7 " TTTEMORyiyG OKEGONIAy, WEDNESDAY. MARCH! 15, 1911. - I . I r.,,v-. nPMTTrr.n. I K00,vn.orsFA 1 I SPECIAL NOTICES. I WyAXCIAI. f BUSINESS DI RECTORY. . V BTI H ETXT I BLSUKM npn)HTllllU1. I "v ' 1 - - I r . I T ,--.. I I D&DCUIf. WHEN ys ve yoa'tl Be: FCll- I ILK - - Buf It udloioyvsiy o x del and in nuu will ium4 rear oftic IIJtBirt Our LO prtlCES. whleS yeer. M4 aa oe at Portlaad'a laraee furnl tere towa war bhI Boaaib., kecauee we built oa the Eul bid. UJ eev 111 I..4 a year riot. . kOHQi V-ATCHLkT FtTR XTTtTH CO. 4e-7e Grand Ave Cor. East 8tmr St, HOl'sU and fiats for rant, mu IhikMi kCft'HiMI UVIM'-I TtittT COM FAN T. -ic or. I'd wuMnttw k ri.v n K.vbH lotH uoMt I a imi saving. Gt ear prtaes. A.oofc- ere iat e.ery emJnT. at- 0TMOW CO.. 4-4 forta td . F tuou t- 1 pnn. luyjimfc BEAUTIFUL K-rnoia modern bungalow with fruit and ftn; vm ! lot; everything e-Bpli. 102 FUei iota at North. David Uau. room - Umwrnifni plus. a. Mi'El.T furmehed. bath, pantrtee. prU Tat, froustl l.oor; aio two rooma, cnri. Cot side, do. Inquire $47 Jclfer- FiuxiM mom cnctt". 644 E. lth et r.nt $1$. Key T-art at. Taka W-w car. ROOM IIOl'SA tin Vv.-oa at. For Mrma phona C lt4 or Mala till. HOlsK. 5 rnoma, on arrw of garden, oa J-MS t 1 Mocki from car. $13 par month. 41 Abinr: a r-Mg. a-HMM hous mod.m im r.rv.rn.n:a. large por.-u. aear S rarlin.e. oa Nortanta. su Inquire C) Nortbmo at. WANTErv-Caablar-atc-nee";-mtut bo Bfl r.t and up to data, iluun'l Hotel. 14 7th st a, i-Ro.m modern boa, z fireplace. lta ani Alr-ta sta.; $:i par month. 80J Ger lmr Md. ODKliX. rooms, furnace, law a. walktng d:.tanc. Kul Sid. Eaat Taylor.- MoL'sK -w a riximi and bwtn. 714 Lveo. cor. Wd. Inquire 133 HHstB at. Main -:. iP.OOM "cottar, for rnt. fli. to E. flat ort a. la w a 111. o-KDOM hooaa. Irvinaton. North 13th. i'aul Labs. 21 t bids. fSTURXISHED rooml 14 Tth. cor. MI1L tnraloal llaajra, .-:LL f.jrniahd HOfPKj. rLATS and ROOV3. roo otta. !- mouth; -room f;at. U.JO: lul'.a. S furalihad houao. kaopla-rooma. k llu. 112 tnonta: S for 1 15. Apply Wa at. S. rta. w car from Dirt. 6ta. at oa aturriaoa to lata. block norfru B E ACT I FT ULT funn.h.d l-raom houaa; Baa location; 1 mtnuta P. O ; moat a:l; lrin city; worth lavoatlsallnc At bid, Oracootan. FOR BENT To rli-t:a" paopl. a hand- aomaly furnl.hcd hou ol a.Tn rm dMLrabla a.l&liborhood. Phoaa Mala STt or A rnliri TTl'I.T furnished modern aa room bouaa with lara aleeplna; porch. la,rae yard; will ba rented for all moatl . Caii at realilence. SoO Tillamook st- JJICELY fnnttahed room houaa. cloaa In on East 5.le. Call Si lalllll Blua. -o" Varaha.l l'13. e-ROrM fumlahed coltaa. modem, near rarllnew Fnootwoou -awn w, -KOOM furnlahed bouae. I nlTeralty Para. yi. loye:y home, IWB bios. Haew for K I f urwJtura) for Sal, A T4AI1..1AIN' Furnttura of a strictly mod ara flat, near 14ta and Morrteon. for aala cneap; eery beet or lurman inaa. aciiuuir coat 4 1 must k ior rra. rouana rented for loo; also another modara a -room flat. 1--. 8e oar. ana. ii eta. K SALE at leaa than ha;f prlca. the com pleta furntBhinse of a 4-room apartment ail new an.l In ea.-lnt condlnoa. Pboaa A S4f3. lla'a roi lira, e wop. TEN room, beautifully furnished. In swell neighborhood. One location. oTerlooklna para. rent. Caah, urml or trada. 462 Colters sC FTRNITURS of Br a -room Bat. with ateep- Insr porch, for aala caeap. terma. or win rnt furnished to reapoaiibla party for liummerjColombla st. Phons A 4..as. LEASE and furr iltura for sale, roomlni him-. aa iDarltnrnA: b'a aarner; ; fare' laa. i)4 Couch bid.. 4ta and IVBlhttlltPB. s ex.. l-room cottar, furnltnra for sale and cotta(s for rtuL Call between aad P. M. Ft"RNITl"RE of S rooms and bath for al reaaonabla. cottaara lor rent. eUV real Park. MUST SKt.I New furnltnr of a-rooro flat: barcata; flat modTn; low rout 4..J B.-onq st- PORTLAN'D HEIGHTS -rorra hone for rent, furniture for sale by March la. Phone M. xl or U T.3. FX R MTV RE of a 7-room bona for sale; re-oma all full; rant Hi. 433 Flr at, -all entna . lo-RO Jll houaa for real and furnltura for aala. T blocks from Hotel Portland. 33tt Tth at.. Bear i'Iat. -ROOM apartment for rent and furnltura for aala; clo la oa Eaat feida. lnqutra 4J4 Kaat Paels st. FVKNITl'HE of -room cottaaa for aala. Two room, pay rent. riimon. FLRNITL'RE of four-roorn cottare for aala cottaa for rni. lis. 41 cnurier. J 2 j TAKES new furniture of modera flat. cioaa In; caah or terma 4 farK. Ft TtNlTtTtK of S-room Tat. 4 blocka off W.ahlnf.on. Phcne Main 7-S3. St. HALF of new -stry brlfk. SOxlOO: plata ItUas front; 18;h and Marshall; aultabla for Hrht jobbina. maauractunna or retail; will leaaa one-half; divide apaca to ault tenant or tenaata; lone lease. A. O. Long. HO FOR RENT, store, flna location, cro. eery, bard warn. l'-JZ Belmont. Tabor 17'J STORR ROOM. 231 Oak at.. lKiSO: brick bulMlcr. Apply Washington St. TORE for ran phone Eaat 1SL Ofncea. OFFICES FOR RENT. Stores) fur rnt. I.'u to $. MERCHANTS SAVIN. ;S A TRUST COMPANY. TTE COLLECT P. ENTALS. . PLEASANT offlca for rant with ua of adjoining recaption-room and both phones, ethnographer la attcadanca. 13 Lewis bldg. EACEL1ENT offlcea and aarapla rooms, Manchester nnildlng. &j -a ftth at-, between Stark and Oak. MOST centrally located offlcea. all-night ele vator aerelcw. 31 M wetland bldg- or Jaa Iter. ta and Washington. NICE private oTlca or desk room very raa aonahla. 324 Henry. 4!h and oak. IvOST AND FOriCD. FOCNo Wnara yaw can way gwaalaei aaJr scat ti aaa i a retail at wboleeal p rtoa; wa reaavat snattraes.a aad return ua. day; wa alao reaovata faatbara. Portiaal Cnrlad Hair Factory. H. Metager. 44 Fremt. Plfbn Main 4T4: A 1874. LOST On Alberta St.. between 8th and 17th. lady's gold watch and fieur de lla pin. dia mond at In caaa of watch; liberal reward. Phone Wood lawn 24U. C 117i. Kealdeaca l.;i E. 17:h North. UOST1 Retweaa Sunnyslda and city. John nie. English pit bull terrier: white, black lips, brtadie spota on left ear. middle of ba.k and root of tail, white tip oa tall and collar on; raw ard. phona Tabor ;a. lAitfT Whit and orange English Better dog: leather collar, with worn-out license. Reward for return to 44d ITnloa ava. North. Tr anawers to name Pete. Lus7 Auto crana -handle, about Eaat 2th; t reward. 24 Front. Mala 171. U-need h ap C'o- FOr'NII A pursa on Monday on lftth st near Everett. Owner can find It at room 3 .'2 Railway Etchange bldg. LOT Saturday, brlndla Boaton terrier dcg. two yeara old. Lewis V Thompson. lciri la&d Helghta Reward. LOCT White bull terrier, black apot oa noae; sniaam to name "Doc" phoaa East C "J I. Reward lAST Plueh caae. containing 2 ladlew dia mond rmga. litvvd. Phoaa Marshall liX t.ST E:ks watch charm and tooth, with name engraved on same. Return to 11 Lewis rtl.lg . and receive reward. osTnameled pin. emerald setting, on Kaat balmoa or Grand ava. Phoaa B . OST SM and white Scotch collla dog. 5i-ri if I Hvwthorne; nani "Lyra aa oa collar. Reward. Call S 11 wood l;.V tOST Flack pony, white face, oae whlta hiad foot. Phoaa Mala 4s4. A B -"TRACT of lota S and 4. block 8 Sail wood: reward to finder. Main 7347. Br'Txrea. orrnitTTMTi rj. GOOD-PATINO ehoemaker shop, cheap, oa account of aickneea. JO North First st. CONTRACTOR- emu partae. who nnder-sts-ids concret work. Oall 2i Stark St. F"R KAl.B Tailor shop. rant Hi. S-2 Dull at- rihAK STA!T. good location: aall oa ao- I coital aa aLbar busintsa Call M it "i, (4. Sanaoph WANTED If you hava fro $ IS.OuO to lzo.uo to Inra.t and can man a tna baat aanltarlum proposition in t" Paelfla North w..t wo ran .how you on of tho Km! inir..tmonta you ayar raw. fTO.OOO now Invaatad and additional cap ital wanted to aract aaw bulldlnca. in trada domanda thia now. If you hava tn mooay and ara a IWa ona wrlto the own ra. I'nlxa you bin bota tna anuiiy au. tH annn rf.uit wrlta. flcal With t h CTiiri dira't; no cotnmlaalona or raaa- off. Addrraa AM M. or.foniaji. HEE tS ABOVT TIIE?E: Confactlonary. a room a. I.i'i". J roc err. nir atock. at Involca. Pool rooru. two tahlea. IT1. Auto axpraaa bualnaaa; mon'T-mlllr. I'c.nfectlonary. 4 ronrna. I4MJ. laundry, vood outald town. Oen.ral atora. fcaat.ra raon. lrnhotiaa. city, flna locauoa. HAI.L CI'?TIV. nil Lutnwrroem Biac E.thlt.h.'d arocerr atora dolnff a bl bo.incaa. for aala: baat location In towa aA i. room for drur atora. for rant; aaw. modarti bulldlna Juat com pi. tad; aplandid opanlnc lor lira aaa. J. U. HEITBRONNER CO Hood Klv.r. Or. roit I tLa. m m m u.au.ft -wi4abta aa w c""7 " r- .... tin. romplata with cut-off aaw. aawda r-rarw. ate.: alao a No. 1 Korlbwaat i .n.hinMU aal aa aaw, . a .ni o --ort Una For partlcaiara call al mT atilaa. Fraal at por-tand. Or. KIHMAN METZagW. Own or. IVtD fiAt.E Wall aatacted at oca of fnmltura tura dlatrlct. r.aaonabla rant, real I"" buslnaaa nan can eoon Juda to appro data til. cood opportunity. Wa ara com pelled to aoil wlliiln daya; blvU laaea by Joba I'eilar. TJl Monlun K. w..n . . ,.. v wn-r clrar. Cl r.rl nnari llail m mt' II sutri wuu ln-rooma. located In a H. R- ,mt"T' practically no rent. Thla la well-aataK i(. -- . -IMIaT.nitkrr: wl!1 trade toll and eoma cali for email far u cloje In. or aall for nX cash. 1'hoaa Wood. awn 2-'.X or AK 816. Orei-oniaa. ..r-rt v'U' J fiODABTI'VlTT. TT7i.nL--. im w.ii order houaa can r v . . !,, p. v . nrirp: located la l-.ril.nd: tarn etock of I0.V10. A flna bar for Botno ona Intaraated la thla bual CHAS. BIXOI.ER 111 l.ewl Bldg. CO.. FOR SALE Coal, hay. irraln, flour arid feed store. Tna on.y one oi u ,", county aaat city of 80OO; doina a bi ca.h bualaeaa; about 50K) will taka the real property and stock. Addreaa owner. O 64a. urcvonian WANTED First-class tiarr.easmakST tor country towa as a partner, to neaa and sboea; good chance for practical man with uitia moaey. --w w Oreconlan. uat a ini.rM in n Atd.eatablishcd real es lata cU'ca doing a Dig ouaincaa. wui close Investigation: nna opening ir . good man. Full particulate at 810 6pald lag bldg. FOR SALE Moving-picture show la Eaat u l wiimi.a tiAn: rood location and doing'n good business; this Is an rxrellont opportunity. Appiy iw "-' 142 rourta eu fvru nrOiA. Fmatl place. 14 years leaaa. down towa location, good trade, good prlrea. low- priced for a quick aala. rroaustreeia eluuia. 871 1 Morrteon St. BLOCH REALTT COMPANY. REAL EOTATE and Bl'SIVESS CHANCES. 11 LUMUEKKE.VS I'LLLDINGk WOIXD Ilka to meet reliable aad experi enced real eetste man. to opaa suburban offlca la a good location, no money re- q u 1 red. AK a.a. urt g ra nn. HALF Interest In aa old.eetabMehed easi ness. duAng a fooe nualneee. rar xuii l ticulara rail Kinney A- 8umr". Lum ber Exchange bldg- rooms 831-M3. YOU.NO MAN. bTRANGER. Make careful lavaatlgauoa at sxpanse af seller before you Inveat money In any nroDoaitloa. Advlaory Lreparuaaafc T. M. e a. LEA VI NO town, will sell cigar store and i..nK Mimiar for IIAO: rent only 81. Including living-rooms. CaAA today. S4i Williams irt. . Ml'HT aell at once. o blgh-clars aecurl tlaa. guaranteeing 80 per ceat profit; will taka 1-S In good property. Address Mlsa L Cllnoru. Til wasningioo st cnj. unnvn-PirrfllE theater for sale; will comply with all elty ordlnancea; hava to sell account or aaaitn; snap ir ewm . J f53. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Picture theater In Walla Wal'a. Wash.: bast location, best eciulpped. leaaa and rent O. K . Addraas A. Chance, cara firegontan. riiH RENT Tailor shop, furnished, an trada already eatabltabed: alao living- room IX daeired. Call Mala S altar 7 P. M. PARTNER wanted with soma caah aad rea sonable amount or aecurlty to invest, in good profitable bus'.neea: net proflia 3 per cant yearly. AG 8O0. Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE mil wants steady partner to show cnatotner property; nian wining to work can make good money. Particu lars. 618 Board of Trade, real aetata business: owner wan ta a reli able partner. This is a line opening tug a man willing to show property, inquire 417 Board of Trad Sa cigara. confectionery and light grocer- lea, doing a fine ouaineea; living room, rent Ja- fail today. 417 Board of Trade. PARTNER with taurine's principle, with 9iox Call evenings, ?j i-axa au, eiu entrance. BARBER--", ba quick: S-chalr shop; rent g!. 87a. Must Da sola at once. in S70 First street. CAN clear 81 ta t'l day la caah buaincaa: re quires 8-. i; experience not neceaaary. Part ictll ara 248S Htark at. WILL sell H Interest In old established busiaess. f TOrtO: para big returns. Ad. drs AM S.''. Oregonlan. ilJMNG AND INDt.-SrKlAL STOCK Aelephoaa aad other bonds bought aas said. Fletcher lav. Co-, tti Ablngtea. CAFETERIA Doing a good bualneaa. flna location, rirat-ciaaa. ivinney at ctampoer, 581 -S Lnmber Exchange. BUSINESS man with small capital to handla territory la uregon. r a. r-anriciua, sil (13 Worceater bldg.. 3d and Oak ata. AM an experienced clothing salesman ; hava elU"v Wltn services. iiwuivii witn aoou wagea acceptable. AN Pott. Orrgonliin. FINE chance for man with small capital to make big money, l-j Alta. t-aii Detweea 1 aad 4. room 48. ORAM this half Interval In ground floor real aetata ornce: can clear jni this year. Call rr Stark st- FOR SALE Paying restaurant. Thla can not bo beat. Must aiaaoiva partners til p. lt7 Grand ava. SOLID bualneaa: salea 8.1V1 day: partner wanted able to inveet ."ww; prerer oaica mrn. Call -Mil stark at- SMALL machine abop and foundry for aale; plenty of business in sight, write lor par ticulara. AF 849, Oregonlan. FINE business opportunity for neat honest Ioung man with utile money as partner. .12 Fifth st. . UAIKY luncheon. 