10 MAN FATALLY SHOT AT CHRISTENING Tragedy Enacted on Porch as Preparations Are Made to Give Name to Babe. . VICTIM IS FOUND DYING Within SO Iwt or Tarty of 40 Mrrrj makers, Mjsferloua Ass sIq Itrrs Twlrr and ticls Avtay, I.raln 'o Clew. m at. asuails al 1:1 tale In a mrter1us shootlns; affray at ITi ll.xvj street. jr.tl.rdar afternoon, within S feet of 4 wltn. . yet een by no on. lKmlnlc Bonnelll. an Italian laborer, waa shot twl-a. receiv Inr wounds from whl-h hl death la ex pe.ted to mult at St. Vlncenfa Hos pital. The man who dlJ the shootlns; la at larae and there I not the alight eat rlrw ao far br which he can ba traced. A chrlstenlna- waa Kolnar on at th hnina of Nick Tomlno. a boardlne snester. at the foregolna; addres. and a larce party had fathered. There a much wine drlnklnc Tomlno. with Me wife and the aodfather. lra I nick Corallna. were In the room with the child to be rhrlslened. and tha guests were scattered about the place, when two pistol shots were heard and all rushed to tha back porch, wh.nce the aound came. Th.y found Bonoeui lvlng on the porch, dyinjt. and no one tin In slant. Tha wounded man itirxd. "Nick. I am dead." and then became unconorlous without telling who bad (hot him. It. Sh.lton waa called In and lm mediately aent for the Ited Cross am bulance. which carried Bonnelll to tha nolle station, to deliver a revolver which waa found In his pocket, and thence to tha hospital. II had not regained conscious nesa at a late hour last night. Tha weapon which ha car ried had not been fired. IwtertlTcs Mallet and Craddock found the resident In a atat of ex citement so Brest that they could a-tv no intelligible account of th affair. i:t:her Bonnelll and his assailant wer alone at th time of th shooting-, or, If others wer present, they are coo- calls th fact. No on knew of any altercation which might hav led to th unit, although there had been much drinking and loud talking. Utile la known of the antecedents of th wounded man. or of any enemlea tiiat he may have had. He waa shot ence In th region of th liver and enc In th thigh. Two bullet hole wer found la th wall of th houae. an. I. as th witnesses say that only two rrporta wer heard, both bullets must hav passed throuah his body. NEED OF TIMES IS TOLD S-pcwker Advent Church Deplore Multitude of Doctrines. "What Our Times Imsn.l. waa th sul Kit of Rev. C K. 1- htntth's sermon at to Advent Christian Church yester- dar. i said. In part: "Wltn th Increasing Influence of Fplrttuall.m. Chri.lUn rWenee. Sociology. Lnlversallsm and all that the stand fr. th sincere. Intuiting mind la often bewildered In Its search for truth, hardly knowing ahat to believe. In view of th dangerous trend of the doctrines. I It not essential that th church ha abl to meet th demands of t ruth-sees. -ers with th fundamentals of .Biblical .teaching? "Our time demand a doctrine of God In which Justice and merry arc equally balanced. The age has gona mad over the ov of God. He Is good, they say. and good to everybody; ther I no devil, and evil la a dxiuston. The true Idea of li.vt la that of absolute equity. "Our times demand a doctrine of man h.h shall r. coin tie man's need and at the same time provide an adequate supply for that need. It Is a truth of limi t word, and of experience, that man l helplesa to save himself. Our times demand a doctrine of Christ that shall properly emphasis his nature and work." SCHOONER SINKS LAUNCH Tolire Inteticalc Why Drowning of Two Men Waa Not Iteporled. SAX FIlANClSeO. b. :. TH police ar seeking th owners of the lumber