Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 06, 1911, Image 12

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    -a-a. -..-r irr I FOR RENT FARMS. 1
Boiim Property.
$tt WMI and only $0"0 cash for full lot
li, biorkt from Grud ftvMU and Mor
rison, bringing g'-"d income.
F llXHj, 1 MorneoB, St.
or owoon im m"
(te infUII I iHftmnni una la tcD couaty ta th state
t unioa ad Huhuiui, 4 erl.
t-ao .am; . o(4. desert,
tutar, nana, coal and aUanl lava:
H.mlltua bldg.
BY rwn.r. nicer Improve! o.u.tter' right
of 1 tm la Hogu Rim alley.
prlra and particular, addr-aa. owner. K.
K I. Root. 2. boi 1TC. Grant Pae. IT.
t me r le i roil l a ode.
TArr.-or-hBrd. $ year old. rholceet va and In .pl.ndld tttP; Pe IMOW:
1 nation e.Mli-a br many ta prior to
li -Ml; party with money and
;' reference to hortlrultural ability
will b ! any reasonable term dee-red:
aet product tola rear aaould ba
at al . per a-ra; in i i
l -ited. Tm liart Land Oa
t r of Cfltnawrc
V1V Chan
r'n ta tow of Whit Salman. Tet
ef .oil. beaut ;f-il via, torn food flmter.
U term. TM ta a anethlng extra fine.
t.nduja alios. 015 chamber of
C orazaerr.
in. JO OR o a.-r-a good frull land. a:t cul
tivate.! ffta'.;oD on fie ground: lerta.
6"4-S CoiKll Hid.
W T ta .Tad!.:, tract of land. Jack... a
c-nnty. near Medrord: want partloa with
a ... or mora: $l2.oo rqalred. A ...
ore gonlan.
fmr !aia rmraaa.
M-acra ranh. 2M acra la hlh '
r-jlllvaCIM. ba.anca aahavl and aoaJaI
f craaa paa'.ura; a Una bantaiov, rat
. a Una barn. itrM4 lumbar. J
na pipaa. ia. Una chlck.n
h .uxa. a oo.l or'ha.-d ytara old. BO
irMa. water la tha bauaa: plaea wall
f.ncaj and croaa-fn-d. en oo-l road. In
mll frora r:r and R. F .: 0 lrall i
rfar TO tm T li TO HCI IT; prKa
J.X S down. bat. tona I'm par canu
wr wou d uka a.,ma ood ci-tn cry
prop-rty. at'.a and lmpmton for aaia
0- ,o pr'f. to bor-r of p ar.. na KPy.
r.m J! Comm.rcm block, cor. 2 and
r"U Foil l.V. Snaa for rlanl prty;
a-ri. aw boua. w barn: all
.:.r aw fanc. acraa undar cultlaalloB;
I arraa bar dam land, balaara par
t .!ly clara. and la raa: raanlna
.rr.a'O on ptar.. half mil. from
a. oi tonr-flloa; f..ur mlla
trxa dapot and poatofrira; on ftratlaaa
ra:l county road, prico J' par acra;
muat o. aold -ItMa 10 day. for account
,J atn: owa-r: t ma. Mutual Lam
tar Cow iwco!. aah.
BT OTNrRna of th. t-t farma In Wil-iim-tta
V!It. 8 miiva from county a-nt.
in !... oun:y. 2S miire to towa and
railroad, rural mall. llcpnon. ate; farm
hi. .or., of Al land, yrry llttl.
.at: nrtlaaa Improwmaata. hot and
...i.l wafr la hou.-. la fat. ona of al"t
h..m.a ta th. Valla; x4 arhool J'u.ln
farm, will O.H on ar T
.'.Ida 'I nc-.iry. K 'aT"i!la n.
. iCHVS t acrra ri.h rtcr bottom
"iandT To t-rn In hi.h .tat. of 'ultla
uon. two b"u. S barn., orchard, w'll
T.n"Vd. all laT land, -all loc.t-d. two
mil., to town and rallrCMad. '-"Z1!
r,..a In. IS milk cowa. 1 -"" hor'
n.w buciT. 'lo and analna com pi "I",
and ill (arm lmpl-n..nta loo num.ruu. ta
nrnitni. ran b. hid cheap,
tt- y-9 A K l N D C K. i Jl Foarth St.
1 ari.a all In crop; nar rank rohdcti
ria 1 milea from fin. town. ) "!
fnm Portland. In th. allar: nlr. bulld
inta plenty wafr. 110 per acra bura mil
if taken im. wak. r r lirn
3.-Q Hallway V. arhar. r.
r(,H KAl.K by own.r. 3T0 arrra. rltr4
tork. hoa. hrP. Jray cattl.. ate; very
complete art rn plam.n t. ; flnt drap aoli;
,.rT vmluafl. for fruit; lar planum. In
locality: prira Tare low and tr-rma ca.y
If ta.-n within a few d.ya. W. B. iltxter.
fUTEapo Hotel. Main
i-A KB- farm. fin. btaildinca. not far from
1- ortUnd: baa aome orchard, all In crop;
on. of tha beat la Wlllam.tta Valley. Lat
u .how yoo thla; l0 per acra will buy
It oa aaar term. We are the ownara.
tv. hata all kind, and ala. of chotra
farm, throuchoul tha atata. If yoo wiah
to aet your monay'a worth and a aqtiara
deal, wrtta or rail
F. Ft' i US. :Jl4 Morrlaon St.
-.. ONE-TiilKD down. 1 year.' tlma a
n:inc. hanlle. a apt.ndld cbanca for
l.leajl llttua ranch: aood aoll; running
arream. rear county aat and ata
t on; : mila from rortland. No accnu
Hot. TX Rainier. Or.
OUNKR II SAt.E Two very deeirabi. farma.
enely loi-atad: abundanca wood and walrr.
...nienlent to ach l and railroad, at t
tractna prlrca. tloatwlck. Hlodaatt. -r
ji lAR'.K warahonaa balnaa. lormed In
arrhi.l Ca: boma farm to wo with bnal
tieaa reaaore for aelllnr. alckneaak Call
or w'ril' J. w. K'.trn. Amity. Oregon.
'.lt SAl.P. T5 acre, of rich bottom land, a
miloa from a'atlon: rood houae. bara,
b'ink-houa.. atork anat equipment- Mala
7;:l.V or O M4. urt:onlaB.
Toi) CASH wf.l handle tba beat dairy
ranrh la tha lwla Rlr Tallay. of l
a- rra. all Improved. C. C A 1 ford. Wood
lan'l. ..h.
ai Hl' II riar1. r d bouee. nearly
all fenrel. 2 ml Rl.ik'flel.l. v); tarma.
Vvia-:at Morn. Hli!efl-:d. Wash.
bo A' HUi an watet. cnaenlcst. mll raeh
pmvment. baL tarma. O- Middlakauff.
lUllllia. Or
30 At'REd. leaTertoo, ry cheap, nul aed.
t'recoa Farma Co. 41d Rothchlld.
ITARilAtN rra-acr.-ranch near Rrddlna.
. L Writa F. A- f.alr.l. Redding. CaL
yARvTT orchard trarta. f d
K.. "rraoa rami Cow 41a Itathcbild bids.
C r farma wanle.1 for quick aaia. V'a
haa th. buya. OIt. full daaerlptloo la
ftr.t latter and loweat prira.
F. riTHA. ::i s Morrlaon St.
tVa ha. a Inqulrlea on property m all
tarta of tha elt: central bualaaaa property,
aarahooaa. rlm frontaca. apartnaent
houae. and apartment altaa; aleo good r
l.lencea at nicM prlcea.
