Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 06, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE 3rOKXl"0 OKEUO.MAX JlUAUAY. MAKU1I 6, 1911.
rere at r-tlaad. Ot-o. r;fIM
FKBi-riaM VeMar.
aeecripikoa Ium ravarlably la idM
Ferry. Scarfey tartoHed. one year V?
I eil. n1r Included. e moeiM ... r
i xr. S-jaaay Iralad-!. Lire 1
l-.y. Suniay Ineiudad. one montn....
!;.. .tr.eul Fardar. on yea.-. J1"'
tally. witout B,n.1. s.z monire..... SZJ
rei:r. w hmi "inrtar. turea eioftha...
Iieil. wiinaut fuaitij. t moain
ve--lala. yaar.
fusuley. ent ar
kai.Cs u4 weekly, one tear.
ra!tr. S-nay l-ietadad. pear...... t.W
1S:'t. laida' Ini-lo-ied. o-ee sr.onth.....
Haw la Kraal l Sand peeuoff ica moa
an-l-r. ntmi oa-der ar nereoaal ne-s: oa
year l-aT bask, stamps, eon or curr-ser
e at ma xndar-a ria. (Jive oetomce
ed-ti-aa la full. tndadinaj " ''i
rataa Italaa la fa pee. I cant. IS
! 2a )-. caare; la eO ! rente;
4 la A (4M. a ceota. roreiga poetage
alexia rata.
raataaai Baatawa Offltee Varra aa Cnk
rra Ne Tr. Hraaaairau k attain g. CM
raia bulMlaa.
ronuM), mabch . iu-
A Democratic Boum, a Republican
Senate, and a Republican President
who U resolutely committed to certain
policies do not form a combination
which Inspires confidence that deeds
of moment -will be accomplished In
the special miloa of Congress. The
situation Is made additionally uncer
tain of results by the coralng-on of a
Presidential election. Tbe special
session wa lit b almost as productive
of campaign material as the regular
session to follow It In December.
The Democrats, having filibustered
the permanent tartff board Mil to
death, will find It neceesary to 'formu
late some tariff procedure which,
though It may fall to pass ths Repub
lican Senate, will tend to give the
iTmocrats something on which to go
before the people.
The Tariff Board, which Is a Taft
measure. Is not likely to have nuch
f4or In the Democratic llou. and
one may well expect that the Demo
crats will devote their time to rtpplng
tip the schedules of the I'ayne
AHrich act.
Senator Newlands of Nevada, how
ever, presents a new tariff board plan
In the February Issue of the Inde
pendent, probably with ths hope that
his Democratic colleagues will pre
sent It as a party measure.
Sr.ator Now land idea Is to give
the Tariff Board powers and Jurisdic
tion over tariff schedules similar to
those now held by the Interstate
Commerce Commission over railroad
ratea. He offers the following sug
gestions: War ahiwll we ri fallow the aame ptaa
wild the tariff, making a erl-nea of It by
pravMlnf tar a tar. ft enmmielo;i with pow
ara to lho enj-r4 by the r 1 1 roe -1
r rr.mleloa. taking ina praaant tarMf aa a
taa.a af action, and than ft'trie tfia tartrC
rummlaalaa taa poaar. aftar hartnfa lol
tlated ty tha cmplaluta of ahippara or bv
tha commlaatoa ttaalf. lo cendama a rale of
dtaf-,- aa v huh and to aubatliute
a raaanrala datv tharvfr. pursuant to tha
rula pracr;b4 ky Connraae. (Ivlnf to auca
roaimUaipn alao full imwara fr axamlna
tion. tnyasttffmtlon of coat of production at
htrne and abroad, aci raromninlatloQ to
v'eecraae raa.-dlnt fraa and Uullaule llata?
This interesting plan Is presented as
a -solution" of the tariff problem, but
the term Is Inaptly used. It would
more properly be called a "shifting"
of the tartff problem. Congress
would merely ord-r the general
standard for fixing duties. It would
say whether duties were to bo fixed
on a revenue-paying basis or at a
standard sufficient only to srlve the
manufacturer a fair profit after the
cost of production at home and
abroad had been ascertained by the
rommlwlnn. The commission would
do the rest.
While tt will probably not appeal
to the Democrats at a time when an
attack on a Republican tartff act is
politically opportune, there Is still the
possibility that three branches of the
tariff Issue, with variations of each,
will be material, for discussion in the
special session. President Taft will
urge forward Canadian reciprocity,
the Democrats will certainly attempt
schedule revisions, and the Tariff
Board may come back In one form or
another. It requires considerable op
timism to expect any good to come
out of such a situation unless It be
Jockeying for place In the coming
campaign. The session Is likely to
be marked by bTbckade and filibuster.
rRArnCE vxr.Ts theory.
Either in anticipation of war or for
some other unknown reason, trade
with the Orient has recently taken a
remarkable spurt. Every steamer
leaving Portland or Puget Sound for
the Far East Is loaded to the hatches,
and a number of extra steamers have
been sandwiched In on the regular
schedules to relieve the strain. The
greater part of this increased demand
for tonnage Is for wheat and flour.
We have heard so much from Mr.
Humphrey. Mr. Gallinger and other
eminent advocates of a ship subsidy
about trade with the Orient suffer
ing because of an alleged lack of
ships that the present situation is
Interesting. Not only has there been
plenty of ships available, but the rates
have been cut to a point where even
the heavily subsidized ships of Japan
can hardly be making any money.
