Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 01, 1911, Page 20, Image 20

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Take Breakfast in Our Seventh-Floor Tea Room An Excellent Menu Four Direct ElevatorsLunch Served Daily From 1 1:30 to 3
Leave Orders for Coal in Our Stove Department 5th Floor All Best Varieties Sold Prompt Deliveries-X-Phone A-6101 or Ex. 4
Colonist Day at the "Made-in-Oregon" Exposition
Grand Concert at 2:30 P. M. by Weber's String Orchestra
'IIIS will be a day of extraordinary import at the
Representatives of the leading Real Estate and Colonization com
Manufacturers' Association's -"Made-in-Oregon"
Exposition at Meier & Frank's!
It will be Tourist Day a day every loyal citizen should
add their mite in "boosting" Oregon and Portland.
panies have established booths on the Exposition floor for free dis
tribution of all kinds of Oregon literature beautifully designed,
colored booklets, maps, posters, etc. WRITE TO YOUR EASTERN
FRIENDS TODAY tell them what a grand country we live
in I "Work for a greater and bigger Oregon !
A World ff fmtty Wmh FaMcs Ar
rOST cverv hour hosts of veritable fairy tissues have trooped in, an-
nouncing .Spring and the gladsome suns nine tm a maze 01 son, enur
ing fabrics now await vou. Paris, Glasgow and Dublin sent some, otners nau
from America's most famous looms but all are the loveliest materials sum
merv weather has ever suggested.
Fascinating 1911 Cotton Novelties are here, also the ever popular staple
35c "Nyanza Silx" 25c
One of the handsome rough weaves
born this season! "Xvanza Silx"
closely resembles Shantung and will
appear to best advantage in a charm
ing afternoon costume or mannish
shirtwaist. Color range includes the
most-wanted' blues, pinks, lavenders,
helio, browns, and all other popular.
1911 shades. Best 35c grade. OC-
priced for today at, the yard
Scotch Ginghams 25c Yd.
Seemingly without end is the array
of 1911 iattem in Wm. Anderson's
BtripeJ, checked and plaid Scotch Ging
hams. Every possible color and QC
color combination. The yard.
Printed Foulards 35c and 50c
A soft. lustrous, elineinir fabric close
ly resembling Silk .Foulard and appear
ing in the newe.-t of 1311 Foulard de
giens. Large assortment of beau- CQ
tifol colorings. Yard. Xm and
Printed Voiles 35c and $1.25
la Persian deMns. small and large
floral patterns, and exquisite Ik striped
and shadow effects some
25c Printed Dimities 15c
The Dimities have come in new
beauty of tiny floral designs, also in
bolder clustered blossoms, and
charming dotted patterns. Widest
choice of the most-wanted 1911 color
ings helio, soft browns, blues, lav
enders, etc. 200 pieces at a reduc
tion, suggestive of two dresses where
one had been planned. Regu- 1Cr
lar 25c grade, today at, yard A
fabrics enlivened here and there with some distinctive this-year's touch, besides
handsome assortments of cool, crisp, durable, tuba ble Linens.
And the colorings! Violets, roses and poppies have lent their aid; an Oriental
rug, some quaint, far-away bloom and ancient masterpiece have given sugges
tions! Never was an array more exquisite, never an assemblage more compre
hensive, never choice more unrestrained!
50cMarquisettes at39c
Sheer, lustrous silk Marquisettes
in a beautiful open mesh destined
for great popularity in the making
of handsome, clinging evening
gowns. Exquisite array of blues,
pinks, helio, lavender, rose, yellow,
green, and other wanted Summer
shades. 32 inches wide. Worth
50c the yard. Specially QQ.
rith Persian
bands, a!.o plain colors, 27 T1 OC
inches wide. Yard. 35e and P -
Domestic Ginghams 12Vc Yd.
The best of the Ginghams made in our
own country. Hundreds of beautiful new
patterns in every wanted Spring shade.
Fast colors. 27 inches wide. 1
Priced at, the yard, special
Percales 15c the Yard
Cool, crisp, sturdy Percales in an
amazing assortment of pretty patterns.
Both lipht and dark back prounds, for
charming tub-dresses, etc., 36 in. 1 C
wide. Priced at only, the yard,
Woven "Tussus" 25c Yard
One of the season's novelties, a light,
cool and sturdy material in many neat
patterns. Extensive assortments of
Spring shades. Guaranteed fast OC
colors. Priced at only, the yd.-
priced today, at only, yard
Silk Poplin 75c Yard
Shimmering, lustrous Silk Poplin in
charming coin dot and other fancy pat
terns, also plain material. Beautiful
range of colors. 27 inches 'wide. '7tZr
35c French Voiles 25c
Including some definite, some
delicately traced checks, also very
many pretty effects in stripes. Soft
shades of blue, pink, lavender, rose,
helio, and all most-wanted Spring
colorings included in the wide as
sortments. 27 inches wide. Beau
tifully woven French voiles worth
35c the yard. Specially OP
priced for today at only
Bordered Voiles 50c Yard
Both Voiles and Zephyrs in the most
popular 1911 shades, finished with con
trasting borders, in charming Spring
patterns. 43 inches wide, buit- C()c
able for dresses, etc. The yard,
French Voiles 50c and 60c
Nothing more appropriate for the
Spring Party Dress than the exquisite
French Voiles. Plain shades only pink,
blue, helio, lavender, etc. 44 Z()f
inches wide. Price, yd., 50c and
Sheer Batiste 15c Yard
Excellent quality of Batiste in the
prettiest of geometrical, shadow, conven
tional and other foulard designs, besides
neat floral patterns, powdered 1Cp
with the daintiest of dots, Yard
Priced special at only, the yard
Imported Dimities 25c Yard
Certainly nothing prettier than the
soft new Irish Dimities in their dainty
bud, wreath and conventional designs.
