19 fllE MORNING OREGOMAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1911. USE WOOL AT HOME pT dx. : head lettuce. tOo per 5o-: nntnrue .uur-. cfal Tr br ; p-ppp-ra. i .p'c? pr id.; ra'iishra. .o tj xe pr dot.; rnu-. barb. 10c pr lb - sprout a. Oci tomato-re, 4 1.75 : 2- D-r box. h'TAlOKS Or con. buying price. IMS ff 1 .V) Dr hundred. ONIONS Buyinic price. S3 pr hundred. APPLE PRICES SOAR Australia Begins to Work Up Raw Materia!. OREGON SHOULD DO SAME Mill Started In Southern Country to Prftrnt rwIrM llght Eipendl- -B urine; In Wheat Ma-r at-. 'ot "So Kern. tn Grain, TWar, Fee-4. Eta. Wheat Track prices: Blueatem. Kuulaa, 7c; 3e: Valley. Until about a year ago, th. maaufafinr of woolen goods la Australia wea practic ally unknown. That eountr. oca "f th rulnt wool producer f th. world, haa beea bovine about 14.000.000 worth uf manufactured wocieae ovary . year n Rutland. La? rear, a wool.a mill es tablished at Sydney aad tha roralta woro to gratifying la tha saving of freight charge, tic. that tha itma of tha ven ture haa booa full proved. Tha eema ataia of aftatr .xixta tn Ore gon aa formerly prevailed tn Australia. Tola atata produce aboat 2A0OO.0OO pound of wool ann-inllr ye bur. Ita wooloa goods. mad from Or fan wool. In th. Eaatora mark.t What Oregon could aav by mak ing up Ita wool.aa htra ta amply by tho Aaatrallaa experiment. A (rdaoy paper ta rommcaltiif on tl advantage secured by tha Aaatrallaa manu facturer, ears: "H buys hla wool practically at hi. front door. It la secured loeally. aad bla will:, aro ao placed aa to avoid hoary car riage charge Ha haa precisely tho aamo machinery aa tha Kagllah mill, and can guarantee tho wat quality la tha product." Thla manufacturer declares that Australia la aow ta a pool Hon to aupply all Ita wan;, la blankets, aad ha looka forward to tha lima whoa ovary Aaatrallaa will waar Ai trallan-made woolen loodft club, sc. red Soc- 40. fold, sic BARLET Food. ICJ.500 24 par ton; brew- Inr. BominiL S1II.IT1TF!I Bran. 130 0 21 dm ton: middling.. 827-12: shorts. 821w'22; roll.d barley. I-tS.SOIi30.su. FXOL'R Patents. 84 TJ per barrel; straights, IJ.3; exports. 130: Vall.y, 84.60; araham. 14 50: whnlo wheat, 14.70. CORX Whole. -H; cracked. 82 per ton. OATS Mo. 1 white, e-t it Ifi.ou per ion. HAT Track prlree: Tlmothv. Eaatera Ore.on. No. 1. Illoa: mixed, 8 Initio; al ia. (. H30rlj. grain hay. 413014.60; Cov.r. 81 Del - Dairy aad Coemtry Produce. POULTRT Uvo: Hon. 19fr20e: fryers, t12ic: turkeys. 20c: ducks. 2-.tc: gee, ll 191.1c: dreeeed turkeys, choice. 23 C 2".c EGil: Orraon ranch. 19c per doson. CilEIK Full crvam. twina, Ito par pounl; youna Amonca. lac. HCTTKH City crumrrf .ztra. 1 aad -pon:4 prlnta. In box... Sle per pound; ltoa than ho.M. canon, and d.Uv.ry aztra. PORK Fancy. lllc pw pound. VEAL Fancjr. aS to ISA oounda. ltHOlSa pr pound. Market Advances to Highest Level of Season. TENDENCY STILL UPWARD Northwestern Fruit Exchange Sells Ganos at $1.75 and Ben Dart at 1.60 F. O. B Preparation Made for Jiext Season. DEKAXD FOR WMJtAT IXSS UTROXO. fihatluaa Bojrtec Now la For Soawd Jllllara. Tho d.maad for wheat waa not ao atroo-f yaatarday. axcept on tha foosd. Tbo b-uy- ln th.ro apnoarad to bo for account et mli:.ra who ara asoc-otln-f ordera fnr aiport fkar. Tha prteoa quoted la tha local mar- hot wero practically vnchan-red. Thtrra waa a aood Inquiry for oata and barl.y. aad tha latter eaowed much firm- noaa. Local roceipta. la rara were rportd by tha atarchant. Efhtnct a. follow.: .Wheat, iiar.or. - lour. Oata. Hay. Monday .. i IT 4 lo T-a.lr T 1 Tw ago. S Id T la IfAAoa to data ...10M I S"3 1KM "1 3n7S r ago. 23 1I7S 4T 2.ts Frrelga crop coadltlona aro aummarUod bjr Che Liverpool Corn Trade Noaa aa fol- lo-w: ! nlt1 Kingdom Tho aowinff of wheat la b!ng carried out alowly. otherwtae the crop uti'H'k la eatlara-'tory. Trance. North Africa Tha late Improve rrent in tbo crop outlook 1. being well maintained. Mmrznmay Ploughing haa commenced and the crop out!xfc ta tavorahlo. ouppllea of native wheat are larger, lieavy rain, hava ra on ine raat weea. . hu..ia Tho crop outlook la generally fa voraoe. with fewer complainta. Arrtvala at me porta are llrht. but etorka aro liberal. Th. weather re mil l. Nartratloa on tha Jtea of Aairf i. expected to reopen by tha aad or ine monto. RoumaruA The rro- outlook la aattefac- t"ry and fl'Mwork haa been reeu-ne.L T-iero la everr lndlcaUn of fair auppileev The weather 1. favorable. Ilun.ary Tb. rrop cnnltlona ahow eorne irnprwvement nnaer ravorablo weather con siMotta. u-pilee are email. Itelv -The crop outlook la favorabla wtih the weather eeaaonable Thera ara -good euroiee or native waeat. Turliv The rrop outlook ehowa Improvo- een uq ia iiaeraur tovoraoio. Hopa. Wool. Hideo, F.tO. Hopji ipia crop. lTHOltVie: 10 crop. 12 ll'vc- eontrarta. lie. M"H AIR Choice, Si"dS2c per pound. WOOL Eaatern Oregon. HOIH- per lb.. accordlnc to ahrlnkage; Valley. 