J6 THE aiORSiyg OREGOMAy. TI1UKSUAY, JUAKUH P, mil. I ! ,- T FOB KENT. l FOH RENT. : . I IJCCIDrNT. . Office leeroiary a nployrneot D"1" r. m. c a. , Toioi man. stranger, eat of worn Me total can umuh-If I PT 7J for opottal xpltymnt numbinh p 1 'u only be.e 1 at WI'I etarva- Ue stair if per l f,7fciM tnrIor ent mem bersMp you T. - C. A-. with all IU r)fM between ou and starvation. What happened ,..a Tau( maa took membership. In . two hours bo found .at factory omp 'y- "Uurltf February. Itll. 117 olns roan mnloyiuont In like minnir. , Employment ex refund of members I fee guaranteed. , - rxratary Employment Dopartaoa. T. at. C. A. WANTCrv MOVINT-PICTUrX OHEKATUKi In rrr city iftrwcbooi tho world. e IS YOUR ITI'ORTIMTI to "" f;.x-r. F nvi TRAI'K: orR Mioni. P.Kf "i.NIZED In tho East ,'" fTAM)AI;n. wo aro the f triory J""" p fc.r .1 STANDAlin -,vu--.t,.T! " x Snrnrvt. nfi'Piiw ,-lois l'IIAIK.4 AND ri.ElTKie PIANOS". many tua.-4 beautiful picture films tmeatmw equipped1 compl-t o.n copiJeteM course op operatixo 8.1S only 32- , Now York Film C. fr a lro ooai. 82t'i Wash.. nar 17tb. , Operator.' Hand- u- Given Away rroo. Olt!UTl.a NT TO BE HANDED W.VNTED M-vtN' riCTVR- In rrr city 1 1-o'lg'f'l: t "10 world. NOW I YOUR OPPoRTfSITT t- learn I a ...o..pATTNG TRAI'S. PVR t.rlOOL rtKi'miM'SD In the Km! tho fiAS lAKI. We ait tho factory J"bber fr power- ('amrir;h an. I Monograph. a E,!'fa an.! llhe tMrhlnii In stoca. Many tho.jaand bea-tlful films '"r root. Each .rnclrnt examined by csp-rt. LAEJfalLE for f-lr Deal, foni-fi Tt-illd;ns. 4th anj Washington. .... Ut our standard operators' handbook. fV. . WXI'IPA!. r r- .mpiuanent Hur wants: 1 oplw.ttrfr. 3 experienced so lictors. g-vd proposition; a men for or rnmrA work. $1 .' a day ti't board, no Markets, faro man and wife wltn family for hopjard. children ran work: man and wife for Southern Oregon for farm: man and wlf for Kaa'eni rega f.r farm, no chlltl-n. wa o a month: 9 farm hand. a month. (1 faro; 3 haavy tramo for hauilnc t:. $1.50 pr . all Summrra Job; 1 rld-rly run for a!do rraort. 2 lath men for California. 4 mn to rlrar land Tl) an aero, tool fur K!hd mo to truck cortanM. l 2i ror-i. No fo chapr-n. ar M1ion t. HRt.-K 1XHDHCS WANTED. Pragji feodora. ti-ttero. Ilak'ri. I.oadera. urn-n. Irpan f atvlrra. I'ti millmfn. Wanted Immodlataly for Ura now plant Bear Tacnma. waah. lay own K. ft. faro. M- J. Bond. 1 A. M- or 2 P. M -Saturday. Imperial Hotel. Portland. KAtRBAN'Kn! ID IT A ROD. A LASK1A. Thoao who are anlnar to work or proa. pe,-t either di:rtct thu aeaaon ran trarel comfortably and aave money by Joining oir horao outfit Tla tho Valdea trail. Wo fumlah tramir faro. meal. aleeplnar tenta. and carry 4i pountl of baaicaco for earn man from Seattle to Falroanka for 10i. Wo aro well rqulPTwd. had yoara of e.pr1enr. Loavo oeattlo March 24. rarly reaerTatlona null bo mado to oo ruro paeaare. C. K. Hammond. 1343 Jlall- road ae. tonth. oeattle, Waah. SALOME WANTED. Wo tiao an onenlnc f "r rood liyo aalea. men. men of neat appearance and atron peraonallty; our property sella itaclf. wo want mn to lntro.;u.-e It. CO-OPF.HATIVE REAI.TT CO, JUl.way icaaC(a 8Al.E.-Ml:X WANTED to handle the beat and cioarat-ln property on the Wet thin property la neit to Wlllam-tte Hetihta and la being- ao!d ti per cent lean taaa any Helfhta prop erty; h'jnire.le of p-o?le Tleit tho tract '.1 week nnaoll'-tte.l. and If you aro a aod rlos-r or are wi::inj to lern to be one. we want you: 1 : oe r .il commlaeton and all advan'av-s to h:p you ct buaineaa. r.StTED TKIST I'D, PIT Hoard cf Trade. IA!.E.M.N The Columbia Ufa Truat to. 1.4a an opontrc for ono or two first rla.a o;ic;tora If you hao not had ex perteoco la ael:lnc life Inauranco you will be at-hooled anfl rendered asa:tanca In ending- proepecta and cloa.ntf bualneaa: e.-pwor.nl opportualtiea for osperienced men. Ak for p. iV-kwood, vice-preai-dent and general manaa-er. or Harry Rt-hey. city nuanr, ta floor Spaldina; . Altf.E.FOrIF:D men wanted for the U. S. M ir'.ne t'orpa. between tho axes of 19 and moat be nativo born or havo Brat pa pers, monthly pay IS to $'i-j. additional compensation poesibie. foo.1. ciothlna. quar ters and medical attention free- after SO are' service can retire with 75 per rent of pay and allowances: service oo board SMp and aehore In all par's of he world. At-ply at V. t. XirtB Corps Kecrultlns lica ilreden blda; Ad and Washington. Ota. Portland. Or. TFfK MEirR m AVK TOREi haro vacancy In tbo took department for a yung man who has had experience la tais lino. Apply to u;t.. to 10 A. it. W FT wajtt a man to-tftks rharao of our Iratlsa department. Thla man must bo honest, reliable, experienced In city reel estate and come : recommended. Crvori K 1TIVE REAI.TT CO.. tliJu-i-1 Hall way Kxchanso. . S A LEAVEN' WANTED. Tho Orants l aa and Roue Rlvor Tlall roal has an open; rut fr two strictly htch arado salesmen In thetr townelto drnart ment. I'ern-.anent position and tlleral contract to thoeo' qua. .lied to ful tno po sition. Call IHT Spal-.'ma- bMt. Portlsnd. Or. ilTV WANTED Ace 1-Ji. Bremen. $I0 monthly, and brakemen. 9hi on nearby rat:roaus: experience nnnecoaeary: no strike: positions guaranteed competent men: promotion: railroad employing- head ajoarters; over 4A men sent to poeltlona m.-tnt'liy: state aare. send stamp. Hallway Aryocltlon. cars Orttumaa. VI aNTC1 Ambitious workman; your work on actual Jobs pays for teachlnr trades of electricity, automobiles, plumbing, brte-k-alr.s: only fear months required; TOO r:dcr.te last four eara. Write for In formation, t'ntted Trade School Contract ing Co.. Los Angelon. WANTED Tounf men to learn to bo auto mobile and Kasoltno engtno ex perls ; wo ran teacb thooo wltllnil to learn: food poottlora open for thaoa. ablo to fill thomj day and nlcht c ' a aeca AUTO COIJ.EOE OP PORTLAND. SI Merenanu Trust B.dr . .M v, Wash. at. UANTtD partner, who wishes to inveat his serxics and a small amount In a lesttl mate buainesa whlh will make lares proflta and early returns; Inveeilrato this arternoon. i to 4 -'i or T to room H"iel flrart, HIS Washington St. .l.VTilu A man allTa to opportunity who can Inrost f:uw and services to tako 1-1 Interest In established mercbandlao brok-erat-o business; to eucb. a man position win pay not les than S15 per month. Vhoco owner. Marshall la3aV. BOOKKEEPER, preferably ono experienced In keepinv machlno shop and manufactur ln accounts and familiar with use of typewriter. Address In own nandwrlt Inar. stattna; aata aad experience. AJ SSa. treconian WANTED River drivers; eO-day drlvo on tho Takltna River: was-es II per day and Ktard for brraklng landlnira, ft JO and board for driving. Apply at Clo lum. Wash. ' ' WANTED. ETporiancod awning- banger for outatdo wYlXJLMETTE TEXT AWNINO CO, Front and Rumsido 6ts. FINK-HERi. rirst-lasa finlehern GLAicJ a PRi:DHOaUtBCO. WEAR a Kenshaw (I bat; all styles. 