. . va-vwrn-rvs AurrnVTI V irrnvrsn .1V ITATrf'TT 1 10H CITY GOES AHEAD fj BUSINESS LINES Bank Clearings, Stamp Sales, Building, Shipping and Live stock Show Gains. POSTAL RECEIPTS LARGE Realty Transfers Alone fcbow D crcaM and Only Through Itrrnsal X Owner to Sell Valuable Down-Town rropvrllca. Continued business expanalon la Portland U indicated by virtually U cluui of atatlallcs compart J with tho fi(art for ihe cwrreapondlnr month m ,,mr aKo. Uaak clearings, postal re calptJ from a:e of etampa. an J build in permlia all ihow a satiafactory margin of gain. Too only branch of activity In which a falling off la In dicated la tranaft-rs of ral eatate. and thla condition la duo entirely to tho want of operation In Inirtde really. 1'rrhapa tho moat relUblo Index of penTal buslneaa conditions la for-rih-J by aalca of poMuKO stamp. WMle the ruct total for February haa not been tiitured t by I'wtmMi-r Merrick, he estimated that It would bo In the neighborhood r $T5.;09. Thla la an Increase of $11.&T over tho cor reapondit.a month of 110. or a percent age of 17. Bank cl.'arlna; continue to advance and furnlra Indubitable Index of trade proaperlty. The clearlnita and bal ance for the month Just cleed and for February. ll. are February. Jll. clearlnara. SlT.7t4.34S; balances, f 4 4:.. February. 11. elearlnas. 13.53i.::4; balance. J.&i:.59r. The tatement of the Iortland ClearlnK Itouae Aoaoclatlon yeaterday waa: Cleaxlnira. I1.7S1.0S: balance. $184. 74. On the correapondlna: date laat year the clearing were $1.45.00 and the balances $171.1177. Building Keeps Cp race. Building; permit ahowed an advance of almost per cent over February a year aajo. The flajurea are: 1911. & permits, for construction erarenatina; S1.4.4?S: 1910. 421 permit, value. jl.wod.eiS A elarnlflcant feature of the buiidlne; operatlona la the Urge number of dwelling houae being authorised. Of last month's total over l-SOO.00. or con siderably above half, was for dwell ing, tjince house are everywhere In d-mand and acarcely any "for rent ala-na are to be seen, thla can Indicate nothing except that there le no abate ment In the rapid growth of the city. March probably will show a continued advance In building operatlona over the corresponding period laat year. I'ermlta for a number of large struc tures are to be issued thla month. Real estate transfers last month were 141! In number, representing a property valuation of !.1.410. against 1471 transfer of property worth a total of S1.1S.TS In Febru ary. 110. It will be noted that In number the transfer were virtually the same, atthouan there was a de crease of 1.1.71 In realty opera tlona At thla time last year consid erable business property waa changing hands, for which the consideration la each transfer sal large. There was virtually none of thla clae of prop erty la the transfers laat month, be cause ownera are holding thrtr prop erty much higher than they did a year ago. Wheal Shipments Cain Heavily. Wheat ehlptnen? foreign last month amounted to 4.7i: bushels, valued at im.sil. while the offshore wheat Mpmrntl la February. 119. were In significant. Coastwise wheat ship ments laat month were S33.1l bush els, compared wlia 17.0I1 uahele for the corresponding month last year. Limber experts laat month were .Tt feet, valued at $75,110. and la Febroarv. Die. they were ll.74J.vOO feet, valued at Sls.4l. Februarr was one of the beat month, la vo'ume of batna. that the Fort land Union 8tixkyards has known. The total number of head of stock received was 34.1 . an Increase of head over the aarmaia In February. !. The large tncrea waa mainly due to the heavy marketing of sheep, of which S.V3 head were received, tb largest number ever nnioaded la FortUnd In a single month. Fxcepc In the ce of hoga. the other claaaee of livestock ebowed a decrees la receipts. February Totals Large. The total arrival at the yard In Feb ruary, of thia and last year were as fol lows: lt. ranis .: J iatttsSSl4(aSl( 1-9 11.x. 1.1 !. "- ....... j.4., Hone aad males 44 lie Cars 4-1 i 31 IJrestork prices have held up well In TXte of the large movement. Prime cattle and choice hog are about SO cents higher tnaa a month ago but the vuluew of eheep have naturally shown a decline, though the los 1 not as great a would be ex pected In new of the liberal receipts. 