V khxim orroTrrrTM. at I SB FOR SALE The In4.p-o.l.a--e . lWt Wf. Or-, on ( o(tl lor sale. Top-rr B-St, of 11.- I1M and !- l-v.lopma,l a:ut 4 ' -.rexi-uBt.ir loo mine r-ady for ep- IraH-va. F-T t.rme and particulars. In-cl-dirg r.:orr J; ;''a,l,B.1 CuN.'OUbATtU fiKITWJI AMERICAS MINE. . t3 Broad-ay. N.w Tor. MANAGER ANTED If y li.-o ia l.".oo" Invest n c . Paelfc North. - . tnv.itm.nt yoo TT. Ifel ..nt-J l -ct n. bunding !. . i" no-. If y. "'i! a,,,., in. I a live " I "a. I ..... jo. bev. both th. .Mli'J B-4 IN. mor.,- M t -rlt-. P I lt ithB n. n. ' t-.irx-t. no c--t-mliii"-to oc riB off. Ad-l've AM . FitaMI.-i-d ro--r aor. ' b-i.ip.ie, for a-... b-" lecailoa la town. at win mvu.c $:4. Good cwcr 110 f-r dru " . r-.nt. Be m-Mora binding Just n- .. ..... . ..mr.. for In drug mao. J. IC ItEILBFONNER CO, FoP SALev . tV.:t ..I.. t. l .:o of furniture B -., belt location. t-,ht IB ",fI"'VI I -jr. district. raaeoBBb'-a ret. k-.n.s es.b can ,0011 Judg. to "1?LT" !' i.i. b -M opportunity. W " p-:;.-l to o-u wiimb v dar; M- ion oi i-vmi i l . t ,w Wnti B,-.-t.i .do cja Inirwt lyw t., '.'.. .,'m rmflUB Vll frult-piling ft-" i."b Ti:ar4 4u" i-r ctbi profit. A - Mrurr. o ri; t ir pi.B c.n :! irj . r wilbl I . worm o.4T nn. to lBTlat. Bl one.; r.I.r- I u t: p M.K oo ..jy twma. roir.mtrcl! ho lL WnrtburB. ir.. roomfc rln-ro.m. o!Tic. prlr ltchB BnJ L.li.t. h'hr;ora. ftirnnti'd; of!. bl from d-u-t. I :n-tloB Brd tlnrlc lr rr-;.tiJ: !-"). T. r. bou:. P-"-T hi siNK-ii tii'hmn siTiEf. A a opi'ori iritly to rt Int. ft roauir lllf husln.a. oa Ih ground flo-'r: f l0 lo fi'-j r.iu!rd- Thl. I, B Port.BfiJ prop'-.lttari Br.d w'll tilbd Btrlct lBti t..ix AB . urlla. ijAYK rB I' or mor. t la a Br,t- r.xmm plrturw bots. moat BP lo d: la rrt'4ti4 nnlr wrlB Int.rat If d.irl; .wr tr'!abi prt)r on r. for partlculBr :! STl LnloB .. K.rlX IV M. F'R JiAl-K hT. eralB. flour r.4 f- :.r-. Tft on r on- of ItB fclBfl in r..un-r ! it'jf of ,ltit. doln B bl c.fl buin-u. .bout .- "-HI t th rI P- .P-Tt BB1 COaTB. AddrcB B B.f. U . Z- - .-..n-m nfdtVV'lttK If tub d u. bAI ou bboi Bad i!l,rv, jua rlcht. rfcrneB rarai..1rd. y i " H rt S Mnrr-tPiirirr-i. TV A NT E O rir -r Imtm A . 1 r. i rim-iM nmrir- -- - - rouLtrr to"a u a partner, lo mk nar n Bel ah- : a.ol rhnco for practi-al mia a.tn IHl BiuDT- Addraa, O r 'R RENT CHEAP Ftn.. Iare cornr iturt on Mt. J-totl carliaa. earaar '-b and Fnat.r a... aultabta for an, bind ..f buainraa. Thona Main Mi for Dartlcu- lir,. kKI4.lhi.r. m tux n t wanta partnffr abla tB ln.t J-U with arv ica- Th monrr aora In th huilnrt; bo on. aalllnc out; win rhow to $toOvi month aalra at ood profita.Ca!l glarb at. HALF lntrat la aa ?4-alab!lah,d ral -tat. clTc dotnar a bla buaina: will bar rlo.. lnv.it iTHn: flna opcnlnir for a ol mn. Full particular at l Spald- tna .iwB- F'"R AI.E MorlnB-plctura how In taat lda rMldnti auction; aood 104atloB and dln a food buamraa. thla la aa .icall.nt opoortTinltr. Apply la tianarai Film Co, 1 J Fourth ml. ilTvEi-'v',orniy tlma and bo.lnraa quail-n-atiora to lnMt In manulaclurlna or nmcantil. partnarahlp, (lvin( aub.taa ll.l raturna. I'rlaclaia only. Aadraoa K or.folan. BAKERT fur aala In (rowln. town, ful'.y iuipi.d ahop. Btor.rooTn. living. room uttaira- bui;dtnr Bad l't : only bab' In town; trie. H30v. C H. Or.oalaB. fTR8ALE Ob account of falllnc h.ajlh a .xy1 partac aho. atoro la ona of tba brat towns of Wlliam.tt. Vall.y: .labi!h4 or.r rara. Inqulra V l.llam Holl, Waah- inaton o.ua. "1 placa. m yaara laaa. down town kxa'ion. koo.1 traJ. ood prl.... Ijw p. l. rd for a quick aala. Mroaoatraota fcx- cnanga. 17 1 S Morrlaoa ot. i'KM-KnlOXSRt aTora In brat town In OrraMBl parinv nwninij prwo itt.-iu. yrium ....... r- ---. frcd to all on account of Ulna HAl.r Inlrraat la aa old-etab:iabad bual ar.a. doim a ood baalncaa. For full par tirulara call Klnn.y stamps. Lum bvr tlghan.a b:d... rooma ftJl-31. iotSO MAX. oTRANOEh. Hal, car.ful lBVaaticatloB at aaaanao of a . l.r bafor roa utt moon la any prupoiloa. Advlaory l.paxlm..t. T- M. C. A. . . PARTNER For bk-Tcl. aad n.n.ral rpalr abop; youtur or mll-l l.-aard man azptfrl' nrJ la r.palr work ifonMir; amalt rtpittl rritrxl yi Ma.llxn at. Jo.Vil laau.a. 9.M;.OtH Bpwarda. avirotlatt. U X HonoBum. lawyar aad Onaarlal c-ot. Ulaht bid.. Niur, Mt !T a.11 at one. no hlcb-rUaa a-uH-ivm. ftiartnlrtrni p.r cnt profit; will taaa 1-3 la gol property. Addraa MtaB I. t'LlfforX Til tvaahlngtoa at., city. FR l.EIMrtura taaat.r la Walla W al a. H aiti. bnl Location, bt kjuIppkI. laaaa and rant O. a Addraaa A- Cbanca. caro rrgon'.an. Y.H ttKNT Tailor ahop. fumlahed. aa4 tra.a airaaoy aatablianl; a'ao tlrlnc room If d.alr4. Cail Main s aftar T P. M. WANTED For quick aalaw. good country storra ard othar food baalnma chaacaa vhtcb wi I atan 1 cioa. tnaatlgatlon. -. Ft'CKS. 2-1 Morruon rtrat. PARTNER w a n I rd with aom. caab and raa aonabia amount of atrrurtty to Invaat IB RM4 pronabi. bu.tara. aat prorlta U pr cant yaar.y. A'J o. orrgoniaa. I'ARTNKR a a o t lo go In rawal lull 'a. tioa t riulra nr'raca and caa .kar: in on: b- OaU S t Bi k a U WlIJ. all lnt.rt In old aatabllahd bualnasa IT'Wal; pa;a big raturna. A4. drraa AM Orrgalan. klo and INDl'STRIAL. rTOCEaV laiarbon. and .tb.r b"Od boogaj aavt aaae. ..1. wr lnC.. 13 AlMaguia. CAFKTFRIA Hom a good buBtn.o. flno lo- ation. tlrat-c'. K ma.y at Slanspbor. :vll i Lumbar tt.-hane. Bl aivFM man wlfi onalt capital to haadla l.rrltory In orrgoa. K. A- "abrl-lua. all i: Worcatar bldg.. J and Oak ata. iTiVINil'pKTrRE" aliow. naw aad up-to- data. fna location. lav l:-i-h R.a'ty i'q.. ??1 Lorn barman a Blda. C-'NKKTI"NER" and light grocary: no a a n '. a Will B:i tmip. naiaaa t'm awww. '! 3itb aad B. YambllL AV an aap.rl.acl clothlag BalaamaB: havB IKbal with aarvlto. a po. tion wltl good a.'.aa.(apus;a ASi,OrgonjBn. GHAB ili half Int.raat la ground floor m; aaiata offlc. can claar OUUV thla via r ail IT'I MtB.-k at. . PARTNK.H wan'al to drlT. d.lly.i- wages part of tba tl-n. ; can d.pad oa $J3 naak. lartl'-u:.aTa. ilii Stark mt. m FR 8ALP; Paying raaiaurant. Thla cbb- Bt b. b-At. Must diaaulva BartnarabiB. 1I tlrand aro. vjKv"rKRT aad m.at nia.-a.at. fna cornar. diaa atock. flna future. Il". ln.M-b Realty Co.. 2'1 Luznb.rm.n'a Bldg;. gaAlX machlna aaop and fouadry for aa!.; pi.ntv of lill. la alrht. Writ t jr par- tl. u ra. XV aA'.. Or.gor.lan. yi s el buatoaoo opportunity for naat hon.it 3 vung man wtia llttla moaay a, paartn.r. i 4 jJP! ft a at. 1?AIRT lunchiB. SS Hurnmda. will lt ends or tak part traaka. consult owaar on pramlaraL p7v HTNKK aABta.1. uard to farm produc; will pay t-.l woak aalary. aao rhara of proflta. partlcularB st-av, PTark at. Ft'K rarga mu!:a lnrrat your aartnga la roRTl N A i-AKlv. r n A Kill-. poalllTBly r.ona r t'Ail m Sura at. CONFEvTloNERT aad cigar otora: daady lo.