TITE MORNING OREGOXIAN. WED X ESP A Y, MARCH 8,1911." ,. K CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OKFC.OXIAX MUFHOSn. Prtnttrc-roon ......Main JJ CltT rlrctilatlnn ....Mam Maniflif editor Vaia ToTS Ounl Editor Stain TT Compotlni-rooa ..... aln "TO fcupc buildiss Main 10. A A "" A " A "''- A SVJS, A OV AilCSEMENT. HETl.fi TREATEK srnth an TTlr nn.- ilaline. at 2.1S and fnlsbl Hi. BAKER THEATER KI..nh and MoT i..n . Th RBkr fctock company la Th Woif. Matinee at 3:1 and to- Btcht at 8:1Sl Ttrvr.ii r w th r i !R f Tvttft see Wor- tiunk ii.nr ntvithHflM ri Fit Pain tr In -Brown'i In Town. ' Tonign: at 8:1. OPPHEl'M THEATER Morrison. Btwa Sisth and Sr.nih vauaaviuc ad.raooa at J 11 and tonight at 1:11. r.D i vn t-w r m iark and Washing. ton) Vaudavlllo. Thla aXtaraooa at J. la. tonight at l it amd B. Pivrir.M thf: tfb Fourth and 5fark V.uJ.vl ; Thla aftarnooa at i ll: to- Blcht at I 0 and . X.TRIC THEATER Baanta and AMr i 1 ... ..in Alabaxts. ..v V fill' u f V l-II..IIJ " "- ' Thu aXl.rnoun at 2 id and ton.snt at J J" and a. ETm inrnr nw rrx ODEO.V. Tl Vor'.I a'Lrai rua bletnraa. 11 A. M. 11 KM District Bbccres Schooi. Gunnii- The district has bourht from Suenn A. TLumj. Elxa J. Enl;ah. C. Carter and John nrandt their DfODerty In DlocK i, Sellwood. In which tbe He 11 wood school I situated. Susan A. Tim mi received xxtn for her lot. which front on imi tiila avenue, adjoining the present school around. It Is occupied by a small cot tase. Mr. Cartrr received 12M0 for two lots at the back of the block fronting on Douglas street. John Brandt received timo for his lot adjoining- the acnooi house. Ths property acquired cost OTisX The ground was needed because the pres ent build. ng covers the school ground and houses had built close In. The dle tr.ct g-ts some Improvements) with the lots. The district also bought three lots .n Lombard and Herford streets, Ports mouth V:l!a. for fcouo from Francis 1. McKenna for school purposes. Olsok DrrxRS Ssxrzxat. Over the nw.M of State Food and Dairy Cora miasior.er Bailer, sentence was continued Indefinitely by Juetlce Olson yesterday In the case of J. Wright, a grocer, ac cused of selling; adulterated lard. The Commissioner contended that the law re quired that the defendant upon conviction must be sentenced, but the court held that It was empowered to set Its own time for the sentencing. Wright entered a plea of guilty to the charge, but showed that he had purchaser the adulterated article Innocently, and that It was Im paired only In value by the adulteration. which was the addition of beef tallow. Koctct Butts Offered tor Zoo. Mon tavilla oi?ers "Lookout Mountain.- for merly called Rocky Butte, loc&ted north of Montavllla, as the site for the city soolog'.cal gardens ami for the animals now kept In the City Park. The matter was up for consideration at a wen at tended meeting Monday night In the hall. comer East Eeventy-slxtb street and Villa avenue, and a committee was ap pointed to present the matter to the city officials. Lookout Mountain let an eleva tion of more than 100 acres, sloping: on the west side, but almost perpendicular on the east aide. Graxgr Cocxtt Ootttenttow to Vict. The Orange county convention for elec tion of representatives to the State Orange and Pomona Orange will meet Wednesday. March 15. In the hall of Kvenlsg Star Grange on the Section Una road. Pomona Grange waa scheduled to meet with Russeuville Grange, on the Bva Line road, but as Russellvllle Grange has no adequate bail Evening Mar tendered the use of Its halL selec tion of delegates to ths State Grange k attended wttb considerable rivalry, Eilxrs Pluso Horsa Restrajxxo. A temporary order ree training Eilers Piano Mouse from selling the patented Instru ments of the Aeolian Company at less than contract price was Issued by Federal Judge Bean yesterday, and the local r!aco house ordered to show cause at 10 A. M.. March 17. why the order should not be made permanent. The plaintiff filed a bond for tW. The local piano house Is alleged to be violating a