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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1911)
r THEATEi 7U mnd Taylar It ease Mala 1 ed All- TOXtOHT CVIRT NIGHT THIS 'wr CPt. UL l-RI-K VATINKM TOXORKOW AND SATVHCAT. WlltVHAU KEwPKR TJ?Z THE I'OHCur HIT PAST 20 "' -7 DAYS' r-rrntt raat C-aoplete r a . 7 . r f Ural 1 TOW SOOl Cellar- 85.-. ;Jc LlriVL IV MwlM .ad Ess-eaia Mara t astd A V. Oor. L. Baiter. Manager, rilrwrrtnarr itri.o ail - T.lTlve' H-..r .toek company In a plslid revive of Hail Camas r-arkable play. the r ii ri nA O ra(r eaesatlon man er B-ST-" TilkL ell ws-s. Male. Wed- 8- - 1 E'entnga. 51". -"'- , vnt w. -r w f. ! Bungalow ST1 Own U Bake. 0-ne-reJ Menaa-er. To-igns all tala week. Mela. Thur. ana -MAi. IIIX. ,iael O Kale A mil. In the rtaat eg msos cw---d- fuCr , .a. -d . i rv. Jtst from to oloie- toiurarat J Spiendid Company and prod jclln- Evenirew. -'Jc. a-e. lie. l . Mat, ac- ' Nat w---lieaWe Tear Mia a a la-re 9 tumutnf ui MA UNA .. O tern usr. TTTTK m R r m V IT. Th $tlf-ae tea. -ItK. Lew --. th. Sim '-" !n ; .Is, raw. Ml la twlloa at r-. - ar-w. Ayr. Kium famllr. GRAND Week of Feb. 27 -A FeUa-ar af Imfl. Site Jewl- j tu j. Monro "Ha Ba-r Cnaalr. " Tl 11 TV4- afstlae every day. S K: ea -" , fT aTveala- aarfera-naca T J aad atcaa. lea, newer Sear. c: bear asals. tomriciu moxdai i.Tii.nV AIhia and AKco. world- craataal manil t:rf hiata. (ior- rima-iar. Na--lo n2 ..u..t. S;Wa rranlil-. Kllla Mark and l -.moany. Tba lnfrna!inaj Quartat Popular prloan. Matlnaa Cur lain 1:1". si ana "V H T Z poTXAXivr-vM- JLt I XX. 1 ILT rl-AVHOl sc. Waak fiaanrli. Maaatr MatlBM. Krat'nc "Tood praaaal tba l-rtlc Mualral lnm4r Oompanr; Dllloo KIn -IX HOX014.LC." Tftr parformancaa dallr. 2:X t:ln. ! Frnuar pUbU t honia Oirl- Cootaat Aftr V . -s Nt wk -laKaan. AttTION a.VI.K TODAY Al Haaaa u"l' ho-. -s rw" Fxrnltur. ate. flo J -cocl. Cao. Hakr Co, auctloaoara. At Oltmnn'a nnctloB rooma, "" a-rat at 1 -olock A. M. B- L. N. Ollmam. artionaar. I A. M . mnn Ktatloa; taka ML Bcotl ear n. II- I'lrr. aa-tlnaar. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Owa tin aaaaa a-d two iaa-ii nllm tlara .T la Mm a4 tnraa raaaavatla tlm- .... .a kaaa al a a a-a rairatl-a H.aaHlaarr aaaat at cam pan y talil-Ual aeilra. . Mi waawa ! aaa Ma aartlaaaaawta aa4 aw ad at-uMaw laaa than low ttaaa. Hhw aa a4 -art laaa rw la aw raw l 'a ttra tlmra lha aaa-tlaan rata iU. Oa afcarcw a aa-a-ial taa rkarxa will aa taaad aa tba artatfl aambar f IIM apaaartaw aa tnw aaaaa. raacwiaa at taa aamaar mi warda la aark Una. a Kta Tadar all adartuaaaata ara rharm-ad a7 aaaaaara waly. 14 Uaaa aa taw I aw ahwaa rata apply to aliri Uar-atata aaMiar "Naw Tad r" aid all atkar claaatrica. hMa a-irapttaa tna Mtaalt-aa ttaalrw. Mala. M!aal-a Waatad. t i ai-la. aa Rait. K i iai. prtrata raattlWa. II i in aad Hoard, t-rlrata I aaalllaa. Hawaakaaptaa- Rawana. 1-rlrata I Mmillaa. Th rat aa tba abar claaallaratliak to 1 aaaia a uaa nc. i affara aililiraa la drartlaaaaaata a 111 a farwarWaw t awlrawa. aliaad. aail-aala- ' aaraarpaa a-ra OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY crrci citt nu Mala aa. A IIM kvatxi orricK. UAAf'l KW TOO AT. MORTGAGE LOANS lawart rata aad luai awltt ra tal rata aad taraaakla tnai aw laursa Iwaaa aa baalaawa praparuaav b'auaWa I. aw aad far rTlata limlata A H. BIRR ELL. CO. S3 Matvar Mldc S4 - PtaraV Business Lot at Sacrifice TO FKET FRONTAGE FOR 3TRO Mrart of main rn!nr blo.-k In clra. rapMtY-irTowlnir K.l SM dlatrlct. Thl rap ba turorJ at a Hi 00 profit. r. L. BAMBF.MI.r.R. Mala 1.A. K aa f l.aaatvrrm-aaa Wld. Williams Ave. Snap corrr. with good i-rrnirn b-u. r.adr f"r atoraa oa eoro.r; rhnprtt quarter on Wllllama aa. Tba Broadway brl.tna roln up makaa thl a varr attrartlva lnvatront tua 6 KM I l'l GRnti at itnow, tlT Waarw af Trad Rill, dtb aaajrak. PIEDMONT Klht-rom houaa. bw: wltbln faat of Ki;lmawortl av. iarf;a aria brauttful location: r"xl tar rrlr. Own.fa prtcw li)0. Malta ua aa ofter. Mt-Mr.lAT 9 Vlr.a at THUT COMPACT. If You Are to Move Into fiaw offtc or (tor, t.lcphon Main :T and wa win aand a repr aantatlv. to :! you ar aattmata on oat of yartitiona. couatara. caaaa. .to. JA wE I. IAICHALL MFfi. CO, Kaartb and aark "ta. naak. tarw aad Ofn-a Bpawtallata. CLOiE IN, EAST PORTLAND .Saar E. Burniui. wt of th. full cornar lot. aoma Incom now-: If Im proved with a four or flra-atory apart-mant-houaa. built molarn. Ilka th ona at curner fci. Couch and ath. wouid yield an In com a of IS to It pr rant: an !irnt location and correct fronla-: 1 10.000. $00J caah. C t t-VKJV. MrKar Wld. MORTGAGE LOANS JO S 1 G.OOO (in, of lha moat ntchtly and beautiful raliro- on Hawthorn are, on rnr nar. IrtlilO. Mitnly Improvad. JiS Eat arantaanth. nar Balmont. SACRIFICE a. otorll Iuralhnr.t Add, by Ownar. 