' 17 XIIaLi jlUlWllX UiVUUVllAi IllilJilJUOiiii) .a .a a. v, - . I y tar-:- I I HtmUmm Ko.nM la Priva'e HMtf '.2i0 s.r.gl room. Uu-e. sunny tod tl'M; ultabl for two; (round floor; wood Hsbts. both phonee; wa.king distance. emtorei 54 tut 6ta U I'hone. rlellwood I l-e. TH REE furnished housekeeping rooml o frftund nrtaf. M rhlliirea. " lun; tirtvrrB ITto :id Everett f. .. 53 IHhCE iea.-il furnished bou-koyj:. . .... k.f.- k.i.niit: walking die- A-hii.lren. l.-i m-.nth. Another 3 -room suite, li month, izt Kearnsyau ONE ho-asekeeplao- mil aewly tinted, very, lara brunt room. suitable for two or fnr people, beaulilul new, do iwaaiaua I'hone A $. THREE or four nice, clean room on flrt i..tk ru DUna. vard and roe; no hiidr.a. 733 E- Burnald. Phone K 17-V. J HOUSEKEEPING room. fwrnished. (It; uniurnisna. u riwn . ii i 1 i ..... rinf-. bath. Peterson. ." llth st- FKNT -ruit for lUbt housekeeping, ex ceptionally nlca tail comf urtaoie. .-3 l-arrabe u z-rtiH-'M front aulta; heat, batti. phone, por rnain bath, hot water. e!ect neighbor hood, refined homo, reasonable, alio 1-tn. TWO-nice, large, sunny room, nicety fur nished for housekeeping: beautiful view. m dern. 513 2otn St.. I'oriiana neigrne. J-liOiJM Iilroiikfd. to quiet couple; walking distance; choice neiguborhood; excelleut car service. 1 1 J cirand are, .xortn. UH N. 17 la st. Alao S furnished basement room. VKKV CENTRAL, convenient, housekeepre I Phone, gaa. prtvala entrance. 3 Nurt llth sU VHCX yoa r( you'll seed NEW FUR NITURE. Buy It Judiciously (o tha . K'.det and tha aavmga will exceed yoar Oar LO PRICES, which ra t year made aa oaa of Portland'a laraeat furni ture kousea. were made possible becausa s built on tha East bide, tneraar ssimi I - t JO a year rent. xcHOAN-ATCHLxr rcP-.vrrTBB co. Urand Ao, Cor. Kast brarlt at. n R revt T.room modern house, lot 10O Vm oa Sumner, nrar Urlaware. 2 blocka south of Kti;ia-sworth. Orat-claaa condi tion, at e.vv . THE bHAW-FEAR rOXPAST. Ivi Kouxsb st. Mala U. A 3otX. UOL'SEJ and flats for rent, soma firataaad. AVINwS TBC8T COM PANT. H w. Cor. 6!h and Washington ata. WB CAN rCR.NISH TOUR KOM at a great sa".n. Uet our prloaa. A-o era shown every coorteey. M. O'TKOW a CO.. - North d t HaasonaMa prKea. K"sy Term. -Kfnf rnodrrn house for r-nt. furnltura I tt aale; o.vl. rl- an. nearly nrw furnlmrr; "resaunablM. walkmc d-stanc. nar :et;l brile. Halat-y at. rnono xm au-io. IIOUKR.V, -room. clean housa. ona slda of double house; easy aralklnjt distance, on Kast Side: furnace, lean, inquire at see Kat Taylor st. KtR KENT Modern nve-room bunaalow: r..nni Moat, laundry. iu and electric. . M Itob at near list at. Take o W-W or W-B car. roR RENT Strti tly rood-rn "-room housa on GUsan it., between lil and lth n ; a.so some furnltura lor saia caeap. tr- ply -Wakeaeld. Frle A Co.. i slh at. x i . i nrvT a-r.-wirr modem bouse. flna yard, good neighborhood. Inquira tQ 4ta st. of cIl larnii Pit. S-KuOM cottage. CVI Kearney. Bear list; I?" a month, rhooe Main ZTuS. 43 klor- rtson. 61 KOOm new. large, molern. lawa and roe, ?) Kaat l:l W-W carllna. HO. Main T-ROOM moiiem house. Northrup at.. Jto. Vanduyn A Walton. 115 Chamber of Com merce. NFTW housea. all modern ron eniencea. F.at lth St.. between Bisrnark and Tthone. Setlword car. Phone FeMwoodlJ7. jtiERN. dslriM 3-room house, cloaa In. 311 San K.qfel st. Hast loo. xiiLK of b rooms and bat h. 714 Iveioy. cor. ::d. Inquire 1SJ Sn:b at. Main jORRENT a-rooro modern housa. T ji Mla- sourl a e. t. car. 1RVINOTON tr.9 V- 14th N. Will leaaa ona year at J7 S4H Phong Fasr lit I'SE ofTevea rooms and bath. x lvat loth. Phone East lo. ONK a and oaa i-room housa. 14 fth su Irving. Howe. Patls Co.. Ill id at. 3aLKRN 7room house, inquira room S0. Cammonwealtb bldg. iHioOM cottaia on carlina. Waa Side, tlT.M. zil Worcester Diug twralaiied lloweem. A tEVEX-RiU new house on WlUamatta Ileiahta, with hardwood floors, flreplara. sleeping porch and large yard. New and completely furnished. One block from W earline. 3v Vaughn or phone mornlnga Marshall 075. t RtHlMd, modern furnished housa In nortb weet part of city, will rent tor 1 year or less. Kent 7i. PaxrUh, Watklna A Co.. :1 Alder at. -R RENT 4-room newly-f urntshed housa at S-47 K Soth. everything modern: two rarlinca: tako W. W. car. get orr at Tag grt St.; rent reasonable; call today. -mOM furnished house. Cull Woodiawa li 7 morning or erenlngs. ast 6So3 dur ing tha day time. On rarllne. 7 rooms, tath. furnace, elec-trlt-ity. vaa ranee, full lot. six montha .r:j. .f otgfnln. JVK R;NT ilungalow. famished, modern: op n septn room: n-f.-rence li7 East 7th. ast teis. morning or eventn?. FXR RKNT FWe-roora furnished cottace. 714 Masland . near ItetmonL Call forenoons. Ft RNI3HED-house la lrvlngton""for" rent. yvea rooms, two aleerlnr; porrhea. for urm of six montha. 4J Kt Uth st N. FURNISHED 4 -room flat; clean: bath. gas. 74.l Mlsalaslppl ava.: $la. East S'll. 8PI.ENDIDLT furnished, on Hawthorne ave.. b-room house. B --j7. Hoaeea for Ren t 1 nm It lire for Sale. -ROOM house on West Side, walking dist ance, well furnished, modern, furuaca. a sacrifice. Marshall 33. THE KINiJ-MKF.NNON. Sl-J Henry bidf. SNAP Nearly new furniture ft rooms com plete: llooti worth: oulck. cash, gcta It. Housw for rent. $aO uu. West frule. r.oe in. strictly modern. Phone Mala !l7. FOR SALE Rsrt paid lilt on furniture costing :. will aell for $: cash. bl-an.-a, $K0. can be pa!d In monthly pay menta of $1: bouee rent lis. two rooms rented for II. :4 Going at. Take U car. e-ROOM modern house for rent, furnltura for aale: Rood, clean, nearly new furniture: "reasonable ;" walking dtxtancr. near steel hrldge. 1 Halsey st. Phone Majn So4u. Mi'a &-roora houso on Clinton at. for rent at 117 per month- It Is completely fur nished: will sell furnltura for tlu. J. E. bmltb. i 13 Chamber of Commerce " Ti rir. KiTiXArrEVEROrTE RED. Furnltura of 4-room modem flat, walk ing d'vtance: pnea 912o: cash or terms; rent J. 3-3 Montgomery, cor. Fifth. NICB HOME. Will sell new and e'jienalya furnltura of e-room fat at moch leaa than coat. Call 12 N. 1Mb- FVRNITt.'RE for aale cheap: house for real: 7 rooms. 4 rooms upetalre rented: more than pay rent. Call afteraoona. 1J Notts ltth st. APARTMKNT-HOI B. all fil ed, will s-.l Usse and some furniture. An opportunity not always presented. X ana, oregonian. FtH SAI.RAt l-sa thaa coat. esAnl fur niture of a nve-ruom tiam-beateU apart ment. Phone East bJSI. 2ii:W furniture for aale. bargain: Oat fur rent, modern. cl"e la. Second at. It RMTI BE of room cottage cheap; house f-r rent. fr Clay St. K furniture, for aa. of e-room bunga-!oe-. Inquire ao,Waab FI'R.MltT.E of T-raom houae for sale, all fret elase. phone Marshall v.J. Ft RNITI'nE f a four-room bungalow; rci t rr.ienlil. 