. tht: morning oregonian, Wednesday; makcit 8, -ion. it , , .. --. " ; ! ' : : - ... i .IF TV tVA5TKD FKMALB. , MTTTATlnM WANTED MALE. I BITrATION WASTED-FEMA1X I " l"' . F ! 5 A: suss p . 1 I Mlaeelt - I I FOR BALK. On -ton Baldwin angina. On 2Vton Climax. ln o-tn Shay gard en gin, on standard railroad ditcher. ( n mil of 4A-poun4 relaying rail, on mil lw-pound relaying r.l On mt; 2- pound relaying ralL 2-V.atif t. standard iug flatcar. Nw and Mcuod-buJ machinery bought tnd uid. M. F. BRADY. Railway Kqutpment and Furpll. Mil Chamber of Commerc. BATH TLUS Lars consignment Juet re ceived; must b o!d at one: e-tlroo. whit enamel: om !lghll chipped rtr; comiln. with full fittings. Ill and up Portland Wrecking Co.. 1O3-107 N. 11th t. Main (7. A 373. CAFES New and 2d-hod; low (rlcee. easy terms: safe opened, repaired and painted. I'L'RCELL SAFE CO. and PtiRTLA.ND SAFE CO.. Si (th at. Main G304. A 4118. at r iim.i.Avrocs. H"I.SK WASTED. Hol-Sr. WASTED. cvod. strong nor wanted for his keep for a frw months on r.nrh to Valley. J. O. lU'CNTKEE. Railway Exchange Bldg. Wt HUT CI.OTHINO. F.VERTTHING. Highest prtr paid for men" cast-off clothing. shoa: w also buy ladles' clolh tr Cell up th Glob. Main 2U60. 3-0 r'irs, near Columbia. UAHOKII j AUCTION HOUSB wants houeehoid good, rmltur for cash r cororlton- East lu2 a 4-470 JL Morrtcon at. Thafa alL WANTED 2d-band gae rang, drsaxr. rom. m-de. wheel chair; for eai. oak extension tides. (10; buffet. fJ; kitchen table. (2. Al: nearly new. Main 4uiJ. 1IONKT LOST tnla ye rail tb Ford Aoctloa C and set their prlc on what you hav to aa.1. Vain buoI. A 2441 OCT Or COMBINES. Fwltrh 9Sc curia and purr 75c Sanl urr i'arlo. a. 44 Dekum bids. WANTED A 60-Inch turbine water wheeL Mrunil.btnd; send datalla a to prlc and cr-U'lip- Address AF fr"3. Oreynlan. WE pay the hi sheet caih prlre for arroDd- hand furnlrur.. ."hit A HirUn. Fbon Eaat S13L 34 Hawthorn av. cXsorwood ran In ood condition, cheap; alan man a blcyo:. Slate full particular. H 111. Oftvnian. 2F TOU have bouaenold furnltur to rail op U'orso liaaer A Co. -Hi J"ark at. t'oth phonra. f WANTED Lorclnc donkey. 10-12. coropiat ;;! riy g-lnjr. aNmj. Orejonlan. WE l:l"V MOST ANTTHINO AND PAT HIE PRKt rllONE UAKMIALL. 10OX rTT.f.P WTAXTET MAI.B. F. N. CI.ARK ha an openln; for two hlh claae real a:at aaleemen to veil "Eaet-m..r-lan.l." Men required who can itlv aatlatartorr re.'erencea. know their abil ity and know how to apply It. 11. ener aetlc. clean-cut men only need apply to E. A. laRK. fiale Manater. -2J rpaldinc bldr. WANTED Tlanerman ler. I J. ICPMw;er. marker and tally man on dreed lumber from p lazier. (1.30, Two planer feeder. II 2. Lx,nkey enlneer. !.;; book tender, for hors camp. 91.I&. Mn and wife on dairy. 4. Man and wif for loiln camp, .0 UtTwo Held rraftora, for larr nuraery. 12 day and b- a rtl PACIFI-; EHrbOTMENT COMPA.VT. Mala ofUca 11 vorth ciecond ot. KliLWAT mall clork. poatoffle. ctark. letter carrier, ruetom-hotie and Internal reeeno employe, to prepare for exam ination: free boo. Pat-tno BialM Scbaoi, McKay bide-, city. 1 WANT Mpertencetl man for email firm. 22 mile out. to a-o immediately. om ;.rtab'e two-room bouae, unfumlahed. T'cettMea, etc mate pay expected and refereni-e. J Z oreonlan. I'AITINi foreman; man who can mo bic Vb and w no can bantll hi men mo aa t. proluc reult; only competent flrt. r!a man need apply. Morgan. Flldnr X; Hoyre. S0J-S-)4 Aulnrt'n bldT. Or'KlE oy In who'.eaal hardwar buel neae. Mut be brtsht and reliable, liefer-ox-e re-iuired. m opportunltT for advancement. Addree P. o. Box Lr WANTED Neat, fconeet younr man to Join mc In nw money-maklnir bualnea. 2-"0 re,ulred. Bixv, Waahlnfton It-. ak for i-.eorge. Roirn 4IV M N familiar with toola to Join adrertlaer In r-ry profitable bualnea In flrltlah Co lumbia .r: fin opportunity: an-all 'arital rereaaary. Apply all Ankeny u YfLN-J man wanted to work In roery tre and deltier: wheal furnished; good waae and eteady work to right party. Brandon a Market. 1Q lat t. Tt RANGER, attention Wanted: ladoatrlou vounc man. exparlenc unneceaaary, email capital required, aomethlnv saw. 124 nl tVaahingtoa at., room 4ia. WANTEIioya over 1 with wheel for day and mint work a aenrers. 30 month -utrante"1 and wheel repair paid. A. D. T. Co.. 24 Oak at. WANTED Steady man to work In manufao turlr.r; buaineee; UI Py weekly, ex perience rot needed: investment required. I'rtleular t nth t.. room MX NL'MFiER yetucc men wanted to learn teleg raphy and K. R- accountlnk: good p-v- itior guaranteed. Call or aldrcaa Tl gr-.ph dept.. 4 Sth at. OFFICK and errand bo, over M year of axe. Apply Sla-323 8paldlnr bldg.; Wed Tteolav morning after a o'clock. TmIN') man living at borne who want to learn drug bua'.nea. Brink' Pharmacy. 13rh and Washington. WANT a rood party to run offlc and ke.-p riam ai-iounta; litl money rqulra. ilarhall 7la. A "3. WANTED Brualimaker: etejdy work; union wac-a American Brush el Broom Work e. soj F. Waehlngton t. W ANTEI alemeo od agent to ell Kiit-vlae or'-'iard tract; big salary for In oneav C7 Mark at. ARE you He and up to date? Can you e-11 a good cleaa artlc'.e. Mr. Kimpla, M.imuaro bu!g- KXPKRIESv'EIl drertt!ng aollcltor. com mlaaton. lieoedlctln l'ra. god Oood rourh bMg. WANTED Boy f r light work around shop; t trt. Amerlran lirueh A Broom Work. R. Waahlngton at. f OI'N'1 MAN to learn to operat manufac turing p. ant. bala-y when compcttat tl! re.u'red. 3 432. Oregon?n. WANTKI) partner In cash bualnea that clear 'o to l''.o weekly: Idov will bar.dj tflla 4'4 Roifcchlld bldg. WANTED Roy with bicycle to work tw hour day. from 9 to 10 A. M. Apply room 203. Qregonnn b?r?g. UK'Au OFFICE International Correapood ence Schoola. !H A'.ler at., open UU p. M. Send for free catalogua, WANTED Man of neat appearance to o- Ilrlt for corporation. Apply aftr A. M., 719 to 24 Teon b:!g. WANTED A cutter; muat be flmt r!a Apply Maxwell in TaUor. 144 Waablng- t-n at. W' ANTED At one. 1 men to learn to drive and repair automobile. Call at Hawthorn garage. 443 Hawthorn ava. W ANTEr All-around lauartryman. tak Vi tntereet la matt pianu S av. Jackaoa. J North 21at t- WF.Ali"-Kenehaw 12 hat; all at ilea. 41 Washington and 4h at a. XI AT wanted Vailed Ulaa A dialing H North 14th. WANTED S.pclalty aleaman. y llr, large commleeion. 4"d Morrlaon at. a-ALfiKS' tailor wanted; flret-ciaa only. Apply Koenig. 1A3 w'gshlngton. lARf ENTERS for rough work. Apply In dependenc tJlundry. ?"M and Tork ata j.i.V wanted . with ateil . (it a month. 