823 Bnmslde. will sell cheap or taaa part traoa; conauit owner on premises. FOR large results Invest your savings la FORTLXA PARK UKCHARDS; positively 'none better. Call 278 Stark at. PARTNER wanted need to farm produce: will pay weea salary, alao ehare of proflta. Particulars 84.M4 gtark st. CONFECTIONERY aad cigar store; dandy locatloo ana goon ouaincae. XOCK box 3.V4. Tillamook. Ore. - . WELL-ESTABLISHED money-making re tail grocery. Telephone tna owner. East 470. CEMENT business: hava splendid opening for active man ante to inveat toov; pronta large. Call 24S1. Stark st. FOR SALE Saloon. Independent Ucenee: good location. Inquire a Chamber Com. merge. GROCERY store, with t yeara Iras, living rooms, business o to u: a iota at a oir gain. C 2481 or 8)4 Alberta at. RK-6TAURANT and quick lunch: price $2-."ih. I leave tha city tnis week, call gig Board of Trade. VACI'CM carpet cleaner; new, powBrful ma- chine; bargain, all t lay St.. near 1st. RESTAURANT doing business $30 dally. Particulars room .'a Lumwr r-jtcnange. IiRUG STORE, rood location on the eaat eld, for rent. r-aatov-o. FOR SALE Pool room, confectionery, cl ears: price tt.m in casn. o- r 1 rat street. CI.IAR. confectionery atore for aale. $7.10, owner. Call -, 3d st- Phone Main B.14L GROiE RY Sales $7S day: partner wanted with $I'Q. Call 24r)4 ftark at. loo tli.Mi.. tArti li-wvi you meat Tmag thi a Una It. rrinrerv 1 1, Thlra. Gl.'A'EKT Caah trade: leaae; will aell cheap, call 24 H stark at. FOR SALE Hotel and steam laundry. In quire at fTeet Hotel. Monteaano. wasn. HOTEI. bar. $1000 required. AJ 849, Ore- gaatan RrarTAUTlANT. 4it. Ta iuU; lea v Log elty; BATfliB, A B-a Wtfwaiaa. ve an nlare a nartv In touch with manufacturing concern preparing to start in huslneaa which desires some additional capital. Address Tha Timber man. Port land. Or. 84 Lnlon block. FOR SALE. JCI-IANA APARTMENTS. Trlntt Place These elegantly furnished apartmenta r for aai on most reasonable terms Si.vK) cash, balance easy payments. No bond for leaaa required. They hava Ju't been newly furnished, ara completely filled. Apply to landlady of "Juliana. Trinity I'iace. between Washington and Everett. VI k U Kil.R 8.1-room lodclnz-houae: long leaaa; rent $133 per month. h,rh hon rheD. A-l lunch counter In business district, doing 840 per dsy. caloon. Inucprndent license: 0-year lease. Cl'RKY GEORGE, 148 1st SU Phone Main 12. For sale, for cash." In best growing city In Southwest Washington; population new futures, new stock, good location. cheap rent, strictly up-to-aate. ... M.t . . . - ..ii .... i center: am s:l on account of health of family: no agenta; lnveailgate. or wrlta to I-i -- Tower ave.. Centralla. wasn THE beat bualneaa opening In Portland. We deelre to enlarge our profltabU bualneaa. but need mora capital (from 1000 to $10,000) to do so; will guarantee good re turns on capital invented; can give ana shall require bast bank referencea. A .o. ureroman. fit ii lit onnnrlunltv for TOUng Or mion axed man to get Into a good aoua chance and real estate office established over 6 years; must ba a man who naa Mint buslnees ability, who la honest, wants to make money and la wllllag to do his part. Call 181 4tn sr. niDinn rnn an R Auto garage and repair shop for sale, doing fine bualneaa. netting $"' to 3 per month, cheap rent. Will aall at la volea. which will run about 8100. ORfSSl 4t ZADOW. -8IT Board of Trade B Ida.. 4th and Oak. HURRY! Hl'RRT! RESTAtRANT AND LCNCH COLNTER. NIjb clean place. S tablea. 40 seats, flna trade, taka In from $28 to $38 0,lr want to aall out this week; aacTlaca. Owner, $72 North 17th St. RESTAURANT FOR SALE, flood down-towa location, well equipped and a monev-maker: price 3IO0. This will bear invr.tlcatlon. A. R. Ritter, 224 Lum. ber Exchange bldg., 2d ana mini, sots. DOJTT TAKE A CITANCB ' tMnvin itabta I lnvewtlarate and rwport. GMIingham, auditor. 411 Lewis bldg.. Mar I abaU 4i a SAWMILL A 18.000 capacity mill 10 growing town, ma since laat September: good business; lease, timber options; a rare opportunity to the right man; requires $14,000 caah. 813 Henry bldg. FOR SALE Boarding-house, furnltura and everything In good snaps ror Duainea. u.a aawmlll; cigar and notion atora In front; will aeil with or without tha atook. John Hanson. 2447 Alder st., Astoria. Or. FOR SALE Music store. Edison. Victor agenclea. doing good business, no """i"" tlon, reaaon of aala ownefa poor health. Will sell at Invoice. $3600 cash. Address box $47, Hoqulam, Wash. . PARTNER wanted with from $2000 to $7000 to Invest In good paying general mrreu ; diss store In live growing town near city, bualneaa baa outarown present OWBIfl capital. Addraas E354,regonlan. FOR 8 ALE Steam cleaning and dyeing works, splendid location; naa on p7" for 8 years; reaaonabla rent; will aell at a bargain on account of sickness. AF 843, Oregonlan. - Stl t-HAKKS of stock in a prominent whole sale business with orrices in rominu .m Spokane. For further Information address M. Mortensen. Ames. Iowa. FOR SALE Orocsry and feed store:' good location, In Ooldennaia. aan.; siocs fixturea, about 8000: other business reas ons. Address Box 812. Ooldendale. Wash. FOR SALE Otin and sporting goods busi ness; will sell ror invoice price oa ac count of sickness. Inqulro Beal's Gua Store. 44 H Id st.. Portland. Or. MOVING-PICTURE theater wants partner: owner will guarantee you i.xi mommy; terma. $1200 required. Room C23 Lumber Exchange . GROCERY and novelty. In a good suburban district, oblige to leave city; win ecu below Invoice. 60S Uarllnger bldg. Sec ond aad Alder. SMALL Jewelry store; will Invoice at about $1100; keepa two men ouay; two years lease: a bargain. Address AO H58, Ore gonlan. REAL ESTATE man handling city and farm lands wanta pnrtner to snow cus tomers property. Particulate room $23 Lumbar Exchange. CONFECTIONERY store In best town In Agon; payiua .uu.....' " J "-" - forced to aell on account of lllneaa. AF it. Oregonlan. I' A RT.VK R wanted with $10,000 to Join me In real eetate ana apartmeni-nou wuuo Ing. Juat Mulshed; no agt-nta. J 866, Ore- go nian: , i-ii sai-k First -claaa drur store In Eastern Wsahlngton. everything up to date. Ia a widow and wants to go t-asu This is a bargain. AM Boo, uregonian. SPLENDID cigar store to trsde on small farm or Bell for f l.uu. x-oniana siaran Co.. yi Morrison at. WANTED Experienced man to take charge of denartmer.l in real estate ouic. r-oou Mamhall 129. A 8799. GROCERY Good location. with living rooms: owner sick; ia w .u, u ." dollar: pnee $'"). s 10th. vi a 1 1. MUah huainaaa wanta atcady partner salary $26 weekly anu spare pronia; e-av raqulred. 428 A.umoer ucnuiia oibtt ninr S300 secures half Interest In pronta OI VaiUaoia flliaua yiwyvwuw-, w McKay bldg. . MOVINO-PICTURB show, close to city, big money-maaer; price iiwu. i,..-, time on market. Call 618 Board or rraqo. SMALL- cigar store that will pay you $8 rial v: -.Ai rrtiuireo. r. 00111 a.uuii Exchnnge. FINE grocery proposition, city. See Dr. Hlggs, Corbett omg. iiO CIGAR and confectionery. w,tslj aood business. iaii in awaia o iu. RATOM.SO-HOCS.EfL CHEAP RENT. -ta hotiawkeenlna: srood .lease at $30 per month: houaa well furnished and In good condition; cleara xi per roonm $.