con tnart which It made with the patentee. Ctvtt, Servicb Tests April 13. The United States Civil Service Commission announces that a stenogTaphetand type writer examination will be held at Port land. Or- on April IS. 1911. for all branches of the field service snd also for the ap portioned service Washington, D. C- Per rons who desire to compete should at once apply to the secretary of the 11th Civil Service district. Seattle. Wash., fOr application and full Information. Oreoo Dixokt Clcw Grrgs Daxcs To niokt. Members of the Oregon Dinghy Club sre giving a dance and card party at the clubhouse of the Oregon Yacht .Club on the Willamette River at the Oaks tonight. The clubhouse Is beauti fully decorated and In readinesl for on enjoyable time. All those Interested In water snorts are cordially Invited to at tend. Tals Is the second of a series to be held. H'Tovdk to Rex for CbrxcTL. EL & Hoover, living at 810 East Tenth street, has filed with City Auditor Barbur his declaration of Intention to run as Coun cilman In the Seventh Ward on the Re publican ticket. Hla Is the fifth declara t.on from this ward. He favors progres sive legislation In general and promises to devote the necearary time to the duties of the office. If nominated and elected. Brizks Discussion Postpoxro. General Manager O'Brien, of the Harriman lines, was unable to be present at the meeting of the City council street committee yes terday afternoon and the meeting was therefore adjourned until a later data. The subject to be discussed In this com mittee la an exchange of property rights deat:ng with the Broadway and Steel brnige. For Saj Fraxcisc Los ajcorxxs axd Sax Dir.io. thr Turoioh Link. Ws pride oursr'vej on our excellent serv lcw. Our me.'s Include oil the delicacies of the season; our prices ths lowest. Include berths and meals: ws sail on Wednesdays. p. M in Third street. North Pacific Steamship Company. Mr. Clara H. Waldo Wnj. Speak. "Moral Health of Children" will be ths subject of on address this afternoon at 3 o'clock. In the irvlngton school by Mrs. lara H. Waldo, under the auspices of tt Mothers- and Teachers' Club. All mothers snd others Interested ax In vited to bear this address. Woas'8 Curs to Meet. Dramatic expression department, of ths Portland Woman Club, will meet. Thursday morning. March . at the Women of Woodcraft Hall. The lesson will be a continuation of the study of pitch and rehearsal on scrnesi and readings for recital. Charles Mcxhs Dies ix Bocth. Charles Muehe. a former reeJdent of Port land, died February 2-4. at Loa Angeles, aged 71. and was burled at Ontario, Cal Ths deceased was the father of J. c! Muehe. paying teller of the First Na tional Bonk, of this city who was with him whea he died. Baroau) If Tax ex aT Cum Two Horjca. weight nearly one thousand each, good travelers; aieo. light back, with harness, .all new. will sell sepa rately. Inquire room SCO Oregoniaa bldg. Brsuc Stcot Class to Meet. Ths B'ble study class of the Council of Jew lob Wo men, will meet In the vestry room of Temple Beth Israel today at P. M. Dr. W. Arxold Lixdsxt. osteopathic specialist, rheumatism, stomach, nervous diseases, ion Selling hldg. Marshall 7 is. Exjot a swim In the h'.g tank, open dally. 17 Fourth; steam tubs and showers; hours for ladies. Powkrs A Estcs, drugs. Oregoniaa bldg.; open ail nigbC Mala XO. 4U. Da. M. G. McCorxlb has moved to SC4. SOT Selling bldg. Kbttox to Have Frsterxai. Hall. Kenton is to have a fraternal hall on Derby street near the bank building. C. W. Meyer has bought a lot at this place and is now having plans drawn for a two-story concrete and brick building. The side and back walls will be of con crete blocks snd the front of pressed brick. A fraternal hall will occupy the second floor of the building. The lot Is Hx feet and the hall will be 44x63 feet and will be fitted up specially for the use of fraternal orders, of which there are half a doxen in Kenton. Work on the foundation will be begun as soon ss the plans have been completed. Bitter Is-Cheaper and