7 K ) IS AT City Dock Commission Soon to Choose Expert Engineer. MEETING IS NEXT MONTH Board I Exprcted Then to Take rirat Step la Planning; Water Front Xo Sate of Bond Ha IWn Made Yet. rortland's near rock Commlft'on. which wa created by popular rot at the tlee tlaa of laat Nortmbtr, wlU probably be readr to perform It lint Important work at Its ext meeting. April I when. It la expected, the Commission will be ready to act hi rrirard o the employ ment of an eapert engineer, who will ill net the rearrangement plana for the entire waterfront. At'-bough the Commission waa author ised te se:l bond amounting to $2M0 for the purpose of obtaining public docks for the city, there haa been no sale of bonds, and It la not known when any will be sold. The Commission la unani mous tn Ita deaire to g-et the opinion of an expert wr,Mr before taking anr ac tion of Importance. Font Inpntienrv Expreeaed. Impatlxnce haa been expressed by some persons Interested In the Improvement of the waterfront with the d'lay In the action of the Commission. It waa be lieved that as eoon as the members were TEAJ1EK INTXIXIGEKCK. Dm te Arrtve. Name. ntra- hlvon . . . Sue H. r.lKk-e Roe. City Ooido ;ate. .. Breakwater. . . Roanoke. . .. . . Kvili .. Alienee. .. . rlc.a Beaver... ..... Anil 0-x W. Elder. Beer. ........ Rlveratde. . . . . From Mmkocif . , . TIKamoojs. , 4a Fco.ro. . T.llamenk.. .Cone Bar. .. -Je.n Pdro.. .H-nskonc. . tureh. .. . . Fan Francis . tun Pedro.. , .Baninft . . . .aa Pedro. . . San Pedro. . .Balboa ..... Data . la port la port port port port ..la ..In ..la In port ..Mar. T . Jl r. a Mar. a .. Mar. .. Var. 1 ..Mar. 1 ..Mar. 14 ..Apr. 1 cbedaled te Depart. Kama, For Data fftratblTon. ... .Hongkong. ...Mar. ft Gotdea Gate. .. Tillamook. ... Mar. Breakwater Com Bay Mar. Sue H. Elmore. TUianiouk.... Mar. Roee City Sen Pedro. ... M.ir. 7 T ft a 10 Roanoke Fan Pdro. . . . Mar. Alliance. ...... Eureka .Mar. 'aJrun. ....... aa Francisco Mar. it An Til. ........ .Bandon. ..... Mar. 12 Bearer San Pedro. ... Mar. 1:1 C.eo. W. Elaer..!an Pedro. ...Mar. u Bear an Pedro. ... Mar. i Rreja -. ..Hongkong. ...Mar. Klveralda Balboa. . v ... Apr. so appointed, they wouid begin to outline plans for public docks, and that land for that purpose would be purchased at an early date. The law. however, gives the members of the Commission much latitude In their work, and they are prac tically their own masters so far as their public duties are concerned. They have the authority to nuke laws to govern the waterfront and the land adjacent to It. They can make owners of docks con form to their regulations In regard to improvements. If they so desire. Ben Selling, a member of the board, sneaking his own views yesterday, said that It was probable that the employ ment of an expert engineer would be ac complished at an early date, and that he may be put at work within a few week after the next meeting of the Commission. Beet Engineer Songht. "T am not familiar with the conditions along the waterfront, and am not cap able of outlining any plans at present, but we will get the best engineer to be hired and have him make the plana for as." he said. "We can criticise the plana after they are presented to us. "At the last meeting of the Commission we did nothing, owing to the absence of two of the members. Commissioners Cornwall and Moores. They will be home by our next meeting. I understand, and then we will be prepared to get down to work." Maps and plans of a number of the big harbors of the world have already been secured by the Commission. It Is planned to use these and the Informa tion accompanying them n outlining a waterfront system for this city. ELECTRIC DISTUTtBAXCE FELT Steamer Tto City ArrWes With Many Portland People. Prolonged electric disturbances, lasting frm II o'clock In the evening until 11 o'clock, were felt on the steamer Rose City Tuesday evening, while the vessel waa coming from San Pedro, bound for San Kranclsco and Portland. The Rose City arrived Saturday night, after ex periencing good weather much of the way up the Coast. The electrical disturbance affected the wlrele apparatus, and A. TJ- gtayton. the wlreleas operator, was afraid to tou-h his machine while It was giving forth the peculiar sounds caused by the electrical storm. Amort the )0 passengers on board the Rose City were a number of Portland people who have been spending the Win ter la Southern California. Captain Mason, commanding the Rose City, said vesterday that he expected a constant stream of returning northerners for some time. The Rose City brought 1V tons of freight from the south. The vessel was shifted late yesterday afternoon from A Ins worth dock to Columbia No. 1. STEAJfEK STRATH LYOX SAILS Vessel Leaves This Morning for Orl V ent With Large Flour Cargo. Bound for Hongkong and other Orien tal porta, the British steamer Strathlyon. which la talcing her nrst cargo to the Far East for the Portland A Asiatic Steamship Company, will sail this morn ing. The Strathlyon went Into the serv ice of the Portland A Astatic Steamship Company at Hongkong in January, and came with a cargo from Oriental port on February IS. The Strathlyon will carry away with her SLSS1 barrels of flour, valued at a little more than SXAOuo. She will also take Sov.0u feet of lumber, valued at $iX. The shortsge of foodstuffs In the Orient Is causing an unusual demand for Ameri can flour, and It la expected that for some ttme the vessels plying between here and China will be largely loaded with flour. Ll.ht Station to Bo Inspected. Inspection of the Willamette River light station will be made today by Robert Warraek. local lighthouse super intendent and a representative of the Union Oil Company, to determine how mu-i da mate was done to the station hm m result of the tank steamer Washte naw ramming It Saturday morning. There WOK A! THE MORNING OltEGOXIAy, MONDAY, MARCH 6. 