-acua aad goovl buamaaa. Laca box X4 T',;:an.ack, Ota. V,TIH carpat clawn.r; .w. now.rfal ma ra.na: bartain. til l .ay at., n.ar lat. t)Rl"a B TV RE. aood lo -ataoa aa tba oaat a.da. fur rnL k-a: buis. w-vr Hal K Pool rootn. confctloBary. Cl f,rt. rr.ca tfv In f-aah- .oa Ftrat atrawt. ;Ak. (onf-rnar at or. for aa:. T:.A. " n.r. I'all ;J at. l'hona M aintvi4l. Xav rlLBlNEa caua. $; ov. yaa x-ia-. br-jiA l.ia al 't ... '11 rvavl Ta -a. f-t. R ivaLK H-t.! end at.ana launAry. In quir at Caat Hot.l. Mantoaano. Tain. vyxiR KALE R'a.aurantT good VocalloB I a Bargain. AC BOU. Oragonlaa. v , - - P. T fr aa'a at a rl'.aount by owaar. About 1J.WU. X o, U(uaiAa. BCINFJMI OrmRTTN ITIFA WH ran plac a party la toorh with a wiBnuranurlng nBcwn prafarlng ta atnrt la buataaao which d.alrea aoma additional ra;vtal. Addrvas Tha Tlmbcrman. Port Uad. (r. & laloo block. AN EXCEPTIONAL C't'PORTCN ITT. Wanted 3 good m.a of moral and flnan rial atardlng In th.lr rommunlty to Join u. a. ofrlcra and dlraclora In a cor pormtkoB juat atarta-d for tba purpoao of building a nratlaaa b.altb and dummar raveort, Onavat tocation In tha Pacl9r S'nrih w.at. A-l commarrlal orchard, flna gar- a. a tract, camping ground and In fart t.rythlr.g n.c.aaary lo maka It tba boat paing proa.tlon on tha antlrr COBit. No m.-r. in.al looatloa or facllltlaw can b. found B3-wb.ra. T gvIL t'ragonlaa. FOR BALK. MVIJAXA APARTMENTS." Trinlta l'laca Ttna .lagan Ur furniih"" apBrtm.nta a-w for aala oa moat raBaonabla tarma; ! caah. balaaco oaay pavrm.nta No bond for l.ato rqiiir.d. J nay nn. jw--v, b.n n.wly furmahM. ara compl.t.ly filla!. Ar-Ply to larvtladv of "Juliana.' Trinity l'ac.. beta ovro Waablngton aad Evar.tt. For hale. gS-room lodgmg-bouaa; lone laaao; rant : 1 1 r-r month. 4hatr barb.r ahop chrap. . . . A-l lunch count.r ta bualaaa dtvtnct, doing fA pr day. Daloon. Ir-l.pndnt Hf-nr: o-yrar laaao. Cl'RHT CKORvlE. 1 lal bl. Phoaa Main 1. 1. la-CENT STORE. For aala. for caah. tn b.at growing city fn .tout'i.Mt Washington ; populauoa gaaa; B.w ffiturra. bow atock. g.d location, ch.ap rant, atrlcfly up-to-cata: aawmlll, coal, farmlrg and railroad c.nt.r: will a.11 oa a-count of haalth of family: M ag.a'.a; Inv.atigat.. or writ, lo al Tow.r aa.. Central!!. WaS. , THE bat buslneos opening In Portland. W a d-ali. to .nlarga our profltatila bualnaaa. but nd mora capital ( from IIO-O to 9:ohv.ii to do oo; will guaranlBB good r. luma on capital Invaated. can glva ana hall raqulro bait bank roiarcncan. Ala .. Oreg iQ.an. TOCNil MAN. S TO It. Good opportunity for a bright. OB.rtr.tlo young man. wliliag to l.arn bualneaa wtllt good futuxa; am all capital needed; fully aacurad. BENSON at CIIAPMAV. Ill Merchant, Truat Jia. DENTAL office for'aalaTold-.atabllaTiod prac tl... nno room a caotrally located, iplen d:d opport-inlty for n new man; rent paM each month; thla orr.r will b.ar Inv.itt gat:on; full Information gn.o. Audroaa K Orrgonlan. H ' Ft F T ' Hl RRT! KKaTAIR A NT AND Ll'M'H COfNTER. Klio clean nlaca. S tablea. 40 aeata. flna trade, tako In from -J to 135 dally; want to Ball out thla Brack; aacriaca. Owner. 12 North I7ib at. fi F..- r A T H A N T FOR SALE- Good down-town locailon. well equipped and a money-maker; price $'.mv. Thla will bear Inraatlgallon. A- R. Rllter. in Lum ber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. Mala yilo. do-ct tIkb a rT-A-r mt baying dobta. I Invaarllgata aad roport. GilMnghara. auditor. 11 Law la bldg, Mar aball a: A. PAWMtLU A IHdOO capacity mill lo growing town, run alnco laal September: good bualneaa; leaae. umbar optlona; a rare opportunity lo the right man: reo,u!rea l.ov caah. S13 Henry blag. FOR BALE Boardlng-hoaao. fornltaro and everything In good ahaps for bualneaa; b e aawmlll; cigar and notion gtoro In front; will aell with or without tha atock. Jona Hanaon. ;K7 Aldey at.. Aalorla. Or. FOR 8 ALE Muaic atore. Edlion. Victor aaeaclaa. doing good bualneaa. bo competi tion, raaaon of aala owner a poor nealtn. Will aell at tnvolcn. $3.0 caan. Addreag box if'. Hoqulam. PARTNER wanted with from -0 to $."00 to Invaat In good paying general mercnan dlia eiore In llvo growing town near city, bualnaaa ha outgrown preaent owner a cayllai. AQaree. h. a-a. j. rau.-i-. 2iO RELIABLE man to deliver good a In Caali bualnt-aa aa partner; rauat be patla fied with 1S to liS weekly la atart In with. Room 5t-t. Lnmb.r Exchange. FRCIT. egga, butter and dairy bualneaa: ona of tha beet atanda In the city, clearing I J SO to lloO month: 4O0 caah will handle one-half of It: trial given before buying If d -aired. Call HI 4th at. CONFECTION ERT STORB. Flno clean aiock: 4 modern living rooirn; rent 115. price 450. HALL Gl'tiTIN. Mil Lumbermen, bldg. 24 SHAKES of atock In a prominent whule aa:. bualneaa with office. In Portlnnd and Hokane. For further Information addraaa M. M'vrtenaea. Amea, towa. FR KALE Meat market and grocery. A I 1,. cation, rent Including fixture.; Balea M a day; will make price to ault. aOl Croaby at. Pl.on, Ea.t-5I. C 14--.2. CO-FECTIONERT STORE. With or without furntihed room,; ' atock and Bxturaa only tUUU. owner. Mar shall A CASH grocery with llvlng-rooma; thla plac will pay you $150 per month over a:ova all oxpenaea. Room e3. Lumbal Exchange. FOR SALE Grocery and feed atore; good toratlon. In Ooldendnle. Wain. : atock and Sat urea, about J50rt; other bunneaa aa- oaa. Addraaa liox SIX Ooldendala. Waab. FTRF.ETCAft WAITINO-ROOM. One of tha beat la Portland; good trade, long I. aia. ... HALL at GCrrlN.etlLombTraena bld. FOR SALE Gun and eportlng good, buil Deaa: wtil ail for Involc prlco on ac count of Blckneea. lnqulro Ileara Oun Store. 44H Id at.. Portland. Or. PARTNER waated with linooo to Join mo In reavl estate and apartment-hou. build ing. Juat BnUhed: no ageoia. J oSO. Or.- gjalan. n CIOAR STAND. Center of city; good atovk and fix t urea; quick aala $4-i. HALL at fiCbTIN1. 411 Lumbermen, bldg. F1R SALE Flrat-clae, drug atora In i: ait em Waablngton. everything up to Oaiav. 1, a widow and wanta to go EaaL Thla la a bargain. AM b- Oregonlan. Al T latoHl i.Fa repair ahop and icbovil wants of flea man aa partner; owner will guar antee you $lv month; Suh required. Room 61. Lumber Exhanga. ARCHITECT wan la partner to do office work and learn tha builneia. Particular ra. room S-'3 Lumber Exchange. WANTED. To buy reataurant or bakry. or rant atora In good location. K WI. Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted for real eetate bualneaa; fna opening for an energetic, aobor man. Inuulre 417 Board of Trade bldg. JaVST ,!I dellrateaaen. bakery and gro cer, cheap: ail caah buaincae; Al loca 1 1 o n; two 1 1 v I n g rooms, Pbo n a Ea a t 7s. CON FEtTIONERT for lala. doing good buel neea, good locailon. prlco very reasonable; bavo to learo town. Call 107 lat at. jiVviNOPIvi?RK ahow. cloaa to city; big mon.y-maker; prlca 11400; terms: Brit time on market. Call 411 Board of Trada. OH'ERT store, with 1 yeara- leaae. living rooms, bualneaa le to ld: vfl lota al a bar. XAln. C 2-452 or 34 Albatna it- 1JAR stand. W.st Sad., eon I rat. do ing good Duamesa. taxt ill ooara ok Trade. WANTED Experienced man to take charge of depaxtmant In real aatata offlro. For particulars, call 1 10th. near gtark. CIOAR STAN"t. good location; aril on nc- count of other bualneaa. Cavil at 4v N. Id. PIVTC grocery propoalUon, city. H ' I ta. Corbett bldg. Seo Dr. MOVINil-PlCTt'RE builnc : che-.p today; pa, i0 month. Call 2IAH Mtark St. HOTEL bar. 110O0 required. A J bin. Oro- gonian BEHTAI RANT. BAi-a Yamhill; leaving clt) ; bargain. T Sfv 1'rnmun. n 34 ALL reitaurant at 4.11 1st St.. cheap; l;se down, balance eaay. BOOMINO-MOrsFJ. 14 ROOMS housekeeping all oa ona floor, long lease, rent . clearing i0 per month: prlco 140. 410 Chamber of Com merCB. BRICK corner of A3 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water, cheap rem. long lease; aaar terms, noagenta. AF O0. Oregonlan. WILL sell at a aa.-nfic. fumitura and leaae of ftrat-class apavrtmenta; all ranted; terms. A3 !. OTcgonlsn. 11 ROOMS, near bualnaaa center, rent 130. Income 1'.:; price 4.7.; terms. 4.4 Cham br of Commerce. pT'H tfAI.E l.t-.-oom rooming-house. $; U50 rasa ban d lea It; furnace heat, riione A 13..B. F'R HVI.E ty owner. 14 larga and well furnished room. :3 Alder at. W. Park. Eaav terma 10 ROOM, all Bioilora. w a. king d.a:ance. g-iod furntTare. g.-od Income. S7 3 i St. FOR HALE Ap-irtm.nt-house, 24 row ma. bee ewaex at 44 Craad ava. 2ia THE MORNING OREGON-IAX. THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1911. . I I FINANCIAL. T BUSINESS DIRECTORY, I w.vatf'-:u'a--a-c-n I mw.ui.t"-n"i . i . I - ..- . . I lianelnar. PIETZtMCELLER CO.. 114-317 AMngton Bide. lSv- Third Ft. notel and Rooming-House Headquarter-. pioneer, m the Bualneaa. If you want a GOOD HOTEL UB ROOM-INfl-HOCt-E. see us. Extra Good Bay. , rooma. n.w cor. brick, all nice large rooma. -ilea wide balls, hot and cold water all rooms, private hatha, steam beat, a ar leaae at moderate rent; located on Waahlngton st.-. beautifully furnished: will net iuO per month the year through. Can be handled on tarma We recom mend tb la very highly. . LITTLE BEAUTY. 44 rooma. new brick, private batha, Bol and cold water all rooms, steam heat; the furnishings are EXTRA nice and tha place Is aa clean as a whistle. Tha nel pronto are '- per month: 4-year lease; very central location. This place will appeal to you. Tne price lsrlcht JOOD SPECULATION. II rooms, brick, hot and cold water all rooma. private baths; the location la tha beat In tha city; cleara $ per month; very good furnlahlnga. Can be handled with 13001) cash. Pick this up on a spec ulation. . .. FIVE TRANSIENT HOUSE 14 rooma. modem cor. brick, good lea, extra well furnished, and a great big money-maker. If yon aant nlca llttla house, take thla and yon will be mora than pleased. Come early. UOOD PICK-UP. It rooms, rent $100, 4-year lease. Tery good furnishings and good money-maker, price 12.00. and that Includea 4.00 caah depoalt on the reat: 11100 caah. balance tog per monih. I p.r cent Interest. tHETZ-MUELLER CO.. 114-117 Ablngton Bldg PRICK HOTEL x- RooMINO-HOUtlE !S Baantifully furnished throughout: steam heat hot and cold wator In each room; good long lease 5 years): rent only $liS per month; no advanca. Hera la a great money-maker. Price, I3OV0, with only AVaxHl caah. Inquire of bHEFFlEl.D aV RIELT. 23 ltU&SEL BLDG. TUB PACIKIC REALTY COMPANY. M. K. t.KNT at CO.. J22 Failing bldg. Third and Washington sta. Phonea Mam bitid. A 147S. rtOOMINC.-HOUSE SPECIALISTS. WE HAVE ALL THE GOOD BUYS IS THE CITT -MOST OP THEM JU!T A LITTLE CHEAPER THAN THE OTHER FKI.LOW AND WB WANT YOU TO DROP IN BEFORE YOU BUY. WE WILL SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY. OCR PRIVATE ALTO IS ALWAYS AT YOUR bEKVICK. NEW TODAY. 92. room corner brick apartment-houae. located In the "fry cholceit Weat side district, only a fw blocks from the Post office, partly furnished In elegant fash ion; ovary possible modern convenience; 10-y.ar lease: has best patronage In city; can bs handled for l.iooo cash and real eatnte up to 12000. Call today for full particular It's a dandy. SWELL TRANSIENT. 30-room corner brick transient notel. right down town, running water in all rooms, elaborately furnlahed In velvet car pets, mahogany furniture, braaa beda. etc Only takea 3000 to handle this. Better get busy. HERE'S WHAT YOU WANT. 35-roora apartment-house, close In, all nice light rooms, makes good profit: will take juralture In S or 10-room house as part paymenL This won't last long. LISTEN If you haven-t found Just what you want, come In and see us. We have it. It's a pleasure lo ahow you around and we are better equipped than anyono In Portland to place you RIOHT. PACIFIC REALTY COMPANY. 8.2 Failing bldg. SWELL APARTMENT-HOUSE. -PARTLY KUKNIoHED. 1Z250 CASH. Just listed and It will sell quick with thso easy terms: SO rooms. 80 apartments: new modern brick building, very finest apArtment-house district; 10 apartment, furnished with the very best of carpets snd furniture; clearing now over W month: can be made to clear 50O a month by furnishing It all: the rent la $00. with a 5-year lease; If you want to get Into a swell, up-to-date apartment-house with only I22.'rf cash, see this quick. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. B02-4 Board of Trade Bldg. Marshall 403. A 1038. HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE OWNERS. We are now prepared to sell your HO TEL. APARTMENT or ROOMING-HOUSE on short notice; over 2t yrsrs" experience In this line of business enables us to glva you QUICK RESULTS. Wo also have oft ICS In Seattle and Tucoma. thereby reaching a greater number of prospective buyers. Call us up and one of our sales men will call. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. Oll-OlO aeon ."' . Phones Main 4hl and A T112. MUST BE BOLD AT ONCE. 14 rooms, elegantly furnished and very nicely arranged; hot and cold water In rooms: excellent location; rent only n: a good money-maker and a very pleasunt and convenient home; If you have oO cash, and want something first-clasa. al a reasonable figure, call early. 10 liKAUTlHUL ROOMS. ONLY 00l aVASY TERMS. 10 rooms, all in housekeeping. Tory nicely furnished and conveniently ar ranged: rent 140; good district: walking distance. It you want a snap, hurry I Owner going Eaat and Is sacrificing. DEVLIN at FIREBAUGli. 1IO-1I-12 Swetland Hldg A LITTLE BEAUTY. IS rooms, choice locatlcn. rent 180 per month. These elegant apartmenta have lust been furnished In exquisite taste and combine "home" and "Income." If you reaily want tha bast and have 11900 caah, come and see us. PORTLvAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO, 81S Henry Hliig. BEAUTIFUT. new, modern house, 4 rooms, nrst-clsas location. Weal Side, rent only r.7: can rent out 1 rooma for $77; have whole lower part for self; furniture, car pete, beds, linens, dishes, etc.; best money can buy. and clean; every modern con venience; price liiO; lioo cash; a rare bargain. fie. 11. W. GARLAND. 