2 Alder at. rroTitwanted: pacific Tent A Awing CoT, 27 No-tri Fleet t. MA'HINE man wanted. Freeland Fumltur Co. 440 Goldsmitn. al 'I'U'tBi wanted. Call 223 Commercial r;a bog. Ittt and Oak. yUOTOOHAi'H roupoa and portrait ag '., new ffer. Oitbwrth tudlo, Deauna bidav PRINTER wanted for second placo la Job room. Th New, Roeborg, Or. WANTED Milcltorm. Fuprlo- Cleaning A 1 y work Cor. 4th and Columbia ta W A.vrV D Tour.g man tor agent. Apply to -VP Rothehlld bldg. rlS'l IS.-l KAN'"E e-.!l.-!tor wante.l. good propoettton. 2 Chamber of Corhmere. Ft RaTI-AHS platen preaaf ee.1er. W'ataoa I'rlnrlng iTompany. Ooodnongh bldg. BAKilEK W ailTedl I'ortland Hotel baxlear shop. WANTED Cotnkr. Wr'l tailor, c w. TnuDg. HI E-t l'th. o. 8. far. jixkmlu wauled. MA WaajUagtoA St. INCIDENT. . O'flc Pet-ret a ry fmploymeot Depart ment. Y. M. C A. . Toung man. stranger, out of work tr hi total cash asset) If I Pr TJ" for p. lal employment membersh.p I will only bar (13 left btwn m and tara- UOB .. berretary If you pay $3 f"' employment memb-mhip you will nav tn T. M. C A. with all It rcaourcea between )oj and aiarvation. Wha happened T . Toung man took mmbrhlp. Insid or two hour b found aufactory mpioy- ""Durlng February. Ill other found employment In a Uk mnnr. Employment or rafund of memo ramp fee guranted. bee Becretary Employment Departmant. T- at- C Aw WANTED MOVIxrfl-PICTU BE OPEKATORd. In ererr city throughout th world: now IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to ''" :OOD-PATI.VO TRADE; Ot'R ScHOtJL. P.KCOO.VI.ED In th East a the STANDARD: we nre the factory Jobber for all STANDARD WOVlSO-PICTLBb M.vrHINES. SCPPI.IErf, FOLDING CHAIRS AND ELECTRIC PIANOS: many thousand beautiful picture film for rrm. THEATERS Esli-IPI'ED COMPLETE 02U COMPLETE i-bCR?E OF OPERATING (23 ONLY (23. . New Tork Film Co. for a square deal. .'.2. 4 Wh., near 17th. Operator Hand-book Olven Away Free. .WANTED MOVINO-PICTUR OPERATORS . In very cJty throughout th world. uw IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to 1"! r GOOD-PATINO TRADE. OUR SCHOOL. RECOGNIZED In the Eat aa tb STAN DARD. W aro th factory Jobber lor Power" e Csmergrapb and Monograph, eiao Edison and Path machine In stoca. Many thousand beautiful film for Ml Each anient examined by expert. leAEMMLE for bquar Deal. 60S Couch Building. 4tb and Waahlnston. . Get our alaauard operators' hand-DooK, 50c HIUCK YARDMEN WANTED. Press feeder, fetter. Hacker. J-oader. Burner. Drypan tenders. l'tig rolllmen. , Wanted Immediately for large new plant near Taroiua. Wash Pay own B. K. far. Be M. J. Bond. 10 A. M.. or 2 F. at.. aturt!ay. imperial Hotel, rortland. SALESMEN WANTED to handle th best and clort-ln property on th Wet Bide: this property la next to Willamette Height nd I being old 75 per cent Iraa than any Hlght prop erty; hundred of people visit .th tract each week unsolicited, and if you are a good closer or are willing to learn to bj one. we want you; liberal commission ana all advantages to help you get bualnea. UNITED TRUST CO, W17 Board of Trade. SALESMEN Th Columbia Ufe A Trust Co. ba an opening for on or two nri clasa solicitors. If you hve not bd ex perience In selling life Insurance you will be echooled and rendered asltanc In ending prospects and closing business: exceptional opportunities for experienced men. Ask for 6. P. Lockwood. vice-president and general manager, or Harry Richer, city manager. tb floor Spalding bldg. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for th V. R. Marine Corp, between th agra 01 m ana (3: mmt be natlv born or hav first pa per; monthly pay (13 to (rtu: additional compensation posaible: food, clothing, quar ters and medical attention free; after 30 year service ran retlr with 73 per cent of pay and llowancea: service on board ship and ashore In all part of th world. Apply at 17. o. Marin Corp Recruiting office. Brseden bldg, Sd and Washington '.a. Portland. Or. TUB METER A FRANK STORES hav a w-e nw . 1 . V. ... . L. it.nirtmiinl for a voung man wbo h bd xprlenc In thl line. Apply to Bupt.. b to 10 A. M. MEN WANTED Ac 18-33. firemen. (IOO monthly, and brakemen. Co on nearby rallroade: expetienc onneetstary; no trtk; position guaranteed competent men: promotion; railroad employing head quartrra; over 40 men sent to positions monthly: state age; send stamp. Hallway Asaorlitloa. car Oregoniao WANTED Reliable, all-around country prin ter; one who can furnish nrst-ciass rei erences a to character and ability and who la bl to tak full charge of paper when necessary: good wsge. permsnent position to right party: references, salary eapected and phon number Urat Ivltar. Herald. Central PolntOr; WANTED AmblUou workman; your work on actual Job py for teaching trade of electricity, automobile, plumbing, brick laying; only few months required; TOO atudenta last four yr. Writ for In formation. United Trd School Contract ing Co, I.oe Angele. WANTED Toung men to learn to b auto rnobll and gasoline engine experts; w ran teach tho willing to learn; good positions open for thos able to ail them; day and night clssse. AUTO COLLEGE OF PORTLAND. Il Merehanta Trust Bldg.. (20H Wash. St. WANTED A msn allv to opportunity who can Inveat (2u and serric.s to take 1-1 Interest In established merchandise brok erage business; to such a man position will pay not less thsn (let par month. l'hon owner. Marsnaji toja. WANTED Flrst-cls master mechanic for a woolen mill In Utah: must understand thoroughly boiler, engine and water wheels snd general work connected with a woolen milt: wages ll"0 per month; steady work. D HOd. oregonlan. MEN and boys to learn plumbing, bricklay ing, electrical trade, aulomoblllng. survey ing, para $i to 11 per day: position se cured; st!sfscton guaranteed: free cata logue. National School ot Trade. 2110 W. Tth. Los Angel. CL ' WANTED A good. ober. Industrious man as buggv and harness waahr at Low' Capital Stable. Salem, or.; wage. (rt3 per month; 1 to Si rig and harness per night. LAST chance; must bav man at once, to work on big money-making proposition; nothing like It; duties easily learned; posi tively no experience needed; littt money required. 32it Washington, room 413. BOOK BINDER-WANTED On that can forward and finish. Muat be firet-rl.s workman. Steady Job. Writ Pyma-York C u m pa n y. Bole. Idaho. TOna MEN desiring to become bulldln something to their benefit by sddreaslng 22S Ablngton bldg.. Portland. Or. EXPERIENCED tarcher and polisher. lS a week to start. Permanent poaitlon. Apply Cherry's Nsw Laundry. La Urr.de. Qr. WANTED By wholesale house, young man aa offlew assistant; apply In own handwrit ing, atatmg age and experience. X &12, WANTED Steady man tk Intereat In manufacturing bualneea; will pay (.10.00 weekly; experience not needed; paxueu lars. (4 Sixth St. Room 61. BTEI-P WANTETI FgMAI.g. WANTED Girl, assistant for offlc work: on who I fairly good at figure. Address AM Oregonian. WANTED Experienced feeder or apprentice girl for ' blndtng. Kllham Stationery Printing O. fcth and Oak. GIRL wanted to do light housework. & Rodney ate. C H4. MIDDLE-AGF.I) woman to do chamber and cleaning work. Sargent Hotel. . WANTED Specialty ale!ady; eaav seller. laurg commission. 