Figuring from a "per-ton-per-mlle"
basis, the rate of S3 per ton for wheat
for the 4 000-mile trip across the Pa
cific would hardly be considered ex
cessive. That rate has been in effect
fjr many months but the awful for
eigners who are robbing us of the
ocean-carrying trade have not only
cut that rate in the middle but are re
liably reported to be making a secret
rate of tl per ton. Implicated In this
heinous practice are German. British,
Japanese and Norwegian steamship
oaners. In actual practice, this for
eign trade and foreign carrying busi
ness works out so radically different
from what the theorists of the Hurn-phrey-Gallinger
type predict that the
shippers of the freight do not care a
rap what flag flies from the masthead
of a vessel so long as she handles the
freight at a loner rate than would
prove profitable for an American
The present rate war is said to have
been precipitated by the Japanese
lines, which are heavily subsidized,
and can accordingly afford to carry
freight cheaper than the unsubsldlzed
British. German and Norwegian ves
sels engaged in the trade. Before we
are too severe In our strictures against
this Japanese competition, and before
we heavily subsidize any American
ships with which to meet It, let us
consider the possibility that the Japa
nese who have bought the wheat,
four and other commodities may pre
fer to carry It away in their own
ships- It is barely possible that It is
none of our business what kind of
ships are used in that service, so long
ta the freight has passed out of our
possession and our producers and
manufacturers have received their
own price for It.
This wheat and flour U worth at
tidewater. Portland, or Puget 8ound.
(ha n-t tti l.nan laaa the COSt Of
' ocean freight to Japan. If the Japa-
nese government' Is willing to subsl
' dlxe ships and thus Indirectly Increase
' the profits of the American producers
let us supplant ptotest with praise for
the favors thus granted. Every pro
ducer in the United States ought to be
satisfied to have the Jpan gov
ernment contribute to Increased profits
by lessening the cost of freight.
I n-Mt or one. ixtsa or another.
The Legislature ought to 'havo
ousted Kood Commissioner Bailey
summarily from office, undoubtedly.
The Legislature had a duty to per
form In protecting the people against
, Inefficiency and incompetency in an
Important and nece-ary puouc on.i.
and It failed or refused. The chorus
of Indignation against the neglect of
the Legislature to take cognizance of
Bailey's misfeasances and peccadil
loes and Inertion has not yet died out.
Tha continued outcry comes prin
cipally from those Democratic news
papers, falsely calling themselves
"Independent." that felt greatly out
raged because the Legislature pre
aumawt to modify or change the peo-
I plo"8 laws In enactment of the second-
choice bill and repeal or mo
Rogue River fish bill.
But if the Legislature had a plain
and Imperative duty to discharge in
relieving the pubtio of tha weight of
Bailey and It had why did it not
have a similar clear obligation In
correcting an unspeakable larceny in
flicted by the Rogue River closure, or
In Improving and amending the pri
mary law In those particulars where
experience has shown It to be defec
tive? If the Legislature ought sum
marily to have removed Bailey, a
people's officer two or three times
elected by the people why should It
be prohibited from repairing the
damage or correcting the serious
errors of any of the people's lawsT
What Is the difference?
There is no difference except In the
motives and schemes of the humbug
"Independents" and fake reformers
who preach one doctrine for Bailey
and another for themselves. They
wanted the Legislature to "fire"
Bailey because It was a smart puiai
iai mnv Thev demanded that the
Legislature keep .hands off the
primary law because secona ciwiw
endangered their political schemes.
Congress has adopted a bill reform
ing procedure on appeals in the Fed
eral Courts and the passage ef the
measure was on"of the few really
notable achievements of the short
session Just closed.
The purpose of the act is similar to
that which the framers of the con
stitutional amendment affecting pro
cedure In the state courts of Oregon,
recently adopted, probably had in
mind. This purpose la to make im
possible endless appeals that have
nothing to do with the merits of the
controversy, are based on sheerest
technicalities and are prosecuted for
tho purpose of wearing out the oppos
ing litigants and defeating or delay
ing the cause of Justice.
The Federal, enactment has the
Indorsement of the American Bar
Association and unlike the measure
affecting state court procedure in
Oregon, Is concisely and plainly
worded. The text follows:
No ludrment shall be sat aside, or ra
varard. or naar trial granted, by anr
of tha LnUed Slkiae in any '
criminal, on tba ground of mladiwtloo of
tha Jury or tha Impropar admlaalon or
rejection of evldaoca. or for error to
any matter of pleading or procedure unleas.
In the opinion of lha court to whK-b. appli
cation la made, afiar an eamlnnllon of lha
ar.ure cauaa. It ahatl appear that the error
complalnad of hss Injuriously
auhataailal rthle of tha part'- Tha trial
Judie may lo any cap. aubmlt to tha Jury
the laauaa f fl arising upon the pld
Incs. raaaralrs any queatlon of law arlalnc
In tha css far auhaequent arrument and
decision, aad be snd snjr court to which tha
re ahell thereafter bo taken on writ of
armr ahall bare tha por to direct Judg
ment to bo entered either upon the verdict
or upon tba point reserved. If conclusive, aa
Ita judgment upon such point reaarved may
require. . .
