per month. GRUSSI ft ZADOW. , 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th nnd Oak. ROSE CITY PARK. $300 CASH. 7 rooms, view lot. 50x100, Improvements In and paid; bullt-ln buffet and book cases, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, laundry tray, olid oak floors, mirror doors, etc.. $25 per month. National Realty & Trust Co.. 326 hi Washington at, room 516. m 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. " NEAR MT. TABOR. -LOT AS FIRST PAYMENT. Will accept lot up to 67O0 or 800 as first payment, balance monthly on nice modern 6-room bungalow, near 63d and Stark; full - basement, electric light. 0x 150 lot. Price 83500. Portland-Pacific In. vestment Co, 418 Railway Exchange. (P). 6 ROOMS, WITH FURNACE. 63150 will buy brand new house, clos to Union ave, with furnace, laundry, modern bathroom, combination fixtures, full cement basement and cement walks; terms. QODDARD WIEDRICK. . 243 Stark St. EXTRA, GOOD BARGAIN. Beautiful 7-room residence on Prescott st, near 12th st; has full cement base ment, furnace and all modern Improve ments: retaining walls, very sightly; pries 6430O, terms. QODDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. 6-P.OOM bungalow, full basement, station ary tubs, bath, gas and electricity. 60 x 100 corner, one block from four carllnes. one block from school; price 83500. only g.00 down, balance small monthly pay ments at 6 per cent. E. K. Brown, 313 Henry bldg. : WALNUT PARK HOME. 8-room house, on corner Williams ave, south and east face, lot 60x100 feet; prlc $6000, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO, 212-213 Commercial Club Bids. Phones Main 8699. A 2J353. $200 CASH. $20 A MONTH. For a swell new 5-room bungalow close to good carline; fine location; buffet, Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, linen clos ets, sleeping porch, reception hall, full ce ment basement; lot 40xlO4. A fine buy. Call Mala 6900 or A 1168, ask for Mr. Carlton, MODERN house on East Ankeny carline, eight rooms, bath and reception hall; value $7000. will be sold for $5500, $2000 cash, balance at 6 per cenc Interest, reasonable time or monthly payments. A bargain for anyone wanting a good home. W. L. PAGE. 107 Sherlock bldg. IRVING TON HOME. 8-room house on E. 24th st.; new and modem, faces east, on paved street; can be bandied on 9500 cash, H. P. PALMER.JONES CO, 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg, Phones Main 8699. A 2653. 66300 BARGAIN. You can own first-class home and an In come of $30 monthly for but $6300; in vestigate this brand new " double flat, close in; restricted district; also on car line; I am obliged to raise funds quick. Owner. East 2259. VERY CHOICE. Strictly modern 6-room residence on 12th street, porner Prescott; full lot. Prescott, 6380O. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St, $100 CASH, BAL. $30 MONTHLY. New 5-room bungalow cheap: close In; see me at once and have your rent money. Phone Main 9441 or call at 514 McKay bldg. YOUR own terms, two 6-room houses Just completed, near Hawthorne ave, very . modern conveniences, hardwood floors, fine place; no agents. Ross. 265 Lincoln. Phone A 7497. FOR SALE BY OWNER New. mtdern, 5-room bungalow, newly furnished, beauti ful lawn, roses, garden, etc, located In Sunnyside, 2 block from Sunnysld car; don't fail to see It. Phone B 2149. , 4 BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Elegantly finished In oak and mahog any, choice locations, Irvlngton, Several . great bargains in lots. No agentat C 1 666; East 273. W. H. Herdman. COLUMBIA-ST. SNAP. Modern two flats, pays 10 per eont; prlc $6500, terms. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. I must sell my 7-room modern Irvlngton home at once; built on fine corner; good terms; if Interested, phone E. 896 or C i 1993; evenings, C 1508. NEW" modern 6-room bungalow, fin" neigh borhood, near schoolhouse and only a block and half from carline. Price $2350, which is $400 below actual value. , Call at 414 Spalding giag. .....-.. . ..i-.