41 Morrison st. OIRL for general housework; small family. .121 6th: corner of Clay. WANTED Teacher for rural achool. (70 ler month. Apply 611 Swetland building. A GIRL for cooking and general housework. 4 aduits. 6"0 Taylor st- Main 3o4 WANTED Olrl for housework- 703 North rup. WANTED 3 experienced girl for dipping chocolate; good wage. 3a3 Burnld SU ToiRL for cooking and general housework: 4 adults 300 Taylor st. Main 1044. GIRL wanted In family ot t: muat know how to cook: good wage, lis Ovnon t. WANTED I. nnrh waitre. Alpln Restau rant. 2SJ S:arkst- WANTED Dining-room restaurant. ! lat st. girl at Wlntara WANTED A gin 10 00 ietonu worn; gooo rdgpod wages. Tabor 2210. it'nt 'iti a W A NT El Competent general housework glrL Cll 11 N. ::d St. WANTED At Sisters Hospital In Chi. CU. pupil to enter achool of trqratng. MIVATB School. SHORTHAND and TTPB- WRlTINa: (3 mo. 2 14ttt t- Main MM. vYANTKD Clrl for general ho'isework. US3 Iiunaa, Tasspbooo Main 6Tu. COOK for Institution. (30 and (35. Hotel cook ana neiper. fov. Cook for 12 men. fruit ranch. (33. Cook, small lodirlng-houae. 1113. Chambermaid. 3.". Restaurant waltreaa. Ill week. Hotel (out of city). (23 Chambermaid (out of clty. (.10. Pantry woman. J23 (out of city). General hous work. J20 to 133. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 345 1 w'ashlngton St.. room 1. THE MEIER FRANK STORES have a vacancy In the book department for a young Voman who ha had xprlenc la thl lin. Apply to supt. S to m A. M. THE MEIER FRANK STORES require competent waltreasea. Oood pay. per manent position. Apply bupt.. bth floor. I 10 It A. M. W ANTED Housekeeper for 2 men on 1 ranch. Work not hard; hot and cold water In house: must be good cook and know ho to mend; from SO to 43 yeari .old ; ranch located within 1 miles ot town of 2o on railroad: glv age and reference. AM 823. Oregonlnn. . . YOUNO lady stenographer. rJ1t?!0 business college, experience not neces sary; must be neat and accurate, gen eral office work to .tart; Pf""'-'0: sltlon; hours S to . Apply to own hand writing, stating salary wanted. O "4. Oregonlan. WANTED Competent girl with city refer ence, to do cooking and general house work: no washing; Sunday " "nr breakfast. Apply morning. 482 Harrison. corner 14th. Telephone A or Main -RTo. WANTED Flr.t-cjaas Jacket band; only tho.. having experience need appl- suit department. L liovurta A toons, -d and Yamhill St. W A NTED T H B GREATER OLrW WORT MN A KING STORE REO.L1RES THE SERVICES of short. hour waitresses. Ap ply at Tea Room. 4th floor. WANTED Young ladles for telephone op erating, with or without experience. Ap ply Paclfio Telephone A Telegraph Co.. 6th and East Ankeny sts. WANTED A well educated young woman for general work In an office; no lPn ence roqulred: amall aalary to start. AM 629. oregonlan COMPETENT woman to do general house work and cooking, to go to Roseburg. salary (.13 with room and board. can Mr.. J. a Boiie. Imperial Hotel. WANTED Lady to assist On ltera"0,,,e men a cioiuiu.; . " , : v sm Nor but xperlenced need apply. K oJS, Oreconian. GIRL uTasslst with general houseworkj one who can go home at nlgl.t; wag. per week. Th Maryland. Apt 4. e4 Han dera - WANTED Thoroughly experienced millinery saleswoman. Address, stating reference, and salary expected. J. 8. Uraham. Box 2i3. Seattle. Wash. . WANTED Young lady of neat appearance to do special soliciting for corporation, experience unneceaaary. Apply alter s A. M.. 71 to 734 Yeon bldg. . WOMAN wanted to take charge of hous and care of Invalid. 1 In family. In con venient country home In amall town. Maln 6412. . WANTED Capable young women to nter training achool for nursce, or J""f" are Inquire Hoqulam General Hospital. Hoqulam. Wash. LADY, light work after hours, for room and board: companionship more 'nan work desired. 643 H. 10tn U N. Phone East 44.-.S. BY LOCAL business firm, a practical wo man, willing to learn e bualnea; ' Jrtencunno.aryAE J12, Oregonlan. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES" AOBNCT. S2 Washington St, Room 14 Main BS.18 or A 820, WANTED A good general boua work girl In small family; must b a good plain cook. Apply 8-2 Marshall st. WANTED Four women solicitors for maga sine; 113 per week. Apply today between 1 and 3. 723 Varquam blllg. (74 EAST 1ID NORTH Young lady to as .1.. in eeneral bouaework. 2 In family. good bom, bath, and flna room. 8ALFLADY WANTED FOR absolutely A-l proposition. Thoa. familiar with sewing machines preferred. AN 83S. Oregonlan. BY March IS. neat girl a nurse and am sist with second work; wages (23. i. 810. uregoman. WAITRESS First-class, salary (11.00 per -reek. J ermanent position to lignt party. Mevea. 103 6:h at. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 09 R-Ul- child tldg..4thandWashlngton. HOUSEKEEPERS', cooks, nurses, waltresse. laundresses. chambermalfla St. Louis a.encv; 303 H Wash. Main 2039; A 4.75. WANTBD--Reliable girl for housework; plain cooking and po washing or Ironing. c 2131. ' WANTEDOompetent girl for general housework: good wages; small houaa. Call at 77 lverett tret. COMPETENT girl for generl housework: ( adult In family; good wage. 6S1 East Taylor St. GIRIto help care for child and assist with housework. Go home night.. 704 Weldler erhoneE-2S82. WOMAN or girl wanted for general house work and plain cooking; two (n family. 580 First st. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL to work for board and carfare, email family. Phon East (774. : ' W NTED Experienced operatora to we. r. on ahtrt. Apply Standard Factory. Grand ava. and East Taylor. A MODERN cottage, neatly furnlsheij. Mult nomah Addition. Call tl North Park or phon A 0411 - . . . - V - . 1 in i-u" . i tr 1 v Ui vvaahington St, cor. 7th, upaialr. phon Main 2892. ADT clerk; hour 6 P. M. to midnight, to answer phone and do clerical work. D 8J7. Oregonlan. GULL to do housework In amall family. 733 ii. Couch. WANTED Olrl for general housework, l'hone Main 14X PRIVATE Ieon given In shorthand; beat method. 