Every wanted 1911 shade. 31 OC
inches wide. Sold at, the yard OC
Cotton Batiste 65c Yard
A soft, lustrous fabric. Beautifully
embroidered in colored silk, mostly in
dainty pebble effect. 30 in. wide. fZCZg
Priced special, at only, the yard"C
French Organdie 60c Yard
The beautiful Old-Fashioned sheer
French Organdie in handsome satin
striped effects, also the newest of the
Spring Printed patterns. All colors.
36 inches wide. Priced special Cf)fm
for this sale at only, the yard "vt
Emb'dered Jaconette $1.50 Yd.
One of the 1911 novelties sheer, lus
trous Jaconette, embroidered in eyelet
designs, also in varied floral patterns.
Some plain colors white, pink, blue,
helio, lavender, etc. 32 inches ffl CA
wide. Priced special, yard
New Spring Grenadines 75c Yard A wealth of timely
suggestions for pretty Summer frocks in these grena
dines. Soft, sheer, lustrous cotton and silk mixtures,
in a multitude of charming striped and fancy 7C
effects, also plain materials; 27 inches wide.
1 K$.&
i -ill
We've Pictured the New
TX t o ; t -
ONE of the handsomest and
most practical of the sea
son's garment innovations!
As its name implies, the
"Duo" Dress serves in two ca
pacities, that of charming aft-1
ernoon costume and (with the
addition of the neat Eton
Jacket) as Suit. Made of mes
saline silks, foulards and
satins, in the most wanted 1911
shades. Prices range from
$45 to $75.
New Spring Suits at $20
Beautiful assortments of "Women's fine man
tailored Suits at $20 now ready! Made with
the new short coats, and strictly plain-tailored
skirts. Materials are tweeds, serges, cheviots,
worsteds and handsome mannish mixtures;
all the most wanted shades. (JnA ff
Splendid values at only UVTvfU
$10 to $15 Walking Skirts at $4.98
A large lot of "Women's Walking Skirts, com
prising many incomplete lines from regular
stock. Materials are serges, Panamas, worst
eds, tweeds and velvets, in black, navy, tan,
gray and handsome fancy mixtures. Plain
gored, cluster plaited, plaited and plain flare
effects. Regular $10 to $1d
Skirts, specially priced at only
Hammond's New
1911 Pocket Atlas
Special Here at 25c
store house of useful in
formation! Hammonds' new 1911
Pocket Atlas of the World con
tains all the results from the 1910
census, besides maps of every state
in the Union and all foreign na
tions. We've just received 1000 of
Ihem which go on sale to- Q J?
day. Special at only, ea.iOC
Save on Worthy Luggage
lowering on strong
Canvas - Covered
Trunks. Sturdily fiber
bound, with brass trim
mings, two large cloth
lined trays and leather
$15 Trunks, 32-in. S12.50 $17 Trunks, 38-In. S14.45
$15.50 Tr'ks 34-in. 13.15 $17.75 Tries, 40-in. $15.10
Our finest $7 Genuine Cowhide Suitcases, 24 inches long,
and 6 or 7 inches deep. Linen-lined through- dC Q
out, shirt fold and straps. Special today, each u)0OL!
Foulard Dress Patterns
JUST a few weeks since Paris set her approval
on Bordered Silk Foulards and now the
whole style-world is talking of them!
The word had hardly reached New York before our buyer
selected an express shipment of the. choicest and. most beauti
ful patterns. Now they're here ready for making into the
most charming Spring frocks. Exquisite colorings of blue, green,
gray, dark reds Exclusive Dress Patterns, no two COl ff
alike.- Specially priced today at $17.50 and Pivr.VV
Silk Marq'settes $2.25
And among other late Silk
arrivals are lovely, shimmer
ing Marquisettes in new nov
elty designs, black and white
checks, etc. Spe CO OC
cially priced, yd. fuJ
Crepe Meteor $3.50
Elegant, sumptuous Crepe
Meteors in a multitude of new
Spring shades jewel tones,
flower tones tones that glis
ten with regal (OCA
beauty. At yard PJ.JVJ
For New Offices!