I WANT to buy a realdeoca or a rioaawln lot
u.tjDle for bustneaa; improved or not.
and turn In a Boa pieca of cultivated land
of is arrra rlnt oa aewly raaradamled
loatll Valley road, near city llmlta; Bna
t .uldl.l.l. or will make a Baa country
h .Tie. ily equity la -X: will anuma
lijer.nca or aia tint, on Ulrf arenca. 4if
Ka:'.wTr''hnnt. blda.
WANTED A rood buy In a 6 or a-room
houae or buna alow, about IJXW: tMw raah.
Ii.inra aood monthly parmenta; .hail
raaa soma tra and ahrubh.ry.
F. FfCHS. SSI'. Morrleon St.
'WILL, buy Wait Side lot If not too highly
Improved, about ITOvO to 'XXH. for an
li'.utm.oi: deaorlsa an4 quota plica. AD
a i. Orecontan.
ANT from owner only, a lot on Wear Slfla.
cioa. In. vacant or Improved, from $ 10, w
to s..ot: a lata location and prtca. O
ANTED A good bualneaa corner on Sandy
road: glv exaot location and nat caah
fry-.. A It 1J. Oreaonlan.
WANl to buy a hooee In Irvlngton, aouth
of at-: dracrlba and quota prlca.
AD Qregonlan.
VVANTEJLa A corn.r aOxloO or 100x100
north of etnrk and batwaaa Park and
Mrh. AC ". Oregonian.
.Vv A.N TED Fail lot In Roaamar at onca
for a noma; will pay raah. Karaopp a
Korf. US Railway Kxchanga bldg.
1K INuTuX lot wanted, on or between 1 ." t h
and 24th cum., aouth of ftraae.; will deal
only with awnar. AD 21. Oreronlart.
WANTED 10 acraa, mutt hava noma Im
provementa; gtva prire, location and par
tirnUra In full. J boA. Oreconlan.
F K fi.Vl.E By ownar. E. S N. E. "a. 6. TV.
' N. K- V " E. W S- B- V. Sac IX T.
el. d. H. J. W. TV. M.. Douglaa County,
T Inc. 4.0O.0OO ft. rd. fir for IJOUO,
F. X. farant. Frleat River. Idaho.
OWNER will a.11 two aartar aaetlooa of
about la.aoa.400 fa.t of azcaliaot tluabac
near Oram. Paaa. or., for II par M. P.
O. boa 444. Vancouver. Waan.
TtMrER clalm for aoulllaa of mortg.ra
Aouaa and lot or contract or exchanca
f..r anything. Boggoaa a Cow SSlta Mor-
. .1 1 n Room 5-
I''K body of timber cheap. Multnomah Co.,
county road through tra.-t; good tla prono
.itlon. Seward. 4S E. Tlth t- Tabor I.'l
C. J. CRACK EX. MM Mcalay Bld4
j;vsta CLAIMS, horaeetead redagula
xuaaia. l.i Worcaaiar aU(,
u R. ta prilo. eae showing all pro
H. H- and eUclrle u. Includlag
Kaetei and Ctrl tm ; aaca. ar
tt. mm Maa Weaning to La cet
era. 11x2. 15. !. Ha-ey -
OARDEN for rnt. right In clt.
i'hona A L?.hi.
TIMHER wanted; hava .awmlll. 40 M. ea-
parity: want tract of good, round timber.
well located, to cut on contract or buy
oulrl k ht. B Ore gonlan.
T1MT.KK land, wanted. C J. MoCmckan.
lot UaKat bigg.
WANTED SO.000 or 4.0on acre, yallow and
unit pine. A. J. Hoban.
SNAP If taken at onca; beat -J '
Portland; confectionary, cafeteria, fak'ry
and reataurant all combined; co.t o'.
good bualnna. Man and wlf can c.ear
ZTir "U p-r month. Central I"f"on
low rent. twner leaving tha city al
onca: pric. I3'0: will taka g.K"1
tata and mortgage. Addre.. roo
II. No. l'li'-, th al Kuaaal blds or
'n"r: caet .-i
UH t-ALE, or will trad, for :y property,
my 2t-acra ranch; o irrft J-year-old
lomlr. and d'AnJoo peara; Si acre. S-yar-old
PItl and Yellow Xt.lo.m: Rlv.r cloaa to Medford. on county
road ona mile from railroad atatlon;
tloua.. barn. wall, .prtnga. larre creak
running through place; Improved and up
to data. Ill AMoarU of Trada bldg.. Port
land. TTtxT rmall arraag. Plara on l-vtrle llna
tng loo. houaa. rooma. fornaca; Rota
In aichanlt for my Iimnj equity in pl.aa
Clty Park. J kla, Oregonian.
t'-orOHT Tf trade your At."rO.
TV II T 7 UN K EDA HOMK. a will
trad, limber, or acreage, for a far.
Several bargain, in houaea on mommy
patmrnta Two flna trarta aet to nrunea.
ine bearing for a!u. of raw Und.
"14 Chamber t'ommerca.
fcf7f:OANT 10O-acra f'arnC'fully .tockad. H
mi., from high arhool and "valy alley
town: prlca I3. for good Portland
prop.rty. Elegant 8-room bouao, flna
neighborhood, larga corner lot. ralua
jov. for valley farm.
F. Iff HA 1 S Morrlaon St.
lit) HALF .action wheat land Eaatem
TVaehlngtoa: yolcanlc aaa toO. prac
tically all tillable, good well, all fenced,
amall houaa; trada for reataurant. hotel
or raoming-bouaa. Minn la Wagner, he-aalla-
FOR SALE or "trada by owner 4Vt-room mod
em rooming-nouae. tun , .. .
well located on corner lot: antranra from
two .treeta; rant lea-a than 14 p-r room
par month. Sea R. K. P. WJ Morrlaon au.
or phona Mar. hall oll.
To EX''HANiiK llood elhi-room houa. on
comer. lirSxloO feet, port.mou'.h rUatlon.
ft. John, canine; ca.a value 4-'o. tor
improved acreage, ana giving good valua
and only good valu. will b. con.ldarad.
civ. d.wrlptlon. X Oregonian.
WILL trada my cottage home. 7
ern. and two lota, lor on " V.
t' Vallav: party to aume atnall mort
gxea. L. L. llusacll. Ill North Ill L.
s-af.Ie. TVaJh.
FUR EXCHANHK 1 almoat new Colnrobu.
elertnc to exrhanxe for good cloa-ln real
ea:.:e. will pay difference: mr can ba .ren
at tha Oregon Electric Vrhlrle Co.. lBta
andAldrr. orcallupEa-tS'--.
WILL trada Plriera Irrigated fruit land In
tha famoua snak. River Val'.ey tor a 1010
or "11 automobile of good make; glvo full
apecinratlona. wrlta A. w. Bryan. Btar
burk. Waeh.
UROCKKV doing goo.1 bualneaa lor auto
mobile eoulty or lot.
Couch XMg.
WILL trada houaa and lot in South port
land fT houaa and lot In SaUwood. Mar-
hall 803.
B-PASSSNCEH White flraratr. A-l condi
tion, will trada for good, claar lot or
acreage. X h". Oregonian.
TO EXCIIANGE for building, flata, arra.
age. rloae-in or trad f r city properly.
Addreaa P Oregcnlan. equity of 3lo la city lot for 1
or 3 arrra not too far out; what bara yon?
AJ h-7. Oregonian.
fiTobsi houae. ten acrea. Villa' ., SO
rod. from Mount Hood car; prlca right,
jt H. llowman. Wheeldon Aparlmenta.
1 II AVE a larga HORNLESS" phonograph.
New; would arfpt a email Oct aa part
paym-nt- N -"-. Orrgonlan.
