q THE MORNING OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1911. F ACTIONS DISRUPT NATIONAL 6 Washington Legislators Rec- ommend AH Above Captain to Be Retired. FEW EXCEPTIONS ARE MADE Report of IavmUgatoi- BluMi Colo nel Lamping- for Condition of Militia Bookkeeping System If Lai. OLTMP1A. Wash.. Ftb. 8pdl-) --DexL-ring that tha Wa-Mnton Ni tlonal Guard to so divided by two fac tion! that officers an quitting la das pmlr and recruits are refusing to enlist, th. special V--1alatrv. Investigating com mlttr niiiii(r.dt to tb Senate tbla evening that evsry officer above the ran of captain be retired, excepting lb Adjutant-GrnTai. Assistant Adju-tant-Ueneral and tb madical oorpa. The report says tba Coaat Artillery haa controlled tba administration of tha roliltla tor years aod that tha offlcera of the Infantry hae ben refused con sideration Id practically everything. Oeorg-. I- Lam pine formerly Colonel. It blamed aa be In responsible la a large meaaura for tba ppsaent demoral ised condition of tb Guard. On motion of Senator Stevenson, of Asotin, ona of tha member of tha com mltte. tha report was made a special rder for S.lo o'clock Tburaday after bood. Tba report says la part: Two Faction Seen. -Tba National Guard of Washington la composed In tha main of ambit loua and natrtotlc offlcera and enlisted men. Vnfortunately there are two pronounced faction, ona beaded by Colonel Matt IL ;onnley and nearly. If not all. of tha hi cher officers belonging to tha Coast Artillery. The other faction la headed by Colonel Otto A. Case and nearly. If not all. of tha officers of tha higher rank belonging to tha Infantry. The former have for years absolutely controlled tba administration of affairs of tha National nuard. belna able to dictate who abould r .Adjutant-General and having been able to secure for themselves and for their friends among the officers, rapid promotion and advancement, Tba offi cers who were not benefited by thl condition wera -often unjustly superseded by offlcera formerly their Juniors." Referring to Colonel George E. Lamp ing, retired, the report aaya: "He paid practically no attention to tha administration of tha affairs of tha National Guard; be adopted no policies for Its upbuilding, be rendered Utile If any assistance to the various company commanders In the performance of their work." Retirement Is Provided. The report continues: "All offlcera of the National Guard above tha grade and rank of Captain and now on duty therewith or upon waiting orders, are hereby relieved from further active duty and command and ara hereby placed upon the list of re tired officers of the National Guard of Washington from the date thia act be comes) effective: provided that this sec tion shall not apply to the present Adjutant-General or to the Assistant Adjutant-General or to the Medical Corps." The report aaya that no proper book keeping was kept of the rerelpu-of the Armory In charge of Captain Denton Crow, of Spokane, and that the II 029.55 which bal not been accounted for by Crow, at the tlraa the Investigation com menced, has been paid over to the State Treasurer. Deficiency JPnnd Asked. The committee recommends that 1-T.-IJ9. be appropriated to cover the de ficiency of tha biennial and urged that the appropriation for the next biennial be sufficiently large to maintain the Guard at the highest possible state of efficiency. Tbe report la signed by Senators Lan doo and 8tavenson and Representative rhelrnan. Gnss and Locke. By 4a to 41 the House defeated a bill which would have made It a misde meanor for any elective officer to have alsned a pledge to vote for or against ar.y measure, provided pledge had not been filed with the County Auditor ten dnvs tefore election. Before the measure was voted down several speeches were mad by members protesting against the flood of requests they were compelled to consider from persons desiring to pledge them on leg islation. Primary Bill Postponed. Consideration, of other measures was) made possible by postponing Until to morrow afternoon bill affecting the di rect primary, which had. been made a special order for today. Thia decision waa not reached without much debate. As there are many bllla proposing changes) In the primary law, the House found it difficult to determine which bills to con elder. It was evident that the author of each believed his bill was the most Im portant. By 3 to tha House passed a Senate bill making it a gross misdemeanor for ary Judge of a court