Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 15, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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    j . TIIE MOItyiyG OREGOXIAy, I WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15,-1911. -
Full Line "Vudor'VPorch Shades and HammocKs-Custom Shade and Drapery WorR Our Specialty - Lowest Prices
Colonial Art Furniture Department, 3d Floor New Spring Lines Wall Paper Ready-Picture Framing
SeiniSSittioinisJl . Sale of ID) raperies
6 ."Ettc.
vi'z ct
r, - -
Women's$1.50 AQr
Hand Bags J
From 10 to 11 A. M. today.
Main floor, a sale of womerTs
all leather Handbags, made
for hard wear, in several
shapes, leather covered
frame or monnted frames.
Values np to $10t?Q
each very special, atJC
Women's $10 A J
Sweaters for J
From 12 to 1 P. M. today. 2d
floor. A sale of women's'
handmadTSweaters in a va
riety of good styles Tight or
loose fining; plain or fancy
weaves, shawl collars or V
shaped necKs All
colors, vals. to $10
Women's $1.50 Q
Waists Special at 7JC
From 2 to 3 P. M. today, In the
Basement Women's White
Waists, plain .tailored styles
stiff collars and cuffs, and"
lingeries daintily trimmed in
laces, insertions, etc.Qg
S1.50 values, special at OC
Child's $1.5Q
Dresses 79c
4 to 5 P. 1L today, 2d floor, a sale of
children's Cotton Dresses, in percales,
ginghams, ehambrays, etc; all colors,
made French style; very pretty effects;
ages 2 to 6 years; ready sellers 7 q
up to S1.50 etch; special for yv
i' si ftB
2 to 3T
i? I
Ia oar drpry store, 3d floor, a nil of 100 paire
of the very popular and artistie Craftsman Hanging
made of imported antique crash, hand-atenciled, in
conventionalized designs, harmonious and beautiful
for bungalows, English living rooms, etc Also adapt-
for window hangings; our regular
values; specialized for this
aaie at -r - -
45c Curtain Net for 29c
1000 yard of standard quality Curtain Net, 45 and 50
inches wide. Thia sale offers a rare opportunity to
secure materials to make your own curtains at great
earing. Our regular 45o grade; special forOQ
vuua y smo r -
, i
Wediniesdl&y HToujuf ly Sales in. AH Depts
Specials From 1Q to 11 A.M.
Boys' 48c Blouses at Only 21c
10 to 11 A. M. today, main floor, a
sale of 2000 boys' Blouses, made of good
quality ginghams, percales, ehambrays,
in blue, tan and striped materials; full
line of sues ; our regular 4& O "1
values, special one hour, each m1 v
Shop by the clock; stay in store all day.
$12.50 Juvenile Dresses $2.98
10 to 11 A. M. today, 2d floor, a sale
of children's Wool Iresse of exoellent
materials, in fancy' plaids ant) plain
goods, for little girl from 6 to 10 years
of age; regular values up (J?0 QQ
to $12.50, special at, ea. Pa70
Shop by the clock ; stay in store all day.
In the Basement "Underprice Store."
7c Outing Flannel at 4c Yard
10 to-11 A. M. today, a great sale of
5000 yards of good Outing Flannels in
checks and stripes; a splendid range of
colors; positively none sold to merchants.
Limit, 50 yards to a customer.
Regular 7o grade, special at,
Specials From 12 to 1 P.M.
35c Embroidered Collars 17c I
13 to 1 P. M. today, main floor, a
sale of women's embroidered Collars in
neat patterns for Spring; some slightly
soiled from being bandied; all sizes in
the lot; our regular valuea to 1 7'
35e each, special for the hour X C
Shop by the clock; stay in store all day.
10c Wood Tooth Picks for 3c
13 to 1 P. M. today, main floor. Shop
by the hour. A sale of improved polished
Wood Toothpicks, the "World's Fair"
brand, the best made; sell regularly at
lOe a box ; buy all you want of Q
them for one hour only at, box O C
Shop by the clock; stay in store all day.
Women's 25c Vests for 11c
12 to 1 P. M. today, main floor.
Watch the diaL A frreat one-hour sale of
women's ribbed Cotton Vests, with plain
or trimmed necks; seasonable qualities
for Spring or Summer; regular 11
25e values, special price, only 1 1 C
Shop by the clock; stay in store all day.
