) K y . TPAT- JZZ -I iH,-,. -AfW . Homcteod.. Opportunity Knocks INVESTIGATE Only 10 Daji. I am ia the fit- to eonsidor a deal on 760 acres of deep, black land that we own in the Ro-iie River Valley, my borne, but will entertain other proposition for 10 days. Yoa may be the lucky one, 100 per eent profit in imbdividin?. Act quick. Trice ! JoO.OO per aere: will take op to $25,- I 000 in Portland property. $3000 cash, balance 3 years. Call or phone W. E. WHITESIDE, Boom 11. Cornelius Hotel Exceptional Buy in Apartment House Corner 70 feet frontage on East Morrison street by 52, more or less, deep. Present im provements pood and bring in nominal rental. Price for two weeks, only $4500. Act quickly. Hartaan & Thompson Chamber of Commerce. Capitol Hill OX THE WEST STPE S-CENT CARFARE. On 10th Street Electric Line Capitol Hill only IS minutes r:de from the business center. Every lot rltrri. high and level. Tojt cLolce of thess beautiful lota, except cornere. for I50O Water piped in the streets la front of these lightly lots. Sidewalks and streets graded. Adlolnlnc luU ie selling from IT0O to I10O0. Capitol Hill Is the beauty spot on the West Fide; title absolutely perfect. Term 150 down. 1 10 per month on each tOxlO feet. Clohessy & McGuire St Ablasrte Bids'. Bsrfl, Pbaaee Mala 10-Pi, A 114s. Never Offered Before 13th Street I HAVE THAT 100x100 ON" THE P. E. COR. 13TH AND FLANDERS. THIS IS ABOUT THE ONLY 13TII STREET TRACKAGE FOR SALE PRICE IS RIGHT AND TERMS EASY. EDW. P. MALL. 104 2d St, Lumber Eictunje Bid. Apartment Site 19tK STREET THAT 100x200 OX THE WEST SIDE OF 19TH STREET, BE TWEEN KEARNEY AND LOVE JOY, OR WILL SELL EITHER QUARTER. WILL MAKE EASY TERMS. EDW. P. MALL. ' 104 2d St, Lnmber Exchange Bldg. BEAUTIFUL VIEW LOT On the west slope of Mount Tabor, hrt many rholce homes are located. View overlooking the city and moun tains Is Terr fine; car service excellent. Site. 101x114. PRICE S37SO. A. H. BIKTAKLI. CO, 33 McKay, Bids, U . Heirs . Portland Heights ONE OF TOE BEST QUARTERS ON THE HEIGHTS WITTI UXOB STRCCTED VIEW. FACING THE CITY. WILL MAKE EASY TERMS. EDW. P. MALL, 104 2d St, Lumber Exchange Bid.. 57800 230x200 AFARTMF.STV FLATS, STORES. For few days only, will offer this fine business block located on three earllnea, farm 250 feel on E. Zlth St.; cement sidewalks. curbing. water, awer and ltO feet of street Improve ment all paid and included. Will rent every store, apartment or flat you can build. HC.T BIT It PORTUMX $! cash. balance T per cent semi annually takea this. Phone owner B 1414 mornings or evenings, or see agent, mil Gerllnser bldf. A Good Buy Modern l-room boas. 3 lots and half at Annbel Station: actual value 13004: will take fJsvO; 100 down. This Is a bargain. F. T. BERRY -fat. 4. vn eta. Pa e A IRVINGTON P!r sacrifice on l-room house on K. Nineteenth. North, between Thomp son and Brasee. This property Is In tne most desirable part ot Irvlngton and modern In every way. Price re duced to lS00. SfERCHlXTS SAVINGS A TRIST COMPACT 80-Acre Apple Orchard IRJttOATtvD, VALVE 13,SSa, Wl!l trade for city property to value of IH.WA or more and assume difference. B TSv Orrseslss. EPtXKKIDLT BUILT S-KOOM HOUSE IRVINGTON mall cash payment, balance almost like rent. ARDCfO eft MXTXOLDS CO, SIS Chamber t Ceaiwes ttie morxixg onEGoxiAy. friday, marcii 3. 1911. lo 1 I ! ' ZZ77ZIZnZ I fit tctitr I REAL. ESTATE. 1 TO EXCHANGE. I II I I SPECIAL Income $4000. $10,000 will handle. Price $30,000. Stores and flats; good street; East Side. JOS. C. GIBSON 303 Gerlinscr Bldg. East Stark Street 100x100 ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER EAST 12TH AND EAST STARK STREETS. THIS IS WELL ADAPTED FOR STORES OR APARTMENTS. EDW. P. MALL, 104 2d St, Lnmber Exchange Bldg. . MORTGAGE LOANS rm rr7 aw0 johx e. ntni4.i, Is J III KO-4 Soaldlnsr Bide. 1 BEAT, rWTATR DKAUM. Berk. Wtlllass O.. Ill FaIHn blag. Birr.ll. A. H. A Co, 101-$ McKay bldg. RssA state. assurance, dotiikm. loans, els. Bruhsker A Benedict, 602 McKay bldg, V. B49. Cn.ple A Hevtew. its Cherabee Csiaiaeiea, Ceo. B. A Cm., soa Corbett bids. J.cBlnga A Ce Mala Iss turn Oronlaa, PiLMtR-JOMa vO, a. f, Xl Cammer- Tbe Orm Real Bstate Co.. Oraad t. as4 X.llnom.h . (Holladar Addllloa.) If. K. THOMPOM CO- eor. 4th aadOsksta, RP.AL KSTATE. Fee Urnlm Lota. IRATNQTOV LOT NOW ONI.Y lUO The ewoer wants cssli. not lens than 'i cash will get this barriln. On t.at 1th sc. lo best part of Irvlnston. all Improvemenls In. Iccludlnc bard-surface t.atemnt. Invrstors or builders of good homos look this up. J- 1. i'ord A CO M3 Board of Trada Itidg. . BEAUTIFL'L, Three of the very best lots, within two Mocks of Union are., one Inside lot fur :; another for 750: the corner for -iO; j-oor torma are mine. Phone Iar sAsll ; SNAP 1375; NICE LOT. tST BO cash. bsl. monthly, close to ear: adjoins restricted district, no other lots ran be secured tor less thsn 4V and In this district. 8s Logan. Wash. St.. room 404. IRVINOTON. Half block. IIWxSX) ft.: on ft I;l carllue- faces south: pries I.1600, terms. K. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. S12-21S Commerclnl Club lldg. phones Msln IfllKI. A IW. LAlREUilBST. Win saerince one of my three choice lots la Usurelhursl: half block to carllne; if minutes to heart of elty: all Improve ments In: owner. phone Mala or A K e. Oregonlsn. 100s 10O. KXOTT fiT. Fuslneee cernsr on -Tth and Knett sta; a snap at IIM": llrtoo rssrt. CRtCJI A IADOW, SIT Ttoard of Trade B:1-. 4th and Oak. TITLE A INVESTMENT COM PANT. LNC UK r. W V l l i . vn. Claekamss County lands and lots sb strci4 from the records: prices right. John V. Loder. presldsnt. LALRKLHVRT lot at a bargain: owner Is leaving the city and will sell below cost, very close io car. C. Dsi VOCNO. 