K . - 13 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY. MARCH 7, 1911. . - 1 TO EXCHANGE. ; TOMT. 1 KKAL OTr f ; ..j SZ- Z Sale-F-ms. . "" " . I NOTICsi . I Union Avenue 100x200 Comer Ash, 3-story brick building; cost $34,000; fair income. This prop erty will sell for $75,000 in a short time. Our price only $50,000 ACT QUICKLY Goddard & Wiedrick 243 Stark St. Must Be Sold This Week. Northeast Corner 7th and Salmon Sts. A splendid Bite for theater, hotel, apartments or business. Will double in value in a short time. Can be han dled for $25,000 Balance long time at 6 per cent. A. J. Gantner 406 Henry Building. Main 3875. UnionAve. 100x100 KEAR EHRNSIDE close in and very desirably located. $10,000 Will handle. Vanduyn & Walton 515 Chamber of Commerce. Carlsbad Hot Springs SANITARIUM CO. beg to announce that they have re moved to Suite 506-7-8, Yeon Building Fifth and Alder Street. J. F. Monte, Sec CARtY ACT" IRRIGATED PUBLIC LAND OPENING. YOU ARE IMTfTlEOTO FILE ON ieo acres or irrkjAteO'Iamo. i MAKE APPLICATION NOW tttticwwuuc PORTLAND ORE. BARGAIN QUICK SALE 25x100 Washington Street between Eleventh and Twelfth rts. Bee Owner, 215 Commonwealth Bldg. $13,000 New apartments on Gllsan, near ltd. Four tptrtmrnl.1, S rooms each, lust completed. Hardwood floor. fire-place In r.ch apartment and all conrtnl.nce. Half cash. "Will par 1 per cent oa amount Invested. MORG.IX, FLIEDXER A BOTCE, BOS-4 Ablaatoa Bide. SAL WJT.S.TB PIAUM. ffiVVTwullam O., H Falling bids, Ulrr.ll. A. U- A Cok. JOl-8 McKay i:1s Ft-l atate. saauraaee. mort.asea. leans, eta, Brabs.kee' Beaedtct. So J McKay bid. . 4A Cb-irin A Berlow. f SI Chamber Comeaaree, Ceea. B. A Cev. (OS Corbett bids, j.arin,. Co.. ateia lag 1V4 Orsaiaa. PALM IK-JON Ba COb, M. 4'. i cessrasr- ciai Clab blaa Tke Oreaea Real Aetata Co.. Oraad ave. aaA HlllroTUb st. Helladay Addltloa.) M E. THUMPSOK CO. ear. 4th aad Oak sta. RIAX ETATK rer Sale Lets. HAVE several lots. bst bach reeort; must .,'1: .;rkn-ea T '4. Oregonlaa. ctlAi'EoT lot la Ladda Addition, near Hawthorne ave; must sell. Phone B t.iol. jOO CORNER lot ea Kft 17th aad prea mtt phone omner A C3A a WJ FiR $7.0 lot. 1 block from Woodlawn K-hoolheuM. Phone Tabor lv-; CliKNER. near lith and Broadway. Marsha:! Til. FOft"FD sale, vl-w lot. In Terrace Park. Owner H fiii. Orvgonlan. CHEAP FOR CA'H. Stooa City Park lot. O m. Oregenlan. BlblSIt eomr. I1. AIVvta St rar Unel; price $1100. $eeea Weediawa lav I. PRICES ADVANCED. ALL IT) LOTS I.VBRAUMOXT will poeitlvely be edvaaeed to IS1J M ARC! 1 14. Our prleee are actnally FELOW ANY THIXO on th 2-mlle elrcle. F 'ASY TERMS. Ooaraeteed the highest cl.M IMPROVE XIEVT9 la PORTLAND. Restriction. t 10O0i 10.000 KOSB BUSHES. CalL thon or wrl t. peavmonT u.vn co?avt. BOARD OK TKADB BUIDINO. 84 4t b St. FhoiiM Main MK0, A 116. I ADVANCE 10. MARCH IS. All $TTO lots ta BEAl'MOST. Advanced to l10 March IS. HIGHEST CLARIS IMPROVEMENTS IS PORTLAND. -ETIIRY LOT A I-AWN." B.t bur In tha city. Easy term .a. Bat tar Investigate. CaJU phone or write, BEAT MONT LAND rOMPANT. BOAUD OP TRADE RLDCk. 84 4TH ST. Pnor.ee Main A 1103. i ROSE CITY PARK LOTS CHEAP. , I31 rina lot on E. 63th. J3 cash, bal- anca ay payments. Tf)0 iusluo. ona block from carllna; a on. buy; all ca.h. $j Thna lot. 60x100, below the hill. close to carllna; cheap at $?: each. $tte 40x10 oa E. 47th st,. close to car where thoee cboiea homea are bulld- ln A. n. BIRRELL CO.. 5J McKay Bldg, 3d and star Sta, BHEARV.IU ADDITION. JUST OPENED. Located between Kut JOth and Glenn ,a ; lota 60x10 f mm $1100 up: this property lie. high and sirhtly. each and every lot will have a $2600 restriction, ln.urlnir yon against poor houe; thee beautiful lota can be handled for fiotf each, balance $2i per month; a limited number only win be Mid at theae figures. Sea Hawthorne Realty Co.. exclusive agents, cor. E. 14th and Hawthorne ave. ROSSMERE. TT3 60x100. Imp. paid, south or Thompson. . luO 50x100, Imp. paid, Ttanooolt it-. near S6th. . IRVTNOTON. 11200 SOxloA. 22d. near Blsktyes. KARNOPP KOPF. St9 Railway Exchange Bide. WTTLL-PTTUATED lot near Council Creet for $4U5: price Include, city water ana graded .treat.: level and doe. not require wails, good view, easy term.; no agenta AB 814. Oreionlan. lOOxlOO. 1U block, from Hon City car, on 4id t. ; lot. face e.t; price 150. or liJO lor one lot. and $100 for the other; term.. Pea Mr at NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY. 170 Stark St. COLUMBIA H EIGHTS LOT. 4 fine lot., 100x2oO. on E. ISlh and Hoi. man ata,. lOOxlOO. for 46. Inalile lot tnr oO; corner lot l2X ThU 1. a, anap; better look It up. ORUSSt A ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade BldK- th and Oak. 1NSTITUTE PLACE la the new .:htly residence addition opened at E. Jilh and Holale atreela; choice Iota on easy t.rras a. low aa Jo; atreet. are now belnc araded. See own era, the Western Securities Co.. 414 Spald lr bld 100x100. 1 block of Union ave.. beautiful site for e borne: price 91500. oa terms. See Mr. B-ck at NORTHERN TRfST COMJAMT. 170 6tark St. WILL sell two lota. i 2-8x100. In best part of imnxton. anf taXe mortaaae tor full price If buyer will Immediately build good houses on same. MORGAN. FLIEDNKR A BOYCE, r.03 Ablniton bldf. -A"RE. PORTLAND HEIUHTf 127i'. Frontage on both upper and lower drives. There are 4 bulldlna; site, on the piece and at price offered would aay In vestigate. Fred W. German. 82 Burn side. M. 2T7A SPECIALS. $rvo Comer lot. 51st and Hawthorne. Hooo 40x100. oorner Olenn ava. and "'"'B'KrrBAKER A BENEDICT, iwvu McKay BldK.. Sd and Stark. WEIDLER-PT. SNAP. Modern 7 -room house with all atreet woTk-. paid, on Weldlcr. near th; rood nelahborbood; nrtce .Oi $1600 eaah. ORtiril A ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade Bld.. 4th and Oak. $0x100. On Improved atreat. near Mount Scott carllna. for M50; on terms. See Mr. B-ck at NORTHERN TRfST COMPANY, 170 Stark St. ON ACCOUNT of ever-lnrreaalng taxes and assessments, ten centrally located lota In Boee City Park are for sale cheap. For further details apply to Julius Adlar, 4 ft-amber of Commerce. OOOD BUY. Lot on Thunnan St.. near S3d. 2 Si 100. Prloe :eoo. HALL A OU6T1N. Sit Lumbermen'a BMf. LOOK HF.RK! $ TOO cash would buy my ennlly wnrth $oi-o In two fine lot. close in: I must sell at once. No agent. Address H ML Oragonlan. " WAVERLT HEIGHTS. A beautiful building lot In this dletrlet for tSOO; on eaar terms. C. DeYOUNO. 