1911. ' - ' I T vm TnnA-v . 1 -RFAT. ESTATE. I RHAL ESTATE. seems to have been but little damage done either to the Washtenaw or the station. The Washtenaw sailed for San Francisco yesterday morning. MarstaOeld Mar Get w Steamer,. MARSH FIELD. Or, March a. (Spe cial.) It 1 reported here that the Es tabrook Company of San Francisco will put the steamers Bandon and Flfleld on the Coos Bay run. The two stesmers now ply between Bandon and San Fran cisco, carrying lumber from the Co qullle Klver mills. The Flfleld also carries paasenaers. It Is reported to be the plan to have the weasels stop at both Coos Bay and the Coqullle River, giving service lor both places. Marino Xotes. Firing off a gun at noon, instead of dropping the usual ball on the Cuetom House. Is being advocated by a few trans portation men. It Is argued that It would he much more convenient than to have to watch for the falling of the ball. With passengers and freight, the steamer Breakwater arrived laat night from Coos Bay. From San Diego and way ports, the steamer Roanoke arrived with passen gers and freight yesterday. The steamer Sue H. Elmore, which has ! X YAMHILL tomr FIOFiKR t DIF.a AT BOHR HEAR AMITx AT AM ADVAXC'bO A Gal. J Mrs. Mary J. Reblaea. A MITT. Or- Starch 5. (Special.) The death of Mrs. Alary J. Roblson. February ti. marked the passing of another of the pioneer settlers of Oregon and Yamhill County. Mary J. Roblson. whose maiden name was Dougherty, was born In Pennsylvania. September 1. 1SI8. and with her parents moved to Iowa at early age. She waa united In marriage to Isaac C. Robleon. April It. 1851. and the same month she started with her husband across the plains by ox team for Oregon. They arrived In Portland in October of that year, and the following Spring took up a homestead a few miles west of Amity. Mr. Roblson died In 1SS5. Five children, eleven grand children and four great-grandchildren survive. The children are: Milan Robleon. Columbus, W a s h I n gton; Francis Roblson. Amity; Mrs. Flora Putnam. Amity: Mrs. Eleanor Jeffries. Newberg. and Mrs. Martha Rlchey, Portland. been undergoing repairs at the Oregon drydock. left the drydock yesterday and was returned to her berth, where she will be loaded for Tillamook. Through the local Merchants' Exchange It was reported yesterday from St. Vin cent that the steamer Solvelg. from Port land, had arrived there. She sailed from here to St. Vincent for orders on Decem ber S5. carrrlnir M.S0O bushels of wheat for Balfour. Outhrle Co. The steamer John Poulsen. which ar rived at Astoria rom San Francisco yes terday. Is due to arrive here today. The steamer Washington, which, like the Foul son. Is operating for the Richardson Company. Is expected here today also. They will dock at Oak street. Coming In ballast from Callao to load wheat for Balfour. Outhrle & Co., the British bark Naiad Is due to arrive at LJnnton today. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. March 8. Arrived Steamer Breakwater, from Coos Bay: steamer Roan oke, from ban Wro and way porta, failed Asuncion, for n Francisco; steamer Wahtenew. for fan Franclero Astoria. Or.. March S. Condition at trie mouth of the river at S P. M.. .moot h: wind southeast: weather, cloudy. Palled at 0:J0 A M. Steamer Prioehone. for Han Fraoclico. Arrived at a A. M. and left up at li noon Steamer Breakwater, from Cooa Bay. Ar rived at and left up at IS noon Steamer Roanoke, from Pan Kranclecc, Sailed at 7 A. at Steamer Yellowstone, for Grays Hir- br. Arrived at :1S A. M. Steamer Jonan Poulseo. frm eao Franclaco. Sailed at 4:14 p. at steamers Aeundoa and Washtenaw. San Francic. ban Francisco. March 8. Sailed at T A. M. efteamer Falcon, for Portland. Sallrd at mldnlcht Pteamer EMr. for Han Pedro. Hailed at 4 P. M. yesterday Norwegian eteamer Kygja. atsamar Westerner, for Portland. .... . Saa Pe4ro. Marc 5. Arrived yesterday Steamer Shasta, steamer Beaver, from Port land. tt. Vincent. March 4. Arrived Norweriem steamer Holvels. from Portland for order. boa Anse'.ee. March i. Arrived Marsh field, from Hardy Creek, toelied Beaver, for Portland. rover. March Arrived Lapland, from Ktv York, for Antwerp and proceeded. Movllle. March . Arrived Columbia, from New Tork. for Olaacow (and proceed ed.! Liverpool. March 3. Arrived Lauren tlo. from New Tork. Southampton. Marrb 8. Arrived St. Louis, from New York. Queenetown. March a. Aalled Mauretanla. for New Tork. Tacomt, March 6. Arrived British steam ship Earl of Forfar. from Belllncham. eailed Steamer Buckman. for Sound porta ftteattle. March 5. Arrived Steamer Tel lac, from Tacoroa: steamer Mexican, from Salinas crua: St. prince aeonte. rrom Prince Rupert: steamer Buckman. (rom Tacoma; steamer Jefferson, from Skaejway. Hailed I'. 8- Army transport Buford. for Chlnklang via. Shanshal: aieamer Prince Oeorre. for Portland Canal; steamer Admiral Sampson, for Valdes. San Francisco. March a. Arrived Stenm er Watson, from Seattle: Governor, from Seattle; rhehalla. from Grays Harbor. Sailed .