Specials From
$1.25 Silk Stockings for 75c
2 to 3 P. SL today, main floor, at the
stroke of the 2 o'clock gong. A great
sale of women's all -bilk Hose, with lisle
tops and soles, in a good assortment of
colors for Spring; regular val- "T
ues to (L25 special, the pair I tC
Regular 25c Wash Lace at 9c
2 to 3 P. M. today, the lace store, on
main floor, offers thousands of yards of
dainty Wash Laces in many patterns and
widths, from 2 to 5 inches; regular 25o
values, on special sale for one Q
hour only at low price of, the yd. J C
Regular 25c Malt Nutrine 17c
2 to 3 P. M. today, drug aisle, main
floor, a one-hour sale of Malt Nutrine.
It makes blood and tissue, aids diges
tion ; triumphs over disease. A great sell
er at 25c a bottle; special for
this hour only at, the bottle
17 c
Women's 33c Hose for 18c (J 19c Embroideries at 5c Yard
4 to 6 P. M. today, in the basement 4 to 5 P. M. today, main floor, a one-
4 underprice store," women's fine black hour sale of odds and ends in Embroid-
lisle Hose, seamless feet, reinforced heels eries, all good patterns, on good materi-
and toes; absolutely stainless. Early als; some are slightly mussed from being
6pring weighta. Regular 33c O " handled; good values to 19c yard, J
sellers, special price, the pair IOC special for one hour only at, yard O C
$2.75 Ironing Tables for $2.25 Boys' Best 15c Hose for 9c
A great ssle of 6000 pairs of Lace
lriKn. On account
Tinp. Neta. Arabians. Clunvs. Marie Antoinettes, Fine Scrims, etc.
lar S5.00 and $6.00 values, pair S2.4i Lot 2, regular $7.00 to $9.00 values
Lot 3, regular $12.00 to $15.00 values,
35c to 6Qc Cretonnes
All fresh, new goods. ' Mill-ends in pieces of from 24
to 5 yards each Also any length you may desire
Beautiful colorings and rich designs in
It's eaav to make a ' selection from
$1.25 Fountain Syringe at 73c
10 to 11 A. M. today, in the drug sun
dry aisle, 2-quart Fountain Syringes, all
new . stock, seamless, slate color, rapid
flow tubing, 2 hard-rubber attachments,
nickel shut-off; regular $1-25 70
grade, special one hour, only OC
Shop by the clock; stay in store all day.
Men's fo.50 and $2 Shirts 63c
10 to 11 A. M. today, a final clean
up of all odds and ends in men's high
grade Shirts, coat styles, with cuffs at
tached ; good assortment of patterns, odd
numbers, from regular $1.50 ?Q
and $2.00 lines, special at, ea. OO C
Shop by the clock; stay in store all day.
Important Grocery Specials
10 to 11 A. M." today, fourth floor,
Hotel Mushrooms, the can, at, each, 16
Crescent Sardines, special, the tin, 15
35e Coffee, very special at, pound, 25c
TEA, Ceylon, Uncolored Japan, English
Breakfast; regular 60o the pound, 40
Baker's Chocolate, 25o grade, for 19
Men's 35c and 50c Hose at 17o
12 to 1 P. M. today, main floor, a
final sale of that big factory clean-up of
men's Socks in plain and fancy cottons
and lisles.' all sizes and good regular 35o
and 50c values ; speeial price f
17e a pair, or three pairs only OUC
Shop by the clock; stay in store all day.
20c Embroideries, Yard 6Y2c
12 to 1 P. M- today, in the basement
"underprice store," a tale of good em
broideries, edgings and insertions; new,
dainty patterns on fine muslin, cambric,
2 to 6 inches wide; best regular jl
15o to 20c values, special, yard OC
Shop by the clock; stay in store all day.
Women's $1.75 Drawers at 94c
12 to 1 P. M. today, 2d floor, wom
en's circular or umbrella style Drawers,
with fitted yokes, open or closed; trim'd
in durable lace and embroidery; some
trimmed with lace, others with wide
flounce of hemstitohed tucks.
Values to $L75 pair, special
2 to S P. M.
Women's $1.75 Chemise 94c
2 to 3 P. M. today, 2d floor, a sale of
women's Chemise of good quality long
cloth and fine muslin, with round yokes,
edged with lace and embroidery beading.
Excellent valuea to $L75, very Q A
special for one hour at, each JtC
$1.95 Wash Boilers for $1.25
2 to 3 P. M. today, 3d floor, hardware
store, a sale of extra heavy copper-bottom
Wash Boilers, with seamless covers
and cold stationary handles; our regu
lar $1.95 values, offered rf " O C
special for one hour only J) X t
$10.00 Hair Switches at $4.98
2 to 3. P. M. today, main floor, a one-
hour sale of natural Wavy Switches,
made of first quality hair; gray mixed
shades; all securely fastened and full 24
inches long; our regular
$10.00 values,
special at &LTXjQ
W) pairs or LiACe uunains at less man iacxory cost. i s not our loss, dui a Dig xew ior&. miwner a
of his discontinuing business we were able to secure them at less than the cost of manufacture.