Errors must be substantially preju
dicial to the rights of the parties in
order that Judgment may be set
aside, reversed or new trial granted.
The latter portion of the act is de
signed to prevent multiplicity of trials
on the same Issues. The facta go to
the Jury regardless of any question of
law that may be raised. If the ques
tion of law raised is finally deter
mined to be controlling and decisive
the higher court may direct Judgment
accordingly. The trial court is thus
prevented from deciding a case on a
question of law with the possibility
that It may be reversed by a higher
court and the case sent back for the
purpose of submitting evidence to the
It Is a reform that has long been
demanded and one which should do
much to, make possible the obtaining
of Justice by litigants who may have
smaller reaources for payment of
costs and attorneys' fees than the
parties with whom they are in con
The sale in London of $16,000,000 of
four per cent bonds of the Chicago,
Milwaukee St. Paul Railroad, fol
lowing so closely on the temporary de
moralization caused by the Interstate
Commerce Commission decision, is
certain to have a far-reaching effect
on the general financial situation.
This transaction reveals confidence in
American securities which for a time
was quite severely shaken by ranting
demagogues and self-appointed re
formers of our entire economic sys
tem. This big loan, handled at what
now seems a moderate rate of inter
est, was negotiated by Kuhn. Loeb A
Co.. who have .financed most of the
Harriman undertakings, and who thus
secured an international reputation
for handling safe and profitable in
vestments. Now that the smoke has cleared
away and the possible effect of the
Interstate Commerce decision can be
better understood, tt appears less ob
jectionable than at first. It may be
possible for. the railroads to effect a
readjustment' that will not seriously
Impair their facilities for going ahead
with necessary repairs and exten
sions. The decision is so generally
regarded as a sweeping victory for the
people that they will be inclined to
deal gently with railroads for
awhile. Had the advance been grant-
i ed. quite naturally wouia nave roi
t lowed demands for higher wages, in
' creased taxes and higher prices for
I equipment. The sustaining of the ad
vance would also have Intensified the
already somewhat bitter feeling
against the railroads. Now that they
have been knocked down, dragged
i out and stood on their heads they
should be Immune from further imme
diate punishment and free to proceed
to earn a livelihood on legitimate
Anything that tends to a restora
tion of good feeling between the roads
and the people they serve must in a
measure be regarded as possessing
value. That a septlment favorable
to the railroads is gaining ground is
unquestionable. This is especially no
ticeable In the Pacific Northwest,
where the enormous sums being spent
by the railroads in -new lines and in
improving old ones have been tke
largest Individual factor In maintain
ing the high degree of prosperity that
this portion of the country has en
Joyed for the past two years. If the
railroads continue for the next few
years to open up the Pacific Northwest
on the elaborate scale now outlined
the politician attempting to ride Into
office In Portland or Oregon on an
anti-railroad platform may be disappointed.
Heavy deck loads of lumber and
unwarranted haste in getting to sea
caused two expensive marine disasters
last month. The Norwegian steamer
Cusco on February 12 steamed out
f inaet Ronnri and encountered a
gale which shifted the deckload of
lumber and strained the vessel so
badly that she began leaking and was
nhttawrl to return to nort for repairs.
These repairs, according to the Seat
tle Railway and Marine News, will
cost, including the delay, $20,000.
About ten days strter tne misnap w
ih. r-uzn h rtrltlsh steamer Queen
Alexandra, bearing a heavy list from
her deckload of lumber, ana contrary
to the arlvlce of the Dllot, steamed out
of the Columbia River. Rendered un
manageable by the bad list, the
taamt crnt out of the channel and
struck heavily, straining some of her
rivets and losing her deckload.
Like the Cuzco. the Queen Alex
andra limped Into port for repairs.
She Is now In San Francisco and the
cost of repairs, including the delay,
will be nearly . as great as for the
Neither of these accidents can be
regarded as casting any reflections on
the respecm-e ports from which the
two vessels sailed. Both were avoid
able and would not have happened
had due caution been exercised by the
mni.ra In rhr of the vessels. In
fallibility in a shipmaster is not, how
ever, any more frequent or noticeaoie
than it la In men in other professions.
An occasional error of Judgment or
"taking a chance" will periodically
bring to our attention Just such dls-
.t... aa thoan which last month
proved quite expensive for the under
Tha movement on foot In Tamhlll
County to invoke the referendum on
the appropriations of the State Agri
cultural College Is not well advised.
If The Oregonlan understands the
sentiment of the state at largo, it is
whollv favorable to the Agricultural
College and its adequate maintenance.
Th annronrlatlons will In the end be
approved by an overwhelming vote.
The only effect of the rererenaum.
then, would be to involve the state in
needless expense, tho Institution in
temporary embarrassment, and the
faculty in annoyance and inconve
nience through non-payment of sal
aries for a series of months.
The Oregonlan does not think that
the appropriations for the Agricul
tural College are excessive: and there
is abundant testimony that its needs
are urgent and its merits great. The
Agricultural College is doing a useful
work for Oregon. It should not be
interrupted by prejudice or jealousy
or ihlstaken Ideas of economy or a
low conception of the public's duty.
Nor does Tha, Oregonlan look with
favor on the proposal for a referen
dum on the State University appro
priations. The time to protest was
when the Legislature was in session.
What were the people who are now
making so much noise about the
university appropriations , doing or
saying when the bllls were under
consideration?' Lying low? The thing
has too much the aspect of a hold-up.
