THE MORNING OREGOXIAIS. THITRSDAY, MARCn 16, 1911. 17 I I -v,.w f r-r,rt Hf.K. 7 HT.I.P WANTED MALK. HI I rST ITt I U I I w I a.-m.. CALL. OR PHO.VS V TC'PAf. Tve cwr-r cf Posltl.'- the Best ACREAGE lift within the car limits f yar)roar.r. Wash., has piacad in our b ancle for Im mediate Bale , TEN , a-tita. tB fall b-a.-!rg fruit trwee. hlr'i-ltw r'o'enee mo--m la every particular, startle and outrtri;d'nrB Contract let for r.iciU3iU! r 1 pamin pruprty. Ko tne ear ..i-vlc. convenient l acho-.;. only li suit from business :itrr; nui:l deliver, phoae eervl.:.. rtr water: " rrtnutes f-"fu Portland: city lota t.Me property on lo aiues. Price 112 v.. Irvtnr'.co or lis .horue irrftut p-"r.erty co-ia' dared on ruA ba;a up t 4'-H or 5 .v Some mb. balacc l e rrr.s to suit. Tb's properr will doitle In valua In naxt 3 years, as a euUUvl.lon prop.--aiUon. end pay a handsome Civldand oa the .nveetmenl la tne meantime. '21 ACRES. CItr limit. roar Mor.tavtlla and stotit TToed FL K : 1 acres la other Improvements; the pMc Jou. cunol Vil; verraa, ioa'l pho-,.. 1S ChXX acre. Juet eset of city llmlta; a.-ree la gra;-a, balarr. In fruit and ber ries; U. high arl a thtlr. anl la oaa of tea beat p.ocaa ara hr.o-w of; bnrsa good income, absolutely no gravel la this sli: am all hnuia ar. 1 bam; yo-j cannot affor-l ts overio. lc tola f ir: :"d reae'ne for a:t'B- I Tic. on Urmi of 4ivO acre, suitable for c-wlnr hon-ete. located near Or City car.ina. in d atrar. Ba:hbrhl : 1 " In clover, lt la timoin-. 44 r -una fruit S acr.s of thta tra-t la flneet cf gar-lcn soil: H sere suitable for rr.i'kri ranch. balan.-. fruit laae. ait In cultirstton: good spring ttr; l-rwm frame hou... gowl barn. Str-a lama 1 .000 caah. la yanra. 5 A-RE51 la Rackwood Park, on llasa Lira ri H mt:a a.T of M-r.tavll . Thia tract ra a faw ismod-crovt!) t -a. aorr. rn;l l-tjh. "-y ;iaral. W mil fr-ra X -unt lloM r-l: clo to at ra. ach . 1 anl ttturcn fr:.a llliw. Itrn An a(c:iriit buy. t ayraa. trH rltr: IM rcf fa a!t In cultivation anl can ba bouat for 4.'9V; batlar uiiataala. Tf r-ar-a-M In a-raea. SOBTUtHV TR' T :Oili'A-ST. ;ra !ok ft. JTST WHAT TTVU PtrfHT look: Nil rrs. A rvXTT -ACR- rUVT ALA. IV O t.TIV 7'-"V . Al t- r'r-N "KD AVLJ -Rrvf3-r.:N 'tr r;s s-it i-u not.-.-; ANT 1AKV; WATV! IIIKD T Tli: II t liO"I UI KFN-b -l StJ. H L--rei v ; '! i-.kau axi cali i ft: r rin Nnwl'Kii'. tii: 7 THE I i.-r fii'-K I F Ai'KKA'lE " TK5: JIAKKKT Ti'I'At AMI "l'T t OOIV'l T Oil A VKHT KIN R jit p. OA in. Til - is r'si.uxr Sr ilT MViilf KlilD fa:.m:N'1 a V'T NfS IN I'VE i AN UK KLAI--I7T Till I'll I' "K IS fi'W. AT .K. A THia aJOl'LV TODAT. W. TV. EePET. ! COMMSKClAi, BLaXX. Hir.HT AT ?T TIOV -Ortr XI rr.lia out. I' nra of ala-Mr bnprovad proartr. I2vh nandlra iiila. Its """a. aanr atatioa. coo4 buIUmcs. tilr i:7c. part cajn. ia, nra. rar luttm. 1 mtta ont. fort claxU. I . WO coah will nlnl taia. IIAI.t, ATCHISON SIS Carllaar Uiu 2d nod Aldor. 0 A'"KFJi. f t a) caat. ba a A pr cant. IS Biilao fr-iai I'ortland buair.aa cantor; fm blaaa from acfioL c .1 ir c ti and atr. nair aiocirio Una. a:i cirnrM; In nicn anta of cilllyatioa; laaL dp T!'-h aoil. no roe or araal. rood rtada. K. T. I. r-u'a. tatapbuaa. apr:n water, prlca Vi-L Suod tirat W arraa a.l'olrln. all claarod. aama aoll cau. ba.anra 4 l"r cant- ; a ra. aama lclnit-. i biocka i -tont 40 ara elaara-l. ba:anca limbar. rloaa to Kaot. t-aurctt a::J aiora; pr..a p.r ara. Itroi Th ara all bi'landid lavaatmanta nad will grow la jTw "tier TEHM-C PEAt-TT CO, S3 Corbaf. t.'l. XaraaAll sf. A 4. "improved QCABTER ACHE TRACTS. iuart-r acra tracta at to Orrt"H't b! rod appl'a: tha orchard traU ara Jaat tim:r. Into t "d bartr.;. t b: ykt frv-m a cood -arllna. le faro. Z minuiij' rlua from cyn:r of Portland. Oood aiiir. aoll Uaap. no nck. no Ir rail"B raitiirad. tra;ta !!a wa'.l. Ona t1w nf Mount li'MMl and Mount t. Halna: loatad with n 1 biorkl of pn.lkl aohool and in a v.ndid aa.nbornood. prlca .. av lnni Bu, V'U A HEBUiir. (R jj.jjt Chatnbr of t'omxuarro. CHIKES and frU rnrba naar Portland, waia.c- d Jianco ! xl U.a,n: ruonm watar baat aoll. fra w-oJ. ap.andid frntt d airvt; law of t'olumb'a RUar and anow raka. acraa 0. wraj ; la acraa l' p-r cat cAi.i. aar (uiwrla FKAMC kfFABI.A.NO KKAI.rT CO.. lot Hm U..l. I'jrt.aod. AXVAXTavi'l Or i-ttr.'.ox laa-paaa aM, araaa amoont ef uavaramvBt land opoa to foaiaai.aa. la aaoa rouaijr la taa nat.a af Uroa and v aahlncta. and daacrip ttaa of aama: fvaa homaataa-l. daaart. tioibar. ataoa. eoal a-d tnmaral laai: taa nuapa of Orawon la o:ora I !.. aiowlaf Jt R. ra anaralloa. oaa aHaalcf all pro aaaad R. H and alaeirlo Uaaa. Incladiat Loatara and Caatrnl O'oa ! aacb. or tba tkrao la. alaa af uM"flol la ool ara. Ilall. ?. Man Maaay .. rlarallloa bl c . IAM ( VtVIVl XALII K CO. 171 oJ A ' ' K LA. M.rcb IT la tha fjATK. Otj b a-t;or.l map ira all VA f f LANI In lit lau.1.y r-torad to r-rr- rail anl waaon roo la. oil :inJ. t.wna. rtvara, iot. norlr vt opa!R of tlo -irhaat la-: 1 la Or- n. wt;: iti :u-. tlotia f-r loca:i or.-.f on a hml- i-l. If j-m a -- r h:. - I' . prKO rf rr-p t a 1 al"t . r- ;ji iy-f.i"Nt. V -' .ir.i..-.oabM: O H1 HfUKSTSAI'.'. wa ara I lo taa'but Vailar fjAturv-ar m -rn'or oar too w"i Truak K.l-"a-l w'.ib a par.r "f p"P'a f r hoanaa'aad to o ml.' frorn na rail road now roa--UtL Wo can looata o n'a cloa la u' now A faw iir B ba too lata to t ona of ri-a fra bomra. at nnc at S-4 Taninia a- T f-.l tnforatatlon and oaa lor Mr. CHOICE HOM'TrrTflAP 1 AwftJJ .. !-fl-tr watar. a- to ! anraa. loraL .:o. ion !. ta r-at bnn h raa arl Jamjar; :ao S J.-acTa t.-ata. rn wt a 1 i:..w :aed. wta wat-r from t to lo f-u a".uatad la . rok Coun-r L.-ati; r tr I'io. Al " in Ii" foautr. I"-" ,-HAI'lX liFHTOW. Chamtar of Commatxa. a fTTTii lirsiD ra:rn;lrnrtlt. S3 -a from Haad. To i'oun:. "r4T'-B. all o-l Ian 1. wa.l fflirrw r .o. Bft:a-aact all orounu an i ht on K. II. irr TMa :a a map. c"-" rfrM away tf toi waat tNa r'ti" Pn. a :.v aa.-ri. J Ooratt. pt":'oa tl-'.g.. A.raoa '"ty. it'-ME.Tr.AP Ktu7i:"A''iss. Tn Ti' a-i.. I aat. anaa nouao. aorria lTr"nBi. ff ala luv. n' rU'ri w .n m.I'a l''r..nd. ratod No 1 - B a -n. J C racon'on. H .vliSTi lo IVavh-l-o Vatlay Jola ur pjr'y laat a w- -. IttQUir fr parts-u ara at B14 I.awla b:-!f. n lo-; jnu ll-.rr r a'm contalnrnsj a'.hu.t". f-r of t! 1 Tl oainat- i.'B a' . r'- l AlT.Si nio'ra rry tar.'.. roBHn!al aratac. d 'Iio:." r: fc.jnrata''a e ar acaoo U2 w - r. 'n at . r . . 1 .. N Vile I nill loBds. y. R-tBT ST.' K POit" SAL'rf Trtm f' r c.-miri'-c : a! ira'-ta f:raaa, a'ao a l .ut-ua1- t-.r..'n -4 hort'..-tt.l.r't f -irr'tt -l to oara-'o par:.-.; frra f-om coat o- -t--a. wa your ainti w::k I a -a a-'.B for commercial or riirc vry trao k ;a. antoad t.i b- tra to na-r-.a aid rp:t -'l 'i ca of fat::a a ao naioB biaa. Ph-na -Mila l-". 