-ii earners Maverick, for Seattle; Prome. tbeus. for Puset Sound. Tides ml Asterta Moaday. High. Low. 4 27 A. M feet"lt:15 A. M 05 foot 3:34 P. M tl feet 11:00 P. M 8.2 fevt School Trustee Re-elected. VAXCOTJ-ER, Wash.. March S (Special.) Miles R. Smith, for six years trustee of this school district, and pres ident of the School Board, waa elected to succeed himself at a school election yesterday. He received 100 votes, while Mrt. Charles Hall, who made no cam paign, secured 76. DAILY MXTKO BO LOGICAL REFOBT. PORTLAND. March 6. Maximum temper ature, 80 degrees; minimum, 38 decrees. River reading at 8 A. M.. 8.1 feet; chanita In last 21 hours. OS foot fall. Total rainfall i P. M. to 8 P. M. . 0.07 Inch: total rainfall since September 1. 1910. 38.4 Inches: normal rainfall since Heptember 1. 32.58 Inches; de-fl'-lency of rainfall since September l lftim, 4.12 Inchea. Total sunshine March 8. none; possible sunshine. It hours. 24 mlDUtes. Ba rnmeter (reduced to sce-leveO at 8 P. M., 2 73 Inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. An irregular shaped losx pressure axaa Jr.-'-. 1 - ' - v . -. 1 1 v.'' . ' ' a faMMiMw."j Mime, anaaaea in tf-r - -rr-' AMTSEWEJCTfi. HEILIG THEATER 7th and Taylor Then Mala 1 and A lit'. 6 SLSSSwo TONIGHT Special Price Matinees Wed. and Fat. Lew Ftsids presents the Big Spectacular Musical Shaw. "TheMidnightSons" With the Favorite Comedian. G FX) ROE W. MONROE. 3oo People on the Btaie 2O0 PRICES: EVenlnrs: Lower Floor, L80. Baloony. first 11 rows. $1: following rows. 7Sc; last B rows. JOo. Entire Gallery. 6oc Both Matinc.s. lower floor. 81; balcony, first 11 rows. Toe; last 11 rows. 50c Gallery. 83c-gic DAFPD THEATER XJ. AVX- IV MolT and E V veal Mala t and A esse. Oeorse Baker. Manager. Tonight All Week. Bargain Mat . Wed.. IKo. Reg. MaL fiat., 2Zc. 6iK-. Baker Stock Com pa!y la Eugene Walter's superbly reallsUo play. "THE WOLF." Flret time In atock. Weird, strange and faaclnatlng. Evening prices. S.j. 7" Neat week tlulBcy AosiM bewyev. Bungalow iter I4TM George assw. wnw. All week, the famous faros, -BROWN'S IN TOWN." Pr Mark Bwan. with Henry Btockbridge. Fay Balnter and the best company seen in the Bungalow this season. A riot of fun Clever specialties. Bee the t""' skirt. Barjaln Mat. Thursday, Regular Mat. 8at.. ftoc Evenings. 2uC Buc Mala S. A lets. MAIL) KVEatY DAt Mm 4aV9l rain TMTATTR WTFK M AaVCH S C. Wllllsm Kolb t "J lWlMeeeesl HUop," Htoart Barnee. '"'' . , i V I in. Kipwsrt A Mur- ray. AVegera A Hart. William 1-ervy. Week Cemmewc.ee Monday Matinee. Mar. . Mammoth production of -THE HOLD-tr." With Perdval Layton. Varsity Trio. James 11. Uchtee IIMlmrnon. ad ameron. Aerial Wiavrs. -nll 9 2:80. 7:30 and 9. LYRIC TOBTLAXD'B FAM ILY PLAYHOUSE. WEEK COMMENCING OA MTLL? Keating Flood present Godfrey IttMJO. champion long-distance walker of the and the Lyric Musical Comedy Company. .... .rti a, KINO. "IN ALABAZU. Three performances dally. 2:4 745. "-IB. Friday mght. Chonia Girls' CnrMtr.;'!r h performance. Neat week "The Cham plaw Olrl." introducing the famous harem GRAND Week of Mar. 6 .Master David Schooler The Mode Heresies BOBBY FAJUMTR AND BBOTIEER la Picturesque Poses and Amaainc Veals btx iyPy rtnaer Whiterioad and ttrlersoa Murray and Bae Hamilton John Hamilton of o.rensm. Urandaacwpe Matinee every day. :S: any J-.7,?; Tvening performances at T 80 and overlies the North Pacific States and a sec ondary disturbance is central over Missouri. The barometer is ' - Itoba aid a large hlrh pressure area oer Ura the Atlantic States. During the last 34 hours light to moderatlvely heat y rain haa fallen on the Pacific Slope as far south as Fresno. CaU Light rain haa fallen m the Middle Mississippi Valley and light now has occurred in the Vpper Lakes region. It Is much warmer In the Middle Mississippi and lower Missouri Valleys and correspond ingly cooler In the South Atlantlo and East The8condltions are favorable for occas ional rain In this district Monday. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Occasional rnin; couth to west winds. Oregon and Washington Occasional rain; south to west winds. Idaho Occasional rain. EDWARD A. BEALS, District Forecaster. THE WEATHER. Wind H 2: State ef weather STATIONS. J- Boise Boaton . . .. Calgarv t'hlcago Denver . . Dea Moines.... Duluih Ga Iveston Helena Kansss City..., Maralifleld Montreal New Orleans. .. New Tork North Head. ... North Taklma. Phoenix Pocatello Portland . . . Hoeeburr Sacramento. . . St. Louis St. Paul pelt Lake.... San Diego San Franc lace. . Siskiyou epokr ne Tacoma Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla. .. Washington. . . . Wlnr.lpeg 52! T. 4 SitfE 280.00 BIN ss o.ool, .. . . 8SO.0ll4 w en o.oori4 sw 5o0.IH 4 N 84-0.141 4 NE T2.O.0" 8fE 840.26 4 N eHiO.oo'usw 64 0.24 12 tiE lr)'0.O"i S 3 SO'O.OOl hiSE 8ti0.0lllO'S 4S T. I34E 41 O 0; 4 S Cloudy Clear Cloudy Rain cloudy Cloudv cioidy Pt. cloudy l.'loudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear (Rain Cloudy 'tain IPt. cloudy (Cloudy Iclcudy ICIoudv A4 0.txt: 4 N 410.00'12.E 60:n.OT .E B6 0.12' 4 PR m o.snie RE 02 0.0:12W 4K O.OOl fi NE 82 0.12:i2 M l 0.0M 8 8W leudy Clear rt rlmiitv Wloudy Hsln - -ou1y t'loudy Rain Rain Or.-o.4H 14 .K 42'o.nn 4 S n a 4 s 4-1 0.22 41 0.1 fll 4V0.02I 6 NE IMl'n.OiH 4 NW .Rain Clear Iciear 42 0 00 24' T. IIO.N T Trace. ACCTION BALES TODAY. At Wilson's auction bouse, comer Second and TamhUl. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. W llson, a-i:tloneer. BORN. T-EA8B February 28. to Dr. and Mrs. Nor man pease, a daughter. DIED. BORDERS At Tucson. Aria. March S, Franca Borders, beloved wife of C. W. Borders, aged 81 years. months, S daya Funeral notice later. PEASE In this city, March 4. Eleanor Peaae. aged 8 days, daughter of Dr. and Mra Norman Pease. FTNERAL NOTICES. SAFLET In this city. March 4. James F. Safely, aged 62 years. Funeral services will be beld at Dunning A McEntee's chapel today (Monday), March 6. at 1:30 P. M. feceaaed waa a member Sumner Post. No. . 12. O. A. B. Friends respeotfully Invited. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. FREDERICK In this city. March 4. Thomas Frederick, aged 82 years. Funeral aerv tcea wUJ be held at Dunning A McEntee s chapel tomorrow (Tuesday), March T, at 10 30 A. M- Friends and acquaintances respectfully Invited to attend. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. FISHER At River Mill. Or.. March 4, John C. Fisher, aged 85 years. Funeral services will be held at M. E. Church. 13th and Tacoma eve., Sellwood. today (Monday). March 6. at 2 P. M. Friends and acqualnt ancea respectfully Invited to attend. In terment Mllwaukle Cemetery. OALLETLT In this city, March A at St. Vincent's Hospital. Peter. D. Oalletly. aged 87 years. Friends Invited to attend fu neral services, which will be held at Hoi. man's cbapel at 2 P. M. tomorrow (Tues day). March 7. SANDY In this city. March 4 at 248 Du pont street. Victor O. Sandy, aged 23 Trrs The funeral services will be held at FlnleVs parlors at 12:80 P. M. today (Monday). Friends Invited. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. SMITH At Lents. Or.. March 8. Mary Dour lass Smith, aged 9 years. IS daya The funeral services will be held at the above residence at 1 P. M. tomorrow (Tuesday), March 7. Friends invited. MAROFTVICH The funeral service of Jcs-ph A. Msroevlrh will be held st 411 East :i2d street at 2 P. M. tomorrow (Tues 'dayl. March 1. Interment Mu Calvary Cemetery. wa. Buhm. . " T ,T.,,,. Tor Sal Ho SWJieesjss SUMNER POST. NO. 12. G. A. 1 J R. Comrades please attend the funeral of our late comrade, Jamea F. Safley. late private Co. A. 4th Kgt.. Iowa Cavalry, which will be held from Dunning A McEntee's parlors, today (Mon day). March 0. at the hour of 1:80 P. M. All comrades Invited. R. C. MARKEE. Com. J. W. OGILBEE, Adjt. WASHINUTO.V LODGE, NO. 4. A. F. AND A- M. Special com munication this (Monday) evening. 7:80. Esst 8th and Burnslde. E. A. degree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Bee WILLAMBTTE COUNCIL, ROYAL ARCANUM, meets at K. P. Halt. 11th and Alder st recta, the first snd third Mon days of each month, at 8 P. M. F. H v Noltner, secretary, care CTlbben m Sexton Co- 17th and Upshur streets- HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12. A. F. AND A. M. Special communi cation this (Monday) evening, at 7:30 o'clock, for the purpose of work. Visitors are cordially invited. W. M. DE LIN, Sec. WILLAMETTE- LODGE. NO. 2. A. F. AND A. M. Stated com munication this (Monday) evening at 4 :ev ociwk. TTwt j degree. VlaUlng brethren welcome. W. & WEEKS. Sec. CAMETLIA CHAPTER, NO. 27. O. E. S. Stated communication this (Monday) evening at Masoulo Temple. Park and Yamhill, a r. M. Wo.-k. By order W. M. LYDIA BUTTERWORTH. Bee. TON SET II FLORAL CO., MA Kill AM BL1XL, FLORAL DEMlONt. Thonest Main 610; A 1102. "rinnnlna A MrEntee. Funeral Directors, 1th and 11"e. Phone Main 430. Lady ss- elstanu Office of County Coroaer. a l)W AKD HOI-HAN" CO., Funeral Direct ers 2-0 Sd st. Lady assistant. Fhone M. 6Q7. j p JTVLKY &ON, Id and Madiaoa. Lady a'ttendant. Phone Main 8. A 169B. " xSAST-SIDE Funeral Directors, successors te r. 8. Dunning, loo. K. 8t. a 8S2S. ERICSON CO lodertakers. Lady aaslsU ant. 40S Alder. M. 61.3. A 2838. ZEI.I.ER-BVKNfc.8 CO., Funeral Directors. SR4 Williams eve.; both phones; lady ass. LEKCH. Undertaker, cor. East Alder and Sixth. East IBLM laaa. Lady assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY BALI. Main B9S. A 188S. MUMANB OFFICER. EAST47J NEW TODAY. That splendid Warehouse at Thirteenth and Irving Streets 75x100 feet, for sale at a snap. Ad dress Owner, N 832, Qregonian. WANTED Bunch of Lots worth from $5000 to $20,000. Must be in city and close to carline. Prefer near University Park. G0DDARD & WIEDEICK, 243 Stark Street PlattingAcreage 30 Acres On East Side, two and one-half miles from the business center of Portland, overlooking Willamette River and facing on Willamette boulevard; street car line alongside of property. This will net over JOO per cent to the In vestor. Write for full information. S 804. Qregonian. 45 Acres 25 In crop, 5 aores of apples, young trees: 1 acre of old orchard. 10 acres of light oak brush. Place situated z miles from good valley town. Fair farm land and no house. Price 13400; terms. HYI.AND. JOXES at CO, 40 Oerl loser Bids;.. Second and Alder. BARGAIN QUICK SALE 25x100 Washington Street between Eleventh and Twelfth sts. See Owner, 215 Commonwealth Bldg. IRVINGTON Splendid S-room house facing: east on E. 19th. between Thompson and B razee. The owner haa reduced the price 81000 In order to move It quick. 16500, terms. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRl'ST COMPANY. Six Hundred Below Market Value Extra large lot, even rooms, modern In everv particular. Close-in, finest East Side location, ample room for garage and driveway. Apply owner, Koe, East 6563. SOUTHERN IDAHO Irrigated Land For Sale. DYGEHT-KCLLEKTOX LAND COM. PANY, Good In r, Idaho. SEASIDE) COTTAGE for sale, grand ocean view, modern and furnished complete. J. S. MORGAN. Cor. E. ltttli and Srtiuj-ler Sts. Phone East 6155. MORTGAGE LOANS 7 smuaf M fU AV s V b04 Spaldla Bids;. ft Site A FINE HOME IN A FINE HOME DISTRICT. SUNNYSIDl Choice corner, East Morrison and E. 35th streets, elevated, lot, 67 feet frontage on hard-surfaced street. At tractive 2-stbry, 6-room house, large reception halL Price only $4500, for a few days. : Chamber of Commerce. Portland Heights Splendid new residence on west side of the heights, protected from the Win ter winds; 8 large bedrooms, including t sleeping-porches with dressing rooms; living-room 20x34, with fireplace: dining-room 20x20, with fireplace; billiard room and den 20x31, cathedral; beamed celling and rustic fireplace; 2 com plete bathrooms, 6 lavatories. 3 toilets; hardwood floors, lovely porches, and all auxiliaries to a fine home. Two lots and beautiful native trees. For sale by owner, 113,000, half cash. hetrt c. frudhomme CO, MM Spaldlna; Blda Lots wo corner close to Hast Burnslde and between Grand ave. and E. 9th; some income, one for $9000, half cash; the other 110,000, half cash, balance 6 per cent. CULVER, 15 McKay Bldg. Platting Proposition Ten 'acres In city, on Kast 33d St., ad joining Irvington Park and Green Dell Park, very sightly, view of river and snow-capped mountains; all In cultiva tion, partly In nice bearing fruit trees, and is absolutely the best platting proposition in Portland. Price 116,500; $3500 will handle. OSBL'RN BROS., 603 McKay Bids;. FOR RENT 20x40 store on Yamhill st. bet. Second and Third. Reasonable rent, with lease. WAKEFIELD, FRIES A 85 Fourth St. CO., $13,000 New apartments on Glisan, near I3d. Four apartments, 6 rooms each. Just completed. Hardwood floors, fireplace In each apartment and all conveniences. Half cash. Will pay 16 per cent on amount invested. MORGAN, FUEDNER BOYCE, 508-6 Ablngton Illdg. Williams Ave. Snap 100x100, corner, with good 6-room house, ready for stores on corner; cheapest quarter on Williams ave. The Broadway bridge going up makes this a very attractive Investment. Mifst be sold tnis ween. GRUSSI et ZADOW, 81T Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak, Cheap Apartment Site 60x100 14th, opposite Mill street. GODDARD & WIEDMCK, 243 Stark St. BUSINESS PROPERTY Pays 12 per cent. On prominent corner on East Side, Price S16.500 GODDAM) & WIEDEICK, 243 Stark St. PIEDMONT New 8-room house, 100 feet from the oorner of Kllllngsworth. Splendid prop erty. Owner's price, $6000; offered at a sacrifice. MERCHANTS SAVINGS TRUST COMPANY. REAL KSTATJt DKAJJBRSV Blrrsll. A. H. A Co., S02-8 aK-Kay bide- Rel sstats, Insursoca. mortsss. loans, ate. Brubaksr A Benedict. B02 itcKay bld( H. 64ft, Cbapla A Hsrlow, S82 Chamber Conuaaree, Cook, B. S. A Co., SOS Corbstt bids. Jnnln.s Co.. Mala IKS SOS Orasonlaa. FALMiiR-JO.NKS CO, O. I'- His Commer cial Club bids. The Orsajon Keel Estata Co.. Orend ave. aad Multnomah .st (Holladay Addition.) H. B. THOMPSON CO- cor. 4th and Oak sts. REAL ESTATE. For Sab! Lola, OH ACCOUNT of aver-increaslne taxes and sssessments. ten centrally located lots lu Rose City Park are for salo cheap. For farther details apply to Julius Adler, 4 Chamber of Cemmerce. , ONE of the nnost corner lots In rrvlngton, on 17th and Stanton, 2 blocks from car; improvements all In; snap: J3200. Phons owner, Tabor 2376. East 26. PORTLAND HEIOHTS rKurERII. Homes, lots, quarter blocks, traats e4 acreage: all parte of helchta, all views sua prices: some bargains. Alain 11331. A SMa, l""wiLL sell you a Laurelhurst lot at 15 per cent discount from original opening prices Street Improvements In. Inquire Sua oerllnser Bldg., Portland, Or. THE CHEAPEST BUT On Seventh street, inside lot, fair In come. Also corner lot. Vanduyn A Wal ton. 615 Chamber of Commerce. r LADf owner of view lot on old Portland Heights will aell it at a great bargain, as shown by surrounding values. Phone Marshall 1918 or A :332. 61GHTLT oorner 60x100. East Salmon and 26th. C Zollinger, owner, 31X Corbett bldg. , BARGAIN 2 choice 6i"5 lots, one on cor ner, block Richmond school; 1975 for the 2. 8 S2a.Oregonian. l300vriLL buy my lot in Tremont Place; It Is a beauty and worth 1500. Call 414 Spalding bids- PORTLAND HEIGHTS lot on Ravensvlew . drive, among choice homes; beautiful north and east views. Main 8551, A 3839. BEAUTIFUL Laurslhurst lot. hard-surface In' 15 Per cent discount from opening price. Call 305 Gerllnger bldg. 76dBUYSl good lot 50x100 on East 9th t7; I have 1 lots, will sell either or both. Owner. 414 apaiaing ping. ROSE CITT PARK, on the hill, near Belu mont, J620, half cash. 414 Lumbermens bldg. HAVE several lots, best beach resort; must sell: sickness. Y 804. Qregonian. GOOD lot for 1275; 100 feet off Alblna ave. CHEAPEST lot in Ladd's Addition, near Hawtnorne ave.; must ec. jj -ov. a00 CORNER lot on East 17th and Pres rott. Phone owner A 258. liOO FOR 750 lot. 1 block from Woodlawn schoolhouse. Phone Tabor 2982. CHEAP FOR CASH. Rosa City Park lot O 822. Qregonian. BUSINESS corner. IOOxSO, Alherta Ht. (car line! i price 31"". Phone woodlawn 1307. tirv.ivKri.A lots, on easy terms. John son A Dodson, 622 Board of Trade bldg. ARE TOU LOOKING FOR A HOMESITE? 