Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 06, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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MONDAY, MARCH ?, 1911. " ; -,
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...Mala Tn A
1 clrcalatlfta . ....
Vn,lr Editor ''
fund.. Editor ;! i
C o,po.ln, roora Mala J;J
uTaui!dla ai Told A
AirrsEaiEXTS. theater iwth and
r.r W. Monro la Tba Mldola
Poo. Toolcht at IV
Baker thkatkk Kiat JJ,E
n.on Th. nr t company w
-Tim Wolf." Toatcht a a 11.
Brs.;4LOW THKATcJB T-.lp and VT;
rr la Ilr-.-n t la Town. - Tooiaht at
OPt-HSCM THKATEIt JIorTtta. a1""
sitth aad a,r.Bta i vaudHla. Taw
axuraaoa at 3:11 aad toolh at I
C ft AND THEATER Pnr and WaaMatr-
im;- This nftaraoo at J.J.
tauisat at 1 J aad a.
ri-VTAIEl THEVTER raorth aad
vud-rlil Ttu aftaraooa at
aisal at I.M aad a.
X.TPIC THEATER a-ith and AM-r
I.rie Comlr Compaajr In "in -"i;.,
Ttu aTtaraoua at 2.J aad at
aad a.
VOJ.I rtrat iim Bictana, 11 A. J.
Cut To Co.--iirK Ro FrrnTU
It probablr will ba drldrd ton!ht at
to mnllnt of tha Kenton Puah Club tha Peninsula will ta Ita uaual
part la tlx Ros Ftallval Awctation thl
year. Th Krnton club has axtended an
Invitation to all Intubated to attend th
tncatlnc Tba lMml plan l to have a
rose booth at th Vr.Un Depot and a!o
the usual rose ahoarrr from streetcars.
To carry out tfcia programme ao tl:
. -aortt arlJl not fall on th ahouldrrs of
only A few men. It la proposed to rais
money to meet all especaes and employ a
man to 4fol Ma entire time to the dial-lay.
It la believed that trua plan IU
nmort the objections of tha old offlcera
of tho peninsula Roae Association, anj
If It la aaopttd tomht committee
fee appointed to raiae th fund.
Rtr. Albcwt Ejawvrrr Cklxskatis Ax
yivaKSABT. Ke. Albert iSirttott. pastor
of the Kaat Slda Baptlat Church, re
viewed the work of the past year at
t'i church. East Ankeny and Eaat
Twentieth street, yesterday mornlnr.
It balntt the flrat anniversary of hla
raatorate. The Second and Central
Hapttat Churches were consolidated
laat year with tho Kaat Sldo Kapust
Church, with Mr. Ehrgott aa th paa
tor. Reports showed the church to b
prosperous. It la planned to sell tha
two church properties and build a
modern building- at about Kaat Twen
ty -second street. Tho total valu ot
tha properties or tna couaouuaiea
church la about $:i.COO.
funeral aenrlcea. conducted by tha
Grand Army of tha Republic will be
held today at 1:14. from tho chapel of
I-unnlng- A alcEntee. over the body ot
James Sktfley. a. Civil War veteran,
who was killed Faturday nlcht under
tha wheels of a Southern Pacific en
gine la th East Slda yards. Ieputy
t'oroner Dana found yesterday that
rUfVy left a family of four children,
of whom tho eldest la 17. and they are
left almoet deatltute.
SXXI.WOOO Asxa roa Btt4 GaorTo.
Tha Sell wood Raseball Club has asked
tha Park Board to provide a ban-ball
ground at tho northern portion of the
rVllwood Park. If this la done, the club
members say. they will lease ground
just outside the park and erect a grand-atan-d.
Thia would give the club the
privilege of charging an admission fee to
the grandstand and give It an Income.
Thoao who do not enter the grandstand
can aee the game Just the erame. SeU
wood baa an excellent ball team.
