TJIE 3IORXING OREGOMAX. WEDNESDAY, MAItCII 1, 1911. 18 WEST TO NAME ONE Personnel of Port of Portland Yet Incomplete. MANY WANT MARINE MAN F1r Mrrtlnc ' Rrorjranlird Com mUoroa to be Held Marrh t, Wbe-n Important Subjects Will H Considered. nornjtloa of the Port of Port land Commission Is expected to ba carried out at the net regular meet ing. March t. providing Governor Waal by tiia tima appoint a suweeaor to John F. 0-hea. WHO haa announced lila determination not to accept tha re sponalbtltttea. owing to unu.ual de mands on nla time In a buolnea war. By iom It l thouaht that tha ir nth man will ba named thla week, and It la known that an appointed Is under conalderatlon. but aa It waa tha onder itaadlna when the new personnel waa named that tha state executive re served tha right to nam tha seventh commissioner, the Chamber of Corn mere and committer of JO will not offer sutstlons. On tbe waterfront !t I tha Impression that there should b a irreater representation of men directly concerned In the navlnatlon of vessels, so that at all times tha condi tion of tha river from Portland to tha mm. wouM ba known without recoursa to special soundtnKS or depending on the report of one Individual. Captain Crowe la the only marina man on the board, thouah It. D. Inman la directly concerned with the dispatch or vessel, because of being Interested In the lnman-Pouleen lumber plant, and W. . Wheelwright Is In the same relationship owtnir to beln a lumber esporter. and baa the benefit of prerl oua service on the commission. With Mr. Wheelwright. J. C Alnsworth and C. K. Adams aa holdover members, the new commissioners will be srulded through them In the general direction of the body'e affairs. Aa the bill rearrancing tha commis sion was passed with an emergency clause the reorganisation merely awalta the appointment of the last man. The Initial aesslon will be fea tured by the openlnc of bids for the ateel sternwheel steamer planned, which ts to cost about f 1:4.000. and there Is alao In prospect tiie construction of a dredge, a duplicate of the Columbia, to be used In conjunction with the gov ernment's proj-ct for deepening the channel to 10 feet. I.OIB1.R IXKET PIMIXCriVE March Fipoctr-d to Mark Rooprnlnc of Mill Business. Not sxnee June. ha so little lum ber been sent cmstwlae as during last month, only 3.lX.O feet beln shipped. A elmllar quantity of lumber waa d patched on June. . February takee rank as the lowest since that time, the exportation beln valued at only The poor showing occasioned no aur pi i among mlllmen. aa moat of the plant have been shut down, repairs being made that have been put off from time to time for over two years. The price of lnc ! also said to have prohibited manu factory for export on a basla that would warrant business being accepted. Tha British s:eamer Wueen A!eandra cleared for Bhanghal with l3.V feet and the Uerman bark Wandsbek for London with IVHills feet and a slight increase waa made through a shipment of s.0 feet foe Honakong on the Oriental liner Hercules. There will be a revival of buslneea thla month but the heavy movement will not begin until Bummer ts at hand. Hts vewts made cp the roast wlee coterie, which ! Iras) than half of the averaa-e f.eet. Plow conditions In that market resulted In an Increased move ment from Northern harbors, where cheaper and rrtater supplies of material were available. F.vrx ix ramcAnvs jxekt Inrermar Held Urk. Export Grain Total Dwindles. Hlx wheat ships, one carrier loaded with four, were February'a contribu tion to the cereal exports of the present season, the movement aggregating ." bushels of wheat, valued at !i2.43. and .71 barrels of flour worth ftSVMt. In February. 