v MORNING OREGOXIAN. THUESDAT, 31AKC11 16, 1911. 1 , I AMrSEMgyra. J xew today. SIN6LE-TAXERS IN DQUBTOFSUCGESS Plan to Try Land-Value Sys . tcm Pressed, but Without Much Hope. VOTERS ONCE DECEIVED Campaign for Fond Hring Prose cuted In Epctatlon of Matrh IfiC $25,000 Contribution Offered by Fete. Havtnir secured the adoption of a constitutional amendment In Oregon giving counties home rula In taxation, tha elngle-taxers ara planning a cam paign to have ona or mora of tbo coun ties of ttta atata adopt tha tend-vahia tax system in ths next general ele ttoo. That such a plan will be aueceaaful la seriously doubted by area ths friends of tha noTimeot themselves, alnca at tha aama election tha voters will paaa a constitutional amendment, aubroltted toy tha State legislature, re pealtnc tha atngle-tax amendment and reetnrlns; to the Legislature and tha people the power of making and en forcing uniform and equal taxation. Adoption line to Deception. Adoption of the alr.sle-tax amend ment to tha constitution laat Novem ber eat accomplished through decep tion, the proposal being submitted un-d-r a- misleading caption. For thla reason. If for no other, the votera will -rutinle carcfuly any further amend ments or laws proposing further charges In the present system of tax ation In thh state. Thla makes de cidedly doubtful that any such raeaa urea will be approved by the people, who do not relish the fact that they were completely deceived In passing on the ontlnal tax amendment In tha last election. But the slngle-taxers ara not easily disappointed. At tha recant aesalon of the State Legislature they sought through several Innoeent-appearlng bills further to Introduce their alngla tax theory In thla atate. Every ona ef these measures was rejected by the legislators, who also turned a deaf ear to the oppipitlon from the same soirr which was directed against the Mr Kin ney resolution, proposing a constitu tional amendment for the repeal of tha atnte-tas amendment adopted laat Fall. Frls Offer f 33.000. I'nrttsmayed by these disappoint ments, the slngle-taxers are now con tfuctlrg an active campaign In Oregon for further funds with which to wage their campaign next year. Fels. the millionaire soap manufacturer, has of fered to contribute f IS.OO to the cam paign In Oregon If an enuaJ amount la raised through other subscriptions. Ap proximated lls.eoe waa expended In the atate last year to secure the adop tion f the single-tax amendment and It Is now planned to spend a greater amount to carry Into operation that system of taxation. In addition to tha expenditure of J .000 In this state, the Joseph Fels Commission Fund last year aent F. E. Coulter, of Fortland. to Minnesota, at an expense of 114.30. to assist In a campaign for the Initiative and refer endum, preliminary to the submission of a plan for alngle tax In that state. This was the aame programme as waa pursued In tbla state. I'nder the guise of deslrtng direct legislation, ths slngle-taxers first advocated and worked for the Initiative and referendum and then took advantage of Ita provisions and secured the adoption of their atngle-tax amendment, by aubmittlng It In such a form that Ita revolutionary character was not detected by the voters who supported It. thinking they were repealing the provision of the constitution Imposing a poll tax. IMII.T MSIKOKOLUGK'AL REPORT. roHTLNI. Vsi-co I V Maximum t.te p.reiure. der. minimum. 