strictly-fresh Oregon eggs, right from the ranches, cost you only 3c per doxen, at any of Frank L. SmttlTs 23 markets. Smith's A No. 1 guaranteed fresh Oregon creamery butter Is down to 70c and "Smith's Meadows." a real good butter. Is only Joe for a full two-pound square. Small, fancy sugar-cured hams for which other folks ask 17c. Smith sells for only 16c; very light, fancy breakfae bacon is 22c; medium lean bacon la 20c, and heavy bacon Is lkc; lard Is cheaper too. Smith's open kettie-rendered, absolutely pure lard sells for 40c In three-pound pails: a five-pound pall Is 63c, and a ten-pound pall ia tl-35: round steak and sirloin steak from Oregon prime steers are only 15c; tenderloin exeak. something really choice Is ISc and 30c: choice pot roast are 1-Hc; beef for boiling Is 10c and 11c; shoulder roast pork is 15c and KVc: shoulder' pork chops sre ISc and loin pork chops are 30c; shoulders of lamb are The above prices prevail In every one of Frank L. Smith's 22 markets they are the prlrea for you. Kkxtom Hopes for Pavdcov The com mittee from Kenton hopes that the pro posed paving of 15 streets in that suburb can be started this year. Westrumlte asnhalt uavements have been asked for. The chairman of the committee reported at the meeting of the Kenton -usn iuo Mnndir nlxht that the City Engineer did not favor the new pavement, but that his opposition might be overcome. It was announced that the plan was to Improve the streets of Kenton so that tbey would connect with Lombard street on the soutn and the Columbia boulevard. One or more of the Kenton streets win be ex tended to these thoroughfares). Miss Mart Caples 111. Saddened by the thought of separating? from the scenes of 17 years of devotion to her work in the Portland Hotel. Miss Mary Caples. housekeeper, lies dangerously 111 In a private sanitarium at XS1 North Twenty-third street. Some ten days ago she resigned her position with the Port land Hotel people to take a similar one with the Bowerei Hotel. Servants about the Portland noticed the day before she left that the housekeeper was weeping In the hall wave as ths result of her coming departure. She was taken sick the next day. It Is stated that her recovery Is doubtful. Board or Health to Meet. When the members of the State Board of Health meet tomorrow afternoon In the office of Secretary White, one of the chief features for discussion will be the widen ing of the scope of work of the Board. It Is said to be the Intention of the mem bers to enter upon a more aggressive and far-reaching programme In future than has been followed. The members of the Board are: Dr. Andrew C. Smith, of Portland, president; Dr. C, J. Smith, of Pendleton; Dr. Alfred Kinney, of Astoria; Dr. E. B. Picket, of Medford; Dr. W. B. Morse, of Salem; Dr. E. A. Pierce, of Portland. Mrs. Johaxxah Halt's Fcjterai. Held. The funeral of Mrs. Johannah Holt, who died Sunday night at her boms. 1111 East Twenty-first street North, wis con ducted yesterday afternoon from the Swedish Lutheran Church Stanton street and Rodney avenue. Mrs. Holt was 64 years old and bad been a promi nent worker of the Swedish Church. Her husband. G. A. Holt, Is helpless from sickness, snd was) not able to at tend the funeral. Mi. Holt died sud denly, while sitting at. dinner Sunday. She Is survived by her husband and sev eral children H. W. &TOXS Lacwches Caatpaiox. H. W. Stone, general secretary of the Port land Toung Men's Christian Aeeocia tion. returned yesterday from Walla Walla, where be spoke Monday night at R big T. M. C A. banquet The baaquet waa heM to open a ten-day campaign during which It Is hoped to wipe out a 46.000 debt that the Association there faces. Ev B. MacNaughton waa another Portland speaker at the banquet. Before they returned to Portland. HO.ftA) had been pledged although no formal solicit ing for funds had been done. Poker Platers Fixed. Eight poker players who were captured In the Arcade rooming-house on First street oy ser geant .Harms and Patrolman Hlrsch, were arraigned In Municipal court yes terday