THE arORXIXG OREGOiviAiy, im)yESDAY, 3IAKCli 8, 1911. "V " I vT. F.ST.4TE. I MAT. -STATE, t BEAT. ESTATE. ESTATE. f TO EXCHANGE. REAl ESTATE. 7 REA.ITAT J"l Acreage. 1 Tor Salo-Frult Land- " - 81 I "r i, I I -r bato H I I ' . I COLDENDALE - STMCOE FRUIT LANDS. I 1 IRVINGTON. $131$ 30x10 ,ft on eul loth. near (turns il: 1 blocks from carllne; n pavd itmL Prlc $1136 cash. tllO 70xio fMI on East SM t. near Knott; paved trt: on carline; urround4 by homtt. me MTI -looxlO ft, corner Ext 13d and Knott ets ; nd treet: 1 bloc from cnln. Prlc $175; term. -H.f block. 104x30 feet, on Ft $SS Sid et carllne; fac sou to, l-ric $".44; ttrial flltt iiif block. 100xJ0 ft at East l:n and Stanton sta; pavod street ; between two carUaefc Prlc IsOOO; trma $0 Ha.f block. lxlO foot, at East 30:a and Knott ta: treet Ira provero r.t ail In; god view: high aad sightly Pn- l040; term. H P. PALMER-JONES CO. 112-111 Commwrlil Club bids. 1 hone. Mala . A XiiX IRVTNGTOV. PMO-Tlmmixon at.. lnoxlOO. near 25th. a fin reel dene alt, bard aurfac trt. I pro anient paid. $4.100 Thompson at, lnOxlOO. near 12'h. Bard aurfac atreeta. Improvement pa 11. $100 37th, near Thompson. SOxl'io. hard anrfac at, Impmrra'iiii half paid. ,t ojdlaT lota Bold for WOO abov our arte. WEST SIDE. tll.OOO 14U at.. euxlOO . ft., ebole partiM&t att. uniELimtsr. 1050 $i7s 115-iw 1100. W ar authorized brokara for thi choice addition: call and se us: f'n lot on easy terms; allow discount for f ,w dan only: nrraag aacood morlgag ir you destr to build. CUABI.ra RINOLER ft co, :il Lewi beautiful hawthorns lot bargain 154 DOWN. J oat a ihtrt dl .ane from Haw thorn Bv, beatitlful Hwthome. w offer a few tint building lota at a pric yoo will never buy at ailB her; SjO for 40x100 ll with $JO down and 110 monthly: yon can not match th p-1ca In th location.'nol tha Ifrmi: shortiy w will b aold out: another year will add big to tha raluea her. Ton ara on fineat car aerrlc over b-t hn.ia. Branch offlc cor. 43d and Hawthorne ave. will ahow them. Portland-Pacific Inv. Col. 4.13 Railway Ex chang bide. 50 ADVANCE I V MARCH 13- All tTy lo la BEALSfONT. Advaacad to '.0 March IS. JHGHEaT- CUASd UlPHOVtMEJT8 IX POKTLANO. "TETTER T IA5T A LAWS." P.t buy rn the city. E term. Bat tar InraiTlrata. CBJI. rhon or write, HEAt MOXT I.ANr rOMPA.r roaro of tram: ruw., m th st. Phone Main 9'. A WH. DF.ACT1FVL HUlUJlNb 8ITES. Intacton. SOil'iO. comer 24th ana ahnyler. on Broadway carllna: prtca all tm prove men i la and paid for. ImIbAmI In Drtc imnrua lOOainrt. oa Eaat th na lktou. Prica $200. Iretsjrton. viloo. on Eaat 10th. b- twan Thompson and Braie. Klmharat. BOalOO; on Kaat B-Mn. lean Haacoctt and Broadway; prtc $ao foe a abort tun only. It will pay yoa to lnreetlat th abor. C. K. PFLfGER CX. Fait . Mulkay Hid a.. Snd and Morrlaon. PORTLAND TTEIOUTS i BLOCK. I0xl4t. R E. cor. Laurel and Chap man: an BBobatracted view; only 2 block oa level ground to car. HAftTMAN- THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. 8ELLWOOD LOT. a-io. aortno feet, on corner Kaat 9h and Marion ata. on freljht aldetrack and with in block of X XV. P. carllne; thla la boelnea. property with a future; price. 33tf caah. II. P. TALMER-JONE3 CO.. 212-313 Commercial Club IlldC Phone Main A 2'VX A FINE cK-.v talOt corner on Oantenbeln are. inl Rtantoo; Improvement and cement waikl a' I In and vaid: a On corner for oata.or apartmente: prtr too: $l'0 eaab, gr(sI A ZADOW. IT Board of Trade Pldy 4th and Oak. BEALTirrt. VIEW LOTS OX MUL.1 I"""- . Itv-ated In the beat reaideoc dlnct In thla aectlon; elo ta car. KXhtlOO. for $JiX)- K caah. balance ,35. lnclJdln Intereirt. Haw noma Realty Ca Phone T5or Ma. H W. lOOxl-MA 1 u block from line C!?y car. on d at.; lota fc at: price tivio. or .W for one lit and $M for tha other; term. He M-. Be.-k at NORTHERN TRCST COMPACT. 170 Stark ft. 2 LOTS TOR $0. Chap. 100 ft. frontaao by 70 deep, 3 lot, water In. hlch and etahtly. cloa, to Re city rark tar: I bouaea hutldln In earn blk; no reatrlctlona; flOO caab, balance $13 month: m at once. Jaa. C. Lo$an. vvaeh. at., room 404. 6CSSTSIPE SNAP. holc piece of buatneaa property. H raied oa 1 clmont at; preeent Income pay TO par cent; can be handled on very eaay terme. Hawthorn Realty Co. Phone Ta- Mr 3 1 A Zyl- V -A K S PORTLAND HEIGHTS. rrontas on boti L'lPr and Lower Tnvea. Tber ar 4 bolWlna- alt on th piece and at price offered would aay lo veeiuat. r-red w. Uermaa. ilura- ide. m. rrja; a 1" IHerorR bu;il.'n altea. Jl feet each. about fet from Hawthorne v. and weat of 40th at. UOOiaJLL BKOi. 411 Worceater bids. LOTS-Good-ait a for wood jard with aide track fartuue cloa by. arlnt location. Eaat bid. KOOd trade; BO other axda near by: tcrma J t-lT. Qreaonlan. ROSE Cllt PARK HAKiiAlNi ner car and store: prtc rO; terma SlJ LuiB- Nnttnl blrta. Marahall 1A". A W LAtTREt.Hur.riT equity for ai: lot nuxlt). ar 3'Jth at.; tine aew reatdrnc ner lu tail Woodiawa 315. preferably evenlnra. AnJOINlNO-!!. Tabor Park. l.VSllli. v.ovf property; on car Una; halt caah; by owner. AL SI. Oreaonlan. ALAMEDA PARK Swell corner. :.. with all Improvement Included. AM b-l OreKonlaa. For Hal Howee. $1104 CAIi. time oo balance. $l0v: worth $t0: new bunealow. corner lot. $xl0; frutt tree, near Alberta car on lfth el; exceptional view; win tak email auto aa prt cax.1. Phone C 1141. TOR I1JW 0 CASH. a-room house and SUxlTT floe lot, fenced and with craeay lawn and natlv ehaile; 1 t worth $. Portland Homea Co-. 3v4 ilorrleon u "PESIPENCES AND FLATS VlNANCETj" 1 can aave yoa monoy on your build-Inc- Inveetlaate my ayeiem; plana free; financed with Eaetera money. Z. K. l.o-k. 8J! Henry :d. COfNTRT HOME. IMPRJVEL. 101, AC RE 9. Good hottae. barn and orchard. 5VH X LLA K.4. C. C. At. FORD. Wl"LLAXP. Waah. RtE CITY PARK bonaalow. ft rVimt fur nace, flrep.ace. iuo!ern bathroom; 1 block from car. a rntlr location. $J:o. phone ow bt. Main 4 1 i. IN4P New i-room bun alow, exceptionally well built. fireplace, bookemeee, llneo rloet. wo.d ele.alor. a;ood location, do rn- Owner Tabor Slot. . tBKAUTIKVL home. trantiy rmahed. aak aad ma- hecany; c.i.-tce 1o.atloAa. Irvlnaton. C 1 H:. Eaat IT J. No aaenta. W. H. Herdmaa. NEW. mo-tero, C-room. J orv boo; tin kawtt. roaea etc.; 1." a t -'1 bear beat acboola In ctty. Owner. 7 Eaat lth at.. Bear t"aaht&ctnn. BROAPWAT M'L)ERN home cheap. t room. S lota, comer, rholc. with view; miaht trade acuity; ewaer. Mar ahall 1MT. tR BALK MoUera five-room buna.ow In Walla Walla, or will Ira I, for cneap un- land. Phone Marahall CO. $jj MONTHLY buy $-roo-n bunaaiow: plat rail. pnd dmina-rom, bath, pantry, baaemenu Phone own.r. Eaat ST4L FOR f AI.E Nw modera room bunfaloar oa Eaat 11th and Hancock at. Owner. Eaat 4T4 w-MOUEItX -room house, baaemenu two lota frill, or rent I. Apply wsr. ITT ObertlB at.. Poctamoutit $j.v Portland Ha'ahta: pretty, modern 5 naa bunealow. furaiahed. J. w. Iaa le a i A.der. fd WILL buy my lot in Tremont l'lare: It ta a beau'.y aad worth HOO. Call 414 fpaldlna; blil. Two lota and X hooaea, $14'X R SOU, Ore aonlan. NICS HOME, nine lota l-it food -room kouae. cla la. Tabor 1 HrK'SSandB lota In Oaweao. raaaonabla. Call or writ C H. Flaton. tav'ia. Or. 10-ROOM $VX Bew. aU rented: pay 13 per cent; ay term. Eaat J UAWTHvRNE-AVH. horn; a baraala, TSt Hawlhoraa. oorner NEW SL'.NNTHIDE HOME" $140 cash. bal. 