43JChatnber of Commerce B:dg. AMAZINO lOOstOO. east front, one block to Rose City car. near 40th St.. tor only glSOO. or will sell a . nle lot: your Unas axe mine. Vhone Marshall ISST. nur QcicK. I:s IV). en 62d and W. fttark. en car line; ey terms: rr"st buy evr orTered. NATIONAL KEAl.TT A TKt'jST CO., :4 Washington St. PORTLAND HClonTS PHOPERTt. Moeaee, lots, quarter blocks, traeta aad acreage; all parts o( beighta. all views aad antes; some bargeias. Mala U1L A AMA Ml'FrLHVRST lot: I hare a lot within 3 mocks or sk. nwnwr " for gluO. fcee Ous Bmllh. U1S Corbett bldg. I WILL sell vou a Laureihurst lot at 12 M,r cent oisco 1 .' - r rices. Street Improvements In. Inquire S GerUnger Bldg.. Portland. Or. " SPLENDID VIEW PROPERTT. t lots near T.. t$th and Harrison sis.; a barasln If takea Immediately. Aal t. Oregon lan. "tlO DOWN. IS MONTHLY PIRLAND. 130 and 1400 on terms quoted above make these worth Investigation. Fred W. nmia. - llurnslde. H1ltQ-rO.rt lot. end Huh City Park car; Tracer in. B1 " ' t jjev. Wash. St. R. 44. LOT0ilOO ZH blocks from Rose Clly car. J J -J) CUD. . u. w vrwuwa. M urshall S74. HIVE a few lets on Kast Klghrh et . N.. nmmr two cuun " . - " psr raonth am ,;. Qr-gonisn. 100x100 IN TlEilMOT at a bargain. 433 Chamtter of Commerce Bidg. WaVkRLEIOH HEIGHTS lots; price o0 to SJUO. terms. Atiwa, . J buum s.k- cbacg s. ONE lot. ScrallJ. best view lot in Portland: io. (75 cash, a month. Phono tlell- i-i HI TS 5'ntlOO lot on Koa city Fra line. ; cash. 110 monthly. 40 ciweUand bids- ADJTOININO Mt. Tabor Park. ISS 11 J. vlsw property; on carllne; bait cash.; by owner. AL 1S. Ortgonlaa. A.LAUKPA PARK beell corner, altb all improvements paid; 11300. AO eoO. Ore- gonlsn. AtlNAI' As I am In need ot money. I will se'll a One lot facing carllne. Address 1 sox Oregonlan. iiiO BCTS equity In ne east front lot in Beaumont, near the Alameda. Y SOW, Oregonlan. " CHCAP TOR CASH, jlnee City Park lot. O Oregonlan. Blr;NtS corner. 10i. Aihsrta St. i.ar I'.nei; prlee 1J1"0- Phone Woodlawo Uur. vat on'NKH evilCit corner lth St.. north ot Washington. Af 7l. Or-lonlia. PeNIertTLA lota, oa easy Until John son A tKxlson. Si3 Board of Trade bldg. 10 loo IN Fulton Park: h'sh and sightly; liyn; fne buy. Cell 414 Spalding bldg. ON aVA9T vTH ST. ftVxloo for STwO cash. tteeewner. 414 Spalding bldg. , FOR STM lot. 1 block from W ood ia w a schoolhenee. Pone Tabor fI. xR 8ALK eosTft-foot bu.lnee corner st ;t(h and Hroad-ay st. Msln A r.IST. Bl'.AL TIFl'I. corner lot In piedmont, cheap. ,rner. 1'bor.e East KM. Fv.-R 6AL Fine lot In, Belle Crest, cheap. Owaer. Phone East i43. OOD lot t"t I37S: 1)0 feel off Aiblna avs. gJ Beard of Trads bldg. yQI R R g; ATE 55V PUBLIC LANDNfcAX OPENING. II II " YOuaRtENTmeDToriitOn If i IV Al l60ACCS0f IRniCATtOtAMO.. II lTeY MAKC APPUCATI01 NOW Jt4l JvvV srtsvttciswctsvoa. AcJ ?5th IKoe inompeon st.. i a line residence site; hard surface streets, improvements paid. . . .,h -3o0 Thompson St.. ICOxlOO, near nard-surfare streets. Improvements P'"- lisov ilth. near Thompson, MiiTO. hard-surface St.. Improvements nan i- surrounding lots sold for S00 above our price. CUA9- RIVOLER A CO.. zil ivts nmfi. SHKAKEKS ADDITION JLhl urt.i.li. Located between Kast loth and Glenn . . . . ... . . li.AA .1,1. h v . ion qui i in imm ai-irw - BVe.: IOIB VVIIU . -" - - r . ,i h.i..k .t.1,,1 Mfh a very lot will have a zi reetrlctlon, insuring you against poor hum--. beautiful lots can be handled tor M ed eacn. oaiance . per muu m . w 1 eacn. Balance . , 11 auvww, number only will be sold at these figures. oeo ui.mvni. nwmttj v.. sgsnts. cor. B. Kth and Hawthorns avs MUST RAVE MONET. This week sure. On account ef sick ness I must sell my lot In a choice section of the city. Yon csn buy this If taken at once tor s.ao. ana tnat is imin Pay ms glOO down and toe balance oa ... i . r iiD HMranlU). miiBimi pwu,WMM. W w . , j m n . i-iitpi.-p o A T r 100x100. Delaware and A Ins worth, 91200. louxluo. lTtb and Hall. Jio. 15x00, K. S3th N. and Broadway, SSOOO. A: SxIOO. E. Madison and 35th. $1200. 4ixH0. Kcnllworth avenue. 700. ofxloo. E. 67th and Siskiyou. I"" lbOxlOO. E. 07th and Alameda. 11-40. MAKE AN OFFER. MERCHANTS SAVINCVJ A TRUST COMPANI. . DO TOU KNOW WESTMORELAND ? I will salt equity In 1 lot on t Htn, Bear Bybee. at sacrifice If taken at once. AL tn&. Orexonlsn. For (Mile -lloua PINE borne In Irvlngton. on East 2th st.. Just completed and modem in every de tail: Urge living-room and Sreplacs. three sleeping-rooms snd sleeping porch. Dutch kitchen, paneled dining-room, hardwood floors, cement basement snd good lur nsce. larss sttlc, pries rt."0; can bs handled for $1KK) cash, balance tuu per month. McAllister A Lueddemann. 71Z Electiie bldg. HAWTHORNE AVE. luXU AND tlST STd. NEW BUNOAI.OWH. In this choice locality; all Improvements In: best csr service In city: we ere the owners. Inquire for prices snd terms. BRl'BAKER A BENEDICT, Sfll MrKsy bldg.. Id and 6tark. 100x100. Corner East IL'th and Prescott ste.: two first -claas residences, one of S rooms and the other a s-room modern bungalow: fine retaining wall around lot. beautiful view. This Is special at 7S0O. terms easy. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. . 243 Stark St. FOR PALE Cash or essy payments. Four attractive modern bouses In lrvinrton district. Six rooms, large porch, sleep ing porch, bullt-ln bookcases, fireplace, furnace, laundry, cement basement, gns and electricity. Inquire of owner. HOI lioerd of Trade Building, or telephone Marshall 177. SWELL HOME, E. SALMON ST. Modern 10-room house; b bedrooms and sleeping porch and all other latest Im provements, on a lot Soxl31: Improved street; on E. Salmon, near 30th: pries X850O. t.looo cash; will exchange for Seat tle property. GRl'SSI A ZADOW. 