110. no wheat or flour was exported. In Jan uary but three wheat ships and one Oriental liner cleared and In March one wheat ship and two liners sailed. In January of this year ten wheat car riers and one liner got away with 1.2.74 bushels of wheat. However, should trie present month not develop a large fleet, the third quarter of tha cereal year will ba far In excess of the same period last season. October. December and January were heavy months tn wheat and had the British bark Invennay been cleared yesterday February'a business would have been close to 1.000.000 bushels. Her cargo will possibly be Included In March'a summary, with that of the Kilo and possibly one or two others will get war by April 1. With the export movement a large amount of grain haa been shipped to California porta. One cargo of Oregon wheat haa been exported from Kan Francisco for which Portland loses credit, although It waa bandied from here by tha American-Hawaiian Steam ship Company. BIIX IS KEPORTKD SIGNED Loral District Galna Xrw Appropria tions for Improvement. It was unofficially reported yesterday that President Tift had affixed his sig nature to the rivers and harbors bill, that sets aside 1)50.000 for the comple tion of the south Jetty at the mouth of the Columbia River, which will be enough to commence operations on tha north Jetty. From Portland to the sea lll.00 is provided. I .''1.000 additional for the Willamette above Portland. S3000 for the improvement of the Co lumbia at Vancouver and 100.000 for the Celllo Canal. From tie mouth of the Snake Hirer to Celilo !:S,040 la made available and 118. "0 for tha Pnake River proper, with S000 for the t'owilti and Lewis rivers. On outside projects $.1ve Is included for the tMusIaw River. tiO.OPO for Coos Day and f 3000 for Tillamook Ray. For the deepening of the channel from the northern end of Ross Island tn the sea no appropriation waa made, but Major Mr In doe. Corps of Engineers. Is authorised to proceed with the draw, fng of plana and compilation of speci fications for two Ju-lnch suction dredges to be used on that project. It ts esti mated that about a year will be re quired In which to complete plans and have them approved by the chief of engineers, after which bids must be advertised for 30 days. Those received wlil be forwarded to Washington lor PORTLAND'S CEREAL EXPORT'S FOR EIGHT MONTHS Or SEASON. Clar. vreeeU Has. rtc. deetlnatioe. JmU lT.rna. Br. bk- U. or T J Hercules. Nor. sa.. Hongkong Tot July 10 RrsJa. Nor. aa. Rmikiwl lla Kurn.rtc. Ur. ss . Toitnh.fna.. 11 twlja. Nor. as, Hoackong Per August SO Aadromeda. Br. bk Q. or T I nn. 4- noied.ffro. Fr. bk.. I I-luomirk. ln -. V). or F. 10 H'-otciah Monsrrh. Or. as., ft i II j: M.M.ik 1fmb N'ur aa Hnnfkoftl I n.l. Mr. ss.. ft. Vlnc-nt J : : . I . n n sir . h O Ar V. ...... .it mm 14 Nnf. m Honikonf . ...... I rr rlm-h. Fr. h.. si. or F J ;a nid.rt. Fr. bk.. J. or K J 2s Irma. Br. sa. Kooe For October Nevessaer . 4 Msranda. nr. sa. at. Vincent.. 14 I'ort I", bk.. J. or F.. . m a.mkhill tip mm.. SI or F ..... . 21 kirkradbnshishir.. Ur. sks. Q. or F Prlo. iw. ok., si. or r.. ....... 2 1 I). bin Fr. bk.. Q. or w . so ViBc.aare. "r. bk.. SI- or F For November -TCm T. twis. Br. bk.. Q. or F... -Vltirnnr. Fr. bk. SI- or F -HjnrnUrae BJorneeo. Nor. aa. Bt Vinreat -Ktila. Nor. sa. HonxVong Fr. bk.. Q. or F... -:i.nholm. Br. .. ') "r T -Ksmrric. Ilr. M- Hongkong --.nn-b!Tr. Fr. bk.. s). or F -churt-k. Oer. bk.. O or F -itrhniln. Br. ss.. Honckoag. . . . -Kllrrbrk. t. bk.. Q. or F , l IT-IT- Nor. mm., r-i. -Ml-h.lrt. Fr. bk.. SI. or r -Viulto. Br. Kobe For December Jaaeary Invrravon. Br. sh.. IJmerick Huffon. FT. bk..' sl- or F -rak. Orr. -. Sit. Nssalre i.-olltan Morw. rir. in., w- w o- 1- 1T-1- fr.MS l.r. .n.. w- r...... Hnrlk Ibn. Snr. ss.. Hongkong. Inornru. Br. bk.. SI- or F Furf.rihlre. Br. bk.. J. or F. IMrrr. Antonlne. Fr. bk.. sV or F.. Mlml. ler. bk.. Q. or F liAlmoral. Br. sh., sl- or F For Jaauary Il.T.rd. Fr. bk.. Q. or F. olile r.l.n. Br. sh.. SI- or F ip .h o or F l'l.l d' FT. bk.. Q. or F. Merrulre. or. mm., non . . trathnras. Br. ss . l-m t-aimaa. Nile. Br. bk.. Brlfsst -Bossuet. Fr. bk Q. or V For February consideration and the successful con tractor will ba eipected to wait until the expiration of the year for the money. At the nest session of Con gress there will be appropriated with that amount enough to maintain the dredges and carry out the acheme of