13,423 INQUIRIES RECEIVED Eastern Residents Want Information About Oregon. Illinois haa aent more Inquiries to the Portland Commercial Club than any other state during the period from September 1. 110. to February II. 111. In that Urns 11.4:J Inquiries have been received. Tb highest number for a single month was 1. comprising the 30 days preceding the closing day of the report. February 21. 111. Most of the people writing Inquire concerning sol conditions la the state. Seventy-five per cent of the writers ear they have capital for lOTesUnent. Classifying the Inquiries by states they number as follows: Illinois, Pennsylvania. New Tork. Minnesota. Missouri Washington and the Dakota. Other states follow with fewer In quiries. These facts and a host of others were gleaned frota the records of tb promotion department of the club with a view of presenting them at the "Boosters Banquet to be given Thursday evening, when the question of continuing the work will be decided. GIRL OF 14 WORTH BOARD CTrlld of Six Should Bo With 3 other, Court Holds. T.it when a girl reaches the age of 14 years her society to her mother and the a.M she can give In other ways 1 suffi cient to pay for her living was the de cision of Presiding Judge Gantenbeln veitardav In morilrvlna- the divorce o- cree of the former wife of Alden Cham-k-.i . i n haw xr i- r t fAeclr. Chamberlain had applied to the court .. .. . . . . AW -V to relieve nira ox iurcner paying wo J3 hi former wife for aunnort of their child. was earning only t'.w a month as a loco motive engineer ana mat an oi Ruim ra neoessar to SUDOort thl his I r. m rA hlmulf Tnaamurb. hi. wm hail Km MtnirriMl a he contended that ah should support the daughter or turn ner over to uim am his new wife to care for until she be came of age. It had been decreed by the court that the monthly allowance of U) ahould be maintained until the girl had reached the age of 13 years or bad been married. Judge Cantenbela decided that a child of should be with Its mother, unless there was aome reason why the mother was not the proper person to care for It. But he said that when a girl reached 14 years old she would be of value enough to her mother to be worthy of her aupport. and he modified the decree to limit the payment of 330 a month ac cordingly. EASTKKX MAX NOTES EVIDENCE O CONFIDENCE. Itesources Far In Advance f Popu lation, Says Ma Holtx, After v Vlev of "Ideal City." . e Max Holtx. manager of the Economy Sen-Ice Company snd director of the Textile Publishing Companr. of New York City. I in Portland visiting his brother. Aaron Holtx. of the firm of Olds. Wortman at King. Mr. Holts Is making a vacation tour of the United States. He was In Portland nine years sgo and note a remarkable change in local condition. The company of- which he Is a direc tor Is the publisher of the Dry Goods Economist, one of the oldet trade Jour nal In the United States. Tills Journal playa a prominent part In the dry goods trade of the country. The Economy Service Company la a corporation which give aid aad advice to mercantile es tablishments throughout the country- "Nature and providence have endowed you with a great country out here, al though with Insufficient population to utilize the natural resources, but that will come In time," said Mr. Holts. T haven't had much time to devote to a study of conditions here, but as I ae It the country Is as good a the cities; and Portland Is an Ideal city. The Northwest country stands in the very highest plane In the eyes of the Kastern financiers. When the Union Pa cific Railroad announced, through Its president, the double-tracking of the system U thla Const and the spending of 373.Wu.ono. we had the most note worthy expression of confidence In the future that the country has heard foe a long time. I am more optimistic of the future than I have been for several year. Of course. In district like Port land, with Its booming territory, there has been very little unessiness. but In the money centers