R exchange your property for what yon
desire. Portland Exchange, all Board of
T r a J eb Id g. Be. M r. Wlc.t.
i:.0 EvJllTT. flva-acra appla orchard, for
Portland property. AB hv Oregonian.
WILL ex.hanga for acreaga or lota, tin
elect rlo piano. f Sol. Oregonian.
WANTED Runabout for 100 payment oa
4;00 houaa and lot, O -'e. Oregonian.
Vetjirlea and Hir
Jut arrived with SO bead of good all
around atork. age. from 4 to 10 yeara old
and will weigh from l'K0 to Ho" Iba.
F.vary home .old from our bara will ba
tried out aatl.factory to purchaser before
faring ona dollar and after you u. tha
ore. or team for SO day. an. I don't find
Ju.t aa represented, wa will taka th. horaa
back al the lam. price
rat! .114
Front Monday. March
4. Todd . Sala
Peril LAN'a STABLES. 2 N. liTH ST.
S3 bora... from I00O pounda lo 1500
pound., prlca. from $11 to .vo err bora.:
aeveral well-matched laama of borara and
nam, all aold with a written guarantea
to b. a. reprcaented or your money re
funded: farm and delivery wagon., bog
gle, and all kind, of harness alao for tala;
bank and business references furnlahed.
IOK Mil Twa boraea. weight nearly
loo cruras aaca. and good travaiara.
light hark with harneea, all new. la
eluded, or aold aeparately. It tak-a now
will ba offered at a bargain. Addreaa A.
P. Langenberg. Clarkamaa, Or., or la
alre at room SOO oratonlap bidg.
BIO bariialn";- 3j buy. 100Mb. horse, la
sound and Irua puller. 9 yeara old: trim
mares. 7 and S year. old. harness and
wagon, all for eli'S. Woodatork. 67th
and b3d av.. Phona Bell wood I74.
WANTED Four learns to haul brick.
per I00O. pbon. Main 1 1I and Main
i41. Standard Brick TlIaCo.
XEtT'lSO Moyer" buggy, I Si. Phona Mala
Ijr ou want to buy. aeU or trada aa aula
ae. V.nea, tba broker. 1 hava many ex
tra good bora, phona Mna iUja. tu
Third at.
Al'TOMOIlILES For gala. 5-passengrr Ford,
laio, slmost new land a real bargaiu;
prlca ttwO. Cartercar Salea Co.. 7th and
FlVE-PASrENGEH Packard. thoroughly
overhauled, aeat covers and completely
equipped : bargain. Packard Oarage. o
North eod .c
aiiuaUHli. bought and aold. Call aa
write for bargain list. Cu.tnm-laouaa Alts
Co.. Ml at. Main 1.
Lumbermen, bldg.
A-l ordsr. 3o0
Birds, noga and Pet stork.
AT Stud Colli Champion Wcilaufbourna Con
qnest. winner of 41 Brat.. 7 seconds and S
spenala at th leading Kastarn shows. In
cluding New Tora. Boaton. Philadelphia,
etc. Further Information addre. W. L.
Palmar, 411 Board of Trad bids. Main
. A 7J.M.
THE Portland Hird Co., Bl Lnlon ave.
phona Ea.t 3"l. received th. nneat-lot
of imported female Harts Mountain. A n
dreaaberg and English canaries that aver
ram. to tha Coaai. last lot of male will
In March ll.
WE selT'thoroughbrad poultry and lll vf
all breeds. 6e ihcm at our .tor.
mora al th. farm. Chute ckarals. triog
or pens, very reasonable. Try our hlgh
quality chick food. Kontledga Seed
Floral Co. 1 2d t.
FOR SALE; Thoroughbred Scotch collio
dog. year old. or will xchange for
cocker-spaniel or Boaton terrier. H. C.
F.. ail Clatsop ave. phona Sallwood
lfiio and IV
FOK SALE Imported and Amertcn-bred
canary birds, foods, cagrs. nets and sup
pllea of all klnda Oolilfl'h and aqua
numa Routledga Seed A Floral Co.. 100
Merend at-
FOR BALE Flva Leghorn laying bens and
cockerel, BOI Vancouvarava
vTiN'TEDntwo Boston tarrlar pupplaa Ad
dress rTfo. box 4Sa
WEIK1EWOOD rang. Raliabl ga rang
nd gaa watr healar. all In good con
dltlotC Call 8 94 K. Clay.
fOfTekLf: cheap. IS . fal ofrica counter.
nearly new. y.
vvr.w K AI-E Man's bicycle, phonograph and
0iXlErtpl.no1l.Ko E. Main at.
writi BALE Oood second-hand 15.30 Singer
Rwln jyhjrS73 v, J?.L.'3.
.,i camera and view outfit complete.
. . i oe Tabor I'!'-".
DRl'O STORE flxturea. showcaaaa for sals.
Krauk Nsu. a.i -
FOR SALE- Hem In g tort typewriter. No. .
g;-o: bsrgsin. A ai-.
ROOMS rs'pere.1 or tinted. In. lu'lng ma-
Jerlali; 10up- Khl"S. Oregonian.
SAFE, roll top dr.k. tvpewrlter and desk;
bargain. Room It. .Vshlnum blu.
TTIE MOimXG OftEGOXlAy. MONDAY, MARCH 6. 1911. - -
" II .... . filTFATIOX WANTED-FEMA1E. I . f n ' .
M larellsnroua.
SOLID oak rxten.lon table. 7.50; aol Id oak
.Kleboard. good larga one. coat .iO. Tor
ell: full-.lxa dresser.. French mirrors.
$1 So; Job lot of tin. mshogan, blrdseya
maple and solid oak druuH-rs. $.s.50 to
'.-S: cblftonlera. 0.5o to 1..V; wardrobe.
6..".0: wcathrred china closet, ; oak
cupboard, glass front. S: gaa range wllh
hot water attachment.. to; six-hole caat
range with water coll. S1A; 11x12 Axmln
ster carpet In good condition. I0: 10 yard.
Uru.seU stair carpet. 3; roora-.'.xe rugs,
4.50 to -'0: one-piece linoleum. lSxlS. :
roll-top ok desk with drawnr. on both
aides. 13.o0; tlat-top desks. 9 to tlS.JO:
office table. 33x54-lnch. two drawer. 4;
dining chairs. I.Vj to $io0: large arm
chairs, $1 to t-'.oO; rockers. l to -.
blsck walnut mott. $7.00; black walnut
corner chair. 4 ; couches to 4.r.
center table, fl to 4: Iron and bra.
beda. L60 to 27.60; all klnda of new
and fine aecond-hand furnltur. to furnish
throughout. Western Salvage Company.
M.1-i47 Waahlngton. between loth and
J 7th .ta. Both phones. Main 1108. A
On 14-ton Baldwin angina.
On 23-ton Climax. .
on 60-lon Shay geared engine.
On atandaxd railroad ditcher.
Ona mile of 45-pound relaying rail.
One mile 3f.-pound relaying rail.
One mlie 2o-pound relaying rail.
S.'.-3u.ft. atandard gauge flatcar.
New and aecond-hand machinery bought
and aold.
Railway Equipment and Supplies,
K10 Chamber of Commerce.
ITbat caused ema.ah In prices!. Coma and
let m show our S44 three TOTAL ADD
1NO amount counters, price e240. aa.y
payments: no CRANK to ysnk around and
arouad. no EXPENSIVE ELECTRIC motor
needed: nearly new National CRANK and
check reglat.r at 7 lea. than preeent
new price. Oregon State Agent. W. H.
