Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 07, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE 3IORXIXG OltEGpyiAX, TUESDAY. MARCH 7, 1911. 11 .
We Are Principal Portland Agents for "Vudor" Porch Shades Sporting Goods Department, 4th Floor-Complete Line
Custom Shade and Drapery Work a Specialty-Give Us a Trial B High-Class Picture Framing a Specialty-Prompt Service
I ll
i yr
Val. Laces
Tuesday 'Star Bargains'
75c Shell Combs 19c
Tuesday '.Star Bargains'
25c Mushrooms 19c
Dozen for 19c
A Star Bargain
Main floor, 1000 dozen
Valenciennes Laces, in
edges and insertions ;
widths y2 to 1 inch; in
many pretty patterns,
worth to 50c doz. 1 Q.
Star price, dozen
Today at IP
Lectu r e by
Mia Tracy
Menu: Coffee Cake with
baking powder; Wash
ington Pie; Almond Om
elet, and Caramel Sauce.
In the jewelry section, main floor,
"a sale of Barrettes, Back Combs,
etc., large assortment of styles,
shapes and colors; all good want
ed articles, selling up to 1 Q
75c each, special at only A V
MTJSHBOOMS, hotel, bst select
ed stems and pieces, in 1 Q
full six tins, special, es,
choice imported, boneless, 1 Q.
in tins; for today only at
Tuesday "Star Bargains
Tuesday "Star Bargains"
School tggmL TretX
star rw rf r- si i3 e it ' v r -jl jt h kt ?t n 3jje w-j:-. JrT-x-r
75c Jewelry at 19c
For today, "19o Tuesday," in the jewelry store, on the
main floor, a great sale of odds and ends in jewelry novel
tiesHat Pins, Buckles, Brooches, Beauty Pins, etc All
the newest styles for your selection. Every imaginable
stone and metallic setting, worth to 75c each; buy 1 Q
all you want of them at special low price of, each "
65cNecKwear 19c
For today, "19c Tuesday," on the main floor, a sale ex
traordinary. Just because everything must be 19c. 'Wom
en's fancy Neckwear in dainty styles, some slightly soiled
from being on display. All styles in the lot. Neck pieces
which have sold right along up to 65o each; of- 1 Qc
fered special for Tuesday's Star Bargain Sale, ea. uy
Sale of Household
and Kitchen Needs
TOWEL BARS of solid brass highly
polished and heavily nickeled;
best regular 35c values, special at
TT71IBLER HOLDERS, solid brass, high
ly polished and nickeled, pierced 1 Q.
eup; regular 35c values, special Ai
WASTE BASKETS, fancy assorted, col
ored straw, many shapes and pat- 1
terns; regular 35c values, at, each A
KITCHEN SETS, of 3 pieces; cleaver,
bread knife and paring knife; oar 1 Q.
regular 45c value, special at, set A C
35c Coffee Pots, 3-o,nart size, special daring sale for 19
35c oak frame Mirrors, on special sale at only, each, 10
35c tine Wash Boards, offered special at only, each, 19c
35c Bread Toasters, can be used on any store, each, 19
30c Gray Enameled Kettles, daring sale at only, each, 19
Misfit "
Qlds-Wortman-King Store
Spring Dress Goods
Reg. 5Qc Values for 19c
In the Basement "Underprice Store" a sensa
tional sale of dress fabrics in blacK and white
sheoherd checKs. mannish patterns in wor-
steds, novelty mohairs and solid color self-stripe novelties
Fully 3QOO yards comprise the assortment Your eyes win
open with astonishment when yon see" them Come iQr
early for best ones Sale begins 3 A. M. Values to 5Qc at I S
Little Needs Worth
to 2.50 for 19c
HAIR CLUSTERS, in light brown and
blonde colors; regular values up 1
to $2.50; special during sale at l
SHEARS, Hamilton Tension, war- 1Q.
ranted for 5 years; $1 values for A
WHISK, BROOMS, 35o values for 19
TOURISTS OASES, $1.00 values, 19
TOOTH BRUSHES, regular 35c 1 Qc
values, hand-drawn, special price A
COMBS, Fibroid Dressing, 50c val. 19J
HAIR CURLERS, soft rubber; 1Q.
hest resrular 25c values, for only A
Hose Supporters, women's, regular 50c values, only 19
Bone Hair Pins, regular 25c box values, special, only-19
SOc box Darning Cotton, offered special during sale, 19c
Dress Shields, Kleinert's, 35c Fitzrite, special, pair, 19c
Peroxide of Hydrogen, 16-ounce, 50c bottle, special, 19c
Tuesday " Star Bargains
5Qc Values 19c
5000 yards of cambric, Swiss and
nainsook Embroideries, in blind
and floral designs, widths to 13
inebea; our best regular stock val
ues up to 60o yard, offered spe
cial during this sale ttlQ.
the low price of only, yd.