morning. James Hogan. the con ductor of the game was fined IV). Fines of IIS were osuessed against David Kn- nedy. Charles Varnum. Frank Robson, John Schults. John Peterson, Ed D. Davis and Henry Sherer. Bot Sues for Ixjuries. Suit against the Portland Railway. Light & Power Company for (X0 for damages sustained by Robert Bullock, a minor, was brought yesterday by William Bullock, the boys guardian. The alleged injuries were re ceived at ths time of the collision be tween a streetcar and a Southern Pa- cirtc freight train on Hawthorne avenue on February 11. Moxtatclla Librart to Have Bexeftt. An entertainment will be given tonight In G mble's hall. Base Line rood and East Eightieth street, for benefit of the Montavllla library. W. L. Brewster, will represent the City Association and will deliver a short addresa. A literary and musical programme will be given. The school chorus of 100 voices will sing. Leoturb ox ScvLPTcna to Bb Re peated. By request. Miss Kate Cameron Simmons will repeat her lecture on sculpture, given last week before the Portland art class, next Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock, at the Museum of Art. Fifth and Taylor streets. Admission will be free and all who ore interested are cordially Invited to be present. Frv PocxDg or Smelt for Mc. The cheapest food ever! Frank L Smith has cut the price of Columbia River smelt to smithereens. Today at Smith's big market two entrances 5 Alder and 145 First street you can buy nve pounds of smelt for a dims. Ba sure you get in ths right place- J. EX Shears Extrhs Race. J. Et St-.ears,' for mora than six years A resi dent of the Mount Seott district, having been requested by a large number of the qualified voters, most of whom are men engaged In business, to become a can didate for Councilman from the Second Ward, has consented to enter the race. Tertpbraxcb Woxex to Meet Todat. The Sunnyaids Christian Temperance Union will meet with Mrs. Case, 1111 Belmont etreet. this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. Hlmes. Oounty Superinten dent of literature, will present her de partment. WorkmaX awarded 3300 for FIxoer. Walter Bcllah, who lost a finger In the box factory of the Willamette ' Box & Lumber Company, was awarded tsco dam ages by a Jury In Judge Morrow's court yesterday. Dr. LeRot Surra, osteopathic physician. graduate Klrksvtlle. Mo.. IjOs; post gradu ate. 1M7; removed to 1123 Selling bldg. Swiss Watcm RSFAiSuxo. C Caristsa en. Id floor corbett bldg. Take elevator. Dr. Paxdpord Whitixo has moved, to the Selling bldg.. rooms till. 1214, 1215. Dr. Edward Htrstex. moved to 10DS-C Selling bldg. A 244X Thb Quells famous crawfish now In season. Dr. H. M. Pattox moved to Marquam bldg. rooms SuO-ioCi. Phone Marshall !&. WHERE TO DINE. AO ths delicacies of the season at the Portland ReetauranL Fine private apart in ante for tadiea Su6 Was.x. near eta al HEADS ONLY NAMED "Roosevelt Committee" Cho sen to Represent All Clubs. OFFICERS ARE SELECTED President Beckwlth, of Commercial Club, Pots Entertainment or ex President Into Hands of Seven to Prepare Programme. The "Roosevelt committee" that will have charge of the arrangements for the entertainment of Theodore Roosevelt and party during their stay In Portland April 5 from 3 o'clock to midnight, was formally announced yesterday by Harvey Beckwlth, president of the Portland Com mercial Club, to which organization has been assigned the duty of looking after the local end of the visit. The committee Is composed of the offl ciols of various clubs, the object being to select only those who hold the higher official positions so that the entire mem bershlo of the clubs be represented upon the committee selected. The membership. of the committee la as follows: Portland Commrclal Club The board of governors consisting of: H. Beckwlth, K B. Piper, George Lawrence, Jr., W. J. Hofmann. Colonel James jacuson, u. F. Johnson, Roger B. SInnott, T. B. Wfl- cox. C. C. Colt. J. R. Rogers, George M. McDowell. F. H. Ransom, John Annand, T. N. Stoppenbach, F. L Fuller, F. 3. West Leading Clubs Represented. Portland Chamber of Commerce H. M. Haller, R. L. GUsan, Charles F. Beebe. Arlington Club Edward Cooking-nam. W. D. Wheelwright. Press Club SL 3. Vincent. Unlverrtty Club F. H. Strong. Concordia Club F. H. Rothchlld. Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club W. A. Holt. Spanish-American War Veterans A. J. Bal'abury. Churches Most Rev. Alexander Christie, RL Rev. Charles Scaddlng. Kt. Rev. Charles W. Smith. Press H. L Plttock, J. F. Carroll, C 8. Jackson, Hugh Hume. Past Presidents of Commercial Club w: L. Boise, H. M. Cake. F. W. Lead better, C. W. Hodson. J. R. Wetherbee. Postmaster Charles B. Merrick, Brigadier-General Marlon B. Maus, U. S. A., Vancouver Barracks; Brigadier-General Q. K. McGunnegle, Vancouver Barracks; Adjutant-General W. E. Flnxer, Oregon National Guard; Governor Oswald West, Ben Selling. President of . the Oregon Senate; Jerry Rusk, Speaker of the Ore gon House of Representatives; Joseph Simon. Mayor of Portland. Executive Committee Named. Upon a motion of the board of gov ernors of the Commercial Club President Beckwlth was Instructed to appoint from out of the committee an executive board to look after such details as ths com mittee might desire to have executed. The committee appointed for this pur pose is as follows: H Beckwlth, chairman; C. B. Merrick, secretary; H. M. Haller, S. B. Vincent. W. J. Hofmann, Charles F. Beebe and William D. Wheelwright. In the course of a few days the com mittee will meet and prepare a tenta tive programme which will be submitted to Mr. Roosevelt for his approval. It la virtually assured that be will spend a portion of hla time with the members of the Portland Press Club In their new rooms and with the Spanish-American War Veterans, of which he la a member. According to the latest information Mr. Roosevelt la to be accompanied by Mrs. Roosevelt, his daughter Ethel, and her friend. Miss Cornelia Landon, and Frank Harper, the Colonels secretary. The party will travel some of the time in the Pullman coaches of the regular trains and at other times in private cans. Mr. Roosevelt la to speak In San Francisco before ths Commonwealth Club on March ST. BONCI'S FIRST SUCCESS Tbo Famous Italian Tenor Was Ui Successor of Capponl at the Church in Loreta. The first great success of any famous personage la always Interest ing, and Bond's was made at the cele brated old church or Santa uasa at Loreta when he succeeded Cappdni, for whom Verdi's great Requiem Mass was written. Although there were 40 applicants for the position and 15 car dinals of the Church oi tiom on tne examining board. Bond was unani mously elected, and after singing for the 40 disappointed candidates, they Joined in the tumultuous applause which greeted the young- artist. Port land will have the opportunity of hearing this wonderful artist on next Wednesday evening, March 15. when he comes to the lleillg theater under ths direction o Lois Steers-Wynn Coman. The sals of seats opens Mon day morning-. Mr. Stevens to Discuss Canal. ' Trade possibilities that will result from the construction of the Panama Canal will be discussed by John F. Stevens, president of the Oregon Trunk Railway at a meeting of the Oregon Society of Engineers to be held In the convention ball of ths Commer cial Club tomorrow night. It waa through the efforts of Mr. Stevens, when chief engineer of ths Panama Canal, that the present hlEh efficiency 8YN-OPSIS OF THB ANNTJAI STATE MENT OF Ihe Equitable Lite Assurance Scclety otlha D.S. Of New York, in the frtate of New York, on the Silt day of December. 1810. made to the Insurance Commissioner of the ttte oi Oregon, pursuant to law: Amount of capital jaid up.. 100.000.00 Income. P7h.'r . . 83.lo0.164.02 Intersil, dividends, and rents received during the year. . 21.839.S01.80 Income from other sources a received during the year.. 1.290.0ZT.81 Total Inborn.. 76.289.493. IS Disbursements. Paid for losses, endowments. annutles and surrender values I 42.544.513.04 Dividends paid to policy holders during the year.. 10.5i5,15.s- Dlvldends paid on capital stock during the year 7,000.00 Commissions and salaries ..