Hlgnatt. adlV. East Morrison at., Port-
For sale, at no. a complete aet of post
age stampa of ex-King Manuel, without
the overprint Republlca." new .lamps,
not yet used, at preeent very .care. Jose
Albo. 02 Amascote. Largo da Matrix.
T'onta Lelrada. 8. Miguel. Azores.
BATH TUBS Large con.lgnment Ju.t re
ceived; must be sold at once: cs at Iron,
whit enamel: soma slightly chipped tn
rim; complete with full fitting.. 413 and
up. Portland Wrecking Co.. 109-107 N.
llth st. Main 7. A S73.
TOUR eggs and poultry you can hava:
money made besides, on your back lot.
By our svstera. ground speo 30x3rt. am
ple for 10 laying hen. or a dosen on
loxio. Writ" Crosby. Profitable Sy.t.m.
6O.000 FEET S to 4 Inch pip, black and
gaiv.nigod. new and second band, to be
Sold at once; prices way under cost. Port
land Wrecking Company, 10.1-107 llth at
. . .w 1 . a t?-ta
BAFES New and 2d-band: low prices: easy
terms; safe, opened, repaired and painted.
HAKE CO.. hi Sib at. Main OoOK. A 4118.
OLD Jewelry exchanged for walcnea and
diamond.; unredeemed pledge, for ball
original prlcea Uncle Myers. Tl Jt
t-ctween Oak and Pine.
Small house on Harrison at., near Tenth,
to be moved away. XI organ Fllcdner
B oyce.603Ablngton bid g
FOR SALE Showcaae., wallcaae., counters.
General fixtures In stork and made to
ord er at lowert prices. 8'S Grand ava. S-
FACTOR T rebuilt typewriters. 110 to !
BQ F'fth .1. M. t..:8. A 1478.
COMPLETE set of tinners" tools. Including
b.ake. phone Sellwood 311 or call at oUJ ave.. Sellwood.
SHOWCASES In stock and made to order
at the lowest price. 41.1 East 8th 1U
ELK HEAD Fine mounted head for aale.
Cull at 806 Spalding bldg.
lllghnet price paid for men'a cast-off
clothing, shoee: alPO buy ladles' cloth
ing. Call up the Globe. Main 2060. 2U0
Flrst near Columbia.
wsntj household goods, furniture for cash
or commission. East lOii goS-TO E.
Morrlaon t- That', all.
T'nles yen call tha Ford Auction Co. and
get tbeir price on what you hava to aaiu
Main btfSl. A S448. ;
WANTED A 60-Inch lurblne water wheel,
' second-hand; send details as to price and
condition. Address AF o"3. Oregonian.
WB pay the highest cash price for aecond
hand furniture. Sealer & Martin. Phon
East 8134. 4 Hawthorne ave.
dL'TOF "COMBINGSSa.tch 00c. curl, and
puff, "ic sanitary Parlor. 400 Uekiim
IF lui; have household furniture te eii
call up George Baker Co., 103 Park at.
Both phones.
WANTED Construction work on percent
age; best of reference. P. O. box S'.'o.
SALESMAN In men's furnishing, and hata.
with prospect of taking charge of depart
ments If service, satisfactory. State ex
perience, age. salary wanted and how
soon ready to accept position; give tele
phone number. K o-5.Oregonlan.
WANTED at once, a competent horticulturist
to take charge of existing orchard and to
f!ant large additional acreage, one exptr
rnred In farm work and handling men
preferred. Apply room 12 Chamber of
Com mere.
WANTED Man or woman of meani to fur
nleii lunchroom for woman of 40. so ah
can help herself: work on commUalon; ex
perienced, honest; busincaa, no friends,
S M:t. oregonian '
WB ar now ready to make arrnnKement.
with substantial people for exclusive ter
ritory tor th. sale of our adjustable
spring, on dlsptny at 3"!-10 Couch bldg.
F ra n k M. Co.. Inc.
MAXor woman to take restaurant tnearly
fumli.icd). In hotel, board ona for rent;
sleeping-room Included; snap. Apply 314
North -Oth. S car north to 20tn, block
HA1LWAY mall clerks, postofflc clerks,
letter carriers, eustom-houee and Intarnal
revenue employes, to prepare for exam
In.tions: free book. Pacta States School
McKay bldg.. city.
VOt NGME N desiring to become building
foremen or contractors, will learn of
something to their benefit by addressing
2iS Ablngton bldg.. Portland. Or.
CAPABLE manager can make big money
handling our electric specialties; hot
liquids in ten seconds with PRESTO Heal
er. P. E. Mfg. Co. 3S3 Geary. San Fran-
$10 TO $100 made daily In the moving pic
ture theater business; we start In business
on EAST TERMS. Call Rose City Film
Co.. &26i Washington, near 17th.
WANTED Designers and detallera for
structural reinforced concrete; only expe
rienced, competent men wanted: state sal
ary expected. w Eng. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED .tarcher and polisher. $lS
a we-k to start. Permanent poeitlon.
Apply Cherry". New Laundry. La Grande,
YOU a-e wanted for Government position.
$.0 month. Write for list of positions open.
Franklin Institute. Dept. SlO-D, Roches
ter. N. Y.
LOCAL OFFICE International Correspond
ence Schools, til Alder St.. open till t
p. M. Send for free catalogue.
YGt'N'l man wanted to learn club dining
room work. Apply I'nlverslty Club before
g A. M. Corner Park and Stark atg.
WANTED Experienced carver. Peerless
Cafeteria. 104 Oth su Good salary 10 right
DON'T be Idle. Csn yon talk? Can yon
explain a plain, simple IdeaT Then ae
Mr. Flmple. Marquam bklg.
WANTED A man to do papering, painting
and tinting: also a man 10 do electrical
wiring fcr room renL R 813. Oregonian.
W ANTE D Man of neat appearance to so
licit for corporation. Apply after 9 A. II.
711 to 24 Y'eon bldg.
WANTED High-class stock and bond sales-
man: state all first letter. X 827, Ore
gonlsn. SCHOOLBOY about 10, with wheel, morn
Inra. evenings and Saturday.. Fraley
Bro... SI4 gd.
WANTED Pt.hwa.her and waiter com
bl'ned; null b good. 267 Couch St.. 9
A. XI.
WANTED New. agent, for railroad train
service. Parkalow Bros., ll 'd Johnson L
WANTED at once, big boys, with wheels.
170 Park st.
BOYS wanted (S). with wheels; good wages.
ApplyS!ir.u ;
TEAMSTER wanted. 10SS East Alder. Com
early. . .
BOY wanted to drtv wagon. Apply 340
First. :3i A. M.
MACHINE man wanted. 440 Goldsmith.
t roe.enq r 01
GOOD, .trong boy for porter work. 427
MOULDERS wanted. Call 222 Commercial
Club bide., "th and Oak.
ya, ANTED Good men to sell Peninsula
property. Call 522 Board of Trada bldg.
Office Secretary Employment Depart
ment. Y. M. C A.
Young man, stranger, out or work (40
. his total cash assets) If I pay you $3
for special employment membership I will
onlv hava $13 left between me and starva
tion Secretary If you pay $5 for special
.mnlovment membership you will have the
T. M. C. A., with all it. resources, between
you and starvation.
What happened t
Young man took memberafclp. Inside or
two hour ba found satisfactory employ
ment. .
During February. 1U. 127 other, found
employment In a like manner.
Employment or refund of membership
fee guaranteed.
See Secretary Employment Department,
T. M. C A.
In every city throughout th world, now
DARD. W am tha factory Jobber for
Power C.mergraph and Motiograph.
alao Edison and Pathe machine. In "toca.
Many thousand beautiful film, for rnL
Each student examined by expert.
LAEMMLU for Squar Dai.
SOd Couch Building.
4th and Washington.