191 4th St. " NOB HILL. 10 rooms, rent : beautifully fur nlsl ed; Axmlnster carpets, silk floss nut treseea. everything th, beet; cost 14o0 to furnish: rooms all rented, housekeep ing; owner sick, will Beartliea for flloo, hFORTLAND ROOMINfO-HOUSE CO. .113 Henry Bldg. 11 ROOMS. ! YEARS" LEASE. Rent only $35; flna Weat 8lde location, walking dlatance: can easy clear ISO month abov. all .xpenses, leaving 2 rooms for , self; thia la well worth ITuO: owner leav ing city and will eiicrlflce for $5o; terms. H. K. JAMES a CO.. 81 luth. near Stark. I ROOMS, beautiful corner nuiiaing. lur- nlahed with tne OCSI OI lumnur. anu car pels, owner wants to sell and will sac nnce: rooms nlwsys full: hsva cut price from $S"0 to $400 on terms for quick dis posal. Inquire l 10th. near Stark. 10-ROOM house, very awell furniture and Clean, nouaekeepins . a io.ei.oM. -naca heat: rent 14 0: Income I9J. besidee two rooms for ourselves, Is.-.o; terms; must sell today: will not be ottered again. Call Lincoln: owner. I WANT to bur an apartment-house ' an either Kiel or o -l ome. mu.i n.e ivou l.a,ie al reasonable rental; atate full par ticulars in nrst letter; no agents. Address V ton. Oregonlsn. WILL exchanga small well-fumlshed rooming-house for lot -or equity In good prop erty. Phone owner, A "ill. lioo BELOW VALUE. 14 rooma. very close in. nice comer, good furniture, good condition, clears 11 2S month: sacrificing for lll'iu, one-half cash. H E. JAMES CO.. It loth, near Stark. w ROOMS, housckee-ilng. close In. West Sid. cheap rent, with lease, clears 1124 month, worth 11500: tf taken today llooo; terms to sutL Inquire II loth, near Stark. 12 ROOMS, close In. furnace heat, clears 130 month above all expenditures; good fur niture; owner sick, sacrifice; $i!0. terms. Ca 1 1 M l'Hh st-. near stark. COME and see us shout the swellest 51 roora house In Portland for 1:500; you can't beat thai one. mere 4:0 Chamber of Con TRANSIENT. 2n rooms, good location. 4-v-.ar Iraie. cheap rent, IL'iOO rash. Walter itcGoTorn. loll Chamber at commerce 1 ! xUAbi'MaA""" GS-room brick hotel on Washington at.: all modern, hot and cold water, telephone and ateam heat In every MKini; furniture and carpets new, long lease. 74-roum brick hotel on Washington St.. all modern, hot and cold water In room. 13 private bains, rooms m" time, furniture new. long lease; w.ill clear THE "kING-M'KINNOV. Marshall 3 I. 312 Henry hldg. CHEAPEST RENT IN CITY. --.it IS .MKIU A 1 CO -v. ft rooms. In good corner location, very nicely furnashed, slenm heat, electric llghta. etc.; rent only JliO; 3-year lease Owner leaving city and will sail cheap for quick turn: 12J00 puts you 'n posses sion. DEVLIN at FIREBAVGH. blU-ll-ll BKCiimni FOR SALE A small, but elersntly fur nished rooming-house. 8 rooms. In fine brick block; can be handlod with IJ If taken at once. Velvet carpets and everything new. 608Vs Waablngton su. Vancouver, wasn. S0-ROOM bouse, right down town, on Alder; cleara 1150 Pr month. $1000 cash will hsndle this good lease; also 10 rooms. $400 cash. HIGLEY at BISHOP. 13 Third St. BOOMING-HOUSES, hotels, bualneaa chances of all kinds. Call at 102 Couch bldg. SPECI.1. NOTICES. Proposals Invited. BONDS FOR SALE. TOWN' OF" GRESHAM. $13,000 WATER BONDS AND $iOO0 SEWER BONDS. Sealed proposala will be received by the nnderslgned un'.il 6 o'clock P. M.. on the 4th dsy of April, 1B11, for the whole or any part of 1:10.000 of th, bond, of the Town of Ores ham, in denominations of $1000 each, payable 20 yeara after date, and bearing Interest at the rate of 0 per cent per annum, payable half yearly, prin cipal and Interest payable In United btates gold coin, at the oHice of th, treasurer of the Town of Gresham. The above described bonds are Issued for tba following purposes: $15.0OO of said bonds being Issued for the Installation and construction of general water works and a water system for the Town of Gresham. and liOoo of said bonds being issued for the construction of a sewer and drain age system for the Town of Gresham. Tha authority for the Issue of said bonds Is granted by an amendment to the char ter of the Town of Gresham, adopted De cember 7, HfOO, by the voters of the Town of Gresham. and entitled "An act to amend paragraph 22 of section 12 of chap ter of the charter of the Town of Gresham. entitled an act to Incorporate the Town of Grestiam. In tha County of Multnomah. Oregon, and to provide a charter therefor, and to repeal all act or parts of acts In conflict therewith: hied In tha offlca of tha becretary of State. Feb- ""aIT bidders will bo required to submit unconditional blda except -as to the le gality of the bonds, aud each bid must bs accompanied by a certified check on either of the banka of the Town of Gresham. or on any responsible bank In the City of Portland, Or., lor an amount equal to 6 per cent of the face valua of tha amount of bonds bid for, paysble to the order of the Mayor of the town of Greaham, to be forfeited aa liquidated damagea in case the bidder shall withdraw his bid or shall fall or neglect ro take and pay for Mid bonds, should said bond, be awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bids Is hareby reserved. All proposals should be marked, "Proposal for Sewor and Drainage Bonda." "Proposal for Water Bonds," and addressed to D. M. Roberts, Recorder of the Town of Gresham. By order of the Common CiAi-nclI of the Town of Gresham. Or. D. M. ROBERTS, Recorder of the Town of Gresham. Data of first publication March 3. IN the Circuit Court of tho United States, for the Western District of Washington, Western Division. Tha Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, of Portland. Ore gon, a corporation, complainant, vs. the Home Telephone Company, of Puget Sound, defendant. No. 1431. Order. This matter having come on for hearing on the report of the receiver that he has caused notices to be published to the cred itors In the manner and form required by the order of the court, and reporting that tha following claims have been filed with him, as required by the terms ol said or der, to-wlt; s Names of creditors Amount. Home Telephone and Telegraph Company. Portland. Oregon, oner, account, notes and In terest $163,453.84 Hervey Llndley. seventeen months services and expenses 8,500.00 F. W. Buff, services as auditor 15S.S3 Bankers' Trust Company, prom- -issory note 10.000.00 Total $182,114.67 It la ordered that the 27th day of March. 