-.,. paid during the year .212.6e0.1S Taxes, licenses and fees paid , during the year 1.1O0.02L14 Amount of all other expend ltures 5. 067.547.19 Total expenditures 65.606.928.47 Assets. Market value of raal estate ' owned 28.979,200.66 Market value of stocks and bonds owned 271.445.876.47 Loans on mortgages and col- literal, etc 99.474.873 86 Premium notes and poltcy -A loans ' 65.2305S1.62 Cash In banks and on haad. 9.903.523.09 Net uncollected and deferred premiums B.014.1O5.5T Otter assets (net) 5.124.83.S Total assets admitted In . Oregon 485.192.937.33 Liabilities. Net reserve 400.001.107.00 Total policy clalma 2.825.980.85 All other liabilities 6.611.512.31 Annual dividend policies pay- able to policyholders 2.450.OO0.O0 Deferred dividends 67.044.806.iK) Total liabilities 474.932.900.66 Total Insurance In force Ie- cember 81. 1910 S1.S47.158.692.00 Bualneae In Oregon for the Year. Total risks written during the year f 868.500.00 Gross premiums received during . the year collect ed in state $158,464.89 Ditto outside state 41.017.00 2C0.8St.J9 Losses paid during the year. 59,819.43 Losses Incurred during the yaar 59.819.43 Total smount of risks out standing In Oregon Decem ber 81. 1910 1. 4.903.258.00 THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SO CIETY OF THE V. 8.. By W. A. DAY, Vlce-PresHent. statutory resident reneral agent and at torney for servlce Jess O. Bennett. Port land. Or. David C. Herrln. agency manager, 306-7-8 Oregonlan building. Portland, Or. Jesse Q. Bennett. Airency cashier. of Its organization was perfected. It will be a regular meeting; of the so ciety. COLWELL FILES HIS BOND United States Marshal Will Retain Present Deputies. United States Marshal Coiwell took the oath of office yesterday afternoon, and filed a bond of 30,000 to Insure his faithful performance of the duties of his office. The bond was approved by Fed eral Judge Bean. The original Is kept on file in the Federal building here and a copy is forwarded to Washington, D. C. Mr. Coiwell said he would retain his present staff of deputies. "I liave the best force of deputies In the United States," he said, "so there la no reason for a change." YE OREGON GRILLE. Messrs. Davis & Glyn. comedian sing ers, are still entertaining the patrons of Te Oresron Grille with their clever lmpersonat'ons. A crowded house greets them every evening: at dinner ana aner theater. All this week. CARD OF THAXKS. Thanks to the friends of William Haskell Jobes. We. the mother and brother of the late William Haskell Jobes. deelre to express to our many friends who have comforted us by their words and tokens of loving friendship for our dear one, our deep gratitude and thanks; and to the brother Masons who participated in the last sad rites for their departed brother we offer our grateful thanks. JSSTHKK ALLKS JUBM. ALLKN R. JOBK3. Rock Spring- CeaU The beet house coal. Liberty Coal ioe Co., exclusive agents, 26 North Fourteenth treet. Main tS2. A S13. Every one sees your collar. Select it with care. ARROW IWA SEVERN r PENHURST 2je' hich 2a bleb Two excellent examples of the popular closed-front style. Clnett, rbody A CorapanT. Troy. Kew Tort F. W. BALTES AND COMPANY PRINTING Main 165, A 1163 First and Oak Plant Stbson roses. Fbons Sell wood 960 at Heitkemper's The postponed Removal Sale has lengthened your opportunities to buy cleverly designed Jewelry, Watches of accurate adjustment, Silver of standard grades in fact an assortive stock, that we've always been proud to own, is offered below cost, because we want an empty store. Today is the accepted time a seize a real bargain, nnder-priced Jewelry backed by a commercial reputation don't lay around unnoticed long tomorrow may see its passing beyond reach. Present Address Future Address 286 Morrison St. Yeon Building HEADQUAR TERS FOR MANHATTAN SHIRTS. SOLE AGENTS FOR HOLE PROOF HOSE, for Men, Women and Children. - Great Display of New