'te'rma: nice lar rooma flrep.ace, coolinc oloeet, furnace. lar-e lot, atrt Improvement and aewer ail paid; thla la a beautiful home ana muat be aaea to be appreciated. Another beautiful -room for $$: ti0 " caah. balance monthly. . , W have a complete Hat of bunealowl from up: term to ault you. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO, Cor E. Jth and Hawthorne. B ;T. Tabor el. HONEdT VALUE. New house, lar.e room, full oe nent kaaament, bath and lollat. also toilet In basement, hardwood floor, hot water heat, arilallo fireplace, beautifully finished throughout; thla house baa never been occupied. I honeotly built and la one of the very beat home of Ita six In Portland; th lot 1 well Improved, baa seweraxe. iu and lctrl'liv: thla prop arty can b reached conveniently by I streetcar llnea: price for Immeamt sale I.1VKI, favorable terme. 8. R. Norton, 7 Chamber of Commerce. IN FITTING a home, consider Fl RST Location. SECOND Car service. T1H1 bireet Improvement, steer, but sot least, to th house worth the mosey. Our new houaea. Hawthorne ave.. Both and 61at ata. Wlir stand the teat. Look them over aad Be ua for price and tcrma BRL'BAKEH HENEMCT. 603 McKay bid a.. 3d and Stark. A CHOICE BUY. $ j7tX A flv-mom collage, with 10CT.150 lot, all covered with lare frull treea; In cluded la also all houanold furniture: with piano: It la about 0v block from tha Wood lawn carllae. and cbb be bandied with flovO caah; without furnltur It can be boueht for li.MO. and $i00 or $oOO caah, and balance to euit purchaaar. OTTO. HARKSON REALTY CO- U:iH First btreec jjjvO HANUSOMB NEAV 1RVLNGTON HOME I7J00. II larre. beautifully finished rooms, two fireplace, two tollcia. hardwood floor, built-in sideboard, bookiaaea. etc.; very attractive arranxementa; cnolceat location. aurrounJed by mannilicent homea; hard aurface.1 street; Improvements In and paid for. Unquestionably best buy la Irvlni ton; tenna K Ji Oreaonlan. 1RVINGTO.N HOL'SiJ. Verv awell -ruora larae house, ha fa and electricity, furnace, two fireplace, doubly constructed, hardwood floor, cove celln. Putch kitchen. I bedrooms, aleep ln porch, oa a One lot 10x100. alee lawn and lota of roses; on E. 17th. near Thompson: prtc $5300; $1&0 caah and $3 per month. ORIVOI ZADOW. $1T Board of Trade Bids.. 4th and Oak. IRVINOTON. $1300 CASH. $.'S A MONTH AND TNT. A swell G-room new cottaeTc. 3 block from l'Jth and Broadway: all modern convenience, bardwood Doora, areplace. paneled dlnlnr-room. wall tinted, laundry traya. etc: corner lot. hardurfaca etreet, a:i Unproremeote Included In price of 43T Call -Mr. Ward. COLUMBIA TRU8T CO, Board of Trade Bids. Main . A 1163. GOINO TO BUILDT TVE DESION ARTISTIC HOUSES AND MAKE NO CHAR.JES FOR PLANS IF WE IinLD. IT W1I, PAT TO SEE I 8. TUE11S M A REASON. IF TOO OJS A LOT. n'B WILL FINANCE THE BI.M' trKNCE OR APARTMENT FOR JJoU. OVR REI'UTATION AS TOUR PRO TECTION. ' I R- BAILET A CO, 34 AB1NOTON BLUd. cash. balano $16 a month, will buy a fine new double-constructed -rooia bunealow, cloa to cor, on lot Mx Uwd. flowers and fruit Hon will b finiahed to ault pur chaaar. Th la a barcaln aad won't laat Ion a. Call for Mr. Carlton. - Main BuO. A 113. SUBURBAN LUNGALOW. ONLY $2o0 $3O0 CASH. New 1-room bom, full bemnt and attic, beautiful Oreplac. buffet, Dutch kitchen, etc.; lot oOxluo; One mountain view; nice restricted hom dlatrlct. on block to Rose City Park car; cement walk all In; monthly payment, ilk rnt; electric Oxtursa Incluued; call today. Jaa C. Ixan. i-'O Waah. at., room 4Q4. HOLtE. fl.-.OO Pacrlflce la a modern S-room houaa, on Eaat Burnalda. bard-aurfaca at reel, lot eiahtly, houae haa fireplace and furnace and la a home well worth $"UOO. However, it muat be aold at one at low prtc of tiSw; 12ZO0 caah. balance loo time at 1 per cent. JOM. C. GIBSON. ;ol Gerlloger bld(. EAST TATLOR STREET HOWE. Nlc modern 4-room house, fumace and fireplace. aa aad electricity. bullt-ln china eloaet. etc. on a lot 0xl. south front, street Improvements paid, fine laws, lota of rose, on East Taylor, sear 14th. prlc $ili. part caah. . GRUS-SI A ZADOW. 31 T Board of Trade Bid-.. 4th and Oak. IRVINOTON. $;0 down and ; monthly will buy a dandy borne on East :th St.: hardwood floor 3 flreplacea. furnac. bullt-ln buf fet, electric lixht fixture, and all modern convacleoce. H. P. PAIJ4-ER-JONES CO tl:-:il Commercial Club bid. Phones: Main $4. A Jtsi. A FINE INVESTMENT. Irv lngton; good 0-room hous. on nlc lot GoxltMA on Eaat loth at., between Tillamook and Thompaon: prica $JJ.-.o; tha lot la worth thla alone: $1000 caab. balance terme. For hnrgalna sea a F. PF1.UGER A CO.. Suit 0, Mulkey Bids.. 2nd and Morrison. Established HIO. ROSE CITY PARK. $300 down. $20 per month, handles B room bunealow. with concret porch, full basement, fireplace, bullt-ln wiitlmr desk, bookcase, buffet. Dutch kitchen, dlnlnc room. beamed and paneled: walla tinted, oak floors: complete In every detalL Sea owner. 4VS0 Eaat SVlh at. Phone, Tabor :nc. . DECIDE QUICK. Special reduction for four dan only, a aanutn enap: a-room houae, basement, bath, faa and porch, concrete walk fruit treea, lot 67SXIOO: corner Eaat 11th and Wyaant eirecta: net permit today to In spect: price reduced to f.'Hoo. easy term. OODPARIl WIEnRICK. 24.1 Stark Street. EAST 14TH AND ASH ST3. Corner. $4x100 feet, with S-room house: Income $: per month. Thla la close In and wltl soon be apartment-bouse prop erty. Price $47.10 caah. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. JI7-S1J Commerlal Club blilf. phones: Main . A $i. IDEAL BUNGALOW. A vary beautiful bung-alow. ? rooms and bath, doubl constructed, electric nd gas fixture. n unusually attractive horn. Very conveniently located, 1 block from U&lon ave carltne. DUBOIS CROCKETT. Room 3. Waahlns;ton Bldr. FOR SALE Caan or eaay payments. Four attractive modern houses In Irvlntton district. 81a rooms, large porch. Bleep ing porch, bullt-ln bookcase, fireplace, furnace, laundry, cemrnt basement, gas and electricity. Inquire of owner. sHfl Hoard of Trad Bunding, or telephone Marshall 177. $.,.5 CASH and $li per month buys a nlc 4-room cottag. lot Ouxioo, 1 block -cent car. on hard-aurfaced road; chicken hous and other out-bulldlags; snap: price I1I3U. HI'H.ET BIPHOP. 133 Third. 'NEAR-17TH AND CLACKAMAS. $Ji4. New modern C-room house and base ment for quick aale; atreet Improvement In and paid: terms. C. U BAMBERGER. Marshall TIL Room 3 Lumbermens Hldg. FLATS AND 8TORES. New and a?l rented: 7-e-room flats. 