18 TIIE MORXIXG OltEGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, MAR CII 15, 1911. SEA PAPERS LIKED Passengers Demand Wireless News Printed En Route. BEAR'S GROWL' MAKES HIT Dispatches Concerning Mellon Rev olution TMgrrly Sonjht by Yoj - agers Alone Coast When Op erator Get Onl Papers. Newspapers published at sea on tout wise passenger vessel entering; this port bar bom so popular that It la impossible to meet the demands. On th. steamer Hear, which arrived yes t e r'la y afternoon from San Francisco and Loe Anceies. the edition of TS copies of the "Hears Growl." published on tha vrssel Funday. the day after leaving San Frantisco. sm old In a few mlnutra. and when demands for other copies were Innde. they ceuld not be satisfied. News of the trouble with Mexico teems to be a drawing card with the pas senders on tha vessels, as one or mora dispatches from that source are pub lished In the papers. Passengers on the vessels south of San Francisco do not hare the opportunity of enjoying the norelty of sjettlns wireless news on board the vessel, but on each trip between San Francisco and Portland paper Is published at sa on each the vessels that carry a wireless oper ' a tor. J. F. Woods, the edllor of the Bear's i Orowl. and also wireless operator on , tha lie nr. explained yesterday that tha publication of a paper at sea was done with some difficulty. A few paces of tha paper are printed on shore, containing some renrral news, and blank paces are left for the Insertion of wireless news at sea. These are printed with a mimeo graph, and thus their output Is somewhat limited. In addition to news received oy wire less telegraph, the newspapers on the steamer contain lists of passengers on hoard, but restrictions from the steam ship companies prevent the publication In these papers of anything of a persona nature concerning the passengers. The steamship companies which control the vessels on which these papers are pub lished keep up a censorship concerning; the matter that Is printed. rived at t and left s at 1:40 P. tram.r Phesta. from aa Pedro. ttu Francisco. March 14. Arrived at V A. M Meamer I'aaco, from Polland. &i.d last, mgui tfteamer Katnler. for Portland. Port Can Lula. March 14. (tailed yes terday steamer Roma, for Portland. Limerick. March 14. Arrived yesterday firlllsh bark Aodromeda. from Portland. Hooskons. March IX Arrived vluJlu, from Tacoma. Bart. March 14. Arrived Ella. from Taroma. Du Francisco. Starch 14. Arrived V. 8. T. Sherman, from Manila; steamers Cssco, from Columbia River; Hlerra, from Honolulu; Hornolen. from Seiav.rry; schoon er A. K. Coats, from Ereretl. Sailed steamer MeWlile Doll.r. col. E. I. Drake, for aitle. tomtnr barge 93: Mlssourlan. fJC Honolulu: Cyu.n. for Victoria; Thomas 1 Wand. fr - Cvorett; Bandon. for Coos Par; C.ntralia. for Orars Harbor; ' schoon ers Willis A. Holii.n. ror 5eattle; Defender. fT Peaule; 11. I. Bendlxaen. for Pug.t Sound. KATTI.I5. Watrv, March 14. Arrived tearaer Iturhniin.. from Ban Francisco. alles fttaamer Tamba Mara. for Yoko MXAMEK INTELLIGENCE. Daa ta Arrive. Name. Nome City. ... KrsJa Unlu.n Gate. . Oeo. W. Elder Pear A lilanee Preakwater. .. Pooe City Poanoke. .. . . , Falcon rrom. Date, an Franelsee In port flonskong. . .In ptrt Tillamook. .an Peoro. , Can Pedro. . Eureka. .Coos Pay. Peaver. .. Riverside. .la port . la port . In port M. 11 .Mar IS Has Pedro. ... Mar. IS .Pan peoro. ... Mar. -'0 Jan Francisco Mar. 30 .Can Pedro. . . llalboa.... ..Mar. 24 .Apr. 1 Bchedaled to For. Depart. Name. fieo. w. Eider. Nome City.... Bear Alliance Rreje Breakwater. .. Koanoke n Pedro Koae t-itr Fan Pedro Data . an Pedro. . . . Mar. . Can Francisco Mar. , ean Pedro. . . . Mar. , Pureka Mar. . ffonekrng. .. . Mar. .Coos Hay M ar. .31 ar. Mfie r airon. ....... can Franriaeo Mar. Bearer Kia Pedro Mar. RIveralde Balboa Apr. II IT It 20 21 hama: steamer Tiverton, for port Ludlow; steamer I'matiMa, for Can Franrixo: steam er ttamona. for Ckaeway; tamir tioy ernor. for Everett; a.np Charles E. Moody, for Orra. tos Angelea. Manrh 14. Arrived Steamer President, from Seattle: Helens, from Re nomio Peach: Caplectrano. from Raymond; Roes Oty. from Portland: Carlos, from Wll lapa Harbor. Called Steamers Roanoke, for Portland: Pasadena, for Albion; Caclnay. for Portland; Helena, for Wlllapa Harbor. Tide at Astoria Wednesday. High. Low. 1:12 A. M 8 5 feet'T:35 A. M 1 S feet 1:24 P. M.....S-S feet T:4 P. M. . ..0.3 foot 'COLLEGE' UNDER PROBE STCDEXTS COMPLAIN TEACHING FALLS SHORT. riLOT TACES LICENSE LOSS Inspectors Probe Collision netvrcen Breakwater and ryulwn. Captain Charlea J. Anderson, pilot on oard the steamer Johan Poulsen at the time the latter collided with tha steamer Breakwater, near Skamok awa. March . ha been accused by Captain Harry Emken. who piloted the Breakwater at the time of the rldent. of having offered to pay half of the damagea to the Breakwater If Emken would pay the other half. This charge was made by Emken at the hearing held yesterday, hut while Anderson acknowledged having made tha offer to pay half the damage to the Breakwater, he denied that ha had made the offer to keep the matter from going before the Inspectors. H said that at the time he promised th payment of the damages, he had In . Is pocket a report he had prepared to be submitted to the Inspectors. H defended his offer to Emken by say' Ing that he did It to protect the own ers of the Poulsen from bavins; to pay damages. The healing of the case was finished yesterday noon. an. I It Is expected that the report of the board will prob ably be made public today. The hear' tng waa on charges made to the In spectors that Anderson had caused the collision through his carelessness. If found guilty of the charge It may mean that Anderson will lose his license. Grand Jnry to Inquire Into Tele graph Institute on Accusation of Two Youths. Marine Notes. The steamer Shasta arrived last ntght from San Pedro with freight. The steam schooner Coaster went down from Gnble to Astoria yester day. The ship J a be Howes sailed from Astoria yesterday afternoon for Alaska. For San Diego and way ports, the steamer Geo. V. Elder Is due to tall tonight. For Tillamook, with freight and pas sengers, the steamer Sue H. Elmore sailed yesterday. From an Francisco, with cement and general cargo, the steamer F. S. Loop arrived yesterday morning. Bars In the Columbia River near Reeder's were surveyed yesterday by pilots, headed by Csptaln Pease. In accordance with her schedule, the steamer Breakwater sailed last night for Coos Bay with passengers and freight. Coming from Antwerp with a gen eral cargo, the British ship Vincent arrived up the river last night, towed by tha port of Portland tug Ockla- baraa. Going to Rainier to load lumber for Fan Franclaro. the schooner W. F. Jewett was towed op the river yester day morning by the steamer M. F. Henderson. According to a telegram received yesterday by the Merchants' Exchange, tha British bark Andromeda arrived from Portland at Limerick yesterdsy. Reconstruction of the jetties at tha entrance to Humboldt Bay la to be. gin a little more than a week, accord ing to a statement published in the Times at Eureka. Tha domestic animals on the French bark Bougainville, which arrived Monday from Antofsgasta. Chill, are eight chickens, two dogs, one cat and parrot. The following vessels entered at the Custom-House yesterday: Steamer Anvil, from Bandon; Oeo. ". Elder. from San Dlcgo: F. 8. Loop, from ?-a n Francisco; the French bark Bougain ville, from Antofagasta. Cleared F. B. Loop, for San Francisco; steamer Anvil, for Bandon; Geo. IV. Elder, for Kan Diego. Officers of the steamer Bear, which arrived from San Pedro and San Fran cisco yesterday afternoon, say that the weather was so good all the way up the Coast that but little seasickness was experienced. The Bear brought ISO passengers and 1S00 tons of gen eral cargo. Among the passengers on the Bear was Herbert Hume, tha Alaska caoneryman. who has been on a trip to San Francisco. Attention of the grand Jury will be Invited by Deputy District Attorney Collier to the operations of the local branch of the National Telegraph Insti tute, with offices In the Acheson build ing. Fifth and Alder streets, concern ing which two youths