Spring Suits and Overcoats You know Spring is coming; we have evi dence of it daily in the visits of the early choosers, who get in promptly to get their pick of the new ideas that are now ready. New models in suits, Spring overcoats and raincoats from America's foremost makers; lively new ideas for young men Suits and Overcoats priced from $15 to $40 Ml1 i' Melius, i IfMsj t ' i fea i rFire in Fireproof . Singer Office Tower wjj J ' A Striking instance of the fact that no matter how safe your building may be you may have a fire within your own office at any time. Under any conditions you can't consider your valuable papers secure unless you file , them in THE, SAFE-CABINET Its steel and fire-proof construction defies fire. We have it in stock, "i We can furnish your office complete with DESKS, Ko?Iep& TABLES, CHAIRS, FILING CABINETS, etc:, wcSStTS'S! make yur SPECIAL OFFICE FURNITURE tennt- and FIXTURES in steel or wood and save you money. Give us a chance to figure with you. rrnv- 'SMC" . -V' 3. -j'- lit TrS Stationery & Printing Co. FIFTH AND OAK STREETS COMMERCIAL STATIONERS, OFFICE OUTFITTERS, PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS, BOOKLET MAKERS AND BOOKBINDERS. ARCHITECTS' AND ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES Painless Dentistry 17 fa oar prldxmr hobbr-cmr wtndr for jm "id Bow oar mooaw, a , to bo Covad aaywhera, bo Blotter bow mucBjoa vomparo our Mmcmm njwjs. vai vve nniBB vimim mm onuKo wua iu winr- of - town patrons in ons day U desirtxi Pain lea extraction, fre) whon plate off bridge work ia ordar ftd, CoBMilUtiofi free. a. ftfl J r .L -l22kBrid.raTaatli4.UlJ A? w ., 4 toaSMi rulings i.wv sW av:Vl M. W. a. Will, Pnanr w Mauna .50 5.00 Silvsr FiWnra Good Rubber Pl.t.. 8al Rod Ku&Dar n PUt.s 7.50 PtlsUat Extitiisi .50 BSST METHODS H work rally snarantee for fifteen years. Wise Dental Co.,mc Painless Dentists Falllnc Building. Third and Wsshlngton. PORTUNDW Trr.r"? yiaasssM. i tiKAMM CUJIMEUCIAL VEUICLG 4 DAY AND NIGHT A 8KIM OS jrsUTY IS A JOY rOWBVgff, Or. T. Felix Oouraud's Oriental Cream or Maeloal Beautlfler. Hemorss in, nmpiss, Frcckias. llta PtWhra, Basil, and bkia DiiwaMaj E.SZ3 lSrSi Aoobeautr.aaida- I 2-- TV Hf fft? ha,rtood la. test taste it tobeenrclt . la propertr mad. A cotpt no eonnter ft it of almllar name. Dr. L. A. j6Tra aaid to B ladj of the bant ton ( paUcDt)t M At you Udles wlu tue tii eta I recummeca n..-.Hjsi srM.si ma tia Inflt harmfnl of ail too akin prapartuioni." for talt by all drnnnsu and Fancy. Gooda Deaiera In th United Staiee, Cuadm ftivd urope. FERD. T. HOPKINS Prop 37 fiMt JorvM St, N. Y. I One of the) largest best equipped plant In Portland offers you unexcelled service at price exceed In gly low. When you want CATALOGS, BOOKLETS, CIRCULARS, FOLDERS OR ANT OTHER FORM OF It will be to your advantage to consult us. Our facilities aruaraotee pest results. Our samples will convince you of our quality. PORTLAND PRINTING HOUSE CO. Phones A 2281. Ma 6201. 383 Tailor Strut ICCHWAB PRINTING CO IVSOLICITS TUUrt rAIRUNALt 245 STARK - STREET It Is Curable Dyspepsia may be completely eradi cated If properly treated. We sell a remedy that we positively guarantee will completely relieve Indigestion or dyspepsia, or the medicine used during the trial will cost the user nothing. This remedy has been named Rexa,ll Dyspepsia Tablets. Certainly no offer could be more fair, and our offer should be proof positive that Rexall Dyspep sia Tablets are a dependable remedy. Inasmuch as the medicine will cost you nothing If it does not benefit you. we urge you who are suffering with indigestion or dyspepsia to try Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. A 25-cent box con tains enough medicine for 15 days' treatment. For chronic cases we have two larprer sizes, 50 cent and $1.00. Hemember you can obtain Rexall Reme dies in Portland only at the Owl Drug Co., Inc.. cor. 7th and Washington sts. i Collections a Let us take charge. We can save you money. Established 1900. NETH A CO, Portland, Or. Worcester Btte. A .4