473 Alder t. Main 433a. lfKI.P wANTtn MALR OR FEMALE. lo.ouu POSITIONS for graduate, last year; men and women learn barber trade la a week, help to .ecur poltlon; gradu ate earn from (13 to (23 weekly, expert Instructor; tool free; write for cata logue. Mohlar 8ytm of College. U North 4th t-. Portland. Or. MAKE money writing atorle tor newspa pers; big pay; send for free book: it; tell bow. United Press Kynd- Ban F.anclaco. WANTED Muslclaria. lady and gent, man and wife preferred, phone East 3114. PUPILS by first-class teacher of French and German. Ret, given. A 4313. F1SK 1aiIhKS' a.csoca TloN. ttii o land bldg- SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerka A FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER and credit man. with a knowledge of commercial law. desires a position with a well-established hous; married, ateady, and can furnish A-l reference aa w cnarKivr. ability and experience. Am well ac quainted with Oregon. Waahlngton. Idaho and Montana trade. Call Main 118$. or addrra AD tl. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED dress goods man. It year, of age. 11 year.' experience In dry goods, furnishings, fancy goods, underwear, ho siery, neckwear. lace, embroideries, no tions, etc.; experienced In buying, compe tent to manage dept. or store. AF nil. Oregonlsn. I BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, expert In lumber, hotel or bank accounting, eg 11, strictly temperate habits. A-l references; bond If required. Address S til, Ore g o nian. WILL audit, open, cloae or write up books, prepsr balance and statement, Inatall systems. Consult m. Glllingbm. au ditor. 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall 421. . SALESMAN! N1n years Eastern experience; temperate; past 30: "business getter;" city or road: can show better than tell you. D a&. Oregonlan. FI IlST-CLA-'s bookkeeper - Stenographer wants position at ones, any line; best of reference and recommendation. AO 82d. Oregonlan. YOUNO matt with timekeeping and book keeping experience de ire a position. Tel Eat 1113. ALL around telephone man want position out of th olty; rfrnc. AH 60S. Or gonlsn. BOOK K EEPER want position; experience hcrdwar and electric) tor;, can rumtsh bond. O hj9. Oregonlan. COLLEGE "gradual desire tutoring work In th English branches. Y 79V. Ore gonlan. (STENOGRAPHER with high school educa tion desires position, alarshail "c.l. POSITION wanted by experienced young ta atan ogxaphsr. Bafarenoe, eU. lu. Miscellaneous. DOCTOR I want a altuatlon with view of future partnership. Need to brighten UP for ex. Able to look after any of your business, nurse or act as .ubatltut doc tor. Country practice preferred. C 792, Oregonlan. BOY of 18. going to night achool. wishes to start at bottom In reliable office and work up. At1 present can only give the hour, from 7:30 to 11 A. M. and from 3 to 6 P. M. Employed all day at preaent. AN 63a,. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED subdivision engineer open for Immediate surveying or mapping con tract Call Wallace Investment Co, 61S Oregonlan bldg. POSITION wanted by good. younR. all around baker, coast experience, sober, re liable; city or country. AH 790. Orego nlan. YOUNO man experienced In grocery and provision business want, position; good character and not afraid of work. AE 773. Oregonlan. . POSITION wanted by young man 22, col lecting preferred; must have something to do; strictly temperate: best of references and bond. Phone Osborn. Main 6979. EXPERIENCED specialty salesman. 30 years old. of good address, now employed, desire, opportunity to qualify for city or road position. O 815. Oregonlan. FARM work, by single man. Experienced In general farm and orchard work, feober and reliable. General farm work pre ferred. J l38. Oregonlan. GOING EAST Good proposition would be considered to take, by good business man; largo Eastern acquaintance. P. O. box 320, city. BT two stationary firemen, position either In city or country; .tat wages. L 817. Oregonlan. SALESMAN wants good staple line for near by territory: Investigate this. Address u 8i8, Oregonlan. . EXPERIENCED banker, & year. Minnesota, wants position aa cashier and assistant In Oregon. Address L 7S. Oregonlan. ENGINEER, an experienced and reliable en gineer, 1. open for a Job. AG S3S, Ore gonlan. MAN and wife wish poaltlon on ranch a. foreman and cook: stock or ualry rncu preferred. 'AG 837. Oregonlan. YOUNG Japanese want, situation a. dish, washer In boarding house. J 830. Ore gonlan. YOUNG man attending school desires to work for board and room after -school hours.Cs1llraddresaJHJrB,14S6th st. WANTED A position by a grocery clerk; have had experience and can give good references. J S28. Oregonlan. . JANITOR. experienced. apartment-house, coal or oil burner, flrst-clas. refersnces. C. H, AM 82d. Oregonlan. . WANTED Position by experienced chauf feur and mechanic; wagea reasonable. V 639. Oregonlan. A JAPANESE boy wants room and board In exchange for work after school hours. R S33, Oregonlan. A JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants a po sition In hotel or private family. F. Tam aura. 107 North Park st, Portland. Or. MAN and wife wish cooklmr. mill, mine, camp or ranch; best references. Mrs Baker. 31Q 4th st. Phone Main 3070. YOUNO man and wife want work on ranch hav had experience. Add res Boring. Or, R. F. D. No. 3. J. F. Pltner. COLLECTOR with 10 years experience wants steady position with firm; ret erence and bond. O 835, Oregonlan. PROFESSIONAL, Japanese house cleaner and cook, work by th hour. Sellwood 1122. YOUNO man. age 24. one year experience In plumbing, wishes to finish the trade. AH 630. Oregonlan. WANTED Position as ranch foreman by man with family: experienced grain farm ing. AG 811. Oregonlan JAPANBSB boy wants short hour work after S P. M. F. H.. isi r.. imn e. SITUATION wanted by registered assistant pharmacist. Address K 634. Oregonlan. SALESMAN that will produce results want. city or road offer. O 3. Oregonlan. JAPANESE cook want, position. I. Tada. fhon A 1111. AN xperlenced family, good cook. 247 Vs WANTED work on ranch by man and wife. no cnuaren. u eo. urcumim- CHAUFFEL'R want position In privat family. K 136. Oregonlan. WANTED Position as planer foreman. X 138. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED- man and wife. S children. want place on a ranch. J 826, Oregonlan. CARPENTER wants Job, fine hardwood worker and stalrbullder. J 829, Oregonlan. 6ITUATIOX WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. EXPERIENCED tenographer with knowl edge of bookkeeping desires position; no objection to leaving city; real estate and Are Insurance preferred. AC 133. Orego nlan. WANTED Situation aa bookkeeper, city or country; two yearr experience In bank; best of references; state .alary. 6 SUi. Oregonlan. ' POSITION as stenographer; knowledge of bookkeeping and Insurance. . Y 7v&, Ore gonlan. 