-.3i cash handles this. . PORTLAND KOOMINO-HOTJS CO SIS Henry Bldg. lA-nra-iM house, very swell furniture and .. hrknMHHn mr: awn nace heat; rent $40; Income $98, besides two rooms for oureelvee. $860; terma. Must sell today: will not ba offered again. Call 263 Lincoln, owner. oioTva-iirn'fin A rooms, rent only $30, ..VV .---- - - - - - .. 1 1.11, vary central est, ntuo, niw ' - J - . . well furnished and clean; clears $i month; price oniy eoow, -. --. 4th st. iT"n,-mvj for aala at bia aacrlfica: excel lent location on ' --,..-.'-- , - r r, nt- alwavs full: lease. Phone owner, Marshall 2078. 24 APARTMENTS, 14 thrae-room. 6 two- room. 4 lour-rooiu " - a maker; leaaa four yeara partly furnished. Prlca $4000. Call 618 Board of Trade. WAK7EI Apartmenta and rooming-bouses. furnished ana uniurawani, o wu,u-bc-r Commerce. 2 ROOMS, transient, steam heat, running water. SIOVU. iIMB vmiii . merce TRANSIENT. 25 rooms, good locathm, 4- year lease, cneap rent. . ijw c". . McOovern. 1038 Chamber of Commerce. 8JOO DOWN. $2$ month, buys 13-roora roomlug-nouaa; u 1 ii.u, wb .j. -v Yeon bldg. BRICK corner of 4$ room a ittun heat, hot and cold water, cheap rent, long leaae; eaay. termsjoagenta. AF 860. Oregonlan. 1$ ROOMS, rent only $44: Income $168; West cMde. Price $100: terms. HIGLKY A BISHOP, 131 Third st. WILL sU at a aarrlflre, furniture and leaae of first-class apartments: all rented; terms. AO 851. Oregonlan. 12-ROOM closa-ln boarding-house with large table board, flrat-cl-.es, for $030 cash; best In the city. See owner. Sll W'orccster bldg. FOR SALE by owner. 14 large and well furnished rooms. 875 Alder at-, w. Park. Easy terma. STEAM heat, hot and cold water, clears $73: 14 rooms, $80O cash required. 503 Yeon bldg. Best ever. 9 ROOMS, cleara $43. all for $200. 608 Yeon bldg. Cheapest yet. FOR" SALE S-room rooming-house, rent $30; always run, u. from FOR SALE .Apartment-house. 86 tie owner at 60 Grand ave. N, rooms. t R. H. GOODKIND CO.. 602-504 Board of Trade Bids;. Tel. Marshall 488. A 1069. YOTT CAJTT BEAT THIS DOWNTOWN TRANSIENT HOT'SB. 82 rooms, brick buildina. steam heat. running water, located near Portland Hotel, rent $200; long lease, clears over uuv month: you must hava idauu casn. naiance easy terms. 33-ROOM APAKTMENT-HOCSE. Just as nice a place aa anyone would want to own; xurniture tno very dcbi fineat West Side aoartment-houee die trlct; rent only $130: 2H-year lease; price $8500. $2000 caah. balance good lots or bungalow; you will like this house and It a clearing $200 a month. 43-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE, $200 CASH. BUILDING LOTS TO THE VALUE OK 41300. Balance of $2200 monthly payments; fine location, modern new building, finest loca tion, new and elegantly furnished. S-year lease, rent rlRht: If you want a nice home ana also make some money, be sure ana sea thia R8-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE. VERY CHEAP RENT. FINE LOCATION. New. modern brick buildina. verr fine location, rent only $673. which Includes steam heat, hot and cold running water and telephone In all apartments; price la very low ir sola uerore Aiirrn zv: tnu place clears over $423 a month; the fur niture Is the very best; ssk to see 1L WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE? Wa have a few rood rooming- and ansrt- ment-houses which we can sell reasonable on terms of $1000 to $2000 cash and mar ket value house and lot or good building lota; If you have anything to trada that ta ngnt. sea ua. MUST SELL THIS WEEIC owner .norriHT lasoer home 14 rooms, hot water heat, rent only $40 month, good, clean place: well fur nished, clears $75 month: finest West Side location. Price $1200. terma $SO0 cash, balance $23 month. This la a very nice place and must ba seen to be ap preciated. A FEW OTHER OOOD HITS IN SMALL ROOMING-HOUSES. KWPT.T.KMT R17Y. 10 rooms close In. on Main St.. nice, clean, well furnished place; price $700 for auiok aale- terma. SWEI.I. LOCATION. 11 rooms on Morrison, right down town. splendid furniture. 0 cash, oaianco pay able monthly IT sola Detore me xaui. a unvEV-UlKFR. IT rooms,' fine location for roomers, rent nniv tun thla hnum if nroDerlv managed will net $85 monthly; price $S30 cash, or will aell on terma or .Zoo aown. oaiauc $20 month. n Vinrn 97 t.ast MONTH. 17 rooms, close In. on 13th. We believe this place Is the best buy in Portland for the money. Price $1750: very reasonable terma vrnr arottt TTTI3 ONE? M rooms. 13th and Washington, clears $125 monthly; good lease: house always full: ataadv roomers: $1500 cash will handle. r TUB PACIFIC REALTY COMPANY. M E. LENT & CO.. ' 322 Falling bldg. Third and Washington ata. Phones Main 8rt'0. A 3473. HOTELS ROOMING-HOUSES. APARTMENT-HOUSES. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. If you. are looking for a place, let ua show you the good buys .we can save you money on any place In the city. Our private anto la always at your service. A SQUARE DEAL TO BOTH BUYER AND SELLER- BEST TRANSIENT HOUSE IN THE CITY DROP IN WE WAr ill n..uw !-"- ll.room. corner brick hotel, best loca tion In Portland, reasonable rent, free heat and hot water no lanltor to bother with, easiest place In the city to run. always full, clears from- $000 to $900 1 a month, 20 private baths; only takes .wuv to handle; positively the best bargain on the market; can at once ior iuu ticulara it won't last long. , o nnr.wa-.TB i SIE'T. First-class furnishings. stsam heat, mnnln water, nrlvate baths, rent only $290. See this at once. If you want a BIO 'SNAP IN AN APARTMENT-HOUSE. 84 rooms, corner brick, 4 years" leaso, fully and handsomely furnished, rent only $100. clears $450 a monin, una will take lots up to $3oOO and $1000 cash; you can t Cieat tnis unieas you !.- . better come In and investigate. USRr'B A T I A X I IV 45 rooms, new brick building, fine fur nishings, long lease, reasonable rent) clears $300 a month, located In heart of fine residential district and onl- takes $2000 to handle: would consider good bulldlna; lota as part payment. 8MAU. ROOMING-HOUSES. 8 rooms, elegantly furnished, some rooms rented, located on Park St., rent $23; requires $.100 cash. IO ROOMS. VERY NICE AND HOMELIKE, can rent 7 rooms, rent 37.su; mis is a Bar gain for $050. btiiu T.OOtf "LISTEN. Before you buy. be sure to come in and as; ours Is the busiest office- In Port- land THERE'S A REASON and you will discover It If you will drop In and get THE PACIFIC REALTY COMPANY, 322 Failing Dioa. A LITTLE BBAI1TT. 18 rooms, choice location, rent $80 per Th. ,knnt anartmenta nave just been furnished In exquisite taste and combine -nome . ana lucuiu. " w really want the best and hava $1500 caeu, come ana see us. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO. 318 Henry Bias". llaht average furniture, clearing $260 month: nrlce 8S00O. terms. 