Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 15, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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KriM.rY etauir. A-paener to-irinc 'r.
; -H. p.. at ana equal to 75-H- I. aa0'rie
ear; too. pelo-nei-r. clock, bumpv.
seareVich'a eii nht. rer x'd nw:
?i iranteed It every ree'. "t. I erta g In
a. t MlonPl. "HI take ""
r"ie than ahiw -mr berk; car coat ma
1" f'acn owner. Main 715 Car at
e saras. Chapman an,1 Aider
i. N true W r. Pai. 7U Wash.
RF:!.I AHI-E "rhut-ur fjrnlahed on a:p.l
n:i0n. free, fl-lmort Auta School, fcaat
7 ..1 mri Momaos, Pawn East 21 1 or
fUM, Oetr M Ma-lcwl laetrara-.l.
fir'-I'-r I prar'i.a;; pew Mar-irran
,. an-1 ai-n'e p;ever piaao.
prioa alaln TT f- itpoln'a'll.
1VhO arxl ljlrll Iwsa
Tll'iKv;iriiHKI i'rmi White Wvnn-
lotle rovkvre.e anX pullel lr ai- ''-f
If tikio at Met. $1 up.
A h tN.iviJI;: dark cek Martin Hr. ur
rtcnt. .r. el pre 14;;. sale for !.
t r .-etu. Hd I'niiii Mtg.
. ItA an.l Burnti'l.
fVHtK"(r:! "i-" I r.i:k-r Tar par
ti a ar rail Tar IW itBKSi.
roR "sale. .
Tvn loft. II. p briatnttt return tubular
boiler, complete wit.1 Inc. need typw fd
w at.r hea:-r. JSU Smith talv fed
pimp. !: injeeior. safety telve.
crown taite -inen reader and all ag
;.. an! Wl. llama fe-.l-wter regulator,
w .t it aafaty water cotutuia. la goteJ coo
B.t.on. Also ona 12-H. P. rtll aobmrfd
h l tabular botlar. rroplata wttl eall
a:a and B::in. Incluain Huffalo m-J--for;
a.ajoat nar: only uaod m abort F'r further particulara loqalro at
rim 2"! Orman b'!g.
TVauld Ton l.'ka to nooT OB your
rM:ic ac!t . 1 ua can Uo by tah'nc
tie alatatr rM to a floor, oraaowlan HanJ-ia.lurxi r. ipr1n mtxl;a
t'.at wouM cmt ou at a hlh-r-rt
i-ort oo ina at.--t. yoo ran. bay for IIS..-.
u l.'20 tia-a fur 111 M Jlminl
I'unn. rom SIS. lronlao bl!
M'l niton t:t ru. i amall ruta.
Im nruaaela rutf- rni HI". 001
prttarta. 1 lab
MMr. five rair artt
ani rrafu rurta'ne. alt uauied: ruuet aall
a rn-i call early WHnr'.ajr A. - e
MKmley AP'a. cor. Tlt anj Eat i"r
ran at. inea are aplenUk4 quality ana
the ilutM nrw-J.
HI.f: !let-bullt a;aallno boat on tha
rier. us-fool ovvr all. -abln. powerful en
amea. amlahto for heavy work: very etrl
in rni aiiHNkr oDfr tnatruria ua A e!
for rasn. at areat at:rlfl; call antl make
eirlv bul; ro boat on the river cmparea
with thla one. Maaon'a Boat Jlouaa. fcaat
Wastilnaton at.
iff: M J'LanT f-r aale for dellery about
J. me t. In-lutl!n Hi H V- tubular
bo.'.er. : Jf r. Kuell automatic en ne
I van condenaor. ate. a:c all In ovd
workinc; prlr reaaunthla; can
be aeen In operation at Altera liroa. Mill
tr g t'Q-. FVrnt a n J M al n a'a-
rott sale.
Fet of abatract huoki of Fkamanla, Coun
ty. Wuh.; oniy aet In tha rountr: owner
Y aa olner butnea and cannot attend to
them, and will gl a man m brin. Thl
la a flrat-elaaa propoanlon. Aiitlreja D.
frnwli-T. Vancouver. Waah.
MI ST FELL Fine cabin laonch: cypreaa
bull. mahotny flntah. modern equipment:
lavatory. toil.-t. aearrhilrht. etc.; a-at i.1:
eonat-lrr trade In part: rauat be aocn to b
appre-tatfL A V1. Or-ontan.
ITiR PAI.K at a bar train, contractofa aqulp
nent for rradin. m. iudlnc 13 head youn
rioraea. Krrenoe wanna. 2 aeia car tru-KB.
toole ani ramp equipment, fall or trrita
J Henrv. Tha ra.lea. Or. Hotel Albert.
OLD tewelry aachanaed for watchea aad
tf'amonua. unredeemed pledcaa for half
-l:ral prlcta Uncle It 'era. Tl tk ab.
between iafc and Ftna.
i A V L - ar and Zd-hand; low prlcea. eaay
terrna: aafea opened, repaired and painted.
SAFE CO, 3 Hft at. Main 63UP. A 4U1
Sl'tCK aa!o aacrlflce. eompleta ahlns'a.
p anln. aawmlll. with timber. IS
milce Port. and. 13700. lerma. 10 JO Grand
1TST aweeplnff compound abaorba duat.
vt'i:a for prlcea. t'reecent Cbemlcai Co..
R.-e; Waah. at.. Tortland. Ori
TOK PAt-E Showcaaea, wallcaaea. eountara.
General ftaturea in atortc and mada to
orrlT at lowest prlcea. 22J O ran d ava. 9
roR PVLE Clean dry baled alfalfa. per
ton F. O. H. Twin Fai.a, Idaho, rata to
T'ortunl 13k I. -
fl'RVETISi OfTriT for aala cheap: two
trans. ta, two tevela. cbalna. ta pea. ranw
polea. level-ro'i. etc AH '2. oreronlan.
jToi SEBOAT at m baraln: lrivln( city:
two room. nat and coay. J'hona alam
li'Jl. Sunday tellwood S3.
yACTORT rebuilt t jpewrltera. 110 to laa.
f Fifth at. M. A Iff.
FOR SALE- Good horse manure, rhone fclaat
Cw-D No. 4 Tnd-rwood typawrlter. ch-ap.
41.1 Iluchanan bid.
1 io Xk I 1 d 1 n-bed. coet 30 11 la other
furnltur for sale. : East Inth at. f.
i I x c: aola fountain, class boldera. ate 2i
North 2d at., cor. Couch.
Vt A M rrll' Miw t.U.AEtris.
litaheat prlca paid for men'a caat-onT
elorhm. ahoea; wa also buv ladiesr cloth
Ira Call up tha OlobOL Main 2U60. W
rirv?. near Columbia.
wants household food, furnlturw for caah
ar commission. East 1UJ3. o-4; la.
Morrlaon at. Thafa all.
taOXiir LOST
Ititewa yoa call Ihs Ford Auction Ce and
t their prlca on tthat fotl kav aa.L
am koi. a ;a.
VAN1ED A necond-han.l steam woodaaw;
alva II. I'.. prtcs and whara ama raa
be aeen. D oB. Oreconlan.
(twitch asc curia and puTe Tie. Sani
tary Parlora. 40a Mtmn bids;.
pay tba hlhet caab prlca for aecond
band furniture. Sealer A Martin. Fboas)
East U. a Hawthorns ava.
IF VOt: bava household furniture to sell,
rail up tleorre Haker t Co.. j'J. Farat at.
baiea at reaidenrea specialty.