4SS Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TITLE A INVESTMENT COMPANY. INC.. OREKN CITY. OR. Clarkamaa County lands and lota ab stract.! from the records; price, right. John W. Loder. president. " BUY QUICK. Lota $V. on 32d and W. Stark, on car Una; easy terms: greatest buy ever offered. NATIONAL REALTY a TRUST CO. 826 H Washington St. ONE of the finest corner lot. In Irvlngton, on 17th and Stanton. 2 block, from car; ImproY.mente a J In: snap; 1J200. Phone own-r. Tabor S37S. Ea.t -U. PORTLAND BKIOHTS PKUPSBCI. Homes, lots, quarter blocaa. tracts aad acreage; all parts of heights, all vlewa aa nnceasonvebargalna. Main 8-l. A SHia. X WILL sell yon a Laorelhurst lot at IS per cent discount from original opening prleaa. Street Improvement. In. Inquire to Qerllnger Bldg.. porUand. Or. " SNAP! HURRY! Tvt lota In Koae City Park. $600 each. C. DeYOUNO. 4Z1 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TEAM horses and years old. 3X lbs. s,i.-ln. wagon; harness; steetdy Job haul ing. $5.6o per day; 8 miles from Port lnr.d; $4"0 for caeh. N STS. Oregonlan. (40 CASH and 13 per month, beautiful lot, eearleO, only $-toO- near good ear. HIOLEY Blf HOP, i2t Third ft WEST AVENUE. 100x114 on Wtit ave. for $2oo. -property la actually worth ;i300. Mr. Lagerqulst. KJiichtShoe Co This See THE CHEAPEST BUY On Sev.nth street, inside lot. fair In come. Also corner lot. Vanduyn A Wal ton. 615 Chamber of Commerce. BE CACTIFUL building lot. East S7th St.. teen Davta and Everett els., at a sacri fice. IlL'oo cash. J as. C. Gibson. 303 Uer linger bldg. APARTMENT SITE. lOOxrtOO corner close In on East Bide. UALL ai OUST1N. Sll Lumbermcn'a Bldg. ti DOWN and $i per month, beautiful lot near good car. HIGl.ET A BLSHOP. 13J Third at. PORTLAND HEIGHT. Beautiful home site, consisting of a and 3-3 lota. In a dis trict of beautiful homes; $33oO, terms. U -TT2i. Oregonlan 1 WILL sell 4 acres In the City of Vancou ver, cloee to barracks, for MHK: this Is a splendid Investment. All 03, Ore gonian. ti DOWN and $ a month will buy full slxed lots at Lents: and 1100. Mar shall 84. ALAMEDA PARK Swell corner. $10, witn all tmprovemanta Included. AM 631. Oregonian. tUOMTLY corner xlO, Eaat Salmon and ti'.h. C Zolllsger, owner. $1$ Corbett bldg. nnir.il 2 choice ftox73 lota, one on cor Vier, b'ock Richmond achool; l74 for tha A I3.t tgonian. PORTLANT) HEIOHTS lot on Ravensvlew drive among choice homes: beautiful north and eaat vlewa Mala 3331. A 83. BEAUTIFUL Laurelhuret lot. hard-surface in: 13 per cent discount from opening price- Call oa oorupger moa. $T;oT BUY3good lot SOxlOO on East th"st"; I have I lots, will sell either or both. Owner. 414 gpsiqipa KERRY RT. lOOxlOO. for 12COO. Thla la near Ruasell and good property. Call 41 1 Spalding bldg. n. r riTT PARK, on the hllL noar Beae- mont. $433. half cash- 414 Lumbermene bldg. TJTE MORNING PORTLAND HCtOHTS BAROAINB.- " Two lets on Ravensvlew drive. IITSO each; almost level, good view, surrounded by elegant houses, easy terms. TIxlOO. on Myrtle St.. corner, lftd feet hard-surface Included In the low price of $310 This Is the lowest priced corner on the Heights and ws can prove It; Ai2-0 cash will handle, balance long time. D SASEY, HUM AEON A JEFFTSRT. U Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL HAWTHORNE LOT BARGAIN $30 DOWN. Jest a short distance from Hawthorne ave.. beautiful Hawthorne, we offer a few fine bulldlnr lota at a price you will never buy at again here; $S30 for 40x100 lots with $30 down and $10 monthly; yon can not match the price In the location, not the terms; shortly we will be sold out; another year will add big to the values here. You are on finest car service over best bridge. Branch office cor. 4Jd and Hawthorne ave. will abow them. Port-land-Paclflo Inv. Co. 41S Railway Ex change bldg. A SNAP. A BIO LITTLE BARGAIN. CORNER LOT 60x40. E. 21D ST. Two blocks north of Rose City carllne; both afreets graded, cement walks on both streeta. sewer In and paid for. In a pinch It's walking distance. PRICE $1100. Terms about half cash. J. J. OEDER. Cor. Orand A ve. and E. Ankeny. HIGH-CLASS building altes on East Oak street. 10Ox10. building restrictions ,.V)0. street Improvements, sewer, water and gaa contracted for. Facing the beautiful Ladd Park. We have only 20 of these Itea They are special and excluelve. Will all be taken, make the first selection. Auto ready at your convenience. Phone for further particulars. Main 130S or A 1015, ask for Mr. L'rdahL 900 PROFIT IN SO DAYS. I100O cash will buy two lots 100x100 on portlsnd Heights-at the sacrifice price of tlBOO. easily worth S2300; will sell for this price this Spring: owner must sacri fice; no agents. X SOT, Oregonian. AN opportunity to secure a home site In a hfgh-cl.iss residential district mat is ciose In on the West Side; a district where all of the Improvementa are going In at once; a lot that Is full-sized, only two blocks to carllne. with pavement, sidewalks, sewer, gas and water mains Included In the purchase price of 81300, terms. AM 834. Oregonian. THIS Is a good buy for anyone who wants to live on the west piae, wnere iney can walk to town In 15 mlnutea; besides It is near the carllna and has an unrivaled view of everything; moreover. It la flat and la so situated that It guts the sun shine the whole year round; $2AO0 build ing restrictions: price $1230, terms 1-8 cash. X 829. Orsgonla. for Sale House. 