Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 07, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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Puget Sound Lines SaicK to
Have Made Offer to Re- .
duce Rates.
rnrtlanil Jt Asiatic Company Stand
firm bnt Will Hold Mrctlns- to
Consider Tran-Pacific Amle
Miljlns Situation.
I'nmi'ln features ir developing In
the oriental rai war precipitated pub
ltrly Friday by the Japtnue steam
ship, lines lowering the trans-Pacinc
tariff all th may (rum one-halt t one
third. A r port circulated yesterday
had It that I'ueet Sound lines, other
than the subsidised Japanese fleets.
had Toluntarlly offered Portland ship
per s rates In conformity with those
applying on carriers flying the Nippon
Hut th Portland Asiatic Steamship
Company Is apparently standing fast.
Oeneral Aaent Itansom said yesterday
that no concerted move had been made
by the American and Canadian lines
to meet the cut that he had been ap
prised of. but that It was expected a
meeting would be held son to Octer-
ntmj. rKl lnaBlir WOtlM he sdOPted
to hrl.l the Insurgent Japanese Into
line. The liner RycJ U aesured of a
full rir at full rates, but the ICcnrlli
Ibsen will nrt be In port until April
and by that time the rate cutting may
have ended.
Ili-d action I Fore -limltmcd.
One loi-al shipper says that fully a
month leu he knew tariffs were being
shaded, because lie bid on wheat tor
Japan delivery, his figure belnc based
on rullni; Quotations for the cereal here
with the ocean rate added, and he waa
informed by cable that his tender waa
II too hlch.
It la said that storks of wheat on
I'uBt found that are preferred for
the Japanese market have rapidly di
minished, while in Portland there are
several thousand tons of that kind, and
with more that could be drawn hurried
ly from the country. It Is estimated
rouchly that about 10.004 tuna could be
Uarr Loral It a tea In riwpcct.
But even In the face of ratea yes
terday quoted by northern lines. It Is
said that the rati local from I'ortland
would cut Fronts so that It waa not
thought advisable to move the cereal,
particularly aa there are prospects for
lower rates here with the I'ortland
Asiatic and Waterhouse fleets operat-Ina-
Marine men regard the rate 'cutting
as something that could be made dis
astrous for the Japanese If the trans
continental rail lines Interested In
steamers the Canadian 1'acine. Great
Northern and Hartman sysfms would
refuse to move transcontinental freight
routed via the Nipixn fleets. Without
the Eastern consignments the Japanese
would suffer In a short time, even
though they got full cargoes of Coast
shipments so long aa the wbeat and
flour demand continues.
Another Lumber Cargo Going to
Vnltrd Kingdom.
Following chartering of the German
pc.lp Wllr.elmlne here to load lumber for
the 1'ntted Kingdom, and the taking of
the British eMp Holt Hill to load on
luget Sound, tonnage clcee at bund waa
regarded cleared on the Coast. Hut an
other carrVr baa been found by the
American Trading Company, the German
bark II. llackfel.I. which will load lum
ber here for London on a rate of
ahUtlngm. The llackfeld sailed from
Hamburg November it for Honolulu.
The fart there la r.o spot grain tonnage
Is tot disconcerting to exporters, who
continue to refuel to charter on prevail
ing market conditions. The Wtlhelrolne
waa offered freely for grain, and with no
weens. It la believed that the height
of the grain export eeason Nut been
reached and that ahlle there will be a
few straggling ships to close the year,
March and April will probably have the
largest number of carriers. In March.
11 but one of the rmln fleet cleared
and In April there were four. May having
one and June none. This year March
will get credit for at least three and
with the Natad In. there may be four.
If the Hf.t -ti steamer k!pton arrives
early from A in Franc laco and geta good
dispatch there U be a decidedly better
Japanese Are? Buying Heavily Here
Ret-an1 ot Plague.
Plague conditions In Manchuria, which
brought about a cessation of wheat ship
menus, thereby compelling Japan to look
elsewhere for Immense stocks are given
as the reason for the unusual heavy
buying of cereals tn the Pacific North
west. It waa declared yesterday In ex
porting circles that the plague epidemic
waus principally responsible for the situa
tion, and not a war scare or the famine
In China.
