9 irTTn a v - v- -v-r -- nnrrnvT r ti'mvpcn AT" "rT?PTT 1. 1 0 1 1 . I I " GOOD FLOUR TRADE Shipments to Orient in Feb ruary 313,422 Barrels. CHIEFLY FROM THE SOUND 3lDrmrnl Ho the Effort of Flcadj Ins the Wheat Market In the rclfic "S'ortliwcs CoarM Grain Are Stradj. Taw chief tateref to the grata market at lha tlra- aura la the expert Soar itoa tioa. Th.r la ma dl-r.reix af aplalea a I th volum af aew ulae d way. but thra la aa disputing th fact that a la th praeeat lna I ha moverneBt haa been fceevjr. la Iba pe month Portland aad ma Pain Found aorta hlpped 813.422 barrel ot Boor la lha Orient, aad la th pr.eeat month Portland alaaa will ship la exceed; 110.000 barrels. Thte big movement haa bad tha rTet af holding tha whaa: market tendy. which would aat therw! have been tha rmaa. Club want for milling purpoee haa baaa selling s round T rent, whereas If enly tha European trada waa depended aa tha mar ket would bin bean aearae TS cent. Tha arbor varieties) af whaat hara bean sTympa Ibetlcally affected. Although 1 1 port Hour baa baea main ta!aad at a Arm price, tha markat for pat ent haa developed rau weakness- A moderate trada la paseina la eata and barley, which ara qoot'd tady. Local receipt. In car, wer reported by tha ktrrchaat Exchange aa fo!low: Whaat Barley Flour Oata Hay w.-ae 41 a 3 J. Tueedar 2 Year ago 2S fuasoa la data.?! 4l T.ar aa 812 ll- 14.-. J 4 a s 24M 23J3 nor JCtaturT 1 ALMOST "TAOXAVT a I.terv-I la Caatrnrt la Ore. Vat ,i in. Baafaoaa la Callfes-ala. Tor lha flrat lima alaea tha eorrrnt aaa asa opaoad. lha cloetn dra af tha mocth foat peaaed failed to ahow aay activity la lha hop markat. Tha demand haa almoat aaaac. aad thara ara bat few offerings of any kind. A blotk af about 1W balaa of l;i)a -waa oll aat af a kxl dealer Mock yesterday, and a rmall tot of ll"a ea-eheog-d hande at Salem. Tbeee were tha ao:y traneaetloue rapartad la a week. Tha price Involved aa ot learueo, in easa. Tha contraM market to neglected and a! 'a era aleo da!L California anil advice received yester day r"P-rt that Hall mada a Ikraa-yaar eoa-l-.-t for jiirnxtiw at 11 caata for tha f"rvt lata yaare and 13 eaala for tha third pound print, la bona .Sle par pound: la than bran, rarlana ara oeuvery eaira. mmi h'.rsnrv. 1 1 1 1 bar nound. VtlAL Fancy. ai to liri poonda, i:SO'J par peaod. riwijalaae. -1 la Toued. 1T4' ITSc: 14 lilac; plcnlca. H 1 la pounda. 17 He; l.c; coliasa ivIU It AX pound, aatnaad, kvniiCD VPATti Bf lonjuaa. ISc; dnd br aata. Uc: eulaldea, torn., inaldea. Tlx- bmnrklM c HACvS Fancy. Sf: alaadard. S4H liHT I.AI-T Cl HF.l Kular abort elara, dry aall. Mc: amokad. lac. barka. Ilxhc ' t nlr imnknl. lvc: oacaa. B'J( live: mk"l. lJc; axporta. aalu L Bmitttad. IT V P. I.aRU Krttla raortarad. tlarcra. ISc; tuba. isi.c: atandard pura. Ucrcaa. l.'e; tuba. llic: rholca. turo-n. lie: lota, lilac; aartralnc. tiarcra. loc; tuba. lOUa Haoa.'woat. Hldoa. EI a. HOPS llo crop, lac; 10 crop. 12 014c; w..i Fj.trm Orion 12 014r pr lb. arcordlna to ahrtnkaaa; Valley. 17fl IVc par pound. j i it 1 1 ii tioifa. Sue or do una. li 1 1 .1 h.lil hldrft. .c 1T pound: aelt..i c:(. lie: aaitcd kip. IS': aallad ataaa. He rro blla. Ic lca: dry hil'. Mr: ?rr calf. I'ulv-: dry aiaca. Ilwl2-. PEI.T8 Krr. luVje; aaltad. buicbcra taka-off. soiwr. t'ASi'AK HARK Sc par pound. CHAIN SACK Carlola. lo. Otla. LINSEED Oil Pura raw. In ' barrrla. 1 1 .it kt.fti K.it .A in barraia 1141. raw. In 41.12: kaclla bollrd. la raara. $1.14. Lota of Zi allooa. 1 par ccot Icaa par L'OAL OIL Wair 'Whlta. Iroa bbla. c; wnorf KM., lir Faarl oil. caaaa. ISSc: XradlKM. Iron bbla 11c: caaaa, lie; wood bbla. lio; K-rana. caaaa. pcial nniu. iron bb:a. ISHc: wood bbla.. 14c; kUaona. i S7c: um Star, cajca. lwc; V. M. A P. nalalha. Iroa bbla.. lie; caaa. OA SO UN E Rad Crowa and motor aa ollna. In Iron bbla.. lsWc: raaea. 23Sc: b0 raanltar. una bbla. S0c: raara. aTfto: angina dlatUIata, Iroa bbia.. THoi caaaa. 14 He. firararlra. Drlrd frulta. T.tt. DRIED FRUIT8 Applaa. 11 U 11 He par lb.: curranta. 13 He: apneota. 