11400 For an A-l B-room cottage on SOxlOO lot. overlooking river; f blocks to car, schools and business center of St. Johns. The lot alone is worth $1000; terms $100 cash, bal ' ance $10 per month. See Mr. Beck at ' NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY. X I V LSI . D. BEAUTIFT"L T-room house In best Irvlng- ..... . n (. everv ton aisirici; uew euu ... . . " ... particular and very attractive Inside and out; all rooms large and splendid floor plan; large Ilvlng-room. with nreplace and solid oak floors: price $SS30, on any reasonable terms. McAllister A Luedde mann. T2J Electrlo bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME Beautl- 1 ii i o-rwum iwbwi 1 1 . .... . .. Iu - - - - - - tlcular, with magnificent view: large living-room with fireplace, four sleeping rooms and large attic, full cement base ment and furnace: on carllna. For prices and partlculara aee McAillater A Luedde ir.snn 722 Eleetlia bldg. BEAUT1PUL now 6-room bungalow in Bun- . . . . I . . ..... ..V.'.. mrutarn With Tiysiae ui'inri, uiwiuubih many bullt-ln conveniences: llvlng-ioom with flreplace. Dutch kitchen. dining room, sewing-room, full cement basement snd furnace; price 8J10O. cash $300. bal ance easy monthly payments. McAllister A Lueddemann, 722 Electric bldg. Vllt.11 DinblA Very good 6-room 2-story house, all lo first-class condition; gs. full cement base ment, nice bath, 2 toilets: on FLrst st. near Olbbs: price only $3000; a snap; part cash, balance to suit. 811 Board of Trade Bldg. 4th and Oak. KvK SALE By owner. -at rock bottom price, $100 down. $:0 per month, five-room mod. trn buncalow. short distance from car, est service in tha city. Also short dis tance from Mount Hood rauld transit line where first station will be established; through service. Call 605 McKay bldg. Home Installment Co.. Marshail t.'.OO. W'E have one modern. 6-room house and two new, 4 -room Dungaiowa wnicn we uvsire to dispose of; we are closing out all our real estate. In Oregon; small cash pay- n. an, hikHlSl molllhlY. TITLE INSURANCE d- INVESTMENT CO. 'Jil Commercial V-luo oiug. A BARGAIN. S300 buys new $7000 two-flat building of B and rooms: walking distance; well buUt; restricted district and on carllne; mast sell promptly; cash preferred. Own er. East 233V. j:so. On easy terms for this T-room modem bungalow In Irvlngton Park; lot 60x100, arked; one block irom car; as two s uy aa we know of. Sea Mr. Berk at XUHTHEIl.y TRUST CUMPA.VT. . 270 frtara at. ATTRACTIVE HOME ON WILLAMETTE IIE1GI1T3 5-room house, one block from car. with fine vlow: modern and attractive both Inside and out; tx large sleeping rooms: price $S5oO. good terms. Mc Allister A Lueddemann. 722 Electric bldg. 4-ltuo.M modern bungalows, new. high and sightly location, an witnm woe uiuca ui carllne. Prices from $2500 to $4300. cash or terms. I alao have cottages from $700 to $ZS0O, on terms. H. Bens, office E. $0th and Gllaan sts. Tabor 3087. M-V. car. S-RO"OM C COTTAGE. East 4Tth. south of Division; new, mod ern double walla, cement basement, sac rifice price $24K). cash $1400. FRUBAKER A BENEDICT. B02 McKay Bldg- Cth and Stark. $2.1nn N EW, modern 6-room cottage. Dutch kitchen, all newly furnished, including piano- 2 blocks from carllne In fine dis trict; part cash. This Is a snap. Palmer, 612 Couch blUg. ; " HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $30O CASK. Balance $20 monthly, for modern 9 room bungalow; full basement; lawn, ee- ment walks. Between Hawthorns and WR cars. Price $2300!T03 Spalding bldg. "RESIDENCES AND FLATS FINANCED I can save you -money on your build ing. Investigate my system; plana free; financed with Eastern money. Z. K, I.ockc, 629 Honry Bldg. COI'NTRT HOME, ' IMPROVED. 10H ACRES Good house, burn and orchard. 33O0 DOLLARS. C. C. ALFUHD, WOODLAND. Wash. ELEGANT bungalow, choicest part of Irv lngton; rich surroundings; Broadway and Irvlngton carUn.es. Owner. A 778. Oregonl- tTrOOM modern house. Improved district, close to Laurelhurst; leaving city; a bar gain. House 823 E. Everett St. Phone, owner. Main 271)1. 8NAp New 6-roora bungalow, exceptionally 'well built, fireplace. bookcases, linen closet, wood elevator, good location, close In. Owner Tabor 2101. $2400 MODERN 6-room bungalow cottage on sightly lot; this Is a pleasant home; will exchange for acreage. Call 414 Spalding biog 7 BEAUTIFUL homes, elegantly finished, oak and ma hogany; cholco locations. Irvlngton. C 1S1, East 273. No agents. W. H. Herdmin. N H W modern bungalow, lot 60x100. fire place, tinted walls, shades and fixtures In. gas and electricity; prloe $2800; easy term a Phone C 2420. CUTEST home at Seaalde, 6 rooms, fur ivished. 100 feet from board-walk. Phone t.st 1324. 6-ROOM house, close In; sale below value for cash. Inquire at Jonas' book store, 284 $2800 MODERN 6-room house, basement, two lots, fruit, or rent furnished. Apply OWDer. IjTT Oberlin st-, Portsmouth. FOR SALE New 8-room house, lot 60x100, In Nob Hill- tii Marshall. Apply to n. er only. Phone Esst $414. $3iu) Portland Heights: pretty, modern 8- room bungalow, furnished. J. W. Dan- 8-ROOM modern house and full lot. $2u0 r..h. balance to suit Marshall 34$. TWO lota and 2 houses, $1400, R SOU. Ore- NICE HOME, nine lots, fruit, good 8-room bouse, close In. Tabor lflOB. HOUSE and- lots In Oswego, reasonable. HAWTHORNE-AVE. home; a bargain. T38 Hawthorne, corner 22d. OREGONIAN, TUESDAY. tltc-p CTnia HOME. $413030x100. nice, modem, d-roe bouse, sear Mill at- SMALL INVESTMENT. eft-tOO asxloo. two nearly nsar modern 6-room flats, near 10th at, INCOMK OVER 8300 PER MONTH. $32,00080x100 and large apartment house, near the Courthouse; thla is a good Inside buy. FACTORY 6ITES. Two choice factory sites on the R- ., close In. on the ast Side; nothing cheaper In the city. F-RET C. KINO. 814 Spalding bldg.. 8d and Washington. NEW SUNN YS IDE HOME A ,260. . terms; $ nice large rooms, flreplace, cooling closet, fornaoe, large lot, street improvements and sewer all paid; thla la a beautiful home and must be seen to be appreciated. Alao Another beautiful 4-room for $3600; $600 cash, balance monthly. We have a complete list of bungalows from $2600 up; terms to suit you. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO. -Cor. E. 3th and Hawthorne. B I4T. Tabor 614. IN FUYINO a home, consider FIRST Location. SECOND Car service. THIRD Street Improvements. sewer, gaa, etc Last but not Isast, la the house worth the money. Our new houses. Hawthorne ave., 60th and Cist sts. Will stand the test. Look them over and see us for prices and terms. BRUBAKER A BENEDICT. 