Get our atandard operators' hand-boo x.
60c .
to handle the be.i and cloae.t-ln property
on the West Side; thl. property I. next
to Willamette Heights and I. being aold
76 per cent less than -any Height, prop
erty; hundreds of people visit tha tract
each week unsolicited, and If you are a
good closer or are willing to learn to be
one. we want you; liberal commission ana.
all advantages to help you gat buslnesa.
BIT Board of iraae.
SALESMEN Tha Columbia Llf & Truat
Co. baa an opening for on or two nrxt
cl... solicitor.. If you have not bad x-
Krlenc In selling life Insuranc you will
schooled and rendered assistance In
finding prospects and closing business,
exceptional opportunities for experienced
men. Ask for S. P. Lockwood. vice-presi
dent and general manager, or ''
Richey, city manager. th floor Spalding
ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. S.
Marine Corps, between the age. of 19 and
SO; must be native born or hav first pa
per.: monthly pay $1S to $B: additional
compensation possible; food, clothing. Quar
ter, and medical attention free: after JO
year.' service can retire with per cent
of pay and allowances: service on board
hip and ashore In all part of the world.
Apply at U. 8. Marine Corp. Recruiting
oiTice. Ureeden bldg.. d and Waahlngton
ta. Portland. Or.
The Granta paaa and Rogue River Ball,
road haa an opening for two .trlctly high
grade salesmen In their townslte depart
ment. Permanent position and liberal
contract lo those qualified to Oil the po
sition. , .
Call 40T or 408 6paldlng bldg.. Port
land. Or.
WANTED 4 or 6 young men with Pl'TltT
of ginger, who are willing to work when
the compensation 1. In proportion to time
and energy expended; such men we will
assist and can assure them a future not
offered elsewhere In Portland. Call Mon
rlny before 10 A. M. The Spanton Co..
SilH Oak.
MEN WANTED Age 18-35. firemen. $100
monthly, and brakemen. $80 on nearby
railroads; experience unnecessary; no
strike; positions guaranteed competent
men: promotion: railroad employing head
quarters; over 400 men sent to position,
monthly: .tat mgi: .end .tamp. Railway
Association, cam Oregonian.
WANTED Ambitious workman: your work
on actual Job. pays for teaching trades of
electricity, automobiles, plumbing, brick
laying; only few month, required; i00
students last four years. Write for In
formation. United Trade School Contract
ing Co.. Los Angeles.
WANTED r-Young-men to learn to ba auto
mobile and gasoline engine expert.; w
can teach those willing to learn: good
position, open for those abl to All them;
day and night classes.
216 Merchant. Trust Bldg.. 326V, Wash, at.
$20 ONLY 21.
To learn to operate MOVING PIC
PER WEEK. Easy Inalde work. Short
hours. Oldest and finest equipped school
on the COAST. N. Y. Film Exchange,
C2m Wash., near 17th.
Wa have opening for a good .aleeman
who can earn at lea.t $2000 per annum;
muni be well acquainted In city; reference
243 Stark Bt.
WANTED Flr.t-class master mechanic for
a woolen ml!)- In Utah: must understand
thoroughly boilers, engines and water
wheels and general work connected with a
woolen mill: wages $100 per month; steauy
work. D 800. Oregonian.
WANTED Boys over 16 with wheels for
. day and night work as messengers. $30 a
month guaranteed and wheel repair, paid.
A. D. T. Co.. 249 Oak t.
WANTED Steady man to work In manufac
turing business; will pay $30 weekly, ex
perience not needed; Investment required,
particulars 84 Bth t.. room Hit.
NUMBER voung men wanted to learn teleg
raphy and R. R. accounting: gor.d po
sitions guaranteed. Call or address Tele
cranh dept.. 148 5th st.
STUDY law In day or evening sessions; new
classes will he formed Xlonday. March .
Portland Law School, 631 Worcester block.
Phone Marshnll 27.M.
ORGANIZING solicitors wanted: best propo
sition out; a money-maker for the right
men. L 790. Oregonian.
PHYSICIAN wanted; registered In Oregon;
familiar with O. V. work; permanent po
sition to right man. AM 800. Oregonian.
WANTED At once. 2 men to learn to
drive and repair automnbilea. Call at
Hawthorne garage. 445 Hawthorne ave.
WEA.R Kenshaw $2 hat; all styles. 419
Waahlngton and laa 4th .ta
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait ageaie.
new offer, cuioeria aiuuto, waw
WANTED Girl for housework; plain cook
ing: small family. Inquire at $40 East
llth North, cor. Weldler St.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. VUvl Co.. 60S Rata
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WOMAN or glrl wanted for general house
work and plain cooking; two In family.
$0 First at-
WANTED Experienced operator, to work
on ehlrta. Apply Standard Factory. $
Grand ave. and East Taylor. j
$43 waahlngton St.. cor. Tth. upataim,
pbon Main 2692.
STENOGRAPHERS desiring positions should
Hike our .pedal drill., any ay.tem. C31
Worcester block. Day or night drllla.
WANTED Girl for general housework, S
in family: one willing to go to beach
this Summer. Call 641 Montgomery st.
WANTED Dressmaker for alteration de
partment at New York Outfitting Co., 167
First t. ? .
GIRL wanted for general housework: 2 In
family. 600 Flander. t., flat 0; call
GIRLS wanted.
Front t.
Western Mantel Co.. 28
FINISHERS on pants; experienced, steady
ork. goodpay33Rueselbldg.
IHVvL for light homework In family of
three. 608 Broadway. Ea.t S244.
HELPERS and apprentice girl.
5o0 Marquam bldg.
WANTED Girl to sew mattress ticks. Car
men Mfg. Co.. 18th and Upthur sts,
WANTED Girl for Baker, Or.; housework;
good wages. Phone Main 3222.
WANTEDFIrst-class tray waitress, at
The Hill. 260 Fourteenth t.
WANTED Experienced candy girl at Coff
nian s. 350 Wa.hlngton st.
GIRL for general houaework; three In fam
ily. Call 6W) Ea.t Couch st.
WANTED Girl or woman to assist with
housework and chlldren.533 E. 18th at. Jf.
W A N'TED Girl for general houaework. .mall
family. 789 Kearney st.
vm-NG woman desires instructress In high
school .tudles. A J 813. Oregonian.
WANTED At Slstera- Hospital In Chic.
Cal.. nupll. to enter school of nursing.
WRITING: 83 mo. 2ti9 14th st. tain JS.i
STORK girl wanted. U. S. Bakery. 7th and
ta-ANTED Experienced dining-room girl.
.,.rad,Hotel. Estac.da. or.
EXPERTENCED waitress. Thompson's Res.
'taurant. 144 4th t-
pkiv'ATE lessons given In shorthand; best
P Method T3 Alder St. Main 4338.
... . ..TEn a girl for general housework;
W ?m?l r fanMljM Jtbl 7ih.
wriivn girl to a.rlst In care of yrr-old
child. APPly 772 Everett, near 23d.
EXPrTKIENED girl for general house
work: gewlwagea. Then.. Ea.t H27.
QIKL wanted, postal .hop. SSJ Alder.
h. thor
UULttt-lO-rlOLtc. canvaoaor.
oughly competent, able and palnsiaK m.
to introduce a fine Imported food Product,
good seller, hlgh-nlass trade only, salary
110 per week and carfare. Addreaa B ".
wTNTErJ-Capable woman as housekeeper
for ranch: must be good cook and '"ln5
to do washing. Good wages. Call i"
East 8th North. Woodlawn car to coi
fax st. -
WANTED Competent girl with city refer
ences to do cooking and general house
work: no washing; Sundays off
breakfast. Apply morning. 482 Harrison.
corner 14th-. Telephone A or Main -)"
SOOO WOMEN to know about the great al
teration sale sample suit, and coats. 1J
6th St.. cor. Aider, opposite Oregonian
building. Worrells Sample Store.
