Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 01, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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W. S. U'Ren in Attorney-Gen
eral's Office When County
Tax Repeal Is Up.
Orr fron City Lawgiver Held Krpon
ftibUt for Changes Made in Text
for Ballot Hi 'or
Heady for Voters.
HALF.M. Or- FeK FpecUn With
tha ballot titla almost twlca a Ions
tha propoaed constitutional amendment
Itsalf. criticism la belntr heard hera of
the manner In which the title for the
amendment, repealing the county tai
amendment passed by the people at the
Uat election, has been submitted to tha
F-retary of State.
Considerable comment was heard
about tha Capitol corrldirn today because
rf the fact that W. 8.- U'Ren. champion
of the stnicle tax. was present In tha
Attornsy-Ornerala ofrice when the At
torney -General waa completing the l-tl-s.
Thera la a possibility of a protest
belnc made against the title for this
partK-uIar tas. amendment. The title tn
rhtdea 4) words and the act baa only
words In Its aubloct matter.
Members of the Slate Til CommU
ton say that they originally prepared
a title whl-h they bettered, to be per
fectly satisfactory and which. In their
opinion, outlined the act completely,
briefly and thoroughly. This was
chanced and they believe that tTRen
waa In a certain measure responsible
for tha chanire made.
Ten days are riven In whlrh to pro.
test aralnst a ballot title after It has
been filed with the Secretary of State,
the protest to be carried before tha Cir
cuit Court of this district, which Is court
of List resort In ballot-title rases.
VI hils It la understood that soma
words were chanaed at tha request of
l Rrn, the Attomey-Ceneral refused to
make all of the changes desired by tha
remn City alncla tax advocate, but
Just what tha further changes desired
were cannot be determined.
The ballot title as It stands reads:
Tor constitutional amendment to re-
renl all of section 1A of Article IX es
rept that part prohibiting poll and head
taxes) n Oreaon and Instead of the por
tions repealed to add a provision
prohibiting the declaration of an emer
gency n any art passed by the LegiS'
Li lure regulating taxation and exemp
Other Title Weak.
In passing on other resolutions for
the purpose of preparing the titles tha
Attorney-General discovered that tha
reolutlon providing for nn amendment
to create tha office of Lieutenant-Governor
fa I la to provide also for tha crea
tion of the office of President pro tern
of the Senate, but It la the opinion that
"the naolution Implies authority for toe
Senate to elect such an officer.
Cnder thla proposed amendment tha
l ieutenant-Governor acts as President
of the Senate and In the absence of tha
nmrnor or In case of his death, resig
nation or Inability, be becomes Gover
nor. In event of death, resignation, ab
sence from the state or Inability of the
IJeutenant-Uovernor and Governor then
the President pro tern, of the Senate be
comes Governor.
Creation of tha office of Lieutenant
Governor la provided for In Senate Joint
resolution No. . which amends sect Km
S. article V of the constitution. Tha
following ballot title Is designated:
"For constitutional amendment of sec
tion s. article V. for the purpose of
creating the office of Lieutenant-Governor,
who shsJl act as Governor In rasa
cf the Inability of the Governor to per
form bis duties and also act as Presi
dent of the Senate, and providing for
the President pro ten. of the Senate to
act aa Governor In case of tha Inabil
ity of both the Governor and Lieutenant
Governor, and In case of the Inability
of the Governor. Lieutenant-Governor
and President pro tern, of the Senate,
the Speaker of tha House to act as Gov
ernor." C'Ken At-aloftt Office.
Mr. t"Ren expressed an objection to
the creation of ofrice of Lieutenant
Governor on the ground that the office
would not bo one sought by tha strongest
men In the state and rather would be
slighted generally aa not being worth
tlie- price of admission.
For Senate Joint Resolution No. I tha
Attorney-General designates the follow
ing title:
"for an amendment of Section L Ar
ticle IX. of the Oregon Constitution, pro
viding for a uniform rule of taxation,
except on property specifically taxed,
providing for the levy ano collection of
taxes fur state purposea and for county
and other municipal purposes upon dif
ferent classes of property, and for tha
ascertainment, determination and appll
' ration of an average rate of levy and
taxation on property taxed for state
purposes, and for apportioning state
taxes among tha several counties aa
county obligations by reasonable and
eoultable rules.