11 M T-'.d l' inn a.-r a. n. irora H. R. aiatlna. V .,r Cr-k fiowlr.a Ihr.vjfl tha; Ma. for p.llaa Inio a tr.l lo-acra tra.-ta: ano-Th tiaotr cn placo lo par lor clar lrx ror a oilok aa.o. t'- pr aora. nr.. ra-1 Va niioa far cut. o yaara. LVJITIS -AI "M' N Mark a CO, ro-n n a takk o:-it harps in s;-nnt ol'TH rRN WIIXIMKITS VAIO-KT. p'artad to -it buyrra ir roa ara rM an.! l-ruia : oiouraion A'TM.-rAT ard KATfJ'.OAT. Lai m tr.: ro , iN"H :t'Tn. rr .-i-.a.- at. j'i.-.j oa? 03 Onf'B Eiaolrlo; 11 r-'i.tivatad fruit lar.u: lood r-aanrf cnard. boaaa. barn an J Brrtn. 4"0. larma rTor" CO. Vv-30 CCMi a I . I lts-AT. WT.ITE. I - I ror fi"lo Krnlt 1 anda. 0'NE NEET.3 MONKT AND WILL. riACIUFlCE BEAUT11 L BO..U RIVER rHOPERTT. 14 ooraa. all Al appla land. 13 Kr un dar cultivailon. 10 acraa la atrtrtlr c.m maroioi orchard. 1 to yaara Old: ""d hooaa. lr,a apr1n and croak: I frora dt-pot on F.aat flie: ool hujr.: la-0O. bnt If rou can do on J '' w.ok. .mk,0 will bur U and 6.. ca.n will han.i:a It. Do not anawar thla ad Tarttaamant unlaaa jou haa tha caaa aria want a barcata. Addraaa oanar. 1 bo. iniin. ItaIW la th. raat SIMCOB fU.vr.S. naar oldendala. Woah.: tha ara foat bcomin known for Ihalr trua ralua oa fruit ianda. whaia wa hava an al tltada of l'oo f-t iipworda; aoll and cli matic r-nI!tJona that ara unparnilal'd and cioaa to Hood R.vor and tha Columbia p.irar. and tblnk of tha prlca. only 1 1 .'J per ocra. oa trrrna Aji aon.a lara fa.-in a llatad for thoaa not wanilr-.a- arr.all lri. I.otbr Cornmarctal Club Pldll "wi!7LAfETTE VaCLET FRt IT I-AN l'-ACl:F. TRACTS n-ar 8:m. lw; A2-M cua. baianco $- par month; all rr Ir to p ant. i.. .IC'IES mllra from Wtm: 11 acratj In baorlna p runt a. acraa la applaa. Jl'0'arra mllaa from Balarn. all la fruit: jood houaa and barn: Ona location for l-Tio. ood lomi Ct'J. 8. CAjiEPT CO.. T.bbr Commort-lal Clnb rJICAT. ...hit-.' aiTxrrtM ril.I.ET PK! IT L-A.v'l) FOR HALE, pociioa In whole or part unlmproroa fruit land. Anawar AB '... Orooman. TWO EXCELAJ5NT FARM BUT8. J Arr.r TFT KIND OF LAND. ALt, IX CULTIVATION AND Moi-TLT IS HOP PAT'S ll'-Tfr, HAP.N AND OTH- i:, uooi. nWHAD: IU1 CENT. ONE MIL.B FROM SEimtM ll-Al-JlE FRITT AND ARDFV FARM' 1-S ACHFS IX CrLTtVAy.N. Zt.L, KIM'? Or rRCIT AND K.kTiE-L TH': l'U'-E IS A LLi -WELL, tn A N L CUO.-S-FENCFD. A OOaiD T-KOOM II'MHK. MAUN AND OTHKR 't.T; i!lTlJ.iN'!S. 1 Hll:S AM) HARNESS. ? TV A-IONS. 3 v.iX'D JM.-ST COWS. J ?t?.uo i Harrow, a ;r-.TiYATm? ANT IS" rtl'AK It 1ST. HATH l il ED TO TI1K IIOUHF- PR"": :' i'V EASV TlBUS, OR ML,L. fcX CilAN : OX A LAKCE PL-ACt TV. TV. E5PET. Sit CO ilMITKClAL BLOCK. DO TOT TVAST LANO , that you can IRRIOATt ar1nr I1 dry lumm-r. to t can do tin or troblo rour rloldBl '!? on tr.t around Boor of our l lllamatta VaJlar trrlaalad land la Marloa Co.. 8. a. f Salem - rirat coma flrat Bart ad. Apply t rm land d-par:mrnt of UAHTMAN a THOMPSON, pankara. Cbambar of Commarca Hua Portlana. or at our Branch Offlca oa tha arouads al WEST BTATTOS. OR. Taka CIS P a P. train at rnloa r-rpot for at a IJ P. at- from E Montana L) ta Waal Stay tun via woocUiuro. W1L.L.AMETTS VAL.L.ET rARit jaw arrra. To par a. ra. half In culti vation, ba.onoa In oak: noma frail, houaa and barn. naver-falUn aprlnr watar. aaiall parmanl down, balanca aaay tarma. ' 4o.acra tract, no bottar land In Oraiton. all in crop, on main county rond; prloa i jo. par axra, ba.f ean. baianco par cant. ItS-aTa farm. acroa flna bottom land. on-hard. nloo -room houa Una born, watar ptpc-l to both. Thia form la ail In crop. 03 mala rountT road, near food town. R. P. I. and tolaphona; prlca 120 par oca. vary aoar torzna. Thaaa firms ara not far from Portland In tha b'' bsrt of tba va'Iav. WOOD A MEACHRKJ5T. Room K-"0. Railway Exuhnnita B!i3r. wvr-Ki I t-VT mlRT RANCH. 554 a.-a-aa. on ft-ood countr road. 20 xnltva from Portland and about 1 mlla from Foraat and railway station, c.ood boil ail foncd and about ISO acres In htrb aata of cultivation. 25 acraa In hops; Uvlnc watar plpad to houaa. tiood, larao h-ua. dairy bam and otnar Rood mhuMnlnKS; all eatra u-tjd. orcnard and brr-ira. Trlrphono In houaa, H. F. I, and milk ronta by tba door. Thlm placa la located within 1 mlla of -tha Foreat iiroT milk condenaar. which makaa It an llr- location for a dairy ranch. Prtca I lei) p-r acre: torma KA1FCMANX MOORE. Lumber Exchansa. AN EXTRA riVB FARM. 44 acres of Srstlaaa soli, not ona acra of waia land. 1 a. rea well cleared snd In cultivation. 10 seres nearly elearad. Ilea amootn with perfect drainage. bet of fruit farm land, vary sood bul'dina-a. larra urvhar.l and berries; alevv. llj'W rsa. Ions lime on balance 4 per rent In trst: oniy 15 mllea from Portland. 4 mt'-a from electric Ins. good road, phono. ma.l and milk routa. PLBuIS A "CROCKETT. Rum I Wah:r;:on BAg. TO irat nir project atartad will sell a lim ited number or small irai pi i. iiiku"-'! Ya.Uy Irrlsatod land at sama prlca other land la without water: n-er rail r .4 atanon and school; easy terms. X Kill. OresonlAn. Vt!-AlJJl VALI.ET FARM. 4d a.-ra, a. I level. 11 mll-o from Ore-e-in Car ar.d 4 mllea from Canbr: 25 m -ra ciesrad: aood B room houaa. 2 borne, water: run be p'atted In and lte-acra traots; prtca I -"' tarma. T. PALMER-JONES CO.. M2-213 ComroarclJl Club TtMa;.. I'honel alaJn g'V-nA. A 2nQ3. A DAIRVMAN-S CHAJWE. 14 acraa ail bottom land. wtthlB quar ter xnllo of railroad and town; all Im-aroved- ftr.B houaa and barn. ilce $- nr-it 4 han-lies thia. 43 ACRES WITH 6TOCK. 14 cows. team. a'.I form Implernonts; a--rthlr oa. at T'': leas than naif down. C C A'ford. Woodland. Wash. -Lsoktnx for rrood land win do wall ta ma 1 hava ama vary chotoa farxna. I.ra or amaiL beat of soil cloao to portiand and trans porta lion. ISO to (100 "' thi arc-ftnCER. ti? l.ombermena itlda. 43 Af'RKH. 30 In 2-reer Newtown Plpp.n apples, houae. etc. flrat-claee plsca, IB heart of Patuoada famous fruit b-ll. All or any part f r eata on aaay terms: may Include care If dealrad. Would consider fro-l of cl'oa-ln city property. Alo a .'e-acre orc-iarl. ft yaara ol.l. for Oslo, owner I E. Kta N. C --43. A FN -A -P. 12a acrea in Tualatin Vallee. H-mt'a from e:ectrle etali' n. 14 miles from Po.-tlard. 4 room houaa and barn; family c-c- rd . a'.I clear, uader cui'.lvatloa; ""tV" F. J. RoENPER"i. 611 BMa. ;ftA''RE3 bottom land. ce!!ent for horae rad'irt. tha bis money-maker; 10 acres s.aaV.e.l and burned, I more nearly cleared, some tlmtwr. live aprlr-s tha year aro-ind: t ii.-himii County. 24 miles from Portland. 4130 ca-h but you must (o out and sell It to ojr'.f. 50. Oreconlan. ' " FATTM.