PEEK-ABOOWAIST LITTLETON LOSES LEADSTD E TO TUFT AT GOLF o rin Humiliation Over Inability to Make Fig Preserves Also Wife's Plea. COURT GRILLS HUSBAND "You Democrats Always Let Us Republicans Beat Yotf," Jokes President NEW YORKER "CHAGRINED' DIVORC gtim'e President finds Representative al sell Availing for II I m After Game, bat Penles He Has Changed Mind About Reciprocity. AUGUSTA. Gv. March 1J. President Taft and Representative Martin W. Lit tleton, of New York, played an Inter esting cams of golf today. The match was arranged last Saturday. In a way It was heralded as a eon test between the hepubllcan and Demo cratic parties, and the President, as the representative of the Republicans, unexpectedly won rather handily by 2 up and 1 to play. The entire IS boles were played out and the President's mdal score was IT to Mr. Littleton's . Mr. Littleton came In for a rood deal of chiding. In which the President laushlngly Joined with the remark that "you Democrats are always letting us Republicans beat you." Littleton Is "Chagrined." Baying he felt "utterly chagrined." IJti.eton departed for New York to nic hi. Krturnlng to the golf links. Mr. Taft found Representative John PalxelU of Pennsylvania, walling to see him. -Hello. John." exclaimed the Presl Vnt. "what the deuce are you doing here? Have you come to tell me that you have changed your mind and that you are going to vote for Canadian re ciprocity?" Taft I.aoc:h Heartily. The President's laughter rang through the corridors of the hotel as he slapped the Representative on the bark. Not by a darned sight." replied Mr. Dalxeli. with a smile which had much of a grin about It. Mr. Oalxeil baa been taking a little vacation at Aiken. S- C and ran over to Augusta for luncheon with a party of friends. Politics had nothing to do with bis call. Johei D. Rockefeller, who occupied Quarters close to the President's at the hotel, where both were stopping, left today for New Tork. It waa reported that Mr. Rockefeller. In the belief that the United Plates Supreme Court would soon band down a decision In the Stan dard Oil trust esse, desired to be In close touch with the situation. Mr. Taft and Mr. Rockefeller met but once a passing salute yesterday on the golf links at a distance of 100 feet. CHEHALIS MEN ARE ALERT Cltlsens Club Elect and rians to Greet Colonists Heartily. CHEHALIS. Wash- March 15. Soe clal ) The annual meeting of the Che balls CHIsens Club last nlaht was well attended. Trustees elected for three year terms are W. 8- Short. Dan W. !ih and A. E. Judd. Resolutions were adopted asking Uovernor Hay to veto the so-called full-crew bill. A committee composed of George R. Walker. C. Ellington and A. E. Judd was named to have charge of the Karmere' Institute to be held here under State College auspices. April 20-I1. The club voted to raise X8000 to carry on Its work for the coming year. The club will welcome colonists and vrs them to choose homes In and. about this city, or In Lewis County. A Dutch lunch was served at the St. Helens Hotel after the meeting. ZELAYA BITTER IN ATTACK Xlraraguan Exile Kays United States Dans to Kelxe All America. TARIS. March 14. Jose Santos Ze laya. who was compelled to relinquish the Presidency of Nicaragua during the recent revolution, gave an Interview to Lo Steele today. In which he violently attacked the attitude of the United btates In the Mexican affair. Zelaya chargea that the United States government, inspired by the prospect of commercial and financial gain. Is waging a merciless duel not only with alexlco. but against the whole of Cen tral America, which It seeks to absorb, so as to become absolute master of ths Western Hemisphere. He asserted that the United States Is deliberately Inciting revolutions la J-ailn America, that they may serve as excuses for intervention. BRAVE MEN ARE PRAISED Secretary of Navy Commends Rescue at Taloosh Island. WASHINOTOV. March IS. For their "prompt and courageous act." In launch ing a boat under dangerous) conditions to attempt to rescue five persons thrown out of s swamped surf boat near Tatoosa Island. Wash, February IV the Secretary of the Navy today officially commended five men. Tie official preuse for heroism will be delivered through the commandant of ti.e Puget Sound Navy-Tard to the fol lowing: W Hum Cowan, tlghtkeeper: C. B. Herrmann, and H. Hobbs, his assistants, and VT. II. Pope, and O. O. Betwn. elc trlclana In the United Steues Nary. The rescuing party saved two of ths five persons In danger. JOHN D. GETS SOUND BASE J ool weather Bluff on Whldby Island to Get Storage Plant. PORT TOWSSEND. Wash- March 1J. Special. According to announce ment authorised here today Koul