For Senate Joint Resolution No. t the
ballot title is:
"For an amendment of Section S. Ar
ticle L Oregon Constitution, for the pur
pose of permitting taxea to be levied
upon different claaaes of property at
different rates, but providing that tax
ation must be uniform upon each sep
arate class within the territorial limits
of the authority levying the tax. and
shall be levied and collected for public
purposes only and the power of taxa
tion must never be surrendered, aua
p -nded or contracted away."
Majority Vole Provided.
The title as prepared by the Attorney
General for House Joint Resolution No.
1 is:
"For amendment of Section L of Ar
ticle XVII of the Constitution so as to
require for tha adoption of any proposed
constitutional amendment a majority
vote of all the electors voting at such
election. Instead of a majority of those
Voting on the amendment only.
This amendment waa proposed In the
House, according to lis introducers, for
the purpose of doing away with diffi
culties experienced In prior elections
when there wss evidently a wide di
versity In the number voting on varloua
Initiative and referendum measures.
Vndr tlie amendment, should It carry.
It will be necessary for a majority of
the whole number of voters to carry aa
With these five there are now six
ballot titles ready for the people at the
next election and all of them are for
constitutional amendments, the sixth
being for the woman's suffrage amend
ment, filed several weeks ago.
Government Demands Rebate.
Thirty six thousand, six hundred and
thirty gunny sacks, weighing 45. MO
pounds, are tha basis of tha Govern
ment's stilt against Kerr. Gilford A
Co.. which was filed yesterday in the
Federal Court. The company furnished
the Army t.OOO.uli') pounds of oats, for
which the Government paid HS.T50.
When V. A. Grant, the quartermaster,
submitted hi accounts to the Quartermaster-General
for auditing, it was
found he had failed to deduct the
weight of tha sacks In making payment
for the oats. The sacks weighed 1!
ounces each. The Government demand
ed that Kerr. Gilford 4 Co. return
l5S5.:f. It is alleged. When this was
refused, suit was brought to recover
this amount, with Interest at per
cent from February II. ISO.
Supreme Court ICrvereea Decision in
boldoiulth-Street Case.
8ALKM. Or.. Feb. IT. (Special.)
Virtually upholding the contention that
Portland has been negligent In not
creating a special fund to be raised by
levy and collection of assessment upon
real property affected by Improvement
of Goldsmith street from Alblna avenue
to Kuasell street, the Supreme Court to
day. In an opinion by Justice Bean, re
verse.! tha Multnomah Circuit Court. In
the lower court Judge Bronaugh bad
auatalned a demurrer of the city and the
case la remanded with Instructions to
Abstinence From Amusements
Is Enjoined.
Archbishop Christie, in Defining
Obligations of Catholics, Com
mands That Spirit of Ten
ance Bo Observed.
Catholics and Episcopalians the world
over will begin today the celebration
of Lent, which ends with Eaater. No
Catholic la permitted to marry in Lent,
unless dispensation la granted by a
priest, nor are Cathollca expected to
overrule the demurrer and continue with j attend theaters or other placea of publlo
the case In a manner not inconsistent
with the statements set out In the opin
ion of tha Supreme Court.
The suit was started by J. R. O Neil
and 17171 la tha amount Involved.
either cases were decided today aa
U B. Klnner. a repliant, va. Bertha J. and
R. H. emitb. respondents: appealed' from
tone County; J. V. Hamilton, Ju.lg.
fled In an opinion by Justice Kaktn.
J. C lirautl. respondent, vs. J4. J. Shar
key, appellant; appealed from Clackamas
County. J. A. Eakln. Juris. Affirmed In
an opinion br Jusil'-e MrBrlie.
V. b. lw. rt4pofrd.HL vs oartenev Lum
ber Company, et al.. defendants and re
spondents, and i. A- oralrh timbering A
lianufaclurtns Comiieny. defendants: ap
pealed from Coos County; J. W. Hamilton.
Judse. Affirmed In an opinion by Justice
fi hrlrie.
Petitions roe rehearing were overruled In
the caees of Wees vs. Khlaaen. Jjunlgan vs.
Wood. Mtrha'h va. Tounr and la Uraade
vs. Portland fob lie Market.
amusement In thin period. It Is also a
time of partial abstinence from food.
Archbishop Christie haa Issued Len
ten regulations for the" archdiocese of
Oregon. They are as follows:
Lent begins March 1. All the faith
ful not leglflmatelr dispensed are
obliged In conscience to observe the
lawa of the church concerning tha
Modi- I Lenten faeit.