7 I nion ave. N. Fl kNITURK f a 5 room f.at fur aale cheap, l'.'J Fast U:h st. Fl i. - r- l-A furniture for aiit at 3ol wueeier at., cor. of Ilaiavy. FfRNISHED fat frsale cheap-If 'taksa at once. a Ca.l mornlnga Maia 4113. "aanef fteeorla. FR AIJS or tra,le 4.Vmpietelr furnished house aad lot. .. le. at Heastde. Would vns oer acreaae or amall farm. Addresa M sjv, regonian. F"K SAXfeTn.te. new S.Js cottage. 1 S bto-ks from the bemt-h. Owner nee.ls monvv. Apply to K. J a cob sea. atf Waaco st , I'ortlsn.l. nr. El iTT in two beacb lota for Siie cheap f.r rasn if taken at oaca. J'arUculata aaner. Tabor - Ft'R RENT Ctore. centrally rocatad. 324 I' anil'rs at. Ino'ilre l"e:y A Co.. 1114 H17 tuaed of Trade bldg. 1-;, ffcore. la ore'-ciaa location: groceries, notion. drygoodA 1JS3 Belmont, phono Tao 17, liuka log real. Fkoaa Eaat 123. ' ' " " . I rtt-r - arrirrvri. I FINANCIAL. T I - I a i- U A- wa M-A, I FIVE laree storeroom 2-'lt feat; speclall well located for hardware, being the best location on the East Side: in toe unno I'nlon bldr. 3U1 Kaat Burn side St. Will leAse for year or longer to proper parties. M.rarger. iiatea Urely. SIS Falllns bldg. VIS'R Kelrb eoraer. alao lnalda atorw. E. llth and Hawthorne ave.; advantageously situated for a high-grade grocer, butcher, druggirt to bulUl up a larre bualncne In llaatbome and laddl Additions. Apply L. K. Fa.rchlld. Pi Sherlock blilg mi r .r aew s-atorv brick. SOxloO: pi glasa front; lth and Marshall; aultable for light Jobbing, manufacturing or mm, wilt lease one-half: divide apaca to ault tenant or teoanta; long leaaa. A. O. Long. lb corner store. or . - - line; tig bus.nos district. Phone Mala 8458 or 1 lew e i 6T"R E for rent at 3:7 V Slark st- Inquira T5 1st st. Offlrea. ETHfcAL physician wanted to share k, w .n.la hlVln. ri. Brood prartica; t or a rooms ujuiuiui- . " . jsnitor. Swetland bldg Ota and Washlcg- ead OFFICRS FOR RENT. MKRCHANTS SAVINGS TRUST COMPANY. sioht eentrallv located ofncaa, all-night si eator aarvlca. 101 Swetland bldg or Jaa- Itor. eth and w ashing ton. OUTSIDE offl-a with usa of large reception room. 324 henry eidg.- jjESK room for steady tenant: modem con veniencea. Call S17 Ablngton bldg. TO 1F.ASE. FOR LEASE Corner E. Hurnslde. cloaa In. 13 yea ra AD 3. Oregonian. BCSIXESS OPPORTCMTira. tlALr ibirreat la iv,-. .u .v aea doing a good business, wlta sal- ar.ed poaitloa of t'Oo per month, ror tun fanicutars emu nmuo -., er Exchange bigg- rooma 331-831. PARTNER wanted In cleaning and y works- $3'o required; owner will ruar antra 'you iu per week net; axperleno not necesary. byond checking up orders FOR SALE rOK PAUr. More buhuiiih. " 1 ' --,--... ill ..it nut all dead atock of nuial aeil MS 1 Kill uuuil IV it.uu.v myself. Addreaa J. C Ulxon. Elk City vrtiuo. ZUL.vU JSA., DinA.iu&ni slake careful Investigation at expense of seller before you Invest money In any propoaiUoa. Advlaory ilepartmant. T. ai. C A. . WANTED Toung man aa partner who will Invest a small amount ot money aou .rnrM f.,e i. interest: business will make excellent returns. Call to 11 or I to 4:1. Room 21S Hotel uriuit. A ON At-. $750 to SlOOft buvs half Intoreat. In flne- paying rasn uetne. - ' - - n s ion weekly; aoonay fully aecured. K orrRuuiaii REAL ESTATE dealer, clearing from ISOuO t' IIV.VVU .1 I J . " " . " ' --- argetio partner, emeu to eio-. . . . .... . ... which Is fully secured; particular, 411 rtoaru OI iraui umi- BLOCH RKALTY COMPANY. i.l Lumoermens xsiug. ileal Estate and Legitimate Busineaa Chancre. KESTAI'RANT AND CAFETERIA. A sacrinca at t--uO. Sixth at., near new Poatoffl-: lease Is worth the money. You'll have to hurry. Call 3oi Gerllnger bldg. WANTED Partner In manufacturers- agency busineaa to manage A'ortlana ot llc; reprrs nt eeveral hlgh-graile Enat ern companies: Investment of fees hun dred dollars required. All 7'.i. Oregonian. WlLIe eel) half Intereat In best ground floor real estate omce in city, wiire exclusive I'ortland agenclea for gllt-cdge orchard tract of 40O.J acre. Call "7 ."tark st. REAL. EJTATS busineaa; opening for ener getic man; requlree no experience oejonu ability to ihos land, etc.; profit largo. 1'artlcolar 24 Stark St. COXFEiTIOXEHV and cigar store, with four rooms and bath: rent 913; doing good busineaa; price ;W Call HIS Hoard ot Traie. RESTAURANT FOR I2.VO. A good one. with tablea and lunch coun ter: you'll be surprised , come aee. 204 Morrison st. HAVE best proposition In Northwest; want expeneneoo. realty aiciraiii vim "uviii s. (or partner; treasurer. Investigate. T Ml. Oregonian. 1 WILL trade my automobile busineaa. lo cated at o"-.''-- North itn St.. tor city property or farm land. Phone Marshall bo4 or A iTA A TINE tittle stock of groceries, sales $i:.E.O per day: a llvlng-rooma. rent si per month, price I30. 417 Board ot Trade Mig. GROCERY Have a bargain; only 3-5 month rent with o living room, aiocx win in voice about a."": good trade now which can be Increased. Call HHS Stark t. GREENHOUSE. Fine location, good trade, valuable real eetate; bent buy In Portland. HALL A GUSTIN. tl Lumbermens Bldg. REAL ESTATE, man a aula suau pariuer to show customers property: man wining to work tan make fl. to f?'M) monthly; partlcMlara 1S Board of Trade. VENDING " MACHINES. machines earning over l0 a month; ran b had for xioo HALL ft GUSTIN. 11 Lumbermcni Bldg. FOUR AUTOMOBILES. . Take your choice of make; cheap for cash. HALL OUSTIN'. 411 Lumbermen Bldg. WANTED A partner In a Ilea real estate end busineaa cnancea ortice; no experi rnre beyond ability: little cash required. Call at 10 Swetland bldg. MODEUX houae with lease; low rent; can be run In connection witn nret-ciaee grin and cafe: doing fin bualncee; no agcnla. Y 7 So. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted to drive delivery wagon. wait on customer, etc; pronia . a weok from start, which can be doubled. Call 417 Board of Trade blilg. BAKERY and grocery for aale. together or aeparmc. tu iowh " , .vu.. . . iv sto. k and wheat country surrounding. Y 612. trregonlan. RESTAURANT, factory and carbarn loca tion with good busineaa. turniture ot one living room Included, make an offer. 73 Th-irrV.an st. IIKAT MARKET doing good cash business. owner leaving city; sms.ii cau price; guou residence district. AC 433. Oregonian. ClilAU and confectionery store, below In voice, ir sola tnis weea. sii uuwa oi Trade bldg. PARTNER wanted for a etrictlr caah bnal- nraa; requlree .ao; will pay siou montn. Call I4S1 Stark St. I II AVE i;oe to i:oo to buy all or part of aa established paying business: pieaae give some dilalls. AC 3J. Oregonian. A SMALL milling and lorglng proportion on atunipage rasia; ninav to main una ot railroad and river. X s-trt, Oregonian.- .v-OR1N"EKY and confectionery, with three living rooma: rent III: thla place. Is clearing is flay, call eia Moara or i raae. WR handle all kind of busineaa places; ua first. Marshall 110. A 1m 4 5 Chamber of I'ommerce. OoOD business opening, safe and legitimate; I iO and ervicea win nanaie it; oig proi Ita. owner. L S19. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted, willing to drive deliv ery wagon part ot tne niue; riu nr eea ve-k. Particular S4S Stark St. FlH SALE Retail bakery and confection. err: good opening Tor some one wita small capital. R 514. Qrcgonl.m. ORoCERT STORE: must be sold; clean stork and nvvires: at invoir. H VI. L nl iTI'C. 411 Lumbermen Bldg. aliNINO ASu lMUSn:IAI. STOCKA lelerhone ar.d other bonds bought aa saUI. Fletcher Inv. Co., 333 Ablagtaa. WANT to buy clgr stand on Weat Sid that ha a lease irom aui to siwma 'iine asn tit!7. REAL ESTATE PARTNER, line opening for good live man. HALL A GUSTIN. IJ Lumbermena Bldg, FXr well estabtlahed. money making gro- r.ry. leiepaoue wwwvr iMir ouu'iij, V.ast 670 &0o FLSlNt.-s carda 11.00: yoa pinet brlaa this d Pose I'ltT pemtery. 1a-i TbirA. ll.1T EL bar 31000 rtqulred. F b4. Ore- gomea. RE'TAl'RAST fT sale cheap If taken at enre: t -. 4.XI K. Morriaon. CI'lAR store for stock. t2 th t; rill Invoice the FOR SALE Two-chair barber ahop. good location. Renf 2i. X HI, Oregonian. UardwareTYtor. gool location; 40t0 atock; cjsa er city property. HalL aSU Front at, FINE grocery proposition. See Dr. lllxgs, I or belt bldg. CoOli -:ar stand; sell on account of other bus tte. Call at 3 N. Third. SaTooN If waailng a bargain Investigaie this one. Call 24 Stark t. GO1D picture show for ale. Fireproof. Ta bor 3i AD 14. Or-onlan. AJLBEJtaaoa fur aa.. 127 N. tut HERS IS A PRIZE WINNER. Three-etnry modern brick hotel. tara heat, hot and cold water In every room, live country town; only hotel; headquar ter for orchard and railroad activity; -year lease: can eccure bar llcenee; hotel cleared last year VD00; price for furni ture and lease $4nno. , JOS. C. GIBSON COi. .10-3 Gerllnger bldg. SAWMILL FOR SALEV Complete .awmlll With log. P'"' mllL Jry kiln. hed. etc. and a tract of timber. Best mill lte on TMlamook Bay. Water and rail facilltlea. Monopoly on local market and unable to supply de mand. Addreaa K S39. Oregonian. JOB PRINTING AND NEWSPAJ-ER. A good small country weekly newspaper and Job printing plant, official county paper, eetabllshed year, average montn fv profits 3175: price 00O, Include com plete newspTer and Job printing ofnee, building and lt- For full parUcular .aee GRITSSI A ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FOR SAIA. A JO-M capacity Kuaaell portable sew. mill, complete with eat-oft "wf?!j conveyor, etc.; also a No. 1 Northwest rlaaer. with attachmeata good as aw, ( been used only a short time. Ft particular call at my effloe. ao-ass FTwai U Portland. Or. BBHXAN METZOER. Owner. . BEST BARGAIN IN THE CITT. lio-room. European hotel, hot and cold water, telepnonea in au rooms, an.l furniture only one year old. 1"" nicely etabllbed. 3 block of P. O., always full, clearing over S00 per month; guar anteed; trial given if wanted; would con sider good farm or city property a par io. w .. l- a?S- -. W fnr corser. FOR SALE Only opera house and dance hall combined. In front of which I large art store, picture framing and stock ana o-flce. On second floor photograph studio. Three fine reaidencea. All Income prop erty, on half block ground opposite new Federal building. Terme or trade for au over $10.0lK cash. H. p. EOGAN. Moscow. Idaho. FOR SALE Drugstore In Washington, about 30 mile from Portland, rail and water connection: fine Mock, good loca tion, everything Al ; doing 30 per .day. can be made $i0: 31700; 30K will han dle. See Mr. Thayer. Clark-Woodward lirujr co. WORKING H interest In good little lumber rrlll near Portland. 3!g thing for partF who can give all or part of time to It. r.MM: 3500 caah. balance eay. Call be tween 6 and J P. M.. or write Mill. 488 lsurnside el. In buslnes that will make you S0 month: part cash and balance out of buei ne. Must be obar. experience not nec-ee.-ary. 500 will handle it. Call room "lo Lumber r-xennnge ping. WILL, aeii my "Portland House Dept. In my established real eatate bustneas; wish to concentrate all my attention on the Exchange Dept." of my buslnes; price 3-1O0; can "deliver ttae good." J Oregonian. . DON'T TAKE A CHAKC" of buying debts. I Investigate and report. Ollllngham. auditor. 411 Lewla Bldg.. Mar shall 421. SALARY IVOO uONTH. A capable reliable man can buy Intereat In a flrst-clasa propoalllon that will bear closest investigation, for I1COO. With a bona fide salary of 3 2(H) per month. i'r tlculajs room. 31S Lumber Ejtchanebld MANUFACTITIINO BUalNESS. We want a man who Jias 15000 to take hold of a specialty that pay Immense profits; thla I no fake, but will aland the closest Investigation. HALL A GUSTIN. 411 Lumbermen Bldg. CONFECTIONERY STORE. With or without living-room, all fur nished; can make more than alt expense out of room; a lock and fixture of store only 35. ,. HALL A OUSTTN, 311 Lumbermen Bldg. AUTOMOBILE buslne wanta partner; lin required; owner will guarantee you 3400 a month net. 'Good honest man that can take care of the booka required. 32.1 Lumber Exchange ALWAT8 the bet In clear stands, grocery stores, confectionery, pooirooius. ii.u rants, hotels, saloon. roomlng-houe or general merchandise store in or out of city. 270 Stark st. PARTNER wanted In light manufacturing buslnrsa 4ot requireo.; pay you o day. Room 523 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE: An excellent clothing. 6rj- goode and anoe puaineaa: noes wwui " 0; will consider part real estate If bought at once. Addresa Box 376. city. I HAVE a flrat-claaa dye work, all com plete. Will sell very cneap; win wmai the business If necessary. AH 334. Ore gonian. PARTNER wanted; 2S0 required; dutie easily learned: 1-b guarmnteeo. uu room 623 Lumber Exchange. HALF Intereat In a good paying real eatate office; fine opening tor a gooa man. run particular at 3l) gpaiqing piog. WOULD like to buy small del!cateen in IllOUrni OI CllJ. auuicu ic.-.e won. ijr.. it. r. u- io. o, w ii WANTED Partner In caah hualne that clear 30 to Io weekly; aouu wfcM nanuie tills. 44 Rothchlld bldg. 6PECI AL i76 will ecure a bulnes where you can clear 33 ro day; experience not nectssary. rartlrnlar 24SH Stark st. PARTNER wanted In machine ahop netting 3400 every montn. Room 5 '-13 Lumber Exchange. Por SALE Poolroom and confectionery. 3430 cash. call 3M4 1st st. ROOMTNG-HOrPKS. SACRIFICE SALE. 10 ROOM3. hort walk aouth of Morrl on St.. corner dwelling. HOT and COLD RUNNING water in room. STEAM HEAT. Thla la EXTRA well furniahed. Iron beds, floss and balr mattreaaea. Aim. and Brusaela carpet; rent 330 with lease; cleara S.V over all expenses: prloe cut to $s.v, for quick sale on account ot lck ness In family. A BARGAIN. HERE IS ANOTHER. 9 ROOMS. Nob Hill district, near 17th nnd Johnson: beautiful modern house In fine condition: rent f37.B0; B. B. carpeta: quartered oak furniture. Price tUuO If taken at once. ELLIS. SMITH A CO., 8264 Washington at-, rooma 201-202. FACING THE PARK. 13 rooma. rent 376. close In. velvet and Axmlnater carpeta. furnace, modern and clean: cleara S above all expenses; 31300 cash required. PORTLAND ROOM ING-HOTJ8B CO. S1J Henry Bld FOR SALE. Or exchange for modern bungalow, 11S room apartment -house. East Side, close In. new furnishings, leaae and good will, net profit on Inveetment large. 