11440 will buy you a large corner lot In the very best district of Portland. This Is a very slKhtly corner, lays well above " grade, two blocks to car, one short block to a beautiful city park; opposite corner - sold for 12800: easy terms II desired, or a further discount for cash. phone me Monday. A 1515, after 8:30, at Woodlawn " 2iU7. Mr. Delahunty. LOTS 60x100. 1 and 2 blocks from eloctrio carline. 30 to $175. less 15 per cent for a few days; fine house and 4 lota to go to someone. It may be yours, it belongs to tract; terms $5 down and $1 per week. J. W. HEFFERL1N REALTY CO.. 203 Corbett Bldg. Phonaa Marshall 28UD. A 4684. 1910 GOOD LAURELHURST BUY. Only one left at this price, never again will you -have a chance to secure a lot in this beautiful addition at above price. This lot Is only two blocks to car, one block from beautiful Ladd Park; 91 will ' handle. Phone me Monday, A 1515. after 6:80 P. M. at Woodlawn. 2997. Mr. Delahunty. WEST SIDE VIEW LOT. A fine view lot. right on car. on Vir ginia st. near Miles; Fulton Park: ce ment walk paid; price $1100, $600 cash; a lot like this one on Portland Heights wouid cost $10,000. GRUSSI & ZADOW, '317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. BEAUTIFUL CORNER FOR HOMESITE 7300 square feet, faces south and east high and sightly, near one of Portland's fine parks. Price 3200. will sell for a few daya for $28SO on easy terms or $220 for cash. F. E. Clements, A 1516, Mala 1003. WILL sell two lots. 6B2-Sxll0. In best part of Irvington. and take mortgage for . full price If buyer will immediately build good houses on same. MORGAN. FLIEDNER & BOYCE, 503 Ablngton bldg. TITLE & INVESTMENT COMPANY. INC.. OREGON CITY. OR. Clackamas County lands and lots ab stracted from the records; prices right J ohn W. Loder. president Lots $50. on 62d and W. Stark, on car line; easy terms; greatest buy ever offered. NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO., HAWTHORNE AVE. $5000, a beautiful and sightly location for a home or flats. Owner, 812 Chamber of Commerce bldg. For Sale Houses. $7500. New T-room house with large attlo, hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace, on lot 60x120. on Hawthorne ave.. Im provements all In and paid; $2000 down, balance terms; If you are looking for good buvs or bargains In houses or bungalows, O Bob Conklln, 1046 Hawthorne ave.. cor ner of E. 35th St. Phone Tabor 808. ROSE CITY PARK. $500 down. $20 per month, handles 3 room bungalow, with concrete porch, full basement fireplace, built-in writing desk, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, dining room, beamed and paneled; walls tinted, oak floors; complete in every detail. See owner. 680 East 60th st. Phone. Tabor 2620 . WILLAMETTE BARGAIN. nnnA tt-r-nnm hntlRA. PlectrlC llChtS. bS th ate; una lot 60x100, 5 large bearing fruit trees, line lawn, lots of roses, some nne maple shade trees, Vi niocas iy on St. Johns car; price $2350, 00 cash, balance to suit GKUSSI A ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FOR SALE By owner, at rock bottom price, $100 down, $30 per month, five-room mod ern bungalow, short distance from car. .vt. in t ho Mtv. Also short dis tance from Mount Hood rajild transit line where first station will be estaousneu, through service. Call 008 McKay bldg.. Home Installment Co.. Marshall 2500. STOP AND READ HOME. B-room house, almost new, good barn, chicken-house and yard, 40 bearing fruit trees, 5 full lots, everything In the best of condition: $1000 cash, bal. to suit 2 blocks St. Johns car. DUBOIS & CROCKETT. Room 3 Washington Bldg. DO YOU WANT A HOME BUILT Without money If you own the lot? Can build and you make small monthly pay ments, or will furniBh lot and build for you: your terms are my terms. BLANCHARD A CLEMSON. 6 6th St WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW, irt i nw modern 5-room bungalow. hardwood floors, and all other modorn conveniences, on a lot 50x100; price $3,150, $730 cash, balance monthly. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. WE have one modern, 6-room house and two new, 4 -room bungalows which wo desire to dispose of; we are closing out all our real estate In Oregon; small cash pay ment balance monthly. TITLE INSURANCE & INVESTMENT CO., 221 Commercial Club bldg. A BARGAIN. $11300 buys new $7000 two-flat building of 5 and 6 rooms: walking distance; well built; restricted district and on carline; must sell promptly; cash preferred. Own er, East 2259. $3(50 FOR a fine Colonial built 6-room house on Knott St., one block from car; this Is a fine house with upper and lower porches, only 20 minutes walk to tha center of city; a snap at the price; cash, balance terms. BLANCHARD &. CLEMSON, 66 6th St 6-ROOM modern bungalows, new, high and sightly location, all within one block of carline. Prices from $2500 to $4500, cash or terms. I also have cottages from $"00 to $2500, on terms. H. Benz, office E. 80tb and Glisan sts. Tabor $087. M-V. car. 8-ROOM COTTAGE. East 47th, south of Division: new, mod ern, double walls, cement basement, sac rifice price $2400. cash 141X1. BRUBAKER & BENEDICT. 602 McKay Bldg.. 5th and Stark. FOR SALE Mount Tabor, 4-room bunga low; magnificent view; 50x133; chicken house and shed; $2500: part cash. See owner, 59 E. 07th st Take Mount Tabor car. get off 68th at, walk 2 blocks north, 1 west, 1 north. NEAR 49TH AND HOLGATE, $700. Corner lot, 68x100, with large shack; lot is a beauty and at small expense can be made habitable; $100 cash. $16 month ly Fred W. German, 329 Burnslde. M. 2776. "EXCELLENT GOOD BUY IN A HOME. $0000 H cash, balance 3 years 6 per cent, for a fine corner with first-class built fine 8-room residence; worth $8000, will he sacrificed at this low price. F FUCHS, 221 it Morrison St. -to0 NEW, modern Qrroom cottage, Dutch kitchen, all newly furnished, including piano- 2 blocks from carline In fine dis trict: part cash. This Is a snap. Palmer, 612 Couch bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Splendid new resi dence. 