17 O leo per pound. I'FLTlt Dry. 10o: aalted. butcherg" take- elT. SiitNc; lamb pelta. 2c HIDES Salted hldea. Tta per pouna; Ited calf. 13: aalted kip. Hl aalted ataga. ftwo: greea hldea. lc leoa: dry hldea. 17o: dry calf. 170 lac; dry alaga. Jlw I JO GRAIN BACKS Car lota. o. OOa. LtjrsitED on Puro raw. tn barrela, 11.01; kettle boiled, tn barrela, II ; raw. la caaeo. $1.12; kettle boiled, la caaeo. $1.1. Lota of 2 gallona, 1 per cent leaa per gal lon. COAL Oil, Water White. Iron bbla. c; wood bbla. 13c; Pear! oil. caeea. 16Sc: Headlight. Iron bbla.. lie; caea. lie; wood bbla. 10c: E-x-ene, caaea. ISViC: apeclal White. Iron bbla.. ll,c; wood bbla.. la tee; Klalna. caaea. 27c: extra Star, ca.ee, IPtc; V. M. a P. .naptha. Iron bbla.. ISc: caeca. 2t GASOLINE Rod Crown and motor gaa- ollne. la Iron bbla.. lHe: caaea. 2JHc; gaaollne. Iron bbla.. 2Sc; caaea. 8l-ic: engine dietliiaie. Iron bbla.. TSc: caaea. 14Stc T1RPENT1XE-Cun. II 14 wood bbla.. 1.11 ; Iron bbla.. 11.07. Ten caaa lota, 11.11. PRIME CATILE ARE FIRM TOP QCAIJTV BRIXGS 90. SO AT THE YARDS. Values Are Steady In Other Lanes. Receipts Are Light and Yards Clean Vp. Thero wero no freeh anirala at tha yarda yoaterday rooming aad tha day waa devoted to cleanlnc up tho atock carried over from tho preceding day. Thr cars arrlvod lata In the afternoon. Tho market waa quite ateady throughout. Quality cattle w.ro la good deraaad at full price., ae waa ehown by the eale of a bunco. of lot prime eteer averaging 9-43 pounda aH.su. other eteer aalea ranged from 14.76 to Id. IS. Tho beat cowa brought (ISO and calvea eold at firm and unchangvd prlcea. Tbo only traoaaction in tha mutton una waa tha aale of a lot of 66 choice lamb a at SS.2X A email load of hoga moved at ft Tbe recelcte In the afternoon woro 2a cat tle and 4o aheep. Tbo day a aalea war aa follow.: - Weight. Price. 48 lamba C2 (.-1.23 1 ateer 1170 T eteora 1027 101 ateera 43 HIDE nifM rtHOW JtO CHAXCE. Market Mmr Ho Plextor Next Moaats. a Hw.lHy Will Jaareva. Th locaj hid market remalaa quiet, with price ahoat tb earae aa they war a month as. Next raoatb a better etaaa of hide will b earning tn and value aheuld then b o hotter baaia. Ia th meantime tha trade la In a waiting attitude. Eaatern alvk-ea ahow but little change la tho a-eaeral ertuattoa. A lata report aara: -1 race ia aiow. with ae Improvement tn prVre Taaaera are buytag opartagly aad for Immediate requirement, only. Th.ro la a trad of coaaeqawttc la packer hide ad country hldea ara dull aad geaarally oaaior tbaa a week ago. Catf aad kip ara I rm. r.c.Gs are rim at is citxts. Koevtpta rrwaa Valley Palate (thow a I r.gg reewipta la tho paat tee day bav ahow a a alight failing off. Thla la at tributed ta country hippera .ending their auppliea to tho Sound, where higher price aro qoated tbaa ta Portland. Tho beat Tie market la kepi op. in a meaeure, by tha Aleak demand. There I alao Inquiry oa tho locaj market for egga for ahtpnaeat to tho Par North. The general quota! to a aa Frost etreot yeaterday waa IP oeata. Poultry rec.tpte war moderato aad pn were maiataineo. out titer waa a ana p to tho trade. Butter aad ebooa were aacbanged. 2d cow. .1040 II cowe 1011 33 ateera ........... .......llDO 1 a leer ....................... 610 3 ateera t3 10 eteera 121.1 X eteer. TO S ateera ......lilt 4 cowa 10.-. 1 cow IS cowa loT I row ........................ S" 14 cowa 77 S cowa mi .....1110 1 cow 12.10 20 net ....1-1.4 S cow lov4 21 cow V2tl 1 COW .....110 4 calvea 2IS 2 calvea ...................... 3ts S calvea x.vt 1 a tag 1340 1 bull ...a. .!? ti hoga HQ Pi Kea currant on tha vxnoua ctaaaea of atock at th Portland I'cloa blockjarda were aa followa: Prima ateera S4.vt0.! Cho.co ateere Sever lot Good io enole ateera Hi ft IS 4-44 S.4 o.oo .no .20 5.30 S.UO oo 5.00 S.UO S J 4 VO IS 5.15 4 OO 4 73 8.23 4.23 4 M S.O0 5 73 4 30 478 4 O0 ." 2 .MI S.0 4. 23 8.O0 Tha Uteat market bulletin of tha North- weatera Fruit Lrxchanga followa: Tho market la about at high-tide. "or- aga atocka. both oa tha Eaatern end anu In the Northweat. ara being rapidly de pleted, and th market baa been advances In gradual at a era to a quite nigk tevei. Ith tho demand continuing quite err on a. and with a tendency to atlll further ad. vancee for aucb fruit which can be kept In good condition. Since Ita laat report, tha Exchange haa made a few more aalea at exceeding. y aatiafactory prlcea. r . at r. v. 1 4yu. rrom iorm - - ma, Waah.. haa ben aoid ex-coia awraav at Chicago at 11 3 per box, etralght f- o. b. Chlc.eo. for rUlt boxea extra fancy Ben Davie. 