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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1911)
THE MORXiyO OKEGOXIAN. TIIUKSPAY, MARCH 9, 1911. STORM WIS LEFT WIDEDEVASTAHON Five Counties in California Re port Floods Have Covered Them. GREAT LEVEE HAS BROKEN trrrllcrs In Sacramento Taller TJrlTen Out, Cattle Drowned. Or chards Torn Vp, Bridge Gne, and Railroads Blocked. SACRAMENTO. CU Mrch - (?Pe clai.) The backbone cf the itorm that rad throughout Northern Cailfornla during- the past t hour h broken nd indications are that there will be little more rain. Flood conditions In the lower reaches ef the Sacramento Kiver did (rest damase and the losses will reach well tip Into the thousand of dollars. The new i'he:sn lever, that protects the lands of the rhelan estate In the Chlco and IlAutlton City reRion. broke at 11 orlork lt nlRht and hundreds of a- res of rich land are under water la thai ser on. In all. about 10 M county bridges are badly damaged or destroyed. In the vicinity of Drls high wster caused many fs.-nllles tJ mov to the upper storlt-s of their homes. Sv iiaro rml awoke during the nlsht to find tue water rreeptnc up to the rim of bis bed. li barely a-ot away from the room and wttn a durkboat succeeded In rescuing many bead of cattle he owned. Near Hamilton City a corral contain-in- l'o head of cattle was filled with water and It Is estimated that ZOO of trie cattle perished during; the night. Keports from five neighboring coun ties report stalled trains, destroyed bridges, fruit trees uprooted by heavy wind and cattle and bulidlncs lost In floods. A number of people are re ported drowned. A great snowsllde at Crystal Lake near the summit on the Southern Pa cific overland line covers the tracks for half a mile and Is 100 feet deep. It la the ble-c-est slide the railroad company has ever had to contend wtta and will delay overland trains for Some time. The Western Pacific reports wash outs In NUes Canyon and snnwalldes In Kcather River Canyon. Officials ex pect to have the line clear within 24 hours. Kxcept for minor delays. Oregon trains are running; nearly on time. CEXITO DAM IS BROKEN Bridges Swept Away and Town Is Isolated FVom World. SAN JOSE. Cal.. March 8. Reports from San iienito say that nearly two ln-h of rain has fallen within the :i hours and both bridges over the tan Benito River are down. Isolating; the town from 4 surrounding coun try. The Irrigation dam five miles south Is under water and the surrounding country is submerged several feet. Telephone lines throughout the county are down. Thirty acres of or chard trees have been torn out by the root. Tres linos Creek has played great havoc along Its banks, leaving tne channel In places and washing out farms. CORCORAN JURY DISAGREES Sanity or Sullivan's Tlrtr In Doubt. Seattlo Lawyers Denounced. tXUBLJX. March A Jury to which was submitted today the question of sanity of Edward Corcoran, alleged by lis son to have surrendered to Ameri can lawyers much of an estate inherit ed from his cousin. John Sullivan of Seattle. Wash., disagreed and was dis charged. Previously American Vice-Consul Arthur I. Piatt had testified that Cor coran fully understood the nature of the documents Involved. Counsel for E. Cor coran, the son. complained of th publ' cation of a cablegram purporting to be a statement by the American lawyers concerned in the case, which be de clared constituted a gross contempt of court. Several experts testified that Cor coran was perfectly sane. ACKERMAN'S SALARY SET President of .Monmouth Normal to Oct SSeOO Annually. SALEM. Or.. March . (Special) At a meeting of the exccntlve committee ef the State Board of Normal Regents today a general meeting of the board was called for April S In Monmouth. Ciovernor West. Miss Cornelia Marvin and Superintendent Alderman are mem bers of the executive committee, of which President J. li. Ackerman also act. as secretary. There will he no additional secretary for the State Board of Normal 'Regents, as arrangements have been made for the president to act. The executive committee entered into a three-year contract with President Ackerman at a salary of ;600 annually. PLAGUE IS BEING CHECKED avorabl Keports Received Front re kin. Tnngrha and Pao-Tcng-Fu. BOSTON. March $. Additional ad rices regarding the bubonic plague In North Cclna. received by the American Board of Commissioner for Foreign Victoria today. Indicate that the au thorities in the vicinity of Peking. Tung cha and Pso-Tlng-Fu. in the Chill prov ince, have been successful In checking further spread of the disease. Tr.e report says that about the middle of January there was much fear In Fe ktn. but after much success was at tained In checking the disease they sub sided. The same stats was met In Tien Tela. WOMAN ANDBABE BURNED Lamp Falls. Seattle