MORNIM PRECOMA. THURSDAY, MARCH 16. 1011. THE ROSEBURC SLAYER PARTLY EXCUSED Jury Justifies All Shots but! Mortal One Fired at Mahan by McCIallen. LETTERS TO GIRL SHOWN Ylrtlm Hd Written of Ills lte for Ml r-pclkcr Verdict Void faja Irorralnr - rrcllmlnarj Hearing to Be Had. BDSEBfRO. Or-. March 11 dpclal -Rt M.lalo had d rmind t"r f-.-lr that B. fl. Mafcan would taaa Ma l.f. tut ha aa nt Juatlflad In flrtnc th fourth shot, which took ffrt In Mhn back, and trsponalMe) for ha dath." . Hach aa the verdict tfl'inwJ nra BT tv t'orooar'a Jury shortly after 11 Vines. l-jitriit Attorney Frown aay the ver "lrt smaur.U to nauaSit. and It will ba r. rii4r). he declared, to herd a pre liminary rumination In ttw Jutic f.-vurt to (ear the evidence Intro duced at the tnqiwsc A complaint will jr..tai,Iy b fii-d aslnt M.-OUilen to morrow. tiit the me may be taken ti court ImmrOiatc!". MiK'UIIrn Take Stand. AH'rt rj that Malxn. slain here Mon cv r ht. rj7 threatened frequently to k II l.;ro. MoOalWn went on the wltnen inl at the Inquest thU afternoon aid trained that he iu compelled to reort to tae use of Ma pistol In self-defense. I m returning borne a'ter attending the t!irter. aronmpan :ed by Mlu d:e!k er. said ti e wltnes "when I noticed MV.jn appr-a.-h!n. I atopped an.) 1 t'i ) l a point about l or eiaht fe.-t Iron where I w Mar.rilnc. I told Mm to He failed to heed the rnln ard continued to advance, whereupon 1 w u pped out my revolver and fired four iiois. I "poo f rln the first and a-cond ahois Mjnn appeared to staaaer. but rot until I frred the following atiola did ke full to the pavement." Mjplclou Mntrmrnl Told. On irterrocitlon by the IHstrlrt Attnr- . McOallen testified that Mahan aald H"thina. but almplr advanced, and placed y.'M hand to Ma Mp pocket aa If to draw gun. Ti.e wltnraa also declared tl at Vrn M faring Mm wlien killed and wa not retren::nc. aa contended by sev eral witnesses. McOallen waa the most Important wlt r.ena introduced durlnjt the day. and waa only excused after a rigid examination fcy the IMstrU-t Attorney. Walter !ood. a barber, who waa with in a frw feet of the stain man when he fell. M trial he heard McCIallen aak Slahan to halt. -An Instant later." aald Good. I heard four aMta In rapid succession and upon turning around aaw Mahan stag ger Into tba atreet and fail to the pavement." Attorney I Steele aald he had talke.t with Mhnn frequently and had heard htm ar that there would be three funeral If Mla Snelker continued to associate with other men. Attorney Steele a'-o aald that Mahan lay In wait for Ua'UIVa several times, and only few nights ago aald. -I will get him yet." Portland Man Tailed. A. II. Graham, a Portland salesman, he waa within a few feet of Mahan at tre t:me of the tragedy, and heard JlcC.allea call to him to halt. Mr. Gra ham ao heard Mahan aay aomethlng wtl.-li he could not recall. Other wtt-ea-a merely told how they had been attracted by the shots and aaw Mahan U. Trior to adjournment two lettera pur rortin to have beea written to Mi He'ker by Mahan were Introduced aa evtiene. One of these charred her with dishonesty while In hia employ as book keeper, and warned her aealnst aaao elating with other men. The other let ter wsa of an affectionate nature. In he aald he loed her. and cou'.d rot endure to see her with other men. -I do not know how long 1 can en dure th;s and 1 really hope aomethlng happen to and U all." la an excerpt from one o? the ml.-slves. Owing to her hysterical condition. Mlas Fpeikerwaa not called on the atand tolsv. In all :i witnesses were ex amined. CAPTIVE JAILS CAPTOR )Iucow Deputy Mierlff Entangled After .rrrtlnj" tianiblcr. MiWV, Idaho. March 13. f Special.) A Ieputy Sheriff arrested by a leputy Constable and disarmed, "for having held tip" Me prisoner when placed un dr arrest, waa the experience of Zue Xresher. Deputy Sheriff of TToy. when tie went to Peary and selaed II. L ly on a charge of gambling. WTien Selv was arrested by Kresher he demanded to sea the warrant. Kr.sher did not have a warrant, having ma le the arrest on his own Initiative. Kresher then allowed Seely to go to a hotL expecting to take his captive to Moscow the next morning. r-eely awakened Justice of the Peace