It baa been held by tome that the
movement of wheat and flour vm not
out of the ordinary and that It was
rmtural consequence at time when
prices were low. To the Japanese was
credited a shrewd commercial instinct
In taking up stocks when quotations were
near the bottom, but late reports seem
to explain the problem as originating In
the stoppage of Manchurlan wheat
stocks. Hurera are endeavoring to gather
wbeat In the Interior, where supplies
of ronstderaMe site are he!.!, and much
fa renorted moving to Pliget Sonnd for
Far Eastern delivery. Locally, as much
f'.our aa ran be carried is offered.
iiirrn estimates keqi-iued
.Money May lie Available to Start 30
Koot Clkanncl.
Though In the Congressional appropria
tions '."" was not set aside for two
Mnrh suction dredges to be used under
the direction of Major Mclndoe. Corps
of Enzlneers. I". 8. A.. In comDietlng the
proposed k-foot channel to the see. be
cause It was estimated that a year
would be requlreil to bu'ld the diggers.
It appears that the livers and harbors
bill carri-s $Z0i for the maintenance
of the Willamette and Columbia Klver
roads, or fljo.iv In exces cf the sum
asked. There are prospects that a start
will be made this season on dykes,
revetments and other permanent works
required on the stream that the J-foot
channel may bo maintained.
Official notification that President Taft
s'gned the rivers snd harbors measure
ba not been received, but It Is expected
that In a few days orders will arrive
from Washington to forward estimates
on all projects showfhg how it l In
tended to use the money appropriated.
Kstlmates fur maintaining the Columbia
River channel mere sent In advance of
the report on the depth being Increased
to S feet, and were placed at 2u.n.
The excess fund may assist In starting
the work In advance of the completion
of the dre.'cs. Next yesr Congress Is
to appropriate for the dredges
snd an additional sura for their opera
Invrrklp Due it Month With Gen
eral Cargo Also.
Bound for Portland and Pan Francisco
with general cargo from r.uropean pon.
the British steamer Strathbeg. sailing
In the Henry Lund Company line
and consigned to Taylor. Young Co
yesterday put out from Dublin. The
British steamer Inverklp, of the same
feet, which will load lumber here after
discharging European freight. Is out U
days from Antwerp and Is due hero next
The British rteamer Strathlyon. now
Dae te Arrive.
Su. if. EIraore
. Til.amnok. .
. an Ivor. .
.Tn port
.In port
.In port
In port
.Mar. T
.Mar. B
I;o cur
finanoka. . . .
K rja
Cons Par..
. -tao f'edro. ..
.HontKong. .
. Eureka
. ran KranrUco
. Tillamook. ...
. an PeUro. . . .
. Jlandon . .....
Mar. a
Mar. to
M.r. 1.1
Mar. 14
Apr. 1
Golden Gate. ..
tiro. W. Elder.
.San Pedro.
Fan Pedro. . .
Scheduled to Depart.
Kama. Vor Data
t) rnniHif Mar.
hue II. Elmore. Tillamook. ...Mar.
K.e City Kin pKlro. ... Mar.
Hoannk. . .. . an luro. ... Mar.
Alliance Eureka lr.
tiolilen Gate... Tillamook. ...Mar.
Kalmo ..Fan Francisco ar,
. .... .Bendon.
Mar. 13
Jleaver Pin Pedro. ... Mar. 13
G-o. W. Elder. -tan Pedro. ...Mar. 13
Hear ban Pedro.. ...Mar. H
Hull llor.skooc Mar. S'
RIerslds......UaiLoa.. ...... Apr.
of the Portland A Asiatic coterie, left
down at duyllght yesterday, headed for
the Far East with a full cargo, and the
British steamer Suverlc. of the Water
house fleet. Is working wheat , at Mont
gomery dock No. 1 and will finish to
morrow and sail as soon as possible.
She will probably move today to the
Eastern & Western dock to take on a
small lot of lumber. The Oriental liner
Kygja Is looked for In the river from
the orient via San Francisco, and within
a week the Norwegian tramp Skogstad
will be here to load lumber for Shanghai.
Larllne Breaks Main Shaft..
Through the breaking of lu main shaft
the steamer trfirllne has been tied up
. nM iha a.fnrfa route
anu uirny ii'., j . " v.. . - . .
for two weeks, as new material must be
shipped from the Enst. The accident
was reported In time for the steamer
Vndlne to be dispatched In the Lurllne s
place ana ivu vn iuv
Ing. The I airline e cress was transferred
to the Undine.