Official's Moth er, 70, and Infant May Die. EVERETT. Wash., March K Special.) The overturning of a lamp tonight In a small house at 2ua Cedar street set firs to the building Mrs. Edward Philips, mother of Conn- cllman J. 8. Philips, and the three-montha-old son of Mrs. McCord. of Seattle, a daughter of Mrs. Philips, wers burned severely. Mrs. Philips Is 70 years old and It Is feared her Injuries will prove fatal. The baby Is burned about the head and may die. TRAIN STRIKES YOUTH With IIlp Broken He Lies for Six Hours Before Found. VANfDCVER. Wash.. March S. (Spe cify Siruck at midnight by a fast pas err.ger train and burled from the track. Coleman Nee. H years old. wsa com pelled to lie in the rain with a broken hip and many bruises until ( o'clock this morning, when he was discovered by a railroad man and brought to a hospital In this city, where he was cared for. Nee has a mother In Harlem, New Tork. and has been working with a bridge gang in Canada. Several days ago be came here, but being unable to And T . ....... ..........-' NATIVE Or PORTLAND DIES AT HOME IN LA GRANDE, AO ED 1 YEARS. .;..-.,;n - it Mrs. Maria PeWHt Saodgrass. LA GRANDE. Or.. March . (Spe J1.) Mra. Maria DeWItt Snodgrass. ef this city, died suddenly rrlday night. acd (I. Since lltl Mrs. anodrraae had made La Oraade her home. fhe was mother ef II chil dren, nine ef whom survive her. Her husband died two years age. Mra Snodgrass was a daugater ef Mrs. OI.Ua DeWItt. 2(4 North Twenty-second street. Portland, who, though tT years old. still survtvea Mrs. Snodgrass was bora Is Port land July :. 114. She was mar ried Mar It. to W. J. Snod grass. in Portland, and Immediately after their marriage they moved to La Grande. Mrs, Snodgrass is survived by nine children, her mother, two sisters and tare brothers. The children are: Joe Snodgrasa La Grande; Wilt Colfax; William. J. O- and L. L of this city: Mra, E. W. Bartlett. Mrs. Jay Van Buren. Mra Fred Dlddebrandt. Judith Snodgrass. all of this city, and Mrs. P. T. Abbott, of Colfax: her sisters are Mrs. Wellman and Mra Marker. Palo Alto, and the brothers are John Cullen and Frank DeWItt. of Port land. work, exarted at ( o'clock last night to walk to Chehalls. down the Northern Pa cific track. He had gone about six mUea when he was struck. CANADIAN WILL IMPROVE Sliaughneaity to Order Steamers for Pacific Ocean Line. NEW TORK. March . Sir Thomas O. Sbaughnessy. president of the Cana dian Pacific Railroad, and Gifford Pln chot. were fellow-passengers today on the steamship Celtic, Journeying to Eu rope. Sir Thomas said tne Canadian Pa cific contemplated spending about $34. 000.000 the coming year on Improve ments and extensions, and while in England he expects to place orders for the building of the two new ships for the Pacific trade. These steamship will be about 10,000 tons each. Sir Thomas said he thought the gen eral feeling In Canada was not favor able U reciprocity. Mr. Plnchot ie going on a pleasure trip to the Mediterranean. STRIKE CALLED BY COUP 10,000 Steamfltters Are Ordered Out In Chicago. CHICAGO, March S. While Judge Grldley was hearing arguments today In the petition of Journeymen steam fitters for an Injunction to prevent the Chicago Trades Council and the Steam fitters' Union from declaring general strikes, the labor leaders executed a coup by ordering out approximately 10.000 men. Building In the main part of the city is tied up. DR. BELTRAN TAKES REINS Provisional Kxceutlve of Honduras Is F.lcTatcd by Congress. PUERTO CORTEZ. Honduras. March 8. Dr. Francleca Belt ran. who was agreed on last week by the peace con ference as provisional President of Honduras, was elected yesterday by Congress as Premier Designate, or first Vice-President of the Republic This Is a full acceptance by the Congress of the conditions of the peace agreement, and BWtran becomes the constitutional as well as provisional President of the country Immediately on the resignation of President Davlla. Church Mortgage Burned. The ceremony of burning the mort gage was held last night in the First Churrh of the Naxarene. East Seventh and East Couch streets. Rer. A. O. Henrlcks. the pastor, conducted the opening exercise, after which W. T. Branch, chairman of the board of trus tees, burned the mortgage In the pres ence of the congregation. Money to the amount of 16v0 with which to 1 pay the debt was raised last Sunday. The church la a little over four years old. and has property valued at more than 111.000. There are 200 members. Copies of Motor Law In Demand. SALEM. Or., March . (Special.) Copies of the new Oregon motor vehi cle law are being received from the printer by the Secretary of State. It Is doubtful If there has ever been such a great demand for any Individual law as there has been for this one. Great stacks of letters are piled In the