1011. at the opening of court. In Tacoma, or aa soon thereafter as counsel can lie heard, by and It Is fixed for the hearing of any objection to said claims which may be made by any person or per&ona. whomsoever. It Is further ordered that any person! objecting shall file their objections with the Clerk of this Court and serve a copy of the same upon the receiver, and also eerva a copy of tha same upon the cred itor whose claim la objected to. It la further ordered that a copy of thla order be mailed to each of the par ties, or their attorneys, who have ap peared In this cause, and that a copy shall also be mailed to each of the credi tors who have filed claims, and that thla order be published In the Tacoma Dally Ledger, the Bellingham Herald and Tho Morning oregonlan once a week for three weeks prior to tho date fixed for such hearing. , .... Dated at Tacoma. Washington, this 20th day of February. 1911. George Donworth, Judge. . IN the Circuit Court of the United States, for the Western District of Washington, Western Division. The Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, of Portland. Oregon - a corporation, complainant, vs. Northwestern Long Distance Telephone Company, defendant. No. 1032. Order. This matter having come on for hearing on the report of the receiver that he has caused notlcas to be published to the creditors In the manner and form required by the order of the Court, and reporting that the following claims have been filed with him. as required by the terms of said order, to-wlt: Names of creditors Amount p. L. Willis, open account and note and Interest $36,621.23 Hervey Llndley, seventeen months services and expenses 8,600.00 Gurney EL ' Ken 11a, professional fees and costs J.036.BO Standard Underground Cable Company. Interest 84.14 , jj w. Buff, services as auditor. 158.8'J Total $66,700.31 It Is ordered that the 27th day of March. 1911. at the opening of court. In Tacoma. or aa soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, be and It Is fixed for the bearing of any objection to said claims which may be meda by any person, or persons, whomsoever. It Is further ordered that any persons objecting shall fllB their objections with the Cierk of this Court and serve a copy of the same upon the receiver, and also aerve a copy of the aame upon the credi tor whose claims Is objected to. It Is further ordered tnat a copy of this order be mailed to each of the par ties or their attorneys, who have ap peared In this cause, and that a copy shall also be mallad to each of tha cred itors who have filed claims, and that thla order be published In the Tacoma Dally Ledger and The Morning Oregonlan once a week for three weeks prior to the date fixed for such hearing. Dated at Tacoma. Washington. tUls 20th dar of February. 11L George Donworth, Judge. CALL of bona before maturity Sealed proposals will be received ac tha ofilca of the Lewlston Land at Water Co., Lim ited, In the City of Lewlston. Idaho, on or before the 1st day of April. 111. for the sale of bonds of the Lewlston Lsnd at Water Co.. Limited, dated April 1, 101. These bonds offered at the lowest price, not exceeding, however, par with Interest accrued to the 1st of April. 1111. will be accepted and paid for to the extent of ten thousand dollara ($10,000). or any sum In excess thereof on hand on said 1st day of April. 1911. In the sinking fund created under artlcla III of the trust deed securing said bonds. l.EWISTON LAND at WATER CO.. LTD. SEALED BIDS will be received at the offlc, of R. H. Thomas. School Clerk. 402 TH ford building. Portland. Or., until 5 P. M. April 6th. lull, for grading and otherwise Improving the grounds at Chapman and jiew Mt Tabor schools. Bids :o bo suo mltted un each school separately. Copies of specifications and plana may be ob. talned at the office of the clerk. Certi fied check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid, pavable to R. H. Thomas, i-rhool Clerk, must accompany each pro posal. Board of Directors reserves the ritthi to reject any and all bids. Dated March 14. 1IU- R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. PROPOSALS will be received by th. state Board of Control at Its office In the State Cap. tot until 10 A. M.. March 20. 191L for an electrical generating set for West em Washington Hospital. Fort Stellacoom. Information will be fumlahed on request to those Interested. State Board of Con trol. Olympla. March S. 101 L Master' a Notice. NORWEGIAN steamer Skogstad, Captain Rynnlng, from Comox. B. C. Neither the captain nor the undersigned consignees of the shin will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted for by the crew. Taylor. Young Co., agents. pWEEN'EE. Br. bsrk. Captain Jones, from Callao. Neither captain nor undersigned, the consignees of ths above named vessel, will bs resiionsible for any debts that may bo contracted by crew. Kerr, Gilford A Co. 310 TER CENT PROFIT. To complete financing a large Portland real estate deal we are offering a small amount of our bonds to investors. The bonus are on profit-sharing basis and bear 3 per cent Interest. Similar Portland in vestments have more than averaged 3 per cent profit annually, and this will do better. Property is now on the market and selling fast. We sold 133.000 worth of property March 11th. You don't often get au opportunity to get in on a propo sition like these bonds, so don't overlook this opportunity. You may Invest any amount from $100 op. Telephone, call or write, but don't fall to get full particulars at once. Another week and you may not get any. J. W. GASKII.L 84 4th St. M-aln SaoO; A 1163. MONEY wanted for loans secured by first mortgage on improved real estate; mort gages for sale; no delay negotiating loans; your money begins to earn interest at once. John Bain. 6O0 Spalding bldg. nuiua tciepiiuua A itu. MOKTOAUE LOAr.3 On Improved city property or for building purposes. COLUMBIA LIFE at TRUST COMPANY. VIO coaming j.n"s. $37.rVOO BREWEltY atock for Bale; half casli. balance two years; carries salary ol foo monthly; brewery located In Port land; investment will represent lull hail interest. Alt SOI, uregonian. A GOOD, reliable real estate company Is desirous of making connections witn a first-class bullulng and loan association, to represent them In one of the best cities In Southern Oregon. AL S32. Oregonlan. $4000 MORTGAGE for small Interest, 7 per cent, payable annually, aecured by Hill acres of orchard land near vvnite Salmon. Wash. Apply S. D. Keltner. 0 .III lb $5O00 MORTGAGE for salo; 3 years. 8 per cent interest, payable yuarterly, secured by West blue, improved residence property. S Sol. Oregonlan. : , MUST sell at once. $U0vO nigh-claaa oecuri lies. guaranteeing 30 per cent profit; will take 1-3 In good property. Address Mis I. Clifford. 7oyt-;.-.hmctonBt., city. Money to Lea -Real Estate, ON IMPROVED city property or for bul.d ing purposes: 3 to 0 years' time; liberal repayment privileges, money advanced a building progresses. The Equitable Savr inxs ai Loan Association. 