The statistics of the book trade for
1)10 furnish profitable material for
reflection. They afford the people of
the United States some ground for
legitimate pride. Inasmuch as we held
the second place In the world for the
publication of new books. This does
not, of course, mean the actual num
ber of volumes printed. It refers to
the number of new novels, books of
poetry, philosophy and so on, which
came from the press. Of some a large
number of copies was sold, while
others scarcely paid expenses.
Germany Is the only country which
sent out more new works of all sorts
than did the United States. Its list
runs up to about 14.000. Ours comes
to 13,470. The British Isles have a
total of 10,804 and France only some
9000. We might be tempted by these
figures to look upon ourselves as next
to the most literate people in the
world, but in this instance, as In a
great many others, if figures do not
actually lie, they are very far from
telling the "whole truth. France's
9000 new books were published for a
population of 89.000.000. This allows
one new publication to 4333 people.
Our 13.470 new publications were for
93,000.000 population, which allows
one to 71S0 people. Hence we must
make the sad admission that France
produced almost twice as many new
works to the man as the United
States did.
Both England and Germany were
also far ahead of us in this particular.
Germany's record Is one new book for
4 933 people and Great Britain's one
for 4100. W'e see therefore that
while the accounts of the b6ok trade
contain Information which may well
puff up our pride, there is chasten
ment In it. too. We have a long road
to travel before we shall produce as
many new publications to the indi
vidual citizen as the other literate
countries of the world do. Still it
does not follow that the Germans and
French are greater readers than the
Americans. Very likely they are not.
Books pass from hand to hand more
rapidly here than In Europe. Larger
editions are sold and the public
libraries are far more active. In this
connection Portland may"plume her
self a little. The public library of
this city circulated last year more
books in proportion to the population
than any other In the United States.
We must remember, too, in fairness
to ourselves, that much of the reading
of Americans -consists of magazines
which are not counted among real
books by the trade, though some of
them are worth dozens of volumes
which appear In all the grandeur of
atlrohae anil hindlntr. The DrodUCtlOn
of new books has increased rapidly
in all the civilized countries since
1898, but nowhere, probably, so fast
as In America.
According to figures in the Inde
pendent the Increase of British books
In 1910 over 1898 -was 60 per cent.
In the United States the increase was
160 per cent. If this rate keeps up it
will not be many years before our
publication business will stand at the
head of the world. The kind of new
works produced Is fully as satisfac
tory as the number. Those wno oo
wail themselves over the multitude of
novel hoticht and read may find
consolation in the news that these
risky books are coming only once ana
a half times as numerously from the
press as in 1898 while the flood of
philosophy is more than four times
as strong. To be specific the increase
in the new novels has been only 80
per cent, while that of philosophical
works has been 451 per cent. What
more could a Pharisee of the
stralghtest sect desire? If this
process continues It will not be long
until every American boy forsakes
his djme novels for the writings of
William James and Professor Hugo
The story told of books on the use
ful arts is more encouraging still.
Thnv hava Increased 580 per cent
since 1898. But to keep sinful pride
within proper bounds it may be added
that the increase was rrom iuo io mx
publications. The cautious reader
will perceive that this is not quite so
marvelous aa the percentage might
Indicate. The fact is that aU percent
ages Incline to be a trifle deceptive
unless one keeps well in mind what
they start from. A growth from one
to eleven is 1000 per cent, yet In real
ity It Is not very startling.
More rapidly than either tneoiogy
or philosophy have our new publlca
tinnm nn Hnmtr and rural life in
creased. The revival of popular In
terest In the subjects appears o do
widespread and permanent. More and
more people every year buy and read
books on gardening, how to get rich
quick on three acres of land, how to
become a millionaire from the prod
uct of six hens and a rooster, and
imiinr tontr-e. The movement toward
the land gains in magnitude con
rontlv and. better still. It gains in
common sense. The new books . on
rural life draw much nearer to gen
uine problems than the older ones
AtA TUm rffsiia eloouence about the
country which enthralled and fooled
our predecessors has given way iu
hard facts and scientific rules. Most
of the recent books on domestic arts,
also have discarded sentimentalism.
The revived Interest in the subject is
moderate and exhibits a sanity which
bodes well for its continuance. Books
of optimism and good cheer also cut
a considerable figure among the new
..kiiotinm nf tha last ten years.
They preach the gospel of good health
and rest. Few of their ooctrmes are
novel, but they are put entertainingly
.nn it would be difficult to overesti
mate the good they have done among
a population which is prone to sacri
fice body and soul to the great god
Pending the arrival of their old
friend the chinch bug and the Hes
sian fly, the Chicago manipulators are
working the Canadian reciprocity bug
bear overtime in the wheat market.
There was an advance of 1 H cents per
bushel in the market last Saturday on
the alleged reason that Congress had
adjourned without interfering with ex
isting trade regulations between the
United States and Canada. As the
only possibility for the reciprocity
measure legitimately to affect wheat
prices In this country will be after
this country has ceased, to figure as an
exporter and is no longer governed by
foreign prices, Saturday's bulge was
hardly warranted by the statistics. For
the week ending Friday our exports
of wheat, flour included, were 2,980.
000 bushels, compared with 2,046,000
bushels for the same week last year.