Ats. and obtained a warrant for the arrest of Kreeher. who. said Seely. waa n..t a Oeputy SN-rlff and had held hlra The magistrate appointed John I.r'ini" pclal LeputT Constable to ar rest Kresher. who waa seised, disarmed of his six-shooter and arraigned. Ieputy Sheriff Kresher waa allowed to telephone Sheriff Frown at Moscow, and a'ter considerable wrangling was re leased bhertff Froan then arrrste. Soely asrain and took hlra to Moow. Peely gave boi-.d and It Is underatood will ci'nfese gamKing: to gain Imraunltv for giving evidence against Mat Pelthlem ai"l Harry Stewart, with whom ha p l.v.Ned poker. TOURIST CAR SERVICE To St. Tan! and the Kast In effect every ay from Tacoma art! Seattle on the C. M. A F. S. Ry. Trains leava Tacoma T A. M . Seattle SO A. M. Ixwr berths t Mosonla ..:j; to Hutte. t-50; Mar lowton. J; Mii-s City. J ;j; St. Paul. I. I'pper berths ereaper. Apply to ntv ticket office. Railway Exchange. Third and Siark atrvets. for reaerva ters. tickets, etc. 1.3 I f. S I .0J Martina t'oanlrd. WASHINGTON. March IS Working r'Kht and d" for a week, posto.'fice lrreotors hae made a complete count of a'l the pestage stampa stored In the auire of the Bureau of Printing and Knsrsvlne. There are Just 1. 111.; of all .lenomlnaMcria and rotors Il-ye-tor i:ph ilclded to count all the because of aii-d ptutal lr reguiarttjesv The account checked to tio UJt te-ceat taA(. PEETCIPALS ET KOSEBTTEO TRAGEDY WHICH RESULTED FROM RIVALRY IN LOVE. ' ' . . . t T. . : 1 : . '- : . . XLH - S v x - V". ii r i t r L aw.. i nOtT MI1S LILLIAM apKiKER BEI.OW, ROY MtLAI.lAJl AXD B. -V. ' ' .1HA., WHOM MB SLEW. DESIGNER IS NAMED Board Appoints Portland Man as Architect for State. VV. C. KNIGHTON CHOSEN Dudes of w Office to Be Taken Cp Immediately at t300 a year Saving of $50,000 for Ore gun Predicted. SALEM. Or. March li t Special. One of the most revolutionary moves ever made by the State Board relative to the construction of public buildings 'e taken today when a determination was reached to hire a aaWxrled State Archi tect. W. C. Knighton, of Portland, waa the aelectlon. Under the new system the State Archi tect will receive a salary of 4J"0 a year and will have charge of all the archi tectural work. State Architect Knighton mi Injured several montha ago. when he fell from a building In Portland end waa compelled to dissolve hit aawoclatlona with the active work of the profession. For some time he has been In Califor nia. He will devote hla entire time to the work for the state and It Is under atood U1 take up hla new office Imme diately. Big Saving; In View. According to estlmatea of Slate Treaa-nrv-r Kay. If the atate should hire an architect on the old baeas to do the work of preparing plana and to superviee the construction of the proposed building for the Eastern Oregon Branch Insane Hos pital, at Pendleton, the services for thst work would cost the atate KD.0OX If the architect had to prepare only the plane the cost would be 112.000. In consenuence the board aeea an op portunity for an enormous saving In this one item alone, astde from the build ings that are to be constructed at the State School for the Feeble-Minded, the Reform S-hool. the Ptate fpltol addition and other public work of this nature. One Contract Exempt. Inasmuch as a contract hae already been entered Into with a firm of Port laud architect for the plans and super vision of conatruction at the main vinm recelvlna ward, this work will be carried on by ttlat firm, but all other state work will be In 'the hands of Mr. Knighton. It Is believed, witn an me work tn view to be done daring the next two yeana. that a saving of practically C'O.'XO may ba accomplished by the new plan. POET SLURS HOOD RIVER Advert Isenietit Refused, KhyniMer Threatens to Pe.