81 T Board of Trado Bldg., 4th and Oak-. DECIDE QUICK. Special reduction for one week only; a genuine anap; 8-room house, basement, bsth. gas, porch, concrete walk, fruit trees: Tot 7ixlOO. corner E. 11th and Wygant: get permit to Inspect; set today; price reduced to X2SOO. ensy terms. QODDARD A WIEDRICK, 24 Stsrk St. FOR SALE By owner, st rock bottom price, $100 down, f JO per month, flvs-room mod. ern bungalow, short distance from car. best service In the city. Also short dis tance from Mount Hood rapid transit Una where first station will be established; through serrloe. Call 90S McKay bldg.. Home Installment Co.. Marshall 2500. i:kk CASH. BALANCE LIKE RENT. New. modern. S-room bungalow com pletely furnished with solid osk and ma hogany furniture: nice district, good car service: pries t'00. SIS Board of Trade. Main 21S A 1 ..-.. VERY FINE RESIDENCE. 12th and prescott; comer. 45x100; strictly modern S-room house. furnace; ground Ilea hlsh with first-class retain ing wall In; Ana vlsw; price 14.300, easy terms. OODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. BEAl'TLFl'L new S-room bungslow In Bun- nvstde district; thoroughly modern witn many bullt-tn conveniences: itvlng-ioom with fireplace, Dutch kitchen, dining room, sewing-room, full cement basement and furnace: price S4&O0, cash fouo. bal ance easy monthly payments. McAllister A Lueddcmsnn. 722 Electric bldg. TOl'R LOT SAME AS CASH, t.looo bungalow, s rooms, modern, new, RIGHT UP TO DATE for sale, block to Knee City Park car; terms. 1500 cash; your lot If O. K. up to 1000 for dead, lots of time on balance. Owner, 526 it Wash, st.. room sO. Main 7001. SW1S8 bungalow, well located; It's a beauty ana wen arranged; a rooms. oatnroom and basement, china pantry, rostlo porch, concrete foundation, electric wired. Dutch kitchen, nice high lot; near car: only gldou. f.154 down, gift monthly. Portland Homes Co., 2M Morrison St. IRVINGTON HOME, 10000. S rooms, sleeping porch, reception ball, bath and pantry, hardwood floors. A-i finish: lot Mix 100; Improvements In and paid. 61S Board of Trade. Main 2182. A 1530. BEAI'TIFCL view lot, AUxlOO. Council Crest. Improved with a nice cosy e-room nouse and basement; nice fruit and shads trees; lot worth the price. 15J0; (200 cash, balance to suit. JOS. C. OIBPON. Sf3 Cierllnger bldg. HAWTHORNE-AVE HOME. Nearly new fine 7-room houee; lot Kox 10O; fine lawn, roses and fruit trees; east front, on E. 44th. nsar Hawthorns; pries S4OU0, some terms. ORftiSI A ZA.DOW. SIT Board ot Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. MODERN BUNGALOW. S rooms, on lot 55xloo foet. located on Fast 1-lh. near Prescott St.; ground Is high and sightly; price $"". essy terms. UODDAKD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. NEAR 40TH AND HOLOATE. 7lH). Corner lot. ChxlOO. with -large shack: lot Is a beauty and at small expense can be made habitable; $100 cash, 910 month ly. Fred W. German. S-'n Burnslde. M. 377. KESIDKNCKei AND FLATS FINANCED 1 can save you money on your build Ing. Investigsts my systsm; plans trse; finsnced with Eastern money. Z. K. Incite. 620 Henry Hldg. 17250 NEW IRV1NOTON HOME 7250 g large rooms, everything the very lat est snd best; elegant location: undoubtedly the best buy In Irvlngton; terms. J box, Oregonlsn. HOUSE. S rooms and bath; lot 00x150. on TtllaxuooK su, nesr union ave.; must bs sold to closs up family estate. A. J. Oantner, ' Henry bldg. BUNGALOW IN VERNON', $150 CASH. Price $2500; fine corner lot. ROxlOo; a v.rr attractive little place. Fred W. Her man. 32 Burnslde.M.377. ELEOANT bungslow. choicest part of Irv lngton: Tien urrgunmiiiii, omuvtr ana Irvlngton car lines. Owner, A 77a, Orsgonl- T BEAUTIFUL hemes, elegantly finished, oak and ma boganv. choice locations, Irvlngton. c. ISrtrt. East 273. No agents. W. H. Herd ma n. S-ROOM house. Just completed: very atrrac- . V .' i.b- ...In, r.n, Own.r "H M.M. FOR SALE New 7-room bouse block from Hose City carllne. $500 deposit, $13 inooto.yvsw,Biv whcb phih. SOOxlOO ON Mount Scott line, with excellent g-room nousw. , i mwws ti, per mon th. Phone B 230L FOlt SALE New. modern S-room bungalow. on burl 1 1 1 ii kuu umuwv i. wnr. phone East 474U; l.s'lrvlngton Psrk; new. modern seven-room hOUSe. 1 OH" l' l" 1 1 u . V 1 iibihm Woodlawn 0- . BEAUTIFUL Irvlngton home, elegant In terior 1 1 n l li. vuw.w, awmMvu. . u.u. caa. J4: no agents. $4x14 IN Amstssd Psrk, SKSO; $0x100, cor ner, lntn mi ,i vim m. e.v. - r.ce Park. Ittd. Prions evenings C 2:. vR SALE New, modern S-room house, lot yitlim. at ' ' up vwuwc, A 415$. $2JoO MODERN g-room house, basemen:. two lois. "i - " - .- r aanex. $77 Oberlln St.. Portsmouth. S-ROM furnished house with lot; 1 1000 cash. Tabor i-. MODERN -room boose. S3 Eugene St.. walking nistance. rnnn, cast ,ibi. HAWTHORNE-AVE. home; a bargain. 74 ttawinorna, corner e-u. mi i.iuiv RARTMAN A THOMPSON. BOMB HOMES. ROSE! CITT PARK. M.VH Handsome 8-room residence, let loo by 100; there Is not a more beautiful Interior in any $7500 home In this city thsn you will find in this house. Hard wood floors, etc, etc- The house opposite sold for $7000 last week. ON BROADWAY. $4KO0 Near East 33th ws have for sals a very attractive 2-story boms containing sevsn rooms, sleeping porch, large ve randa, etc. House too large for present owner, posssssloa could bs given at ones. CLOSE-IN RESIDENCE. $T30 TTtls residence Is on 73. Pine street, near E. 13th. Lot Is full sixe, 6 ox loo. Near high school and grammar school. Easy walk to center ol city. SMOO Numbers of bargains for 86O0. Oood houses, too. The best thst we can artier together. T!ssv terms can usually be arranged oa any home we offer for sale. $,000 Modern homes; five rooms and Sisth: two-story houses and bungalows. "We have a very satisfactory list from which you may select a home. Terms are so easy, tnat anyone majr uevv e nvmo. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Realty Dept. Chamber of Commerce. HANDSOME BUNGALOW IN ROSE CITY PARK. beautiful rooms, with every modern convenience, ready to occupy; house Is complete In every detail; price $4250, terms. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, HEAL ESTATE DEPT.. Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE HOME. 14150 BOxlOO: nice 0-room modern house, near Mill st-. walking distance. SMALL INVESTMENT. Ifl-.no 25x100: 2 nearly new S-room modem flats, near 10th st. JOHNSON-ST. INVESTMENT. $16.500 50x100, 4 very fine 0-room modern flats. Income 1150 per month. FRED C. KING, 814 Spalding bldg.. 8d snd Washington ' WILL TRADE HOUSE FOR LOT. Wo will accept lot worth from $o00 to $700 as a first payment on a modern live room house we have Just completed in Mnntavllla. In restricted district. Houss bss every convenience; lot is full-slscd. Prics only $2750. The balance can bs paid In monthly in stallments. . m Grove A Rltren. Take M-V car. get off HOth and E. Burnslds. jollies near cor ner). ' HAWTHORNE AVE. 6 LARGE ROOMS. . Bungalow roof. Dutch kitchen, full basement, fireplace, bookcases, hardwood floors; faces east and on hard-surfacs street. We are building a number of these. If you want a good 6-room home, you will find ours the best on the mar Vet todav. $3750, very easy terms. Portland-Pacific Inv. Co.. 418 Railway Ex change. Branch offlcs 43d and Haw thorne, will show them. GOING TO BUILD T WE DESIGN ARTISTIC HOUSES AND MAKE NO CHARGES FOR PLANS IF WE BUILD. IT WILL PAY TO SEE US. THERE IS A REASON. IF YOU OWN A LOT. WE WILL Pi NANCE TH E RESI DENCE OR APARTMENT FOR YOU. OUR REPUTATION 13 TOUR PRO TECTION. L. R. BAILEY A CO.. 824 ABINGTON BLDG. eUNNYSIOE HOME A SNAP AT $3550. On a paved street, and every Improve ment Is psld. Has large fireplsce, ce ment bssement, laundry trays, largo lot. fruit trees, full sttlc, flvs rooms snd balh. paneled dining-room, nicely tinted. 4o0 down and balance at $25 per month. Two blocks from Sunnyxlde csr. J. P. Ford A Co.. 513 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE An unusually commodious 6-room bun galow; living and dining-rooms unusually largs; fireplace, bullt-ln seats, bookcases, etc., polished floors, beamed celling, buf fet. Come and have us show ths house to you. Rose City district. Price $3060. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY. Phone Marshall 2l7. 270 Stark Street. $.-,00 CASH $3200. 114 blocks from Hawthorne ave.. 5 large rooms, fireplace, bookcases, paneled dining-room. bullt-ln buffet. cabinet kitchen, large attic, full basement, wash trsys; very easy terms. Call Mr. Cam eron. Marshall 1133. A 712U. PACIFIC UNION TRUST CO.. 170 Fifth Street, opposite Postofflce. CENTRAL EAST BIDE S-room house, on corner K. 16th and E. Ash sts. ; lot SOxlOO ft. This is close In and will bs future s par tment-house prop erly; price $5000. terms. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main S099. A 2653. NOW IS THE TIME To buy that horns In Ladd Addition. I have one not built to sell, which csn bs bought for cost; new, hardwood floors, strictly modem In every way; this Is a bargain which will not Inst. A. AI. BERRY. 435 chamber of Commerce. A BARGAIN. $1500 buys new $7000 two-flat building ef $ and 6 rooms: walking distance; well built; restricted 'district and on carllne; must sell promptly; cash preferred. Own er. East iiZV. LOOKINO FOR A HOME? Let me show you one on Broadway, near K. 34th st. It Is new, modern and up to date; 2 blocks from car. on paved atraet; a good Investment; easy terms. A. M. BERK Y. 435 Chamber of Commerce. MY T-room modern bungalow In IRVINGTON PARK ran be bought for I325U. You are In vited to see It. It will stand Inspection. Phone Msrshall 2687. FOR 6AL1 Mount Tabpr, 4-roorn bun-a.- low; magnificent view; ouxi33; Chicken house and shed; $2500: part cash. Ses owner, 59 K. 07th st- Take Mount Tabor car, get off 6Sth su, walk 2 blocks north, 1 west. 1 north. BARGAIN. 7-room modern house; lot $4 by 100: furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, witlks. china closet, paneled dining-room, cove celling: fine location; way below mar ket value. Apply owner. 758 E.isl Couch. TWO-STORY new. modern house, six lsrge rooms; hard floor, every convenience; large corner lot; room for another house; lawn, cement walka, carllne. East bide. P. O. box 638. $50 DOWN. 110 MONTH. Why not buy thle three-room house In St- Johns. 8 blocks to car. extra large comer lot; only 9750? Owner, 811 Lewis bldg. . BEST BUY IN ROSE CITY PARK. Modern S-room bungalow; fine location. Phone owner for particulars. C lb44. Act q u 1 ck snd ssve commission. $3760 BUYS ons of the neatest bungalows In ths city facing north on East Taylor st. Absolutely up-to-date. Terms. J. F. Cnmpton. 100 Ablngton Bldg. ONE acrs In young orchsrd, 6-room mod ern house, on carllne. 20 mlnutea from city; $0000. terms. W Ormsby,- 41st and Hols-ate. Phons Sellwood 823. FOR BALE At a bargain, my S-room mod ern house In Portland Heights, good view. Lot 100x00. Phons Main 7235. HOUSE and S lots In Oswego, reasonable. Call or write C. H. Elston. Oswego. Or. Business property. tjUNNYSlDB SNAP $6500; a choice piece of business property: located on Belmont su; present income pays over 10 per cent, csn bs hsndled on very easy terms. Haw. thorns Realty Co, 1021 Hawthorne ave. phones Tabor 616. B 2867. A GILT-EDGE INVESTMENT, ftxlll feet In Sulllvans Gulch, adjoin ing railroad; nlcs t-room cottage, room for two or would make an Ideal factory sits very cheap If taken soon; terms. A. M. BERRY. 435 Chambar of Commerce. INCOME property, 8 per cent, near Broad way bridge. Phons C 2420. Inquire 830 Eugene st. Acreage. FOR SALE 31 acrea. 5 Improved, good buildings. 