41 degrees, rtir.r read'r. A- M . 4.7 fst: chanss In I hoars, rise . lt. Tetsl rslntall y V. 10 a I', y bob: total nuafaii since sr'.'mr 1. ll. T.Tl inches: normal r.inf.il since September I. S lnche. de frt.ncy ef ralnfell since September 1. ItlO. .s Inches. Ttal sunshine. II hours M minutes. prselble snr.snln. II hours 4 mia Ktn, Karoiti.t.r ir.Uuccd to sea level) at s p. Jl.. 30.lt Inches THS WB.I1HOI BTATIONS. " s ' 3 tf of Weiir. rlKI"!) I ." l'hl-. ...... ( wrier tHPS) M.UI1.... riiiJT a . .... e. e Kru ;ivsaij. HtT- ;.kxvnv'.U... K n Ciy.ee V IMhftd. e ee VI intr-i Nver ri aVO. . , If". N -th lf-exwl. . -X -IT' tk VJi;tB. rsd-'i ... p-i.r 'artnd ...... fttwbtsrc ....... haV. -r-fceat.. . M. I r. Ptui . .. . .-:t I fe- V.M ... r-ia-r. . f ....... Jp-fcr; Tn. ....... TrrxsPi ; : fcW . T a I . Ida. . . ITMninftaii.. . . . M 0.74 14 f W "Iea,r ' 4 fK Ti,r . 14 T 24 NW :r .i o o v risr Z- N W t'leaatr J r ,ts 4 " 'n-.ij1 TJ 4 lnjijf i,e-4 4 w 't imr 7 2 ft i NW rimmr rt w. 13 (! t .,-f 4 VW (-1r JHO IO 40 "W ("IrttJ-lr T.o m 4 w 'tter M O 4- NW rlaxlW fLst its V jCraxar w o !. 4 f ilr M0 W Wr o 5 i';r eej0 .tV 4 ft ltr o 4 vw :Br t o 4 MS Vlir -h a i xv rir I st a oy n w f if 3 ! r 'i4r 4 v riMT 7 j X ' ' ? rt.nl jr 4 ! ft rlogdjr t 4 W Ir o 4 v -f)r f-o 4 J W !ntf V. e la. 4 ' 1ar 4' T NW 'lfrj.T 1.. .. ft.. 4 tV . '- Here is a new idea: A Shoe Shop up high; ' A clean, quiet, place that ia close to the sky. You step from the streets to an uplifting car. And reach the Shoe Shop without &ny jar! We Climbed Up Higher To Save for the Buyer Wrights Sample Shoe Shop Rooms 600, 601, 602, 603,603V SIXTH FLOOR OREGONIAN BUILDING Portland, Oregon We Sell All LADIES' SHOES $2.00 . A Pair No Mora No Less MAIL ORDERS TILLED SAME DAT A3 RECEIVED. We Sell All MEN'S SHOES $2.50 A Pair No More-No Less. New Spring Style, in Ozforda and Pumps Arriving Dally. The World's Best Sample Shoes $3 to $6 Value Our Price: Ladies' $2, Gent'. $2.50 M - & i i a -as7 VieLj inii PORTLAND'S BUSIEST SHOE SHOP 6th Floor Oregonian BIdg. Rooms 600, 601, 602, 603, 603Va Corner Sixth and Alder Street Take Elevator Decide Now to N hj 1- j Buy a Lot in Y ,. ' V. " lit ilfiMt1 !! The most popular as well as the lowest in price of all the high fnrade, exclusive residence sections of Portland. One thinjr you may rest assured of you will not be able to bay a lot in Lanrelburst ' ir fnr anvthinir like the f ipure that one may be had for now. So if you are contemplating boyinp in Laurelhurst, buy now. It does not require much money to make the first pay ment, only 10 per cent of the value of the lot. and r rent a month thereafter. We will rive you a discount of 1" per fent ?ou wi" build. Rmembrr, 10 per cent discount on all loU in southeast quarter tract. LATJRELHTJRST is reached by the Rose City Tark, East Ankeny and Montavilla car lines. Go out today and look over this beauti ful property. MEAD & MURPHY, Sales Agents Phones Mala 1503. A 1515. 