.! , a mm" i 1 -dvat. rsTirr. I RT.AT, ESTATE, ! 1 1 I 53rr J2 a f , L.' T S""!rM..4u. I "'teas' f.y- i:: Bay lot in Lanr-1- hrtf AV. will help you -&r&T. h-rent U of tb "ly money. V"--aC. "3 bxrventT-fivo houses contracted lor since V IV Z 3 Jsnnary 1st. Laurelhnrst is the busiest J" plaee Portland during these, days, the. X ir - MW tamincr are to b heard all over InrlLi onr specAl plan for assisting lot-boyers to finance the JSS?tf taS Tit wiTl J7 you to caU at 522 Corbett Building and talk the matter OTer with us. . . 15 r cent ex-count to home-builder, laurelhurst bT 3 ear line the Rose. City Tark line, Eat Ankeny and MontavUla. I'hos our office and we will crUl for you. One honr is ample time to visit the property and select your lot. MEAD & MURPHY, Sales Agents 522 Corbett Building. Phones Main 1503, A 1515. IRVINGTON The close-in, highly Improved restricted residence district of Port land. Look at it, Investigate its advantages and yon will then nn derstand why it is destined to be the choicest and most valuable residence property in the whole city. It is now selling on the easiest cf terms, at prices which are only a fraction of its value. Lots 50x100 $1250 and up Terms, 15 per cent cash and 2 per cent per month. A. R. DIAMOND & CO. 210 BaOway Exchange Bonding. -" Or Irvington Office, Comer East 13th and Knott Sts. . . ONE-HALF Of All Our Property at NORTH PLAINS res bn mM f ennin-raM'ra turrera within 0 daya. In that time North Plalne hu rrown rapidly In i lid h7V 1 tmildln rfT& than any new town In the State of Oregon. jL"th PUIn.rSIct5 by the Hill line, as the metropolis) of the Tualatin Valley, the richest mcUod of Or-son. U now the utmTnVL It thtvlf R.I1-.H on. of th. HllT Properties Town lot and acreaa-e tract, nr. arolnar lively. r-peolal round trip rates on Sunday. Tralna Uaa from la front of our office call? at t.U A. M. Ruth Trust Company 33S Stark Strwt, Cr Mewl Prices II Tonight 'W 8:13 eONGI GAL. TENOR ADM. t o EDUG THLTER Gallery di.. 0peSS0 VT COMAS. HEILIG 7th and Taylor n Mala 1 aa4 A lltt. TOKORHOW I'RIPAT SAT UB DAT MlillTd. pKlai TrV liatiM aatnray. Ctarlv Proamao Krvnta Yh cfcanala MumIcmX 'aal& "The Arcadians" T PopI Tt Spiclal 0etertra. 1:xcliat C"t rnmplir Production. Kvanlnca Low.r Floor. i. tut: BicoriT. tlrx n rm II SO; ' ro II; fol itn all rowi fc; laat rowa tao. KJf tlr aall'T I'M. ....... SaturOar Matlnea lwar Floor 11 M. II : Kaioosr. Tirmt 1 nmm II: at i row. Ut 11 rrrw ftve. oalWrr lie. as A XA KOW it:uxo fOU IMUOX- BAKER tTfiL n i v. v . w v k. . n . . &r Fakir Bioca Company, taalght. all hargala mai. "Wed. Sat. Mat. We. eoa lb ml bMu(ul N.w Kasad. play araf wrllloa. jmCT AJAJi SAWTKR M hMiuiuwai rorco": 5 raat romoJr: tnalnii. M 6c TM. J.ot Mk "A Toxaa Stoor." mnT XVCRT IAT. Haln . A 1020- HRPHEUM S THEATER lS50-75c yAACH t TteadrfiOltaa-iraMaBd - Uiamm RIim A IUimi Alcirta (spllaUl Ia Cmrilli Mollea CkmlUl Aa a m GRAND Week of Mar. 1 3 THE FINNEYS ClraeS m nard Tba-S-Airx-Toaa Pooipary XadTrrra A at. jana Tlfca VTarWa Two Billy Maitaaa t day. s wrs f romlsa tafcraucM ac T So aa jroaV. lai: lawar Soar. Mo: fcaa 'a aaa, LYRIC rOBTl-A3riS VASS TXT VXATBOCSK. Vaak Co wniviu KaOnaa, Xaat- in A flood sraaaat The Champagne Girl FT rtuoa aad Kina. f.otortn tfa J2 Mro kklrt rnorua Turao p7-tormnco iy-J l) t:U a.d S:ia. 'rWay N.bl Cboray nrlr- eoat aitor oa partaaae Quit Paying Rent AifrsEjrrs. ALL, THIS WEEK. II1. A4JIO and hr Afrjraa Uana (aaflald aad Carlion: Two a-olamana: Olrmpla Trto; Jthnaoa and Walla, rraafc TlUB.ro Klaory Klda; Pnlaacop. Popu lar sriroa. Matlaoa dally. Curtain S.oO. T 0 and S. PICTURES NEW TODAY LICENSED i'lBJT-BC.V THEATERS. STAR Full cornady pmrramnn "Act- ra. and Kinder." "Kor LoM of A Lady." 'Xteraradea." sing-Ins?, mu.lc. AHC.tDB Four new and meritorious pictures, lateat muale and a'nglna-. OH JOT "Code of Honor." "Max Gets t Pinched." "8nkt In tha Uraaa." -WMffle. Courtship.", ODFOX "Lonely LitUa GlrL" "Brlde- lioom'f LiUemma." "Woman's Wit." TIVOLI "Batty Has a Maid." "Dacrea of Ieatlny. "Harber a Danshtar." "Ambitious Bootblack." CLASSIFIED AD. RATES a? Baday. 