41S Swetlaod Bld HEILIG Ml 1 row. tl. east row 7c. last 11 ,r"" i, Th ni'WT. r Mr..! Sic; adm'e-non 2eve. Beta liitUM: lxwr floor 1 I Tic: b-lcocr. nrs lrd a4 IMBla alual (aalaaMi Ullk A. Jiantraaa "a- M" Vantages f.W TOD A. HARTtVlAN & TROHPSOR MMES STJBSTANTIAI. HOME, CLOSE IN, EAST BIDE cio rinn A Tery valuiibl9 C)lnwUUU!o( (value of land alone about $12,000) ; on Tilla mook strert; the Loue is about t-?n rear old and in splendid condition ; 7 rooms, bath, etc There u good barn. ThU offering" combines two very attractive features ft pnod borne plus a land speulatioo. The most conservative investor could welcome this. HANDSOME EAST BIDE HOME IN WALKING DISTANCE fhpjH AA One ft the most at J) O Llvr tractive of bomes; 8 rooms; aH modern conveniences; near two earlines and also within easy walking dLstance to the center of the city. lloue too biff for pres ent oTier. ROSE CITY PARK $6500 II a n d s o me 8-room residence, lot 100 by JU0; there is not a more beautiful interior in any $7500 home in this city than yon will find in this house. Hardwood floors, etc., etc. ine house opposite sold for $7000 last week. ON BROADWAY 4)xOvll-l hv for sale a very attractive 2-story home containing seven rooms, sleeping porch, larpe veranda, etc. House too large for present owner. Possession could be given at once. CLOSE-IN RESIDENCE C1 7Cn This residence is on 3) ft OU E. Tine street, near K. 13th. Lot is full six. 50x100. Near hiph school and grammar school. Kftsy walk to ecuter of city. AnH f f Xurabers of bargains t))OOUUfor $:R00. Good hou.cs, too. The best that we can gather together. Easy teems can usnally be arranged on any home we offer for sale. C9 AHA Modern homes ; five P-5UUU rooms and bath; 2 story houses and bungalows. W e have a very satisfactory list from which yoa may select a home. Terms are so easy that any one may hsve a home. HARTHAH & THOMPSON ruslty Dept., Chamber f Commerce, Fruit Land 170 acres best land in Willamette Valley, 30 miles from city, on railroad. Land partly cleared. Adjoins land sold for $ar0 per $125 PER ACRE liUMASONSJEFFERY .32 Chamber of Conimerca. t J New apartmanta on Glisan street, near Sit. Juat ftnlnhad. 4 apartments, S rooma aach; hardwood floor. - fire place, vary complete and In fin loca tion. Will take H cash to handle and will act IS per cent on amount Invested. MORC AX, FLIXDXER at BOTCE, Bs- Ablwatam Bid. Bungalow, Ininjiton Brand new six-room bunjralow. with fireplace and hardwood floor and all other modern and up-to-date con venlenrea; In Irvlnrton. on corner on Hancock at., two block to car. A nan-at I1S. I10 rari and I.'S per Nothing In Irrlngton like It (onh price. . ' CRl'MI a EADOW, SIT Bawl af Trade Bid-., th aai Oak, $13,000 TnE MOItyiXG QREGOXIAy, TUESDxVYr FEBRUARY 38. 1911. . ..... t-ut itf ? REAL ESTATE f' :REAL ESTATE. ! 1 FW TOI AT. 1 BKAL ESTATE. j MIlli . Acrraae. . Mlaorilaneona. ' 1 I I aawa-a SNAP! SO acres 2 miles from The Dalles, in best fruit belt, with good six-room house, good barn, good well, with ce ment cistern, capacity of 2200 gal lons: 10 acres in good commercial apples 5 years old, 15 acres in tree planted last Fall, 50 acres cleared, not planted; deep soil. $200 acre. Will sell on good terms. Best buy around The Dalles. Address box 477, The Dalles, Or. . Capitol Hill ON THE WEST SIDH 6-CF.NT CAHFA.RK. On 10th Street Electric Line Capitol Hilt only 15 minutes' from the bunlnees center. Kvery lot cleared, hlrh and level. Tojr rl.otoe of theae beautiful lota, except cornorr, for I&00 Water piped in the atr,ta In front of theao ilKhUy lota, ldtwalka and streets graded. AdlolnlnK lota ar selllnr from 700 to 11000. Capitol Hill la the beauty apot on the VTeal Bide; title absolutely porfect. Terms $' down. 1 10 per month oa each 60x100 feet. Clohessy & McGuire SIS Aklaatoa Blda. Itotk 1-koaea Mala llxfS A 11 KU $30,000 lOOxlOO Feet Corner 14th and Flanders Sts. $10,000 cash will handle it. H.P.PALMER-JOKESCO. 212-213 Commercial Club Building. Thones: Main 8G99, A 2053 Apartments with guaranteed lease. Not far from 14th and Morrison. Tays 12 per cent Price $31,000 Goddard & Wiedrick 243 Stark Street. CENTRAL, OREGON VAORA. tlie future power city on the Tesrhutea. haa ajtceedlnicly good ad vantaaes. If you contemplate maktnif a trip over the new railroad Join our party for Central Oregon. Inducements offered to people eeeklng- buainetia op portunities. VAVOHt TOWITF3 COMPANY, 314 Lew la llld. Mala OTI. Kr.At. FUTATTC PSAUtSS. Hack. William O., I" railln, aid. Birrall. A. H. a ta.. I-s atcltar tl4(. Real aetata, tnaureace. aantna, laaaa. at. Brnr-akar Baaadlot. SV2 McKay bld ML SaS. Cbavla Herlaw. trt Cfcambar Ceaiaiaraa. Caok. B. S. a. C Coraatt klda. Jaaalnt A Cv. Uaia 1S9 XV OraaoaJaa. PALM CH -JON S CU. ML I'- &1S Caamjaea. elal Cluk tMa. . . Tka tnoa Reel laa Ca. Orand a aa. aa4 afsllnotnah at. Holladar Addlllea. af C TUOal FSOM CO.. cor. tk aad Oak ate. RE At. ESTATE. Ear Sale Lota. 100x100 POBTL AND HEIGHT, build In t alta- beautiful unobatructed view, aaar Ainawortb B.-hool: . Ii"H. tarmm. Callara-Murton Co . SiS SpaMIng DMr. PORTLAND BElOrtTS rKul'KKtl. Homes, lota, euanar blocka. tracts aad sereaae; all parte of balchta. all vlaws aad trteaa: aowie bargalaa. Mla sast. A a iTlvrO ri-lX lot. E.t lath st. North, near Krazee; splendid alew. choice loca.loo. Thla prtca la $IO0 nlr vle. 4. el I a ra- M urun " llo'boKN, IS MONTH L.T FIHI-ANO. ItTS and t'0 on temia quoted above make theae worth Inveetlaatlon. Frad W. Uerrnaa. nurjipma. WE naa ma rri ....... bulluara will benefit sreally by looking . , i 11 Tlhlnn A r"A . 1 111,. Ill to inia " " " . 111V epaiuiiia " ' " a - ' .... . i . Im RiWIlM Ionian. . T"" . . .. r. . . w...l..l l..l -itr w . r atraat arsded and paid, near food cat Una. H lQLt.Y AHlaHOP. Ill Id 81. HAWTHORNE ni.STRlCT. 