Secre tary's office awaiting answer In Lba bap of popjr pf Lola pamphlet. RUEF IS SERVING PRISON NOVITIATE Ex-Boss Endures Incarcera tion With .Stoicism and Flashes of Humor. HE MAY SOON BE PROMOTED Beginning as Spooler, Ruef May Be Given Work More Suited to His Genius He Has Murderer and Burglar as Cellmates. SAN FRANCISCO. March 8. (Special.) San Francisco's former political boas, Abraham Ruef, at 10 o'clock this morning commenced his term of servitude at San Quentln by sn Introduction to the "spool ers" In the Jute mill, being placed at a form of unskilled labor that la reserved for the new entrants at the prison. Warden Uoyle stated that the routine procedure would be adopted with Ruef as with anV other prisoner. The long strain of farewells having ended. Ruef had recovered some of his natural buoyancy by morning and ac cepted conditions as he met them with philosophical stoicism and occasional flashes of hat Irrepressible facellousness. Jute Work KucTs Novitiate. "It Is not possible to eay Just how long Ruef will be kept at the Jute mill." said Uoyle. "It may be that he will very soon prove to us that be Is worth more money at some other line. This is a large Institution and men are empioyea in many forms of labor. There naturally are some positions that men of education can nil that it would be impossible for other prisoners to till. "However, the Jute mill Is the novl tiate that every prisoner must serve. Later, if we rind that Ruef Is worth more money to the institution st some work that may prove more congenial to Bin, we aili Dut him at It. "Ruef Is In a very philosophical humor this morning. He says that he is no better now than any other prisoner and does not expect any distinction to be made with him." Murderer and Burglar Ills Cellmates After breakfast In the main dining room with hundreds of fellow-prisoners Ruef was taken to the photograph gal lery, where his pictures were taken with the number on his breast, 14.911. He was then taken to the Bertlllon room, where his measurements and fingerprints were taken. After that ceremony waei con cluded he was taken to the Jute mill for his first day's work. Ruef has been given a cell with Thomas O. Toung. serving life for the slaying of Policeman William Helns. and with Manuel Corrila, under seven years sen tence for burglary. With such com panions must the man, who above all things waei an exquisite, a. cultured and polished cosmopolitan. a university graduate, spend his leisure hours. CHANCELLOR JOHNSON IES Atlr Three Months' Illness, Aged Pioneer Passes at Xetvbcrg. XEWBERO, Or.. March 8. (Special.) Chancellor L. Johnson passed away last week at the age of S3 years, after an illness of three months at his home three miles north of Newberg. He was born 'n Tully, Onon daga County. New Tork, April 27, 1S25. removing at an early day to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was married to Miss Mary Jane Cslklns. March 17, 1W7. To them were born two sons and four daughters. Ills widow, two daughters, and their families. Mrs. J. C. Willis and Mra tT. Chase, and one daughter-in-law and fam ily. Mrs. Hiram C. Johnson, are left to mourn his departure. Funeral services were held st the home, burial taking place at the Friends' Cemetery March J. THAWS AWAITED IN CHINA Melting Snows Will Interfere With Michigan Men Suspected of Hokl-Vp PEKIN, March 8. The Chinese govern ment has not been informed officially of Russia's reported intention of putting police boats on the Amur. It Is said at the Russian legation that the project evi dently Is only for quarantine purposes. The melting of snows is anxiously awaited, because it is believed that If either Russia or Japan has aggressive designs, this will Interfere with the movement of troops and will cause suf ficient delay to permit of settlement of controversial questions. The financial loaves, both directly snd . indirectly, through tho stoppage of the railways Is enormous Husk Estate Probated. OREGON CITT, Or., Msy 8. (Special.) The estate or the late John D. Rusk, father of Speaker Jerry Rusk, of the Oregon House of Representatives, was admitted to probate today and Mrs. Elii abeth Rusk, the widow, was appointed administratrix. The estato. which con slm of land near Mllwaukle, Is valued at $3600. Lewis County Doctors Meet. CENTRA LIA, Wash.. March 8. (Spe cial.) Physicians of Lewis County held their annual banquet last night at ti e Annex Cafe, the occasion being the regnlsr gathering of the Lewis County NEVER ANY INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA OR SICK, GASSY, UPSET STOMACH Your out-of-order Stomach feels fine five minutes after tak ing a little Diapepsin. Take your sour, out-of-order stom ach or maybe you call It Indiges tion, Dyspepsia. Gastritis or Catarrh of Stomach: It doesn't matter take your stomach