Vrc-nx or Fiix Ioa, i irico. A man
who fell downstairs at the Eaq-le rooming-house.
Third and Burnslde streets,
laat Thursday, and afterward died at
Ft. Vincent's Hospital without regain
Ing consciousness, has been Identified
as Jim Duraraa. aa Italian, employed
by aa asphalt company. The identifi
cation waa reported to Police Sergreant
Golta. Friends of Dura ma visited the
Coroner's office yesterday and con
firmed the report.
PaorjeaTT Owscas Pat row Widix!!co.
Property owners on the Sandy boule
vard are paving In their assessment
for making; that street 80 feet wide be
tween Twenty-eighth street and
the city limits, or East Seventy-eighth
street Nearly fTSoo of the total of
lll.0 has been paid. Aa soon as all
have paid their aaseaamenta the widen
ing of tlie street will be officially de
clared and proceedings will be started
for the pavement.
FaAsn-Hisc The JJllwank'e Council will
consider the elec:rte (light and power
franchlae asked for by the Mount Hood
Hallway Company at Ita meeting Tuesday
fi ght. A special meeting waa held laat
yvtday night wnea th ordinance grant
ing the franchise waa Introduced and
read the first time. It la considered
probable that the council will pwa the
SraciAl. MtmnM Bents. Special meet
ing were begun laat night In the Methodist-Episcopal
Church South, on Union
avenue and Multnomah street. Rev.
: Ioulrk Pierce Law. a prominent evange
1. la the speaker. He la asaisted by
Vrofessur and Mrs. Stores In the music
, Mrs. Law also will sing at the meetings,
which will be held In this church every
' Sight.
A.x Old Rcsidcxt Dtcs. John llsrrls.
who had been a resident of Oregon
the pjt " years, died at the home of
: hla daughter. Mrs. H. I- Woodworth.
a Hancock street. Saturday. He waa
tt years old. He had lived la Portland
J nine years. The funeral waa conducted
last alght. and Interment will be made
: later at Columbia City. Or.
. Krr. c. W. Rent Steak a Rev. C. "W.
. Ruth addressed a general meeting yes-
terday afternoon in the Church of the
Natarene. In 8 11 wood. The meeting
1 waa bald coder the ausplcea of tha Or
j agon Hollnesa Association. Revival
i meetings will be continued In this
; church under the cbax.e of Mr. Ruth
until March II.
Mass ilrtnxo to Pa Caixed. At th
meeting of K.llir.f sworto Improve
ment Association tomorrow night la the
Retdt Hall. Kllllngaworth and In Ion ave
nues, arrangements will me perfected for
a man meeting to consider question of
general Interest. This mas meeting la
to be held April 3.
Pavt-so Pari rims Bcrxo CiacrutTux.
The Warren Paving Company has men
, out circulating petitions for paving
the district ot Sellwood. This I the
first company In the field, but the
H Assam Paving Company Is expected
to compete for this paving- contract.
BaaoAni Ir Takes at Once.
Two Hoasica. weight nearly ono thousand
each, good travelers; also, tight hack,
with harness, all new. will sell sepa
rately. Inquire room 3W Oregon lan bldg.
Da. J. T. Wall and Dr. J. W. S'.fton
announce the formation ot a partnership
March i. 1911. with office at aulte
Selling bids.
Portulxd Tt'OMx-V Vnios. Monthly
meeting- today at 1:30 o'clock!, at 510
landers street. Member urged to be
Osteopathic SraciAUST. rheumatism,
stomach, nervous) diseases. Pr. V. Arnold
Llndaey. 1007 Selling bldg. Marshall Ttg.
To Leas av Wharf, with large ware
house; deep water; fire protection; switch
ing facilities. AB ST!. Oregonlan.
Paris Hair Store removed from TCssh
lngtoo st. to 147 Seventh, near Morrieron.
Da Harm. IIJ-H Selling bldg, practice
limited to alveolar pyorrhea, extracting.
