the arortyixQ oitEooyiAX. Wednesday, starch is, ion. . ! 11 1 ' : T ' ' ' ' n n i 1 1 . . I - l HAU UAL CITY NEWS IN BRIEF oitzooxiA Txuraom. ' fe!a TTe A SeS fit, elreslstlns slam T.. A , Sunday Idllor A ri 4WpU.gUtB M'm A few AMrSMET. IiriXtO TPrATEW Sevent snd Taylor) BoBci. Nanr. Tonlfnt at 1 Baker tmutir-Kieeia ed -V-jlafT !aree MW-" Mstlne at 9. IS as 4 tenia at a OP.fHCLM IMTF-JK. '!? nth aod eot Vaudeville. II" altars oca ai S.1S aad tonlsot at IIS. CRAXD THEATER PAr and Washl- toa Viul:i:a Tu aXMraooa at S.JA taaicat at T:J4 aad a. laSTT A'JES TMXV TEB rirl t WW" Vender!!:. Tills eriaroooa at 2.14. te liial at I J aad S. X.THIC THrTtM-iSnta as Aler Lyric C"mlj i'fn lt "Toe - pasae cm." Trie afiemooa at 1-W a loc. gat at T SO ad a. TAR. ARCADE. OH JOT. ODEOX. Tl- Vu Ltr ire run pictures, 11 A. K. 11 P. at - s r d-thi o Cbarsw Foc-o. Lying under p.le of lumtxtr neeir the plsnt or tha Northwest Door Company. At ths east end of the Lower A!o!na frnr. tha body of an unidentified elderly man wa found yesterday afternoon. There were no marks of violence, but the caw bears the appearance of one of suicide by poison. The dead man " about 50 yes old. S feet S Inches tall, bad Iron gray hair and wore a checked suit, light green overcoat, white collar and gray, eoft hat. Trie, ahoee had been removed and lay be side the body. There waa nothtne: In the pocket that would a sist kUnliflca tion. R. L, Baoik Named Rxmv in. R- 1 Rabln waa airpolnted In the rvdoral Court yesterday receiver of Brown Bros., s mercantile firm of Myrtle Point. Re v!rer Suhln's bond was fixed st :o.M. The appointment was made upon the petl ts of WadSams A Co- Brown Bros. b-lng alleged to be bankrupt. The peti tion Alleses the s ount recelvahle to be Oa.Tt. the general merchandise to be worth JMflO and the etore furniture and nvturea. 5-x O. B. Tackatrom. of Uedford. engaged In the general mer chandise business - also In the Federal Court, a bankruptcy petition having been fcfc-d against hlra by Shaff F.aroett. Tcm Coxvictios SrcrKED. Ten convic tion and four aeju.ttls l the record In the cmpign of the State Medical Board ujratnjt Irregular practitioners, the first period of which closed yester day with the acquittal of J. T. Plerc". before a Jury In th.e Municipal Court. All except two of thcte convicted have made app-al and will Nive retrial In Circuit Court. T!e campaign Is not closed, say the lnveitlrtors mho have In prospect a new lot of arre It 1 satd that one or more regular physicians will be caught In the drag-net. Jafa.xe.ib Usna H ivT Bonps. Be ctuM nothing; was known of evidence In the esse against 1 W. Ming, a Japanese manufacturer of noodles, wanted at San Franctaco. bis bail waa fixed at SSOOO In the Municipal Court yesterday, to assure his appearance when California officers arrive to take him back. Ming Is charged with obtain ing money by false pretenses, and It Is reported unofficially that the trans action waa In the nature of aa over, draft upon a security company. Ties Wavhb ro Panama. Bids for ji0 Douglas fir cross ties are being asked by the Isthmian Panama (anai Comml Ion according to blank specifica tions whlh were received by the Port land Chamber of Commerce yesterday. Bidder must have their applications) in "Washington. D. C-. before April M. The ties m t be 7 by t Inche and SVi feet lcr.g. Tae specifications may be examined at the office of the Portland Chamber of Commerce. Mission roa Met Bsxts A mission for men Is being conducted this week at the new St. Francis Church. East Pine and East Twelfth streets, by the Re demptortet Fathers. Rer. George Ma honey. Rev. Edward K. Caatweil and Rev. Henry Sutten. It waa found neces sary to divide the congregation Into men and women, the attendance has been so large. Services are held at ( IS and A. M. and at T:30 P. M. Joaw Eusrxs Fttera Hexjj. The fu neral of John Euson. who died at Calern March 10. was conducted at the chapel of the East Side Funeral Direc tors. East Alder and East Sixth streets, yesterday, and