r k 17 THE MORMXG OKEGONIAX, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1911. I ALL GRAINS STHDNG Sharp Demand for Wheat Re ported in Interior. SHORT SELLERS BUYERS 51 ill.- on fbe Sound Bid Vp Sharply for Club and BInestcin Oars and Barley Quoted Ilnurr. PecUIrd strenfih shown In all depart rr.rnta of tha grala mark TWTrrdar- Coun try wheat report wer bullish In th trem. as far aa lb attitude of farmer wa concerned. Thera wm practically no first hand aallera. Tha demand appeared to ram chiefly from miller on th Sound and from dealer who bad aold wheat short for ship meat to Japan. Ther wa alao aom Inquiry from California. For etb t cent wma re ported to hav been offered on th Sound whll S3 cent wa bid for blueatam with on J mad there at 83 t cents. The local market waa tronsr thaa at any time lately and prlcee were quoted about a cent Bljraer ail around. The barter market has gained la atreartn from th Improvement la th Eastern situa tion. Ther la again a good demand from th East for brewing barley, bat ther Is Itttl to b bad In th Northwest. Califor nia M shipping barley to th East na th Horn. Th oats market Is feeling some effect from th strength of barter, according to country report which r that farmer are feeding eats more extensively becaua of th alrner price of rolled barley. An offer of STT for a Urge lot of oat In th Valley was tamed do'era yesterday. Local receipts, hi cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follow: Wheat. Barley, nonr. Oat. Har. Monday T IS T.ar in IS Z 14 ' ... e.asrm to data. .V1A 4 1 1M At 11 Tear aao SWT 1173 1ST '- nil Th weklr wheat statistics of th Mer- chants' Kxchang follow: American Vlatblo Supply tlto per hundred; sweet potatoes. $4 per hundred. OMO.VS Baylrg price. II pr hundred. Hope, Wool. Hide, F.tc. HOP? 11 crD. lc; ! crop. 12 contracts, lie. MOHAIR Choice. Joe per pound. WCXU Eastern Oregon. 12lSr per lb-, according to ahrlakagei Valley. 17019c per pound. HIDES Salted bide. TSe per pound: sailed calf. 13c: salted kip. THe; alted stag. c green hld-s. 1c leas; dry hides. 17c: dry caif. ITOltc; dry stags. 11 V lie- 1'EL.TS Dry. 10'ic; salted. bulcherr take-off. SOOOc. CASt'AHA BARK 5c per pound. CHAIN SACKS Car lots. 6,c. Oils. LINSEED OIL Pur raw. In barrals, L07; kettle boiled. In barrels. I1.M: raw. In rases. 11.13: kettle boiled. In caaes. 11.1. Lota of 100 gallons. 1 per cent leas Pr al- los. COAL OIL Water Whit. Iron bbla. e; wood bbls.. I3c: Pearl oil. caaes. lWc: H-odllghi, Iron bbla. 11c; cases. He; wood t'bls.. lie: Eocene, rasea, lfer:. slM-elal White. Iron bb.. lIV,c; wood bbls.. lSe; Elaine, caaes. 27c; eatra Star, cases. IWHc; V. u. 4k P. nastha. Iron bbls.. lie; cases. ZTJc. i:fiOI.I T Red Crown and motor gas oline. In Irun bbls.. lVc; cases, :3 4c; 1 a-asollne. iron Wl-. 30c; cases. r.7tc: engine distillate, Iran bbls.. The; cases. 14 Vic NEW MEN NAMED Annual Election of the Port land Livestock Exchange. J. C. LONERGAN PRESIDENT Choice. 13c: extra choice, 13Vi13c; fancy, IS 14c Peaches In batter demand, firm. Choice, THfcTVic; extra choice, TVjOsVtc; fancy. Raisins very aulet. steady, 'with small of ferine. Loose Muscatels. 5Kr64e; choice lo fancy seeded, aVsOTViC; seedless, 4a 6c London. 11.40 a 1.45. Stock Run at Yards Is Heaviest This Tear and Market Weakens AH . Around Ifogs Show the Greatest Loss. Dried Fraita. Ktc. DRIED KR CITS Apple a, UttllHc per lb.:- currant. 12.c: aprlcota. 14tllc; late, package. lSe per lb.; firs, bulk. whit or black, by suck. 7f sc; 5-8. ll.Wtt 1 13: lJ-IJs. 5c: 30-12. t.i. 1U-1S. ie Smyrnas. Inc. SALMON Colombia River. 1-povrid talis. 12.10 cer dosrn: 2-Dound tails. I H 1 pound flats, 1X40; Alaska pink. 1-pound talis. t.2i. COFFJSE Roasted. In drams, 23 3 84c per pound. NUTS Walnuts. 174 010 per pound Brsxtl nuts. I4tfl0c: filberts. 10c: almonds. lui;Uc; pecans. l!c: coconuts. voot per eosen; chestnuts. i:ie per pound; aicaory auta strie per pouna. SALT (iranulated. 11 per ton: Dan- ground, loo. S &0 per ton; 50s. $9 per ton. bEAX.i Small white. 4 tac; large wnite. 44c; Lima, B Oc; pink. 4c; red Mexicans, awe; r-ayvu. flSc KI-'E No. 1 Japan. Ve: cheaper grades. 3.JOb)..1e: Southern h-ad. S4tf7c HUNET Choice. sa.,5 per case: strained. tse per pound. puua K I rr rranuiatca. rruit and berry, 1.V30; best. Ii.ll; extra C. $4 SO; golden C. S4.73; yellow l. 4 : powdered. 14. AS Terms oa remittance within li days, de duct ic per pound; If later than IS days and within SO days, deduct He Per pound. atapi sugar, 119110 per pound. Rash''. P-reae. March . nil 3-i.i l.wol.ooo Merrh T, 1:o SA.7'I." ."" ler-h I'U J'.Ut2.el l.