602 McKay bldg.. 8d and Stark. SOME GOOD BUYS. Five-room house, lot 67Hx320; block to car; fruit trees, chicken-house; $4000. Five-room modern bungalow; $200 cash. $20 per month. Five-room modern; walls - tinted; twe blocks to car: your own terms. Five-room bungalow; bath, pantry; $&o cash. $25 per month. Choice lot. Colonial Heights, east fac ing : $S-K cash, balance easy. Lot 0 In block 8. Laurelhurst. $1100; $525 caah. 6 per cent Interest. Phone Main 260". Jones at Shaw, 808 Board of Trade. FURNISHED COMPLETELY. $300 cash; Hawthorne district; S-room modern bungalow; cement cellar, fine fix tures, nice lawn and garden; house ready to step Into and start housekeeping: the furniture Includes pictures, fancy dishes ' and dinner dishes, range and complete bedroom, living-room and kitchen furni ture; including piano; this Is a buy that a rent-payer la looking for; price 200. Detsch & Witwcr. Board of Trade bldg. Main 2182. A 1559. GOING TO BUILD T WE DESIGN ARTISTIC HOUSES AND MAKE NO CHARGES FOR PLANS IF WE BUILD. IT WILL PAY TO SEE US. THERE IS A REASON. IF YOU OWK A LOT. WE WILL FINANCE THE RESI DENCE OR APARTMENT FOR TOIJ. OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR PRO TECTION. L. B, BAILEY A CO., 824 ABINGTON BLDO. $300 CASH. ROSE CITY PARK Buys T-room beautiful view lot 80x100. Improvementa in and paid, full front and back porch, bullt-ln buffet and book cases, Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, bath, double plumbing, fireplace, furnace, solid oak floors and mirror doors, etc.; $300 cash, balance $25 per month. National Realty A Trust Co., 8264 vVasb, St., room 318. . HOUSE. $1800 Sacrifice In a modern 8-room house, on East Burnslde, hard-surface street, lot sightly, house has fireplace and furnace and la a home well worth $7000. However. It must be sold at once at low price of $5300; $2500 cash, balance long time at T per cent, JOS. C. GIBSON. 805 Gerllnger bldg. - A COUNTRY HOME IN THE CITY. A very fine 6-room house, good barn, ohlcken-house and yard, located on 6 full lota and the land Is Increasing In value very rapidly; 45 young bearing fruit trees, 2 blocks from good carllne. the price of this fine home Is only $4o00: $1000 cash. DUBOIS A CROCKETT. Room 8. Washington Bldg. FINE home In Irvlngton. on East 26th St., Just completed and modern In every de tail; large Ilvlng-room and fireplace, three sleeping-rooms and sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, paneled dining-room, hardwood floors, cement basement snd good fur nace, large attic, price $300; can be handled for $1000 caah. balance $50 per month. McAllister ft Lueddemann. 7-Z Electrlo bldg. $7600. New T-room house with large attlo, hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace, on lot 60x120. on Hawthorne ava. Im provements all In and paid; $2000 down, balance terms; If you are looking for good buvs or bargains In houses or bungalows, C boh Conklln, 1046 Hawthorne ave., cor ner of E. 85th st. Phone Tabor 806. ROSE CITY PARK. $300 down, $20 per month, handles 6 room bungalow, with conorete porch, full basement, fireplace, bullt-ln writing desk, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, dining room, beamed and paneled: walls tinted, oak floors; complete In every detail. See owner. 680 East 69th at. Phone, Tabor 2-326. 30x100 feet, on corner Eaat 0th and Marion sta, on freight sidetrack and with in H block of O. W. P. carllne; this Is business property with a future; price, $950 ossh. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 6m, A 285:1. DECIDE QUICK. Special reduotlon for four days only, a genuine snsp; 8-room house, basement, bath, gaa and porch, conorete walks, fruit trees, lot BTHxlOO: corner East 11th and Wygant streets: get permit today to In 'spect; price reduced to $200. easy terms. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. IDEAL BUNGALOW. A very beautiful bungalow. T rooms and bath, double constructed, electric and gaa fixtures, an unusually attractive home. Very conveniently located. 1 block from Union ave carllne. DUBOIS A CROCKETT. Room 8. Washington Bldg. NEW, modern 8-room house lp Rose VJty Park, beautiful ilvlng-room. 15x18, with fireplace, 4 sleeping-rooms, sleeping-porch, full concrete basement, good furnace; a splendid bargain at $5000; $1000. down, balance easy monthly payments. McAl- llster A Lueddemann, T22 Electric bldg. NEAR 17TH AND CLACKAMAS. $4260. New modern l-roorn house and base- ' ment for quick sale; street Improvements In and paid: terms. C. L. BAMBERGER. Marshall T12. Boom Lumbermene Bldg. FLATS AND STORES. New building. Seven S-room flats: 8 stores. Net Income over $300 a month. $30,000. One-third cash. 611 Lumbermen's Bldg. CORNER 100x100, close In on West Side; 2 frame buildings, rent for $68: pays over 8 per cent on price askad. Fine view; Ideal apartment site. A, M. Berry, 435 Chamber of Commerce. T-room all modern house close to Union ava Price $3000. Terms. C. De YOUNG. 432 Chamber of Commerce Bid (. BUNGALOW BARGAIN.' 8 rooms modern. Lot 40x100. $2450, S430 caah. balance $13 a month. 611 Lumbermen'a Bldg. 82250 TAKES a modern T-room home on East 12th st. North, lot 60x100, with natural shade trees; thla Is a bargain. Western Sec. Co.. 418 Spalding bldg. 8750 CASH will buy 6-room bungalow In Rossmere. one block to car, new and modern, balance of $2730 to suit buyer. X bao, tjregoniaa. FOR SALE at a bargain: my 10-room mod ern home In Portland Heights; good view; lot 100x90: Main 7235. AM 833. Oregonian. stir SALE New T-room house, block from Kosi City carllne. $600 deposit, $15 mo c t Butrw ner. o i v -wwui-o , w , 8400 CASH will buy house In Sunnyslde, bal ance of $2750 to auit purchaser. O 828, Oregonian. bTTnOALOWS Bungalows. $2000 to IjOOO. good locations and terms; photos at office, Fred W. German. 3'2S Burnside. M. 2776. BARGAIN 100-ft. square on Alberta St. six-room house. Woodlawn 119. Business property. .INVESTORS. ATTENTION I Why not make 50 per cent on a safe, conservative investment in Inside real es tate In the best city In Southern Oregon Grants Pass -where things are doing nowT About $20,000 for 80 days will Hjet the results. Don't wait a mlnvte. Investi gate now. I can deliver the property and will take pleasure In showing you how to make It a winner. BASLER. Real Estate Investments. 