17(0 rornar on 4dth easy lamia Owner. 42 HwetlandbldK. oool) speculative buy In a future builntm location. cL.iMi In on the West Blue. C 11. Ore on laa- FINE lot on Church street, t-etween Patlon and Concord sta.; WO. This Is an A-l buy.W.etrnie&Co.. 414 tpaldln bld. A SNAP fef lante Portland Half-bun lot In Oraeaway AUuitlon; terms.- owner. Tabor litt. COL-VC1I. CREST PARK equity for sals or ira'ae for auto. Frits Abendrolh. Jeweler. St3 WaeMnston St. jTjoiwrVlA. l"t on Overton it, near ZUd: this price Is IW under value. CaUra-Jurtr.nCo.. uBpaldlnc bide- y.cT aall a splendid lot In Wavarlalch Helabts: sell for leaa than cost ma S rears aa-o. K SIS. Oreaonlan. -tjaT SOiloO blocks from Rose Clljr car, J30 caeh. balance easy terms, by Owner. vTsrshsll ST4. ".qO FULL, lot on Union are., near Skld- tnors- cheapeet lot on street: buy today. Cellars-Murton Co.. SOS Spald Ins bids. ADJOININO Ht- Tabor Psrk. 13jill3; view property; on carilnc; half cash, by ownar. AL. lS.Orjtonl'. o"iEAT"snap In lrvington. phone A 248: Main lit-. SUM) Cornet Kast 17th and Prescott: east and soutn front. Phone owner. A 22.-.S. tuna wnJi. buy a choice SlSiX) lot In Bay Tn lU AK 714. Oregonlsn. City park lot. O 11. Oregonlan. rcc-T on Alberta! 40 fust d-'P. cor. 10-foot eOlay. 8S30, Woodlawa 271A I RRIG AT t D-SeVi rSfPUBUC LANDfA 'A OPENING. U ,1 It tl YOU API ENTITLED TO FILE ON li' jl l i ! V5 MARE APauCATIOrt NOW ffjl V-Yv. CWTRAtOrIMNIRmGWNCa tff V. ,iBTtxcnaGiau)a. y OWKKRS Ara anxious to sail and want an offer on the following-: 60x100 E. STth and Uraxae, $iT.n. Boxioft E. and Siskiyou, s.0. 60x100 E. fl'd and Hill Crest. IN--gnxioo E. 11th N. and Htanton. i:50, loOxloo Rolens and Alameda. J1100. lOoxlOO Delaware and Alnewortn. SOxlOO Height and Jessup. tlSOO. 123x100 E. 44th near Hawthorne, 275x0 Broadway and E. J5th N t30KI. , ,, 100x100 S. W. Cor. 17th and Hall. ,SROxlO0 E. 18th near Bnmslda. fl0 100x100 Williams and Bumner. 430O. 100x100 Portland Heights, 0000. MERCHANTS' RAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY. 1RVLNGTON. f s:o Thompson sL, 100x100, near istn. a flno residence site; hard surface streets. Improvements paid. ,0.w HSOO Thompson St.. lOOxlPO. near 1-tn. hard surface streets. Improvements paid. 11800 27th, near Thompson. -uxioo. hard surface St., Improvements hair paia, snrroundlng lota sold lor JO0 above our price. CHAS. RINGLER A CO., ill Lewis Bide-. ON the Wast Side, a lot with an unexcelled. forever unobstructed eiaw oi ma v... mountslns and rivers: a lot that Is al most flat; it lies In such a manner thst It gets the sunehlne the whole jer around; It Is within 10 rfllnutes walk ot the P. O. and in a restricted district too. for the ridiculous price of 12S0: terms. What's the matter with It? Nothing, but the price. B (ill. Orcgonlsn. HUT ONE OP THiiM. Am closing out 2S lots at blgsacrince. In close-la East Bide district; 12 minutes te Poetofflce; good improvements In ana paid ttkxt and up. Buy now before they ere all sold. C. U BAMBERGER. Room 2. T.umocrmene Hide. OFFERED FOR FIRST TIME. 70 feet frontage. In heart of Eart Fine bolnes district. Have applicants for stores here. For Immediate sale. 37JO. This Is a forced sale and Is being offered at a great sa.-rlfl.-e. O. L- BAM HERO Kit, Main S18S. Room 2. Lumbermens Bldg. ALBERTA CORNER LOT. A flna lot. 10x100 corner, east front and lays nice, on E. lith and Sumner. 1 block to Alberta car. Price 10. part cash, balance tio per montb. ORVSSI A ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. S LOTS FOR SIOOO. Near 8. P. and new O. W. P. ear shops: all Improvements In, fine tor flats ar small nouses. A great buy. Also two good single lots, same district; cheap. C L. BAMBERGER, Mam 4SS. Room 2, Lumbermen! Bldg. ONI.T $40 down. bal. monthly, buys you a nice view lot or two close to Rosa City Park car and Bandy- boulevard: lowest priced lota to be had: one for $400. one for $3S.". ; water In; S houses. Just fln iohed. Call prepared to go see these lots. Jaa. C Logan, !', Wash. St.. room 404. 100x100. Comer B. Tth end Wygsnt. Price only $2600. OOODARD W1EQTUCK, 343 6taxk SU TITLE A IVVTvSTMENT COMPANT. INC.. OREGON CITT. OR Clackamas County lands snd lots sb stracted from the records; prices right. John W . Loder. preslilent. SGx.127. WILLAMETTE Klver frontage, home sits, sear Portland; $l'0 cash, bal snoe four yearly payments $lo0 aach. no Interest. McClurs. 10O4 Chamber ot Com merce. PDRTLAND HEIGHTS lleOO view lot. In fact 1 and S-S lots, containing In til 13 -42 sq. ft., only one block to car. next to beautiful home; good terms. AD 79, Oregonlan. ONLY 5."i0. Th best lot In restricted district, nesr ear line and school. Splendid vlsw of mountains and city. R 82S. Oregonlan. GENUINE business lot nt genuine sacrifice. Only 83750. Main 24HS. For Sale Houses. $,j(io :,00 CASH, balance terms, takes a moaera j-room nouso. tun vmc. ment. laundry trays, best plumbing. IlKht fixtures. 2 fireplaces, best workmanship throughout, built by owner fur a home, but forced to sell. Vi block to Alberta car; a bargain. JUS. a GIBBON. 8oo Orllnger bldg. 83bu0 WILL buy new two-story r.-room houss, near Going and E. 0th St.: full ce ment basement, steam heat, laundry, fire place: hardwood floors. 2 large rooms and bath, on second floor; closts snd storeroom; large front porch, wltn large cement columns. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. SWELL BUNQAJXr.V. $S0 CASH. New. modern buniralow of rooms, nice rniaM and all latest Im Drovements. In -Waverlalgh Heights, handy to car and a flna location, price l.uo. uuu casn ana balance to suit. GRVHSI A ZADOW. SI7 Board of Trade Bldg.. tth and Oak. $ho WILL buy a modern 7 -room houee, rireplace and furnace, hardwood floors; buffet kitchen very light; panel dining room tinted walls throughout; lot 60x100, close" In on East 24th St.; $300 cash, bal ance, terms. JOS. C GIBPON. 85 Gerllnger I. Ids-. HIGHLAND COTTAOE. Nice 6 -room rottsse on 60x100 lot on Esst 18th st. near Kkldmore, goud neigh borhood, price $:(a 7 cash and 115 per month, s per cent. GRUSSI A ZADOW, $17 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Ork. S-ROOM bouse, furuace. fireplace, sleeping porch, oak floors, shower bath, paneled dining-room, full 50x100 lot, street work psld; H block to car, zv minuter nae price. $42."o; terms. 1'hune Owner. East 1302. MAGNIFICENT 8-ROOw RESITIENCE. EAST HIDE. WALKING 1USTANCB. Your own terms. Only $G7.0. The own a t must Sell at once C. L. BAMHERGKR.- Muln 24SS Room 2. I.umbermepa Pldg. THE COSIEST BUNGALOW. Strictly modern; hot water heat; fruit trees and roses, concrete walk around houae. Iess than $aoon. BENFON A CHAPMAN. $2Uj Wash. St.. Room MS. BI7T QUICK Lots 150. on ltd and West Stsrk. on car line. Easy terms. Greatest buy ever of fered. NATIONAL REALTT A TRUST CO.. J3S Washington st- fivest home on East tilde. Rosa City park: large cement porch, 9 rooma, $ acres of ground. $1700, or will sell house and 2 aerea for l-ituv. svj commercuu diock. phone Main 111!. WE HAVE two attractive bargains In resi dences on Willamette Heights: well lo cated: good terms. For particulars sea McAllister A Lusddemann. 122 Electrla bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful modern home on level quarter block with grand view of city. All Improvements In and psld. Main 3iM: A anJU. 1RVINOTON RESIDENCE. It costs you nothing to see It; f 1t is what yon want, savs $1000. O 820. Ore gonlan. fi;f,0 6-ROOM cottage witil bath, 60x100 lot fenced: strawberries, fruit: vexv raay terms: near Ml. Scott car. Cellara-Murton Co.. SOS Spalding bldg vrar modern 7-room bouse, on E. Gllsan St. This Is a fine place, built by the owner for his noma; price jtuu. .su tin paia- lngbldg. W0 $.100 CASK, balance terms will take my 8-room cottage In Woodlawn. KrabUl. Phone Marshall 004. 3''0 CASH, balance easy, t-room modern bungalow, KIrland Station: lot loxlOo; electricity, bath. Marshall $63. 240O MODERN l-room cottage on sight;. lot overlooking the city; 20 minutes out; termsosult-CaIl 414 Bpaldlug bldg. infsALE At a bargain, my 0-room mod ern house In Portland Heights, good view. Lot lOOxuQ- Phone Main 7235. $7.0 DOWN, balance Ilka rent; new 7-room bungalow In eatmoreland. F. R. Lewis. l ewis ciug. 200x100 ON Mount Scott line, with excellent (.room house. 4oo: . balance $14 per month. Phuno B 230L 83300 Pertland Heights: pretty, modern 8 room bungalow, furnished. J. W. Daniels, 4C3 Alder. $100 TO $30 cash and $10 per month. 8 room unplastered house, y, sore, near car. HIQLET A BLSUUP. 132 2d St. 8200 CASH. $10 per month, fine l-room bungalow. 100 feet from car. Prloe $100. Hlgley A Bishop, 132 $d. FtNB S-ROOM HOUSE. U.-thnrn. district: SbBOlUtS Sacrifice: $2100: only $400 cash. R 8QL Oregonlan. HOLLADAt HOME rooms. OxlOy lot. 9th near Weldler, $4700: buy this snap. rsliars-Murton Co., 308 Spalding bldg. T-i"rvingtonPark ; new. modern seven-room house, 1 block from carllna. Owner's phons Woodl awn 9H0. sTroOM house on E. 8Sth St.; new and In sightly locality. This Is a bargain at JuovCalljIlSpaldinB bldg. TO BUILDERS who want reliable plana. I am offering special Inducements for a short time. Call 601 Railway Exchange. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONET. THERI IB A REASON. LET SJJOVyfal. OUR REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEAL ING AND GIVING ALL WB iOH" BRING US MUCH BUSLNB3A PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. IF,IOU OWN LOT WB WILL FINANCE IT FOR YOU L. R. BAILET CO.. INC 824 ABINGTON BUft "HOMES ONMOUNT SCOTT I.INB. H-room house, new. modern, lf'O. 4 rooms, plastered, a dandy .$12j0. 4 rooms, plastered, concrete foundation, $1500. 4 rooma strictly modern. $isp0. 6 rooms, an extra good one. Jlw. Very easy terms on all these. ra w. German. 320 Burnslde. M. 2778. . FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow, new. f Ire- . . , .. n tint rl full Ca- ment basement, lot BoxlOO. being lot 5 In block 20. Terrace Park. This Is a first class home. Can be had on easy terms, $100 down. $30 per month. Call or ad dress. Home Installment Company, wa McKay Bldg. Marshall 2300. $500 " DOWN PRICE $3300. New. sir rooms, bath and sleeping porch, on S. W. r. S3d and Clinton, high and sightly location. On WR carllne. .0 minutes- out. Key next door. i'ho"" ...nln.. fi. II wood 1377 or Main b4Jl. Goodaell Bros.. 4a8 Worcester bldg. . . t .v"!.. a V'CVItl? $3250 will buy brand new 7-room bouse with full cement basement, laundry, rur nsce. combination light fixtures, bathroom with latest . plumbing, large front porch, terms. QODDARr 4 -vV-ElDRICK. ' NICE new home on B2d and Hewthoe. 