Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 16, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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A Million Dollar Corporation
The Grants Pass & Rogue River Railroad
Company, a $1,000,000 corporation, is building
thirty miles of standard gauge railroad, connect
ing with the Southern Pacific main line at
Grants Pass, Oregon, extending southeastcrly
across the Rogue River Valley, thence crossing
the Applegate Valley, and bisecting the "Will
iams River Valley-
The Land Company of Rogue River is the
Land Department of "the Grants Pass & Rogue
River Railroad Company. This Company owns
large acreage of the best fruit and fanning lands
along the line of this railroad, which it is now
selling at wholesale prices.
"We now offer to you the unusual opportunity
of buying lands at strictly wholesale prices, in
the most favored deciduous fruit district in
America, where values will treble and quadruple
upon completion of this railroad.
Tli is is not a new country; it is not a raw coun
try; it is the most beautiful and productive part
of the State of Oregon. The valleys along the
Rogue River and its tributaries, the A-pplegatc
and "Williams Rivera, have long been settled; as
early as '49 it was a great country where some of
the most successful placer mines of the "West
were then being worked. From this it has grown
into a dairy and livestock country, and is today
rated as one of the best dairying districts in Ore
gon. The advent of the railroad will instantly
change this into a commercial orchard and in
tensive farming district unsurpassed anywhere
on the Pacific Coast.
Apple Is King
The Oregon Apple is now King of the decid
uous fruit world. The country bi-sected by this
railroad is as good as the best Apple land in the
State of Oregon, and is surrounded by the fa
mous Apple growing districts at Ashland,
Grants Pass and Medford, the latter point hav
ing taken sweepstakes prizes at the Spokane Na
tional Apple Show in 1910. These valleys have
the same identical conditions as to climate, ele
vation, soil fertility, and all the other attributes
that have made this world-famous fruit belt.
Being in the heart of the Siskiyou Mountains
and near the dividing line between Oregon and
California, with an elevation of 1,000 to 2,000
feet and a few miles from the Pacific Coast, it
has the softening influence of the Japanese Cur
rent and the humid atmosphere requisite to the
best fruit culture; it escapes the intense heat of
a California Summer and the incessant rains of
an Oregon AVinter, and is unquestionably the fin
est all-3-ear-round climate in the north temperate
Business Opportunities
Aside from its large land holdings, this com
pany offers exceptional business opportunities
to "the Capitalist, the Banker, the Merchant,
the Manufacturer, the Laborer and the
Home Builder in the Townsites along
its right of way, which for many years
has been the main avenue of traffic for
logging and lumber teams, mineral teams and
the haulage of the products of the farms and
These Townsites will develop with wonderful
rapidity, and supply a country already fairly
well settled.
Mine3 and Timber
Surrounding these Townsites are billions of
feet of the finest Oregon Fir and Sugar Pine
yet untouched. Mines that for many years have
worked with light machinery for the reduction
of their ores for team haulage, will soon be de
veloped to a commercial basis, and thousands of
tons of ore now lying on top of the ground will
be accessible to railroad transportation.
"We are not inviting j'ou to go to Alaska, Al
berta or the arid lands' of some of our inter
mountain States to carve out and build an em
pire by hand, but to a beautiful country with a
salubrious climate, fine alluvial soil, vast timber
and mineral resources in the mountains that
rise on all sides, many beautiful streams with
almost unlimited water powers, and a whole
souled, hospitable people eagerly awaiting the
coming of transportation and industrial develop
ment. We invite you into a country close to the
great trunk line of the Southern Pacific Railway,
the main North and South artery of travel be
tween Seattle, Portland and San Francisco,
"The Road of a Thousand Wonders."
Capital and Energy Needed
All this section needs is capital" and energy.
To such the reward is more prolific here than
anywhere else in the world. To the man with
big money or little money, to the man who wants
to start a Bank, a Factory or Store, to the man
who wants a thousand acres, or a ten-acre fruit
farm, we say to you, we are here with the goods,
at a price and under conditions that spell PROF
IT. Extraordinary, Unusual PROFIT. You
will never have as good an opportunity as you
have right now to get into this country on the
ground floor; our holdings will soon be sold to
sub-dividers, or investors, and every foot of land
in this country will rapidly advance in price.
We have no time for the idle inquiry, but to
the man who means business, the man who wants
to get in on the ground floor, while it lsts, we
will do everything possible to present a clean, in
telligent understanding of the facts.
All applications for lands or townsite property, or in ref
erence to agencies should be made to the Land Department,
No. 407-409 Spalding Building; Office Honrs: 8:30 to 5:30.
If yon are in the market for a farm, a business location,
city lots or acre tracts, also those who are interested in se
curing an agency or position as salesman for the Company's
properties along this new line of railway, fill out accom
panying coupon and mail to or call at 407 Spalding Building,
Portland, Oregon.