interment was In River view Cemetery. Mr. Euson was Si years old. He leaves a family. His health had been Impaired ever sines a trip to Alaska made at the time of the mining excitement. Pari rrs a.vt Tbacsj sots TO Utr r. The regular monthly meeting of , the Parents and Teachers' Circle of the Eliot school will be held Friday afternoon at 9 clock in the school building. Mrs. W. J. Hawktna wtll speak on "What Should "We Teach Our Children Concerning Bex Matters." A cordial Invitation is ex tended to all mothers la the nelghboiw hood. Death 9rarKES Ckheralocix A. Mur ray, nursery man from Rldgefleld. Wu dropped dead at East Sixtieth and Ka st Bumstde streets yesterday morning, from heart failure. Medical attention was given . him at once, but without av II and the body was turned over to the Coroner. Murray waa about SO years old. He was visiting hie) sen-ln-law. El Sloan, who runs a poolroom la Monta villa. TsatrirRAXca Womxic to Discuss Sct ritAOS. The subject for dlsru ioa at the Central Women's Christian Temperance Vnlon meeting this afternoon In the Ooodnough building will be "Woman Suffrage." The programme win be la charge f Mrs. G. Trimble, who win read a paper on Ten Reasons Why Women Should Vote." Charles MntHi Dies) cr Cauicuti a "Word has been received of the death of Charles Muehs formerly of Port land at Los Angeles. February !S. The funeral was conducted In Ontario. Cal. He is survived by two sons. William Mushe. of Portland, and Joseph Muehe, of McNeil's Island. Wash. Draicattc Duu nrscxr to Mrst. The dramatic department of tha Woman's Club will bold regular meeting- to morrow morning at 10 o'clock, at Wo men of Woodcraft Halt Mrs. Lucy Edwards Bruce la the leader. Hawtmorxr Jjavom to Mext. Haw thorne Lodge. No. ill. Masons, will meet tn Masonic Temple tonight. As It Is "Past Uiters' night a large attend ance Is expected. The Master's degree will be conferred. Bots Rob Bakert. Boys have been robsing the California Bakery, on East Ash street between Grand avenue and East Sixth street. They stole 10 loaves of bread, besides pies and cakes Sat urday sight. Bodt to Bb CRraATJTD. This afternoon at 2 o'clock the funeral of Henry Eptlng. an artkM. whose death took place lnt Sunday will occur at the Portland Crema torium, in Sell wood. The eervlcea will b simple. Thr Multnomah Chapter D. A. R. will meet with Mrs. W. E. Thomas, SCO North Twenty-fourth street, this afternoon at t o'clock. Dr. W. Ar.xold Ltndset. osteopathic specialist, rheumatism, stomach, nrrvous Utut IOC? Seil'Ttg bldg. Marshall TO. Dr. LeRot Frith, osteopathic physician, graduate Klrksvllle. Ml. 1-3S; post gradu ate. VHK; removed to 113 Selling bldg Ex jot a swim In the big tank, open dally. 17 Fourth; steam tubs and showers ; hours for ladies. Crossetxs stralchtened: no operation. r . Frees A Rice. Merchants Trust bid Powers Este. drugs. Ore gonlan b.; epen all Bight. Mam 233. A ;. Dr. A. K. Hiocs. eye. esr. nose and throat, moved to Selling bldg. FRa a eggs. JPc . dox., at Wooster's. MSTTRO TO COf SIDES ROSS FESTTVAU The East 84 Bualnea Men's Club will hold a special meeting tomorrow night In the clubrooms. on Grand ave nue and East Alder street to adopt plans for the East Side's part In ths Rose Festival. Ths Seance commute will be completed by the addition of several business men from Hawthorne avenue. Lighting the bridges, ths chil dren's parade. Implement display aad a fraternity night will be discussed. Fiv Povkds fmr for IOcS Tou get them for this price st Frank L. Smith's big market. S-3 Alder street and 1 First street. Also fresh halibut for (c per pound and fresh raxor dams) for lc each. Every one of Frank L Smith's 29 markets sells -Smith's Meadows" butter for only SOc a square; pure lard la three pound palls Is 40c: tn five-pound palls Is (Sr. U)d In ten-pound palls Is M S: real small sugar-cured hams are 16c: heavy surtr-rurrS bacon Is lac; medium lean bacon Is 30c : choice light strips of bacon are CV; shoulder roast pork la lie and 17Sc; pork chop are lac and 30c; good