Swisa Watcm Rn-Aiaixo. C Cbrlsiea-
en. Id floor corbett bldg. Take elevator.
Da. J. Ettxlaos hss moved to 10O1-J
Belling bldg. Phone Marshall SSlt,
Da ARO. surgeon, mil Selling bldg.
Da. IV C. BacwR. Era, ar; Marctoaat.
Frejuent complalnta from residents In
the vicinity of Eleventh and Yamhill
streets, dating back nearly a week, of
a man who annoyed women and chil
dren led to the arrest by Patrolmen
Keith and Gruber yesterday of Eugene
Brownrlsrr. a young bookkeeper. He
waa booked on a charge of disorderly
conduct- The prisoner I married and
lives at lit Northrup street. He is em
ployed by an electrical company. He
waa Identified by one man and several
women aa the person who had been
guilty of disorderly conduct on several
occasions In the residence district
where he was taken. Brownrlgr wept
aa he denied all knowledge of the of
fenses charged against him.
Cmtrch Pats Orr Mortoaob. It took
only a few minutes to raise 11500. th
amount necessary to pay off a mort
gage on the church property, at the
morning- sen-Ice In the First Church .of
the .N'aiarene. East Seventh and East
Couch streets, yesterday morning. The
lot and building will now be entirely
free of debt. One man. who asked that
his name be kept secret, gave th last
$100. The church building and lot rep
resent an Inveatment of approximately
tiioo and are now worth, at a conser
vative estimate, about $12,000.
Box Rescted Kror Dbowkiwo. Two
boy about IS yeara old nearly drowned
at i o'clock yesterday afternoon when
their canoe cspaixed at the lower end
of Rosa Island. The .ateamer Paloma.
havlnar a sand barge In tow waa pass
ing them and they tried to get hold
of the barge with their hands, but suc
ceeded only In turning their own boat
over. The crew of the Paloma at once
went to their rescue. The boys did not
make known their Identity to th men
who rescued them.
Nw Rcrkkah Vovnm Oboamixed. A
new Rebekah Lodge of the Oddfellows'
order has been oraanized at Arleta. In
the Mount Scott district, with the fol
lowing officers: Noble grand. Etta
Montgomery; vice-grand. Ella Johnson:
secretary. Lulu Farrell; treasurer.
Alice Taylor. The lodge beglna with
4 charter members. It will be known
as Mountain View Lodre No. Mrs.
Jessie White, special deputy, organised
the lodge.
New EKOtxa Odrwavt JxsTAtXRD. The
new Mount Tsbor fire engine company
baa been Installed at the engine house
recently completed on Eat Stark and
East Sixty-second streets. The new
engine house was built at a cost of
$! woe. It Is believed that the new
company can cover a wide district, as
the engine house occupies elevated
ground and ha a down-hill run in
nearly every direction.
Blackmar CiRrxa to ERJJCT Momcrext.
Ulackmar Circle. Ladiea of the Grand
Army, la raising money with which to
erect a monument to the dead aoidier in
Mllwaukl Cemetery. Proceed from en
tertainments will be used for thl pur
pose. No plans for th monument have
been drawn."
Lower Albixa Bfunoa to Br Topic.
The Lower Alblna Improvement Asso
ciation will meet tonight In Davis Hall
on Russell street, when th main sub
ject for consideration will be the pro
posed Lower Alblna bridge across th
Willamette River.
PowaR V Este. drugs. Oregonlan
bUix.; open all night. Main iZ A 6157.
Whitney Company Will Not Improve
Cntll Bar I Cleared.
No extensive Improvement upon
property of th Whitney Company. Lim
ited. In and around Tillamook, will be
made, according to statement ot Rus
sell Hawkins, manager ot tha company,
until the United States Government
provides some method for vessel to
cross tha Tillamook bar.
We have extensive holdings In the
Tillamook country." said Mrl Hawkins,
"but we cannot exploit our own prop
erty until there Is a deep waterway,
and It Is up to the Government to fur
nish this fscllity."