not of record to use vl.e or Improper language during the trial of a case. A bill requiring all County Commis sioners In counties having cities) of more than UtXOuO population to establish pub lic morgues vm passed, 52 to IT. The House postponed Indefinitely a bill which would have prevented companies employing largo numbers of laborers) f rum contracting with laymen for tha professional services) of physicians. In support of tbe bill Ghent, a physician, said It was the practice of large log ging companies to arrange with lay con tractors who agree to provide hospital services for Injured employes. He said local doctors were therefore required to come down to the prices of outside com binations. Bills passed In the Senate were: Senate Bill Establishing standard for condensed milk and butter, similar to the Or.iB law. Srnate BUI FVr safety of passengers and emplov-s of raltroada frost Bill frovlrt lag foe election nf city attom.rs In em, of eeonl class. -nate Bill Permitting fonnatioa et pe rtsi rod dietncta and providing for ipo clul tss levy. t:rtcrod House Fill Relating to qaallfl ration of aptticnia for admission lo I e br. Senate Bill Amending anti-elsarette law. Sena. t Bill Re-cJasslfjrlag counties of the tats. ROAD METHOD OPPOSED Cottage Grore Citizens Sue) County --lor Cat) of General Fund. EUGENE. Or.. Tb. it. f Special.) Tbe complaint In an Injunction sutt to restrain the County Court of Lane County from paying; for road and bridge fjpalra and the salaries of road supervisors from tbe general fund In stead of from a special road fund, was filed In the Circuit Court yesterday by a committee of Cottage Grove cltixens representing; a mass meeting held in that city recently. The defendants are County Judge Thompson, Commission ers H. M. Price and R. J. Hemphill. Stacy M. Russell. County Clerk, and 8. M- Taylor. County Treasurer. The complaint sets forth that the County Court baa not made a special levy for road purposes, but baa Includ ed It In the general fund levy, and has distributed the funds to districts, the warrants in payment oeinsj ar-wii . the general fund, although the state law provides that 60 per cent of the road levy In every district shall be used within the district. The plaintiffs contend that Cottage Grove la a special road aisinci ana protest against banner tha road funds of their district inciuaea in un " eral levy, asserting that tbe money I The case la parallel to one brought by Eugene several years ago to recover money from the county alleged to be due the city lor roaa purposes. city won the case and recovered sev eral thousand dollars. RAILWAY DEAL PLEASES CORVALXIS ALSEA RIVER ROAD IS BOUGHT. Portland. Kugrne Eaalern Com pany Takes Over Line Salera- Eofcne Gap to Bo Spanned. CORVALLIS. Ot Ftb. it. (Special.) It waa announced bere yeaterday that the Corvallla Alaea River Rail way has been sold to tne rortiana. Kugene 4k Eastern Company. The stock of the Corvallla A Alsea River Rall-w- is held bv Corvaliia people, the road being a local line from Corvallla to Monroe In Benton trounty ana eu wrmA isrrelv In tbe logging business. The deal with the Portland. Eugene A Eastern Company embodies exenauere of the C a. K. stock for stock In the P. E. ok E. road, and It Is an nounced that tbe president of the local road and the principal itockkolder, Stephen Carver, and a majority of the other stockholder have already made the transfer. The line will be electrified at once. and It Is expected to have the motor cars running within two month The taking over of the Corvallis Alsea River Road completee another link In the system the Portland. Eu gene Eastern Company will have extending through the Willamette Valley when Ita various scattered branches are connected. The Corvallls-Monroe line will be at once extended to close the gap between Falem and Eugene. The line will cross tbe Willamette at Corvallis and follow the east bank north to Salem via Al bany. From Monro It will extend on the west side to Eugene. Tbe proposed county bridge across the Willamette at Corvallla will be widened and strengthened to carry the electric road. Another Important Improvement con templated with tbe river crossing Is a levee to prevent overflow of the big horseshoe bend east of Corvallis. Through which the new road will run. Tbla move by the P, E. A E. Com pany places Corvallis on the long desired through line to Portland and the south, and the announcement of the extensive programme is received with great satisfaction