443 Waahlnrton and lHI 4th at a. rrr i.r xr ittti rm . i.e. COVIfETENT girl for general housework: 1 adults in family: good wage. Ssl East Taylor SU WASTED Girl for housowork. 7 CO North- rup. WAVTEI A girl to do second work; good "un:;-n ancf good wages. Tabor 240. WANTED Girl for general housewnrat. CAarmaA. lalaphoriw iaAla HY.1-T WATTT.n-ITaALB. WAITED TODAY. Cook for country hotels. t and S0; cook for men. . . ,. Cook and bookkeeper, t each. city. Cook and waitress In restaurant. Chambermaids. -'t and gra par month.. Waitresses. I IS per month. Head waitress. Saw. 1'antry woman. Kitchen fcelper. JS. Cook or second gtrL oat of city. H". rwiicltor and girls for general houso work at good wage. PACIFIC EMPLOTMENT COMPAVT. Indira' Dept. ;p;t Morrison Pt, TTTR MEIER FRANK STORES baTa a vacancy In tho book department for a young woman who baa had experience la thla lino. Apply to eupt-. to 10 A. M. THE MEIER FRANK PTOP.E3 roqutra comp-tcnt waltreaees. Good pay. per manent position. Applr toupt.. ih floor. t la II A H. NEAT, intelligent. Industrious girl f1' position at housework with rrflnrd f a--nlly. Good waabor and Ironor; hard or Iter. S plain cook. Not particular about ThVnday afternoon off. lie or o. f TaboTal7 beforo 14 A. M. and after i . r. m. - WANTED Housekeeper for 3 men on ranch. Work not hard: hot and ld bouse; must bo good cook and know- how to mend, from SU to 43 years old; ran-h located within 1 mli-s of -. on railroad, giro ago and reference. AJe oregonlao- . FtiR HALB Full -blooded llarred Wya" Kck rooster: also eg. 'or aale for sea ting of the Tarred Plymouth Kock. n.eo full-blooded White Leghorn eggs ting. Phons Woodlawn lJ7i; J3 Glenn sve. nOlSE:TO-H6llsE ",'-.m"' ,"1-" ouchly competent, able and Pkn''n.f: to introduce a fine Imported food aucl. good sell-r. h!gh-c:as trado "P1 Jli per week and carta.-a Addraas A JJ. Orogonlan. WANTED An experienced cook for out or town -here 3 girls aro kept : - Apply 2n Poplar su. near imh and Haw tirrn 4.. or yhono a.- allPDLE-AOED woman or girl to do ' hvase-ork. family of l d.,PtoanU Ply Jacobs tthirt Co.. M 6ib t. i boon ax dg WANTED Toung ladles for tel-P","" eVating. wltb or without eiper,,nc. Ap ply paclflo Telephono aV Tclsgrapb CK. nth and East Ankeny sta. WANTED A well educated young woman foVVenerml work In an office; ... xperl enco required: am all aalaxy to start. AM P?e. oregoniao. OiKl. to assist with general nouscwors. o... who can go homo at night; wage. per week. Tho Maryland. Apt- 4. 441 lan- r).r. WANTED Thoroushly experienced nj""". saleswoman. Auureea, ' .AV and salary expected. J. 8. Graham. io t-eattle. Wash. WANTED Young lady of neat OPP""' to do .nodal eliciting for 'P'"onj oxperl.nco unnecessary. PP'r "OT s A. H- ! to 7t4 Teon bidg. WA.NTEToniTlady to a.sl.t In tu'flo; splendid opportunity to learn i tho profes sion; moderste salary. Cal Ca.vorl. cars postcard aiuoie. a - - . WA NTED Capable young -ornen to raw training scnooi wi " " . . ii. I.rs inquire Hoqulam General Hc-spiial. Hoqilam. Wash. UUV, light work after hours, lor roorn and board: companionship mora than work dealred. o44 E. 10tb .t. N. Pbona Es5t 441SS. WANTED A houkeeper with no chil dren, cy a widower on a farm. Address r.. A. popnsn. luriicr. wi. WANTED A neat, elderly woman for plain cooking and housework; references. Ill IStb it. EXPERIENCED marker and distributor. Apply Troy Laundry Co., Union avo. and r:. AnKeny at. ......p-a inlre kilH Tt. li6V Washington fit.. Room J14 J.aln .'. or A !! WANTED Competent stenographer and bkkepcV; aalary 15 per week. W 7.8. Oreon Jan. . WASTE D Capable family cook. 30. or sec- orid girl, out of town. St. Loma Agency. guSU, Wash. St. Main SHORTHAND taught In position guaranteed. J0 Worcester Mock. Marshall STol. , ; east a:D north Toung u dT to ": lt In general housework. 2 In famliy. good home, bath, and fine room. HorEKEF.!'RR. mMdle-ae-d. for widower with 3 small chlUr.n. Christian science preferred. AH iiir7"iLi,' 8ALESLA.DT -25nFOR ab.ut.ly A-l machines preferred. AN Mi. Oregonlan. BT March IS. neat girl as nurse and as- s t with second work; wages 2j. E 810. Oregonlan. WASTED- Refined, capable woman for re- coosible position. Vlavt Co.. 60S BntaV- ehlld bldl-. 4ih and Washington. ' "piUUTMAKERS WANTED. Arrly Jacoba bnlrt Cc. rbocnlm bldg.. .i atn e. WASTE1 Reliable girl for housework: plain cooking and no washing or trontng. THOROUGHLY competent girl for general notlsewora. ... u . w Irving St- ' W an FtU Girl for genernl housework; good home and salary to right party. 7J0 IeJoy. NEAT girl for general housework and cooking In mail famliy; good wages. Apply 34 Marshall .1. Vi a l Eh alxperlr-nceu operators to aata on .hlrta. Apply Standard Factory. 1 Grand ere. andEast laylor. , HANSEN'S LADIES- AC.ENCT. t43k Washington M-. Cor. Tin. upstairs, I hon. Main CUL to do housework In small family. TAJ i Couth- HANDIROSEUS and machine girl, wanted. Ver-llouee Laundry. ;d and Everett. (XiMPETENT nureo for children. 341 East hsuortJ:aatJ.-lI'l.52l 404; WASTED First clnes body Ironrr; good wages, rtnte Laundry Co.. Hroadxay. WANTEM C.'m;-ient general bouaawora: glrL Call 11 S. St. W ASTED irl for housework, 3 In family. Call 4-7 li.andena. "U" car. OIKL f"r general houeeaork. i' tlrand ae.. near cor. Multnomah; no children. VASlc.L At illstera Hospital In Caleo CaL( pupils to enter school of nursing. PRIVATE School. SHORTHAND and TYPaS WKITISG: $i mo. 3i'. ltbu Mala sssA WANTEDpfaln seamstress: permanent. 203 oth. fwu girls for general hous-aork and piain cooking. ' Kalelgh North. WASTED Socond girl who can sew mce.. 47 Market, cor. Hlh. CHAMBERMAID at the Gsyoss, Grand ave. stuI Stark St. WASTED Girl for general housework. 1 hone Main I84i. WASTED First-class sklrtmaker: only first-class need apply. Weiss. 14T 10th. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and some housework, waes l.lu. Phone Main 13U4. GULL for general housework al 49 Love Joy. Cnll mornlnga GIcL. to do general housework In small family. 34 4 Wasco St. PRIVATE lessons given In shorthand; beat method. 473 Alder St. Main 4 Ml. irEt.P W OTED M ALI! OR FT M A I.E. 10.000 POzilTlOSS for graduates last year; men and women learn barber trado la S weeks, help to secure position; gradu ates earn from Lo to 923 weekly; expert Instructors; tools free; writs for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, II North 4'.h St.. Portland. Or. LJVS man or woman wanted for work at home paying - to $3 per day. with op portunity to advance; spare time can be used: work not difficult and requires no experience. Universal Mouse, 113 Wabash ave.. Chicago. MAKE money writing stories for newspa pers; big pay; send for free booklet: tells how. United Press Synd.. San Francisco. riSK TEACHSitV AtySOCiATlOl. 