1 want to rilra n ood blarkamtth. and
riorsetior Immadlatc.y for n atcadv Jub
at cood tt. J. II. Blnklay. tfcotts
Mills. Or.
EXrEUIEXCED chauffeur for Iirht dellv.ry
truck 1 must k.iow city and understand
Franahn car: oniy experienced. sln-r man
n-ed reply. Apply at alenalra-Uubola Auto
Ttil" ara wanted. Government pos.t.on. Sd
moutit. V rtte for list psltlna open.
Franklin Institute. Iept. u-E, Kochea
t.r. X. T.
aSAI.F.ciM VN Frefer or.e with soma knowl
edse of use of beTtln. mllia and factory.
Answer today. Mero pacialty Co.. 21
Consolidated llraltybM..Loa Angelca.
W.VVTKD Youn man over 19 yearn old to
rin valor u:d hc'P the Janitor or an
outer man. Call C. llettia. Hem Apart
mnts. ll'h and Columbia ats.
WANTKD Steady man to take Interest Ir
m.vnu'actunn business: will pay tuo
wr-k!v. 'iptnriice not needed, l'artltu
lara a- Sixth at., room 513.
a'IIla;T-CLASS coatmaaers and help on'a cwats. aiso slncle coat makers
wanted. Apply at onc-a, laa ath au.
Mrd floor; tailor shop.
i-XFEKlKNCED atarcfaer and polisher. $ls
a week tu atart. Permanent position.
Apply Chet ry a Maw Laundrj. La Gruda,
V . NTEl Bria-ht boy for oftlce work; on
with experience) preferred; ood chanj
f-r till ani-emenl. Apnly l.llera AtusiC
House, l.'.th an-l Fattjrova ata.
WANTED fiel.ablo person to taka order
f r biggest vacuum cieanlr.s; buainesa In
tha eit) ; pteasttit work: b'.a money guar
anteed Caii 4i Henry bMf.
Tat ai"nia and aalesmen for best or
chard lands In ureron. bla; monay for Llv
onea. Call 2; Mark at.
WANTEP Flral-claaa tailors to work on
la. lira' suits; good waea paid. 8. Waiaa,
1: lOth si.
of cood aprearanc and business abll
tir to so'iclt lor a foou buainesa propo
sitlon. T.'l Teon bl'!ic
Tt"AMEl at once, two ouns: men to learn
movln- picture or-erat'n. Laemmla. Ava
C-uch bid.. 4tb a.-.ct ashtnatun.
TiANTEP C.ood Cbineew cook to o ta
Faker City: srl waies. Apply mornl&ss
tilts week. ITJ Marshall at
CAKl.VET maker wanted; must be flrst
clasa. an other need apply- 2Crn4jiv.
IVA.NTED Aa electrician for outside Una
work. Call ZZ 1 Commercial Club bid.
yHOTuORAFH coupon and portrait aa;aia
nw aoTer. cvaioartn stuaio. ua wag.
Wkai: a 1
lenshaw tl bal. all stea. 4a
.n and 4th ats.
tl t.TKI t'nattravrrt to snri team work,
li p . , v a rrMJ I St.. room t.
WANT I Fire Insorar.a aoll.ltors: ood
Drpo t.n. 'je. 4 bamher of t'ommerce.
HC l.ti'. 'IS wanted. Call
C'-ib M.. Itth and Halt.
?"7 Commarclml
rtVA-NTr rA wojkar. 4 Oavrla,
" j
" - . . .. i I t.rr r, tnNn:nnaiA!.E. f situation waxtf.d female. 1 .
nri.P WANT! M tE. I HJ.U' n.iti-.". l " ' I . I Furnished Booms. I jpunman.
Ofnre "ecrstary Kmploymsnt Depart-
Tounar man. atrnriKer. out of work ""r?
Ma total cash assets) If 1 pay yon I
fo- ar-lal emnloment membership I will bava Hi left beta sen ana nd atarva
tu n ,
necretary If yoi pay J or special
molormaat membership yoti will nava tna
T. M. a A., with all Ita raatourca. betwsaa
you and staxvntioa.
What happened . , . .
Touic n. an took mambetwhlp. loaiaa or
two bourn aa found aatufaetory nsnpeay
Durtnc February, lilt, tt othar found
amj-.'ot mant la a Ilk mancec.
Employment or refund of membership
tea guaranteed. .
bee Secretary Bmploymaat Dapartntant.
T. U. C aV.
A firm known from Coaat to Coast
requlrea the wrvlrm of two Itrst--iaea salesmen. Experi
ence Insurance, invcetm-nt. bond or
real estate men preferred. W si boot
you In our own methods and lva
you tho co-operation which meana
suerese and b4 money to the Ilea
on-a. Only men of pleaaln person
ality and rood addreaa need rp
In U bkX Oregon Lao.
The moat auceeaafktl real est&t firm In
Tortland 1 an use three food llv aale-
. Two new subdivisions aiolnc on tha
iiar"tet. Thl la a rlianca 10 make ood
money with th beet-known company la
the -Northwest. Keply to G MO, Oreconlaa.
DALEfMEN-Tba Columbia Ufa Trust
Co. baa an .pnlr for on or two Brst
clasa ,licitora. If yoo hava not had -
Krienca In aelUnaj life Insurance you will
schooled and randared aaalstanc In
flndln pros pacts and closlnc business;
exceptions! opportunities for experienced
men. Aaat fo.-.js. I'. Lot. k wood. v.c-prel-dent
and sjeneral manager, or Harry
Hl-her. city manager, lib Boor Spalding
ABI.E-BOPIflD men wanted for the U. S.
Marine Corp, between tha age of 19 and
uiuat be natlv bom or hava first pa
pers, montnly pay 11 to low. additional
compensation possible: food, clothing, quar
ters and inedlraJ attention free; after 0
yeara aervtc can ret Ire with 73 per cent
of pay and atlowancea; aervlca on board
ahlp and ashore In all part of tha world.
Apply at 17. H. Marine Corpe Kccrultlng
oh. co. Hreeden blug Id and Waablngtoa
ata. Portland. Or.
MAN wantedwtth rig to taka charge of aala
of our medicines, extracts; spices, soaps,
perfumes, toilet articles, stock and poul
trv preparations, etc.. In your county;
steady work guaranteed; work healthful,
pleasant, very profitable; refarencea re
quired: writ us; w mean business.
1 .lores-Miller Company. Xepi. 13. Tripoli,
STENOORAPHETt Young man who baa
bad aoma experience In furniture ator
preferred. Oood opportunity for advance
ment. Addreaa 6 7. Orcgoolan.
NEAT appearing young men with reference
aa salesmen; practical Instruction In aales
manenlp. together with aa experienced
man to go with you to teach you th busi
ness, fre. Will pay well from the- eiart.
Country or rlty. Call at Monarch Invest
ment Company. N. E. Crow, manager,
4"1.2- Uehnke-Walker bldg.. 167 Fourth
MEN' WANTED Ana l-3i, nretnea. lu
monthly, and braltemen, ISO on nearby
railroads; expericnc unneceasary: BO
atrik: poattlon guaranteed competent
men; promotion: railroad employing head
quartera; over 4na men aent to poaltlona
monthly; atate age; aend aiamp. llallway
Association, care Oregoniaa.
WANTED Ambitious workman; your work
on actual Jobs paya for teachlntrrrade of
electricity, automobile, plumbing, brick
laying: only few months required; 700
student last four years. Write for In
formation. United Trade School Contract
hr Co.. Los Argeles.
WANTED Three exoerlenced field grafter
lor nursery, I'J day and board.