218 St-ller. 223 4-tler, 18 41t-tler, to a buyer In Atlanta, Oa. Car ahlpptng by t. P. Frybarcrr. reanaa- tln. Waalv. 6M boxea. about one-third ex tra fancy Oano at tl T8, the aulanoa ex tra fancy Hen Davla at 1.S0 per box. all f. o. b. Paahaatta. to a buyer In Boaton. The above price ta probably tho higheat price on record thla aeaaon for both oano and Ben Davla. G. N. S1748. from Merer. Fane, wain., to day, 10 fancy mark: S3 fancy Wlneaap; .14 fancy. T choice Greening; 1 fancy. 13 choice Hetlefleur; 21 fancy, 19 choice Ram bo: 06 fancy. 1 choice Orlraee Golden; 128 orchard run Tien Davie; 2 choice Ruaaett; 1 fancy epltxenberg; 8 choice t-pltxenberg: 2 choice "Mixed Pack"; S fancy. 15 choice Northern Spy; 80 fancy. 4 choice Yellow Newtown I'ipplne: 1 fancy. 8T choice Rom Heauty; 81 fancy. OT choice Walbrldge. Total 878 box, to a buyer la Central Texaa aa followa: Fancy laecond grade) $1.60 Orchard run Bona 1-&0 Choice (third grade) 1.2S F. O. B. Washington. The Exchange quotea from letter re ceived from tha Stevena County Grower Union relative to thla car: "Hava offer or tl per box; can yon cat better f Tha Exchange got 00 cent, better on tha fancy, SO cent, bettor on tha orchard run and 23 centa better on tbo choice, not withstanding the fact that the car run. heavily to 5-tier applea (tVt. S4: 170. 4; 1U2. 44; 2.,3. S tlera). Tbe aale la ca per tally significant aa llluairaling the fact that tha Kxcbange la working for tha In ternet of the grower at all timea. and not for Its own Interests. Thla aale emphasize, tha one reported In our laat bulletin of a car of Ashland second-grade Newtowne. for which tbo growers wanted 81, but which we eold at II 40 f. o. b a difference of 40 centa in favor of tho grower. It also llluatratee the advantage of aclentlflo ealea service to the growers associations, who cannot hop to understand or take advan tage of changing market condltlone nearly so well aa a central a-ancy organlxed tor that aole purpose. Those who hava been following the bul letined reporta of tho Exchange through out tha aeaaon cannot fall to bav bean Im pressed with tha trernendouslv wide range of lie ealea covering 124 different mar kets. This la not ao easy aa It aeema; It haa required an extremely efficient and comprehensive pales organisation, which 1 costly. The Exchange has rendered tba service at a very low eervtr rata and at less than cost. This low rate will bo con tinued, but Ita continuance depends on tha heart support of the grower associations themselves. Already, a number of assocla tlons have actually renewed their mem bership tn the Exchange for tba aeaaon of lvil. and . new onea ara coming In almost every day. 1 ha Exchange offer a successful, prac tical eervlce. past the experimental eta, fully equipped with all the necessary fa cilities, it la now completing tbe detail for th establishment of a branah.orrici eystem covering all th Important markets of the T'nlted Htateg and Canada, In charge or saisrieo managers, an or whom will be trained fruit ealesmen. Thla branch office system will bo established In advance of tha actual shipping season of 19, I, so as to Ineure the emooiheet working. Nat urally, the carrying out of these plsns en tails a lot of work and considerable money, and those associations which contemplate allying theroeelvea with tha Exchange should take steps promptly If luey wlali to avail thaauolves of tb full measure of benefit The etock of tba Exchange being open to aubarrlptlon by Incorporated fruit grow ers eaeoclatlona. glvea the associations full voice In the management. Beside, mem bership tn the A'lvlaorr Hoard of tha Ex change le accoeded to all member, whether elockholders or not. Interbor Met . . 70 do preferred.. 2,40 Inter Harvests . S'lO Inter Marino pf "lnO Int Paper 600 Int Pump Iowa Central .. 100 K C Southern .. 2,400 ao prererrea. . lwi Laclede Gaa ... I.S'h) Louie A Nsah .. 1.700 Minn 4 St L M. 8 P A 8 8 M 2.SO0 Mo. Kan A Tex l.!H-o do preferred.. 3o0 Sto Pacinc 7,0uO Nat Hlacult .... 30O Nat Lead 4'0 Mex N Ry 2 pf. luo N T Central . .. 8.K N T, Ont A Wea l.loo Norfolk A Wea. 2.900 North Am ..... l'0 North Pac S.txx) I'aclflc MMI ... ' oOO Pennsylvania ... 6..VV9 People's Gaa ... 1.2hi P, CCcSlL.. 2nU Plttsberg Coal .. 1.2io Pressed S Car.. 700 Pull Pal Car . .. 800 Ry Steel Spring. Reading 7S.0O0 Republic Steel SOO ao prererrea. . liw Rock Island Co 1.70O do preferred.. l"H) St L A 8 F 2 pf 400 St L Southwest, do preferred.. 2rt P-loBs-ShefNcld .. loo Southern Pac .. 8. BOO Southern Ry .. 1.200 do preferred. . 40O Tenn Copper ... 4') Texas A Pac . . rioo Tol. St L A Wea 3"0 do preferred.. 20 Union Pacific ..'8S.I00 do preferred.. 30O U 8 Realty .... 