5 rooms, full bssement aua easy terma. The Carpenter Lumber Co.. phone Tabor 82. or see C. P. Bush. -66 oitn st. HOLLADAY HOME 8. W. corner kit. h.. ISth and Broadway; 8 fine rooms, large basement snd attic, nice yard, choice location- S400: a splendid bargain. Cellars il urton Co.. 30S Spalding bldy. HELP, quick. $12 will buy my $250 equity In new 5-room cottage on the new boule vard. E. Gllsan et.. $20 per month In cludes Interest. Owner. AO 820. Orego- nfin. FOR SALE on easy payments; $500 down, no rste ot Interest on talance 6-rootn modern house, li 1nii.ut-r walk front l'ostofflce. Phone Main 2501. 812 Sher- man st. IRVING TON, 9-room house, 50x100 lot. facing east. 621 E. 20th st. N.. near Braree. D. lioodseli. Jr. Phones Main 8427; res. East 2008. . WEFT SIDB residence, large and modern. fine view, nest ot. iu.-n. t tvs . sired. 802 Spalding bldg. $2100. $100 cash snd $2.1 monthly. Including Interest: 6 rooms, modern, cement base ment; a decided bargain. Phone Main 5iH. A nui. 27jl 7-ROOM new bouse. 90" E- 14lh. North, near skid more; Alberta car: a good cheap home; bath. Rns electricity. Cellars-Murton CoJud Spaldlng bldg. KLEOANT bungalow, choicest part of lrv ington: rich surroundings; Broadway and lrvington curllucs. Owner. A 778. Oregonl- 1 BEAUTIFUL homes, elegantly finished, oak and ma hogany, choice locations, lrvington. C lHOft. fcast jij. co na"'- (-RUOM house to be moved. Call before 10 A. M.. J- Q'" Buslneas Property. clIEAl BUSINESS LOT. 80X100 TO ALLEY. On Mississippi ave.. near Beecn. Price l8 uODDARd'a WIEDRICK. Z-a Piarn o- "vVAREHOUSES AND FACTORY SITES on railroad, or lease or sale; West or East 'side. Bransftrd. 517 Worcester bldg. Marshall 1817. QUARTER block. East Seventh and Clay, near cars. 302 Spalding bldg. UNION ave. south of Alberta. Income prop erty bargain. Owner, forenoons. Phone A 3295. Acreage. B, 10 OR 20 ACRES of our WILLAMETTE VALLEY IRRIGATED Land . In Marlon County. S. E. of Salom at half value to the first 20 bomebuliders. First come first servod. Apply at larm land department of HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Bankers. Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Portland, r . at our Branch Office on the Ground at WEST STA Y TON, Or. Taka 415 P. M. 8- P. train at Union Depot (or at 4:25 P. M. from E Morrison st. to West Stay ton. via woodburn. NOTICE. We have a large and exclusive list of close-in acreage, farms vacant lot. and 8 per cent net Income bearing city ProP , erty. that We can sell at prices that will appeal to the careful buyers. If you are In the market for anything In . this line It will pay you to call on us before you bUr" C, F. PFLUGER A CO.. Sute 8 Mulkev Bldg.. 2d and Morrison. Established 10- ' GREAT BUY FOR $3250 8 1-C ACRES HIGHLY IMPROVED. Onlv 82 minutes to Portland on Oregon Electric. In midst of big selling activity. Very sightly: new l-room, etc, bouse, running water. 150 chickens and all caal tels included. Only ::2r0: terms. A 24S8 O. L. BAMBERGER. Main 24SS Room 2, Lumbermens Bldg. 10-ACRE tracts of easily cleared land. red shot" soil, specially adapted to fruit, veg etables snd poultry raising; not steep, but practically all tillable; pure running wa ter; plenty of timber; near school and county road, 7 miles from railroad and 35 miles from Portland; $S5 an acre part cash. Can show you any day. Palmer, 612 Couch bldg IS ACRES ON TUALATIN RIVER. 2( .t. v-u.. PORTLAND ON SOUTH KRN PACIFIC: NEARLY ALL IN CP-OP; 271 DOWN AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS OR 8S0 DOWN AND YEARLY PAli- vn.-M-r.-i PACIFIC N-w. UJ.VI.ujr MENT CO, 405 COUCH BLDG. $000 ACRES, this Is one of the best stock ranches In Central Oregon; sets of houses and barns, ail larra macuiuc j , this Is a good place for colony: price $1S, one-third cash, balance long time. R.VND-READ CO.. $14 Board of Trade ONION. CELERY AND ASPARAGUS LNDS. P.l-X-OMMENPED BY RESPON SIBLE EXPERTS. 20 MILES FROM PORTLAND. CLOSE TO TOWN AND RAILWAY STATION: $200 PER ACRE. PACIFIC N-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 405 COUCH BLIXJ CHOICE acreage, river frontage, and lots and blocks at Rlsley Station, on Oregon City carilne: also modern 6-room bun gslow at Oak Grove; all on aaay terms Call on H. O. Starkweather at Risley Station. Phone Oak Grove, Black 17. Postal address. Mllwsukle. R. T. D. No L on '.phf.-i verv rich river-bof torn land, un- immoved: 1 mile from Canby. Or., 20 miles from Portland; price $100; will take $750 in good runabout automobile, $.VrO caah, balance 6 years. 7 per cent. Canby Canal Co.. Canby. Or. ONLY S2O0O. . an aeM nf rhoiceet fruit land on coast adjoining growing town. 80 miles from Portland. $1000 down, balance five years. or will take .-o lot pari ursi payment. K 822. Oregon I an. CONCORD. OREGON CITY LINE. Stt acres In cultivation; $3750. as acres, all In cultivation; $31130. C. W Rlsley, owner. P. O. Mllwaukle. R. F. D. No. L Phone Oak Grove. Red 12. 10 JO AND 40-acre tracts, all good soli, no 'rocks or gravel, mile from sawmill. 1 mile from graded schcol. 4 miles from R. R station, good road, 28 miles from Port land. Address P. O. box to. Houlton. Or. SPECIAL 5 and 10-acre tracts, convenient to Oregon Electric carilne, land all in cultivation, rich deep soil and the price onlv $150 an acre; easy terma. Western Land Co.. 248 Stark sL A SNAP. A nice Ilttls acreage on electrla line, close to depot and closs to Portland. Kin. D(. a Stamphar. 