have made com plaint of misrepresentation. The complainants are Gordon Hoy. IT years old. and Fenton M. Porter, of the same age. Hoy paid l5 for a scholar ship and Porter paid SiS. Induced by a catalogue In which the merits of tha school and tha opportunities for tele graph operators were set forth In glow ing terms. Each received a certificate promising to teach them the principles of telegraphy, wireless telegraphy. typewriting and railway accounting. rne two youtna said that they were simply turned loose In the school and, though they had an opportunity to learn the Morse code, there were no In structors qualified to teach the other branches. it is said that the Institute has a good reputation In other places. Its Portland manager Is H. D. Burrls. The catalogue Informs the prospective stu dent that he can obtain board for IJ a week, and that upon going to take a position upon "graduating he will ba furnished with free transportation by the road employing him. students ar warned that the school 111 be badly spoken of by operators belonging to the great National orders, but the catalogue says that this Is done for selfish motives, to keep down the supply, and the encouragement Is held forth that the railroads prefer "out side operators" to those belonging to the unions. Regular telegraph oper ators. It Is said. look down upon tha "colleges" and their product. Unless criminal complaint Is filed prior thereto, the case will bo laid dl reotly before the grand Jury. WHEAT JJPJflLF GENT CLVB IS QUOTED AT 81 I-a OS SEATTLE EXCIUXGE. .Mexican Duly on Imported Grain May Not Be Reduced This Season. BFATTLE. tvash.. March 14. (Special.) Whtat advanced another half-cent today. Muestem brlnslns MSc and club 11 He The demeid was moderate. Millers were not anxious to bay. Advices from Mexico Indlcste that the duty will not be reduced tils season In order to admit American wheat. Local grain men estimate that at least 90 per cent of last year's vrheat crop Is still In the country, either In growers', millers' or dealers hands. Local ranch ears sold hlsher here todar In aonie quarters. As hlsh as 73 cents wss aeked for extra fancy. There la a shortaae of Eastern ears snd the rise In California has cut off receipts from that direction, temporarily at leaau Receipts today were moderate. The butter market was firm, except on storage atock. which cannot be moved at any price. Cheese was barely steady at 24 cents. Uvl noultrv waa acarce-at SO and 21 centa. w A small conslcnment of California areen peas arrived today and were quoted at 22 cents per pound. i ne market la poorly . suDDlied with orancea and stocks in transit are Uicht Ceveral carloads thst have arrived recently have been In poor condition. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. March 14. Arrived British Shl9 i Inrenl. from Antwrrp; eteamer F. n. I.oorv from Can Francisco, steamer Hear.. from Saa Pedrp and tfan Francisco; ateamr Ciiasta. from San Francisco. Palled creamer Cue H. Elmore, for Tillamook; steamer Tbreikwater. for Coos Bay. Astoria. March 14. Condition at the mouth of the river at P. M.. smooth; wind north milea: weather, clear. Lrft up at midnight Cteamer P. S. Loop. Sail-d at a a. M. Cteam-r Beaver, foe Can TarslS--o snd Can pe.iro. Left up at T A. M. British iM Vincent and sen toner W. F. Jewett. Arrived at T IS and left up at 9 Jo A M.' Hteam-r lear. from ban Pedro and an F'anclsco. called at 1 P. 3i Shlo Jeoea 11 o waa, (or Alaska. Ar- Metal Markets. NEW TORK. March 1 Standaril mnM. weak: spot. March. April. Mar and June. ll.v 11 Sic The London market sesdy. with snot quoted at tit 17s (d and futures at IH lis Id. Custom-Honse re turns show exports of IS. 742 tons so far thla month. Lake copper. 11.17 a ll.sec: sih Irolvtic. 11 .'iOlJ JISc: caatine. 1:U1! 2V Tin Weak. Moot. J 7.",4t 40 "ic: March JU3 50c; April. 1. 733c; May and June. S9.7tf J.S7Sc. London, weak. Spot. 174 12s 61: futures. 1174 17s 4d. Lead Dull. 4.4n4 lic New York- 4.1114 C l'S Past SL Louis. London, tit :s (d. Poeiter r.asr. fp.it. i.igu;.o v.w York; fr.40lfa.l7H East St. Louis. London. in. Iron Cleveland warrants, 4 ta sua in Lon don, locally Iron was steady. No. t foun 4ry. Northern. 