Plumber, city, going wages.
lArfa Hat of other work.
Main Office. 12 N. Sd at.
fiALK.-MAN Energetic wideawake man al
manager and general salesman for our
prociucta In Portland, or., and vicinity.
Address, with bank or business firm ref
erence. Dlagraph Carbon Paper Company,
.Philadelphia. Pa.
ST E A DT poTltloua now open "with ua for
two exbt-rtenced men. one to take charee
of hat department, the other to aell cloth
ing: no one but experienced, sober men
need apply. Apply Brownsville Woolen
31 il 1 Ftore. 31 and Morrison sta.
TH WEUNO men railing on the trade want
ed to handle side line; newly patented
artlile: sample can be carried In pockit:
send -ic In stamps for sample and ask f"r
territory, rocket teoor Lock Co., 61 last
;i:h South.
Mnn wt-.o has had experience In hospital
aet'tclarloa work In Portland or other
cltv; an A -1 propoaluon to right man:
none other need apply. Apply between 12
and 2. Monday. 7-u Yean blilg.
WANTED a men to work at pruning and
planting orcharda; 30 a month, board
and lodging. Call at our office before 9
o'clock at V12 Chamber of Commerce.
Come prepared to go to Dufur. Or., where
the work la being done.Hart Land Co.
WANTED Bakery wagon driver; must be
aober and Industrious; only men of ex -perienc
need apply; references required.
Call 84 East 7th North, near East Davis,
a to 11 A. M.; no telephone applications
consldere d .
MEN and boy to learn plumblnr. bricklay
ing, electrical trade, auturaoblllng. eurvey
Ing. pave 15 to Is per day; po'ltlon ae
cured; satisfaction guaranteed; free cata
logue. National School of Trades, 2110 W.
7th.LCi Angoles. CaL
WANTED Boys over Its with wheels for
meesenger work; 1.10 a month guaran
teed and wheel repairs paid; boys who
make f.-cj wilt be taught telegraphy. C.
11. Odeen. Wemern Union TeL Co.. 7 3d.
KA1LWAT mall clerk, postofn-e clarka
letter carrtera. custom-house and Internal
revenue employes, to prepare for exam
inational fiee book. Pacifle States Sense.
VcKay bide., city.
WANTED PIUNTEH, last straight compu
aitlon or all around man. Married pre
ferred. No boixe. steady Job. tiend recom
mendation, etc. TO Bend Bulletin.
H-nd. Or.
WANTED Young man with experience to
work In men'a fnrnlehlng goods and bate;
man who can do wlndow-trlmmlng and
card-writing preferred: references re
qtilred. Address Hox :im. Euttene. Or.
OI'EKATOK wanted. on No- 3 linotype;
steady position to right party; Job printer
preferred; about H galleys b-polnt per
day to set. Addreaa Telephone ilegtstttr.
MeMlnnvlIle. Or
31ANAOER wanted for fire Insurance de
partmcnt of eetabllshed business; attrac
tive proposition for man of ability and
energy; atate experience, age. reference.
etc. AC o2, Oregoniaa.
LEARN aale conducting for merchant; I
have made 1-lS.ovo in Ave years; you ran
too; how to get contracts, handle sales,
advertising, all. 13 down. Maeomber. Se
curl ty Ha r. It. Ml rinea to l la.
WANTED Good strong boy to learn busi
ness. Wagner Mirror Work. 412 Davis
s:re-t. :
LOCAL OFFICE International Correspond
ence Schools, til Alder st.. open till I
p. M. Send for free catalogue.
BOY. 1 or 1 ycara old. to learn trade.
Portland Lunch Manufacturing Co.. 3d
and Pine.
WANTED Ho to learn paetry-baker trade;
mi st understand little German. Call 14
U lt.ts
WANTED Young man II or II years old
to work In melting -room. Inquire Dally
News. 3S llh. I A. M.
PH YSIt'l AN. llensed In Oregon, to aaslst
In office practice; one experienced In G. U.
work preferred. AB H.VI. Oregonlan.
A G'H1 man to act aa secretary and Ireaa
urer of an Oregon corporation; must In
vest. RM7. Oregonlan.
LKARN automobile driving and repairing;
actual practical experience; day or even
ings. HIMW Washington St., room 413.
WASTED Tonnf man to aollclt Insurance;
salary and commission. AB S43, Orage
nlan. WANTED At once. 1 men to leant t
drive nd repair automobile Call at
Hawthorne garage. 443 Hawthorne art.
gTmTiD proposition for roupon agenta Iu
freene ritulio. life Washington at., llu
chanaa bldg ;
WAVTKI Good barber: ateady position for
rlsht manMotuHlnglorittit. Johns.
BARBKH wanted; steady Job. ! Morri
son st.
STEADY place for man or boy to help
around the house and yard. Ill Main.
&-ti)Ks sated at IQ2 1st at.
Orr. KA1 orta.
In every city throughout tha world; now
rtr.t t m, 1 .,D in in r.-
UTANDAIU; we are t te factory Jobbers
thousand beaut (ul picture fllma for rout:
TODAY. . ,
New York Film Co. for aquara deal.
MMH Wash., near 17th.
Operator- Hand-took given away free.
Practical nurse, IIS per week.
Hook keeper. 140. room nnd board
Cook for country hotel. I4.
Office girls. II per dsy and IIS per mo.
Psntry woman. 1.13.
3 waltresse (out of city). 17 per week
each, room and board.
Waitresses, I per week and 125 to 135
per month. .
General housework. 120 to 1-10.
our list of work la constantly changing.
New orders coming In at all tlinee of the
Ladles' Ipt, -'03 Mi Morrison.
competent w a Ureters. Good pay. Per
manent position. Apply SupL. tU Iloor.
I to II A. M-
WAMTED Woman for cooking and some
houaework In auburban home; atnail fam
ily; wag's 140 lo competent person; must
have references. Phone mornlngt.. Main
ioi. a
WANTKD Young Udy stenographer, exper
ienced In department store or mall order
business; none others need apply. t-all
between B and 12 A. M. L Gevurtg A
WANTED Young ladles for telephone op
erating, wltli or without experience. Ap
ply Pacirm Telepbons Telegraph Co
at n and Seat Ankany sta.
WANTED Young Udy of good appearance
t. do special line of soliciting for large
corporation: experience unneceasary. Apply
after A. 31. 7-1 on bldg- .
Young lady who Is employed at present
to no special work In tha evenings; salary
jaid. M bia. oregonlan.
WANTED Stenographer, young lady living
at home; must be neat and accurate; sal-
. , , . .... ,, I r wnrk la lll-
laciorf. v e-v, v,i-a"i' .
WANTED Girl for general housework,
where second girl la kept, Hcandtnavlan or
- - -- ii'-.i u 1. .1 i -. n ttarahall
vteruiau. 1 1 , 1 . .-.
1U1. A 672S.
WANTED Respectable middle-aged
woman for general housework In family
of two; good home and wages to right
party. Addreaa K. B. Church, Slleta. Or.
WANTED Experienced housekeeper In min
isters home; treated as one of family;
reasonable work; good wages. Prion East
WANTED Good German girl to take ear
of 3 children. 2 and 3 years old; good
. . 1 in e- tatH V corner
" ' el" e - - --
Till . W
KXPERIr-NCED lady bookkeeper to assist
on books and do general office work; must
be accurate. Apply In own handwriting.
AG til Oregonlan.
