Last Day of the Great "Made-in-Oregon" Exposition, on Fourth Floor Brown's Orchestra Will Play From 2 to 5 o'CIock Be Here Store Open Tonight Until 9:30 Last Day of "Mattress Contest" $25 for Best Name and Design for Qur New $8.50 Felt Mattress MEIER & FRANK'S MEIER & FRANK'S MEIER & FRANK'S MEIER & FRANK'S MEIER & FRANK'S MEIER & FRANK'S MEIER & FRANK'S iirch 66 W atetr i $22-50 Watches $14.98 Waltham, Elgin or mm Hampden I? Jewel IN- EVERY way the finest Watchea you cn bny rugu larly at $2050. About 7 handsome styles to choose from, one precisely as il lustrated. High-grade 17-jewel, Elgin, Waltham or Hampden movement fitted in 20 year guaranteed (fold filled cases. Every Watch carefully timed and adjusted with compensa tion balance and patent mi crometrie acrew regulator. The watches are exceptionally good ralues at our nvular prices, but for the Great P1 A QQ March Watch sale they go for very low price of V -'"' To $ 1 8 Watches Elgin, Waltham or Hampden Movem'ts AT ATCHES of world-famed reputation. Either 15 or 17-jewel Waltham, Elgin or Hampden movement, fitted in guaranteed 20-year open face or hunting (closed) cases. Styles for both men and women, one in exact size as illustrated. Movements nil carefully ad justed, with compensation bal ance. $16.50 to $18 watches in every particular, C "I 1 QQ today only, each, P 1 lf O Women's Watches $8.49 Either Elgin or Waltham WOMEN'S beautiful 7-jewel Elgin or Walthaiu watches in several Btyles, one exactly as illustrated. Movements carefully regulated and timed; fitted in 20-year guar anteed hunting, closed, or open face cases, handsomely engraved. Positive $12.50 to $15 watches for the Great Annual An Af March Sale today 00.41 2000 Guaranteed Seven-Jewel Watches Made to Sell for $8 to $12, Special at $4.95! Sale in Jewelry Store, First Floor, New Building. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. BY far the most sensational "Watch savings ever offered on the Pacific Coast. It was principally for this Great Annual March Sale that our jewelry buyer made a trip clear across the continent. In Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, he bought good, GUARANTEED "WATCHES to sell amazingly under-value. In this great lot at $4.95 are over 2000 GUARANTEED "WATCHES FOR MEN AND "WOMEN, MADE TO SELL FOR $3, $10, $12 and' some even higher. High-grade 7-jewel movements, fitted in 10-year warranted gold-filled cases. Practically every modern size and style that's made FOR MEN AND "WOMEN. The en tire lots, without a restriction, go on sale this morning. See the big Morrison-street window display. Men 'a good new Thin-model Watches. Man 'a Hunting (closed) Watches now Men's Gold Dial Open-face Watches at Men's Handsomely Engraved Watches Every Case 10-year Gold Tilled, only Every Movement Guar.. Timekeeper J $11.98 fWomen's Hunting (closed) Watches Women's Open Face Watches. Women's Finely Engraved Watches. Women's Fancy Swiss-style Watches. Every Case Warranted for 10 years lEvery Movem't Guaranteed Timekeeper To $12.50 Watches $6.98 Elgin or Waltham 9 1 TlM a cmvHH i -jewei movemem is HINK of buying. a genuine Elgin or Waltham Watch in a guaranteed 20-year gold filled case for $6.9S! They're Watches never sold regularly under $10 and $12.50. Cases either hunting (closed) or open face styles one exactly like illustration and same size. Both movement and case are fully guaranteed. March Watch Sale price today for (?C QQ low price of only PvJ.I70 The New Spring Sty esml eier Frank Reliable Clothing-! See Oar mlt 1 frdWl!' -si '-fa LlI M THIRD FLOOR. NEW BC1LDIXG. ORDER BT HAIU N CLOTHING there are