weather Fluff, an isolated waterfront position on Whldby Island. Is to be ehosea bv the Standard Oil Company for a mammoth storage plant. Equip ment will soon be Installed there and large quantltlee of he company's product will be mad available for speedy delivery. A sub-station will be established In this cltv to handle gasoline and It Is expected that the large fishing fleet, nearly all veasels of which are now supplied w'th suxillsry power, will ob tain oil here, obviating the extra run or 34 miles up the Sound now neces sitated ty procuring oil at Seattle. P ff ' III ' ; ' ST" Ml . Vmm EX SIGN DRYSOX BRUCE, V DUTY FOILS CUPID f Ensign's Wedding Postponed When Call Sounds. BRIDE-TO-BE IS .BEAUTY V Romance of Annapolis Which Inter ests Baltimore Society Awaits He turn of Naval Fleets From Waters of Sooth. ANNAPOLIS. Md.. March IS. (Spe cial.) Miss Louisa Francis Downs, of this city, and Ensign Bryson Bruce. U. S. N.. had made all their plans to be married here Just before the recent Mexican flurry. When President TaTt ordered a large portion of ths Army and Navy to surround Mexico on three sides, the gallant ensign had to sail away, and ths wedding was postponed. Miss Downs is the daughter of Mrs. L. P. Downs, formerly of Baltimore, but now of Annapolis. She la reckoned one of the prettiest girls In the naval capital and moves in the upper circle of society here. Ensign Bruce is from Iowa, and has only recently been assigned to sea duty, after graduating from the Naval Academy. The romance of the young couple has aroused much Interest here and In Balti more and an elaborate wedding was be ing planned. Now all must await the return of the ensign from Southern waters. The girl he left behind him" offers a serious problem to the eoldler and sailor going to the front. There have been one or two hundred weddlnga of enlisted men following the orders for the movement of troops. EMBEZZLER IS CAUGHT DISGCISE INEFFECTIVE FOR RENO FUGITIVE. Man Who cape From Jail on Eve of Trip to State Penitentiary Arrested on Train. 8ACRAMENTO. Cal.. March 15. A. F. Cunningham. ex-Deputy City Clerk of Reno. Nev.. who escaped from the Reno Jail, after having been convicted of em bemslemer.t. was captured at the South ern Pacific Station today. Disguised by a eoonskin cap. which covered Ms ears and forehead, and with his featurea further concealed by a week'a growth of beard. Cunningham, whose escape occurred trre night be fore he was to be taken to the peni tentiary to serve nine years for em bezzlement, waa arrested by threa of ficers on a westbound train. The police received a telegram from a constable of one of the towns along the line saying that the suspect was on the train hound for this city, travel ing In the garb of a Hindu. The prison, er vigorously denied at first that he was Cunningham, professing to be a homeseeker from the East, but later he confessed his Identity. Cunningham's Kscae Clever. RENO. Nev.. March IS. A. F. Cun ningham escaped from the County Jail In this city shortly before midnight March i. He slipped by his Jailer, con cealing himself behind a screen and Ms absence was not noticed for several minutes. It Is presumed that he left Reno In an autoraobiie. Sheriff Ferrell will leave Reno tonight for Sacramento for the purpose of bringing Cunning, ham back to Reno. ROOSEVELT NAMES UNFIT (Centtaaed frasa First Page.) of former territorial and Federal offlee- k ni.r. who had been appointed to office by Colonel Roosevelt while he waa President. One of the men who attend ed this conference said that he ex--f4 tn ask Mr. Roosevelt upon his arrival here whether he would accept S. N, AX D Mies LOUISE FRANCES DOWNS, OF ANNAPOLIS. the nomination for President In 1912. nlees the ex-President's reply should be positively negative. It was snld that those who met last night would bend every effort to send a delegation from Arixona to the next Republican National convention, instructed for Roosevelt for President. In any event. It was said, these men would work for any candi date whom Colonel Roosevelt sug gested. EW MEXICO GETS SYMPATHY Roosevelt Says Territory Did Xot GVt Square Deal. RINCON. ST. M.. March 15. Colonel Roosevelt tou ted on the New Mexican statehood bill, defeated by the Senate during the recent regular session, 'In a talk from the train here: "I have a particular feeling about New Mexico. It ought to have been a state a long time ago. It is Inexcusable that it la not a state now. I am might ily Interested in your Rio Grande Irri gation project. Don't let it get mixed up with any private enterprise. "I don't feel that New Mexico has been given a square deal. Go on for a few more years and you will