"WANTED Girls to work In our sausage
department at North Portland; take 'L
car to Kenton; no telephone calls 'an
swered. Union Mest Company
LADIF.S- wanted Immediately, distributing
books by mall. 10 monthly. 408 Couch
BUTTONHOLE makers and finishers want
ed. Apply at once to 14-Mi eth St.. third
Xioor; tailor shop.
YOUNG girl to help with houaework and
care of 3-year-old child: must sleep at
home. Call 10D4 Eaat Morrison
WANTED Flrst-claaa sklrtmakers, only ex
perienced need apply; also flnlehers
wnnted. 8. TTelss. 147 10th St.
WANTED A competent girl, for second
work In small family. Apply 7tf Northrup
St.. bet. 23d and 24th.
EXPERIENCED salealady lo work In la
dlea auit department. Brownsville Woolen
Mill Store, 3d and Morrison sta.
Washington St Room 8l
Main S8.14 or A laoa.
WANTED Girl to assist with housework
In family of two. Apply 1131 East Mor
rlson st.
G 1 1: 1, for general houaework and plain
cooking; email family, adults. 73S Kear
ney at-
SILVERFI ELX CO.. 4th and Morrison ate..
require th services of experienced litters;
also experienced coat and skirt hands.
WANTED A girl for general housework;
small family of adults. Apply forenons.
7S Kearney, near 24th st.
TWO waitresses, together, country. -: oth
ers, !-U to l-i.; camp neipers. t-o. itowe s
dles' Agency. R. 314. 3.. Si Washington.
WANTED A competent girl for cooking
and genera houaework: guoa wage. Ap
ply T.O Overton street, near 23d.
GIRL with' some experience In paint busi
ness: clerical work. Answer immediately.
V b-4 Oregonlan.
WANTED Ctrl for general housework and
rooking. Apply 1061 xlawtnorne ave. pnone
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework, family of four; wages -.
phone Eaat 1310. B 2S94.
BOOKKEEPER and alenographer to devote
half or each day: work not heavy; atate
experience and salary. AE -35. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED nurse girl for baby two
yeare. and assist witn secona worn, i-norie
Main 1SU.
GIKL wanted for general housework, In
family. 000 Flanders, flat s. Call morn-
CASHIER. S10 week; man and wife, ranch,
gru. Hansen's Employment, 343'.. Wash.
st.. room 7.
GIRL or woman for general housework.
must be good plain cook, small family.
Apply .-- Marshall at.
WANTED Refined, caabl woman for re-
sponsible position, viavi 00 jurta-
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WANTED Experienced operator ta trors
on shirts. Apply Standard Factory, I
Grand ave. and East Taylor.
143 Washington St.. Cor. 7th. npstavlra,
phone Main 2-B2.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
email family, good noma, pnone 1; ui.
Call 391 E. 45th st. N. Rose City Park car.
WANTED Girl for general housework:
small family. ei3 Terrace drive. Portland
WANTED AN Inexperienced cafeteria
waitress. Apply Sheldon Cafeteria. 2vu
3tornson t.. at once. No Sunday work.
WANTKD Good girl for general housework.
3iM K. 47tn. at. -4, laoor i.uv. noa oily
I'ark car.
HEAD COOK for boarding-housa: must un
derstand horn cooking: city references;
150 per month. 733 Hoyt St.
BY WHOLESALE house, a reliable woman
who IS amouioue. nxiieriaact nl ia
qulred. F 838. Oregonlan.
WANTED middle-aged woman for general
houaework without eocumoranca. ah sow,
Oregonlan. ,
WANTED Experienced lacket hand. Ap
ply suit dept.. I. Gevurtx A ffons.
WANTED A companionable woman, light
houaework. 11"4 Rodney. Phone C 1 J78.
WANTED Help to work on ladles' tailoring,
iji N. 1st st.
TWO yonug girls to help on skirts. 613
Hothchlld bldg.
VC R 1T1NO; 13 mo. -- 14th at. Main ,fa.
WANTED At Sisters Hospital la Chlo.
CL. pupils to enter school of nursing.
iv exferlenced girl for general houtowork.
341 K- l'Jth N. Phone East SS'ja.
A GIRL wanted for general housework. 81.
GIRL for shooting gallery, between 20 and
14 yeare. Apply to 2'e B-rnslde su
GOOD talloreaa and hand aew-er wanted.
Nw fork Tailors. 423 Morrison st-
CIRL for general houaework In a small
family. S- N- "th at.
C1KL wanted for general housework. Apply
at 175 B. 20th- Good wages. .
FIRST-CLASS sklrtmaker on tailored skirts. Fifth st- J. Harris. .
WANTED Good, neat girl for housework.
Axcxp-'t'lenred girl for general housework
anlcook!ng. -AJ!"rcu'
GlttL for housework, family of S. 161 E.
Fiandera. near 31SU
CASHIER "wanted. Hongkong ' Cafe. 107H
Hth at. Call any time after 10 A. M.
WANTED An experienced. competent
waitress. Pecrlea Cafeteria. 10-4 3th at.
WANTED Waitress. Apply Beta's, 404
Weah bet, lotb and lata.
TAURANT require competent waitresses to
work during lunch hour on Thursday
March Id. Apply at superintendent's office,
sixth floor, 8 to 10 A. M.
GLOVE WOMAN One who understands fit
ting and mending; referencea required.
Address V ;. Oregonlana.
OF DRAMATIC ART positively the only
legitimate school of acting In the city;
elocution, voice culture, atage danclngo
practical stage traintng, vaudeville and
dramatic instruction: vaudeville acta
written. rehearsed and booked. POSI
330 Marquam Hulldlng.
IO.O00 POSITIONS tor graduates last year:
men and women learn barber trade la
S weeks, help to secure position; gradn
atea earn from 1 to 20 weekly; expert
instructors; tools free; writ for cata
logues. Mohler Syatem of Colleges. U
North 4th st.. Portland. Or.
LA DI E'S and gentlemen solicitors of neat
appearance that can furnish references,
liberal commission to right parties. UoO
E. Salmon st., between 10 and 12 A. 31.
MAKE money writing storlea for newspa
pers; big psy; send for free booklet; tells
how. United Press Synd- San Franclaco.
WANTED A dishwasher at a small coun
try hotel. Address bog 67. Stella. Wash.
land bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
Job for mar College grad. In engineering
chemistry, age 2t. two years' varied
perlsnr In manufacturing and laboratory.
Mr. Manufacturer, give me a chance to
Improve your product, simplify your pro
ceaa or work up tha by-products of your
factory. The leading auccessful manufac
turers In every branch spend thousands
per year for scientific research and find
that IT PAYS. Will you pay one for right
man? F. U Koethen, 60 Ella at-. Bloom-
field. N. J,
WANTED By married man. 80 years of
age. position aa correspondence and aales
' manager; years of experlenr in dvertia
lng agency work; referencea given. Ad
dress A 52. Oregonlan.
BRIGHT young man of 23. married, good
stenographer. with cashier experience,
wants position with reliable firm, offer
ing good chances of advancement, AG
61 4. Ore g on Ian.
EXPKTRIENCED stenographer with knowl
edge of bookkeeping, desires position; no
objection to leaving city. P S35, Ore
gonlan. YOUNG man wants position as clerk In ho
tel or rooming-house for small wages and
room; willing to work nights. C SJ9,
Oregon Inn. .
SINGLE man. aged 28. wants position In
office or shipping clerk: can furnlsn good
reference. J. W. Plant. 211 Cherry at.,
city. .
WILL audit, open, cioae or write up boons,
prepare balances and statements. Install
systems. Consult me. Glllingham, au
dltor, 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall 42L
WANTED Position aa aalesman; either
road or city; best of references and bond
If necessary. AJ S57. Oregonlan.