Tuesday "Star Bargains
HucK Towels
35c Values 19c
In the domestic aisle, main floor.
all linen, imported Huck Towels,
hemstitched ready lor use; excel
lent 35o values, very special for
today only. Buy all you want of
them during this sale at "1 Q
the low price of only, ea.
Tuesday " Star Bargains
Women's 40c
Aprons for 19 c
In the apron section, second floor,
housekeepers will revel in aprons
of good quality gingham and
white lawn; large square styles,
with pockets, deep hems, wide
strings; regular 40o val- 1 Q.
ues, on special sale, each A V V
Tuesday "Star Bargains"
Women's Vests
33c Values 19c
Women's low-neck, sleeveless '
Summer Vests in lisle and cotton,
with plain yokes or fancy lace
trimmed ; sizes 4 to 6 ; pure white.
Thev are marked 33c each. For
today only we will change IQr
the sign to read, ea., only
Tuesd ay "Star Bargains
35c Values 19c
In the men's store, main floor, a
splendid line of men's fine qual
ity new Web Suspenders, with
leather ends; full length, rust
proof buckles; dark or light pat
terns; regular 25o and 35o 1 Qr
values, on special sale at
Tuesday "Star Bargains"
Draperies 19c
Vals 35c to 60c
In the drapery store, third floor.
2000 yds. Drapery Cretonnes ana
Taffeta Mill Ends, remnants, 2Y2
to 5 yards, which the mill saves
for us each year; the values range
from 35o to 60c a yard; 1 Q
today's price only, yard Ai7V
Tuesday " Star Bargains
Women's Hose
50c Values 19c
Main floor. Women's Hose in
solid colors and fancy novelties;
rich lisles and cottons in stripes,
dots, verticles; lace boot and em
broidered styles. Attractive 50e
values, special during this 1Q.
sale at low price of, pair A l
Tuesday "Star Bargains"
Childs' Hose
25c Values 19c
In the hosiery store, for today,
we will sell the famous "Clark's
Make" children's 100 per cent
merit Hose, every pair guaranteed
just the same as when sold at
25c, positively fof today's 1Q.
Star Bargain Sale, at, pair A J y
Tu e sday "Star Bargains
Box Stationery
35c Value 19c
In the stationery store, on main
floor, a sale of Tine linen-finish
Correspondence Stationery; 24
sheets of paper, 24 envelopes, in
fancy embossed and novelty
boxes; regular values up 1 Q.
to 35c, special at, the box 1Jt
Tuesday "Star Bargains"
Souv'nir Plates
50c Values 19c
35c Sal'd Bowls 19c
In the crockery store, on the third
floor, regular 50o Ilistori- 1 Q
eal Souvenir Plates, each A 1
German china, 35o values A7t
Tuesday " Star Bargains
65c Veiling 19c
35c Ribbon 19c
1500 yards of new Mesh Veiling,
in black, white and col- 1 Q
ors; values to 65c, special A C
RIBBONS 10,000 yards all pure
silk, 5-in. Taffeta, in black, white
and every wanted shade; 1
regular 35o quality, yard A .71
Tuesday " Star Bargains
Curtain Scrim
35c Grade 19c
In the drapery store, third floor,
a sale of 1000 yards 40-inch plain
Curtain Scrim. By mistake it was
sent out to us in the dull finish
instead of mercerized. A liberal
factory concession enables 1Q.
us to sell the 35c grade at
I I " II
II II II II ' I ' ' II
II r j l ii
- - - ' i i
Mount Scott Bank Depositors
Asked to Wait.
President of Iteranct Institution
Wants to Bo Given Six Month to
Collect Bis Resource and
Ktratchea Oat Affairs.
A patltloa la blnff circulated amors
th HO or mora depositors of the de
funct Mount Scott Bask of LtnU
which wee cloeed Saturday by Stat
Bank Examiner Wrlsnt. aaklns them
to leave their money on deposit for
three and elx month la order to ral
lie without th expense Incurred un
der the receivership system.
According- to F. N. Myers, of (St Gil
san street, president of the Institution,
the plan la to have the present direc
torate step down and out and have a
new set of men take charge and real
lie on the resources. Mr. Myers ex
presses th belief that sufficient cash
could be collected In IS day to bring;
the cash resenr beyond th limit re
quired by law; and also that la three
month there would be sufficient money
to pay each depositor half tho amount
he has on deposit. Within six months,
Mr. Mysr believes, th balance of th
depositors money could b paid.
