Monxno' ohegoxiax. moxpay. febrttary 37. ion. GAY THRONG IS Beach on Oregon CoastPre sents Aspect of Warm Summer Day. SWIMMERS HAVE EIG TIME Ulaltnoman Club Kscrlon lo 8 Rnort nil Holiday With Surf BaUUng. Tank llac-. CUm pl((lo and Btach I Voile. I OMRHAKT. Or, Feb. Pplt Th, tic stretches of clcn beacWe 'and tr neighboring grove at Cear bart lark wer n.v.r gaytr In mM Pnmmer they wf today. t (warm, bright .anahln of .awta. tn.t might t. b..n niched f' ,tt mlddl. of June, more than Jo men and on .icnrtonlU. w,u, " t.prtnkllog of frollr.otn. J"50": I romped up .n I down th. r.d. dug Industrious. X for clam. I splashed gleefully la th erf. and par- t'ripatad la th rousing pro-raram or 1 Informal aventa arranged br Swimming Comml..!onr Oliver K -warning Instructor Arthur C.'U. the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Clun. Ds.plt tha trnuou frollrklns: and danclnc. and tha midnight iwlra In tha a. I Jir tank Saturday night, tha crowd w up aartr th! morning, many .f them K"lnc forth at daybreak, w Uh rati and ovel. to seek tha clam dlg- inca. Tha day waa an Ideal on, and ? fni'v rOt war oi- porting them.elva In th. urf. whll twtra a. many mora rsced up and down tha bearh In bathing coilomrt or an letlc daring tha wavea. rUy'"" tag. romping through barn dance, competing In r' and Jumplna eon ta.t. A mll army of photographer anj artUta with sketching rd ddel Interest to tha .can, and two Mara tc.on runner tro-.tad throuah tha cm4 about I ) 3. anawerlng h rul wlih a hlgh-iicn of Koodfellow.hlp aa they moved on for parta unknown. At tha had of tha morning rush for tha ba.cb, and flr.t to plung Into , th. urf w.ra J We.iey Ladd and Frank E. Watklns. Ladd wlnntrg by a yard or so. Fl'at imnni tha famlnlna wlmmer rwh tha braakara Mra. Frank '.Watklna. holdar of tha all-round tnlna and dlvlna rhamplonahlp. and Mla , Fran- Jaffary. f.n-y-dlln cbamploa. . Mrs. Watktn. balna f.aat of loot and dia tan.!n har fnllowara t. aareral yarrta. j.ff. ry wara Mra. Harry Kaddarlay. ho d iar rf tha on-d!tar.c rh.mpn.hlp: ' Ma Craro O NallU Mra. Palla Wanar. . iara. Waltar llolmao. Mra Frada Ark-r-nan. Ml.. Flor.tta Valith. Mra O. . . Taylor. Ml Gratchan T.Tlor. Mra. w. P S:randbor. Miaaaa Wtlh.lmlna and 2IaaI FtaU. and a n urn bar of other. IUclns F.Tent-i EirlUnf. Tha raelna aranta In tha eatatorlum w.ra numeroua nT,'''d: p.tna mora la tha nature of a frolic than otherwla. bain phla bun up. Fancy 4lTln exh bl ilon human pyramid bulldln. wlrn mine ondar water, etc, war feature of th tank event. On of the moil Intereetln waa tha 100-yard race. In which Thoma r.arret flnUhed flrt. with lwta Thoma on trok behind. Toun Garr.f tlma waa one mlnut and l oeond. In th aO-yard dah for fat men. E. J Ialy carried off th honor, beatln J Wesley Ladd. W. P. Btrandbor. pteve Hrlttaln and Saton Taylor, tha lail named comln In clo at tha flnti-h. but bln dlaquallfled baraana be ran down the al ia of th tank and lTedoff Into tha water from th lde. ClTln hlmaalf a lS-yard handicap. In tha raca for "Thin Onee- Frank X- Watkln won out. "Sim" Bennet comln In aecond. In thla raca tha alub maacot. "Cap." or "Bonnie Brae Ftlllato." created om dl.turbanc by ylunrln In after hi owner. Frank Svatklns. and barkln luatlly aa ho want down the ln;th of the tank with th ret of the wlmmer. Tha ranma cam In econd. towln Oeor Brorkbank. who had curd a hold on tha animal', tail. In fh racee for women Mla Jeffrie.. Mr. Harry Kadderley and Mia tiraca ONelll hared honora about evenly. Ml. Jeffary won th 50-yard dash, with Ml O'Neill a eloo acond. Other femlntn ntrant In th different rac ln event war Mr. Pall Wagner. Ml.a r.lav Howard. Mr. Walter llol man and Mra. W. P. Btrandbor. At 4 P. M. tha crowd gathered on the beach to watch an exhibition of urf-rldln len by Arthur CavM and Arthur Allan. In conleat with two Kasaka young women. Excursion Party Large. Among th axcuralonl.t wera: Mr. WaUar Halman. Mm. Richard Martin. Mtaa Velguth. David W. Jiaxen. Mr. and M-. Fred Larmrn. Mr. P. K. Wagner. Mr. and Mra. Oliver