a-hooner Comet to learn why th fsct as not reported that the vessel ran iorn nd drowned 1st men yesterday. Th case wss brouaht to light after a ;i-tv:r search for the launch John A., by the police boat Patrol and several Launches, after th boat was reported mlwlnx tnaethcr with her engineer. El mer Wagner, and Ping Lung, a Chines employe of tb California Vhrltnp Coin pa mr. When John Patterson, a bey launch man, learned that th Johnson Launch Company had lost th John A. he tele phoned th company that Frank M. Furman. head of th Shasta Lumber Compary. owning th schooner Comet, bed railed htm up yesterday, asking him ' he owned tb launch. Johneon then telephoned Furman and told tha police that th latter admitted that the Comet had run down th launch at 10:30 yes terday morning. BOY FORCED TO DRINK 14-Ycar-Old Found Drunk; Warrant Out for Alleged Dchauciirr. Forcibly rlymg with drink a 14-year-old boy. already too drunk to swallow more. Is the charge road again.it C. M. Keller. 1 Fourth street, for whom s warrant will b issued today, l'ollc Sergeant Wanlesa and rairolroen Bcw 1 v and Veneer arrested the boy at Fourth and Couch street early yester day morning. Ha Uvea with John Fer guson, his stepfather, at Itf's Krrby street. II. W. Perrv. of SJ1 Clay street, said that Ketley took the boy Into Donnet lr s saloon at Third and Flanders streets and bought a fUk of ll-iuor. part of which he forced down th boy's throat. CASE PLAIN TO CAMERON lllrlct Attorney NJ Ha I ley Omit ted Important Duty. rvtrt-t Attorney Cam.ron wss asked yesterday whetlcr or not a specfal proe .cutcr would be empU'ved to procut i:;e . -:ierg ualrt J. W. Pali.v. tilale he did not know, hut that he tiad laid th question be fore Governor West on a re cent vlt to Salem. "A special prose cutor would, of course, relieve my offlc of th responsibility," said Mr. Cam eron. "I do not think ther i:i b any dif ficulty In prosecuting tb case.' h con tinued, "for. as I look at th matter. It la an absolute case. I do not see how Mr. Pal ley ran get awsy from It. II started In to publish those bullet'ns and then quit It. L'nleea th Jury absolutely disregards th evidence, a Juries some time do. I don't se how Palley can es cape th charge. The publlca'on of those bulletins was a duty Imposed on him by law and was a very Important matter one of th most Important things In connection with his office. The case has been set for trial In April, but It Is possible I shall be able ronTL.txo rini.n, o or UOWAItn t T, DIES St DUtXLY. After a brief attack of scarlet fever Tilchard B. Gaunt, aged 4Vi years, son of Howard and Edna Gaunt. Seventeenth and Alberta streets, died Friday. When Illch ard was three yVars of ag he waa entered In a prlxe-wlnnlng baby contest In Idaho, and won th first position with eaae. Th funeral took place yesterday at M c M I n n v 1 1 1 . where h waa burled by th aid of hla grand parents, pioneer aettlers of Ore goo. to bar It advanced and tried sooner than that." SUICIDE THEORY JARRED THOMAS M'CORMICK MAT BE MVROER VICTIM. Man Whose Throat Wat Cut Had rockets Turned Out Xo Weapon I'oond Near Scene. Indications of murder developed In th rase of Tbomaa alcCormlck. found on tha street with hla throat cut, whan Homer Guiles, his stepson, appeared at detectlv headquarters yesterday and said that whil McCorralck waa penni less al tb moment when h last saw him. a few hours before he received hla wound, he declared at that time hi Intention of calling upon a friend to se cure a loan of I Si. When McCormick was found lying on tha street Thursday