bere. Inci dentally, the coming of the new road will solve the Willamette bridge prob lem at Corvallla Opposition to the county bridge may now be overcome, as South Benton will have as vital Interest in the structure aa the county seat and vicinity. APPLE GRADES ADOPTED EXTRA TAJfCY, STANDARD AND "C" ARE AGREED tPOX. Scab Slxe of Nickel Will Bo Permit ted In Standard Selling Plan Meets Approval. WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Feb. 23. (Special.) Fruitgrowers representing the various dlstricta of the Northwest met here today and with little preliminary talking at once got down to business. As a result the first day's work shows agreement on a uniform system of grad ing apples for packing, which la to be followed by the entire Northwest. it Includes "extra fancy." "standard" and "C" grades. Tbe firat is to be of perfect apples. In which red varieties are to show 75 per cent color and parti red varieties W per cent- The standard 1. U4V ' . rt- - D. scab the slxe of a nickel and lack of color is permissible, areas mauu all other merchantable applea The scab clause In the standard grade' waa secured by C H. Bproat of Hood i w 1 . .K nn)A InftliatTV tit xviver. nu van, - K-. j Oregon would be seriously affected If scab were not aiiowea to cib , i - t. I- anlmt tK Washing ton law. but will be permitted In Ore gon shipments. The establishment of the central sell ing agency seems certain, there being no opposition so far as can be ascer tained. A committee of seven Is work ing, on the details of a plan similar to that of the fruit exchange of California and It la probable that it will be adopt ed tomorrow or Thursday. YOUNG HUSBAND IS HELD Portland Dental Student Aecnsed ot Failure to Sopjrart Wife. MED FORD. Or.. Fob. S. (Special.) N. C. Butler, said to bo the son of a wealthy Portland attorney and a stu dent at the Paclflc Northwest Dental College In Portland, who Is charged with having desertad nia wife. Bertha Butler. In Redding. Cal., last July, was bound over by Justice of the Peace Dox at Jacksonville today in S30O bail, which at a late hour he bad not given. The couple were married In Redding, Cel., in February, 1310. Mr Butler tes tified that at that time she had about tlJuO. all of which was spent by the de fendant. In July, she declared, after she had become 111. Butler left her In Redding and went to the home of his father in Portland. S.ie followed him there some time afterwards, but be re fused to recogr.ixe her. Since then, she said, she has worked in Ashland. The defense produced no witnesses, al though Butler, who was arrested by the police of Portland upon a telegraphic request from here, was In court. Ralph Butler, father of N. C. Butler, contends that the marriage Is void, because Mra Butler bad not been divorced from a former husband six months when she was married to fcla son. CARD OP THAXK9. Friends kindly accept thanks for sympathy shown us during Illness and death of our beloved husband and father. Andrew J. Freeman. MRS. JCT.TA A. FREEMAN AND FA-JULY. EX- G Oil Hi OH Ai ACCUSER CLASH Gooding and Representative Hutton Near Blows in Midnight Session. CLOSING DAYS ARE BITTER Railroad Commission Bill Killed In Senate) and Lower Body Passes County Division Measure Oat of Ke-roiigo. BOISE. Idaho, Feb. . Special.) Leg islative leaders today are gasping over the sensational developments that took place last midnight In a session of the Joint legislative Investigation commit tee, when ex-Oovernor Gooding faced bis accusers, who charged hlra with ille gal con.luct In 1 with the so-called Einmett bench land steal. Fistic encounter almost resulted be tween Representative Hutton of Wal lace and Gooding when the ex-Governor satd Hutton, his accuser, was not a gentleman. Hutton rushed at Gooding and for several minutes pandemonium reigned. Witnesses told how they waited in line overnight to draw lands and. al though first la Tne. were turned away with the Information that the land had been filed upon. It was said that friends of state officials obtained the drawings. Gooding declared the attack on hlra Is made by character-assassins organized for that purpose in the Democratic party. Closing- Days Bitter. Bitterness mark tha closing of the 11th sesalon of the Legislature, due to charges of corporation influence, railroad dona tion and disregard for party pledges. Two planks on which state Interest was cen teredthe Railroad Commission and the prohibition constitutional amendment . . k