President Myer ay that h con
trol about two-thirds of th bank'
1 19.904 capitalisation and declare
that he Is wtllln-r that th depositor
be paid first and the smaller stock
holder next, he to take th residue of
amount due th Institution In return
for his stock. H expresses a willing
oee to leave hi stock remain as part
of tho capital. If. at th and of th
winding up period, aa attempt Is mad
at reorganisation. Th stock not
owned by th president I owned by
Ix or seven business man of Lents.
A meeting of 41 depositors, repre
senting about S9000 deposits, was held
Sunday night In Lents at which 21
vote wer cast for E. P. Tobln and 20
votes for J. C McOraw for receiver.
Mr. Myer believe that the state bank
examiner will concur In th arrange
ment to have th bank' affair wound
up without a receiver, provided, as I
expected, a majority of th depositor
ae-re to th plan. Ho ha hopes that
th asset may b sufficient to allow
him to realise par or nearly par on hi
stock after th depositor and mailer
stockholder hav been paid.
Tho opposition of th bank officials
to the annexation of Lenta to th city
of Portland, which opposition I blamed
for th falling off of the amount of
money on deposit, was dictated by th
fact that th state banking law I such
that had annexation taken place It
would hav been necessary to Increase
th capital stock of th bank to 160,009,
says Mr. Mysrs.
S ocUllsta. Surprised, Join Clericals
In Violent Attacks.
PARIS, atereh (-Premier Monls read
the Ministerial declaration in the Cham
ber of Deputies today.
Its conservative tone astonished the
Socialist and extreme Radical, who had
been expected to support the new gov
ernment. Thee member interrupted.
Jeering th reference in the manifesto to
tho church and schools. In which 1J, was
"We. will apply without feebleness and
without violence the laws dealing with
religion order and the separation of th
church and stale. We will protect against
all attack our public school."
Th declaration seta forth that th
railroad employe) who wer dismissed
after th recent etrtke will be taken back
unless they hav been proved guilty of
gross Insubordination and th destruc
tion of property.
After violent attacks from th repre
sentatives of the Clerical and Socialist
groups the chamber voted confidence In
Ut government. The vote was) M to 111
Edlrn's Rock Springs, bast for
Five February Holdups Con
fessed by Prisoner.
Iook-Out for Bad Quintet Recites
Crimes It Committed Here.
Watob Leads to Capture.
One at Large Hnnted.
CRnrra cohtemto by
February - J. Smith held op at'
Twelfth and Clay streets; watch
February S. I H. Brtggs held op
and beaten at fifteenth and j Tilla
mook streets: watch taksn.
February S. Two boys held up in
grocery store of J. Woolaeh. their
father, of tT2 W Idler street; cash
register rifled.
February 14. Nelson Blackhall
held np on Sixteenth street and
robbed of .
February IBt A. Slgel held np at
eeond and Oeaat streets aad robbed
of lis. '
Mystery surrounding th Identity of
highwaymen, who. In the month of
February, terrorised pedestrians by
nightly hold-ups. was solved yester
day, when Arthur Mitchell, arrested by
Detectives Coleman and Snow, made
a confession Implicating himself. Wal
ter Campbell and Frank Dennlson,
under arrest as vagrants, and another
named Cameron, who Is still at largo.
Mitchell admitted knowledge of five
robberies committed by the gsng.
In the earlier part of February, there
was scarcely a night that report was
not made by some cltlxen of being
held up at the point of a nickel-plated
revolver by the usual "tall man and
short man." When William Johnson
and H. S. Duplelsse were captured In
connection with tha robbery of Ru
bin's Jewelry store on Washington
street, and there were found in their
possession articles corresponding to
those seen with the highwaymen. It
was thought that they had committed
all tha robberies, but when "Black"
MacDonald. jackal of the. pair, made a
full confession and denied knowledge
of any robberies but those -of tha
Jewelry store and a restaurant on East
Burnslde streets, the detectives began
to look elsewhere.
Watch Is Clew.
Two weeks ago Detective Tlchenor
and Howell found a watch which had
been stolen from L. H. Briggs, at Fif
teenth and Tillamook streets, Febru
ary . It was traced to Mitchell, whom
the detective could have arrested at
that time. They preferred to wait and
keep him under surveillance, feeling
confident that he was In communica
tion with bis associates and would meet
them again. After their series of hold
up. Campbell. Dennlson and Cameron
left Portland. A week ago they wrote
to Mitchell that they were coming
back, and tha letter fell Into the hands
of tha detectives. Tha men were
selxsd in the Burnslde-street district
Saturday and were booked as vagrants.