-ry Apples. HOOD niVER. Or- March 15. By a threat to publish a statement In a book let of poems that will damage Hood River, which he says he will Issue. Wal ter Martin, who waa here laat Fall. call. Ing htmeef the "cowboy poet." Is try Inc to eecure 1 100. Secretary Skinner recently received a copy of the proposed booklet, on the rover page of which. In a comspicuous place, appeared the following state ment. -oh. ves! Hood River apples are all right." But look out for the bitter rot at the core. A word to the wise, you know." Ti e following letter accompanied the ropv: Referrlrg to yours of Januarr con cerning: aX la "Cowpunober a idlUon," wr ?n - . tnm -- ' '- w I inclose copy of proof for 7000 copies to be distributed In Central and East ern States. If your club wishes any change, let me know, with proper re mittance, by date of going to press, the nth Inst., and change aa desired can be made If accompanied by proper re mittance. Respectfully. Walter Martin." The letter may be turned over to the postal authorities for Investigation. DOMINION LINES GROWING Canadian-Australian Company Or dors Ships. VICTORIA.' B. C. March 15. Word has Just been received that an order has been placed on the Clyde for a fine, modern passenger ateamcr of 10.000 torn register, for the Canadian-Australian line, with the prospect of a sister liner bring constructed soon after. Tele graphic advlcea from New York also report tho sailing of Sir Thomas Shaugh nersv. president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, for the United States, to place orders for the building of two lO.OiiO-ton tteamera. modern mall and passenger liners, to replace the Empress of China and the Empreaa of India In the trans Pacific trade from this port, early next season. The Weir line has added a lutwu-ton liner, the Lucerlc now en route from Manila to this port via Hong Kong and the usual porta of call, and a sister steamer, the Orterlc. la now on the way from Glasgow to thle port. HOUSE TOPPLES, ONE DEAD Two Women, Three Men Hurt In lowering Seattle Dwelling. SEATTLE. March IS. A frame dwell ing In the re-grade district near Terry avenue and Stewart street collapsed today while being lowered to a new foundation, killing; Kanaut Dovond. a carpenter, aged 47, and Injuring nve other persons. The injured are: Mrs. John Hyer, breast crushed; In ternal Injurlea. Mra. Minnie Colman, sister of Mrs. Hyer: eut and bruised about head and shoulders. George McDonald. house-moving foreman, severely cut; baok wrenched. Frank Sandberg. laborer; head se verely cut; hip wrenched. Rabert Tousch. bead cut; arms and back wrenched. The ruins of the house caught fire, and the Are department was calied to quench the flames. Mrs. Coleman and Mrs. Hyer were living In the house while It was being; moved. CANADIANS WANT ALASKA Prince Rupert Merchant Says An nexation Will Be Savior. VICTORIA. R. C. March 15. (Spe cial.) "There will continue to be dis satisfaction until the American auth orltltes realise that the only salvation for Alaska lies In her annexation to Canada." aald ' Duff Pattullo, a well known merchant of Prince Rupert. Mr. Pattullo said that during the Winter bundreda of Alaakans who had come to Prince Rupert expressed dis gust with the condition or affairs in the territory. Such rigid conservation plans are being carried out, they said, that old-timers can't make a living, and are moving away. "I am told that the country is in a statf of unrest and the people want the Canadian flag." continued Mr. Pat tullo. Seaview Resident Dies Suddenly. SEA VIEW. Wash.. March 16. (Spe cial.) Chester U. Stout died here sud denly Thursday. Mr. Stout was born In Ilwaco June 9, 1S70. and resided In Pacific County all hia life. He Is sur vived by three brothers and a sister- John S. Stout, of Ocean Park; Phil O. and Oliver R. Stout, of Seaview, and Mrs. Ines E. Beever. of Portland. The services were held at the Methodist Episcopal Church at Ilwaco Saturday, CRITICISING EM LOSES PRISON JOB J. P. McCuIiough Dismissed From State Penitentiary by Superintendent. VEST NOT TO INTERFERE Assertions About Warden Curtis lad lo Discharge Trouble Predicted, but ' fJovernor Seems to Be Satisfied. J. P. McOullough. who for some time has been a guard at tne otaia rtm- t.ntlov .