0a MM ie hojwa ad two coaoeratWa lla - timm ad tarra rmnUn tinMS Soo Bomo ad alx or arroa coaoeratlro rlmra. . Mfco anlora. M x ward, ca Terlloeaaeals a ta as aaa Baa mm raoh) ad- lur iaaa Uioa two Uoea. Hbn aa adrarttaemeat la aa raa eoaaarav alvo tlaMW taa m.iIm roia applloo. rAoraa at book atwrm Ii tha rhanra will bo baaed mm tha aotaal aumbor of liooa aa-prortaa la tha paiwr. resardlooa of 1 bo aamber of vortta la rark Uoo. la Mow Today all adrertioemeale ara rbjoraod by aaoaoora aaly. 14 Uaea to tha bxk. 1 ho abavs rates apply to adroi UwiwH aador "New Today" aod all tt.r esreptlna tba foilowicf i Mtaatloaa Wanted. Mala Mlaaltoao Maaled. trasala, fur Real. Knoma. prlata ramlllaa. MCETfXO xoncxa. PORTLAND CHAPTER, NCK S. R. A. bt. fltatod conrecatloa this fWadaaaday) aranlas at 7 :30 o'clock. Vlattlatt rompanlons wtl- A. M. KXAPP. Sacratary. WASH rvnTON" UTOB NO. 4A, A. P. ANi A. St. Stated com- a monlcattna una (kmmmit) ara- OIT1K. .V. r.mi .ku H .1 tl Duril aid. M. )L dasrea. VKitora wal. Coma. J. U. RICHMOND, bacratary. HAWTHORNS LOOCB. NO. lit. A. F. aad A. M Ht&tad oomrauni rauon una (wiawiBjr "mni . ...A ww. V U ii i wrtll K. eneferrod by tha past maatara of ttlit icxl ra. A cordial tantaUoa w extended ta rlaiuos srauuaa. -S.' aUllar. Baa. cmrTT Lome. ko. it. x. o. r; baa oxtoadod a aordlal I n n t r1i to H ' " Uxlse ta pay a a fraternal rtalt thla ' rait Tha member, will pleaee torn oat aad 7'm them a eonal .reitloa. All rlalUns Odd Tallow, waloanva. The emlttar AolaS tbaiy doty. W. W. JAJUil. as 2 THE 3rOItXIG OREGOXIAN. WEDNESDAY. ACCTIOX SAIJB TODAY At Wlleon'a. corner Second aad TamhllJ. SaJaTat 10 A. M. J. T. Wllaon. aoctlonaar. BORK. LOCKWOOD To Mr. and Mrs. Samnal T. I-oc-kwood. a ron. March n. . DIED. . GORDON- Tn thla city at her lata real tfence. 0 Bachtal aranua. March U. 1911. Ruth Prantl wife of Alt. O. Gordon. aad SSySalra KoUea of funeral In latar Utui, tOCKWOOD In this JMar. Infant .on of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Lockwood. ' JT" ERAL KOTICES. JOHNSON At the family residence. 7M Montana ara. March 14. Ik JCh"!?JV ad M yeara S month. 14 daya. belored baaband of blra. I. Johneon and father ol John Johnson and Mrs. R. Ober. Fo nrral from the above rerldenca Thursday. arh la. I1L at P. M. ln,7J'n' Roae City Cera.tery. Frletida reapectfulr Inrltod to attend. Bemalna at Zaller Byrnea Co. a parlors. 0V WUllam. . WTNO At th. realrtenca of Oeorre W Rta pioti SO ClaaamaaMra HUM Wins. a-d 4 yrara montha. Funeral aerr "a will held at ,J"fntIm':n tndar. Wedneertar. 1 P- M. laterment alultaomab Cemetery. Friends Inrltea. OOEBZ-At Salem. Or.. March 18th. John W. Ooerx. of Vnl varsity Park, ar d yeara. The fonerml eanrlcea will be hftld at Flnley. parlora, at 4 P. M. today. Wadneadiy. VlnJi Invited. Interment at a later data. atn.LJCR runeral of Edward Miller will be hId at All Balata' Kplacopal Churcn. Twenty-fifth and Pavla streets. this (Wednesday) afternoon at S o'clock. In terment, Klvervlew Cemetery. IflTlHlT Tn this city. Tueaday. Maroh 14. Anderson Man-ay, sited M years. Kamalna at Dnnnlns A McEntea's undertaklns par lore, where they have been prepared for shipment to Richmond. Waah. ETTINO fn this city March 11th. nenry Eptlne. ssed. 61 years. Kunersl services at Portland Crematorium. 3 P. M. v. ed aesday. March 14th. Friends Invited. XONFTnt FTvORAt OO, lUIH-IL DEMONS. rtjenea: Maia Hoii A HOT. -1 aalaar A SScLntee. Funeral lltrertora. 7th and lino. I'boae Main 4iM. Lady aa l.taat. Office of tonnty Coroner. l.UWAKU HOUIAN CO.. Funeral IHrrcU an. tit Sd at. Lady saelstant. Ply.no M. sol. m r FIN LEY. A MIN, Sd and SladUoa. Lady attendant. Phone Main S. A law. ' EAST MIK Funeral Illrectora. amrannrs ta F. bV BunalBS'. Inc. K. 6. B tats. FRICON t O. t'ndrrtabare. Lady saalat. ant. 4fi Aider. M. U. A tin. T.EIJ.ER-BVRNES CO.. Funeral Directors. to A Williams ae. both phones; lady aeet. LEECH. Cndertaher. eor. Eaat Alder and Pint, Eael 1S1. B ISea. Lady aaalataat. OREGON HUMANE SOCIEIY OFFICE CITY BALL Main SIM. A TSe. IIl'MA4 OFtTCER, EAST 4TT4 Hnrso auiDaiano. jk. 1 Nlshts. Sundays and HoUdayA A S100; Fr. ca. o: J iu". - NEW TOPAT. : MID-WEEK I BULLETIN 100-ft. site 22d inst off VTash l ington, $24,750. 60-fk site Everett street, ; 517.000 . BO-ft. corner Jnst nouth of l Washington, $13,000. , S Host ideal for apartments. 40-ft. corner 2 blocks to Washington, $12,500. BO-ft. site Flanders 6treet, : $10,000. Z 60-ft site Glisan st., $6500 I GOLDSGHWIDrS : AGENCY Z 253Vs Washington st, cor. 3d TAXES! Must be paid and so must the Block at S. E. Corner 21st and Glisan be sold this week. CARLOCK & MUELLHAUPT 1032 Cham. Com. lirr ACRF.e., is miles from Portland on United Electric Railways, station on property, oouaty road through, prop arty. TS ACRES cleared. 