Mr. Hawkins ha Just returned from
Washington. IX C where he appeared
before the board of review In charge
ot river and harbor work. This board
haa been unable to agree with the spe
cial board of Army engineers that gave
Its approval of the Tillamook project
Involving- an expenditure of $1,744,000
for the Improvement of the harbor, providing-
the people of Tillamook fur
nished $434,000. The appropriation still
has to aecure the approval of the board
of review and then must pass both
houses of Congress and be signed by
tha President. No further action will
be taken by Congress until December.
1 1
X -y
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Artaar Laaggath.
Arthur Lanrruth. who has been
a practicing attorney In Portland
for the last seven years, has been
elected by t h e Multnomah Bar
association to take a fourth term
aa aecretary. He I on of th
charter member of th associa
tion. Mr. Langguth was born in De
troit. Mich.. April it. ISO. He
graduated from Detroit College
of Law In June. ISO J. and came to
Portland the following- month.
For six month he was In the em
ploy of Carey at Maya, now Carey
Kerr. He then took an office
of hla own. He waa four tlmea
acting Municipal Judge In the
plaoe of the lata Judge Bennett,
and waa on the bench when
Judge Bennett died. , i
Dependent upon thl Improvement are
the plan of th Whitney ' Company.
Mr. Hawklna expressed .the opinion
that tha board of review would agree
eventually with the view, of the special
board of Army engineers.
AM the delicacies of the season at th
Portland Restaurant. Fine private a part -Beau
for ladiea. SuS Wast)-, near (th at.
Reek Uprlaga CeaL
The beat bouse coal. Liberty Coal A
Ice Co, exclusive agents. 25. North
Fourteenth street. Main 1441. A Slls.
Plant Slbsoa rosea. Phone Sell wood ISO j
Artist Displays Beautiful Sentiment and Dynamic, Dramatic Force in
Rendition at Piano of Master Compositions.
BEAUTIFUL sentiment, first; and dy
namic, dramatic force, second.
That Is a visualization of the art
of Josef Hofmann. the mature artist,
who played with notable success at a
piano recital he gave yesterday at the
Helllg Theater, under tha auspice of
Lois Steers-Wynn Comm.
Six year ago. or so, Portland last
heard Hofmann In piano recital In this
city, whea be wa mora or les known
a an advanced boy prodigy, a lad
blessed with wonderful talent as a pian
ist In Interpreting the legacies left by
th great one of music and the question
was then asked, after Hofmann had been
deluged with encores and enough praise
to make him inordinately vain: "What
of Hofmann the mature artist? "What
as a man. run to aeed as so many boy
prodigies have before him?"
That doubting inquiry wa answered at
yesterday's successful recltaL Hofmann
played a programme bristling with tech
nical dlmcultiea enough to try the skill
and strength of the most mature, and he
emerged to entire satisfaction as a full
fledged plsno virtuoso, equal to the best
of the great pianists of our day.
In what special department of musical
art does Hofmann differ, say. from Pader
ewskl. Carreno, Harold Bauar? That Is
a question of opinion, entirely. Hof
mann la young In art and age when com-r-nred
with elthar Paderewskl or Carreno.
and he Is not yet mellowed. His playing
Is not so thunderous, so majestic as that
of his fellow Pole, Paderewskl. When
Hofmann plays one need have no fear
of the piano strings breaking so soft
and sparkling are his beautiful, shaded
Now, that Is not to say that Hofmann
lack fire. Far from it. He bathes his
tone pictures with charming idealism,
and makes you think of roses and sun
shine. Next minute, he charms by. an
other mood, and the clouds roll and the
thunder crashes. . Unusual strength of
wrist enables him to paint a fortissimo
of terrific force. -Often, before he be
gins a selection, h sita quietly in a sort
of trance at the piano and dreams, and
then his fingers weave a fairy spell of
tonal color. ... .,
Hofmann was equally successful in the
excerpts from Beethoven and Chopin as
from Scrlabone. Tschalkowsky and Rach
maninoff. He was rewarded with 18 en
cores, and was applauded long after he
had finished the regular programme.