411 Swel ls nd bldg. BITTJATIOX WATTTTI MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. MARRIED man. 30. desires position with reliable Arm: some experience In office anil store work; refcreccos. AK b4. Ore gonlan. ' TOfN'l man with timekeeping and book keeping experience desires a position. Tel- East 111a. FIR"T-:LASS bookkeeper and offlcs man desires temporary position; good refer eree. T t Oregonlan. sTKN(KlRAPliR wltb high school educav taoa dealt eg. eoaiaoa., laau-sbAU at7aU, lloofcMeevcxs and Clerks. A FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER and credit man. with a knowledge of commercial law. desires a position with a well-established bouse; married, steady, and can furnish A-l references as to character, ability and experience. Am well ac quainted with Oregon. Washington. Idaho and Montana trade. Call Mala lti. or address AD tit. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, expert In lumber, hotel or bank accounting, age 11, trlctly temperate habits. A-l references; bond If required. Address 8 831, Ore gonlan. WILL audit, open, close or write-up books, prepsre balances and statements. Install systems. Consult ma. Gllllngham. au dltor. 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall 4-L TOl'NO married man wishes position at once as bookkepcr or any clerical posi tion, nrst-class references. AB Sod, Ore gonian. Mlscellaneotia. yoLSG man experienced In grocery and provision business wants . position ; good character and not afraid of work. AH "7. oregonlan. EXPERIENCED specialty salesman. 10 years old. of good address, now employed, desires opportunity to qualify for city or road position, o sao. orra"i"- WANTED Position by an experienced me chanic and chauffeur, drive any make of car. private family or delivery. F 834, Oregonlan. , FARM work, by single man. EPrt In general farm and orchard work. Sober and reliable. General farm work pre fcrred. J 138. Oregonlan. TOL'NO man experienced In gents' furnish ings and collecting wishes position at any thing; A-l references. Phone osborn. Main 6tl7. JAPANESE. first-ciaae cook, experienced, pastry, bread baker, meal, wanta situa tion In business house. A sajl 444 Washington st- EXPERInSCED banker, s years. Minnesota, wants position as cashier and assistant In Oregon. Address L 4, Oregonlan. ENGINEER, an experienced and reliable en- . . i . . t. art n:ift. tlre- gineer, la epvu ivi m gonlan. COLLEUE graduate desires tutoring In the English branches. V !''. Ore- rontan. MAN nnd wife wish position on ranch an foreman and cook: sloe or ualry rant.U pr-1 erred. au mi, vrrnuuiai. sEi uxu tenor or baritone wants to .Ins with good quartet; si k-lit reader. G boa. Oregoulam Tbl'NO"J.apaneae wants situation as dl'h wssher in boarding bouse. J sso. o.a gonlan. TOUNO man attondlng school desires to work for board and room after school hours. Call or address H. P. B.. 143 6th sU JANITOR. experienced. apartment-house. coal or oil burner, ursx-ciaaa ih, C. n.. AM 8-tJ. Oregonlan. WASTED Position by experienced chauf feur and mecnanic; wages mwi - e. oregonlan. A JAPANESE boy wants room and board In exchange for work alter avuvui "uu R 6J1. Oregonlan. JAPANESE, talks good English, wants a position at nousowora- a Okina, A JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants a po sition in noiei or I' 1 - - - nra. loT North Park St.. Portland. Or. RELIABLE chauffeur want, pooltlon: does . a I ......... Xt fi it own repairing, sovsa . uu w. Oregonlsn. ! WASTED. Day or contract work by first-class car pen terElJSregMan. PLUMBER Thoroughly experienced, wages reasonable: requires Job Immediately. AO E'7. Oregonian. m CARPENTER wants work by hour, day or Job; "reaaonaois cnargea. xa gonlan. JASITOR, experienced, sober. reliable. married man, wants uay vwa, a Oregoniqn. WANTED Position as watebman; Mason and Eogle; best reference. J. T. Abbott, lbl lath su TOUNO married man would like a few hours' Janitor work. In the afternoon. S W3, Oregonlan MAN and wife wish cooking, mill, mine, camp or ranch; best references. Mrs. I'.aker. 810 4th st. phone Main 807 0. COLLECTOR with 10 years' experience wants steady position witn nrm; rea erenccs and bond. Q Hi. Oregonlan. TOUNO man. age 24. one year experience In plumbing, wishes to finish the trade. AU bid. Oregonlan. CHAFFEXTy and mechanician of 4 years- ex perience, married, good careful driver with A-l city references. AJ 8.1b. Oregonlan. FTtENCH.'ltallan and American cook wants situation, city or country. AH 797, Orego nlan. J A I' A N boy want, short hour work after 5 P. M. F. H.. 121 N. 15th St. A MAN wants position aa blacksmith or wagonmaker helper. Apply 100 N. 6th St. SITUATION wanted by registered assistant pharmacist Address K W.Oregonlan. MEATCUTTER wsnts work In outside mar ket. AB J7. Oregonlan JAPANESE cook wants position, L Tnda, Phone A 113J. AN experienced family, good cook. 247 hi Htark St., M. E. Chinese Mission. EXPERIENCED electric elevator operator with references. inone aiain oaoi. COLORED man. Janitor or porter. Main 44oo. WASTED Position as planer foreman. O :lt. Oregonlan. JAPANESE wishes steady Job of sny kind; speaks English. is ao4 oregonlan. CARPENTER wants Job, fine hardwood worker and stairpuuoer. j tw, oregouian. SITCATTOX WASTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Bteoognapbers. EXPERIENCED stenogrspher with knowl edge of bookkeeping desires position; no objection to leaving city; real estate and fire Insurance preferred. AC 936, Orego nlan. tXi EitlESCEU stenographer desires per manent position; moderate salary ao Be lla. Main Hll. POSITION as bookkeeper and cashier, good accountant; city rclurences. .-v oav, ui e gvnlan. WANTED Place In office by young girl with but little expeneio; writes wa hand. C 805. Oregonlan. Dree makers. FIItST-CLASjS dressmak Ing, best references. Phone Marshall oo URESSMAKISG by the day; nrst-class work: references. t-none jiain nil. Ilollsekrepers. LADY. roClned and of executive ability, de sires position ss manager of hotel or man aging housekeeper of hotel In city or out of city, hi b34. Oregonlan. A WIDOW desires position ss housekeeper for widower or care for bachelor apart ments. A 833. Oregonlan. N arses. INVALID lady ran hav a private room i riott.o comfortel: new method medical treatment; Eastern nurse; city references; reasonable. Phone Tabor -2 1-1. UNL'EU-C.RAKUATE NURSE wishes case; any kind. Phone C 11114. room 1L FOR aa experienced nurse Phone Marshall 245T. EXPERIENCED girl desires care of Infant or children. Main 2039. A 47T5. TESyears experience, maternity, invalid. elderly, any kind. Main 20:10. A 4778. PRACTICAL, nurse. Invalids, elderly people a specialty. Marshall l.'