6TENOGR APHER. high school education and some experience, desires position. Main 103. A-l BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. 10 years one place; best references. Y 77, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED .tenographer desires per manent position; moderate aalary to be gin. Main till. POSItToN a. bookkeeper and cashier, good accountant; city reference. AN 810, Or gonlan. WANTED Bookkeeping po.Ition; some sten ographic work; 4 years' experience. R 835, Oregonlan. YOUNG lady wishes position in office: un derstands typewriting. W 70o. Oregonlnn. WANTED -Good location for public sten ographer. R 830. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posi tion; reasonable wagea Phone Main 6196. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKER, capable, want, sewing by day. East 2441, , FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, best references. Phone Marshall 652. " Nurse. PRACTICAL young. .trong. experienced nurse for hour or as long as desired; win do any kind of nursing except contagious diseases, Mrs. Anna P. Hall. E. mn. Foll an experienced nurse Phone Marshall 2437. Housekeeper. WANTED By an experienced lady, with a little girl 12 years old. a. position as housekeeper In hotel, rooming-house or private family; can give references. In quire Mr. K, the Beverly. Park and Yamhill. Phone Main 70S2. Home A 1256. REFINED HOUSEKEPEK. capable of tak ing full charge, desires position where servants are kept. No objection to coun try or well-bred children. H lit. Oro gonlan. . HOTEL HOUSEKEEPER, thoroughly ex perienced, desires position either In or out of city; flrst-clas. reference.. H 133, Ore fronlan. XDY wishes housekeeper's position: neat, refined, thoroughly capable and responsi ble. Telephone Woodlawn 17H8. FI RST -CLASS woman houeekeoper; widow- ers family. Main 2089; A477j. Domestic. SCHOOL GIRL wants room and board In exchange for work after school hours and Saturday. D 134. Oregonlan Miscellaneous. LADY to manage apartment or rooming house: will purchase same if satisfactory; can give best reference. AD 837, Ore gonlan. DINNERS cooked and parties served. Dsy -.orlj of all kinds. References. Phon Main 8467. DINNERS cooked and parties served- Day work of all kind. References. Phone Main Mo7. FIRST-CLASS laundress wishes work for Wednesday and Thursday; references. Wood law n 1811. AN experienced lady cashier would like po sition In moving-picture show or restau rant. Phon A 6603. YOUNG lady desire position aa dentist as sistant. 2 year experience. AC 634. Ore gonlan. WOMAN wants work by day or hour, cook ing and waiting on table at house parties a specialty. Phone Woodlawn 430. LwADY wishes day or hour work. Phon A 1068. room 6. LACE curtains laundered. 30c paid, call and delivered. Main 83l8. JAPANESE girl wants position as easy houseworklnthls city. S 828, Oregonlan. POSITION as nurse girl or housework -during day: sleep at home. Y 794. Oregonlan. WANTED-Laundry work by the day In. private famine. Phone Marshall 3026. NORWEGIAN woman want day work. Phon morning or weening. Main 2831. WOlT ruU dAZ walk, A 23ST. MIPS ELISE ROLAND, formerly at the Waldorf-Astoria. New York, specialist In manicuring, facial and scalp treatment, hairdresslng and shampooing, will do work for ladles mornings and evenings at their homes; latest electrical appliancea. Office room Al V. w. C. A Main 1203. A 6144. COMPETENT, reliable, unincumbered sales- . . . - - Mforflnmi. woman snu u-iuuuou . - -- --- desires position where ability and results will be appreciated and suitably compen sated. No objection to road work. H 837, Oregbnian. j . YOUNG lady attending school desires tu work for board and room after school. Call or address H. D. B, 148 6th st, be tween Aide randMorTlsonsts. RELIABLE WOMAN wants work by tho day or hour. Phone Main 3910. WANTED .-GENTS. WE WANT good canvassers In every city and town In United states to sell from factory direct to user; only guaranteed band-power, continuous-suction vacuum cleaner on market; gets one and one-half 'quarts of dirt In 16 minutes from 9x12 rug: quick seller, easy money. Write for territory at once. O'Neill-Jamo Company, gutf Madison St., Chicago. WANTED- TWO HIGH-CLASS SALESMEN OF GOOD ADDRESS; CAPABLE OF AP PROACHING THE BEST CLASS OF PEO PLE: MUST BE AGGRESSIVE, ENER GETIC AND HONEST; EARNING POSSI BILITIES LARGE. CALL AFTER 10 A. 204 RAILWAYXCHANGEJBLDG. AGENTS WANTED Cartercar automobile, for Oregon and Wash.; men ol good char acter and appearance; 9:30 to 10:30. Car. tcrcar Sales Co, 7th and Oak. WANTED Salesmen to sell th most com plete line of nursery stock in the North . west; cash weekly. Capital City Nursery Company. Salem. Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED at once; clean five-room cottage or flat. East Side; young couple; no chii dren; best references. X 782. Oregonian. Rooms. WANT to rent nice, modern, clean room in private family; not in rooming-house; heat Included, by a young physician; close In on West Side. AM 83S, Oregonlan. TWO unfurnished rooms in quiet family, vi cinity of East Ankeny st, wanted at once. AG 836. Oregonlan. A LADY would share her furnished home wllh refined couple. Main 4415. Rooms With Board. THE Meier A Frank Company has frequent Inquiries from new employes for beard ing and rooming accommodations, and In vites private families, boarding-house, and rooming-houses to list their accom modations with the superintendent. FOR RENT. Rooms. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms, flats, apartments, furnished, un furnished, board, all parts of the olty; save you money, time, trouble. Let us lo cate you. 2H6Sk Wasnington St, ft. 302. . Marshall 2189. A S24S. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MILNER BLDG," 850V4 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL REASONABLE. furnished Booms. KOW OPEN! NOW OPENI NOW OPEN1 Ihose three beautifully furnished hotels. I.OTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK. PARSONS, ROWLAND 213V- 4th st. 211Vi 4th st. 207 4th st. On Fourth st, running from Taylor to Salmon st. Brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up-to-date In all respects, and at popular prices, if you want something out of the ordinary In the heart of the city at reasonable price, glv us a call as w know you will Uka It- Room by the day, week or month. Tourist trad solicited. HOTEL CAPLES. Residential. 