-" WELL IVI ROITD AND VN1M1ROVKD tn (--a Willamette Valley OS EAST TKRM4 on. ail and lane tracta lief ore bonus call oo John Pica. 2 Henry bids", iu ACRV:" llvho Irrlcsted land. 40 acres In cultivation: In heart of the famo-ja iior-a si'e aecretation of Twin Falls tract, Ona mlla to new town; water rtsi ate., complete Will sell oa easy !e-ms or will trade fr r-ar-ln Portlar.4 property. Owner. 3-0 E. Tt!t N. C f.l PER ACRE. 10 acres, r S ml e from rood live town, a lt of oj,J limber, soma partlaily clearel. can PIP water all over P'OCe; a arlend.d home for eomeone wl.Iln to work: lioo .'.own. balanoa aaay at par cent- E. K. Brown, JU Hanry bldr- IIj'PER ACRB. on.) s-rea. or any part. r acrws raa ba cultivated, baianco eireHrnt pastura. p arty of water and outranre. naar rull roa. 14 rr o.-ro, cosh Chaatar H. Starr. lo.- Pcard of Trade Md. FARVS. orchard tra -tA -oo1 aBaortmant, See o-rmJai-rnB-r.4l.Rothchlld bld. 1. ACRES. -t". ali'H laid at ll; fOX Uulva sais. labor SA svsstxitTS. BEAUTim, 10 ACRES. Just 3 miles fom the city limits or Portland. level irravoled road all the wa. Wa ha -a ona of tha prettleat lO-acra tracts In Or icon. All In a hlith state of cultl votto.i: lies perfectly, bear of aoll; belongs to party In California who has Instruct e .is to sell this elegant tract for only 3-U0. 20oO casu. balance to suit, at 0 per cant. It Is a beautiful tract and dirt chasp a' ths price afk.'d. HARGROVE A.ND SONS. 122 6th St. North, cor. Stri and GUsan. Main ooSL, A 72SV. BEST farm: but is OREGON. 300 ACRES. MOSTLY PRAIRIE LAND. 20 bctos could bo cleared and put Into crop in ona yeor; balance of land is rolling-. Adequate water eupply; no fnces or building : a good old orchard: soil Is all volcanic ash; can rales fK to 49 buan ala of wheat to ths ocro of 2O0 so.-ks of potatoes. The alUtude Is hlrh. This ex cellent fruit land. S miles lo railroad and river. 4 miles to rortJand. This Is an e-tceptlonal buy at 30 per acre. Terms con bo arransed. W. TV. ESPEV. (IB Commercial block. a- ACRES. SO acres cleared. 2 Acres 'rcsh wster lake, balance about 4KA cords 'I fine timber: lo acres rich sandy loam, bal ance beaverdam: no aasle; good houae. otitbulMlnga and fenree: half way be tween Seaside and tiearhart, on rnl.roau. land ellfntly eloping: 2 live streams; ex tra fine proposiuon for small frulte, ber-rl.-a. vegetaoles. chickens, etc.. for sup plying large Summer resort trade: owing lo present shortage of eordwor.d at I no roaat, buyer could par for r r cut" Ung cordwood thia Spring. Ideal Summer ana Winter home; price low. terms aaay. OKO. O. MAIR. t Lumbermene Bldg. FOIt SALE. , , M-arro farm. US In prune orchard, 40 In cultivation. 47 acres. 63 In cultivation. 120 acrea. 3 In cultivation. lfiS acrea. 15 cultivation, no easy cleared, 95 (a pasture. . 320 acres. 240 In cultivation, fo In pas ture, farm Implcmente. 8 llveftock. Include prlcea from 45 to lin per aora. For particulars write or call and see TROI.LIN'iER mioe, bheiburn. Or. SO ACRES 15 miles from Portland, od Kal-m electric. The Southern Paclflo ex tends through one end of the place, with eistlon and switch on land: 50 acres of this farm Is under plow; the balance Is eaatly cleared; about e erea of that por tion which la cleared ta the ftneat garden land tn the state, being mostly very fine beaverdam; well tiled and drained: all fenced, house, fine large barn, 2S acres young orchard, strawberry patch, on coun tr road, one mile from Tualatin; at a Bargain, by the owner. 201 S wet land bldg. 40ACRES. Four miles from railway In Washington County: shout acres under cultivation. 4 mora practically cleared and lots more easily cleared, balance bruah and Borne good timber. Oood 8-room houae. fine spring water, also creek through the place. Close to school, on county road; young orchard. Price 11400. IS'JO cash. A ll1IrfAt-rrvANTT . MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange 6 ACRES. 19 deep, rich bottom aoll. bal ance slightly sloping, suitable for fruit; no wa-te and nearly all under cultivation; good 8-room houae. 2 barns, ehlcken houee. tnllkhouae. well and windmill g""d fences. 2S miles from town of 5OO0 with three competing railroads. 24 trslns a day. good county road. R. F. T., schools and phone. If you want a place that Is a money-maker from the start, look this up: e2"0 per acre, terms. Geo. o. Alalr. 2 Lumbarmans bldg. SoPEK (-ENT SAVED. PURCHASE YOUR LAND FROM OWNER One 14-acro tract. 5 acres cleared, aoll will grow anything you plant; on county gravel rosd; one mile from Junction of two R. R.; school, churches and work for all' other 20 and 4-acre tracta, aama lo cation. Save commission and purchase more land. TERMS TO FI-IT. Box 72. Scappoose. Or. DAXRY FARM. In acrea. only 14 miles from city. Just tblnk. only ofi per acre. SO acres cleared, balance In good shape for range. Sea HALL. ATCHISON. 213 Gerllnger blrig.. Second and Alder. SMALL FARMS. lO-acre tract on the United Railway. 10-acre tracts near Sheridan. Either un pianted or punted to orchards. Price vsrvlng from 3 to S200 per acre: very easy terms. 41-arre tracts In I4neoln County. Price 25 per acre and up; easy terms. Property clo-e to rsllroad. OH APIS A HERI.OW. S32-53S Chamber of Commerce. FARMERS-AND HOM ESEEKERS. 110 a dav and expenaea paid If not found as represented. We have all kinds and slxeei of choice farms throughout the state and can give you the beat value for your money. From 6 acrea tip to eTtlnns of ths best farm land In Oregon. If you wont good service and a square deal, see K. FUCHS. 1214 Morrison Street; A FINE BI'T AND CHEAP. 41V acrea. -mile from R. R. station, good 6-room house, barn, stock houaea. horse, cow. ehlckene. 7 acres bearing prunes. 4 acres bearing apples. 40 cherry and rear trees, only acrea uncleared; soft, loos red shot soil; terms. F. J. ROSENPETU1. 61 S Lumbermens Bl.TaT. OREGON MODEL FARM. 7t acrea of choice land, fine buildings and a great revenue producer, with ov.-r Itooo worth of stock on It, at the very low price of 1113 per acre: very reason able tsrms. This Is the best farm In a ra.Ims of 1 miles from Portland. Oet particulars by p. prcHS. 821 H Morrison Street. FINE A AM BAROAIN. 53 acres. 8 minutes' walk south of Orchards and carllne, H cult, IS errej stump pasture. liuO cords wood, good bulMlnso. Al team. cow. implements a.l equipments. Owner tslls us lo get him CLODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch Bldg--liX ACRES. CLCaSB TO PORTLAND. Cleared of brush and seeded flown; eroough fir and cedar on place to pay for land, one-half mile from railroad end town and onlv IS miles from Portland. A PAROALV FOR QUICK ACTION. PACIFIC N. W. r-HVELOPMENT CO.. 400 Couch Bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. Beautiful farm of 100 acres, soil . rich, nearly all 1b crop, has good house, barn, orchard and only 1 " miles from a good town not far from Portland; price f 12.0U0; will make easy terms. WESTERS LAND CO.. 3484 Stark St. TIOO-AORE (TOOK RANCH FOR SALE: 40 miles of Wallows. Or., fine free range, considerable Improvements, 10 million feet ssw limber, great stock country; 2J5 arraa under plow. C. Murdock. owner, Wallowa. Or. ONI.T 1.0 CASH. ilftO cash, bslancs assy terms, burs 11 acres of good level uncleared land, some timber. 