This does not bear the appearance of
an Immediate cessation of exports of
wheat from this country.
Spokane seems to have an obstrep
erous lot of boys In high school. It
would be a good thing If high school
boys who habitually infringe upon the
rules of the school which are in fact
ordinary rules of good breeding
were taken from school by their fath
ers, without unnecessary publicity
and put to work at some vocation
strenuous enough to make them hun
gry for wholesome food three times a
day and tired enough to go to bed of
their own accord every night at 9
o'clock. In extreme cases it has been
found beneficial to ship unruly boys
before the mast, but a season or two
at brush-slashing and stump-pulling
would prove equally efficacious. Men
hsve been graduated from both of
these schools of discipline from ma
terial that unruly boys furnish.
As New York Is the only "foreign"
city on this continent, the experiment
of municipal dances must be Judged
by conditions. Tet the plan is but a
few steps beyond playgrounds and
A man named Splonskofsky la seek
ing to enjoin the collection of a 4-mlll
tax for a union high school In Dis
trict No. 97. Marlon County. The
next generation will be ashamed of
Ita "dad."
As Senator Lortmer never belonged
to the "best element," he has little
need to feel hurt at Its refusal to Join
in welcoming his home-coming. The
big mitt gang can make enough noise.
Mrs. Belmont's farmer girls began
work In harem skirts as an easy step
toward overalls. Just wait until
worms and other crawly things get
No one suspects Printing Expert
Harris of trickery in connection with
the Senate Journal. Mr. Harris' in
tegrity equals his zeal.
Additional honors to Father Ver
wilghen. of Vancouver, are graceful
recognition of merit of that excellent
parish priest.
The Idaho Legislature adjourned in
old-time fashion, with no ladies and
few gentlemen present.
l ad siarn's Profit on Money.
Detroit Free Press.
Cents, being of small value, are care
lessly handled and are lost in suoh
great numbers that the United Btatas
Treasury hss to work hard to maintain
tha supply. The profit to the "Govern
ment on their manufacture is large,
however, inasmuch as the blanks for
them are purchased for $1 a thousand
from a firm In Connecticut that pro
duces them by contract. Blanks for
nickels are obtained in tha same way.
costing Uncle Sam only a cent and a
half apiece.
IKaormnre Found In Dairies aa Well sa
In tbe Homea.
PORTLAND, March 3. To the Editor.)
Being,, neither a doctor, lawyer, min
ister nor grandmother, the writer does
not aspire to the pity of the Fra or of
"The Graduate Nurse who is Not a
Grandmother." whose communication in
The Oregonlan of March 3 voiced so
strange an argument for unclean milk.
But I happened to have visited a few
dairies and to know a little about the
campaign to remove Mr. Bailey from of
fice. "A Graduate Nuro" suggests that we
'give the milkman a rest" and help some
tired mother to boll the baby's bottles.
While the milkman "reets" on the
strength of the advice of one whose
high calling should give her a hearing,
flieo and filth may get into the milk
and then of what avail are the mother's
carefully sterilized bottles? To put in
fected milk into properly boiled bottles
is to eject the imp and entertain the
devil. If such Inconsistency is charac
teristic of the "Graduate Nurse'e" prac
tice of her profession it la not surprising
that she ,1s one of "those whose work is
for and with those who most often lose
their babies" as she naively remarks.
But the present discussion is not one
for facetkUBnes. "The milk campaign,"
as the writer quoted very truthfully sayt
"must be one of education." That is pre
cisely what those who have conducted
the milk campaign have tried to make
It and it is precisely what Mr. Bailey
has failed to do. The milkmen are not,
an a rule. looking for a 'Test": they are
not trying to shove off on the mothers
all the burden of keeping tne mine clean.
But In many oases they are men who are
innorant of lust such sclentlflo informa
tion concerning the handling of their
product as health boards and dairy com
missions should be qualified and willing
to give them. Many of the dairymen
who suDDly Portland's milk know this
snd know that the building up of a
profitable dairy Industry is not depend
ent upon having a commissioner who is
entirely willing to let them "rest" and
sell an unfit product, but that genuine
heipfulneas must come from officials
who have the trained minds and indus
trious habits which make the supplying
of experimental data and every kind of
helpful Information to the dairymen a
matter of course.
If a "Graduate Nurse" and "A Great
Aunt'' who also has a communication in
the same issue, are sincere and their
letters were not as I strongly suspect
from an established precedent Inspired
by Mr. Bailey, I would like to ask them
what political motives they assign to
the persons who tried to remove nr.
Bailer from office? "A Great' Aunt"
speaks of "the ease with which health
boards can make out a case with the aid
of a profession united for the achieve
ment of political ends." The profession
that aided the health board in this In
stance wau that of the house wives
and pray what political ends can they
hope to acliieve? Possibly "A Great
Aunt" does not know that the members
of the health board upon whom so much
Ignominy has been heaped, hold their
positions without even the compensation
of a "thank you" from the ungrateful
public they serve. And aa for the doc.
tors, God bless 'em. if there is any
other profession in the world whose
members fight every day of their lives
for the eradication of an evil whose
continuance brings them business, I
would like to be told sbout it, that I may
offer them the same homage that I do
those valiant members of the medical
profession to whose untiring devotion to
the public welfare we owe those few tot
tering steps toward the goal of Public
Health that, as a Nation, we have been
able to take in spite of popular ignor
ance and prejudice.
