Apftawtt. HADDOX HALL APTS, 4t Hall at. or. of Hail: newly and ro!" plelely furnlsned nd 4 -room apart nnu. situ private batn; mc apartment ha a privet balcony porch and -dividual telap-ione: ta room ar a.l T &C airy, a.l hardwood Boor and wr baal or madera convenience; tin a a nw corner brie, buli.lni- coBsisfng ot floors. IB vary deslrabi location- It want th best at tb right pnea. com and t!ca. Phon Manesar. apt. !, Jarliailll .. inritili APARTMENTS. TOd Enrtll at, b- iUt and 2-d sts. "peaed Fo. I; new and nlce.y for Titk 1 and $-roo suites, prlvata pnooe. bath In each: Holme dis.ip parirg bad. teara hl. bol water. Janitor service, mail and all pack age delivered at door: a, I outald r-.oma. brig-test apartment-houa la th city: no dark rooma here, claaa llnea and good service our motto. "THE MEREDITH" Eiasant.y furnished t 4 ihrM-room KiiarLiutatt; gaa end electricity, ateam baa I. hot and eo.d run ning water, prlvata batba and lavatorl-a. ' tltprMa. elevator -rlc . In fact, lrtct I motlvri la every rp-ct and at mdr ai p-tce. a few aparneaui yst open for tenants, "llsrad th." ::J and Washlng- m tan. IONIAN COURT. T0 roach. 1 k frctn Washington -. aa lth at.; tL Mala 11 axd -ron inod-rn apartmasta, steam heal. .ctri l.vatoe. hot and cold a atar. t..plion and Jaaltor ser.l.:. Apply of ' rafereoc reqairad. TT 1fT.A APAR M FT NTS New baild.r.g. Tail S.da. ll-Ui-i AiOlna ana.; taa M ; s-ppt 1. or St. Jo"ios car. 13 mlnutee rid from Id and Wslnt- ata X a and a rooma com p:e Ir t -jr!r.e.i ; fl5- to to par mon-h; a.l modem convenience; un-ftjr-iehe- apanmsout Ftioo Woo-.awB I.l. k I.K 1 1 A i:ul It T. Oo Lurr.Ms street. Bear Wash. St, olT a faa apartment l-ft la tni Baa-, .tent and nvxivm artmnt-hoiiaa. Arpl ta upartnlal. Apt- U r pnona Marabau Uvl. fararnc-a ftqmrd. ilC I-II-LJAN. Cor. Cth and Mooiaomary Sta. Naa. Biodara. axtaallr furaUbad. ( raoia apartmnta: a.l outsMo rooraa. prl aca b-ttna aud taaooaa. t'hona Mar- ca.l n:a. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th aad Colombia, 4 blocka aaota from krrtattt at.; aaw hrWh balkdioc complatattr (Irat-claaa: Mr swaad la 2. 1 ard 4 -room famur apart auii; prtvata bata. racaptloa hall, aiaa-a bamt. hot araiar. aloatur. fraa pboaa. Ja Itor aarvlga; rant vary rwaaoBaaia, ANtJr:i.A APARTMENT ST Trm.ty l .ata. btaraa llh and lOtn, aft ahir.too. ona 4-room pirunmli alao oaa a-room front apartmaat. bot b-autlfuily furnlahad; aiactria ata-aior prtvata phonaa. OHXiErLeIUM APARTMENT. Car. Uraad ava aoa K. btaxk at. t,w craproef brWk bul.dlac baaatlrallp faralanad. Ta aad thraa-rooai aaarf Maata; prtaata bath, hot aad oa xatac ataam haat. Pbona Eaat XX t'kE M ARLBOROl-'Gli. a. room apartmant. r...)rnb;, ;lnt and rlandara M a I n 7il- Flat a. TOR REM r To adulta. roorua and alaapwa' porcn. baautiful laa. ht taatar h.at. hot aad cold ajalar; aaia.nc d.a t.nca Montcomarjr L l'nona A 4t. . A tlEAL'TIK a-room flat In .Nob 41111 dla-trt-t. aary convanlanca. rafaraocaa ra qulrad: no chUdraa. Talaphooa moralnga M-ln a34v. a Ht-MJOa-'. naar a'.cam hoat. hot watar. pnona. alca loeaUon, lll.a. "hoaa A 141 - A S-RiM'-t mo-Urn Sat. on carllna. rant raaonabla. Apply 4 t 1-tlt or A a-KV'M morinn luww flat. f75 Eaat Hal-m-.n. eor. lrh. Kay uppar flat. 1'husa. h..LLllAl AL'DITIoV T-room. now. atrlctly modara; firaplaca. taam baat, Sulit-ln cooTanlracaa. I'hona E lla. a-ROOM flat, cload la. aa ehlldrao. Apply lljo liall at. A MODRHN o-ro.m flat for rant. Aaaaay. Call aniua ;4- Eaat VPIEK 4-room flat. SJ E. S.vanlh at. N- naar Broad-ay Adulta only. I COot Sal. j:th and ilalmoal. A yia.n ljll. B H. Hoaman. MoDtK.N o-rooai Bat. 2 ti. loth, naar iluraalda. al'.OOil Bt. a bath, roaaa. la a a. ill. 3 E rma. cor. Ith. -l. ti G.lan. Inqulra at Oraraa Muaic to.. Ll ath. ataln 141. a-ROC'M nppar flat f.)r rant. 3" Park at. lla-arhraptac Kooma. THE HEAVER. 1-tn and Marshall, fur BUhrd for twuatkplnit. I ransa. elac tne lllhta. h t -atar. bath, laundry, fraa: 1 par inomt up. a clean p.aoa. baat la tha cltv for m'nay. ahurt utatanra from Vnloa lpot- Taaa or KKl- cara aortx t utf at Marshall at. No dog a, H'Et -ri"RNl-llEl S-room colta. 117 J moath. lor furnlnd -rnom Cat. mM3 atrll-t irnlld houk pln tul". - I.nma. . li and li montn; a for li. ,vpp;r a4 North Hath- W car from dapot. oiti or Morrlaoo to 2lth. bl'H-a north. WElUKUKNlHEl"-rwou coilafa. i;.0 lu lAav KtKt, claaa. taraaaa Bvaaakaaptaa roama, fraa laundry, bata. pnaaa. t.ua liaaa. haau 4' Vaaeaavaff and - J -a f ni..o . la U car. ZU t. ASS K V Y? So. oth .t Mr!jr fur Biahad rooma. doubla or ln.; bath. phun and ar yard: niy 4 biorka from P. o.; rA'a - to u pr ar-fc. .-iarall localln. TVt faratsnad. stsam-baatad I - room apart. BMBta. i'. -' ! waaoata. it; i;u at.. nar TamhllL ixRtaUED htasakaapln room; alaa tin:- rm. Will ma ava. Phoaa t3- FINE tH)'VIu rlUMav Mt-NEH Bl.txj. ii M.jKKlJOt ST. MUiJ-HN. CtM"KALhAJAULE lLkRR Allr'.K. I-'TH 1-arraban at., modrrn. niraly. Iumtan.t rwujtt tranalrot. 44e and up. ratca by or month. TsvtlET furnlsnad rooms for rant. Tha Koaa Rrom:aa''nou g. l)t Tblrd at. Jvl EKE ErSNii rooma. iiso to H par . f.nt'.m or an sui'.a. ,:U tavond at, siKfc t fcr-i.NO roaaa ta am eoaarata t.ja ' v." i t - j m: r ?J k.;iv rMma tiaalv furnlahad. antlra up pr fW.or pmata h-iusa. l aion ava. .V 1o nva houark band. 4's V' lma rims. cinaa lu. thniton at. K ha ia-Kaans la 1 rlvala laaailj. TWO alraly furmaad houaakaplnc rooma atth ftaa. b.v.h. pnoo and haat; naat and noaa. at 371 McMlilan at., ttx block fro to ataal brlrl-. In prtvata fatuity. TWO mealy furnlsnad hous-kaa pln rooms; atalklna d.s'.anca. i-H tt SC. sat. Milt and Montko ir ty. MOUSFTKEKI'lN"! furnlshad rooma rant rra aonabla. Phoaa Marshall .lt7. 4W Taylor straat- TVTO furntartwl houaokaplak rooms, prl vata family; IJ month. MS E at Ao kany t. S L 1 T K furnut-iad bousvkaaptna: rooius, 910 pa- moallL o4 Pattygrova St. Phona M In 4.' Tv nica. lanra. sunny rooma. nlraly fur nish i for bouackaaplnc: b-autiful vlca. modara . Hi Suta s . Portland Il-lthla TWO b'at huskc-pln rooius. furnished or nnfurntsnd. 11-. alao al--pn. ratoii. ty 4j tvtmh. Marshall "'.!l. BEvI IriT. c.lrt and naalv furntShrd n-Mtia, wtth or aunout houarkrapn4 prlvtlrge. 7i Cilisaa t. VEI.IF VRNISHEO tram-haat 1 houaa k puis: r-nia. private port n. bath, pnona and laundry. Vd t;iia.n. TWO laraa lr1 room. caa and wall furniavd. downsfivlrs. Ilkht. bath, raa sonab a. 4ii loth st TWO n-aly pap.-r(l and piii;d furnish d h'aa-li--ptn rooms: aa. sink, watr. 4vA Etirrt:. t'RONT ffxm and adjoinlos kitchen, bath, hail tal-pnon: atcaly furniahcd. auttUamcry t. THREE room furolsh-d to qul.'t coupla; aikmc distanrr. choice nlitliborho(Ml. ancailent car a-rvlca. 34a tirand ava. North. LAKt'.K f urn is nad front room. oaa of kltrban; North Alblaa. Phoaa Woodlawa lt. . TWO nir'i furnlhr.1 huusrkaaptng rootua, r-a-otabl-. ! N. l:h. 461 K UOIIRISOX sif Complatly fur nlsnad hous-'keaplo- sulfa, n taaonahl. Mi'ELT f irn!hd houk-pln rooms, lit h-at. C7 N. 14th St.. lavs to Evar-tt. IWPl.ETI! hou.vckaapln, suite, yary da- slrabla 3-d H..11 TWO furnisb-d hou-krp.iis rooma. (round floor. X15 loth, corr.tr Slinvn TWO nt hoskaeplna room for rant. raaaonabla. Phona East 637P. V:ftf ple-tsant room. suluul for taruw &61 loth. Main 1312. VI RNISHED -room lo.tr ia.:r. aiiik. rani-, cppcslt City llall. 