night, with hi throat cut from ear to ear. ha said that ha had been assaulted and robbed by a man who had crept up behind him. and the statement wss borne out by tha fact that ther was no money In his pockets and no weapon In th vicinity by which he mlaht have Inflicted tb wound himself. dudes says that McCormick cams her recently from Spokane, and was entirely without funds, Giles had $1. out of which he assisted hla stepfather as long as th money lasted, and gave him half of tb last remaining 10 cents on th evening McCormick throat waa cut. Ir. Fred J. Zlegler. who attended Me Connie k at th hospital, la of th opin ion that th wound could not hav bean Inflicted by another unless th victim wer approached from behind, and In clines to accept th suicide theory. De tectives T.chenor and Howell are look ing for th man who waa to hav been asked for th loan, and If thay find that he granted th request. It will add strength to th murder theory. McCormick waa haxy and contradic tory In his statements during th two days that ha lingered between Ufa and death, t'nless It Is shown that ha suc ceeded In borrowing money, th case Will be set down aa on of suicide and It will be held that he told the story of assault and robbery to conceal hla own .ct. Tha dead man waa (1 years old and has a wife In Spokane, who was In com munication with tha authorities here, but threw no light on th case. Gullea says that McCormick waa very despond ent on the night when h last saw him. Company G. O. X. C, Goes to Church OREOOS CITT. Or.. Feb. (Spe cial ) Company G. O. N. G attended rellgloua services In tha Methodist Church tonight with Circuit Judga J. Campbell occupying tha pulpit for th occasion. There was a good attend ance and th address was patriotic In character. FOR AUTGMOBILING In select inff a suit for au tomoboliug, the uot-t prarti ral woolens are the Scotch cheviot, as it ha the wearing quality and not bhovr Uut and spots as some other material. I have received a new line which ha these qualities. They are of exceptional pood values. I shall be pleaded to fcave you examine them, and if favored with an order they ill be made up a (rood aa tailoring can make them. 231 WASHINGTON ST; PORTLAND cttscrt- HAKtM or MENS CLOTHES f. '- e -: . r e I , .5.' -,e- . - if - 'Mi Richard B- Gaaat. THE MORXHrO OKEGONIAK. Credit Purchases Made today and Tomorrow Charged on Your March Bill Payable April jst Portland Agents for Famous Gossard Lace Front, Nemo, Warner, Redfern. Mme. Ireneorsets Great "Made in Oregon" Exposition Today! Annual Sale off Home He XLY three days more of the Great Annual Spring Sale of Home Xceds a time when practically every article in our entire Base ment stock may be had at worth-while savings! Our vast assortments-are still complete and every wanted article may be had at great price-reduction! Ash Cans $3.00 Ash Cans of galvanized iron. Made with iron cover, fitted with drop handle. No. 4 size 17x26 inches, holds 22 gallons. Special (Jn QQ pr iceDwOa! $1.10 Tin Bread Box, No. 113, special at 8S Boc Tin Flour Bins, 25-lb. size, for only 687 90c Tin "Perfect" Steam Cookers, each, 72 85c Tin Bread Raiser", 14-quart size, ea., 68 15c Tin Coffee Pots, 114-quart size, each, 12 20o Tin Muffin Pans, 9-hoIe, priced at 16 18c Tin Oil Cans, l'fc-gallon, special atl4 75cCoppcr Rim Teakettles, priced at, ea. 59 "e'Tin Apple Tarer and Corer, for only" 5? 25c Tin "Prize" Flour Sifters, priced at 19 15c Tin Dairy Pails, 6-qt. size, each, only 12 55c Tin Dinner Buckets, special price, ea-2SJ 45c Tin Chamber Pails, reduced to, each, 36 15c Tin Colander, specially priced at, ea., 12 10c Tin Graduated Measures for only, ea., 8t 35c Tin Steamers, No. 8, special price, ea. 28? 