8'H) U S Rubber ... 8.5O0 U 8 Steel 71.4i)0 do preferred.. 1.4oo Utah Copper ... B" Va-Caro Chem 4.S00 Wabash do preferred.. 8.000 Western Md ... 0 Wasting Eleo .. SuO Western Union. 1.300 Wheal ALE Lehigh Valley in 13H M 61 h 11'1'a 111 in 16 -104 ioh 84 3.1 1, MVi 7 V. 1111k 111? 143 144 149" 147" 33 '4 32 S 11714 07 4 BO "a RS- 124 124 S4 M SSt S5ti ll7' 100 i 4 It, 41 100 3(M 71 71 124 IL'3'-, 25 24' 12i J2i, 1IH) 1118 . 117 97 21 20 33 S3 100 169!4 iTt 155 -Si" 83 4 33 H 0H II!), SO, 2s CD 6fl 4254 42 0'i" "fio-e," 54 54 1174 1WV4 27 2i4 r.5 a 8D SS 2S"4 2S4 22 22 V4 M 51 '4 1754 1734 91 4 914 70 H B 434 41 '4 7RV4 . 77 V4 llkis US1-! 4514 44 4 08 671, '354" .'3814' 51 50 67 67 7314 78 1.4 5-" 11114 18 IO 40 . 16 8-14 67 111 145 24 147H 334 67 564 123 5314 107 S 4H4 lOO1 704 124 Vi 24 '4 12 JOtJ 964 20-4 33', l.-.u4 334 1574 SSS I4 30 U 69 i 42 81 64 63 4 117t 284 6.1 88 285 22 51 1754 91 704 4214 784 ii5 46 68 17H 39 504 67 . 73 S You think you're a WISE GUY but you ain't. What you don't know about MINING STOCKS would 11 a book, and wet "you buy them. Read George Graham Rico's story in April raaeWas all liaea atanila 7.100 178: 172 Total sales for tbe day. 408.600 shares. - BONDS. NEW YORK. March 14. Closing quota tions: U. 8. ref. U reg.10114 do coupon ...lviVi VS. 8. 8s reg 102V do coupon ...102 U. s. new 4s reg.llo do courjon ...115W D. A It. 0. 4S... 3B N. T. C. gn 84 S So. Paclflo 3a. 70VB No. Pacific 4s... 9;4 Union Paclfio 4S.IOOA4 Wis. Central 4s. 93 Japanese 4s . . 884 B Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, March 14. Closing quotations Allouea 84 Amalg. Copper.. 64 4 A. Z. L. A Sm.. 24. Arisona Com. .. 14 Atlantlo 44 B A C C 8 M. 13 Butts Coalition. 17 44 rsL A Arizona. 51 1 CtU. A H.. x-dlv.oOSBjQulncy .. . . 12 U.ohanno Fruit j;"t'2"Lal Cod. Ran. C. Co. 6S E. Butte Ci). M. 12 Franklin 94 Glroux Con 6" Grsnby Con. ... 33 Greene Cananea. 6 4 I. Royale (Cop.) 13 Kerr Lake Lake Copper. ... 33 La Salle Copper. 4 4 Miami Copper... 1BV4 Mohawk 43 Nevada Con. ... 194 Nlplsalng Mines.. lo?4 North Butte..... 2D hk North Lake 0t4 Old Dominion... 39 Osceola IO Parrott (3. A C.) 11 . 6S non 10 T4 Superior 864 B bup A Boa Min..i 4 Sup A Pitta Cop. 14 Tamarack 41 B U. 8. & B. A M. 84 do preferred .. 47 Utah Con. 144 Utah Copper Co. 45 Winona 74 Wolverine 118 M Bonds Investments TimberLands McGRATH NEUHAUSEN CO. 701-2-31-5 Lewis Bldg. Portland Ortfoa March. Cs 8Vd; May, Weather, cold. a M; July. a 9d. Money. Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, March 14. Money on call steady, SH tiH per cent; ruling rate, 2; closing bid. 2H: offered st 2. Time- loans very weak; 60 days 2H per cent; 90 days. 24 08 per cent; alx months. S4. Prima mercantile paper, 4St) per cent, Sterling exchange steady with actual busi ness In bankers- bills at 84.8375V4.S384 for 60-day bine, ana at s4.riDi tor aemaaa. Commercial bills. 4.S3 i o 4.84. -Bar silver, 63 Sc. Mexican dollars, 45c. " Bondsj Government weak; railroad, firm. LONDON, starch 14. Bar allver, 24Vid per ounce Money. 2K98 Pr eent. The rata of discount In tbe open market for abort bills Is 24 24 per cent: for three months' bill, 2 Vi If 2 9-10 per cent. 8AT FRANCISCO. March 14. Sterling on London. 60 days. 84.84: sight, 84.864 Drafts, sight, 4c; telegraph. 7c. Changes In Ava-llshle Supplies, NEW YORK. March 14. Special oabla and telegraphic advices received by Bradstreet a showing tho following changes in available supplies aa compared with previous accounts were Issued today: Bushels. Wheat. United States, east of Rockies, decreased .2.151.000 Canada, Increased 243.000 Total, -United States and Canada, decreased 1,908.000 Afloat tor and In Europe, increaaed 300,000 Total American and European supplies, decreased 1.708,000 Corn United States and Canada, .increased 660,000 Oats United State-and Canada, decreased 228,000 VHICAOO, Tork, par. March 14. Exchange on New i WAR RUMORS III PIT JIXGO SEWS RKPLACES HESSIAN FLY DA3LAGE. Grain Markets of tbe Northwest. SEATTLE. March 14. Milling quotations: Bluestem, 85c; fortyfold, 83c; club, 82c; Fife, 82c; red Russlun, 81c. Export wheat: Bluestem. 83c; fortyfold, 81c; club, 80c; Fife, 60c; red Russian, 79c. Yesterday's car receipts, wheat cars, oata 4 cars, barley 1 car, corn 1 car. TACOMA. March 14. Wheat: Bluestem. 8283c; fortyfold. 814.82c; club. 81c; red Russian, 80c Receipts.