trouble right with you to your Pharmacist and ask him to open a (0-cent case of Pape's Di a pep sin and let you eat one zt-graln Trian gula and see If within five minutes there is left any trace of your former misery. The correct name for your troble Is Food Fermentstion food souring; the Digestive organs become weak, there Is lack of gastrla juice: your food Is only half digested, and you become af fected with loss of appetite, pressure and f ulinaas after eating, vomiting. Pimples Off In 5 Days The New Calcium Sulphide Treatment Does Wonders to Every Kind of Skin Eruption. Trial Packages Seat Free To Frees It, Tou don't want to wait forever and a day to get rid of your pimples or other skin eruptions. Tou want to get rid of them -right now. Next week you may want to go somewhere where you wouldn't like to have to take the pim ples along. Tou can get rid of them just la time by taking Stuart's Calcium Wafers. These wonderful little workers have cured bad bolls In three days, and some of the worst cases of skin disease In a week. They contain as their main Ingredi ent the most thorough, quick and ef fective blood cleanser known, calcium sulphide. Remember this, too, that most pim ple treatments reek with poison. And they are miserably slow besides. Stuart's Calcium Wafers have not a particle of poison In them. They are free from mercury, biting drugs or venomous opiates. This Is absolutely guaranteed. They cannot do any harm, but they always do good. good that you can see In the mirror before your own eyes a few days after. Ion't be any longer humiliated by having a splotchy face. Don't have strangers stare at you, or allow your friends to be ashamed of you because of your face. Your blood makes you what you are. The men and women who forge ahead are those with pure blood and purs faces. Stuart's Calcium Wafers will make you happy because your face will be a welcome sight not only to yourself when you look Into the glass, but to everybody else who knows you and talks with you. We want to prove to you that Stuart's Calcium Wafers are beyond doubt the best and quickest blood and skin purifier In the world so we will send you a free sample as soon as we get your name and rddress. Send for it today, and then when you have tried the sample you will not rest con tented until you have bought a 60c box at your druggist's. Send us your name and address to day and we will at once send you by mail a sample package, free. Address F. A. Stuart Co, 176 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Medical Association. The attendance was large. Addresses were delivered by Drs. Banks. Livingstone, Holla. Blckford. Stewart, Knlskern and Primmer of Centralis, Drs. Coleman. Godfrey and Hotchklss of Chehalls and Dr. Bltxer of ilayrteld. The event was the fourth an nual banquet of the association. FILMS DEPICT OIL WELL Novel Picture Tells Pretty Romance. Comedy Shown, Too. "A Wild Cat Well" at the Star The ater is interesting. In that it shows the operation of an oil well In every detail, besides telling a pretty romance. "A Decree of Destiny." contributed by the biograph," grips the heart with strange power, while the two Pathe comedies are extremely witty. At the Arcade Theater In "The Irish Honeymoon" a splendid picture is given of Dick Croker, the ex-boss of Tammany Hall, while "The Barber's Daughter" contains several genuine laughs. "The Eye of Conscience" is featured at the Oh Joy Theater. It Is a weird drama, showing how a mask with a pe culiar eye saved a man from disloyalty to a helpless friend. ' The headllner at the Odeon is 'The Iron Master," pictured from the book. "Claire, the Forgemaster." Three other splendid films make up a long and strong bill. M , Four clever pictures amuse and in struct at the Trivoll and much Interest Is shown in the picture of the lad who now owns the Shetland pony. Another Btrong Dickens book is photo, played at the Star for next Sunday. TWO WASCO PIONEERS DIE Mrs. Caroline Connolly and Mrs. E. J, Martin Were Octogenarians. THE DALLES, Or., March 8. (Spe cial.) The death of two women, who were Oregon pioneers and old residents of Wasco County, took here today. Mrs. Caroline Connolly, 85 years old. who had lived on a ranch at Eight Mile, a few miles from The Dalles, for the past 26 years, died at the home of her son. Orson Connolly, this morning. Mrs. E. J. Marlin, 87 years old, who crossed the plains by ox-team in 1845. died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. POPULAR SHAMPOO BEAUTIFIES HAIR "At last It seems that a genuine remedy for hair and scalp troubles has been found." writes Mae Martyn in the New Tork American. "The problem of lifeless, unattractive hair and dandruffy, diseased scalps appears to be solved. I find that these condi tions disappear almost as If by magic by shampooing the hair with plain canthrox. it. n tv.