4c Milk Pans, 1-qt. size, special price, each, 3 10c Tin Milk Pans, 5-quart size, priced at8 i inn i $1.25 Set of Mrs. Potts Sadirons, consisting of 3 Irons, Handle and Stand. Nickel-plated, with aluminum top. Retain heat splen- QQr didly. Specially priced at only, the set 7'' 5e Tin Pudding Pans, 1-quart size, special.4 13c Tin Pudding Pans, 6-quart size, each, 10i 7c Tin Funnels, specially priced at, each, 5 4c Tin Salt Shakers, Annual Sale price, ea.. 3 35e Tin Tea and Coffee Canisters, each, 28 60c Tin Effg Poachers, 6-hoIe, special at48 10e Tin Graters, special sale price, each, 8 20c Tin Preserving Kettles, priced at only 16 25e Tin Preserving Kettles, special, each, 192 18c Orariite Lipped .Kettles as illustrated; No. 18 size, of genuine Royal Steel Gray Graniteware. Sale price to day, each 14c 3oc 8-hole Corn Cake Pans, special price, 28t" 12e Granite Round Jelly Cake Tans, only9 75c Granite Steamers, No. 8, price, each,5f)? 20c Granite 1-pint Measure, special price, 16 10c Granite 10-inch Spoons, special price. 8 18c Granite 1-pint Dippers, special price, 14 idSIr Reliable Optical Service FIRST FLOOR, JfEW Bl'ILDIXG ONLY experts arc employed in the Big Store's Optical Section men who have had years of experience and who can show diplomas from famous colleges and from the state. Every pair of Glasses fitted is backed by the Meier & Frank Store's guarantee of satisfaction or your money back. For tha coming week we offer tha following; specials on "Hold fast" Combination Rimless Mountings, fitted with best Torlo lenses; cable temple. Best 17.00 Glasses, all this tfJO QQ week on sale at tlte remarkably low price of only JJ70 UM HOI.DFAKT" COMBINATION GI.ASSK ONLY f I.9S S8.0O eilOLUKAST" COMBINATION GLASSES OXLT S5.9S February The MOXPAT, rEBRUABY $1.00 Universal Food Choppers-Good, useful size, with three cutting knives fine, medium and coarse. Grinds fruit, vegetables, meat, etc., either fresh or cooked. Very 6trongly c o n s t r n cted and no parts to get out of or der. Regular $1 size, Annual Sale 77 price only, each v 10c Chop'g Knives, 8d 10c Tack Pullers at 8 15c Wire Carpet Beater, special, each, 12f 35c No. 8 Cake Griddles; special, only 27 20c No. 3 Fry Pans, reduced to, each, 16 35c Coffee Mills, good size, only, each, 28f 5c Dish Mops, long handles, at, each, 4 50c Baking Shells, special, the dozen, 39 20c Suction Sink Stoppers, special, ea 16 10c 2-in-l Shoe Polish, priced, special, 8 $ 5c Picture "Wire, good size rolls, special, 4 10c Picture Hooks, pricedspecial, dozen, Sd 35c Gone Gas Toast ers Exactly as illus trated. Toasts 4 pieces of bread at one time. bpecial for the nr Annual Sale at"OC 15c Austin Coffee Filters, special, ea., 12 loo Aluminum Collapsible Cups, each, 12 12c Coffee Strainers, on special sale, ea., 9 10c Soap Shakers, on special sale, each, 8 7c Handled Strainers, special at, each, 5 20c Extension Strainers, special price, 16 20e Soup Strainers, reduced to, each, 16 3c Egg Whips, strong wire, special price, 2 7c Pot Chains, special for this sale only 5 5c Cup Strainers, specially priced, each,'3 $1 Waffle Irons No. 8 size, just as illus trated, strongly made and the kind that's sure to give satisfaction. During p7Ckr this Annual Sale, offered at only, ea. 5c Tea Strainers, special for this sale at3 5e Wire Soap Dishes, special price, ea., 3 20c Wire Soap Dishes, special at, each, 16d 35c Wire Dish Drainers, special, each, 28J 10c Can Openers, special price only, ea., 7? 