-7-.4e M.irrh , ! 4 1.3 I.Ht.'Hm lirr II, 1:k7 4."..7:l". t lir.-h 12 47.7t..Hl 414.''V Merrh 1".. M'". 33.1.T7.lw 471.0"" Vann 9. l'l to -. Ml.4 lurch . i-3 4.r: " l.nil.ono alarrh . VjvJ -Si lli.VOW iS.tfvt Mnrreas. Quastttles on Passac Week en1int f-rfl 4 r-ir Itu.h-is I. K 2.vi. C";inent . J.4'M'.' Wek entilng We endln Veh. 1' JIarrh S.' ftu.hele Huehol :o.Mo.un) ii.uo.ooo Ttals .4.44.0O4 47.rM.0(e 4i.O40.OU WorTC's Shipments ffloar Included) Woek Wek Week From r. 8.. fa.. Areentlna ., A'tra:ia .. !. porta. K -L.!a Inna sdins Varh 4 ltrthla . in rao .too 1 le itt .tl0 S..V.; l.lliw) ending ndtn b. 2. Jlarch i. lo KuehU VlMM.nork l.s2'.tvii 1. TH o.) 2.10 OiM PI.OOi I Ortf 4.on.uK 1.7il.tio ?t-' ifH) S..0' 32HMO0 10 iwe.ooo u.su.oo) T-a!e ll..1M.na World's shipmenta season to dat Total sine liam period Frorw Jul 1-MO. et V. S. arM Canada.. 1J;" loeail.ono Areeatir 4iHn.f.v) ?s llt fV) Ar.aH 3i 1 (urn 32ll.O t'ar.at .aa paints ... 7I.;K" . , Rnma t.-.1.37-.ow lV).0.on India S2.T7t.on 2rt.41t.orto Total 413.540.ano S4S.SOT.OOO EOO MECrtJITOR.a ARE HOLniXG BACK TbJak Macks I. !(x T1 at a Safe Steylas; Kecerpts of ere arw agaia heary end tn excaea of th demand. Rot" ad lota sold ye- 4rdy aa low a 14 cnta Local taller are being largely vnpplted, by country htppera and ar baying Ugbtly on th street. aecuIator ar holding back. D!lTtng the market will go Mill lower. I Peltry reeetpta wer light sr. A th mar ket held steady at Saturdays arte. Batter and cbeea wer steady and an' changed. or Oeaagea. Orange were th bet sellers la th fruit market yesterday, retailers stocking ap Kb rally, as receipts this week will be light. Apple were m flr demand and firm. Cabbage, cauliflower and all kind of vegetable eld well. A shipment of Mexi can egg plant was recrlTed. Asparagus old Slightly lower thaa last week. Bo Offers Ar Too Lew. There were order In the market yetr- aar at it cent for 1010 hope, and at 10 renta for 9o. tat hcldera would not con elder th offers. Little attention waa paid to suture. According ta California adrlce Richard oa naa bought 2oo bsles more of Sonoma at 11 a cents. Bank Cleartag. Hank clearings of the Northwestern cities yssteraay wer as follow: Clearings. Balance. r-ortiana 2.M1.J0 JU4.VI r 1..VM.7H4 Taensaa ................. &szs tpokan iiS77 173 64 li.Vl4 4J.S10 rtRTL.l.N t MARKETH. t-rala, Ilawr, 1 ecd. Etc. Wheat Track prlcrs; Plueetem. red, Russian. T7c: Valley. 2c; c'ut. 0-foM. "c. axle T seed. 923 80 per ton; brew. MILLSTlFT Bran, fjooil pr ton: mid.llin. .-7i2: shor-j. 11 (JiL:; rolled bar..y. l.i-Od Kta. L"1"R fat.nta 4 73 pr barr-I-rraisnts. 11 . npirts. (.1 U; Vslley. U.U: Iran m. $t..".. whlo wh.at. 14.70, t.KV WBoie. $.-; oacked. per toa. OAT No. 1 wh.te. 7r27.5o per ton. HAl" Track jn.-s: Timothy. EAatera Or. .jd. No. 1. l.'o-"l; minil. lflj;i; . fair.. $lt.30IJ. grala bay. S!3ll.30: ! , 411 V li lary reaatry Prwdaca. rCLTRT IJT: TT-ns. 10t:oc; Fpr.nrm. I920; lurk.). 2.-: ducks. 2oit2.ic; lilsl-ic; dressed turkeys, cnolce. 2.1 w 2ie. H.;.;s.r,-o ranch. HSI1V pr dozen. ClifcCjtt; "uil rrm. twin. l.o;li4ber oun4. young An'rirs. 1,p 14ic. 'i-TTKH City .reamer extra. I and 3 sound print. In buxrs. lie per nud: lee :ben bnxee. cartor. end d.llv.ry extra. r'RK Fancy. He pr pound. VKAIIn. , i 10 111 pounds. 124 S 13o per pound. OcOtl ocvfl; TejrUMej aa4 llrall. SArK VEiJETABLFJ Carrots, hundred: pareaia, $1; turatp. beela II Si. APPLET Tmner. f 20 Hi: choice. 12: nameo. 30c tr 1 1 per boa. OKEEX FKCIT." leers. fLiOfl.Ti per a. sle.agaa. I4S7S4 per barrel, cranber rle. 1J.S ST barrrl. movlCAL TKIITS Orange, ear.lv I202 30 per box: Flvrlna grapefruit. f4.3o; CItfocsia graoefreit. Sltfi-io; banana. i per pound; pineapple, ec per poand; leaesa Mtl: tancrtne. (1.71 per box. VEiiEl A ll I. EH Asparagus. V per lb : rahNas. 11. per :: raullfiowrr. t2 23 a-.r crat.; c!ry. Cal.forala. I.;jwi71 per crate; cucumber, t J per box: eesriaat. lie pr lb.; garlic, toryljt? pr 1 : greca enl'na, 20-- per ilot : h.ad lrtte-e, 4 per doa : hothouse lettuce. 3O0 73C p.r bex; pptera. p.r lb.; pumpkin.. 2c per In.; ratiianee, JI04Vva pr d"a: rhubarb 10913c per lb-: profits, oc: tniat. fl-7iJ3 pr box. JJTAl UiJ -rsa. buying price. 1 1 S3 HAMS 1 to 13 pounds. ITAIIIVe: 11 to 14 pounds. 14ejI7fee: 14 to It pounds. 144174c; skinned. 13HQ17C; picnics, 11c cottage roll, lie MMOKED MEATS Beef tongue. 3c dried beef set, 22c; outside, aom.. I asides. 23: knack.es. T-c BACON Fncy, 27c: standard. 14c Choice. 12c: English. 