It has been different. Viewing the Nation over. I believe the country Is more proeperoua now thsn at any time since the financial flurry of 1S07. , In Portland I find business being con ducted on the moat up-to-date lines. I doubt If there can be found any more finely equipped mercantile etore In the country than the Portland mer chants can boaau" POLICE AID COURTSHIP Inquiry Itedounds to Credit of Brewer Not Addicted to Drink. Wedding bells may ring for August S. Mann, living at 0 Overton atreet. If the unqualified Indorsement of the Portland police department has any weight with the young woman of bla choice, who within a few daya will be Informed, at her home In Newark. Ohio, that Auguat la all right and that she may safely take the flrat train for the W sat in a letter to Chief of Police Cox. J. H. Cramblett, of the Ohio city. Bays that "a lady friend of his wife" has been receiving letters from Mahn for two years, and that the communications have developed to a point where the writer urges the addressee to share hla fortune. The family council mxt upon the caa aad decided that a mail order courtship was a dangerous pro ceeding unless carefully Investigated. Bo they wrote to Chief Cox. .and. he. yielding a point for the department does not usually make investigation of private character detailed Patrolman West to find out what sort of a cltlsen Auguat Is. The officers reply, filed yesterday. Is a complete eulogy. He says that August lives with hla slater In one of the best neighborhood In the ci'.y: that he has been a trusted employe of the Gambrlnus Brewery for eight years, and la not addicted to drink. Fellow oflcers predict that West wt:l be a guest of honor at the wedding. PIONEER .OF 1846 IS DEAD Sirs. Mary Jane Mays One of Benton County's First Settlers. Following an operation performed Monday. Mrs. Mary Jane Maya, an Ore gon pioneer of l4s. died yeaterday morning at St. Vincent's Hospital. Mrs. Mays waa bort. In Illinola In 1342. Her parents d'ed ahortly after, leaving ber and a small brother. They were adopted by the fpmlly of LAsarus Van Berber. In company with that family she atarted Weat, arriving In Benton County. Oregon, by the way of the Rogue River route In 184S. Mrs. Mays wss married to J. It- Mays In Benton County In 1585 and they apent 27 years of their married Ufa on a farm In that county. They lived In a number of Oregon counties and came to Portland recently. Five chil dren survive. They are Marlon and Klmer Maya. North Plalna. Or.; Alton Maya, of Yamhill County; Clarence Maya, of Donald. Or, and Mrs. Elvira Mitchell, of Portland. The funeral will tie held at White Plains. Or. Corporations File Statements. Rushing to escape paying penalties, over Iojo corporations yesterday filed state ments In the office of Colonel David M. Dunne, collector of Internal Revenue, showing the condition of their financial affairs and liquidating as required by the Government. The tax Is) payable for the year ending December 31. 1310. and companies not complying with the atatuie by today will be reported to Washington and the penalties determined by the Com missioner of Internal Revenue, At the outset there were TouO corporation to be heard from and up to date It la not known what number baa responded, but It la believed that there will be a short de linquent list. The basis of payment is ascertained after deducting from the grosa annual Income general expenses. Insurance and other Items specified, then subvtrsrtlng &e and taxes are paid on 1 per cent of the net Income. a (BjiiPffilllhRnrsll 1 I fo , The Addftion'g 'fe p To jj Build? J Are You Planning to Build Your Home This Spring? HAVE YOU SELECTED YOUR LOT? If you are responsible, we will assist in financing the building of your own home. Have you investigated our SPECIAL 15 DISCOUNT PLAN To home builders f You cannot afford to go ahead with your home-building plans until you carefully investigate our plan of assisting you to build. Till out the blank below, cut out and mail to this office, and we will send plat, together with full details of our plan of assisting you to finance your building scheme. LAI RELIirRJT ro, MalalSoS