Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 16, 1911, Page 22, Image 22

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Tickets for Portland "Ad" Club's Special Show at Baker Theater, March 21, on Sale in Our Men's Famishing Department 75c Each
Join Our March Sewing Machine Club Willamette Machines on the Club Plan, $2 at Purchase, Then $1 a Week, No Interestharged
. 1 . . j : ; ; : :
. n r. I I Entire Proceeds Today in 7th FI. Res- , ' .
cni Or ea t ' Introductory Display nM frj 1
1iiyJfePb"and Sale of the Famous "IgS f i r
EVER on its watch for NEWER AND BET
TER MERCHANDISE, Meier & Frank's,
less than a year ago, acquired the sole Portland
agency for the celebrated ' American" Under
niuslins, acknowledged by women from Maine
to California as the highest perfection yet at
tained in Muslin Undergarments.
"American" Undennuslin3 are made
under the most modern and sanitary
conditions. ""Their large, airy, sunny
factories combine with skilled labor
and highest quality materials to pro
duce garments which for style, dainti
ness and dependability are unequaled.
Our huge new Spring and Summer stocks of
"American" Undermuslins have arrived, and to
introduce this celebrated make to Portland
women, we begin this great Three-Day Display
and Sale today.
All the savings quoted here are big, actual
reductions, in force until Saturday night. See
the Fifth street display windows. Read on
share in the savings.
Sale "American" Gowns
Exquisite quality of cambric, nainsook and
muslin, prettily trimmed in lace and embroidery
edgings and insertions, tucks, x featherstitch,
braid, beading and ribbons. High or low neck
styles, in hubbard, empire or slipover style.
$1.75 "American" Gowns, now $1.29.
$3.50-$4 "American" Gowns, $2.97.
$4.50-$5.50 "American" Gowns, $3.95.
$1 "American" Gowns, Bpecial at 79c
$2-2 .25 "American" Gowns, $1.47.
4 American' Combinations
Drawer and corset cover combinations of ex
cellent quality nainsook, cambric and lawn.
Princess style or with beading at waistline.
Wide or narrow drawers, trimmed in val. or
linen laces, tucks, insertions, beading and rib
bons. $2 "American" Combinations, $1.49.
$3 "American" Combinations, $1.98.
$4 "American" Combinations, $2.98. .
"American" White Skirts
Made with pretty flounces of lawn, daintily
trimmed in neat embroideries, tucks, beading,
insertions, ribbons and linen and val. laces. All
of superior quality cambric and lawn. Intro
ductory sale prices follow:
$5 "American" White Skirts, $2.98
$3-$3.50 "American" White Skts., $1-98
$2.25 "American" White Skirts, $1.47
"American" Short Skirts
Dainty knee-length skirts of splendid lawn
and cambric. Some plain hemstitched styles,
others prettily trimmed with embroidery and
lace-finished ruffles. For 3-day Introductory
65c "American" Short Skirts, 49
$1 "American" Short Skirts, at 79
$1.35 "American" Short Skirts, 93
See the
Big Win
dow Display.
"American" Drawers
"Wide circular styles, open or closed. Daintily
trimmed in embroideries, val. and linen laces,
beading, ribbon, ribbon insertions and tucks.
Made of splendid quality cambric and muslin.
75c "American" Drawers, special, 49c
$2 "American" Drawers, special, $1.39. ,
$3.50 "American" Drawers, special, $2.67.
"American" Corset Covers
Finest nainsook and lawn corset covers, with
fitted peplum. Daintily trimmed in embroidery
and lace edges, insertions, beading and ribbons.
$1.25 "American" Corset Cover, 98c.
$1.00 "American": Corset" Cover, 73c.
$1.75 "American" Corset Cover, $1.29. ,
icrican Princess anps
Of beautiful quality lawn, with, flounces handsomely
trimmed in dainty laces, embroideries, headings ana riD-
bons. "American Princess slips which sell
regularly at $5. Special Introductory sale
Portland's Ideal Corset Store
i i
NO LONGER is the Corset consid
ered a mere adjunct to the perfect-fitting
costume. Time was when
women had new gowns fitted over
old, out-of-date Corsets and won-
iZ5-,fK. aereawnyiue mica i. xi&..
Meier & Frank Corset service is in
dividual. Each of the famous makes
sold here has its own distinct special
ty And every Corset is fitted per
sonally by a skilled corsetiere.
All the new 1911 models for Spring
and Summer are already in.
Madame Irene's Corsets from $6.50 to $22.50
Warner Rustproof Corsets, at $1.00 to $5.00.
Redfern Whalebone Corsets $3.00 to $8.50.
Gossard Front-Lace Corsets, $3.50 to $15.00.
Nemo Self-Reducing Corsets, $3.50 to $10.00.
Successo Improved Corsets, at $2.50 to $5.00.
Complete assortment of all corset accessories brassieres,
bust supporters, pads, etc., many with distinctly new 1911
improved feaures. Ask to see these stocks.
Opening Sale of Draperies Continued
STILL splendidly complete assortments despite the tremendous buy
ing of yesterday. Scrims, Cretonnes, Lace Curtains everything
that is needed for brightening the home, at reduced prices. Share in
the savings today
All new Spring patterns in fully -100
different designs floral, two-toned, art
nouveau and other popular effects, suit
able for any room. Every wanted color
ing. Best 50c Wall Paper nn
today, for Opening Sale, the roll, J C
Handsome English and French Cre
tonnes in a charming array of patterns.
Both corded and plain materials.