6T URABLE as iron," the famous slogan of Bundhar Wil-
ton Carpets and Rugs, by mostsevere tests has been
proven true to the letter!
Bundhar Wilton Carpets and Rugs are the ideal floor coverings for
offices and other public places which demand unusual wear.
Bundhar Wilton Rugs neither curl nor creep. They
require no tacking. Specially for cement office floors.
As principal Portland agents for these famous -Bundhar "Wilton Rugs
and Carpets, we call them to the atttentiop of those just moving into new
office buildings. In Bundhar "Wiltons'are combined beauty and wear to an
extraordinary degree. Almost without exception they are used by the
Government, the Pullman Company and concerns where most exacting
investigation has been made.
The Prices on Bundhar Wilton Rugs
"We carry Bundhar Wilton Rugs in a wide range of the latest de
signs. Handsome, new Spring patterns in rich two-tone browns,
greens and small figures, with 18-inch beautiful band borders.
9x12 Bundhar Rugs at $43.2Q I 6x9 ft. Bundhar Rugs $25.00
8.3x10.6 Bundhar Rugs $39.60 36x63-in. Bundhar Rugs $7.65
Bundhar Wilton Carpets to Order
"We carry a full line of Bundhar Wilton Carpets in, all the standard grades
and latest designs. Made to order prices furnished upon application.
New Veilings Are Here From Paris!
NOT only the delicately traced and
the exquisitely soft, fragile Veils
which arc always associated with
the gay, capricious Parisienne spirit,
but beautiful, sturdy wash-veils are among
the new arrivals
Be sure to see the dainty Summer meshes
with hints of shadow patterns, the octagon
weaves in spider web, and the new Magpie
designs with the pin point chenille dots!
Also the sheer, Spring lace drapes in black
and exquisite colorings. Note window dis
play. In Veilings prices range from 50c to
$2.00 the yard. The Drapes range from $2
to $6.50 each.
Wednesday Is Notion Day
Hair Nets, Five for 1 9c
SPRING Sewing Needs may be best supplied
at the Big Store every purchase a saving!
For today only. Urge i-doubIe-6trand Uxir ts, 3d1Q.
lotar; 5 of thorn, all tues, in sealed envelope, lor w "
inch I
25c Shell Hair Pins 3'2
Lnebe Ion?. 12 of them to the
eard. Special, eard O.
25c Dress Shields line white
nainsook. Small and lar
nir ia tmeent and r ca
ll r shapes. Today, pr 10
M. & F.'a
and Ljeo. all sizes
wpeiml, the grots.
tpiia 30e Hooks
15c Bias Seam Tap As
sorted widths, 6 yards to the
piece. Special, ean Tt
25c Sleeve Protectors Black
and white. Also Empire
Sleeve Iroteetor Cuffs. To
day, pair, 15.
1 "-? at Warren's silk-covered
Waist Bone, special today at
the doien S1.32 or 1 O
each, now at.
A Great Sale
on Oranges
GREAT special pur
. chase of 1000 boxes
Washington Navel
Oranges. The famous
Robin Hood brand. Sweet,
juicy, 'with very thin rind.
Large and medium size.
45c Oranges, dozen 37
35c Oranges, dozen 23
Butternut Batter, made from pure,
pasteurized cream. Special the
2-pound square, G3-
Women's 25c Neckwear
3000 Fresh,NewPiecesil2c
WETE pictured three of the styles above there
are fully a dozen others just as new and pretty.
Neckwear of the kind youH pay 25c for anywhere. Charming, new
conceits in Jabots, Rabats, Embroidered Linen Laundered Collars and
trim little silk Rosettes, which are quite "the latest" in 10
Neckwear. Specially priced for today only, your choice for
Women's 50c New Swiss
Vests for Only 37c
A specially-bought lot of Wom
en's new Spring Swiss Ribbed
Vests, made in low neck, sleeve
style with fancy hand-cro- O 7
cheted yokes ; 50c (Trade, "iC
Women's $1.50 Perrin's
Gloves Now, Pair 98c
The famous Perrin's Glace
Kid Gloves, two-clasp style in
black, white and all the staple
colors. Gloves which sell the
country over at $1.50 a (JO
pair. Special today at fOC
A Sale of Office Desks
IJERE'S a sale of high-grade
" sanitary Roll Top Desks
which will be splendidly timely jk
tor tnose preparing to move into
new offices.
They're made of fine solid oak,
beautifully finished in golden.
Regular $30 Desks exactly as
illustrated, except the pigeon
hole fillers are 35c COL
each extra, special P"
$47.50 Roll Top Office Desks, 54-inch, today for only $37.90
$42.50 Roll Top Office Desks, 54-inch, today for only $33.25
$35.00 Roll Top Office Desks, 54-inch, today for only $26.75
$37.50 Roll Top Office Desks, 48-inch, today for only $27.50
$40.00 Roll Top Office Desks, 54-inch, today for only $31.25
Easy Terms May Be Arranged on Furniture.