114.75 & 14.25 ; No. X Northern. No. 1 Souuiera and vo. 1 Southern soft. lli.S.ni. Dried Fruit a New York. NEW YORK. March 1 4. Evaporated an- pies steady, quiet on the spot; fancy are quoted at lmr: choice, lie; prime, USc 1'runes in eooa aerasna ana tirm. uuota- tlons from Hflio for Callfornlas up to e-40s and llt)lSe for Oresoaa from fs to SOa. Peaches Steady, but buyers are hsMlne off f.r new arrivals from the Coast. Choice. KtlSc; extra choice. JVc; fancy. Bwlnta Flax Market. Dn.nH. March 14. Flax on track and 2.ee; May, DOCTO RS. FOR- HEN' Men Cured Quickly NATURE'S DANGER SIGNALS Examine Yourself Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept to a premature grave through nervous complaints and blood ail ments. If you have any of the following symptoms, consult me before it Is too late. Are you nervous, weak, specks before your eyes, with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys Irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, sediments In urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn .expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack of energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, changeable moods, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat, etc.? If so, I can promise you a permanent cure or no pay. WHEN OTHERS FAIL Celt and let us give yon a careful, pains taking examination absolutely free. Our opinion and advice will cost you nothing. Perhaps a little advice Is all you need. X-ray examinations, when necessary, free. No money required to commence treatment, and you can arrange to pay fee when cured. MANY CASES CURED FOR $5 to $10 FEE Remember There Is No Man Too Poor to Get Cured by Us We Treat Ailments of Men Only and Guarantee Cures Nerve Weakness cured In a few weeks. Improvement from the start. If you suffer from loss of energy and ambition, feel tired when you arise In the morning, lame back, dlx slness, spots before tha eyes, and feel you are not the man you once were, I will cure you for life. Call and I will explain why It cures when all else falls. A friendly chat will cost you nothing. Call at once, don't delay. Contracted Ailments We cure these aliments by a method peculiarly our own. Our cure removes every obstruction from the urinary passage, allays Inflammation, cleanses and heals the bladder, kidneys; Invigorates and restores health and soundness to every part of the body af flicted with ailments. Varicose 'Veins I dally demonstrate that varicose veins can be cured, In nearly all casee, by one treatment, in such a satisfactory way that a healthy circulation Is rap idly re-established, and Instead of the depressing con ditions I guarantee you a cure or refund the money. Blood and Skin Ailments It. you have sore throat, sores and ulcers, bone pains, falling hair or any other symptoms of thte ailment, you should consult us and be forever rid of It. Our treatment cleanses and eradicates every taint and every Impurity of the blood and system. All dan ger of transmission or recurrence Is removed. Why take poisonous drugs for years when a thorough cure can be obtained without? Consult us at once. CURE PROMPTLY, 8 A FELT and THOROUGHLY and at ke Lowest Coat, VARICOSE VEINS, WEAKNESS, BLOOD AMD SKI.X AILMENTS, KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLES. ULCERS. SORES, PAINFUL . SWELLINGS, BliRMNG. ITCHIMG aad INFLAMMATION, NEKVOl SN ESS, LOSS of STRENGTH and Ailments of Men. Our fees as specialists for cures are less than those charged by family physicians or surgeons. Medicines fur nished from our own laboratory for the convenience and privacy of our patients, from 11.50 to $6.50 a course. If you cannot call, write for our FREE) SELF-EXAMINATION BLANK AND BOOK. Hours. 