B23-2) Corhett Bldg A 3315 Psrtlssd, Or. Gentlemen: Kindly send me new elty map. plat of "Laurelhursf and lull details of your plan of asblstlng home-builder. Name. ......... Street No City or Town MiDER CLEW DEVELOPS CORONER'S JURY ACCUSES JOSEPH LA ROSE. Eve-Witness of Tragedy at Christen ins; J Held to Assist In Prosecution. A Coroner's Jury, which yeaterday In vestigated the shooting of Domlnlco Bonelll. an Italian laborer, at 675 Hood street. In the progress of a christening Sunday afternoon, returned a verdict at :45 last night declaring the belief that Bonelll's death, which occurred at St. Vincent's Hoapltal early Monday morn ing, was due to bullet wounds Inflicted by Joaeph La Rose. Nick Caradino, a young Italian, the only eye-witness of the tragedy to testify. Is being held at the City Jail as a witness. In the prosecution of La Roae. whom Detectlvea Mallett and Craddoek hope to capture today. La Rose la said to have gone to Caxadero to viatt a relative. He la a French Canadian who recently arrived In Port land from Canada. Evidence pointing toward Joe La Roae, who waa one of the boardera In the houae. waa extracted from Nick Tomtno. proprietor of the place, but hla description does not tally In any reapect with that given by Caraddlno. Tomlno, while reluctant, aald that after he had refuaed to allow Bonelll mora drink he took a demijohn and went away, returning aoon with a gal lon of wine. Then Bonelll. La Rose and another man were drinking In the kitchen a few minutes before the shooting. Tomlno did not remember having seen La Rose after the murder, and La Rose did not aleen In hla room that night, but left hla baggage and haa not returned. Tomlno aald he thought that La Roae had gone to visit hla brother-in-law at Caxadero. La Roae came to Portland from Canada about four months ago and la about 65 years old. While disposed to take the state ments of the witnesses with great cau tion, believing them to be Influenced by fear or other motives, the detec tives will act upon the information and the Jury's verdict. ALLEN'S ELECTION FOUGHT Attorney Sllvestone Say Bar Asso ciation Meeting Lacks Quorum. When Harrison Allen was elected pres ident of the Multnomah Bar Association last n'ght. Attorney Julius Silveatone Jumped to hla feet and protested against the election, saying there was not a quorum and that buslneaa could not therefor be transacted. Only 23 were present, and as 25 are necessary for a quorum, the meeting adjourned until S o'clock Saturday night. w. M. Davis, who waa present last night. Insisted that Allen's frlenda want him president so he can "speak against the Initiative and referendum." The other candidates were Charles J. SchnabeL incumbent. A. E. Clark and Allen R. Joy. The membership of the association is now 4. Railroad Ronte May Be Changed. The Mount Hood Railroad probably will not pasa by the Flrat Unlversallst Church, at the corner of Broadway and East Twenty-fourth etreeus, where the church atands practically In Broadway. On the request of Rev. James D. Corby the City Engineer Investigated. He round that It A IK'W P' B-AUTV 18 A JOY FO'tVCff, Dr. T. Falls Oouraud Oriental Cream off autinar Rvttcrvws Tin, rreciUt, uU lUsViv, to! fekla SB - rs PavtcheaV tilt O6! DmrxveaW Sj mod Tr7 blmJB OB bOaVUtf. MMl dtV ot at yemra sad Is ss bsrmlas we taat n bssars It Is property aisds. A ccspt noeoanlf (tit of almllsr &sms. Dr. L. Fr ul4 te s Ud? of U fe&aV ton psUnttt As tm dlet will ess tbecu I rCUBBIOt Cm. mi mm Ojs m harmful ot mil the Sib mmmtou." by all dnuus ssd Fsace. Ooodt Il la the UaUea Sum. Cuu sad Korope. FERB. T. HOPKINS. Prea, 7 vrest Jeaet It, a. T. Vsa sjaav gJJ would be nearly Impossible to make the curve required for a broad gauge track at this intersection, and besides, Broad way Is a narrow atreet beyond Eaft Twenty-fourth. Some other route prob ably will be selected In making connec tion with Broadway west from East Twenty-fourth street. Three Seek Tannery Site. CENTRA LI A. Wash., Feb. 28. (Spe cial.) Although Centralis and Cheballs are on the lookout at all times for new Industries and ways of adding to the city revenues, three tannery promotors are having a hard time trying to locate In one of the towns. They want a place on the main line, and are meeting op position because of the nature of the plant. The promotera are Fred W. Cummlna and Cyrue Nerrlgan of Seattle, and Frank E. Thompson of Tacoma. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Feb. 2- Maximum temper ature. 47 decrees; minimum. 36. llivur reading. 8 A. il.. 2.6 feet: ensnce In last Zi hours, none. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to o P. M ), none; total since September 1, 1010. 18.16 Inches; normal 81.38 inches; de ficiency. 8.22 Inchss. Total sunshine, 9 hours 13 minutes; possible sunshine. 11 hours 6 minutes. Barometer reduced to sea lerel) at S P. M.. 30.2 Inches. THE WEATHER. 3 Wind TATlOf, Stare f weatker Boise , Hoston. Calgary Chicago lenver Iea Moines. ..... Lxjluth. .. .. ...... Kureks Galveston. .. Helena Jacksonville...... Kansas City ..... Marshflald , alontreal. New Orleans.. ... New York , North Head North Yakima.... I'boenlx Pocatello. Fort land Hose burc Pacramen to ...... . Kt. Iyouta Ft. Paul Fait iJiks Fan Diego Pan Francises.... elsklyou. Hrokane. Tacoma . . Tatoosh Islsnd... Walla Walla Washington. ... Winnipeg. as 18;0.O2i T Trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The pressure Is decreasing In nearly all aectlona. but the extensive field of high pressure that overlies the entire country la atlll controlling weather conditions, and precipitation has been light In California. New Mexico. Texas. Tennessee. Missouri and Manitoba, and only moderately heavy In Kansas and Oklahoma. Eaat of a Hue drawn from New Mexico to Ontario, tne weather la generally colder, while to the westward generally warmer weather ob tains. Except on the Nortb Pacific Const. In Southwestern Canaris. In the upper1 Mis sissippi Valley and Western Lake region, and along the Gulf and South Atlantic coasts, temperatures are generally below the normal. Condltlona are favorabla for fair weather Wednesday In Oregon. Washington and Idaho, with rising temperature in South western Washington, and wlnda mostly easterly. , FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity: Wednesday fair; easterly winds. Oregon: Wednesday fslr: warmer north east portion; easterly wlnda. Idaho: Wednesday fair. THFOnORK F. imAKP. OhJrrr. AUCTIOX BALES TODAY. At our salesroom. 870 B. Morrison, at 10 A. M.. we auction a large assortment of household goods, consisting of wood, coal and sas ranges, wood heaters with coil, coal, oil and gss heaters, beds and bedding, tinware, crockery, aome good dressera and 6O0 yards of second-hand carpet. Deslers will do well to attend this sale; goods will be sold to the highest bidder, without reserve or limit, g. H. fiarger. At Wilson's auction house, corner Second and Yamblll. 6ai at 10 A. M. J. T. Wll son, auctioneer. ' MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 46. A. F.- AND A. M. Stated communl- slrs cation thla (Wednesday) evening. 4 :ao. .ssx .igntn ana nurosiua. a Special" la called for 6 80. M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. Py order W. M, J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary HAWTHORNE LODGE, No. 111. A. T. and A. M. Stated com munication this Wednesday even ing at T:80. Work In F. C. de- V gree. Visiting brethren welcome. . C- E. MILLER, Sao. 34 0.0OI 6 W Clear 2 O.oo 10 SW Clesr 4iO.O0 IN Clear 2.0!lSiW pt. cloudy 20, T. 6KW Clear 8iO.O0) 4 W cloudy 28 0.0o2H;SW Clear 4 0.0i 6 SB Pt. cloudy s O.oo S Cltar 14 O.OOOl pt. cloudy S'.' o.nol 4 E Clear 2 0.2BI NE Snow Brto.ool ne Clear !- O.OOllt) SW Clesr 76 0. OO 4 NB Clear 28 0.00 HVNW Clear BO O.0O 8 E3 Clear 44 0.0O 6 E Clear 64 0.0OI 68 Clear S'JO.Oo! 41NW Pt. clouds 47 0.00 14 B Pt. cloudy 61' O.OOl 6 NW Clear t(c.7 RISK Haiti SO 0.30 B NW Cloudy 82 0. 00 16W ICIear 3(1 O.OO H'NWVIoudy 600.06 4 SW Pt. cloudy 4fl'0.1Sls!sB Cloudy 3 0.001 4 N Clesr 3R 0.OO 4'SE Wrloudy 4'0.0OlO!NE Clesr 82 0.COI18 NE Clear 2 0. OO) 4'K Clear O.OO 4 NW Clear 2iW Pt. clondy AMUSEMENTS. HEILIG THEATER 7th and Taylor Phones Main 1 and allt. TWO PERFORMANCES TODAT. Special price Matinee S:16 Tonight 8:15 Balance Week -mm x v. uuu "7 DAYS" Matinee Prlcea Lower Floor, tl-'Jc- Bal cony, first five rows. 7So; rear first five rows, 60c. Gallery. S5o and 25c. Evenings Lower Floor. 