THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1911. -J IB 1 1 1 1 1 : ' : i Mt. Hood Soap Co. "When you buy Mt. Hood Soaps you buy home-made goods. Your money circulates at home and gives employment to home people. The Portland Furniture Manufacturing Co. Portland, Oregon 1249-1259 MACADAM ROAD u.s.ifopecroH V look for Contractors and Builders COLUMNS TRUSSES LINTELS BEAMS From our plant in Port land. We carry at all times large stocks from which we can fill your orders promptly PACIFIC IRON WORKS Portland, Oregon The borne of "gnaranteetl" upholstered furniture and mat trwe. Sample room, the most elaborate and complete west of Chicago, containing a permanent exhibit of our line, as well as thoe of the other South Portland furniture factories, is located in tho building of the Rudfc'ear-Merle Co., 1186-1190 Macadam Road. From a small beginning we have been enjoying an unprecedented prowth, and today we are second to none in our particular line of manufacture. We were the first ones to prove to the funeral public that food uphol.-tered furniture mav be mado just as well at home as imported from the Kst, and the fact that our guarantee ia back of every piwe we make ha helped materially in building up our reputation. We emplv no child-labor, but skilled workmen only; every one connected with our establishment i a practical mechanic, the raw materials tud are of the bet quality possible, and no matter whether yon buy one of our cheapest mattresses or a hiirh-pnced Davenport, you can always be sure to fpt full valuo for your money. Ask your f umitnre dealer for tror goods. Buy them, and become another booster for Home Induxtrics in general, and forthe Port land Mfg. Co. in particular. 1(1G CRAFT" (MIS THE ACME OF QUALITY AND FINISH flgySSFS OREGON CHAIR CO. Of high-grade materials, by first-class work men. "We use the best Angora Goat Leather and oil-tempered spring3 in our upholstery, the highest grade quartered Japanese Oak. Every Piece Is Guaranteed "King Craft' is sold by the leading dealers on the Pacific Coast and in PORTLAND by TULL & GIBBS, J. G. MACK & CO. HENRY JENNING & SONS. CALEF BROS. MORGAN -ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO. Special Window Displays at the Above Stores February 26 to March 11. zip SEWER PIPE Made in Oregon, and Made Right GLAZED CEMENT PIPE This pipe has proven absolutely satisfactory. The City of Port land maintains an inspector at our Kenton factory, and each piece is inspected as it comes from the machine. "We are mak ing better and better pipe all the time. "When you buy Cement Sewer Pipe you buy but once. See Glazed Cement Pipe at our Factory, or at any place where it is being laid, and be sure to visit our Exhibit at the "Made-in-Oregon" Exposition. PORTLAND GLAZED CEMENT PIPE CO. E-Z-FIT and Gall Cure Horse Collars save the shoulders of the horse and the dollars of the owner. Everything in the. Har ness, Saddle and Collar line, insist on the make of W. H. McMonies & Co. 24-26 Union Ave., PORTLAND, OR. OREGON'S FORESTS Converted into the most modern interior and ex terior finish lumber by our Rotary Cut Method can be seen in our display at the "Made-in-Oregon" Exhibit in the Meier & Frank Store this week and next showing the beautiful natural grain of Clear Oregon Douglas Fir and a variety of imported and domestic hardwood, glued up, three-ply panels also an assortment of "Oregon's Pitchless White Spruce and Red Cedar" clear finish lumber. If you contemplate the construction of a building, this exhibit will be of particular interest to you. Our Box Department also has on exhibition a line of Fruit and Merchandise Packing and ship ping Cases, Crates, Berry Baskets and Hollock Cups. -ALL MADE IN OREGON Multnomah Lumber & Box Co. Manufacturers Established Sine 1885 Good Quality and Quick Service. Ask your grocer for Mt. Hood Soaps: Rose city Transparent Glycerine Soap. "White "Wonder Laundry Soap. Van Hooters' Patent Bleaching Soap. Feldman's X. L. N. T. Soap. Jumbo Savon. FAIR WILL HELP STATE LAKGK VARIETY" OV OREGON" PRODUCTS EXHIBITED. Manufacturer Show Demonstrates What Is Being Accomplished by Home Industries. With 60 members f the Manufac turers' Association exhibiting- their products, the people of this city and state will today have opportunity to see some of the goods which are being made In Portland, and which will give the people who visit the exhibition at the Meier & Frank building- some idea of the rapid strides Portland Is mak ing as the manufacturing center of the Pacific Northwest. The exhibition is confined to the fourth floor of the building, and al though the various displays were not complete on Saturday night, nearly 6000 persons made an inspection of the exhibits already in place. By this afternoon all the exhibitors will have their display complete and ready for the critical inspection of visitors. The