J. The use or flesh meal is auowea
at every meal on Sundays, as well aa
the principal meal on .Mondays. Tues
davs, Thursday and Saturdays. Satur
daya of the Umber daya and holy week
. The use of fish. milk, butter and
egge Is permitted on all days of Lent
at the evening collation, and the prin
cipal meals on these days on which the
use of flesh meat is forbidden.
Abstinence Is Defined.
Plea of Slen on Southern Pacific
Hun Is Granted.
In spit of the I'ostmaster-GeneraJ'a
policy of retrenchment, which has re
sulted In mora hours and harder work
for tha postal clerks, the complaint of
tha clerks on the Southern raciflo Una
out of Portland resulted In the receipt
by Postmaster Merrick yesterday of
tha following telegram from Washing
ton. D. C:
"Postofflce Department advises that
additional help haa been authorised for
trains II and 1 from tha south."
Assistant Chief Clerk Graves, of tha
railway mall service, said yesterday,
when asked about the matter, that ha
thought this would give three extra
clerks on tha run between Portland
and Itoseburg.
"The regular run." ho said. "Is be
tween Portland and Ashland. The
regular clerks, after completing their
run. have had to work between Port
land and Drain. It was of this that
they complained. With tha helpers on
trains 12 and 1. and an equalisation of
the work, tha labors of the regular
clerks will be lightened."
County Can't Allow Etch Temporary
Itoom for City Jail.
There is not even temporary room In
the new Courthouse for use by the po
lice force. It was found yesterday after
noon when Councilman Lombard and
members of the County Court reviewed
the situation. IL waa decided definitely
that the police will be given no quartera
In the building, not even until the pro
posed new City Jail building can be
After going over the situation. County
Judge- Cleeton. Commissioners Hart and
Llghtner and Councilman Lombard called
on ilayor Simon and laid the case be
fore him. He agreed that tha best tha
city can do Is to proceed to build Its
own headquarters for the police. If the
people vote a proposed bond Isaua of
tl&v.OCO for It. An amendment for this
sura will be presented to the City Coun
cil for submission to the voters In June.
They Kind Bourne No Help to Them
With Proldent Taft.
ington. Feb. II. The "sorest" bunch
In Washington today la the delegation
that came from Arlsona to induce Sen
ator Bourne to intercede with Presi
dent Taft and Induce him to approve
of the new Arlsona constitution, so
they can get statehood.
Instead of being able to help them
they find that Bourne, having pubhely
assailed the President, is tha heaviest
handicap they can carry, and aome of
them are preparing to go home, having
abandoned hope.
Centralis) Coalheaver Looks to Right
and Left but Not Behind.
CENTRALIA. Wash. Feb. IS. (Spe
cial.) While crossing the track on his
way home from work laat night, John
Pau'us. a coalheaver, was killed by a
switch engine.
Paulus looked In both directions for
an approaching passenger or freight
train, but forgot the possibility of the
switch engine backing.
He was mangled and died after an
operation at the L'umon Hospital.
Bagsy Wheel Off, Two Hurt.
CENTRALIA. Wash, Feb. . (Spe
cial.) While driving in the direction of
Major William Haxzard'a ranch, three
miles east of Chehalls, yesterday after
noon, Charles E. Price, a wealthy stock
man, and J. J. Lynch, a local newspaper
man, were hurled from a buggy when a
wheel came off. -and were dragged sev
eral yards by the runaway team before
thev could extricate tnemeeivesi. air.
Price sustained a fractured rib and Mr.
Lynch was bruised.
Oregon City May Get Hospital.
OREGON CITY, Or.. Feb, 3. (Special.)
Oregon City may have a publie hospital.
Two young women, graduates or uia
Cook County Hospital, at Chicago, ar
rived here yesterday and held a confer
ence with M. J. Laselle. who took up the
subject with the. Live Wires. There are
score of accidents annually in the three
big paper mills hera and need of a hos
pital has been felt.
Zbysxko Wing From Schmidt.
MFR1DEN. Conn.. Feb. IS. Zbyszko
won In straight falls from Paul Schmidt,
getting the first In 17 and the second in
six minutes.
Webber's Juvenile Orchestra Friday
evening. March 3. Admission Sac cen
tenary cnurcB
3. In the mnrnlnr a small rl'
bread Is allowed with a cup of coffee,
tea. chocolate or some similar drink.