n thjk fnrrmer bv the Repub licans of the Senate and the latter by Republican Representatives. Trading oi votes on county division measures wsa the means taken to dispose of the meas ures. There Is enmity between the two hntia. tt ama out last week and hold way over the first few days of the last week of the session. The House resent mjk irintnv nr ih. Rjkllrosd Commission bill by ths Penete and immediately passed a constitutional amendment tor a com mission. The Senate shelvea tne meas ure by senddng It to the corporation com mittee. This the House resented openly, in turn if nasned the Power County di vision bill that the Senate killed. The Senators say this action was an insult tha tii Mouse meant It as such. Complaints are made by the Senate that the House haa held up Senate bills and as a result both houses are using tne legislative ax on many bills) still pend ing and of Importance to many sections of the state. " There are 14 Republican senators. rmftimMA in stand on the Railroad cnmmlailnn nlsDk and voted to kill it by Indefinite postponement. The first fight broke over the commission nwasuro m v.. a.,,!, ati-v it nsjwed the House. Its mnvA thst It he sent to the U).IFVUU,11C ... " corporations committee. Its friends want ed to send It to the state anrairs commit tee, enemies of the bill being In control of the corporation committee. The antls won by 11 to 10. Every Republican ana uemocrauc t. . . n ftt) ta kill the bill. Senators ti-v... rumnirat. an1 CoatS- Reoub- tlcan. were pledged In their county plat forms to vote against the measure. None of the other Republican Senators was pledged to vote against the measure. Nea Perce Sliced Twice. The Leaialature today divided the County of Nes Perce, a second time, through passage of the Lewis County di vision hill, naming Nes Perce as the county seat. The new county takes all of the territory located in, the southern oorUon of Nes Perce, or tne wneai Deiu It will be signed by the Governor tomor row and a mass meeting will be held in the new county to select the officials. Clearwater County was the first to di vide Nea Perce. It takes off the western portion of the old county at the timber belt. It was signed today by Governor Hawley. LEBANON CHURCH OPENED Methodists Dedicate Xew $20,000 Edifice Last Sunday.. I.EBANOS. Or.. Feb. 28. (SpeclaD Sunday waa a notable day for the Methodists in this part of Linn County, when the new $10,000 church building arscted In this city was formally dedi cated by President Fletcher Horaan, of Willamette University, assisted by ur. J. T. Abbott and six other ministers, most of whom had at one time been pastor of the local church. ' The new church was taxed to its limit to seat the 790 people who at tended the morning and evening ser. vices. Over $8000 was contributed at the three services towards paying for the new church. Dr. Homan preached the morning sermon and Dr. J. T. Abbott was the speaker for the evening. At the lay men's meet'ng in the afternoon R. A. Booth was one of the chief speakers. J. 8. Vsn Winkle, of Albany; W. M. Brown. Mayor A. M. Reeves and N.(M. Newport, all of this city, were the other speakers. A chorus choir of 40 voices, under the direction of E. B. Day. of this city, furnished the muslo for the day. RIDE STOLEN; FOOT LOST Portland Man Severely Injured In Trying to Board Freight -Train. TACOMA, Wash., Feb. S8. (Special.) Charles E. Meader, aged 40 years, re siding at 615 Clinton street. Portland, had one foot nearly cut off and was badly bruised and possibly Injured In ternally by being run over by a freight train which he was trying to board at Pacific and Eleventh streets this after noon. He Is said to have been trying to steal a ride. He bad been employed as a cook by the Northern Paclfio and was taken to the company's hospital. His condition tonight Is precarious and am putation of the foot was found neces sary. FILM HOUSE TO BE HUGE New Sullivan & Consldlne Enterprise In Seattle to Set Mark. SEATTLE. Wash, Feb. 18. (Spe cial.) The largest moving - picture show house In the world Is soon to be completed in Seattle, John W. Consl dlne having completed arrangements to convert the present Orpheum Thea tear at Third and James street Into a film house aa soon as the Orpheum shows are playing In the new house, now under oourse of construction at the corner of Third avenue and Madi son street. The preaent Orpheum has a seating capacity of 2600, and the high est price for any seat under the film arrangement