3i0 Taylor. Transient Bet. 7th and Park Sts. Opposite new Helllg Theater, on block from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just completed; bandsomaly furnished; every modern convenience, elevator service, team heat, telephone and hot and cold water In every room; single rooms and suites with or without private baths, etc.; centrally located, near postofflce; just off all carllnes; very quiet; low rates by day. week or month. Phone Marshall 2200. SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand ave. and Hawthorne, recently renovated and now under th management of Martin A Nicholson, formerly of the Portland Hotel. Beautifully furnished ro ma single or en suite, with private baths, hot and cold water, steam heat and private phone In every room; first-class grill and bar In connection. Special rates by week or month. Transients solicited. HOTEL ALDER. Permanent and Transient. We ars devoting several of our choicest rooms to permanent guests for the Win ter; will make special low rates by th week or month; transient guests given the best of service and shown every courtesy; located In center of shopping district, con venient for out-of-town people; rate, by th weak. 4TH AND ALDER. ANGELA HOTEL. Permanent and transient, just openedi brick building, beautifully furnished: every thing new; steam heat, hot and cold run ning water and telephone In all rooms; fine lobby and ladles' parlor; suites and single rooms with and without private baths; very reasonable rates by day, week or month, phone Marshall 1930. 62S WASHINGTON ST ' HOTEL " SAVON. 129 Eleventh St. New. modern brick building, .team heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, coxy and comfortable. Rent very reasonable. Cai. and see us. Regular and transient trad solicited. GRAND UNION HOTEL. B7 t-ast curninue bl, Modern throughout, hot and cold run ning water, steam heat, rooms single or ensulte, rooms with private bath; transient rate 75c to 12 per day; weekly. (2.60 to 17. blast OW-iO, y. BUSHMARK HOTEL. 17th and Washington Newly furnished rooms, single or en suite- private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water and phone In all rooms; rate reasonaDie; u-u-iqii. whw,-,. AUDITORIUM HOTEL, 2081s Third street, between Taylor and Salmon sts. Hot and cold water, steam heat, elevator; rates (3 60 and up, 60o day and up. lain 2074, A82B7. PI'HMSHED rooms for rent in Sellwood Y M C. A, steam heat, shower baths; prices one-third less than rooms In Cen tral I. xi- - FOR the best room. cIobo in. try the Maxims- Dhone and bath in each room; (3.C0 per 'week. 19 7th st, bet. Alder and Mor rison sts. uoTi.-l. iVKONIA 124 14th St., cor. Washington. Furnished and unfurnished room.; prl- . . , , .nnea In nil rooms. vste patn-. inn ,m-..- NICELY furnished room for one or two, steam heat, nodern, free phone and bath. ITS 21st. south of Washington. thv nnRMF! rt Cor. 13th and Jefferson. Pleasant, steam-heated rooms, reasonable. ijkGE front room suitable for man and wife r two gentlemen; bath and beau 2S9 7th st LARRABEli 227 Larrabe atZ modern, nlceiv furnished rooms, transient, 6Uo n.i i'p: low rates by week or month. twi.- HOLLY HOTEL, 105 12th New and modern In every way; elegantly furnished. rales resaonaoie. MODERN outsld rooms, J to (5 per week. Including baths; also housekeeping rooms. 64SV Washington st. THE-KING. 309 Jefferson, nicely furnished rooms; central; -. j-" - 401 E MORRISON 0T. Furnished sleeping r(msi2perweekan-l up. THE HAZEL Nicely furnished, steam heat. running water. o 3. ROOMS -for J., 2 or 3 gentlemen, 13 up transient uvc uji. . . .. Bit ES LIN HOTEL. 422 Washington .1. ii S Vw a lew ui - " ' " NICELY furnished rooms; heat, phone; (2 and UP Pr week. 32S 4th St. E-..eniiied Rooms In Privato Families. Fl-RNTSHED room, suitable for 2 gentle men., with board, at 230 10th St. Refer ences VERY pleasant newly furnished room In good neighborhood, home privileges. Phone Marshall 652. 774 Lovejoy at. NICELY furnished room, hot and cold wa ter: nrlvatejiome. Main 1092. 688 Irving. FOR RENT Pleasant front room; all con Xenlence;flnehcatlon. 360 Park at. pt casavT room In modern home, 1 block 1 ' r- V. .. V. TPoet R-V from P. X- nm-i. v...-...-.. (10 PER MONTH, pleasant, front room. -valuing uiBi-u... -- FINE large front room suitable for 2( or 3 men. -tsv ua . PLEASANT, sunny, well-furnished room, reasonable. 451 10th st. NICELY turnlshed room, (0 per month. 6T r. 14tr pe-wgen -i--., mm. toll NICE front rooms call quick. 321 Wart Park, near Clay, rsonahl. GENTLEMAN appreciating cleanllnes. and refinement can find a room with young fouple In a high-class, new apt-; abso lutely private; adjoining bath and phone; reference required. Main 4149. May con. aider two parties G K T 1 ,K M : . N who can appreciate the com forts of Well-kept nicely furnished rooms, electricity, gas, furnace heat, bath, call at 88 North 15th st, two blocks from Washington. VERY desirable, large, well furnished room, bath adjoining; modern home, good board, suitable for man and wife with small child, phone Sellwood 1. (Not in Sell wood. ) VERY pleasant and well furnished rooms, suitable for 2 or more people, with board If desired; home cooking, bath, heat, light and phone: terms reasonable. 362 Cottage st- Phone A 3598. TWO connected newly furnished modern front rooms; suitable for 2 or 3 persons. Private home, very desirable, (6.00. 4 Yamhill st. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, first floor, suitable for one or two gentle men; heat, lisht and bath. 1S8 Lowna dalest. ONE large room for 2 gentlemen, separate beds, phone, bath and furnace heat. $4.50 a week or (6.50 a piece for room and board. Main 42S8. YOUNG law student wishes roommate; pleasant room, electricity, gas, bath, fur nace heat. 80 North loth st, two blocks from Washington. (8 A MONTH: neatly furnished front room, phone, bath, electric light. Near carllne. Walking distance. 427 Harrison. Main . 2831. . ONE newly furnished front room, gentlemen preferred, (S per month. 407 Montgomery st. Call Sunday. TWO furnished rooms for rent; free bath and phone. 204 East 31st; each 12. fur nace heat. , FIRST-CLASS room for two gentlemen, hot and cold water, sleeping porch, fine lo cation, west parte. mam auuu. DESIRABLE well furnished room In steam heated apartment. Nob Hill, near car, references, phone mornings, A 4353. NICE furnished sunny room for 1 or 2: walking ..stance. West Side, Phone Main 3743. LARGE pleasant- front room, modern con veniences, gentleman preferred. Phone East 1442. . NEATLY furnished rooms; electric light, heat, bath and phone; close in; reasona ble rent. 343 Jefferson. DESIRABLE room. attractive, modern bungalow, pleasant home for retlned young man. East 2869. ; DOWNSTAIRS front room, suitable for 1 or 2 fcentlemen. 061 Washington st. CLEA-ST. well-furnTshedTfront room, suitable . . . 