3 large stores: net .rcome $SS a month; ?rlc $3a.e: 1-3 caah. i VI. L A OUSTIN. ,U Lumbermens Bldg. l-KOOM BUNOALOW. Modern tn every way. close to car. $3450: tS4 cash, balance lis a month. HALL A OUSTIN. 411 Lumbermens B:d$T. Itioo. on easy terms. 4-room modern, fully furnished bungalow, lot 4"xl?o: a bargain for someone. Inquire $27 Board of SN A P. Will sacrifice e rgant home for lO.e0; one-third can remain oa mort gvc. Anawer quifk. Main lPlf-. $ . , TAKES a moora T-room home on Fast 13th at. North. lot $4x100. with natural shade treea: this Is a bargain. Woatera Sec Co. 41$ Spalding bMg FOR SALE 1 a-room bungalow. 1 atory and half' 7 -room houae. ail modern. By owner. Easy terma Call ITIi E. Ph st. -ROOM bouse, close In: aale below value for rash. Inquire at Jonea' book store, 4 Oaku WE have a number of house on onr books with some good bargains Just now. 433 I'hamber of Commerce. FOR SALE at a bargain: my 1 4-room mod ern home IB Portland Heights: good view; ' lot IQ'.xto: Ma In 7:33. AM 1 1 3. Or gonlan. BUNGALOWS Bungalow. 13000 to $4000. good locatlona and terma: photo at ofnv. Fred W. German. 3J Burnalda. M. 277. BARGAIN luo-fu square oa Albert at. otA-room hous. Woodiawa 118. 3-STORT S-ROOM HOME. $S000. A chaac to buy a fin hom cheap, in a fine location, cloa In. corner lot 40x100; fine lawn; hous ha living and sitting-room, dining room, kitchen. 4 good bedrooms, bathroom and sleeping porch, full cement basement, furnsce, laundry trays and fireplace: A GOOD HOME. If Interested, call Mr. tiuthrla. A 1103 or Main SWO. IRVINOTON HOME. $13,600. A beautiful plana, Just completed; on oorner facing south and eart; 11 rooms; harwood floors: mahogany dining-room; handsome fixtures; steam heat; $ flre- flacea; large veranda; garage. Price 31a. 08. H. P. PALMER-JONES C. 313-313 Commercial Club bide Phones: Main 4. A 3B53. M ALL INVESTMENT. $6600 lixlOO. 3 nice modern flat, near 10th St.: rent 160 per month. INSIDE INVESTMENT. $3600 30x100. nice 33-ronra bolldlnx; In first-class order, good Income, close to all public building; owner wants to sell culck. FRED C. KINO. 314 Spalding Bldg.. 3d and Waahlngton. IRVINOTON New 7-room house. 18th. near Knott at., east facing, oak floors, sleep ing porch, den and all modern conven iences; original price $7000. now $6750 for quirk sale. Including all street Im provement; treet paved: 31&00 cash will handl It. A. Backus, B19 Board ot Trade bldg. FOR SALE By owner, at rock bottom price. $100 down. $.TO per month, five-room mod ern bungalow, short dlstanoe from car, best service In the city. Also short dis tance from Mount Hood rm uld transit lin where first station will b established; through service. Call SOS McKay bldg.. Home Installment Co.. Marshall 2.VJ0. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Seven-room houae and reception ball. 1 block from car: cement baaement. tubs furnace, fireplace, pantrlee. large attic and porchea: unobstructed view; $o.r00; 11-00 cash seenrea, balance terms to suit. Phone Slain 4428. Owner. A BARGAIN. Aouo buy new 70"0 two-flat building of 5 and rooms: walking dlatanc; well built; restricted district and on carllne; must sell promptly; cash preferred. Own er, East tie. $.12oO On easy terms for thl 7 -room modern bungalow In Irvington Park: lot 50x100, Earked: one block from ear: as good a uy s we know of. Bee Mr. Bock, at NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY. 270 Stark BU TWO modern houses of flv and six rooms each at 1321-135 rtoaney ave.. r. jm.... Addition, eaat facing, lota 60x100: houses hav all of th convenience; eaay terma. F. O Warren. Owner. 127S William ave. Phone Woodlawn 133. . 1500 DOWN PRICE $3300. New. 4 room, bath and Bleeping porch, on southwest corner 33d and Clinton st.; on W-R carllne. 30 minutes out. Key next door. Price Includes cement side walk on each street, and stel; also sow er and atreet Improvements. trrtnt.FO RTREBT SNAP. Modern 7-room houae with all street work paid, on Weldler. near th: good .neighborhood: prlc eiSOO. $1600 cash. ORUSSI A ZADOW. $1T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Onk. $100 DOWN BARGAIN. " S-room bung low. $2000; Eaat Side; lO0 down; mall monthly payment. .This bargain won't laat long; hurry. Call 621 Chamber of Commerce. Main lq2 FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern home In Nob Hill district, on Kearney street, near 36th. Thla la a rar opportunity to secure one of the mot at tractive and finest homea In this eholc district. Prtc $12.B00. T 807. Oregonlan. WHY PAT RENT T Now fram hous. furnished, for only $560: $:&0 cash, balance $i per month. Tak ML Seott car. get off at Gray Cross ing, inquire at Homes' stor. m COTTAGE, partly furnished, not modern; comfortable; hnlf block car; bearing fruit treea. garden spot. $1800: $0)0 or $-00 down; !-t month. 808 Washington St.. room fl. ' Unalneae Property. INVESTORS. ATTENTION I Why not make 80 per cent on a safe, e nservatlve investment In Inside real es tate In the beat city In Southern Oregon Grants rase wher things ar doing nowT About $20,000 for 00 days will get th result Don't wlt a minute. Investi gate now. I can deliver the property and will take pleasure In showing yoa how to ma ka It a winner. H. H. BASLER, Real Estate Investment. 31 3 S No. 6th St. ' GRANTS PASS. OREOON. Phone IV J Reference by permission, th First Na tional Bank of Southern Ore jr UNION AVENUE. W are offering a great bargain on thla thoroughfare: 50x120 and good stx-room hous for 45SOO; business house oa all Idea; $3100 cash needed. APARTMENT SITE. We can quot a low oaah prlc on that ightly quarter on th 8. W. corner of ltith and Montgomery. It h a seen I o valu which makes It very desirable for apartments; only IS minutes' walk to P. O, bandy to car. STRONO TO., 03 Concord Bldg. CORNER 100x100. cloa In on West Side; 9 frame buildings, rent for 343: pays over 8 per cent on prlc askd. l-'ln view: Ideal apartment site. A- if. Berry. 433 Chamber of Commerce. $33,000. East Morrison street lot BOxlOCA worth $30,000: absolutely no agent. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 133 3d SL Acreage. ACREAGE. Mor than 4000 acre close to Portland and cut Into 1, 3, 3. 10 and 30-acre tracts; ana roads, all graded and In first-class condition. In front of every tract: we have been 36 years In Willamette Valley and 15 yeara of thla time In farm and acre ' age buaineas In Portland: we know the soil; we make a specialty of close-In acreage and our 4000-acre platting la of the most fertile soil In the state. See crop of past year. Tou make tha first payment and the crops will do the rest; pleasant employment and convenient to all the advantages of Portland. The cheap est acreage tracts around Portland, qual ity and location considered and sold on liberal terms: 135 to $300 per acre. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 3. 103 4th St. A 3500. "RIGHT AT STATION." Only 11 mllea out. 10 acres of highly improved property; $3000 handle thla 1 1 Va acres, near station, good buildings, only $3700; part caah. l$4s acres, near sfatlon, 1$ miles out, part cleared, $1000 caah will swing thla fee HALL ATCHISON, 313 Gerlloger Bldg., 3d and Alder. A SUGGESTION. Customer who bought flv and ten acre trncta of our lands a year ago hare realised 23 per cent lncreaae In value as predicted by ua The next four months will bring another Increase of from 23 per cent to 00 per cent We strongly urge prospective buyer to mk -:ectlons now ss prices and terms are stesdlly Increas ing. W will cheerfully glv you fur ther lnformtlon about our close-In acre age: easy terms and liberal discounts for caah. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO, 405 Couch Bldg. 1-ACRE TRACTS. 1100 DOWN. BALANCE 8 TEARS. We hav four 1-scr tracta on on of tha beat carllne In the city with. So fare to the business center: each on ot these tracta He fine, good rich, deep aoll. not a rock on the place, water piped In front of each tract, surrounded by now homes now being built. These are within the reach of th average industrious man. Our terms on the four tracts are $.V, $inoo. I103O and Ill'Hi: only I loo caah, balance in monthly Installment covering fle year at 6 per cent. CHAPIN A HER LOW. 8.12-33 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE ACREAGE WITHIN EAST REACH OF PORTLAND. 1 4 acres, all under cultivation. Im proved with an s-room houae and a bars; Vs mil st of th carlln; price. $4200. 3.3.1 acre, only a few blocka from station: a-room house, barn. 22x24 chicken-house; price. $.150: half cash. Both pla'-es being on the Oregon City carllne. OTTO. HARKSON REALTY CO, 133 Flrat Street. KLICKITAT COUNT T. 100 to 820 acres. Ideal location In coming fruit district. Bargain If taken now. Sea Hobart A. Brown. 407 Morrison st- Phone Main 4121. NAP 13 acree, one mile from eleotrJc 18 . eleared, one In bearing orchard; good water; terma at half prlc of adjoining land. X 835. Oregonlsn. FOR SALE 21 acres, S Improved, good bulldlnvs. 20 miles from Portland, 3 north Hlllaboro. Addrea R. F. D. 1. Box 6, Hlllaboro. Ol FOR SALE acres, edge city limits. West Plde. &o fare. 130V; terma. J. F, 773 Savier it, city. FOR SALE 1 acre, eloee In, well Improved; new house- lovely home. Owner, 1034 Chamber of commerc bldg. 6. 10 OR 20 ACRES ot our WILLAMETTE - VALLEY IRRIGATED Land In Marlon County. 8. E. of Salem at half value to the first 20 homebullders. Klrat come first served. Apply at farm land department of HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Banker. Chamber ot Commerce Bldg., Portland, ' or at onr Branch Office on th Grounds a' WEST 6TAYTON. OR. Tak 4:18 P. M, S. P. train at Union Xtepot (or 4:25 P. M. from E. Morrlaon st.) to Weat Stayton, via Woodburn. M E X I C O Is the "WEST of today: w have the cream of It for colonization, and NOW la the time to get In before the present owners realize that they have the moat valuable land on earth. Com inl We'll tell you about It. RABB PATTON, 823 Lumbermen' bldg, 6th and Stark. TO LAND BUYERS. " Th beat and last chance to get a mall tract of land at very reasonable prices, and on easy terms, are In the Tualatin Valley. Tualatin Valley Is des tined through Its location and other nat ural advantages to be the GARDEN SPOT OF PORTLAND. Buy while the price and terms are within your means. We offer flv and ten-acre tracts, 60 minutes from Portland, cleared or tin cleared on a small cash payment. This year'a crop will pay for the remainder. For maps and Information call at 405 Conch bldg. "A SMALL TRACT CHEAP." 8 and 10-acre tracts, only 1$ mile from center of Portland; enough timber to pay for each tract; some clear and ready for crop: 8-acre ' tracts only $760 each and only 10 per cent cash; A-l title to property. See plat at ofllce. HALL & ATCHISON. 113 Gerlinger Bldg, 2d and Alder. ACREAGE OPPORTUNITY. We own 65 acree of rich, level land which la only four mllea from city. It haa a frontage on both the Section Line and Powell Valley roads, and Is a fine Slec for dividing Into smaller tracta We esir to realize on It for the purpose of Improving some city property and will make a low price to early callers. STRONG CO.. 605 Concord Bldg. IMPROVED ACRE SNAP. A on-acr tract, cleared and Improved with 3-room hack, new; water piped In kitchen, etc: tract aet out to varioua kinds of large and small fruits; Wood stock district. This tract Is worth at least $1800. but owner has got to sell and haa reduced the price to $1000. with ln structlons to refuse no reasonable offer. Don't fail to see this snap at one. LAMBEKT-WHITMER CO, 404 East Alder St. A COUNTRT HOME. THAT WILL PAT FOR ITSELF AND DOUBLE IN VALUE. Seven-acre tract all In cultivation and all cleared, main county road to Portland. Close to electric line. Deep black aoll and a fine well; only 12 mllea out on the West Side. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO, 405 Couch Bldg. : 21 ACRES. City limit, near Montavllla and lit Hood R. R. : 18 acre In cultivation; other Improvements; the prlue you cannot beat; terma Don't phone. $15,000. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, 270 Stark St. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. W hav a larg end exclusive list to select from, better call on us before yon buy, we can aave you time and money. C. F. PFLUOER CO, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENTS. Suit 6. Mulkey Bldg, 2d and Morrison. t Established 1880. FOR VEGETABLE GARDENERS. 10 acre of well drained vegetable land In Tualatin Valley, close enough to Port land to make dally deliverlea of your produeta Low price and easy terma; electric and steam transportation. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO, - 405 Couch Bldg. S ACRES, near electrlo line, 15 miles from Portland poatofflce, near good country town, R. V. I. route, excellent soil, all cleared and ready for cultivation, fine chicken ranch, vegetables, berries, etc: price only $1250, part cash,' balance good terma Owner. 208 Corbett bldg. ACREAGE. 10 aores. 13 miles of Portland, on a good graveled road all the way to It. This can be cut up Into 6 and 10-acre tracts and easily sold- for $250 an acre; $0 acres In fine cultivation; price, $100 an acre, easy terms. A 801, Oregonlan. MUST SELL. 10 acre a near Mt, Hood auto road, near town of Sandy: house and some .clearing. All cut-over open land. Price $1300 If taken soon. MT. HOOD LAND CO, 1012 Chamber ot Commerce. WE have acreage or country homea on Oregon City, Cazadero. Salem Electrlo or near Lents; Improved and unimproved; terms on all of them: now la the time to buy. Western Improvement Co., 417 Board of Trade bldg. B0 acres. 