Shipbuilder Make Turntables.
T.l . . . .Sfneded the crew at
Supple's eMp yards by cutting huge
timbers tor rauroaa iiimisoiri. i n
timbers were sNxped for the Standard
i... . . . . Hrh haa an
1UA s uwmwi J
order from tne O.-W. R. for three
turntables, eacn Having a oiamtirr oi
pn feet. They are to i,e Installed on the
Washington division.
Fort Pilots Get Vacation.
, cr-rf OTA rte rreh K .-ne-lal On
account of deepwater shipping season
being practically at an end, the bar
.i . h-in. riven their annual "va
cations." Pilot Anderson was laid off
last night, and It Is understood that one
pilot will be laid off each month until
Fall, the same as was done last year.
Marine Notes.
Herbert X. Cassady. ex-engineer of
the gasoline schooner Delia, went as
master of the craft when It sailed yes
terday for Nestucca.
It Is expected that In a , few days
Major Mclndoe. Corps of Engineers.
will award a contract for overhauling
two rock barges, for which soma of
the bids have been received.
With .JT0 bushels of wheat, valued
at I12.S00. the German ship Kilo Is
about ready to leave for sea. She
cleared yesterday. The Invermay will
probably clear In a day or two.
I'nder the direction of Local In
spectors Edwards and Fuller the
steamer Tahoma. undergoing repairs at
the Portland Shipbuilding Company's
yard, was Inspected yesterday..
At the Custom-House yesterday the
steamer Breakwater was entered from
Coos Hay. and the British ship Naiad,
from Callao In ballast. The German
ship Kilo cleared for the United King
dom and the Breakwater for the re
turn voyage.
Captain B. J. Roberta, of the British
ship Naiad, which reached the Linnton
ballast dock from cauao yesterday,
raports that the vessel lost some can
vas and waa buffeted by a gale 300
miles southwest ot Tillamook Head
February 13.
After being floated from the Oregon
drydock the steamer Sue H. Elmore
berthed at Couch-street yesterday and
began taking cargo for Tillamook, as
she sails this afternoon. The steamer
Oolden Gate la ft for Tillamook last
Movements of Vessels.
PORTUXD. March , Arrived Steamar
Caaco. from San Francisco, flailed Hrltlan
steamer tiirathivon. for Hongkong and stay
Dorta; gasoline schooner uei.a. tor nestucca;
steamer Goldan Gat, for Tillamook.
Astoria. March ( Condition at the mouth
of th. rlvar al V. M .. smooth: wind, east
2 4 miles; weather, cloudy. Arrive! at s
A. M.St earner Nehalem. from San Fran
cisco. Arrived at 1 1 Jo A. M. and left up
at 1 P. M Klumtr Casco. from pan Fran
cisco. Arrived down al 4.3 V. U. British
steamer titrathly-on.
Dan Francisco. March Arrived kteam
er J. B. btetsoa. from 6an Pedro. Arrived
at 1 P. at St.amer ftaevar, from tfan Pedro.
Point Reres. March . passed at t A.
M Nleamar F. H. Liggett, from Columbia
Ki.r. for fan Pedro.
Dublin. March . Sailed British steamer
Strathbeg. for an Francisco and Portland.
uurenstnwn. March 4. Palled untltn
ship Glenalvoa. from Tortland. for Limerick.
Tides at Astoria Taeedajr.
H'gtu I.ow.
5:1S A. M t-4 f-et :: A. M O S foot f. Ja II f-et:
State Pays Injured Guardsman.
DALLAS. Or.. March (.George Kess-
l!ng. a guardsman of Company H. of
this place, haa received 11741. 15 from the
state. A bill wss Introduced In the
legislature appropriating to be paid
to him for Injuries he received on the
rtfle range IT months ago, which ren
dered him a cripple for life, and the sum
received was allowed by the lawmakers-
County Surveyor to Clear Land.
HrSUM. Wash.. M.arch . (Special.
Homer Thacker. deputy County Sur
veyor, haa returned to Husum from his
Winter's sojourn at Olympla. He sars
he will be unusually busy during the
present year In sun-eying tracta for new
arrivals who contemplate clearing lands
In this vicinity to be set out to fruit
Devoid of Thorns It May Be
Used in Eastern Oregon. !
