WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1. 1911. ( - OREGOXIAX. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF objgoxia.x Tmraow. ....' TOTS .....Main ""TO yam TT ! TTO Mala TTO Mais A SS A A A A " A ki Citr rimUtl Xsn!n Eillto lundftv Editor C n pat r f rom Sank buiidlas AMI 5 EM r. XT. HZIUO TRKATr.w'T7oiIi T"'7T . ea !).- alatinee al III na niht ml t.lX . BAXKR THEATFR (Kl.T.BTh ri. T. Maker i?liaia Trie rtrwlliB." stallo.S el " lonifht l ti. F' N .ALOW THRATM-tTwslMh r.-m. Mas ! la "Dream City. To- Dlf til I t -tt. aa4 sa.Dtb. VsaSevltla eitraooa I It aaa tonltit at 8:1 6I-.AD THI!TE-irwl ,nl'W"V"1l" o VauJtn. Tala aflaraooai al uniini ai V est a. fANTAOCi THE TCR Faorta SB "srk Vaulviu Thia tfluMM al .(K it IH sad sV HHC THITtl(-w ."A'fiTTa I. trie r.mlf l'BPr la "I" Hw'; This aftsreova al 2 t an4 loo-sui at an . STIR. ARCADE. Off JOT. ODEO.V T v.jl.t rirsi rua tctur 11 - - 14 P. u KsMCaVOSraS It''1 CO DMTKICT RaULT. T c a.rMUn Kn.leavor Societies of tM .Vorth East 8lie district held general rai:y Isst nlsftt In the Highland Concra tioral C.urch. Bat Ksth and Prescott street. U. Bverrtt Baker. prescient Of IK SXato CTirstlan KnJesvor Society: U Luce, president of trie Vernon En e.avorera. Rev. O. W. Arm, pastor of ta. Vernon Presbyterian itiurcn. and others rojJa sort talk Ths banner. Mm ta contested for by tha loral ortatlra and won by tUe society which bava tha larcest attendance at bimonthly meetings, waat snown. Anion those who took part In tha rally were: Ms rioy Loton. president in!rlm Chrtln Vn-it.xor; Mra. Olorar. district lookout chairman: I.owaU Patton. musical direc tor of pllfc-rtm Church; Mas Maria Beach, secretary of tha Hichland Christian En deavor; Mra. IL M- lltu of Korbea prltar'.an Church, and Claranca H. fpraua. diauiot praaidant. Uai-kctJtL-ita-r Ftnrcn Exrsxttoic Vno TirD. Plana batra ban compieted for the Laureihurat extension of tha Bulll rm'i Gulch fewer dtrk-t. Thla brancJi atata at East Thirty-ninth atreat tn Ju.llvana Oulch and paea throuh a t'Uieei to tha aoutnwaat comer of Laurei hurat. Tha newer will ba feet. Inchee by f feet T"- Inchee. It wltl ba of concrete with ttnad brick Invert, and will coat tltiWa It will ba feet Jonr and tha tunnel -a 111 be the lonc"t re quired In any aewer In the city. It will ba paid for by d:tr!ct which extend to the eaetern Itmlta of tha city at Mon tavilia. The aewer which wUl supply Montarllla will connect with the Laurei hurat extenaion and wilt ba built eaatward. Tha Drat e.-ctlon of the 8uUlan Gulch aewer dtatrtct will ba bulK between tha Willamette River and KaM Thirty-ninth treet and will coat to.X The con dulia of the dlatrlct wllj coat about C. F. Wntoirr Najtko RErrnrtn. red eral Judge IV an hao appointed C P. Wrtjtht. of Hallou It Wrlrht. receiver of the automobile firm of Heea A O'Brien, a petition in Involuntary bankruptcy hav Ing been filed acalnat the latter concern by B. K. Bennett and other. Ilea Brien nave had an establlahment At In ton aveno and Davie etreet. Wood Btxcx Aaa ran Eawt MoantaOK IrraCBT. Montarue-O'Rellley hava made a bid to lay the wood blocka on Kut Mor rison street batwean Em Water exreet and Union avenue for Thla waa the only bM aubmltted. The blocka will be laid on a concrete foundation. It will ba the Bra: pavement of that sort laid on the East 61 de. rem Sx ruAXiat-o. Ixm Avoslx axo Sax Pxcro Direct. The elegant and popular steamship, newly refitted, anils toiay at P. M. Wo pride ouraelvea on Ktvlns the bee service and finest meala u( any line; lowest mtea. Including wia and bertha; come In and talk It over. North Pac a 8. Co, 132 Third street .Mas. F. A- BtitoB Dncs IJ CaiiromitA. Tortland relatives have been Informed of the? death at Paclflc Grove. CaX. of Mrs. Kred A. Btrje. whooe home waa at Santa Clara. Mrs. Blrse waa the eldest daugh ter of C. C. Morao. founder of the Morse Seed Company. Her mother died only few months ago. Foa COO Bat akd ETtrmBKA. The always popular steamer Alliance sails tonight. Try thle newly-fitted steamship this trip. You w.ll never resjret It as wa have a surprwe for yon In the excellent service and toothsome delicacies of the table. North PaclUc a S. Co, IB Third street. Th Costxra Cokpast. Ixc, succes sors to Coblents at