Selecting Mitchell as the least guilty
of th gang, th detectives questioned
him closely. He made a full confession,
designating Campbell and Cameron as
tha pair who confronted their victims.
Dennlson. who Is a cripple, was tha go
between. who disposed of the loot.
Gang's Lookout Tells.
When Cameron and Campbell entered
tha store of J. Woolaeh at 472 Waldler
street, and held up two boys who wer
In charge, Mitchell says be was on
guard outside tha store. He denies that
he was Implicated directly in any of
the other crimes, but admits knowl
edge of them. He says that Cameron
and Campbell robbed L. H. Briggs at
Flftaenth and Tillamook street, and
beat him when he resisted. They
robbed J. Smith of a watch at Twelfth
and Clay streets February 6. A. Slgel
was held up February 19 at Second
and Grant streets, and was robbed of
$18. Nelson Blackhall, a pressman on
Th Oregonlan. lost IS on Sixteenth
street, February 14.
Mitchell said that Dennlson sold
Briggs' watch for $2.60, which h di
vided among the four. Later they sold
the chain for 76 cent and divided the
On Information that Cameron was In
Vancouver. Wash, Detectives Coleman
and Snow went to that city Sunday, but
failed to capture him. An alarm, ask
ing for his arrest, has been sent
throughout the Northwest. Durine its
operations, the gang lived at the Cos
mopolitan Hotel, in the North End.
Much Work Accumulates In Absence
of Harrlraan Chief.
A volume of correspondence has piled
on tha desk of J. P. O'Brien, general
manager of the Harrlman lines, who
in -A...T.n tn hi nfflm this morning
after an absence of six weeks; most of
which were passed in Southern Cali
fornia. ,
One of the principal subjects that
will demand his attention Is the Broadway-bridge
Question and the contro
versy with the city that has grown out
of the efforts of the railroad to obtain
the right to cross certain streets in Its
approach to the new bridge at Gllsan
Mr. O'Brien's health had been Im
paired before his departure from Port
land, as ho had not had a vacation for
six years. Reports received at his of
fice say ho has recovered completely
and that he has gained eight pounds.
Husband Sentenced for Jfonsupport.
OREGON CITT, Or.. March 6. (Spe
cial.) Charles Brlcker, of Oswego,
charged with failure to support his
wife and four children, entered a plea
of guilty this afternoon and was sen
tenced by County Judge Beatie to serve
one year In the county Jail. It was
shown that Brlcker is not in the best
of health and that the eldest of his
NO man regrets the
flight of time ex
cept the man without
Our Policyholders Are Satisfied
W. M. Ladd. Pres., T. B. Wilcox, VIor-Prrs., K. CooSTng
11x1 Vlce-Pres M. M. Johnson, Sec.
children Is a son 18 years of age, and
Judge Beatle paroled Brlcker, who
agrees to pay his wife 130 a month to
ward the support of the family.
Edlefsen's Rock Springs, best for
Hair Health
If You Have Scalp or Hair
Trouble, Take Advantage
of This Offer.
Wo could not afford to so strongly
endorse Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and
continue to sell it a we do, if we were
not certain that it would do all wo
claim it will. Should our enthusiasm
carry us away, and Rexall "93" Hair
Tonio not give entire satisfaction to
the users, they would lose faith in us
and our statements, and In conse
quence our business prestige would
Therefore, when we assure you that
If your hair Is beginning to unnatur
ally fall out or If you have any scalp
trouble, Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will
promptly eradicate dandruff, stimulate
hair growth and prevent premature
baldness, you may rest assured that
we know what we are talking about.
Out of one hundred test cases Rexall
"9S" Hair Tonic gave entire gatlsfac
tion n ninety-three cases. It has
been proved that it will grow hair
even on bald heads, when, of course,
the baldness had not existed for so
long a time that the follicles, which
are the roots of the hair, had not be
come absolutely lifeless.
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is vastly dif
ferent from other similar preparations.
We believe that It will do more than
any other human agency toward re
storing hair growth and hair health.
It Is not greasy and will not gum tho
scajp or hair or cause permanent etaln.
It Is as pleasant to use as pure cold
Our' faith- in Rexall "93" Hair Tonio
is so strong that we ask you to try It
on our positive guarantee that your
money will be cheerfully refunded
without question or quibble If It does
not do ae we claim. Certainly we can
offer no stronger argument. It comes
in two sizes, prices 60 cents and J 1.00.
Remember you can obtain it only at
The Owl Drug Co., Inc., Cor. 7th andj
Washington St.