The report of the Illinois investigating
committee does not prove that Chicago
was not right in her demand that the
milk sold In the city should be tubercu
lin tested but only goes to show that
Illinois is to be condoled with for having
a governing body of the same caliber as
our own late and nnlamented .Legisla
ture. Perhaps the prevalence of clean milk
laws in the Bast is a fashion and the
progressive people who are working for
pure milk all over the world are fad
dists; but it is well to remember that
Columbus was a faddist to nis content
oorarles and Chrirt a fanatic to his.
Possibilities In the American Pancake,
Chicago Post.
.' The pancake is a distinctively Amer
ican institution. It is eaten only In
secret in our best families. It would
be eaten openly and above board were
It not that folk of the upper circle have
to maintain their dignity before the
Properly made, the pancake Is a
thing of .beauty and a joy for the time
being. Improperly made, as it usually
Is. it is a blight upon life and harass
ment to the stomach. A wrongly pra
pared pancake can stay with you
longer than the after eitects or pneu
If our girls were taught how to
make pancakes, civilization would go
forward so rapidly that those who
are now trying to reform our social
structure would be back numbers by
day after tomorrow:
Schemes and Propositions.
PORTLAND, March 2. (To the Ed
itor.) Please answer through The Ore
gonlan what Is the difference between
an advertising scheme and an advertls
Ing proposition? AJAR.
An advertising scheme is an un
known quantity, and an advertising
proposition is a known quantity. The
term "advertising scheme" is most
often applied to some more or less
spectacular effort, in which the schem
er relies for results on reflected
notoriety. The advertising proposition
Is a straight business transaction
wherein price is governed by the num
ber of persons reached by the advertise
ment and the quantity used.
Germans in Civil War.
PORTLAND. March 3. (To the Edi
tor.) A German argues there were more
Germans represented in the Civil War
than all other nationalities. Can you
give percentage of each nationality rep
resented In the Civil War, that Is, how
many native-born and how many foreign-born?
Albert Bernhardt Faust's book on "The
German Element in the United States,"
which bases its figures on the best re
turns obtainable, gives these estimates
of volunteers on the Federal side during
our Civil War:
Native American 1.5:3,267
English 46.508
Irish I"."'
German (born in Germany) 176,817
. Nartv liability Law.
PILOT ROCK, Or, March ' 3. (To
the Editor.) If a brakeman In the em
ploy of a railroad company be acci
dentally killed while at his work, does
the employers' liability act, made a law
at the last election, make it possible
for his estate to collect damages, re
gardless of the question of negligence.
In the absence of court construction
The Oregonlan will not venture a posi
tive statement as to whether the new
liability law extends to railroads. It
has been asserted that it does not.
Rick Veteran Gives Away Pension.
Baltimore American.
Chester 6. Morey, a Civil War vet
eran, though one of the richest men
In Denver, applied for and has been
granted a pension of $13 a month.
He did it for the benefit of a com
rade who has been unable to get a
pension. Mr. Morey turns the money
over to this aged friend.
Bow Bank PreiMnt Obtained Flint
Conrae of Inatrnction.
(Mahir. Chicago, Messenger.)
George M. Reynolds, president of the
Continental and Commercial National
Bank of Chicago which, by consolidat
ing the Continental and the Commercial
National Banks, gave Chicago ths larg
est financial institution in the whole
West is, as might be supposed, a close
observer and keen student of municipal
development in all parts of the country.
Mr. Reynolds was born and raised in
a small town in Iowa.
It was the average small town. All
qver America there are boys growing
MP in small towns, who say: "What's
the use of me trying to do anything?
I haven't got the chance boys in big
places have."
Parents of such boys ought to get
some one to print a life of George M.
Reynolds and place the book In the
hands of the lads.
- One time Mr. Reynold's father bought
a eountrv dry (roods and grocery store
.for him. The father's idea was that the
youth would be delighted wltn mis sure
foundation of prosperity. However,
cutting cheese, weighing nails, trading
print goods for eggs and butter, and
scooping out coffee and sugar was not
George M.'s uttermost ambition. He
had ambition.
Ambition is a combination of hope,
faith and foresight
The young man thought things over
for himself. He concluded that If he
was going out into the world to make
his own way he ought to be posted on
the world. 8o he subscribed for the
weekly editions of certain papers. It
is interesting to know what his list
The Portland Oregonlan
The San Francisco .Chronicle
The Rocky Mountain News
The New Orleans Picayune
The St. Louis Globe Democrat
The Cincinnati Enquirer
The Atlanta Constitution
The Omaha Bee. t
In addition, he subscribed for tho
newspapers of the principal cities in
Iowa, When tbe papers came he would
pull his chair to the kitchen stove in
winter, or lie on the grass in the or
chard in summer, and read what?
Telegraph news, editorials and general
news of the country? Yes. And the
local items of each city. Before he left
he knew that Peschtree street was the
fashionable promenade in Atlanta, that
St. Charles was the big street in New
Orleans and all such things. He knew,
through these newspapers, who were
the leading men in business, and which
were the big families socially, in the
different cities. In other words, he in
formed himself.
Mr. Reynolds is perhaps the only man
in America who got his business educa
tionor one course of it by reading
One day he told his father he could
sell that grocery store, or give it away
and thanked him for his kindness. He
then struck out for himself.