14SUKI: Caira. parkasa. lane per lb.: flita. bulk. whlta or black, by ack. tBfic; O-Sa. $l.ltt 1 73: 13-1U. 84c: 10-12. ai23. IV-l. -: amrrnaa. lv. & a OS-Columbia Klvar. t-oound tall a. 12.10 pr duxn: 3-pound tails. I- 1 pound r:ata. 1140; Alaaka pink. 1-pound I'orrEE Roaalad. la druma. 23 034c par Bound. NITS Walnut. 17H018c par pound: Kraall aula. 14 aloe: fliborta, 14c; alinonda. ICoISc: parana. 14.-: cucoanuta. 90otl pa' docan: rhntnuta. 12Ho par pound; hickory buia aiflthp bar nounl. SALT iranutatd. IIS pr ton: half- cround. lova. 4 o pr Ion: 'a. 9 par ton. LEASH email a hit. 4 He; lara-o whlta. 4Hc; Lima. AOc: pink. Vic; rad ilnlan. 'cr. barou. CHc. KICE No. I J & pan. 4c; rhaapar sraaea. HWIAU- Umilh.rn hpad. k it 7c. IIONET I'boica. 13.70 par caaa; atralnad. SVr pr pound. SCOAR Lny a-ranulated. fruit and karrr. I". 30; baat. i.l'; astra C 44 ao; -ld-n . 14 75: yallow 1A, 4.0; powdrrad. I4.i Trrm oa remliiancea wlibln li day, da- doct par pound; If lalar than 11 daya nd wlthta SO dara deduct Ho par pound. apia aurar. par pauna. POULSEN WIREl ESS CORPORATION Capital $25,000,000.00 250,000 Shares Par Value $100.00 Principal Office, Merchants' Exchange Building San Francisco, California DIRECTORS BEACH. THOMPSON, President E. "W. II0PKLNS, Vice-President CHARLES D. MARX J. HENRY MEYER GEORGE A. POPE S. E. SLADE CHARLES R. BISHOP OFFERS FOR SALE THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND (35,000) SHARES OF ITS CAPITAL STOCK (REPRESENTED BY VOTING TRUST CER TIFICATES) AT THIRTY-FIVE ($35) DOLLARS PER SHARE. Proceed of sales to be converted into the treasury and applied to immediate extension of the business of the Corporation. Subscriptions can be made and all detailed information can be had at the offices of E. F. 11UTT0N & CO., Bankers, 33 New street, New York City, and at their branch offices in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Subscriptions will close March 31, 1911. iJAUtitxt:t HEALTHY BASIS Liberal Advance Scored Prices of Stocks. in COVERING MADE BY SHORTS d l tu;; rue. rii'T Jto incncK. Cba - - r.tllaa Bsartew ha tha MArkrt Mailer raraaacrd. The e( market waa fairly firm, hut uujrre objected to paytnc oyer It rent, aa i moac dealer were ready to acrept thi prlra ri-r thaa carry aver reach. . Re cti, t. ware aot heavy. rouCf-y aad dreaeed maaia wera la sead erate ropp:y and ateady at lha old price. Soma waakaeee la la tha rhaeaa market, and ccaceealoaa ara abtalaabla la anoat aaartar. Butter la atlll quoted at ta fjrmar prlra. Marked ta Tha Coast uaar market a bernalas to Sow r.rmaeaa. Tha Eaat ha beea atroa fnr a long ttma paat. hut aaill a few day a It wa Bat taostit Ukely roaat prtcaa aould raapoad ta tha changa am lha A V lantte eaaMnx. II la pellerej la lh trade, howaeer. that afTaa-a ta California ara ahaplna themaalraa eo that aa early adraara may be laoked for. Metal Market. XCW TORK. r-h. S- aStandard copper Oulet. Ppot. March. April, klay aad June. li loa 1hx Lonha f:nn. bpot 144 le futuree. Ill a Wd. Arrlvala reported at New Tork today. 0 tona. K.port far thi month. eortltn- to cuetom-houea tmrnA 1 tona Lake copper. 1 i o J H tf.:vif. !-tro;ytic. 1X47 H V 12.-tec, caettna. 12013.2c Tin rirm. r-pot. 4t9 42!9r: Karrh, t:S e: April. 41 o-H n41 7Sc: ,, 4o 7 h V 41c; Jnne. 40.TS a.d. Londoa firm. hoot. f:i3: futurea tld Ha. Iad tu!l. 4 4044 10c New York: ISO a.---- Eaal .t. Iule. In.loa til 6a 3d eTpeter Klrm. tVCOTT-c New York SSOKtMc Eaat cjt. Louie. LondJa. 12 IT ad. Iron Cleveland warrmat 44. THd ll London. Locally Iroa w a an-hnffM, No. 1 f uniry pnrthrrn. li j14;x. No. 2. 