get It. all right." BAD MONEY MEN IN JAIL TWO ME.V TO BE RETCH NED TO PORTLAND FOR TRIAL. Rlnaldl and Martlnellt Arrested at Bay City for Passing Counter feits Made In Italy. BAN FRANCISCO, March 15. (Spe cial.) United Slates Secret Service De tective Harry M. Moffltt learned yester day that Lorenzo Rlnaldl, one of the counterfeiters trailed and captured by him last Tuesday, wsa well known In Portland. Or., under the name of Capel lini. euid that he and Americus Martln elll had paased several of the counter felt ti bills In Portland. He learned also that the pair had traveled acrocsi the continent from New York scattering the bad bills all the way. Among Martlnelli'n effects Moffitt found today a letter addressed to him from a town In Italy, stating that If he would return to New Tork he would re ceive I50C") worth of the bills from Italy. Martinelll told Moffltt that the 28 bills found, on him when he was arrested were the property of Rlnaldl and that he, Martinelll. did not know that they were counterfeits. He added that he had not attempteed to pasa any of them, because they were not his property. United States Secret Service Detective Stephen Connell, of Portland, baa wired Moffltt to send Martinelll and Rlnaldl to that place for Indictment euid trial. He assured that official that he had plenty of evidence to prove that both prisoners had passed many of the bills In that city. The two other prisoners, Constantino Delia Magglore and Amadeo DiRraxla. will be placed under bonds to appear as witnesses against Martinelll and Rln aldl. Moffltt la convinced that these men were merely to be used ss Innocent tools of the counterfeiters and they will be reieaaed from custody as soon ss their friends furnish bonds for their appear ance when wanted. MORMON'S PICTURE STAYS Request That Warship Clan's Silver Be inclined Is Denied. WASHINGTON. March 15. The Navy Department la preserving what it rrgarca aa a consistent attitude In declining to accede to the various religious organiza tions' request that It refuse to allow the battleship Utah to accept the silver serv ice donated by Utah on the ground that one of the principal pieces bears a por trait of Brigham Young and a picture of the Mormon,tabernacle In Salt Lake Clty ' Kalania Jallbreaker Sentenced. - KALAMA. Wash.. March 15. fSpe- clal.) Herbert McVanna. alias "Scot- ty- was taken to the state peniten tiary at Walla Walla today to serve an Indeterminate sentence of from six months to ten years for Jail breaking. McVanna was arrested here for pass ing hacksaws and other tools to pris oner as. In the county Jail. A few days before MoVanna's trial he . escaped from the Jail by putting a dummy In his bed In the cell. He waa recaptured be fore he could eK beau. In Granting Decree to Woman Judge Declares That William W. Steph ens, of Seattle, Treated Her Like Brute. LOS ANGELES. OeX, March 15. (Special.) Because she wore a peek-a-boo waist and could not make as good fig; preserves as her neighbor. Mrs. Lola Stephens testified In Judge Con rey's court today that her husband, William W. Stephens, of Seattle, humili ated her. These, with other allegations, were the basis for her suit for divorce on the legal grounds of extreme cruel ty. She was given an Interlocutory decree. The couple married tn Berkeley, No vember 18. 1908. They came to Los Angeles soon after their marriage, but since their separation. In August. 1810, Stephens has made his home in Seattle, where he Is manager for the Cudahy Packing Company's branch. Mrs. Stephens alleged that after she hsd been trying to drees In a manner which would please her husband he taunted her before friends about her "see-more" waist, and he told, accord ing to her testimony, that he had his opinion of any one who would wear such a garment. Woman Greatly Distressed. TMi remark caused her great dis tress of mind, she said, which was equalled on another occasion when they were dining at the home of Mrs. Clare Gibson. Mr. Stephens, It waa stated, requested Mrs. Gibson to make some fig preserves for him, remarking of his wife: 'She can't do anything." Regarding the waist, Mr. Stephens explained on the witness stand that he might have made the remark, but if he did so he was only Joking. As to the preserves, he declared that Mrs. Gibson had a reputation in Glendale for making the best preserves in the country, and he had asked her for some that his wife might learn how to make them. . Neighbor Is Witness. Mrs. Gibson was placed on the stand. When asked how Mrs. Stephens treated her husband, she declared, very well. "Not as an angel, perhaps, but then, none of us are angelic," she said. In granting the divorce. Judge Con