Levy, have removed to the'r new and commodious store, at lm North Fifth street, where they will be pleased to ahow their patrona their larice assortment of fclEh-sjrade Imported and domestic wines and liquors. MtsstovABT Socirrr TO Meet. The Wo man's Foreirn M's.onary Society of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church will meet at the home of Mra Scott Boiorth. at 3(5 Thirteenth atreet. Wednesday after noon at 3 o'clock. Thb American Teax-Boob for 1310 has Jut been received at GUl a. Third and Aider. Of tntcreex to every business and prnfrsstonal man. Invaluable to those to wish to be well informed. Come and Inspect IL Wesbeb's Jtrvcnu Obchestba wlap pear In concert Centenary Church. Enat Ninth and Pine streets. Friday evening;. .March I, it I o'clock. Admission. Sc: children under 12, lac I'Dder auspices IVTS- Brigade- MtsrtoHART Wtu FntAX o Dtitpt. Miss Cau-ris Buchannan. a missionary, from Luxor. Esypt. will speak on "Esypf tonlKht at S o'clock. In the Grand - Avenue United Preabyterlan Church. Bawoanc Ir Tiira at Ones. Two Uoascs. welsht nearly one thousand each, food travelers; also, light back, with harness, all new. Will aril sepa rately. Inquire room 3D0 Oreconlan bids Sbcoto FliOOB or WrLao Bcruitwo. Fourth street, between Morrison and Al ovr. 4fxjS, to lease for a term of years. Will be vacant March & Apply at Goodyear Shoe Company, let Fourth. Concert tonight by Male Chorus and quartet Grace Church. Twelfth and Tavlor. Splendid programme. Director Wliham M. Wilder. Tickets at Gill's bookstore. Dr. J. T. Watts and Dr. J. W. Blfton announce the formation of a partnership March 1. 1U. with offices at suite H-fr- Selling bldg. Dn LeRot Smith, osteopathic physician, graduate Klrksvtlle, Mo, 19$; post gradu ate. I3U7; removed to 1123 Selling bldg. Drs. P. A. TRdArxoER and G. H. Wardner. dentists, have removed to 801-1 Selling bidg. . Powaas A EsTxa. drags, Oregonlan bhlg.; open all night. Main 33, A SUT. Da. H. R. Cxjtt removed to tlS-H SelUcg bldg. Phones: Main m A Swiss Wires RBs-aiBtso. C. Chrtaiea sen 2d floor corbett bldg. Take ai valor Dr. L H. Howxajtd Is now located at 1U Selling bldg. Phones: Main Eli A C3. DRat. B. P. GeaRT and Horace B. Fen ton removed to Ills Selling bldg. Main L Dr. Hamm. r.3-H Selling bldg, practice limited to alveolar, pyorrhea, extracting. Db. Emmet Dbau has removed to U-H tviimg bldg. Phones: Main 9X A Xt. Dm. James H. Carrioo and EL A. Marshall have moved to Celling bldg. Dr. W. T. Hocstb will be located at 1011-14 Selling bldg, after March L Dr. J. Ettelso has moved to 1001-J Selling bldg. Phone Marshall S&4. Dr. K- Dxwitt Coxxexj. hag removed to IX! -4-- Selling bldg. Da. W. L- Wood has returned. Orero Blan bldg. Dr. Amos, physldaa. 1014 Sailing bldg. Exst gran, sugar. 1 Bas, tX, Woostsrs. NoBwrcotaics TO Oksebvb Mat IT. It has been decided by the Norwegian so cieties of Portland to observe May 17. the) -Norwegian Fourth of July." It Wt pro posed to have a huge meeting, the first In many years, and to have publlo apeak Ing and a general observance of the cus toms of the "old country." The day la celebrated because on that day In 1U4 Norway obtained Its constitution sepa rate from the one poesessed by Sweden. A joint committee wtth representative) from the Norwegian Singing Society, the Sons of Norway, the Society Fram. the Daughters of Norway, tha Touna; Peo ple's iViolety of the Synod, the Temper ance Society and the Toung Peoples So' waa organised at a meeting Mon day to look atter the details of the cele- I bratlon. rl O. r.rickeen waa cnuern president. H. Bscken secretary and A. L Lutad treasurer. Two Won.n Fs Caxptdates Walter Adams, of Sellwood. and F. O. Urfer. of sTS M:lwaukle street, filed their declara tions of Intention to be candidates for Counctiman from the Seventh Ward on tha Republican ticket yesterday. Both desire to aucceed A..G. Rushlight, who Is a candidate for Mayor. Mr. Adams erwears that he will. If nominated and elected, devote the necessary ttnw to the work, to safeguard the city's Interests In general and the Seventh ..ard In particular. Mr. Urfer says he stands for a progressive Portland, a clean, moral town and that he will conserve the best Interests of tha people. nomlnsted and elected. Patrolman