4. When the principal meal cannot be
taken before noon, the order may be
Inverted and the collation taken In the
morning and the dinner In the evening.
5. Lard or grease may be used In pre
paring the lawful victuals.
. Those of the faith who are exempt
from the obligation of fasting can. on
the dsvs when the use of flesh meat Is
permitted to all of the faithful, be al
lowed to use It several times a day. as
on tha Sundays of Lent, when the obli
gation Is not binding. The use or both
flesh meat and fleh together at the
same meal la strictly forbidden during
tlie wnole ot Lent.
T. In virtue of the authority conced
ed to bishops In the I'nlted States by a
recent pontifical Indult. permission Is
granted to "working people" to use
meat on all days of Lent, with the ex
ception of Fridays. Ash Wednesday and
the Saturday of holy week.
This dispensation from abstinence
extends to all three repasts In the day.
The usual prohibition remains against
using flesh meat and fish at the same
Household May Be Exempt.
Where the wageearner. In virtue of
the Indult. uses meat, all the members
of the household may likewise use it.
The church does not wish to Impose
upon the household the Inconvenience
of double cooking. But in cases of this
kind those members of the household
who may be bound by the precept of
fasting are allowed the uee of meat
only at their principal repast.
The following persons are exempt
from fasting: All those who have not
attained their 21st year or who have
passed their 60th year: those whose
weak health or condition otherwise
may demand the full amount of nour
ishment, and all those whose occupa
tions are of a laborious) or exhausting
Those who are excused from fasting,
on account of age or hard labor, may
use flesh meat more than once on the
days on which It Is allowed.
It Is eminently In accordance with
I the spirit of the church that all those
who use the dispensations from the fast
and abstinence, should supply, in part,
the spirit of penance, by prayers and
almsdeeds; by avoiding all publlo
shows, parties and amusements, and by
abstaining from all Intoxicating bev
erages. (
taster Communion Knjolncd.
The time for making the Easter com
munion extends from Ash Wednesday
to Trinity Sunday, inclusive. All the
faithful are hereby warned that all
those who neglect to make the Kaster
communion violate a law of the church
which binds under pain of mortal sin.
The transgressors of the law are,
moreover, subject to excommunication,
and. should they die, to privation of
Christian burial.
Parents have to answer to nod for
their children. Let them, therefore, re
member that they are obliged In con
science to see that their r-hildren and
others under their charge receive East
er communion.
The reverend rectors are requested
to have special Lenten devotions on
Wednesdays and Fridays. The exer
cises shall consist of the beads. Instruc
tion and benediction on Wednesdays,
and the way of the croaa and benedic
tion on Frldaye.
During the month of March the au
thorised prayer to St. Joseph will be
recited after tha usual prayers of the
mass. -
We also request the reverend clergy
to read to the people. In the vernacular,
the gospel for each day during Lent,
and that this be done at the holy mass
every morning.
Bishop Scaddlng Says Money Is Sec
ondary Need in Campaign.
Bishop Scaddlng has issued to all the
Elpiscopallana of Oregon a "Lenten Pas
toral," In which he says the reason men
do not go to church Is that they have the
malady of unsplriruallty. He - gives
tbsnks for increased subscriptions and
"These campaigns for money every
where afoot are in themselves, however,
doing little to modify the gravity of tha
problem before us as - members of the
Body of Christ the Household of Ood.
Insofar aa people are merely appealed to
for funds they are having the real duty
clouded over: for, in thinking that In this
way they are giving vital assistance con
science is lulled Just when conscience
should be given a trumpet tongue In us
alL Money la not the deep necessity of
the time. Money has never failed when
intelligence has been awakened and con
science aroused. To get the problem ot
saving Oregon from fevered commercial
ism and reckless selfishness on the hori
son of the public eye. until the fear of
moral disaster haunts the public mind
that Is the crusade which the condition
of Oregon calls for. To force this most
serious question upon the minds of the
general public is aa grave a duty as any
demanding present attention, and i( may
well be our Lenten crusade.
"Human society clearly evidences an
alienation from Ood which is not con
scious, which is not combative, which is
merely indifferent and uninterested. The
present trouble with human society 's
not so much a specific negljct of religion.