rey bitterly scored Stephens for his treatment of hie w'fe. "The remark the defendant made yes terday, unguardedly, has, to tell the truth, more weight with me." said Judge Conrey, "than her testimony. He said that when he gave her the wed ding ring, he told her that If ever he got dissatisfied he would take back the ring. That Isn't the way we get married here." Judge Conrey also declared that Stephens had treated his wife like a brute, and was not deserving the com panionship and help of a good wife. COLD WAVE SWEEPS EAST From Great Lakes to Atlantic Zero Weather Prevails. WASHINGTON, March 15. A cold wove nrevalent all along the Atlantic Coast from Eastport. Me., to Cape Hat- tenas. having traveled easiwara iram the Great Lakes, where sero tempera ture ruled yesterday In Duluth. Minn., the temperature was S below sero last night, having fallen TO degrees in 18 nouns. At Virginia, Minn., where the men killed In the cave In of an Iron mine were being dug out, work had to be suspended because the Ice euid snow were coked hard with the frost. At St. Paul the temperature was one above xero and the wind blew SO milea an hour. Devils Lake, N. D., re ported two below; Winnipeg, six be low, and Prince Arthur eight below. The forecast is for continued cold today and tonight. LABRADOR PEOPLE STARVING Fisheries Fail and Ice Shuts Out Relief Vessels. SYDNEY. C. B- March 15. That the rigorous Winter Just closing has cauaed extreme suffering and probably many deaths among the people in the barren Labrador peninsula, who have been cut off for months by great Ice fields from the possibility of securing food and clothing Is the one fear felt here and in Newfoundland. The last reports from the North which were received last last Fall said the food supplies were almost exhausted and that hundreds of the natives, mainly fisher-folks and their families were on the verge of starvation. Supplies were Immediately sent to relieve the situa tion then regarded as extreme, but months have passed since then, and the atricken Labrador people have had no help, nor has word come to the outside world ss to how they are faring. Repeated efforts have been made to carry succor to the starving people. Vessels, laden with supplies of food and clothing, have failed repeatedly to pierce ice-floes which choke the Strait of Belle Isle, the narrow stretch of water which separates Labrador from the Northern Coast of New Foundland. The present misfortunes of the Lab rador people had their beginning in the failure of last seaaon's fishing catch. It was the poorest -in years. As a result there was no money on hand to buy food and clothing. A bllxxard which swept over New Foundland and Labra dor last week is believed to have caused much damage. The interior of New Foundland was completely Isolated for several days, scarcely a telephone and telegraph wire being left standing. A blanket of snow reported In some places as being from . 20 to JO feet deep, covered most of the colony. 500 DEPUTIES TO WORK Sheriff Takes Strennoas Methods In Firemen" Strike. SOMERSET, Ky. March 15. Orders to swear in 500 deputies to cope with lawlessness growing out of the white firemen's strike on the Cincinnati. New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railroad, were issued to Sheriff Weddle, of this county, today. All locomotive cab windows on trains running through Somerset have been equipped with steel plates and on every engine at least one road detec Uvo is stationed. Means New Clothes for Most Men It Will Be Mighty Interesting for You to See the Grand Exhibition of Chesterfield Clothes This Season. Style and Quality Are Best 273-275 Morrison at Fourth IS F GERMAX PAPER INDORSES SIR EDWARD GREY'S SPEECH If Agreement Will Assist in Allaying Distrust In British Friendship, Germany Willing to Act. BERLIN, March 15. Declarations of Sir Edward Grey on Anglo-German re lations made In the House of Commons Monday night, have a sympathetic echo in the Nord Deutsche Allgemelne Zeit ung, which announces that the views of the British Foreign Secretary on the subject of armaments correspond close ly with the German standpoint and open a prospect for the further devel opment of the relations between Great Britain and Germany. If an agreement will assist in allay ing the distrust In English friendship, Germany was ready to act. It Is said. FIREMAN FALLS TO DEATH Blaze In Milwaukee Lumber Yard Canses $200,000 Loss. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. March 15. The lumber yard of the M. Hilty Lumber Company, Twelfth street and St. Paul avenue, was practically wiped out by lire today, entailing a loss estimated at $200,000. Fred B. Clark, driver of Truck No. 13, fell from a ladder after having been overcome by the cold and died in the Emergency Hospital. The Are start ed from a cause not known. EX-BANKER GOES. FREE Indictments Charging Embezzlement Are Dismissed. SAN FRANCISCO. March 15. On the motion of his attorneys and with the concurrence of the District Attorney. ORIGINAL PLYMOUTH DRY, GIN . The Critical Consumer Always Specifies Plymouth The Higtest Quality Dry Gin Shipped to die American Market ALEX. D. SHAW CO, Pacific Coast Agents, Zl Front Street, Sam Praaclsett. E-2 Quickly Relieves. l-l Biliousness, fc Sick Headache, G.i5B Stomach Disorders, jil ana CONSTIPATION r. n 1 GUARANTEE: If front of coat breaks in one year's wearing cus tomer can have a new suit FREE Suits Priced $25 to $50 They Cost More But . Are Better R. M. GRAY SPECIALTY SHOP the remaining two indictments charg ing W. J. Bartnett, ex-offlcial of the California- Safe Deposit A Trust Co., with the embezzlement of securities, were dismissed today by Judge Ca baniss. Bartnett was ' indicted on three counts charging him with embezzle ment of the securities of the Colton Estate held in trust by the bank. He was convicted on the first count and sentenced to 14 years in San Quentin prison. The conviction was reversed and the Indictment ordered quashed by the First District Court of Appeals. Glendale Club Elects.' GLENDALE. Or., March 15. (Spe- YOUR UPSET, SOUR, IS RELIEVED IN Take a little Diapepsin now and your Stomach will feel fine in five minutes Every family here ought to keep some Diapepsin In the house, as any one of you may have an attack of In digestion or Stomach trouble at any time, day or night. This harmless preparation will di gest anything you eat and overcome a distressed, out-of-order stomach five minutes afterwards. If your meals don't tempt you, or what little you do eat seems to fill you, or lays like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heartburn, that Is a sign of Indigestion. Ask your Pharmacist for a 50-cent eaae of Pape's Diapepsin, and take a Between the Pacific Nortlwest and the East Including Oregon Union Depot, Short Line, Union Pacific and Chicago and Northwestern ' porti.-a, Dy OREGOV.WASHKCTOS LIMITED 10:00 A. M. Observation' Sleeper. Standard and Tourist fejera. Day Coaches and Dining-Car all ELLCTRIC LiUiix- a tnrougn Bona ihuccuwcmv . OREGON EXPRESS Through service to Salt Lake City, Omaha and Chi cago. Direct connection for Denver, Kansas City. bt. Louis and all Eastern cities Standard and Tourist Sleepers. Chair Car, Dining-Car and Day Coaches. . . NORTHERN ROUTE EAST' SOO-SPOKAXB-PORTI.AXD "TRAIN DE LUXEX- Eleeantly equipped through train via Spokane Inter national Canad' an Pacific and Soo Line to St. Paul. Compartment Observation Car. Standard indlomW Sleepers, Dining-Car and Day Coaches. ELECTRIC LIGHTED. Through without change. LOCAL SERVICE PORTLAXD AXD SPOKAXE Passengers have the benefit of the splendid Soo-Spo- kane-Portland "Train de Luxe." PORTLAND AXD LEWISTOS, IDAHO Standard sleepers daily. PORTLAND AXD WALLA WALLA Standard sleeper aauy. Call at our City Ticket (juice, iuira ..-.---etreets. for any information desired In remtion to traveU Outside of Portland call on any local O.-V. R. & N. agent, or address WX. M'MIRHAT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. . 273-275 Morrison at Fourth cial.) The Glendale Commercial Club held its second annual rollcall and election of officers last eveninjr. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, B. L. Darby; vice-president, J. L. Winchell; secre tary, B. J. Slmson; treasurer, F. C. Mc Gregor. Board of governors . K. Howard, C. B. Austin and Dr. G. L. Cousineau. Jap German Treaty on Way. i BERLIN, March 15. M. Tabe, spe cial commissioner from Japan, arrived today -to" assist the Embassy in nego tiating a renewal of the commercial treaty between Germany and Japan. ' GASSY STOMACH A FEW 1HUTES little just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling In the stomach. Nau sea, Debilitating Headaches, Dizziness or intestinal griping. This will all go, and. besides, there will be no sour food left over In the stomach to poison your breath with nauseoua odors. Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, because it prevents fermentation and takes hold of your food and digests it just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Relief in five minutes from all stom ach misery at any drug store, waiting for you . These large B-cent cases contain more than sufficient to cure almost any chronic case of Dyspepsia, Indigestion or any other Stomach trouble. 8:00 P. M. 9:00 P. M. 9:00 P. M 9:00 P. ML 11:00 P.M. - . , a XL shin tr-fnn 1 r