- wheat, 68 cars, bay, 22 cars. Slay, at the Close, Is Nearly a Cent Higher Than on Preceding; Day. Cash Demand Better. BROAD, ACTIVE MARKET AGGRESSIVE BULL MOVESLEXT STARTED IX STOCKS. I t'ooimea steer 3 EARLY ALL TECETABTLES AEE Flw la Pmat Change la Petal Market MeatlB, All class et vegetable, wore firm yester day .ar.pt aj par ax as. The California reaa market Is declining rapidly and to day's receipt wllp be put a sal at 11 est. Arrtvala from tb Booth were light. Orange aad! apple ahow marked nrmjvvML xn potato market Is quiet aad very steady. Tbe leading buyer are paying 81 34) for fancy atock and ther have beaa paying thla price regularly for tbe past a oath. prime cowe Choice beef cows Common beef cow ............ Choice heifere .......... Choice bulla Fair to gvl fat bulla .......... Common bnlls cotce light calvea Pair le good light elve. ... ... Chol-e heavy calve. Fair to medium heavy calvea... Choice etage .................. lair to go.j.1 ataga Hoes Choice light ., trood tO C hole Cbotr heavy , aneeo Choir, yearling wetbara. grain fed 4 ft 9 4.78 i'n wetnera 4. 00 at 4 2S t'holco ewes, grain fed L. cl 4 OO Fair to medium ewes, .rain fed.. 2 75 is x 7A Cunlce lamba. grain fe.l s.25rV S.50 'raod to choice, grain fed S 00i, S.2S Fair to good ..-. 4.7; s.0 Cu" 2 SO at liO Currnt Prices .n th. h. 1 r a. mark fni-,.. Ultra heavy drafters. 1 11 '. 275: 140O to wv bounds. ll"MtAji)0: lv 10 tana 8l04j:: chunks. v. tflio; drivers. .io0 ap; saddlers, too up: plugs. 1 10 a 40. .-. S.44 4 l' S 44 2.iM 4.0 s :j b.so 4 7itf S 24 8. 75 4 U0 00 S.S0 T.73W 8.00 TOOis T.50 S.2i tit 4 75 c S.0O 6 5", U.DO 4.S04J 8,00 8 S3f 8.78 vetf s :t t.7Sa avo W eel rreapee-te t'aewtata. Shearing I aow going a la th southern part of tbe country, aad wlthla two month wtu be ta full fore la th greater part f th shoep-growing eectlene. aara th A merlcan Wool and Cottoa Reporter. Ther la little- buying going on. however, and n ronrrsctlng at th present time. Th rathsr depressing Influences which hava been brought to bear upoa th primary markets bar prevented thla, and should It keep ap. II w expected that Iber. will be even more wool ging oa consignment thaa laat yr However, thla is a problem la tha avoiding of which tha question of bow b-ng tho present uncertainty will eoattaua u a very Important factor. Eastera Liveetock Prtcew. CHICAGO. March 14. Cattle Reeem,. eatlmated. Snoo; market, stesay Beeves. 8&IS(fI.5: T.i-i, at -era. t SStaS..': West ern lrk 4 7oo)S.7o; ato-:kaxa and feed ers. 84t.Ve-: cowa aad beifcra 82.600 5 M)t calvea. e1.75 0 7S. a K-ceipta, esttmated. 22. 000 : market. ow to steady. Llrht. St .. 7 -f- n!j 8A23e7.1i; heavy. S6 4007. rough. Sd.OotS 7.1: good to rholcs hea-y. t,7,'i.fT: blaa 07 i5: bulk of eai-.. II5SS7A-,, Jheep Kecelots. esttmstod. In OnOt ro.e- ket. steeoy to strong. N.tlve. J1t,r,; West, ern. 83 256 S; yearltncv. t 7.1 ( i.80; lamba, 84tf.40; Western. 84. 23 0. &o. Buyina; Chiefly for the Long Ae- connt FeA-uary Trade. Re porta Helpful. NEW TORK. Msreb 14. The stock mar ket awoks today from Its long period of Inactivity and under an aaxreralve bull movement, prices advanced almost buoyant ly. Tba movement was broader and raor active than for some time. Moet of the buying seemed to be for the long account, although aa the day wore on titers wer Increasing symptoma of die trees among traders on the short aide. Do. mand Slackened In tba afternoon and tha market became comparatively dulL price eased off some toward tha close In response to prof it-taklnr. but aoon re covered and th. greater part of tha day's gains were maintained. Perhaps the moat potent of tha Influence wbirh wero helpful to tba market waa tha February foreign trade report. The value of exports reached tho largeet total Id the blatorr of tbe country. Imports did not fsil off. as bad been expected, and the bal ance In favor of tbla country waa suffi ciently large to add extensively to Ameri can credits abroad. Tha metal atocks war active and atronr. United states Stool wss In steady demai.d at higher prices and Amalgamated Copper made Ita beat gain of many days. Other copper snares established good gains. To bond market was firm. Total sale par value. S2.fc64.Oo0 United States 8s and 4s declined I on ca.u CLOSCfO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Clorlnc CHICAGO. March 14 Japanese war ru mors gave aid and comfort today to bull speculators in wheat. Leading bull houses and eevera! large local traders bought bought wheat freely on an early decline and wero crowding the shorts at the last. An Improvement In tha cash demand helped decidedly -toward the upturn of options. Among the wild etorlea afloat waa one tnal Japan bad Invaded Mexico with lS.OfO troops. This report waa changed later to an assertion thst the fighters from tho Orient would land tn Mexico within 80 days. Hardly tees sensational, from a market standpoint waa a private document from a Kansaa crop expert, estimating the con dition In that state as low as S per cent of normal. Extreme top and bottom figures were 914c and 