permanent works at various points. XOIBEK OF KN TRIES RECORD Castom-noaae Hoes Largest Local Boslnesa In History. Irrespective of the fact that business In the way of total entries In the Port land customs district has diminished since the I'ortland Asiatic Steam ship Company altered the schedule .of Its carrlera so that they call at San Francisco to discharge cargo consigned to Eastern points from the Orient, the entries for February numbered 140. tha greatest list of purely local trana actlons that has characterised tha busi ness of the Custom-House since Its establishment. The collections for eight months reached 1130.000 at the close of busi ness yesterday afternoon, and while but $440,000 had been collected for tha same period last year, it la not a rec ord, because, during the days when entries were made for Eastern trans shipment, receipts have reached as high aa $1,000,000 for the year, which la not thought to be possible this period, as It ends June JO. In August. 110. the total entries were 110. which was the record for purely local consnmptlon up to that time. Receipt, for February alone were $00,000. The rush la at tributed to the Incoming cargo brought by the British steamer Saint Ronald. German ship WUhelmine and tha Ori ental carriers. SCIIOOXER BREAKS RECORD Coo Bay-San Francisco Trip Made In 4 Pays 17 Hours. MARSHFIELD. Or.. Feb. IS. (Spe cial.) B. W. Olson, of the C. A. Smith Company's steam schooner Nann Smith, STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. Dee te Arrive. Name. Ftrathtyon. . . . Font. Hollar. Allianre Geo. V. Elder. Anvil Bear Oolden Oat.... Fort Brass . . . Yoeemlte ..... Btie H. F.lmore Bom l1tr. . Break vater. Beanoks...... Falcon Beav.r. ...... Riverside From .Honskong.... . BaJboa . Eurrka Data. In port la port In port In port .Man fantre.... Jlandon. . . han Pedro. ... in port In port . Tillamook. ... . San Franclero . Man Frsnclsco In pon la port In port . TlCamook. - .Fan Proro. . . . .Coos Bar Jaa peoro. . . . , San Francisco . fn Pedro. ... .Balboa....... Mar. Mar. 4 Mar. Mar. 5 Mar. 8 Mar. Apr. 1 ebedaled te Depart. Name. Anvil Alliance Ueo. w. Eld.r. llold.n Cat.. . . aianl.y Dollar. Hw Fcrt Bragg. .. Toeemlt. .... Sua H. Elmore. FtratMron. . . . For .Bandon. ... . Eureka. ..... .n Pedro. .. . Tillamook. ... Balboa , Sao Pedro. ... Data. Mar. 1 Mar. 1 Mar. 1 Mr. 1 Mar. 3 Mar. a Mar. 3 Sn Francisco 3 . Man Francisco! Mar. 4 Tillamook. .. .Konnkong. Mar. 4 Mar. 9 Mar. T Mar. Mar. S Mar. It Mar. 1.1 Apr. Breaksstar. . Koee I'lll.... Roanoke. . . . Valcou Beaver Riverside. ... .Coos Par. ... pan Pedro... .Son Pedro. . . , Pan Francisco ! . 8-.n Pedro. ...3 Balboa. ...... has established a new record from this port to San Francisco and Bay Point. The steamer made the round trip from Coos Bay In four days and 17 hours. Thla time Included discharging or l.kOO.OOO feet of lumber- at Hay Point and the loading of a cargo of oil at San Francisco. The vessel brought part of the ma chinery for the electric crane to be used In loading the vessel. The new device will enable the schooner to load lum ber much more quickly than under the present plan of using steam winches. Pamara Arrives for l.u mbcr. ASTORIA. Or- Feb. 2S- (Special.) The British steamer Damara arrived this morning from Eureka, where she loaded 13O.CW0 feet of redwood lumber. She will take on a part cargo at West port Slough and then proceed to Taconia to finish loading. At that port the steamer's white crew will be discharged and a Chinese crew shipped. Tha Damara goes to Sydney and Newcastle. Kteamrr M. F. Plant Sold. UAR3IIFIELD. Or, Feb. 2S--S pe dal.) It Is reported here by officials of the company that the steamer M. F. Plant, which was recently taken off the Coos Bey-San Francisco run, has been Wheat. Flour. Bush.ia. VaJue. Value. 1J lO 109 TV) . 144.TT0 IU0.100 20.16 I11T.0S2 1T.01 (Kl.rS !. " 2.oT ; ! oaao 14. . 24.U73 ll0.84 . 113,327 101.00I - . 11tT7 loS.onn SO. IM 1 7i.S4S t 2I.H..T4 52T.0OO 50 ll T.I2l 10.150 8I.8T. , :. iim sit.nni ..,.u.,:4 nasi iVolwi ' .o 1I1.STT ioo.w 55.M4 UIMM i.04.33 6I.1TS I0.9T , S5.aM JOA.0O0 , 131. "T 114.4: S14.'