3 i;IH. BASEMEVT room, fur a-a heit. ra stova. f.r worklnc man. :-jh Xfrrlso t. C I. E .t V inla houeke-plT room, hot and cold water, pnona. jsj .n tatn au a Nl K. cl'sn rurnisrjeii nouseaaepinic rooma, ground igor, reavuoaoie. r e r i o " 1 . JTK' N I room wn"bj aioa. baih. a -a and phona; bo children. MO Coosa u.kMr.i. ... la I'rivaia KamUy. FIRST floor cottane. 1 Urea wall llchtad rooma. sultsbla for I adult, furniahad. bath. aa. phona. ood yard, cantral lc- tlon. referent a Phona A or Marshall 1 North 11th; block north of Waahlnctoa. THREE furnUhad "housakaoplnr room for rant, with new furniture; Una location. everythlna handy; plenty of heat and run. run; water: aieo baih. between l.th and IV.n t- oej Kveralt St. ItiKtB or four nlc-. clean room on flrat floor: bath. r. pwno. yard and rosaa: no rhlldren. Til E. Burnsld. Phona E 17 THREE or four nice clean room on flra t floor; bath. (as. piano, yard aad rosea; no children. ; . Burnsld. Phone E 17. t KIRNISHED or partly furnished house; keepiav rooms, reasonable. Telephone C 2oa: Eaat r.'.TO. od urand ava. north- TTV'O furnished-houaekaeplnf room. 2M Pberman u Hooae . V.HEN" yoo move you li need NEW FUR. MTfRt Boy It yudlcloualy loa the East t.ide and the sav.n.s will aacaad your Bovine ezpanaaa. Oar IaiW PRirE". which la t r made a ona of Portland lart furni ture houses, were made poaaibie because we built on the Eaat aldsL thereey vln I:. too a year rent. ' VIOKOAN-ATCIILXr FtrP.NITrRS CO. l-7 Grand Ava.. Cor. Eaat Star- Bt. rOrTllEXT 'room modern houa. lot 10. oa Sumner, near Lhjlawara. 3 block sooth of KUUncawortB, Brst-claaa aoadl tlon. at J.-.V TUB 6HAW-FEAR COMPAJfT. loi Kourth St. M at n i. A S..QO. HOUSES and fiat Mi rant, aome f uratahed. M ER "HAN'T 9 BAVIN'..t A TKL'sT COMPANY. . W. Cor. ta and waanlnrtow "ta, 'B CAN riH.MJH IOUR HOMS at a areai aavin. Uat our prtcaa. La e howa every courtey. ' L Ot?TROTV A CO.. -) vfnrth t -V. Kaaaoaabla plica. Easy term. STRICT 'Y modern, -room house. Just off reritpe; rent reasonable. Inquire at KovUer-Hart-GlbaoB Co.. I Cbambar of Contmarre fciX ROOMS, new. lar.e. modsrn lawn and ra.a 7i Eaat .u- W-W carllna. 1-0. Main ! r R.sOM cottaae. Rvl Kaarney. Bear 31st; f.'O a month. Phona Main S.ui. 443 Morrison- T-R)M modern house. Northrup t.. t O. Vanduya w alto a. 615 Chamber of Com merce. NT W tt'-.uae, all modern rnnvanianoea V.ast 17th St.. botween a'.lsmark and Rhone. ri:wpod ear. Phone r-ellwood 137. Xlt rent Partly furnished e-room house. 17 North 1'1'h t. . CacE in West Side. B-room home for rent. L. K. M K B E.J1 7HordofjrTail a. XIOPEKV. rl'Slrnbl S-room hooae. cloa In. tJS. lei Pan l.sfsel at. East 165. HOt.'bK of a rooms snd bath. 714 oyeJoy, eor. 2d. Inquire 183 Hlkth at. Main O.'TK. PGR H .NT o-room modern house. Z5 Mla- sotirl ave. L car. LKV1NOTON S R. 14th N. Will leaa oa year at 1-7 So. Phone Fast 18?o 1 mist led H oqsea. FfllN'IUED house In Holladay Tark. at tractive location, on Clackamaa. 7 room, nicely furnished: both era and wood rancea. and all convenlancee. win rant for ear or ionicr. UcC riar. Bate A lvely. 15 Fallins bld. VEL-FCRNIfHED coltaC. 4 room. 117.50 month: lower 4-room flat. $17.50 month; two well-furnished hoi:ekeepin room. IS and 112 month, a for lift. Apply 304 North U'oth. W car from depot. 4th west on Morrlaun to i'lth. blo.k north. FURNISHED house In lrrlncton for rent, eleven room, two sleepln porcha. For term of six months. 4.1V East lath t N. O-ROOM furnished flat; piano, choice loca tion, rent reasonable. M. B. llentary, f tearn bM. N ATI.T furoUlie.1. naw. 4-room bu-low; totaled at low Maryland ava. Phono Mam 1178. SPLENDIDLY furnlshe.1. on Hawthorn ava.. b-room house. H --l7. Hi:-CIIAPMAN Nicely f o"Vnlhedf1nt with plar.o. and electricity; rent $oO. 11 oueea ftr Kent tnrnlture for Wnla. BARtj AIN Furniture of beaut. ful 4-room apartment for aaie at half price, aa P-rt' Is coin East. Apartment for rv-nt; within w"kin distant-. Pbon Main 92$ or 84S. Ask for Mra bwope. WELL-FURNISHED, clean, modem. -rm Kouu, S rooms rentad for W. Rent. JSo; waikina distance, near Steel nrldae. Price. 14'o. Owner, phone Mam Bti45. Foit RENT 7 - room modern house In Irv inrton: fum Ifura for sale. Call room t4 Commonwealth biec 4th and Burn- side BARtrAfV Furniture of 7 -room modem house for sale: close In. rear Steel brlilKe; rooms eas::y rented: house rent I -s. Last aOT. ;S4 t'lackamas t. Fl ilNITUKE for sale cheap: house for rant; 7 room. 4 room upstair rented: mot than pay rent. Call afternoon. 15 14th t- FURNITURE for aala. house for rent; room and alilc. furnar. etc.; 4 blocks from Morrison. West bide.-No asenta. II i4. Oregonlan. al!o FOR elerant furniture of 4-room apart ment. ne--ly new; cost $3i. phono Mar shall 3l. Ft It MALE -At lea than out. elerant fur niture of a nve-room steam-heated apart ment. Phooe Eaat L FoK bAIJ Furniture of S-room house, rent 117 30; cash. . 15- Kast 6th It M I)KRN 4-room house for rent, furniture for u . close In Heamnable. -47 Holladay ava. Phone O NEW furniture for aala. oantal'i: f.at for r-nt. mo'l-rn. cl-se in. 4J- teecund at. RHMS. fine rues, furniture, good rent; i5. fro- Morrison t. Fl KNlTT'lt of 7-room house for sale, all frs t rlasa. thane Marshall tH. Fl'RNlTUBS for a-room Cat for aala. cheap. US E. l:tu st cor, of Ash si. Foil P tLE Partly furnished b-room flat at Ih; Front at.: rent t-0. Ft'RNISIIED-flat for sale.cheap If t iken at once. Call m omlnk. Main 411L Hummer Itr-sorl . FR SAI.K. nice, new Seaside cottace. 1 l Mo. k from the beach. Own-r needs moner. Apply o II. Jacobaen. 4l Waaco St.. r..rtlnu. Or. Estl'lTT m two beach lot for sale cuoap for cas-i If tk-n at one. Particular owner. Tabor QV tm a FINE larae storeroom SixM feet; specially well located for hardware, beinc the best location on the East aide: In the Urand In Ion bide.. 101 Eaat Huraslde St . Will lease for yer or lonaer to proper part lea Vvargar. Bate 4k Lively. 15 Falling bld-. . HALF of hew --story brick. JirjlOO; plat glasa front; lsth and Marshall; suitable for lUht lobbmc. manutacturinc or retail; will leaa one-half: divide apace to ault tenant or tenanta: long Ivase. A. O. Lone. STORES In new bTlcaT buiTdln ; fine loca tion: grocery, druc. furniture or produce exchange: larga cool storage rooms; mod ern improvement. Mississippi avenue aud skidrcore street. F. W. Latham. FINE corn-r tore. size SOx'o. rert reason able; Krn park station. Ml. cott Una; big business untrlct. pben Malu bloS or T aborl S 1 7. NHW1.T flalshod stores on Alder between Front and First streets. See us for full particulars. Parrlah, Watklns A Co., iiil Al lr street. CORNF.lt, also Ir.alda store. 