It Is not to be diagnosed by a study why
men do not go to church. They do not
go to church because they have the mal
ady of unsplrltuallty. Having It, they
find nothing but boredom In the wor
ship of God. and it affects their whole
life. One cause of this Is easily found
in the mere strain of money-getting
which is felt In such a way that nothing
but amusement, and amusement of a
poor kind, can be endured In the interval
of leisure, i An exhausted man cannot
worship, or meditate on the things of
the spirit, and active worship, energetic
meditation, are required to keep In touch
with tha Invisible. Lifo does not seem
mechanical, but neither is it dominated
by a spiritual purpose. It Is a drift.
There is neither anchorage nor motive
power. There Is less and less willing
ness to take traditional religion for
granted. Men must have actual expe
rience of God or they will find God no
where. "The malady can only be cured by the
Holy Splirt. who can make men spirit
ually minded. The drift can only be
stopped by assuring men of the motive
power of the Presence of God, arid the I
clearly marked anchorage . of a certain
faith Thftrafnra hrttlhn rxt the cler
gy, let our preaching, teaching, parish I
work be marked this Lent by deep spir
ituality. The church's pulpit Is not the
place for destructive criticism, mere the
ological argument, mere ethics, politics,
so-called up-to-date topics, or for pious
platitudes that lead nowhere. Let rrs not
preach about finances during Lent or
take anxious thought for the church's
temporalities. Emphasize the 'spiritual.
Teach the faith, definitely, lovingly, fear
lessly. Preach simply and convincingly
Jesus Christ and his passion as an evi
dence of his love for all men. The souls
of men are hungering for such food. Be
much In prayer, alone, and with your
"And you. brethren of the la'.ty, heed
the call of the church to the discipline
of Lent. She points out to you her test
ed anchorage for the soul and oftera you
the motive power of the presence of him
who said 'Lo I am with you alway. even
unto the end of the world. Forsake not
the assembling of yourselves together st
the services arranged by the clergy, es
pecially the holy communion. Give up
amusements. Practice self-denial. Give
alms and fast. Especially observe holy
week as a time for Intercessory prayer
for the deepening of our spiritual lives
and for the unity of Christendom."
Blfchop Scaddiug Announces Pro
gramma of Visits.
Kt. Rev. Charles Scaddlng. Episcopal
bishop of Oregon, has announced the
following appointments for Lent:
March 1 Ash Wednesday. Corvallls; serv
ice and address.
March 2 Portland; Bible class Grsre
Memorial, i P. M.
March 8 Locture on -Millions In
Alaska." at ft. Stephen's. 3 P. it. Preacn
. . , nn i . . i w.l u F f
March 6 Portland. Trinity Church,
March 7 Lecture at St. Stephen s. "The
Revival of Kellglon In the Nineteen' h Cen
tury." March f Con-all!, , . ,
March 9 Grace Memorial; Bible class.
March 12 Second Sunday In Iint. Ordi
nation 6t- Stephen's In morning; confirma
tion. St. Helens hsl'. afternoon.
March in Administration committee meet
ins, hospital 8 P. M. .
March 14 lecture St. Stephen's. The
Oxford Movement."
March 15 Corvallls. . .
March 1H Bible clss at Grace Memorial
arlh house. 4 P. M.; laymen's meeting,
mhopcroft. 8 P. M.
March lw Third Hunrtarln T.ent. Wood
mere, morning: Woodstock, afternoon.
March 21 Lecture, St. Stephen's. "John
vi -.. -. m ri.v.l Mi avir ami lecture.
March S3 Bible class In Grace Memorial I
parish house. 4 P. M.
March 28 Fourth Sunday In Lent. Con
firmation of All Saints. morning. Con
firmation at Good Shepherd Church, after
noon. March 2S Lecture St. Stephen's, "John
Henry Nevrmsn." 8 P. M.
March 2! Corvallls. confirmation.
March 80 Bible class at Grace Memorial.
April 2 Passion Sunday. Astoria. Con
firmation at Grace Church In morning, and
at Holy Innocents at 8:30 P. M.
April 4 Lecture St. Stephen's, "Edward
Bouverle Pusy." 8 P. M.
April 6 Bible class at Grace Memorial,
a P. .
April t Palm Sunday. Confirmation St.
David's In morning; confirmation St. John's,
Sellwood, evening.
April 10 Noon-day service, Majestla
April 13 Bible class, Grace Memorial
pariah house. 4 P. M.