12 miles from Portland, n-ar Orron F;eelrl- carllne; price tliiOO. Sea owner. 2U1 Morrison St.. room . j. FARM at a splendid bargain, 240 acres sa toliowe: About . acrea In alfalfa, at ao per acre, and 10 acres upland at 110. part of which haa t.een farmeJ i fine fruit woutd grow on soma of this land. Writs K Se. Orrgonlatv TOH SALE BT OWNER. 140 acrea flrst-c.ass yellow fir and spruce timber on Slletx Reservation, close to river and tide water; will deal with buyers only. Address Box 34. Sllets. Or. Tj-f-y direct from owner, two fine farms 23 m'les from l'ortlsnd. In choice sectWn of Willamette Valley. Ons 83 arr-s. well Improved: on eO acres, all In culuvatlon. new buildings. C 1!22. SO ACRES 3o miles north of Portland, on R. It ; also ho acres under proposed Klickitat irrigation ditch; raw lands, 410 per acre err" J . cuiion. zoaer, vr. LINCOLN COUNTY for mild climate, pure imter orchard and dairy farms, partly Improved farms, at rsaaonoble prices. O. n I'aagaKlk City. Or. ver'S SALE Two very desirable farma, finely located: abundance wood and water, convenient to and railroad, at at tractive prices. Boetwlck. Blodgett. Or. vron "SALE 179 seres Improved land four mllea from Blodgatt. Or.. 414 per acre. c. W. Mason, own.-r. B'.oilsrett, Or. 77aRK COV'NTT farms and acreage. "" THOS. H. BLACKSTONE. Rldgefleld. Wash. ' TREAL BARGAINS. Tn small farms, within IT miles of Port and.Chas. P. Miller. Sherwood. Or. SO ACP.ES on water, convenient, utiill cash p.,m.rt. t-vL term. O. allddickauff. a(4utno. Or, ARE' TOtJ LOOKINO FOR A HOME T These pieces are on eloctrlc Unas and close to Portland. 5 acres, 4 miles from Courthouse or cen ter of Portland: all cleared: 2V acres of orchard, bearing; well, house snd born. Price 40300, terms. acres, under cultlvstlon: o-rharrl. fine soli; b-room modern house. Price I430O; terms. H acres, with stream through land; good soli; 7 acrs under cultivation: all level. Pries UA)0; terms. e, acres. 6 seres under cultivation; trout stream borders place; small house, family orchard. Price 33o00; cosy terms. IS acres, nearly all under cultivation: g-od orchard, small house and barn, Price 33300. 5 acres, all under cultivation; C-room house, barn, full bearing orchard, all kinds of berries; fenced; well; two blocks from electric line and 8 miles from Port land. 15 acres, all under cultivation: house, born and othsr buildings, J-iotrO. terms. 29 acres, all under cultivation, all level, fine soil; 3300, halt cash. Have fine Improved, level, rich garden land; will stll In 5. 10. 15 or 20-acre tracts on easy terms. Ask about "Thompson Garden Tracts." 400 seres, fine stock ranch: never-failing Btream; 20 miles from Portland. Price 920 per acre. CO-acre full-bearing merchantable or chard, with over 14'MJO of Improvements; revenue ons year Vmov. Trice ouiy 312.750; (47&0 cosh, balance tf per cent. ISO acres. 35 under cultivation: good buildings: One springs snd trout stream; all sto-k. machinery, crops, etc., etc.; 80 acres fins creek bottom, which does not overflow, price only 38300. 53500 casli. balance tarma. 70 acres. 80 under cultivation: 2300 rorde of wood; buildings worth Ji00; line lot of personal properly; elegant home. In line neighborhood, and a good buy at touOO; 54500 cash, balance to suit. THOMPSON aV SWAN. 20 Rothrhlld Bldg.. Portland, Or., bet, 4th and 6th, on Washington St., and th and Main sis., Vancouver, Wash. ORA1N LAND FRUIT LAND. FARMS. We have large and small tracts of grain and fruit lands, some highly Improved and others partially Improved, at con servative prleos. If you are ready to buy we would like to tell you about a few of our especially good buys In a dis trict where you will mftke good. Our experience and knowledge of the district ws represent Is worth money to you. BOTHFrR JOHNSTON. OS Chamber, of Conun.TC A TOWNSITE farm on the S. P. R. R .. sta tion on the land, surrounded by a rich farming country; 7S miles from Portland; next nearest town of any Importance 10 miles away; 812 acres; 269 In cultivation: land Is level: lower end borders on stream; fine, well-built house, together with other buildings or. the property; this properly must be sold as a whole and the man who gets It can make a big thing out of It If he la alive to Its possibilities; $24,000. terms with a release clause In each acre on the mortgage. H 632. Orcgonlan- 500 ACRES. In good farming district, miles from railroad. 13.0oo."uo feet saw tim ber, good soil, two orchards. 8 houses, spring and creek water. 1 sawmllL capac ity 20.0OO day; 2 boilers. 2 enclnea, first class condition. Terms. 333 per acre. 120 acres, 2 miles from town, some bot tom land. 1.200.000 feet saw Umber; 322.50 par acre; terms, F. K1CHET. S3! Chamber of Commerce Blda YOUR OPPORTUNITY. 7?'H) acres In Umpqua Valley, about 4H miles bordering on the Umpqua River; IfWWt acres alfalfa land (alro fine fruit land), 80 million feet of timber, best of Boll, coyote-proof fence: price 315 Per acre, liberal cash payment and 10 yeara to pay out at 6 per cent: full description, terms and blueprint at office. ZIMMERMAN. 310 Board of Trade Bldg. 34.v0 100-ACRB farm, .TO miles from Port land. Allison. 42a Lumber Exchange. - FOR cheap lands, orchard tracta and re alty of all kinds, call at 402 Conch bldg. kllscellaoeona. BUILDERS I will take a second mortgage as pavment for two elegant view lots on tli West Side provided you build at once. T S.13. OregonlatL WANTT.D REAL ESTATB. ACREAGE WANTED by Over 60 customers. Land Inside and out side of the city In large and small tracts. High-grade multlgrapli circular letter ' work by Mies Weaver at our office. Our customers demand acreage near carlines. Remember, we want acreage. NORTHERN TRUST COIIPANT. 270 Stark St- TVANTED Immediately for client. 6 or 7 rcom strictly modern house with full lot, between Hawthorne snd East Morri son and west of East 23lh St.; price not over 43"00. GODDAKD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. AGENTS OR OWNERS If you have for sale a desirable quar ter block In th district bounded by 4-ouco, GUsan. 7th and 12th. aubmlt offer to Mr. Beck st our office. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, 270 Stark St. WANTED TO BUY 4-room modern bunga low on full lot not over 20 minutes from city. Price not to exceed 31S00 or 32000; 350 down. S2& per month, including inter est. Address AU Oregonlan. WANTED Northwestern real estate In ex change for California property. For sals, on terms, city, town or country property. Get our list. Cline-Hull Company. H. W. Hellmsn bldg.. Lbs Angeles. CaU WANTED A lot on some corner on Sandy road- will make reasonable payment down and good payments monthly; give location, pric and best terms. A. Palmer, P. o. Ho oT7. WA VTKD All kinds of good city prop erty for quick sale. Give fullest particu lars and lowest price In first letter. F. FUCHS. 221 hi Morrison Street. j HAVE isooo to 310..00O to Invest in a modern home. West Side, preferably near Kings Addition and not further west than 24th street. AC S37. Orcconlan. WANTED To buy 5 acres 8 to 10 miles from Portland and close to station: must risve water: have 3600 for flrat payment. T 867. Oregonlan. - FA RMS and close-in acreage wanted; have the buyers. F. J. ROSENBERG, 619 Lumbermens BiJg. WANTED One or two acres: close to Portland; near carllne; reasonable; state location and price. A 834. Oregonlan. WANTED Lots In Irvington Park, south of Holman st. at once. Call 420 Swell and Bldg. Howard Land Company. fANT unincumbered Grand-ave. business lot: will trade excellent acreage. 8 532. Oregonlan. . X OR 8 acres, with small house, near Port land 1 eV " "- en (-'" .... ... ...... NEWLY furnished rooms with 'board; price l.l. 111. F Oek U 2K1H. WASTED 1 to 3 acres on the Peninsula. Price, etc AH S34. Oregonian. FOB BALE TIMBER LAND. FOR SALE. 10 acres of timber. In Clark County. Wseh.. 19 miles from Vancouver; will cut between 8.5CO.00O and 4.000.000 feet: soil Is first-class and will make fine ranch or apple land after the timber Is removed. Price 53"Oo; i cash, balance can run as long as desired. Address U. Crowley. Vsn couver. Waah. 200 ACRES of good timber. 4 miles from Columbia River and North Bank railroad, cruising about 6.000,000 or 7.000.000 feet; will sell land and timber for 84300. S-e tha owner this week. B. Larson, 222ii Crosby st. FOR SALE Timber land. 100 acres. Co lumbia County: acres, T. 6. R. 7. Polk County. C. M. i.'rittcnden. Hubbard. Or. ' TIVBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M-CRAUKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. FARMS WANTED. FARM WANTED I hava large quarter block, good East Side location, 2 small residences on It;- It la chesp st 34300: no debts against It: I wish to use above as first payment oa a farm worth 37ooO to 310 000. Owners only please. Call or write J E. Smith. Slit Chamber Commerce, FAP-Mfl WANTED. WANTED Good farms for quick sale. Give fullest particulars In first letter. We have tl.s buyers. F. Fri'HS. 221 H Morrison Street, TIMTTER lands wanted. 3u4 ttcKar bldg. Mccracken, FOR SALE, or will trade for city property, my 210-acre ranch; 36 acrea 2-year-old Comics and d'AnJou pears; 35 acres 2-year-31d Syits and Yellow Newtowns; Rogue River, close to Medford. on county road, one mile from railroad station; house, barn, well, springs, large creek running through place; Improved and up to date, 721 Board of Trado bldg.. Port land. ' 45 ACRES. 35 in 2-year Newtown Pippin applea; house, etc. first-class place. In, heart of Estacada famous fruit belt. All or anv part for sale on easy terms; may Include car it desired. Would consider good trade of cloee-tn city property. Also a 3Ba.acre orchard, 5 years old. for sale. Owner. 350 E. 0th N. C 2245. A CHANCE to get a good small rooming house without paying out any cash; will trade for lot or equity in good property. Owner. Phone A 751 S. 154 ACRES Idaho Irrigated land, 60 acres In cultivation: in heart of the famous north side segregation of Twin Falls tract. One mile to new town; water right, etc.. complete. Will sell on easy terms or will trade for ncar-ln Portland property. Owner. 330 E. 47th N. C 224o. ELEGANT 11-room home, very finest East Side location and nearly quarter block ground; price $10,000 and It Is worth It; will exchmgo this for acreage or farm up to S7O0U; will give line deal. J. E. Smith. 613 Chamber Commerce, Portland, .. -.. . . . .. nc-e m:a TO A niTil V c nAva i . a, iv vuw - We can match yours up no matter 1... 1 1. 1 n rr .... TrV IIS. H. A. CHANDLER. 610 Lumbermens Bids WE will exchange your property for what you wont; quick service and straight dealing. Western Sec. Co.. exchange dept.. an ppaiaing pm. NICE 100-acre farm, close to high school, fully stocked and worth $13,500. to ex change for some good city property. F. FUCHS. 221 H Morrison Street- W ILL trade 160 acres white pine timber In Stevens County. Wash., for business or small farm lo value of $2500. Address box p2l,ontano, ur. WANT small suburban acreage In exchange for nice home In Rose City Park, a rooms, fireplace, furnaoe; have I90O equity in this 34000 house. O 837. Oregoniana. WILL exchange a choice 20-acre tract for city residence In good location on t-ast Side; must be modern In every respect- AH BSO. jrogouiJiia. H O. KEMT CO.. 620 Chamber of Commerce, has t'JO.OOO worth of real and personal property to exchange for anything of value any pi ace WILL trade 160 acres good wheat land, fenced and under cultivation, for good mto. Phone .Marsnsii iiiii. MINNESOTA acreage to exchange for Port land or Western Oregon property, call 276 Stark st. To30 EQUITYln 3-room bungalow; $1900 equity In 5-room bungalow; to trade lor lots or runabout. M. 144L WE exchanse your property for h" .T"JJ desire. Portiand Exchange. 41T Board ox Trace blilg. bee jar. r mu FOR apartment-house site, a fine eight room buncalow on Heights: will assume or pay casli. write own . ..... ....... WANT to trade a Reo runabout for lot lu suburbs of Portiand: 3400. T. P. Soules, vi ooo num. nr. 313UO EQUITY beautirul 5-acre apple tract. lor r-ortianu rmyeuj. " v - FOB BALK. Ilorsoa. Vehicles and Ilarnesa. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. NEW YORK CLUB STABLES. 605 Alder St. 40 head of horses and mares, ages from I to 12 years, weighing from 1050 to la00 lbs ; some matched teams cheap; some are a little thin from being overworked and some are tender In front feet from constant use on pavements; prices from 340 upwards: all horses tested and war ranted accordingly; more value for your money thun any other stable In Portland Call and be convinced. C. D. JEFFRISB. Proprietor. 2800-lb. team mares, ages 5 and 4. lat and handsome, true to pull, no reasonable ofTer refused. 605 Alder st. J165 buys pair chunky-built mares, ages 4 and 7. been used on delivery wagon the past year and have been replaced by auto delivery truck only reason for selling. 