302 Spalding bldg. ROOM I NG- HOUSE buyers. If you are look- ing for a bargain in a nrst-ciaaa. mod ern, up-to-date apartment-house, call and ee us at once. Weatern Investment Co., 417 Board of Trade bldg. 23-ROOM tranlent-houae. In good district. brick ounuina. a u. . -. .?' ' leaie and cheap rent; houae always full: 3I7O0 caah will handle. Phone Marshall pto; evenings Main 1MJ4.' 47. ROOMS, NORTH END. lloOO. profit last a years average 3200 month ly can be made to do much more: all rash. Fred W. German, 8211 Burnald. Main 277. A BARGAIN INDEED. 11 rooma very desirable furniture, house modern and close In and cleara over 350 per month; price 1i0. Call 417 Board of Trade bld. 1 HAVE for rent a no-room hotel, all well furnished and moaern. noing a aooa oust neaa. Particulara on application. J b3S. Oregonlao. HOTEL. 4 rooms, 4 yeara" lea; net Income over I1& a month: 84&00. HALL A GUSTIN, Jill Lumbermena Bldg. WILL give you a bargain ir oid oy tn lth IV rooms. .11'. BJi imiiiiiiou, modem house, clearing : a month: must l.-ave the city. 341 Harrlon A 2046. HOrsE FOR RENT. room, rent 32. furniture all clean and good. for. al for 3410. HALL OI'STIN. H Lumbermena Bldg 10-ROOM boarding-house: must aeii this week: 4 'O : will xaaa inui. v.an tuiu see -." flrar.t at. te0 CASH will handle large modern hotel; over i- rooroe ; 0uim-m uivno., . . leaaa. 1 o" s y-hamber of Commerce. MUST aell my 2-room aparlment-house; half newly rurnisneu. ror particulars, can st grocery. to Grand ave. North. OVER 2u rooms, near Washington at., steam heal and running water; iviw pio-v f now. Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Fourteen nice, large and well. furnlnheil rooms, easy leiiiis. on aiuw and West park. SNAP In hotel: owners leering eitv: running water; no ss"" " . - R. H. GOODKIND -O.. B02-BO4 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. MARSHALL 46s, A 1059. -THE TIME TO BUT A ROOMING HOUSE AND BUY IT RIGHT IS WHEN AN OWNER REALLY WANTS TO SELL. SUCH IS THE CASE WITH EVERY HOUSE IN THI3 LIST. 10 ROOMS, VERY NICE. Well furnished, nice, clean house. team .heat, hot and cold water every room, rent only 0; price for quick sale 3S50. caah. 14 ROOMS, FINE LOCATION. Furnace heat, hot and cold water every room, furniture very beat, rent only 360; price 31rto0. H caah: dears $75 month. 82 ROOMS. TRANSIENT. Located In one block of Portland Ho tel: 32 rooms, brick bldg., steam heat, hot and cold running water every room; rent only 20 month; 8-year leaae. guar anteed clearing $300 month: furniture very good; If you .have $3400 cash we can arrange the balance easy terms. This houae will stand thorough Investigation. 44-ROOM HOTEL. Brick bldg.. ateam heat, hot and cold running water every room: rent $200; 5 year leaae: price only $4300. H cash, baL lots: a big money-maker. SWELL LITTLE APARTMENT-HOUSE. 45 rooms, 16 apartment, swell furni ture and new; rent $300 ; 5-year le-ase; price $3800: terms. $20o0 cash; will take about $1300 In cheap building lots. This I a little beauty and 1 located in the finest apartment-house district. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE THESE HOUSES BEFORE BUYING. R H. GOODKIND CO. BEST BARGAIN IN CITY. ISO-room European hotel, hot and cold water, telephone In all room, building and furniture only 1 year old. Just nicely established. 3 blocka ot P. O., alwaya full, clearing over $800 per month guaranteed; trial given If wanted; would consider good farm or city property a part pay. Phone Main 3721. ask for Corser. ROOMING-HOUSE, 10 rooms; a beautiful new. modern house; rent only 3S: every modern convenience; flrst-claae location, Weat Side; very best of furniture, carpeta, hair mattrease, linen, eta; aomething swell, good and clean; price only $830. I3O0 cash. I also have a 15-roora that can be had cheap. H. W. GARLAND. 101 4th at. NEW unfurnished rooming-house, with long lease. Thi Is the easiest money-maker In the city: $3000 will handle 1L You. can double your money In CO day; rent com mence April 1. If you want a bargain, aee us about this at once. Calef Bros., 3o6 E. Morrison st. THIS IS GOOD. 1 rooms, rent $60, one block from Washington, elegantly furnished, new, running water In room, a lovely home and a good Income; $1000 cash handle. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 313 Henry Bldg. A REAL SNAP. ' Ten-room house, all or part furnished; good lease; easy term. Inquire at houae, 12oVk 14tn st. or pnone a ioab. t-n u mi v Diuimlmr.hniiM lil rooms, ex ceptlonally well furnished, fine location overlooking park; first-class neighbor hood; this Is an unusual opportunity and price very reasonable. 3.a College at. MONEY-MAKER. 13 room, all 2-room suites, housekeep ing, rent 335; always full; snap; $600. HALL A GUSTIN. til Lumbermena Bldg. SPECIAL- NOTICES. Propoal Invited. BONDS FOR 8ALE. TOWN OF GRESHAM. I1S.0OO WATER BONDS AND 5U00 SEWER BONOS. Sealed Droposals will be received by the undersigned until 6 o'clock P. M., on the 4th day of April, lull, tor tne wnoie or any part of $20,000 ot the bonds of the Town of Gresham. In denominations of $1000 each, payable 20 yeara after date, and bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable half yearly, prin cipal and Interest payable In United States gold coin, at the office of the treasurer ot the xown ot ore nam. Tha above described bonds are Issued for the following purpoeea; $13,000 of said bond being Issued for the Installation and construction ot general water works and watee ivitim for the Town of Gresham. and $5000 of said bond being issued for the construction of a sewer and drain age system for the Town of Gresham. The authority for the issue of said bond la granted by an araenament to xne char ter of the Town of GreBham, adopted De cember 7. luo9. bv the voter of the Town of Gresham, and entitled "An act to amend paragraph 22 ot section 12 of chap ter 6 ot the charter of the Town of Graham, entitled au act to incorporate the Town of Gresham. In the County of Multnomah. Oregon, and to provide a charter therefor, and to repeal all acta or parta of acts In conflict therewith; filed In the office of the Secretary ot State, Feb ruary 11, 1805. , All bidders will be required to submit unconditional bids except aa to the le gality of the bonds, and each bid must be accompanied by a certified check on either of the bank of the Town of Gresham, or on any responsible bank In the City of Portland, Or., for an amount equal to 5 per 'cent of the face value of the amount of bonds bid for, payable to the order ot the Mayor of the town of Greaham, to be forfeited aa liquidated damages in case the bidder shall withdraw his bid or ahall fall or neglect to take and pay for (aid bonds, should said bond be awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bid I hereby reerved. All proposal should ho marked, "Propoaal for Sewer and Drainage Bonds, "Proposal for Water Bonds," and addressed to D. M. Roberts, Recorder of the Town of Gresham. By order of the Common Council of the Town ot Gresham, Or. D. M. ROBERTS, Recorder of the Town of Gresham. Date of first publication March 3. BIDS FOR PIPELINE Bid will be- re ceived at the office of the Sunnyslde Pipe line Company at the office of Feltham A Ryan, at Welaer, Idaho, for furnishing tha following approximate number of feet of wound wire wood pipe, together with hvdrante, reducer, elbows and other fur nishlnga, to wit: 4U00 linear feet of 16-inch pipe. 4200 linear feet of 10-inch pipe. 2700 linear feet of 8-Inch pipe. 2500 llnei feet of 6-lnch pipe. 700 linear feet ot 4-lnch pipe. Bid will be opened at 2 P. M. on March 18. 