218 No. 6th St. GRANTS PASS. OREGON. Phone 15-J Reference by permission, the First Na tional Ajank oi goutu'-i" p-j... CORNER 100x100. cloee In on West Side; 2 frame bulldlnge. rent for $66: pays over 8 per cent on price asked. Fine view; Ideal apartment site. I A. M. Berry, 485 Chamber of Commerce. INVESTORS, take notice: Best apartment site on West Side. $15,000: terms; must sell. Address D 818. Oregonian. MARCH 7, 1911. ttwtow ivifl noDrtnTtTUTTT. Heed" this knock if yon want to make some sure money. 100 feet frontage on avenue, fine business corner, present in come $TS0, very bright future, center ot great trade district. Must sell. If "er" ested address the owner. N S3 Ore- gonlan. UNION AVE., south ot Alberta; Income bus iness property. Owner. Home phone A 82K3. Acreage. ACREAGE. More than 4000 acres close to Portland and cut Into 1. 2. 3, 10 and 20-acre tracts; One roads, all graded and In first-class condition. In front of every-tract; we have been 86 years in Willamette Valley and 15 years ot this time In farm and acre age business In Portland; we know the soil: we make a specialty of close-In acreage and our 4000-acre platting la of the most fertile soil In the state. See crop of past year. You make the first payment and the crops will do the rest; ' pleasant employment and convenient to all the advantages of Portland. The cheap est acreage tracts around Portland, qual ity and location considered and sold on liberal terms: 1136 to $100 per acre. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 85. 102 4th St, A $500. 1-ACRE TRACTS. $100 DOWN. BALANCE 5 YEARS. We have four 1-acre tracta on one of the beat carllnes In the city with 6o fare to the business center: each one of these tracts lie fine, "good rich, deep soil, not a rock on the place, water piped In front of each tract, surrounded by new homes now being built. These are within the reach of the average Industrious man. Our terms on the four tracts are $950, $1000. $1050 and $1100; only $100 cosh, balance In monthly installments covering five years at 6 per cent. CHAPIN A HERLOW. 32-338 Chamber of Commeroe. IM PROVED ACRE SNAP. A one-acre tract, cleared and Improved with 8-room shack, new; water piped In kitchen, etc.; tract set out to various kinds of largo and small fruits; Wood stock district. This tract la worth at least 81SO0. but owner has got to 6ell ana has reduced the price to $1000. with in structions to refuse no reasonable offer. Don't fail to see this snap at once. LAMBERT-WHITMER CO., 404 East Alder St. I HAVE a 10-acre tract of fine land close to Portland and Oregon Electric; 6 to 7 acres In cultivation, and rent very easy clearing; land adjoinln-r is selling for $2o0 to $350; If I can sell this week will prob ably take $170 per acre. M 83, Ore gonian. 5 ACRES on the Oregon City llne .within 10-cent limit; 15 minutes from station; well -and shack-, - easily cleared: the cheapest thing on the line at $2300. WYNN JOHNSON CO., Suite 605 Gerllnger Bldg., 2d and Alder. Phones .aarsnau igia, a jji. 5 ACRES, near electrlo line, 15 miles from Portland postofflce, near good country town, R. F. D. route, excellent soil, all cleared and ready for cultivation, fine chicken ranch, vegetables, berries, etc.: price only $1280, part cash, balance good terms. owner, zua Lorogu mua. miles' from city, good roads, near sohool. plenty water, halt cleared. 100 acres bottom land, adjoining land selling at $100 acre; will sell part Leo Casey, Eugene, Or. Portland phone Woodlawn 60S. ACREAGE. 160 acres, 15 miles of Portland, on a rood "graveled road all the way to it. This oan be cut up Into 5 and 10-acre tracts and easily sold for $250 an acre; $0 acres In fine cultivation; price, $100 an acre; easy terms. A 601, Oregonian. FIVE ACRES OF THOROUGHLY CLEARED I .A IS 17 KJ . A.1JZ A IMVj " -'-- PORTLAND. A DANDY INVESTMENT. VERY EASY TERMS. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 4UD coucn oiuk. 60 acres, 16 miles from Portland, near electrlo line, school, church and atore, deep rich sediment soil, nearly all cleared. R. F D. route; price $150 per acre. "4 to 1, cash balanoe terms. Owner 203 Corbett building. TEN-ACRE tracts, unimproved, smooth and Z- tillable, best soli, timber and running water- 35 miles from Portland on county road' best and cheapest on the market at (35 an acre, part cash. Palmer. 612 Couch bldg. OWNER of five acres timbered land close to city limits, rich soil, protected south slope, warm and sunny once cleared will rent for $70 per acre; need money, $1250 caah takes It. Y 809. Ciregonian. TENacres"timber land on six-mile circle, rich soli, south slope. $30o0; will take run about. B-possenger auto or light truck up to 51000 as piirt payment; owners only. Y 810, oregonian. S and 10-acre tracts, near electric line, land In cultivation, rich deep soil, price $160 an acre; easy terms. Western Land Co.. 248H Stark st. CHICKEN ranch, near Portland, 2 acres easily cleared, best of soil, no rock or gravel 5 blocks from electrlo station, $425 for whole tract, $30 cash, bal. $10 X month. Call 203 Corbett bldg. X HAVE a tract of beaverdam land, close tr good towns and transportation: about 20 miles west of Portland; and will sell same for $200 per acre on easy terms. X 810. oregonian u ACRES, sightly land. In the city limits, with fine view of the Columbia River and mountains: wlU sell at a bargain If taken at once, -.en M.vfc. ANYBODY can raise celery and onions; so let the crop pay for the land; on easy terms; near steam and electrlo transpor. -v fill nr,"ftn!nn laiiun. ..... w -o MODERN B-room cottage on 1 (4 acres of land" Oregon City carllne, 80 minutes' ride, $3750, terms to suit. Call 414 Spalding I bldg. ant large part of 20 00 acres fine fruit land on new fi. P. main line, right In heart of finest part of Oregon, $20 acre: terms to suit. Western Exchange. Eugene, Or. a SNAP. A nice little acreage on electrlo line, close to depot and close to Portland. Kla B.T a Stampher. 