'S LETTERS BREATHE OP LOVE Husband of Object of Portland Man's Effusions Wants Divorce. DUNCAN ' WIFE DEFENDANT'S ALLY fpooM of Co- Respond" nt Says Bet ter Half Cannot Help Writing, to Mn. Wolf and Other Married Women. SAN FRANCISCO. Mmrch . Sp ctL Aerograms which would turn Winter Into Summer; ivntntiU and candle: blotting paper which dried the Ink on burning messages of lore and muat be Interpreted with the aid of a mirror. ad the Introduction of mother bundle of sUallng epletlea of affection from Rrbert Gordon Duncan to Mr. Mabel Wolff, of TT Fifth avenue, formed the principal attraction befor Judge K. P. Morgan In the Superior Court today, where Wllbert Woiff. of the Arm of Hlrsch 4k Kalaer, la suing for divorce. On of the new feature of the case le the presence In court of Mrs. Hertha Duncan, wife of th co-respondent and neighbor of Mr a. Wolft who will go on th witness stand to aupport the de fense of the woman, who. It la ahown In th testimony, haa received burning lore letters from Duncan. Duncan also added Interest to the caa bjr filing an anawer. In which he denlea that there waa anything other than Indicated la the letter between himself and Mrs. Wolff. However, ha remained at th safe distance of Port land. Or., from th seen of th trial. Woman Begins Defense. Today Mrs. Wolff began her defense ' under th guidance of Edward A. Cunha. of th Brm of Welnmann. Wood A Cunha. attorneys, and will be on the stand all of th remainder of th day and a part of tomorrow. She will be followed by Mrs. Duncan, who will tell the court that eh does not believe Mrs Wolff guilty of greater fault than an Indiscretion of reading Duncan's lor letter and that Duncan Is In th ' habit Cf writing such letters to other women. All of this Mrs. Duncan says ehe knows her husband guilty of. Duncan, th llttlo wtf believes, cannot help tho fault of writing to other men's wives and therefore ehe does not greatly blam him. To show her faith In his love for her. at th conclusion of th trial, ah expects to go to Portland to loin Dun can and reside there with him. When today's exhibit were turned ever to Courtroom Clerk Goddard. h was Instructed to see that the candy was not consumed. Ha placed an ex hibit mark on th sweets and laid them away with th letters, which, h In formed the court, were so warm that he expected them to melt th candy. Aerogram Is Exhibit. Among today's exhibits was an aero gram sent by Duncan to Mrs. Wolff while he waa on his way her by th steamer Bear from Portland. December SO. "Bear will dock at J P. M. Meet me. Robert." A blotter with which. It Is alleged. Mrs. Wolff blotted a letter to Duncan, when held to a mirror shows In Mrs. Wolffs handwriting: "Robert Cordon. Duncan. North Eighteenth street. Portland. Oregon." Today's letter exhibits .contain th following, as a sample: "My Darling Mabel: The queen of day dawna near. The mists lift at the tin a coming. Across th desert comes a welcome call, and beyond the sand dune shows th oasis with Its puny palms carved green against th aky. "Huve you Waited a long time for something, thinking th daya would never pa. to nnd the luM day longer, more beset with uncertainty than all th other day together? Then yon know how long this day haa been for me. Time Like Eternity. "Waiting for something, waiting for somebody may aeem long, but to watt for one you truly anj devotedly love Is . quite another matter, and the time o spent I longer than eternity. "Each tour I wait for you grows longer, as th hour of your arrival ap proaches. Th Inert ten minutes will be an age. ShouIJ 1 see you leave the car, 1 believe It would seem ilk a year be fore you entered the door. Twas th other way when you left. Th car ram too quickly. It flew from my sight.' After a large number of pages of the same effusion the letter concludes with: "With love and passionate longing. I hid you adieu until the morrow. Your lover. Robert."' Mrsi Woiff. In her testimony, does not deny receiving th letters from Duncan. She admits them, but ruys she was un able to protect herself from his atten tions. Their first meeting came at a surprise party given Mrs. Wolff by ber friends last year, she said, during th absence from horn of her husband. At that party Duncan was present and all pkajred th old gam of "Poenoffloe." Kvery body kissed everybody else and Duncan kissed Mrs. Wolff. POSTAGE