.UI. Miscellaneous. TOUNO lady attending School desire, to, work for board and room after .chool. Call or artdres. H. D. B-. 14S 5th st-, be twecn Alder and Morrison sta. EXPERIENCED teacher desires position as teacher for smsll children, or companion; references exchanged. fMlss) Mattie Ha den. Rustburg. Vs. DINNERS cooked and parties served. Day work of all kinds. References. Phone Main 846T. WANTED Position by capable pianist and vocalist; reads st sight: references. Phone M. 811. 7hl Kearney at. GOOD BAKER on bread, rolls, cakes, whole or part time. Would go out town for good place. AL 834, Oregonlan. TOITNO lady desire, position as dentist as sistant, 2 years experience. AC e84. Ore gonlan. WASTED Day vrork by experienced Ger-. man woman. Mrs. Merer. 210 14th si. basement. Phone Main 6869. EXPERIENCED woman to cook for a crew of men or hotel; country preferred. Phone Main 1762. Wages 300. WOMAN wishes dsy work. Phone Main 60117. LACE curtain, washed, stretched, 40o pair; called for. delivered. Main 3!Hlo. WOMAN wants work Thursday and Satur day. Woo', law n 1J1 1 EX1 ERIENCED girl wishes position In house work, trail at 2o3 N. lo'h at. EXPERIENCED girl desires chamber work; good plain hotel. Main 2Q.19. A 4TT5. JAPANESE girl wants position as easy Housework la this city. 8 lis, OrasooAan, WE WANT good canvassers In every city and town in United States to sell from factory direct to user: only guaranteed band-power, continuous-suction vacuum cleaner on market; isets one and one-half quarts of dirt In 13 minutes from 9x12 rug: quick seller, easy money. Write for territory at once. O'Neill-James Company, 256 M adleon st-, Chicago. WANTED Salesmen to sell the most com plete line of nursery stock In ths North west; cash weekly. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem, Or. AGENTS, mako your own goods; 53 money making formulas and schemes, 91. Writs today. P. O. Box 1454. Denver, Colo. WANTED-TO RENT. Houses. WANTED To rent on March 20 good 4 or 6 -room house; must have large yard for chickens and garden; within or 6 blocks of car;, tc fare. Address 504 E. 10th. WANTED at once; clean five-room cottage or flat. East Side; young couple; no chll dren ; best references. X 782. Oregonlan. WANTED To rent by April 1. 5 or 6 -room modern house, Mr, Tabor or 8unnyside. AF 835. Oregonlan. Rooms. WANT to rent nice, modern, clean room in ?rlvate family; not In rooming-bouse; beat ncluded, by a young physician; close ii) on nest bias, sao, uretoaiau. TWO unfurnished room. In quiet famliy, vi cinity of Eaat Ankeny st wanted at once. AG 836. Oregonlan. Rooms With Board. WANTED Br young couple, away from home all day. 3 or 4 unfurnished, heated, modern housekeeping rooms, with gas stove, prlvste bath, telephone. Must bo on West Side, within walking distance. l.'IS rental must Include every expense ex cept cooking gas. Apartment preferred. References AL 828. Oregonlan. THE Meier Frank Company has frequent Inquiries from new employee for btard Ing and rooming accommodations, and In vites private families, boarding-house, and rooming-houses to list their accom modations with the superintendent. WANTED By young married couple, J or 3 room spartment or housekeeping rooms; state price and location; best of j-efer-ences. AB 834. Oregonlan. KOOU and board, young man, old people, home privileges. AE 839. Oregonlan. BOOM and board wanted for 8-year-old boy. AO 805. Oregonlan. FOR KENT. xtooma. PORTLAND ROOM1NO BUREAU. Rooms, flats, apartments, furnished, un furnished, board, all part, of ths city; savs you money, time, trouble. Let ui l lo cste you. 2ml to Wasnlngton IU B. 802. .Marshall 21 WW. A 6248. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TOD AT. "MILNER BLUO.," 350H MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL REASONABLE. Furnished Rooms. NOW OPEN I NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Those three beautifully furnished hotels. LOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK, PARSONS, ROWLAND 213VS 4th st- Ml 4th St. 207 4th SU On Fourth St.. running from Taylor to Salmon su Brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all room.; strictly up-to-date In all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of the . ordinary In the heart of the city at reasonable prices, give us a call as ws know you will like it. Rooms by ths day. wsek or mouth. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL CABLES. Residential. nso Taylor. Transient. Bet. 7th and Park Sta, Opposite new Helllg Theater, one block from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just completed; handsomely furnished; every modern convenience, elevator service, steam heat, telephone and hot and cold water In every room; slngls room, and suites with or without private baths, sto.; centrally located, near poslofflce; just off all cnrllnes; very quiet; low rates by day. week or month. Phone Marshall 2200. BAROENT HOTEL, corner Grand ave. and Hawthorne, recently renovated and now under the management of Martin Nicholson, formerly of the Portland Hotel. Beautifully furnished rot ms, single or en suite, with private baths, hot and cold water, steam heat and private phone in every room; flrat-clasa grill and bar in connection. Special rates by week or month. Transients solicited. HOTEL ALDER. Permanent and Transient. Ws are devoting several of our choicest rooms to permanent guests for the Win ter; will make special low rates by the week or month; transient guests given the beat of service and shown every courtesy: located in center of shopping district, con venient for out-of-town people; rates by the week. 4TH AND ALDER. ANGELA HOTEL. Permanent and transient. Just opened brick building, beautifully furnished; every thing new; steam beat, hot and cold run ning water and telephono In all rooms; fine lobby and ladles' parlor; suites and single rooms with and without private baths; very reasonable rates by day, week or month. Phone Marshall 19 jO. 623 WASHINGTON BT. "unrri! Kivfiv 120 Eleventh St. New. modern brick building, steam bested, private baths, hot snd cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cozy and comfortable. Rents very reasonable, oai: and see us. Regular and transient trauie solicited- . GRAND UNION HOTEL. BS7W East Bumside St. Modern throughout, hot and cold run ning water, steam heat, rooms single or ensulte, rooms with private bath; transient rat 76c to 82 per day; weekly, 82.bu to a . SSt OV-tO, x aio. : . ,.o,r v. i . i.' I,--t Three blocks from poslofflce; hot and cold water, steam heal, telephones In all rooms, all-night elevator service, rent 34 a w;k up; transient. 