631 Lumber Exchaage bldg. . THE Bunnell tract at Oak Grove now for sale; s to 40 acres; all in cultivation; close to car. Prices and terms to suit. See W. E. Thresher. Mllwaukle, Or. FOR" SALE 21 acres, S Improved, good buildings 20 miles from Portland, 2 north Hiilsboro. Address R. F. D. 1, Box 6, Hlllsboro. Or. TEN ACRES, $10,500; city limits, adjoins Montavllla. Charleston A Co., 411 Com merclal Diag. FOR SALE a acres, edg-e city limits. West Side Bo fare, $1200; terms. J. P., 775 Savler st., olty. FOR SALE 1 acre, close in, well improved: new house: lovely home. Owner, 1021 Chamber or Commerce bldg. 18 ACRES. " Choice celery land, runnnlng water, near Beaverton. -By Owner, B 2406. . Homeeteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book gives amount of Government land opea to homestead. In each county In the states ot Oregon and Washlneten, and descrip tion of same; gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In colors, Jlxf$. showing K R. In operation, one showing all pro posed U. R. and electrlo lines. Including Eastern and Central Oregon. lOo each, or the three 60c Map of Washington in col ors, Slx28, JOc Nlmmo. Kuney A Co. Hamilton bldg. 820-ACRH homesteads Central Oreron; full partlculara 250 3d St.. Portland. Oresou J?or Sale Fruit Lands. ORCHARD TRACTS PLANTED. Trees one and two years old. Easy payments. Including care until bearing. Money refunded If dissatisfied. 60-mlnute ride from Portland. - R. R. stations on the property. Beautiful location, splendid view. Mountain spring water piped to house. Largest orchard undertaking near Port- '""d- , Seeing is believing. For further Information call at 415 CORBETT BLDO. eo-ATRE orchard, 6 years old, choicest va rieSes and in splendid shape; price $38,000; location considered by many superior to Hood River; party with some money and with references as to horticultural ability will be given any reasonable terms desired- net product this year should be at least $90 per acre; Investigation so ltcited. The Hart Land Co, 910 Cham. her of Commerce. , " FRUIT LAND IN THE ROUGH. 230 acres for $3000. 80 acres for $800. 40 acres for $4O0. These are fine values for the money. They are forced salea. all cash. See at torney, til pynumg Mivig FRUIT LAND. Cloee to town of White Salmon. Best of soil, beautiful view, some good timber, easy terms. This is something extra fine. Vanduyn A Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. FORTTNA PARK ORCHARDS IN SUNNY SOUTHERN WILLAMETTE VALLEY, planted to suit buyers, our prices are rlEht and terms easy; reerular excursions WEDNESDAY and SATURDAYS. For particulars call 276 Stark street. For Bale Farms. - FARMS, orchard tracts, gred assortment. ee Oregon Forms Co. 417 Rothclilld bide- DO YOU WANT LAND that you can IRRIGATE. during the dry Summer, so you can dou ble or treble your yields! If so. get In on the ground floor of our Willamette Valley irrigated land In Marion Co., S. E. of Salem. First come first served. Apply at farm land department of HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Bankers, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Port land, or at oar Branch Office on the grounds at WEST STAYTON. OR. Take 4:15 P. M.. S. P. train at Union Depot (or at 4:25 P. M. from B. Morrison st,) to Wsst Stayton via Woodburn. 5. 10 OR 20 ACRES of our WILLAMETTE VALLEY IRRIGATED Land In Marlon County. S. E. of Salem at half value to the first 20 homebuilders. First come first served. Apply at farm land department of HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Bankers. Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, or at our Branch Office on the Grounds at WEST STAYTON. OR. Take 4:15 P. M. S. P- trains at Union Depot (or 4:25 P. M. from E. Morrison st.) to West Stayton, via Woodburn. A FARM SNAP. $95 an acre for 110 acres, including Im provements, stock and Implements, only 20 miles from Portland, in the best farm ing section in the Willamette Valley; 63 acres under cultivation; finest of soil; 10 acrea slashed, bal. fine large timer (rlr and cedar) ; 80 acres fenced, 8-room house, new barn, family orchard, granary and other buildings; price $10,500; worth $15, 000; $4500 cash, bal. long time at 6 per cent, or may take smaller farm in trade up to the amount of $0300, bal. In cash. For further particulars regarding the above, aa well as a great many more, call on C. F. PFLUGER A CO.. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENTS, Suite 5 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. ESTABLISHED IN 1880. SNAP. If this Isn't a pickup there Is none In the entire etate: 40 aores. located near Newberg, on Wil lamette Rlvr, at ferry; 6-room bouse, barn and chicken-house, buildings all new, all fenced, fine running stream, 20 acres In cultivation, absolutely best buy in State of Oregon today; we can prove it; price now is $125 per acre. If not sold before our option expires $200 an acre could not buy it: S cash. bal. 3 years at 6 per cent; you can't make a mistake on this place. R. A. KIRK & CO., 316 Lewis Bldg. SAVE THESE. A splendid 200-acre farm, close to rail road. Yamhill County; half In high state of cultivation, balance pasture and timber; all well fenced; good plattlne proposition, and only $60 per acre. Also 24 acres, 14 mile from United Railways station, 15 acres cleared, aoms good timber. 2-aore orohard, fair house and good bam; $300 per acre; terms. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., ' Board of Trade Bldg. BY OWNER One of the best farms in Wil lamette Valley, 8 miles from county seat. In Polk County, 2 miles to town and railroad, rural mall, telephone, etc.; farm has 800 acres of Al land, very little waste; flrst-class improvements, hot and cold water In house; in fact, one of nicest homes in the Valley; good school Joining farm; will sell on easy terms and will divide if necessary. K 818. Oregonian. CHOICE DAIRY RANCH. 120 acres, all in crop; near milk eonden serles; H4 miles from fine town. 40 miles frcm Portland, In the valley: nice build ings, plenty water. $110 per acre buys this If taken tills week: very easy term a WOOD & SEACHREST. 