11th and Haw thorne ave.: brick, full basement. Apply I. R. Falr-hlltl. '-M Sherlock Mrt. FoU RENT Store, centrally located. 3-4 FlandT t. InUlre looly A Co., 111 1117 Hoard of Trade bltlg. hlOKE for rent In new building. 2nh and Wa.-hlnglon sta Inquire at 61H Washing ton st. . ST'RE for rant at 127 S Stark St. Inquire t ist t- ; aTOKS for rent, rbone Eaat 13X Office. ETHICAL physician wanted to share re -ca.t!on-room with dentist having good pra tlce; I or 3 room adjoining. See head Janitor, Swetland bldg- Oth and Washing ton. ONE or two office rooms, fully furnished; central location: both telephones; will re arrange to suit; reference exchanged. 8 tj3. Oregonlan. OFFICF.S FOR RENT. MERCHANTS SAVl.N'l.S A TRUST COMPANY. OFFICES and apartment In the Latham building: suitable for doctors and den tists. Mississippi avenue and Skldmore t. MOST centrally located office . all-night ele vator service 141 Swotlsnd bldg or Jan itor, ath and Washington. PFSKROOM." ment. OeiMng bldg. By appolnt- . DESK ROOM, ai.p Spalding bldg. Oil.-IDS orflre with use of large reception room. 1-4 Henry bldg. DESK rvim for steady tenant: modem con venience. Call III Ablngtoa kid. IN" bualne district. 100x100 corner, long lease, desirable for hotel and store. O b-w. Oregonlan. TO LEASE Wharf with large warehouse, deep water, fir protection, switching fa cllltlea AB f-'7. Oregonlan. LOST AND FOCXD. F O V NT WTi sre yoo oan buy genntno half maltreaee retail at wholeaala price: w renovate mattreaaa aad return earns day; we alao renovate feather. portlaa" Curled Hair Factory. H. Metsgar. 4 fr t Phona Main 474: A 1874. LOUT Lady who picked "up brown mink fur collar Saturday night on Washington t., between 6th and 6th. return to owner and receive reward: no rjiicstlon asked. Trion Main M1H. T01 , Hnyt t. LoS'i" 16-foot rowboat. gray Inside, taner red. boom black. L Hart. Island Sta Mtl- waukle. Phone Red 4. Reward. LOST -cmiall pur In vicinity of nth and Washington: contain money order; re ward. East 14-5. , FOl-.VD A diamond ring. Call at Butier Oeld Hros.. Id floor Mohawk bldg., and Identify and prove property. LIBERAL reward to any one returning three 110 bill and bank check for 4o. lot some-a-her in town. Call ph one A 40 1 o. LOfT-Bowri of keys: reward. First Na tional Hank. Brsixryo. opportt nitie.1. EXI -RTencED houl man with money can buy all or part Interest In one of best botel repositions In stst. Fin new brick bulld ng. steam heated and plumbed with hot and cold watar throughout. Thriving town only few hour out of Portland and that Is In process of rapid development; five thousand acres adjoining same ha changed hand In th last two week for subdivision purpose a Apply Hart Land Co.. He Chamber of Commerce. FOR lALs. a fr-M capacity Russei: portable saw. Bill, eon lplet with eat-off saw, sawdust conveyor, eta; alo a No. I Northwsst rlsnsr, with attachment good a na ; ka been used only a hort time. FQf panlrulara call at my offlo. - fn al Bl Fortland. Or. HERMAN M gTZOEB. Qw-ar. OKOUND floor opening, president anfl rtl rertnra New company building t.'OO.nno health and Summer resort, hotel and na tsiorlum: fin minor I watar. Ideal loca tion: biggest money-maker Pacific J,0" To man of standing morally and finan cially. HT acres orchard and farm: ' thing for us hotel and sanatorium raised on own farm. X 8.11. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Working H Interest In good little lumber mill near Portland; good Investment for party who can glv part or all of time to It; lUoo. 5oO cash, bal ance easy. Good reason for eel ling. Ian after P. M. at 48 Morrison t., between i:ith and 14th. " FURNITURE 8TORE. 7 The estate must b settled, furartnr at Invoice. In new building, doing good business, all new stock and a money maker. GRUSSI ZADOW, BIT Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th act Ot. DON'T TAKH A CHANCW of buying debut 1 Investigate and report. Ollllngham. auditor. 411 Lewi bldg., Mar shall 42L doe) fin.ooo monthly. Will sell all or half of the beat grocery In th city; doe over 1350 dally, try It out before buying. Particular room Sl Lumber Kxchange bldg. EXPERIENCED banker dealre to purchas Interest in good country bank, or Infor mation regarding good point to open new bank: Information treated confidentially. Art 805. oregonlan. H-aLF In t eras t la an old-eatabllaned busi ness doing a good bnslnaa. with al aned position of (100 psr month. For fJ particulars call Klnnsy A Stampner. Lam be r Exchange bldg.. rooms oil 1 -Sal. SOn BALE --Store building, fixture, atock of marchandue: will cut out all dead stock; must sell, as 1 am unable to handle It myself. Address J. C Dixon. Elk City, Oregon. TOUNO MAN, STRANGER, Make careful Investigation at xpense of seller before you Invest money In any proposition. Advisory Department. T. M. C. A. BB&T bulnes In Portland. well estab lished, will sell half Interest; party should have fio.ooo and must be abl to giv best re ferenoe s as to business integrity. V Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED. Tn an old-estahllshed real estate office; money fully secured; something good for . th right man. Call room S15 Lumber Ex change hldg. ' A SNAP. 730 to $1000 buy half Interest In fine paying rash business: will elear you $50 to $loo weekly; money fully secured. H SOT. Oregonlan. . IB ROOMS. ' one of the best buys In th city;' rent onlv $4. furniture all new. new build ing; part casit, balance to ault. Call room Mr. Lumber E xchange bldg. R ESTA U R A NT AND CAFETERIA. A sacrifice at $22.".0. 8ixth t.. pear new postottit' ; leaae la worth the money. You'll have to hurry. Call 305 Gerllnger hldg. t WILL trarlo my automobile business, lo cated at A0-n2 North 7th St.. for city property or farm land. Phon Marshall S4 or A 44.W. OV ONr."b THE PARK BLOCKS. 11 rooius: rent SJO; Income $115; $700. $150 cash: near Bumsltle. Fred W. Ger man. 3J Burnslde. Main or A1774. $50O0CASH willTbuy Invention outright: can be patented In alt countries: inventot leaves for East March 6. Addreaa N bod, Oregonlan. Goon "opportunity $.v cash buys legltl mtte business and stock of goods: clears g-Titio yi-arty: rid opposition; Investigate. M p"3 Oregonlan. -XIKKIKNt KI) business lady wants part ner with l.oo to open new. first-class apartment. bouse; will invest same amount. W M3. Oregonlan. WANTED A partner la a llv real eetaie angl business chances office: no xperl tnce beyond ability; little cash raqiur . CaU at 610 PwetUnd bldg. $10 TO $100 made daily In the moving plo titie theater bti-ilness; we start In business or. EASY TERMS. Call Rose City Film Co.. .. t, Washing on. near 17th. MODERN house with lease: low rent; can be run In connection with first -claaa grill and cafe: doing fine buelncea: no agenta. Y 7V. oregonlan. BAKERY and grocery for sale, together or separata, in town 2-0; county seat; good stock and wheat country surrounding. V -13, Oregonlan. FOR RENT Fine large furnished dining room and kitchen, suitable for dining room or restaurant. 