STAMPS FORGED Hitchcock Removes T ravers for Tarn. i pering With Hare Issues. WASHINGTON. March . Arthur M. Travers, chief clerk to Third Assistant Postmaster-General, was dismissed from the service today by Postmaster-General Hitchcock, who, in a statement, declared that Travers had been guilty of manipu lating postage stamps for his own Unso cial beneflt- According to post office Inspectors. Tra vers confessed to them that he had manipulated certain ran stamps so as to create a fictitious maiket value. He also. It Is declared, admitted changing the records of his office to show that the stamps should be destroyed after con demnation when they actually were not destroyed. The value of the tami.s disposed of exceeded IK.Oifli but the Government will sufT-er no pecuniary loss. Late today Travers was arrested by Fe.ieral officers on th charge of vio lating the postal laws, which provide that no officer of th Fostjfflce De partment snail sell any postage stamps for more or less thsn their face value. Strainer tlngal'a Captain Drowns. VANCOUVER. H. C. March C The steamer Pineal, on arrival here tonight, reported the death of her master. Cap tain Crale. by drowning. Craig, who was a native of Dublin. Ireland, fell from the wharf at Laidner last eight and was not seen again. BEAUTIFUL WOMAN WHO WHICH MAY SMITH TO APPEAL Disgraced Army Captain May Get New Trial. FRIENDS STILL HOPEFUL Declaration Made That Proceedings Whereby Captain Lost His Place In the Army Were Not Fairly Conducted. PHILADELPHIA. March . ?pe elsl.) Friends of Captain Guy H. B. Smith, who was dismissed from the Army after a secret court-msrtlal trial, declare th case will be reopened, and also assert their faith that Cap tain Smith will be cleared eventually. Captain Smith's attorneys are now rarlng their case for an appeal." pre declared a close assorlste of the offi cer today. "We know he did not nave a fair trial and we are convinced the wrong which has been don htm should be righted." Mrs. Barnette. wife of Lieutenant Colonel George L. Barnette. of the Ma rine Corps, will again be th center of Interest In case a new trial Is obtained for Captain Smith. It was for alleged offenses sgalnst Mrs. Barnette that Captain Smith was brought to book. Strenuous efforts were made to with hold Mrs. Barnette' Identity from pub lic knowledge, all the officers psrtlcl patlng In th trial being sworn to secrecy. Notwithstanding thla effort. Mrs. Bamette's nsme cam Into th case. The trouble which resulted In Cap tain Smith's dismissal from the Army occurred while a number of the Army officer and their wive were coming from the Philippines to America. Mrs. Barnette was th wrdow of the late Basil Gordon, a wealthy merchant of Baltimore. She married Lieutenant Colonel Barnette five years ago. She Is declared one of the Army's roost beau tiful women. GOVERNORS WILL GATHER Northwestern" Executives Aked to Aid In Diverting; Immigration. HELENA. Mont.. March . Gover nors of several states will be asked to meet in Helena May S and 4 for th purpose of assisting In the formation of th Northwestern Development League for the purpose of securing co operation between Montana, Idaho, Washington. Oregon. North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota in. the matter of securing desirable Immi grants for this section of the country and of stopping th flood of Immigra tion to Canada. The Idea for the league was first advanced by Louis -W. Hill, president of the Great Northern Railway. Governor Morris will send out th Invitations to th . executives of th other Northwestern' States. SULLIVAN'S HEIR IS POOR (Continued From r1rt Pag e. was organized to hold the Sullivan lands, exclusive of the Sullivan build ing, a large office block taken over by th Mercantile Investment Company, organized by the attorneys Interested In the case. The bond In th Provi dent Investment Company were worth EO cents on the dollar. Said Mr. Peter son, so thst Corcoran obtslned $115,000 net as his share of the Sullivan estate. "I waa In Dublin Jast August." eald Mr. Peterson, "and visited both Cor coran and O'Neill. At that time Cor coran appeared contented and com fortable. He mad no complaint about th settlement. There is no truth In th statement that Corcoran received only $000 In cash and $5 a week, for I paid htm the 140.000 In cash myself." Mr. Peterson attributed the