I am in the market for .,.
Grants Pass
40S-410 Spalding Building, Portland, Oregon
Portland Cfca Easily IVs Made Mln
Ins Crater. Saj Secretary of
State Association.
Minnie men. Commercial Club mm
r ao'i th public generally will
father In the convention hall at the
club tonight to attend a meeting where
plans ot entertainment for the North
west Minlrs- Congress, that meets In
Portland May li. 17 and 1. vUl b
outlined. The Catherine will be held
under tne direction of the Stmts Ulnars'
Association and L X. Muncy. of Gold
Beach, president ot the association
wl I preside.
The state association is the Oregon
branch of the American Mining Con
arreee and Is made tin of prominent
mining men. It la d-alred to get out
strong delegations from every mlnlnr
district at the May meeting and give
the visitors a teat of real Western hospitality-
To perfect all the arrange
ments necessary to entertain the visit
ors requires time and considerable
planning. It Is wanted to set the
wheels started ao that committees may
be named and progress begun. The
co-operation of the business Interests
of Portland Is required to entertain
the visiting mining men and so they
wi!l be taken Into the confidence of
the stats association.
President Muncy. L. D. Mahone. sec
retary and treasurer, and a delegation
of other members of the state organi
sation railed at the Comn-erclal I'lub
yesterday to arrange for tonight's
meeting and they expect a large at
tendance. "It is our plan to make Portland a
mining center. said Secretary Ma
hone. "At present a great doal of
money goes out of the state for sup
plies and mining machinery that might
Just as well bo kept at borne. This
can be done easily tf Portland will
taae an Interest In mining and foster
the Industry. The state last year pro
duced more than 15.000.000 in mineral
wealth, certainly an item worth con
sideration. The purpose of the associ
ation la to put the mining business on
a higher seal and do away with wild
cat methods.
Portland men who are directors of
the State Miners Association are Judge
tv. H. Holmes. H. N. Elwrie. Q. U Mac
Gibbon. A. H. Northrup and I. B. Hammond.
MHwaaktfl Amends Proposed Grant
to Mount Hood Company.
MILVf AUK1E. Or, March li. (Spe
cial,) The franchise of the Mount
Hood Railroad Power Company was
considered, amended and ordered posted
by the last night. It will
corns up for final consideration within
IS days The fr-inchlne provides that
the city shall receive 2 per cent of the
gross earnings Inside the city limits,
and quotes rates lower than those
rhnrged by the Portland Railway, Light
A Power Company. It Is similar to the
franchise a.ked for at Oregon City and
other towns. It was announced that
the Mount Hood Company had secured
an option on a trart In South Mllwau
kle on which it proposed to erect a
power station.
The Council advanced the proceed
ings for the improvement of Main
street. The coat of the improvement
will be S1-.000. Crushed rock will be
used. Proceedings were started for a
crushed roik Improvement on Wash
ington street, between Main street and
the Southern Pacific car track.
JEdlefsea deliver &ry wood.
w General Manager of Streetcar
Company Says He Wants to Ilve
in Portland Always.
Frcderck tv. Hlld. newly appointed
general manager of the Portland Rail
way. Light & Power Company, assumed
his duties yesterday morning and was
busy at his desk all day.
'I am merely a pupil now, he said,
"and expect to devote the next three
or four days to learning the duties of
my position. Why. I don't even know
the routing of the cars or the schedules
of the suburban lines. I want to gain
some knowledge of those details first
Then I must give some time to studying
some of the mora difficult problems
that are constantly before the heads
of public utility corporations.
"The way I understand my work. I
am to assist Mr. Joaselyn In the multi
tude of duties that he haa had to per
form. One thing I have noticed al
ready Is the great improvement of
present conditions over those that ex
isted seven years ago when I paid my
first visit to Portland. To my mind
the Improvement made in all directions,
and particularly In the matter of pub
lic utilities is marvelous.
"After traveling over various parts of
the country nearly a score of years. I
now feel as it I would like to settle
down In the place that I like above
all others. If there Is one such place
In the I'nlted 'States It la Portland.
I want to live here always, and I hope
my associations with the people of
Portland will be such that I may."
Wasalnilea "V Rata. Rates.
Seattla, March 15. Beginning next
year the dormitory rates at the Uni
versity ot Washington will be raised
from '.he present $17.50 per month
rate to t:o. This was the decision
reached at the last meeting of the re
gents. Because the food stuffs at the
dormitories have been costing the
state more than is boing realized from
the payment of board, is the reason
the mesa rates will be raised. Much
complaint has arisen In regard to the
intended advance in the board and
many may leave the dormitory this
year if the raise Is maintained.