-i-i.. t t i". r tt a 7-room house and full lot. near Going St.; price $4000. GODDARD WIEDRICK. TJ-tU a Lara o. $200 CASH and 815 per month buys 6 room bungalow, corner lot. 45x100. near Kern Park; price only 61250, worth 6170O. . . . n.cUOD 199 TTTIRn CT niuui ........ .... GOOD 7-room cottage. 9 lots, good 6-room house, 4 lots, store property, lease at $23 per month. C. H. Elston. Oswego, Or. UNCOMPLETED five-room house: stable, chicken yard; - Clark's station, Mt. Scott line; 61500 ; easy terms. G 858. Oregonian. PIVE-ROOM cottage for sale by owner. $'400. $8u0 cash, balance t years. Phone Woodlawn 113, C 2952. 7-ROOM house, modern, Arleta, $2000. Own er, AM 864, Oregonian, I I HARTMAN ft THOMPSON. Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 63000 Fine six-room bungalow. Owner I leaving city and will sell at thl price. Fireplace, lighting fixtures, shades, etc Walls tinted; dining room has beam ceilings. Dutch kitchen, etc Very easy terms. Se this at once. Take "W. W." car to East 32d St. 82S E. 32d, or call at office. 13150 Modern up-to-date well-built bunga low in Rose City Park; easy term and special Inducements. 62650 A house and lot In Rose City Park district: terms $205 cash, balance like rent. (Very easy terms). In vestigate. 62230 A 6-room house with lot 50x100; all for $2250. Terms only $250 and then $20 per month. Mapa of Portland free. Call for on. HARTMAN ft THOMPSON. Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $100 DOWN. Are you living In a flat and want Just as cosy a home, but among the trees and bracing air after a hard day' work In the city? This bungalow of 5 rooms has been occupied by a business woman who wanted to escape the rent-losing proposition Just as you do. - Beautiful J. G. Maok furniture and draperies can be bought with It If de sired, , Two blocks from Woodstock car. pne 62500. DETSCH ft WITWER, 518 Board of Trade. A-1359. Main 2162. r it--n Tvt' rT? TT7ESBL 81700 6 rooms, full lot. 82150 6 rooms, modern. i2500 5 rooms, modern; fireplace; new. 2700 6 rooms, modern: fireplace; new. 2760 6 rooms, modern; fireplace. 8200 cash, monthly payments, any on. TK-TT-Q c U VI A W Phone Main 2689. 808 Board of Trade. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, swell 7-room bungalow. Just completed, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, built-in bookcase, fireplace, polished floors upstairs, full ce ment basement, level 60x100 lot. 1 block from W. car; price 66500: $1000 cash will handle. For -particular phone room FOR SALE Brand new four-room house with pantry and closet; also good wood house; on lot 60xlCO; hydrant water, price 81250, on terms, $300 down, the jest $15 monthly Including Interest, in quire of owner at 1033 E. Salmon at. tilCE six.room burgalow In SunnyslCe, bath, toilet, full basement, pass pantry, ce ment sidewalks. wired for electricity, piped for gas: everything In flrst-J.ass shape; price $2800. tern.. Deal with owner. IS eoo. ureKuiiim. A. V.-T JT.-A.. VAiwnt'. . 7-room house. East Alder street; 1 minutes' walk, $4500; the lot is worth more. M. T. Duffy. 806 Railway Ex- f.TT. . n.oniTV change. Alarsnaii i is. FOR SALE 2 acres on the Oregon City line, near Sliver Spring station: prlc C2000, on easy terms. H. Gordon. 10 Henry bldg. HAWTHORNE district, on 38th, bargain; 6-room cottage, new, completely furnished, corner, east front lot. $2000 or offer. Ask Ralston, 801 Washington, barber shop Business Property. BUSINESS BLOCK. A 2-story business block. 36x36. store room 22x30, 2 office-rooms and on ware room on ground floor, 6 living-rooms above, one unfinished room; entire block In good condition, on corner lot 58x100, large wait ing porch. This block Is right on one of the best carllnes In the city, in one of th coming suburban additions; rentals from the block pay 13 H per cent on th in vestment. Buy now of CHAPIN ft HERLOW. "R"' 832-838 Chamber of Commerce. PATS 18 PER CENT. East Sid business property, on prom inent corner; prlo 8600, 64000 at 6 PT cent, balance cash. QODDARD ft WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St, BUSINESS corner, Lombard and Pattoal 100 feet frontage on Lombard and carline. Patton ave. Is a 100-foot street, Lombard 80 feet: price, )350O; terms. Owner, 502 McKay bldg. FOR SALE. A fine H block can be had wtth track age, in Northwest Portland, for $22,000; worth 840.000: we need the money. Owner. AH 868. Oregonian. IV XUU TA.rj AJWW.