30 rooma. rent $150; 8-year lease, steam heat, extra good furnishings; a fine home like place clearing $200 month; $1650 puts you in this dandy. IS rooms, rent $33. near Morrison, good furniture, clearing $76; call early for this good ona; price $SO0: terms. 11 rooms, rent 832.SO. 2-year lease, all H. TC., clearing $30; price $550; terms. Call and see Mr. Henderson. 170 6th at. rwiprm TO BELT. OT'ICK. 1 1 rooma. wialklna distance, rent $85. it- year lease, clears $30 mo. above all ex penses, leaving 2 beautiful rooms lor sen. This Is worth $70 If taken today $550 1 Call 88 10th. near I and on easy terma Stark. Ti rooms FOR $.'.50. 11 rooma walkine- distance, well ftjr- nlshsd for light housekeeping; furnace, 2-year lease at $32.50 per month. Today PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 313 Henry Bldg. nX TOII BEAT THIS? 17 rooms, close In. well furnished for light housekeeping, rent only $50; Income so. ana a snap at eiiuu. csbu. xb. x-. James Co., b8 loin, near Marx. ROOMING-HOUSES, hotels, business chances of all kinds. Call at oui wiicn Diog. SPECIAL, NOTICES. Fropoaala Invited. BONDS FOR SALE. TOWN OF GRESHAM, 15, 0K WATER EO.VDS ANU 5OO0 tEWER BONDS. 8aled propoiala will b received by the undrstgnva until o o ciock r. ju., on tn 4th day of April, 1011. for the whole or any part of 1-0,000 of the bonds of the Town of Gresham. In dnonllnatlons of $10O0 each, payable I'O years after -date, and bearing1 Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per a a num. payable half yearly, prin cipal and interest payable in United States gold coin, at the office of tha treasurer of the Town OX ur-inaiii. Th above described bonds are Issued for the following purposes; $15,000 of said bonds being Issued for the installation and construction of general water works and a water system for th Town of Gresham. and $5000 of said bonds being; Issued for the construction ox a Bwr anu ura-iu- , age system-for the Town of Gresham. Tha authority for the laaue of said bonds I 1 Kmni,d bv an amendment to the char ter of the Town of Gresham, adopted De cember 7, 1909, by the voters of the Town of Gresham, ana entltiea -An act to a in an ft DimtrBDh 22 of BCCtlon 12 Of chSO- ter 6 of - tha charter of the Town of Gresham. entitled an act to Incorporate the Town of Gresham, In the County of Multnomah. Oregon? and to provide a charter therefor, and to repeal all acta or parts of acta In conflict therewith; filed In the office of the Secretary of State, Feb ruary 11. 10O5. I All bidders will be required to submit unconditional bids except aa to the le ' gallty of the bonds, and each bid must ba accompanied by a certihed check on either of the banka of the Town of Gresham. or oa any responsible bank In the city of Portland, Or., lor an amount equal to 6 per .cant of the face value of the amount of bonds bid for. psyable to tha order of the Mayor of tha town of Ureaham. to be forfeited aa liquidated damagee In case the bidder shall withdraw hla bid or shall fall or neglect to tako and pay for said bonds, should said Donas De awaraea to him. The right to reject any and all bids la hsreby reserved. All proposals should be marked. "Propoeal for Sewer and Drainage Bonds." "Proposal for Water Bonds," and addressed to l. Al. rloberta. MAcorri.r of the Town ol uresnam. By order of the Common Council of in a Aown oi umn-ui. i . 1. M. ROBERTS. Recorder of the Town of Gresham. Date of tlrst publication March 8. SEALED BIDS will be received at the office of K. a. l nomas, ocoooi iit.ru. euz xi. fnrd Bulldlna. Portland. Or., until 6 P. M. April 2, 1911, for grading and otherwise Improvltig the grounds at Chapman and New Mi. Tabor schools. Bids to be sub mitted on each school separately. Copies of specifications ana plans may be ob tained at the office of the clerk. Certi fied check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid, payable to K. rl. Thomas, Atchool Clerk, must accompany each pro posal. Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bid. Dated. March 14. lull. H. THOMAS, 6chooi Clerk, CALL of bona, before maturity Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Lewlston Land Water Co., Lim ited. In the City of Lewlston, Idaho, on or before tha 1st day of April, 1811, for the sale of bonds of the Lewlston Land tc Water Co., Limited, dated April 1. ltog. These bonds offered at the lowest price, not exceeding, however, par with interest accrued to the 1st of April, lull, will ba accepted and paid for to the extent of ten thousand dollars ($10,000). or any sum In excess thereof on hand on said 1st day of April, 1911. in tha sinking fund created under article III of the trust deed securing said bonds. LEWISTON LAND ft WATER CO.. LTD. PROPOSALS will be received by the State Board of Control at Its oirice in the Btato Capitol, until 10 A. M.. ' March 20. 1911, for an electrical generating set for West ern Washington Hospital. Fort Stellacoom. Information will be furnished on request to those Interested. State Board of Con trol. Olympia. March 3. 1911. Master's "otlce NORWEGIAN steamer Skogstad, Captain Rynnlng, from Comox. B. C. Neither the captain nor the undersigned consignees of the shli will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted for by the crew. Taylor, Young 01 Co., agents. OWEENEE. Br. bark. Captain Jones, from t aiiao. Neither caDtaln nor unaersignea. the conslKnees of the above named vessel. will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by crew, iverr. uirrora flc 10. FINANCIAL. MONEY wanted for loans secured by Orrt mortgage on Improved real estate; muri-ga-ea for sale; no delay negotiating loans; your money beglna to earn interest at once. John Bain, bos bpaiaing Bias. Home telephone A 7442. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city property or for building purposes. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST COMPANY. 916 Spalding Bldg. I $37,500 BREWERY stock for sale; half cash, balance two years; carries salary of $iiOO monthly; brewery located In Port land; inveetment will represent full half interest- AA b&7, oregonlan. GOOD, reliable real estate company is desirous of making connections wltn a first-class building And loan assoclattm, to represent them in one of the best clues In Southern Oregon. AL 832. Oregonlan. $5oo0 MORTGAGE for sale; 3 years. 8 per ctrnt interest, payable quarterly, secureu. by West Side improved residence property. ti Sol. Oregonlan. MUST sell at onca. ItlOOO hizh-class securi ties, guaranteeing 60 per cent prom, win take 1-4 In good property. Address Miss A. tiiiiorq, iii asningion si.. cn. $0000 MORTGAGE for sale, West Bide. ATuanomme, sue opaiaing oiag. Money to Loan Real Esurte. PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN. If you want any of these amounts, see ua today: $1200, $1000, $lioo, three amounts, $3000, three amounts, $700, two amouata, also $100 to $10u. .cenzle Co., 616 Gerlinger bldg. ON IMPROVED" city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to 6 years time; uuoiai repayment privileges, money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings at Loan Association. 