Shoots Jotrider. Brought to a stop in full career by a plexol bullet which took off the top "Of bis ear. Omar Schobel was taken to the city Jail early yeatarday morning by Patrolman Frey and Is held to await trial on a charge of stealing, an auto mobile. The erreet followed several hours of searching by the whole police force, at the Instance of A. M. Delano, who reported that his car had been taken from Sixth and Sfcaxk etreet. Schobel was accompanied In the stolen machine by Grace May. Mra Edward Scott, J. D. Englehordt and Charles Sundt. Considers Vilua-Avetcb Im provement. The Montavllla Board of Trade at Its) meeting Monday night con sidered the Improvement of Villa avenue and debated whether the sidewalk, area should be IS or 12 feet wide. The subject was left open until the next meeting, when more of the property owners msy ba present. The subject of more school ground wn considered. The Montavllla building covers the ground now owned and Is overcrowded. The) Board of Edu cation will be asked to secure a block In soma central place in North Monta vllla. Fsderai. NotmntTn Dismissed. Be cause the Post off ice authorities have been unable to locate Johnny Boyle. Edward Lowessy or Jamea S. Mallory. United Statea District Attorney MeCourt has dismissed the Indictments against them. Boyle Is known as "Little Johnny." He was accused of participating with Frank Wayne In the robbery of the Sellwood Poatofflce in Wi. Lowessy was wanted for a postofTloe robbery In Eastern Ore gon, snd Mallory was charged with using the malls to defraud In connection with a mining company at Grants Pass. Crvic Cocncti. Comnrroa Deulted. John H. Ilaak. president of the Civic Council, said yesterday that he would not finish sheeting members for the com mittee of SO until tonight or tomorrow. The committee Is to hear such complaints as citizens desire to make regarding the work of the Board of Education. It was said yesterday by E. L. Mills, author of the motion adopted at the meeting of the Civic Council Monday night, that tha committee would make Ita own rules for holding Its meetings and that It was the desire of Mr. Haak to have only those who will serve appointed. Mount Tabor Fibs Compant Nearly Rsadt. Chief Campbell Is making spe cial effort to establ.h the new fire com pany In the new Mount Tabor engine house, on East 9uuk and East Sixty second streets this week. The new fire company will cover all the territory east ward from the Sunnyslde lire station. Being on an elevation commanding the city In nearly every direction, this com pany Is expected to do especially effective service tn the protection of property at Mount Tabor. Reuoiocs Movement Started. Port land's relation to the Men and Religion Movement, which has been inaugurated In the East, will be determined at a gathering In the auditorium of the Toung Men's Christian Association Friday eve ning at :15 o'clock. The meeting, which has been called by R. R. Perkins, reli gious work director of the T. M. C. A, will be attended by all the protestant evangelical clergymen In Portland and at least two laymen from each congrega tion. Sroottnq Rakob Flooded. The. burst ing of a water pipe flooded the range of the Portland Revolver Association Mon day and the shoot-oft of the tie between Portland. Springfield and Culebra. Nioa- raugua. was declared off for the time being. With each team having won 17 and lost one match there la a consider able rivalry between the Springfield and Portland clubs. The winner of the match. It Is said, will be hailed as the winner of the United Statea championship. Nrw Bot Scoots Patrol to Bb Or ganized. A new patrol of Boy Scouts will be organized at the First Univer sal t Church. Broadway and East Twen ty-fourth streets, next month by Rev. James D. Corby. This patrol will be for larger boys and will be tha second one In connection with this church. Flans are being laid for long walks and educa tional work this year. Stotbitabps Employs) Missing Tracey Marsh, on employe of the Union Stock yarcs. atarted from First and Salmon screeta at t o'clock Monday afternoon, to ride to the stockyards, and has not been seen since. His employers appealed to the police to search for him. lie Is about S3 yea re old' and was riding's bay horse. His employers say that be waa a man of excellent habits. East 8econd Street to Bb Eaot Second street Is to be filled be tween Hawthorne avenue and East Oak street. The Pacific Bridge Company, which submitted a bid of 4i.n4. will prob ably receive the contrsct. The O.