522 Corbet. Building. PHEASANTS ARE FREED STATK BITS 199 PAIRS RKEVK3 Sr-KCIES XIt DISTRIBUTION. ntiTHim .vx pit !.. A Isxvs ht,b-STflsr fl.14 s.srtls t ..ntrsJ prtivs of Iks f'ucirr as4 s-n.rmlly f:r sathT sMaiss of Ita Mios.irP Kiwor. To SI. lor.r- V.:i.T disturb mnr ta SrtftlsS .ssiasrd BR4 ass tt.H hts1. w u1- ov.r ths tSo roton aa4 hcht rsra fr-im !" "s t nll- Coast. T rrMnri l o tns vosi.ra ftsif of tro rosrtr.. sn X cioa4ii.oa Is Is c-.:es l" Ps-ifi' Slops.' Tsa a.sik'r k sch smior la anon rsa s1 and rrsssa4isip caJdor la Nona- t.-Ti Csllfoa-a. and la tho plstas ststos. MtsslMlppI and Ohio Tailors sad lass Ma. oof tha ostsrm half of tha -oi. tr sad la to Gulf ej. AtlaatM Sistos t.tnporslaros aro .oot-o.lr aso.s aortr.sl. ahllo rrota ftastora plalas statoa ta lbs Apoaisf bias iloMBiama tsmsoralnros ara aa srTool r pa- . t-orwtlttosa are fsxoroblo for sonsrally far, .ostnor Ti-sds la this lstrtL Hh roa. r,4 mill t.aissrslaros sad arlahts roneoAm. po-iissd s-4 fc rnliy rs.r; .s.t.rlr WoC"so. Ws.M""- and Idslio 7nsral t. fs-r ariaM m.fl, u:.rli. Jam H trs rl IT la Cbarce. Game nirds Turned Ioose Tliroa-trout Uirfercnl Snlona In Kndeav- or to Slock Male. rORVALU Or, March 15. (Spe cial.) Game TVardon Etevanson. of Forest OroTS. has Just placed aa or der with Oone Simpson, the pheasant fancier, of Corrallle. for l(r pairs of the Keees pheasant, to be delivered ne.t September. These birds will be shipped by the Game Warden to all parts of the stste and turned loose. The Reeves pheasant la the largest of ths pheasant family and la a fine Came bird. As they are hardy and In crease rapidly la the wild state. It la expected soon to have the foresta of Orea-oa well stocked wlih the birds. Last year Mr. Simpson supplied the state with 10 pairs of the pheasants. They were distributed over Western Oreson and some were sent to Baker. They were Bet at liberty at the various points toy persons who are co-operating with the Game Warden and who have studied tha blrda as closely as prac ticable under the varvlnr conditions. Reports show that they have come throuph the Winter In excellent condi tion. The folloalna; list shows the distri bution of the pheasants last Fall and the persons to whom they were sent to be set at liberty In ths various locali ties: Charles B. Gay, Medford; Eugene Wrls-ht. Grants Tass: J. D. Wilson. Toncalla: Phillips nun. Albany; Paul Houser. Salem and Polk County; H. 1. liuKhes. Corvallls; R. O. Stevenson, Forest Grove; Dr. J. M. Short. Gresham; Joe Smith. Soap Creek; James Paquett. Porllan.l: K. W. V catch. Cottasre Grove; R. R. Corey. Baker; H. Taylor Hill, Ifillsboro: A. T. Fox. Astoria, and Wal ter Honeyman. Portland. The state pays fls a pair for the Kootos pheasants. n January t the AVCTIOJf SAIJC TOOAT. At Kakars Auntlcn llouss. 153 Park St.; farnltur. etc.. st 10 A. at. Ueo. Bsk.r A ro. aoctlonoor BfCETTNO NOTTCEIL COI.fMBIA U3DGK. NO. 1. A. F. AND A. M Special communi cation this fThsrsdsr evootnc st S o'clock. Mssunlc Tempi. Work In th. s. A. dovroa. A locturs will a:so ho sivoa on "land. VlslUhf broihron wolroms. By or . FUXI I OUiOS. Secretary. PORTLAND HOTEL The lartrest and most masmificent 3 S;iJga elegance of accommodations or 3r. ;f "it24'r&a excellence of cuisine. European 3 '.'fSaf 154 plan $L50 per day and upward. I "- P- i T asjaar - V I , ! - G. J. KACFMA', Manacer. NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. OPENED JUNE. 1908 A hotel , in the very heart of Portland's business activity. Modern in every respect. Rates, $1.00 and up. Moderate price restaurant in connection. Is, Q. SwetUnd. Secretary and Manager. . The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 350 Rooms, 104 Suites, With Private Baths. HEW FIREPROOF BTJTLDINQ Moderate Bates. Fhil Met sell an ft Sons, Props. 