-a Instructed tO leaVS hlS position this morning by Superintend ent James, because McCuIiough had seen tit to criticise some oi mo mem- i . AmniMvH hv thj. nrenent nenlten- tlary admftilstrattort It is said Mc CuIiough s assertions were airecrea principally at Warden Curtis. "If ho desires to criticise the meth ods used here he must criticise them as an outsider." said Superintendent Jamea today, "but he cannot do so while receiving his pay as a member of the force here. Warden Curtis and bis work receive the fullest commen dation and should not be criticised by employes." ' Considerable talk was neara nere to day to the effect that McCuIiough is . eriAnri of Governor - West and that his dismissal might result in a disruption or tne present omciai ministration at the prison. The Gov- - l t.oWAvv that he is not acquainted with McCuIiough, that the prison is in charge or supermieiiunn James and is solely under his manage ment and that the executive officers have received no official notice that a guard has been discharged. Governor ... . -in i.tir.Dt.i that there is no change In prospect at the penitentiary and that tnere is every muitou. Superintendent James will remain in charge for the next four years. GOAL FiliS COT WELL DIGGER VSCCOVERS VEIN" MILE WEST OF SALEM. Deposit Is Encountered Beneath Layer of Sandstone at Depth of 44 Feet. SALEM. Ort, March 15. (Special.) Discovery of what are declared to be bona fide coal deposits on a small tract on the Roberts ranch, about a mile west of Salem. In Polk County, set the town agog today. The discovery was made this morning by men employed on the H. P. Chase drilling machine. They were seeking for water. At a depth of S feet the first coal vein was found. This vein was thin, being but five or six Inches thick, but was well defined. At a depth of 44 feet, a deeper vein was struck, but the coal waa broken up and apparently scattered. The quality -i i .. n H Trol1fnt and the indi cations point to a discovery of some magnitude. U. P. Chase said tonight that the coal deposits discovered west of the river were found after drilling through sand stone rock. He says that while the present veins discovered are apparently small, the indications are excellent and that endeavors will he immediately SEE THAT this trade-mark b on every bottle of Cod Liver Oil you buy U stands for (he original standard tnd only genuine preparation of Cod Liver Oil in (he world Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver OH preparations with, out this trade-mark are only cheap Imitations, many of them containing harmful drugs or alcohol. Be SURE to get SCO ITS. ALL DRUGGISTS The Egg-Albumen contained in Crescent sustains the dough while cooking and pre vents falling. Full Pound 25c Cmcfrit Cflii. TfM, Mp1 fn. JSpiert. FtaTorinr Ex tract, etc.. rajor a well J xrvrd reputmtloa. tirooars Mfrj vvherv 41 them. CRESCENT MFU. CO., Sattl. Pimples Off In 5 Days The New Caldnm Sulphide Treatment Does Wonders to Every Kind of Skin Eruption. Trial Packages Seat Free To Prove M. Too don't want to wait forever and a day to get rid of your pimples or other skin eruptions. You want to get rid of them right now. Next week-you may want to go aomewhere .where you wouldn't like to have to taka the pim ples along. You can get rid of them Just In time bv taking Stuart's Calcium 'Wafers. Theae wonderful little workers have cured bad bolls In three days, and some of the worst cases of skin disease in a week. They contain as their main Ingredi ent the most thorough, quick and ef fective blood cleanser known, calcium sulphide. Remember this, too, that most pim ple treatments reek with poison. And they are miserably slow besides. Stuart's Calcium Wafers have not a particle of poison In' them. They are free from mercury, biting drugs or venomous opiates. This is absolutely guaranteed. They cannot do any Barm, but they always do good, good that you can see In the mirror before your own eyes a few days after. Don't be any longer humiliated by having a splotchy race. Don't have strangers stare at you, or allow your friends to be aahamed of you because of your face. Your biood makes you what you are. The men and women who forge ahead are those with pure blood and pure faces. Stuart's Calcium Wafers will make you happy because your face will be a welcome sight not only to yourself when you look Into the glass, but to everybody else who ( knows you and talks with you. We want to prove to you that Stuart's Calcium Wafers are beyond doubt the best and quickest blood and skin purifier in the world so we will send you a free sample as soon