8 acrre) Jn orchard. Balance la timber, rood for telephone poles, ties and cardwood. Two-story six-room hotiso. s:ood bare and sheds, running- sprlnsrs the year round. Price S1(M per acre. Terms: Half cash, balanca one and two years at 7. 05 ACRES 5 miles weet of Portland. Vof a mils from the Astoria A Colum bia Klver Railroad. All losrged-off land. Two churches and a ejchool with in V of a mile. Over 3.000.000 feet of Rood timber still on the property. Soil first-class, ground fairly level; will make good agricultural land; 815 per acre. Terms: H down, balanca out and two years at '. wiLHrR w. pntor, 07 Spaldlasj Buildlaa HEIGHTS BeautlXul new resU dence. sheltered lo cation. Portland ela-hts: S larsra bed rooms aad I sleeping porches with dressing rooms: living room S0x34, billiard room and den 20x34. paneled dining-room 20x20, larsre dining porch; large fireplaces. I toilets, 6 lavator ies; hardwood floors, a lots, driveway, garage, native trees very complete, iTIca S1S.OOO, H caah. Henry C. l-roe. kaaaanja Is, Owaar, tNM Saaldlag Bids. Platting Proposition A townslte platted add ready to sell un Q,a Pao- Ky. A Nav. Co.'s road now nearly completed to Tillamook: there la s sta tion on the property. This Is decidedly the beat towaslta on the Una aad a ttonsy-msker If yon can hsndls a plat ting proposition. Small cash payment will handle It. XACKMOX. 27 Fallmg Bid. sfaln S43S. COMB IBB CS. Tafs talsr over Uiat proposed work of yours and what wa oan do for you along- our line. O.VV.M. XJtchit vet 5rttjincer. Phono Mar. 60. tlO Qarllnger Bldy. MORTGAGE LOANS mPf JOUS K. CROXA.X, 77, J U SOA Ssaldln Bid. f JJ KXW TODAY. -W xDax. -rf- ftr ealguo. Chehalem Mountain Orchards 15 miles from Portland Offers to. the man of small means an opportunity to more than double his money within a short time and afford him a comfortable income from a small investment. ' For further information and literature call on or write F. J. ROSENBERG 618 Lumbermens Bid?. lO ACRES for kale, bt owicfjr, iw wtt.t.am ettk valleyf pr icr si7bo small payment dows balance: easy. On .Falem electric line. BO minutes south of Portland, lays on main county mad between Broadacres and Hubbard, all cleared ready for garden, black loam aoll. no gravel or stumps, lays level ao a floor, only S of t mile to either town, on two county roads. I claim this land will raise the best gar den In Oregon, and I can prove it. If you don't aay tho same thing I will pay your car fare both ways. Land next to this selling for $300 per acre. I cannot work this myself, so have to dlspoae of it at once. Ask for owner, piano store, 106 Fifth et, near Perkins Hotel. Waited A parry with $150,000 to finance Hotel or Apartments on close inside comer on Seventh near Morrison; will take long; lease and pay 8 per cent net on the investment; for fur ther information address AJ 839, Or egronian. $9SOO For 87x137 and a 7 Room House Two good business lots and one well located residence lot on prominent Hawthorne ave. corner. This aection Is coming Into demand for business and apartment site purposes. Buy this property and use the rear 37x87 for the present improvements, but Improve the Hawthorne avenne corner, 87x100, with buildings that will return big Interest on your investment. Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce. Irvington tteonn Thompson st., near 25th OOOUU st. We have 7 quarter blocks on Thompson street. Improve ments pnld nr on thl street; $7000 building restrictions. This will Insure you a choice home site. Make us a proposition on . one or all of these choice locations. Chas. Ringler & Co. ait Lewis Bldg. BUSINESS CORNERS 86500 I lots. S stores. 1 bungalow. rentaO. At Archer Plaoe; $3600 cash: pays over 11. 8750 100x100. corner, on Williams ave.: good house; a snap. 11. 500 00x100, corner, 2 houses, 1 flats, rent $60. North 19th st. 12. SOO Corner on 14th at., south of Morrison; fine apartment site., S13.000 100x106, -room house, on 2d at. south; bargain. GRt'591 ZADOW, SIT Board of Trade Blda 4a aad Oak. Peaches, Walnuts S acres at Meldrum station on Ore gon City electric. Improved with fence and new $1000 bungalow, in high state of cultivation. 660 peaoh and walnut trees. 