5f .aaXlfeS Sjrp-'B'a'B'.lm.MSSiBi r Kt-usia a 'w'Biiajif jjtift marka Uar W. MACCABBE" Portlanil Tont. No. 1. a-Ml have a big class tnltistinn at K. P. Hall. 11th and Alflsr, thla evealoc. klsnibers at toad. MISFRVA IDOB MO. 1. I. O. " F. R.sular mctlns this iThursJsyl .von ins st T lo o'clock. Third dsroo. visitors wel come. B- WET. Son. ASTRA CIRI't.B will lvo a whist anl ir-0 prt. and a mlfl''So tonisht In lo W. O. nuasioa U osata, oMsaed sr. committee, IP iS THE CORNELIUS The House of Welcome, corner Parle and Alder; European plan, new, modern and strictly up to date; fine sample rooms: ratee Jl per day and up: rooms with bath. 1 2 per day up: all outside rooms; our omuiuua "lcc LO C. W. COENELIUS, Proprietor. S. E.'FLETCHEB, ' Manager. HOTEL RAMAPD. Qjot. Fourteenth andTWashingtoa Mew Betel. ElesaaUy FaraUkea. Rates $1 and Up SPECIAL RATES FOR PEHMA5ESTJ. Bsjrepeaa Pisa. Bas Meets All Tratsaw M. B. rOUBT. PROPRIETOR. OrUED IBPT. ISO. rSITATa BATHS. HOTEL LENOX w n, mm4 W. H. JOBCEXSES, Itsps. aad M svs. CORNER 3d AND MAIN STS. RATES 91.00amd C7p Ret sad Celd Water. Leas Dletaaee Pkeae la Everw Reeas. M.S 111!.. MIBSS.S.;. HI I I I I 9 " '-.V,. .v A t - The Bowers Hotel Eleventh, Near 'WaBhtnatoa Street. Largest Cafe in the City Service Unsurpassed SO Rooms S1.00 Per Dr SO Rooms 1JSS Per Dar 7S With Bath S2.00 Per Dar Sample Rooms for CommerHal Travelers. H. C. BOWERS, Pres. aad Her, Formerly Msnaarex ef the Portland Hotel. Hotel Donnelly TACOMA, WASH. Moat Centrally Located Hotel in the City Recently Modernized RATES 75c TO $3.00 European Plan Free 'Bua 11)THE37 3tiP vl S'.l v'l"g a m flOTEL) SEATTLE, U -S.A. A. D. Short,' amo oioMssa seuAas. The interior of this hotel has been completely refitted, and every appoint ment now meets the approval of, the most discriminating;. $400,000.00 re cently expended on its interior. Every thing new and modern. .'. .. .. .. .. The Hotel Oregon PORTLAND, ORE. The leading- hotel of Portland. New, modern, fireproof and centrally located. .". .. .. .. BOTH HOTELS CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN BY Si&jW, WRIGHT & DICKINSON S5&r2li;-- Cmas. w.iomt. pass. M. C Dickinson. Maa. '"II- g-aroe license fund amounted to $61,000. Cargo Lumber Trade Quiet. ASTORIA. Or March 15. (Special.) FVbruary was quiet as far as cargo lumber trade from the Columbia River Is concerned. During; that month, 17 vessels loaded at the mills In the lower river district. Their combined cargoes amounted to 1J,377,000 feet of lumber, 1,000,000 shingles and 71 railway ties. If you are lookinj for the best place in Portland to make your home, be sure to investigate the claims of IRVINGTON It is fully improved with asphalt pavements, cement curbs, a com plete sewer system, and large city water mains. Building restrictions protect you from undesirable neighbors, and ths hundreds