.:3 1T2.000 ' MTm. 7i.4iK Ji, 77 1 M.C1 , 11o.i'5 , 110.541 K3.KOO , S41.421 eII.6Tt , in no. ios.201 . 110.441 M.UO0 soft ;si.noo 44 J 2.S" 39.1SS 1M.5M ' HSXiT 1n."...10 l'l 3.13 Ilt."V.i0 aiu I..VHI 21.560 75.401 , 114 -T ioo.ipoo 1 14 T3t 1-o.WlS , Z.3.1.-I I.VOT.I 47.5410 100.001 1..'.4J 77.4H Ii-4 IIH.HC'3 11J.&24 W4.47S .... 8.473 21.800 1. 537.401 $1,227,217 11.71 M43.000 . 109.770 I txr.nt , 1 lTD 1i7.7 1 Hft.tUtl ll'J.4M ...... , l.v.i 1211.775 . 11J.OT2 HT.SM S7.Xt.t 30.0.KI. 32.(111 210.444 , ll.OV4 lo.l.s.Vt 7.V42f a.1.2i . 111.73 07.2i . 130.Rla H7.ii'X) , 141.87 121. M3 .1.S90.074 1.107.S 2.11 $210.44 110.I07 1. liTfwi los.nin lOi M1 HO.MHI 1O0.M1 M.0O0 49.730 10S.044 2OT.H7 likvonn l'.'2..3 1 IO.t . lll.7 S.00 ...... . K04.7S2 $773.1143 40,730 $1.44 14.T7 11S.8I7 sold by the Oregon Coal A Navigation Company to the Alaska Packers' Associ ation and will be used In the trade from Puget Sound to Alaska. It Is said that the price paid as $0,000. The Oregon Coal Navigation Company still has large holdings here, being the owner of the Llbby coal mine and about 2500 acres of land .adjoining this city. Xllo Delayed in Starting. Superintendent Campion, of the Port of Portland pilotage and towage serv ice, yesterday made elaborate prepara tions to give the British bark Nile quick dispatch and. after ordering the steamer Ocklahama alongside at noon, communicated with Aitorla and In structed that the tug Wallula be sent upstream and. on meeting the Ork'a hama. take the .bark In tow. But the kipper of the bark was hampered in settling up the vessel's bills, and the Ocklahama waa not able to get starteJ for sea. The barge Lpoutelana, lad?n vlth scrap iron, is 'o be towed down stream today, bound for Irondale. nd the French bark Bossuet la scheduled t depart tomorrow, so there are pros feels that one will be delayed. Marine Notes. It was yesterday reported that the gasoline schooner Condon had sailed from Walport. and she ss due here this week to load general cargo. Aa a shipment of powder is to be carried to Tillamook on the gaso'ine schooner Anvil, sailing thla afternoon, she will take no oassengers. Other cargo will be dispatched for points south as far aa Bandon. Captain E. S. Edwards, local Inspect or of hulls, haa resumed hla duties after getting as far aa Seattle on a contemplated journey to Alaska, but he said the prospects were chilling, and he abandoned the cruise. There entered at the Custom-house yesterday the steamers Ceo. W. Elder and Bear, from California ports, and the Breakwater from Cooa Bay. while they cleared for the return, together with the French bask Bossuet, with wheat for the I'nlted Kingdom, and the barge Louisiana for Irondale. Hind, Rolph & Company, charterers of the British bark Invermay, which is fully loaded with wheat, but la be ing held until the expiration of her lay days for speculative reasons, are said to have realized $6500 profit on the sale of the cargo of the British ship Wm. T. Lewis, which Is owned by them and was loaded here in Decem ber. The vessel was also credited with a rate of 30 shillings. Dredging executed on the Upper Willamette last season was so pro ductive that Captain Graham, of tha Government dredge Matbloroa. has re ported that In steaming; the vessel to Salem he encountered no obstructions, and that in places there is better depth than was found when dredging waa suspended. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Feb. 2S. Arrived Steamer Yoeemlte. from Kan Francisco. Ballad gtaamtr W. 43. Porter, tor San Francisco; steamer Breakwater, for Cooa Bar. Astoria. Feb. SS. Conditions at tha mouth of the river at $ P. M-. smooth; wind, east 8 miles; weather clear, hailed at 7 A. M. Steamer Falcon, for Ban Francisco. Ar rived at 7:1S and left up at 10:13 A. M. British steamer Camera, from Eureka. Sailed at 12 nooe German bark Wandsbek, for London. Arrived at 2:40 and left up at 4 P. It. Steamer Yosemlta, from 6an Francisco. ban- Francisco. Feb. 2S. Arrived at T A. 54. Steamer