state ment that Corcoran received only 16000 to the fact that after the case had been In the courts several years a cer tain lawyer went to Dublin and repre sented that, th case had failed and offered to buy Corcoran' remaining I : v. . j ! . ..v ! i ' ; : I i - 7 , , T . MR8 GEORGB BARETTE' J FIGURES IN ARMY SCANDAL t BE REOPENED. half Interest In the estate for $6000. This Corcoran agreed to, but, learning the true state of affairs, later came to Seattle with O'Neill and succeeded In regaining the rights he had assigned to th attorney. ' The Sullivan case was) fought through the state and Federal Courts for nearly 10 years. Sullivan had nev er made mention of heirs and little was known of his past life. He floated into Seattle, the survivor of a shipwreck, when this town was a small village, and acquired property In what to now the center of th downtown business district. When he died. leaving no will, numerous . claimants arose to dispute th action of th state, which sought to escheat the estate. Eventually the claims of all but Cor coran and Hannah Callaghan. both of whom th law firm of Piles. Donworthy A Howe discovered in Ireland, were thrown out by one court or another, and that portion of the estate which bail not been eaten up by the court costs was awarded to Corcoran, who had inherited Mrs. Callaghan' rights. When the law firm of which Piles was a member discovered Corcoran and Mrs. Callaghan, they exacted a half Interest In th estate as a contingent fee. While the case was dragging through the courts Mr. Piles was elect ed to the Senate and the law firm of Piles. Donworth A Howe was dissolved, the Sullivan case being left In the hands of Mr. Howe. At that time Mr. Piles Issued a statement saying that he had sold Ms Interest In the estate for $15,000. George Donworth. who has since been appointed Federal Judge for the District of Western Washington, also sold -his Interest in the claim, obtaining $16,000. BANK BOOKS ILL KEPI ERASURES SHOWX IS KEXDRICK IXSTITCTIO.VS ACCOUNTS. Guilt of ex-Cashier, Charged With Embezzlements, Depends on Re sponsibility for Alterations. MOSCOW. Idaho, March . Special.) That th account books of the Fanners' Bsnk A Trust Company, of Kendrlck. this county, have been badly kept and alteration and erasures made In figures, was discovered today in the preliminary beating against U. S. Grant Evans, ex cashler, now under arrest for alleged embezzlement of HI. Out) and also held un der charges of having falsified the books of the bank In a dozen different In stances. The guilt or Innocence of Evans will depend upon who can be shown to have mad the erasures and false entries. Cashier Evans and Vice-President E. P. Atchison, who Is also agent of the Voll-mer-Clearwater Company, were the only persona hsvlng access to th books, cash and combinations of vault and safe con taining th money. E. W. Eaves, secre tary of the Vollmer-Clearwater Com pany, brought the books of the bank Into court, irom which Vice-President Atchi son. Miss Anna Nelson, tne bookkeeper, and he gave testimony. About 20 other witnesses who hold certificates of de posit are to testify, and their original certificates are to ba compared with the records. It Is thought the hearing will conclude tomorrow. WEST VIRGINIA' MUST PAY Supreme Court Apportions Debt of Virgins Between States. WASHINGTON. Msrch 6. The sum of rT.lS2.5o7 waa held today by the Supreme Court of the United States to be the proportion of the 33.000.K)0 old Virginia state debt which West Virginia is under obligations to bear. The court left the final determination of the matter. In cluding th question of Interest, to the states. Justice Holmes announced the opinion. H said the court had regarded the ratio of the valuation of the real .ind personal property of these two states at the time of their separation as the proper basis . for arriving at West Vir ginia's "Just and equitable" proportion of the debt. The court had excluded from this valuation the value of slavea. The ratio, .according to the master's report. Justice Holmes said, was as .765 to .235. Ever since the Civil War. Virginia has been endeavoring to collect from "West Virginia what it claimed was the lat ter's share of the old state's debt. West Virginia waa said to have acknowledged her liability In the "ordi nance of Wheeling" before she was ad mitted to the