Curtains at less than factory cost.
Ti f ,
White and
the pair $6.29 Lot 4, regular $20.00
at 13c Yard
5Qc-75c Wall Paper 19c
Closing out 5000 rolls of Wall. Paper, to make room for
new arrivals. All good patterns, but the 1911 . styles
claim the room. Don 't fail to see the big assortment
if you have any notion of buying" new -paper. 1 Q
Our regular 50c to 75c a roll; special for only A-'
a broad range
this assortment
Women's 2.75nQ
Waists Special vOC
From 11 A. M to 12 today, 2d
floor 200 women's Waists,
lingerie and tailored styles
Materials are lawns, batiste,
linens, etc All well made
and beautifully trimmed
Button front or bacK.
Values to $2.75 special
S4.00 Housed? 1 Qr
Dresses forPQ v
1 to 2 P. M. today. 2d floor.
A sale of 300 House Dresses
in a broad variety of styles,
materials are chambray, per
cale and gingham High "or
low Dutch necK styles, in
plaid, checKs,
stripes, vals to $4
$12 Petticoats $3.95
From 3 to 4 P. M. today, 2d
floor A sale of fine taffeta
and messaline Petticoats with
accordion pleated flounces7
trimmed with narrow bands
and pin tncKs with silK or
cotton drops, string' or ad
justable tops. Val o Qj
nes np to $12.00 O'&O
Men's Pajamas
1.5Q-g2,Val 98c
5 to 6 P. M. today on the main floor,
a sale of men's Pajamas, made of the
best grade outing flannel; medium weight
in neat blue and . pink stripe effects ;
actual $1.50 and $2.00 values; QO.
special today, the suit, at only'0'
Come early. New bargains every hour.
I I 3 to I 4-p m A -1
H 1
X : J
, 1 i XT TT I- - L J
Arabian. ixt 1, regu- vj VC1
; for this sale, the pair
to $25.00 values, the pair $11.49
Specials From 11 A.M.tol2
Women's 35c H'dkerchiefs 11c
11 A. M. to 12 today, main floor, a
sale of women's Linen Handkerchiefs,
neatly hemstitched, with handsome em
broidered corners, also embroidered and
lace-trimmed; values to 35c; 11,
special for this hour only at 1 1 O
Shop by the clock; stay in store all day.
Boys' 75c Night Shirts at 39c
11 A. M. to 12 today, main floor, "a
sale of boys' Nightshirts, made of ooA
muslin or flannelette material, cut Jail
and long; a complete line of sizes; our
regular 75c values, on special OA
sale for one hour only at, each OtC
Come early. New bargains every hour.
Reg. 65c Rubber Gloves 39c
11 A. M. to 12 today, in the drug
aisle, main floor, a sale of Rubber Glove
for household use; best quality red Paia
rubber;, a full line of sizes; don't be
without a pair; regular 65c OQ
values, special one hour only O 7 C
Shop by the clock; stay in store all day.
Specials From 1 to 2 P. M.
25c Tar Soap at, the Cake 6c
1 to 2 P. M. today, main floor, a one
hour sale of the famous Binder's Tar
soap, a vegetable oil and pine tar com
pound, one of the finest shampoo soaps
made; a regular 25o seller, spe- "
eial for one hour only, the cake OC
Come early. -New bargains every hour;
Reg. 10c Curtain Rods at 64 c
1 to 2 P. M. today, in the' drapery
store, 3d floor, a sale of 1000 wide exten
sion Curtain Rods, with extension brack
ets for long curtains; our regular 10c
sellers, on special sale for one
hour only at low price of, each O-tC
Shop by the clock; stay in store all day.
Reg. 65c Mesh Veiling at 37c
1 to 2 P. 1L today. During this hour
only we offer your choice of any 65o
Mesh Veiling in our entire stock. All
the newest effects; nothing held in re
serve. Our regular 65c values, n't
special for this hour, the yard J f C
Come early. New bargains every hour.
Specials From S to 4 P M.
Women's $7.50 Skirts at $2.98
3 to 4 P. M. today, basement, wom
en 'a smart Dress Skirts of English pan
ama and stripe serge; brown, navy and
black, well tailored, trimmed in buttons,
and self strapping; good tfJO QQ
$6.50 and $7.50 values at Pmi0
Come early. New" bargains every hour.
Reg. 59c Union Suits for 39c
3 to 4 P. M. today, main floor. Don't
miss this sale of women's ribbed Union
Suits, styled with low necks, no sleeves
and knee length; fine grade for Spring
and Summer wear; regular O Qk '
59c values, special at, 6uit O J C
Shop by the clock; stay in store all day.