894c for May, with tha close ktsTte up at Pic. In com longs unlosded and many shorts nammered the market. May ranged from 4--4 tf -ion to 40S c and finished 4n down at 4UH (Mie. Cash corn was easy. .No 2 yellow closed at 43,tj45c. Oata advanced becau) of enrering by ahorta May varied between 804 33114c. closing at 3HJB1S4C. a gain ot j!c over last nlxht. Salee for packers formed a weight on hog products. Tha outcome wss to chespen pork ana nns Z'ie to oc. isra Oc to 7',c The leading futures ranged aa follows: j WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Mar I .04 8.S14 8 t .1)1 July M, . Sept. J8V, .8) .18 .884 Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March 14. Close: Wheat. May, 071T97.o; July, 994c; September, 92'sc; Cash. No. 1 hard, 9044c; No. 1 North ern, 98V4G994c; No. 2 Northern, 954 974o; No. 3 wheat. 24 09614c Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, March 14. At tha begin nine; of business today the condition of the United States Treasury was: Working balance tn Treasury of fice. T t24.615.TBl In banks and Philippine Treasury 32.153.500 Total balance in general fund.... 82.140,456 Ordinary receipts yesterday 1,228.059 Ordinary disbursements 1,173.494 The deficit to date this fiscal year is 88.774.O05. aa against 824,178,511 at thla time last year. These figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. New Tork Cotton Market. NEW TORK, March 14. Cotton Spot closed quiet. Middling uplands, 14.65c; do Gulf. 14.90c. Sales, 1397 bales. Cotton futures closed barely steady, un changed to S polnta lower. March, 14.3lc: April, 14.3c; May. 14.47c: June, 14.27c; Julv, 14.25c; August, 18.73c; September, 12.9Se: October, 12.62o; December, 12.52c; January. 12.43c. Statement of Condition of Lumbermens National Bank of Portland At Close of Business March 7, 1911 RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts Overdrafts TJ. S. Bonds to Secure Circulation Other Bond and Premiums Real Estate Furniture and Fixtures... Duo from U. S. Treas..... Due from Banks Cash on hand ..... 12.600.00 . ... 840,350.90 . ... 916,7.2.20 .JJ.26S.365. 19 3,483.11 . 250,000.00 . S11.8S5.03 800.00 25.430.S3 1.469,643.10 $4.3.9,407.05 LIABILITIES. Capital ; .....$ 600,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits -. .. 73,051.55 Reserved for Taxes 4,747.23 Circulation , 250,000.00 .Dividends unpaid. lno.oo Deposits, . .. ,. 3.401,413.28 $4,229,407.05 THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BNK PORTLAND. OKEGp UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus Profit8$800,000,00 OFFICERS: jr. c. AIXSWOHTH, President. R. W. SCHMEER, Cashier. It, LEA BARNES, VIce-Pre-aldeat. 91. WRIGHT, Aaalstant Caahler. - W. A. HOLT, Asslatant Cashier. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECK3 ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus $950,000 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and Savings WOOL FIRM AT LGNDOfi PRICES ARE UXCILAXGED AT OPE2iXYG OF SALES. Boston Market Dull AVlUt Uncertain Values Contracting In Utah Is Reported. May Julv Sept. May July Sept. May July May July Sept. CORN. .44 .4S .50', .50 4 .41 ! -Jl OATA .St) -S1U .J" S -31 .J0V .21 MESS PORK. .1T.424 17.414 lt.4. to LARD. 9 10 S.05 .0S ..14.45 .10 0S t.05 .49 .49 -4 .54 .304 .30 4 .301, 17.M54 10.40 02'4 8.97 S 8..7W .ins SOSi 1!4 .11 .-1 .30 17.40 1.45 1 OS 9.00 0J TjOXDON. March 14. There was good at tendance at the opening of the second series of wool auction sales today. A moderate selection of 12.047 bales brought out ani mated competition between home, and con tinental buyers. Prices were firm and unchanged. May July Sept. 16 .074 9.00 Bank ClewrUga. Bank clearings of the Northwester cltle t'leartnra. 8i3..;l4 see 2. e I. 721 - !i;i Portland rleatt'e , Tacoma Spokane Balance 230.110 AI71 224.44 rOKTLANU MARKETS. Veartahle aa! Fruits. V Ell ET AH LE3 Carrots, parsnips c4ftl; turnip 8tc9lt k Sic choice. 81 2: SAOK hand red 81: betj, rJcull. API-US Hoc). 82 9 2.73 Coramon. AOewll per box. OHCSM FHl ITs Pear. 81.309 1.71 per box; Ma.aga. 84 a 7 50 per barrel, craabw rise. 81A50 per barrel. rKOfiCAL rKIITS Oraagea. s a vela, 2 S.) 2. 7S per box: riorlda grapefruit. 84 30: California grap.:ru!t. $jw2-JO: banaaas. 3e per pouod: pineapptea. oc per pound: lemoaa, 1 ' tan.ertne 81-73 per box, VIOKTBLl: Asparagus. IV per !h.; eahbise fl.'.o per 10: cauliflower. 82.23 pr crate; celery. California. 83.50ieX78 per crate; cucumoera. I : per box; essplsar, I3e ssar la.) gmiUa, log 13a per u.; gi a ealoaa. PRODI tat AT SAX .Tt ANtl!CO. Qoetatiaa Current In tb Bay City Mar kets. SA.V FRANCISCO. March 14 Th. follow. bag produce price were current today: vegetables cucumbers, 315o.r2.25; gar lic. 4 to '".