240Stark. SL PLeiNTY of money to loan at 4 and 7 per cent on real estate security. i;DW. P. MALL. 104 Second SL WE HAVE plentjTof 'money to loan on city property in sums from 41000 to o0.000 at lowest current rates. Morgan. FUedner be Boyce. ou3-oU Aoingtun bide- 150 0.000 O.N Improved" city or farm pr vperty ; building or small loans at lowest Prices; large loans a specially. J. H. McKenxle Co., $14-115-616 Goruuger bldg. LARGE - and SMALL amounts to LOAN. Portland and suburban Real I"-8"? J. H. IiriOrt llB Oe "" ".,,-. Phone Marshall 2745. Ask Mr. Ea31Q1. FIRST and second mortgages and contract purchased on farm ana city property any where in Oregon or VV'asnlngton. - Devereaux. Fenton bldg.. 14 nth at, XOOO. $3000. $4000. ItiOOO TO LOAN, j" H. Tipton Co., llos tepaldlng Bldat. All 31 11. Cvjav.,, ' IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans; contracts ana mortgages bought. W. H. .Nunn. 441 Sherlock blag. IJOO.OOO TO LOAN. Urge loan, a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. is. Beck, S12 Failing bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Blrrell Co.. 203 AlcK.ay bldg.. 2d and Stark- $4000. " $4000. $4000. TO LOAN ON UlrKOVEU KEALTI. J. II. lipton wQ.. Jiw aii.a HAVE 410.000 BBVE-V PER CENT money for Improved really; no bldg. loans; wlU qivlde to suit- 6U4 Dekum bldg. MONEY to loan in small or large amount on real estate security. Call 3.11 is Morri son MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES F. H LEWIS.lLi.-WIS BLDG. $2o00 TO LOAN on good real estate. See attorney, si., ctiammij-.. Loans on inside property at $ TO 1 PER CENT. 14 LblWlS BLDG. SliT. tund loaned 4 per cenu W E Thorn- aS, State Btseui, jm. ... win loan $10,000 or less, real estate security. Farrlcgton, 416 Commercial Club bldg. I HAVE $1000 to loan on Improved city property at 7 per cent. B 837. Oregonlan. MONEY, any amount. 6 to 1 per cent. Good- nough Sfc &eita, .y- - MORTGAGE LOANS. C AND 7 PER CENT. l WIS SALOMON. 233 STAKK ST. PRI V AT E money loaned on real estate mort-smie:K.H- Miley. A. 204, Gerllnger bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security- C. W. Pallet, 308-9 Fenton. WILL loan 115,000 or less on real estate. Hitchcock. 010 Rothchlld bldg. $"3000 TO LOAN on Improved real estate. W 857. Oregonlan. 11000 TO loan today, city property, .ivvv, w .... e.v,amKj.e Commerce- J. K. biifr., i-J r $30 00 TO loan 3 or 6 year on Improved city property. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. i 1 $ $ $ $ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY T If you knew how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of small deots; let us furnish money to seltl them. WE LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, "orage receipts, livestock, rooming-houses and ail kinds of securities; terms to suit; also easy weekly or monthly installments. We buy and loan on flrst and second mortgages and equity U InBBAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO.. 812 Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d. Main 2064. $ a i $ STATE SECURITY CO.. $ $ $ B-R-O-K-E-R-S. SALARY LOANS gJPIJAJN NOTES. LOWESTRATES IN PORTLANTX $10 repaid In Installment of $ .43 I"o" repaid In Installment of $ .110 loo' repaid in Installments of $2.00 Lsrger amounts in proportion. W do not adverture misleading terms or rates, but giva you our charges in plain figures. Business strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO.. $ $ $uSFaiUn Bldg. $ $ $ $ MONEY FOR EVERYBODY. Do you need money today 7 If so. come to roe and I will help you out. I advance money immediately and confidentially on furniture, pianos, autos and other securities- reasonable rates of Interest, M. Maiden. 63 Swetiand bldg. MONEY loaned In amounts from $10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, piano or any personal prperty. Easy weekly or monthly paymonts; low rates, confidential. Grav sr. Cunningham. 201 Rothchlld bldg.. northwest corner 4th and Washington. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and other upon their own name without security; cheapest rates, easiest payment; offices in 06 principal cities; save yourself by getting my term flrsL TOLMAii. 817 Lumber Exchange. ' ! MONEY ADVANCED. On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, etc Lowest rates. BUTTON CREDIT CO, 807 Spalding Bldg. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry, furs, suit cases trunks, overcoats and musical in struments. Uncle Myers. 71 6th, between Oak and jnne. Main lu. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of s curiy. chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co.. 33 Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Wash, sts. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry: strictly confidential. 141 Vs 3d st,, near Alder. .; LOW- rates; we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Marx i Bloch, 74 3d st, biNS on diamonds and other securities. William Holl. room 0. Washington bldg. ALOANfor the asking, aalary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. Loan, Wanted. WANT to borrow $25,000, first note and mortgage, down-town quarter block; am ple security: will pay b per cent net If I can get the money at-once: prefer to deal with principal II possible. Addreaa AH 857, Oregonlan. WANTED $2000 on first mortgage secur ity Improved farm property near Oregon City; worth $10,000; for nine months at 10 per cent interest. W 8o5. Oregonlan. I WANT to borrow $000 on first-clans se curity: will pay 7 per cent Interest,' AE 8o4. Oregonlan. $6009 WANTED on close-in Income prop erty, from private party. N 156, Ore- gOlllHll. $12,000. 6 per cent on Improved West Side income property. V E..2. oregonlan. $30'0 1ST-CLASS real estate security; state intereri , no apvnia. n c-'a w WANTED J.IOoO on IrvinKton home, valued J7300. Phone East 2033. $5000 MORTGAGE for sale. West Side. pruanomme. uo apuumg ""-a- WANTED $1000. real estate security; no agents. Call 20T Allsky bldg. LETus place your money, good mortgages; references. F. H. Lew la. 1 Lewi blag. WE have clients who want loans on Im proved real estate: will pay 4. 7 and I par cent; no charge for placing money. HARTMAJS A THOMPSON, Realty Dept. Chamber of Commerce. MONEY on what you have, small amount or more, W. Lawrence. S15 Lumber Ex change Bldg. Both phone. WE can Invest your mouey at good rates of Interest. Gilt-edge securities. First mort gages. Long-term investment, PROVIDENCE LNV. a TRUSTEE CO. C24-&26 Board of Trade bldg. $2fl"0 WANTED at once as a first mortgage on a farm of 242 acres, to run either lor nine months or two years. 405 couch nms. $1600 WANTED ON IMPROVED REALTY. Will pay S per cent to private party. AB b53, OREGONIAN. rERSONAL- SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom arch ailment, under physician's direc tions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East lltn St., second door south from East Ankeny carilne. phone East 260. B IWi. Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous disease treated according to the latest methods; confine ment cared fori consultation free. Room 10, Grand Theaterbldg. Main 3.23. A 5607. n. T. J. PIERCE, naturopathic specialist: Rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, paralysis, nervous debility and lost vitality speed ily and permanently cured or no charge. Call or write room 1. 245 Morrison . WANTED-Puplls to learu halrdresslng. manicuring, facial massage, scalp treat ment, weaving: great demand lor gradu ates. Sanitary Beauty College, 400-12 De kum bldg.. over Lipman. Wolfe at Co. FEBVET at HANEBUT. -Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; halrdresslng, manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7th st,. near Morrison, pnone Main546 MRS. STEVENS, 16 years Portlands leading palmist and clairvoyant, haa her lata book, "palmistry Made Easy." on sale al 813-4 Yamhill, corner Seventh st, HAIR The largest stuck of pure hair, all khades, to bo closed out at less than whole sale prices; free hairdress given. Asa. B. ltlbbeke. Grand Leader. 5th and Alder. O. ONNE JURVAS Natural sanatorium. 178 E. COtb, Competent masseurs for both sexes, steam and water bains. Bom phonea J1ME. FLORENCE CRY, late of New York, face and scalp treatment, auiio 21 belllng Hirsch blag.. 386 Vj Wasn. su Phone Mar- snail igag. DR. WALKER, special'st for men. quickly cures biood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder trouble and plies. Consultation free. 1B1 Ast su. riui"-v - - . - ,. . . .inn mnnth- Veen Drthlca suit xor itiji, ei."" . ----- your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 30D Stars, EARL LOB DELL, of Winnipeg, your father died Monaay. Call 705 Hoard of Irade bldg.. Portland. MM E. Courtwrieht, skin and scalp treat ment, facial deformities corrected, plastic .si Unelsnn at. Main 5042. aurgurr. i.i - LORENZ NERVE TONIC lost vitality. Sue box; 6 boxes. $L.5. Stipe Taylor Drug Co.. 2Stf Morrison. elMORRISON ST. Mile. Robergh. physi cal culture, manicuring. Suite 10. room 6. third floor. ; MASSAGE and scalp treatment by sraou ate nurse. 422V, Washington, room 61. two flights up. MRS. SOPHIA B. SELF. 22 Belllng-Hirsch bldg. Meeting Sunday and Wednesday, b P. M. jsctain oo. DR. KETCHUM treats women' maladlea, 170 aa su. cotnei MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 42i) FUedner bdg8473. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for disease of women. 532 Davis st. Main 921j. ilISS WALLACE, magnetic electric, treat ment, menlapi THE BATTLE CREEK baths. 246 Vs Yamhill u, beL 2d and 3d. MISS MORRIS, manicuring. 422 Vs Wash, lngton su. room 21).f lratfioor. BPSINES8piBJlCTORY. Accountants. " MACKENZIE. BAIRD & BERRIDGE. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. 224 Worcester Block. Main 736B. A 144SJ. Counsel and expert In all matter, per taining to municipal, commercial, factory cost and industrial accounting. E H COLLIS & CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. g:. Worcester block. Phone Main 6ob7. Architect. A. A. THOGERSEN. 601 RalwayExchange Assayer and Analyst. Wells aV Proebstel. mining engineers, chem. 1st, and assayera. 2o4, Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work 186 Morrison at, ' ' Attorneys. 7 xr COOPER, attorney at law; practice in all courts; abstract examined. 716 Cham w of commerce. M. 71. A 2071. ) Kl'.U V. jji.u.' -' ' - 1014 Ch. of Com. Phone Main 8199. - - - - - ... , r, v- -.- t i nrven Baths and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths. 167 4th Elegant ,. plunge; steam, tub and shower baths, 2ic HILLS SANITARIUM Rheumatic treat ment. elegant plunge. 693 Front- M. 451. Bra and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting nnd machine work. 106 N. Sth. Main 87U2. Chiropody WILLIAM Estelle-and Flossie Deveny, the inly scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d ind Alder. Phone Main 1301. cumopODl and pedicuring; Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 420 FUedner bldg. Phono Mam 3473. CoaL COAL $7.90 A TON. Others charge 19.50 and $10 for the same grade: -we are in the transfer busi ness and sell coal to keep men and teams f during the dull season. Order NOW. v. Horn Transfer Co. M. 1618. A 1984. . Collections. T7u a COLLECTION CO. Law and col !r;tions.1024 Cha. of Com. Main 7810. PORTLAND Collection Agency 81T AJIsky nldg-AU debts collected. A 7317; M 4222. Contractors. ' T- j BUCKNER. contractor; Jobbing, of fice and store setting. 8 N. Sth su Mala jjjl A 7662. Woodlawn 662. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contract ol 414 Well-FargoiJgMainiO. Coal and Wood. nnv BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller woodT $4.5 per load delivered any place tn the city. Portland Wrecking Co., 106- . 107 lltht.Norh.Maln 87.A.8736; httrNSIDE FUEL CO. -Wholesale and re Viii i A fu sawed fir and hardwood. Office and yards at 125 S. 7th sU Phone East 724. B 2777. KPGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-f t. cord wood and slabwood. 8th and Gliaan. M 635'J.M!835LA5ii5: -JTbob Dry 4.ft sawed to order. M 4596. COAL-A 4547. Prompt deliv. Neer as Farr. POAL- ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD. GOOD Coo Bay Coal Co. Prompt service. f!OAI 191 Burnsica It. Both phones. CENTRAL WOOD T AJRD Wood and coal. Main iooo; a C hlropractio PAyalclan. -CHI-RO-PRAC-1IC TICK-NEK"; Say It fast and remember Columbia blag. 12 to :3A DR. EVA MARSH, flrst lady chlro. Dr. In Oregon. 223 FUedner bldg. Hour 9 to a. Consulting Engineers. a S. GOLDBERG ac CO.. 312 Couch bldg. Machine designs, patent devices, engine and boiler installations, concrete ware houses, freight elevator and conveyors. MarshaU 3Q2a. UNITED Engineering as Construction Co, Er.t. and contraclors. 711 Lewis bldg. Civil Engineers. C W. WOODRUFF. C K. 420 Henry bldg. Main 4269. Den lis ta. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work, la impossible: does away entirely with plates, bridarework: we cure pyorrhea (loose . .?v .h.niivteiv: terms to reliable people. Alveolar Dental Co.. Ablngton bldg. 100 Id. THE old reliable Union Painless Dentist. 1st and Morrison sts. CHICAGO Painless.' Demists, established 15 years, iab oin au Dog and Horse HoapltaL Cr Brown. D. V. S.. office l-'9 .N. Jltn st. Main 4016: res. E. 5440. Hospital 19 12th. office 129 N". Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINERING CO. laotor Xor rent at aala. IIS 2d at. LESSONS 25c; 4 lessons for $1: waits, two step; three-step; stao dancing, etc.; every .mornlnir. afternoon and eve.. Prof. Wal Wilson s School; oiliest and only rec ognized academy for correct dancing. 