People fairly begged him to play aome
more. Hia encores x were: "Scherzo,
frrnn "Sonata op. 31. No. S" (Bsethoven);
"Chant Polonaise In G flat major" (Cno-pln-Liaxt):
"Etude. O flat major" and
"Berceuse" (Chopin), and "Feuerxauber
(Wagner), and "Perpetum Mobile
(Weber). . . ,
The audience was a large one. and In
cluded many professional musicians, who
applauaea aa nearmr
la -The Wolf." a Play la Three Acta
by Eageae Walter.
Jul Beaubeln Thurston Hall
Andrew McTavlah. .. . J. Frank Burk
Hilda McTavlah Ida AJalr-
Baptlate le Grand
Marshall Farnum
William McDonald
Frank Danlthorn
Oaorg Huntley. .. .Walter B. Gilbert
SUFFICIENTLY dramatic In Its tory
and action to claim close attention,
spectacular In Its scenic effects, and
brimful of realism, the Baker Stock
Company's production of "The Wolf"
afford pleasure and entertainment for
all classes of theater-goer. This '
th first time any stock presentation of
Eugene Walter'a well-known play haa
been given In Portland.
Only aiz characters are concerned In
thia telling- of the tale of the Canadian
Northwest; each la a dietlnct type, and
all share equally In the telling; of the
Th vljal part of th tory Is th
struggle between Jules ' Beaublen, a
young- French Canadian, and William
McDonald, an American civil engineer
on a aurveylna; expedition Into the
north woods; a struggle wherein both
men "stand on their feet and fight
one for the love and eoul, and the other
for the body of a young backwoods girl.
In an exciting- acene between th two
men the girl la forced to choose, and
file to the refuge Jules offers. Mc
Donald, still a fighter, follows them
aa they leave the woods, and at the
mouth of the river Jules waits for him.
McDonald ta laln. The fight take
place at night, and not until a match
flaring Into Jules' face, disclosing him
bending- over the body of hla rival,
doe the audience know who I victor.
J. Krank Burke' old Scotch McTav
Ish Is a clever, canny portrait. He
plays the role with the seasoned
aesurance that comes of experience.
Mr. Burke' McTavlah Is better than his
John Ganton. and that' "going- tome."
Thurston Hall Is Jules, and a mighty
forceful, magnetic Jules he makes, too.
with hla picturesque dressing of the
part, andthe Inimitable patois he uses.
Both Mr. Hall and Frank Denlthorne,
who play the role of McDonald, are
aided materially In their portrayal In
that each Is of athletic proportions. Mr.
Denlthorne gives such a sincere and
likable picture of a villain that the
hisses of yesterdsy' audience were a
genuine tribute to hi excellency as an
A fin olt of comedy la afforded In
the spontaneity and boyishness with
which Walter Gilbert Invests the role
of Huntley, the young engineer who
assists McDonald, but who. when he
discovers his employer' perfidy, de
votes himself to Jules' cause
Marshall Farnum la Baptlete. the
nomad and trapper who la Jules' faith
ful friend. While It Is the smallest of
all. Mr. Farnum puts strength into It.
Th only woman In th cast is Ida
Adair as the patient Hilda. With long
blonde braids ehe makea a charming
picture, and from beglnlng to end the
Impression she gives Is essentially as the
anthpr would have It.
"A Faroe Comedy In Tfcre Acta, by
Mark Swan, Presented at the
t Bungalow Theater.