pot ro beef Is ir-ic; choice briskets are 10c and short rib are 11c; shoulders of lamb are c Seixwooo Stvdt Club to Meet. The cVllwood Study Club will meet In the Bell wood Library tonight to study edu- i cators. The following papers will be read: 'Booker T. Washington." Rev. D. A. Thorn pew n; "Mrs. Ella Flsgg Toung." Ui EMeila 1111; "Mrs. AJlce sTeemaa Palmer." Mrs. W. D. Palmer. Hnrsa Ctecr ractors. Nones-Ws have a client wanting a five-room bungalow built (estimated cost . He will turn la adjoining lot worth S&o as part pay ment. PorCand Land . Company, sixth floor Commercial block. Main 130, A TONIGHT BONCI SINGS. The Great Tenor and His Tarty Ar rived Yesterday and He) Will Blng at the Heillf Tonight. Ths song recital tonight at ths Helllg Theater wtll be one long to be remembered for It many interesting features, as well as for the hearing of a wonderfally pure and beautiful tenor CHANG EIS Ellis' Amendment Would Com pel Competition. BLOW AIMED AT MONOPOLY BOSCT. voice. The Bond programme Is on of gracious light and artistic shade, and as the great tenor Is feeling especially fit and ready for work tonight, ha will glv to every listener tha rare delight of art and brain and voice combined. Ths wonderful evenness of his voice, his extraordinary command of dynamics, from full voice to the most delicate pianissimo, and bis In Imltable grace and skill, make the Bonct concerts stsnd out from ths general run. besides that this Is his first appearance here, and thoss people who have heard Caruso, and are curi ous to compare the two, will have that opportunity, and will also not wherein Boned excels hi famous countryman, Ths concert tonight will begin at 1:14 and Is under the Steers-Comaa dlreo-tlon. CIRCUIT COURT ABOLISHED New Federal Statute Increases Mini mum Anion nt In Salt. The law relating to the Federal Ju diciary, which has been codified, re vised and amended, abolishes tha United States Circuit Court and the power of Judge to hold court in any district except their own. From the time the new law goes into effect Cir cuit Judge will have Jurisdiction only In the United State Circuit Court otl Appeal. The new law also Increase from 1200S to $3000 the amount which must bo Involved In a suit before it can be taken Into the Federal Court. Aa 1 well understood by attorney, this Jur isdictional amount Is not taken Into consideration In admiralty cases, or In cases In which the United States Is a party. The new law goes Into effect January 1. 1912. United States Com missioners Marsh snd Cannon hav re ceived copies of the new law. In abolishing the Circuit Court ths law also abolishes the office of clerk of the court. This position Is now held by George H. Marsh, who ha held ths position sine the resignation of J. A. Sladen In DOS. BIG BARGAINS. Women's Goods Half Price. Only tea day, thea it will all be over, and womea who failed to get some of the good bargains while they were being passed out at half price will be sorry. The closing; out of ladles' goods is caused by tha fact that we must have the room on the balcony to use for our big new boys' clothing, department. The boys' stock is now here, ready to be opened, and every day counts with us. Come ladles, and help your self to suits, dresses, coats, waists, petticoats, skirts and kimonos, all at half price for the next ten daya. Re member, the place la the old reliable Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, at Third and Morrison street. YE OREGON GRILLE. Messrs. Glyn and Davis are without doubt the strongest drawing cards that have appeared id ths city for many a y. Their character singing and im personations are the delight of the patrons of this popular gTlll. Special to night at dinner and after ths theater." WHERE JTO DINE. AJ tha delicacies of the sea. on at the Portland Restaurant. Fine privets apart ment tor, lo Wash- near sih sr. Rork Isrtui CseJ L The beat house coal. Liberty Coal Ice Co- exclusive agents. Jf North aourtseath street. Mam A Ills.' Webfoot OH Dressing, the