114c. DRT SALT CURED Regular short dears, dry salt. U1,c: smoked. 134c: bsrks. Ilirht. salt. I3c: smoked. ISVc; backa, heavy, salu 13tc: smoked. 114c; export, salt, lie; smoked. IC4c LARI Kettle rendred. tierces. J me; tubs, 13c: standard, pur, tierce. 1:4c; tuba. 12 4c; choice, tierces, fie: tub. 11 fee; snorrening, neree. c: ihm. lue. CHEESE PRICES ARE GUT SEATTLK MAKKKT, OVEU STOCK rU, PROPS TO 14 l-2c. Apples Firm and 1 1 1 5 Itc r Quotations Looked For I'otators Active bat Weak. ' SEATTLE. Wash.. March . fPpeclal.' Oregon. Washington and Wisconsin cheese okl today es low aa 14 4 cents, a new low leeel for the season. Few sales wer made above 13 cents. The rhee market here la badly overstocked and th demand I none too brisk. Little packers are said to be long eevercl thousand packagee. Kgga and utter were uncn.r.R'i. A carload of FlorMa tomatoes le due to arrive tomorrow. The market 1 bar of Ilrst-clas tomato. The undertone of the apple market ts stronger and an advance in prices, par tlcularly on fancy and extra choice stork. wouji occasion no surprise among well poeted romralesloa men. Vegetables were scarce, ftpmuts advanced to 11 cents. Cucumbers were Just about off me maravi a -..hi u There were no new developments In the potato market. Warmer weather, however, had a depressing Influence. Irad was active Wheat receipts today aggregated 32 car load, or mor than have arrived her on one day fr several weeks. The sale of wheat for export and the desire to escane taxee le held to be reeponslble for the heavy eipts. l-ricee were unchanged. The market waa firm. PRODrCE AT 8AX IKAC!SCO. QaetatlMS Carreat la the Bay City Mar. keta. SAM rRANCISCO. March S. The fellow. lag produce price wer current today: Vegetable Cucumbers. Sltrl.&o: xarllc 9: greo peas. lo(M4c; siring beans. nominal; tomato, nominal; egg plant. 10 V I.V. nutter Fancy creamery, Z34c Egg tor. 17c: fancy ranch. 17Hc "nese Voung America. littl3Uc. MllUtuffa llraa. 1J4U3: mldcilnr. 133 35 Fruit Apples, rholce. Sir common. 7.Ve- iiexlcaa limes. I0.iot7: California lemons. choice. 3; commons. 11.30: orsnjtes. navel, tl iM2.23: nlneapnle. $293. Potatoe Early Icoae. 1 1 Ik'. fil ILV K.1I.., Burbanks. S2.10ti2.3O; Oregon Burbanka. L0e'2.20. onions Nominal. Hmr Wheat. 313r0 par ton; wheat id oats. .. ill.K: alfalfa. f!3. Receipt Flour. ?t'.14 nnirt.p ob, barley, 4.1.430 centals; oats. 1i;:i3 centals; po tatov. kulu sacks: hay. 613 tons. Eaatera Mining stocks. BOSTON. March t. Closing quotations: Allouea 4'Mohak Amalg Copper.. 624 Nevada Conaol.. Am Zinc L a 8. K: 4. Mplsunc Mine. Aria Com 141. North Butt.... Atlantic A jNorto Lake 11 C T f M. 1! HM rvxnlnlon . . . Butt Coalition.. 174!col lumet A Arts. 61 Jl'arrutt Calu A Hern.. 4 4.0utnr- Centennial .... 124'shannon ....... Copper Haage. .. to 'Superior cast i.utia cop. 124 up : no Min. Franklin 43 11 2-4 s 33 1IO 13 (17 1 1 3d', 4 iroux ranby 4 'fup A Pitt Cop. 14 40 34 474 13 W 44 130 Consol.. M Tamarack nsol.. 3.1 If. . b. K. A n vananea. do preferred.., Koyalle . 124:r:h Conaoll Kerr Ikke 4'l'tah Cop. Co... Jkke Copper S4 X Wlr.ona 1- Salle Con,. 4 V ! Wolverine Miami copper... IB 4) Ylelble Snpply ef Grain. KKW TURK. March . Th followlne I he visible supply of grain aa cniaptled by he New Tork t'ridue Kxchance for the week eadlng March 4; Bushels. Decrease. Cora lt.i4.no M.V00O oats Ii..n2.ioo 24U.OOO r 2il.uto 42.tio The visible supply of wheat la Canada Saturday. March 4. was a.iso.ooo bushels, a decrease of 243.0UO bosbsla. Th annual meeting of th Portland Live stock Exchange was held In the Exchange building at the stockyards yesterday morn ing. J. C. Lonergaa was elected president for the ensuing year, succeeding Frank C. Sharkey. Colonel C. P. Hall was eletted vice-president. The new directors chosen to eerre two year war R. B. Caswell and C pf Hal I. Th holdover directors who bar still a year to serv are W. H. Daugh. tery and F. C. Bharkey. William Burke. Jr.. was re-elected secretary, and th following wr chosen a members of the prosecuting committee: H. C. Strickland, A. F. Hunt and William Shcppard. The market yesteroay was the most active that the yard hav known for many a day. Th receipt wer th largest thl year, ag gregating S3S2 bead. Although th demand was brisk, th heavy offering., especially of cattle and bogs, had th efrect of bear ing down values. Cattle held their own fairly well In plt of wesknees. but the hog market Is off about a half dollar. No teer went ovor SS-oO and more oM around $.3S. whllo average atock sold d)n to tV30. Th best cows oa offir brought S3. 