K. Jaffry. Mia Olla Wtlkv. Mia Haael Tlchner. Mia 1. r- -- r Minnie Brawar. Ml 1M Winter. Mlaa Marirarat Keith. Mia Opal Barxe.. Mr. and Mr. P. E. Kaa aar Mra. FrankeU Mr. and Mr. F. T. MeHrW. Mra. U B- Hoaa. Mra. F. Pur and. R. J- Hubbard. F. W. Gilbert. Mr. aiUdrath Humaaon. Ml Edith Wold. Mr and Mr. C. C. Michel. Al CaaweO. W.m Fmroc. Hilton. C II. Moor. Mis Palta M. Wat.on. Mr. and Mra. R. 8. Farrcll and children. Mr. M. G. Rich .rrta. C. A. Ball and daughter Edltb Rllan. Mr. O. W. Tylor. Mia Oratchen Taylor. Mr. and Mr. W. P. Ptrandbor. R L. Hutiha. Mr. and Mra. H. W. Johnaton. Mlaa Haial Crook. Paul Pa Mar C. B l-otter. WUI H. Henkal. Mlaa M. SMLaen. J. D. Boorat. Ml LAIa Und. Mra. Shea. E. J. Jerferr-. Larry tkhade. Eart Arthur Allen, Kd Gloea. j w Sarre. Mr. and Mr. Allan. L K. f.Tong. Roy Field. H. L. Smith. FJ moml WUra. 3. II. MrKanxla. Arnold 8. Rotiiwall. Mr. r.d Mr. John F. Uogan. B. J. Paly. U U Humphrey. Gaorge L jakar L. C Uuaton. E- McFarland. J. f Shia. F. B. Jama. J. K. Webb. L Lcptun. VaJantlna ilenkel, C. M. Ruhr. .-. c. I- PK'key. Henry McBrownln. Mlaa Brockhaeen. Hal liaach. Ir. B. E. Loroi, Oeorro C Luder. MlUoa W. WnarL-hkuI. Ml Grace O'NetX Ira Clark. Mlaa Glady Haven. W. H. Ben- att. Sim Bennet. Mr. Harry Kadder lay. Mr. Freda Akerntan. Lawle Thom as. Mr. acd Mr. Frank E Wtkln. Ml O'Brien. Ml. Alice Pougherty. E. C. W'.il. Mta Verona Ciark. Ml. Syl via Clark. Brandt Wlokeraham. Mr. and Mr. C. H. Webber, Mrs. C. E. Ireland. P. Brltton. Ralph Nlrht. Mr. and Mr. Frnk F.lrc. and duhfer. Mia Carty. A. W. Hawklna. 3. Waaley Uadd. C E. Crieney. Captain Pllva and wife. Mr. and Mr. 3. K Yeon. Tom Garrett. Daj O NallU Raleigh Trim Me. Mr. and Mra. C F Field.. Wtlhetmlna and Haxel J. relda. J" l. Frnk Cpahaw. W. E. Cray. Otto Mtkkelaao, B. B. Eny and a .n Carter. Gaorga C. Pen hoi to. Mr. Galloway. C. W. A.atnan. Mra R. P. Carnon. M1m Kla.nor Cannon. M!a H-urya. Lan Buck. Mlaa Hard. Mji Jef tmrt. Mr. aaA Mra. Vf. J. Clemens. FUN AT BEARHART . . M1-"" . - fj . - . PRANKS AT YESTERDAY'S i it t. i.n'itf i -.iiikii ra IT "- 'if. ?. A I I f I - " a - - VtiilMOK ToVlARO DASU". MIDUI.B I.OCKHTEP TO BlXISfO L ROSE FESTIVAL MODEL MINNEAPOLIS TO TAKE rORT LAD AS PATTERN'. Manager HutclUn Asked to Go Eaat to Conduct Celebration That Will Cost $100,000. Th executive committee of tha Min neapolis Civic. Celebration, which will b held In that city during th week of July 2-t. through Secretary T. S. IngeraolL ha Invited General Manager Hutchln. of the Portland Ro Fe.tlval. to go to Minneapolis and ae.l.t In pre liminary preparation for th big mu nicipal demon. tratlon. A general meet ing of th builnes Interest and cla ims Is being planned to consider th details of th exposition and In caa Mr. Hutchln can attend th data will be flxod to ault hi. convenience. All expenaee. together with Remuneration for a detailed report on how the Ko.e Festival 1 bandied, has been guaran teed him. -While It Is gratifying to have th Rose Festival recognised In this signal manner," said Mr. Hutchln yesterday, "I am afraid It will be Imposslbl for m to get away. Th work of design ing and working out th theme for th flobt to b ued in th Illuminated and decorative parade will keep m tied up her for th next three month. At th earn time, th rquet eem to in to be evidence of th wide spread advertaln our annual celebra tion 1 receiving all orer tha country. Th people of Mlnneapolla are planning to spend $109,000 for their big In July and they have selected th BOTLDDfQ COMPLETED t. . wm '-a ,.r,'-v-i ?,-t ' -tY- XEVY (CnoOLnOCIE AT ridgefield. w ash. R1PGEF1ELP. Wulu Feb. :t- (Special.) Ridrefleld choolhou Jat finished at a coat of $15,000, la considered on of th most modern In thla ectlon. With steam heat and other up-to-da' convenience It I admirably fitted to meet th growing need of thla community for tha next fw year. Th building was accepted by the board a fw day ago and I now ready for occupancy. ' ff MULTNOMAH AMATEUR ATHLETIO AS CAUGHT BT CAMERA. e.' .Vav-n ?:;.' s4? -:; -" ArJ -Wrly r'rT7t U-VrtVri'-" nAnw Dei nu.'I.'t-VM t KF-R IX toe a l liar. Ro.e Fe.tlval a th best working model which they can find." General Manager Hutchln. In antici pation of his inability to go to Vlnne- poll. ha prepared complete data, sta tistic and Information concerning th Hom Festival since It was Inaugurated her four years ago. covering th dif ferent classes of event. uch a par ade, procession, children' feature, water carnival, -borsa and carriage, automobile pageantry, "Battle of Rose.' Outline relating to decora tion and Illumination of street and bu.lneaa blocka. social and other func tions, and methods employed to raise fund ar Included. Other feature which ar embraced In th report relate to tha manner In which th transcontlrental railroad, take hold of th festival and publish literature about It. Th showing I made that In th past three years tha different railroad ayatem have distrib uted cloi to 10.000,000 piece of ad vertising concerning; tha festival In th form of folders, special booklet, menu card. Insert, letterheads, souvenir, postcard and other literature. Th report adds: "If w had been obliged to dig down Into our pockets and ask th city to pay cash for this advertising It would have cost us more than $1,000,000 In th past three years to ret th Rose Festival before th publlo a universally aa w har done. further Indication of how well noa Festival I known. President King. ley. of th Kew York Llf In aurano Company, la acknowledging a letter from Prealdnt Hoyt, requesting that company to contribute to th gen eral fund, says: "In common with most peopl of th United State. I have heard of your festival." President Klngsley y he will advise later re garding a subscription to th fund. ATordlns to Vloe-Conrul Blsdd.n of Mn sanlilo M'Mlrn, an American ha. dt.rovtrad n that dmirlct a trra. a vlna a4 three plaru which yield crude rubber. AT COST OF $15,000. : , . - if i t CLUB FBOLIO AT GEAKHAKT -'t w.w- i ROOM. BELOW FlTlHAKEBJ STRONG CALLFORAPPLES HEAVY WITHDRAWALS FROM EASTERN COLD STORAGE. Northwestern Fruit at Chicago Be ing Reablpped Back to Point lo tbe West. Th weekly apple market bulletin of th Northwtrn Fruit Exchang fol low: Th best-Informed uthcrltl aarae that February will be another month of very heavy withdrawals from cold Horace In the lars. Ka.tern center. It 1. en.rlly con ceded that the oft. weak fruit has beea cl.sned up to a great extent, and a. the demand continue, aatufactory. th market 1. .how in a a creat deal of itr.ncth. The call tor 8ptixenber. however, .till .how. rather uneatl.factory volume and be.t 6pit enbsrss are reported aa selling In the New Tork market mostly around with aom el down to t.bO. and a few .ale. of the very fanciest mark, up to fli.TS for favorite - The Exchans ha found that th moil satlsfsctory demand oontlnuea to com from th middle end southweetern territory, which ! undeniably nort of rood fruit. The pe culiar eltuatlon hu developed of re-ehlp-ment of Northwe.tern apple, from Chicago back to points farth.r Weat and the Ex ch.nx evan had a requeat from Denver recently for quotation, on Northwestern stock f. o. b. Chicago.' Since la.t report the Exchange ha. made the following ealea. which serve to Illus trate the atrength of the market: PFB 81, from Phoenix. Rogue River Valley, Oregon, February 20, 4H fancy Ben Davla. 422 choice Ben Davis. H.20; 160 choice B-tler Bene, $1: 83 "cull.," 00c all f. o. b. Cagon. to a buyer In Georgia. Car PFB 6872. from Talent, Kogua River xfallT, Oregon, February 21; 47 choice Red Cheeks. (1.35: S fancy Lauvera. $1 40: 10 fancy JTewtowna fi.vo; 862 choice New towns. ti-40; 36 fancy Ben Davis, $l.U; 211 choice Ben Davla. $1.10: AS fancy Wlne eaee. (2.2B: 64 choice Wloaupi. 11.7(1; 41 fancy Oenltona. $1.60; 4i choice Genttons. $1.SS; 27 choice W. W. Pearmalna ll.Sft; choice Gpltsenberga $l.4U. All tab. Oregon, to a buyer In Texas. The.e are top-notch price, which are arapn.i.ed by the fact that tbe car contain. 4tn boxes of .