10O 11th t. MUST sell lOO shares In United W'lrelt t transferable: mak me an offer on a!l or part. V blO. Oregonlan. FOR RALE Retail bakery and confection err: good opening for aome on with small capital. R SI4. Oregonlan. WANTEDrirtner with $1000 for billiard and pool business: will put In qual amount; Una location. V ti-tf. Orgonlan. ail.XI-Mi AN f I.UL1KAU SJTOCKJ L 'lalepho-e sr.d other bcr.d ougat sal said, i let lier In.. Co. -23 Ablagtoa. l-CHAIR barber shop, good Vocation, good business, cheap rent; first SI75 takes It. Address box -74. Toledq Or. GoV ID-PA YIN ii de'.icatessen and resuursnt cheap for cash: four nice living-rooms; no asenls.P boo. Oregonlan. . FOR BALE Grocery store In good location: g,Md business. Inquire cor. Union ava. and Portland blvd. B 6-6, Oregonlan. WANTED To buy moving-picture theater In city or country: must be cheap for caah. H W Werth. 4t4 Kothchlld bldg. FtR SALE Flrst-claa saloon l-t flrst-ciass location. Addresa A. J. Wolff, wholesal llriuor dealer. Tiromt Wash. W ANTED Partner with $2000 cash; objei-t to patent Invention In all countrit-; half Interest In royalties. N gtiT, Oregonlan. $175 SMALL notion store, stock and fix tures, growlnr business; no competition. Phone. BH7. CONFECTIONERY, lunch, modern rooms, lease for sale. Owner. 3.16 Russell st. WANTED A man with $1000 for a legiti mate business proposition. P. O. Box FOR PALE Established millinery businest In Washington, cheap. P 803. OragoiiUn. fcvo -" cants. 41. uu. you rtuat eri4 this ail I tone .'It. He.nterv lll-JS ThirX HOTEL bar $looo required. F 804. Ore gontaiy jiT GOOD confectionery stor for $400; good location. 66 6th st- i Hardware store, good location; $4000 stock; cash or city property. Hail. -SO Front au RESTAURANT foral. No. 10 N. 2d st going East. FINE grocery proposition. See Dr. Hlgg. Corbett bldg. ELECTRIC light plant In town of 10O0, water power. P SOj. Oregonlan. GROCERY atock and fixtures. Invoice; reason going on farm. S3 E. 16th st. N. FOR PALE Tailor shop doing good busi ness. Call 22 North Tth. GOOD picture show for ssle. Fireproof. Ta bor $. AD 14. Orrgonlan. BARBER shop for sale. 127 N. Cth st. LARGE manufacturing cor.innny Just Incor porated onder the law of Oregon for $.10,000. desire subscription to capital stock In sraounts not less than $1000. Until March lo tock will b sold for 50 per cnt of the par value. One official position to b filled. An excellent op portunity to become associated with a much needed manufacturing company for the Coast. Investigation oliclted. Bank reference given. P 812, Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED. Man to look after help. In automobile repair and supply business; will make ou $150 to $-00 per month; best of references given; experience aot necessary: must bo sober man. Particular room 31- Lumber Exchange bldg. ROOMING-HOUSES.. EAGLE REALTY CO SIS Board of Trade. Main 3877. A DANDY. CLEARS $660. 70 room, corner brlt-k. fully modern, long lease, rent $450, fine furniture and carpet, well located: jsooo. terms. A LITTLE BEAUTY. 86 rooms, right down town: elegantly furnished, modern corner brick, clears (350; only $6500: very easy term. A GOOD BUY. 54 rooms, apartments, fully modern, long lesse. rent $225. clears $300; a snap; $600. 2M0 hsndles this. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. 22 rooma. long lease, rent $30; good furniture snd carpets: $loo iandle. FINE HOME. BIO INCOME. ' 14 rooms, Una furnitur and carpets, ' rent $50: running water tn rooms; 11600, $1000 cash. It's fine. LOOK AT THIS. 12 room, located on West Park, clos In: 2 years lease, rent $43. best of furni ture and carpet; clears $75; now piano; $1400, 1800 down. A BOARDING-HOCSE. a rooms, steam heat, lease, elegantly furnished, 23 steady boarders, can get all you want: ask about this. W hav others, all slits and prices. Terms to suit. Let us locate you. Wo will save you money. JIB BOARD OF TRADE. $4000 A TEAR FOR YOU and a strictly modem home. If you have $6000 cash to Invest. Will forfeit $5000 If I fall to prov this. Don't bother me unles you hav required cash. I have no tlm to wast on curiosity seekers. No agenta Y 811. Oregonlan. KK-W unfurnished rooming-house, with long lease. This Is the easiest money-maker In ths city; $1000 will handle It. You can doubt your money In 60 days; rent com mence April 1. If you want a bargain, e us about this at one. Calef Bros.. 806 E. Morrison u DANDT buy In rooming-house. 46 rooms, fully furnished. In brick building; fine lo cation, low rental, good Icnse and fine buy; situated In city of 10,000 population. Bee Thompson A fiwan. 6th and Main sts., Vancouver. Wssh.. or 206 Rothchlld bldg.. Portland. Or. F you are looking for a hotel or rooming house, be ure and see our list before buying; we hav Just what you want at rock bottom price. Valley Realty Co.. 308 Board of Trade. t $3300 CASH will handle a B0-room rooming house, strictly modern, flrst-claas furni ture; 8 years' leas; rent $300 per mo. ; well located. Call early at 66 6th st. WILL sacrifice my 14-room house for quick sale: very best furniture; on of the best miney-makers In the city; no agents. Phone A 7436 or AC 824. Oregonlan. NINE rooms, good furniture, rent $35; ai way full; owner going away, must suit at one; $460, $230 cash. V 813. Oiego nlan. NINE rooms, on 12th St., well furnished, modern, furnace heat; $300 cash will handle. Marshall 363. MUST sell my 2S-room apartment-house; half newly furnished. For particulars, call at grocery. 60 Grand ave. North. FOR SALE New brick apartments, 15 suits, new furniture, velvet carpets; must sell. Est.1345; 18 BOOMS, good location, on Salmon St.; well furnished, modern, rooms all occupied, 1800 cash wll handle. Marshall 363. . FOR SALE Fourteen nice, large nd well furnished rooms, easy terms. 875 Aldsr nnd West Park GENTLEMAN with means wants woman. little money, establish rooming-house. 9 798. Oregonlan. , $900 EQUITY in 81 rooms; $600. or smaller house, ni wea. par. HAVE $1000 cash for first payment on 23 to 40-room rooming-house. Marshall 1374. DESIRABLE apt. -house, good location and income; no agenta ETast 8600. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. BONDS FOR SAIB. TOWN' OF GRESHAM. $13,000 WATER BONDS AND $3000 SEWER BONDS. Sealed proposals will be received by th nnderslgned until 5 o'clock P. M., on the 4th day of April, 1611, for the whole or any part of $20,000 of the bonds of the Town of Gresham. In denominations of $1000 each, payable 20 years after date, and bearing interest at the rata of 6 per cent per annum, payable half yearly, prin cipal and Interest payable In United States gold coin, at the oiflce of the treasurer of the Town of Gresham. The above deccrlbed bonds are issued for the following purposes; $15,000 of said bond being Issued for the Installation and construc-tton of general water works and a wat-r system for the Town of Gresham. and $rnoo of said bonds being issued for the construction of a sower and drain age system for th Town of Gresham. Th authority for the Issue of said bonds Is grsnted by an amendment to the char ter of the Town of Gresham. adopted De cember 7, 1000, by the voters of the Town of Gresham. snd entitled "An act to amend paragraph 22 of section 12 of chap ter 5 of the charter of the Town of Gresham. entitled an act to Incorporate the Town of Gresham, in th County of Multnomah, Oregon, and to provide a charter therefor, and to repeal all acts or parts of acts In conrilct therewith; filed In tho office of tli Secretary of State, Feb ruary 11. 