11.60-L Balcony, first five rows, 81: next six rows, 76o; last 11 rows, 80c Gallery, 86c and 260. SEAT SALE FRIDAY. HEILIG THEATER Six nlghta beginning Monday. Special Price Matlneea Wed. and Sat. LEW FIELD'S BIG SPECTACULAR MUSICAL SHOW The Midnight Sons . 200 People on the Stage 200 Evanlnge 81.60 to 80c Matlneea 1 to 250. SEAT SALE TO MORROW 10 A. M. $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 Gallery Admission 75 cents. JOSEF Sunday Afternoon, March 5, S o'clock, HEILIG THEATER Direction , Lois Steers- Wyna Coman. 11-ifc.AAfc.R U XV 1 A.V Worrl .nd Eleventh Main t and A 8860. George L. Baker. Manager. Extraordinary attraction all tnia " . Baker stock company In a splendid revival of Hall Calne'a remarkable play. THE CHRISTIAN Greater sensation than ever beiore. Tonlgbt. all week. Mats. Wed. ST.C Sat. .cw. 80c. Evenings. 25c. Mc. 75c Next week "The Wo"- . Bungalow Theater I gall? MB4 George L. Baker.' General Manager. Tonight all this week. Mats. Tbur. and MAX DILL, Of Kolb Dill. In the greatest of muslcaj comedy euccesses. IIUKAH CITY." Just from loo nights' engagement In Splendid Company and Production. Evenings, 25c. 60c 75c. 81; Mats.. 25 60c. Next week "Brown's In 'town. MATINEE aVEttl l THWATER 15-V-W-T5l WEEK FEBRUARY. 7. The Rolfonlans. "The Lawn Fete"; the Wx Flying Banvards, Jarrow, Mllo Beldon Co., Elsie JJurana, Brown 8: Aver. Kunia Family. GRAND Week of Feb. 27 .-A FeUow of Infl - nite J cut" JAMES i. MORTON "The Boy Comic" Ylrden and Dun lap Robert Roland Edith A. Montrose "No. 4" Prosit Trio Grandaecope - .. . " - -x . IK. Matinee every osy. :v; r T, v; Evening performances at 7:80 and balcony. 16ci lower floor, 28c: box ssata. ooe. ACTAGES WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY MATINEE. Alethela and Alego. world's greatest mui telepathlsts; George Smedley. Nevlns ana Grdon. Sylvia De Frsnkle, Ollle Mack and company, Tne iniernaucna.1 viuta n aA Popular prices. Matinee Dally. Curtain z:s. 7:S0 and 8. XT' PORTLAND'S FAM- JLi S JTV J. ILY PLAYHOUSE. Week Commencing Monday Matinee. Keating aV lood preaent the Lyric Musical Comedy Company; Dillon & King "IN HONOLULU." Three performances dally. 2:43. 7:15. :13. Fraday night. Chorua Girls' Contest Each Performance. Next week "Alabasn. PEOPLE'S AMU.EMENT CO. TODAY A Tale of Two Cities By Charles Dickens. Unquestionably the Greatest 30OO Feet f Film Ever Produced, and BRAND NEW SPLENDID SHOWS AT THE ARCADE, OH JOY, ODEOJT AND TtVOI.I THBtTER". DIED. RODS In this city at the family residence. 72 Tburman St., February 2S. 1811. Christian Root, aged SO years. Notice of funeral hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICE. QTTIOLEY In this city. February Tj,,an!i" Qulgley, aged 80 years 8 months U days, father of Arthur J., W llllam J.. Mrs. James A. Kelly. Mrs. Kate Frederick, of this city; Mrs. George B. CuUer, of Rock wood. Or.; and Mrs. Nellie Jones, of Clats ksnle. Or. Funeral will be held from Dunning & McEntee-J Chapel. Thursday, March 1. at :5 A. M-, thence to the Ca thedral at Fifteenth and Davis streets, where services will be held at t A. M. Friends respectfully Invited. Interment EU Mary's Cemetery. JOBES Wllllsm H. Jobes, born at Minne apolis. November 19. 1878; died 10 P. M.. February 27. at residence. 411 Hassalo at. Death caused from heart failure. He was president of 'the Jobes Milling Company. 5-uneral services will be held at Scottish Rite cathedral at 2 P. M. Thursday, con ducted by Masonic lodge. He is survived by hla mother. Mra. E. A. Jobea, and his brother. Allen R. Jobea. U'OINNIS In this city, February 27. Luke McGlnnls. aged 78 years, father of Frank, of Carlton. Or.; Wm. J., of PorUand. and Bernard P-. of Vancouver, Wash. Funeral services will be held at St. Joseph's Home for tho Aged. Thursday, March 2. at 8 A M Filendasxespectlvely invited to at 'na. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. GRIOSBT At his home, 718 East Couch . . - n T Ua. CAn,nn . 