Casco. from Columbia River. Palled at 1 P. M. Steamer Vsllowatone. for Portland Arrived at P. M. Steamer Beaver, from Portland. Port San Luis. Feb. 2. Arrived yester day steamer Roma, from Portland. Han Francisco. Feb. Arrived Steam ers Caaco, from Columbia River; Knight of St. George, from Taroma; Washtenaw, from Meattle; Bearer, from Portland; schooner Samar. from Everett. Sailed Steamers for Kahulul: Manchuria, for Honikonc Dalsv. for Wlllapa; Yellowetone, for Astoria: City of Pu.bla. for Victoria; schooner Sausallto. for Bandon. Los Angeles. Fe. 2S. Arrived President, from Seattle: Fulton, from Albion. Sailed Steamer Rose City, for Portland; Roanoke. for Portland; Philippine. for Taooma; Wasp, for Orays Harbor Seattle. Fob. X. Arrived 4?teamer North, land, from Essie Harbor: steamers . ernor. from Maverick; Watson, from Ssn Franrlsco; I. S. T. Buford. from Tsroma: Victoria, from Cordcva; atcamrr Northwestern, from Valdra. Sailed Chip fchlffbek. for Tacoma; atearaer Humboldt, for Skagway: tTmatilla, CoL E. 1 praka. Northland. for Sn Francisco; steamer Uovsmor. for Sound ports. Honskonr. Feb. 27. Arrived Aymsrie. from Tacoma. . . Algiers. Feb. IX Arrived BJornstJorna Bjomsen. from Portland. Or. fruea. Feb. 37. Arrived Ella. from t.ll"vincent. Feb. 28. Arrived Osiris, from San Francisco. Las Palmaa. Fb. 2f Sailed St. George, for San Frsnclsco. Gibraltar. Feb. 2$. Balled Orterlo, for Vancouver. Tides at Astoria Wednesday. High. Low. 1ST A M 14 feet'7:lf A. M Lt feet 1:17 y. m . feet, 7:40 P. M.. . 8.1 test POCTO Men Cured Quickly NATURE'S DANGER SIGNALS Examine Yourself Thousands of young and middle-aged men nre annually swept to a premature rave through nervous complaints and blood ail ments. If you have any of the following symptoms, consult me before it is too late. Are you nervous, weak, specks before your eyes, with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, sediments in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack of energy and strength, tied mornings, restless nights, changeable moods, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat, etc? If so. I can promise you a permanent cure or no pay. WHEN OTHERS FAIL- Call and let us give you a careful, pains taking examination absolutely free. Our opinion and advice will cost you nothing. Perhaps a- little advice Is all you need. X-ray examinations, when necessary, free. No money required to commence treatment, and you can arrange to pay fee when cured. MANY CASES CURED FOR . $5 to $10 FEE Remember. There Is No Man Too Poor to Get Cured We Treat Ailments of Men Only and easv Nerve Weakness cured tn a few weeks. Improvement from the start. If you suffer from loss of energy and ambition, .eel tired when you arise in the morning, lame back, dla- ilnes."spots beforrthe eyes, and feel you are not the man you once were, I will cure you for life. Call and I will explain why It curea when all else falls. A friendly chat will cost you nothing.- Call at once, don't delay. Contracted Ailments We cure these ailments by a method peculiarly our own Our cure removes every obstruction from the urinary passage, allays Inflammation, cleanses and he."SheP bladder, klineys; Invigorate, and restores health and soundness to every part of the body af flicted with ailments. T ITChUoAI- WFLAM-Tlo "5ERVOt9E, LOSS of 9TRES GTH a.d Aliment, of Men. .Vi. roe onre. ara less than those charged by family physicians or surgeons. Medicines fur Our fees as specialists for 01 ures are less "an l""dc"r'lvJacay f oUr patients, from $1.60 to 6.50 a course. If Bt.tafor& D BOOK- HOU"- A. M. to 6 P. M. Evenings 7 to i. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 12 M. only. THE OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE EGGS ONE CENT HIGHER IN-CREASED DEMAJTD IX THE SEATTLE MARKKT. Shipments From Oregon Higher Than at Any Time In a Week. Batter Is Easy. SEATTLE. Wash., Feb. S. (Special.) The ec market was stlffer today. A few sales were made at : cents, or a cent above ye.terday's price. The strong tone of the market was due to the increased de mand. Recelpte from Oregon points was llahter than any time in a week. The butter market sraa week. Cheese sold freely at in cents. The local market Is heavily stocked and Oregon dealers are try inr to sell here. Trade on Western avenue was slow. A poor line of green goods waa offered snd prices covered a wide range. A conalirninent of fancy Mexican tomatoes arrived and sold at top prices. The potato market was weaker with most tales at Slo. A few dealera tried to obtain lis. but the preaaure from the country and the fear that prices are about to drop ex erted a bearish Influence on local condi tion a The grain msrket was a little firmer, fortyfold being quoted a cent hlarher at 80 cent's. Other varieties were unchanged. Rolled oats, graham and rye flour were reduced 50 cents a hundred today. EXHIBIT IS REAL BENEFIT Humane Society Show ts for Relief of Broken-Down Horses. The poor old broken-down horse will have his Inning Thursday night, when the first annual equestrian entertain ment for the benefit of the Oregon Hu mane Society Is staged at Kramer's Riding Academy, Sixteenth and Jeffer son streets. The Oregon Humane So-' clety haa been conducting a worthy campaign for the horses that have fallen into the hands of cruel and in human owners. By the nature of the work the organi sation needs more nioney than has been appropriated by the Legislature and haa hit upon the benefit entertainment plan. All Indications point to one of the most successful benefit performances ever held in the c'ty of Portland, a great de mand for tickets being had. One of the more Important needs of the society is the purchase of horses for the new am bulance provided by the society. The entire proceeds of the entertain ment will be given to the society to carry on Its work in this city. Samuel Kramer has provided a band, had cards printed and' has donated his riding ring for the occasion. Members of the Port land Hunt Club have been devoting a great deal of time to practice and even children are Interested in the cause. In the exhibitions listed are the pret ty riding evolutions by the. children's riding classes. This will include a pret ty qundrUIe to the tune of the band. The Portland Hunt Club riders will also stage some drills, slmiar to those shown at the Society Circus last year. Among other entertainment features will be the high Jumping, racing and polo games for a cup donated by Studebaker Broth ers Company. The performance will be gin at 8 o'clock. Peun-Oregon Ranch Typical. GRANTS PASS, Or., Feb. IS. (Special.) An Idea of the msgnitude of diversi fied farming in Rogue River Valley may be found at the Penn-Oregon Ranch, eight miles west of this city, where the Applegate River flows into Rogue Riv er. The managers are now employing 11 men and nine teams during the Spring season. One hundred acres will be sown to alfalfa. 200 acres In grain and 100 acres will be devoted to potatoes, cab bage, pumpkins and several different varieties of marketable vegetables. This ranch formerly belonged to ex-Consul H. B. Miller, but now Is owned by Penn RS FOR MEN by Us sylvania parties. It is well supplied with water out of the Applegate River and Is one of the largest farms in the valley that has not been subdivided, s LINN ROAD MEN MEET Supervisors Outline. Much Highway Improvement for Year. ALBANY, Or., Feb. 28. (Special.) A convention of Linn County road super visors held here today was attended by practically all of the road supervisors of the county. They discussed methods of road Im provement and systematic road building and outlined plans for the year's work with County Judge Duncan and County Commissioners Butler and Russell. From present indications more road work will be done in Linn County this year than in any former year In the history of the county. Fourteen Linn County road districts made special tax levies on the 1910 assessment roll to provide funds for extensive road Im provement. Edlefsen's coal can be seen at Meier A Frank's. Phone E. S03 or C2303 for dry fir. hardwood or slabwood. Ar Shtamatltm