Special Representative of O.-W. R. &
X. Co. Expects to See "Wlxard"
Perfect Plant So It Will
Grow for Cattle Here.
Prickly pear thorned cactus, devoid
of the thorns and retaining the fine
flavor and wholesomeness of the desert
plant, may be used to redeem the arid
region of Eastern Oregon for stock-
K..-nn.A. IS the efforts of L.U-
ther Burbank. the well-known Califor
nia plant wixaru, ana mo cu-oyci
of the trafTic department of the O.-W.
H. & N. Co. prove successful.
A. A. Morse, special reprcst-ntatle
of the traffic department, who has
charge of the company's agrlcultu-t!
experiments in this state, has Just te
turned from Santa Koha. Cal.. where
he conferred with Mr. Burbank on the
progress he has made In his experi
ments with the cactua .In the last two
years. While he has succredel In de
veloping a perfect plant without the
obnoxious thorns, that thrives well In
r-.nAA.i- . K nni 'ldpn able to
.harden It so that It will withst ind the
more rigorous Winters ot Oregon.
Burbank Is Confident.
However, Mr. Burbank Is fully con
fident that he can so develop the plant
that It will grow with ease In Oregon
Mr. Burbank started his experiments
with the prickly pear cactus several
years ago with the Idea of removing
the objectlonal thorn. By previous
tests he had learned that the meat of
the plant Itself was extremely whole
some and nourishing and that It had
particularly valuable qualities for sus
taining and fattening livestock. His
method In bringing about a plant that
had no thorns was to remove a small
section of "pear" which contained no
thorns on the outside and plant it In
the ground. As the seed Is contained
Inside the "fruit" In the pulp, this
small section took root and rapidly
sprouted. It contained fewer t'.iorns
than the parent plant. Again he re
moved a thornless block and planted It.
The result was a plant with still fewer
thorns. By a series of such practices,
he finally developed a plant entirely de
void of thorns.
Morse Visits "Wizard."
Two years ago last Agust about the
time that the "wlxard" eliminated
thorns the first time Mr. Morse called
at the Burbank experimental tract In
Santa Rosa.
"Will your thornless cactus grow tn
Oregon T" Mr. Morse asked.
"How cold does It get there?"
"Fourteen below Is the coldest."
"No. It won't grow In a place colder
than 18 above.- Come back In four
years and I'll give you one that will."
Although the four year period has
not yet expired. Mr. Morse felt tempted
to call upon Mr. Burbank when he was
In California Inst week In charge of a
special excursion of Tacoma tourists.
The "wizard" admitted that his experi
ments to produce a hardier cactua had
not succeeded In the wsy that he ex
pected they would, yet he has not driven
up. He will continue. his tests and be
lieves that when the four years rj up
he will be able to deliver to Oregon a
perfected plant that will thrive any
where In the state at all seasons of the
When once such a plant Is started.
It grows rspldly and Increases almost
without attention. Cattle can eat It
from the plant. It will not be neces
sary first to cut It off and prepare It
for them. The thornless variety
grows with a thin shell that can easily
be masticated and digested by live
stock of any kind. In Southern Cali
fornia and Arizona, where stock Is fed
upon It, the animals prefer this to ell
other kinds of food. They fatten read
ily and produce a superior variety of
The fruit also is used for domestlo
purposes. Farmers prepare It for their
table and use It for desserts, preserves
and In preparing various delicate
dishes. An excellent candy also is
made from It.
Mr. Morse's report of Mr. Burbank's
experiments are so nattering that the
traffic, officials here are figuring upon
Introducing it on the Eastern Oregon
deserts within the next two years.
Corps Inspecting Hooks In Northern
Taciflc Offices.
A corps of traveling auditors Is at
work in the local office of the Northern
Head Broke Out Spread to Arms,
Legs and Entire Body. Itched So
He Would Scratch Until Blood Ran.
One Box of Cuticura Ointment and
Nearly One Cake of Cuticura Soap
Cured Him. Has Had No Return.
"When my boy was about three months
Old. bis head broke out with a rash which
was very itchy and ran a watery Buid. He
tried everything we could but be got worse
all the time, till It spread to his arms, legs
and then to bis entire body. Be got so bad
that be came near dying. The rath would
rich so that he would scratch till the blood
ran, and a thin yellowish stuff would be all
over bis pillow tn the morning. I had to put
mittens on his hands to prevent him tearing
his skin. He was so weak snd run down that
he took fainting spells as If he were dying.