WANTED Young ladies for telephone op
erating, with or without experience. Ap
ply Paclflo Telephone & Telegraph Co.,
oth and East Ankeny sts. .
MILLINERY-saleswoman, thoroughly expe
rienced with high-class city business and
capable of managing exten.lve saleroom.
A. e23. oregonian.
WANTED Woman or girl to oar for two
girls and do light housework: evening,
and Sundays off If preferred. Phone alter
6 P. M. East 4S9J
W ANTED Experienced girl to do second
work in private family; reference, r en
quired. 231 Tth St. Phone Main uUT or A
GOOD, reliable girl or woman for general
housework In small family; permanent
home to right party. Good wage- Call
Monday. 444 East 18th L N.
WANTED Young lady of neat appearance
to do special soliciting for corporation;
experience unnecessary. Apply alter a
A. M.. 719 to 724 Yeon bldg.
WANTED Good woman or girl for general
houaework and care of 3 amall children.
j good home, fair wage. Apply Monday.
010 orooaoD av.
WANTED A girl for general housework to
go to Central Oregon: two in family;
g.Kd wages. Apply to Xlrs. Thomas Sharp.
68 Trinity place.earthandyjretL
WANTED Saleslady for glove department.
Co., 4th ana Morrison.
BY LOCAL bueiness firm, a practical wo
man, willing to learn the business; ex.
6000 WOMEN to know about the great re
moval sale of the A. B. Lltt stock,
cloaks and .ulta. 801 Waahlngton t-
YOUNG lady stenographer with mercantile
experience; state salary expected and
. , . r . ,07 n.a.nn an.
mention reierencea. r.i . a ..
WANTED Lunch girls. 20c per hour and
lunch: experience not required. Peerless
caieicrm. 00 o.u
r unwirs LADIES- AGENCY.
2ti4 Wa.hlngton 6L, Room 314.
Main eSo& or a 0-00.
WOMAN or girl to make their self gener
ally useful about light housework. Call
1 uesrmy or v euueam.;. e--
WANTED A good general housework girl
In small family; must be a 'good plain
cook. Appiy o ' J"1"""
BY March 10. neat girl as nurse and as
sist with second work; wage. J 810,
AN experienced girl for general housework.
Call at 274 North 24th St.. corner Qvcr',on.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduate, last year:
men and women learn barber trade la
8 weeks, help to secure position; gradu
ate, earn from $15 to $20 weekly, expert
Instructors: tool free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges, a
.. r- . .rTE-r.C; .TTrVTIflV '
Mtiuui. a r-Ainii.o .0 -A
Lady or gentleman can make $100
weekly during the Spring and Summer
selling orchard tracts In premier apple
district of world. Write us for complete
information, a ov-t, vmbm..".
LADY and gentlemen magazine solicitors:
salary; reference, required. Call alter a
A. M. 311 Beck bldg.
MAKE money writing .torles tor newspa
pers: big pay; .end for free book.3t; tell.
how. United Press Bynd.. San F.anclsco.
Und bldg.
Bookkeeper, and Clerk..
WILL audit, open, close or write up books,
prepare balances and tatements. Install
systems. Consult me. Gilllngham, ah
dltor. 411 Lewi, bldg. Marshall 421.
FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper - Stenographer
want position at once, any line; beat, of
references and recommendation. AU 82U,
EXPERIENCED banker, b years. Minnesota,
wants position as cashier and assistant In
Oregon. Aaarcaa -o
COLLEGE graduate desires tutoring work
Sn the English branches. Y 7'J3. Ore
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office man
want work; good references. M 813, Ore
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and 'office roan
desires temporary position. K 87. or
DOCTOR I want a situation with view of
future uartnersnip. ne .o--
for ex. Able to look after any of your
business, nurse or act as substitute doc
tor. Country practice preferred. C i
WANTED Position as foreman on wheat or
siock ranch by man with small family:
understand Campbell system. Add.-eai
lock box ISO, lone, or.
GRAVER, age 30 years. German. 12 years
practical experience; beat references. B.
309. Heaiy piog.
YOUNG man. 29. with excellent business
education, good office experience . and
good experience In the manufacture of
lumber, want. poslUon:0808!Oregonlan.
YOUNG man attending school desires to
work for board and room after school
EXPERIENCED partner. paperhariger,
wnt. work. Meves. Phone Woodlawn
SITUATION wanted on ranch: orchard
work preferred; 2 years' experience. J
SOT. oregoioa...
WANTED A position by experienced pressor
o I menT clothea. Call -Main 8iL Larx-
a-FAT cutter wants position; can work any
Mflace in .hop. in or out cf city. F 813.
YOUNG married man. honest and ambitious,
want, work of any kind. AU 803, Orego-
nlan. -
TrRAFTSM AN wlshe. position as archltec
tmal tracer; .everal year.' experience. F.
S. Mathlas. 1147 East Taylor St.
CHAUFFEUR want, a position; can drive
anv kind of a car and keep in repair;
7 . . . ar ano Orea-onlan
rOOQ rgl-rrinc. - o
Z IAPANESE. first-class cook, wants a po
sition In hotel or private family. F. Tam-
aura.07NOTthPark t-. Portland. Or.
CHAUFFEUR A-l mehanican. would like
rtriva car for private family In exchange
drive . , H I , coK rir.ffi.nhn
for room anu -
WANTED Position as ranch foreman by
man with family; experienced grain fafrm-
Ing. au c 1 1 v.ow
r-uirrrErR and mechanic wants steady
position! live yearr; references. F 810. Ore
gonlan. CHAUFFEUR wants position In private
family; had good experience. 868 N. 19th
JAPANESE boy wishes a situation aa
BChOOl QO. OQ;'. VM-BO'""
FlltST-CLASS baker wants position, city or
. c 1 1 np.,nntn.
counirj. ..... w.-g
JAPANESE wants Job on farm or garden.
T 809, Ciregonlan.
WANTED Situation by registered assistant
pharmacist. Phone C 2527.
YOUNG man want work of any kind. Call
Main 6899.
Taj A iter wants work, country hotel. $23
1 . ...... ., . u Co-. Oregonian.
moniu. ' "
MAN wants position; understands house and
yard work. Phone B 1185.
TWO "young men want position as farm
hands. Apply 73 North 3d st.
CARPENTER wants Job. finisher, rough and
repairs. 234 Curry st.
WANTED Situation as bookkeeper, city or
country; two years' experience In bank;
best of references; state salary. S 807.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, thorough
ly capable and experienced. N 814, Ore.
AN experienced jioung lady stenographer de
sires permanentposltlom Phone Main 5010.
STENOGRAPHER Some experience, de
sires office work. R 811. Oregonian.
ALL kinds of dressmaking reasonable. Mar
shall 248. ;
DRESSMAKING: children'a blouaes a spe
cialty. Eaat 6.1T9.
WANTED By kind, practical nurse, mater
nity cases. Phone B 1270.
FOR an experienced nurse Phone Marshall
PRACTICAL young, strong. experienced
nurse for hour or as long aa desired; will
do any kind of nursing except contagiou.
diseases, Mrs. Anna D. Hall. E. 1698.
PRIVATE room, treatment new method of.
medical skin absorption, for Invalid la
dles. reasonable. B 825. Oregonian.
WANTED Engagements, by experienced,
practical nurse. Phone Sellwood 6S3.