20 miles from Portland, 3 north Klllsboro. Address R. P. D. 1, Box 6, Hlllsboro. Or. A SNAP. A alee little acreage en eleerrle line, elose to depot and closs to Portland. Kin. ney A fitampher. 631 Lumber Axohangs kids. 8, 10 OR 20 ACRES of our WILLAMETTE VALLET IRRIGATED Land In Marlon County, S. E. of Salem at half value to the first 20 homebullders. First come first served. Apply at farm land department of HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Bankers, Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Portland, or at our Branch Office on the Grounds at WEST STAYTON, Or. Take 4:1.1 P. M. S. P. train st Union Depot (or at 4:25 P. M. from E. Morrison st.) to West Stayton, via Woodburn, ACREAGE. , , More than 40O0 acres close to Portland and cut Into 1. 2. 6. 10 and 20-acre tracts fine roads, all graded and In first-class condition. In front of svery tract. We have been 85 years In Willamette Val ley and 15 years of this time In fann and acreage business In Portland. We know the soil. We make a specialty of close in acreage and our 4000-acre platting Is of the most fertile soil In the state. See crop of past year. You make the first pay ment and the crops will do the rest. Pleas ant employment and convenient to all the advantages of Portland. Ths cheapest acreags tracts around Portland, quality and location considered, and sold on 11b aral terms. $125 to $300 per acre. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 103 Fourth St. Main 85. A 8500. 5 AND 10-ACRE TRACTS Close to station, easy terms; Ideal son. This- will make you Independent at a reasonable price of only $150 to -" per acre. 20 per cent- cash handles this. Come In and see plat, and talk It over. Will make terms to suit yoa. HALL A ATCHINSON. 213 Gerllnger Building Second and Alder Streets A 10-ACRE FARM CLEARED LAND. RICH BLACK SOIL, NO STUMPS. GRAVEL OR WASTE LAND: EXCEPTIONALLY ADAPTED FOR RAISING VEGETABLES. BERRIKS AND FRUIT: $250 CASH. BALANCE EASY Tfc'.RMS; CLOSE TO PORTLAND AND ELECTRIC LINE. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVEIXJPMENT CO., 405 COUCH BLDG. 10-ACRE tracts of easily cleared land, "red shot" soil, specially adapted to fruit, veg etables snd poultry rsislng; not steep, but practically all tillable; pure running wa ter; plenty of timber; near school and county road, 7 miles from railroad and 35 mllea from Portland; $35 an acre, .part cash- Can show you any day. Palmer. 612 Couch bldg. MUST sell my 20-acre trsct, only 16 miles out. new land, new buildings, close to station, all cleared. All stock goes. Only $lo00, H, cash, balance to suit. K 8-14. Oregonlan. BEST 5 ACRES IN THE COUNTY. C seres level, black sediment soil, no gravel: will grow anything, all cleared and ready for ths plow. Nice settled neighborhood, store, school snd church; electric station walking distance; cheap fares to Portland. $1260. part cash. See owner. 203 Corbett Bldg.. Portland. INVESTORS DOUBLE YOUR MONEY! 14 acrea all cleared and tight on elec tric carllne; price. If sold before March 5. $13,000; half cash, balance mortgage two years at 6 per cent. Lots adjoining this are selling at $300 to $300 each. 518 Bosrd of Trads Bldg. 6 ACRES. 8& acres In grapes, balance In fruit, tt mile to city limits. $6000 for the place on some terms. The Income on this tract runs as high as $1800 per year. Better see us today. Don't phone. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, 370 Stark Street. MUST BE SOLD 20 acres, 18 miles from Portland: station at corner of property, od county road; 7 acres under cultivation; lies beautiful; mortgage coming due with. In 60 days; come and make offer. A. W. Smltb, room 100 Ablngton bldg. Main 6vM. ACREAGE. 160 acres, 15 miles of Portland, on a good graveled road all the way to It. This csn be cut up into 5 and 10-acre tracts and easily sold for $250 an acre; 90 acres In fine cultivation; price, $100 an acre; easy terms. A SOt. Oregonlan. CHOICE acreage, river frontage, and lots and blocks at Rlsley Station, on Oregon City carllne: also modem 6-room bun galow at Oak Grove; all on easy terms Call on H. G. Starkweather at Rlsley Station. Phons Oak Grove. Black 17. Postal address. Mllwaukle. R. F. D. No. L SNAP. B acres, 8 blocks from station. 13 miles from Portland; lies level and nloe; half under cultivation; will make terms; price. $225 per acre. A. W. Smith, room 100 Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 5033. STATE land is now selling at $7.50 per acre; can sell you 160 seres 8 miles from Klamath Falls at $'1.50 per acre. $3.50 per acre cash, balance one, two or three years; state deed. Call 840 Chamber of Com merce. Ask for Mr. Conway. 12 ACRES fine, black loam. 4 miles from Vancouver, 14 mile to electric carllne and station; unimproved; very cheap. $500 cash and terms. JOS. C. GIBSON. 805 Gerllnger bldg.. Portland. Or. ONLY 1150 PER ACRE. $200 cash; balance easy terms, buys 11 acres of good rloh land partly cleared. 12 miles from center of Portland, near Ore gon Electrlo carllne. See owner, 221 14 Morrison at-, room 9. CONCORD. OREGON CITY LINTS. XH seres In cultivation: $2760. 8 1-8 acrea. all in cultivation: $3!t8a. C W. Rlsley, owner, P. O. Mllwaukle, B. F. D. No. L Phons Oak Grove, Red 13. SPECIAL, 10-acre tract, convenient to Ore gon biectnc Wliuo; ua.nu nearly all in cultivation; rich deep soli, and the pries only $153 sn acre; easy terms. Western Land Co.. 248H Stark st. 160 ACRES state land. 3 miles from Klam ath Falls. 11 taken mis weea will sell at 16.50 per acre, $3.50 per acre cash, balance 1. 2 and 8 years. Ask for Mr. Conwsy. 840 Chambor of Commerce. $750 CHEAP $750. B acres, near Vancouver; all level, good soil Just the thing for chickens or fruit; terms to suit. Owner, Box $51. Portland, Oregon. CHICKEN RANCH NEAR PORTLAND. 