31. ft per day. Urexel Hotel. 240 V Yamhill. SOME pleasant rooms from 33 to 37- per week; slenm heat, good bath and tele phone service; -2 rooms suitable for 8 or 4 people; also handsome parlor bedroom on first floor, li'.g 10th st-; The Colonial. BUSHMAKK HOTEL lTtB and Washington Newly furnished rooms, slngls or en suite' private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water and phone In all rooms; rates reasonaoie; iraaaicma emH.u. AUDITORIUM HOTEL, 2U8fc Third street, between Taylor and Salmon sis. Hot and cold water, steam heat, elevator; rates 83 50 and up. Boo day and up. Main 274, A jl-67. FOR the best room, close In, try the Marlins- phone snd bath In each room; 93.50 per 'week. 14l 7th su, bet. Alder and Mor- rlson sts. " HOTEL ANSONIA. 124 14th su. cor. Washington. Furnished and unfurnished rooms; pri vate baths. freephnesJna2ljrooms 1 THE DORMER. Cor. loth and Jefferson. Pleasant, .team-heated room., reasonable. t a ktiE front room suitable for man and wife or two gentlemen; bath and heau 2 7th .t. i"a.RRABEE, 227 Vi Larrabeo u. modern, nicely furnlahed rooms, transient, 6vo and up: low rates by week or month. TWK HOLLT HOTEL. 105 12th New and modern In every way; elegantly furnLhed, ratea reasonable; transients solicited. llODEHN outside rooms, 13 to 93 per week. Including baths; also housekeeping rooms, 64SVs Washington st. ar.l E. MORRISON 3T. Furnlahed sleeping roomsi2perkandup. booms for 1. 3 or 3 gentlemen, 93 up; ?ran.1em W up. 381 Yamhill. HRL'SUN HOTEL, 422Vi Washington su Have n few nicely furnished rooms. KICELY furnished rooms; heat, phone; 93 ana UP per week. 828 4th St. Furnished Booms In Private Families. triTRNISHED room, suitable for 2 gentle men, with board, at 230 10th st. Refer encc. FURNISHED rooms, heat, rihon. walking distance. 2f.2 l2tn et. hone and bath; THRKH rooms furnished, $10 a month. 742 Say let- SU THE HAZEL Nicely furnished, steam heat, running water. 3d and Montgomery. LARGE pleasant room, suitable for 2. 861 10th. Main 3312. NICE front rooms, very reasonable If taken quickly. 827 West Park st- . ELEGANTLY furnished suite, 0 North 10th. between Stark and Bnrnslde. ilO PER MONTH, pleasant front room. walking distance. 452 5th. FROST room, private residence, for rent, 427 Main St.. bet, nth and 12th sts. NICELY furnished room, hot and cold wa ter: private home. Main 1002. 688 Irving. PLEASANT room in modern -home, 1 block from SU Francis Church. East 6231. VERY pleasant front furnished room; board If preferred. 551 Sd. Main 7788. PLEASANT, sunny, well-furnished room, xeaaopls. A 10 t. ru-niiilind Rooms In Private Family. . BOOMS, single or en suite, either ladies or fentlemen; modern house, 2 in family, urn ace heat, gas and electricity, reason able rent; 10 minutes of Postoftice, corner lltn ana Harrison, rnoup ov. GK.NTLEMES who can appreciate the com forts of well-kept nicely furnished rooms, electricity, gas, furnace heat, bath, call at 86 North 15th su. two blocks from Washington. TWO connected newly furnished modern front rooms; suitable for 2 or 3 persons. Private home, very desirable, 85.00. arts Yamhill 8U ONE large room for 3 gentlemen, separate beds, phone, bath and furnace heat. 84. so a week or 3S.60 a pleoe for room and board. Main 4183. LA-RGE nicely furnished front room with all modern conveniences, suitable for two gentlemen or couple employed; board op tlonoL A 2640, Sbobi 7th SU TOUNO law student wishes roommate; pleasant room, electricity, gas, bath, fur nace heau 86 North loth su, two blocks from Washington. FUKN1SHED rooms, single nnd ensulte; sleeping porch; small room; housekeeping ?rivileges; bath and phone; close in. Main SSS; TWO furnished rooms for rent; free bath and phone. 264 East 81st; each 912. fur nace heau ONE well-furnished comer bedroom, suitable for 2: modern bouse, walking distance; rent reasonable, 475 Main, FIRST-CLASS room for two gentlemen, hot and cold water, sleeping porch, nne lo catlon. West Park. Main 0000. UtolRABLE well furnished room In steam heated apartmenu Nob Hill, near can ' references, Phonemornlnga. A 4353. NICELY furnished room, modern conveni ence, central, (4 week. 404 Clay, near 10th. FRONT ROOM, also side room, well fur nished, close walking distance; modern and reasonable. 4-'8 Montgomery st. LARGE pleasant front room, modern con veniences, gentleman preferred. Phone East 144Z. NEATLY furnished rooms; eleotrlo UshU heau bath and phone; close in; reasona- VERY pleasant newly furnished room In good neighborhood, home privileges. Phone Marshall 602. 774 Lovejoy sU WtXIcRRNISHED room. 405 West Park. Main 47UL Unfurnished Booma. DESIRABLE UNFURNIBH"- ROOMS) MILNER BLDG., 35uV MORRISON dl". MODERN. CENTRAL. RCASONABL Booms With Board. THE- LAMBERSON, 654 Couch Desirable outside room for two gentlemen. Con venlent location. PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year; room, with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 810 Flanders. F. N. Heath. supU CHOICE-rooms with board, suitable for 1 or 2. 33 North 17th. WANTED Roomers and boarders at C90 Couch u Phone A 3376. Booms With Board In Private Family. VERT desirable. large, well furnished room, bath adjoining; modern home, good board, suitable for man and wife with small child. Phone Sellwood L (Not in oeil wood.) ' ; ROOM and board In private family, nice large room, modern conveniences, good home cooking, use of piano, close to car, and not far out; oa East Side. Call Tabor 1WJ2. LARGE, light, airy room with board for two young men; twelve minutes' walk to P. O. ; home cooking, furnace heau pleasant home. Phone Main 23S0 or 803 6th, cor. Lincoln. LARGE room with alcove, electric llghu hot and cold water, newly furnished; also small room, with fcoard. Marshall 8(X0. 275 N.th NICELY furnlahed rooms wlUt board In private family. 181 B . 12th. Phone East 4368. GOOD room and board for 1 or 2 gentlemen, private family, walking distance. Price 925. 64 Taylor st- FURNISHED room" with board In private family. loT North loth st. Phone Main 6013. BOOM with board for young man, nice home, easy walking distance. 69a East Taylor, cor. Eaat loth. COMFORTABLE room, private, very rea sonable; breakfast if desired. 761 Kear ney. Cor. 23d. A 437 9 CLEAN, well-furnished front room, suitable for 2; home cooking. 432 3d su FURNISHED room, and board. 855 11th st Phone A 1636. LARGE, pleasant room, suitable for two, breakfast and dinner. Main 207L PLEASANT rooms, choice board; business people. 