of new and fine dwellings now building show that the prosperity of this district has Just begun. Lots SOx 1 OO. $ 1 2SO and Up Terms 15 per cent cash and two per cent per month. Improvements bonded and to be assumed by the buyer. A. R. DIAMOND & CO. 210 Railway Exchange Bldg, Irving-ton Office, -Corner E. 13th and Knott Sts. HEILIG THEATER 7th sad Taylor . Fbones Main 1 aad A 1123. TONIGHT TOMORROW SATURDAY. ' Special Price Matinee Saturday. Otiarles 'rrohman Presents The Charming Musical Fantasy "The Arcadians" 75 People 75 Special Orchestra. Excellent Cast Superb Production. 'Evenlnji Lower floor 3. 1.50; balcony, 11.50. $1. 7&C &0c; gsllery. 60c Saturday matinee Lower floor. $1.60, 1; balcony, 1. 75c. 60c; gallery, JSc. 23c SEATS NOW SELLING FOR ENGAGEMENT. T A If FT R THEATER Ui-lVlj IV MaIn t and A SSS0. George L. Baker. Manager. Baiter Stock Company, tonight, all bargain mat. TVed. 25c; Sat. Mat.. 25c. 50c The most beautiful New England play ever written, QTOCT ADAMS SAWYER An Instantaneous success; Immense cast, great comedy; evenings. 24c 30c 75c Iext week "A Texas steer." MATINEE EVERT DAT. Main A 1020. lUAllML 15-25-50c NIGHTS 1S-25-50-75C WT.KK MARCH 13 Claode GUllngwater and nis company, pmooiuiB aim - . , . .i Minerva." Bbuis. Blnns Blnns; AlcJO" tapiuune; lro twuio; ' UKn Nsmon ; Black Brothers. ORPHEUM WTtiriTTO 1 THEATER GRAND Week of Mar. 13 THE FINNEYS The World's Xwe Most Adept and lHirlng Swimmers. Olrard tt Gardner Tbe-S-Alex Tom DemDseV leFerre St. John - Billy Barron Orannawoono v.hm. v.r. s asa tn. aoat. ISa. Evening performances at 7:80 and S:1S; balcony, l&c; lower floor. 25o: bog seata. sea. T3 T PORTLAND'S FAM- Ji JL .ITV ILY 1'I.AYHOT SK. Week Commencing Monday Matinee. Keat ing A Flood present Tri riiamnfl irae Girl By Dillon and King, leaturing the famous Harem skirt Chorus. Three performances daily 2:45, 7:45 and 9:15. Friday Night . . i i .ft,, aih nerform tnufui (s ' 1D - - " ance. Next week "The Twlna" ALL THIS WEEK. Mile. Adjle and her African lions. Canfleld and Carlton; Two Coleman.; Olympla Trio: Johnson and Wells. Frank ? SVi Klay Kids; Pantagescope. Popu lar price. Matinee dally. Curtain 2.30, 7:30 and 9. ' CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Bandar. Mmeta7 two" 'eoncnuVe Umf ' Jo haine ad three consecutive times ...... joe lime ad six or seven eonseratlvs times Bemltlajice most accompany out-of-town "six'words connts ae e;e line on cash sd TertlMmenU and no ad counted for less than two lines. . . . , n, , When an advertisement Is sot ran eonsera tlvo times the one-time rate applies. On charge of book advertisements tbs charge will be based on the actual number ot Imea appearing In the paper, regardless of the number of words In each line. In New Today all advertUemems are charged by measure only. 14 lines to the UThe shore rates apply to advertisements auder "New Today" and all other claUlna tions excepting the followtngt Sitnstlons Wsated. Msie. Situations Wanted. Female. For Rent. Booms. Private Families. Rooms and Board. Private Families. . Housekeeping nooms, jrri.- The rate on the above classification la 1 cents a una eacn imwmw. , In cans box office address Is reunited. count this as part ox me h. advertisements wlU be forwsrded to patrops, provided self-addressed envelopes are In- ClORCW. DEED. MONGRAIN In this city, Msrch 15. at the family resmence, io. -v Roy Mongraln. aged 14 years. 