112(rla(-: No. 1 aouthera aad do auft. IC.ikl 1J.14C ALL LIKES HOLD STEADY CATTI-E AXD nOIS Q VOTED VI KM AT r.VKDS. New Caaa.d Sink Prlca niperted. kAaaa harp declfaaa la tha canned mtlk trada ara expected by -Jobber to be aa otacad la a few day, raraalloa milk baa beea maintained at tha eld price of 14.11 a raea aaa.'net the raducad price r fl.fl oa rtoaeer and fi 71 aa Buttercup. It la be Baead tha "amtlon people will meat tha lewar aaotatloaa af their aotapetltors. fi a Pie dae lAlaw. Trade waa aot particularly acttr la lh trull and vocetabie Una yeaterday. Ther waa a fair eupply la all truck llnee. but retailer wanta eemed ta be f iled. A ar of cabbas arrttad ta tha forenoon. OeWlaea la Iarlaaoa. Purthar deajiaea la praaiaions ara noted ta a aew tut Joet laaued. Lard la reduced t q iart.r of a cent, fancy bacoa I a cent tuwer and I:ht hama are down half a cant. Balance. il4.7in l.is M.aTJ Bank cteartnn of tha Northwratrra clUea r-e:rdy ware aa follow: Ciearier. Portland .....1.7h.i.4 r&eattia ............... i.tit.:n Tacama .............. nTl.-ila ipoaana oO.J Total bank clcarlnra of I'ortland la F.b. ruary. 1911. ware tJAial T; 4. S. aa compared wits l-ia.ia.V734.''' la Peoruery. Jplo. aad I.-. 2ii.2J la Ftbraary. !. pokixaxd xikten. tirata. Iloar. I red. Etc. Wh-at Track price: Blueatem. HQ .-c; club. 77074c; red Rueelao. 70c; Valley. a; ao-tjid. 7c MAKLKY t eed. I U 8 23. 50 par toa; brow. Inc. amwial. MtUJT-.rr!4 Pran. t20vTt par ton: miiuiiac .iorta. 4210:2: roiled Aarlev. f ;.V 3 'j 4. 501 PLul'tt -atent. It. 01 par barrel: atraleht. 11 si. eiporta. liao. Valley. ".; cruriam. ft t4. wbe wbeal. quartera. II. an. . S Vnol. 1.-4; cracked. 129 par ton. "AT? No. 1 white. 127 l 27. So per too. II At Track jrl'ii: Timothy. Eaaiera Or-aoa. No. I. t.-02l: mtied. liar. al laira. til.ioul:. (rala hay, fU01i.-; .o..r. 111W 1J. 1 rrrataklea aad rTmlta. APPt.ns fancy. $;2.7S: choi -a. lS: C 1 ' m m r.. w t. 1 1 y.- I Mil. VK.lKTAUr.flll Ac0tt hulr.i. rarsalpa. 1; turnlpa. fOcall; b.t 1. ! IV ;r s:' -RriT- ream. i.sow i.ti per ; Ai'aae. l-ii7.i per barrel, craabar rle. ,11. jt barrel rR I U AL I KVITt Ormnt.a. aaeela. It (1 1 per bos: Plorit araafruit. 1X1; CeiKornlt j-ao-frT.lt. HrliO. fcaaaoaa. la pr puod: pinnae pica. per pound; leraoa. tana.rlaea. $171 pr boa. VK.it.TiBUli 'abtara. 11. la per caul.rie-.--r. I2fjl.l." per crate, celary. AaliToraia. Il per crate; cterurabere. ,2 per to, esrplant. !3c per pound: (Artie. tr,i per pound; rreen enmne. 2K- per na; head let lac. 4Ad30c par sia; peppara. 2c per in.; pumrklaa. 2a par lb.; radieM. lrfXo par doieo. aprouta. ac; tomatoea. l.T: r2.: par baa. UTAlOl.i-oreaon. bayln prlew. 1 OLIO per buadrad. eeel putataea. ft par harwlfed- otON Baytac price, fxifci per hua-dred. J'c; cbalva. taalry ,aal C'ewatry fiadao. TOrt.TRT Lle: lleaa. 2c. fprlnee. HHt :c. turketa . duck. 10 e.. 12 012'a'C. draeaed lurk S I T -c. C Iwti Orecsn ranch. 2ao21a per d CM F.faC rail cream, twttaa. tH par awtnd T-uar Xraerl.-a. I4'ac. A-tTTtR Ctf craaaiccy aaira. 1 aad - Rctrrlpts for the Day Are Light and Tranactko Are I la Nnnibor. Ther a smallar run of etack at tha yard yraterday and. conaeiucntly.a fatMnc vrr in trada. but tha maraet held firm throucbovt. A few ateer war aold at ( I and th beet cowa oo offer brought fl.7e. A load of boo waa aold at J S. . ... Tha raretpta far tha day war 130 cmttl an.i S enf-ep. ehlppera of tha atak wera II. A. Peacock, of Nampe. 1 car af rattle: Ld Knorr. Oraa-evl;;a. Idaho. 1 car of cattle and btfca; J. i. Flint. Junction lty. 1 car of tinga. and R- tw Toutie;. tilaaon. CaL. 1 Cara OX cattle. Tha day' ala wer aa follow, t Weiaht. rrlca. 1 row li.Kfl it ;& 1 cowa .- 1 1 bull .......1440 If 1 calf 1- T 04 4 Te-r lvT 4 -,9 41 hoc le 8 7fi horeee. drafter ........ .... 114.0 Frtcea current oo tha Tarious claraa of tork at lh I'oriland Vnlon Stockyards war aa follow: Trim cteer C.od to ebole steer. .. Fair to aod ateera. ......... I vvmnn .:eera I'liotre to prime cows.......... flood lo choice beef cow...., 'omtnia beef cow ........... 1'holca epayed helfrrs ....... ... flood to choice heifere. ..... .... t'hoice bulls Fair to cood fat bull Common bulls t'hoti-a to lieht calie.. ........ Ksir lo fjoi lljrt-.t calvea...... wotce to bavy caWea Kur to medium beary calve. Choice ta;a Jr'alr to coed slac. , Hoc Choir hoc flood to choice hoc .......... poor hois tJheeo rholca Tearllca wether, (rain fed 4.S49 4 75 Old wthr 4.44fy 4 1$ Choice ewe, crata fed I SO r 4 o Ft.r to medium ewes, crala fed.. 2.75ir 1.2& f'holca lamba. (rain fad llltt 1.7t fced to cbolce. araia tad........ I.vlu 1.0 ta:rtoood 4.Sr l.j lor lainba 2 S4 1 &o Hay-led sheep and lamba 10c lowr thaa fral n-fed. I'urrent prlcea In tha hnr. market follow; Eftra heavy drrtftrrs. IrOtflTS: 1440 to 1" pounds. 11. :!: I2'f to lio pounds. 4144tr7'.4. cbunkA lilvlil: drivers, floe up: saddlers. I'le up: piucs. flOtfl. .l.7;fT.0 . - ;s . 5 i 4 SO . 4.0f) 1 . l.;jr 1.74 . 4 litl t.0f . :.0Hf 4 00 . . t i r-i . Ht 1.71 . 4 0 4. . 1 7.1 ft 4 40 . 1.40 . I ll . ; Ton i.o 7 oo tr 7.s . Lisw &.;o . 4.TJ 0 1.00 .vs .u . 4-j tveo . ( S0(f 17$ . 7.40 if l it Cak-ac - UTraark. CHICAOO. Fab. 2S. Cattle Receipt, ra tlmjkted. lAMe; market, afronff. Fevea. J." 2fi vt': Texaa etcera, 14.3ivl;0. Wretera ateer. $3.01 0 1.71; atfx-kera and fvetlvr. 3luVi: cowa and heifer. 12.00t? 4.!K; calve. f7 butt SO. Hose Kccsipta, eatlmatel. noon; market, sir or. to oc up, Llrht. HUjI.21; mixed. 4tV7Sw-.il: heavy, ffl. 70 7.ui; roush. f tl 7f vtb. Sinod lo choice hvavy. f ;... Q 7.0li; Pta. f7.1v0.Su: bulk of aalea. ffl HO 0 7.00. Buecp Kecelpta. eetlmated. 12.ffuu: mar ket, steady. .Native. IS 4 X6: "A'ratern. fl.10 04.7O; yirlnra. 44 71' If r. c.3. lamba. na tive, lit .lv. tVeatera fV:0S.lu. rhaasrea ta Available ftaapllea. NEW TORK. Feb. 2. Mpeclel cable and ttrraphic communlcattora received by llradetreet's show th followlnr chanfe in available supplies as compared with pre vlooa account: Bushels. WbesX I'nltrd States, east Rock Ire, decreased 001.000 Canada, Increased 4S9. wuv Total. United Mtataa aad Caaada. decraaaed Ki. Afloat f r aad la Kumpe. Increased-ZiW.trKl Total Amerleaa and Kuropaaa sup Piy Increased 1.031,00 Oata. t'ottea tftatea aad Caaada. locreaaed SlO.OOf Rate Peclalon No Ixinger lias an AdYerse Effect Cbeerfnl State mrnt From the United State Sler 1 Corporation. NEW TORK. Feb. IS. Liberal advances la price la tha stock exchange today placed stocks well oa their way to show that tha market had recovered It Pols. Th opening strong and after an unimportant dip lo tha Brat hour price held llrm oa a higher level. In the afternoon there was a aharp ad vance, which waa alcnincant chlrny because the moat Important atocka.led In tha move- r.ient. Atchlaoa rained two polnta and I'nloa Pacific. Heading. United States Steel. New Tork Central and other advanced mora thaa a point. 1'roat-taklnc at tha loae reduced th rains eotoewnat. Trading largely la tha hands of professional speculators. Technically the market l stronger man at any time aloe the rate decision wer announced last week. That development Induced not only liquidation. but fairly heavy abort eelllng. with th result that there waa growing uneaalaeaa oa the short Id today and eagerness to cover, waa re sponsible In no small part for th upward trend of price. Trader were lo a mora cheerful Tram or mind and ther wer development which give point to their optimism. Chief among the waa the etatement of the chairman of tha United Blatea Steal Corporation that ha axoected so permanent 111 errecia iroin the decision against th railroad and that th Uteel C'orporanlon'a order had increaeed thia month. HI statement was used ef fectively by bull operators In bidding np prices. The monotary situation was wuaoui ma terial change here, although mora than th usual shifting of loana took place In connec tion with the payment of over f IffO.fXW.OOO in Intorest and dividends falling due tomor row. Transactions la stocks during the montn ended today were I lie lightest sines laat September and tha smallest of any February ainca Ibvf. la no day were a million shares dealt la. . . Hand aalea were aat large, out exceeded tha recent average. Bonds were Irregular. Total aalea. par value. 12.470.000. United Stales bonds were unchanged on call.' C'LOcUNO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Hale. A Ills Che I pf . Atual Copper .. Am Aarlcuit .. Am H.