$2.00 Nursery Chairs for $1.15
3 to 4 P. M. today, 4th floor. Shop
by the hour. Bargains in all departments.
Little children's Nursery Chairs, very
strongly made of German reed material,
with tray; no child should "1 1 J
be without one; $2 value p X X O
Come early. New bargains every hour.
Specials From 3 to 6 P. M.
Reg. 60c DozensButtona at 6c
5 to 6 P, M. today. Be among the
busy shoppers; fill up your button box.
A sale of many kinds. Silk-covered but
tons, fancy styles, all sizes ; regular val
ues to 60c a dozen, special during f
ing this hour at low price of, doz. O C
75c, 85c and $1.00 Silks at 39c
50c-75c Chintzes29c
A very special purchase of 10,000 yards of English
Chintzes, fast colors, in a dozen different shadings
and patterns. These if purchased regular could not
be sold for less than 50c to 75c a yard, but as we own
at less than factory price we can 0tter29c
to you today for the low price, the yard -
S4.5Q Waist Boxes
$5.uO Shirt Boxes
Cretonne "Waist and Skirt Boxes. 100 made up
especially for this sale. There is a place for one in
ladv s chamber. The waist coxes are
$4.50; the Skirt Boxes, $5.00; your choice tO Q&
for this great sale today each, . only r
50c Fancy Neckwear for 19c
11 A. ,M. to 12 today, main floor, a
sale of women's hand-crochet Jabots in
several dainty styles, just received by
express. A very" special purchase," ac
tually worth to 50c each; your. Q
choice for one hour only, each 1 iC
Come early. -New bargains every hour,
40c Confectionery, 21c Pound
,11 A. M. to 12 today, at the candy
counter, main floor, a one-hour sale of
real Fruit Jelly Creams, very delicious
and favorite sellers to old and young.
Regular 40c grade, special for Q1
one hour at low price of, lb. dmi X C
Shop by the clock; stay in store all day.
Women's $2.50 Gowns $1.32
11 A." 31. to 12 today, 2d floor, wom
en's fine cambric and longcloth Gowns,
round or square necks,, short sleeves,
slipover styles, very neatly trimmed; a
good assortment of styles, tf 1 O O
values to $2.50, special at tj) X aO
Come early. New bargains every hour.
Men's $1.25 Shirts, Each 50o
1 to 2 P. M. today, abasement, men's
Shirts of fine percale, madras and cam
bric, plain or plaited bosoms, cuffs at
tached; sizes 14, 15y2, 16, 16V2, 17 and
17; values up to $1.25, on f '
special sale for one hour, ea. O V C
Shop by the clock; stay in store all day.
Choice 30c Candies for 18c
1 to 2 P. M. today, at the candy coun
ter in the basement "underprice store,"
"a new one" Chocolate Cream Cuts,
very choice, made of purest materials
and a great seller at 30o lb. ; "1 O
special for this hour only, lb. IOC
Come early. New bargains every hour.
Reg. $3.00 Combinations $1.87
1" to 2 P. M. today, 2d floor, a sale
of women's Combination Corset Covers
and Drawers, made of nainsook or long-'
cloth, neatly trimmed in Val. or Torchon
lace, well finished ; tval- J 1 Q 7
ues to $3.00, special f or ej) X O 4
Come early. New bargains every hour.
$6.50 White Skirts for $3.94
3 to 4 P. M. today, 2d floor, a great
variety of women's Petticoats, in lawn,
cambric and fine muslin, with 20-inch
flounce of lace, finished with beading
ind ribbon ; handsome d Q Q A
styles, worth to $6.50, at tPOeeVT
Come early. New bargains every hour.
Reg. 35c Whisk Brooms 18c
3 to 4 P. M. today, main floor, a sale
of finest quality broom corn Whisk
Broom, extra well made, two sizes. Don't
fail to get one. They are all good. Our
best 35o sellers, special price 1 O
for this hour only, at, each IOC
Shop by the clock; stay in store all day.
Reg. 35c Fancy Ribbons at 19c
3 to 4 P. M. today, main floor, a sale
of many new plaid effects in Ribbons;
Dresdens, stripes and checks, just the
thing for hair ribbons or for trimming
hats, etc.; regular 35o values,
on special sale at only, the yo.1ti
Come early. New bargains every hour.
35c League Baseball for 18c
5 to 6 P. M. today, in the sporting
goods store, 4th floor, a sale of Amateur
League Baseballs -with good double horse
hide covers; well sewed, 5-onnce, 9 ins.,
one ounce rubber; regular 35o-1 Q
value, special for the hour, ea. IOC
25c Collar Supporters, for 17c