1005. All bidders will be required to submit unconditional bid except aa to the le gality of tb bond, and each bid must be accompanied by a certified check on either of tha bank of th Town of Greham. or on any responsible bank tn the city of Portland, Or., for an amount equal to 5 per cent of the face value of the amount of bonds bid for. payable to tho order of the Mayor of the town of Oresham, to be forfeited as liquidated damages In esse the bidder shall withdraw his bid or shall fall or neglect to take and pay for said bonds, should said bonds be awarded to him The right lo reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. All proposals should be msrkcd. "Proposal for Sewer And Drslnag'i Bonds.' "Proposal for Water Bonds," snd ddressd to D. M. Roberts. Unorder of th Town of Orelim. By order of the Common Council or th Town of Grashotn. Or. D. M. ROBERTS, Recorder of th Town of Oresham. Date of first publication March 8. ' NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Office of Water Commission of th City of Astoria. Or.. March 2. 11L pealed propoaals will be received by th Water Commission. Astoria, Or., until 2 . o'clock P. M., March 81. 1911. for fur nishing labor and material for the con struction of a gat well and laying 14.OO0 feet of Iron pipe, for th City of Astoria. 0lThe work will consist of clearing and grubbing, excavating and back-filling trenches. furnlhlng material and laying -lnch. 8-lnch, 10-inch. 12-inch and 18 Inch Iron pip, excavating and building concrete gate well, placing specials, plac ing hydrant and building manhole. Specification with blank forms of pro posals may be obtained and drawings ex amined at the office of Lars Bergsvlk. Engineer of the Water Commission. As- '"xcertifled check, equal to 5 per cent of the amount of bid, in accordance with the terms specified, will b required of each bidder. , , The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. FISHER. Chairman. . G. W. LOUNS BERRY. Clerk. CALL "of bond before maturity Sealed. propoial will be received at the ofnea of the Lewlslon Land A Water Co., Lim ited. In the City of Lewiston. Idaho, on or before the 1st day of April, lull, for the sale of bonds of the Lewiston Land ft Water Co.. Limited, dated April L 1908. These bonds offered at the lowest price, not exceeding, however, par with interest accrued to tha 1st of April, mil. will ba accepted and paid for to the extent of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or any sum In excess thereof on hand on said 1st day of April. 1911. In the sinking fund created under article III of he trust deed securing said bonds. ' LEWISTONLAND A WATER CO.. LTD. PROPOSALS will be received by the Stat Board of Control at It office In the State CriPltol until 10 o'clock A. M., March 15, 1-11. for general supplies for the Institu tions under its administration, covering ferlod from April 1 to September 30. 1011. nformatlon will b furnlhed on request to those lntreted. When making Inquiry gleas state linos on which proposals will e made. State Board of Control. Olympla, March L 11L THE City of Wlllamlna Is calling for bids on $13.0O0. lo and 20-year, optional, 6 per cent bonds. Interest payable semi-annually and bear date of March 1. 1010. Ulds to be opened Apr'l 10, 1911. For further In formstlon write City Recorder F. E. Sharwln. BIDS will be taken by J. D.. 291 Morrison St., until the 7th of March, 1911. for a complete' stock of house furnishings, about ilo.Otto: best location In the city; reasonable reut, MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURT HOTJSB. ' Sealed proposals will be received at th office of Whldden Sc Lewi, architect. 701 Corbett bldg., Portland, Or., until noon Tuesday, March 14. 1911, for the carpen try and cabinet work as called for In speci fications for the east wing of the Nets Courthouse to be erected for the County of Multnomah. State of Oregon. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the office of the architects. No personal bid will be considered un less accompanied by a check payable to the order of the County Court of Multno mah County, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal, to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages in case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faith ful performance of said work, in tb event the contract is awsrded to him. The right to reject sny and all bids Is hereby reserved. F. S. FIELDS. County Clerk. PROPOSALS will be received by 46 Stat Board of Control at Its office in the Stat CapltoU until 10 A. M., March 20. 1911. for an electrical generating set for West ern Washington Hospital, Fort Stellacoom. Information will be furnished on request to those interested. State Board of Con trol, Olympia. March 8, 191L Miscellaneous. NOTICE The general public is hereby noti fied that the management ol the Willam ette Valley Consented Milk Co. has been changed. Mr. Ferdinand Joplln bs been elected manager and Mr. J. G. Dletrtcll tressurer and assistant manager. Hence forth all business will ba transacted through the general office at 811-315 Lalbe hldg. 2d and Washington sta.. Port land, or. FINANCIAL. REALTY BONDS FOR SALE. A small amount of bonds Issued on on of the finest pieces of sub-division in Portland: there Is already over $100,000 worth of the properly sold; there Is only about 160,000 worth of these bonds for sale; bonds bear 5 per cent Interest and on profit sharing basis; will pay at least 250 per cent In dividends; this Is an in vestment, not a speculation. J. W. OASKILL. 84 Fourth St. Main $900. A 11$$. MORTGAGE LOANS. On Improved city property or for building purposes. COLUMBIA LIFE St TRUST COMPANY. 816 Spalding Bldg. WILL pay cash for builders' equities or first and second mortgages or contract. Call 608 McKay bldg. Pbon Marshall $300. Money to Loan Real Estate. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 8 to 6 years' tima; liberal . re-payment privileges, money advanced a building procresaes. Th Equitable Sav ings A Lean Association. 240 Stark at. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 aad T per cant on real estate security. I EDW. P. MALL, 104 Second St. WE HAVE plenty ot money to loan on oity firoperty In sums from $1000 to $50,000 at owest current rates. Morgan, Fllednwr A Boyce. 503-606 Ablngton bldg. $800,000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest prices; large loans a specialty. J. H. McKeoxi Co.. 514-15-16 Gerlln gar bldg. FIRST and second mortgage and contraota purchased on farm and city property any where in Oregon or Washington. B. L. Dsvereau , Fenton bldg.. 84 6th st. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building lean; contracts and mortgage bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. MONEY to loan on gooo improved city and farm seourlty. J. M. French & Co., 412- 413ADIUglonDlug.. luo o a- $200,000 TO LOAN, larg loan a specialty, building loans, lowest rata. W. U. Beck. 812 Failing bldg. MORTGAGE loans oa city property; lowest rates. A. H. Blrrell Co., 2U2 UK.ay bldg., 2d and Stark. , MORTGAGE! LOANS AT BEASONABLB KATES-IT. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLDO. LO ANS ON" INS-DI5 PROPERTY AT 6 TO I PER CENT. 814 LEWIS BLDQ. Gtat fund loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as, state agent. MultnomahCo400 C. , Will loan $10,000 or less, real estate seourlty. arrlngton, 416 Commercial Club bld-. $7000 to loan on Improved city property, at 7 per cent. M 626, Oregonlan. MoN.l. any amount, U to per cenu Ooou nougu - peiia. mu - ... PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. H. Miley. room P4. Gerllnger bldg. jSoKTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 1 - . CJCfci. LOUiS SALOMON. 238 STARK tT. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or coilat eral security. C. W. Pallet!. 3u-9 Fentoo. WILL loan $15,000 or less on real estate. HitlcJtmoJlothchlUlblUg. MORTGAOE loans at 7 and 8 per cent. Karnopp & Kopf, 326 Ky. Lx. bldg. MonytoLo-Cb tteis and Salnrlea. $' $ $ $ ( ARtl SOU LOOKING FOR MON E if T 11 you knew how easy our term ar you would not be short of money. Don't Be botnered wltn a lot of small deots. let us lurnlsn money to etli tn. WE LOAN ON Furnitur and pianos, storage receipts, livestock, rooming-houses and all kinds of securities; terms to suit; also easy weekly or mommy insmllmeut. We buy and loan on mat and second mortgages ana equity 1? ""i-AL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO B12 Hamilton oldg., nil 3d. Main 2U-1. f $ 8 a $ $ STAT-T SECURITY 'CO. $ $ $ B-R-O-K-E-K-S. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $1U0. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $lO repaid in Installment of .43 20- repaid in Installments of $ .U0 $iO. repaid in Installments of 2.00 Larger amounts in proportion. "We do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our charges iu plain figures. Business strictly confidential. -STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ $ 308 Fulling Bldg. $ $ $ $ MONEY FOR EVERYBODY. Do you need- money today t If so. com to me aud I will help you out. 1 advance money Immediately and confldentlalK on furniture, pianos, autos and other secur ities: reasonuble rales of Interest. AL Maluen. Uui swetland bldg. MONEY Loaned In amounts from $10 up on all klnua of securities, xurnitur. piano or any personal property. Kay weekly or niontniy payments; low rates; conndentiai. (iray e Cunningham, 201 itochcliild -Idg.. northwest corner 4th and Washington. MONEY advanced salaried popla. house keeper and outers upon their own names wlinout aecunty; cheapest rates, easiest payment; offices In U principal cities; save yourself by getting my terms first. TO AN, 817 Lumber Exchange. " " MON El ADVANCED J" Ob furniture, pianos, storage receipts, eio.i lowest rstes. HUTTON CREDIT CO. 3U7 Spalding bldg. LOANS on dlamonda. .Jewelry, furs, sult Caes, trunks, overcoate and musical la atrumenta. Uncle Myers, 71 6th. between oak adPlne.Maiu 910. LOWEST KATES Loan on all kind of se curity, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co., 85 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Wash, sta. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 1414 8d at- near Alder. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Marx & Blocli. 74 ad st- LOANS on diamonds and other eecurltlea William Holl. room 9. Washington bldg. A-LOAN for the asking. sa.ary or casual. Tb Loan Co, 414 Dekum bldg. Loans Wanted. WE have client who want loans on Im proved real estate: will pay 6, 7 and 8 per cent: no charge for placing money. HARTMAN He THOMPSON, Realty Dept. Chamber of Commerce. I WIT can Invest your motey at good rates of Interest. Gilt-edge securities. First mort gages. Long-term investment, PROVIDENCE INV. A TRUSTEE CO r24-S2H Board of Trade bldg. $1100 I WANT to borrow this on a neve, .modern bungalow In good locality: will pay 8 per cent for 3 years. See Attorney, 414 Spalding bldg. HAVE a contract of $21150, drawing 7 per cent, on which $375 has been paid; will discount 10 per cent for cash. K 820, Oregonlan. If you have money to Invest ASK Mr. EASTON about PREFERRED MORTGAGE LOANS. J. H. Tipton Co..1108 SpaldlngBdg. W4.NT $2500 FOR 3 YEARS AT 8 PER CENT. BEST PORTLAND SECURITY; .PRIVATE PARTIES REPLY. B 805, OREGON IAN. WANTED $300, one year, at 8 per cent, se curity farm worth $20,000. Grussl A Zadow, 817 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. $2500 WANTED immediately on choice resP dence property; owner's home, complete and occupied. AK 810. Oregonlan. FiOOtP WANTED on Irtinprton property; will pay private party 8 per cent, K 8O0, Ore ponlftn. $1imm on Improved realty; will pay private party 8 per cent. K 805. Oregonlan. LF.T us place your money, good mortgages;' references. F. H. Lewis, i Lewis bldg. $1500 at 8 per cent for 3 years, on home worth $3400, in Hawthorne district. K 815, Oregonlan. $1700 S YEARS, 7 per cent. Hawthorn ave district, well Improved. East 2053. PERSONAL MEN AND WOMEN, KEEP POSTED. We have the most complete modern ot flc in Oregon; the treating rooms are fitted up with the most expensive, modern, up-to-date appliances. Including radium (the only physician on the Coast having radium) X-Rays. static machines. X-Kay colls, ozone oxygen generators, electrlo currents of every description and Ktna. high frequency wave, sinusoidal. laraaic. galvanic, cautery, vibrators, radiators, electric light baths, bake ovens, mineral stream and shower baths. From 100 to 12,000 candle-power lights, Finsen. hellos. solar, leucondescent, violet and ultra vio let lights. Cancers, ecsema, skin troubles, tumors, goiter, tubercular glands, old sores, moles, warts and mother marks ana ail kinds of chronic diseases are treated by these methods and permanently cured, l give a free exhibition of my office every Saturday at 7:30 P. M. You are invited to as the office and equipment for yourself. None asked to take treatments who visit the office. Dr. W. E. Mallory. radium spe cialist, north half of tha third floor of the Rotchlld bldg. . SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfor graduate: rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's 'o tlon; baths, masseuse. No. 7 Esat iitn at., second door south from East Anaeny carllna. Phone East 260. B 1803. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery: chronic and nervous diseases """"d according to the latest methods; confine ment cared for: consultation free. Boon1 10. Grand Theater bldg. Main S928. A boin. WANTED Pupils to learn halrdresslng, manicuring, facial massage, scalp treat ment, weaving; great demand for sradu ates. Sanitary Beauty College, 400-1- -D-kum bldg- over Llpman, Wolfe & Co. SAVE doctor bills; remedies for rheuma tism, blood poison, nervous debility. Kid ney troubles. $1 to $3 per month: every package guaranteed. Call or write Dr. Pierce Remedy Co.. 245 W Morrison st. FEBVET A HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; hairdresslng. manicuring, face and calp treatments. HI 7th St.. near Morrisotu Phone Main 64- MRS STEVENS. 16 year Portland' leading palmiat and clairvoyant, ha her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy,' on sale at 34:oj Yamhill, corner Seventh st. WANTED 6000 ladles to bring their old hats to the "make-over" shop to be re blocked, cleaned and trimmed, 415 Alder st, cor. jitn. HAIR Th largest stock of pure hall, all shades, to be closed out at less than whole sale price; free halrdress given. Asa H. Rlbbeke. Grand Leader. 6th and Alder. O ONNE Jurvas Natural sanatorium, 178 E 60th. Competent masseurs for both sexes, steam and water hatha, Both phones. DR. WALKiSR. specialist for men, quickly . cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation tree. 181 1st st, Portland. DRESS suit for rent. $LB0 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. LADIES No danger with Lorens Antisep tic cones; are soothing, safe and sure; $1 box. 8 for $2.50. Stipe. Taylor Drug Co, 289 Morrison st. DETECTIVE, private, fully experienced and reliable, will serve private Individuals, corporations, etc.; correspondence cantl dentlal!AH80,Oregon!an. lli FLORENCE URY, late of New York face and scalp treatment. Suite 27 Selling Hlrsch bldg,' 3b Wain, st, Phona Mar shall 1992. WANTED For adoption by out-of-town co'uple. young baby, American. Call arter B j.. M, apartment D. Hotel Barton. SHAMPOOING. ' face and scalp treatments; latest methods. Phone Main 8934 after 10 A, M. DR. J JEFFERSON, residence 492 Wash irigton St.. above 14th st-; home every day. Specalmeetlngevery Sunuayat8 P.M. MM Courtwrlght, skin and scalp treat ments, laclal deformities corrected, plastla surgery. 453 Morrison St. Main 6042. rrR KETCHUM treats women's maladies. 179 V 3d sU. corner Yamhill. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 42U FUedner bldg. M 3478. rivi OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women. 632 Davis at- Main 9215. rjj ROSA HOWARD, electric, vibratory anrnassage6Ji6ejang1iyrschM ain6 i2S 1SS WALLACE, magnetic, electric treat ment, mental, spiritual, scientific. 190 lilh. VtULL. gentleman who called Tabor 2982 in regard to lot, please call up again? MISS MORRIS, manicurist, 422 S Washing ton St.. suite 10 and17. THE BATTLE CHEEK baths. 40 Yamhill St., bet. 2d and 3d. BUSINESS DiUKCTOBl. Account nts. MACKENZIE, BAIRD & BERRIDGE, 1-L'BUC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITOR-, 2X4 Worcester Block. Mam 7-9. A 1449. Cour-sel anu expert in all matters per taining to municipal, commercial, factory cost and Industrial accounting. JB. H. COLLIS A CO, ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, county and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and Syatematlztng. 8-4 Worcester block. Phone Main our7 Architecta. OLOF L. BROLINE, architect, 1021 Board ot Trade, Main 'loof. Plans first-claoB buildings; also build for cost pius fixed sum. ine only satisfactory methotL ' A. A. THOGEKSEN. Sol Railway itlxchange. Aaaayer and Ana ! Walla A proebstel. mining englneera. chsm lsts ana assayera. 2u4 Wa-iglQ . MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory aad ore-tesung work. 186 L Morrison st Attorneys. A. 1 COOPER, attorney at law; practica l ail cour ; aostrauts examined. ,Ju Cliiai per of Commerce- M. 71, A 2U7L " FRED "W.-BR.ONN. LAWYER. 1014 Cli. of Com. 1'hone Main 8199. Bat s and Swimming. Portland Swim ting Baths, 1UJ 4tli i- ul plunge, steam, tub and shower batus. 25c. " Bras and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass caatlug and macnine work. 106 N. 5tu. Main 3iQ " Cbiropractio I'hjsiciaiu -CHI-RO-PRAC-TIC TICK-NEK"; Say It last and remember Columbia bldg. 12 to 6:8tA PH. EVA MARSH, first lady clilro. Dr. la Oregon. 228 FUedner bldg. Hours 9 to ' Co COAL $7.90 A TON. Other charge $9.60 and $10 for th sain grade; we are In the transfer busi ness and sell coal to keep men a d teams busy during th dull season. Order Now. Van Horn Transfer Co. M. 1618. A 1984 Collections. YOUR own collector; published and sold by the Commercial Underwriters; a sys tem by which you make your own col lections; no fees, no commissions, no ex tra expense whatsoever. For further in formation call on or write the Commercial Underwriters. 301 Worcester bldg. PORTLAND Collection Agency 317 Allsky bldg. All debts collected. A 7317; M 4222. Contractors. W- 1- BT'CKN'ER, contractor, Jobbing, of fice and store setting. 8 N. 8th st. Main 5hl. A 7662. Woodlawn 6o2. LYNOTT & WILLIAMSON, grading contrac tors. 603 Swetland bldg,Main 3771. RCiBERT-WAKEFIELD, general contractor. 414 Wells-Fargo blug. Main 680. Chiropody. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Doveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 802 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Ch"l-opody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 420 Flledner bldg. Phcne Main 3473. Coal and Wood. r)RY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wood, $4.50 per load delivered any place In the city. . Portland Wrecking Co, 105 107 11th st. North. Main 87, A 3738. BUR N S IDE FUEL CO. Wholesale-and re tail. 4-ft. sawed fir and hardwood. Offico and yards at 125 E. 7th st. Pbon East 724, B 2777. . SEGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. cord wood and slabwood. 9th and Glisan. M. 63.111. M. 8351. A 2415. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD. WOOD 4-foot or sawed to order. . M 4596. COAL A 4547. Prompt dellv. Neerjfc Forr. GOOI cfoo-" Bay" Coal Co. Prompt service. COAL 191 Burnslde St. Both pliones. Consuitii is; Engineers. C. S. GOLDBERG & CO.. 312, Couch bldg. Concrete warehouses, power plants, con veyors, elevators, patent devices, all kinds of machinery. Phone Marshall 3028. UNITED Engineering & Construction Co, Eng. and contractors. 711 Lewis bldg. C. W. WOODRUFF, C. E. 420 Henry bldg. Main 4269. Dancing. HEATH'S DANCING SCHOOL, 10 Second 8L, between Wash, and Stark sta stag dancing taught; waltx and two-step guar anteed m four lessons; class and social dance Monday. 8 to 12. Lessons dally. LESSONS.25c7 four lessons, $1: waits, two. step, three-step and stage dancing, every afternoon and eve. Prof. W al W Illson School. 3S6 Wash, st, bet. W. Park and 10th st. Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work 1 impossible; does away entirely with plates, bndgework; we cure pyorrhea (loos teeth) absolutely; terms to reliable people. ... t. . , .KinivfAn KIHlT lllh 2d. Alveolar ueniai v-o., won.a'-v THE old reliable Union Painles Dentists. 