631 Lumbar Exchange bldg. 1750 CHEAP $700. 6 acres, near Vancouver: all level, good aolL lust th thing for chickens or fruit; terms to suit. Owner, Box 651, Portland, Oregon. ; THE-Bunnell tract at Oak Grove row for to 40 acres; all In cultivation; close ttf car. Prices and terms to suit, g,. -vv". E. Thresher. Mllwaukle, Or. IS ACRES. " ii acres cleared, running water, near Rrarton: by owner. Tabor 1580. on CRE8 fine soli near Vancouver, close to "" i,.tric survey; house and bam; $2800, terma Wright. 336 Sherlock bldg. TEN ACRES, $10,500; city limits, adjoins jiontavllla. Charleston 4 Co.. 411 Com merclal bldg. OWNER forced to sell 2 acres Just out side city limits; need cash and will take $700 for quick sale - L 804. Oregonlan. More than 40o0 acres close to Portland and cut Into 1, 2. 5. 10 and 20-acre tracts fine roads, all graded and in flrst-class condition. In front of every tract. We have been 35 years In W Ulamette Val ley and 15 years of this time In farm and acreage business In Portland. We know the soli. We make a specialty of close in acreage and our 4000-acre platting Is - of the most fertile soil In the state, bee crop of past year. You make the first pay ment snd the crops will do the rest. Pleas ant employment and convenient to an tne advantages of Portland. The cheapest acreage tracts around Portland, quality and location considered,- and sold on uo aral terms. $125 to $300 per acre. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A 3500. Homesteads. ADVANTAGES OF ORKGON 100-page book gives amount of Government land open to fiomestead. In ach county In Jh statj. of Oregon and Washington, and descrip tion f same; give homestead, desert. - timber, stone, coal and mineral 1"' ',"2 maps of Oregon In oolors. 21x2$. showing posed R. R and slsctrlo lines. Including fcastern and Central Oregon. 20o each, or th" three too. Map of Washington in col irs. 21x28. 20O. Nimmo, Ruuay A C. Hamilton piag, ""For Sale Fruit land. ORCHARD TRACTS. PLANTED. Trees one and two years old. Easy payments. Including care until bearing. Money refunded If dissatisfied. 60-mlnute ride from Portland. R. R. stations on the property. Beautiful location, splendid view. Mountain spring water piped to house. Largest orchard undertaking near Port land. Seeing Is believing. For further information call at 415 CORBETT BLDG. BRITISH COLUMBIA, fruit farms yield 1500 to $1000 per acre; Edgewood or chards In Arrow Lake district. West Kwtenay, require no Irrigating; have splendid markets. Ideal climate, good transportation, good social advantages: choicest land only $S0 per acre; easy monthly terms without Interest. Free booklet "V." Investors- Trust A Mort gage Corporation. Ltd, 124 Bastings ot. west, Vancouver, .p. w. rai-lT LAND. 250 acres at $3000. F.0 acres at tSOO. 40 acres at $400. This Is burned-off land, near Wi'.helmma, In the Willamette Valley; fine for fruit: an electric line ie . ... - - - the property. Call 414 Spalding bldg. for particulars. 40 acres, 2 miles from White Salmon. Something extra fine and easy terms. Vanduyn A Walton. 616 Chamber Com merce. . 7, . I i , tCf. Tfil, 11 tin iruii la.iu, . Is a bargain; can be bought small amount aown. eusv mommy vj intrii i--WOOD- & SEACH REST, 320 Railway Exchange. Bqultv of choicest 10-acre Spltsenberg spple tracts In Oregon; 2100 down, bal ance $1.1 per month; Includes, care five vears; all or half P 17. Oregonlan. For 8aJe Farms. DO YOU WANT LAND that you can IRRIGATE during the dry Bummer, so you can dou ble or treble your yields? It so. set In on the ground floor of our Willamette Valley Irrigated land In Marion Co., s. x ot Salem. . , . . , First come first served. Apply at farm land department ot HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Bankers. Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, or at our Branch Office on the Grounds at . . . . i i. it a, T nlnn Depot or at 425 P.-' M. from E Morrison St.) to west otayiou. - JUST WHAT YOU WANT. 40 acres, all river bottom land, fine sandv ?aiment suit, ,-- ' - -"ly 20 mile, from Portland and close to railroad and goou lou, r---,- -- th, place r.UZ'.&JZ In pasture, tree ui.i -, and outbuildings, orchard and Prng water: all stocked, with team agon and harness and spring hack. 6 cows. hogs, cm a. plele set oi larm .i.u,..- .,7", " . chin.ry, cream separator; crop al in and everything goes; owner forced to leave on account of health. Price, oj00; $3U'K) cash, balance long time at per cent. - This Is a guaranteed snap. W orth $8000 1, If. w-rthdollar. 620 Chamber of Commerce. CI.ACTCAMAS County farm: 75 es: 50 acres clear; new bam and house flrst- class condition; spring w-ater no .rock 3 miles from Oregon City; $10,000, part cssh. terms on balance. Also 8-room house and 60x100 lot in Alblna to exchange for land or vacant 10 Aisovacsot. adjoining sit. of Reed Institute: average $500; terms. Also Clackamas County timber claim on Clackamas River: W00. . Also timber claim. Trinity County. Cel.. 13 Also timber claim In Josephine County. Or.: $4000. JOHN W. LODER, Owner Both phones. Oregon City. Or. D.1AI . 