1911. Said company reserves the right to reject any or all bids filed or to increase or diminish the number of feet of the several slaes of pipe speci fied, specification of the furnishing and pipe will be on file at the office of the aid company for inspection and refer ence. Sunnyslde Pip Ljne Co. By John A. Llndsey. secretary. CALL of bond before maturity Sealed proposal will be received at the oflice of the Lewlston Land 4 Water Co., Lim ited. In the City of Lewlston, Idaho, on or before the 1st day of April. 181L for the aale ot bonda of the Lewlston Land A Water Co.. Limited, dated April 1, 108. These bonds offered at the lowest price, not exceeding, however, par with Interest accrued to the 1st of April, 1311, will be accepted and paid for to the extent of ten thousand dollara ($10,000). or any sum In excess thereof on hand on said 1st day of April, 111. in the sinking fund created under article III ot the trust deed securing said bonda LEWISTON LAND A WATER CO., LTD. PROPOSALS will be received by the State Board of Control at Its office in the State Capitol until 10 o'clock A. M March 10, 1911, for general aupplles for the Institu tions under it administration, covering ferlod from April 1 to September 30. 1011. nformation will be furnished on request to thoee Interemed. When making inquiry pieaae atate lines on which proposals will be made, state Board of Control. Olympla, March 1. 101L TJ B ENGINEER OFFICE, Seattle, Wash.. March 7. Hill Sealed propoaals for fur nishing 87.1,000 tons of stone, brush fas cines, piling and polea delivered at Grays Harbor. Wash., will be received here until 12 M., April 7. lull, and then publicly opened. Information on application. C. W. Kuta, MaJ. Engineer. PROPOSALS will be received by the State Board of Control at It office In the State Capitol, until 10 A- M.. March 2o, 11)11, tor an electrical generating et for West ern Washington Hospital. Fort Stellacoom. Information will be furnished on request to those. Interested. State Board of Con trol. Olympla. March 3. 1911. THE City of Wlllamlna la calling for bid on $13,000. lO and 20-year, optional. 6 per cent bonds, interest payable semi-annually and bear date of March 1. 1910. Bids to be opened April 10, 1911. For further In formation write City Recorder F. E. Bnerwin. LOST AND FOTJND. FOUND Where yoa can Buy genome balr mattresses retail at wholesale prices: w rinovate maiu-easea and return same day: r w alao renovate feathers. portlaad Curled Hair Factory. H. M tiger. 4J Front. Phone Main 474: A 1374. Lost One leather-backed order book; ad dress atamped on Inside of cover. 321 Board of Trade. Finder please return to above addreaa and receive reward; no value to anyone but owner. Lost small gold watch with Stanford University fob; Initials on watch A. E. ; pieaae return to City Dye Work. Eat 3d and Ah; liberal reward. LOST, strayed or stolen, white foxterrier. with tan ears, female, collar bears own er's name: reward. Phone Marshall ".159, LOST Ruby ring, last Thursday; reward. Phone Main 711!. or Wood lawn 85. FOUNDSome billiard bulla. Call Oregonian business office. INITIAL fob. "J. G. T." Phone J. G. TuxnbulL Main 80L LOST Gold nugget stick pin; return to 780 Irving st., apt. 4. Reward. Main 4133. FINANCIAL. REALTY BONDS FOR SALE. A small amount of bond Issued on one of the finest pieces of sub-division In Portland; there Is already over $100,000 worth of the property old; there ia only about $50,000 worth of these bond for sale; bond bear 5 per cent interest and on profit sharing basis; will pay at least 250 per cent in dividend; thi la an in vestment, not a sncculation. J. W. GASKILL, 84 Fourth St. Main S900. A 1163. MORTGAGE LOANS. On Improved city property or for building purpose. COLUMBIA LIFE ft TRUST COMPANT. 616 Spalding Bldg. WILL pay caah for builder equltle or first and econd mortgage or contract Call 608 McKay bldg. Phone Marshall tuQO. i Money to Loan Real Kstate. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to 6 year" time; liberal re-payment privilege, money advanced aa building progreVae. The Equitable Sav ings ft Loan Association, 240 Stark at. LARGE and SMALL amount to LOAN. Portland and Suburban Real csiaie. J. H. TIPTON CO., 1108 Spalding Bldg. Phone Marshall 274.'i. Ask Mr, EASTON. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and T par cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL. 104 Second SC - WE HAVE plenty ot money to loan on elty firoperty In sums from $1000-to $50,000 at owest current rates. Morgan. Fllednar A Boyce, 603-506 Ablngton bldg. $300,000 ON Improved city or farm property! building or email loana at lowest prices: large loana a specialty. J. H. McKenal Co.. 514-15-18 Gerllnger bldg. FIRST ana second mortgage and contract purchased on farm and city property any where In Oregon or Washington. B. L. Devereaux, Fenton bldg., 84 6th at, $20,000 private money to loan upon Im proved cltv or farm property. Address 321. Hotel Cornelius. $400 TO $S00 to loan on c'ty real estato security at 8 per cent- Call 221 Mor rison su. room v. $1000. JjSOOO, $1000 to loan on improved J. H." TIPTON CO.. HQS Spalding Bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans; contracts and mortgage bought, W. H. Nunn. 448 SherlocK niag. MONEY to loan on good improved city and farm security. J. Ma, French ft Co.,41- 413 Ablngton bidg..lU6V M n. $200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rata. W. G. Beck, 812 Falling bldg. MORTGAGE loan on city property: lowest rate. A. H. Blrrell Co 202 McKay bldg. 2d and Stark. 'HONEY to loan at reasonable ratea In sum from $60 up. The Lawrence Co. 14$ Al- dr st-- . i MORTGAGE LOANS AT REA80NABLB RATES, F. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLPO, LOANS "ON INSIDE PROPERTY AT 6 TO I PER Cfcilv 1. ax State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. B. Thom as, tata atent, JJultmimahJJajlOv C. u WiirioanYlO.000 or leas, real eatate ecurlt. Farrlngton- 416 Commercial Club bldg. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Good- pougn A pens. m PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. lL Mlley. room 204. Gerllnger bldg. MTGAGE-LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. I.OU1S SALOMON, 23S STARK. bT. TO LOAN $7000 otTcity property. Address V g.lo. oreguniau. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat efal security. C. W. Pallet. 308-9 Fenlon. 0'0 OR 700 to loan on real estate. Main I -'01. AC bull. OREGONIAN. WILL loan $15,000 or lc-sa on real estate. Hitchcock. Ql'J 1101111:1111" MORTGAGE loans at 7 and 8 per cent- Karnopp ft Kopf.325 Jiy.Kx. bldg. p"p.IVATE money to loan on Improved real estate, l'none a oitu. Money to Loan Chatela and Salaries. 8 " $ $ ARB YOJ LOOKING- FOR iiONErf If you knew how easy our terms ar you would not be short of money. Don t be bothered with alot of amall debta; let ua lurnlsh money to aettlo them, WE LOAN ON Furniture and piano. torage receipt, livestock, rooming-house and all kind of securities term to uit; alao eay weekly or monthly lnatallmenta. We buy and loan on first and aecond mortgage and equity U HSt ESTATE BROKERAGE CO. tit Hampton bldg.. 131 d. Main 2084. $ $ $ ! ,-T t STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ E-R-O-K-E-R-S. .SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $lu. repaid In installments of $ .45 tSo. repaid in installments of $ .0 JO repaid In installment of 3J.0O Larger amounts in proportion We do not advertise misleading term or rates, but give you our charge In plain figures. Business strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO. X 308 Failinit tiiag. . . , TT..-, I , 1 . V 1 I VIII 1 I '1 V .N r. i w i . ' ......... . . Do you need money today? If so. come to me and I will help you out. 1 advance money Immediately and conadentlallr' on furniture, pianos, autos and other securities- reasonable ratea of Interest. M. Maiden.603Swetland bldg MONEY Loaned in amounts from $10 up on all klnda of securities, furniture, piano or any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments; low rates; confidential. Gray ft Cunningham, 201 Rothchlld bldg. northwest corner 4th and Washington. MONEY advanced salaried p-ople, house keepers and other upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payment; offices In 6d principal cities; save yourself by getting my term first. TOLMAN. 817 Lumber Exchange. MONEY ADVANCED On furniture, pianos, storage receipt, ete.1 lowest ratea. BUTTON CREDIT CO. 307 spaiains oia. LOANS on diamonds, jewelry, furs, ult cases, trunks, overcoats and m ujlcal ln atruinents. Uncle Myers, 71 flth, between Oak andPlne. Main 910. LOWEST RATEB Loana on ail klnda of se curity chattels or real estate. Union Loan ok t ufavAtrn bide.. Oth and Wash. an. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 1414 8d at., near Alder. l n w ratea: we loan money on diamond and .JLJIrVv Wi: ft Bioch. 74 3d at. LOANS on diamonds and other lecurltle. TWilllam Holl. room 9. Waahlngton bldg. i" LOAN for the aaking, salary or chattel, i.Bn C'n -14 Dkum bldg. Loan wanted. WANT $20,000 for 3 yrs. at 8 per cent on north iion.nnnr von to UU?llieiM -- --- appraise. Thi Is an outside proposition but mortgaKee will pay all round trip expenses for Investigation, with no ob ligation. Quick action desired. O 829, Oregonian. MONEY on what you have, small amounts or more. . a " change Bldg. Both iyhones. WE can lnveat your mouey at good rates of interest, uni-euao " " - . .- gages. Long-term Investment. PROVIDENCE INV. ft TRUSTEE CO. . . . . . . . - . J -T-.n.l. Klff WANTED A loan of $100 on note from private party. win pay '5' LT,V per 30 day. Responsible party. H 8-4. tjreironian. HAVE a contract of $23,Vo, drawing 7 per cent, on which $375 has been pald: will discount iu i-, vc. i Oregonian. It you have money to Invest AWlv 31 r. tAaiun nouui PREFERRED MORTGAGE LOANS. T H TiDton Co.. 110S Spalding Bldg. WANTED $.'.00, one year, at 8 per cent. CU III ' Hl8 w y I 111 l-.-'-'.-'-"- - - - dow. 317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak- f-lOO TO $3000. 3 years, 8 per cent; spien ",., i fnrlrv. t L- Bamber- U1U irui j - g-r, room 2 Lumbermen bldg. Marshall 712. LOAN wanted: $5000: S year, from prin cipal; ' ImprOVeU reoioto-e hlVh-class. West Side residence district. AN 8.18. Oregonian. 312 000 GILT-EDGE mortgage lor salo; a year to ru... . r . 5 blocks irom r ", ' WILL pay 8 per cent net on LUO; ','ry best 11 mt mortgage .u'. . 'i'ubor 1425. WANTED A loan of $.A)0 IJr tnree years on three lots wnu nuu-w Ofeconlan, WANTED Loan of $J. on acreage wortn ffonian. AT once. $000 from private party, 3 years. Al o i".. .. , , i,-Kt Portland rna tv. 7 per li in n.-1 - II Hjn, uregoiiiaf -,oo AT 8 per cent, principal only. AH S-'i2, OreKOnian. T ET us place your money, good mortgages; . w Lewis. 2 Lewis bldir. reIQ(uvca. . -- , .- Loan Wanted. WE have clients who want loan on Im proved real estate; will pay 6, 7 and 8 per cent; no charge for placing money, HARTMAN THOMPSON, Realty Dept. Chamber of Commerce. WANT $2500 FOR 8 YEAR3 AT 8 PER CENT, BEST PORTLAND SECURITY; PRIVATE PARTIES REPLY. B 805. OREGONIAN. : FOR SALE First-claa $3000 mortgage. 9 per cent, in Eastern Oregon. For par ticular write to Joseph Romero; 205H Washington st. PERSONAL. MEN AND WOMEN, KEEP POSTED. We have the most complete modern of fice In Oregon; the treating room are fitted up with the moat expensive, modern, - up-to-date appliances. Including radium (the only physician on the Coast having radium) X-Rays, static machine. X-Ray coils, ozone oxygen generator, electric currents of every description and kind, high frequency wave, sinusoidal, faradic galvanic, cautery. vibrators, radiators, electric light baths, bake ovens, mineral stream and shower baths. From 100 to 12.000 candle-pqwer lights, Finsen. helios. solar, leucondescent, violet and ultra vio let lights. Cancer, eczema, skin trouble, tumors, goiter, tubercular glands, old sores. ' moles, wart and mother marks and all kind of chronic disease are treated by these methods and permanently cured. X give a free exhibition of my office every Saturday at 7:30 P. M. You are Invited to ee the office and equipment for yourself. None asked to take treatment who visit the office. Dr. W. E. Mallory, radium spe cialist, north half of the third tloor of the Rothchiid bldg. j SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfor graduate: rheumatism, nervous and Kom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East iltn t., second door south from Ea3t Ankeny t earline. Phone East 260. B 1803 DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Disease ot women and children. ur .. . -.-..n i .. b-h -ervnn- disease treated according to the latest methods; confine ment cared for; consultation free. Room r- l mv. ,n.v.l.l Ualn 5lf)'ft A ft307. IV, urauil meaicr umij. jun... j. WANTED Pupils to learn halrdressing. manicuring, facial massage, scalp treat, ment, weaving; great demand for gradu ates. Sanitary Beauty College. 