16 miles from Portland, near electric line, school, church and store, deep rich sediment soil, nearly all cleared, R. F. D. route; price J1&0 per acre. !o (t cash, balano term. Owner 203 Corbett building. ' TEN-ACRE tracta unimproved, smooth and tillable, best soil, timber and running water; 85 miles from Portland on count road; best and cheapest on the market at $85 an acre, part caah. Palmer, 612 Couch bldg. $0 ACRES, cultivated, good house and barn and outbuildings: Implements and stock, no stone or gravel: 114 miles from rail road and boatlandlngs. Columbia River. Western Investment Co, 417 Board of Trade bldg. GARDEN TRACTS. 5 and 10-acre tracts, near electrlo car f no- land In cultivation; rich decn aoll: price only $150 an acre. Easy terms. WESTERN LAND CO, 248Vj Stark St. CHICKEN ranch, near Portland, 2 acres easily cleared, best of soil, no rock or gravel. 5 blocks from electrio station, $425 for whole tract. $50 cash. bal. $10 a month. Call 2"3 Corbett bldg. a SNAP. A nice little acreage on electrlo line, close to depot and close to Portland. Kin. ntfy Stampher. 631 Lumber Exchange ' bid. $3."0 BUYS 10 acres of choice fruit and vegetable land within two hours' travel from Portland. This Is what you want, PALMER. 512 Couch bldg. THE Bunnell tract at Oak Grove now for aale; ht to 40 acres; all In cultivation; close to csr. Prices and terms to suit, He W. E. Thresher, Mllwaukie, Or. 18 ACRES. Choice celery land, runnnlng water, near Beaverton. By Owner, B 2406. Homestead. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-paga book Elves amount of Government land open to omestesd. In ach county In th states of Oregon and Washington, and descrip tion of same: gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; tvi mapa cf Oregon la eolora 31x31. showing R. R. In operstlon. one showing all pro posed R. R. and electrlo line Including Eaatern and Central Oregon. 20a each, or th three 60c Map of Washington In ool eta. 31x38, 33c Mama. Ruaey A Co.. Hamilton bldg. 820-ACRE homesteads Central Oregon; full particulars 250 3d it, Portland. Oregon. lor jsale Fruit La nds. WHERE YOU CAN MAKE GOOD. One-half Interest In about 60 acres; 60 acrea full-bearing commercial orchard, on county road, near railroad; well watered and Improved; good buildings; everything to run the place in good shape; orchard In fine condition; price $16,000; terms. For full particulars see ZIMMERMAN. 310 Board of Trade Bldg. NEW OPENING. EUGENE AND SALEM FRUIT LANDS. ALL CLEARED. KUAMT FOR PLANT . ING, very choicest of Willamette Valley. On very easy terms. In tracts of 10 acres: also a few large farms that merit Investor looking up. Call or address GEO. S. CA3 EDY CO, lobby Commercial Club bldg. FRUIT LAND IN THE ROUGH. 250 acres for 13000. so acrea for $"oo. 40 acres for $400. These are fine values for th money. They are forced sales, all cash. See at torney, 414 Spalding bldg. FORTUNA PARK ORCHARDS IN SUNNY SOUTHERN WILLAMETTE VALLEY, "planted to milt buyera. our prices are right and terma eaay; regular excursion WEDNESDAY and SATURDAYS. For particular call 276 Stark street. TEN ACRES, all well Improved, one of the best appl locatlona Yamhill County; ad joins bt, Joseph Depot; Ideal home; Ke wanea water system: no agenta. Walter Even den, roule 2, McMinnvlli. Or. GOLDENDALE - STMCOE FRUIT LANDS. SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES, hence we do not have to talk them, using this space only to Induce prospective buyers togo and see for themselves. HOOD RIVER and WHITE SALMON Join us, and our prices are yet very low. 10-acre tracts, $75 to $150 per acre, on terma. Have large listings of large farms that are very tempting. GEO. S. CA3EDY CO, lobby Commercial Club bldg-. $0500 BUYS THIS. 1 3 acres set out In orchard on Powell Valley road and E. 87th st. Will plat at ' least 18 lota Lots will sell quick at $800 a lot A snap for somebody. W. Ormaby, 41atand Holgato. Phone SelL 6 1. For Sale Farms. CHOICE FARMS. 10 ACRES. With 5 acres cleared and under cultiva tion, some wood, all fenced and cross fenced, family orchard, house, barn 18x 24, chicken-house and outbuildings, R. F. D, fine well, good soil, horse, wagon, cow, harness, some chickens and all tools. Prlc $2600. 70 ACRES. 35 acres under cultivation, some tim ber, all level, fenced, well and living stream. 6-room house, barn 60x60, all other buildings, close to store and school. In good locality, only 15 miles from Port land. Prtc $6500; terms. 90 ACRES , With 60 acres all cleared, lies good, S3 acres first-class beaverdam, on electrlo line, only 8 miles from Vancouver, 10 mllea from heart of Portland; good buy; ABSOLUTELY THE BEST BUY IN THE COUNTRY. 20 acre of fine land, 14 acre under cultivation, good 6-room house, painted Inside and out: g&od barn, chicken-house, and other outbuildings; family orchard of assorted fruit CHERRIES. APPLES, PEARS and all sorU of berries; land all lies fine; on good road, close to school and electrlo line: some personal property. This place Is only 12 miles from Port land, 5 miles from Vancouver, In a good locality. Sickness reason for selling. If you want this place, aee us. for It Is cheap and must be sold. Prlc only. $8250; terms. 20 ACRES. . All nnder cultivation, 9 acres of One orchard ot assorted fruits In full bear ing; plenty of good wood to last for 3 years, all fenced and oross-f enced ; good 7-room house, good barn 20x30, all other buildings: good well; 1 mile to railroad, store, church, etc. This place Is on a good road. 2 mllea from electrlo line. In a very pretty valley, 13 miles from Port land. Absolutely one of the finest little farm on the market. Price $6000; terms. THOMPSON A SWAN. 206 Rothchlld Bldg, Portland, Or, beL " 4th and 6th on Washington st, 6tn and Main sts, Vancouver, Waah. DO YOU WANT LAND . that you can IRRIGATE. during the dry Simmer, so you can dou ble or treble your yields? It so. got In on the ground floor of our Willamette Volley Irrigated land in Marlon Co, 8. B, of Salem. First come first served. Apply at farm land department of HARTMAN THOMPSON, Bankers, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Portland, or at our Branch Office on the grounda at WEST STAYTON. OR. Take 4:15 P. M, 8. P. train at Union Depot (or at 4:25 P. M. from E. Morrison at.) to West Stayton via Woodburn. OREGON FARM AND FRUIT LANDS. In the Deschutes Valley. Central Oregon, are some of the most fertll lands In the state. Many thousand acres of these lands are now under Irrigation and producing large crops, other thousands ot acres are rapid ly being put under Irrigation. Your "CAREY ACT" RIGHT en titles you to 160 acres of this land free. If you will, within three yeara. Improve part of It, llv on It three months, and pay On eaay Install ments) your share of the cost of th Irrigation system. Central Oregon Ir rigation Co.. 415 Railway Ex. Bldg, Port'and. Oregon. A FARja SNAP. $95 an acre for 110 acres, Including Im provements, stock - and Implement, only 20 miles from Portland. In the best farm ing section In the Willamette Valley; 65 acrea under cultivation; rlnest of soil; 10 acres slashed, bal fine large timer (fir and cedar) ; bo acres fenced. 