4 years old, will yield a profitable crop next year. Thla property is worth ISbOO. but for a short time will sell for $7500. with $RP00 cash payment, or ;H acrea with bungalow for $4700, all "h" GRCSSI at EADOW, SIT Board af Trade Bid., dtk and Oak. 13 Price S14.000 FUA.T3 0x100 and flat building with eight apartments, located 4J-B49 Kerby street, between Huasell and Knott; In come $167 per month; terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St. Lumber Exchange Bldg. LAD1) ADDITION i OM Swell new up-to-date houeje of 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, den, furnace, fireplece. Dutch kitchen, pan eled dlnlDg-room. cove ceiling and all other improvements; all street work paid and walking distance: price $5800; a bargain; $1000 cash and $26 per month. GRrSSI BAIWW, 81T Board of Trade Bldg 4th aad Oak. FOR SALE 8-room house, 22d and Kearney. Call 605 Selling Building. PRUXES 7 TO 8 CEXTS PER LB. HOPS 15 TO 20 CENTS PER LB. What'a the matter with a combina tion hop and prune farm? Mere's one of the very best in the "Willamette Vallev. ICO ACRES in Yamhill Coun ty. We want to sell and will make right price and terms. MTCINLEY MITCHELL. 202 V4 Stark , Phases A Z131, si 2181. EAST SIDE BUSI- ' NESS PROPERTY PROMIXEXT CORNER. Income 11. Prloa S950O. GODD4RD A WIF.DRICK. S43 Stark Street. Quarter, Holladay Add. Choice quarter block, 1 block from Irvington and 2 blocks Broadway car. Must aell quick. Snap. Way below market. RO WE-THATCHER CO, Mara-kall Tile 833 Ckanu Coan. MA"RCTI 15, 1911. REALESTATE VALUES NEW FOUR-STORY BRICK 'APARTMENT HOUSE. Leased for five years; will pay 14 per cent, net on money invested. Take $32,000 Cash Balance on mortgage. 100 FEET SOUTH OF MORRISON STREET ON TENTH . , Close" to the new Olds, "Wort man & King Store, wrhere values are increasing fast. $30,000 Cash Balance on mortgage. FIRST-CLASS APARTMENT LOCATION THIRTEENTH AND MARKET It's a corner, 60x100, most desirable size for apart ments. Easy terms. $7000 Cash - Balance on mortgage. ONE BEST BUY PORTLAND HEIGHTS 100x85 on car line, not re stricted; most desirable for apartment house or garage. $3000 Cash Balance on mortgage. F. R. LEVEE 817 SPALDING BUILDING Phone Main 7387 $12,000 52 ACRES On electric line to Hillsboro. About 35 acres under cultivation. Living stream of water. A Real Bargain. I. G. DAVIDSON 819 Chamber of Commerce. A GENUINE SNAP 8-room modern house on corner lot, B7Hxl00 feot. 11th and Wygant streets. Concrete basement, also floor, bath, four sleeping rooms on second floor. An attractive home at an attractive price of $2800. easy terms. OODDARD t WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. REAL ESTATR DEALERS. l?eck. -William Q.. 113 Falling bldg. Blrr.lt A. H. A Co., 102-S RrKay bids. Real aatate. Insurance, mortgagu, loaaa. eta. Brubaker A Benedict. 602 McKay bldg, M. Ma. CDipln A Harlow, S Chamber Comssaraa faok. R- R A Cm.. BOH Corbett bldS J.cnlngs A Co.. Main 183 JUS Oreonlaav rALan-jUASi i;ui mx. ate alal Club bias. ' the Oreson Real Jistata Co.. Grand are. aad Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition.) K. E. THOMPSON CO cor. 4th and Oa sts. RE2AX. ESTATE. For Bale Lots. OWNER NEEDS tOS MONET ROSS CITT PARK SNAP. 100x10 ON CORNER OB1 80TH AND STANTON STS. IMPROVEMENTS ALL IN AND PAID FOR. PRICE 16. D 141. OREOON1AN. 40 PER CENT CUT. e t choice east front lots In Lanrelmirst, only 130 for the two. This la the big gest snap in town. " 8. D. VINCENT A CO.. 417 Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS lot on Sandy road, corner of -9th at. Here Is something- worth while. Price only 12100, on terms. This Is a buy. 8. D. VINCENT & CO.. 417 Chamber of Commerce. Phones:' Alain 1654. A 7. ALBERTA' CORNER LOT. A fine kt 60x100 corner, east front, lies nice, on E. ISth and Sumner, 1 block to Alberta car. Price 11000, part cash, bal anca 110 per month. GRCSSI A ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th snd Pan. SOxlOO. On Improred street, near Mount Scott carllne. for 150. on tarms. NORTHERN "TRUST COMPANT. 270 Stark St. OKB acre with fruit trees, nice little Sto. S-room plastered house, water piped -In nouse: adlolnlnB highly developed section Sear end of Hawthorne-ave. carllne. Call Guthrie. A 1163 or Main 8800. 