2 acres, easily cleared, excellent soil, spring wster, four block to electric car station. Price $425; terms $50 cash. $10 per month. Call 2P3 Corbett Bldg. BUY from owner; best acreage In city lim its: will sell d-acre tracts or more; nigh, sightly and Improved: 14 blocks from end of Haa-thorne-ave. carllne; agents need not apply. Y Sol. Oregonlan. ONE, two, three or four acres for the same price as you win nave to pay lor lots; $100O per acre; one acre will make six lota 52x112; within 8!e miles of center of cltv. I. B. Grunstad. 1024 Cham, of Com. THE Bunnell tract at Oak Grove now for sale; M, to ,'i 1.. ' 1 m umuvuioa; close to car. Prices and terms to suit. See W. E. .Thresher. Mllwaukle. Or. 10 AND 20-acre tracts, 32 miles from Port land, very oesi ot hub, ,jy to mov per .cra. Your own terms. PACIFIC UNION TRUST CO.. 170 5th sr. 6. ACRES fine garden land, under cultiva tion. ""U minutes nun uo vregon elec tric, at station: sny part, $750 per acre; ft cash. AH SOP. Oregonlan. FIVE acres, nice spring, garden land, 7 M miles or center city on west mae; level; snap and on liberal terms. Owner, 311 Lewis bldg. ONE acre at Garden Home; will take $500 cash lor quick sale, uujer to BHiimB note running another IS months for $300. A 800. Oregonlan. $350 PER ACRE Shi miles city limits. 9 DIOCkS .1111.11 1U 111.W, 1 . , muu llliu "hIGLEY A BISHOP, 133 Third St. TEN ACRES, $10,500: city limits, adjoins MOntSVlUS, lu-w ......... . wviu- merclal bldg. BEAUTIFUL -acre tracts on easy terms. 0 n canine, i n"1 " - w - Reed A Taylor. 617 Board of Trade Bldg. 18 ACRES. IB acres cleared, running water, near Tjeaverton: by owner. Tabor 156a 50 ACRES fine soli near Vancouver, close to electrio surr , , 7j ' - terms wrignt. ojo p"-"' mua. 1Y OWNER 7 acres. Multnomah station, Oregon Electrlo - Railway: bargain. AD 803. Oregonlan Homesteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book fives amount ot .rj ,ui unicn. 1 u u iiiuu v omestead. In each county In the states ef Oregon and Washington, and descrip tion of same; rives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In colors. 11x29. showing R R. In operation, one showing all pro posed R. R- and electrlo lines. Including Eastern and Central Oregon. 30o eaoh, or the three 0o. Map of Wasblngtoa lo 00 1 ers. 21x21. 20c Nina-no, Runey A Co, Hamilton bids. CENTRAL OREGON I LEAVE SATURDAY EVENING, March 4. for my homestead. Can place you on a fine one In my neighborhood If you can go with me. ALVIN 8. HAWK, printer, S8H Third at. For Sale rrtut I anus, BRITISH COLUMBIA fruit farms yield $60 0 to $1000 per acre; Edgewood or chards In Arrow Lake district. West Koctensy, require no Irrigating; have splsndid markets. Ideal climate, good transportation, good social advantages; choicest land only $80 per acre; easy monthly terms without Interest. Froe booklet "V." Investors' Trust & Mort gage Corporation, Ltd., 114 Hastings St. West, Vancouver, B. C SALESMAN WANTED To sell planted orchard tracts. In the Mid dle States, 16 miles from Portland; R. R. stations on place; best proposition In Ore gon; liberal commission: only competent, wide-awake men need apply. $15 Corbett bldg. For Sale Farms. BEST BUY , IN OREGON. 20 seres, close to Portland, on electrlo carllne; good 6-room house, good barn, chicken-houses, hophouse. all outbuildings. This land is all cleared and In tine shape for truck gardening or a chicken ranch, but owner says SELL QUICK. You can buy this by paying $500 down and the balance on easy terms. Five acres adjoining this can be purchased by paying $125 down and balance on easy terms, CALL AT ONCE 917 Board of Trade Bldg. DO TOU WANT LAND that you can IRRIGATE during the dry Summer, so you csn doa ble or treble your yields? If so, get in on the ground floor of our Willamette Valley Irrigated land In Marion Co.. S. E. ot Salem. , , First come first served. Apply at farm lsnd department of HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Bankers, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, or at onr Branch Office on the Grounds at WEST STAYTON, OR. Take 4:10 f- m. a. r. -.miii u.uu Depot (or at 4:25 P. M. from E. Morrison st.) to West Stayton, via Woodburn. ba r.i rlrKt-class bench land, IS to 20 acrea In crop, mostly seeded to oats. wheat and clover; a gooa orcnara "t ap ples, pears, cherries and grapes and ber- . . .1 hn.iaa onlnteO A. ries; a kuuu D-mum .. , . , , . " 1. 1 1. linn..., -nri a vara o ?ooa u a 1 11, iiiii ........ -- -est high: picket fence: good spring at house, on good county road, 8 miles ironj R R and river. 2 miles to store and P. O..' IVi mile to school; there goes with .- 1 heifers. 1 calves. 3 tile uiui., w " 1 - 1 o o,.n hirkens. 5 stands beeB. 2 .' - A tiurn.E, A STOOd WttOll gooa nui ' .. . ... . -J and buggy. 1 mower, 1 rake. 1 plow, Z ... . n.i. A -s .i.inrn tnr n , f cultivators, . linn-" " -. saws, all kinds tools, 1 good stove, uten- ... - . - hiniltn,- nlentv hav and cotatoes for use until new crop. Price 30O0: $2000 will handle it, balance 6 per v"'. T. ,a y -.....,1 hloi-lr eor- Cent. KWm fliH i.wiuiii..v.-. ' ' ner 2d and Washington. CLACKAMAS County farm; 75 acres: 50 acres clear; new baref and house; first class condition; spring water, no rock. 3 miles from Oregon City; $10,000; part cash, terms on balance. Also 9-room house and 50x100 lot in Alblna to exchange for land or vacant lots; price $0500. Also vacant lota adjoining Bite of Reed Institute: average $500; terms. Also Clackamas County timber claim on Clackamas River: 13000. Also Umber claim. Trinity County, Cal.; 3Also timber claim In Josephine County, ' Or.; $4000. JOHN W. LODER, Owner. Both phones. Oregon City. Or. 225-acre farm (one of the very best In Lynn Co.. near Albany); will stand close I ., , I rra .ton ALSO ISO-ACRE FARM IN YAMHILL CO., near Newberg; fine fruit and hop land. ALSO 1280 acres of timber and grazing land In Klamath, Or. All or any of the above farms can be purchased at right Prices and good terms. Inquire at 202V4 btark at. Phone A 2131. M. 2131. fo "ACRES, UK) acres rich river bottom land, 70 acres in high state of cultiva tion 2 houses, 2 barns, orchard, well fenced, all level land, well located. 