as we get your name and rddress. Send for It today, and then when you have tried the sample you will not rest con tented until you have bought a 50c box at your druggist'a. Send us your name and address to dav and we will at once send you by mail a sample package, free. Address F. A. Stuart Co, 175 Stuart Bldg, Marshall. Mich. made to determine Just the extent of the deposits and the value of the find. FIRE CONSUMES HOARD Aberdeen Man 'Who Dislikes Banks Los ess Home and Coin. ABERDEEN, Wash., March 15. (Spe cial.) Besides losing his home by fire today. Stanley Wainikowski also lost $200 in the blaxe as a result of his aver sion to banks. He refused to deposit his money and had It hidden In the house. The fire enveloped the house- so quickly that It was impossible to save anything, even the money. The loss of the house alone would have been com paratively smaU. Beaver Valley Road Surveyed. RAINIER, Or., March 15. (Speclal.V An engineering party under Orrln Backus has completed the preliminary surveys through the Beaver Valley for the proposed county road between Rainier and Clatskanle. the greater por tion of which Is on a water grade, with few angles. The grades on the old road exceed 17 per cent, while the maximum on the proposed road is only E per cent. The proposed road opens thousands of acres of fertile fruit and farming land At Bedtime- After a busy, trying day when your nervous force has been taxed to the urmost-when yon need a good sleep and a mild tonic to put you . m sh po for another day of hustle and hurry-there 's nothing better than a glass or two of pure, cold sparkling GAMBRINUS Get the habit of drinking a pint bottle of this spkndid brew with your meals and at bed time and you'll know to the fullest the blessings of perfect rest good appetite, bounding health and goood digestion. (GAMBRINUS HAS BEEN FOR THIRTY-FOUR YEARS THE FAVORITE FAMILY BEER OF THE ) MOST DISCRIMINATING PEOPLE OF PORTLAND. Pints $2.00 The case of two dozen bottles. 25 the dozen for the bottles when returned. PHOXE MAIN 49 DEALER Gambrinus Brewing PORTLAND- Get Tickets Here for Ad Men's Big Show. See Hoyt's "A Texas Steer," March 21, at the" Baker Mfgrs. Surplus Picture Sale Now in Full Blast-V4 to Va Off Make Life a Joy For the Invalid That is what a wheel chair will do. Invalids need outdoor life and sunshine as much, if not more, than others. We have chairs of many kinds and prices, both for house and street use. They are easy; adjustable with super-springs, so that the most helpless use them with comfort. We rent at a moderate monthly charge, if vou don't wish to buy. Prices $20.00 to $50.00. Send for Illustrated Booklet Protect Your Roses Use "Wood. ark" Rose and Fruit Spray For roses, house plants, vines, small and large fruit trees. Destroys all insects that feed on foliage or petals of roses. Kills tent caterpillars, cur rant worms, pear or cherry slugs, asparagus beetles and all leafeating insects. May be used any strength on any fo liage without injury. "Woodlark" Spray Pumps at 5Qc Each Onart bottle Rose Spray 50 Pint bottle Rose Spray 25 In the Beaver Valley and forms an Im port a ntlinlilntheirruchdlseuss i Quarts $1.75 The case of one dozen bottles. 40 the dozen for the bottles when returned. OR A-1149 AND OUR WAGON OR YOUR NEAREST WILL CARE FOR YOUR WANTS PROMPTLY. Need a Stimulant? Come in Today. Get A Bottle of That Good Old "Chicken Cock" Whiskey We Have Bought 1596 Bottles to Sell at Only 89c Bottle The age, strength and purity of this Whiskey is vouched for by the U. S. Government, the Distillers and Us. Seasonable Remedies HIVE TABLETS A most efficient internal remedy for the treatment of hives, characterized by raised erup tions with intense itching and burning. Symptoms may arise from errors in diet, change of climate or over heated conditions. Price 25 POISON OAK TABLETS Very beneficial in cases of poison oak. Can also be used as a preventative. Price 25 GRINDELIA COMPOUND :A local application for poisoning by oak. An im mediate relief from the itch ing and smarting symptoms. Price 40 and 75 Mail orders filled and post age prepaid at above prices. Open a Monthly Account land-to-Astorla road via the Columbia River. ' Company OP F! "r'