He was almost a skeleton and his little hands
were thin like daws.
" He was bad about eight months when we
tried Cuticura Remedies. I bad not laid him
down In his cradle in the daytime for a long
while. I washed him with Cuticura Soap and
put on one application of Cuticura Ointment
and he was so soothed that he could sleep.
You don't know how rlad I was he felt better.
It took one box of Cuticura Ointment and
pretty Bear one cake o( Cuticura Soap to cure
him. I think our boy mould have died but
for the Cuticura Remedies and I shall always
remain a firm Irlcad o( them. He was cured
more than twenty years ago. and. there bas
been no return of the trouble. I shall be
glad to have you publish th! true statement
ot his cure." (Simcd) Mrs. M. C. Maltlsnd,
Jasper. Ontario. May IT. 1010.
' Cuticura Remedies afford the most econom
ical treatment for affections of the skin and
sralp of Infants, children and adults. A cake
of Cutk-ura Soap (24e.) and a box o( Cuticura
Ointment (50e.) are often su(Bclnt. Sold
throughout the world. Send to Potter Drug
Chem. Corp.. sole props.. Boston, for free
book on the treatment of skin eruptions.
Pacific on the regular Inspection of the
books. Aa this is one of the largest
offices In the Western Jurisdiction, they
will be detained here for several days.
J. B. Meek and F. A. Danley. of St.
Paul, represent the Northern Pacific and
A. L. Sherman the Astoria & Columbia
River road, which has been merged with
the North Bank.
Arrangements now are being made to
segregate the affairs of the North Bank
road from the offices of the Northern
Pacific and Great Northern line pre
paratory to the opening of an Indepen
dent ticket ofTice by the North Bank
April i. The new office will be located
e.t the southeast corner of Fourth and
Stark streets. Remodeling of the rooms
mil be started this week. The accounts
In the Northern Paclllc office will be
audited now and closed out at the end
at the month. It Is not likely that any
local tickets on either the North Bank
line proper or on the Astoria & Colum-
hii Klver road will be handled at the
Northern Pacific and Great Northern
of.icesi Only through passenger business
over those roads will be eold outside the
new North Bank office, which will also
handle the local tickets for the Oregon
KJeetrie. United Railways and Oregon
Trunk lines.
Jndge Cleeton Forces Issue With
Mar) land Concern by Refusing to
Accept Further Bonds.
In a letter to County Judge Cleeton
yesterday the Fidelity & Deposit Com
pany of Maryland, through its attor
ney, Harrison Piatt, acknowledges Its
liability for the failure of the Wash
ington Interior Finishing Company to
complete a contract into which it en
tered for the interior finishing of the
west wing of the new Courthouse. The
amount of the contract was ISSOO. and
the Fidelity & Deposit Company of
Maryland, furnished the bond of the
contracting company, fired as a guar
antee of faithful performance of the
work, for 14450.
In 4118 communication to Judge Clee
ton. Mr. Piatt agrees that the casulty
company will pay the amounts due
laborers, between 600 and $700, from
the Washington Interior Finishing
Company, and will also be responsible
for any damage incurred by the county
if the new contract Is let at a higher
figure than the first. Bids will be ad
vertised for and a new. contract let.
Should the contract price be In excess
of IS900 the Fidelity & Deposit Com
pany will paythc dif ference.
Judge Cleeton forced action on the
part of the bonding company by re
fusing to accept a bond of the Fidelity
& Deposit Company of Maryland, which
was tendered for filing yesterday when
Mrs. W. H. Corbett and William C.
Alvord were appointed to administer
the estate of the late William H. Cor
bett. This act was In accordance with
a threat made by Judge Cleeton not to
accept any more of the company's
bonds until It made good on the bond
filed In the case of the Washington
Interior Finishing Company.
Northern Pacific Booklet, Shaped
Like Apple, Is Issued.
Shaped llko a ripe, red apple the kind
that grows abundantly almost anywhere
in Oregon and Washington Is a neat lit
tle booklet entitled "From Office to Or
chard" Just Irsued by the passenger de
partment of the Northern Pacific Rail
way. Thousands of copies are being dis
tributed through the Northwest and
many are being sent to prospective set
tlers in the East.