Union, and In her state constitution. . , f I FEDERAL ARMY IN MEXICO TRIPPED Esendero, Pursuing Madero, Is Ambushed in Canyon by Rebels. WHOLE FORCE SURRENDERS Arter Losing 250 Men Killed and Wounded He Finds Retreat Cut. Ofr by w Rebel Force and Gives l"p Struggle. EL PASO. Tex.. March . Insurrec to couriers who arrived here from the Moctezuma district today report that a battle between Modero forces and federal troops under Colonel Eseudero took place at Plan de Aiam, 15 miles west of Moctezuma, three days ago and resulted in the defeat and surren der of the federals. According to the couriers. Colonel Eseudero, who left Casas Grandes some weeks ago to aid in capturing Madero, was smbushed In a deep can yon by the Insurrectos andyiost more than 250 men- killed rnd wounded be fore he could extricate his command from the trap. It Is said he attempted to retreat toward Casas Grandes, but found his way blocked by several hundred In surgents under Colonel Garcia. The couriers say Eseudero had no course left save surrender. SOCIALIST STATE IS PLAXXED Lower California to Be Xucleus of Republic In Northern Mexico. LOS ANGELES. March 6. The Times will print the following tomorrow morning: The Los Angeles - Junta Is meeting almost nightly at 519 hi East Fourth street to push the insurrection in Lower California, and In the dingy up per rooms of the "building used as headquarters have been matured the plans for the establishment of a So cialistic government. "We have advanced our movement in Lower California, backed by the Lib erals, far ahead of the movement In progress In the other Mexican states," said one of the local leaders yester day, "and we propose to lead and not be led. We shall go ahead and estab lish our own independent government, with Mexican as capital. It will be a much more convenient location than Ensenada and there will be the head quarters of a movement that we hope will eventually reach out and cover at least the northern half of Mexico. "While we are in sympathy with the other movements against the Mexican government. It is a sympathy that ex tends only so far as it looks to the overthrow of Diaz. We recognize that there are three desperate forces In tho Held, all working to this end. Those of Madero we consider, in case of suc cess, would establish simply another regime of capitalism, with possibly some of the present abuses abated; Blanco and his followers present what might be termed the middle classes that, had they the opportunity, would evolve Into the same sort as the spe cially privileged classes of Mexico, while the Lower California movement Is conducted on the principles of the Liberallsts similar to the Socialistic movement In the United States. ."If we can work In harmony with the other sections of this revolt, we will leave to the future the problems affecting a union of the territories un der one government." The Times says men, guns and am munition are being constantly sent from Los Angeles to Lower California and that the hardware stores are en joying a heavy trade In all kinds of Are arms. BLAXCO IS AWAITIXG ATTACK He Spares Hotel Officials la Re sponse to American Pleas. DOUGLAS. Ariz.. March . General Jose La Tuce Blanco, the rebel leader from the State, of Chihuahua, has aban doned the captured town of Tlgre, and, after augmenting his force to a total of 4T0 men, has moved a few miles distant and is awaiting an attack by the regular troops from Zahuarlpa and Mootezuma. Genera Blanco ' took as prisoners at Tlgre Commlssario Carlos Garcia and Commlssarlo Simon Loboes, of Pilares de Teras. Both are held incommuni cado. Although these two men are greatly hated by the rebels for their many arrests of Insurrectos. General Blanco said that he would spare their lives because of the plea made for them by the Americans In his camp. The rebels did not take the arms or ammunition of Americans or of th com pany stores. DYKE AVORKERS ASK FOR HELP Insurrectos Said to Be Interfering With Work on Colorado River. WASHINGTON, March S. The Insur. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cores All Spring Ailments. Mrs. flarion Bruce, Cumberland. Me., writes: "I have taken Hood's Sarsa parilla for a great many years, and I think It the best blood medicine in the world. I take it both Spring and Fall. This last Winter and Spring I was In very poor health. I was weak and had lost all my appetite and I was all run down. As soon as I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla my strength came back and my appetite returned. I am now well, do my housework, and no longer have that tired feeling." Hood's Sarsaparilla restores the ap petite and makes sleep sound and re freshing by building up the whole sys tem. It purifies the blood, strengthens the nerves, aids and perfects the di gestion. Take it this Spring. Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. AVD VISITING CARDS W. C SMITH & CO. Waahlagtaa Kid tk aid WasBiBgtoa rectos in Mexico are beginning to In terfere seriously with the American dyke being built along the Colorado River, according to advices received by the State Department from the con tractors, who have made an appeal for the adequate protection of the work. The depredations, it is said, are al ready causing a loss to the contract ors of $1000 dally. The workers, it Is said, are being intimidated and mules and tools have been stolen. It is said at the State Department that the question of safeguarding the engineers with United States troops is still undecided by the United States and Mexican governments. CAXAXEA SCEVE OF BATTLE American Copper Mining Town In v Mexico Hears Firing. NACO. Ariz.. March 6. A battle, the result of which is so far unknown, has occurred between the insurrectos and federals near Cananea, the big Greene copper mining camp in Mexico. Passengers who arrived on this after noon's train from Cananea report that wagon loads of federal wounded were being brought Into the town when they left. Rebels Kill Prominent Man. MONTEREY, Mex., March 6. News has been received here that Albert S. Iazzu nia. a member of one of the most promi nent families of this state, was killed by insurrectos near Batophllas, Chihua hua, while trying to protect mining property which he managed. He was engaged to wed a socially prominent young woman of Monterey. Rebels Fight With Dynamite. EL PASO. Tex.. March 6. Mail ad- 1 vices from Tbrreon say that American Consular Agent Carothers has re ceived official advices of severe fight ing at Tapla, Durango, In which dyna mite was used. The rebels left the city after many had been killed on both sides, and then destroyed the wa terworks. , PRAITS LIFE IS SOUGHT SPOKAXE PRISOXERS PLAXXED MAYOR'S ASSASSIXATIOX'. Police Arrest Three Men W"ho Are Said to Have Plotted Taft Xot Marked for Death. SPOKANE, March 6. Captured just when plans for assassinating Mayor N. S. Pratt are thought to have reached maturity, John Steele and Stuart Mof fett. now In the City Jail, are consid ered by the police as the murderers of Captain John T. Sullivan. The arrest of the two men came Friday night. ' "Until Friday night," declared Cap tain Burns', "the plan was to wait un til after the city election to kill the Mayor. That night our men heard Steele make his report to Moffett, after a visit to the Pratt home. In . which he said that the house .was guarded day and night." Detective Burns, or tho Spokane po lice department, after further investi gation and conversation with the three men arrested here today for alleged con nection with the recent murder of Po liceman Sullivan, says there is nothing to connect them with any -alleged plot against ' President Taft and that the story of a plot to assassinate the Presi dent lacks confirmation here. NEARLY 100 DIE IN FLAMES Moving Picture Theater In Russia Barns Many Children Perish. ST. PETERSBURG, March 6. A moving picture machine in a small theater et Bologle, In the southern part of Novgorod province, exploded yesterday and set fire to the entire building. There was a panic among the specta tors, and according tq the reports re ceived here, nearly 100 persons, many of them children, were crushed or burned to death. Half a hundred others were In jured. Th. -Tinmen cut off every avenue of escape. Futile attempts at rescue were made by those who happened to do ciose by the exits, but the fury of the flames drove them back. ' PET DOG FIGURES IN SUIT "Teddy" Bites Xewsboy Whose Fath er Seeks $250 Damages. ST. JOHNa March 6. (Special.) A kt.iti, wirar onsntpl. named "Tddv." al leged by some to be a "man-eater" and by others to De as mua as mua. , i., a omnff-A ault tried before Justice Downs here today. Popular In terest was keen in tne case ana a large crowd was present. The plaintiff, Frank M Murray, sued Miss Louisa Damann. owner of "Teddy," asking $250 because the dog bit Leslie, 12-year-old son of the I livA PLANNING TO BUILD I W.Kf if THIS SPRINC? I 1 This is sure to be Portland's banner year for home building and the great movement has centered In LAURELHURST. OVER 60 MAGNIFICENT HOMES HAVE BEEN CONTRACTED FOR In this park since January 1. 