1 fir .1. Street, raoniarj -i, - - - by aged 65 years 4 months 17 days. Fu neral will take place from the Jhove number (Thursday) March 2, at 2'P. M. Frlenda renpectf ully Invited. Interment Roae City Cemetery. , MEAD In thia city, February 27, at the family residence, 80 North 9th St., John T Mead aged 26 years. Funeral services w'lll be held at the Baptist Church, corner of 7th and Everett at rests, at 2 P. M. to day (Wednesday). Friends invited. In terment Rlvervlew Cemetery. OOTCHER In thla city, February 2S. at the family residence. 287 North loth St., James Gotcher, aged 42 years, 8 months and 12 days. Funeral services will be held from the above residence Thursday, March 2, at 1:30 P. M. Friends Invited. Inter ment Rlvervlew Cemetery. ROE At residence, S4 Hoyt St., February 17, Patrick R. Roe, aged i years. Funer al will take place from the above resi dence Wednesday .March 1, at 8:45 A. M. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. In terment Mount Calvary Cemetery. Please omit flowers. ION8ETH FLORAL CO., 8IARUUAM liLDG.. FLORAL DESIGNS. Phones I Main 61U2; A 1108. nnonlDC Alt Janice, funeral 11 n.: iun, -.w rln. Phone Main 480. Lad, aa. litant. Of floe of County Coroner. ' mDWARD UOLMAN CO., Funeral Direct ers, 80 8d st. Lady asslatant. Pboae M. 8U7. J. V. FIN LEY A SON, 3d and Madlaon. Lady attendant. Pbone Main 8. A 15ftf. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, sure eaters to F. . Donning, Inc. E. 82. B 2325. LJUVnv.i . . . . , ."-xf v ant. 408 Aider. M. 61.18. A 228a. ZELLER-BVRNKS CO.. Funeial Directors. 894 Williams ave.; both phones; lady asst. LbKtn, ijnwnaH . wi a.uer ana BUtn. Last 78L U 1888. Lady assistant, HOFflA! CLASSIFIED AD. ' RATES Dally or Sunday. Per Line. One time '........... JSo Same ad two consecutive times Sio Same ad three consecutive times soo Same ad six or seven consecutive times. .6o Remittance must accompany out-of-town Six worded counts as one line on cash ad vertisements and no ad counted for leas than two lines. V hen an advertisement Is not run consecu tive times the one-time rate applies. On charge of book advertisements tbe charge will be based on tbe actual number of lines appearing in the paper, regardless of the number of words In each line. In New Today all advertisements are charged by measure only, 14 lines to tbe Inch. The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other classifica tions excepting the following: Mtnuiions Wanted, Male. Situntiona Wanted. Female. For Rent. Rooms. Private Families, Rooms and Board, Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms. Private Families. The rate on (he above classification la T eents a line each insertion. In case box office address Is required, count this as part of the ad. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided self -addressed envelopes are In closed. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY orrica CITT BALL Main 80S. A 138. BUM ANSI OFFICER. KA8T47 waoi MM Opportunity Knocks INVESTIGATE Only 10 Days. I am in the city to consider a deal on 760 acres of deep, black land that we own in the Rogue River Valley, my home, but will entertain other propositions for 10 days. You rnay be the lucky one. ' 100 per cent profit in subdividing. Act quick. Price $30.00 per acre; -will take up to $25, 000 in Portland property. $8000 cash, balance 3 years. Call or phone. W. E. WHITESIDE, Boom 11, Cornelius HoteL $30,000 QUARTER BLOCK 100X100 FEET. CORNER 14th and Flanders Streets $10,000 CASH, BALANCE 6 PER CENT. You can't beat it. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 212-213 Commercial Club Building. Phones: Main 8099; A 2653. Capitol Hill ON THE WEST SIDE 6-CENT CARFARE. On 10th Street Electric Line Capitol Hill only ' IB minutes" r.de from tne Dusiness center. Hivery 101 cleared, high and leveL Tojr choice of these beautiful lota, except corner:, for $500 Water piped in the streets in front of these sightly lots. Sidswalke and streets graded. Adloining lots are selling from $700 to $1000. Capitol Hill Is the beauty spot on the West Side: title absolutely ncrfect. Terms $50 down, $10 per month on each 50X100 leet. Clohessy & McGuire