50c Imported Cretonnes, yard . . 29
75c Imported Cretonnes, yard .... 38 c
$1 Imported Cretonnes, yard 57c
S1.25 Imported Cretonnes, yard 68J
TO 35o SCRIMS, 14
Single and double Printed Scrims in
charming floral, art Nouveau and Oriental
designs. Wide choice of colorings in the
patterns, but all on tan, white, ecru and
champagne grounds. Best regu- A
lar 25c to 35c Scrims. Special JL TrC
Oenuine Saxonv Brussels Curtains, in
TiPAntifnl ratterns. Some with neat
t.'mnln and nlain centers, others
in handsome allover patterns with elab
orate borders. Some with slightly irreg
ular edges. Worth fJlf n.n
t;12.50fc60Tr.:todav flail r I 1UC
ft i assays jtmmMtu ass
II M I It If U'H ra r.I ..eKI' II BIBBS 'fl 11 HI II
1000 Sample Strips of Portieres in Basement
Todav in our famous Basement Bargain Square, a manu
facturer's entire sample line of Portiere Strips, also a
few odd Portieres from our regular stocks at splendid sav-
ingsl ' .
Beautiful range of colorings and patterns mostly in strip
ed, mercerized reps. Some with slight imperfections which
are hardly noticeable. Note the compelling economies :
Portieres worth $5.00 this pair, strip $1.39
Portieres worth $10.00 the pair, strip $2.68
Portieres worth $17.50 the pair, strip $3.60
Portieres worth $25.00 the pair, strip $4.80
What Ribbon Beauty What Bargains!
it tliv veterdav women exclaimed enthusiastically over the beauty and unrestrained
. jcsxeru.iv t T?;KKnr,snnd how everv one did buy!
in T F 1 I TV1 Til 1 lllH'IUUi: kHUV, VTA. j.vvv w
Lsortnunts still splendidly complete-share in the economies today.
5000 vards of All-
Silk Taffeta .and Moire Kibbons, Tl-inches wide. h
err wanted Spring shade pink, blues, white, cream,
Mack. etc. For todays upmng j--jcp
, V
daced to the extremely low price, the yard
S5c-45c Fancy All Silk Warp Print
Ribbons in wide assortments. Six
and 7 inches wide. The yard 25
20c All-Silk Tffet Eibbons. also
en. Tin PiViViMis. pnmnrisini? All-Silk VCarn and
UVU yv w j 1 o
Dresden Eibbons with handsome Satin edges.. Full 6
to 9-inches wide in a splendid assortment of 1911
colorings and color combinations, loday OO
for this Biff Opening Sale, special, the yard. OOC
Hosiery Stocks Spell Completeness and Economy!
DIRECT from Chemnitz, Germany, as well as the best. American sources, have come our Hosiery sup
plies assortments that in variety and quality probably surpass any on the Pacific kast.
Yet while all is so splendidly complete, these compelling price reductions will be in rorce lor xnursaay
Women's $1 Silk Hosiery, 69c. Women's Silk Hosieryour fine
Exceptional $1 quality of "Women's Silk Hosiery, -"Kayser" and other famous makes,
lisle-lined throughout and reinforced. Black and all Lisle split sole and wide garter-proof
new and wanted Spring shades. Special sale CQ- tops. Black and colors, ff -f OQ
tnAav a nnirs for $2. or sincrle nair at onlyOI7C Snecial the nair at only P
Eibbons. plain and checked, in
rrery wanted color. 6 yard bolt.
10c Bolt No. 1 Wash Eibboni 6
15c Bolt No. 2 Wash Ribbons 0
25c Bolt N. 3 Wash Eibbons 17 C
S6c Bolt No. 5 Wash Kibbons ZC
S5e Plain and Moire Eibbons, 5 inches
wid. All wanted sha.le. Td 17
55c All Silk Taffeta and Moire Eib
bons. 6 inches wide. The vard 19
40c All Silk Taffeta and Moire Rib
bons, in all shades. Special rd 22
BOo Haixbo Taffeta Eibbon. six
inches wide, in blnrk. white and
colon. The yard 20
Silk Moire. 4 and inches wide.
The yard 12
25c Warp Print Eibbons, in floral ef
fects. All colors. Special yd 17
35c All-Silk Moire Taffeta Eibbons
with cord edfre. inches wide.
The vard 18
35c All-Silk Satin Eibbons, 5 inches
wide in all colors. Yard 2l
60c All-Silk Satin Eibbons, 5 inches
wide. Estrs, heavy quality, yd JC
Special the pair at only
Women's Black" Lisle Hosiery,
ont-sizes only. Light weight. 29c
Special, the pair for only-
Women's Silk Lisle Hosiery, light
weight, with 4-inch garter-proof
tops. Beautiful lustrous quality. In
all the wanted Spring shades. CQ,
Extra good , quality, at pair
Misses' . Silk Hosiery, fine weave,
soft finish, seamless and light weight
in all the most wanted 1911 colorings.
CHILD'S 15c HOSE 10c.
The famous "Rushline" brand,
warranted against the wear and tear
of frolicking children. Heavy ribbed,
reinforced throughout. Sell regular
ly at 15c. Special today at 1 O
the pair for the low price of v
Infants' and Children's fine weave
lisle Hose, with seamless feet and
elastic tops. Black and wide assort
ments of fast colors. Special 2 Of
three pairs at 50c or the pair
INT ANTS' 50c HOSE 25c.
Infants' extra quality plaited silk
Hosiery, with hemmed tops and
seamless feet. All sizes, and splen
did assortments of colors. Sell regu
larly at 50c, special for .three OCp
days, at, the pair, for only