1 Disk Preston Henry BtoekbrliJr
Abel Preston , John Burton
f Arthur Howard..' Earl D. Dwlre
I Worth Ctrnr William Wolbert
I Pollock Ronald Bradbury
I Letty Brenda Fowler
J Buxanna Dacra. . . Fay Balnter
I Frsda Von Hollenbeck. .Nell Fransen
I Primrose Lillian Andrews
SEVERAL season ' of how hav
come and gone since Mark Swan's
comedy, 'JBrown's In Town." a merry
mesa of fabrication, made Its local
appearance. Which probably made all
the more attractive and Interesting Its
presentation yesterday at the Bungalow,
with all of the Baker toclt player
save the half-doxen who are - In "The
Wolf." at the Baker, to stand sponsor
for the fun.
As almost everyone know. "Brown"
In iTown." Is a broad farce having to
do with the trouble of an extremely
youthful couple who, despite parental
objection on both aides, have married,
rented a honey-suckle nest in the coun
try and are proceeding to spend a quiet
honeymoon under the assumed name of
All sorts of exciting and laughable
things happen. Guests and long-staying
visitor drop in. friends find them out,
father arrives and with the advent or
each new character, many conflicting but
seemingly plausible stories are Invented
on the spur of the moment.
Other widely varying fibs follow fast
to cover previous statements ana iinai-
lw AVAfwKnHv 1 "In wrnnir" KaturallV
everything is righted before the final
curtain, but a great many iai laugns
have hn tucked in. and lota of funny
repartee put over before the end is in
Fay Balnter. who wear a genuine
harem skirt, Is featured in "Brown's
in Town," along with that dandy
comedian, -Henry Stockbrldge. These
two have several songs which Interrupt
.tArv AlltrVitf nil v. TtrenHfl. Fowler.
who Is second woman at the Baker, is a
most girlish and wholesome -Mrs.
Brown" in the story, Mr. Stockbrldge
being a whirlwind of fun as Brown.
A big part of the comedy falls to the
n Inhii T4itrtnn a Rrnvn'l fa.ther.
while Lillian Andrews makes a capital
darky cooa-iaay, aiiss rrimruso jouu
In cp
Miss Balnter captures her audience
with her capricious and dainty role of
Suzanne Dacre, who knows a thing or
two, and who ODllgingiy marries an ino
Browns in order to straighten out en
tanglements. Earl Dwlre. a former Baker player,
and who is responsible for the excel
lent staging of this production, is the
dentist, Howard, who finally wed
Comedy parts are given by Nell
Franzen as a German heiress In search
of an affinity; William Wolbert as a
gentleman of leisure who, by the way.
Is h. prolonged scream, and by Ronald
Bradbury in the character role of a
gardener. All week at the Bungalow.
A Group of Well Known Men
A. L. Mills, President First National Bank. x
Adolphe TVoLfe, President Lipman, Wolfe & Company.
Jjouia O. Clarke, President Clarke, Woodward Drug Company.
Wtn. Pollman, Presiont Baker Loan & Trust Company.
C. F. Adams, President Security Savings & Trust Company. '
W. P. Olds, President Olds, Wortman & King.
Geo. W. Bates, President Geo. W. Bates Co, Bankers.
Jefferson Myers, Attorney-at-Law.
A. II. Devers, Clossett & Devers, Wholesale Teas, Coffees.
Ilugh McGuire, President Commercial Realty Company. ;
If. L. Corbett, Vice-President First National Bank.
W. C. Bristol, Attorney-at-Law.
- Geo. Stoddard, Vice-President Grand Ronde Lumber Company.
Jos. T. Peters, Jos. T. Peters & Company, The Dalles.
R. A. Booth, Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, Eugene.
. These men are identified with the growth and prosperity of Oregon. Ton
know what to expect when you do business with them a square deal and cour
teous treatment You know where to find them when there is anything in a
business transaction with them that you don't fully understand. They are
the Directors of Oregon Life, the only life insurance company exclusively
Oregon. The only company where all officers, agents and other employes live
in Oregon. The only company which makes all of its investments in Oregon
securities. The only company where all the people of Oregon share in the
general prosperity of the company, and no other state receives any of the
benefits. '
Oregon Life receives preference from discriminating buyers of life insur
ance in Oregon, because it is best for the policyholder. It is conservative,
accepts no risk on any man who is more than 55 years old, writes no policy
for more than $10,000.00 on one life, and yet shows an unmatched record of
growth. It is one of the most important factors in the upbuilding of a
Greater Oregon. Home office, Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison streets.