1200100x100. facing carllne 'n.J""'""1 only few minutes out on double track car line that lands you in the J;'"0' business district. Owner, room 201. Ge"r- llnger bldg, Quarter block on E. 11th st, close to bridge for only 13000. VANDUYN A WALTON. 615 Chamber of Commerce. . . . - yt- t - -r lrnu rT.ATR. HzlOO. on Guild St.. near Thurman. A scan at 1380. 11000 cash. W GRUSSI A ZADOW. , M Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oat. MCST sell equity of 1350 In corner 104x100, at 87th aid Holgate. Phone owner. B 2301. . Lot In JPalrmount Add, 1300; 1200 cash. payments on the test. Bee owner. aest so st. pot.u. A nJOININQ Mt. Tabor Park, 108x115; riew roperty on car line; halt cash; by owner. AL 81 i. Qregonlan. - pnRRManE" SNAP 1750; east front, boat dutrtctrtaprevenW. paid. 601 Lumber mens bldg. re VF RAL desirable residence lota; pressing obUgaUon compels sacrifice, Owner. 1030 Grana norm. J. .V-T 1 w. 1410 B. 18th and 61sklyou, facing asst. Q 843, Qregonlan. HOT TSxlOO In Irvington; will sell dirt cheso: must have money immediately, part cash. AD &47L Clregonian. VIEW lot. 08x100. two blocks north of Irr- lngtoa, one block from Broadway car; tn;tiraia.AJTSiT. Qregonlan. ALAMEDA Choice corner, 11280, with all lcemeUlncIndedroJ, Oregonlan. c5HTJRCH8T. 60x100. fo S0O: can yon beat T See Attorney. 414 Spalding bldg. glo.000 60x100 APARTMENT site. West park. Owner. Q 857. Qregonlan. . BTJSINZSS corner. 100x80. Alberta-st. (car- line); price 13100. Phone Woodlawn 1307. WILLA METTE River frontage cheap; 600 will swing It. McClore. Mala 144. . rno A CtT Rose City Park lot- O 822. Qregonlan. OWNER leaving city; choice lots, close In, sear Hawthorne, below market. B 2301. IRVINGTON SNAP. Two lota. 100x100. on East 8th St.; all improvements In; price $2030 cash or will sell one at 11350 cash. This Is the cheapest buy in this location. IRVINGTON. We offer f er sale a beautiful building site, 80x100. on corner East' 24th and Schuyler sts. on Broadway carllne. at a price that Is way below the market for property in this location. For further par ticulars regarding this property, aa -well as others, call on C F. Pfloger A Co.. suite 6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. Estab lished 18.80. , N. B. All property advertised by us guaranteed as represented. FINE quarter-block, only 1 blocks from car. in the Rose City Park district; USOO. on terms. Two fine lots in Elmhurst, only 1630 each; terms. 1 choice lots just 1 block from car on Eaat 46th St., Rose City Park. These are buys at 1100. Piedmont corner. 70x100, only' J1700. This Is right. S. D. VINCENT A CO.. 417- Chamber of Commerce. Main 1654 or A 74SS. ' PORTLAND PARK ADDITION. FINE VIEW. ' West Side, 6Vs miles from Postofflce: electric car service; only 19 minutes; lota 25x100. 82 lots, 18.100, g Mocks from Depot. . 8 lots, 1900, 8 blocks from Depot. M lots, 112O0, 8 blocks from Depot. 19 lots, $790, 7 blocks from Depot. 4 lots, 1300. 3 blocks from Depot. tlots, 195. 7 blocks from Depot, lota 00, 8 blocks from Depot. Fine building sites, splendid Investment; values will rrow rapidly: easy terms. J. W. HEFFERL1N REALTY CO "03 Corbett bldg. Marshall 2899. A 4694. LOT BARGAINS, g goo Mt. Tabor Three lots -on East 64th, near Hawthorne. f000 Rossmere lot; corner; car four blocks; ric Includes Improve ments. 11000 East 28th and Thompson. $1600 Lot and small house, on East 27th near Tillamook. Will sell on easy terms; will accept sec ond, mortgage as part ot purchase price or will exchange for mortgage or con tracts See owner. Sable. 218 Board of Trade. - CHEAP MOTTNT TABOR LOTS. $1000 each. 66x32; two fine view lots on K. 7!d street, near Basollne road: choice restricted district. This 110 foet frontage suitable tor 8 houses. H. COFFIN. P. O. Box 311. 8 LOTS. 1376 EACH. Owner leaving city, account illness, therefore price of each lot reduced 175 to quick buyer; cash or easy terms; 2 locks to Rose City Park car; water in; nowhere else In this district can 60-foot lots he bought so cheap; no restrictions. See owner st once. Room 404. Merchants Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington. APARTMENT SITE. I 7" We can quote a low cash price on that sightlv quarter on the 8. W. cornar of lath and Montgomery. It has a scenic value which makes it very desirable, for apart ments; only 15 minutes' walk to P. O., handy to cars. STRONO A CO.. 605 Concord Bldg. SACRIFICE FOR CASH. WIU sell choice Laurelhurst lot. lOOx 160. (1H lots) for 11500 cash. This lot is in choice part of Laurelhurst. one block from car. Price of BoxlOO lots across the street, 12000 to 1200. Address AL 856. Qregonlan. . CASH TALKS HERE. If bought before March 20th. can de liver exceptionally fine lot in high-class, close-in residence section, for $1350 cash, (worth 12000). Directly across the street from this lot is a 128,000 home. Address AO 855, Qregonlan. , WILDWOOD On the Oregon Electric Rail way. This is choice, sightly property, only 20 minutes from the center of Portland. Lots as low as-1175; easy payments Sell . Ing fast. Call on owners, 414 Spalding bldg. " LOTS IN TRAUTMANS ADDITION. 