-W. R. & N. now occupies the center of East Second street with a single track on treaties. William H. Jobes Dibs. William II. Jobes. president of the Jobes Milling Company, died Monday at his home In this city from sn attack of heart failure. The funeral will be held at the Scottish Rite Cathedral at S o'clock Thursday afternoon. Mr. Jobes wss born in Minne apolla In 1STS. Halt Bixkk Hr'Nos $3.000. The half of block S7 on East Tamhll street be tween Union avenue and East Third street. In the warehouse district has been sold by the Oregon Realty Company to the Chinook Investment Company for IX.000. The property Includes lots L X, 7 and 8 of this block and Is not occupied. Woodlawn Parents to Meet. The Parents' and Teachers Association of Woodlswn will hold their regular monthly meeting Friday afternoon at S o'clock at the school. Mra Robert Page will ad dress the meeting. Children .will be cared for In the klnuergarten. All parents urged to attend. Lectures to Bb Free. Professor Morris will give a free lecture on "Marriage: The Step In Life That Leads to Success or Failure' today at 8 P. M, at 4SI Alder street. Thursday at 8 P. M. Pro fessor Palnton will lecture on "Sclentlflo Hypnotism." Paris Haib 8 tori removed from Wash ington st- to 147 Seventh, near Morrison. Ds William House has moved to 1102-J Selling bldg. Phoue Main SS. Db- K. Rcbteb has moved to 1 Selling bldg. Phones: Main 1211 A Dr. C. M. Harrison will be located at IOju Selling bldg, after March L Dr. H. F. Parsons, dentist has removed to suits 904-6-4 Selling bldg. L Revbin. the Elite ladles' tailor, now located at 141-3 Selling bldg. Da. Geo. Marshall, dentist, has moved to 1101-1101 Selling bldg. Reynold's adjustment service, Teon big. j LETTERS WILL GO Oregon to Give Day to Adver tising Resources. TOWNS MAKE THEIR PLANS Special Arrangements Made for Pay- mcnt of Postage on Literature to Be Sent to Every Coun try In World. If the hopes of the promoters of "Colonist day" are realised today, 100.000 letters will have been mailed to Eastern friends of Oregon citizens. In viting them to come out and spend a portion of the Summer in Oregon. Act ing upon the proclamation of Governor West, not only Portland but nearly every Oregon town and hamlet will make a apeclal effort to observe the day by writing letters and Inclosing literature descriptive of the resources of the country. Salem. Eugene. Ash land. Grants rasa. Medford. McMlnn vllle. The Dalles and many other placea have special methods for send ing letters. In many Instances the commercial clubs have agreed to pay the postage. Real estate men are es pecially interested In the movement, for tn it they tee an oportunlty to place their literature In ths hands of what they term "prospects." An extensive programme has been mapped out for Portland. Forty real estate men met In the office of Julius Meier, of the Meier At Frank Company, yesterday and planned for the estab lishment of booths In the Made-ln-Ore-gon Show of the Manufacturers' Asso ciation. It waa decided to open 10 booths, where ths central point of the distribution of literature will be lo cated. The Chamber of Commerce has furnished all the reading matter it can spare, the Commercial Club baa had printed 10.000 foldera which can be Inclosed In envelopes easily. Big pro motion schemes will be represented by an abundance of printed matter. When a person desires to send literature to an Eastern friend, all he will need to do will be to write the address upon the envelope and the clerk at the booth will do the rest. Not even a stamp will be necessary. It has been requested by the promo, tton committee of the Commercial Club that all teachers In the public schools Instruct ths children when they g-o home to be sure to remind their pa rents of their duty on Colonist day to invite some one to come to Oregon. It Is believed that the teachers will do this out of patriotic motives and with out further reminder. The School Board haa given consent