ACCOUNTANT and auditor, several years'
experience, will keep small set of books
at moderate rates. IT 855. Oregonlan.
YOUNG man to work. 6 or 7 P. M. to 12
P. M. Will labor, clerk, or keep bocks.
AH H51. Oregonlan.
WANTED Position aa salesman, road or
city; years of experience; references. Aa-
OreSS It ltrrK"nm:i.
YOUNG man, German. 9 years' experience
of office work, desires position In or out
of town AJ 850. Oregonlan.
HOTEL clerk, experienced, best of refer
ences. wishes position. S 837. Oregonlan.
TRAVELING electrical salesman, thoroughly
acquainted with apparatus manufactured
by G. E. and Westinghouse companies, de
sires position on Pnciflo Coast: now em
ployed In New England. V 633. Orego
nlan. ;
A YOUNG man (married) would like to
get In with aome reliable firm, am ac
quainted In the city and em, willing to
wrrk: manufacturing preferred. AL bo4.
WANTED Position as tariff or car clerk
with aome firm; several years' experience
In railroad work. A. B. Williams. 140
lflth at. North
WANTED Any kind of work by experienced
grocery delivering man. hav lived in
Portland 16 years; beet references.
856. Oregoniaa;
EXPERIENCED house, windows, carpet
floor cleaner by day or contract, Martin,
Main SS53. ;
CHAUFFEUR Any make car; can operate
at minimum expense; mechanic: sober;
steady. Address AF 833. Oregonian.
POSITION, estimator or reinforced concrete
designer; best of references. W 830, Ore
gonian. JAPANESE couple want positions, wife as
cook and man, housework or gardener.
K b39, Oregonlan,.
YOUNG man wants position In receiving or
shipping department; not afraid of work.
D S35. Oregonlan.
FRENCH. Italian and American cook wants
situation, city or country. AH 797, Orego
TEN yeare' experience, Japanese, flrst-claaa
COOK, w an ia iiuaiiiuii. j,.,, . n,,,..., ,
hotel, city or country. R 645, Oregonlan.
X YOUNG German couple wants position
as manager of apartment or roomlng
tioa a I. fif, 7. Oreconlan.
BAKER, reliable, bread cakes, wants work.
OO-, Vl -SPm-
BARTENDER wants situation; married man
and city refarencea C S3S, Oregoniaa.
JANITOR and engineer, experienced apart-ment-houae.
coal or oil. A K 834. Oregonlan.
CARPENTER finisher and experienced fore
man wants situation. Beliwood 1712.
FIRST-CLASS baker wants position, city or
country. AG SSI. Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS turner wante Job. O. Stew-
ard. 4Q4 East Washington at.
YOUNG Japaneee wonts to' work In garden
or twiiiitrv vard. AF 851. Oregonlan.
FIREMAN and oiler wanta position In soma
large uuiiuina- - "
"Bookkeepers and blenogruphera.
EXPERIENCED stenographer with knowl
edge of bookkeeping, desires position; no
objection to leaving city. F 853, Ore
gonlan. WANTED-Positton as bookkeeper part of
d-; good accountant: knowledge of type
writing; city references. AL 838. Ore
gonlan. YOUNG lady wishes position as cashier, ex
perienced In store and restaurant. East
4 42S.
YOUNG lady with 3 years' experience In
office work and billing wants position;
refarencea AE 859. Oregonlan.
C03IPETENT lady stenographer, five years'
experience, machinery anu juiuuer. rauue
. fllain dwj.
LADY owning typewriter dealrea copying
evenings; thoroughly experienced: will call
for and deliver work. C 857, oregonlan.
Main 6903.
lor ana aeiiver woia. , 001, vmuwnm
BY young lady, position as stenographer;
a beginner. A 836. Oregonlan.
REKINEQ, capable woman, past 33, wishes
position Dy April ei ui 1 . -
panlon: ractlcal nurse, housekeeper or
manager vi - . . ....... n .. - .
encea. Phone Main 8uo2. before noon. G
b56, Oregonlan. '
DHESSMAKING. hand-embroidered under
wear and remodeling hats neatly done.
Mrs- Keiser. 334 5th St. Phone Marshall
223. -
WANTED Situation as cook In country ho
tel: wages of minor Importance. Address
J. Blair, Ilia 4th street. Portland.
I)R ESS MAKER, swift, practical, will cut.
tit and remodel 1n ladles homes, 20c an
hour. B 83. Oregonian.
WANTED Plain sewing of all kinds: very
reasonable prlcea Apply to the People's
Institute. Main 1871.
liC K. DAVIS, dressmaking, reasonable
prlcea 1S9 West Park. 31atn 329T.
PRACTICAL nurse desires situation; ma
ternity preferred; references. Main 2u39,
A .4778.
CAPABLE girl, reference, dealrea care
child; I25;M-In 2039. A 4775.
EXPERIENCED, practical nurse. braot
references. Call East 4112. :
NURSING by lady; 25 years' experience;
maternity preferred. Main 3oSS.
PRACTICAL nurselnvallds, elderly people
a specially. Marshall 1361.
rilON K Marshall 2437 for an experienced
W1IMW. with son 6 yra., wishes housckeep-
ataalredi no L big wage. B S64V Orogoa
REFINED woman, 3U, girl a, aesires ,
- keeping, widower's home, city. St. Louis
Agency, 303 M Wash. Main 2039.
POSITION wanted as housekeeper by widow
with boy 9 years old. 824 Main st. Phone
Main 5100,
WOMAN cook, best references, wanta place,
company boarding-house, mill, camp or
ranch. Mrs. Burke, 840 4th. Phone Main
A GERMAN girl Is looking for a position In
a good family. Mra. Stepanov, 633 E. Pine
SL ;
IF TOU want your house cleaned and swept
by a German woman call at Mrs.
Schreiner's. 448 Eaat Ash. .
COLORED girl wishes employment morn
ings 8 to 11. afternoons 2 to 6. phone Mar
shall ists.
WANTED Place to care for Invalid and do
light housewora; wages, w. " --
LADY wants work by the day for Thurs
day and Friday, pnone jnaiu .
TWO girl want general housework. 318 X.
a si.
A GERMAN girl Is looking for a position In
oodf a mlly. Mrs. Stepanow. 448 E. Ash.
CAPABLE woman desires situation as cook,
. . . 1,1'in . iT7K
notei. :i 11 1 it .uo.i. - "
WOMAN wishes work for Thursday and
r rluay. v ooaiawn ion.
LAUNDRESS wants day work by hour. A
B.71. ,
NORWEGIAN woman wanta day work.
I'none morninEB ui ocinn--.
GERMAN woman wants housework by the
day. Mrs. Gruber, 4rp ISth st- North.
WANTED Position by experienced cashier
In cafe or restaurant. East 5200, room 33.
LAUNDRY work wanted, private family. 23o
hour. Box 2108. 6tatlon A, Portland.
SOLICITORS and agents, I have th great
est seller out: newly patented article, car.
rled In pockot; send 25 cents stamps for
sample, or call at 61 East 2Sth 6outh, on
East Ankeny car. -m
WANTED Salesmen 0 sell th most com
plete Una of nursery stock In the North
west; cash weekly. Capital City Nursery
Company. Salem. Or.
SPECIALTIES that are winners: premiums
given free; samples and catalogue free.
Write Specialty 3lfg. Co., Washington
bldg.. Seattle. Wash.