S16 Ablnatoa Bids;. Both Phoata Mala 1068, A 1140. V2 Acre WEST SIDE, OJf THE HEIGHTS. Price $700 $100 Down Full Vt acre, all under cultivation, deep rich eoil; only 14 minutes' ride on car. 6c fare: three blocks from carline, with beautiful view. This Is a good Investment; 60x100 lota In this district are selling from $600 to $1000. You can build any price home you wish, keep a cow and raise your own vege tables. You can cut down your living expenses 75 per cent. The price Is only 700 only $100 down and $10 per mo. until paid. Graded streets and side walks from the car up to this prop erty. Clohessy & McGuire St 1068. 616 Ablngton Bldg. A. 1146. East Side Business Property Brand new frame building: on corner lot 73x80 feet. Price. .. .$16,500 Pays 12 per cent. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. New apartments on Glisan street, near 23d. Just finished, 4 apartments, 6 rooms each; hardwood floors, fire places, very complete and in fine loca tion. Will take V4 cash to handle and will net 16 per cent on amount Invested. morgan; fliedxer a boyce, B03-6 Ablngton Bldg. MadrasWantsHotel To meet urgent demands, a hotel to ,1 n it ' f j A friiaaf. at O tlmA milat be erected Immediately. Parties inter ested with tunas comer ai ota xutuway exchange Building. 80-Acre App!e Orchard IRRIGATED, VALUE $52,000. Will trade for city property to value of $75,000 or more and assume difference. B 789, Oregonlaa. MORTGAGE LOANS HG1 O 804 Spaldlna; Bldg. f JO $75,000 To Lend in One Sum. EDWARD E. GaCOEr, Lenta Building, HARTMAN IWWM A. COUNTRY HOME IN THE CITT $17,000 Located on 19 city lots; large cobblestone porch; 9 rooms. This home is located in a district where land values will advance with more rapidity than in any other section ia the city. SUBSTANTIAL HOME, CLOSE IN, EAST SIDE tf f O f f f A very valuable J 1 ;UUU lot (value of land alone about $12,000) ; on Tilla mook street; the house is about ten 3Tears old and in splendid condition ; 7 rooms, bath, etc. There is a good barn. This offering combines two very attractive features a pooil home plus a land speculation. The most conservative investor could welcome this. HANDSOME EAST SIDE HOME IN WALKING DISTANCE (J rf f f One of the most at P C OLtVl tractive of homes; 8 rooms; all modern conveniences; near two carlines and also within easy walking distance to the center of the city. House too big for pres ent owner. ROSE CITT PARK g f f H a n d s o me 8-room V-VlvJU residence, lot 100 by 100; there is not a more beautiful interior in any $7500 home in this city than you will find in this house. Hardwood floors, etc., etc. The house opposite sold for $7000 last week. . . a r ON BROAD WAT $4800 i Near East 35th we have for sale a very attractive 2-storv home containing seven rooms, sleeping porch, large veranda, etc. House too large for present owner. Possession could be given at once. CLOSE-IN RESIDENCE rt A Pr r f This residence is on c5ir Pine street, near . 13th. Lot is full size, 50x100. Near high school and grammar school. Easy walk to center of city. $3500 , Numbers of bargains for $3500. Good houses, too. The best that we can gather together. Easy terms can usually be arranged on any home we offer for sale. CtOnnn Modern homes ; five ipOUUU rooms and bath; 2 story houses and bungalows. We have a very satisfactory list from which you may select a home. Terms are so easy that any one may have a home. Realty Dept., Chamber of Commerce. Ladd Tract Home STRICTLY MODERN. ! IK fit i -aJ 0Cfff Includes all lmprovementa OOUUU See us for terms. DOVE-THOMPSOJf COMPAJ'T, 420-22 Uoaxd of Trade Bids;. Ladd Addition MUST BE SOLD New. strictly modern, 9-room house, with furnace, fireplace, den, breakfast room, sleeping-porch, built-in buffet and bookcases, hardwood floors, bed rooms, fine fixtures, shades and every thing ready to move into, on an 80-foot street, all improvements In and paid. This is a $7500 house, but must be sold, and we want your offer. Can make good terms. GRTSSI & ZADOW, ' 817 Board of Trade Bldg;-, 4th and Oak. Everett Street 60x100 FXCOME S150 PER MO, PAYS 12 PER CENT. For Bale . KARXOPP at KOPF, 25 lly. Ex eh. Blda.