to the move ment. It is proposed that a committee shall visit .the stores down-town today to see whether something csn be accom plished In the work of making the day not only one of spirit but of action. At the Union Stock Yards the em ployes will have an opportunity at the noon hour to write their letters to their friends In other lands. Many of the employes are from foreign shores, and the Invitation will be sent to every oountry In the world. Foreign socle ties havs been requested to assist In tha general movement. HOFMANN SALE TOMORROW Sale for Famous Pianist Opens at Helllff Box Oflce In the Morning. There Is ths greatest lntersst al ready manifested In the coming here nezt Sunday afternoon of the great artist. Josef Hofmann, and the seat sals opens at 10 in the morning at the Heilig box office. The out-of-town music lovers have been especially keen to hear Hofmann, and from Salem will come a large party, glad to take advantage of the fact that the recital is on Sunday afternoon, giving them a most unusual opportunity to come down, and get home again comfortably. One of the remarkable points in Hof mann's playing ia the control and man agement of his left hand; he can carry a passsge from the treble to the bass, never displaying a diminution of ac tivity nor an Increase of emphasis. The forthcoming recital will be one of the most enjoyable events of the already big musical aeason. the Sunday afternoon concert, as well as the Northwest tour of Hofmann ia under the direction of Lois Steers-Wynn Co man. THE BOWERS HOTEL Eleventh and Stark. Informal opening of the Bowers Hotel and Grill. Wednesday. March 1. Formal opening Saturday. March 4. Karl Retdelsberger and orchestra, also vocal music, daily during dinner, C until S P. M-, and 1:30 until 11:10. Tables may be reserved by phone. Main 7140. .. IL C. BOWERS. CARD OFTHAJfKS. We wish to thank our many friends for their kind assistance during the Illness of our mother. Mrs. H. C. Exon; also for ths beautiful floral offerings. "a THE FAMILY. Rock Springs Coal. The best house coal. Liberty Coal A lea Co, exclusive agents. IS North Fourteenth street. Main 1461. A Ills. tt..f whhor' Juvenile Orchestra. Centenary Church, Friday evening Mnri-h 8. Admission ?5c. Ca.ll At Heitkemper's For our Removal Sale has punched a big hole in prices that were already low. Quality high and prices moderate have been the dominant factors in the past in the upbuilding of our large Jewelry business. When we move to the Yeon Bldg. we don t want to carry anything with us but our commercial honor, our corps of clerks, who have been trained to fair dealing and truthful statements and our host of customers. We 11 hand you our full profits on every article in this store just to have an empty store. J Citiicmficrs TASTES DIFFER In watches as In every thing else. Some people prefer a Waltham to an Elgin. Some prefer a Hamilton to an Ilinola. Others want a Howard. There is only one thing; to do In a case like that carry a very complete assortment of the various mnkes In the standard makes and that we do. Any make, style, pat tern, quality or sizs you may wish we have. See our new thtn model gent's watch at $10, irold filled nd warranted for 20 years. See our ladles' gold-filled watched at $10 to 115. JAEGER BR OS. THE LARGB JEWELRY STORE. 26U Morrlsoa Bet. 3d and 4tsu WHERE T0 DINE. All the delicacies of the season St ths Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for Isdies. (OS Wash., near Sin at. Plant fJIbson roses. Phone Sellwood 959 UNION SUITS $2.50 Values $1.48 These chilly days make this sale a welcome event. The quality and the low prices will de cide you to buy promptly.. Women's Union Suits, in Swiss ribbed, or Oriental silk and cot ton, daintily finished, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length. Reg ular price $2.50, AO special today apX.tO $1.00 Values 69c Flat knit Union Suits for wom en, with crochet-finished neck and front, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, QfZf $1.00 value aVUL. F. P. Young L 290 MORRISON STREET Protects your teeth, mouth and gums against impur ities. Cleans your teeth and makes them white. P. W. BALTBS AND COMPANY PRINTING- Main 165, A 1165 First and Oak If You Are to Move Into a new