60 by 100 feet, price $450. terms 125 cash, balance 110 per month, 6 per cent Interest. Abstract with each lott James D. Ogden. 848 Mississippi avenue. Wood lawn 202; C 2008. . 100x100. 1 block of Union ave.; beautiful site for . home; price 11500, on terms. See Mr. Beck. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY. 270 Stark st. ONLY 1800 1500 CASH GETS you a lot on 36th and Hancock streets, sidewalks, water In. Thla is a snap for a few days only. F. J. ROSENBERG, 618 Lumbermens Bldg. SNAPI SNAP! SNAP! Lot 77x250. Ryder's Addition, only $900; terms. 50x100 lots nearby selling 11000. This can be subdivided Into 6 lota. F. J. ROSENBERG. 618 Lumbermens Bldg. ' AI LS I o AL Air i' - rj My beautiful, sightly east-front lft tn Colonial Heights: can be purchased at once for $400 below value; must have 81000 cash. Owner. AJ 858, Qregonlan. TITLE A INVESTMENT COMPANY. ING OREGON CITY. OR. Clackamas County lands and lots ab stracted from the records; prices right. John W. Loder. president. i X HAVE a beautiful 10 acres In high cul tivation. Ideal for a home, near two carllnes. 80 minutes' from city; sidewalk within few rods. It Is a bargain at 13j0 jer acre: terms. 414 Buchanan bldg. IRVINGTON ot. east-facing, between Knott and Jtanton sts.. near Irvington carllne; $200 lower than the cheapest lot; don't hesitate if you want a real snap; forced gale. Home phone A 75T4. A WORD TO THE WISH For bargains In lots see F. J. ROSENBERG, 618 Lumbermens Bldg. Lots ISO. on 52d and W. Stark, on car . line; easy terms: greatest buy ever offered. NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO., 826 H Washington St. 700 NEAR PIEDMONT CARBARNS. Fine lot 50x100, 3 blocks from bams: $300 cash, balance 115 monthly. You know this is good. Fred. W. German, 329 Burn- Blue St. jiiii 11400 Choice lot on Broadway, near 28th street; hard-surface etreeL; this includes Btreet assessments; $200 cash. balance easy PamentS. 1D i.qatiiucr m imuucrup. 1 LOTS In Rose City Park; Improvements all In and paid for: close to car and In best district; $625 each. C Da Young. 433 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY LOT SNAP Lies fine, near store and car; Improvements paid: fine trees' $650, terms. 503 Lumbermens bldg.' Marshall 1858. A 5345. Lot improvements paid. Ideal location for home; cash bargain. Phona owner. Main 4126. WILL sell at a bargain B0x75-foot lot, on k7 Salmon St.. west of 18th st.; it will pay you to look this up. O 856. Oregon-Jan- , ' DANDY BUY. Lot 50x100, 2 blocks from Roae City car; 1230 cash, balance easy terms. D 831, Qregonlan. PORTLAND HEIOH'i'S PROPERTY. Homes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts aad screage; all parts of heights, all views and prices; soma bargains. Main S5fl. A SSaa. EAST 9TH ST.. lot 60x100, for 1750. This is a snap: do you want It for cash 7 Own- er. 41 biqiiik wma- 85x100. Williams and Shaver, for a few days at -jvu. ot. uit,uui.u. MAKE me cash otter under 1100 for lots 40 and 41. block 4: Greenoe Heights. C M Thomason, 204 Morrison st For Sale Honses. 8-room bouse on lot 60x100 feet; 1 block from Russell st. and within 8 blocks ot Williams ave.; price t4f.00, terms. H P. PALMER-JONES CO.. f 11-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8u93. A 2653. 1 OWN a beautiful new 8-room bungalow, stone front, living-room 15x24: the dln-In.-room is a "peach" ; will sell at great . baVgaln? TermsT B. a Miller, 430 Wor- eester PlQg.. J". MUST SELL 6-room house, lot 75x100, with fruit trees; this must be o d today; owner at house from 1 to 4:30 only; $1io0; small payment accepted. 229 East 73d. Monta vllla oar. IF you want a bargain In a 7 -room home near Laurelhurst Improved district, sea owner at 610 Ablngton bldg. iooo 8-ROOM house, new, on East 38th, VaiTfrontcorner. Ask Ralston. 