April 14 Good Friday. Preach at noon
day service lu Majestic Theater. St.
Stephen's at 8 P. M.
April 16 Easter Sunday. Woodstock in
morning; St. Stephen's, night.
April 1S Oregon City, confirmation.
ToM & Gibbs, Inc
Portland's Leading Furniture and Complete Homefurnish
ing Concern. Liberal Credit Terms to Home furnishers
Home Builders seeking distinctive schemes
in the interior decoration of their homes
should consult our Bureau of Interior Dec
oration. Sixth Floor.
The trade - mark that
particular women de
mand when looking
for style and quality
in gloves.
The Demonstration of
dairt Cbrsefes
"The Improved Front Laced," which
has been the special attraction in our
Corset Section for the past eight days
Will Eirad Today
Up to five o'clock this afternoon
Mrs. Redding, expert corsetiere of
New York, will give her attention to
those who are interested and wish to
become acquainted with the merits of
Mrs. Redding 's expert fittings of
these famous corsets have proven a
revelation to the women of Portland
and vicinit. Today is your oppor
tunity for taking advantage of this
most important event and being ad
vised by one such as Mrs. Redding,
who has become so favorably known
to Portland's best dressed women.
Lieutenant-Colonel Clarke Relieves
Colonel Ebert at Vancouver.
Feb. 28. (Special.) Lieutenant-Colonel
Joseph T. Clarke, Medical Corps, haa
been assigned to temporary duty at the
Department of tha Columbia headquar
ters, at thla post, rellevinir Colonel Ru
dolph G. Kbert. who hat been transferred
to San Francisco. Lieutenant-Colonel
Clarke has assumed his new duties.
Colonel Ebert left for California laat
Captain John T. Geary, Coast Artillery
Corps, has been detailed to act aa coun
sel In the case of tlie United States
against First Lieutenant James E. Ma
loney. Medical Reserve Corps, at Fort
Lawton. Wash.
Captain Clyltard Game, constructing
quartermaster of this post, has been de
tailed to Inspect the commissary and
quartermasters' stores of the Oregon Na
tional Guard in Portland, March 17.
Chehalls Knights Organized.
CHEHALIS. "Wash.. Feb. 28. (Spe
cial.) The Knights of Columbus Lodge
waa instituted in this city Sunday at
tha I. O. O. F. Hall. A delegation of
about 75 from Tacoma, 10 from Van
couver, as many more from Aberdeen
and some from other outside points
were present. The new lodge starts
out with a charter list of It.
Athens Pioneer Passes Away.
ATHENA. Or.. Feb. 27. (Special.) Mrs.
Mary King-, pioneer of this community,
was burled here today. Mrs. King was
tram March 19, 1835, her age being at
the tlme-of her death 75 years 11 months
and S days. The funeral services were
r-A at the Christian Church.
Office Equipment
An office-furnishing service that meets
well the demands of the most particular of
fice owners a service that is of much as
sistance to those who are opening new of
fices or making changes with dependable
office furniture and valuable suggestions.
a Carload of Leopold Office Desks Just Placed on Our Floors.
Low Roll-top Desks, 5b inches Jong, san
itary base and of all quarter-sawed golden
oak, $37.50.
Roll-top Desks, 42 inches long with san
itary base, $22.00.
Best showing of Office Chairs in Portland
Is is?
HI 1
"Leopold" is the mark of merit in office
desk construction always to be relied upon
where quality is desired. Roll or flat-top
desks, double flat-top desks, typewriter
desks and standing desks at lowest prices
consistent with quality.
Directors and Stockholders of Con
cern Which Accuses Him Are
His Bondsmen.
MOSCOW. Idaho, Feb. 28. (Special.)
IT. S. G. Evans, former cashier of the
Farmers Trust Bank of Kendriqk. ac
cused by the bank officials of embezzling
812,000 of the bank funds, was served
with a warrant of arrest last night at his
heme in Kendrick. This morning- he ap
peared of his own accord before Just'ce
Manning, waived preliminary examina
tion and waa bound over to the District
Evans waa arraigned on two counts
sworn to by K. P. Atcheaon, vice-president
of the bank, one charging embez
zlement and the other falsifying the
records of the bank to cover shortages.
The bonds were fixed at X5000 on each
count. These were -furnished by Her
man Schultz, Joseph Schultz, Grant
Hobbe, William Tupper and Frank E.