30 and medium stuff a dollar leas. A few fancy calva held at the former top quotation. With a run of nearly 1700 head th hog market naturally slid off. Good light weights could not ba put above fft 40, and the bulk of sale were at 10 S8.33. Heavle ranged from IT to 37.73. A large load of wethers, averaging 105 pounds, found buyers at 14.23, and a small bunch of feeders brought $2.23. Lambs sold at So. SO, showing th sheep market In gen eral to be easier. Receipts f"r Sunday and Monday wer 1002 rattle. 22 calves, 2646 sheep, IW1 bogs and 21 hors. shipper of th stock were a. D. Burdlck. Salem. 1 car of cattle and calves: S. J. Weeks. Ogden. Utah. 2 cars of cattle; Hen line A Ohlinger. Nebraska. 10 rare of bogs; l. P. Ketchum A Son. Dillon. Mont. 4 car of sheep; r. W. Burke. Iwlstnn and Logan, rtah. cars f cattle; W. A- Csrtmlll, Haines. 1 car of hog; T. H. Hewlett. Baker, 2 cars of cattle; W. D. Garner. Wallowa and Enterprise. 2 cars of hogs; J. A. Crosby, fit. John. Wash.. 1 car of hogs: Mr. omith. Jo seph. 2 car of cattle; C. C. Iay. Lewlaton. Idaho. 1 car of hogs; C A. Hunt.. Lenore. Idaho, 1 car of cattle: T. 8. McAllister, Madras. 4 car of sheep; W. B. Kurt. Mar tin. 1 car of bogs: Pennington V Crawford. Avery. Wash.. S car of nogs; Baker City Packlna Company. Baker and Haines, S cars of cattle and sheep; J. a. xiauraan. North Powder, 3 cars of cattle and calves: Baumann 4t McCuIlough, Halres. X cars of cattle and calves: F. A. Phillips. Nampa, 3 car of cattle: William Montgomery. Monlda. Moot. 4 car of cattle: H. J. Clark. EL Anthony. Idaho. 2 car of cattl and calve L. Itlckard. Ontario, 2 car of cattle: J. D. Huston. Caldwell, 1 car of horses; L t ders, 11 lion. Mont.. 4 cars of cattle, and Wood Livestock Company, ilaxket Lake, Idaho. 3 car of sheep. Th day's sales were as follows: Wt. Prlc. f.2 steer W3 IJM M steer . v l 3.O0 V4 boa . 214 S.35 W hoKS 20O 8 30 t2 hogs 22 8.25 i bogs 8'' To 4.11 wethers loo 4.23 lamba 7. 6 o 44 ateers .....-.... hoj 2n steers . . Ill 6 36 IS steer 12 6 33 12 bull 23, 4-75 110 coo s Pit D.33 1 steer V30 xu 2.1 steers U31 C.30 23 steers 12XH 6.20 CO sheep (feeders) si 2.23 S hogs , 736 7.Tt o hogs 217 8.40 1 bog 'w.to 8.0O S csive ... 233 S.O0 1 calf 430 4.30 3 cdvi 1r0 4.30 23 cows Kl'iS 0 40 2 cows Hod 6 30 r4 hogs 21K1 7.00 23 steer IU-'0 ' 0.10 1 stag ! -' 0 00 S3 steers lol3 6.20 20 steer 1''3 C.'.O 1 stag l."-20 3.30 21 steer .l-.'.'.H 6 OO 2 steer 1222 6..M1 1 steer low 30 30 ters 120 6.50 1 cow 1000 S.-l 12 steers ll43 5. SO 30 steers 10)2 6.O0 27 steers 1074 6 23 6 steers ..1010 0.21 61 sleerg 1021 0-.0 1 steer elMl (.Ml IT cows (42 4.U0 27 cows 842 S.00 2 bulls ISso .oo Price eurrent on the various classes of stork at the Portland Union stockyards were as follows: prime steers ................ Choice steers Good to choir ier ommon teexs prim cows Cholc beef cows ommon bef cows ......... lvoic spsyed heifers Cholc heifers hole bulls Fair to good fat bull Common bull Cholc light calve , Fair to good light calves.... Cholc hevy calvee Fair to medium heavy calva Choice stag , ilr to cood stags , Hogs Choice Ucht Good to choice , Choice heavy heep holee yearling wethers, grain fed 4.509 4.60 Old wether 4.00j 4 23 hole wes. cratn fed S.. 4 0O Fair to medium ewes, grain fed.. 2.73r 8.2S holes lambs, grain lea ... ood to choice, grain fed. . Fair to good oor lambs , Hay-fed sheep ana lambs 300 lower rain-fed. Current price in th nors market follow: Extra heavy drafters. i25fj273: 14O0 to lHto pounds, siooodoo: to 140O pound. lovv -.: cnunxs. line i.o; arivera, sioo p; saddlors, $tk up; plugs. 10C 40. . Metal Market. NEW TORK, March 6. Standard copper weak. Spot, March. Anrll. May and Jun 11.00012c London quiet. Spot. f."4 6 3d futures, ffii. Arrivals reported at New York today, 3i0 tons. Custom-hous return sho exports of 3004 tons so far this month. Lake copper. 12.0244 12.KT4c: electrolytic. 12.2; ei2.30c: casting. 12tol2.23c. Tin easy. Spot. 38.3." a 40.23c: March, 8S.:ises.73c: April, 30.2.r.&38.n24o: May. 89.124 J 39.50c : June, Stj SS.27 'it London nrm. bpot. tlNO: futures, tlTT 10. Lead easy at 4.40S4.doc Neef Vork nn 4.22 4 64.2740 East Hu Louis. London, 13 OS. spelter weak at 6.539 5.65c New Tork an B.40s.30c at bt. Loula London, i23. Antimony quiet. Cookson, 9r9.30c Iron Cleveland warrant, 48s 14d London: Locslly Iron ws stesdy. No. 1 foun dry Northern. 815.75916.23; No. 2. 