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Fmlerick W. Hlld, Xew General Maa-
a, sTLCrrr in isjmsu rBi.i-t sa , aa lib, say
Power C.. Vh Hm Awumed Oo-
Um mt His Ofllc-a.
Rufus Mallory Disposes of Land to
Ambrose Scott and W. B. Mixter.
Lots to Be Sold.
Rufus Mallory has sold his tract of
27 acres on Hawthorne avenue to Am
brose B. Scott, of Portland, and W. B.
Mixter, of Rock Island, 111., for $80,000.
Judge Mallory reserved from the sale
an Irregular-shaped piece of about
three acres on which his home stands.
The purchasers will plat the property
and place it on the market in the shape
of lots without delay. It will be
known as Mallory's Addition.
The Mallory tract was the largest
remaining piece of acreage in that part
of the East Side and one of the few
remaining pieces within the limits of
Portland. The city has built up all
around the place. The property is on
the south side of Hawthorne avenue
and extends from East Thirty-ninth to
East Forty-fourth street and south to
Howe's Addition, the south line of the
tract being 100 feet north of East Grant
It is the Intention of Messrs. Scott
and Mixter to grade streets, lay side
walks and make other improvements
A plat has already been prepared a d
the lots will be marketed as soo- as
details can be arranged. There, will
be about 140 lots in the piece. Tbd price
paid was at the rate of about $3300
an acre, which is higher than has pre
vailed in other sales made recently.
The ground is a particularly desirable
piece and Is relatively close to the cen
ter of the city. M. H. Griffin and
Peak Bros, will have charge of the
The Mallory borne is one oi the old
East Side landmarks and Judge Mal
lory has no Intention of giving up his
residence, which fronts west on East
Thirty-ninth street. Just south of Haw
thorne avenue.
Capture of Lad Suspected of Theft
Made by 14-Year-Old.
His little round, black face beaming
with smiles, Gus Bowena a. 14-year-old
negro boy, marched a prisoner into the
Police Station yesterday together with
a bicycle alleged to have been stolen.
The prisoner was 13-year-old Alexander
Helzer, who lives at 869 East Eleventh
street, north.
"I'se got him," said Gus to Captain
Bailey as he gave the little white boy
a push up to the counter at police head
quarters. "He stole dis wheel, mister,"
continued the boy. "He didn't want to
come, but I made him."
Alexander was arrested at the corner
of Ivy etreet and Union avenue with fhe
bicycle In his possession. When accused
of the theft the boy cried and said a boy
named John Miller stole it and gave
it to him.
The little negro formerly lived In the
neighborhood of the Helzer home and
when Mrs. HeUer told him her eon had
been missing since last- Saturday, Gus
set out to find the runaway boy. After
searching every afternoon for him he
foKad Alexander and was going to take
Km home when ho learned that the
oleyele had been stolen.
On the way to the Police Station the
white boy broke away and tried to run
but Gus recaptured him. Gus Bowens
lives at 360 East Davis street The case
will be bandied by the Juvenile Court
Bridge Bids Are Opened.
ASTORIA, Or., March 15. (Special.)
The County Court this afternoon
opened bids on construction of a bridge
across Elk Creek at the terminus ot
the highway from Seaside. As each
bid Is In accordance with the specifica
tions furnished by the respective bid
ders, the Court will take the matter
under consideration for a few days in
order thoroughly to investigate the
plans and specifications before award
ing a contract The proposed bridge is
to be about 500 feet in length and to
consist of two 60-foot Howe truss spans
with the necessary approaches. The
proposals submitted were as follows:
Birch and Jacobsen, $6.70 per lineal
foot; C. A. Woolfolk, $4200; T. A. Davis,
$3295; Coast Bridge Company, materi
als for two steel spans $2740.
Is there anything In all this world
that Is of more importance to you than
good digestion? . Food must be eaten
to sustain life and must be digested
and converted Into blood. When the
digestion fails the whole body suffers.
Chamberlain's Tablets are a rational
and reliable cure for indigestion.
They increase the flow of bile, purify
the blood, strengthen the stomach, and
tone up the whole digestive apparatus
to a natural and healthy action. For
sale by all dealers.
This Will Clean and Clear the Skin and
Give It a Soft, Rich Embellishment
Every woman can revel in a rose'
toned, youthful oomplexion no matter
what her age it she nightly devotes a
little attention to her skin, using a
simple massage cream made with coroL
Get $ ounces of cerol at the drug
gist's and dissolve In a scant pint of
boiling water, stirring until smootri ?
and you will htve a delightful massa&
skin with this soon clears and tones it
and dispels wrinkles and "crow's feet,"
making It soft and satiny, giving to the
complexion a rich embellishment im
possible with artificial aids. Adv,