Evans after release was rearrested on
five addlt'onal counts accusing him of
falsifying entries, but he was not re
quired to furnish new bonds. Bank at
torneys ara preparing six other com
plaints and the warrants on these will
be served tomorrow.
A peculiar feature of the case is that
Herman and Joseph Schultz and Hobbs,
bondsmen for Evansi are heavy stock
holders in tha bank which Evans is ac
cused of looting. The Schultzes are di
rectors of the bank, but as soon as they
learned Evans was to be arrested they
volunteered to go on his bonds for any
amount for which they could qualify.
Byrne, a prominent Kendrick merchant,
and Tupper. a wealthy farmer and de
positor in the bank, also volunteered.
Evans is a pioneer of Latah County.
Feeling runs' high in Kendrick and promi
nent business men there express the be
lief that Evans is the victim of a con
spiracy on the part of certain stockhold
ers of the bank, with whom he has had
A number of prominent citizens, among
them Representative-elect to Congress
Burton L. French, called upon Evans to
day to express their confidence in his in
nocence and to offer him assistance.
Pacific Highway Delegates Named.
SALEM,' Or., Feb. 2S. (Special.) Dele
gates to the meeting of the Pacific High
way Association meeting to be held In
Portland March 3, have been named for
Salem as-yfollows: George F. Kodgers. J.
R. Linn. Louis Lachmund, J. L. Stock
ton, Dr. T. C. Smith. Jr.. J. H. Albert,
W. M. Bushey, H. W. Thlelsen, T B.
Kay, J. H. Scott, B. J. Miles, T. LIvesley.
Roosevelt to Visit Varsity.
attle, Feb. 28. (Special.) The commit
tee of University of Washington students
and faculty today received word from
ex-President Theodore Roosevelt that he
will address the university students In
Meany Hall, April 6. He will arrive at
2:30 P. M. and will be taken to the uni
versltv Immediately upon his arrival.
m n mrri ssmn mi
All manufacturers of sew
er pipe agree on one point,
which is that pipe for sanitary
sewers should be thoroughly
glazed both inside and out
side. If not so glazed it is
porous and unsanitary, if
properly glazed and rings
like a bell when tapped with
a hammer, you are buying
the world's standard for san
itary sewer work, for it is
salt glazed vitrified pipe.
Oregon & Washington Sewer Pipe Co.
Falling Hair
Itching Scalp and Dandruff
Are Unnecessary
If you want to prevent baldness stop
falling hair, and itching scalp and ban
ish every trace of dandruff from your
scalp, get a large 50 cent bottle of
Parisian Sage today.
You never used a more delightful hair
dressing in- all your life. Every drop
in the bottle is filled with hair growing
tilla lflr----.'----- - -.1
Parisian Sase causes the hair to
grow profusely and imparts to It a
luster and radiance that cannot fail to
attract favorable comment.
It Is guaranteed by Woodard. Clarke
& Co. to stop falling hair. Itching scalp
and dandruff or money back. It kills
the dandruff germ and keeps the hair
full of life and youthful vigor. -Large
bottles 60 cents at Woodard, Clarke &
Co. and druggists everywhere. The
giri with the Auburn hair is on every
bottle and carton.
To Mrs. S. K. Chan;
Bear Madam: I wish to
thank you for all you have
done for me. I had been sick
so long and had taken so
much other remedies without
benefit. A soon as I had
taken the first lot of your
medicine. I felt like a new
woman, which is saying a good
Honl hecause I was SO weak
. ... ..irn.n nn1 utif fered so I
11 " " -" - . . , .j, , v pun
mucn, i COUia not leave my .
bed. Now I am strong and entirely cured.
If I waa . 10.(M0 thousand miles away. I
would send to you for medicine when I were
sick. 1 wish all people suffering from weak
ness -or sickness wouia lane your mcuiun
They would bless you the rest of their lives,
as I will the rest of mine. Mrs. O. S.
Edwards. Junction City, Or. Call or writs
The S. K. Chan Chinese Medicine Co.,
22614 Morrison St., between First and
Second. Portland, Oregon.
A Clear, Perfect Skin
Skin Kept Clean, Very Clean
thorough! v cleanses and invigorates every
pore, revives uircuimiuu auu ciiuiHiaice
the entire body. Delicate enough for a
babe's skin.
-all Grocers and Druggist