8-room house, new barn, family orchard, granary and other buildings; price $10,500; worth $15, 000; $4600 caah, bal. long time at 6 per cent, or may take amaller farm tn trad up to the amount of $6300, bal. In cash. For further particulars regarding the above, a well as a great many more, call on C. F. PFLUGER CO, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENTS, Suite S Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. ESTABLISHED IN 1880 . A BEAUTIFUL FARM. K1. acres. IV miles from Hlllaboro. H 1 mile from railroad atatlon and school, on first-class main county roau; lowi three sides of farm, all fenced; not one acre of waste land; lies smooth, with per fect drainage, rich, deep soil, flue spring, 40 acres cleared, some timber, new house, new .barn; thla is a perfect place and a bargain, i Price $7300. Terms. ANOTHER GOOD ONE. 49tt - acres. 1)4 miles from Hillsboro, about 85 acres cleared, best of soil, no waste, lays fine; good new house, barn, fenced; this Is a fine farm. Price fttoOO. Terma DUBOIS ft CROCKETT, Room 3. Washington Bldg. ALL OREGON: 8400 acres, atock farm, $6 per acre. 7300 acrea excellent buy, $15 per aoro, 3700 acre, near good town, $3$ per acre. 680 acres, part crop, $30 per acre. 275 acres, well stocked. $8600. 80 acres, well improved, $5000. 21 acres, well Improved, $2350. 5 acres, fine land, $3500. 63 acres, 14 miles from Portland, Una land, well stocked. $176 per acre. For these and many other splendtd buys see Zimmerman. 310 Board of Trade bld, FOR SALE A small place of 14 $-4 acres, all bottom land, 6 acres in meadow, balance pasture and easily cleared; 10 minutes walk to town, schools, etc ; no buildings, but an Ideal lo cation for a chicken or garden raiser; on county road, rail and water transportation- price $2860: $700 down, balance 6 per cent long time. Write W. E. Makin ster. Caatle Rock. Wash. THREE hundred sixty-one acres on navi, cable water, Yaqulna Bay, one hundred thirty acres tldeland, one hundred fifty benchland, some timber, orchard, school and railroad station one-half mile: a splendid stock ranch. Price $11,300, terms. Address L. C. Smith, Newport, Or. SPECIAL;-J10-acre farm. 15 acres under plow, balance pasture and fine timber; has 7-room house, barn, orchard; only mile from station; price $2500. Will make very easy terms. Will also seU the stock and farm Implements cheap if wanted. WESTERN LAND CO, 248 H Stark St. 160 ACRES, hnlf plow land; 22 acres cleared, 7 acres In apples, balance timbered; 8.00, OOo feet; good buildings; prlc $6000; $4000 down; 23 miles from Portland; two mllea from Mount Hood Electric H. Bens, East Gllsan and 80th sts. Tabor 3087. MUST sacrifice my feO-acre farm; 20 acres cleared, 7 acres slashed; 6-room house, large barn and other outbuildings; fine trout stream through place; one mile from R. R. station, near county seat and post office: timber will almost pay for place. ' Call and see owner at 847 College st SPECIAL-120-acre farm, within 20 miles of Poriland; soil rich and lays good to farm- 20 acres cleared, balance pasture and timber; only 1 4 miles from station, high school, etc Prlc $4500; will make WESTERN LAND CO, 248 H Stark Bt. PRESSING obligation compels sacrifice; 80 acre Willamette ranch J.'iOOO; houae, ham, family orchard; near transportation, school, church, storo; rural delivery; ex cellent soil: accept lot part payment Owner. 1030 Grand, north. BARGAIN $7,100 buys improved farm; $3000 cash, balance 6 per cent mortgage; 80 acres under cultlvstlon: fine bearing orch ard; also good buildings. -Inquire 103 Freemont st, near Mississippi ave.; take L car. ....... an v arov A f t.iVH 800 acres In Harney County; 1200 acres in Gilliam. If you mean business I will give you a good deaL smith, owner, 816 Hamilton bldg. Phone Main 1081. COME in and see what we have In close in acreage, dairy, fruit and wheat farms, timber lands and platting properties, also houses and lots all parte of city. 276 Stark at. FOR SALE: Shi acres best cultivated valley land: apple orchard of 80 8-year-old and 8S full-bearing trees; house and barn. Ad dress box 41. Cathlamet. Wash. CLARK COUNTY farmi. and acreage. THOS. H. BLACKSTONE. Rldgefleld. Wash. 88 ACRE3 7 MILES OUT. $13,600 will buy this splendid S6-aer farm, about one-half In high atate of cul tivation, balance beautiful grove of first growth fir, choicest of loose mellow loam soli, In fact none better In the state, not a foot of waste land on entire tract Splendid 6-room house, very fine large barn, lot of outbuildings, everything in first-class shape. Nice bearing orchard, fin living spring pure water. The owner of this farm has been living on this place for more than 20 years, cleared the land, and la considered the best farmer In hia section, and he has all the land in the best of shape. No farmer In his section ells more spuds and timothy hay than he does. Personal property good team, harness, wagon, several cows, large bunch sheep, bogs, chickens, and all Implements. Full equipment of everything. Price only $12,600; $6000 cash, balance 6 per cent Remember It Is Just 7 miles from the city limits of Portland, southeast In the best farming section adjacent to the city. HARGROVE ft RONS, 122 6th at North, cor. 6th and Gllsan. Main 438L A 7259. MOLALLA VALLEY FARM. 4$ acres, all level. 11 miles from Ore gon City and 6 miles from Canby; 25 acres cleared; good 8-room house; 2 barns; wa ter; can be platted in 5 and 10-acre tracta Price $6500; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CQ-312-313 Commercial Club bldg. Phones: Main 89. A 3653. FARMS WANTED.' WANTED To buy A-l dairy business, with stock, outside Portland; or rent A-l dairy farm, with good markets, and chance of buying; or want to work, some kind of farm for owner. 719 8th at, Oregon city. Or. FOR SALE TIMBER LAND. SAW, PLANING AND SHINGLE MILL, sit uatca on North Arm of Fraser River, six miles from center ot Vancouver. B. tj site covers 12 acres and has about 000 feet waterf rentage, and ample railway sidings: mill Is fully equipped with mod ern machinery and power, with electric light plant machine shop, dry kilns, sheds, etc; large looal demand for lumber; logs towed from anywhere; owner retiring from active business. Price $155,000 half cash, balance to suit Also several fine tracts of timber from 600.000.000 to a billion feet, at about $1. . . - SEABOARD TIMBER ft TRADING CO, Ltd. 1110 Dominion iruat . 1 inDfH c, A T A N.. Tt- U W. 160 acres.' Sec. 20. T. 13 S, R. 10 W. 160 acres. Sec. 30. T. 13 8, R. 10 W. 160 acres. Pec 26. T. 35 8, R. 4 W. Phone E. 2S2. M'GOWAN & PENNING TON, cor. East Morrison and Grand ave. SNAP. . . 