two kinds of style! One is the style that's pressed in with the tailor's iron, only to disappear the first time you're caught in the rain or damp. The other is THE STYLE THAT LASTS that is imbued by a master tailor a style and fit which last as long as you wear the garment. That is the DEPENDABLE, Lasting style you get in Meier & Frank Clothing, whether price is $15 or $35. Our Men's Clothing Store is under the new management of a man from the East. Mr. O. C. Graves comes to us with years of experience with the biggest houses. "We want you to come and meet him personally. Spring Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats $15, $18 $20, $25 and Upwards . i Special Lenten Sale of Bibles and Testaments W 30c Fresh Roasted Coffee 22c BJtSKXEXT. MA IX BCILDIXG. ORDER, BT MAIL. EVERY household should provide a coffee supply for weeks to come! . For Saturday only, our regular 30c fresh roasted coffee a quality that always gives no satisfaction. You can buy all you want at, lb. S5c Early Dawn Coffee, 3 lbs. 93 S lb. 31V. Meier & Frank Superior Blend Coffee. 40 grade 3 lbs. $1.10, lb. 33. Butternut Butter, the best you can buy-2-lb. roll. Go. Aladdin Coffee, new brand sold here exclusively 30 prude at 4 lbs. 03, 2 lbs. 53, lb. 27. 30c Robin Hood Oranges, dot. 27 Eoyal Banquet, genuine Mocha and Java Coffee-3 lbs. $1.40, lb. 4S. FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BriLDntG. ORDER BT HAIU E carry at all times a complete stock of Bibles, Testaments and Religious Books. A special Lenten sale for today. See illustration. 85o Crystal Text Bibles, 3x7 inches, priced at 65 $2 Text Brevier Bibles, 4x7 inches, priced at $1.50 $225 American Standard Beference Bibles, $1.69 $2.50 Bagaster's Teachers' Bibles, priced at $1.85 15c Cloth Testaments, 2x4 inches, priced now at 9 35c Leather Testaments, 2x3 inches, now priced 25 $1.50 Leather Testaments, 5x7 inches, priced $1.12 Children's 75c New Spring Underwear 39c FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. JUST unpacked in time for this rousing Saturday sale, two big purchases of Children s Spring -weight Union Suits. Medium weight, fleece-lined in white and gray. High neck, long sleeves and ankle length. All sizes. Regular 75c OQ grades, sale price, each'' $1.50 Underwear, 73c. Incomplete line of women's sample Swiss Eibbed Vests and Pants, plain or umbrella style. Low neck, no sleeve, lace-trim M Vests. Regular $1.50 7Q- grades, today each at $3 Union Suits, $1.59. Special lot of "Women's fine, new Swiss Ribbed Union Suits, in umbrella and tight-knee 6tvles. Crochet and Val. lace trimmed. Excellent OJ "1 ESQ $3 grades, today at P1J Skx fluff lVirtflorn Roniifr ParlArc , vif j" vx jliv i alien city's biggest business in manicuring, hairdressing, massage, jj electrolysis. "We also maintain our own shop for the manufacturing of hair goods, and can quote prices unmatchable elsewhere. Three big specials for today : Girls' Pretty New Wash Dresses for $1.50 ECOXD FLOOR, MAIX BCILDIXG. ORDER BY MAIL. P RETTY, well-made wash a bis Dresses, that are a delight for the Miss and mother alike. Made of sturdy, tubable Ginghams, Percales, Madrasses and Chambrays in solid colors of blue, pink, tan, also charming figured effects. Dutch or high necks, short eleeres and full plaited skirts. All sizes, 6 (1 Pn to 14 year Special values P Children's New Reefer Coats A host of charming,' youthful styles are ready in Children's New Spring Reefer Coats. Bright reds, nobby black and white checks and navy bias serges. All lined through out, with Telvet collars. Ages 2 to 6 yean prices for this CC ft A sale, are $4.50 and VJ.UU $2 Switches and Puffs Switches are 22-inch, in most staple shades. Puffs 'include the latest effects. "fePAi Special for today's QO. 8eUin onlr' each VOC $4 Myrtle Psyche Puffs The latest effect, made up of numerous puffs and ringlets, extra good quality hair, in all the 0 1 Q wanted shades P 7 $9 Pine Quality Switches 22 inches long, of luxuri ant German wavy Hair in all shades. Spe- j in cial for today JO.J.y 40c Gingham Aprons 29c SECOND FLOOR, NEW BtlLDIXG. ORDER BY HAIU ONE can never have too many Aprons, and right here at house cleaning time we offer a rousing special on neat, practical Gingham Aprons I Made of good quality gingham and percale, in assorted patterns. Largo protect- QQ ing bib. Best rcg. 40c Aprons, today ajQ, $3.50 to $5 Corsets $1.79 SECOND FLOOR, NEW BtlLDIXG. ORDER BY MAIL. DON'T attempt to fit your new Spring suit over an old corset certainly not when it is possible to buy corsets at less than half price. Of fine coutil and batiste, medium or long lengths, with hose supporters attached. All sizes. PI 7Q $3.50 to $5.00 Corsets, priced at, special V Great Showing Spring Shirks FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING, H Y0tJ'VE ,the biggest and best Shirt stock west of Chicago," a representative of one of the great shirt concerns told other day. And he knows the shirt business on the Pacific Coast "like a book." The famous Manhattan, Earl & Wilson, Gotham, . Star and our own M. & P. Special are here in thousands of the newest and best Spring patterns. Come in tomorrow and see forj yourseii. prices start wnn our own famous $1 Special, up to fin est custom-made grades at $6.50. Men's Munsing Under'wr. The celebrated Munsing Under wear for men is here in all the new Spring styles and weights. Union Suits and separate CtS, garments, upward from "3C $1.50 Underwear, $1.29. Fine mercerized form-fitting Shirts and Drawers in pink, white, tan and blue. Spring needle- weave. Regular $l.o0 quality, today each ORDER BY MAIL. f,$1.29 50c Silk Plated Socks, 35c Special lot of Men's fine, new Silk Plated Socks in plaid and ribbed effects, also solid colors. Special for today, 3 pairs OP. for $1.00, pair for only OOC $2.50 Pajamas, $1.29. Men's fine So;sette Pajamas in all plain colors and fancy stripes and figured effects. Plain sur plice and military col- C 1 O Q lars, $2.50 Suits nowV' Women's to 35c Collars Today 12c FIRST FLOOR, MAIX BL'ILDI.VG. ORDER BY MAIL. TTHEY'RE the smart, new laundered Byron Collars, which will be the rage everywhere this coming Spring and Summer! The famous James R. Keiser make, of linen and corded madras in white and colors, with pretty polka dot borders as shown in the above sketch. Also dainty allover effects. Eegu- rj lar 25c and 35c Collars, specially priced today at, each, X tC 10c Handkerchiefs, 6c. Special extraordinary on wo men's pure linen Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs. And there are all initials in the lot. Just the sort for 10c sort for everyday use. quality, each, for only To 50c Ribbons, 21c. Another phenomenal sale of new Spring Ribbons. Beautiful fancy all silk grades, also Per sians, Dresdens, plaids and new black-and-white checks. 35c O "t to 50c grades, today, yard, "AC $2.75 Famous "Horseshoe" Wringers for $2.19 BASEMENT, MALV BUILDING. CERTAINXiY good news for the housewife when our famous Horseshoe "Wringers may be had at this splendid reduction ! Exactly as illustrated, with strong, natural wood posts and thoroughly vulcanized rollers. Our best $2.75 "Wringers, priced today t Q "I f only at this low figure tDa X 5 .egg gp J" W ':' w -f