-et Surer. American Cnu .. Am Car Krty. Am Cotton Oil.. Am H.1 A Lt pf .. Am Ice occurl.. Am Linseed ... Am Locomotve Am Sin. I A Met do prrrorrea. . Am Pleel Kiiy.. Am PuKer Kef.. A in Tel m a ei.. Am Tobacco pf Ara Woolee .... Anaconda It Co Atchleou do prererrefl. . Atl Coast Line.. li.lt a. uhlo . .. H-thlfihem Steel llrook K Trjn Canadian Pac .. Central Leather do preferred.. Central of N J. Ch-e a Ohio .. Chicago A Alton Chi lit Wet .. do preierrea. . Chicago A N w M A it ram C. C. C. ec St L. Col Fuel A Iroa Col A r'outhcra. Consul tlaa .... Corn Producte.. Lcl A Hudson.. DAK Airande.. do DrelvrreU. . Plstlllers Securl Erie do 1st pt .... do 2d pf Cen Klectrle tit North pf ... at North Ore . Illinois central, lnt-rtfor Met .. ua prerirreti. . Inter Iljrvceter. Inter Marine pf Int Paper Int Pump Iowa Central .. K C Southern .. do prvfrrea.. ...... lff .M IK 11 4UO Floes ftherfleld .. Southern Pao .. Eoutbern Ry do preferred.. Tenn Copper . .. Texas A Pacific Tol. St L 4 Wei do preferred. . Cnlon Paclflo .. do preferred.. U S Realty ... U S Rubber ... U 8 Steel do preferred.. Utah Copper . .. Va-Caro Chem .. Wabash do preferred.. Western Md Westing Eleo .. Western, Union Wheel 'A L Lehigh Vallc-y 100 4.7i0 1.PO0 UK) Sc) 3i 0 11)0 2t tO 80,21)0 2l0 ' V.0O0 0.7110 21 H) L2"0 11.4f0 1IKJ 2.3o 100 H3t SSH KS 118S Jl 11814 27 a 2(1 27 .1 1 ." Vs -! 'j 8SS Sx 8 ""4 2SH 2Sti 2H 23 'a 23', 22 H ta r.2. BIS 176 17S 17H 63 s 03 7 47 4H H 78 S 77t 78H 118T4 118?4 118i 45 li 45 4Si 70 . est oi'vs 174 17"4 17 38 4 37a 38 60S 50 50 6 73 5H 5f, r.ht 174 173 174 100 4.700 Total sales for tha day. 830,800 shares.. BONDS. NEW" YORK. Feb. 28 Closing quotations: U. S. ref. 2s reg.lOl IN T C g 3. 87 B do coupon ...101 I No. pacific 3a... iv V. S Ss reg 1024 No. Pacific 4s... 100 do coupon ... 12 Union pacific 4s. 1 00 U. 8. new 4s reg.lia lVls. Central 4s. 2 do coupon ...110 Japanese 4s .... 63 Jk D. R. O. 4s... 3 ) Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. Fab. 2S. Closing quotations: A Hone 84'4!Mohnwk Amalg. Copper.. tS4 i-Ncvada Con. ... A. 7- U Sai.. ai'-ilNlplsaing Mines.. Arizona Com. .. li (North Butte..... Atlantic 4 North L&ife...., Tl A C C A 8 M. 12 "4 Ola Dominion. 44 IS 11 29 , 02 . 3'J Hull. Coalition. lSV:Oeceola Ill Cal. A Arlxona. r.l Parrott 13. A C) 12 Cal. A Hecla...47S ljuincy 6 Centennial 11 Ishannon 11 Cop. Ran. C. Co. fit lSuierlor 87 K Butte Ci. kt. 12!Sup Bos Mln.. 4'i Prankllln 10 ISup oc Pitts Cop. 144 niranT con. eawlTainarack 43 nranbr con. ... Sr. V S s R A M. 864 B L BOSTON DEAXERS SHOW XO IX TEREST IX NEW CLIP. Greene Cananaa. 6 I. Royals iCop.) 1HH Kerr Uks 7 Lake Copper 364 U -alle Copper 4 2diATnl Copper... 10 do preferred .. 47 rtnh Con. 13 Utah Copper Co. 41 Winona 8 Wolverine 118 High. Low. 4.000 H oO 6.7"o l.fHKl 1.2"0 2.200 "ioti 4N 1.1M 3O0 V.7i6 loo 64 BUS 47 r,i 62 S '20 3SH 77 101 122 141 100 U 11.400 lot) If ffl 000 5.400 a.ofHi 300 10fl l2 ; 120 104 78j" 213 30. . 6.1 57 40 S Oil CI 20i" "4tt 77 I05 120 1441a 'si" lioi 102 12ti 102 'is" 214 2a 1.0O0 83 83 500 3K) 3i 0 T.fl'fO 2u0 l.lOO 2O0 ' 1400 JloO 4..V0 4.MH) 21 Ml loo 1 Of) !H BOO , ' V.2"0 S.l0 2u0 100 2itl 2u0 22 44 140 12.1 til 141 14 "si"" 71 If 2D 40 .is 1M 12.-. 60 53 110 ' 22 44 14ft 122 1 140 14 "si 71 85 2J 49 - SM ir..t 121 l "lR r.2 lio Money, Exchange. Eto. NEW YORK. Feb. 2S. Money on call, steady. 2f2; ruling rate. 2; closing bid. 2 offered. 2. Time loana very dull and steady: 60 days. 2 MS per cent; 0 days. 3 era; six months. 3. Prime mercantile paper, 494 per cenL Sterling exchange steady, with actual bus iness In tankers' bills at J4.84 J.,4.8-110 for 60-dsy bills, and at f 4.Snio for demand. Commercial bills 14.83 & 4.83 4. Bar silver 52c Mexlcaa dollars 15c . Bonds Government, steady: railroad. Ir regular. LONDON. Feb. 28. Bar silver, quiet at 24 d per ounce. Money. 293 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2 OS Pr cent: for three months' bills. 2S2 1U-16 per cent. RAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 2. Sterling on London, 60 flays. 14.84; sipht. 