office or store, telephone Main J703 and we will send a repre sentative to give you an estimate on cost of partitions, counters, cases, etc. JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO, rnnrtk and Conch StS. Rank. Store and Offli-e Speclnllata. ' Present Address 286 Morrison St. IP ' m HEADQUAR TERS FOR MANHATTAN SHIRTS Any prominence Our $15, $20 and $25 Spring Suits and Over coats are creating considerable stir among men who Seek correct, dignified dress at a moderate cost Everett Change Maker IT'S ALMOST HUMAN PERFECT IN ACTaON THE EVERETT IN A NUTSHELL It saves 50 per cent in time 100 per cent in errors. It makes any change from, one cent to $2.00 with a single operation. gauged coin bank show ing amount of money without recount ing. ?Xo subtraction is needed in making change the Everett does it for vou. No Darts to wear no spiral key springs to break or weaken. A child or one-armea maiviauai cau op erate it with perfect ease. It occu pies 9xl2V inches and weighs com plete 23 pounds. TEN-YEAR GUARANTEE As an evidence of our confidence in the construction of the Everett Change Maker, and of the quality of material used in its manufacture and perfec tion of workmanship, we hereby guar antee the Everett Change Maker for a nannl rf Ten Years flCfiirist breakage. wear and defective workmanship and material. Ye further agree to re place each defective H.yereti onange at anv rimo dnrincr ten vears from date of purchase. Upon its re turn to our office, express charges prepaid, ve will ship another machine immediately to take its place, express charges prepaid by us. K I L H A M STATIONER! AND PRINTING CO. Commercial Stationers. Office Outfitters, Printers, Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders. HEADQU AJITERS FOR Architects' and Engineers' Instruments and Supplies. FIFTH and OAK STS Clarence Eddy ORGAN RECITAL ... iok Tavlor Strsets wnn icuiyn ...... - Friday veninjf , M ar cli 3d,l 9 1 1 at o:ou o uoa TJnder ths auspieei of the Music Commutes of White Temple. Tteserred Seat Tickets 1 eaeral sdmla sion 75c . Seat ' now on at Eherman.ClyCo. MnsierView Orchards uh ueretop one of these Ides! frnlt tract for too. while you re pavina; for It on small monthly Installments. Call on us. Devlin at Ftrebaush, ft 10 8 wetland bids. We in. ii sil III II I, - . . " ' rZ& man in Portland who is at all interested in the style of dress fashion decrees he shall wear this Spring can spend a few moments pleasantly and instruc tively in this great cloth ing store today. Every maker of note and in the country is March 1 is trie day we selected as open ing day for ALTAMEAD,and we want all of our friends to visit the tract today and select one or more lots, as present prices are lower than adjoining prop erty, and will positively be advanced April 1, 1911. The tract is on the Base Line road in Montavilla, just the right distance from the city for a suburban home. Branch office at the end of Mon tavOla carline now open and our sales men will be on the tract all day. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO. 272 Stark St. in GRU1U COaLHEltClAL VtUlCLB HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above UnioD Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Hew rted and brick structure. Furnished st cost of $200,000. Every comfort snd con venience. On carlines transferring all over city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers. Send for Booklet with map of Sau Francisco F.M.S.,ofR.I. desires to know ad dress of M. L. F. without delay Collections Let us take charge. We can save you money. Established 1900. NETH A CO., Portland, Or. Worcester Bids. HOLEPROOF HOSE FOR MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN represented DAY AND NIGHT One of ths largest best equipped plant In Portland offers yon unexcelled servtoei at prices exceedingly low. When you want CATALOGS, BOOKLETS, CIRCULARS, FOLDERS OR ANT OTHER FORM OF It will be to your advantage to consult us. Our facilities guarantee best results. Our. samples will convince you of our quality PORTLAND PRINTING HOUSE CO. Phones: A 2281. Main 6201. 383 Tailor Street WOOD To P0RTLAN3 CORDWOOD CO. 203 CORBETT BLDG. Phones Mar. 2800, A. 4084. fdsOLICITS YOUR PATROWACE 245i STARK -STREET