On every alternate page Is the picture
of an orchard scene' from various parts
of the fertile fruit producing valleys
along the line of the Northern Pacific.
The text of the publication tells the story
of a man who, after "breaking down"
under the steady grind of routine office
work, took his family and settled on an
undeveloped orchard tract, which, after
a few years of cultivation and nursing,
has been transformed into a producing
orchard that annually contributes un
limited pleasure and a reasonable amount
of profit to the owner, his wife and four
The story tells the details of how the
feat of winning a bearing orchard from
a piece of sagebrush land was accom
plished and gives -advice to other pros
pective horticulturists on how to pro
ceed and how not to proceed to acquire
similar success. It contains a strong
sppeal to sll struggling office men work-
$5 to $10
Fees in Simple Cases
Afflicted Men Has Your Physician
Failed to Cure Yon ?
Refuse to Suffer Longer on Promises
Call Today on
The Reliable Specialists
Men Heed Competent Advice
When Others Fail .
Call and let us give you a careful, painstaking examination absolutely
free. Our opinion and advice will cost you nothing. Perhaps a little
advice is all you need. X-Ray examinations, when necessary, free. No
monev required to commence treatment, and you can arrange to pay
tee when cured.
Call and let us convince you that we have cured where other
doctors and- SPECIALISTS have failed. By permission we can
refer you to cured patients and show you letters we are receiving from
cured and grateful men. If your cae is curable we can cure you, but
if It Is not we will frankly tell you so. Examination free, and you will
be under no obligation whatever to take treatment. If afflicted do not
delay nor neglect your condition, for i quick and lasting cure means a
great deal to your future life and happiness. Remember our charges as
specialists for a guaranteed cure are far less than those charged by
family doctors and surgeons and other specialists. r
No matter whom you have been to see or what you have tried, I can
and will cure you. or I will tell you it cannot be done.
1 7 Years of Success in Treating Men
Cures Guaranteed or No Pay
We are permanently located. Incorporated and licensed under the
laws of. Oregon. '
MEN, IF I TROUBLE, CONSULT VS TODAY. If you cannot call,
write for free book and self-examination blank. Many cases cured at
home. Hours t A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 10 to 12.
291V MORRISON ST Bet. Foarta and Fifth, PORTLAND, OR
Scrofula is a' disease manifested
usually by a swelling: and tilceration
of the glands, especially about the
neck . It ia almost entirely hereditary
in its origin, being1 the dregs or re
mains of some specific blood, poison
Where the blood is greatly weakened
with the scrofulous poison, the disease
attacks other portions of the system
besides the glands, and then we see its
effects in weak eyes, poorly developed
bodies, running sores and ulcers, sicin
diseases, especially on the scalp, ca
tarrhal troubles, etc. Scrofula usually
makes it3 appearance in childhood.
though manhood or womanhood may
be reached before the poison pro
gresses to the stage of outward mani
festation. S. S. S. is the one real cure
for Scrofula. It is a blood purifier
without an equal, and it cures this
destructive blood poison by removing
every trace of the infection from the
circulation. S.S.S., in addition to
cleansing and
purifying the
blood, assists the
stomach and di
gestive members
in the creation of
new blood cor
puscles and other
nourishing mat
ter for the circu
lation. S. S. S. increases the resistive
powers of the system and by strength
eninsr and building up the vitality.
allows nature to make a perfect and
lasting cure. Book describing the
disease and any medical advice sent
free to all who write.
ing for a limited monthly salary to "go
and do likewise."
Tax Payments Also Made by Mall
and Deputies Are Rushed.
Sheriff Stevens' office at the Court
house was crowded yesterday by property-owners.
Intent upon paying their
taxes and availing themselves of the 3
per cent discount which obtains until
March 15. Ten per cent will be added
arbitrarily to all amounts not paid be
fore April 1 and there Is also an ad
ditional penalty of 1 per cent for every
month of delinquency.
A great deal of tax money has been
coming In by mail. Sheriff Stevens
said that so great has been the demand
for statements through the postoffice
that his office force is seven days bee
hind in answering such requests.
Do you know that of all the minor
ailments colds are by far the most
dangerous? It is not the cold Itself
that vou need fear, but the serious
diseases that It often leads to. Most
of these are known as trerm diseases.