ELDERLY lady wishe. position aa house
keeper for bachelor or widower: refer
ences exchanged. For particulars call or
write 647V4 1st St., Portland, Or., or
phono Main got
LADY, good housekeeper and cook, wishes
. . . . .. neAfarrAn " FlR r.
position, at once; cuunny ilcl.'j"',1 .;
references. M. E. Jenson, Rldgefield,
Wash. .
POSITION wanted as managing housekeep
er or Interview party of means to go in
hotel business. F 828, Oregonian.
LADY wlshe. housekeeper's position, neat.
refined, thoroughly capaoie anu raii"
ble. Telephone Woodlawn 17S8.
WORK to take home by experienced laun
dress, curtains reasonaoie. rooue
3-79. XII53 Maipin.
WANTED Position as landlady In small
rooming;-nouse; eiijmnini.
nee. I'none .Main lit:', roo...
EXPERIENCED woman, washing. Ironing.
cleaning; no half days; after 6 P. M. A
WOXIAN wants cooking, hoarding-house.
mill, mine or ranch. Mrs. M. Blakley.
:tm Second st.
FINE laundry and lace curtain, done at
home. r"none jiain 01 10.
WOMAN want, work by day. Phone Sell-
n.xvl 180.
LAUNDRY work and lace curtain, to carry
home. rnoneAni.
COMPETENT woman wants steady day
work. Phone Tabor 701.
CURTAINS laundered 30c pair. Marshall
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
Phone Main es:tl
LADY wlshe. work by the day. Call Main
WE WANT good canvasser. In every city
and town In United States to sell from
factory direct to user; only guaranteed
hand-power. continuous-suction vacuum
cleaner on market; gets one and one-hair
quarts of dirt In 15 minutes from 9xl
rug; quick seller, easy money. Write for
territory at once. O'Neill-James Company.
200 Madisonst..Cblcago.
AGENTS WANTED Cartercar automobile,
for Oregon and Wrash.; men of good char
acter and appearance; 9:30 to 10:oO. car.
tercar Sales Co.. 7th and Oak.
WANTED Salesmen to sell the most com
plete lino of nursery stock In the North
west: cash weekly. Capital City Nursery
Company, Saiem. Or.
House. J .
WANTED To rent 0-room furnished house;
must be near carllne and good neignbor.
hood. Address O. E. Tibbetls. 221 Mor
rison st. -
A LADY would sham her furnished home
wiih refined couple. Main 4415.
Rooms With Board.
THE Meier & Frank Company has frequent
Inquiries from new employes for btard
Ing and rooming accommodations, and in
vites private families, boarding-houses
and rooming-houses to list their accom
modatlons wlththe superintendent.
WANTED Room and board for self and 6-vear-old
girl, so girl can go to school.
reasonaoie icima. v o.. .j. . .
WANTED Board for baby boy for six
months; $10 per month; begin April L O
810, oregonian
WANTED Two young men desire board and
room in nice family. V 812. Oregonian.
Business Places.
WAN - ED Office arrangements with old
practitioner by young attorney. V 8J1,
Rooms, data, apartment., furnished, un
furnished, board, all parti 1 of th city,
av you money, time, trouble. Let us lo
cale you. 288 Wasnlngtoa .L, B. u
Marshall 2189. A 6243.
Puruiwhed Koorns
Re.ldentlaL S50 Taylor. Transient.
Bet. 7th and Park Stfc
Opoosite new Heillg Theater, one block
from Portland Hotel; brick building, Ju.t
completed; nandsomely furnished; every
modern convenience. elevator service,
steam heat, telephone and hot and cold
water in every room; .Ingle room, and
ruites with or without private baths, etc;
centrally located, near Postolflce; Just 00
nil carllnes; very quiet; low rate, by day.
week or month. Phone Marshall 2200.
SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand ave. and
Hawthorne, recently renovated and now
under the management of Manin
Nicholson, formerly of the Portland Hotel.
Beautifully furnished rot ma, single or en
suite, with private baths, hot and cold
water, steam heat and private phone In
every room; first-class grill and bar in
connection. Special rates by week or
month. Transients solicited,
Permanent and Transient.
We are devoting several of our choicest
rooms to permanent guest for the Win
ter; will make .pecial low rates by the
week or month; transient guests given the
best of service and shown every courtesy;
located In center of shopping district, con
venient for out-of-town people; rate, by
the week.
Permanent and transient, just opened-,
brick building, beautifully furnished; every
thing new: steam heat, hot and cold run
ning water and telephone In all rooms;
fine lobby and ladles' parlor; suites and
single rooms with and without private
baths; very reasonable rates by day, week
or month. Phone Marshall 1950.
129 Eleventh SL
New. modern brick building. .team
Heated, private bath, hot and cold water
In rooms, beautifully furnished, coxy and
comfortable. Rents very reasonable. Cal.
and see us. Regular and transient trade
solicited. '
FRANKLIN HOTEL 13th and Washington.
Beaut'fullv furnished rooms at reasonable
rates; pho'ne. hot and cold water In every
room, clean and modern.
387 W East Bumslde St.
Modern throughout, hot and cold run
ning water, steam heat, rooma single or
ensulte. rooms with private bath; transient
rale 70c to $2 per day; weekly, $2.00 to
$, Eaat 5941), B 1275.
BBbHUAKK HOTEL, 17th and Washington
Newly furnished rooms, single or en
suite- private hatha, .team heat, hot and
cold water and phone In all room.; rate.
reasonaoie; transient solicited.
AUDITORIUM HOTEL, 208 V, Third street,
between Taylor and Salmon sts. Hot and
told water, steam heat, elevator; rates
$3 50 and up, 50c day and up. Main 2074.
A 3207. ;
THE ASSEMBLY. 265 6th St. Nicely fur
ni "tied rooms, double or single; bath, phone
and nice yard: only 4 blocks from P. O.;
rate 2 to $6 per week. Swell location.
PI'RS'lSHED rooms for rent in Sellwood
Y M C A., steam heat, shower baths;
prices' one-third less than rooms In Cen
tral Y. M. C. A.
FOK the best room, close In, try the Maxims-
phone and bath In each room; $3.50
per 'week. 149 7th St., bet. Alder and Mor
rison St..
124 14th St., cor. Washington.
Furnished and unfurnished rooms; prl
Tate baths, free phones in all rooms.
iv-cTOU HOTEL Nicely furnished rooms;
hot and cold water; $3 a week and up. 268
Bd. phone Main 8039.
i u. FIRST Furnished rooms, steam heat,
everything new. $1.70 and up: .Ingle;
Cor. 13th and Jefferson.
Pleasant, steam-heated rooms, reasonable.
THP HOLLY HOTEL, 105 12th New and
lrtodern In every way: elegantly furnished.
rates reasonable; iranaieuie soucueo.
MODERN outside rooms, 13 to $5 per week.
Including baths; also housekeeping room.
IU8V Wa.hlngton at,
HEATED rooma; transient, 60c; week, $3 up.
381 Yamhill.
OUE HAZEL Nlcelr furniahed. tea-ji
heot. running water. 3d and Montgomery.
TH E PALM E R, 350. Alder; rooms $3 per
week and up.
NICELY furnished rooms: heat, phone; $2
op per week. 328 4th St.
FURNISHED room. Marlborough Apart
ments. Main 7514.
Those three beautifully furnished hotel..
2la U 4th st. 21H4 4th L 20Hx 4th .
On Fourth .U, running from Taylor to
Salmon st. Brand new brick, e esantly
furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot
and cold water In all room.;
up-to-date in all respects, and at popular
prices. If you want something out of th
ordinary In th heart of the city at
reasonable prices, give oa J1' "
know you will like lu Rooms by the day.
week or month. Tourist trad oil it.
Furnished Room. In Private Families.