AGalNTS, make your own goods; 53 money
making formulas and schemes, ft. Writ
today. P. O. Bog 1154. Denver. Colo.
WANTED News agents for railroad train
service. Barkalow Bros., 326 Johnson at.
WANTED 6 or 6-room cottage, with mod
ern Improvements, In walking distance.
ahone Main 23-3.
FURNISHED house, nothing under six rooms
considered. Marshall 3032. V 833. Ore
gonian. Apartment.
WANTED Furnished suite of apartments,
in good location, for man and wife:
within 15 minutes' walk of Oregonlan
hlrPhont 8 to 6. A-O405. -
Rooms Wltb Board.
GENTLEMAN of refinement desires room
and board in private family. West Side.
I 821. Oregonlan
LADY wants board, with sleeping porch:
not too far out; give phone number. AE
657, Oregonian.
BY GENTLEMAN Board and room, refined
private family, walking distance. West
Side. G 815, Oregonlan.
Rooms, flat, apartments, furnished, on
furnished, board, all parts of the city,
aav you money, time, trouble. Let .us lo
cate you. 286 Vi Wasnlngton st, B. 302
: Marshall 2180. A 6243. ;
Furnished Boom.
Three blocks from postofflce; hot and
cold water, steam heat, telephones In alt
rooms, all-night elevator service, rent tl
a week up: transient. $1. 32 per day.
Drexel Hotel. 24 n Yamhill.
PLEASANT double outside room, 13.60 and
ii4- two beautiful corner rooms, first and
second floor, windows to loth and Mor
rison, 87 and 86; also splendid room on
first floor, with running water. 165 10th
st. Colonial.
YORKE HOTEL, 12th and Stark, modern
throughout, hot and cold running water,
private baths, steam heat, single or en
suite, rent very reasonable, call Marshall
, 1140.
387 1. Eaat Burnaido at.
Modern throughout, hot and cold run
ning water, ateam heat, rooms single or
ensulte, rooms with private bath; transient
rate 75c to 12 per day; weekly, 12.60 to
17. East 6940. IS 1275.
BUSHMARK HOTEL, 17th and Washington
Newly furnished rooms, single or en
suite; private baths, steam heat, hot and
cold water and phone In all rooms; rat
reasonable, .u.i,"
AUDITORIUM HOTEL, 208 is Third street,
between Taylor and Salmon sts. Hot and
cold water, steam heat, elevator; rates
3 60 and up, 60c day and up. Main 2574.
A 3207.
LARGE and beautifully furnished room for
two young men, lavatory with hot and
cold water attached; Sa per week. Mar-
man 4 1U-
EDGERTON HOTEL Furnished rooms;
steam heat, bath and phone; rent 37 and
upward per month. Uife Knott st, Tak
1 . car.
. t . T- I.- T IVfiAVIl
124 14tn au. voi. ,i..uwB,vii,
Furnished and unfurnished rooms: prl
at baths, free phones In all rooma
T76 GLISAN, near 23d; Just opened, best of
furnishings, all conveniences; also slugle
housekeeping rooms, reasonable.
MODERN outside rooma 43 to 85 per week.
Including baths; also housekeeping rooms.
64b "A Washington st.
LARRABEe! 2-7 H Larrabee St., modern,
nicely furnished rooms, transient; 600
and up; low rates by week or month.
the HAZEL Nicely furnished, steam heat,
running water. 3d and Montgomery.
NICELY furnished rooms; heat, phona; 12
and up per week. 328 4th st.
HEATED rooms for 1. 2 or 3; 13 up;
transient Ofc us. oa xawini-
r-nrnlshed Boom in Private Family.
GENTLEMAN appreciating cleanliness and
reflnement can find furnished room In
hiEh-class apartment, all conveniences and
privacy. Carmelita Apt., 20S 13th and
T.mnFi rice modern room, two beds, suita
ble for two or three gentlemen; also
other rooms; reasonable. 422 Jefferson
street, ,
NEWLY furnished rooms, single and double,
phone heat and Lath, walking distance,
block to W car. C95 Flanders.
NICELY furnished room, 38 month; modern
conveniences', central. 404 Clay, near
FIRST-CLASS furnished room, electric light,
phone, splendid location for family, close
In. 38BVt MilL
LARGE front parlor: all conveniences; suit
able for two gentlemen; 316 per month.
333 Montgomery st.
COMFORTABLE room, private, very rea
sonable; breakfast if desired. A 4379. 731
Kearney, cor. 23d; -
NICELYfurnlshed front room for gentle
man. 12.60 per week. 304 A Montgom
ery st.
GOOD room, stylish new house. corner,
walking distance. West Side, fine bath,
plenty hot water. Gentlemen. Main 221U.
NICELY furnished room, with or without
housekeeping privileges; Nob Hill district.
Phone Marshall 2174.
eg Large front parlor, suitable for one or
two- bath, phone, gas; walking distance
from Union Depot. 511 Rodney ave.
WELle-FURNISHED front room, modern.
HO North lth St.. near Washington.
. vi, i v T room.
suitable for one ' or two
" . riot A
t ATtrtrc front room, suitable for business
or man and wife. 2S9 Tth.
NEWLY furnished room; private family;
rent reasonable. 343 East 35th st.
FRONT room. all conveniences. walking
distance. 3601k Park st.
WELL furnished, pleasant room, reasonable;
aecond floor. 451 10th st.
iloMOSlH Pleasant front room, walking
distance, good location. 453 3th.
ROOM suitable for gent; heat, bath, phone;
$;' walking distance. 325 12th.
SLEEPING room, close in, 431 Market,
phone Marshall 1152.
FRONT room; heat, bath, home privileges;
S..76 a Wees. r" ram ti.
1 FURNISHED room with heat, light, phone.
f3 per montn. x-hqhq .o. .,vw.
I.ARGTS att'T Tooav cheap. -628. Jktorrlsoa at.
Thos three beautifully furnished hotels.
213H 4th st- Jllix th St. 207 4th St.
On Fourth St., running from Taylor to
Salmon su Brand new brick, elegantly
furnished; steam beat, private baths, hot
and cold water in al rooms; strictly
up-to-dat In all respects, and at popular
prlcea If you want something out of tne
ordinary In th heart of th city at
reasonable prices, glva n a call as we
know you will like It. Rooma by the day.
week or month. Tourist trad solicited.
Residential. 350 Taylor. Transient.
Bet. 7th and Park Sta
Opposite new Helllg Theater, one block
from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just
completed; handsomely furnished; every
modern convenience. elevator service,
steam heat, telephone and hot and cold
water In every room; alngle rooma and
suite with or without private baths, eta;
centrally located, near Poatofflce; Just off
all carllnea; very quiet; low rates by day,
week or month. Phone Marshall 2200-
SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand ave. and
Hawthorne, recently renovated and now
under the management of Martin A
Nicholson, formerly of the Portland Hotel.
Beautifully furnished roi ma. single or en
suite, with private baths, hot and cold
water, steam heat and private phone la
very room; first-class grill and bar In
connection. Special rales by week or
month. Transients solicited.
Permanent and transient. Just openedt
brick building, beautifully furnished: every
thing new; ateam heat, hot and cold run
ning water and telephone In all rooms;
fine lobby and ladles' parlor; suites and
single rooms with and without private
baths; very reasonable rates by day. week
or month. Phone Marshall 1950.
129 Eleventh St.
New. modern brick building, steam
heated, private baths, hot and cold water
lu rooms, beautifully furnished, cory and
comfortable. Rent very reasonable. Call
and tee ua. Bagular and transient trad
Unfurnished Boom.