-; green peas. 5tM2vc: strlna bean 2ec: tomatoes, nominal: ecs Dlant, iil2-sc liutter Pancy creamery. 27 U c. Ears dtore. lc: f ncy ranch. lSUc. t'heta Young Anierl.-a. 1515Ur. Vlilstuffs ltran. I24r2d: middlings. 138 tult Apples, cnoice. n io; common. 75c: Mexican limes. 84 50U7; California lemon. choice. 33; commons. 81. 3: orngas navel, $1.5oif2 25: plneappiea. $2 US. Iotatoea F.arlv Hove. ilotl.S3: Pallna. Purhanka. 12.109 2.35; Oregon Burtianka, II 2 20 ntons Nomlnsl. Hay Wheat. 3if 13.S" per ton: wheat and oata. .1111: aifalfa. 3 IS. Recelpta; Flour. 8-24 quarter sacks: wheat. Ikoo centals; barley. 4210 ceotala; potatoea 071O sank.; hay, 503 tone. fiecelpta Flour. ol JO Quarter sscks:- wheat. 4'0 centals; bsrley. 14.4V) cantala; o.ts. 205 centals. potatoes. 2730 sacks: bran. 203 sacks; middlings. 55 aacks; bay, 2i Ions. Chlrag Prwdrar Market. CHICAOO. Jlir-h 14. Putter Staadv. ereamerlea. lrr; dalrle. 1.121c. a.ec oteady; receipts. 12.153 cases: at mark, rases Inclurled. 144 015c; firsts, 16ol prime firsts. l.lWc. Cbeea Steady: daisies. IIHCISHc; twine. , ii 1 . v. . loun Americas, aa Is 41 lac. Ion. boina, 124,9140, Allls Chal pf .. Ami Copper .. Am Agrlctllt .. Am Heet Sugar. American Can .. Am Car A Kdy. Am Cotton Oil. Am Hit A U pf Am Ico oocurl .. Am Linseed ... Am Ixcomot1ve. Am Smel A Ref do preferred.. Am Steel Pdy.. Ana Sugar Ref Am Tel A Tel .. Am Tobacc pf. Am Woolen . .. Anaconda M Co Atchison do preferred.. All Coast Lino.. Bait A Ohio ... Kethlehem Steel ltrook K Tran.. Canadian Pac .. Central Leather.' do preferred.. Central of N J Chea A Ohio . . . Chicago A Alton Chi Ot West .. do preferred. . Chicago A N W C M A St Paul. C. C. C A St L. Col Fuel A Iron Col A Southern. Consol Gaa . . .. Corn Products .. Del A Hudson.. D A R Oraade . do preferred.. , Distiller' Secur. Erl. do let pf .... do 2d Pf .... General llec ,. Ot North pf ... Ct North Ore . . Sales. 3'XJ S.K0O 1.IOO 1.0O0 2UO lOO 500 iAio 100 S.70O 20O "soo 4.100 LIWIO 000 100 24. WOO " lisoo Lono fioO S.fHK) 8,2"0 2."0 400 "aSOO "'"ioo 1.20 8.4"0 7.8O0 "'766 ' V.wkj 1"0 8o 100 "l"2n6 S.6O0 30 MO 1.3"0 8.3oO 7'K) High. Ixnr. 31V, 81 44 3V 8t4 5S 45 '4 444, - 9 83 83 00 604 "siii "iis ii u 334 8!4 74 73 lOSxj 1034 iiA"' 144 143 1004 m 3.'.4 34 3 39 1084 107 1264 104 V 103 S 324 Sl4 774 T7", 21l 214 274 2S Mil "Ai"" '82 "ii4" "it" 44 "4 44 4 143 S 142-4 123 "4 121 "3J "sit4 iii"- iiiii 14 14 187 17 3314 32 "37" 204 .2H)4 4 H 4 fit, 37 4 37 4 13-4 14W 127 Uit 004 on a- Ui Bid. 804 Mil ort 45 4 83 14 MU 23 4 24i4 - 11 8 78 4 1032 117T4 1484 1004 8.14 34 ions 1024 121 4 104 82 774 1154 274 P9t. 2S3 2'-' 80 214 444 143 1224 63 8314 54-4 1414 14 187 32 4 TO 37 r4 aT 150 121 4 t4 134 4 SHORT Rin3. . 60 8.50 8.40 . .0 8.05 . t.7H .. H7A 8.00 I S SS Cash quotations were as follows; Flour sieauy. Rye No. 3. lie. Barley Feed or mixing, (0073c; fair to eholce malting. 3(te. Flaxaeed No. 1 Southwestern, tl.65; No. 1 Northwestern. 82.t. Timothy seed 7 910.75. Clover 114.75. Mess Pork Per barrel. tl.:sei8.5. Lard Per 100 pounds. 88.86. ' Short Ribs Sides (loose), 37i.S74. Sides Short clear (boxed). 4 9S.75. Oram statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour wore equal to 334,000 musbela. Primary receipts wero 42S.OOO bushels, compared with 603.000 bushels tho eorrespondln. day a year ago. Tha world's visible aupply. as shown by Bradatreot's, decreased 1.708. 000 buahels. Es timated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 32 cars, corn 142 cars, oats Da cars; hogs 34,000 bead. BOSTON WOOL HARKJJT VXCEBTAIW New Arizona Moving at IT to 20 Contract ing; U Utah. BOSTON. March 14. With varying values ara tew large sates, ine rjoston wool mar ket attracts little attention. rne only ae. mand appears to be for territory and 1 few lines of nearby fleece wools. The new Arizona cud is moving steadily at 17c to 20c ana contracting on the ahecps bark has begun in turn. Pulled wool ia nun. but mere is soma In terest in the foreign product. Texas fina 12 months, bsu-ooc: fine six to eight months. f.O'Blc; fine Fsll, 43 S 4.7c California Northern. 63c: middle county. 47c: Southern. 43t4tc; Fall free. 2ac. Oregon rlaatern. No. 1 staple, 67qj5oc; Kastern clothing, 53&5Bc; valley. No. 1, 64 1) 65c. Territory fine staple. 67c; fine medium staple. 655t)c: fine clothing. SIC 53c: fine medium cVifhlnir. 48-3 50c; half-blood Flour, barr-els . . Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels . . Oata. bushels . .. Rye, bushels ... Barley, bushels Receipts. Shipments. 34.4U0 ... 14.100 ...810.01)0 ...206.!OO ... I.OOO ... tt.aOO 7.000 8.800 142,4"0 Hl.CuO 10.900 89,000 aaa Francisco Grain Market. SAN FRANCISCO, March 14. Wheat stead y. Harlev Firm. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, 81.80 91.4a Barlev Feed. 31-15 1. 10 4 : brew ing. 1.20)jl.25. Oats Red. 11.1091.224: white. 81.4001.60; black. 81-074 9-1.20. Call board sales: Wheat, no trading. Barley. December, 81.174 per cental bid; May. 11.21 per cental bio, .1.20 4 per cen tal asked. Rnropeaa Oral a Markets. LONDON. March 14. Cargoes auiet but ateaoy. v) alia vaiia ror snipment at 34s. English and French country market. qul.t. UYXXUPOOi Ataxoh, 14 Ciossj w)awJ The Council C 0 mmittee of Kalispell, Mont., after a trip of investi gation all over the Northwest, has just return ed home and re ported in favor of bitulithic pavement. -THE- CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE INCORPORATED 1867. Head Office Toronto. Canada. New York IS Exchange Place. London 2 Lombard Street. And over 200 other branch es In Canada and tho United States. Forolim exchange bought and sold and a general banking- business transacted. Interest allowed on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS. F. C. Malpas, Manager. combing. 65c; three-eighths-blood combing;, b3c: quarter-blood combing, 48&60C Pulled, extra. 609lc; fine A. 58c; A supers, 63c. . Coffeo and Sugar. NEW YORK. March M. Coffee futures closed steady, net unchanged to 3 points lower. Sales 4i.ZoU Data marcu. jpru eu-j. v lO.Slo: June. 10.27c; July. 10.22c; Au gust, 10.12c; September, 10.02c; October, 8.84c- November. S.irUc; JjecemDer, January enJ TTehrimrv. VI. i . Spot coffee quiet- no. I mo. ro. 4 6antos, 13Hc Mild dull. Cordova, low loc nominal. aiie-ar 1 1 rm. uuseuvauu, sv wb 8.38c: centrifugal. 98 test, s.ioc; molasses sugar, 89 test, 3.11c Refined sur&r steady. Wool at St. Loala. ST. LOTUS, March 14. Wool Unchanged. Territory and Western mediums, 10220; fine mediums. 18Sil8c: One. 12-&113C. TRAVKI.EKS' GCDJE. XBAVELEBS' Gl'IDK. COOS BAY LINE STEAXBR BREAKWATER sail from Alaska dock, Portland. 8 P. M. every Tues day. Freight received at Alaska Dock until p. " M. dally. Passenger far-) flrst-class. 810: second-class, 87. Including meal and berth. Tickets on sale at Alnswortb dock. Phones Main 268. A 1234. SAN FRANCISCO A PORTLAND SS. CO. New service to Los Angeles via nan trran- clsco .very five days. From Alnsworth Dock. FC-rtiana. .-..-). Boar, March 18. Rose City 88, Beaver 28 obound. 12 M. SS. Bos City, March 17, Beaver 22, Bear 28 From San Pedro Northbound. 12 M. Sa Beaver. March 20. Bear 25. Rosa City 80 H. O. Smith, C. T. A.. 142 Third St. i. w. Ransom. Agent. Alnsworth DocAv, Phone t Main 408, 268; A 1402. O.-W.R.& N. Astoria Route STSAMEB HARVEST QUEEN Leaves Portland dally except Saturday at :O0 P. M. Makes all way lanaings. Arrive at Astoria at 8:oo A. at. weaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7:00 A- M. Arrives Portland, at 8:00 P. M. Makes- direct con nection with steamer Nabcotta for Megler. iiwaco. Long Beach and all polnta on tha liwaoo Irtvlsloa, - smaa AU Modern Safety Devices tWlreless, Ac LONDON fARli HAMBURG tAmerllsa. Aprtl 8"ltPenn., Mar. 23, 3 P. It. Bluecher. April 12i"Pre.i. Lin'.oln. March St tRItx-Carlton a la Carlo Restaurant. Calls at Plymouth and Cherbourg. IHamburr direct. (Second Cabin only. GIBRALTAB, ALGIERS. NAPLES. GENOA. fNew, 17,000 tons, equipped with all modern safety appliances, electrlo baths, gymnasium. elevator, etc tS. 8. CTNCTNNATI.... March tS, 10 A. M. 8. b. HAimtBC Aprtl 14 Cruises to the Top of the Wcrid NORWAY. NORTH CAPPJ. SPITZBERGEV, ICELAND AND NORTHERN CAPITALS BY MAGNIFICENT CRUIbLNG STEAMERS. FROM HAMBURG IN JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST. Send for Illustrated booklet. Hamburg-American line, 10 Powell St., San Francisco, t.'al.. or Local II. B. Agents In Portland. H0N0L0LU AND THE VOLCANO TUB TRIP MOST COMPELLING, axd worth while, ucceUfn(5 alUotners for novelty and pletuure. The Volcano of KUauea, th. largest In the -world la tremandously aotiva now. It is possible to make thla desirable trip wita SPEED and -comfort and tbe price Is low. $110. nrst-class. San Francisco to Honolulu and back, and t-i-3.50 for side trip from Honolulu to volcano. Includlnt, rait and auto to KUauea: hotel at Hilo. also Volcano House. No other trip compares with this. Be sura to visit the tslanda and DO IT NOW. while the volcano Is active. S. S. SIERRA (10,000 tons displacement) sails Feb. 25. alarch 18. April 8. Write or wire OCEANIC S. 8. CO.. 1 67S Market Street, fcaa Franclsoo. Sao Francisca, Los Anid.s aai San Die? Direct North Paclflo B. S. Co.'s S. S. Roanoke and 8. 8. Elder sail every Wednesday alter, nately at 6 P. M. Ticket office 132 Thlr4 st,, near Alder. MARTIN J. HI C. LET. Passenger Agent. W- B- SI.UtWEB. Frelsht Area. v.K nn u .... . .o1 . wM.a e, aiAv, a spatsi