13.."V0'S 16; No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft. 13.50eiS. NO PRESSURE TO SELL STOCKS ARE FIRM, BUT TRAD IXO-IS LIGHT. Time Money Market Duller Than for Several Months Bonds Are Steady. NEW .YORK, March 8. Th stock market wa strong today In spit of th fact that virtually the sams condition prevailed those which brought about recessions of pre- vlous days. When It became apparent tha the selling movement of last week was not to be continued, there was some covering of short contracts, which,, with a renewal of bullish tactics, put up prices of most of the standard stocks, a point or more la tn morning. Thereafter the market was dull and the clos was generally below the top level. The day's developments gave no Indica tion of any betterment In the position of the railroad The Great Northern reported a decrease of Sflio.ooo In Its- net earnings for January. No changes were reported In time money and brokers stated that the market wag duller thsn for several months. The bond market was steady. Total sales. par value. $2,453,000. United States bonds unchanged. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. 300 S.900 "00 8.4O0 31 H jno 000 High. 304 24 5S 45 4 l S3 -61 Low. 30 4 62 r.7 4 44 52 4 00 4 2O0 1O0 2( 2,000 'loo 4M1 L200 21 Ts Jl 374 74 4 '464 11S4 143 21 11 374 74 '46 4 1184 144 1,100 84 33 .$.M 66 73 . .40)l 6 50 . 6.259 6.50 . 4.(HI1 5.0O . 8.70 5 T5 . B.50 5.T0 . 2-(ou 4.00 . 5.25U 5.50 . 6.23 6.50 . 4.5" 4.73 . 3.73-if 4 00 . 3 On if 8.50 . T.T5W 8.00 . .T.OO'tf T.50 . 3.2J 5.60 . 4.73! 5.00 . WJ 6.0O . 4.0O 8.00 . 6.50O 8.60 . 8 251- 8. AO . T.T5U 8.O0 s.r.ois 6.73 s.00 8.50 4.50 6.0O 2.50'ty S.50 t 12.ROO 20 2lO 1,5110 200 1.100 2.K00 3.O00 1.700 loss 1024 12 J 03 30 78 213S 2 101 105 102 11M 103 30 774 212 28 4 1004 3, TOO 82 82 200 600 "'506 400 6"0 100 'lino 2"0 UOO 1.8IMI 2U0 200 1.300 81 HJ lOO 4lK 5oO 6O0 200 2cl 1,100 4O0 ' i.ino 500 145 1214 '324 A3 140 13 '814 70 3B 28 48 - 124 r.x 183 14 R24 116 145 120 '.ii' " 52 4 140'4 13 'si" 70 SHU 2S4 47 4 i-io" 123 5S 133 1S 52 4 116 40 4 11 33 iii" 144 143 82 4 7.4O0 50 3O0 80 D.ftno 21)0 4.700 ' i. 506 200 300 100 '1.200 100 200 400 SO0 52 4 3 106 414 104 iii 4 24 126 104 '264 32 4 159 404 10 334 iio 144 4 iii 4 82 "56" "52" 30 4 10.-, 414 103 120 24 125 104 "l9 32 159 Bid. 304 62 57 4 44 . 62 B0 23 21 11 37 74 104 404 1184 144 vn 34 3 105 102 120 103 30 77 2124. 29 101 2XO 82 34 21 44 144 4 120 It 32 52 140 13 163 81 4 70 364 2S 47 4 Sri 4 1474 123 5S i;s:i 18 nz 11H4 15 jit 404 164 034 Bank of Eaglaad flets Cold. LONDON. March A Th B.-nk of Eng- ard secured mmt of tit. fa.5oo.OOit South Afrtcaa gold offered tn th local oiariit to day. Wool at fit. real. ST. I.OriS. March 6. Wool Vochnnr-d. Territory and Western mediums. 19u 22c; fine mediums, lilt IV; fine, llv 13c at London. lion at Loadoa. LIVERPOOL. March Hop Pacific Coast, firm. 14 6Vi3. Dalotai llaz Market. Dt'1.1 TH. March a Flax on track and to arm. I2.U4: May. 3614- Ilep at yew York. NEW TORK. March a. Hop dull. Vancouver Ken Vis; I'.kk- VAXCOLTITU. Wash.. March . Special. ) A ingle-yolk egg weigh ing- three ounce and measuring 4 by TS Inches, tha product of an clght-muntas-old Buff Wyandotte pullet. wned by Henry Dorr, who llre east of tha garrison, la thought by poultry xperts to he close to tha record for U aad walstu atrrn Llmteck Markets. CHICAOO. March - Cattl. Receipts es timated at 22.o0; market ateady to atrong. Beeves, f 5.20 7; Texas steers, 4.40y 5.b0; Western steers. $4.73(3S5; stockers and feeder. HU1.W; con aad heifers. Ii70t6; calve. 87 a 9. Hogs Aecelpts estimated at 36.000: mar. ket 5c higher. Light. 8rinr.97.30: mixed. $iiaoT.25; heavy. $ri.73et 7.20; rough. 86.76 ej6.Uo: good to choice heavy, 86.1041-7. 20; pigs. 86.0OUT13; bulk of sales. $7 U 7 2u. tohee Keeelpts estlnrated at 16.000; mar ket strong to loc up. Native. 13 lo rf 4-,; Weetern. 3.23 0 4 85; yearling. 84.7547.55; lambs, iu 30; Western. 85 20 630. Coffee and Sagar. NEW TORK, March 6. ColTe future cloeed stesdy t net advance of StylS polnta Halee, 3K.&O0 bara. March, lo.-'oc: April. 10.12c: May. June and July, H). 10c; August. o.o2c; September. l.U5c; October. u.h.'ic: November. U.75c; December, January and February. S.65c Spot coffee steady. No. T Rio.. 12 4 e; San toe. No. 4. 12 4c. Mild coffco nominal. Cor dova.. 12 6 15 4c. Raw miir steady 1 Muscovado, .89 test. 8.17c; agntrifug!. .lid test. 3.07c; molasaes, .88 taaab 2.W2C Refined sugar quiet. Dried I'm It at New Tork. NET? YORK, March a. Evaporated ap ple vary flria. with (mall offerlnga. On th spot fancy ar quoted at 12)1 13c: choice. 12c; aim. llt(llc; cold storage. 