50o tU buys 1200-lb. mare, tender tn front feet from constant use on pavements. 60o Ai'h1 buys team brown horses, age. J and 8. weight 2700 lbs., true and reliable sin gle or flouDla. quo amci BL WANTED To purchase 10 or 20 bead sound, reliable horses, none under 4 or over 4 years old. to weigh on scales 1200 to 1400 fb. ; must be kind and gentle; PUase'' will be in Portland Thursday and Fri day; will pay reasonable price for good stock. Appiy ." 1 GRAY mare and gelding. 7 years old, weigh 2050. "ood ranch team, with new harness and 8-inch wide lire farm wagon; bar gain Todds- Horse Market, Front and JlBTKeillM. FOR the best qualities of work or driving horses at the most reasonable prices, go ro7he Rose City Park stables, at E. 52d it and Sandy road. Take Rose City Park car. Adams Campbell, proprietors. 40 BUYS nice fat gentle pony; gentle for chMrel $275 for nice pair of matched brown geldings, 6 years old elEb ?300. 3i5 forlck mare, weight 1260. Call 334 Front st- a vaboain -ream of horses, 2400 lbs., Ahfrne3? and waS. all for $150; $35 buy. JOOO-lb. horse. Take Woodstock car 6. th st. and cad ave. i-none a"- PORTLAND Stsblea. 20 N. 13th St. Horses, harness, all kinds of wagons; guaranteed. Bank and business references. K. X Evans. tl-ANTED Horse and light rig. Horse not under 1130 lb.-. One used to farm work p?elerred Must be In good condition. O 831. uregoniau van SALE Fifteen fine mules that will weigh 1300 pounds each; $3oo0 takes the bunch. Schmllt Bros.. CreswelL Or. Bid bargain; team mares. 2500 lbs., true pullers, harness and wagon. All for $15. 242 Grand ave. , PAIR of geldings, 6 and 7, weigh 3350 lbs.. true to cull, and sold with guarantee; bargain! . 5-YF. i.R-OLD bay horse, sound, lady broke, 1173 lbr! 13-3 high; new Moyer buggy and harness; cheap, inquire inil ft Y FAR-OLD driving horse, weight. llOO; prlcerl2: might wade for work horse. Phone fceiiwwn o sV'T-Tr ikes No. 1 ranch team if taken at "cncl: can be seen at corner Ninth and East will PORTLAND Stables. 28 N. 15th St. Phone Marshall 16S8. Horses, wagons and busl- rlgs lor nire oy uaj v """'-"- HORSES, thoroughly gentle. Call at Olds. Wort man A King stable. 88 Last 7th St. North. Automobiles. 191(7 REO touring car! fully equipped. motoV i-cylinder SO h.p This car was used as demonstrator and has been run less than 1200 miles. It can not be told from new and is guaranteed for one year, cost 11550- price $95 cash. Custom House Auto Co.. 831 Everett. Main 1649. AI-TO wanted 100 acres of fruit land, deep red-shot soil, slightly rolling, evesjr acre can be set out to orchard; small stream of water- $65 per acre. 5 per cent discount for cash- 4 mfles from railroad; will take $2000 automoDlle. $2000 in cash, baianco on terms, uwner. v - m moo MAXWELL JR.. top. glass front and ias lartVps. first-class condition; cost $750. l'olO Maxwell Jr., $400; this car cannot be told from new. 111IO Mucaon iuu-. e'.--. r-oetom-Huuse Auto Co.. Sol Everett. ItiOO CHALMERS 30 touring car. This car has been used very little and Is In ele gant shape: better than new. cost JlOoO; iiioit no trade. Custom House Auto Co.. 331 Everett st. Main 164H. a vaoFNGER touflng car. In flrst-class 6 condition; run 6OO0 mllea- will d'"0"" $1000 It taken at once. Phone owner. B 1017 RELIABLE chauffeurs furnished on appli cation free. Fielmont Auto School. East 2M and Morrison. Phone East 2118 or B 2214. FOR HALE or exchange five-passenger 1810 Overland 30, perfect condition. Inquire room 614. F.othchlld bldg. A 5-CYLINDER auto, o-pssaeuaer. u.,lnM4 ! ftVOtl Cant oei. . " - M Maiden. 603 Swetland bldg. WANTED A good second-hand automobile at once; stage av, " 8 57. Oregonian. , At losuliH-Eb bought and sold. Call or writs for bargain list Custom-Houso Auto Co Ml Flvorett St. Main 1M9. MUST sell, real bargain for Parry roacsier. oniy run -- f - Common p' 8ELPEX touring car. fulljr equipped: cost WWT second-liftnd auto; grood hill climber; cheap. V S56. Oregonian. rro, nFliirj'l for 2d-hand auto; Chalmera, 1 " T. r I x -a Rift Drfeonlfln Laaiiinc". -- 0 ruoi. Organ and Marital lwtriieiiifc, S4fl BITTS $0 practically new Hardmnn Autoton-. s and 6..-noTe player piaao. i-boiia. Ala in 677 ior appointment. Pianos. Orsrana and Mn-lcal InetTwncntB. A HANDSOME dark oak Martin Bros, up . right; original price 1425; on sale for 3-iiO. ' time or cash. Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co.. Sth and Burnside. HIGH-GRADE upright piano: sell cheap or rent- 226 Alisky. Main 3753 TRADE standard upright-piano for motor cycle or runabout. 22b A.isKy niag. vtlrrle. ttnn and f'ft stoek. UTILITY S. C. Brown Leghorn cees. per 13; $6.30 per lOo; fertility guaranteed; wonderful layers. Jas. Ireland. 414 Spald- try i.lttr rhone Aldln 11" I THOROUGHBRED Crystal White vi'yan ! dotte cockerels and pullwls for sale cheap i . ... - - ei .,n VJhon. ITaitt 3593. ' Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. Two 100-H. P. horixontal return tubular boilers, complete with Inclosed type feed water heater. 5Hx3H Smith valve feed pump. Dodge Inj-ectora, safety valves, crown valv2s, 6-inch header and all angle valves and Williams feed-water rejjnlator. with safety water columns, in ood con dition. Also one 12-H. P. vertical aunmertied hend tubular boiler, complete with safety valve and fittings, IncludinR Buffalo in jector; almost new; only used a short time. For further particulars inquire at room 201 Oregonian bldg. SEWING MACHINES 50 slightly used ma chines, at very low prices; fcingera. Wheel er & Wilson. New Home. White, Domes tic and others ; making room for new einger 60 and Singer Kotary. New ma chines sold on easy payment and old machines taken in exchange. Machines rented by weei-r. or month. Expert repair work. SINGER BEWTNG MACHINE 6TORB. 8. S. Si gel. Proprietor. 835 Morrison St. Phone Main 2183. A 4599 FOR SALE Best-built gasoline boat on the river, 36-foot over all, cabin, powerful en gines, suitable for heavy work; very styl ish; cost $4000; owner Instructs us to sell for cash, at great aacrifice; call and" make early bid; no boat on the river compares with this one. Mason's Boat House, East Washington st. STEAM PLANT for sal for delivery about Juno 1st. including 125 H. P. tubular boiler. 