400-12 De fcum bldg- over Llpman. Wolfe ft Co. SAVE doctor bills; remedies lor rheuma tism, blood poison, nervous debility. Kid ney troubles, $1 to $5 per month; every package guaranteed- can or wmo Pierce Remedy Co.. 245 Morrison t. FEB VET HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; halrdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 147 7th St., near Morrison. Phone Main 546. SIRS. STEVENS, 16 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her lata book, "Palmistry Made Easy,' on sale at 343 M Yamhill, corner Seventh t- WANTED 5000 ladles to bring their old hats to the "make-over" shop to be re blocked, cleaned and trimmed. 415 Alder et., cor. Aim. HAIR The largest stock of pure hair, all shades, to be closed out at less than whole sale price: free halrdress given. Asa H. . ... . . . j I ......, I" . , i . nl 1 In, ItlDoeae, uraim uwiw. " " O ONNE Jurvas Natural sanatorium, 178 E 60th. Competent masseurs for both sexes, steam and water bathe. Both phones. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spirit ual scientist. 21 Selling-Hirsch, Wednesday meeting, 8 P. M assisted by John Slater. Main bi4- DR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and akin ailments, kidney and bladder, troubles and piles. Consultation tree. 181 lt t.Portland. DRESS aults for rent, $L50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, presed. buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Star-. DETECTIVE, private, fully experienced and reliable, will serve private individuals, corporations, etc.; correspondence confi dential. AH 802.oregonian. llilE. FLORENCE URY, late of New York, face and scalp treatment. Suite 27 Selling Hirsch bldg., 386 Wash. t- Phone Mar ahall 1902. LOR EN Z NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality. 2oc box; 6 boxes, $1.25. Stipe T.i, nrm Co.. 2S0 Morrison. 5r J JEFFERSON, residence 492 Wash Ington St.. above 14th Bt,; home every day. Special meeting every Sunday at 8 P. M. MME. Courtwright, skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformitlea corrected, plasllo surgery. 463 Morrison at- Main 5042. jtr. KETCH UM treats women' maladies. -iTBu. 3d st.. corner YamhllL MASSAGE and scalp treatment by graduate aa-Jii Washington at., room 18. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. MrsT M. P. H"l. 429 Fliedner bldg. M 3478. BALM OF FIGS Remedle for diseasea ot women. 632 Davla au Main 9215. n"T7 iioSA HOWARD, electric, vibratory and massage. 86 Selllnc-Hirach. Main 671AH. OUR new Spring millinery now on display; nricea rieht. Boston Milliners. 131 B. llth. JOHN SLATER. Hotel Madras, 12th and W"ashingum,recelye 10to 4. LEARN hairdressing, scalp Ueatment, $S, In one weea. uiu j.,m.w. MISS MORRIS, manicurist, 422 ii Waahing- ...ii. Ill u ixl 17. THE BATTLE CREEK baths. 2461i Yamhill au, oeu a"- UUblNESS DllMiCTtjjaK. Acconnlant. MACKENZIE. BA1RD ft BERRIDGB, 1-bAlLlC ACCOUNTANTS, .AUiAlTOitd, 224 Worcester Blociu Main 736 a, A 1449. Coui-sel ana expert in ail matter per taining to municipal, eummercial, factory cost and Industrial accounting. B. H, COLLIS ft CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, county and Municipal. Auoiung Investigating and Systeuiatizlng, e4 Worcester DiucAu pnon Jaam eodi. Architect. OLOF L. BROLINE, architect, 1021 Board ot inuc, A . . ...... - -" - . buildings; also bulla for cost plu fixed gum, xne only satisfactory method. a A TIinnClHSp-.V 501 Railway iLxenauge. Aaaayer and Aniuvst. Wells ft proebstel, mining engineers, chem- AdoNTA-NA ASSAY- OFFICE -- Laboratory . ..,..t.,lm. work. Hti AdOrriMCJU at- Attorneys. a k. COOPER, attorney at law; practice ia TT ...mnii-ii Vlli liOiAin- ail GUIU IA) WD,. UV.. .. , ber of commerce. M. 71. A 207L FREDVV. BRONN, LAWYER. 1014 CU. of Com. Phone Main U199. Hath and nvAliiimniAt. Portland Swimming Baths, 1U7 4lh Elegant plunge, eieam.lub andshow.er baina. 2oo, Braa and Machine work. HARPER'S BRASS WOKKb Braas casting SHU m B.ll.uu Trvtn " .. Chiropractic fnyalclan. CHl-BO-PRAC-l'lC T1CK-NE1,"; Say It laat , ..m.mmiu hln,. Tl , n L it.A. ajjq remcmuw .- - - DR. EVA MARSH,-nrt lady chlro. Dr. In Oregou. ii iicuum . Coal. COAL $7.90 A TON. Other charge $9.50 and $10 for th same grade; we are In the transfer busl nes and sell coal to keep men aud teams busy during the dull season. Oruer NOW. Van B.urnTransfer Co. M. 1818. A 1984. Collection. YOUR own collector; published and sold by the commercial Luuenoiiun; a sys tem by which you make your own col lections; no fees, no commissions, no ex tra expense whatsoever. For further in formation call on or write the Commercial Underwriters. 301 Worcester bldg. PORTLAND Collection Agency 317 Allsky bldg. All debta collected. A 7317; M 4223, Contractors. Txr jZ BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing, of flce and store setting. 8 N. 8th sU Main 5381. a 7W02, Woodlawn 562. LYNOTT & WILLIAMSON, grading contrao tors. Cu5 Swetland bldg.. Main 3771. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor. 414 Wells-Fargo bldg. Main 80. , Chiropody. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Doveny. the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Chl-opody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. B. Hill, room 420 Fliedner bldg. Phcne Main 3473. Coal and Wood. nRV BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wood. $4.50 per load delivered any place In the city. Portland Wrecking Co.. 103 107 llth sU North. Main 37. A 3738. BURNSIDE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re tail 4-fu sawed fir and hardwood. Office and' yards at 125 E. 7th su Phone East 724. B 2777. SEGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-fU cord wood and alabwood, 9th and Giisan. M. 63.-.'.). U. 8351. A 2415. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK Wood BRANCH E. 83D ST. WOOD. GOOD Coos Bay Coal Co. Prompt service. COAL 191 Burnside sU Both phones. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Consulting Engineers. C S. GOLDBERG ft CO., 313 Couch bldg. Concrete warehouse, power plants, con veyors, elevators, patent devices, all kind of machinery. Phone Marshall 3028, UNITED Engineering ft Construction Co Eng. and contractors. 711 Lewis bldg. Civil Engineers. C. W. WOODRUFF. C. E. 420 Henry bldg. Main 4269. Dancing. HEATH'S DANCING SCHOOL. 109 Second sU. between Wash, and Stark sts. Stags dancing taught; waltz and two-step guar anteed in four lessons; class and social dance Monday, 8 to 12. Lessons daily. ' Dentist. A I, Vf :( 1 1, A R TEETH where bridge work 1 impossible; does away entirely with plates. bridgework; we cure pyorrhea Uoos. teeth) absolutely; terms to reliable people. Alveolar Dental Co.. Ablngton. bidg. 106 3d, THE old reliable Union Painless Dentist. 1st and Morrison ats. CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established, 15 years. 