1-JO I -r ior -t ; noma- -wmub- -j q. -. W'ELI--Ft:RN1SH-D room. 405 West Park. Main 4791. NICELY furnished room for one or two, (10. FURNISHED rooms, heat phone and bath; walking distance. 262 12th st. THREE rooms furnished, (10 a month. 742 Savier at. LARGE pleasant room, suitable for 2. 36f 1UU1. JUiULU QOl.- llnluriuslied Booms. DESIRABLE VNFUHN1SHD KOOM1 MILNER BLDG, 330 MORRISON ST. MOD-KN. CENTRAL. P.rASONABLlC Rooms With Board. THE LAMB ERSON, 654 Couch Desirable outside room for two gentlemen. Con venient lUL-HUOll. PORTLAND Women' Union. 23d year; room with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt. CHOICE rooms with board, suitable for 1 or 2. 33 North mn. BOARD and room for young men. Cass. Rosa. 80O Jefferson. WANTED Roomer and boarders at 890 Couch at. Phone A 3376. . KoonithBoard Jn Private Family. VERY desirable, large, well furnished room, bath adjoining; modern home, good board, suitable for man and wile with small child. Phone Sellwood L (Not In Sell- woo a. i ROOM and board In private family, nice large room, modern conveniences, gooa home cooking, use of piano, close to car, and not far out; on East Side. Call Tabor 196 LARGE, light, airy room with board for two young men; twelve raiiiuwB ... w . w, home cooking, furnace heat. pleasant home. Phone Main 2380 or 0U3 5lh, cor. lilOC-IIL WIDOW with nice home will give mother's care to small children or infants: board by the week -or month; terms reasonable. -East 1890. J LARGE room with alcove, electric light, hot and cold water, newly furnished; also small room, with board. Marshall 3oo. 27b -K. -t--in at. NICELY furnished room with board In private family. 181 E. 12th. Phone East 4368. GOOD room and board for 1 or 2 gentlemen, private family, walking distance. Price (25 549 Taylorst. PLEASANT front room with board, suitable lOr IWO, -to 1-1U, He-- mo..'.- FURNISHED room, and board. 356 11th sU Phone A -loop. LARGE, pleasant room, suitable for two. PLEASANT rooms, choice board; business people, l la nuji LARGE room, close in. family privileges, bath, home cooking. v3 week. East 4240. SMALL comfortable room with breakfast and dinner, a momi-. ai-wo - 669 NORTHRUP ST. Neatly furnished room with Doara in pnvsiu -ii.n.r. WANTED 2 or 3 gentlemen for boarding club: low rates. Phone Woodlawn 2SU7. ATTRACTIVE home, best accommodation. for 4 or a rsiia-u youo& --.-. ROOM and board for 2 young men. all mod- em conveu.eot.wo. v.-... -. - SPLENDID room for two; choice board, piano, etc. 761 Marshall. A 4920. Apartment. PARK-HARRIS, corner Park and Harrison sts, has beautifully equipped apartments; fireplaces, polished oak floors. Holmes dis appearing beds, private telephones, bath, etc Invite inspection. Phone Marshall aoiO. A 44ta. ...... - - - , i 1 1 t J . o A T U K". N Tn Cor. Grand ave. aad E. Stark at. New fireproof brick building beautifully furnished. Two and three-room apart ments; privat bnth. hot and cold wa.ir, team heat. Phon. but 300. . TUB CECILIA. 22d and ousan. .utiti furnished anart- ment; on uufurmslied; private porches aou yiiuu-i-. -----. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS 7th and Jef ferson sis.; 4-room unfurnished, with bath; all outside rooms, modern, every conven ience; a minutes' walk from P. O.; very reasonable rent. Main 5u0. A 8149. THM l'ECII-IA. 22d and Giiaan. One new and elegantly furnished apart ment; one nuiuiiiwunu. THE CEDAR HILL," 187 Green ave, near City Park; has nicely furnished 8-1 oom and bath outside apt. vacant. BeaUtttUl View Ol iimuui-i-B. FOR KENT Modern B-room apartment, fur nished or unfurnished. Braintree Apart ments, SS9S 12th st. Phone A 7431, Main 774L BVELYN Apartments, 267 N. 21st, cor. Nrtnrup. a-room and bath; wall beds, free phone and all modern conveniences; rent only reasonable. Phone A 4bu6. ST CROIX APARTMENTS For rent, two three-room apartments with side porch, newly furnished, modern. 170 St. Claire t- Main 5217. ; MAHR APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnlsaed apartments, private phone and bath, electric elevator. 228 North 2uth. Phone Marshall 2028. madisON Park Apartments; outside, newly MfuD-lshed 4-room 'apartment; 6 blocks from PortlandHotaI. Main656. unr-pui 4-room apartment, either fur- Mnhed or unfurnished. Inquire at 424 East Davis st. hk ALTAMONT. Sth and College, ele gantly furnished 1 and 4-room apartment. Main 6050. . ,"!. APARTMENTS, 3d and Mill sts. 6- oniTunturnished apartment, (46; moa era improvements; adult, only. r,,VTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished, BrfcUy modern, reasonable rent, 188 N. 23d. Marshall 282L TTcETApartments, 25th and Northrup sts. B lariw light rooms, new and strictly mtderwJcar.Phona Marshall 1423. -n.ntci Apartment. Grand ave. and Bei rS?tTtiornreasonableEast 8418 -7; iroNCE, furnished apartment of 4 TJ-Ehathj;nd phone. 180 22d St. N. oonM modern, furnished apartments. a-RVM,T7,onave. N. Woodlawn 2379. KEELER ""APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay vacant choice 3 and 4-room suite. THE" KING-DA VIS corner of King and Davis; one 3-room unfurnished; reference. VcVmeNT apartment for rent March 8 B-f.h. Everett. 644 Ev-srett , R MARLBOROUGH. 6-room apartment, ?oaDl. Sl-t a-d. Flndera Mala 7516. HADDON HALL APARTMENTS, corner 11th aod Hill SIS, new io... ----- building, with 3 and 4-room apartments, with .private bath, newly furnished. "lct ly. modern In every respect: an Individual telephone in every apartment, very large and airy room, with private balcony porches. We have only 2 apartments va cant now and one will be vacant the 15tn. If you want one of the choice apart ments you will have to call soon. Phone Marshall 1170. CARMELITA APARTMENTS Are now ready for occupancy, unfurnished, four and live-room suites, reception hall, automatic elevator, telephone and all modern conveniences. Call at th Caxme- . lita apartments, southeast corner of utn and Jefferson sts, and have Miss Allen, the manager, snow you something extra fine, or phone Main 396S. ARCADIA APARTMENTS. 70S Everett st, bet. 21st and 22d sts. Opened Feb. 1; new and nicely fur nished 2 and 3-room suites, private phone, bath In each; Holmes disap pearing bed, steam hej-.t. hot water. Janitor service, mail and all pack ages delivered at door; all outside rooms; brightest apartment-house In the city: no dark rooms here; clean llness and good services our motto. THE EVERETT. 