712 Hoyu SMALL comfortable room with breakfast and dinner. 922 a month. Main 207L BOARD and room at 618 Qulmby su Phone Main 7530. WANTED 2 or 3 gentlemen for boarding club: low rates. Phone Woodlawn 2S67. 340 FRONT parlor for two, all modern conveniences. 470 Main su ROOM and board for 2 young men, all mod ern conveniences. Call 248 N. 20th. SPLENDID room for two; choice board, piano, etc 761 Marshall. A 4J20. ROOMS with board in private boardlng house. Call 3S9 Taylor st. ATTRACTIVE home, best accommodations, for 2 or 8 refined young ladies. East 143. Apartments. THE Stanley Apartments, 701 Washington su, new and beautifully furnished apart ments of 3 and 4 rooms, very desirable location, modern and up to date in every respecu Call personally or phone Main 7653. THE CODY. "E. Seventh and Taylor; new, elaborately furnished two and three-room apartments; steam beau private 'phone in each apart ment; Janitor services and reasonable prices. PARK-HARRIS, corner Park and Harrison sis., has beautifully equipped apartments; treplaces. polished oak floors. Holmes dis appearing beau, private telephones, bath, etc.; invite Inspection. Phone Marshall 8O70. A 4425. " OKEEKLtlGH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand ave. and & . Stark St. New fireproof brick building beautifully furnished- Two and throe-room apart ments; private bath, hot and cold Waist steam heau Phono. East 800. THE MORDAUNT APARTMENT 18th and Ivveretu completely furnished 6-room mod ern apartment; private bath, both phones, linen, china, silverware, etc; apply Janl tor. A glOK. . BANNER APARTMENT. 4S! Clay SU, near 14th, all modern, completely furnished 2 room apartmenu rate from 820 up, in cluding electric lights, steam beat, hot and cold water, bath and phone- MEREDITH APTS.. 712 Washington sU, 2-room apts., newly furnished, strictly modern, all conveniences. Free phones. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 7th and Jef ferson sts.; 4-roora unfurnished, with bath; all outside rooms, modern, every conven ience; 6 minutes' walk from P. O.; very reasonable rent. Main 25ud. A 8149. " THE CECILIA, " 2Jd and Gllsan. One, new and elegantly furnished apart ment; one unfurnished. FOR RENT Modern 6-room apartment, fur nished or unfurnished. Braintree Apart ments, 2i 12th sU Phones A 7431, Mala 7741. EVELYN Apartments. 267 N. 21su, cor. Northrup, 3-roum and bath; wall beds, free phono and all modern conveniences; rent only reasonable, phone A 4006. ST. CROIX APARTMENTS For renu two three-room apartments with side porch, newly furnished, modern. 170 SU Claire su Main 5247. MAHR APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished apartments, private phone and bath, electric elevator. 228 North 20th. Phone Marshall 202S. FURMSHED 3 outside rooms, steam heau hot and cold water, free phones, private bath, 14 minutes' walk to business cen ter. 448 Clay. Marshall 1461. to adults, five-room furnished apartment, very desirable; references. Apply Jani tor. 88S Everett su, or phone A 8161. , IRI APARTMENTS. 3d and Mill sta 6 room. unfurnished apartment. 345; mod rn improvements; adults only. STRICTLY modern furnished and unfur nished apartments. The Camar, 704 Love loy. Marshall 21)17. HuZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished, atrietly modern, reasonable renu 1SSS N. a3d7ahall28Jll. tTriTcE Apartments, 25th and Northrup sts. a large light rooms, new and strictly modernWcar.Phono Marshall 1423. tSordiCA Apartments. Grand ave. and Bel- mont; mouerneasonableEast 8413 thr LEONCE, furnished apartment of 4 rooms, bath and phone. 18a 22d st. N. KEELER APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay atB t vacant choice 3 and 4-room suites. THE "KING-DA VIS corner of King and Davis; one 3-room unfurnished; Reference. Ba?EMENT apartment for rent March 0 at tne cvci.i, . THS MARLBOROUGH. 5-room apartment. gaapnM. aOst an 4, Flanders., laala 7613, Apartments. "JTJLIANA" APARTMENTS Two, three and four-room apartments; strictly modern In every detail; large rooms, elegantly furnished with brand new furniture, carpets, rugs, etc; all first-class and at very rea sonbis rates; modern conveniences; nickel plumbing, porcelain baths, gas and electricity, telephone con nections, etc; a very cozy home place at prices that make house keeping here more economical than owning your own home. Apuly at the Juliana," Trinity place, be tween Washington and EveretU HADDON HALL APARTMENTS, corner 11th and Hall .ts.. new modern brick building, with 3 and 4-room apartments, with private bath, newly furnlahed, e'rlct Jy modern in every respect; an individual telephone In every apartment, very large and airy room, with private balcony porches. We have only 2 apartments va cant now and one will be vacant the 15th. If you want one of the choice apart ments you will have to call soon. Phone Marshall 1170. CARMELITA APARTMENTS Are now ready for occupancy, unfurnished, four and five-room suites, reception hall, automatlo -elevator, telephone and all modem conveniences. Call at tho Carme-llta-apartments, southeast corner of 13th and Jefferson sts.. and have Mies Allen, tne manager, show you something extra fine, or phone Main 8968. ARCADIA APARTMENTS. 700 Everett su, beU 21st and 22d sts. Opened Feb. 1; new and nicely fur nished 2 and 3-room suites, private phone, bath In each; Holmes disap pearing bed, steam he;-.t. hot water. Janitor service, mail and all pack ages delivered at door; all outside rooms; brightest apartment-house in the city; no dark rooms here; clean llness snd good services our motto. THE EVERETT, 644 EVERETT STREET. BETWEEN 20TH AND ELLA. New, modern brick building; 3-room apartments, private bath, sleeping-porches. 1 he Everett is the very best furnished and equipped apartment-house In the city. Free Independent phones, automatlo elevator and nrst-class Janitor service, if you want the best, come to the EveretU THE BARKER Corner 21st and Irving sts. This new 4-story brick opened Jan. 1, 1911; furnished and unfurnished In two, three and four-room suites with recep tion hall; Pacluo phone In each apart ment; electric elevator, Tolmes disappear ing bods, built-in bullet and writing desk, fas ranges. Icebox, plenty of closet room, f you want something extra nice, come to the Barker. Phone Marshall 2U01. ALBEMARLE Apartments at 3S3 Wil liams ave.; fine large 2 and 3-room apart ments; reasonable rent with disappear ing beds, free phone and bath in every apartment and rates for Summer months. ' Take Wllllams-ave. car at 2d and Wash., get off at Broadway, walk block on Williams ave., or phone East 4112 and ask for landlady, Mrs. Topley. HAXTHORN APARTMENTS, 251 12th su, near Main Furnished or unfurnished apartmentB; all mouern conveniences. In cluding Janitor service, free phones, elec tric elevator, etc; in facu everything fur nished excepting your own private elec tric light and gas. Marshall 2540 or A 48S8. I "THE MEREDITH" Elegantly furnished two and three-room apartments: gas and electricity, steam heat, hot and cold run ning water, private baths and lavatories, telephone, elevator service, in fact, strict ly modern in every respect and at moder ate prices; a few apartment, yet open for tenants. "Meredith." 