will be 10 cents. The house will be run according to the system prevailing In tbe East, with two-hour film shows, and using only first-run films. These will be careful ly censored and such features as now tend to bring; the business Into 111 repute with churches and other dis criminating Influences will be avoided. Mr. Consldlne contemplates adding vaudeville features to the film enter tainment, as the Sullivan A Consldlne circuit always has acts of sufficient class available to Its booking office, and can consequently supply them at lowest cost to themselves. It is ex pected that the new Orpheum will be ready to be opened by the last Mon day in April or the first Monday In May, and the new moving - picture house will open not more than a week later. IS OVFESSIOX OP FEIXOW-PRIS. OXER CLEARS OVERDO RF. Pardon Issued After Several Mouths' of Sentence of One Year Have Been Served. SALEM, Or Feb. 38. (Special.) Through an affidavit filed by a teuow prisoner In the penltentary, Benjamin Overdorf, who has already served sev eral months of a year's sentence, has been able to prove to Governor West his absolute Innocence of crime, ar.l accordingly be was pardoned today. Arthur Barrett, a prisoner also serving a sentence of a year for the same crime, completely exonerated his com panion and told how Overdorf waa the victim of circumstances. Overdorf was made to believe that he was a regularly deputized officer, according to Barrett, and was taken to a man whom Barrett had made to appear as a criminal for whom there was a reward. For granting the man freedom on payment of $60 and later securing $50 from a aaloonkeper under threat of arrest the two men were cap tured and sentenced. Overdorfs con nection with the affair was entirely Innocent, Barrett says. Tbe real criminal tells of meeting Overdorf in Dufur on June 10. last, and of being Introduced to him by tbe City Marshal as a man of experience in pm vate detective work. He says he told of a $2000 reward for the capture of Jack Monroe for feloniously entering the Hotel Phillips in Portland and shooting a policeman. - Then, he says, he signed an agreement to give Over dorf half the reward and had him dep utized by Justice Frazler. He also swore out a wararnt for tbe arrest of Monroe. The next day, he says, he hired a livery team and drove to the Deschutes River, where Monroe ran a "gallon house." Monroe was then arrested and Barrett tells how he took Monroe apart from Overdorf and accepted $50 to let him go. Driving to the negt "gallon-house," Barrett says, he gave the driver a dol lar to buy whisky and thereupon told John Conroy, the proprietor, to choose between paying $50 and being arrested for selling whisky illegally. Conroy. he says, gave him the money and tha next day both men were arrested for extortion. Both men were sentenced June SO. Barrett affirms that he and he alone Instigated the scheme and carried It out and that Overdorf went Into it In good faith and had no way of knowing but that he was to assist In a legal arrest and to rece've $1000 for his work. TESTIMONY HURTS HILLMAN Realty Dealer's Assistant Tells of Strange Use of Alalia. SEATTLE. Feb. 18. C J. Rowland occupied the witness stand most of the day in the trial of Clarence D. Hill man, the millionaire real estate dealer, accused of using the malls to defraud Rowland, who was the manager of Hill man's Boston Harbor property, said that Hlllman had spent approximately 86000 In developing tbe townslte. Rowland admitted on cross-examination that he rented a box at the Olym pla Postoffice under the name of An derson and that he opened letters ad dressed to tha fictitious Mr. Anderson and sent stereotyped answers prepared START THE MONTH RIGHT OPEN A MONTHLY CHARGE ACCOUNT Early Spring Sale of Newest Handbags New Spring Bags in. Late, Styles, full leather lined, double handles, 'rJgfi:f!fi;k iancy ana piam iramea. vaiues to f I . . T . - . - ew wb M v BBS J5JM $8.00, initials tree. Special, 54.y 7 pSggggjPs Shopping Bags, outside pocKets, aou- te"26'IiiSS2r Via konrtla oTrnna. omv hlriA tan. Sr J timini on1 hlni?Tf train as to !fc2.00? initials free. Special.. 