tad NuvoatatsM INerve otrengtn v.r. mrmner1 im Si nfltBDt factor In all physical and mental health. Weak nerves make a weak brain, weak heart, weak circulation. Uric acid and other poisons and impurities accumu late throughout the system causing Rheumatism, Extreme Nervousness, Kidney and Liver troubles. Backache, Neuralgia and kindred ailments. Electropodes eliminate excess uric acid, cleanse and purify the entire system. They radiate health and strength to every or gan, increase circulation and in vigorate the nerves. One man from Texas writes: "I would like to put Electropodes In reach of all afflicted people. They have cured me of a severe case of Sciatic Rheumatism." DruggistSignsThi Contract The parrhaser of Electropodes is grant, td the privilege of returning them within 10 days, and tha purchase price (J L00) la te be refunded upon tha following condi tions! They are to be worn according to directions for at least 25 consecutive days, and then if not satisfactory, te be returned la original box. j Druggist's fllgnamrs . . All druggists; or by mall, post paid. If your druggist cannot fur nish Electropodes, send us $1.00, and we will see that you are sup plied Immediately. State whether for man or woman. Western Electropode Co. 253 Los Aojeles St, Los Ane!es, CaL Mosier View Orchards Kmall orchard tract. In the fa mous loler-Hood KlTer district at less than market prices and on easv terms. Investigate. Devlin flrebaugh. MO bwetland bldg. J Guarantee Cures e TT Varicose Veins I dally demonstrate that varicose veins can be cured, In nearly all cases, by one treatment, in such a satisfactory way that a healthy. circulation Is rap Idly re-established, and Instead of the depressing con. dltlons I guarantee you a cure or refund the money. Blood and Skin Ailments If you have sore throat, sorea and ulcers, bone pains, falling hair or any other symptoms of trite ailment, you should consult us and be forever rid of it. Our treatment cleanses and eradicates every taint and every impurity of the blood and system. All dan ger of transmission or recurrence is removed, why take poisonous drugs for years when a thorough cure can be obtained without? Consult us at once. 291 1-2 Morrison Street Bet. 4th and 5th, Portland, Or. MEN & lUKfcU $10 IS OUR FEE Pay When Cured We have every known remedy ap pMance for TRBATLV6 VOO. Our ex perience Is so great and varied that oj one of the ailments of Men la new to us. COMK IN AM) TALK IT UVKH. General Debility, Weak Nerves, In somnia Results of exposure, overwork ana other Violations of Natures lawr. Diseases o dder and Kidneys. Vari cose Veins, quickly and permanently cured at small expense and no deten tion from business. bPUClAI. AlLAb.Ma Newly con tracted and curouic casea cured. Ail burning, itching and intlammatioa stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected Is seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of questions. Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Uua dsys. rA. M. to 1 P M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co U 4-HIV. t ' I'HKKT. Too Much Medicines That's the trouble with most people. When they have the least pain or ache they rush for the medicine case. What's the result? Pain may stop Instantly, and you fool no one but yourself. We treat all ailments, no matter how long standing, with electricity. New Method Electric Treatment Parlors Rooms 302-303 Merchants Trust Bldg-, Cor. 6tb and Washington Sts. Entrance on Washington St. ALL TREATMENTS CONFIDENTIAL Lady Attendant. Phone Marshall 208. L. T. YEE & SONS The Old. Reliable Chinese Doctor spent lifetime study of berbs and research in China; was granted diploma by the Emperor: guarantees cure all ailments of men and women when others fall If you suf fer, call or write to YEE 4 SON'S MEDICINE CO.. IttVa first. Cor. Aider. Portland. Or. f f Banted Golden aat lW 'ftffip frii mi I f iafe and simple remedy for I BmmchitU, Catarrh, Hay ftea VJ f T 1 , f inflammations. Irritations, aleer I Vssaf I auons of ALL nraooua membranes I v or ll-lne-s of tbe