1st ana lorrisoii bib. CHICAGO 1 5 years. Painless Dentists, 148 5th St. established Dog and Horse Hospital. Dr. Brown, d: V. S, office 129 N. inn su Main 40S6; res. E. 6440. Hospital 89 12th. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent of sale. 213 2d sL En g lea Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co, Coast agts. Sesbury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gine. JSI-2S3 E. Morrison st. Phone fc. 51 Fan and Blowers. NORTHWEST BLOWriPE CO, 300 Lorliig it Dust collecting and ventilating sys tems. Phones C 1115. E. 3289! Feed Store. ZIGLER & MINSER. hay. grain, feed, o rajent, shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 48$. Glazing. PLATE glass, window glass, doors, win dows, new. second-hand. Portland Wreck lng Co, 105-7 11th st; N. Main 37. A .1730. Leather and Findings. CHAS S. MASTIC & CO, 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps, mfrs. findings. J. A. STROWBR1DGE LEATHER CO. Es- tabllshed 1S58. 1S9 Front st. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO, hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining ma chinery. All kinds of repairs. 104 N. 4th. Musical. VOICE lessons by Mrs. Grace Johnston, pu pil o Albert Gerard Tiers, of New York. 1159 Hawthorne ava. Phone Tabor 151. B 1835. VIOLIN TUITION Geo. E. Jeffery. 171 17th st. Phone Main 4253. EMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 9oo Marquam. A 4K0. Main 162$. Ost eopa title Physicians. DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate Klrksvllle. Mo, class of 1898; post-graduate, 1907. under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of the sci ence. 1122 Selling bldg. M. 1987. A 19S5. DR. R. B. NORTHUP. 415-416-417 Dekum Bldg. Phone. Office M. 340, Res. East or B 1038. Painting. TINTING Rooms tinted $2.50 per room; painting and tinting. Phon e Marshall 50. Paints, Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint is best adapted to tho Coast climate. BASS-HUETER PAINT CO, 191 Second St. m RA&MUSSEN & CO, Jobbers, paints, oil, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law, :ate of U. S. Patent Office. Book let free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. U. S. AND foreign patents that protect aia secured through Pacific Ccast Patent Agency, Inc.. Dept. A. Stockton. Cal. U. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. MARTIN. 839 Chamber of Commerce bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, nomestto and foreign pat ents, infringement cases. 604 Dekum bldg. Pavlmr. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 605 608 Electric b!clg.Oscar Huber. Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks aud crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank, 40 year in Portland. 71 8th st. Main i10. ripe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office nea r24t and York sts. M.34t0. Plumbers. FOX CO.. PLUMBERS. Main 2001. A 2001. 209 2d St. Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Main 1407. Kug Weavers NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets; colonial rag ruga East 35SW. B 1280 163 Union ave, nr. E. Morrison. Safes. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO, Sixth and Ankenv streets, Portland, Or. The largest safe dealers on the Pacific Coast, Seoond hand bank safes for sale. Three Victor Screw Door, three Mosler Screw Door, two Hibbard-Rodman-Ely, two New York and one National Manganese Steel safes, also all sizes of Steel Plate Bank safes, and all sixes and makes second-hand fireproof "a"' to be sold at HALF PRICE. Writs or call. . THE MOSLER SAFE CO, 108 2d St. Safe! at factory prices; second-hand safes. JOHN E. DAVIS Safes, safe counsel, bar gains. Sargent Hotel. phone East 291. Second-Hand Goods. WE pay the highest prices for s-cond-haud r-lothin- and shoes. Phone A 3190. Showcases. Bank and Show Fixtures. THE LUTKE MFG. CO, branch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co, 6lh and Hoyt. R. Lutke. manager. , R H. BIRDSALL. 208 HAMILTON BLDG, showcases in stock; prompt delivery. Sale agent, M. Winter Lumper to. MARSHALL MFG. CO, 4th and Couch; new and second-hand. Main 2703. Cabinetwork; Storage and Transfer. PORTLAND VAN & STORAGE CO, corner 13th and Everett sts. Just opened newest and most modern storage warehouse in city every convenience for safe and proper handling of goodn; lowest insurance rata in Northwest; free trackage; vans for moving. Main or A132t) ' MOVING STORAGE MOVING. E-perts, reliable men, no booze-tlghters, will move vou quicker, cheaper and bet ter than anyone else. Phone us for an estimate: storage rata the very lowesL Van Horn Transfer Co. Both phones. o PICK Transfer & Storage Co, offlcea and commodious 4-Uory brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for Valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pin sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed forshinpmgaiM6zA1990, THE ONLY warehouse in the business dis trict for storage ot merchandise exclusive ly Insurance rate 50 cents; transfer and forwarding agents. Occidental Warehous Co, 9 andll 4th st. North. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, afes. rilanos and furniture moved and packed for Shipment, 87-89 Front st. Telephone Main 547 or A 247. OREGON TRANSFER CO, established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage, offlce 310 Hoyt st between 6th and tn. fhones Main 69, A 11H9. Trunk. SIMONS prices; " TRUNK MFG. CO. reasonable. M. 9313. Wholesale 657 1st St. Typewriters. re are the exchange for the largest type writer concerns on this Coast; Investigate: " all makes .all prices. The Typewriter Lx change. 287 WaslUngton su fvpFWRTTEHS. all makes. $20 to $60. fully guaranteed, easy payments, rentals. s oo per month. Pacific Stationery Printing CO, 203 2d st. NEW-rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 140.. Well Drilling. tikit T ING wells a specialty: priced reason able Call Main 1346 or write Miller 4 i? Morrison st, Portland. - " Vancouver Lines. - M -6 15'7'6:30r 7:20, S-.dSTT.iC 9:10. MJ-12:3V.1l'loV6l:S0, 2:30. 8:10. 8:80, a-fo S-'lO 6:60. 6:30, 7:06. 7:40. 8:15. t.iO. 1-S 10:00, 10:33, 11:10. 11:45.x On the third Monday in eery month the last car leaves at 7:06 P. M. r-r. (0r Vancouver make no stops on Union avenue, between Burnslde street and Portland boulovard to let off pawngers. but make stops to pick up passengers at all Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect with aA 'Sir26r0.'nd.:35. 7:10. 7:45, 8:20, $:35. o.'tii' 10 -10. 10:50, 11:80. p'miVio. 12:50. 1:30. $:10, 2:50. 3:30. 4-10 4:50. 6:30. 6:10. 6:60, 7:25. S:O0. 8:3.", J: 10 9:45 10:20. 10:.".x. 11:30. 12:0.Vcx. on third Monday of every month the last ferry leaves Vancouver at 7:25 P. M. Leaving time in black type double trains. Cars from Vancouver make no stops on Union avenue between Portland Boulevard and Burnslde street, except to let off pas- Dally except Sundays. -Dally except Mondays. xiRuns as local on Union avenue.