13 rooms, see our ad under "New Today" for description and price. Henry C. prudhommo Co., owner. 906 Spalding bldg. , "RESIDENCES AND FLATS FINANCED I can save yoa money on your build ing. Investigate my system; plans tree; financed with tastern money. Locke. 629 Henry Bldg. COUNTRY HOME, IMPROVED. 10 H ACRES. Good house, barn and orchard. 8500 DOLLARS. - C. C. ALFORD, WOODLAND, Wash. ELEGANT bungalow, choicest part of Irv ington; rich surroundings; Broadway and Irvington car lines. Owner, A 778, Oregoni an. f-ROOM modern house. Improved district, ci0se to Laureihurst; leaving city; a bar gain. House 923 E. Everett st Phone, owner. Main 2791. gAP New 6-room bungalow, exceptionally 'well built, fireplace, bookcases, linen closet, wood elevator, good location, close In. uwner mum ..m,. "it Sir- A TTTlPTTt. homes, elegantly finished, oak and ma hogany; chotco locations. Irvington. C 1800. East 273. No agents. W. H. Herdman. NEW, modern bungalow, lot 50x100, fire place tinted walls, shades and fixtures In gas and electricity; price $2800; easy terms, r-nouo FOR SALE at a bargain; my 10-room mod ern homo in Portland Heights; good view; lot 100x90. Phone Main 7285. CUTEST "home at Seaside, 5 rooms, fur nished, 100 feet from board-walk. Phone East 1324. 6-ROOM house, close In; sale below value for cash. Inauire at Jones' book store, 284 Oak t. . . 1292 EAST MORRISON ST. 80x100 feet, with 4-room house and fruit trees. For prlMi: Inquire at same; no agents. Jogoo MODERN 6-room house, basement, two lots, fruit or rent furnished. Apply owner. 77 Oberlln st. Portsmouth. FOR SALE! New 8-room house, lot 60x100, in Nob mil. " . Jim".. tjwu- er only, rrntnc cttoi. . -. (3500 Portland Heights; pretty, modern 5- room bungalow, furnished. J. W. Dan iels, 456 Alder. TWO lots and 2 houses, $1400. R 809, Ore- mnln. 7C ICE "HOME, nine lots, fruit, good 8-room house? close In. Tabor 1609. HOUSE and 9 lots in Oswego, reasonable. Call or write C. H. Elston. Oswego. Or. HAWTHORN E-A V E. home; a bargain. 738 Hawthorne, corner 22d. FIVE lots. 4-room house. 36th aud PrescoiL Select your location and price Iroiti this list and let us taks you to see the house. fc I6O00 Modern 8-room house on Last Burnslde st. West 24th st, half cash; this lot alone Is worth $4000. $3500 New, swell b-room modern house. Rossmere. near East 89th St., 1 block to car. $1000 cash. . . 15000 New, modern 7-room house, hard wood floors, near East 24th and Flanders. $500 cash. . , $4500 Modern 7-room house, built ror a home. East 19th, near Alberta car, ioOQ a$3800 Modern, new. 7-room house, 40th. near Brazee, Rossmere, $1000 cash. J3000 Beautiful 8-room bungalow. Kenilworth. Francis and 29th, $2600 cash; $3000 Swell bungalow, furnished, and modern, at Flrland Sta., Mount Scott car. $300 cash. $350O Fine 5-room bungalow. East 4Uthl St., near Rose City Park car. $300 cash. $1500 Very pretty 4-room cottage. Council Crest, $300 cash: beautiful view. to c fllRSON. 805 Gerllnger bldg. GOING TO BUILD T WE DESIGN ARTISTIC HOUSES AN" MAKE NO CHARGES FOR PLANS WE BUILD. IT WILL PAY TO SEE IS. THERE IS A REASON. IF 1 0U Cm N A LOT. WE WILL FINANCE THE RES I DF.NCE OR APARTMKNT FOR, YOU. OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR PRO TECTION. L H. BAILEY A CO.. 824 ABINGTON BLDG. . I 1-1 X T" TTIT'l.- .n.. T T llll L' tOKOA flflH. lATliUlU. XlV.llt., i 10-room modern house, one corner los 75x100. with garage. In best location in i Irvington; the house Is completely fur- . nished in style that will please you anoS every desirable feature Is Included; widow asks $12,000, but must sell, and has given us positive instructional to close this week; make an offer; $2600 handles, balance easy yearly payments. Eureka Realty Co., 6:.I- 528 Chamber of Commerce. $300 CASH. ROSE CITY PARK. Buys 7-room beautiful view lot 60x100. ' improvements in and paid, full front and back porch, built-in buffet and book cases. Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, bath, double plumbing, fireplace, furnace, solia oak floors and mirror doors, etc.; $300 cash, balance $26 per month. National Realty A Trust Co.. 826 Vk Wash, st, room, 516. . $800 CASH. 6-room house, brand new. oale floors, furnace, nreplace, shower and tub baths, cement floor In basement, sleeping porch inclosed In glass, laundry trays. Dutch kitchen, etc.; full lot, 60x97, with street work and cement walks paid; gas. electricity; half block to car, 46th St.; half block north of Sandy Road; Rose City car 20 mlnutea" ride. Phone owner. East 1392. A REAL BARGAIN. My $6000 home, 10 rooms, modern. fo $5750, Including fine Axminster carpets, linoleum on bath and kitchen, full cement basement, furnace and fireplace; lot oOX 100. terraced, improved streets, cement sidewalks and curbs; fine locality, close in, one block from Hawthorne; $3000 cash will handle It Phone East 4723. 