10c Chopping Knives, special only, each, 8 10c Tack Pullers, special at only, each. 8 85c Crystal Lanterns, special at, each, 68 15c Wall Match Safe, special price, ea. 12 15c Folding Lunch Boxes, special, ea, 12 45c Skillets, No. 8 size, exactly as OCp illustrated; Annual Sale price, eachJJ J V3 1 1 r r TT V 1 75cBoxStationery49c FIRST-FLOOR, NEW BCILDIXO ORDER BY HAIL. JUST arrived a shipment of fancy Sta tionery, in the prettiest of new initial designs. Both plain and fancy script letters, stamped in blue or gold. - Paper is an extra fine quality of linen fabric, reg-Qc ularly sold at 75c ; 24 envelopes to match ; today, Clraa-aa ef lacomplete Maes In Crane'a aad Hnrd'a Qnlre Writlns; Paper aad Envelopes to match. All colors and sizes all clean and perfect. Reg-ular 25c (Trades, special per Q quire of paper or package of envelopes at low price of vl, Sewine Machine Our Famous Willamette Machines on Easy Terim 1 u..., .c-n enn riHSIVTR CATALOGUE. POIIITH FLOOR, 31 Al BLILDLfU. WIT-WIVB j-adiuji TIIERE'S no guess-work no chance a Willamette Sewing Machine enters LUTELY GTJARANTEED FOR. TEN FULL YEARS, and during that sUfc. agree to replace all defective parts free of charge. Hurry in today ana join our r eoruary cewing luacaiuc viuu ucxuic n. tuc. - j- made for us on contract by one of the world's biggest factories, incorporating all the good points of other ma chines. Rnv on otir easv club nlan $2 at purchase and $1 week no interest. Willamette Prices Willamette Machines are made in a wide ranpe of styles and sizes, from the "Willamette "H" Hand Machine at $11, to the $45 Silent Willam ette Automatic. 27, 1911. NOT since the days of the old Industrial Exposition, which many readers probably remember, has Port land seen such an exhibit of manufacturing resources. "We have given Up the entire fourth floor of our Main Building over 20,000 feet of floor space to this great "Made-in-Oregon" Exposition of the Manufacturers' Association. x Come today and see shirts, overalls, bed springs, mat tresses, paper boxes,, tents and many other things made right before your eye. There are also working exhibits in the show windows. Be here todaj! Tn TvinnrnifiiiA in nnnliv and XU xxjUJXibVsuvy .u-a, uua Vj u ,' greater than any previous one. During the past week, thousands of Portland's housewives have taken advantage of the low prices and supplied all needs for a year to come. Be here today anil secure your Share of the matchless values before it is too late. .ijis $5.25 Eoyal Guaranteed Wringers Ex actly as illustrated. One of the most high grade Wringers made. The rubber rollers are guaranteed for 5 full years. QlA 1 ) Annual Sale price at only, each P BOHiERS $1.40 Cop per Bottom Boilers, ex actly as il 1 u s t rated. Good, large size, with guaranteed copper bottom. 2 han dles and tin' cover; Annual Sale C" ii price on these Boilers, ea., only P A e X X 15c Wire Carpet Beaters, special, ea., 12 $2 Mop Wringer Pails, special, ea., $1.59 25c Rope Clothes Lines, good length, 19 WASH TUBS 75c Gal vanized Wash Tubs, exactly a s i 1 lustra ted. Large, durable galvanized iron, with two handles. Specially priced for this CQ great Annual Sale at only, each 35c Wesco Sanitary Sweep'g Compo'd 23i 25c Dustless Dust Brushes, special at 192 45c Glass Wash Boards Exactly as illustrated. Much better than the other kinds, for there's no danger of getting rust on clothes. An2f nual Sale price J Hot Point Electric Irons A boon to the laundry. Every one is guaranteed for 2 years. Weight 5 and 6 pounds. Beautifully nickel rrimmed. At A CJfs ihis price, ea- P'TeiJU 50c Turkey Feather Dusters, at, each, 39 ?1.50 Bristle Floor Sweeps, each, $1.09 30c Window Cleaners, on sale at, ea, 24 Joe Broom Covers, special only, each, 19 20c Wire Clothes Line, sale price,- ea, 16 15c Scrub Brushes, special price, ea, 12? 