80 lwa praaea Arm. fairy active. Quotations rang from 4 4ill4c for California up to 8n-u aad 11 4 ar 120 for Oregon from 4J to 80a Anrlcot ayaiet. Arm oa tha fAt suppllea AMIS Chal pf .. Amal Copper . . Am Agrlcult Am Beet Sugar. American Can.. Am Car A Fdy. Am Cotton OH. Am Hd Lt pf Am Ic Securi. Am Linseed Am Locomotive Am Smel & Hot do preferred.. Am Steel Fdy.. Am Sugar Ref. Am Tel A Tel.. Am Tobacco pf, Am Woolen ... Anaconda M Co Atchison do preferred. .' Atl Coast Line Bait c Ohio .. Bethlehem Steel Brook Rap Tran Canadian Pac. . Central Leather do preferred. . Central of N J. Chee A Ohio .. Chicago A Alton Chicago Ot Wes do preferred. . Chicago & N W C, M A St Paul C. C. C A St L. Col Fuel A Iron Col A Southern. Coneol Gas .... Cora Products... Del A Hudson.. D A R Grande.. do preferred.. Dill tilers' Secur. Erie do 1st pf .... do 2d pf .... O.D Klectrfe .. Ot North pf ... tit North Ore . . Illinois Central. Interbor Met .. do preferred.. Inter Harvester. Inter Marine pf Int Paper Int Pump Iowa Central . .. K C Southern.. do preferred.. Laclede Gas . . . Louis A Nash.. Minn A St L M. S P A 8 8 M Mo. Kan A Tex. do preferred. . Mo Pacific ..... Nat Biscuit Nat Lead Mex N Ry 31 Pf N T Central .. . N Y, Ont A We Norfolk A Wea. North American North Pac'flo .. Pacific Mall ... Pennaylvanla ... People's Gas . .. P. C C A St L-. . Pittsburg Coal.. Pressed S Car.. Pull Pal Car .. Rv Steel SDring . . . Reading S3.800 Henubllc Steel ao prexerrea.. Rock Island Co do preferred.. 8t L A 8 F 2 Pf St L Southwest. do preferred.. Sloes Sheffield Southern Pac .. Southern Ry ... do preferred. . Tenn Copper . .. Texas A Pac . . Tol. Bt L A Wes do preferred. Union Pac ... do prefererd . IT S Realty .. U S Rubber ... U S Steel do preferred.. TJtah Copper .. a-Caro Caem.. Wabash do preferred.. Western Md . .. Westing Elcc . . Western Cnlon. Wheel A L E Lehlh Valley.. 3.4O0 Total sales lor the day. 1 l.ovv snare. BONDS. NEW TORK. March 6. Closing quota tions: U. 8. ref. s reg.ioi IN Y C G 34a 88 do coupon. .. .101 iNortn pacific as. 7114 V. B. 8a reg... 102 North pacific 4s.loo do coupon lrj. iouin facuic 4. bi U. a new 4s reg.ll5;t'nlon Pacific 4s.lO0 do cdupon....ll5;viscon w" a. wz-j. D A R Q 4S 934J Money. Exchange. Etc. NEW YORK. March 6. Prime mercantile paper. 444 per cent. Sterling exchunge steady with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at 84.84104.8415 for 60-day bills and at 84.KK45 for demand. Com mercial bills. 34 3 4.83 4. . Bar silver 524c. Mex'run dollars, 45c. Government and railroad bonds, steady. . Money oa call steady, 2(i2 4 per cent; ruling rate. 2; closing bid, 2; offered at per cent: six months. 133 154 08 4 29 100 40 !.foo 300 loo 10(1 lofl 300 200 28.4O0 20O 100 8. ( 300 63, 000 4)U 400 200 2O0 1.4oO 603 '"'800 113 2rt 03 4 374 . 27 22 51 173 4 81 87 4 7B 118 44 CD 4 174 37 4 61 't3 173 P8 20 40 .Js- 115 21! 634 '37 4 27 22 51 171 0O 07 ;i4 73 lis 444 6A4 in 87 50 '73'" 172 Ail 110 144 1 211 143 324 6R4 55 121 52 304 106 4 41 104 71 121 24 125 104 l 20 32 158 84 1.-4 32 US 29 58 40 21 65 51 115 2114 63 37 27 22 51 J72 90 60 39 i 118 44T 6X 1'i 87 504 T 72 5 172 1 X- nee rent. Time loans dull. Sixty days, S 80 days, offered at 3 per cent; offered at 34 per cent. LONDON. March 6. Bar silver, quiet at 24 4 d per ounce. Honey. 3 4 per cent. The tste of discount In ths open market for short bills Is 2 per cent; for three months' bill. 2 15-16 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, March 6. Sterling oa London. 60 days, 34.844: sight, (4.864. Draft Sight, 2c; telegraph, ec CHICAGO. March & Exchange on New Tork. 30 cent discount. 4'ondttum of tba Treasury. WASHINGTON. March 6. At th begin ning of business today th condition of th Treasury was: Working bslanc In Treasury of fice 828.762.671 In banks and Phlltppln Treasury 32,531,73.1 Total balance In general fund.... 86.4o2.282 Ordinary receipt Saturday 2.0(l'.i5 Ordinary disbursements 3,317,500 Th. deficit to date this fiscal year I $2,858,131, as against 823,243,877 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama Canal and public, debt transactions.. New York Cottoa Market. NEW XOKK. Marcb . Cottoa finot I Bonds Investments TimberLands McGRATH & NEUHAUSEN CO. 701-2-3-4-5 Lewis Bids. Portland Oregon closed quiet. 20 points lower. Mid uplands, la fte Ho s-iilf. 14 45c: sales. 6011 bales. Cotton futures closed brely steady. Clos ing bids: March, 13.lMc; April, j-t.voc; amy, 14.13c; June and July. 13.!9c: August. 