Pneumonia and consumption are among
them. Why not taice unamoeriaui
Cough Remedy and cure your cold
while you can? For sale by all deal-
Kdlefsen delivers dry wood.
If I Had the Money
"I would try your treatments."
Ladles, don't let that worry
you. We mean .business, and
not to hold you up and rob you.
If you are suffering from any
ailment peculiar to the sex, call
and see us. Trained nurse In
New Method Electric Treatment
Scientific Electrical Treatments.
Marshall 208.
Merchants Trust Building.
Rooms 302-303.
Washington, near Sixth.
Portland, Oregon.
Reliable Treatment.
Ton IVeed My Advice.'
Sleeps Well
Appetite Fine
And Feellnsc Like a New Maa After !
Being a Nervosa W reck and Unable !
to Do a Stroke of Work. ; j
Mr. B. Arthur Jordan, R. F. D. No. 1. 1
High Point, N. C.. who experienced this ;
remarkable recovery, writes as follows: ,
"Last July I was taken sick; I was very
nervous and wefk. Could not sleep at
night and was unable to look after my '
farm work or do any business. I tried
two doctors, but did not receive much j
benefit from them. -
"A friend of mine told me of Duffy's '
Pure Malt Whiskey and insisted that I .
try it- I did. and I am now strong and
well. Can sleep all right And have an
appetite like a horse."
Duffy's Pure Mailt Whiskey
will bring a healthy glow to the pallid
cheek, give new energy to the faltering
limbs, strengthen and Invigorate the
weary body and throbbing brain; rean
imate the vital organs and create a
new supply of rich, red blood. It makes
the old feel young and) keeps the young
strong and vigorous. Prescribed by
physicians, used In hospitals and rec
ognized as a family medicine every
where. Thousands of our patients, both
men and women alike, who have been
restored to health and strength, extol
its virtues as the world's greatest tonic,
stimulant and body builder.
by drugirists, grocers and dealers, or
shipped direct for tl.00 per large bottle.
The Dttffy Malt Whiskey Co Roches
ter, N. Y.
An Appeal to Wives
No more terrible affliction can come
to any home than the excessive use of
intoxicants by husband or son. Think
of the money wasted in Drink, which i
mded in the home -to purchase food snd
c.cthlng. If you have a drinking Hus
band or Son, give him Orrine. we are
so sure that Orrine will do what is
claimed for it. that if after a trial no
bencf.U are derived from it, we will re
fund the money.
ORRINE is prepared- In two forms.
No. 1, secret treatment, a powder, abso
lutely tasteless and odorless, given
secretly in food or drink. ORRINE No.
2. In pill form. Is for those who desire
to take voluntary treatment. ORRINE
costs only $1.00 a box. Write for Free
Orrine Booklet (mailed in plain sealed
envelope) to ORRINE CO., 730 Orrine
Building. Washington. D. C. ORRINE
is recommended and is for sale In this
city by Skidmore Drug Co., .151 Third
St., and 372-374 Morrison St.
Lowest Charaes of a o e k e s t Cnrea
Any Specialist. That Stay Cored.
AFTER I CURE YOU. I want a chance
to prove I can cure afflicted, skeptical
men who may hesitate to eome to tue
beeanse they have been disappointed
by unskilled doctors.
Remember, my treatment la different
and better and COSTS YOU NOTHING
unless yon are willing, glad and satis
fied to pay me.
Nervousness, Weakness
Nervousness, Weakness, Lack of
Vitality, Poor Memory, Loss of Energy
and Ambition, Wornont Feellnsr, Timid,
Headache, Backache, Melancholy,
Easily Excited, Restless at Night, are
some of the symptoms that destroy
A safe, rapid and permanent cure
for weakness is found by men from the
animal extracts treatment we give
them. All symptoms are soon gone,
strength, vim, vigor, vitality and a
robust feeling are quickly restored.
Come in and see me. Have a confi
dential talk and be examined without
cost or obligation. I will cure you.
The Old Reliable Specialist,
Corner Alder and Second Streets. En
trance 12Stt Second street. Portland.
Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to B P. M.
Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
...ntM Nil
Monev Required IntU
batisiled Is your ab
solute protection. Con
sultation, examination
snd aiaBT.osis
Our speciality Is All
Aliment Of Men.