2 miles to town and railroad, everything goes in. 15 milk cows. 8 wagons, 3 horses, new buggy, silo and engine complete, and all farm Implements too numerous to mention, can be had cheap. H. W. GARLAND, 191 Fourth Street, ITT . viTIlTV IT ARM. 46 acres, all level; 11 miles from Oregon City and 6 miles from Canby; 25 acres cleared; good 8-room house, 2 barns, water, can be jjlatted In 5 and 10-acre tracts; price $600. terms. H P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Blag. Phones aiain oovi-j. a wa. 30 PER ACRE, and all level land, first class soil; 1200 seres. 700 acres plow land, all fenced and cross-fenced. 0l, timber, on main county road, located, in a beautiful valley near Olympla, Wash.; terms 'a cash, balance 6 per cent; noth ing better for a dairy, stock or wheat mrich fiOtB H. W. GARLAND, 191 Fourth Street. 1UU Ai. ii-r..- V ii. 1- av, .w. .... u mile from railroad and town; cleared of brush and seeded down: fine timber; 160 per acre; timber will more than pay 'PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 403 Couch Bldg. 80 ACRES on Salem Electric and Southern Pacific. 15 miles from Portland: house, fine large new bam; 2H acres young orchard- 50 seres cleared, bslance easily cleared- '40 acres onion land, 18 to 20 of which Is best beaverdam in state; wf.l watered; at a bargain. Owner, 201 Swetland bldg. 25 ACRES level land, near Boring, half mile from O. W. P. station: fair Improvements- forty bearing fruit trees; tine soil: nearly all cultivated; spring: $100 per acre- easy terms. Kable & Miller, owners. - . . . t. . i -tr -C c. T-rt DAll TT 1 Vn 313 jjoaru or i'i" mug. en ACRES 80 miles from Portland, adjoin- . i -,. 'in it.. . heat onion land, balance good farming or fruit land; price only $22o0, $000, $800 In trade for auto or city lot, balance 5 years. W. E. Hlbbard. 640 T. M. C. A. bldg. 00 I-DC lTADV 14 miles from Portland end 2 miles from 3 good towns, half mile to electrio station, on very easy terms. C. DE YOUNG. 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. A NICE LITTLE FARM. 1 12tt acres, all In cultivation, small house, bam, well water, 24 apple trees, 4 mile from Tualatin station on S, P. railway and electric line, and $2150 will 100-ACRE farm, rich land, nearly all in miles from good town; price sacrificed $10 an acre less than Joining land. ,1- T ano ro M S U Stark St. 88-ACRE farm, 15 acres under plow, house, barn, orchard, only H mile from depot; $2500: easy terms; will sell the stock and farm implements cheap. Western Land . Co.. 248 Stark st. OWNER'S SALE Two very desirable farms, finely located; abundance wood and water, convenient to school and railroad, at at tractive prices. Bostwlck. Blodgett. Or. WE have 2 sections of good level farm ing land to sell at $2.50 per acre any part, PACIFIC UNION TRUST CO.. 170 6th St. A LARGE warehouse business, located In Yamhill Co.; home farm to go with business- reasons for selling, sickness. Call or write J. W. Elston, Amity. Oregon. 80 ACRES 25 cleared, goad house, nearly all fenced, 2 miles Rldgefield. $8000; terms. August Horn. Rldgefleld. Wash. 80 ACRES, on water, convenient, small cash payment, baL terms O. Mtddlekauft, Yaqulna, Or. 10 ACRES, Beaverton, very cheap; nuf aed. Oregon Farms Co.,416 Rothchlld. BARGAIN 270-acre ranch near Redding, Cal Write F. A. Balrd. Redding. Cal. FARMS, orchard tracts, gTd assortment. See Oretron Farms Co.. 41. Rothcbild bldg. TO EXCHANGE. $1200 EQUITY in 6-room bungalow to trade for lot. good district. Mr. Burt, room 7, 2504 Third. 4 ACRES, not cleared, 3 blocks from Tigard, $2000. first payment on 7-room modern house. A 80S, Oregonlan. 800 ACRES of wheat land, ell under culti vation. 2V4 miles from railroad in Mor row County, house, barn and well; price $20 per acre. 00 acres. 6 miles from Lyle In the fa mouse Klickitat County fruit belt; 5 acres in orchard, 4 years old, Newtowns and Spltzenbergs, house, barn and outbuild ings; $7000. . . Will exchange either place for Port land property. KAUFFMANN A MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE, or will trade for city property, my 240-acre ranch; 33 acres 2-year-old Cornice and d'Anjou pears; 35 acres 2-year-old Spitz aad Yeilow Newtowns; Rogue River, close to Medford. on county road, one mile from railroad station; bouse, barn, well, springs, large creek running through place; improved and up to date. 721 Board ot Trade bldg., Portland. WANT small acreage place on electric line lng $4000 house, 5 rooms, furnace; Rose in exchange for my $900 equity In pleas City Park. J 818. Oregonlan. $8800-HALF section wheat land Eastern Washington: fine volcanic ash soil, prac tically all tillable, good well, all fenced, small house; trade for restaurant, hotel or rooming-house. Minnie Wagner, Ro salia, Wash. FOR SALE or trade by owner 64-room mod ern rooming-house. full u roomers, well located on corner lot; entrance from two streets; rent less than $4 per room per month. Sco R. F. P. 533 Morrison st., or phone Marshall 519. 11 ACRES, good level uncleared land, some timber, 12 miles from Portland, near car line, price $1650; will take a lot worth $700 for first payment. See ownor, 221 Morrison st,, room 0. WILL trade my equity In modem 6-room bungalow, E. 44th St.; payments $15 per month and interest for payment on small farm or close-In acreage; will deal only with owners. N 803. Oregonlan. MUST' sell at once, one five-acre and one ten-acre tract, close to city and car; or will exchange for a good home not over $4000; no agents; In answer give phone number. AL S08, Oregonlan. 