240 Stark. SI- I pi,.TY of money to loan at $ and 7 per cent on real esiaie kuuolj.. .i'DW. P. MALL, 104 Second SL WE HAVE plenty of'money to loan on city firoperty in sums zrom aivuv 1.0 f." owest current ratea Morgan, i'liedner at Boyce, 603-5O8 Abington bldg. $600,000 Oi.' Improved city or farm property; ouiiains or s-xiaii - " -- 7 ' large loans a specialty. J. H. McKenxle Co., 814-615-616 Gerlinger bldg. $10,000 I want to place this in ona or two sums at i per m uu iw " , oTT quickly as possible. Ed E. .Uouuy, 814 Lewis bldg. LA-ROE and SMALL amounts to iam. Portland and suburban rteai nsim. J. H. TIPTON CO., 1108 Spalding Bldg. Phone Marshall 2745. Ask Mr. EaSION. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased on farm ana city propenj. where in Oregon or Washington. E. X Devereaux. Fenton bidg.. b4 bth. at. 1MPROV-ED or unimproved property; small building loans; contracts auu moi is-vgc bought- W. H. Nunc, 448 Sherlock bldg. $200 000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, .. .. . I a. "U.. I- 11..!- V nuiiamg loans, wwwi ... 312 Failing bldg. 4 MORTGAGE loans on city property; low"' rates. A. li. Kirreu to., -u i 2d and Stark. at O.N a. X to loan at reaaonaola ratea in soma , ... (tin. a . i awranc (Jo 48 Al 1 , . - ... TO loar 1 sum. irom I. - orrl real es- I HAVE $10,000 SEVEN PER CENT money , improved realty; no bldg. loans; wiu I ..f-.i:-. ..... rL-nm Hid. I . - - . ,,,, ,, MORTGAGE AUA.M5 Jt-i RATES. F. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS uc. I 82000 TO LOAN on good real estate, otu e,u.r bide. attorney. 414 Spalding bldg. LOANS ON INSIDE PROPERTY AT 6 TO 1 PER CENT. 814 LEWIS BLDG. as. state agent, Multnomah Co. 400 C. of L. Wlllloan $10,000 or less, real estate security. ramngton, a WmUv... . -I HAVE $4000 to loan on Improved city property at 1 per cent, n mi. MONEY, any amount, I to i per cent, uoou- nough At beiix. aiuoywutua,.i.5. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CB..NT. LEWIS bALUMW. -oo Bii.x. - - PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. A. H. Miloy. R. 204. Gerlinger bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat Wii rlt, C. W. Pallet. 808-9 Fenton. WILL loan $15,000 or less on real estate. Hitchcock. 410 Rothchlld bldg. MORTGAGE loans at 7 and 8 per cent. Karnopp at avopi. aj. Money to Loan tostieu auu uniarii. i i $ $ 8 ARE Villi LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you knew how easy our terras are you would not be short of money. Don t b bothered wltn a lot oi lainu uu. let us furnish money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, storage rocelpts. livestock, rooming-houses and all kinds of securities; terms to suit: also eaay weekly or monthly Installments. We buy and loan on first and second mortgages and equity U. S0nREAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO.. ai Maim. .tun DIUK-. ax on. juoiu -vci. STATE SECURITY CO.. I $ H-R i )- W - J-K SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. Bill 1 J . w. iravr.CT RATES IN PORTLAND. gin. renald in Installments of $ .45 i-ni in installments of $ .90 $50. repaid in Installments of $2.00 Larger amouui m oio. ...... We do not advertise misleading terms n, rates, but xive you our charges In plain ngures. ASUSineas B.iiu) v. ........... . ST1TR SECURITY CO.. 1 t t 30a Falllna: Blag. - I unirev FOR EVERYBODY. n. ..... n.it monev today 7 If so. come .nil I will heln you out. I advance immediately and confidentially on .xurniture, piano. ,.o. u,.- tles- reasonable raiea ox luiuoai. . -Maiden. 603 Swetland bldg. MONEY loaned in amounts from $10 up on .n ii-init- of securities, furniture, nlano or any personal prperty. Easy weekly or monthly payments; low rates, connaentiai. Gray Cunningham, 201 Rothchild bldg., northwest corner 4th and Washington MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers ana otners upon lawr own iiamca without security; cheapest ratee, easiest payment; offices in tf principal cities: save yourself by getting my terms first. TOLMAN. 317 Lumber Exchange. MONEY ADVANCED. On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, etc lowest rales. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 307 Spalding Bldg. LOAN'S on diamonds. Jewelry, furs, suit cases, trunks, overcoats ana musical in struments. Uncle Myers, 71 8th, between Oak and Pine. Main viv. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se- curty. cnatxeis or real esiaie. inion iioan Co- 36 Lafayette bldg.. gth and Wash, sts. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly connaentiai. Axft aa su, near Alder. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. . Marx at Blocn. n aa st- liOANS on diamonds and other securities. V llliam noil, room V, wsamnKion oiug. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 AJekum ciag. Loans Wanted. WANT to borrow $25,000. first note and mortgage, a own -low n quarter oioca; am ple aecurlty; a-11! pay 8 per cent net if I ran ret the money at once: prefer to deal with principals If possible. Address AH 867, Oregonlan. WANTED To borrow $1500 on Improved residence property at rate or iniereai noi to exceed 7 per cent. AH o53. Oregonlan. I WANT to borrow $600 on first-class se curity; Will pay t per ceut lumnsi. Ac S54. Oregonlan. LET ns place your money, good mortgages; raAsj sncse, . a. awis. acwis uiu- WE have clients who want loans on im proved real estate: will pay 8, 7 and $ par cent; no charge for placing money. . HARTMAN & THOMPSON, -: Realty Dept. Chamber of Commerce. MONEY on what you have, small amounts or more. W. Lawrence. 315 Lumber E t- change Bids. Both phones. WE can Inveat your mouey at good ratea of Interest. Gilt-edge securities. First mort gages. Long-term Investment. PROVIDENCE . INV. 4 TRUSTEE CO. t24-626 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED From private party. $1500. 7 per cent, 3 years or longer, on good in side renting property 3 times value; ex . penses paid; no commission. T 851, Ore gonlan. $60) WANTED on close-in Income prop erty, from private party. N 85$, Ore gonlan. WANT loan of $2000 for 8 years on real ea tate; will pay 7 per cent and $200 bonus. AJ 855. Oregonlan. ' . $12,000, tf per cent on Improved West Side lnnnnia -r....rl. T CW OrefOnian. ' $3000 FOR S years on $7300 Irvlngton home. Phona Main 2018. $3000 1ST-CLASS real estate security; state Interest; no agents. A 855. Oregonlan. WANTED $1000. real estate security; no agents. Call 207 Allsky bldg. PERSONAL. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and atom arch ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East 11th St., second door south from East Ankeny carline. phone East 200. B 1S03. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to tha latest methods; cocfine . ment cared for: consultation free. Room 10, Grand Theater bldg. Main 3928. A 5607. DR. T. J. PIERCE, naturopathic specialist: . rhaumallnn Innthnvn BC.la.tica. Oir-.lV BIB, nervous debility and lost vitality speed ily and permanently curea or no eiis. Call or write room L 24514 Morrleon st. WANTED Puoils to learn halrdresslng, manicuring, facial massage, scalp treat ment, weaving; great aemana mt simul ates, sanitary Beauty coiiego, vv-- kum bldg., over Llproan, wone at -o. IcERVET A TTANEBTJT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stocK of numan nair gooas; n-.oc...,, manicuring, lace and scalp treatments. 17 7th st.. near Morrison, rnone a..u upi; RTEvrMa ia veara vJortland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book. "Palmistry Made' Easy," on sale at 3411 hi Yamhill, corner Seventh st. HAIR Tha laraest stock of pure hair, all ahnHea to b cloaed out at less than whole sale prices; free halrdress given. Asa H. ltlbbeke. Grand A.eaaer, om anu amw. n nvvir n-HViS Natural sanatorium. " 178 E. 00th. Competent masseurs for both sexea. steam and water baths. Both phones. MME. FLORENCE URY, late of New York, face and scalp treatment, ouue & i oemus Hirsch bldg., 38tte Wash. St. Phone Mar- . shall 1992. Ldr. WALKER, spseiallBt lor men, quickly cures blood and skin aliments, aiuuey bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st St.. Portland. DRESS suits for rent, $1.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring vo., ova p-"-' . uui.. cnnrtwriffht. akin and scalD treat ments, facial deformities correctea, plastia surgery. 433 Jtornum au JO.." LORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality. 25c box; 6 boxes. $L25-Stipe Taylor Drug Co.. 219 Morrison. a ca a no. onH acaln treatments by gradu ate nurse. 422i Washington, room 6L two flights tip. iij viriKRison sT.-MUe. Robergh. physi cal culture, manicuring. Suite 10, room o. 8d floor. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spiritual acientiat. 21 Selllng-Hirach bldg. Main 6blM. nn vfthhiim treats women's maladies. 179 Vb 3d St.. corner YamhllL vfi-iLES wrinkles. suDerfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldgMg473. . . , . -t. w,tt irn Tnn-netic electric treat" ment. mental, spiritual. Bcuiu. -" a.-". BALM OF FIGS Remedies for dlseaaea of women. 532 uavia si. msm u-x. THE BATTLE CREEK baths. 24614 YamhlU St.. bet- 2d ana aa. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. (MACKENZIE. BAIRD & BERRIDGE. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. 224 Worcester Block. Main 7369. A 1449. - r.onna.1 and exoert in all matters per taining to municipal, commercial, factory Cost and inauainai ac.oouii.win. E H COLLIS & CO., ACCOUNTANTS. c..mmi..-ifli rountv and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 8Z4 W orccaicr u.w.a. """" w. Architects. A. A. THOGERSEN. B01 Railway Exchange. Asaayer and Analyst. Wells & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem. lets and asaayers. 20414 Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 180 Morrison st. Attorneys. A. E. COOPER, attorney at law; practice In all courts; abstracts examined. 71$ Cham ber of commerce, -a. n. a -o i x. FRED W. BRONN. LAWYER. 1014 Ch. of Com. Phone Main 8199. Bath, and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths, 167 4th Elegant Dlunge; sieaxu, - HILLS SANITARIUM Rheumatic treat ment, elegant plunge. 695 Front- M. 451. Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting - . . 1- inn XI K,K Val. 117.. -I and macnine wq -mo ... .v-. Chiropody WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Deveny, the only eaclentific chiropodists In the city. p.r ara .1.'- uo. .i."&-- w. ... and Alder. Phone Main 1301. cumnpfinT and pedicuring; Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 420 FUedner bldg. phone Main 8473. CoaL rOAL $7.90 A TON. Others charge $9.50 and $10 for the same grade; we are in the transfer busi ness and sell coal to keep men and teams busy during me ami -." vjn Van Horn Transfer Co. M. 1618. A 19S4. Collections. ADJ 4 COLLECTION CO. Law and col- lections, xo viA. -.. . PORTLAND Collection Agency 317 Allsky bldg- All qepia cw.."- .o,. Contractors. W I-. BUCKNER, contractor; Jobbing, of fice and store setting. 8 N. 8th St. Mala 62. Wood lawn 662. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contract. 4 4 yetlS-Jaxao H'UB" m ua,. Coal and Wood. j3RY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wooa. . i. i. ---. . . . .. ,iw- in the city. Portland Wrecking Co.. 106 107 11th st.North. Maln 37. A 8736. BURNSIDE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re tail, 4-11. Swu "i &" ,invo. vixio and yards at 125 E. Tth st. Phone East 724. B 2777. ' 6EGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. cord- wood ena siaowouu. ciu suu uiiaaii. aa. 6359. M. 83BL A 2418. WOOD Dry 4-ft sawed to order. M 4596. COAL A 4547. Prompt deliv. Neer 4 Farr. "COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD. GOOD Coos Bay Coal Co. Prompt service. COAL 191 xtumaiuB bl. joiii pnonea. CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coal. Main iquo: a xxoq. ; Chiropractic phyelclaii. -CHI-RO-PRAC-1 IC TICK-NER"; Say It fast and remember uommnia piag. a to bibia DR. EVA MARSH, first lady chlro. Dr. In Oregon. 3s a iieanar diob. aumB w Consulting Engineers. C. S. GOLDBERG CO.. 812 Couch bldg. Machine aesigns, psivui. uo.ili,, ansm and boiler installations, concrete ware houses, freight elevators and conveyors. Marshall 8028. UNITED Engineering A Construction Co.. 711 Lewis bldg. Eng. ana contractors. Civil Engineers. C. W. WOODRUFF. C E. 420 Henry bldg. Main 4209. Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work is Impossible; noes away ennrejy wiin piatea bridge work: we cure pyorrhea (loose teeth) absolutely: terms to reliable people. Alveolar Dental Co.. Abington bldg. 106 3d. THE old reliable Union Painless Dentists. 1st and Morrison sta CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established i5 years, am ata aw LESSONS 23c; 4 lessons for $1; waltz, two step; three-step; siaTe dancing, etc; every morning, afternoon and eve., prof. Wal Wilson's School; oldest and only rec ognized academy for correct dancing. 3Soi? Wash, st., bet. W. Park and 10th sts. ilTH'A3;ci5;"GSCHOOL7108" Second St.. between Wash, and suirk sts. Stage dancing taught; waltz and two-step guar anteed m four lessons; class ana social dance Monday. 8 to 12. Lessons daily. Dog and Home Hospital. Dr. Brown. D. V. S.. oflice 128 N. 11th st. Main 40S6; re a E. BHD. Hospital t 1 2 tn. EducationuJ. EXPE"RIENCED teacher-as governess for young pupils or coach grammar grade and higher English; best references, ilisa M. D. Muiford, Brown Apis., 14th ana Taylor. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent of sale. 213 2d st. Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agts. beabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gine. 