14.80. Drafts Sight. 4c; tulcgraph. 7c rBODUCE AT SAX FKAJfCISCO. Qnotatloa Currmt Bay City Mir- 41 Mlaaewaatta WhaaU Markat. MINNtCAPOl.t'. Feb. 2- loee: Wheat 4c: July. HtMSr; September. t0e: cash. Ni 1 hard. V7c; No. 1 North. rn. ie: No 2 N.cin to, 2u4c; No f wheat, kvk)0IUiaa bid. do pref-rr Lacletle Gae IfUla A Nasbw Minn A St L. M. t P A S 8 M Mo. Kan A Tex. do preferred.. Mo Pacific . ... Nat B'scult ... Nat Lead Mt N Ry 2 pf. N T Central . . . N Y. Cint A We Norfolk A Waa North Ara .... North Pac .... pacific Mall ... Pennsylvania ... Peoples Oas .. P. C C A St I Plttaburg Coal.. Pressed 8 Car. . P ill Pal Car . . Ry Steel Spring rrnrin ....... Republic Steel do preferred. . Ro k Island Co de preferred. . St L K 2 pf u 112 144 2H 142 S3 1.400 loo V.SOf) 6."0 tea 1.5"K li. 1 7.4flO fi.f :no SO0 57 122 "7 um 42 104 71 123 2.1 1-fl 101 41 .17 S3 112 144 US 141 S3 "iej"" 122 "3ft loa 41 1"4 71 122 24 12 101 3O0 19 10 81 Southwest. , TOO l.aoo 2f a 1" 2.700 "66 .14 J." 33 I .10 34 li.". S3 lew 41 40 Kid. 31 63 5 4-1 l f.ll 2 23 2 1 1 SH 77 10.. 47 121 143 I'll 33 3H 105 102 12l 1H3 31 7H 214 2D 1011 2M 83 .14 2S 44 140 122 111 33 50 141 HI lotl 82 71 87 211 4S 38 153 125 In 134 1 lio 10 10 8.1 AC 112 144 27 141 33 Of I 5 121 35 ST 11)8 41 103 71 123 24 12 105 DO 10 3.1 l.M) 31 l.Vl XI 1 3i ' I hi In the keta. 8AK FRANCISCO. Feb. 28. The follow ing produce prices were current today: Vegetables Cucumbers. flwl.S: garlic 4u0c; green peas. 1017c; string beans, nominal: tomatoes, nominal; egg plant. 10 tr isc Butter Fancy creamery. S5c Kags Store. 18c: fnncy ranch, 10c. Cheeec Young America. 14c Mlllatuffa Bran. U4'3tf; mldtllngs. f32 4r 115. Fruit Apples, choice. Jl: common. 75c; Mexican limes. fi.50v7: California lomona, choice. Ill; commons, fl.50: oranges, navel, f 1.50 if 2.25; ptneapplea, flri3. J'oteloe. Salinas. Burbunka. 82.1002.80; sweet. 1291.15; Oregon Burbanks. fL09 1.10. Onions 12 6 2.25. t , Hay Wheat.. f801.S per ton; wheat and oata. w 11.10; alfalfa. It 6 It. Receipts Flour. 5.V16 quarter sacks; wheat, 40 centals; bailey, loilo centala: oats. tH centala; potatoes, 1000 sack; bay, 450 tons. Coffee and Suxar. KF.W YORK. Feb. 28. Coffee futurea rlosed steady at a net decline of 10 to 17 polnta Sale 3S.0OO bag. March. 10.4oc; April. 10.41c: May ana june. iu.c, juu. H'.37c: AuKust. 10.27c; September, 10.17c; October. 10.07c: November, 9.96c; December and January. 9.83c ' Spot ateady. Rio NO. 7. iao; oantoa No. 4. 13o- Mild coffe quiet; Cordova, 13-43 17c. Raw sugar Tirm. snucnvauu. .1 j . cenulfnsal 00 test. 13.80&3.83: molaraea sugar, 13.059 3.09. rtezineo sugar sieauy. Condition of the Treasury. trifmivnTOV Feb. 28. At the becin- I nirg of buslnesa today the condition of the Working balance, treasury of flcea.f 2a.894.378 In banks and Philippine treasury.. 82.112.6J3 Total balance In aenctal fund .... S3.050.279 Ordinary receipts yeslerday OO0.0H7 1 Ordinary disbursement 1.83.577 I Deficit to date thi fiscal year... 4.n;5.o:iS Lt't ytar 53.814.S1H These' flrure exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Dried Fruit at r Tork. NEW TORI". Feb. 2S. Evaporated apples firm, with few offertnirs. Spot, fancy. 12 V 13c; choice, ll12c; prime, llc; cold storage. 801Oc prunes, scarce, firm at fi"ll14c for California up to 30-40S and 11012c for Oregons from 50s to 30s. Peaches quiet, steady; choice, 7(J7c; xtra choice. 7ASc; fancy, 80c Old Wools Are Dull In the Eastern Market and Values Show Weakness. BOSTOJT, Feb. 28. The Boston wool mar ket continues dull, and trading Is smaller In volume than for some weeks. Values have weakened, especially In domestic wools, while California wool Is particularly slow. There 1 very little Interest locally In the new clip, and none of the Boston firms as yet has made contracts for wool on the sheep's back, as Is usually the case at this time of the year. The principal trading haa been In terri tory wool, and some good fine and fine medium Wyoming haa sold at I7'4c. Ohio fleeces are very dull, but there have been some transfers of California wool at 53c for the best Northern. A better Inquiry Is re ported In pulled wools. The foreign product A fairly strong. Texas Fine, II months, 546Ce: fine, six to elvlit months. o0igo2c; fine. Fall, 4&vS6c California Northern. bitjooc: miaaie county. 