4 months. 15 days: beloved son of Mr. and jars. Frank Mongraln. CARSCADDEN In this city, March 14". E. D Carscadden. aged 62 years. Remains at Dunnlnjr A McEntoe's undertaking parlors. FTjyEBAL NOTICES. KINDER In this city, March 14, at Good Samaritan Hospital. Samuel Kinder, aged 7T years, 2 months. 18 days. Remains will be taken to Deer Island, where fu neral services will be held at Kinder Cemetery, at 2 P. M. today, Thursday, March 16. GORDON In this city. March 14th. st 40 Buchtel St.. Ruth P. Gordon, wife of Alfred Gordon, aged 26 years. Funeral services will be held at Finley-g Chapel at 1-30 P. M. today. Thursday. Friends invited. Services at the grave private. GOERZ The funeral services of the late John W. Goers will be held at Flnley's parlors, st 2:30 P. M. today. Thursday. Friends Invited. Interment RIverview Cemetery. TONSETH FLORAL CO, MARQUAM BLDG, I LORAL DEblUNS. Thones: Main S102; A 110. Dunning A McEntee. Funeral Directors, 7th snd Pine. Phone Main 480. Lady assistant- Office of County Corupcr. EDWARD 1IOLMAX CO.. Funeral Dlrect 9rg, 20 3d st- Lady assistant. Phone M. S07. j. p. FTNLEx SON. 8d and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Main 8. A 15tfa. EAST" SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. 8. Dunning. Inc. K. 2. B 1525, ERICSON CO. Undertakers. Lsdy assist. ant. 408 Alder. M. S13S. A 2235. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., Funeral Directors. 694 Williams aye.; both phones; lady asst. LEKCH. Undertaker, cor. East Alder and Sixth.. East 1L B 18a.. Lady assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY HALL Main S8. A 7M8-, - HUMANE OFFICER, EAST 4774 Horse Amhulance, A 6101; Pr. Ex. 4. Nights. Sundays and Holidays, A 6108; Pr. Ex. 4; Trunk 7. NEW TOPAT. FOR SALE 8-room house, 22d and Kearney. Call 605 Selling Building. Quarter, Holladay Add. Choice quarter block, 1 block from Irving-tori and 2 blocks Broadway car. Must eell quick. Snap. Way below market. ROWE-THATCHER CO, Marshall 711. 333 Cbam. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS Lew est gates nl tersas a ralti daj rates sad favorsbls tersns lagsa Issss ea kasiaeae prepertlesk sraussa Loasca nr . . w - As H. BIRRELL CO. Williams Ave. Snap 100x100, corner, with good 6-room nouse, reHuf " i ' :. . . cheapest quarter on Williams avenue. this s very attractive investment. Must be sold mis ween. GRISSI at ZiDOW, 817 Board ef Trade Bids, 4th snd Oak. d 1 C Ann Corner lot In the busl $10)VUU ness center on Williams ave.. Upper Albina; has two buildings on. fi AAA New, handsome, eigrht 9l llUUU room house; lot 75x100, with garage. Fine loca tion, Willamette Heights C 1 fi Ann Eight -room modern JlVflwU house, with one acre of ground; all kinds of fruit. On Ainsworth ave., near Piedmont- 1 fl finn 7-room, strictly modern OlUtUUU houje; on Kearney St., $7,500 $5,250 $4,250 West Side. Modern 8-room house, centrally located on cor ner lot in best part of Irvington. For a few days only. New - room mode rn house. Lot 60x100, fac ing eaet on 13th. be tween Brazee and Knott, In Irvington. Modern six-room house. Lot 