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Evenings 7 to L Sundays, 10 A M. to 12 M. only. THE OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 291 1-2 Morrison Street Bet. 4th and 5th, Portland, Or. LOW RATES GIVEN Railways to Charge Fare and Third for Rose Festival. CERTAIN SALE DATES SET Special Prices Fixed for Summer Travel Season FVom Kast Koads to Do Away With Certificate Plan In Ticket Sales. la store. S2.0 aaksd. Open rates of one and a third fares for the round trip from all points in the Northwest to Portland during the Rose Festival period were established at the meeting of the North Pacific Coast Pas senger Association In the office of W. 1-1 (.Oman, general freight and passenger sgent of the North Bank road, yesterday. ine usual rule requiring purchasers of tickets to accept certificates so that they may be entitled to the one-third fare upon the return trip will be waived, allowing people to buy round-trip tickets at the reduced rates from their starting points. So that the existing passenger tariffs may not be demoralized while the cut rates are In effect, the meeting decided to establish combinations of dates and territories for the sale of Rose Festival tickets. On June E. 7, t and 9 tickets will be on sale at the following places: South ern Pacific lines from Eugene north. In cluding branches; ' O.-W. R. & N. lines from The Dalles and west; North Bank road from Orand Dalles west, including Goldendale branch: Great Northern. Northern Pacific and O.-W. R. & N. lines from Centralla south, and. Oregon Elec tric Railway on main line and branches. Tickets on Sale Three Days. On June 6. 1 and 9 tickets will be on sale as follows: Southern Pacific lines from Roseburg north; O.-W. R. de N. lines from Pendleton west, including branches; North Bank road from Pasco west. In cluding branches; Northern Pacific from Pasco. Pendleton and points west; Great Northern from Wenatchee west, and from Vancouver, B. C, south: O.-W. R. & N. lines from Seattle south. Including branches. On the Great Northern, Northern Pa cific and O.-W. R. & N. roads only tickets soia ior June a, or win do nonorea on the night train previous. On June 5 and T tickets will be sold from the following points: Southern Pa cific from Roseburg south to Ashland; O.-W. R. ft N. east and north of Pendle ton; North Bank road north of Pasco; Northern Pacific from all points In Wash ington and Idaho east of Pasco; Great Northern on all points In Washington and Idaho east of Wenatchee. The limit or. all tickets will be June 11 In both directions. , Low Summer Rates Fixed. Low Summer rates from all Eastern points to th. Northwest were estab lished, the rOund trip fares being named as follows: Chicago and return. S72.50: St. Louis and return, 170; St. Paul, Min neapolis, Duluth. Omaha, Kansas City, Denver and all Missouri River common points and return. PO. These tickets will be on sale from June 1 to September 30 with a return limit to October 11. Applications of numerous lodges. In dustrial and commercial bodies, churches and Sunday schools for reduced rates to their respective conventions were re ceived. It waa decided to grant the usual fare of one and a third for the round trip on the certificate plan for all gatherings for which 50 or more persons purchase railroad tickets. The meeting was attended by the fol lowing officials: W. E. Coman, general freight and passenger agent North Bank. Oregon Trunk and allied lines; W. C. Wilkes, assistant general freight and passenger agent North Bank, Oregon Trunk and allied lines; William McMur ray, general passenger agent O.-W. R. & N. Co. and Southern Pacific lines in Oregon; John M. Scott, assistant general passenger agent O.-W. R. & N. and Southern Pacific lines In Oregon; A. D. Charlton, assistant general passenger agent Northern Pacific: W. A. Robblns, chief passenger clerk Northern Pacific; 11. M. Kennedy, general agent Northern Pacific at Seattle;. E. W. Brown, repre senting W. A. Ross, assistant general passenger agent Great Northern, Seat tle; A. J. McCarty, representing George W. Hlbbard, general passenger agent Chicago. Milwaukee & Puget Sound Rail way. Seattle; J. A. Ormandy, chief clerk ! representing W. D. Skinner, general ! freight and passenger agent O.