VERY desirable, large, well furnished room,
bath adjoining: modern home, good boaru,
suitable for man and wife with sra?"
. child. Phone Sellwood 1. CNot In sen
GENTLEMEN who can appreciate tho com
forts of well-kept nicely furnished looms,
electricity, gas. furnace heat, bath, cait
at 86 North 15th St., two blocks from
LARGE front parlor with alcove and sleep
ing porch, velvet carpet, learner lum..-.".
phone, hot and cold water, suitable for
one or two gentlemen. 230Va North 18th.
YOUNG iaw student wishes room mate;
pleasant room, electricity, gas, bath, lur
r.ace heat. 86 North 15th t-, two block,
from Washington.
ONE newly furnished front room, gentlemen
preferred, $8 per month. 467 Montgomery
st. Call Sunday. .
NICELY furnished front room. atearo
heat, hot and cold water; gentlemen only.
211 13th t.
Fcl RENT Large, sunny room to old
people who want kind treatment and
good home. East 46.11 or call 644 E. Ash.
ONE large furnished front room, suitable
for gentlemen, on carllne; term reason
able. 440 Jefferson.
TWO furnished rooms for rent; free bath
and phone. 264 East 81st; each $12. fur
nace beat.
FURNISHED room, all conveniences, .well
location, very desirable for two, and onlr
$16 oer month. 181 Eleventh t.
NEWLY-FURNISHED room In nice mod
ern flat, all conveniences. $3.50 week. 61
NICE, homer room, furnace heat, gas, bath,
phone: suitable for two gentlemen. 528
Morrison at.
NICE! clean room; $10 per month. 264
12th st.
ONE neatly furnished front room on 3d
floor, on the carllne. Phone East D01U.
461 E. MORRISON ST. Furnished sleeping
rooms, J2 per week and up.
LARGE furnished room, with board. A
3828. 615 Morrison, cor. 16th.
SMALL room, suitable for on gentleman.
2U5 llth St.. near Taylor.
NICELY furniBhed room, hot and cold wa
ter; private home. Main 1092. 688 Irving.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooma, modern,
clean. 741 Gllsan st.
FRONT and back parlor heat, phone and
. . . ... l.t.nna '.AO l'.th
DtWi ; V. ULUIIIfi mo.......... v
NICELY furnished front room, 10 minute.'
walk from P. O. Apply 804 Montgomery.
FOR RENT Two connecting room, for 2 or
gentlemen, iuu
PLEASANT, sunny, well-furnl.hed room,
reasonable. 451 10th t.
NICELY furnished rooms, heat, light, bath,
phone. 573 Irving sL, N. 18th.
jlniumiahcd Rooma.
TO RENT unfurnished, large front room
with fireplace; modern; good meals fur
nished near by. 687 Gllsan.
Rooms With Board.
THE HOLLY WOOD for clean rooms and.
board. Call at 235 Grant, corner 2d
THE LAMBERSON. 654 Couch Desirable
outside room for two gentlemen. Con
venlent location. -
PORTLAND Women'. Union. 83d year;
room, with board, us of sewing-room, li
brary. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, .npt.
BOARD and room for young men. Casa
Rosa, 800 Jefferson.
' Rooms With Board""in Private Family.
ROOM and board for several young men,
easy walking distance, furnace beat, bath,
clean, light, airy rooms, good home cook
ing; references. 683 6th. corner Lincoln.
Phone Main 2380.
WELL furnished room, and board, In pri
vate family; all modern conveniences; good
- liome for one or two, reasonable, 657 Tay
lor st. Phone Marshall 1019.
WILL 6lve room and board to 3 or 4
ladies or gentlemen In strictly prlvat
family; new, modern home, all conveni
ences. 1 black from car. 1108 Ellsworth.
LARGE, sunny rodm. with home cooking,
gas electricity and all modern conve
nlences. 551 Taylor st. p
DESIRABLE rooms with board; good home
and cooking; modern. B 2031. 644 E. Al
der. NICELY furnished room and flrat-claas table
board for tw ogent lemen. 349 Oth st.
CLEAN, well-furnlshed room, good home
cooking. 432 3d st.
PLEASANT front room with board, suitable
for two, 254 12lh. near Main.
NICE rooms and good board for 1 or 2
gentlemen. 591 H Davis.
392". SALMON, corner 10th; nice, large front
room, good home cooking.
FURNISHED room, and board. 355 llth sL
Phone A 1636. ;
LARGE, pleasant room, suitable for two,
breakfast and dinner. Main 2071.
SMALL, comfortable room, suitable for men,
breakfast and dinner, $22. Main 2071.
Apartments. .
ferson sts.; 4-room unfurnished, with bath;
all outside rooms, modern, every conven
ience; 6 minutes' walk from P. O.; very
reasonable rent. Main 2506. A 3149.
"THE CEDAR HILL," 187 Green ave.,
near City Park; has nicely furnished
3-room and bath outside apt. vacant.
Beautiful view of mountains. A 7584.
THE A LTAMONT, 6th and College, on
modern 4-room apartment, elegantly fur
nished, all light, outside room Phon
Main 60S0. '
MEREDITH APTS., 712 Washington St..
2-room apts., newly furnished, strictly
modern, all conveniences. Free phones.
EVELYN Apartments, 267 N. 21st., cor.
Northrup. 3-room and bath; wall beds.
free phona and all modern conveniences;
rent only reasonable. Phone A 4606.
CHESTERFIELD Apartments. 407 Columbia
st ' beautiful furnished housekeeping
room; heat, hot and cold water; $22.50 per
three-room apartments with side porch,
newly furnished, modern. 170 St. Claire su
Main 5247. ..
THE ADRIN, corner Grand ave. and East
Morrison; one newly furnished two-rooln
apartment, every modern convenience. '
Elegantly furnished apartments, private
phone and bath, electric elevator. 28
North 20th. Phone Marshall 2028.
TO adults, five-room furnished apartment,
very desirable, references. Apply Jani
tor, 586 Everett St.. or phone A 816L
STRICTLY modern furnished and unfur
nished apartments. The Camar, 704 Love
Joy. Marshall 2917.
NICELY furnished modern apartments,
choice location. 0 E. 23d at., near Haw
thorne. Phone East 2669.
IRIS-APARTMENTS, 3d and Mill st. - o
room. unfurnished apartment. $45; mod
ern Improvements; adults only.
VERY nice three-room unfurnished apart
ment, splendid location. 14th and Taylor.
Vhone A 0000.
NICELY furnished, 3 outside rooms. In pri
vate bath, steam heat, hot water; both,
phones. 44a ciay. jaaranau
CECELIA Apartment.. 22d and Ol lean ; a
room apartment with all modern coa
nlence.: renc reasonable.
STRICTLY modern furnished 3-room apart
ment The Davenport, 505 Jefferaon.
Main 5435.
THE STANLEY. 701 Washington Newly
furnished 3-room apartment; rent reason
able. .
ROZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished,
.trlctly modern, reasonable rent. 18. N.
2 3 d. Marshall 2821.
tjrTTce Apartments. 25th and Northrup sts.
" . light rooms, new and strictly
rndernWcarPhoneMarshall 1423.
irvnTiTCA Apartments, Grand ave. and Bel
NortweasonableEast 3418.
nuir MARLBOROUGH. 6-room apartment.
..TUrmable. 21st and Flanders. Main 75H.
--, T.EONCE, furnished apartment ol
THooms. bath and phone. 186 22d St. N.
nt of I
sts.7 vacant choice 8 and 4-room suites.
7irTi KING-DAVTS corner of King and
Davis; one 3-room unfurnished; reference.
nxv furnished and one unfurnished apart
ment. "The Cecelia," Sid and Gllsan.