160 acres yellow and sugar pine In to. 88 south, range. 2, east W. M. ; cruising 6.000.000 feet; for sale at a bargain by ownen 410 nemy mu. 8 H N. E. N. V, B. E. Sec. 20. T. 1 N . R. 9 E, Hood Co.; 2.600.000 ft ; lots 1. 2 8 Sec 4. T. 8 S, R. 6 W, Yamhill Co, 2,000,000 ft; $1 M. AG 835. Oregonlan. LARGE or small eucalyptus hardwood tim ber tracts for sale: easy term s. ueo. Clark, 825 Railway cpauBn om&. 70,000 ACRES. Jackson County, will cruise SO.000 per acre; price $1 per thousand. J. S Allison, 428 Lumber Exchange. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED ACREAGE. One of our clients wants about R acres hU-hly Improved.. Modern 5 or o-roorn buigalow. Not far out and - on good county road. Will pay up to $1000 per acre. Part terms. We also have customers for small farms near Portland or In Clark County, Wash ington. Prices must be right and some terma Owners only need answer this. NEHALBM BAY LAND CO, 274 Oak Street 1 WANT an apartment-house, apartment site, or business property; have good city acreage, value $63,000. Irrigated apple orchard, value $52,000 and auburban lots to value of $16,000 to exchange for same. Dr. G. E. Watts, Ore gonlan Diag. I WANT to buy from owner a 6 or 6-room bungalow close to good carllne and not too far out: price must be right and on terms. AM 837, Oregonlan. WANTED immediately: to buy 1 to 6 acres, not less than 7-room house, not over SO minutes' rldo from city; must be easy terma phone Mam tyoii. WANT 40 acres mostly cleared fruit land, 8 or 4 miles from railroad, on easy terms. No attention given without full particu lars. AD 838. Oregonlan. WANTED To purchase 6 or 7-room house with large tot: will give $2600 equity in good cottage Weat . Side and $1600. Phone A 1310. WE HAVE customers for e.Ye5a.1 . "P-SSi? houses In Irvington at from $a000 to 805OO, on good terma McAllister ft Lueddemann. 722 Electric bldg. Phone Marshall 2..H1. WANTED From owner. Upper Alblna lot 60x100, for about $1100 cash; full descrip tion. X olo. ureBuuiMu. I WANT a lot In Kenton or vicinity; small payments. Jiarsnan quo. I WANT the best house $8000 cash will buy; iut t& modern and large. Main 1940. WANTED 214 to 10 acres, within 10c fare. X. Y. Z Hotel Irving. TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE, or will trade for city property, my 240-acre ranch; 35 acres 2-year-old Cornice and d'AnJou pears; 86 acres 2-year-old Spitz and Yellow Newtowns; Rogue River, close to Medford, on oounty road one mile from railroad station; house, barn, well, springs, large creek running through place; improved and up to data. 721 Board of Trade bldg, Port land ' WHEAT FARM. 00 acres of fine wheat land, all under cultivation, located In the Big Bend dis trict; will bear close Investigation; will take $12,000 in good city property and balance very easy terma Phone East 2684. ; ; 46 ACRES, 17 mllea from Portland, in famous Tualatin Valley; very good 8-room house, splendid barn and other outbuild ing. $10,000: will take Portland prop erty up to $3000. balance 9 years at 6 per cent Kauffmann ft. Moore, 325 Lum ber hicnansa. 8S00 HALF section wheat land Eastern Washington; fine volcanic ash soil, prac tically all tillable, good well, all fenced, small house; trade Mr restaurant, hotel or rooming-house. Minnie Wagner. Ro salia, Wash. . B-ROOM house. 100x100; exchange for acre age within 40 miles Portland; 14 lots Llnn tou for Portland realty; 350 acres Eastern Oregon farm In cultivation for Portland houio and lot. Main 1022. 024 Chamber of Commerce. $50 PER acre; 1C0 acres of. good fruit dairy and poultry ranch, 43 acres In cul tivation. 7-room house, large tarn, run ning water. In Polk County. W ill take $3000 worth of Portland property. Gelser Strachan. 22114 Morrison st FOR EXCHANGE 1 almost new Columbus electric to exchange for good close-in real estate; will pay difference; car can be seen at the Oregon Electric Vehicle Co., 16th andAlder. orcallup East 226. EXCHANGE Stock worth $7500 In a Coos Bay corporation owning valuable wai.r front and acreage. Including townsite; will exchange at bargain for Portland resl- dence property. S8300egonlan. iTXcRES. 1 mile from O. W. P. electrlo line, near Lents. $400 per acre, to ex change for Portland property. Kauffmann ft Moore, 825 Lumber Exchange. " -EASTMT. TABOR'LOTS. Good equity to trade for anything of HALL ft GUSTIN, 611 Lumbermens Bldg. WILL take Irvington lot In trade on two well-located flats West Side: monthly In come $0O Per month. Goldschmldt's Agency, 253 hi Washington, cor. Third, FOR quick exchange, list your property with the Western Securities Co, J. Ireland, manager exchange dept 414 Spalding bldg. tSOO EQUITY In small 6-room cottage In Woodlawn to exchange for lot or acreage. Value $1000. , KRABILL. Phone Marshall 2064. WE HAVE OVER 1050 TRADES. We can match youra up no matter what you are looking for. Try us. H. A. CHANDLER, 610 Lumbermens Bldg. WILL sell or trade motorcycle for property, good as new. cost $200. AM 832. Orego nlan. WE exchange your property for what you desire Portiand Exchange. 617 Board of 1 rsue PIQg. Pee ' wilt, trade 20 acres near Houston. Texas. - . . 1 . ..nil value. ATT S.'i lor HliyLlt si - -t - - ' v -""'"" 20 ACRES In Hood River Valley for sale or . . . . II 0Anlan traae; mr-ii. w..., $1250 EQUITY, flve-acre apple orchard, for f ortianu properly. -- ouu, w is su--u. $700 RESTAURANT for sal or trade. 1S1 E. 7th st Phone B 2037. 85-ROOM APARTMENT - HOUSE. NO CASH REQUIRED IF YOU HAVE A HOUSE AND LOT TO THE VALUE OF $4000. WE CAN DELIVER THIS FINE APARTMENT-HOUSE. CALL AT ONCE FOR FULL PARTICULARS. YOUR PROPERTY MUST BE MARKET VALUE. WOULD CONSIDER GOOD LOT8 OR CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. R. H. GOODKTND CO, B02-504 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. .-ROOM house, ten acres. Villa ave, 29 rods from Mount Hood car; price right. B. H. Bowman, Wheeldon Apartment. FOR BALIa liorwes. Vehicle and Haiuaaa, HARRY KUEHNE, Tlgard Livery barn, haa for sale two black mares .about 1030 each, 6 years old, broken to drive and ride, $200: team big drafts, 4 and 5 years old, weight about 1400 lbs. each, well broke, guaran teed, $400; pair bay chunks, 4 years old, weight 1200 each, well broke, $300; team, oolts. 2 years old, about 1000 each; farm raised, a bargain; one good pony, broke to drive and rid, 5 years old, $30. Tlgard, 10 mllea from Portland, O. E. R. R. PORTLAND STABLES. 26 N. 15TH 8T. 23 horses, from 1000 pounds to 1500 pounds, prices from $03 to $250 per horse; several well-matched teams of horses and mares, all sold with a written guarante to be as represented or your money re funded; farm and delivery wagons, bug gies, and all kinds of harness also for sale; bank and business references furnished. R. L. EVANS. FOR SALE Two horses, weight nearly 1000 pounds each, and good travelers; light hack with harness, all new. In cluded, or sold separately. If taken no will be offered at a bargain. Address A, P. Langenberg, Clackamas. Or, or In- quire at room 200 Oregonlan bldg. 80 HEAD of-good farm chunks, 4 to 8 year old, weighing from 110O to 1400 pounds; all well broke, few mares in foal, several well-matched teams; call and get your choice; every horse sold with guarantee. Todd's horse market. 