-W. R. & N. lines, Seattle; Waldo a. Paine, traffic manager Spokane ft Inland Empire road, Spokane: Frank R. Johnson, general agent passenger department, Canadian Pacific Railway. Portland: M. J. Butler, rate clerk North Bank road, and Bert Cohen, secretary to Mr. Coman. A Thorough and Per manent Cure For Every Ailing Man Whose Case I Undertake for Treatment, and Not a Dollar Need Be Paid UntU You Are Well. Could Aiiy Offer Be Fairer? No man could make a fairer or more straightforward proposition than that. I make this offer because I KNOW that my methods will cure any case that I accept for treatment. Under no circumstances do I ever attempt to treat Incurable cases. If I attempt to treat your case, therefore, depend upon It that. I will cure. you. If ailing you can depend upon It that the lervice I offer you is the eervice you need and Is service such as - can be - rendered by no ther physician. Maybe you are one of the large number of men who think their cases are Incurable. Perhaps your own doctor has told you you could not be cured: but, remember, that Is only because he did not understand your ailment and could not cure you. It did not mean that you could not get help from an expert or experienced specialist- I Cure to Stay Cured by a method that Involves no painful processes. No other physician em ploys a like "method, and so thorough Is my work that there need not be the slightest fear of a relapse Into the old condition. It Is not a question of whether you can be cured, but whether vou will he cured. Don't wait until It Is too late. My method is perfect and quick. The cure Is abso lutely certain. I especially solicit those cases where many so-called treatments have failed or where money has been wasted on electric belts and other appliances. Men's Ailments My Specialty I have limited my specialty In practice to only a few of the more im portant ailments so that I could KNOW these thoroughly. My experience along this one path for 25 years qualifies me to say positively that such troubles a Varicose Veins, Specific Blood Poison, Contracted Ailments, Obstructions can be cured perfectly so as to stay cured. Of course. I use different methods than the ordinary physician. Most of them are original with me and were devised for fust such cases as the ordinary courses of treatment fall to reach. I CURE The Leadln; Specialist. CONTRACTED AILMENTS. Every contracted ailment I treat is thoroughly cured; my patients have no relapses. When I pro nounce a case cured there is not a particle of inflammation remain ing and there is not the sllhtest danger that the disorder will re turn In Its original form or work Its way Into the general system. No ailment Is so trivial as to war rant uncertain methods of treat ment, and I especially solicit those cases that other doctors have been unable to cure. OBSTRUCTIONS. My treatment Is absolutely pain less, and perfect results can be de pended upon in every Instance. I do no cutting or dilating what ever. My colored chart, sborring the male anatomy and affording am In terestlng study la men's ailments, free at office. VARICOSE VEINS. I cure varicose veins in one week and the patient need not be detained from his business a sin gle day. If you have sought a cure elsewhere and been disap pointed, or if you fear the harsh methods that most physicians em ploy In treating this ailment come to me and I will cure you soundly and permanently by a gentle and palnlees method. Don't delay. Varicose veins have dangers and bring disastrous results. If you call I will be pleased to explain my method of curing. SPKCIFIC BLOOD POISON. No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the interior, but harm less, blood-cleansing remedies that remove the last poisonous taint. MEN ONLY. 910,000 MUSEUM OF ANATOMY. LARGEST IN THE WEST. FREES TO MEN. FREE CONSULTATION Call at the office, if possible, for free advice, examination and diag nosis. Jf you cannot call, write for Symptom Blank I offer not only FREE consultation and advice, but of every case that comes to me I will make a careful examination and diagnosis without charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get expert opinion about his troubles. MY OFFICE IS OPEN ALL DAY FROM 9 A. M. TO 8 P. M., AND SUN DAYS FROM 10 TO 1 ONLY. The DR. TAYLOR CO. CORNER MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS, PRIVATE ENTRANCE, 234H MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND, OR. CLOSED DRAWS FAVORED Judge Cleeton and Commissioners Indorsed la Kenton. Resolutions have been adopted at the meeting of the Kenton Push Club indorsing the attitude of County Judge Cleeton and the County Commissioners on the regulation of the draws of the bridges across the Willamette. The club went on record as favoring: tho Mount Hood Railway ft Power Com pany, s. L. woodward, president or the club, said: "Kenton has waited in vain for elec tric lights from the Portland Railway, way. Light 4 Power Company, but now the Mount Hood Railway ft Power Com pany Is building a plant on the Penin sula. I have been assured that It will be completed on time. Wo shall have lighting plant here on tha Peninsula from which we can get our lights di rect. The company Is delivering: poles and material for its lighting wires. We can look to this company for our lights." F w t r - .1 INerve Strength Nerve strength is a potent factor in all physical and mental health. Weak nerves make a weak brain, weak heart, weak circulation. Uric acid and other poisons and Impurities accumu late throughout the system causing Rheumatism, Extreme Nervousness, Kidney and Liver troubles; Backache, Neuralgia and kindred ailments. Electropodes eliminate excess uric acid, cleanse and purify the entire system. They radiate health and strength to every or gan, increase circulation and In vigorate the nerves.' One man from Texas writes: "I would like to put Electropodes In reach of all afflicted people. They have cured me of a severe case of Sciatic Rheumatism." Druggist Signs This Contract The purchaser of Electro podge Is g-ranw rd the privilege of returning them within 19 days, and the purchase price ( f LOO ) is to be refunded npoa the folloirtr.f eondi. tlonsr They are to be worn according to directions for at least 25 eonsecntlTe days, and then if net satisfactory, to be returned ia original box. . Druggist's Signature . , All druggists; or by mall, post paid. If your druggist cannot fur nish Electropodes, send us $1.00, and we will see that you are sup plied Immediately. State whether for man or woman. Western Electropode Co. 253 Los Augeles SL, Los Angeles, CaL His Consultation Is Free If rou are tick and live out of town. end 4 cents in stamps and secure a symp tom blank. Proper remedies can then be secured on return of It. ANOTHER TESTIMONIAL. PORTLAND. Or.. Aug. 25. 1930. T had been sufferinsr for some time and went to Dr. C. Gee Wo for hia diagnosis of my case. He pronounced it enlargement of the liver and stomach and inflammation nf th bowels, and described m v condition so accurately I began to doctor with him. I have now taken two months' medicine I and am as well as I ever was. I am glad to : speak a word of recommendation for him whenever the chance comes to me. &lgned) B H. WELlA University Park. Portland, Or. " 1 f V " It Gee ? Gee Wo Wo LIFELONG CURES FOR AILING MEN BY A TRUE SPECIALIST TMl? HIKSK IWM'TOKL This wonderful man has made a study of - the properties and actions of Koots. Hern, duub iiu DaiM "ii tic Hu man system. Many of the remedies which ims man unto ate v v.. . n..v..s scientists oi mis cuuiinj, l " uninese lamiuw m auuCu "- " father to son and' kept a most profound vfAas thoaA ra.mrllaa Ar Im ported from far-off Asia to his large Iabo raiory i ra " It seems almost a miracle to many pa- .. . i .111 nrt i at tQ Tnnil m man and in such short time become well by . t a . 4. llnan airAnlr.o-a dTtrl RimrlfLVsT. nis irettiiiicm.. vss. e " . MrrwOEi m'3lTa'T'W aPat THE C t rr- wvf m -i z-.-.