22d and Washing ton; PENINSULA APARTMENTS New building. East Side. 1135 V4 Albina ave.; take Mis sissippi, L or SU Johns car. 15 minutes' ride from 3d and Washington sts., 2, 3 and 6 rooms completely furnished: 8174 to 840 per month; all modern conveniences; un furnished apartments. Phone Woodlawn 2259. LUCRETIA COURT. On Lucretla street, near Wash. sU, only a few apartments left in thla new, elegant and modern apartment-house. Apply to superintendent. Apu 1, or phone Marshall 15U1; references required. THE LILLIAN. Cor. 6th and Montgomery Sts. New, modern, elegantly furnished, 3 room apartments; all outside rooms; pri vate baths and telephones. Phone Mar- shall 1378. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks south from Morrison su; new brick building, completely first-class; fur nlslied in 2, 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, ates. heat, hot water, elevator, free pnone, Joa -ltor service; rent very reasonable. " Flats. EAST 28TH and Stark sts. Modern 4 and 6-room flats; new and with every con venience. Including furnace, gas range and linoleum on kitchen and bathroom. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. Phones: Main 8019 A 2653. FOR RENT To-adults, 6 rooms and 12x20 sleeping porch, beautiful view, hot water heat, hot and cold water; walking dis tance. 625 Vx Montgomery sU Phone A 459. NEW 6-room flats on Glisan su, between 23d and 24th, Just tinlshed; harawood floors, fireplace, ail conveniences.. Morgan, Flleaner. Boyce, 503-6 Ablngtonbldg. HARRISON" COURT. 894" 6th su. 3 rooms, Vrivate bath, steam heat, both Phones, only 22 per month. Main 5148. A 1 363. FOB-RE N'T Sroom flat, all furnished, block from carllne. West Side, 825 a month. 508 Couch bldg. MODERN 6-room fU 21 N. 10th. near Burnslde. 40 Modern unfurnished S-rom upper flaU Phone Main 8a98. aROOM-flat, large, light rooms pleasant outlook, central. Apply 233 Hail. FLAT 8 rooms, suitable two families or roomers'. 412 2d. COLONIAL 6-room upper Hsu East Morri son and 15th. East 1619. NiiVV 3-room flats; modern rent; reaaon- abio. 7O6 Vancouver Housekeeping Booms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall, fur nlsbed for housekeeping, gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; 815 per month up; a clean place, best In the city for money; short distance from Union DepoU Take "S" or lOlh-su cars north, get off at Marshall su No dogs. WELL-FURNISHED 3-room cottage, 317.50 month: lower furnished 4-room llau 17.50 month: well-furnished housekeeping suites, i looms, SS. 310 and 12 month; 6 for 81u. Aoply304 North Kdth. W car from depou 6th or Morrison to 26th. block north. tO 10 IX-00 W ; clean. lumiaaes housekeeping rooms, free laundry, ba to. phone, dean linen, heau 4U8 Vancoa.ar ?.. and 208 Stanton; tako U car. BTJRN1SHED housekeeping rooms; also tingle room. 632 Williams ave. Phono C 1523. FIN DOWNTOWN HOMb. MILNER BLDG.. 850 ft MORRISON ST. 0EJN.CENr HOCSEKEF1PING 1 3 I to W ! p weeK. aiiiKic o HO LoE KEEPING rooms in new concrete blag. Phone Wooaiawn Miti or -J.u 401 E. MORRISON ST. Completely fur. Di8Hednouw;ftcoiiiao.-,. j- HOUsliKEEPINO suite for rent. 3S9 6th St., near Montgomery. BTE'AM-HEATED furnished 2-room suites. Oneonto. lftl Alto. Dl,, ut FURNISHED housekeeping room., reason able. al Maraeu -lioiiaekeenlng" Rooms In Private ramllj WELL-FURNISHED steam heated house keeping rooms; private porch, bath, phone andla.undry. 056 Gllsan. ONE pleasant suite furnished rooms West Sirle; 10 minutes' walk from postoffice. 512 MarkeU NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, en suite; bath and phone. 006 Johnson St., near 17th N TWO furnished housekeeping roms, per month. 688 Pettysrove su Phone 423. Sif"A MONTH, one large housekeeping room, ground floor, walking distance. 411 4th st. A LADY would share her furnished home ith refined couple. Main 441. 39 PER MONTH. 3 large furnished house ..7 ill 7th st. Main 4o29. Keepms tvi..- CENTRALLY located, bath gas. phone. ior.fi nnd UD. 429 Main su VI,,VI v furnished, also suite, on Hoyu Mgel, fff d Main 3144. THREE room." furnished to quiet couple; "lng distance. 249 Grand ave. Nortn. 813 14TH. corner Clay; large, light. 2-roum housekeeping suite. aa KfiRTH 20TH Newly furnished rooms In and 3-room suite.; also Blngle rooms. 7iLARGH furnished housekeeping room; lv T-.i T.n.,ira E. Morrison. gas. uni- FROST room, gas, bath and phone; no chil dren. 34" t-onesw. , o 0jj 4 furnished housekeeping rooms. beat, llgnt. oum. - 0 - VERY pleasant room, suitable for two. 361 10th. -Mam ooi- 1 lleht housekeeping rooms. reasonable i6- n-o r.OO P..I THna E . Thone .fcjast 00 it.. .. 2-ROOM nouseKeeyinaj a ., .,. ia a-. , . cor, Booa 4V Housekeeping Rooms In Private Pan lily. 812.50 Single room: large, sunny and clean; suitable for two; ground floor; wood stove, lights, both phones; walking distance; near car; no children. 604 EaBt 6th sL Phone Sellwood 1100. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms on ground floor; no children; walking dis tance; between 17th and 18th sts. 665 Everett st. FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, suitable for 4 people. Call 2 to 4 today. 28 14th. FRONT suite for light housekeeping; ex ceptionally ' nice and comfortaole. 22S Larrabee sU TWO 3-room suites, completely furnished, housekeeping rooms, gas, bath, basement, walking distance, 315, 925. 626 Kearney. CONVENIENT housekeeping rooms, suitable for couple or employed lady, close in, very reasonable. Phone A 5350. TWO nice, large, sunny rooms, nicely fur nished for housekeeping; beautiful view, mjdern. 515 20th St., Portland Heights. IN PRlVATEfamily, decirable housekeeping rooms, reasonable. Main 2046. 28 North 20th St. 2 MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms. 194 N. 17th sU Also 3 furnished basement rooms. 