3 805, Qregonian. HOUSE. $1500 Sacrifice In a modern 8-roomi house, on East Burnslde, hard-surface street, lot sightly, house has fireplace and furnace and Is a home well worth $7000. However, It must be sold at once at low price of $5500: $2000 cash, balance long time at 7 per cent JOS. C. GIBSON, 305 Gerllnger bldg. SMALL HOUSE AND BARN. 2 blocks St. Johns carline, 1H lots; all in fine condition; price $750; $150 cash, bal. to suit. Now rented for $9 per month. Dubois & Crockett. Washington j bidg. . Acreage. , ACREAGE. More than 4000 acres close to Portland and cut Into 1. 2. 6. 10 and 20-acre tracts: fine roads, all graded and in first-class condition, in front of every tract: we hava been 85 years in Willamette Valley and 15 years of this time In farm and acre age business In Portland: we know the soil: we make a specialty of close-in. acreage and our 4000-acre platting is of the most fertile soli in the state. See crop of past year. You make the first payment and the crops will do the rest; pleasant employment and convenient to all the advantages of Portland. The cheap est acreage tracts around Portland, qual ity and location considered and sold or liberal terms; $125 to $300 per acre. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 36. 102 4th St. A 3d00. M E X I C O Is the "WEST" of today; we have the cream of it for colonization, and NOW is the time to get in before the present owners realize that they have the most valuable land on earth. Come In! We'll tell you about it . ' n-n Tl 1 TT11 X 322 Lumbermen's bldg., 5th and Mark. 10 ACRES, a beautiful suburban homeslte, fine view of Columbia River and Mt St. Helens and Hood; located 1 mile from; city limits, on O.-W. R. A N. road, on, Buckley ave. and Columbia boulevard, house, barn and all kinds berries and family orchard: fine road; price $7500 if. sold soon; other smaller tracts held at 1000 per acre. Phone C 1198 or call -52 Hamilton bldg. A FINE 5-acre place, all in cultivation, first class buildings, well painted, line water, nice chicken-house, 1 mile from depot at Newberg: close to good graded schools.. on good road to city; price $1900; land ad Joining this $600 to $800 per acre, no buildings. Room 319 Commercial block, cor. 2d and Washington. S ACRES, near electric line, 15 miles from Portland postofflce, near good country town, R. F. D. route, excellent soil, all cleared and ready for cultivation, fine chicken ranch, vegetables, berries, etc.! price only $1250. part cash, balance good, terms. Owner, 203 Corbett bldg. " " ACREAGE. 160 acres, 15 miles of Portland, on a rood graveled road all the way- to it. This can be cut up Into 5 and 10-acr tracts and easily sold for $250 an acre; 0 acres in fine cultivation; price, $10u an acre; easy terms. A 801, Qregonian. - VIEW ACREAGE. 8 acres, near Council Crest, on station of 4th st. electric, beautiful sightly tract with fine barn, 2 small houses; price only ,u00 per ac & 817 Board of Trade Bldg- 4th and Oak. CHOICE acreage, river frontage, and lots and blocks at Risley Station, on Oregon, City carline: also modern 6-room bun aalow at Oak Grove; all on easy terms. Call on H. G. Starkweather at Rlsler Station. Phone Oak Grove, Black 17, Postal address. Mllwaukle. R. F. P. No. L, 60 acres, 18 miles from Portland, neas electric line, school, church and store, deep rich sediment soil, nearly all cleared, R. F D route; price $150 per acre. A to hi cash balance terms. Owner 203 Corbett building. STATE land Is now selling at $7.50 per acre' can sell you 160 acres 8 miles from Klamath Falls at $6.50 per acre, $3.50 per acre cash, balance one, two or three years; state deed. Call 840 Chamber of Com merce. Ask for Mr. Conway. TFN'-ACRE tracts, unimproved, smooth and tillable best soil, timber and running water - '85 miles from Portland on county-road- 'best and cheapest on the market at $35 an acre, part caah. Palmer, 512 Couchi blds OWNER of five acres timbered land close to" city limits, rich soil, protected south slope, warm and sunny once cleared will rent for $70 per acre; need money, $1250 cash takes It Y 809. Oregonlan. l5b ACRES state land. 3 miles from Klam ath Falls If taken this week will sell at $6 50 per acre, $3.60 per acre cash, balance 1. 2 and 3 years. Ask for Mr, Conway, 840 Chamber of Commerce. . fn-v acres timber land on six-mile circle, rich soli, south slope. $3000; will tnke run about 5-passenger auto or light truck up to $1000 as part payment; ownera only. Y 810, Qregonian. CHICKEN ranch, near Portland. 2 acres easily cleared, best of soil, no rock or crave! - 5 blocks from electric station, S4-5 for whole tract, $50 cash. bal. $10 a month. Call 203 Corbett bldg. ' A SNAP. A nice little acreage on eleetrle line, close to depot and close to Portland. Kin. Eev 6 tamp her, 631 Lumbar Exchange bldg. THE Bunnell tract at Oak Grove now for sale- to to 40 acres; all in cultivation; close to car. Prices and terms to suit gee w, J. -rnresner, jiimituMc, 2 V, ACRES ana l-it acres, cumvuiea very desirable, at Multnomah Station,' 5 miles out; plank walk to acreage. Phone East 47 as. FOR SALE 21 acres, 5 Improved, good buildings 20 miles from Portland, 2 north, Hillsboro. Address R. F. D. 1, Box 6, Hillsboro. Or TEN ACRES, $10,500; city limits, adjoins Montavllla. Charleston & Co., 411 Com mercial bldg. , 10 ACRES house, barn, 1 mile from elec . trie depot. 8 miles from Portland. Terms. Owner. Mrs. L. Roberts. Beaverton, Or.- 18 ACRES. Choice celery land, runnnlng water, near Beaverton. By Owner, B 2406. Business Property. FOR SALE 3-story apartment-house, up per Washington st. location; paying 11 per cent on $18,000 investment iuiiull owner. 61 BoUchlla blu . J)