47Sc; Southern, 40347c; Fall, free. 42Q4SC. Oregon Eastern. No. 1 staple, SB Q 60c; Eastern clothing, &3ti51c; valley No. 1, 14 fiiic. Territory Fine staple, 0c asked; fine medium staple. 58&S9c: fine clothing, 52 tr.c; fine medium clothing. SOSSl'c; half blood combing. 6Sc asked: three-elghths-blood combing, aS Is o9c ; quarter-blood comb ing 49 W 50c Pulled Extra. 60$ 62c: fine A, 510 asked; A Supers. &6c asked. Wool at Bt. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 28. Wool Unchsnred. Territory and Western medli floe mediums, ltiulSc: fine. 12013c Lumber mens National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital $500,000 THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits, $800,000.00 OFFICERS: 1 r. arSTSWOTtTH, PVeafdent. R. W. aCRMTCr-lBs Cash!, B LEA BARIfBs, Vice-President. A. at. WRIGHT, Aa ale taut Cashier. W. A. B.OLT, Aaalartant Caahlac, LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES 18 & 22c; Grain at San Franctseo. 8 AN FRANCISC i Feb. 28. Wheat weak; barley steady. : ' . Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, J1.I2H C1.I7 per centaL Barley Feed, 11.1101.11 per cental; brewing, fl.2O01.ZS per centaL Oats Red. f 1.10 1.25 per cental; white, f 1.61.4i per cental; black, fl.lS per cental. Call board sales: Barley, Dec, fill per cental bid; L12 per cental asked; Mir, fl lf per cental bid; tl.lt per cental asked. Grata Markets of the Northwest. TACOMA. Feb. 28. Wheat Bluestem, Sic: fortyfold, 80c; club, 79c; red Russian. 78c. Recelpta Wheat, S3 cara; barley. 2 cars; oats, 2 care; hay, 12 cars. SEATTLE. Feb. 28. Milling quotations: Bluestem. 85o; fortyfold, 82c; club. 81c; fife. 81c: red Russian. 80c Export: Wheat Bluestem, 82-; fortyfold, SOo; club, 79e; rife. life; rea lcursian. isc i esteraar s recelms .Wheat, 13 cars; corn, 2 cars; oats, 0 cars; barley, tj cars; nay, iz cars. Chicago Frodn.cs Markets. CHICAGO, Feb. 28. Butter Easy; cream eries, 10020c: dairies. 11021c. Eggs Firm; receipts, 10.852 cases; at mark, case included, 12012c; firt. 18c; prime llrsts. 17 c Cheese Steady; daisies, 13 14c; twins. 1212c; Young Ameiicaa, 149 15c; long horns. 14S15c. tast National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tli Rocky Mountains Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Ccrfcett Building, Fifth and Morrison StrsatJ Capital and Surplus $953,003 Invites Accounts ox' Merchants, Individuals and Savinji Grain Mar keta. LONDON. Feb. 28 Cargoes, dull and de prensed. Walla Walla, for shipment, st 84s; nominal quotation. English and French country markets, quiet- LIVERPOOL. Feb! 28. Close: Wheat March. 6s 9d: May, 6s Sd. Weather, rain. Dulnth Flax Market. DULUTH. Feb. 58. Flax, on track and ta arrive. 12.63: May, f-.C2 bid. Harrlsburg Woman Passes Away. HARRISBURO. Or., Feb. 28. (Special.) Mrs. George Barley, aged 36, died Monday after a few days' "lines of pnenmonla. She had recently given Chicago Grain Statistics. CHICAGO. Feb. 28. Total clearances of wheat and flour wer equal to 134,700 bushels. Primary receipts were 215.000 bushels, ex clusive of Chicago. Toledo. Peoria and De troit; compared with 703. 000 bushels, at all points. The world's visible supply, as shown by Braflatreet'a, Increased 7.1f.3.O0O bushel. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 28. Cotton Spot closed quiet 12 points hlKher. Mid-uplantia, 14.25c; d ault. 14.711c Sales, 3l25 bales. Futurea closed firm at a net advance of S to 21 polnta, within a point or two of the highest. March. 14.2S;: April. 14.3bc: May. 14.41k-; June. 14.44c: July. 14411c;, August, 14.04c; October. '12-R2c; December. 