1 4 -acre farm, on United Railway. $5000: , . Fine level land. Vi mile from Oroveland Station, 15 acres In cultivation, balance In timber; fair 4-room house, good bam, close to church and schools; beautiful see tlon of country: platted acreage selling around this place for $350 per acre. Come quick If you want a bargain. t "flee us for farms. rowiu. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. Board of Trade Bldg. A BARGAIN. 85-acre farm, one of the best In Wil lamette Valley, not far fm Portland, near bank, schools and churches has new 8-room house and barn and small or chard: fine water. This farm Is all In crop, on fine county road; only $110 per acre: very easy terms. WOOD A SEACHREST. 8 2 o Railway cicuans". 40 ACRES. CLOSE TO SALEM. Very highly Improved, only $iuoo. $500 to $1000 cash: J3O00 mortgage to be as sumed? WIU accept balance In Portland property. & BAMBERGER. Room 2. Lumbermens Bldg. ATTENTION 40-acre farm, 16 acres In cul tivation, balance pasture and fine timber, 7-room house, barn, orchard, only H mile from town in valley; price $2t00. easy terms; will also sell the stock and farm Implements cheap. Western Land Co, 24 Stark St. 100 SMALL FARMS In Yamhill County: easy toi-ms- we have some special bargains. Call at our office and we will give you full Information In regard to farms suitable for frultralslng. nut culture, dairying and di versified farming: price from $32 per acre nr rellajTMurton Co, 806 Spaidipg bldg. 40ACRES of splendid land, 10 acres cleared, about 10 more In stumps, balance In oak. at Dayton. Or, for $55 an acre to the man who will go down and sell It to himself. Owner. C 820, Oregonlan. BARGAIN- 112 acres rich land, close to Oregon Eleotrio carilne, good house, barn, orchard, nearly all In cultivation; will sell cheap. Western Land ov 248 ft Stark st. vyE have some good farms; come and In spect our list; we may have Just what vou want. THE COLONIST LAND CO, 438 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 37-acre farm. 1 mile from Jef ferson; 7-room house; barn and outbuildings- all good, level land; running water; $.VX)b. V cash. AJ 803. Oregonlan. FOR SALE IS acres on Lewis River; 0 acres apples, 4 acres hsy, 4-room housa, good barn and outhouses; a bargain. Ad dress B. 14. Oregonlan. 80 ACRES 25 cleared, good house, nearly all fenced. 2 miles Kldgefield. $boO0; terms. . . r nMfl.fl.IH TA " a . K August Jl.Tll. fum,....-. FARMS, orchard tracts, gf od assortment. See Oregon Farms Co, 411 Rothchlld bldg. Miscellaneous. PCIFIC REALTY COMPANY. M- E. LENT A COMPANY, 322 Failing Bldg, Third and Washington sts. Phones Main 8560, A 3475. Rooming-houses, hotels and apartment houses; all sizes; Just what YOU want at BEDROCK prlcea. WE LEAD. OTH ERS FOLLOW AND IMITATE. Our big private auto always at your disposal. We take pleasure In showing you the good things, whether- you buy or not- We save time, annoyance and money for you. If you are "from Missouri" drop In and make us prove our assertion that we can place you quicker, more quietly and Just a little cheaper than any other house In the city. DON'T FORGET THE NUMBER. PACIFIC REALTT CO, - - 322 Falling Bldg. FOR SALE Chicken ranch, 4-room house. large chicken coop, barn, 28 cnicaens. iFoot 24th. AN 805, Oregoclan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT, acreage properly on electrlo line. in exchange ror two equity m pi"" $4000 Rose City Park home; & rooms. K. 817, Oregonlan. A QUARTER block or more, suitable for a gymnasium xor tne roruanu owtiw " Vereln; East Side will also be considered; sealed offers will be received not later than March i at Nlcklaa & son's. 414 Mor rison st.. or Ernest Miller, 172, 1st St., near Yamhill. WANTED. , Grand or Union ave. quarter or sing." lot up to about $40,000 for which roust take close In unincumbered acreage on carilne aa part pnyment. Will pay cash for balance. M 817, Oregonlan. ONE of our clients wants nice close-tn Ea"t . Side T or 8-room house in vicinity ot i Addition. Price within $Hroo. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber or Commerce. WE have cash customers for an $1800 bun" a low, a or o rooms, iuui - -' -from owner. BRONG-STEELE Co, Lewie Bldg-. Ground Floor. WB want as good a piece of business prop erty as can be purchased for $7000 cash. Have a waiting purchaser. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. I WANT TO BUT RIGHT from 6 to 60 acres, within about 1000 feet of 5 to 8-cent carfare, suitable for acre homes: some trees preferable. Give loca tion, price, terms. T TU5. Oregonlan. BUNGALOW 5 or S rooms. East Side, about S2U00 to $2500. Must be good value, mod em and well located. substantial cash payment; balance monthly installments. T b21. Ore gonian. . WANTED Northwestern real estate In ex change for California property. For sale, on terms, city, town or country property. Get our list. Cllne-Hull Company, H. W. Hellman bldg, Los Angeles, cal. WE have several Inquiries for new and modern residences in lrvington, on good terma If you have such property for sale, see McAllister A Lueddemanri, 1-1 Electrlo bldg. Phone Marshal 2281. I WANT farms, both large and small: have cus tomers at right prices; send them from anywhere, I can sell them. Zimmerman. 