- ... for a factory site, apartment te or an. Investment proposition, I can suit you. 1 have listed some of the best In th city. A. M. Berry, 435 Cham, of Com, . -,nT- . TI IT. , AAirOTIl A SNAP By owner. Income-producing property on LoveJoy between 23d and 24th. If you ar Interested ring Marshall 1015. B-A-vTaoiT&OOO, 612,000 or 61A000, to Test? I eaa show you three for one. In a platting proposition, safe and good. Purse ft Co.. 818 Chamber of Commerce. Valuable waterront on lower Columbia.; ta ' eluding new wharf, hotel. 18 acre land; $15.000. terms. AC 843. Oregonian. STORE building. Laurelwood. cheap from owner. AH 866. Oregonian. Acreage. CHICKEN RANCH IN CITY. With over acre of fine soil, living stream running through property; new 6-room, 2 story house with full basement; 5-cent fare: 2 streetcars clos by; price $4000, easy terms if desired. Call or address One acre fine corner, $1500. 1 44.100 acres. In cultivation. 81410. 2 "A acres, all In cultivation. $2500. c W Rlsley. owner. P. O. Milwaukie, R. F. D. No. 1. Phone Oak Grove Red 12. $250 WIIL MAKE THE FIRST PAYMENT OV A BEAUTIFUL 10-ACRE TRACT ON THE OREGON ELECTRIC LINE; CLOSE TO PORTLAND; THOROUGHLY CLEARED AND UNDER CULTIVATION. 405 COUCH BLDG. 25 ACRES All In highest state of cultiva tion; 8 acres bearing orchard. 6 acres best beaverdam. planted to onions; balance of land In potatoes; creek runs through place; on electric car. 7 miles to Portland. For sale by owner. AM 861. Oregonian. 14-5 ACRES chicken ranch on electrlo line near Portland, only $50 cash down. $10 monthly: easy clearing; spring water, nFRAlNK0M'FARLAND REALTY CO, 309 Yeon Bldg, Portland. ' $6500 SNAP. 800x285 feet on Powell Valley road, near 87th; will plat 24 lots: sell quick at $600 each- Phone Sellwood 822. W. Ormaby, 41st and HQlgatq. FIVE AX1J !I,i-Ai.uo a NEAR PORTLAND. ON ELECTRIO IIVE- LOW PRICES; EASY TERMS. PACIFIC N-W DEVELOPMENT CO, 405 COUCH BLDG. ' A BNAP. A nice little acreage on electrlo lips clos to depot and close to Portland. Kla Sey Stampher. 531 Lumber Kxohang bldg. . atnvp-N acres fine garden land, deep black 8 sot!. oSe-hal : mllefrom electric stat on. lour miles from city limits; price below market value; half cash. See owner, 407 Lumbermena bldg. . . SNAP SO acres good fruit land. 25 acres A cleared, balance covered with about 2.000. 000 feet of timber; two miles from Co lumbia River; two hours from city by steamer. A 8.-.T. Oregonian. 12U AJtCO. 85 miles from Portland, within K of a mile to railroad; soil cannot be beat on Pacific Coast; very reasonable terms, Mar shall REAUTIFUL home site or for platting; 6o fare 1 acres at less than V, Its value If taken In two days. Apply room 2-6 St. Charles Hotel. 7 AfRES improved, right at city limits and Mt. Hood Electric; price $800 per afre- 1-S down. H. Bern, office East and Gllsan sts. Tabor 8087. 11250 CASH takes five acres timbered land close to city limits, south slope, rich soil, 10c fare. This is $160 per acre below land around It. W 836. Oregonian. THE-Bunnell tract at Oak Grove now for sle- Vi to 40 acres; all In cultivation; Iioae to car. Prices and terms to suit. See W. E. Thresher. Milwaukie. Or. so-ACRE improved. Willamette ranch, 3000: worth $4000: press.ng obligation compels sacrifice; would divide. Owner, i n:4n uranu ai" m-n PALE 10 acres. 300 feet from elee ,He rir near village. 11 miles from Port UndcleVr and level. $3000. terms. Owner. g46.Oregonian. ...'. , ctr $12.50 month. 5 acres, near elec $ ,nr line 12 miles out, only :)00. Smlth- Wagoner Co.. 311-812 Lewis bldg. win acreage and Willamette Valley farms c?U on FuM 4 Hilller. 305 Ablngton. Main 4S41. ; lb ACRES. 5 miles from Vancouver, Wash.t one mile from carline. cheap, with good torms. FJ52.Oregonlan. vn-irTIFUL acre, with 5-room bungalow, on Mount Scott carline. 6c fare; $1000 cash will handle. Owner. C 856. Oregonian. 2(1 ACRES, unexcelled fruit land, near elec tric Una $S50. Krabill, Marshall 2064. i 4