12.U)c Hap at Xcw York. NA4W XUaUk. '. k. Hops DulU Bonds Investments TimberLands McGEAIH & NEUHAUSEN CO. 701-2-3-4-5 Lewis Bids;. Portland Oregon THE 'CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE INCORPORATED 186T. Bead Office) Toronto, Canada. New Tork 1 Exchange Place. London 2 Lombard Street. And over 200 other branches In Canada and the United States. Foreign exchange bought and sold and a general banking business trans acted. Interest allowed on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT PORTLAND BRA VCII, SECOXD AND STARK STREETS. "r. F. C. Malpaa. Manaeer. birth to her eighth child and a few days later took up her household duties as usual, among other things putting out a large family washing, to which is at tributed, the relapse. TRAVELERS GCTDE. What Our Neighbors Say ! ! ! ! ! ! "In this city bltullthlo pavement has demon strated that lt Is dur able, cheap In the long run, pleasing In ap pearance and not as slippery as most hard surface pavements." The Dalles Chronicle. TRAVELER'S GUIDE. HOPS March Issue of Pacific Hon Review out today. Only DUbllcation of the kind on the Pacific Coast, Covers entire hop trade. Subscrip tion, f 1.50 per year. PORTLAND TIME TABLE CO, 104 Sherlock Bldgr., Portland, Or. HONOLULU AND THE VOLCANO THE TRIP MOST COMPELLING, and worth while, excelling all other for novelty and pleasure. The Volcano of Kllauea, the largest In the world. Is tremendously active now. It Is possible to make this desirable trip with SPEED and comfort and the price Is low. tllO. first-class. San Francisco to Honolulu and back, and 843.60 for side trip from Honolulu to volcano, including rail and auto to Kllauea: hotel at Hllo. also Volcano House No other trip compares with this. Be sure to visit the Islands and DO IT NOW. while the volcano is active. a. S. SIERRA (10.000 tons displacement) sails Feb. 25. March 18, April 8. Write or wire OCEANIC S. S. CO., 878 Market Street. San Francisco. O.-W. R. & N. Astoria Konte. STEAMER HARVEST QUEEN Leaves Portland daily except Saturday at 8 O0 P. M. Makes all way landings. Arrives at Astoria at 6:00 A. M. Leaves Astoria dallv, except Sunday, at 7:00 A. M. Arrives Portland at 6:00 P. M. Makes direct con nection with steamer Nahcotta for Megler. llwaco. Long Beach and all points oa the Ilnaco Dlvlslon. AU Modern Safety Devices (Wireless. o.) LOiNUON f AR13 B AlMfiOKG Pres. Grant,. .Mar.llJftPennsj-lv. ...Mar. 23 tKais. A. Vle..Mar.ia;Pres. Llncoln..MaTe81, tRitz-Carlton a la Carte Restaurant, Calls at Plymouth and Cherbourg. "Hamburg- direct, tSecond Cabin only. GIBRALTAR, ALGIERS, NAPLES, GENOA, f New 17,000 ton steamers, equapped with all modern safety appllaces. Electric . Baths. Gvmnaslum, Elevator, etc. rS. 6. CINCINNATI March 28, 10 AM, S. 8. HAMBURG April 13 Hamburer-A merican Line, 1H0 Powell St. Sun Francisco, Cal., or local R. It Agents In Portland. EUROPE Twenty Tours to Moderate Cost, Best Management Mediterranean North Cape Coronation Many Others. BOOKLETS READY. The Pilgrim Tours. Boston, Mas. RAYMOND 4t WHITCOMB CO.. Agents. New York. Los Angeles. Boston, San Francisco. Sao Francises, Los Aajjbi aai San Die9 Direct forth pacific 8. S. Cc's B. S. Roseate aad 6. 6. Elder aail every Wednesday alternately at a P. -a. .'Acket oxiic. iaJ iaua .u. near Alder. UAAiXUi a. IlAbLEX. Passenger Ageas. W. li. SLCSSEU, Freight Agent, Vboaae M. 1S14. A 1814. ' COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER sails from Alaska dock. Portland, 8 P. M. every Tues day. Freight received at Alaska Dock until fi p. M. dally. Passenger fare nrst-class. flO; second-class, fT. Including meals and berth. Tickets on sale at Alns worth dock. Phones Main 268. A 1234. BAN FRANCISCO ft PORTLAND SS. CO. New service to Los Angeles via San Fran cisco every five days. From Alnswortn ajocrt. roniana. sr. ai. SS Bear March 8. Rose City 8, Beaver 13. From San Francisco, Northbound, 32 M. SS Rose City March 2, Beaver 7, Bear If. t. w. Can V.Hrn nArthhnimfl 10 w SS Beaver March 5, Bear 10. lioae City 13, rt. u. ft mini, a;, a. a., lax iniro p. a. W. Ransom, Agent, Ainsworth Dock, r hones: Mala 440. teal A 14ss J