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison st. Phona E. 616 Fans and Blowers. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO.. 500 Loring aL Dust collecting and ventilating sys tems. Phones C Hlo. E. 328 Feed Store. ZIGLER & MINSER. hay, grain, feed, oe ment, shingles. 294 Grand ave. E 483. Glazing. PLATE glass, window glass, doors, win dows, new, second-band. Portland Wreck lng Co.. 103-7 11th st. N. Main 37. A 8736. Leather and Findings. CHAS S. MASTIC & CO.. 74 Front- Leather of every description, taps, mfrs. findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tabllshed 1858. 1S9 Front st. ' Machinery. B. TRE NEMAN & CO.. hydraulic and spe clal pipes, screens, baggiug. mining ma chinery. All kinds of repairs. 104 N. 4th. MualcaL EMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. DUO Marquam. A 4140. Main 16i9. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate Klrksvlllo. Mo., class of 1S98; post-graduate. 1907, under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of the scl ence. 1122 Selling bldg. M. 1987. A lKaa. DR. R. B. NORTHUP, " 415-416-417 Dekum Bldg. ' V Phone. Office M. 340, Res. East or B MIL, Paints, Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint Is best adapted to the Coast climate, BASS-HUETEK PAINT CO., 191 Second st . RASMUSSEN. CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Painting;. TINTING Rooms tinted $2.50 per room; painting and tinting. Phone Marshall 50. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K- Mock, attorney at law, late of U. S. Patent Office. Book-, let tree. 719 Board of Trade bldg. TJ. 8. AND foreign patents tnat protect are secured through Pacific Coast , Patent Agency, Inc.. Dept. A. Stockton, Cal. H. S." AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured bl O. O. MARTIN, 839 Chamber of Commerce bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, aomestic and foreign pat ents. Infringement cases. 604 Dekum bidg. PavLnx. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 603 608 Electric bldg.Oscar jEluber,Portland, WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. ' Pawnbrokers. UtiCLE MYBRS Collateral Bank. 40 year in Portland. 71 6th st. -Main 10. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and ore., near l!4th and York sts. M. 34a'J. 24th and Yorksts. Plumpers. FOX - CO. 209 2d at. PLUMBERS. Main 2001. A 2001. Printing. T. G. ROB1SON 2ia 2d st. Commercial "and book printing. Main 7411. HARNDEN a CO.. Main SlbO. A 731T. Com mercial printing. 123 1st at. ltubbcr Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc, Cunningham's. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Bug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpels; colonial rag rugs. East Sosli, B 1280. 153 Lnlon ave, nr. E. Morrison, " Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d st Safeg at factory prices; second-hand sates. JOHN E. DAVIS Safes, safe counsel, bar gains. Sargent Hotel. Phone East 291, Second-Hand Good,. WE pay the highest prices for s-cond-hand ' ' j i ... Xnn A H141A clothing ana auo " . bhowcaaes. Bank and Show Fixturea. THE LUTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Kap. Ids Showcase Co., 6th aad Hoyt. R. Lutka, manager. r7 H. BIRDSALU 208 HAMILTON BLDG showcases in b.. : " agent, M. Winter Lumber Co. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4tii and Couch; new nrt aecond-hand. Main 27u3. Cabinet wor-t " Steamships. ALLAN LINE ,. AJloturesqu ai- ' ' Weekly Sailings from MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, MO, A5r,nM and HAVRE. FRANCE. Hnlendid scenery, shortest passage. low rate, opienui Kwy AKent. or ALLAN CO.. 174 Jackson Blvd.. Chicago. Storage and Transfer. PORTLAND VAN 4 STORAGE CO.. corner ,V,h and Everett sts. Just opened newest ind most modern storage warehouse la ciiv every convenience for sale and proper handling of goods; lowest Insurance rate fn Northwest; free trackage; vans lor moving. Main or A 15H0. T,"oi7ivn STORAGE MOVING. Experts, reliable men, no Dooxe-fighters, will move you quicker, cheaper and bet than anyone else. .Phone us for an e.iiinate; stoKge rate the very lowest. Van Horn Transfer wo. xrom pnonoe. r o PICK Transxer ol ouw. v., l i, i.i,nr, hrli-lc warehouse. and commoixxoii j . tenarate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for ValuaWei ti. W. cor. 2d and Pine ,1s. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shlBPinS- Main OT0A1U90. "THP ONLY warehouse In the business d!s A -Jr. atorna-e of merchandise excluslve- lv insurance rate 50 cents; transfer and forwarding agents. Occidental Warehouse Co." and 11 4th st. North. ' OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes, and furniture moved and packed for shipment ! 87-89 Front st Telephone Main 547 or A 247. VnoTI.lVn DELIVERY CO. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. Storage a specialty. Phone Main Oio: A 1004. . rojrnn S' TRANSFER CO., established 1S70. Oitr.uv.l i . ..u-a-riin-- airenta Storaaa Typewriters. B "j.? .,.rni on this Coast: investigate: all makes .all pr'cee. The Typewriter Ex change. 287 Vs Washington su VVEWRITERS, aU makes. 120 to t.u. luny TrPLWBiif." navments. rentals. Jn.uO month.' Pacific Stationery & printing Co.. 203 2d st ;rvT . typewriter from the Oliver Type R?5.. iVncy. 333 Ankeny st Phones .-.7.r Acency. 333 AnKeny Cain 6273. A 2435.. - ,.V rebuilt second-hand, rentals at cut rawa. p! C.Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. Well Drilling. f.ntl LING wells a specially; pneeu nsaaon LRILi,X.v " . . ... . wr,,e Mlller A yjett, 182 Morrison st. Portland. ' Wood, StrsT fir wood 56, $5.25 and $5.60 per cord; t.ul nay you to lay In your next Wiii- .r-a wood now. Portland Cordwood Co., 203 Corbett bldg. Phone3 Marshall 2S08, A 4i4. . iMTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & FOWL 14 """SiiuoiVV MTV I IV 1-S Vancouver Lines. 1 M 6:15', 6:30. 7:20. 8:00, 8:35. 8:10, -5U 10:30. 11:10, 11:50. ,BU, "j-j.jj,, 1'.10 1:50 g:30i g.10( S:BOi :30, 6:10, 6:50, 0:30, 7:06, 7:40. 8:16, 8:60, 26 lU'.uu, iv.w, . a . . -.i tha third Monday in every month the last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Cara for Vancouver make no stops oa Union avenue, between Burnside street and Portland boulevard to let oif passengers, but make stops to pick up passengers at ail transfer points. Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect with, cars for Portland. ..'... m. o;uw", :-o, B-J.W -, -,w, o.tjofc :30, 10:10, 10:60. 11:30. J XZllV, la.OV, A.OV, a.iu, .uu. :10 4:50. 6:30, 6:10, 6:iX, 7:25, S:U0, 8:i 910 9 4&. 10:20. 10:oox, iiCatu, j:ixx On tlilrd Monday of every month the last ferry leaves Vancouver at 7:2s P. M. Leaving: time in black type double Va-'na. Cars from Vancouver make no stops on tlnioi avenue between Portland Boulevard and Burnside street, except to let oC pas sengers. . Dally except Sundays. xDally except Wooda-i-V xxKuns as local on Unloa avenue,