13.4ic; October, 12.37c; December, 12.26c; January, 12.25c Euroneaa Grain Market. LONDON. March 6. Cargoe dull. Walla Walla for .hlnment 6d lower at 33. Engiish country markets, quiet; French country markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL. March . Close: Wheat- March, es 84d; May, 6s 8d; July, 6s 8L Weather, line. Barley Steady to a trifle easier, closing at 68082c. Flax closed at 82.65. Corn No. 3 yellow, 42c. Oats No. a white. 2820c Eye No. 2, S0 4SS2C Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO, March . Butter Steady. creameries!. ICS 26c; dairies. 15W21C Re-s-s Recetnts 12.8S4 cases: steady mark, cases Included, 12tfl4c; firsts, 16c nrim firsts. 17Uc. cheese Steady. Daisies. 12wl3c: twins, 114&12c; Young Americas. 12814c; long nonit, i-'jt a1 1 - . WHEAT HAS WEAK START CHICAGO MARKET CLOSES WITH PRICES OFF. Millers Withdraw as Buyers Warm Weather Stimulates Flowing in Large Section. CHICAGO, March 6. Springlike weather and millers holding aloof made a weak fin ish for wheat today. The close showed o of to c compared with 48 hour before. In corn there was a net advance of AUc and In oats a gain of a shade. Provisions were left unchanged to 10 cent lower. Reports were current that owing to high temperatures plowing was In progress as far up as the Canadian Northwest. This conai tlon. together with the fact that an ad vance of 4 cents since the middle of last week had failed to stimulate any demand on the part ot manufacturers of flour, proved too much In the end for ownersnip or wneat. During the middle -of the day there was a decided display of strength, owing to a Dig decrease in the United States visible supply, It waa pointed out. also, that primary re ceipts had been 27,000,000 bushels less than last year, but that exports bad fallen only 23.000 bushels. However, the market was suffering from the effects of a weak start. due to disappointing cables. The close waa easv at almost the lowest point of the aes slon. May ranged from 90 to 02 4 c. with lust sales 4ir4c down at 01 to 111 He. Corn bulired because of figures indicating a firm demand greatly in excess ox a year ago. May varied between 48c and 49c, closing steady to 44c up at 4Sc. Cash grades wer nrm. No. 2 yellow nnisnea witn 7iffi47 4c. ' Oats, though following corn, did not do so in a radical way. High and low limits for Mar were 81c and 804c with the final price a shade above Saturday night at 304 e;304sc Realixlng by packers eased orr provisions. Pork closed a shade to IOC lower, lard oft a shade to 2 6 5c and ribs unchanged to 7 4c decline. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Onen. Hiirh. 8 .14 .92 .89 .84 CORN. .48 .49 .49 .50 .50 .50 OATS. .80 .31 .:o .30 .J0 .80 MESS PORK. 17.70 17.70 16.83 16.87 LARD. Mar 8 30 9.30 9.20 .2t July 8.25 9.25 4.15 9.16 Sept.'. 9.20 9.25 .17 8.17 May July Sept May July Sept May July Sept. . . May July Low. t -80 .f)94 -88 4 .48 .49 .60 4 .30 .80 .39 17.60 16.72 Closs. -91 .89 4 .88 4 .48 .49 60 .30 .30 .30 17.55 14.76 SHORT RIBS. May 9.65 8.85 (.42 .52 July .i4 i4 n.izs 1.12 a Cash quotations were as roiiowi: Flour Steady. Rve No. 2. 854 ft SCe. Barley Feed or mixing, 6575c: fair to choice matting. s'ffstc. Flaxseed rso. l soumwestem, sn.&t; xno. Northwestern. g-.M. Timothy seed (9tfll.50. Clover 15. Pork Mess, per barrel, $18.7519. Lard Per 100 pounds, 19.12. Short ribs Sides (loose), S.759.50. K!des Short, clear (boxed), 18.62 4f 9-75. Grain.- statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 812,000 bushels. Exports, for the week, as snown dv xiraastreei. were enual o 152,000 Dusneia frtmary receipts were AZ.VUtf ousoeis. compared witn l.3s.uo bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 15 cars: corn. 584 cars; oats. 205 cars: hoas. 21,000 head. receipts, anipment. Flour, barrels Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels . Oats, bushels . Rve. bushels . parley, bushels 14.000 . 16.000 .427.000 .219,000 . 4.000 . 65.000 13.000 16.000 236.000 282,000 "zY.ooo Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Jlarch 6. Wheat l'7c: July. B84684c; September. 92c Cash. No. 1 hard, 81.00: No. 1 Northern, 0809c; No. 2 Northern, t597c; No. 8 wheat. 9296c t: I n . c V-' PAN FRANCISCO, March 6. Wheat Arm, barley steady. r-pot quoiat'ons; wneac snipping, S1.3U3 !..' pvr vciivi. Barley Feed. 81.124yl.l3 per cental; brewing. 81.20-S1.25 per cental. What Our Neighbors Say !!!!!! "No property owner who has bitulithic' pavement in front of his property would ex change for any other; and some who have tried other kinds here and elsewhere would he glad to exchange for bitulithic" Salem Capital Journal. Lumber mens National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital $500,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SAN FRAK CISCO FOUNDED 1864. $8,500,000 $7,914,401 Capital Paid in ... 