820 Railway Exchange. 85-ACRE farm, fine buildings, not far from Portland; has some orchard, all in crop; one of the best in Willamette Valley. Let us show you this; $120 per acre will buy it on easy terms. Wo are the owners, WOOD & SEACHREST. 320 Railway Exchange. BARGAIN $7300 buys Improved farm; $3000 cash, balance 6 per cent mortgage; 30 acres under cultivation: fine bearing orch ard: also good buildings. Inquire 105 Freemont St., near Mlaslaslppl ave.; take L car. SPLENDID farm m TamhIII County; 120 acres rich land, nearly all In crop, lhi miles from town: good house, barn, or chard, etc; no better farm In Valley: will sell cheap and make easy terms. West ern Land Co., 248 Stark St. FARMERS AND HOMESEEKERS. We have all kinds and sixes of choice farms throughout tha state. If you wish to get your money's worth and a square deal, write or call F. FUCHS. 22H4 Morrison St. OWNER will sell at $55 an acre 40 acres of fine farm land at Dayton, Oregon, to anyone who will go and Investigate It for himself; about 10 to 12 acres clear; about 10 more In stumps, balance In oak. X 829, Oregonian. FOR SALE WHEAT LAND. S00 acres In Harney County; 1200 acres In Gilliam, If you mean business I will give you a good deal. Smith, owner, 816 Hamilton bldg. Phone Main 1031. OWNER'S SALE Two very desirable farms, finely located; abundance wood and water, convenient to school and railroad, at at tractlve prices. Boatwlck. Blod gett. Or. A LARGE warehouse business, located In Yamhill Co.; homo farm to go with busi ness; reasons for selling, sickness. Call or write J. W. Elston. Amity. Oregon. FOR SALE 75 acres of rich bottom land. 8 miles from station; good house, barn, bunk-house, stock and equipment. Main 7235, or O 814. Oregonian. $7000 CASH will handle the best dairy ranch In the Lewis Klver Valley, of 142 acres, all Improved. C. C. Alford, Wood land. Wash. $1500 BUYS 80 acres of best land In Oregon; part cleared, balanoe easy to clear; house and barn. 608 Gerllnger, 2d and Alder. CHEAP land but good; 820 acres at $8 an acre. Call and Investigate. Western Land Co.. 248A Stark st, 80 ACRES, on water, convenient, small canh payment, bal. terms. O. Mlddlekauff, Yaqulna, Or. GALL on us for farms, we have all sizes and prices. The Colonist Land Co.. 438 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES, Beaverton, very cheap; nuf sed. Oregon Farms Co., 416 Rothchlld. BARQAIN 2T0-acre ranch near Redding, CaL Write F. A. Baird, Redding, Cal. FOB BALE TIMBER LAND. WANT a partner In a No. 1 sawmill prop osition, 10,000.000 feet timber easily logged with donkey engine, cord and slob wood will, pay more than cost of entire plant; capacity of mill 40.000; near Port land on macadamized road, railroad and river; will give right party a bargain. C R. DONNELL A CO., 226 Stark St. FOR SALE By owner. E. Vs N. E. 4, 8. W. Vt N. E. 14 N. E. 14 3. E. V Sec 12. T. 81. S. R. 8, W. W. M., Douglas County, , or Inc. 4,000,000 ft. rd. fir for $3000. F. X. Parent. Priest River. Idaho. TIMBER claim for equities of mortgage house and lot or contract or exchange for anything. Boggess A Co., 2211 Mor rison. Room 5. 7O.OO0 ACRES. Jackson County, will cruise oO.OOO per acre: price $1 per thousand. J. S. Allison, 428 Lumber Exchange. NICE body of timber cheap, Multnomah Co., county road through tract; good tie propo sition. Seward, 43 E. 79th st. Tabor 2769. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M' CRACK EN. 804 McKay Bids. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER wanted; have sawmill, 40 M. ca pacity; want tract of good, sound timber, well located, to cut on contract or buy outright. B 8021 Oregonian. TIMBER lands wanted. C J. McCrack.n. 804 MaKay bldg FOB RENT FARMS. TO LEASE. Wheat farm of J20 acre. In Walla Walla County. Washington; also 160-aore wheat farm In Franklin County, Washington. Ap ply at once. JOS. C. GIBSON CO.. 80S Gerllnger Bid., Portland, Or. " FARMS WANTED. GOOD farm, wanted for quick .ale. We have the buyer.. Give full description in first letter and lowest price, F. FUCHS, 221 V Morrison St. TO EXCHANGE. 11250 EQUITY, five-acre apple orchard, for . Portland property. AE 805, Oregonian. WILL exchange for acreage or lota, fine eleotiio piano. J 803, Oregonian. . .. , ti i. , nnM- beat baraain 1:' Portland; confectionery, cafeteria, baker J ana restaurant an .-vuu.o, , - , good business. Man and wife can clea. over aw per moui". ..... low rent. Owner leaving the city a once; price $3000: will take good real es tate and assume mortgage. Address roon IT. No. 165 V, 4th at., Kussel bldg., o. phone East 3014. FOR SALE, or will trado for city property my 240-acre ranch; 85 acres 2-year-ol; Cornice and d'AnJou pears; 35 acres 2 year-old Spits and Yellow Newtowns Rogue River, close to lledford. on count, road, one mile from railroad station house, barn, well, springs, large creei running through place; Improved and u to data, 721 Board of Trado bldg.. Port land. $$800 HALF section wheat land Easter: Washington; fine volcanic ash soil, prac tlcally all tillable, good well, all fenced small house: trade for restaurant, bote or rooming-house. Minnie Wagner. Ro WILL trade my cottage home, T rooms, mod ern, ana two lots, tor ranca in ,ni.i.. ette Valley: party to assume small mort gage. L. L. Russell, 731 North 71st st. Seattle. Wash. FOK EXCHANGE! 1 almost new Columbm electrlo to exchange for good close-lu rea estate; will pay difference: car can be see: at the Oregon Electrio Vehicle Co., lot: and Alder, or call up East 2226. WILL trade Riviera Irrigated fruit land H the famous Snake River valley lor a lvx or '11 automobile of good make; give fu! specifications. Write A. W. Bryan, Star buck. Wash. WILL take a lot in as part payment on ne-. 6-room bungalow close to Union ave. an' Piedmont. C DeYOUNG. 4S2 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $800 EQUITY In small 6-room cottage In Woodlawn to exchange for lot or acreage. Value $1000. KRAB1LL. Phone Marshall 2064. 2.09 ACRES clear, new house and well. $1300 my equity $700; will trado for city- lot T 812. Oregonian. , 5-PASS3NGBR White Steamer, A-l condl tlon. will trade for good, clear lot 01 acreage. X Sop, Oregonian. 