What you want is a
cure. como w u
nrt ret it. Hours
dally 9 to 6- Even
ings. 7 xo n. ouu
days. 10 to 1.
303 Washington St., l'ortlard. Or.
Sticky Sweating
after ' taking; salts or cathartio
waters did you ever notice that
weary all gon feeling the palms
of your hands sweat and rotten
taste in your mouth Cathartics
only move by sweatitigr your bowels
Do a lot of hurt Try a CASCA
RET and see how much, easier the
job is done how much better
you feeL soa
CASCARETS toe a box for a week's
treatment, all druggists. Biggest seller .
in the world. Million boxes a month.
Thorough Cures
The Leading Specialist.
Many doctors call a suppression
of symptoms a cure. Some dose
for drug effects and then claim
that nothing more can be done.
But the real ailment remains and
will bring the symptoms back
again, perhaps the same as before,
or perhaps modified in some man
ner. My treatment is effective In
completely removing the ailment,
because it goes to the very source
of the cause. It searches out ev
ery root and fiber of the ailment
and thus effects a REAL CURE
one that is permanent. The thor
oughness of my methods in treat
ing men's ailments has brought
cures where others fail, has en
abled me to promise much with
certainty of furfilling every prom
ise and has rewarded me with pre
eminence in the medical field and
with, the largest practice of its
kind In the West.
My Specialty Includes
Varicose Veins, Specific Blood Pol
son, Obstruction, Kidney and Blad
der Troubles, lMles and ull Con
tracted Ailments.
ly give you the very best opinion,
guided by years of successful prac
tice. Men out of town, in trouble
write me if you cannot call, as
many cases yield readily to proper
home treatment and cure. My of
fices are open all day from 9 A. M.
to 8 P. M. and Sundays 10 to 1.
Brace Up Men and Women
Don't Become Drones
Come to dur
office at once
and be c u r ed.
We mean
CURED, not
patched up.
Our proven
methods will
be a surpr 1 s e
and a delight
to y o u. You
will soon feel
that life Is
worth living;
that there is
something bet
ter for you
than dragging
through life a
ten - pound
weight tied t o
your foot, or with that weakened, de
pressed feeling which takes away all
your life, energy and ambition. You
are not able to attend to the ordinary
duties of life and compete with men
and women who are full of lite nnd
vitality, and who really enjoy life. Why
don't you brace up and come to our
office at once and find out what your
real trouble1 is, and let us cure you.
We will treat you honestly and fairly.
If we cannot cure you, you could not
fiay us enough money to hold out false
lopes to you or make any misleadinR
statements regarding your treatment
or cure.
We cure all male and female nllnients
if they are not past curing. Why not
come to our office today and let u cure
you and give you that old desire to live
and enjov life once more. Health and
happiness await you bj calling at our
office and taking our treatment. Re
member, you pay when cured, and our
examination will not cost you anything.
Call at once and be cured.
British Electro Medical Co.
407, 408, 400 Rothcblld Bldg., Portland,
Or. Entrance 287H Washington Street.
Take Elevator to Fourth Floor.
Pay When Cured
We have every known remedy ap-i
pllance for TREATING YOU. Our ex
perience is so great and varied that aa
one of the ailments of Men is new to ua
General Debility, Weak Nerves, In-
omnia Results of exposure, overwork
and other Violations of Nature's lawe.
Diseases o wilder and Kidneys, Vari
cose Veins, quickly and permanently,
cured at small expense and no lsta-
tion from . bnslness.
SPECIAL AlLAifci-NTS Newly con
tracted and ciiruutc cases cured. All
burning. Itching and intlauiinatloa
lopped in 24 hours. Cures effected la
even days. Consultation free. If un
able to call, write for list of questions.
Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun
OS ys. 10 A. M. to 1 P M. only.
Pacific Coast Medical Co
21:41 WAsHl.M.lll.V siliEET.
The Old. Kellabls Chines
Doctor spent lifetime study ot
bcrbs and research in China;
waa granted diploma by ths
Emperor: guarantees curs all
sllments of men and women
when others fall If you suf
fer, call or writs to VICE A
Hcil. Cor. Alder, l'ortisnd. Or.
The most wonderful cough
medicine in the world.
Aiso have some good
remedies for Internal, Ex
ternal, or Eruptive Dis
eases of both sexes. Call
or write to S. H. WAI
801 Vi First St., Portland,