334 Front st. 20 HEAD Eastern Oregon horses and mares. Just off R. R. work, weight 1000 to 1500 lbs.; some very good farm mares; prices reasonable; trial given. Inquire Travi Bros." woodyard, E. 8th and Hawthorn ave. GOOD horse, little thin from hard work, strong, lively, gentle, weighs 1100 lbs, 8 years old, harness, buggy and plow cheap. Take Sellwood car, get off Insley avenue, walk down last house, 781. . JUST arrived, a carload of first-class horse and mares, weight from 1200 to 1000 lbs, from 4 to 6 years old; everything sold with a guarantee as represented. U. S, Stables. 248 Front $200 BUYS a team of mares, weight 2500 new harness and wagon; $40 takes cholco of 3 mares of 1000 pounds each; SS5 buy mare, buggy-and harness. East 12th and Madison; house In Park. $175 BUIS pair of brown mares, weight 2300 pounds, sound and all right; one In foal. Nice blackish small mare in foal, St!. 334 Front st. I HAVE sold my farm and want to sell Rood team ot mares, weight 2750 lbs, ages 7 and 8 years; a very good farm team. In--qulre at restaurant, 451 E. flth st. EAST SIDE Exchange Stable. 270 East 7th, near Hawthorne ave.; 25 head East Oregjn mares and horses, weight 2400 and up; price $125 to $250. 30 HORSES FOR SALE. Weight 3100 to 1700 lbs. Call and see ns. Treau, Tucker ft Minor, Nobby Stables. 12th and Flanders sts. BIG bargain; team mares 2500 lbs, true pullers, harness. ana wuuxuiu .i ,ui e 1 242 Grand ave. ALL kinds of farm and delivery chunks at Todd's horse market; right from the coun try; come and get your choice 334 Front. WANTED To buy one or two young mate weighing between 1200 and 1400; must b sound and true. Phone East 4S04. C 1477. TEAMS wanted for sub-contract work. Car-i ter BrOB.. 223 Failing bldg. Automobiles. STANLEY Steamer. 5-passenger tourfhg car, 20 h. p., steam equal to 73-h. p. gasolln car; top, speedometer, clock, bumper, searchlights, oil light; car good as new; guaranteed in every respect; I am golne; back to Minneapolis: will take $1000 rather than ship car back; car cost ma $2100. Phone owner, Main 7162. Car at Studebaker garage. Chapman and Alder sis. No trade. M. Pagel. IF you want to buy, aell or trade an auto ne Vance, the broker. I hav many ex tra good buys. Phone Mala 8348. 833) Third st 1910 MAXWELL, Kenmore, Jackson and Brush runabouts; complete equipment; good running condition; cheap for cash. G 836. Oregonlan. , AUTOMOBILES For sale, 6-passenger Ford, 1910, almost new and a real bargain: . price $650. Cartercar Sale Co., 7th and Oak. AUTOMOBILES bought and sold. Call or write for bargain list. Cuatom-Hous Aula Co.. 331 Everett st. Main 1649. AT ONCE 4-passenger car; if you have a) bargain, answer. AN 837. Oregonlan. Birds, Dogs and Pet Block. AT Stad Collie Champion Wellesbourne Con . quest, winner of 41 firsts, 7 seconds and 5 speclals at the leading Eastern shows. In cluding New York, Boston. Philadelphia, etc. Further .Information address W. I'. Palmer, 417 Board of Trade bldg. Main 1)00. A 7352. YOUR esse and poultry you can have: money made besides, on your back lot By our system, ground space 30x30, am ple for 100 laying hens or a dozen on 10x10. Write Crosbys Profitable System, Dundee. Or. , WE sell thoroughbred poultry and fgif f all breeds. See them at our store. more at the farm. Choice cockerels, trio or pens, very reasonable. Try our high quality chick food. Routledge Seed ft F Io ral Co.. 169 2d st . FOR SALE Imported and American-bred canary birds, foods, cages, nests and sup plies of all kinds. Goldfish and aqua riums. Routledge Seed ft Floral Co, 169 Second st. FIFTEEN chickens, also canary singer bird. Including brass cage, cheap, If taken at once. 752 Kelly st. Miscellaneous. HOUSEBOAT, Beautiful 4-room boat: toilet; pantry: Floating shed; white enamel woodwork; Built-in desk and china closets, etc; Iiouble floors and walls; Price $3 00; partly furnished: located at present 900 feet north of Sellwood ferry on the west side of the river (a white boat) ; Fulton car. Owner, 610 Lumber- OCit mens ping. o.w-. FOR SALE All shelving, counters and tables in building occupied by Morgan s Deportment Store: also new L. C. smith, typewriter and Burroughs adding machine. Apply at Morgan's Department Store, cor. Grand ave. and12stStar 50.000 FEET to 4 Incn pipe, black and galvanized, new and second hand, to be sold at once; prices way under cost Port-i land Wrecking Company, 103-107 11th st, North. ftione aiu 01. sioo- FOR SALE Reasonable, marquis for moving-picture theater. completely wired, ready to put up. Inquire 513 Rothchlld bldg. . $2750 COMPLETE shingle and sawmill with 1 500,000 timber; 16 miles Portland; pressing obligation compels sacrifice. 1030 Grand, north. ONE refrigerator. 3 compartments, suitable for hotel or restaurant, good as new; cost $220: half price. Can be seen at Elgin Dairy. 1st and Wash, public market ASBESTOS magnesia plant complete, will sell cheap, or will trade for real estnto. This Is chance for someone. Room 10 Washington bldg. GLDJewelry exchanged for watchea and diamonds; unredeemed pledges for halt original prices. Uncle Myers. 71 6th st, between Oak and Pine. PAIR steamboat engines, 10-lnch cylinder, 3-foot stroke; 1 Doctor pump. 1 -incli . Un charge, for hot and cold water. Inquire Star Sand Co, 210 Board of Trade bldg. RENT a typewriter from the Oliver Type writer Agency. 333 Ankeny st. Phone Main 6278. A 2435. FOR SALE Showcases, wallcaaes, counters. General fixtures in stock and made to order at lowest prices. 229 Grand ave. S 25-FOOT 10-horsepower glass cabin launch, fully equipped, including electric lights. E. H. MIA, 607 apaiaing omit. 6-FOOT extension dining table, library ta- Die ana genier lauic, buhu wan, a."-" ditlon. Call 874 Kerby. FACTORY rebuilt typewriters. 310 to s NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO, 90 Fifth st M. 5528. A 1476. FOR SALE cheap, 12 feet office counter. nearly new. 807 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE Good second-hand 15-30 Singer sewing machine. 27314 thst. A 4603. 20 h.-P boiler complete and 1600 feet pipe, very cheap. Room 10 Washington bldg. ROOMS papered or tinted, including ma- terlal. $2.50 up. K 808.OTegonian. SAFE, roll top desk, typewriter and desk; bargain. Room 10. Washington bldg. DIAMOND horseshoe scarf pin for sale) cheap. V 837. Oregonlan. ' 8 COWS. 2 of them fresh. Joe Smith. Nasho villa station. Mt ecott car. ELK HEAD Fine mounted head x r aala Call at 80S Spalding oiog.