44x100. On Wasco, between 21st and 2-d Bts., In Irvington. d0 OIA One acre of land well Das, OW improved with f-rootn house, two blocks from Oregon City carline. Holmes & Menefej SO Third St. $9500 For 87x137 and a 7 Room House Two good business lots and one well located residence lot on prominent Hawthorne ave. corner. This section is coming into demand for business and apartment site purposes. Buy this property and use the rear 37x87 for th present improvements, but Improve ths Hawthorne avenue corner, 87x100, witn buildings that will return big interest on your Investment. Hartman & Thompson Chamber ot Commerce. 100 Acres 90 acres in cultivation, balance oak grubs, fine dark loam soil, 3 miles from good town. Price $7000. 140 acres, 125 in crop, all level riv er bottom land, close to railroad; river runs across one end of place. Price $9500. HYLAHD JONES & CO, J 409 Gerlinger Bldg., T Second and Alder. $16,000 150 feet on Belmont St. 82 feet on E. 19th St. 30x100 Improved; income $100 per month. 60x82 Corner,. vacant. 60x82 Inside, vacant. Karnopp & Kopf 325 Railway Exchange Bldg. iMorBarpn $1800 100x122 ON 54TH STREET 2 blocks south of Hawthorne Ave. on car line; street improvements all in and paid for. Terms. CHAPIN OERLOW P 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. Big Success in Almonds and Chickens Almond trees are producing heavy crops yearly at Sundale. on the north bank of the Columbia. So great la the demand for almonds that 15,000,000 pounds are being imported annually against a 6 cents a pound duty. This makes a good market for Sundale al monds. Pests don't bother and nuts are easily harvested. Chickens and chicken feed do splendidly in an almond or chard. The same climate suits both Excursion rate , Saturday, March 18. HUNTER LAND CO. 407 Well Fsrso Building. HEIGHTS Beautiful new resi dence, sheltered lo cation. Portland Heisrhts: 6 large bed rooms and 2 sleeping porches with, dressing rooms; living room 20x34, billiard room and den 20x34, paneled dining-room 20x20, large dining porch; 8 large fireplaces, 3 toilets, S lavator ies; hardwood floors, 2 lots, driveway, garage, native trees very complete. Price 13,000, cash. Henry C. Prnd bomme Co, Owner, l06 Spalding Bldg. Platting Proposition A townslte platted and ready to sell on the Pac By. & Nav. Coa road now nearly completed to Tillamook: there Is a sta tion on the property. This Is decidedly the best townslte on the line and a money-maker 1 you can handle a plat tins proposition. Small cash payment will handle It. F. A. JACKSON'. Main 8429. 327 Faillna; Bid. Ladd Addition Large new house, built by a doctor for his home. Modern in every way; 1 V, blocks from car. Reduced from $8500 to J750O; terms. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST i COMPANV. l,OTS 865 IP IN BAY CITY OV TILLAMOOK BAY. Exchange, privilege. Easy terms. Ter minus umiea. .nys. iau luu, BAY CITY LAXD CO, 701-702 Spalding Bldg. AnOverlookBargain rr . in... rr Int rdrl ft 0 will rent for $45 per month. Small x cash pavment. Property will pay bal-. ance. PRICE 84500. 607 Conch Bids;. APARTMENT SITE 75 monthly, corner 12th and Harrison. DOVALD MACLEOD, 81S Electric Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS 604 Spaldln Bide 7! 4