-tier fruit, balance mostly 4H tiers. The Exchange could .ell a number of ears of apples to excellent advantage and Invites grower, having a supply to list specification, at once. Major Buck Ordered to Manila. VANCOUVER BARRACKS. Wash.. Feb. t. (Special.) Major Beaumont B. Buck. Adjutant-General of the Depart ment of th Columbia, ha been ordered to Manila, and he will leave this poat for Ban Francleco Wednesday. He will all March on th Government trans port and will be accompanied by hi family. Mrs. Herschel Tupea, wife of Captain Tupe. of th First Infantry, will entertain her brother, Richard K11 roy and family, of Butte, thla week. Mr. Kllroy was managing editor of the Butt Evening News until suspension of that publication a few weeka ago. Mr. and Mra. Kllroy are on a trip to Honolulu for several weeka Mrs. Kllroy 1 a niece of th late Marcu Daly, copper king of Montana. Eugene Arrest Woman' Assailant. EUGENE. Of, Feb. 2$. (Special.) Eugene'a notorloua "Jack the Grabber" appeared again laat night, accosting a woman directly In front of th Fed eral building on the principal street. Sh acreamed and called for a pollce- . . a mlffirtant flaft. A man giving th name of Ed Condon wa ar rested early today ana was laentineo by th woman. ,c, ii'- ii 1 ROAD LEGISLATION FINDS ADVOCATE Representative Mariner Says Bills as Amended Were All Good. MULTNOMAH HELD SELFISH Vetoed Sleasures Defended by Legis lator From Country District Ef fect of Proposed "Educational Campaign Scouted. With th explanation that the good roads legislation enacted by the Twenty sixth Assembly alms to secure the con struction of the greatest number of per manent highways. W. J. Mariner, of Ma lock. Representative from Gilliam. Sher man and Wheeler counties, and a mem ber of the good road committee In the House, yesterday In Portland declared that all the measures that wore pas.ed were fathered by the "good roads" ln tareata and that th aeveral amendments to strengthen rather . h. n.llnl hllla. "Referring to the plan of reorganlxng tie Good Xoaas Association prjniiimm to beginning a cttiupm.ii i aid Mr. Mariner, "the question an ses a to who ar to bo th teacher tnd tf h. I otI,, . V. mnrarl and thOSO who live outside the clt'es and towns ar not willing to admit mat mtj m "p poeed to 'good roads,' and they do not take kindly to th suggestion that tn . v.a A4itrtBtniV a has been su ge.ted by what Is known as tie Good Roads Association. . .rw, . , . .1.,. Ollt IRA 1BBU. KCIil. V mo ..w. uiiitnnmnh roiintv. the homo of 'good road,' and Clackama County, alongside. In my opinion t ie Repre.en- tativea or libcuuhki kuiilj . cent Leglslature, n isvorins l" amendment to th five measure pre psred by the Good Road Aspclatlon were truly representing their eonstltu. ents Measures Carefully Drawn. "After giving a full hearing to both .v- nA nn.,i. Auoclatlon representa A HAiAiratas renresentlng th mvA th. rranaes. th recent lglalature enacted three good roads measure Known aa mo mi..ia tha stata aid aot ana l. w ... .11. . u vb-. - - - th bonding aot. The thro meaauro were carefully drawn and provided ror a ytem of permanent construction by th respeotW County Court under slat supervision. This state uporvlslon wa embracea in in pmu fected road received tate aid or not. "The plan also Included close co-opera' tlon between the County Courts and th State Highway Commlsaloner. State Supervision Disliked. eaaat, Ul.knra f fnmm l f ftl fi0 hill XTaAlCOl plain the character of tat supervision and co-operauon ae to be constructed by tate aid or In whole or in part from th alo of bonds or county warrant a provided by the bonding act. , , . The granges and county district do not object' to tat upervlaIon, ven to the extent of having the Btate Highway Commissioner appoint an engineer to take direct charge of permanent road construction under their own County Courts, but they did and do object to th State Highway Commissioner hav ing tha 'exclusive direction and control of stata aid roads as provided by section I of Benate bill No. 42. In fact, they would rather not have any