2-ROOM suite; heat, gas, phone, porcelain bath, hot water, accommodate three; re fined home. 200 12th. Hons THE GREATER MEIER & FRANK ST0R3 RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Home-hunters, visit our up-to-date ren tal and information departmenU 4th floor, main building, and see the vacancies we nave listed of desirable houses and flats. You'll save time In getting properly and comfortably located. We keep In touch with all vacant houses, flats and apart ment. In the city. We also keep a list of new buildings in course of construction. The combined lists of all real estate dealers. This information la absolutely free. "WHEN YOU WANT TO RENT A HOUSH SEE US." THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANT. WHEN you move you'll need NEW FUR NITURE. Buy it Judiciously (on the East Side) and the savings will exceed your moving exiaenses. Our LOW PRICES, which In 3 year, made us one of Portland's largest furni ture houses, were made possible because we built on the East Side, thereby saving 826.000 a year renU MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO. 6 8-7 6 Grand Ave.. Cor. East Stark SU FOR RENT 7-room modern house, lot 100X 100. on Sumner, near Delaware, 2 block, south of Killlngsworth, first-class -condition, at 925. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A 8500. HOUSES and flats for rent, some fumUhod, MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. 6. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Sta. WE CAN FURNISH YOUR HOMB at a great saving. Get our prices. Look ers shown every courtesy. 14. OSTROW & CO.. 64-66 North 8d St. Reasonable prices. Easy terms. 6-ROOM modern house for rent, furniture for sale; good, clean, nearly new furniture; "reasonable;" walking distance, near Steel bridge. 188 Halsey st. Phone Main 6645. MODERN, 6-room. clean house, one side of double house; easy walking distance, on East Side; furnace, lawn. Inquire at 686 East Taylor sU FOR RENT Modern flve-room bungalow; cement floor, laundry, ga and electric 726 Ivon su, near 21st . Take S., W-W or W-R qar FOR RENT 3-room modern house, fine yard, good neighborhood. Inquire 300 4th st. or call Marshall 579. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, 246 Mc Millen su, 6 block, from Steel bridge. Phone Main 6878. jtROOM modern house, Northrup St., 840. Vanduyn Walton, 515 Chamber of Com merce. 6 NEW houses, all modern conveniences. East 17th st., between . Blsmark and Rhone. Sellwood car. Phone Sellwood 137. HOUSE of 8 rooms and bath. 714 Lovejoy, cor. 22d. Inquire 132 Sixth su Main 6278. HOUSE of seven rooms and bath. 66 East 10th. Phone East 168. ONE 5 and one 2-room. house. 154 28th St., cor. Irving. Howe. Davis Co.. Ill 2d sU FOR RENT 7-room modern house, between Lovejoy and Marshall. Call 705 Everett. MODERN 7-room house. Inquire room 306. Commonwealth bldg. MODERN, desirable S-room house, close In. 835. 396 San Rafael st. East 1685. Furnished Houses. WELL furnished HOUSES. FLATS and ROOMS, 6-room cottage, 320 month; 4 room flat, 317.60; suites, 2 furnished house-keeping-roome, is. 810. J12 month; 3 for $15. Apply S64 26th Bt. North. W car from Depot. 6th, west on Morrison to 2bth, block north. A SEVEN-ROOM new house on Willamette Heights, with hardwood floors, fireplace. Bleeping porch and large yard. New and completely furnished. One block from W carline. 1039 Vaughn or phone morning. Marshall 975. FURNISHED HOUSE IN HOLLADAY PARK Attractive location on 26th and Clackamas; .even rooms, nicely furnished, both gas and wood ranges and all con veniences; will rent for year or longer. Mc Cargar. Bates & Lively. 815 Falling bldg. 8 ROOMS, modern furnished house in north west part of city. Will rent for 1 year of less. Rent $75. Farrish, Watklns & Co., 250 Alder U 6-ROOM furnished house. Call Woodlawn 327 morning or evenings. East 6S63 dur Ing the day time. 5"v carllne, 7 room., bath, furnace, elec "tricity, gas range, full lot, six monthl only. AM 83'.'. Oregonlan. FOR KENT Bungalow, furnished, modern; op'n sleeping room; references. 107 East 27th. East 6032, morning or evening. A. MODEluSTcottage, neatly furnished. Mult nomah Addition. Call 81 North Park ot phone A 5413. FOR RENT Five-room furnished cottage. 714 Maryland ave., near FreemonU call forenoons. FURNISHED 4-room flat; clean; bath, gas. 674 Mississippi ave.; $16. East 2911. SPINDIDLY furnished, on Hawthorne ave., 8-room- house. B 2267. FURNITURE of 6-room cottage cheap; house for renu 499 Clay st. Houses for Rent Furaltnre for Sale. Snap Nearly new furniture 5 rooms complete- 310OO worth; $460 quick, cash, get. It. House for rent. $30.00. West Side, close In, strictly modern. Phono Main 63 07. . FOR SALE at less than half price, the com. nlete furnishings of a 4-room apartmenu all new and in excellent condition. Phone A84S5Maln92Stf.Mrs.Swopc lOROOM house for rent, furniture for sale; price $560. $225 cash, balance $26 per month. 891 Jackson, half block off West Park. Phone Marsnaii vi. WELL-FURNISHED 8-room house for rent; furniture for sale. $30 rent; furni ture $200; all rooms full; owner owner of thiiBltlofh TroOM modern house for rent, furniture for Bale; good, clean, nearly new furniture; 'reasonable;" walking distance, near Steel bridire. 180 Halsey st. Phone Main 5045. .Tel. I T I I VI Will Bell new and expensive furniture; of 6-room flat at much less than cosU Call 126 N. ISth. S ROOMS on 7th St., well furnished, clean, modern, furnace, $500 cash or trade for city propertj Marshall 363. MODERN 5-room cottage for rent, furni ture $100 If taken this week. 267 Holll- day ave. pnone 1. iw. FURNITURE five-room flaU West Side, renl $20; price $325, terms. Room 17, 105 hi Fourth st. Owner. MUST-sacrifice a splendid home, 11 rooms. nicely turnisneu; u " ,"r' -t "V ing bldg. room 322, corner 3d and Wash. NEW furniture, for sale, of 6-room buiiga low. InqulrM0HWaah. FURNITURE of 7-room house for sale, all first class. Phone Marshall 3032. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, a well-furnished flat. Call Bt SOii ram at. 7-ROOM flaU furniture for sale; sleeping norch: two toilets; terms. 331 11th. FIKT-CLASS furniture for .ale W heeler su, cor, 01 naiae. NEW furniture for sale, bargain; flat for re nt. mooern. cioae m. ovu u FURNITURE of 4-room house for sale; house lor rent, io. i ovnujim. Summer Resort.. FOR SALE, nice, new Seaside cottage, 1M block, from the beach. Owner needs money. Apply to H. Jacobsen, 847 Wasco Bt., rortianu, v. Stores. HALF of new 8-atory brick, 50x100; plato class front; 16th and Marshall; suitable for light Jobbing, manufacturing or retail; will leaBe one-half; divide space to suit tenant or tenants; long lease. A. G. Long. FOR RENT Store, centrally located. 324 Flanders sU Inquire Dooly & Co., 1116 1117 Board of Trade bldg. -5 store. In nrst-class location; groceries, notions, drygooda. 1293 BelmonL Phono Tabot 1768. FOR RENT Half store on Washington: best business center. B 837. Oregonia , SlOi 4 lor jrsnt, Pbona luast SW A