148 5th St. Dog and Horse Hospital. Dr. Brown. D. V. S office 129 N. llth sr. Main 4i6; res, E. 6410. Hospital 89 12th. Electric Motor. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent ot sale. 213 2d st. Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en glne. 281-2S3 E. Morrison sU Phone E. 615 Fans and Blowers. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO.. 500 Lorlug t. Dust collecting and ventilating y- tern. Phones C 1115. E. 32S9 Feed Store. ZIGLER ft MINSER, hay, grain, feed, oo ment, shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 483. Glazing;. PLATE glass, window glass, doors, win dows, new, second-hand. Portland Wreck lng Co.. 105-7 llth SU N. Main 87, A 3736, Leather and Findings. CHAS S. MASTIC & CO., 74 Front Leather of every description, taps, mf rs.fladlngs, J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es. tabllshed 1S58. 189 Front St. Machinery. B. TRENKilAN ft CO., hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining ma chinery. All kinds of repairs. 104 N. Ou Musical. V Cj ! i : K lessons by Mrs. Grace Johnston, pu pil of Albert Gerard Tiers, of New York. 1150 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 151. B 1835. EMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevcik. 900 Marquam. A 4160. Main 162. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. LEROYmTtH. graduate KlrksvlUe,' Mo., class of 189S; post-graduate, 1907. under Dr. A. T. Still, founder ot the scl ence. 1122 Selling bidg. M. 1987. A 1985. DR. R. B. NORTHUP, 415-418-417 Dekum Bldg. Phone. Office M. 310. Re3. East or B 102$ ' Painting. TINTING Rooms tinted $2.50 per room; painting and tinting. Phone Marshall 50, Paint, Oil and Glass. COAST-MADE paint Is best adapted to tha Coast climate. BASS-HUETJER PAINT CO., 191 Second st. RASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law, late of U. S. Patent Office. Book let free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. U. S. AND foreign patents that protect ara secured through Pacltlo Ccast Patent Agency, Inc.. Dept. A. Stockton, Cal. U. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. MARTIN, 839 Chamber of Commerce bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat en ts!iiifriiyieinentcases;l04Deui Xavlnr. THE Barher Asphalt Paving Company, 605 608 Electric bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, Bldewalks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. Pawnbroker. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank, 40 year in Portland. 71 6th st. Main 910. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and; office near 24th and York sts. M. 8489, Plumbers. FOX CO. PLUMBERS, 209 2d sU Main 2001. A 2001. Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, eta, Cunningham's. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Bug Weavers NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets; colonial rag rugs. East 3580, B 1280. 153 Union ave.. nr. E. Morrison, " Safe. NORRIS SAFE ft LOCK CO., Sixth and Ankeny streets, Portland, Or. The largest sale dealers on the Paciilo CoasU Second hand bank safes for sale. Three Victor Screw Door, three Mosler Screw Door, two Hlbbard-Rodman-Ely. two New York and, one National Manganese Steel safes, also all sizes of Steel Plate Bank safes, and all sizes and makes second-hand fireproof: safes. All to be sold at HALF PRICE. Write or calL THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d st. Safes at factory prices; seconu-nanu. saies. JOHN E. DAVIS Safes, safe counsel, bar galns, Sargent Hotel. phone East 291. fteeond-H and Good. TxrE pay the highest prices for second-hand c otninir ano. hhoc-. a . fchowrases. Bank and Show Fixture. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rap- las OROWUiua V.o. " J --- R II. BIRDSALL. 208 HAMILTON BLDG.. Bnowcasei m blcxi.. , t"""1'" v - MARSHALL MFG. CO .. ith and 1 Couch ; new anu secoriu-iia.no. ma." .. . Storage and Transfer. PORTLAND VAN ft STORAGE CO., corner um aiiu Aii3i.fc . ----- and most modern storage warehouse in city every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest insurance rata In Northwest; free trackage; van for moving. Alain or a im.. - , . .: . s. i.nirrvr- J(J vi. Ij 1 OAAVT. MS .A., u. Experts, reliable men. no booze-fighter, will move you quicker, cheaper and bet ter than anyone else. Phone us for an estimate; storage rate the very lowest. van Horn ua"""' - Z n pick Transfer ft Storage Co., offices ieparate Iron rooma and fireproof vault for Valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. .Pianos and furniture moved and packed 5... .hloolne. Main 696, A 1906. THE ONLY warehouse In the business dis trict lor storage ot mD.i.ii..". - lv Insurance rate 60 cents; transfer and forwarding agents. Occidental Warehouse. Co.. 8 and ll 4th st. North. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and jtorage, safe, nla.no and furniture moved and packed for" shipmenu S7-S9 Front U Telephona ir . . . , a -ii7 Main oi "i " - - - nRFGON XRANSFER CO., established 1870". Transfer and forwarding agents Storaga office 310 Hoyt St., between 5th and 6th, Phones Main 69. A llb9. Typewriters. m? ".,. the exchange for tha largest type writer concerns on this Coast; investigate; all makes .all prices. The Typewriter hx chanKe.2MiVasjungtonst; -TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60. fully gufraeed. easy payments, rentals. $3 00 per month. Pacific Stationery ft Printing; Co.. 203 2d sU NEW rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. D- U- Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. : Well Drilling. tiRILLING wells a specialty; priced reason able: Call Main 1346 or write Miller A T,-et 182 Morrison St.. Portland. Coal and Wood. wood Dry 4-foot sawed to order. M. 4598. (.qaIj A 4547. Prompt deliv. Neer ft Farr. PORTLAND RAILWAY. LIGHT POWER yUM COMPANY CITY LINES. Vancouver Line. : T7 c.is. it . a n i-" 0." 8 00. 8:25. 9:10. :50, loW lltio, 11:50. ! Ill 155IAU, 111V A , , 4-SO 6'10, 6:50, 6:30, 7:05. 7:40, 8:15. 8:50, 8-25 10:00, 10;35, 11:10. 11:45.x "on the third Monday in .every month the last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Cars for Vancouver make no stops on TTnion avenue, between Burnside street and Portland boulevard to let oft passengers, but make stops to pick up passengers at all transfer points. Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect with, 'MfoSiSS. 7:10. 7:45. 8:20. 8:35. 9:30, 10:10, 10:50, 11:30. PM-I-arrSoV l'-SO. 2:10. 2:50. 3:30, 10 4-50, 5.30. 6:10, 6:50. 7:23, 8:"0. 8:3.". o. uiis: 10:20. 10:50x. 11:30. l'2:05xx. 4 9:10, 9:4u, iv.a, a... On third Monday of every month the last fernr leaves Vancouver at 7:25 P. M. Leaving time in black type double train. Cars from Vancouver make no stops on Union avenue between Portland Boulevard and Burnside street, except to let oft pas-. sengers. n-n - Daily except ouiiuajb. Mondays. xxRun as local on Union avenue.