-.. m a. 162 First St., Cor. Morrlnon, Portland, Or. To firaw an operator's hand out of the iy of a descending die in a stamping ma chine Is the purpose of a series of levers Invented by a Maryland man. Y0UR: SELF WITHOUT DRUGS Our free, il lustrated book tells how you can d it. This book Is written In plain lan guage and con tains much in formation r e gardlng tho caue and cure of disease. Don't spend another cont on doc tors and their worthless medicines. Lrarn bow to help nature cure and get welL No matter what your ailment Is. don't fail to secure thla book. It's absolutely free. If you'll send this coupon. The Electra-Vita Co. tot Majestic Bids;.. Seattle. Wash. Pleas send m. postpaid, your free, ao-pase. Illustrated book. Name -Address BTNG CHOOXO. CHINESE DOCTOR. Strowbrldge bldc- isat First street, room 11, and 225 Alder st. Chinese Root and Herb aledlclnea. Cures . Cancer. Rheuma tism. Consumption. Dropsy. Catarrh. Ftomach. L.unc. Liver and Kidney Troubles. All Chronic ailments of men and wo men. Kxaminatioc free. Drusitore. 2S5 Flanders St. S. K. CHAN CO. Their Chinese medicines of herbs and roots cure won derfully. It h as cured many male and female suf ferers of all kinds of sick ness, Including: chronic and private ailments, when other remedies fail. Their m e d 1 c 1 nes are harmless. No operation. Consultation for Indies hv Mrs. Chan, for- (ITS. S. H Chan men y Mr- Chan. Call or write. The S. K. Chan C hinese Medlrlne Co, Morrison t Brt. lat and 2d, Portland. Or. 'THE DR. GREEN GUARANTEE TO MEN Our sr aran-tee "o Money Required UntU Batislied is your ab solute protection. Con sultation, examlnatiou and diagnosis free. Our speciality is All Ailments of Men. What you want is a cure. Come to us and set it. Hours dally. 9 to 5. Even ings. 7 to 8. Sun days. 10 to t DR. GREEN CO. S63 Washington St.. Portland, Or. L. T. YEE & SONS The Old. Reliable -Chinese Doctor 'spent lifetime study ot herbs and research in China; was granted diploma by the Emperor; guarantees curs all allm.nta of man and woman when others fall. It yon suf fer, call or writ, to YE SON'S atKDICLXB CO.. 1ZH t UmU Car. Aiuer. a-ertuad. f f Bmtti Col dental X I K safe and simple remedy for BramdutU. Catarrh. Hay F mr ial llC HI I Inflammations, Irritations, nkw f V'i J f ation. of ALL mucous memoianae I v I or linings of th. not, throat, I f l ptomaah or other orgaua. I V"Sl AT DRUOOISTS SI IV kr nvt curt yourulf aaassaaaasaal Traatlsewltheaoh botts. I ormauedoa request. X. Tal Ensa Oasjal Ca. X XvCsxsssa.Okn.'yt Lowest Charees of Quickest Cores Any Specialist. That Stay Cored. VOU VAX TAKE MY TRKAT.ME.1iT WITHOUT A CEJiT AiU PAY UK AFTER I CURE YOU. I want a cbsscs to prove I can cure afflicted, skeptical men who may hesitate to come to me because they have been disappointed by unskilled doctors. Remember, my treatment la different and better and COSTS YOU NOTHING nnless yon are willing-, fflad and satis fied to pay me. Nervousness, Weakness Nervouane ss, Weakness, Lack: of Vitality, Poor Memory, Loss of Enerary and Ambition, Wornout l-'eellnK, Timid, Headache, Bacstacbe, Melancholy, Easily Excited, Restless at .Night, are some of the BTtnptomm that destroy health. A safe., rapid and permanent . euro for weakness Is found by men from the animal extracts treatment we give them. All eymptoms are soon gone, strength, vim, vigor, vitality and a robust feeling are quickly restored. Come in and see me. Have a confi dential talk and be examined without cost or obligation. I will cure you. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist, Corner Alder and Second Streets. En trance 128 Second street, Portland, Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to I P. It Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. M CURED $10 ISOURFEE Pay When Cured We nave every Known remedy ap pliance for TUKATl.Vti YOU. Our .ex perience Is so great and varied tnat no on. of the ailments of Men is new to us. COMH IX A.U TALK IT VVUK. General Ueblllty. Weak Nerves. In somnia Heauits oi expoaure, uvvrwork and other Violations of Matures Islwl Diseases adder and Kidneys, Vari cose Veins, quickly and permanently cured at small expense and no uetaa Uon from business. sl'KClAA. Allelic! T3 Newly con. traded and curouic cases cured. All burning, itching and imiammation stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected ia seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of questions. Office Hours s A M. to is p. M. Sua days, 10 A. M. to 1 P M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co tsta Wash. St., Portland, Oregon.