greatest ho grease made- All store. " Edlefaen'a Rock Springs, beat for cooking. Charter Would Require leaving Advertising- to Call for Bids on at Least Two Materials, One Not Patented. A radical change in the system of im proving streets wtll be made If a proposed amendment to the charter Is adopted by tha people next June as drafted by Coun cilman Ellis, of ths Tenth Ward. He would have not leas thsn two brands of material specified in advertising for bids on bard-surface work. One must be non patented. Ths effort Mr. Ellis is making as to make possible scouring competitive bids, for each street to bs paved. Under the present system this Is not worked out, One of ths chief provisions In Mr. EUls' proposed amendment Is as follows: The Council, tn Improving sny streets or any part or parta therof. within a district that Includes paving, shall require from the City EnKlnser plans, specifications and esti mates for two or more kinds of appropri ate improvements, at least one of which must be of a non-patentable kind, and the probable cost of aach class of Improve ment, and the City Enirlnrer .hall 01. such plana, specincatlons and estimates in the office of the City of Portland. If the Coun cil shall find such plans, specincatlons and estimates to be satisfactory. It shall approve the same and shall determine ths boundaries of the district benefited and to be ( for such improvement and the action of the Council In the creation of such ami lessment district shall be final and conclusive. The Council shall by resolution declare Its pur pose of making said Improvement, describing the same and also defining the boundaries of the assessment district to be benefited and ihhmiI therefor. The action of the Council In declaring lis intention to Improve any street or streets or any part or parts thereof, spprovlnc snd sdopting the plans, specifica tions and estimate, of the City Engineer, and determining tha district benefited and to be ssseased thereby, may all be done at one and the same meeting of the Council. The Council at present specifies only one kind of pavement to be used on a street, such as asphalt, bltultthic or Hassam, and bid for whichever one Is specified are alone received. There Is only one company bidding on Hassam; two on bltullthlc and two or three on asphalt. They hav the city districted and seldom. If ever, will one bid on a street In the territory of the gfher. Asphalt is not patented, but so far these have not figured largely in the Improve ments of the city: stone blocks are In the same class, although more of these have been used. Under the Ellis amendment. It would be possible for the Council to call for bids on a given street for all kinds of hard surface pavements, and for the Execu tive Board to let a contract to the lowest bidder. The theory Is that It would break the alleged monopoly, said by some to exist at present. The amendment is to be submitted by the Initiative, and those wishing to sign It may do so by calling st Mr. Ellis' office, 0 Couch building. Y. M. C. A. WORK PROSPERS Increased Activity May Lead to Founding1 of More Branches. Reports submitted at the monthly meeting of the director of the Port land Toung Men's Christian Association yesterday afternoon showed that Insti tution Is doing a far greater work than ever before In Its history. Not only is ths total membership much greater than at any time In ths past, but every de partment la operating more extensively. The directors received a detailed re port of the condition of the Sellwood Y. M. C A., recently organised. The Sellwood association now has 16 mem bers, which la considered very satisfac tory, considering the brief time It has been open. There is an average dally attendance of 115 persons in the gym nasium while the religious work Is also prospering. The 8ellwood association Is now holding regular Sunday afternoon meetlnars for men, following the plan CENTRAL BANK Open a Check or Savings account with us. No restrictions as to amount good faith and proper busi ness conduct the only requirements. "We solicit your patronage. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY S. "W. Corner Sixth and "Washington Streets. W. H. Fear, President. ' Wlllard Caae, Vice-President. O. C. Bortameyer, Cashier. E. M. Ho Idea. Asst. Cashier. that the oentral asroclatlon has car ried on for many yeers. The Sellwood Y. M. C. A. has been so successful that it Is probable other branches win be established throughout ths city at no distant date. It Is known that citizens of North Alblna and other communities have asked that associa tions be established, but the directors are not yet ready to take definite action. Reception Cold, Man Cats Tbroat. TACOMA. March 14. A. C, Kirn, a young man who returned recently from Fairbanks, Alaska, and who had been at Los Angeles and other California cities spending; money freely, cut his throat with a razor in a room in a local hotel today. Despondency over his reception by a young woman with, whom he had formerly been In love In See This - Special Rates OX DEATI9TRT FOR THIS MONTH ALBA BROS. F"TLI SET OK TEETH SR.OO 22-k GOLD BRIDGES TEETH.. S3.00 29-k GOLD CHOW.NS, S3.00 GOLD FILLINGS 81.00 EXTRACTION, EXAMINATION AND TEETH CLEANED FREE More and more people are find ing their way to our luxurious and commodious offices at the corner of Second and Morrison streets, up stairs. We have the entire corner. Ladr assistants are always ready to look after the comfort of women and children patients. Nervous people are assured of gentle treatment. Our methods ara painless. We hold ourselves responsible for the work we put In your mouth. For 16 years we guarantee It. W will show bank references. ALBA BROS. RELIABLE PAINLESS DENTISTS, Second aad Morrison Entire Coraer. Gal! Today Ttn At TBargain Place Every piece of jewelry, silverware, cut-glass, china, brio-a-brac, etc, a guaranteed bargain. Yon can get advertised bargains every day but can you get guaranteed onest We want an empty store badly, because vt must move, but vt want to keep close to the truth as we always have both from the comfortable feeling of doing right, and also bidding anew for your patronage. rttkmfpcr& Present Address Future Address 286 Morrison St, , Yeon Building HEADQUAR TERS foe; MANHATTAN " . SHIRTS. SOLE AGENTS FOR HOLE PROOF HOSE, for Men, Women and Children. Great Display of New Spring uits and Overcoats You know Spring is coming; we have evidence of it daily in the - visits of the early choosers, who get in promptly to get their pick of the new ideas that are now ready. New models in suits; Spring overcoats and raincoats from America's foremost makers. Lively new ideas for young men. Suits and Overcoats priced from $15 to $40 California is said to have been ths cause of the suicide. Plant Stbson roses. Phone BellwoodSSO The notch relieves yon of the both ers ot buttoning; and unbuttoning: A " .W Ts$ 7 COLLARS It BELMONT IT 20' bieb CHESTER 2'bicb The notch keeps them closed in front. Onen. resboOT Compsjiy. Troy. 5ew Tors Painless Dentistry our pride our hobbr-mt stndy for resis snd aowewsaoosss, sod oars is the bee reinless work found s rwnere, no master sow j We finish piste snd bridge work for eut-of-tora petrons is. one dy if desired. - Painless extrsctioa free wfcen plates ox bridge work is older, ed, CossslUliss free. jMohrOreim $5.00 la. snoie isvui. w v 6id riuinri 1-00 Eosswl Filnnn tOO SfW FHI'mfS .50 6os Rubber Plates 5.00 Best Red Robber Pistes 7.50 P.lnlw. Eitr-tlM .50 BSST METHODS Wise Dental Co.,mc Painless Dentists Fsinnt Bulldlnt, Third snd WssMnrto . PORTLAND, 0RS, . si a. ,. S D W A wa ift a. to par. cosbpsu re eol r rnwa .' r". .--r-. ;ii'V'? I SS.W.s.Wm, rwssajts- MISISIS ! a gK'w of i'outy is a joy rosgygw. fr. T. Felix Couraud'a Oriental or " Magloal Beautlflsr. SIM EKE- iS. Mr. Architect, Mr. Civil Engineer, Mr. Building Contractor, you need a t Convertible Level Whether you have a House to Build, an Orchard to Lay Out or a Tract of Land to Subdivide, you need a Convertible Level Sole Agents for Eugene Dietzen's Union Satin Blue Print Paper "Excello" Drawing In struments "Beck" Blue Print Files Drawing Tables Leveling Bod Artists' Material Field Book Engineers' Transits Architects' Levels Steel and Metallic Tapes We Repair Tapes. 