wide range of the manufactured products on show doubtless will have the effect of greatly Interesting the people of Portland in the "Made In Oregon" movement. The Manufactur ers' Association is leading the "Made in Oregon" movement, and the exhi bition which is now being held, and which will continue for at least two weeka. Is one of the phases of an edu cational campaign which the associa tion proposes to conduct to educate the Oregon people In home-manufactured articles. The directors of the Manu facturers' Association believe that In the present show a big step has been taken in the campaign. Among the articles being shown are various kinds of clothing, including uniforms, automobile clothing, water proof garments, shirts, overalls, sus penders and piled clothing; mattresses, pillows, bed springs and a wide and varied line of high-class furniture, the products of local furniture factories; wagons, pottery goods, iron and steel products, all kinds of food products. In cluding fruit and flavoring extracts, spices, coffees and teas, canned goods and grietmlll products of various kinds. Also being shown are stoves and ranges of local manufacture, safes and vaults, mirrors, boxea of wood, cartons and boxes of paper and boxboard; vari ous planlng-mill products, including a wide line of woods for Interior finish for homes and office buildings, art glass, hammered . brass and plated ware, wood rejuvenators, gas mantles, art goods, electric light fixtures, tile goods for floors and oOier purposes, harness goods, leather belting of vari ous sorts, and soap and cleansing preparations. Several of the exhibitors have In stalled working exhibits which are at all times surrounded by persons curi ous to see how the various goods are converted from the raw materials into the finished product. One manufac turer has Installed a complete overall factory on a small scale. In this ex hibit IS operatives are at work mak ing overalls. In another booth is shown In operation a complete ventilating plant and a blowpipe plant, such as Is used in lumber mills and other fac tories. The ventilating plant in opera tion is of such power as to keep the air In the exhibition pure and sweet and free from the variegated odors in cident to the various . manufactured lines on display. Insist $) UPON A hi ys rcosTLESs: ViaMUPACTURED BV . KSTABLIHED I90Q. IM?n noMXST PoanANftOAE OlSTRiaUTORj rPH0N5MXH 2495 SEE THEM MADE AT OUR BOOTH this i E2 t ;'3 HAMS, BACON ' 1 1 ADnl represent everything that ia choice and fine. ! Government Inspected fc? Ererr package hears the Federal Stamp, which stands lor whole- 1 1 somenesa, healthfnlness ana aamtary care in iuo fc Insist that Pi one but tM lonmiDia orana i ll- e : 1,nt 1.ttMi ..fur m.t goes upon jour Wu wv.y At Best Dealers, Hotels and Cafes 4v W """'V Horn Packers of the Paciflo .mfJr Ceylon-lndla Blend goodtothe Last Leaf "IT TICKLESJTHE PALAt E ILB.50C fcLB.25C CLOSSET c Devers PORTLANDANOi SEATTLE. DRINK TRIUNFO COFFEE ffU Jj" COFFEEBStft Si T4mt,m B a- -nuuwo ft FLANTAnON S rrraau-Atnrrlrs tt Cafftt Cmojiaiiu DELICATE ELICIOUS ISTINGTIVE Triunfo Coffee, like the Hood River Apple, has a distinctive fla vor, because of the soil and climatic conditions in which it is grown. The Triuntfo Coffee is grown on our own plantation on the Tum bala Range of the Sierra Madra Mountains, on the border of Gua temala, where the best coffees are grown, and from there shipped direct to our Portland Roasting Plant, 24 and 2(5 Front street, where, it is roasted and packed in one and two-pound tins. . FOR SALE AT ALL GROCERS The German-American Coffee Co. COIN MACHINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Is exhibiting the POTTER AUTOMATIC CHANGE COMPUTING MACHINE at the "Made in Oregon" display, on the fourth floor of the Meier & Frank store. It is the only machine in the world that computes and pays the correct change 720 Corbett Building NORTHROP & STURGIS CO. MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS FRONT AND ASH STREETS Call at our booth and get a free drink of R-porter Tea Garden Syrup PACIFIC COAST SIRDPCO. Portland Oregon NTEST How best satisfactorily to. de velop the Woolen and Clothing Industry of Oregon Is the sub-. Ject we have selected for an essay contest. For the best essay by a woman we will sive a Coopey Water proof Cape of Oregron goods, the most serviceable garment for this climate. For the best essay by a man we will award a pair of trous ers made of Oregon goods. Maii or bring your essays to th address below, marked Woolen Manufacturing Contest. ve are makers of the most successful line of waterproof garments made In this country, the English system of water proof. We waterproof woolen goods for the trade and the general public. We make uniforms and civilian clothing. CHARLES COOPEY & SON, Inc. Manchester Bids., 85V4 Fifth St., Between Stark and Oak.