20 H. P. Russell automatic engine. Xean condensor, etc., etc. all in good working condition; price reasonable; can be seen in operation at Albers Bros. Mlll Ing Co., Front and Main sts. FOR SALE. Set of abstract books of Skamania Coun tv. Wash.; only set in the county; owner has other business and cannot attend to them, and will give a man a bargain. This is a first-class proposition. Address D. Crowley, Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE at a bargain, contractor's equip ir cnt for grading, including 13 head young horses, Fresnos wagons, 24 sets car trucus, tools and camp equipment. Call or write J. Henry. The Dalles, Or. Hotel Albert. MUST SELL Fine cabin launch; cypress hull, mahogany finish, modern equipment; lavatory, '.oilet, searchlight, etc.; seat 25; consider trade in part; must bo seen to be appreciated. AG bS6, Oregonlan. OLD Jewelry exchanged Tor a and diamonds; unredeemed pledges for bait original prices. Uncle Myers, 71 6th t Cftween ua ana fiats. SAFES New and 2d-hand; low prices; easy terms; safes opened; repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO. and PORTLAND SAFE CO.. 85 5th St. Main 630t. A 4Uj- ONE new SxlO camera, SxlO portrait cam era, 8x10 portrait lens, fexlO double ana stigmat lens, 8x10 anastigmat Weltangle lens. Union Hotel. 6th St., Room 14. 4aT TT TTT A TTtTTC VT'P t3TTT? V 6000 surplus stock, apple, cherry and peach trees, leading varieties. For prices a ddress N. B. Harvey, Mil w aukie. O r. QUICK sale sacrifice; complete shingle, planing, sawmill, with 1,500.000 timber, 15 miles Portland. $2750. terms. 1030 Grand north. ' NO DUST sweeping compound absorbs dust. Write for prices. Crescent Chemical Co., 6 26 Wash, st., Portland, Or. FOR SALE Showcases, wallcases, counters. General fixtures in stock and made to order at lowest prices. 222 Grand ave. 5- FOR -SALE One soda fountain, complete and counter; used one season. Inquire Model Grocery. 406 East Morrison. FOR SALE Clean dry baled alfalfa, J6 per ton F. O- B.. Twin Falls, Idaho; rate to Portland j. u. i-y man,o oxi -t. BURGLAR-PROOF safe for sale; new safe, in perfect condition. 716 Chamber of Com merce; . -H. p. ELECTRIC alternate current motor for sale or exchange for direct current motor. 512 Buchanan bldg. SURVEYING OUTFIT for sale cheap; two transits, two levels, chains, tapes, range poles, level-rod, etc. AH 852, Oregonlan. HOUSEBOAT at a bargain; leaving city; two rooms, neat and cosy. Phone Main, 10.1.L. bunuay ceiiwuua FOR SALEJ 2 Marquis, suitable for motion- picture theater. Inquire 513 Roth- cniiapi as- FACTORT rebuilt typewriters. $10 to $ttf-. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. - 90 Fifth st. M. 5528. A 1476. FOR SALE Good family cow. 458 Van couver ave. LARGE double flat-top office desk, golden norc- Main TST.. FINE soda fountain, glass holders, etc 35 HK1H-GRADE gent's bicycle, new tires, coaster, steel rims, bargain. 206. 4th atu WANTED MTScru.AyEoira. WE BUT CLOTHING, EVERYTHING. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing, shoes; we also buy ladies' cloth ing. Call up the Globe. Main 2080. 240 First, near Columbia. " BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE wanu household goods, furniture for cash or commission. East 1022. 869-70 B. Morrison st. That's all. MONEY LOST Unless you call the Ford Auction Co. and get their price on vtist you nave to nil. Main 8951, A 2445. WANTED Bicycle or motorcycle In good condition cheap. Phone Marshall 576, or evenings. Main 3743. WANT. ED A second-hand steam woodsaw; nlve H. P., price and where same can be seen. D S59, Oregonlan. OUT OF COMB I NGS. Switch 95c curls and puffs 75a tary Parlors. 400 Dskum bldg. Sanl- WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater & Martin. Phone East 8131. S48 Hawthorne ave. IF YOU have household furniture to soil, call up George Baker & Co., 152 Park st. Sales at residences a specialty. LARGE, second-hand Ice box give price and location of same. AD 853, Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMAN Prefer one with some knowl edge of use of belting, mills and factory. Answer today. Sero Specialty Co., 219 Consolidated Realty bldg.. Los Angeles. WANTED Steady man to take Interest In manufacturing business; will pay $30 weekly; experience not needed. Particu lars 84 Btxtn St., room oio. FIRST-CLASS co at makers and help on men's coats, also single coat makers wanted. Apply at once, 142 ft 4th St., WANTED Bright boy, IS or 17 years old. to assist pastry baker; good opportunity for right boy to learn the business. Apply at Seaiy. Lowell Co.. 5th and Stark. WANTED A registered pharmacist; state age, references, married or Fingle; write North Bend Drug Company, Nurth Bend, Oregon. YOUNG man, bookkeeper with some execu tive abjiity, good chance for advance ment; five references: salary expected; phone numoer. -n pp., ui i-jihq". WANT agents and salesmen for best or chard lands In Oregon; big money for live ones. CaU 276 Stark st. STEADY Job Jn a country office for a reliable, up-to-date, all-around printer. Itemlzer. Dallas. Oregon. ov-iLL, give steady position to man wishing to learn dyeing, cleaning and scientific spotting; salary from start. 125 N. 16th. WANTED First-class tailors to work on ladles' suits; good wages paid. 6. Weiss, 147 10th st. WANTED Man and wife; must be ei perienced Janitors. in apartment-house. Call Rainier Hotel. 129 N. 6th. GOOD striper and finisher wanted for au tomobile work. . Apply Hess & O'Brien, Union ave. and Davis. WANTED Good Chinese cook to go to Baker City; good wages. Apply mornings this week. 773 Marshall st. WANTED Sober man to take care horses. Call at the Irvington Stables, cor. of E. 6th and facnuyier. WANTED An electrician for outside line work. Call 222 Commercial Club bldg. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents, new offer. Cut birth studio. Dekum bldg. WEAR a Kenshaw 2 hat; all styles. 449 Washington and IC9 4th sts. WANTED Fire insurance solicitors; good proposition. S2S Chamber of Commerce. MOULDERS wanted. Call 222 Commercial Club bldg.. Sth and Oak. WANTED First cook at Peerless Cafeteria. bf Sth st. WANTED Gentleman or lady to larn photograph business. Call 171 Madison su SALESMEN. A firm known from Coast to Cosst requires the services of two first class, hustling salesmen. Experi ence, in vestment, bond or real estate men preferred. We school you In our own methods and give you the co-operation which means success snd big money to th live ons. Only men of pleasing person ality and good address need rpiy to D 849. Oregonlan. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. S. Marine Corps, betwoen the ages ol 19 ana 30; must be native born or have first pa pers; monthly pay $15 to 69; additional compensation possible; food, clothing, ous ters and medical attention free; after so years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances: service on board ship and ashoro in all parts of the Jrld. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recrultm office, Ereeden bldg.. 3d and Washington ts., Portland. Or. - REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. The most successful real estate firm !n Portland can use three good live sales men. Two new subdivisions going on tne market. This is a chance to make good monty with the best-known company in the Northwest. Reply to G 846. Oregonlan. SALESMEN The Columbia Life ft TSvt Co. bas an open tog for one or two Br,lt" class solicitors. If you have not had ex perience in selling life insurance you win be schooled and rendered assistance in finding prospects and closing Dullness; exceptional opportunities for experienced men. Ask for S. P. Lockwood, vice-president and general manager, or Harry Richey, city manager, 8th floor Spaldin bldg. NEAT appearing young men with reference as salesmen; practical instruction in sales manship, together with an experienced man to go with you to teach you the busi ness, free. Will pav well from the start Country or city. Call at Monarch Invest ment Company, N. E. Crow, manager. 401-2-S Bennke-Walker bldg., 167 Fourth, street. WANTED for U. S. Army, able-bodied un - married men between ages of IS and 85; cltlsens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Alnsworth block, 3d and Oait sta Port land Or. MEN WANTED Age 18-35. firemen, $100 monthly, and brakemen, $80 on nearby railroads; experience unnecessary; no strike; positions f uaranteed competent men; promotion; railroad employing head quarters; over 400 men sent to position monthly; state ag; send stamp. Railway MARRIED farm hand, $40 month and house. Married farm hand, fruit ranch, $50 month and found. Married farm hand, dairy. $50 ana house. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO., JD 1 orm oeieuiiu. WANTED Aembitlous workman; your worK on actual Jobs pays for teaching trades o, electricity, automobiles, plumbing, brick laying; only few months required; 00 students last four years. Write for In formation. United Trade School Contract- ing I".. leOa All.t-l-a. JIA, a." 1 Good opportunity for a bright, eneryetio young man willing to learn business with good future; small capital needed; fully secured. BENSON & CHAPMAN. S13 Merchants Trust Bldg. WANTED at once, experienced woolen dres-S goods salesman. Robens Bros.. 3d and Morrison sts. PERMANENT" position to "live wire so. llcitors; if vou are looking for such a Po sition, naying big financial returns for the expenditure f a little energy and cemmnn sense, see Mr. Ake. after 9 A. M., 41 19Mohawkbldg.s cor. Sd and Morrison STEADY positions now open with us tnr two experienced men, one to take charge of hat department, the other to sell clothing- no one but experienced, sober men need apply. Apply Brownsville Woolen 1 1 11 atore, an uia mm t j"" TR WELING men calling on the trade want ed to handle side line; newly patented article; sample can be carried in pocKf-t. send 25c in stamps for sample and ask f-r territory. Pocket Door Lock Co.. 61 i-ast :oth boutn. WANTED A competent roan to take charge of soda fountain and lunch counter in department store; must be live wire; ref erences required. People's Store, Tacoraa, Wash. , WANTED Boys over 16 with wheels for messenger work; $30 a month Guaran teed and wheel repairs paid; boys who make good will be taught telegraphy. C. H. Odeen, Western Union TeL Co.. 76 3d. MAN or woman to take restaurant (nearly furnished) in hotel; board one for rent sleeping room Included; snap. Anply 3.4 North 26th. S car north to 26th. block south. - - WANT ED Groceryman to take chnrge ot grocery department of big department store; imist be man of big experience; references required. Address J- 1- Brad dock. box 1644. Tacoma. W ash. WANTED-A-l high-class stock and bond salesmen who can handle ten-year seven per cent guaranteed bonds and take ( sub scriptions for stock. Hood River Mineral Springs Co.. Hood River. Or, . RAILWAY mall clerks, postof flee rltfj letter carriers, custom-house and Internal revenue employes, to prepare for exam inations; free book. Paclflo States School, McKay Diog., city, WANTED Young man with experience to work in men's furnishing goods and hats; man who can do window-trimming and card-writing preferred; references re- QUlreQ. AGarraa r" ow. "b"- MANAGER wanted for fire insurance de partment of established business; attrac tive proposition for man of ability and energy; tate experience, age, references. etc. AU POaS, Wl CBumtxi... . . r 1H .aem n forTTl S f r.'BI. Barr roaS and mL Hood electric. Call 41S Koarq 01 imu. om. WANTED Two good handy men. who are not afraid of work for few days. Kirk, o'Jtt asn. su. up'a..Q. WANTED Apprentice feeder for Job pressesT A. I. Gossman & Co. Marshall 2226; MEN wanted for hopyard Inquire at Bel vedere Hotel, 4th and Alder; ask for John Krebs. WANTED Furniture commission salesman to represent our hallracks In Portland. A. Renesch & Co., Cincinnati, O. I OCAL OFFICE: International Correspond ence Schools. 3S3 Aider st, open till P. M. 6nd for free catalogue. FXPERIENCED baker's helper, Scandina vian preferred. Scandinavian- American, .Bakery, iw j"""s MAN of good appearance and business abil lty to Solicit for a good business propo. sition. i-i PHYSICIAN, licensed In Oregon, to assist . . at,, .-rnerieneerl In 13. 11. worlI preferred, 'ab 883. Oregonlan. a fiOOD man to act as secretary and treas urer of an Oregon corporation; must- in vest.R847,Oresonlan. "WANTED Two eood solicitors to work among Portland business men. Call after 1 today, 10S7 Chamber of Commerce. i E1RN automobile driving and repairing; actual practical experience; day or even- -rxra.HfniTfon at., room 41ft. IngS. " ..e. tcaktED Young man'to solicit insurance; salary and commission. AB S45. Orego- W ANTED -At once, 9 men to learn to Hawthorne garage. 445 Hawthorne ave. BARBEK. young man. with year's experl ence or more, good job. right party. C. H. DUon.Nwberg.Or1Palace Barber Shop. WANTED at once, a first-class architec tural draftsman. Apply 613 Ablngton Bldg. GOOD proposition for coupon agents. Du fresne Studio. 286 Vi Washington St., Bu chanan oiug. AT ONCE First-class horseshoer. Call J. E. Haseltine io., TOUNO man for wagon. Douglas Grocery, :4tn anu r.. Aontrj WANTED Auto and carriage painter at once. Landy Auto Club. 603 Alder. WANTED Good barber to run shoi :iS Alblna ave.. comer WANT electrician to do a small Job of wiring, aii WANT competent man to solicit printing w . ."tv2 Ttuchanan bldg. pond oroi'ur.',"". " A-l PIANO player to play with pictures; non-union preferred. Phone Woodlawn 4'. .. GOOD salesmen; can 1if(!SK,lr 'ogonian?'0" men: hlksut . - WANTED Errand boy and delivery boy. S. Weiss. 147 10th St. WANTED Delivery boy with wheel at 12T 1st St.: good pay- BARBER wanted; steady Job. 1j89 Morri son s: STOCK salesman; must be alive, call 9 A. l Wk ll A M 004 Board of Trade bldir. PAINTER wanted for outside work. 310 4tU,