2oc Scrub Brush, special at only, each, 18J 20c Shoe Brushes, special price, each, 16J jfiVi CROWN wx-i. ClubLast Two Days vu-im for anything but perfect satisfaction your nomel Jvery one soiu is . Willamette uaDinet, The handsome Willamette Cabinet shown to the right. It is fully enclosed . and ' r..-Jy when not in use may be utilized as a desk or ,.,. m.,r,1l.rfe1f table. Price $35. "Willamette Cabinet $35 eds Continued ! in irrirp rprlnpfinn this vpnr's sale is $1.50 Best Ironing Tables Just as illustrat ed. Strongly built of kiln-dried lumber, with shaped top and sturdy supports. fQk Offered special at low price of, ea. $1.25 Oregon Willow Clothes Baskets An extra good value. Large size, made of QQ strong, woven fiber. Specially priced 7a7l $1.50 Best Ironing Boards, priced, ea., $1.09 60c Clothes Racks, two-fold, sale price, 49 60c Split Clothes Baskets, special at, ea, 4S 75c Split Wood Clothes Baskets, special 59J Spring Clothes Pins, special price, the doz, 6 Common Clothes Pins, special price, dozen, 1 25c Wood Salt Boxes, special price, only 19J 20c Wood Chop Boards, special at, each, 16J 20c Daisy Wash Boards, special at, each, 16 12c 7-pin Wall Racks, reduced to only, ea.9 15c Rattan Rug Beaters, priced at, each, 12 ISc Steak Maul, special, 124 itc wood .Honing fins, 1 7c Potato Mashers for 10c Rat Traps, special at 6c Mouse traps, special 16c Towel Rollers, epec'l, 1 60c 6-ft. Ironing; Boards 49d 7o 3-arm Towel Racks, lBc t-arm Towel . Racks, 1 2oc Vegetable Cutters at 1 30o Pound Butter Molds, 24 10a wood cake spoons, 10c Wooden Spoons, each fl.SO Tub Benches for 81. $1.20 Step Ladders Just as illustrated. Large 6-foot size. strongly built. Special for this An 95( nual Sale, only Paints and Varnishes A complete stock jn this An nual Sale at big savings. Imperial Floor Paints, quart, 40c; Yz gallon, only 75i Porch and Step Paint, quart, 60c; 12 gallon, only $1.10; gallon at low price of $2 Imperial House Paints, qt. for 50c; gallon at $1.75 r -T xrrTirtT - Japanese Wood pint at 30c; 1 Stain, '-pint, 20c; CA. quart at low price of""' 30c Granite Berlin Kettles, as illustrat ed; No. 3 size, with cover. Best Royal Gray Granite Ware. Sale pr ic c, n n at only, each'' 50c Granite Oblong Stove Tans, only, ea. 39 10c Granite Pie Pans, No. 29, on sale for 8 75c Granite Covered Stove Pots for only 59 1 'J l'V HNVW r m m SO Hf I X . vu 19 t ili. VA A 1911 Models in Go-Carts, Etc. FIFTH FLOOR. NEW BCILDIXO. ORDER BY MAIL. PORTLAND'S biggest showing of new Baby Cabs, Rattan Buggies, Collapsible Go-J Carts and Baby Carriages of every sort nojr readv. Inspect them today. 3 vnrih'k Pfnnbniiton with polished wood bodies and brat. i trimmings. All lined In leather- f T Cfl trt fifl flfl ette. The prices range up from 1 eOU TO ODU.UU Babr Caba in the newest polished woods, some seml-collapstble. All with hoods and leatherette tfjl Cfl fn fifj flfl lined. The prices range up from O I I mUKT lO tPOU.UU Collapsible G-Carta with all steel frames. One motion. Leatherette hood, springs under CA n MO Crt the seat. Very comfortable.' Trices PO.JVf l- Piai.wVf when adou- time we a f "ri'i TTi ' -"r-3" T i WmWm Machine is ,Fy' -''T:r:-.miff 1-alry aud I'wd Cwtfint-MSiMier. lie aaJd J 4