801 Wash- ington st. barber shop. COTTAGB, not modern, fruit trees, garden soot, shop work bench, close car; make offer. 80S Vj Washington, room 6. 750 WESTMORELAND HOME. , Balance like rent; new, seven rooms. F. H Lewis. 8 Lewis bldg. LOT near Klllingsworth. cheap for cash. Call C 1564, s.nnn miNT.ALOW ON CAR LINE. Hawthorne district, large living-room, built-in bookcases and buffet; fireplace, S large bedrooms, attic full cement base ment, laundry trays, fine home; aon't fall to see this place; price only $300; ,300 cash, rest like rent HARDWOOD FLOORS. In restricted district. 7 large, beautiful rooms- furnace, fireplace, built-in book cases and buffet with plate glass mirror; kitchen has cooling closet. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; full cement basement, 5ux 100 lot, east front, $4300; small payment down, balance like rent. Call Mr. Cam eron. Marshall 1133, A 7129, 170 5th su PACIFIC UNION TRUST CO. 2-STORY 8-ROOM HOME, $4000. Here is a chance to buy a fine home, CLOSE IN. CHEAP; large living-room, sitting-room, dining-room and kitchen downstairs, 4 bedrooms, with closets and bathroom, also porch upstairs; large at tic; every modern convenience. Including fireplace, full cement basement, furnace and laundry trays. Situated on a corner lot, BOxlOO, with alley; fine for a garage. This is a bargain, terms can be arranged. Call Mr. Guthrie. Main 8'jUO or A 1103. 1500 CASH, balance very easy monthly pay ments takes this fine 6-room bungalow on East 37th street. It6tands on a hiirh terraced corner lot wltii a good view and very attractive appearance. It is modern throughout with paneled dining-room, beamed' ceilings, China closet, fireplace, shower lights in living-room, heavy dome fixture in dining-room, nicely tinted wails, complete Dutch kitchen, full basement. Price $3200, with no mortgage. Let us show you this one. It cannot be excelled for the price in the district. HUBBELL A RICHARDS. Tabor 480. Slid and Hawthorne. BRAND NEW $300 CASH. 6 large rooms with sleepiag porch, hardwood floors, full cement basement and all of the built-in features; complete In every detail, including shades and fix .tures, which you may select; located on full lot, high and alKhtly, In restricted dis trict, only one block to car; double con struction throughout and finely finished. Tho best buy in Portland. See it and be . convinced. H. A. Askwlth. 1067 Clinton at.; take Richmond car to Marguerite ave. Phono Tabor 252.' Remember, sewer. water, gas, etc.. are now in. $300 CASH SPECIAL. Close In, new bungalow. 9 rooms, story snd half, all bedrooms on second floor, laundry trays, piped for furnace; will tint and stain to suit; price $3000. You must decide quick and be ready with cash deposit on investigation as thla house is placed on these low terius lor emergency sale only. Make an earlv appointment. DETSCH A WITWER, 618 Board of Trade. Main 2182. A 1559 13SO0. Beautiful 1 -story new modern bun galow. 3 rooms on 1st floor, 4 unfinished rooms on second; will finish complete for $275 extra; full cement basement, fire place, bullt-ln buffet and other conveni ences; poliBhed floors and tinted walls; double constructed; lot 3xl00. facing east, S blocks north of Rose City car; $500 cash and terms. See Beck at NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY. 270 Stark st. BUNGALOW $2350 J300 CASH. 6 large rooma, full attic, cement base ment, paneled dining-room, swell buffet, dnndy Dutch kitchen, cove ceilings. 2 white enameled bedrooms, fine white tiled bathroom, wall switches for lights, cement walks, connected to sewer, water and gas. This Is a fine buy See Ask wlth at 1067 Clinton st. Take Richmond (W-R) car to Marguerite are. Phone Tabor 2852. LET os show you something fine In a real bungalow; 6 rooms, fireplace and furnace, hardwood floora This place is Just being finished. The price is right, $3500, on ea&y terms. S. D. VINCENT A CO.. 417 Chamber of Commerce. - Main 1654 or A USS. FULL lot. 10-room house, fair income; only 9 blocks from Postotllce; price less than real value of lot; only $3000 cash to handle this bargain. Full lot, 7-room house, some Income: vicinity east end of proposed Broadway bridge; easy terms; part exchange in sat isfactory property. 