That was a good many years ago. But
every year saw George M. Reynolds go
ing ahead and getting ahead without
dointr anything that hurt ms conscience
or spoiled his sleep. You can start .from
Chicago and search right back along
the line to the little town that sent mm
into the world and not find an enemy.
All of this is not written so much to
say something nice about Mr. Reynolds
as it is to tell young men and old
that they cannot catch up with tne
times without knowing what the times
are. Doubtless Mr. Reynolds' reckless
subscription to these newspapers was
regarded as rank foolishness ana ex
travagance by some of the neighbors
out in the little town. But he knew
what he was doing. Wherever he went
on business later on, he know in a
general way a whole lot about the city.
Waa There Ever Taqulna Tribe ''
SILETZ. Or., Feb. 27. (To the Ed
itor.) My attention has been called to
a letter which appeared in The Ore
gonlan of February 21, 1911. The writer
of the letter. R. A, Bensell, Of Newport,
Or., doubts whether there ever exist
ed a tribe known as the Taquina In
dians. He bases his assertion upon the
reports of pioneers and Indian agents.
Without wishing to belittle the correct
ness of such reports, I desire to call at
tention to the fact that all testimony
as to names of Indian tribes emanating
from pioneers or Indian agents has to
be taken cum grano sails. . The Bureau
of American Ethnology has been misled
many a time by information obtained
from these sources.
The Taqulna queetlon fully demon
strates my assertion. Neither the
pioneers nor the Indian agents, ac
cording to R. A. Bensell, ever heard of
the Yaqulnas. Aa a matter of fact,
J. O. Dorsey, of the Bureau of Ameri
can Ethnology, visited the Siletz
Reservation in 1884 and obtained from
an Indian called Taqulna John over
S00 Yaqulna words. This vocabulary
is in my possession just now. Fur
thermore, I am personally acquainted
with Mrs. Susan Jack, who lives four
miles from Siletz, and who is a full
blooded Taqulna Indian. The Yaquinaa
were In bygone days a very numerous
tribe, and are closely related to the
Alsea, We classify these two lan
guages as belonging to the same fam
ily, which we call the Yakonan stock.
,The writer is perfectly . right in hl
assertion that there was never a dis
tinct Siletz tribe. My linguistic inves
tigations have proven this to be the
truth. The Siletz Indians were either
Alsea or Tillamook, owing to the fact
that Siletz was the boundary line be
tween these two tribes. Consequently
all Indians living on the Siletz River
Invariably olalmed both Alsea and
Tillamook as their native . language.
This phenomenon was responsible for
the fact that some scientists classified
Siletz as an Alsea tongue, while others
claimed it to be affiliated with Tilla
mook. The truth of the matter is that
there is no such thing as a Siletz lan
guage or a Siletz tribe. . "
Fine Tapestries Brlna; Small Sam. .
Paris Cor. New York Press.
Mme. CaBimlr-Perler, widow of the
President In order to pay the enor
mous obligations contracted by her
son, has sold seven tapestries of al
most inestimable value. These works
of art were made at Beauvals after
designs of Boucher, and represent the
classic story of Phryne before the
Athenian worthies. The antiquarian
merchant gave Mme. Casimer-Perier
3200,000 for them, but they are said to
be worth at least six times the sum
paid by the man who has already re
sold one of them for 1150.000.
The Classmates.
New York Tlmas.
Ha Isn't distinguished and yet
I read about him every day;
Mediocre, ha chancea to gut
His nam In tha papera aoma way;
It Isn't through talent or art.
It ian't through gen'iu or graft
But he got a wonderful start
For ha was a classmate of. Taft
He boba up here, there, everywhere,
Vpon tha moat trivial hint.
The napera have eome lines to spare
Whin he wants to get Into print;
Ha len t a high financier.
Or yet an exponent of craTt
The secret of It is right nere
For he was a classmate of Taft
His fame came to him all unsought.
He never went out of the way
To get all the slaudits he got,
To win all hie honore today;
He may be downhearted or poor,
Be sorry of look fore and aft.
What matter his fame Is secure.
For he was a classmate of Taft
Oh aee the Grand Army that comes
From uttermost parts of the world.
With resonant beating of drums.
With banners and streamers unfurled;
"VVIth three-cornered enalgns abeam.
With Hurrahs and r&h-rahs abaft
Uncounted aa Bands by tha stream.
The men who were classmates of Taft
Half a C.entury Ago
From The Oregonlan. March 6. 18SL
Tucson. Ariz.. Feb. 10. 1861. (Editors
Oregonlan.) We left (E. D. Baker, Jr.,
myself and others) Ban .Francisco on
Friday, the 1st inst, at 12 o'clock, and
reached this place, 1070 miles, last even
ing, without any accident worth relat
ing. Here we found a most alarming
state of affairs. The stage, with eight
passengers, preceding us, was fired into
on Tuesday night, near the Apache sta
tion, 113 miles from here, by Indians,
but succeeded In reaching this point
The agent here advised us to stop un
til some troops could be collected from
the adjacent forts. During our journey
we had most delightful weather not
one drop of rain has fallen. The coun
try through which we have traveled be
yond the first day out from San Fran
cisco is barren beyond description. I
have not seen a tree or good spring of
water since I' left Oregon. The roads
are hard and level except In crossing
mountain spurs deserts from 40 to 80
miles without a drop of water are not
uncommon the road winds through
valleys of sand, with here and there a
huge cactus, a few sagebrush, without
any other sign of vegetation oapable of
sustaining life of man or beast Either
side of the valleys are vast rocky
ranges, broken and rugged beyond de
scription. ,
This place is a collection of mud
walls, called houses, filled mostly with
greasers and Indians. It is said to oon
taln 1500 inhabitants, but as yet I have
not seen 25 white men and not one
white woman. I think this territory
peculiarly adapted to the production of
cactus and cutthroats and If I am per
mitted to get away I promise not to re
turn soon.