A- L. Mills, President; L. Samuel, General Manager; Clarence S. Samuel,
Assistant Manager.
la "
Way '
ments Are
Fifteen -
Per Cent
, to Home
Quarter .
LOCATION Right In the center
of the best East Side residence dis
trict. Rose City Park. Montavllla
and East Ankeny carllnes.
up. 10 per cent down, 2 per cent per
MEAD MURPHY, Sales Agents.
B23 Corbett Bldg.
Telephones Main 1503. A 1513.
On of th largest best equipped plant
In Portland offer you unexcelled service
at price exceedingly low. When you want
it will be to your ad van tar to consult as.
Our facilities guarant best result. Cur
ample will oonvlno you of our quality
Phous 1 2281, Miio 6201. 388 Tutor Strut
Tk Coat of lalermenrs Bare Oeea
Greatly Reduced br the Holmao
UaderiakJas Company.
Heretofore U has been the custom of
funeral directors to make charges tor
all Incidentals connected with a funeral.
The Edward Holman Undertaking; Com
pany, the leading funeral dlrectora of
Portland, have departed from that cus
tom. When casket is furnished by us
wo make no extra charges for embalming-,
hearse to cemetery, outside box or
any services that may be required of
us, except clothing;, cemetery and car;
riages. thus effecting a saving of t
to $76 on each funeral.
Main 1E5. A 116S First and Oak
Let us take charge. "We can sav you
money. Established 1900.
Portland, Or. Worcester Bldg.
EVERY TIME a man wants to get away,
from all connection with the busy world,
the telephone is an important helper.
The Local Service is useful in arranging his
affairs at home, and the Long Distance Service
of the Bell System helps him to decide where to
go and what to take.
By means of his Bell Telephone he can find
out whether the fish are biting or the birds are
flying, and whether guides or horses can be se
cured. After he has been out awhile, if he wants to
get word from the city, the nearest Bell Tele
phone is a friend in. need.
Every Bell Telephone Is lie Center of the System
GOLD DUST will take the
grime and smut, grease and dirt from
your pots and pans in a twinkling,'
leaving them as clean as when new.
GOLD DUST is so far ahead of soap for cleaning pots
and pans, that the woman who does not use it i9 really
doing about twice as much work as necessary. The soap
merely cleans off the surface, and does not dig deep after
the germs of decay which accumulate on pots, pans and
kettles which are in constant use.
GOLD DUST does more than clean it goes to the
very heart of things, kills every germ and sterilizes your
cooking utensils. It makes them sanitary, clean and safe.(
GOLD DUST does the work in just half the time that
. 1 i
it can be done witn soap or any omer cieanser.
GOLD DUST is a vege
table oil soap in powdered
form, which 6tarts to work
the moment it strikes the
water; it cleans quickly,
easily and thoroughly.
Da not uie" SoapT Naphtha"! Borax,
Soda, Ammonia or Kerosene with
Gold Dust. Qold Duat has all desir
able cleansing qualities in a perfectly
harmless and lasting form.
th poor work"
Makers of FAIRY SOAP, the oval cake
The Style Shop
200 7th Street, Cor. Taylor
Miss A. M. Friedenthal
We Do Not Sell Cheap
All of our goods are
of first quality, and
we sell them at reas
onable prices.
Come in and see for
Our Optical Depart
ment is in charge of a
graduate and regis
tered optometrist. .
The Jeweler
No better nor more clean-burning' coals are mined than the following
high-grade coals:
Prices reasonable. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city
Crystal Ice & Storage Co
B 1244