310 Board of Trade bldg. . WANTED About 8 to 15 acres of good land with Improvements, buildings and some fruit, within 12 miles of courthouss; own- ers only. AH 7u. uregonino. WANTED A 6-room bungalow; will pay about $2500; $300 down, balance $16 or $;o per month and Interest. R 0S. Ore- gonlan. WANTED Acre or half acre tract within 20 minutes' ride of city: please state all particulars and price in reply. K 821, Ore gonlan. -. WANTED Homestead or timber claim re linquishment in th Rogue River Valley. Give fuil particulars In first letter. M lo, Oregonian. MODERN bungalow; conveniences; easy terms; deal with owners only. C 781. Ore gonlan. WANT-to buy a house In lrvington, south of Knott st; describe and quote price, AD 822, Oregonlan. , MOUNT HOOD Base Line Boad: want acreage from owner in above district. Buy er. It 802. Oregonlan IRVING TON lot wanted, on or between loth and 24th sts, south of Brasee; will deal only with owner. AD 821, Oregonlan. WANTED Lot In Overlook: give location and best caah price. AC 822. Oregonlan. 1 WANT to buy a home on easy payments. R 7sti, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. I SNAP if taken at once; best bargain in Portland: confectionery, cafeteria, bakery and restaurant all combined; cost $f.O0; good bv si nets. Man and wife can clear over $300 per month. Central location. Low rent Owner leaving the city at once. Price $30o0: will tike good real es tate and assume mortgage. Address room 17, No. 165 4th st, Russel bldg., or phone East 3014. SALE OR EXCHANGE. " 500 seres. Eastern Oregon wheat farm, nearly all In cultivation: $2500; water sys tem supplying abundanco of wator for house and barn. Price $12,500. mortgage $3000, at 6 per cent; would consider Tort land city property or Hood River farm. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 248 Stark St . WANT small acreage place on electrlo line in exchange for my i'00 equity In pleas ing $400o house. 6 rooms, furnaoe; Rose City Park. J 818. Oregonlan. 40 ACRES. CLOSE TO SALEM. Very highly Improved, only $.00O. $3o to $1000 caah; $3000 mortgage to be as sumed. Will accept balance In Portland property. n , ,rn 1. I. UAinA.J.u Room 2, Lumbermens Bldg. FOR BALK or traue oy owne. - era rooming-nousc. iin well located on corner lot; entrance from two streets; rent lees than $4 per room per month. See R. F. P. 533 Morrison st, or phone Marshall 611. . 4S0-ACRE farm, 8 miles from R. R. station, near good echoolhouse; about 400 acres will be In grain this year; In Gilliam Crunty. Oregon: tvrlce $20 per acre. What have you to offer? 3 Kast 61st st, city. ' 80 ACRES WHITE SALMON LAND. ' Near Glavls- place, $5000; will take bungalow 2iu0; small amount cash, bal. mortgage. per cent. Fred W. German. .129 Burnslde. M 2778. ALL or anv oart of 80 acres of Irrigated orchard, free of debt, to trade for city property; give location, price and amount of Indebtedness In first letter. B 7S9. Oregonlan. 18 VIEW LOTS. Columbia Heights Addi tion i Vancouver. Wash.; value $4000: will exchange for Portland lots or acreage. Cellars-Murton Co, 3P6 Spalding bldg. $800 EQUITY In 4-room cottage In Wood lawn, to exchange for pianola, lot or acreage. Value $1600.00 Xrablll. Phone Maraiiail 2004. VENDING MACHINES. Over 60. all making money; will sell or trade for city lota or close acreage. 611 Lumbermens bldg. ; FOR SALE or exchange, a seven-room bonss and lot at Seaside. Oregon, as part pay ment on small ranch. Address V 787, Or egonlan. Mrj1 44x140 good 3-room house, near )maha. Neb, rented for $8 month, for vacant lot or equity In house. Peterson' 221 Falling bldg. RESIDENCE (lot 60x100) In Santa Clara County, California, near Stanford Univer sity, for Portland property; value $1760. AC 782. Oregonlan. tTmBER claim to trade for mortgage or anv kind equity contract; assume mort gage. Boggess A Co, 221V. Morrison, room 6. -ILL exchange new Edison and Victor talking machine, for your old band in struments. Seiberling-Lucae Music Co., 184 2d st. ' f HAVE a large "HORNLESS" phonograph. New wouid accept a small one as part payment. N 822, Oregonlan. WK exchange your property for what yoa desire. Portland Exchange. 811 Board of Trade bldg. Bee Mr. Wiest. WE exchange your property regardless of location for that which suits you better. Northwest Exchange. 228-8 Henrybldg. giOO EQUITY In 6-room bungalow to trade for lot, good district. Mr. Burt, room 7, 250 V. Third. ; a MILLION sugar and yellow pine for house and lot; no agents. A 779, Oregonlan. FOB, RENT FARMS. TO LEASE. "Wheat farm of 52o acres In Walla "Walla County, Wash. Also 100-acre wheat farm In Franklin County, Wash. Apply at onLe. jog & GIBSOJf CO, 805 GerllnEOr bldg, Portland. Or. 20 acres in cultivation close to Tlgard on Salem Electrlo; orchard, running wa ter, etc Vandyua A Walton, 613 Cham- oer -.ofluowv-. 465 ACRES near electric, best buy to subdivide- $100 per acre: also choice farms. Address C. M. Crittenden. Hubbard. Or FARM for rent. 50 acres, all In cultlva . tlon; 50 miles from city. Owner. F. B. Ley, 115S Kerby st. FOB BALE TIMBER LAND. OWNER will sell two quarter Motions of about 16.000.000 feet of excellent timber near Grants Pass, Or., for $1 per M. P. O. box 448, Vancouver. Wash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M' CRACK EN, 804 McKay BH$, TIMBER CLAIMS, homestead rflaulsk-' msnis. 219 Worcester bids.