stata aid than to hava road constructed under th 'exclusive direction and control' of th State Highway Commissioner with headquarters in Portland or In Salem. Appropriation Materially Cut. "An essential amendment to tha state i win - . - 1 1 1 n n of th appro- prlatlon from I6S0.000 to $310,000. thereby reducing the levy mr ima . of a mill to .1 of a mill. "Another amendment wa that making the ratio of money contributed by the state and that given by the county for road Improvements dollar for dollar In stead of t2 by the county for each 41 contributed by the state. "It 1 plain that the legislation enacted with the view of obtaining the construc tion of permanent good road wa based i -nA rnaria measures nre- OU fciia a . - Dared by the Good Roads Association, known " rji":L ? Th Donaing ----- amendments made to these bills, a a whole, very mucn iirainwei They were, as a rule. In the nature of . . . .i . n mnm aurelv to bring laatuuui icitun -- about the construction of permanent . wi i . .Ha aood roads in tne bibib uj .. . 4r.i.r.taH In the matter aivergeui un." - together under such modified plan as would allow Ul CWPCreimn tereeted In the. good road movement. Prisoner Bill "ot Mentioned. . I . n v-a h.n made of the S9 JIIC11HW" , , city, town and county prisoner bill that passed tn t,ea;iHiai.ure, ann-o - ..xiniii.riv to the construction pas-iam . - , of what are known as 'permanent roads. Th original uou " " measure, as well as the act that passed . ... .nn.T.lD -r tha u.a of such prisoners on th general publlo roads under in oiwcwua C"lftth legislation had been limited to th bills as proposed by th Good . tminh of the confu- slon that arose toward th. end would have been avoldea. -. "An examination disclose the fact that there were four highway comml . . . - .Ha TAlHlnturs. three ion Diua wc.w. - . , , , . . bonding act, two .tate aid bills, two ..... .nnrlrt labor bills and two city. town nd county prisoner bills a total of IS bill. . . ..... nn v mAAmA to the COn- v run a twH" j fusion the net result being that all good roads legislation went me iu i-., on the advice. In some Instances, or those who had spent the most time and money In the good roads cause." WOMAN ACCUSES DUNLAP White Slave Charge May Develop In Investigation Today. t urn aha mar todav ro before the United State Plstrlct Attorney and i.- . .i.mpnl which. It Is said, will represent William Dunlap, at present serving 30 days at ma wdbiwu iwh . . vhltn alaver. Mra Ida ILT Tosiaiv, Renfro, a comely young woman wa last night arrested by Patrolman Abbott In a room at 1W4 Third street and booked on charge of vagrancy. , m.. ,1 th. nffirar that Dun- lap cam to board at th home of herself and husband In Colorado about a year . .i . h.nlr. nn th. home. The ago aiiM lii.l iiv u .. . " f - coupla came to Portland from Los An geles nearly three weeks ago. They first took rooms at the Alcove, a lodging house st Park and Morrison streets. There, on the night of February ftt. Dun lap, according to the woman's statement, j A Reasonable Piea For tti2 Stomach If Your Stomach Is Lacking in Di gestive Power, Why Not Help tha Stomach Do Its Work Espe cially When It Costs Noth ing to Try? Not with drugs, but with a rein forcement of digestive agents, such as are naturally at work in the stomach? Scientific analysis shows, that digestion requires pepsin, nitrogenous ferments, and the secretion of hydrochloric acid. When your food fails to digest, it is proof positive that some of these agents are lacking in your digestive apparatu. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain nothing but these natural elements necessary to digestion and when placed at work In the weak stomach and small intestines, supply what these organs need. They stimulate the gastric glands and gradually bring the diges tive organs back to their normal con dition. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been subjected to critical chemical tests at home and abroad and are found to con tain nothing but natural digestives. Chemical I-aboratory. Telegraphic address, "Difflndo." London. Telephone No. 11029 Central, 20 Cullum SC. Fencburch St.. E. C. London, 9th Aug., 1905. I have analyzed most carefully a box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets (which I bought myself at a city chemist's shop for the purpose), manufactured by the F. A. Stuart Co., 86 Clerkenwel Road, London, K. C, and have to report that I oannot find any trace of vege table or mineral poisons. Knowing tha, Ingredients of the tableta, I am of opinion that they are admirably adapt able for tlv purpose for which they are Intended. (Signed) John R. Brooke. F. I- C P. C. 8. There 1 no secret In the preparation of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet. Their composition Is commonly known among physicians, as Is shown by the recom mendations of 40.000 licensed physi cians In th United States ami Canada. They ar the most popular of all remedies for Indigestion, dyspepsia, water brash. Insomnia, loss of appetite, melancholia, constipation, dysentery and kindred diseases originating from Im proper dissolution and assimilation of foods, because they are thoroughly re liable and harmless to man or child. Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablets are at once a safe and a powerful remedy, one grain of these tablets being strong enough (by test) to digest 8000 grain of eteak. eggs and other foods. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest your food for you when your stomach can't. Ask your druggist for a fifty cent package or- send to us dlreot for a free trial sample package and you will be surprised at the result. F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. beat her and took all her money, after wards going to th Kaat Sid with an other woman. Th woman told Abbott her story at th Urn. He arrested Dunlap on a charg at vagrancy and asked Mrs. Ren fro to appear the next day and tell her story In Municipal Court, but she failed to do o. Abbott reported to th United State District Attorney's office and the arrest of Mra Renfro came last night a a result of tha doalre of the Federal au thorities to take up the case. ROAD MERGER IS RUMORED Corvallls & Alscrf to Be Taken Over by P. E. & E. Line. MOXBOE, Or.. Feb. 2ft (Special.) It Is learned from authentic sources that the Corvallls & Alsea River Railway Com pany, known as the Carver road, which was built two years ago to this place from Corvallls. is now being merged with the Portland, Eugene & Eastern, or Welch line, and that the consolidated lines will commence extension work at an early date and complete the line to Eugene, and when completed th whole line will be electrified. Residents of the Willamette Valley hope the new company will begin actlv work at an early date that adequate freight and passenger service may be Installed soon. The proposed line will open- up a rich orchard section that Is now rapidly being developed by large Eastern capitalists. ANOTHER CASE OF INTEREST TO HOSPITALS Case, chronlo Bright' dlseas. Patient, Frank H. Chandler, Clay, New York. College of Medicine, Syracuse, N. Y., reported BO per cent of albumen with casts. There was dropsy from head to foot. Four physicians and a specialist consulted. Patient had to be tapped, four quarts of. water being drawn. Situation wa complicated with para lyzed condition of the bowela. Stomach would only retain peptonized milk. Uremlo headaches and albumenurlo retinitis. All of the fiva physicians had declared the case hopeless. Treatment was changed to Fulton' Renal Compound. Cas stubborn, yielding but slowly. First favorable symptom noted was that patient was beginning to sleep normally. Dropsy declined and was eliminated. It was a long fight, but we now hava tha Interesting finale. His mothr, Mrs. Frank Chandler, writes from Clay, New York, February 6th, as follows: "He la feeling fine and has gone to work with good wages. Never looked as well as he doe now and feeki well. We all appreciate what has been done." We say this without qualification: the physician who will add Fulton's Renal Compound to the heart, tonlo and ellmlnative treatment that ho la giving without hope In kidney disease will get results In a majority of cases In which failure Is now the rule. Vim, Energy And A Keen Exhilaration RESULT FROM A BATH WITH HAND SAPOLIO In hot weather it revives your energies tnd stimulates the skin to healthy action. "Tha Rath 'PofMii.V.jTi' XH Grocer mnd Druggists L. T. YEE & SONS Tbm Old. Bells-bit- Ctalnrw Doctor spent llXtim study of herb and research la China; was granted diploma by tha Empsror; s-aaraatees cura all ailment of mea and women when others fall If you suf fer, call or write to YS fSOX'8 MtDlCiNE CO.. LiiV, first. Cor. Aider. Fortland. Ox. y Cures HAVE B'JILT MY SUCCESS The Leading Specialist. My speo'al treatment will com pletely cure your ailment so that It will never return. I GUARANTEE A CURE. Mr reputation as the leafllng specialist tn men' aliments is rirnily established by my work In the past. MY SPECIALTY UfUDE! Varleoae Vf Ilk OTarwctlB Uoeclflf Flood I'olaon, Contract ed A II mania. Kidney and Blad der TronMea and UL THE AII,MKT9 OF MBS. KEEK EXPERT Alb "OW Par When Cared. C O X S V LTATION AX I) DIAO. XOM9 FREE. My honest and caiij did advice cota you nothing. I cheerfullv give you the very best opinion, guiiierl hv years of suc cessful practice. Men out of town, In trouble, write If you cannot call, as many cases yield readily to proper home treatment. My ofj flees are open from 9 A. M, to 1 P M.; Sundays, 10 to 1 only. The DR. TAYLOR Co. S34 MORHISON STREET, Portland. Or. Stop Taking Dope Don't yon know It will not cure yon f Why not be e n r m d by the proven En ropean meth od of the Brit tsh F.lac tro . M e d 1 col Co.T Tbey enre to stay cured. European Methods Cure Pay Them When Cured They CURE Varicose Veins, Contract ed Ailment, Pita and Specific Blood Poison and all Ailment of Men. tL'HE Oil NO PAY. They are the Only fipeclallata In Portland who nuke no chnrae on lea the patient la entirely aatlsfird with the resnlta accomplished, and who ive a vTltfen guarantee to refund every dollar paid for aarvice If m complete and permanent car t not sffrctcd. Call at once and be cured. Consulta tion and $10 X-Ray examination free. BRITISH ELECTRO-MEDICAL CO. 4th Floor Rothchtld Bldg., Room 40T-40S-4U0. Take Elevator. 2S7V4 Washington St. Hour t to 1. 2 to 5, 7 to 8 P. M. Sun. day, 10 to 12. ' MM CURED $10 ISOURFEE Pay When Cured TV cava every known remedy ap pliance for TREATING YOU. Our ex perience Is so great and varied that no on of tb ailment of Men 1 new to aa. - COSH IX AND TALK IT OVER, General Debility. Weak Nerve. In somnia Resulta ot expoaure. overwork: and other Vlolatlona of Nature s law Diseases o. ..adder and Kidneys. Vari cose Veins, quickly and permanently cured at small expenae and no dta tlon from bnfldnes. kPEClAIj AAtMuaiATf Newly con tracted and curouio cases cured. Ail Burning, itching and Inflammation stopped In 24 hour. Cures effected la seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of questions. Office Hours A. M. to 8 P. M. Sua days. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co Su-t1-.- it t-HIN'.'H'S TltliBT. M ME NX Dr. Lindsay f , RELIABLE , EDUCATED EXPERIENCED COXSUIT ME FREB If you are worried about a special a!l- ment, organic weak ness or any male ail ment or blood ail ment. I have so much ith In mv own skill that I will prove my ability berore i asa one cent. You don't need money to be gin my treatment. YOU MAY PAY ME AFTER I CURE YOU. Dr. Lindsay The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance 1284 Second street Portland. Or Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. THE DR. GREEN OFFER TO EN Our offer X m"ey Required I'ntll !h1 f led js your abBoiuw protection. Consul tation, examination and alacnosis free. Our speciality Is All Ailment of Men. What you want U a cure. Come to us and set It. Hours dally. S to 5. Even ings. 7 to 8. Sun day 10 to 1. DR. GREEN CO. 3C2 Washington St.. Tortlard, Or. f 1