40 ACRES at Mist, Or., in exchange to: house and lot valued at $2600 In Portlam! Marshall 863. 6-ROOM house and lot In South Portlan for house and lot on "W-W" oarllne. Mar shall 863. TO EXCHANGE for building-, flats, acre, age. close-in or trade for city property Address P 82T. Oregonian. EXOHAKGH for nearly new motorcye rooming house paying $20 per mont- pront. ti e-ao. uregonisn. FOR quick exchange, list your property wit! the Western Securities Co., J. Ireland managor exchange dept. WILL trade equity of $310 in city lot for or 2 acres not too far out; what have you A.T 827, Oregonian. . WILL sell or trade motorcycle for propert good as new. oost 20O. AM 832. Orego man. GROCERIES, shoes, furnishing stock, etc I11VUICO UII1IA vu-ii.u,,, .... exohange for a farm. Call 24814 Stark 8' 6-ROOM house, ten acres, villa ava, rods from Mount Hood car; price rlgh B. H. Bowman, Wheeldon Apartmente. WE exchange your property for what yo desire. Portland Exchange, 017 Board o Trade piqg. aee air. v icsu $700 RESTAURANT for sale or trade. 18 B. 7th st. Phone B 2037. WANTED Runabout for $600 payment o $2000 house and lot. O 826. Oregonian, WANTED REAL ESTATE. LIST YOUR PROPERTY. We have Inquiries on property In a? parts of the city; central business propert warehouse, river frontaKO. apartment houses and apartment sites; also good res laenoes at rignt prices. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. WE COLLECT RENTALS. I WANT an apartment-house, apartmer Bite, or business property; have good cil acreage, value $65,000. Irrigated apple orchard, value 552,00 and suburban lota to value of $13,000 t exchange for same. Dr. G. E. Watts, Ore gonlan bldg. WE WANT An Improved tract of y, to 8 acres, I fare: this is for out-of-town customer please submit offer this week. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY. 270 Stark St, WE HAVE buyers for several moderate priced houses on West Side, good term preferred; It you have such property re sale, see McAillster at i.ueauera&ini. i Electric bldg. Phone Marshall 2281 A 3025. . WB WANT A 6 or 4-room modern house near Killing"? worth ave. that $500 will handle, price t not exceed $2600 to $2760. See Mr. Bad, NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY. 270 Stark St. WANTED Northwestern real estate In ex change for California property. For sal" on terms, city, town or country property Get our list. CIlne-Hull Company, H. W WANTED A good buy in a 5 or 6-roor house or bungalow, about $:!000; $500 casl. balance good monthly payments; sua. have some troes and shrubbery. F. FUCHS. 22114 Morrison St. WANTED Lot, Rose City Park or oth desirable locality. Trice must be reasir able. State price and terms, , Y &3-I Oregonian. WE HAVE customers for several model" houses in Irvlngton at rrom ouw to iw on good terms. McAllister A Lueddemam 722 Electrlo bids- Phone Marshall 2281. I WILL BUY ANY AND ALL contract e lots In Bayocean. Give lot number an "block; also face value of contraot, G- 80 Oregonian. 6 OR 6-ROOM house, close In; give loca 1 1 on. price, etc. G 827. Oregonian. WANTED 214 to 10 acres, within lOo far- X. Y. Z.. Hotel Irving WANT to buy a 6-room house In Irvingto of owner; terms. 31 loo, unnmnftu WANT 40 to 80 acres within 60 nillos c city. 430 Worcester bldg. FOR BAXb Morses. Vehicle, and Hsrasst I HAVE Just bought a Btock of harnet from a concern that Is bankrupt. I gc. It for less than 50 cents on the dolla: The stock Includes work harness, bugg harness, sweat pads, blankets, rawhld whips, stocks, lashes, etc. I am going t sell off the entire stock at a slight an vines over and above what I paid for 1: Come and look the stock over. This is real opportunity for you to save monc If you are in the market for anything. 1 J Kellor, President Keller Harness Co 49 North 6th St., between Couch and Da vis. PORTLAND STABLES, 20 N. 15TH ST. 25 horses, from 1000 pounds to lw pounds, prices from $05 to $230 per horse several well-matched teams of horses an mares, all sold with a written guarante to be as represented or your money re funded; farm and delivery wagons, bus gles, and all kinds of harness also for sale bank and business references furnished. R. L. EVANS. MAKE us an offer on a $135 Columbu buggy, almost as good as new, rubbc tires, brand-new top, storm apron, pol shafts and good single harness: no reason able offer turned down; can be seen at North Front St., near Burnside st. L. I Elston. Pacific Coast Syrup Companj Main 4SSO. FOR SALE Two horses, weight nearl. 1000 pounds each, and good travelers light hack with harness, all new. In eluded, or sold separately. If taken nov will be offered at a bargain. Address A P. Langenberg, Clackamas, Or., or la liulre at room 200 OregoaJan bldg. JUST arrived, a carload of flrst-class horse and mares, weight from 12(10 to liiOO lbs from 4 to 6 years old; everything sol with a guarantee aa represented. U. f Stables. 248 Front. $125 BUYS team of mares and harness; w'. work in any kind of rig and worth S . to anyone who has use for them. 505 A- aer st $276 BUYS chunky-built team. cloeel mated, kind and true to worit any when would make good ranch team; warrante ana trim hhohcu. vv -" 1 ou nuna r wav oLiij. Weight 1100 to 1700 lbs. Call and sc us. Treau, Tucker A Minor, Nobby Stable: 12th and Flanders sts .. ..nnn.r. , T"l CI I 1 FOR SALE Fine horse, new delivery wago and harness; will sacrifice for reasonab. price. Call 10 50 Hawthorne ave. $30 BUYS 11O0 lbs. horse, suitable for d. livery or ranch use; a bargain for som one; trial allowed. 505 Alder st, $Ts5BUYS-2700"lbs. team, trfle and rellabl' only a little thin In flesh from being over worked; trial allowed. S05 Alder St. $60 BUYS 1200 lbs. mare, good worker, h become a little tender In front feet frm constant use on pavements. 505 Alder s NEW $250 Moyer buggy. $S5. Phone Mai 5222. HORSE, harness and delivery wagon fc sale. Call ot 255 Holllday ave. TEAMS wanted for sub-contract work. Ca: ter Bros., 2"-5 Falllnir bldg Automobiles. or a vTrn Xf otor-evele cheao for cash atate name and model. . M 789, Ore gonian. 1