04J Fluffed Alligator and Goat Seal Bags, new shades, initials free; val ues to $3.00. Special 152.19 Coin Purses, assorted, all sizes; val ues to 50c. Special 22 . . -n . . f - M S' VfcSiw-' jC5 Uioca, iwura W&rZ&r Special at OFF Traveling Cases, Fitted uompiete, values from $2.00 to $35.00.. OFF Complete Line of Likly Trunks, Steamer, Wardrobe, Men's and Women's Styles, values from $9 to $75 OFF j s aV News From Drug Section "Woodlark" Red Blood Albumen Compound A com bined Poultry Food and Egg Inducer, per can 25 0 "Woodlark" Liquid Toilet and Bath Soap Everyone using this soap is aware of its cleansing properties and asks for it again. Per bottle 35o-60c Per gallon $1.75 "Woodlark" Chloro - Bromine -A germicide and disin fectant combination, which gives entire satisfaction. Used in all places needing a Spring overhauling. Per bot 40 De Kafa, the Drugless Coffee If you try one can of this DE KAFA you will be ordering more to replace it. Per pound 50f "Woodlark" Squirrel Poison Sure death to squirrels, crows, mice and gophers. Per can 35 "Woodlark" Tonic Cup Almost everyone needs a tonic in the Spring. These cups are an old-time way of administering a tonic dose before meals. Try one andj)e convinced. Per cup 2oi "Woodlark" Assorted Corks These assortments of Corks in boxes are just what every housewife needs. Handy is no name. Per box 25 "Woodlark" Bordeaux Mixture Perhaps your trees and shrubbery need a good spraying. The bark is speckled and rough, or a fungus growth may be present. If so, use BORDEAUX MIXTURE. Per can 40 Spray Pumps, each 50 Brushes Combs A Saving Sale Direct Agents for Howard, Adams. Loonens, Kyoto, Kent and other best makes of Guaranteed Brushes. Vals. to 35c Tooth Brushes 14 C Vals. to 40c Tooth Brushes 29 35c Kleanwell Tooth Brush 26 Scrub Brushes, each 4i Scrub Brushes, per dozen. .40 50c Japanese Nail Brushes 39 50c Cloth Brushes 38 $1.00 Cloth Brushes 79 "Woodlark" Cloth Brush... 9 $1.00 Hair Brushes.. 89 50c Hair Brushes 37 25c Hair Brushes ....19 $1.00 Real Hog Bristle Cushion Bottom Hair Brush. ...... .69 $5.00 Hair Brushes $3.48 $2.00 Hair Brushes $1.49 $1.50 Hair Brushes 98 $1.00 Ivory and Hard Rubber Combs .' 89 85c Ivory and Hard Rubber Combs 47 60c Assorted Combs 38 35c Pocket Combs 24 20c Pocket Combs 14 25o Ex. Fine Tooth Combs 19 15c Ex. Fine Tooth Combs 10 35c Infants' Hair Brushes 21 Cloth Brushes.. 1-3 OFF Hair Brushes ...1-3 OFF Military Brushes 1-3 OFF Ivory Tooth Brush Holder Free With Every 35c Brush or Comb Purchase. Theatrical Make-Up Hess, Meyer, Stein, Leischner and Bell's Full Lines of Each. Drugs Chemicals Perfumes Gold Fish Fine Wines Cameras by' Hlllman. The Anderson letters were used to mah faltering purchasers believe that a railway was being built to Boston Harbor and Birmingham, an other Hlllman project, and that right of way was desired through their prop erty. The railways, the government alleges, were the creatures of Hlllman's Imagination. OFFICER IS EXONERATED Fisherman's Death Attributed to His Resisting Arrest. TIULAMOOK, Or, Feb. 28. (Special.) A coroner's jury today exonerated City Marshal Reading of blame for the death of Tom Johnson, the Garibaldi flBher man who died yesterday after resisting arrest. , Witnesses said that Johnson was In sanely drunk, that he assaulted the marshal and his assistant, and that when the marshal struck him with a billy he fell heavily, his head striking the curbstone. The evidence was that the marshal did not deal an unusually severe blow. " Rancher Killed In Runaway. ASTORIA. Or.. Feb. 28. (Special.) Alex Anmila, a rancher, residing near Olney. was killed this afternoon as he was driving home from, this city. He was going down a steep grade when the team ran away, throwing Annula out of the wagon. One of tbe wheels ran over him, crushing him to death. The deceased was a native of Finland, about 0 years of age, and left a widow and one son. PLAGUE REPORTS DENIED Dlseaee at Spokane Held to Be Se vere Form of Influenza. SPOKANE; Feb. 28. Because of felse reports spread broadcast throughout the United States that bubonlo plague had broken out in Spokane and that several deaths from the disease had occurred, Mavor N. S. Pratt and the Board of Health were besieged by telegrams from newspapers today. Dr. H. P. Marshall, one of three physl clans who investigated the cases of sick ness which caused the report, says that all three physicians agree the disease is merely an unusually severe form of in fluenza. complicated In at least one of the cases with pneumonia. "The report that bubonic plague, typhus, or any rare contagious disease exists in these cases Is absolutely groundless, said Dr. Marshall. Hair Grower Free A 25c Bottle of "Swissco" Hair and Scalp Remedy to Be Given Away. Take the Coupon to Any of Owl Drug Stores and They Will Give You a 25c Bottle Free. - T "Swissco" Grows Hair, Removes Dandruff, Brings Back Its Original Color and Cures Scalp Diseases. First Week Third Week. SWISSCO " DID IT. Fifth Week. The free 25c bottle of "Swleseo" Hair and Scalp Remedy, If used as directed, will astonish you. It Is a NEW REMEDY, the latest and best preparation before the public It Is the result of years of investigation and researcn into tne reason why so many of the hair preparations have failed in the past to do the work demanded of them. It ie marvelous in Its action and thousands have received permanent cures Just from the free bottle we give them for the asking. Because you may not have received any relief-from some thing you have tried, don't be foolish enough to condemn every thing else. Tou will be greatly benefited by the free bottle we give you. "Swissco," BOo and $1.00 a bottle, Is for sale and recommended by all druggists. Those outside of Portland, Oregon, who cannot call at Owl Drug fetore will receive a free bottle, prepaid, on receipt of ten cents In etamps or silver, to help cover expense of packing, etc.. by addressing direct to the Swissco Hair Remedy Co, 3SS6 P. O. Square, Cincinnati, O. FKE13 BOTTLE COl'FO.V. Good for one 26c bottle only, at Owl Drug Store when name and address is properly filled In on dotted lines below. Those outside of Portland, Oregon, will get a free bottle by sending ten cents. In stamps or silver, direct to Swiesco Hair Remedy Co., 8668 P. O. Square. Cincinnati, Ohio, to help cover expense of packing, etc . , . I have never tried Swissco Hair and Scalp Remedy, but if you will supply a 2oc bottle free, as above, I will use It. QlTe full address; write plainly. FREE COUPON GOOD AT OWL DRUG STORES Alveolar Dentistry In a majority of our advertisements we lay great stress on our specialty. Alveolar dentistry, replacing missing teeth without a plate or bridge work, and the curing of Pyorrhea (loose teeth). The work Is so remarkable in Its character that it is apt to over shadow those other cases which come to us the simple cases. We don't want the idea to obtain that we are Alveolar specialists alone. .We are that, but something more general practitioners of the first class. We do dentistry In all Its branches from the simple piece of filling up. It's a boastful statement to make, but we can do anything that is possible in dentistry and what we do is always of the very highest class. Our booklets. Alveolar Dentistry and examinations are free. There are VI Alveolar Dental Co. offloes In the West. About 60,000 people are wearing our Alveolar teeth. About 2000 people in this city and state have been supplied by this office. 99 per cent if not every single one will tell you if asked that It's the best investment they ever made in dentistry. In many cases where brldgework is impossible and all cases where it Is possible, we can re place your teeth with beautiful, artis tic comfortable, cleanly and everlast ing teeth that we will defy any one, dentist or layman, to tejl from natural teeth. For full Information see our Sunday ads. The Alveolar Dental Co., Dentists, 311 to 314 Ablngton Bldg., 106V 3d St. Terms to reliable people. tons1 SELF- WITHOUT 1 DRIJGS ' Oar frsa, tl lmtrated book tails how you can d It. Thia book Is writtoa In plain lan Ruare and con tains maoh In formation re strains t a caufe and our. of disoatn. Don't spend another cont on doc tors and their worthless madlelnoa. Learn bow to boip nature cure and St well. No matter what your ailment ia don't fell to cure thJa book. It's abaolately free, IX you'll send this coupon. The Electra-Vita Co. tOS Majeotlo Bldg., Seattle. Wash. Pleaee send me, postpaid, your free, WO-page. Illustrated book. Nam. Address ... Painless Dentistry Is onr pride oar hobby oar stvdy for yen and nowoornooeM, ud onn la the bast pednJeaa work to be lound mnywhere. no matter how maoh jroa ty Compare our Iricea. We fliilih plate enA bridge worK tor out-of-town patrons la one day f desired. PaUnioM extraction fre when plates or bridge work is order d, CooauiUtion free. S. : .A-- V! ill :khliii--:iMi nwais 1.00 ,'.f "irrVSe-' -A Enamel Fillinir. 1.00 7 -.-' -.. ,:.ir ruling .WW MatarOroa-M SS.OO i 22k BHds-t Teeth-. 00 .: Plate 5.00 I. on we;:j Plat DR. W. k. WISE, rmm an Miaiaia Palnl.M tirtr'tio . 0 V as run nrmmna purua BCST METHODS All work roily ajuaranteed for fifteen years. Wise Dental Co., inc. Painless Dentists Fsnine Building, Third and Washington PORTLAND, Off, OfllM Hoara: A. U. te 1 1, - luaere,