1 ..... . Surplus and Undivided Profits . . . . BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City We buy and sell Foreign Exchange; lsfruo J Drafts and Cable Transfers, Commercial Cred- """ Its and Travelers' Letters of Credit, available in all parts of the world; make collections on all points and conduct a general foreign and, ' domestic banking business. INTEREST PAID OUT TEH 13 AND SAVING? DEPOSITS. T T. PORTLAND OFFICE Northwest Corner Third and Stark Streets CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING. M. A. MA.O RAE, Manager. J. T. BCRTCHAEU, Asst. Manager. Capital $1,000,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits 650,000 W. M. Ladd, President. Edw. Cooklnsham, Vice-Frea. W. H. Danckier, Cubler. R, S. Howard, Jr., Ass't Cashier. J. TV. Ladd. Assistant Cashier. Walter SL Cook, Ass't Cashier. Corner Washington and Third Streets &iJri?44tB j'-'l f . i0 ..A.;. .Ja-Jai UNITED STATES DEPOSIT ART. Merchants National Bank PORTLAND, OREGON. Capital and Surplus 3350,000.00 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. 4 INTEREST PAID ON 12-MONTH CERTIFICATES OP DEPOSIT. LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED AVAILABLE THE WORLD OVER. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. We Invite Accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations, Assuring Them of Courteous, Considerate Treatment and Every Accommodation. Consistent With Conservative Banking. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. Joseph M. Healy. A. F. Smith. WS?-JT- Muir. A. C Mowrev, John S. Beall. J. F. Watson. R. L. Durham, Pres't. M. L. Holbrook, Vice-Pres't. Geo. W. Hoyt, Cashier. S. C. Catching, Assistant Cashier. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tha Rocky Mountains nor rental: black. SI. 10 1.15 ner cea ! board sales: Barley December, si.14 14 -per cental; May, $1.19 1.20 per L SI. 50 Call 01.14 cental. drain Markets of the Northwest. TACOMA, March 6. Wheat; Blueatem, 81c: fortyfold, SOc; club, 78c; red Kucslan, 78c Receipt, wheat la cars. cpiTTr.E Wash . March B. Mllllna- Quo tations: Bluestem. 85c; fortyfold. 83c; club, S'Zc- fife, S2c; rod Russian, Sic. Export: Bluestem. S2c; fortyfold. 80c; club, 7Uc; Ufa, 9c ; reri Klisaian. TKAY JCLEIiS- GCIDK. San Francisct), Los Anjeks aal Sao Diego Direct Worth Pacific 8. B. Co.' 8. S. Roust aad a 8. iaer au vry naansaoai .trDtly t 0 P. M. Xwat ofUe ill -laird c. sur Aldr. munv J. UlbLKT. Passenger Accaw '. ii. SLVS6Ui. FMsbt Aa-eai, fboac M. U14. A Uli, 8AV FRANCISCO PORTLAND 88. CO. New service to Los Angeles via Sau Fran cisco everv five -days. From Alnsworth dock. Portland, 4 P. M. SS Kose City March 8, Beaver 12, Hear 18. From Pan Francisco, northbound, 1J M. 88 Beaver March 7, Bear 12. Kose City 17. From San Pedro, northbound. 12 M. SS Bear March 10. Bose City 15. Beaver SO. H. . mith, C. T. A.. 142 Third St. J W Ransom, Arcent. Alnsworth Ilock. ' rhone: MaLn 402. 26H; A 1402. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER sail from Alaska dock. Portland, 8 P. M. every Tues day. Freight received at Alaska Dock until P. M. daily. Passenger faro first-class, $10; second-class. $7. Including- meal and berth. Ticket on sale at Alnsworth dock. Phones Mala 2S8. A 1234. TRAVELER'S GUIPS. COOK'S TOURS Et'ROFE 150 to $1270 Boveral Include London During the CORONATION OF KING GE0EGE V Other Tours to JAPAN AND HAWAII IN MARCH Send for Programme Free. Thos. Cook & Son, 689 Market St., San Francisco. AMERICAN LINE N. Y.-Plymouth-Cherbourg-South-ampton-Philadelphia-Queens-towa-Liverpool ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE Now York-London (direct) RED STAR LINE London-Paris via Dover-Antwerp . Philadelphia-Antwerp. WHITE STAR LINE New York-Queenstown-Llverpool N- Y. -Plymouth, -Cherbours-Soutb-ampton-Boeton-Queenstuwn Liverpool Also X. Y. and Boston-Mediterranean WHITE STAB-DOMINION Portland-Montreal-LlverpooL W. Stinger, 234 Wash.; A D. Charlto. ; Morrison: F. R. Johnson, 142 Third, J. K. Baird, 100 Third: Vald. Udell. 26 North Sixth. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (I nloo Line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON Direct throug-h steamers, sailing from Baa Fiincisco. Mar. 8 and every as day. Wal- Hnvtnn inri bnrtc 1st claas. S2i4. Other rates also low. The line to Isles of the South Boa. For reservations see Coupon Railroad Aceut. or address Oceanlo 8. 6. Co., eaa FranaUca,