3sUj Wash. su. bet. v. park and loth sta. HEATH'S DLNCING SCHOOL, li9 Second sU, between Wash, and Staik sts. Stage dancing taught; wait and two-slep guar anteed m four lessons; class and social dance Monday. 8 lo 12. Lessons dally. Educational. EXPERIENCED teacher as governess for young pupils or coach grammar grades and higher English; best references. Miss M. D. Mulforu. Brown Apia., 14th and Taylor. Engine Gaa and Steana ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast atrts. Seabur Seabury line en- le E. 515. V. J ateam eneincs and boilers, gaso gine. 2sl-2b3 E. Morrison su phoh Fans and Blowers. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO.. 30O Lorlng aU Dust collecting and ventilating sys tems. Phones C 1113. E. o-Sy feed htore. ZIGLER MINSER. hay. grain, feed. c. menu shingles. 2H4 Grand ave. E. 481. Glazing. PLATE glass, window glass, doors, win dows, new, second-hand. Portland Wreck Ing Co.. 105-7 11th st. N. Main 37. A 3736. Landscape Gardener. G. H. S1EBELS, landscape gardener and nurseryman, moved to 5b6 Kasl 6th SU Phone Sellwood 1167. Leatir and Findings. CHAS S. MASTIC & CO.. 74 FronU Leather of every description, taps, infra. findings. J. A. ETROWB RIDGE "LEATHER CO. ill tabllshed l5s. ls Front au Machinery. B. TRENKMAN A CO, hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining ma chinery. Al! kinds of repairs. 104 N. 4th. EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A 4160. Main 16.9. Ostexipafhic Fh sicians. PR.-; LEROY-SMITH, graduate Klrksville, Mo., class of lisHS; post-graduate. 1907. under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of the sci ence. 112: Selling bldg. M. 197. A 19.5. DR. R. B. NORTHUP. 415-116-417 Dekum Bldg. Phone. Office M. 110. Res. East or B 1023, Paints, Oils and Glass, COAST-MADE paint Is best adapted to tho Coast climate. BAS5-HUETEK. PAINT CO.. 191 Second st, RASML'SSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Printing. FOR printing that la perfect In every sense of the word and aelivered when promised, call C. C Chapman Co. Main 5.55, A 2.5a, 2Uj 3d au TINTING Bourn tinted $2.50 per room; painting and tinting. Phone Marshall 50, Patent Attorney. PATENTS procured by J. lv. Mock, attorney at law. late' of U. b. Patent Office. Book let free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. U. S. AND foreign patents that protect are secured through Pacific Ccast patent Agency. Inc.. jeptAtckton. Cal. U. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by. O. O. MARTIN. 689 Chamber of commerce bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, aomestlo and foreign pat entx, infringement cases. 604 Dekum bldg. Pa v ion. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 605 608 Elecxlcbldg.0.car luber, Portland, WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and crosswalks. 817 Beck bleu. Pawnbroker UNCLE MYERS- Collateral Bank. 40 year in Portland. 71 tith su Main 9-0. Pipe, PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24lh and Yorkst.MS4, I'lumoers. FOX & CO- PLUMBERS. 209 2d U Main 2001. A 2001, Printing. T. G. ROBISON 212 2d su -.'ommerciaA and boos, primms- -"--""I HARNDEJI CO.. Main 81S0. A 7517. Com- merciai priuuue. j.-7i Kubber b Lamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc, Cuininiuim s. .31 Stark. Main 1407. Bug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from, oS carpot.; colonial rag ruga East SaSo. B 1280. 153 Union ave.. nr. E. Morrison, "" " Safe. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d st. Safe at factory prices; econd-hand safea JOHN E. DAVIS Sales, safe counsel, bar, lna. SargetHoteLPhone East 29L, atond-Hand Gooda WK mt the highest prices for s-oond-hand Wrdo?hmg and shoes, phone A310. ' Showcases, Bank and Show Fixture. thk I UTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Kap ?d bliowtase Co.. Sth and Moyu K. Lulke, manager. . r" H BIRDSAX.L. 208 HAMILTON BLDG., .hwfaie. mtck; prompt deUvery. Sale affent, si. in.v. liRSHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new "and sond-hand.Maln 3703. Cabinet worm Steams tiips. PicWsque SU Lawrence Route Weekly Sailings from splendid 10W.ritefc ALLAMt? jl74Jackaon Blvd.. Chicago. Storage and Transfer. PORTLANDVAN & STORAGE CO.. corner 13ti and Everett ts. Just opened newest and most modern storage warehouse In cilv every convenience or safe and proper SandilM of goods; lowest Insurance rate fn Northwest; free trackage; van for moving. MorA15- MOVl3G-TOR AGE MOVING. . Experts, reliable men, no booze-nghter. move you quicker, cheaper and bet r than any Jne else. Phone u. for an limate; storage rate the very lowest, t" worn Transfer Co. Both phonea F o PICK Transfer as Storage Co., office and. commodious 4-tsory brick warehouse, o-Vib iron rooma and fireproof vault for fiableg. N- W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. pfans and furniture moved and packed -fHe-"0NLY warehouse in the business dis trict for storage of merchandise exc.usive f 1,.,,-rnca rate 50 cents; uanster and forwardfng Oocldenui Warehous. Co 9 and ll4-.h SU North. OLSONROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, .afes, ilfoa i and furniture moved and packed ?"SlpmenU :- Front .L Telephone Main 547 or A 247. ; ' PORTLAND DELIVERY CO. Pianos and furniture moved and packed fof sSpmenu Storage a specialty. Phono MainOlOAieui , Typewriter. fha exchange for the largest type W2,tr concern? on Tthls Coast; investigate; Zi make. "ll prices. The Typewriter Hi onana" 287 Va Washmgtonu : all makes, 20 to 6U. fully TTPFntee eisy payments, rentals, 13.00 ttl monSu" Pacific Stationery 4s Printing Co.. 203 2d SU , TTFTa7t?5ewrlter from the Oliver Type B Vvi.r Agency. 333 Ankeny su Phone . B'73. A 243o. Well Drilling. ;, wells a specialty; priced reason- DK-LLI-NO weiia v or wrUe M1,Jtsr Wett. 13 Morrison sU. Portland. ' Wood. -SliST fir wood 5. $5.25 and $3.50 per cord; will pay you to lay in your next M -ln-ler-s w?od now. Portland Cordwood Co, 2C3 Corbett bldg. Phones Marsliall 2599. A foKTLAND RAILlVAl . LIGHT PO WEB Vancouver Lines. . i. R-la'. 6:J0, i:ss. o.vv. 8.35. 9:10. jo- .. ..... 1 1 .fin. :5U, 10:00, ------ 3:10, 8:50, 1:16, 1:50. ..i T'lil. B':5li. 6:30, 7:05. 7:40. -,.uw, 11-10 11:4a. X .v, ihlrd" Monday in every month the last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Cars for Vancouver make no stops on Cnlon avenue, oetweeu xv-i".'"" Poland boulevard to let oft passengers but in a ita Btup w ' ' ""i" Vancouver to connect with cra lor Portlonta. M. 6:uu, 0.00. - :P' tii lt:l. "30. 2n0. 1:50. l:0. a-io 4:50 8-80. 6:10. 6:50, 7:25, 8:00. 8:3. Mo t ii, I0T26. 10:5ox, 11:30. 12:050. On third Monday of every month Hie last ferrv leaves Vancouver at 7:2a P. M. Leaving time In black type double trains. Cars from Vancouver make no stops on Union avenue between Portland Bouleftrd and Burnsida street, except to let off paa- MDauV except Sundays. xDaily except Mondays, xxKuns a local oa Union avenue.