nose, throat, I I stomaob. or other organs, I -V'" AT DRUOOISTS SI I fo Wkr mot curt ytmrttlf amaaammwawal - TreatlaswlthaachborUe or mailed oaraqusst. ,, 1 1 Tki Enss Qoral Ca. J MEM The Leading Specialist In all my work I am thorough, ? painstaking and careful to give ust the right treatment required n each individual case. For 20 years I have been proving my ability, and my business method have always been strictly reliable. My unqualified success is due to a thorough medical education, sup plemented by years of experience. My treatment is as correct as mod ern science can make it. Others mav offer inducements such as cheap treatment, or quick treat ment, but my loremost claim is for thoroughness, which in the long run in EVERY CASE means the cheapest and tbe beat. My reputation as the leading specialist in men's ailments is firmly established by my work of the past, and there i no necessity of my resorting to irregular meth ods in order to keep busy. My kill, ability and straightforward methods entitle me to the success that I have won. and to the full measure of public confidence that I enjoy. YOU NEED NOT PAY UNLESS CURED. MY MOPERN and up - to - date methods effect a certain and speedy cure of blood and akin ailments, eczema, kidney a a d bladder ailments, rupture, rheu matism, despondency and all ail ments and their complications. EXAMINATION AND ADVICB FREE. If you can not call, twite foe Diagnosis Chart. My offices are open from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. San days, 10 to 1 only. The DR. TAYLOR Co. 234H Morrison St., Portland, Or. LIFELONG CURES FOR AILING MEN BY A TRUE SPECIALIST Lowest Charcea of Quickest Cure Any Specialist. That Stay Cured. YOU CAN TAKE MY TREATMENT WITHOUT A CENT AND PAY MB AFTER I CURE YOU. I want a chance to prove I can cure afflicted, skeptical men who may hesitate to come to me. because they have been disappointed by unskilled doctors. Remember, my treatment la different and better and COSTS YOU NOTHING unless you are willing:, glad and satis fied to pay me. Nervousness, Weakness Nervouane sa, Weakness, Lark of Vitality, Poor Memory, Loss of Energy and Ambition, Wornout Fee line. Timid, Headache, Backache, Melancholy, Easily Excited. Hestless at NlKht, are ome of the symptoms that destroy health. A safe, rapid and permanent cure for weakness is found by men from the animal ' extracts treatment we give them. All symptoms are soon gone, strength, vim, vigor, vitality and a robust feeling are quickly restored. Come In and see me. Have a confi dential talk and be examined without cost or obligation. I will cure you. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist, Corner Aider and Second Streets. En trance 128 Second street, Portland, Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. You Will Feel Better in a Few Treatments HIS MEDICINES ACT QUICKLY, EFFECTIVELY AND PAINLESSLY. THE CHINES. DOCTOR Through the relief afforded to suf fering humanity in this Northwest, C. Gee Wo. the Chinese doctor, has been heralded by all his patients as the greatest of his kind. He treats any and all diseases with simple yet powerful remedies, compounded from Roots, Herbs, Barks and Bulbs, many of which are not found in this country and their healing properties familiar only to the Chinese scientists. With these remedies he guarantees to cure Catarrh, Can cer, Asthma, Luns; ' Troubles, Rheuma tism, Nervousness, Stomach, Liver and Kidney Troubles; also private ailments of Men and Women. CONSULTATION FREE. If you live out of town and cannot call write for symptom blank and cir cular. Inclosing 4 cents in stamps. The C.Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 162 First St., Cor. Morrison. Portland. Oregon. . BINft CHOONG. CHINESE DOCTOR, Strowbrldge bldg.. First street, room 11. and 2'25 Alder st- Chinese Root and Hero Medicines. Cures Cancer. Rheuma tism. Consumption, . Dropsy, Catarrh, Stomach, Lunff. Liver and Kidney Troubles. All Chronic ailments of men and wo men. Kxaminatlon free. Drugstore. 235 Flanders fit. Gee ilz. Gee Wo sTk Wo