- .hnmnoo. slmnlV .IV I ' ' . j - dissolve a teaspoonful of canthrox in a CUP Of not water. 11 man. abundant lather that cleanses per- . 1.. .1 rinu, ak11v- The beauty of this shampoo Is that It dries very quickly and seems to inngomi. mm put new life into the hair and scalp. 1, th hair erlossv. fluffy and eaey to do up. The cost of canthrox is but Htle and It has the Inexpres sible approval of every woman who uses It- nausea, heartburn, griping In bowels, tenderness in the pit of stomach, bad taste in mouth, constipation, pain in limbs, sleeplessness, belching of gas, biliousness, sick headache, nervous ness, dizziness or many other similar symptoms. If your appetite Is fickle and noth ing tempts you. or you belch gas. or if you feel bloated after eating, or your food lies like a lump of lead on your stomaoh, you can make up your mind that at the bottom of all this there Is but one cause fermentation of undi gested food. Prove to yourself in five minutes that your stomach Is as good as any; that there is nothing really wrong. Stop this fermentation and begin eat ing what you want without fear of dis comfort or misery. Almost Instant relief Is waiting for you. It Is merely a matter of how aooa 70a taka a Jtttla- Riapeasln, Smappy SiuuiSs for Gemfcleinniera " tlie tSaimg" for Spring J. B. Crossen. In this city this after noon. Funeral services will be held IB.. Up-to-date in Style, Graceful in Appearance, Comfortable and Made of the Best Ma terial The Brewer Hat Looks Well and Lasts WelL It is the Kind it Pays to Buy. BEN SELLING LEADING CLOTHIER MORRISON AND FOURTH There ought to be no mnsicless home now. We're selling out. Pianos, Organs, Talking Machines, in fact, everything in our old store is to be closed out. Our new building, 7th and Alder streets, is nearing com pletion. We start with an entirely new stock on April 3. Eilers Music House, now at 353-55 Washington street. Largest Dealers in Musical Instruments. Spiriimg pepl ' dlemmaEadl (fefrmcttwe clotihanaga Eeini Slmg dottMirnj has A dlkftEimdtiioffii of sMll9 sibjl md coinrect laaSrisngo ELO LEAPIMG CLOTHIER Monrisosa ait Founrllli at the horns Friday, Kev. D. V. Poling officiating. rewer Is the Best Hat in the World liieii Elegant Mam- Tailored StmiSs for Ladies amdl Misses MG Sunny Monday soap is just is pure as it looks. It is white, ,-nade from the purest mate rials and contains no rosin starts dirt like magic washes woolens without shrinking does not fade colors works in any kind of water and contains a marvelous dirt starter which save9 time and rubbing. Sunny Monday will double the life of your clothes and save you half the labor of wash day. THErKTAlRBANK COMPANY . CHICAGO Bald Heads Not Wanted Baldness Is Too Generally Considered a Sign of Advanced Age A bald-headed person does not have an equal chance with one blessed with a healthy head of hair, because bald ness is too generally accepted as an Indication of age. Many large cor porations have established an age limit, and refuse to take men over 85 years of age as new employes. Almost 65 per cent of bald-headed people may regain a good head of healthy hair if they will follow our advice and accept our offer. We have a remedy that we positively guarantee to grow hair on any head, unless the roots of the hair are entirely dead, their follicles closed, and the scalp has be come glazed and shiny. We want peo ple to try this remedy at our risk, with the distinct understanding that unless it does exactly what we claim it will. and gives satisfaction in every respect. we shall maKe no cnarge ior me rem edy used during the trial. We ltnow exactly what we are talk ing about, and with this offer back of our state: -nts no one should scoff, doubt our word or hesitate to put our remedy to an actual test. We want everyone suffering from any scalp 'or hair trouble, dandruff, falling hair or baldness to try our Rexall '93" Hair Tonic. We want them to use it regularly say until three bot tles have been used and if It does not eradicate dandruff, cleanse and refresh the scalp, tighten the hair in it roots. and grow new hair, we wm return every cent paid us for the remedy for the mere asklntr. There is no formal ity expected and we exact no obliga tion from the user whatever. We are established right here where you live, and make this offer with a full understanding tnat our ousraess success entirely depends upon the sort of treatment we accord our customers, and we would not dare make the above offer except that we are certain that we can substantiate it in every particu lar. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic comes In two sizes, 50 cents and J1.00. Remem ber you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Portland only at The Owl Drug Co., Inc., Cor. 7th, and .Washington Sts,