819 Chamber of Commerce. rSlCJjS Wi8T oiuni xiv.w iu. $415060x100, nearly new C-room mod srn house, near Mill stj good terms. GOOD INVESTMENT. $6500 25x100 and 2 strictly modern flats, near 10th St.; you can't beat this; , 13500 cash. FRED u. ivi.MJ, 814 Spalding bldg.. 3d and Washington. MUST sacrifice at once, 6-room strictly modern new bungalow; everything com plete: big lot, grand view; 2 blocks to Mt. Tabor car; a swell home for some body; no reasonable offer refused. Sea place. 1824 East Yamhill. Phone owner. East 62. . 132S0 on easy terms for this 7-room modern bungalow in Irvington Park; lot 00x100, parked; 1 block from car; as good a buy as we know of. See Mr. Beck at NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY. v 270 Stark St. gj FOR SALE By owner, who leaves for East ern Oregon. April 1. 4-room bungalow and a-arage on BOxlOO lot, on asphalt stroet, Batn. electric light. ater. wf. Price $2300. Lot worth $1800 Any rea sonable terms to responsible party, uoa Everett st- between 29th and SOth. " $2S00. Bargain for home; six-room modern shingled bungalow, basement, wood lift. 3 full lots, East Side Heights; will accept part cash, balance on terms. Brown bouse. 46tn ave.. S. E. Woodstock carllne. Lnrect irom owuw. A. A,AU I . .T i -. - A beautifully finished modern two-story Souse near Union avenue, buffet, paneled inlng-room, fireplace, best car service; price $2750: terms. $200 down; houses In neighborhood selling for $3500. Phone Main 6738. A 5737. - NOB HILL HOME Beautiful nine-room residence on Marshall street; practically new and modern In every respect: hard wood floors; If you are looking for an at tractive West Side home, call on us for - particulars. McAllister A Lueddemann. I OWN the prettiest six-room new bunga low In town for the money; elegant stone front, fireplace, beautiful dining-room, very modern, near car. 15 minutes out; rood surroundings; some terms. E. Ji. Miller. 430 Worcester bldg- M. 1940. Modern home in Nob Hill district, on Kearney street, near 25th. This is a rare opportunity to secure one of the most at tractive and Unest homes in this choice district. Price $12.500. Y 807. Oregonlan. " WHY PAY RENT When you can get a home of your own with steam heat, fruit trees and roses for 41800 ? $330 down, lor "uENSOjr & CHAPMAN, 826 H Washington St., Room 111. fl-ROOM new house with glass enclosed sleeping porch; oak floors, fireplace, light ing fixtures, shower and tub bath, gas and ."fctrfclty; full lot. Owner will sell 14250. No trade. Will make terms to right party. Phone East 1392. AN exceptional bargain in Irvington from owner. new 0-room Spanish house, beamed and paneled dining-room, built inbuffet and bookcaBes. 3 fireplaces: fine furnace: east front; 18500; easy terms. Mam oiao. Beautiful modern bungalow. cement eellar Dutch kitchen, paneled dining room, two blocks from Woodstock car: 12500. Detach & Wltwer. 518 Board of Trade. A 1559; Main 2182. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 1300 cash, new 5-room bungalow, ce ment cellar and walks, lot 60x100. pries .O00: 46th and Hawthorne. nETSCH A WITWER, Main 21S2. A 1559. 518 Board of Trade. BY owner, modern 6-room bungalow and two lots, in first-class neighborhood, be tween two carllnes, Broadway and Alberta- N. E. corner 25th and Prescott; price '$2700. terms. J 848. Oregonlan. 13500 12-room house, large lot, fine local ity walking distance; house new and modern. Act quick. It won't last at this PkCS. PRENTISS, OOP Spalding Bldg. : aTsnap. 3000 8-room house,- 80x100 lot. must be sold at once. Other good values. Come in and look over my list, s s. PRENTISS. 906 Spalding Bldg. WE have a number of attractive bargains la . K ... V, TT.nBf nnd Wf-Hl 1 (1 ' resiaencco wii "' 1 - , . if you are looking for a home, we can interest you. McAllister A Lueddemann, 722 Electric diok. BF5inE'CE9 and FLATS FINANCED. 3 per cent- where I build will furnish East em mone at above rate. PLANS FREE. k. Locke. 628 Henry bldg. A GOOD BARGAIN 8 rooms and close in; best of car service; bearing fruit trees and well improved. pbntie ownor. v Zoinn TERMS- 5-room, modern bungalow. WaTerlelgh Heights. Allison. 428 Lum- rier Excnange. uriu. sell 11-room Al Irvington home, 60s 100 corner, E. 10th and Braiee, belotr cott. phone East 6S85. it iROAIV 6-room house, Portland Heights, lot 60x113. 10 bearing fruit trees. $3000, Phone Marshall 1S66.