1911. Many are taklng advantage of our rjecial nlan of 15 PR CENT IN S. E. QUARTER More homes to be constructed in Laurelhurst this year than In any other three high-class exclusive residence districts In Poiftland. Can you afford to postpone the matter of selecting that homesite? Phone for appointment.. We will call for you to visit prop ertv. . 1 K ' . MEAD A Main 1503. 1 ' M lMkm. ' ' 1 S " V1ini""Mhi1IHn"ltnw"r .ui...-.. . inmi-lnntliimir 4 r Tf l Spring Waists of Chiffon and Veiling Tuesday $4.85 Selling Normally at $6.50 Novelty waists of striped veiling and fine all silk chiffon, made over plain and figured net. One model is made with beaded front,- lace yoke and cuffs, piped and t'immed with satin and braid. Another new make is of self striped veiling over plain satin and net. Has fancy siik guimp. Both models have the new kimono sleeves. In black, navy, gray, tan, Copenhagen, red and champagne. , Special Sale Today $1.39 New model W. B. Corset for medium or slender figures. plaintiff, while he was delivering news papers to Miss Damann on May 1 laet. Mlsa Damann. has amassed property by clgarmaking in Portland and a dairy busines shs runs in . her spare time at her home In this city, while at work in Portland she leaves "Teddy" on guard at her dairy farm ana ne nas ugl-uiuo to many in bt. jonns. it- T-. V. .1 a rnnttv Tirohlfi justice lUWIia iicu c ' of law and conflicting facte presented to him by three Portland lawyers, Charles J. Schnabel and C. H. Greene for tho defense and William A. Williams for the plaintiff, and a host of witnesses, n. i . j . i 4n nM soldier, said he would take ten days to study out all the decisions o.uoted and renaer nis own m.. Wa- In nnnrt flR "exhibit A' Aire uui " ... - for the defense and the lad's Injured leg was the plaintiff s cniei exniuit i""u. One Issue is. did the acid; plus peroxide. applied by Mlse OJamann ana mc rrL.t -,,., h tn tHl It. do th alleged damage, or did the bite? Another (one la- Is ready - a vmuua m u . a gentle animal. " ACCUSED MAN DISAPPEARS Greek Charged With Receiving Stol en Goods Forfeits $1000. cfvni.cTnw Or . March 6. (Special.) Cash ball In the sum of 11000 was forfeited to the county this morning when jonn nusun, .,.crf nt rr,enlvlnsf the plunder of box'car thieves, failed to appear at, the appointed time. The county , will keep the cash while the officers are searching lor imhsoti. DISCOUNT TO BUILDERS I MURPHY, Sales Agents. 622 Corbett Bldg. - A 1516. THE ADDITION WITH CHARACTER iinyaflt Natural Laxative Water Speedy Sure Gentle Quickfy Relieves CONSTIPATION VSE AIXEN'S i'OOT EASE. The antiseptic powder to be shaken into the shoes. If you want rest and comfort for tired, aching, swollen, sweating feet, uso Allen's Foot-Ease. Believes cornj and bun Ions of all pain and prevents blisters, sore and callous spots. Always use It to Break In New Shoes. It Is the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Try It today. Sold everywhere, 25 cts. Don't accept any sub stitute. For FREE trial package, address Allen P. Olm'ted. Le Roy. NV Y. OPEN SHOPS United Metal Trades Association Portland Armstrong Mfg. Co. Bell, Wildman & Co. 7 Columbia Steel Company. Harper Brass Works. Harris Ice Machine Co. Hesse-Martin Iron Works, Hicks, Burt. Hlppely, E. . Independent Foundry Company. Multnomah Iron Works. Northwest Steel Company. Oregon Brass Works. Oregon Foundry Company. Pacific Iron Works. Phoenix Iron Works. Portland Boiler Works. Portland Iron Works. Portland Pattern Works. Portland Tool Works. Portland Wire & Iron Works. Prehn, Wm. Smith & Watson Iron Works. Willamette Iron & Steel Works. Willamette & Col. River Towing Co. Wood, John, Iron Works. National Iron & Foundry Co. Helser & Under. B. Trenkman & Co. Portland Elevator Company. Astoria Iron Works, Astoria, Oregon. Eureka Foundry Co., Eureka, Cal. Patronize Home Industry PACIFIC IRON WORKS STRUCTURAL STEEL, ARCHITECTURAL IRON. Immediate Delivery. Portland, Or. Vjsssau ii n ii ifciaeaj