044 EVERETT STREET. BETWEEN 20TH AND ELLA. New, modern brick building; 8-room 1911: furnished three and four-room suites with recep tion hall; Pacific phone in each apart ment; electric elevator, Tolmes disappear ing beds, built-in bullet and writing desk, gas ranges, icebox, plenty of closet -room. If you want something extra pice, come to the Barker. Phone .Marsnan moi. AI.REARTJB Anartments at 3S3 Wil liams ave.; fine large 2 and 3-room apart ments; reasonable rent with disappear ing beds, free phone and bath In every apartment and rates for Summer months. Take Williams-ave. car at 2d and ash, get off at Broadway, walk ij block on Williams ave. or phone East 4113 and ask fur landlady, Mrs. Topiey. uiKI-unpv i P1RT1P.TS ojii 12th St, near Main Furnished or unfurnished J apartments; all modern conveniences. In cluding Janitor service, free phones, elec tei pinvHinr. -.tc.r in fact, everything fur nished excepting your own private elec-1 trl licrhr and eas. Marshall 2510 or A 4583. THE MEREDITH" Elegantly furnished two and three-room apartments: gus and electricity, steam heat, not ana com iuu ning water, private baths and lavatories, telephone, elevator service, in fact, strict ly modern in every respect and at moder ate prices; a few apartments yet open for tenants. "Meredith." 22d aad Washing ton. PENINSULA APARTMENTS New building. East Side. 113514 Albina ave.; take Mis sissippi. L or St. Johns car, 15 minutes ride from 3d and Washington sts, i. 3 ana 6 rooms completely furnished; 117 H to M per month; all modern conveniences; un furnished apartments. Phone Woodlawn 2259. LUCRETIA COURT. On Lucretla street, near. Wash, st, o.iiy a few apartments left In this new. elegant and modern apartment-house. Apply to superintendent. Apt. 1. or phone Marshall 1501; references required. TH LILLIAN. Cor. 6th and Montgomery Sts. New. modern, elegantly furnished, 1 room apartments; all outside rooms; pri vate baths and telephones. Phone Mar sh a211378. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks south from Morrison St.; new brick building, completely tlrat-clas; fur ' nlshed in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall. stea.' heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, laa ltor service; rent very reasonable. MEREDITH APTS, 712 Washington 2-room apts, newly furnished, strictly modern, an convenience. Free phones. THeTmORDAUNT APARTMENT 10th and Everett, completely furnished 6-room mod ern apartment; private bath, both phones, linen, china, silverware, etc.; apply janitor To adults, five-room furnished apartment, very desirable; references. Apply Jam to r168r, l-lata. FOR RENT To adults, 6 rooms and 12x20 sleeping porch, beautiful view, hot water heat, hot and cold water; walking dis tance. 625 V Montgomery st. Phone A 459. - NEW 6-room flats on Gllsan st, between 23d and 24th. Just hnished; hardwood Moors, fireplace, all conveniences.. Morgan, Fliedner. Boyce, 603-0 Ablngton bldg. HOLLIDAY "ADDITION 7-room, new, strictly modern; fireplace, steiim heat, built-in conveniences. Phone E. 11J7. FOR RENT 3-room flat, all furnished, block from carllne, West Side. 425 a month. 5U8 Couch bldg. 6-ROOM flat, 12th and Belmont. A 7 tiya. Main 1961. a. ri. xo ---. MODERN 6-room flat, 24 N. 10th. near Burnslde. (40 Modern unfurnished 6-rom upper flat Phone Main 8b98. , MODERN flatT" 3 blocks east end Steel bridge. WoodlawnJlbuO. . NEW 3-room flats; modern rent; reason able. (Oo vancouve. -. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall, fur nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; 115 per month up; a clean place, best in the cltv for money; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or 10th-st. cars north, get off at Marshall St. No dogs. WELL-FURNISHED 3-room cottage, flj..50 nionTh; lower furnished 4-room fiat. 1. 50 month well-furnished housekeeping suites, 2 rooms, (S. 10 and (12 month; 3 for 15. Apply 304 North 20th. W car from depot. Bth or Morrison to 20th, block north. iTtiO lO 12.JO v; clean. luria.J housekeeping rooms, fre laundry, bata. Phone? cteaS linen, beau 40d y.. a nd2uS4H J anton itak U car. THtr ASSEMBLY", 265 6th St. Nicely fur nished loom, double or slng.e; bath, phone and nice yard; only 4 blocks from 1. o., ?ate 12 to Id per week. Swell location. k-un.Nl-.HED housekeeping rooms; also aingiV room. 532 William, ave. Phon. C 1523. 2 UNFURNISHED housekeeping oniJ, lignt and clean, very reasonable. Stephin son Court, 515 Mill st. Main 6110. FIN- LIOWNiOWN fclO- MILNER BLDG.. 850 Vi MORRISON ST. M0DERCNTRALJEASOJV HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $1.50 to 2 per ee single or en suite. 2lconJt. HOUSEKEEPING room. In now concr.i bldg. l-hone Woodlawn 2997 or 23. . 461 E "MORRISON ST. Completely (at. lsedhousekeeplngsuUs.reuonabI. HOUSEKEEPING suite for rent. 380 6th at near Montgomery. s"Th."ArHEATED, furnished 2-room sultea, ta.lthst,near amhill. FURNISHED housekeeping room., reason able.. 231 Market. JjIouMkp!nBjtoo.-i NEWLY furnished for housekeeping, large bay-window room, with or without .leep ln g perch. East 139(1. 5S) HALSEY, near Williams ave. furnished housekeeping rooms, also basement rooms. furnished. . WELL-FURNISHED steam heated house keeping rooms; private porch, bath, phono and laundry. C56Glisan1 -rotiR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. suiVable for 4 people. 123. Call 2 to 4 today. 328 14th. v ONE pleasant "suite furnished rooms, West "sidef 10 minutes' walk from postofflce. 612 Market. 313 14TH. corner Clay; large, light, 2-room housekeeping suite. CENTRALLY located, bath. gas. phone. (12.50 and up. 429 Main st. 63 NORTH 20TH Newly furnished rooms in 2 and 8-room suites; also single rooms. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 109 N. 18th. (10 LARGE furnished housekeeping room; Kas. bath. Inquire 051 E. Morrison. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms in mod ern cottage, ill .iii-c- p. LIGHT housekeeping rooms suitable for la dy employed. 466 Main st. FRONT room, gas, bath and phone; no chll- dreii 140 College. (To A-MONTH 3 furnished housekeeping rooms. Hl 16th st. North. 2. 8 OR 4 furnished housekeeping rooms. heat, light, bath. 495 Montgomery. VERY pleasant room, suitable for two. 361 10th. Main 3312. LARGE housekeeping room, alcove kitchen, 5 in. uas xum."c,. -n. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms; gas, bath and vard. 430 Yamhill. o75. ONE small room, furnished, house- keepljgprivllege. 294 11th. 2 light housekeeping rooms, reasonable. -ph one East cam, out a-st x-ium e- 2-ROOM housekeeping suite, chasm, XL 1st t, cor. Hooker. apartments, private bath, sleeping-porches. The Everett is the very bust furnished f and equipped apartment-house in tha city. Free Independent phones, automatic I elevator and hrst-class Janitor service. If 1 you want the best, come to the Everett. 1 THE BARKER Corner 21st and Irving sts. This new 4-story brick opened Jan. 1, and unfurnished In two. ,