Our stay here is anything but com
fortable. Our landlord cannot under
stand a word of English, nor can he
cook a dish fit for a white man to eat.
There is no floor to this house nor is
there to any house in town and we
spread our . blankets and sleep on the
ground. I slept better in the stage.
Feb. 18th An eastern stage has Just
arrived and reports the way clear. We
shall leave here in an hour with pros
pects of going through as fast as horses
can go.
The Pacific railroad bill was the spe
cial order in the House for the 13th of
A new and extensive coal vein has
been discovered at Nanalmo. It is 6V4
feet thick and about 150 feet under
ground. From the Sound The Steilacoom peo
ple have subscribed 950 to cut the
Nachez Pass road to the Wenatchee
mines. Thirty thousand dollars baa
been expended on this road, but it la
now partially obstructed.
Slansjy Expression Begun in San Fran
cisco Now Means Much.
New Tork Times.
There probably Is not one man In
10,000 who knows the origin of that
slangy but useful term, "dope."
Though originally applied only to the
drug of the opium smoker, by almost
universal usage it has come to mean
the essential factor or material cause
of anything done or said the Influence
or moving cause that enables one to
achieve success In his efforts, to ar
rive," as the French put It -
"What dope did you use on the
court?" asks one lawyer of a "brother-in-law"
who has just had a decision
in his favor by the court, meaning
thereby to ask what cogent argument
or subtle influence brought about the
favorable opinion. . -
'The word originated among the Chi
nese of San Francisco," says an old
resident of the Pacific Coast "Tears
ago. when that city was full of opium
smokers, run by Orientals from China,
they were patronized by many of the
white men ot the town. Now, Chinese
is a monosyllabic languags. According
ly when a Chinese learns, or rather
partially learns. English he is prone
to pick and use only the most promi
nent syllable in a word, disposing of
the rest by a mere breathing or grunt
"When a white man would enter one
of the San Francisco opium joints the
Chinese proprietor would come forward
and ask affably: 'Tou want ope" the
word 'ope' being the Chinese pronun
ciation of the English word 'opium,
formed by emphasizing the flfst sylla
ble and letting the rest of the word
go by the board. This, owing to the
liquid running together of the two
words 'want and 'opium' was under
stood by the would-be opium smoker
as 'ope.' Accordingly, the little pill
was spoken of as 'dope.' From this
the transition to the meaning of the
fanciful Images conjured by the drug
was easy. 'What dope did you use to
think up that wild story?' became
'What dope are you giving us?"'
A Little Sermon on Life.
Terrell Love Holllday in the Smart Set
Life Is what enables the baby to kick
his feet about in infancy, and what he
kicks most about during his adult
Generally life begins with a squall,
and It often continues squally to the
There are four modes of life: bache
lorhood, a fast life: Bplnsterhood, a
slow life; matrimonial life, which is
suspended animation, and the Reno
electric llfe a spicy variety composed
of alternating currents of the married
and single kinds.
The butterfly life is the gay one, but
it is too short; the tortoise life is
longer, but it is too slow"; and If you
try to strike a safe and sane gait In
the middle of the road, you get run
over by soma joy rider going the pace
that kills such as you.
Life Is the most necessary thing in
the world you simply cannot live
without it It is as uncertain and
difficult V) control as dynamite or a
woman. Too much life will land you
in Jail, and too little in a coffin.
If you are lacking in life, you are
termed a "dead one"; if endowed with
real life and ginger, you are dubbed
"too fresh." "
Verily, life Is a picture puzzle, and
there are always too many pieces or
not quite enough.
a 1
Oldest Oregon Postmaster.
M'COT, Oi, March 2. (To the Ed
itor.) I noticed in your paper of re
cent date that the postmaster of Mount
Angel claimed to be the oldest post
master in the state and again I noticed
another one making reply, saying he
was oldest by one year, one having
served IS and the other 14 years.
I find that both are wrong by six
years. Valett Macken. of McCoy, has
held the postoffice at McCoy for 20
years, not having lost three months in
the entire time. He was appointed un
der John Wanamaker, August 25, 1892,
and has been alone most of the time
since his appointment. He Is an old
soldier and prominent Odd Fellow and
has taken part In many enterprising
deals in this community.
Just Before Sleep.
T. A. Daly, in the Catholic Sentinet
"Good-night," and then your candle's feeble
Went glimmering up the stair;
A door closed and the house waa stilt
Slow hour by hour the night grew old
And from the smoldering hearth the cold
Stole forth and laid Its chill
On fingers weary ot the pen,
On heart and brain that had been fain
To make n song of cheer.
For. oh. the Summer warm ana bright -
Tou conjured In the Winter night
Went upward with your candiaiisttt,
Went with you up the stair. ; ,