3 . m This Is a Convertible Level KILHAM STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. FIFTH AND OAK Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers, gravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders Headquarters for ARCHITECTS' AND ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES En- Sealy-Lowell Co. Grocers, Bakers,Tea andWine Merchants FRENCH ATfD TIEtXA FASTRT To say that ws have secured the errices of the best French and Vienna Pastry Baker on the Fa cifio Coast is. no mlstatement of fact. The goods he Is turning- out are superior to anything- that has ever been shown in Portland. To day we will have Hum Squares Maraschino Squares. French Fruit Tarts, Coffee Eclalres. Chocolate Bouchettes. Vienna Pastry, etc. CHEESE CAKE Wednesday will be Cheese Cake day You can place your order with us on Wednesday mornlnr and they will be delivered to you fresh and warm. The price of these de licious cakes wiU be only 404 PnfACH Hare you ever tried a can of Delmonte Eplnach? If not do so at your earliest convenience: it Is thoroughly clean and free from grit and of a delicious flavor, easily prepared. Per can 204. S cans for SOA . BEETS Tender, sweet, Tork State Little Rose Bud Beets, melt In your mouth. Large cans 204. Per docen, 82.10. SWEET POTATOES The Simon pure article from New Jersey. Better than the fresh. Large cans 204. Per dozen 82, OO. KIDXET BEASTS-i-Thls is a prod uct that Is very little used, largely due to the fact that their food value is not fully appreciated by the public Try them. Per can, 154. Pc dozen. 81.50. C1TH.E COJf CAH5TE Made In Texas by a Mexican who knows how. Ths Delgado Brand of Chile Con Came Is recognised as the best of all brands. Larpe cans, 254. Per dos. S2.40 6mail cans, 15c. Per dos. 81.50 COB. nrTH AJTD STARK CTBEETJ. PHONE MAIKT T2O0). A 1S1. JJjSo J-Vj sod every blemlia E i3 ler&re- li ma on besuty, sod d- 5S""5 2?K Sr lC' s stood Ue test is properly msds. Accept no oounter felt of slmllmr Bsme. 'Dr. L. A. Bsvre ssld to a lsdj of ths bant. ton ( pwieott "A you Isdlss will DM tbem. I r.eummeDd .. Imat harmful of sll tee I sxiD preosmlont." i' t eals by sll dnwriHs end Fancy. I Goods Dealers In the Cmud Staus, Cauda and Surope. FERD. T. HOPKINS, Prop.. 37 Crssl Joins St, H. T. F.M.S.,ofR.I. desires to know ad dress of M. L. F. without delay II'" ' 'r ' 1 " ' if PKhiKLKSS, POPE-HAHTFORB, C11A.LJU hats, UIBSON, GRAJ1J1 COaLUeHCIAi. VBU1ICLB P. W. BALTES AND COMPANY PRINTING Main 165, A 1165 First and Oak Collections Let us take charge. We can save yon money. Established 1900. KETH k CO Portland, Or. . D'exeester T id. if HOTEL SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Hew steel snd brick structure. Furnished at cost of $300,000. Every comfort and con venience. On csrttnes transferring all over city. Omnibus meets trains snd steamers. Send for Booklet with map of San Francisco BOXING CONTEST Vancouver Athletic Clob, March 17, at AUDITORIUM, VANCOUVER, WASH, 8i30 P. M. MAET BOUT 15 ROUNDS. Kid Morrissey vs.BudAnderson THREE IX-ROU"D PRELIMINARIES Thirty-three rounds and every round a scrap. Tickets on sale at Schiller's. Eschle's and Slg Cohen's cigar stores, Portland, Or. Take 6:30 or 7:10 Van couver car at Second and Washington, returning at 11:30. DAY AND NIGHT One of the largest best equipped plants In Portland offers you unexcelled servio at prices exoeedlngly low. When you want CATALOGS, BOOKLETS, CIRCULARS, FOLDER? OR ANT OTHER FORM OB" PRINTING' it win be to your advantage to consult us. Our facilities guarantee best results. Cur sample will oonvino you of our quality PORTLAND PRINTING HOUSE CO. Phone A 2281. Main 620). 388 Tailor Strut IQCHWAB PRIf-TIPeC CO. IOsOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE 2451 STARK. 'STREET