60 ACRES WHITE SALMON LAND. Near Glavis' place. $5000; will take bungalow .2500; small amount cash. bal. mortgage. 6 per cent. Fred W. German, 329 Burnairte. M 2776. WILL trade fine Portland lot or acreago for good gasoline launch: must be good, up-to-date boat with modern 4-cyclo en gine: cabin boat -not considered. AG S04, Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade, 2000 shares Good Hope mining stock dirt cheap, or will trade for real estate. Address J., 102 Stark St.. city. 32 ACRES unimproved fruit land near Eu gene, trade for equity In city property or automobile; value $1500. Call $8 10th, near Stark. I HAVE three lots in Oregon City to ex change for an Underwood typewriter: a dandy deal for someone. 822 Falling bldg. Main 8500. WILL exchange new Edison and Victor talking machines for your old band in struments. Selberllng-Lucas Muslo Co., 134 2d st. $10 000 equity In farm lands in Waila Walla and Columbia counties, Washington, for Portland property. D 801. Oregonlan. I HAVE a large "HORNLESS" phonograph. New- would accept a small one as part payment. N 822, Oregonlan. WE exchange your property for what yoa desire. Portland Exchange, HIT Board at Trade bldg. Bee Mr. Wlest. WE exchange your property for what you want. Exchange department, the Western Securities Co.. 414 Spalding bldg. 160 ACRES fine land In valley to trade for 5 or 6-room bungalow. This Is a snap. M 800. Oregonlan. WILL exchange for acresge or lots, fine electric piano. D 803, Oregonlan WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT acreage property on electric line. In exchange for $900 equity in pleasing $4000 Rose City Park home; 5 rooms. h. 817, Oregonlan. WE have several Inquiries for new and modern residences In Irvlngton, on good terms. If you have such property for sale, see McAllister & Lueddemann, 722 Electric bldg. Phone Marshal 2281. WANTED for cash customer, good modern home, $4000 to $7000. between 12th and 2ild ave., Morrison and Hawthorne dis trict; must be complete and a bargain. 405 Gerllnger bldg. Phone 1)070. OWNERS What Is the best Investment In city property that $5000 to $10,000 cash will handle'.' Address Widow, AK 800, Ore gonlan. WANTED Ashland, Or. property In ex change for my block of eight lots In South Portland; fine view lots, 2 min utes' walk from postofflce. A 804, Ore gonlan WANTED TO EXCHANGE EQUITY IN lots 100x200, Irvlngton Park, for modern -bungalow in good district. See owner at drugstore. 5th and Burnslde. MODERN 6-room house on lot 90x100, $2750; $300 down or will trade for unin cumbered lot in Portland. Phono Seli wood 82-J. ; WANT to buy a house In Irvlngton, south of Knott st.; describe and quote price. AD 822. Oregonlan. HAVE you a lot In Council Crest Park for sale? See W. J. Baker, 619 Board ot Trade. , . WILL pay cash for a good building lot in Rossmere or Rose City Park. AL SOI, Oregonian. ' WANT a few acres of land near electrio line on West Side; not over 10c cartare; give full particulars. AM 806. Oregonian. WE have party wants lot to build on, or house and lot reasonable. Address 43S Chamber Commerce. IRVINGTON lot wanted, on or between lotll and 24th sts., south of Braxee; will deal only with owner. AD 821, Oregonlan. CUSTOMERS for $3000 bungalows, $100 to $100 down. 703 Spalding bldg. Main 89. WANT acre close in. Call Jas. C. Logan. 32IH4 Wash. St.. room 404. FOB SALE TIMBER LA"I. TIMBER claim in Lane County for sale; cruise shows 78,000 feet yellow fir. :!300 feet cedar per acre, and over 1000 cedar poles on tract; bona fide buyers only. AF 801. Oregonlan. OWNER will sell two quarter sections ot about 16,000,000 feet of excellent timber near Grants Pass. Or., for -41 per M. P. O. box4jl3. Vancouver. Wash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M' CRACK EN. 304 McKay Bldg. OWNER will sell timber claim, guaranteed cruise, at bargain price. Phone Main 4126. XiMttEK. CLAIMS, homestead rtuaguiee mcms. 219 Worcester bldtt WANTED TIMBER LANDS- TIMBER wanted; have sawmill, 40 M. ca pacity; want tract of good, sound timber, well located, to cut on contract or buy outright, a yj.1 viTie"nm.i. TIMBER lands wanted. C J. McCrackea. 304 MaKay oiag. s WANTED Small tracts of timber. L B. Grunstad, 1024 Cham, of Com. FOB RENT FARMS. 405 ACRES" near electric, best buy to sub divide: $100 per acre; also choice farms. . . . . . t r- 1, n ITiiVih.ril ll," Aqtircss m. i.mipuu.1-, " ' 10 MILES south, 60 acres. 30 in height of cultivation. AB 600. Oregonlan. - FOR SAJ-K. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. MUST sell 2S00-1O. team, mare and horse, 5 and 8 years old, good workers, single or double; last travelers; will sell separate; trial; guarantee given; $375. 349 E. 3d North- GOOSENECK wagons, from one to five-ton capacity, always in stock. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE A AUTO WKS.. Main 2S92. 209-211 Front St. BIG BARGAIN. 3 mares, 2200 lbs.. 7 and 8 years old. true pullers, harness and wagon, all for $10O. Hi tiranq ave. FOR SALE Pony, weight 800 lbs., price $40, or exchange for a heavier horse. In quire Irvlngton Stables, E. Sixth and Sphuvler. FOR SALE One 6-year-old black mare weighing 1000; one team youns, wen bred horses, weighing 2800. 226 Russell street. CAR of fine heavy horses at reasonable prices. Rose t-ity rarn dvui, w-u -.in Sandy Road. Rose City car. Adams t Campbell. TEAM, weight 2150 lbs., harness and wagon, prlco $175; also horse, harneas and buggy. $1.1. 4o:i cast oaiiimn at. WANTED Teams for scraper work. Rob ert waaeneiu & avuui. i.wi - voir. WANTED A two-seated family surrey and a ltgnt runaoout, wu imv.i A 803, Oregonian. Rl 1 05.2