RflMni With Hoard.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year;
rooma with board, use of sewing-room, li
brary. 610 Fiandera F. N. Heath, supt
ROOM andboard for young women, 83 per
week; privilege of laundry, ewlng and li
brary. . tm s o.
THE CALVARD. 452 Morrison, corner 13th;
. 1 . . ' 1,1.. ill.t a nee.
modem OOPVPnirutcat me-,.,. .... .
BOARD and room for gentlemen.
ELEGANT front room, facing park, for
two, with Board. 374 Park.
Rooms With Board lnt'rlvato Family.
Wanted Two girls to room and board,
steam-heated room, with largo closet and
all conveniences, in new apartment, 36
each. Apt. 22, Juliana Apartments. 43
irinuy riaca, or yiwun m , ..
LARGE, light, airy room with board for
two young men; 12 minutes' walk to P.
O.: home cooking, furnace heat, pleasant
home. Phona Main 2380 or 663 6th, cor.
rill V A 1 C . AU
Lai go, well-furnlshed room, with hoard,
on carllne; suitable for two; modern con
venlences. Tabor 1962.
HAVB room and board for two young men
or ladles, home cooking, private family,
everything new and clean. 846 Kearney st..
near 10th at.
ROOM with board for 1 or 2 In private
home; every modern convenience: use of
piano, etc.; 6 blocks from Hotel Port
.n.,,. in, T . Xj( TT V
land. Main 4504.
SPLENDID room for 2. musically-inclined
people preferred; choice board reasonable;
also single room. 761 Marshall at.
LARGE room, walking distance; family
privileges; bath; home cooking; 35 week.
-noue ,bi .iu-
ATTRACTIVE room, choice board, in mod
ern home, for 2 gentlemen; close In. Phone
mast j.4.
BEST of accommodations for 2 young men,
bath, both phones and furnace heat. West
Side. Main 3566. A 3566.
BOARD and room in private family; home
cooking; new and modern; a real home.
624 Northrup. Main 41)5.
FURNISHED room with board In private
family. 107 North 16th st. Phone Main
WANTED Two boys to room and board:
from 8 to 12 years old. 446 East Everett
st. Phone East 3306.
PRIVATE apartment, with board; every
thing modern; for one or two gentlemen,
366 7th at.
LARGE, light room suitable for 2 or 3 men:
home cookinc, home privileges; price rea
sonable. 654 E. Madison.
LARGE, nicely furnished room, suitable for
2 or 4: heat, phone, bath, etc. 254 12th,
near Main. .
LARGE sunny room, with board. 404 Madi
son st. Call Main 2006.
CLEAN, well-furnlshed rooms; good home
cooking. 432 3d st.
GLKL companion to share flat and pay half
expenses. r, oov. urcguiiinit,
FINE bay-window front room; suitable for
two. 254 12th. near Main.
15 FRONT parlor ror two. two meals; mod
ern conveniences. 470 Main St.
SMALL comfortable room with breakfast
and dinner. 22 a month. Main 2071.
BOOM! suitable for two gentlemen, with
board, pnone aat aj-ct.
ARGE front rooms, furnished, with board.
615 Morrison st.A8828.
NICE room with board in modern home.
292 r-aat ZL'q au cuat aqua.
ROOMS with board in private boardlng
houae. Call 889 Taylor st.
RE-UKAN, Marshall bet. 19th and 20th.;
modern, elaborately furnished apartment,
8 rooms and private bath; something real
nice and homelike at a reasonable price.
Main tA-, a 11 j d a. -
n-HP! rpirTLTA.
22d and Glisan,
One new and elegantly furnished apartment-
one unfurnished; private porches
ana piioiicg.
Trie, rAAan uno
20th and Northrup. Phone 31aln 117S.
A few choice 8-room elegantly furnished
apartments left: electric elevator. Jani
tor service, gteam heat. Apply to Janitor.
ferson sts.; 4-room unfurnished, with bath;
all outside rooms, modern, every convenience-
5 minutes' walk from P. O.; very
reasonable rent. Main 2506, A 3149.
BANNER APARTMENT. 489 Clay St.. near
14th; all modern, completely furnished 2
room apartment, rate from 20 up, in
cluding electric lights, steam heat, hot and
cold, water, bath and phone.
THE CODY, East 7th and Taylor sts. New
corner brick; all outside suites of 2 and 3
rooms each, private phone and electric
lights turnisneu; jamm, on.t.
GRACE Apartments. 24th and Northrup sts.:
1 furnished 2-room and private bath and
"telephone and 1 4-room unfurnished apart-
WELL-FURNISHED 6-room apartment, in
best house in city, close in. for one. tv,o
or three months, no children. AD 800.
t"OR RENT Modorn 5-room apartment, fur
nlshed Qr unfurnished. Bralntree Apart
ments, 200 12th st. Phones A 7431. Main
MEREDITH APTS., 712 Washington St.. 3
room apts., newly furnished, strictly mod
ern, all conveniences. Free phones.
three-room aiim imcui. - " " "
newly furnished, modern. 170 St, Claire sc.
Main 6247.
' u 1KR APAKTMbl.MS.
Elegantly furnished apartments, private J
phone and - nam. eiecinc naiui.
S"rth 20th. Phone 31arsr.aH 202.
ROOM apartment for rent, furniture for
sale. Re Friend, 7th and Jefferson,
aiiani"',"- .
VHI5 APARTMENTS, 3d and Mill sts.. 5-
..-.rornlshed apartment. $45: mod-
apartment -
,Lvitirntj: adults only.
cm liiiv .
iifWANTA APARTMENTS, newiy furnished
B?..A,..i modern, reasonable rent- 189 N,
J3d. Marshall 2821.
suites, newly furnished, new brick build-
lng. Jaai,
,51,011 basement apartment to rent at
Barker, 21st and Irving sts.
in x,
t ipcr B-room apartment, steam heat, freo
SS. 683 Northrup. A 4606.
phone. w!r."'"
THE MARLBOROUGH. 5-room apartment,
Itirj , , .... -nrl Fiandera Main T.-.-io
reaaonauie. - " " "
a.TtOOja lirai" 1 . -u. u ,
VvViMngton St.. "C." Phone Marshall 432.
" .n, TJTURVTS 14th . .1 1.1..
.hotre 3 and 4-room . 1 1 r
sts, v"'" "-
x-F.WLY furnished three-room apartments.
close in. 71 Grand ave. N.
NORDICA Apartments. Grand ave. and BX-
tnoni; mod am. reasonable. Eaat 41o.
706 Everett su, bet. 21st and 22d Slav
Opened Feb. 1; new and nicely fur
nished 2 and 8-room- suites, private
phone, bath in each; Holmes disap
pearing bed. steam heat, hot water,
janitor service, mail and all pack
ages delivered at door; all outsid
rooms; brightest apartment-house lit
the city; no dark- rooms here; clean- 4
Uness and good service our motto.
Are now ready for occupancy, unfurnished-,,
four and five-room suites, reception hall,
automatic elevator, telephone and all
modern conveniences. Call at the Carme
lita apartments, southeast corner of 13th
and Jefferson su.. and have 311ns Allen,
tne manager, show you something .extra
fine, or phone Maln 3868. .
THE BARKER Corner' 21t and'lrvlng sta.
This new 4-story brick, opened January 1.
lllll; furnished and unfurnished In two.
three and four-room suites with reception
hall; Pacllic phone in each apartment;
electric elevator, Tolmes disappearing
beds, built-in buffet and writing desk, gas
ranges. Icebox, plenty of closet room. If
you want something , extra nne, come to .
the Barker. Phone Marshall 296L
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks south from Morrison St.; new
brick building, completely fust-class; fur
nished In a. 8 and 4-roum family apart
ments; private bath, reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone. Jani
tor service; rent per month J28. 32, $40,
345. Also one unfurnished 8-room. 130.
PENINSULA Apartments One of Portland's
finest apartment-houses, 4-mlnute car
service, beautiful part city to live, 1135 '.1
Alblna ave., cor. Kililngsworth. Take Mis
sissippi, L or Kenton car at Third and
Wash. ats.. 15 mln. ride; 2, S and 5 rooms,
completely furnished. 117.30 to 30 mo.;
also unfurnished apt. Woodlawn -2.9.
1S7 Green ave.. hk block south of Wash
ington and 23d sts., near City Park, has 1
handsomely furnished 3-room and batn.
outside apartment vacant: beautiful view
of mountains. See Janitor or phone A io.4.
Cor. Grand ava and E. Stark at.
New fireproof brick building beautifully
furnished. Two and three-room apart
ments; private hath, hot and cold watar.
team heat. Phone. Eaat 800-
Cor. 6th and Montgomery ats.
New, modern, elegantly furnished, 3- ,
room apartments; all outside rooms; pri
vate baths and telephones. Phone Marshall
THE Stanley Apartments, 701 Washington
st new and Deautlfully furnished apart
ments of 3 and 4 rooms, very desirable
location, modern and up to date In every
respect. Call personally or phone Main
New b.-ick, modern every way. a and
8-room apta., completely furnished. Rates
for Summer months. 883 Williams ave.,
near Broadway. Call East 4193.
87 Trinity place, between 19th and 2MH,
off Washington; one 4-room apartment;
also one 8-room apartment, both beauti
fully furnished; electric elevator, private
phones. ,
NEW and elegantly furnished two-room
apartment, all modern conveniences. 820
Montgomery st. Marshall 870.
NEW 6-room fiats on Glisan St., between
23d and 24th, Just finished; hardwood
floors, fireplace, all conveniences.. Morgan,
Flledner. Boyce. 6U3-6 Ablngton bldg.
NEW modern 6-room flats, close in. Phone
East 1856. Apply cor. East loth and
Couch sts.
FOR RENT Fine room, upper flat, heat
and water furnished; corner; 16 East
Main. Keyat626 East Jilaln
BEAUTIFUL corner 6-room flat, hardwood
floors, fireplace. 354 North 3oth St.. W
ear; referencea
FOR RENT Modern flat, near Steel bridge.
t,, II...... 1CHU
$30 NEW. modern 6-room flat, close in.
East Side. Marshall 1445.
$40; MODERN, unfurnished upper 6-room
llat, I'nune jiaiii owu.
A NEW 6-room flat, modern.
Call at 55
-4tn st. r.
COMPLETELY furnished flat, gas and bath.
B-ROOM flat, 12th and Belmont. Plionfc
Maln W61.AJ6BH. Bowman.
B-ROOM furnished flat. 362 Park st,
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 1-th and Marshall, fur
niched for housekeeping, gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free;
15 per month up; a clean place, best In
the city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. Take "S" or 16lh-st- cars
north, get off at Marshallst. No dogs.
.WELL-FURNISHED " 5-room cottage. 2
month; lower furnished 4-room flat, 317 10
month; well-furnished housekeeping suites.
2 rooms. 8. $10 and 12 month: 3 for $U.
Apply S64 North 2Cth. W car from depot.
6th or Morrl3onol2tblocknrth. .
IL60 TO 82.50 WEEK: clean, furnlsaew
housekeeping rooms, free Isundry. bath.
Phone? "Pea? linen, heat- 406
are., and 203 Stanton; tak U car.
MAXIM'S HOTEL haa a few first-class
rooms left at 3.60 per week; phona and
bath In each room. 149 7th St., bet. Al
der and Morrison.
461 EAST 3IORR1SON Cor. East 8th. com
pletely furnished housekeeping suites;
TWO-furnished steam-heated 2-room apart
ments, also 1 single room. The Oneonta,
187 17th st. .
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $1.60 to J2 per
week, tingle or en suite. 291 Second st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, reaeon
able. 615 Washington.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new coaeret
bldg. Phone Woodlawn 2997 or 2379.
JIToiisekeeoIng Rooms In Private Famlly
BEAUTIFULLY furnished suite for house
keeping on first floor for two or more.
This la a beauty. Also two-room suite,
newly tinted, upstairs, with lovely view.
Phone A 3598. .
LOWER floor of my borne. 6 rooms, fur
nished, can sub-let part, large garden.
- grounds, electric lights. 3H blocks from
Grand are.; phone, water free; $32. faasl
4T91. 408 E. Mill st.
FOR RENT $18 First floor. 5 unfurnished
housekeeping rooms, modern conveniences,
yard for garden; references. Apply a4l fc.
Stark street, near 28th.
507 EVERETT Three unfurnished house
keeping rooms, all outside, grouud floor:
hirge yard, gas stove, wash tray; walking
HOUSEKEEPING suite for couple des rinK
clean, cheerful and comfortable lilt a
home: modern, close in. reasonable.
Larrabee st. .
iJonsEKEEPING rooms, furnished, furnace
HheafetEelfct?ic lights, bath phone, laundry,
walking distance, no children. 170 .n.
FOUR large rooms, bath, gas, piano, yard,
good neighborhood., adults. 753 E. Burn-
810.0. e-iioue .ji- - .
f llTIi ST. N. for clean, pleasant housekeeping-rooms;
center of business; large,
LARGE front housekeeping room with al
cove kitchen ; also single housekeepins
room. 103 North lotn.
c to slO Housekeeping-room furnished:
cozy; walking distance. 870 12th. Phone
Main 4o4.
NICELY furnished front rooms: gas. elec
tricity, phone, furnace heat. 384 College
CENTRALLY located, furnished, bath, gas.
phorleV children taken; $12.50 up. 4:0
Main st. t
3 UNFURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, nice
and clean, verv reasonable. Stephinson
Court. 515 Mill "t. Main 5110.
o Qft furnished housekeeping rooms;
phone and bath,- gas and electric lights.
33 N. 19th. : :
NEAT light housekeeping room; phono, gas,
laundry. 475 Morrison.
sTnGL"e room, nicely furnished, reasonable
to working girl. 579 Union ave. North.
LARGE, light basement room, gas stove,
furnace heat. 6'S Morrison at.
313 14TH. CORNER of Clay, light. 2 rooms
housekeeping suite, reasonable rent.
TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms;
Has, bath and phone. 350 Mont gomery st.
TWO modern handsomely furnished rooms,
close ln,one block to car. Phone B I1I6.
A LADY will share her furnished home
with a refined couple. Main 4415.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clean, close In.
furnace heat, phone. 367 3d St.
9 PER MONTH, 3 large lurnisnea nouse-keenlne-rooms.
618 Tth St. Main 4529.
1 SINGLE housekeeping ana
rooms. 54 North 28d.
two other
2 CONNECTING front rooms; gas range,
phone, bath, running water. 384 Park.
THREE unfurnished and two furnished
hou6ekecplngrooms. 2112 y, Larrabee st.
346 HALL, large front suite; convenient and
421 TTH ST. 2 nice, pleasant housekeeping
suites, with bay window; reasonable.
3"OUKEFINGVRObMS, suitable for 4
persons; new mmimre. 44 r."v 1111 pi.
FURNISHED front rooms; gas. bath
phone; no children, 040, ouega